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Growing seedlings of delphinium from seeds. How to grow a perennial delphinium from seeds

Delphinium perennial - beautiful tall perennial flower with blue flowers, beautiful decoration suburban area. It is believed that it got its name from the resemblance of an unblown flower to the head of a dolphin.

In the flower beds it is placed in the background, it grows well near the house, suburban buildings, sheds, greenhouses and fences. Delphinium flowers love open sunny windless places, but at the same time it can get burned during hot hours, so you need to plant it where there is at least occasionally partial shade.

Perennial delphinium bushes need to be updated every 3 to 4 years, as they die in a damp and long autumn. The method of reproduction is either dividing the bush, or growing from seeds. We will tell you how to grow a delphinium from seeds.

When to plant a delphinium for seedlings

You can sow the delphinium at different times:

  • in autumn immediately after collecting flower seeds;
  • before winter in open ground after freezing of the soil;
  • for growing at home for seedlings, the delphinium can be planted in the second half of February and this is the best time to plant the delphinium with seeds.

Preparing delphinium seeds for sowing seedlings

Before planting flowers, it is necessary to first prepare the seeds for planting. It is necessary to treat the seeds in order to disinfect them. To do this, you can sew a small bag of gauze yourself, or you can take old unnecessary women's tights and cut off the lower part from them, which will act as a bag. Those seeds that you are going to sow need to be placed in the resulting bag.

Now it's time to start preparing a special solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, you need a small amount of water, to which you need to add a small amount of manganese. As a result, we should get a weak pink solution. Mix everything thoroughly.

When the disinfection solution is obtained, you can proceed directly to the disinfection process itself. To do this, a bag of seeds must be placed in a solution. The holding period in the solution should be about 20 minutes. In the case where there is no manganese to prepare a solution for disinfection, it can be replaced by any similar means of action, which is aimed at completely destroying bacteria on the surface of the seeds.

Soil preparation and planting delphinium for seedlings

Growing from seeds of a perennial delphinium requires pre-training soil for planting. For planting, the soil that is in every garden is suitable. In order for the seeds to get enough useful substances it is recommended to mix the amount of soil taken with peat, as well as humus. It is best to take all the components on a 1 to 1 basis. It is also recommended to add a certain amount of perlite to the mixture. And this is highly desirable. The fact is that due to the presence of perlite in the planting mixture, the soil will have a looser structure. In addition, this will help maintain the right amount of moisture in the soil.

Mixing different components into one whole is not the most basic part of soil preparation. It is required to carry out the procedure of steaming the soil. Such a procedure will rid and neutralize all the weeds and fungi that are likely to be in every soil. This is done using a steam bath. After that, the soil is considered safe in order to plant seeds in it.

Delphinium from seeds planting and care

Let's consider how to plant a delphinium with seeds - spread the flower seeds evenly over the prepared soil. If you are using granulated seeds or a small amount of seeds, spread them out with tweezers. Labels with the names of varieties of delphinium will help you not to get confused in growing delphinium from seeds.

Sprinkle the sown seeds with soil on top, about 3 mm. Compact the sowing of the delphinium with seeds - pat the soil with your palm so that they do not float when watering. Spray plantings evenly warm water from a spray bottle and cover the crops.

Since the delphinium grows better in the dark, there are two ways to cover the delphinium seedlings:

  • black film or covering material;
  • ordinary plastic bag and put in a dark place until the first shoots.

Seeds do not need to germinate heat+10 degrees is enough. Sometimes at high temperatures, +20 seedlings may die. Plants respond well to cold, so for hardening when growing seeds, you can alternate temperature regime- cold / warm.

Seeds germinate 7-10 days after planting. Do not miss this time - you will need to remove the coating from above.

To grow a delphinium, with the advent of true leaves, plantings need to dive.

Picking a perennial delphinium from seeds.

The soil for picking can be taken the same as for planting with the addition of 1 tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer. Mix the soil with fertilizer and arrange in small pots. Water the soil and make a small hole in it.

With a small spatula or ice cream stick, carefully remove the seedlings from the large seedling box and transplant them into the prepared holes. Sprinkle the roots of the seedlings with earth, without deepening the root neck.

Watering the flowers after transplantation should be done carefully so that the roots are not exposed, if the roots are exposed, then sprinkle them with earth.

When the seedlings of flowers get stronger, it can be hardened in the fresh air, and after about 2 weeks of hardening, planted in the garden in a flower bed.

Flower beds with delphiniums.

A beautiful scheme for planting a flower bed with delphiniums different varieties and shades in combination with medium-sized flowers, such as garden chamomile, lilies, spherical onions. Plant each group of flowers in groups of 2 to 5 plants. By the way, delphinium flowers can bloom a second time if, at the end of the first flowering, they are cut off and fed with fertilizers.

Diagram of a flower bed with delphiniums.

This flower bed is for a sunny spot in a 1.5 x 1 m area.

Names of flowers for planting in a flower bed with delphiniums:

  • light blue delphinium “Morgentau” - 1 piece;
  • dark purple wrinkled multi-grate, or Korean mint “Black Adder” - 2 pcs.;
  • pink phlox paniculata “Landhochzeit” - 2 pcs.;
  • blue meadow geranium “Brookside” - 2 pcs.;
  • white small petal "Sommerneuschnee" - 3 pcs.;
  • pink geranium Endressa - 4 pcs.

Flower bed for a sunny place in blue color with rose, clematis, delphinium and perennial daisies.

From the association of the shape of the bud with the outlines of a dolphin, its name came about. Although in some countries it is called differently: in Russia - a spur, in the UK - funny spurs, in Germany - the spurs of a knight, in France - the legs of a lark.

Variety of delphiniums

Delphiniums are very diverse: perennial and annual, below 1 m and above human height, with simple flowers and double, with dense inflorescences and with a distance between flowers. Annual plants bloom from July to September, and perennials - twice a season (in June and autumn).


Probably, there is no person whom these majestic flowers would leave indifferent. Many novice flower growers were faced with the fact that the cultivation of delphinium from seeds failed, there was not a single sprout. Having experienced disappointment, some decided that this plant was not for them, but the more stubborn wondered how to grow a delphinium from seeds. It is believed that seeds from healthy plants stored in right conditions no more than a year. However, if you apply a simple technology, then growing a delphinium from seeds even three years ago is quite possible.

Preparation and stratification

The land for sowing should not contain peat, it is better to take garden land and mix it with the same amount of sand (with peat, the substrate may become moldy). Need to fill

container for sowing with prepared soil, level it. Spread the seeds (it is convenient to use a moistened toothpick), sprinkle a little with sifted sand and cover with a layer of snow (if not, you can scrape it from the freezer). Melting snow will pull the seeds to the desired depth. Cover the container with crops with a film (glass) and leave at room temperature for 3 days. After that, the cultivation of delphinium from seeds must be continued in the refrigerator, periodically airing, checking soil moisture and monitoring seedlings.

Further actions

Seedlings usually appear in a week or 10 days. As soon as sprouts appear, the container with crops must be moved to a bright place with scattered sunbeams. Watering seedlings requires moderate. When 4 true leaves appear, young plants will need to be planted in separate cups with fertile soil.

Landing in the garden

It is necessary to plant grown and hardened seedlings in open ground by the transshipment method. The first time, until the seedlings take root, it is advisable to cover it, to

example, plastic bottles without lids. In the future, the cultivation of delphinium from seeds is usual: watering, loosening, weeding and waiting for flowering.

4 components of success for perennial delphiniums

In the spring, ash and manure should be added under the delphinium bushes. After weekly abundant watering (1 bucket of water per 1 bush) and drying of the soil, loosening is necessary. To prevent fungal diseases, the bushes can be sprinkled with ash, sprayed with a solution of phytosporin or another drug. After the end of the first wave of flowering, flower stalks must be cut at ground level. Delphinium, which is easy to grow, will bloom again in about a month. The second wave of flowering is weaker than the first, but the pleasure of contemplating beauty is no less.


Growing a delphinium from seed is a bit of a hassle, but it's fun. Having grown seedlings once, you will enjoy perennial flowers for 7-8 years, and annuals will grow from self-sowing.

Delphiniums are beautifully flowering, majestic and desirable plants for many gardeners.
The subtleties of seed propagation limit the spread of delphinium in gardens, and this brings a lot of grief to flower growers.

Purchased delphinium seeds very often turn out to be dissimilar; It's all about storage conditions.

Storage of delphinium seeds

Delphinium sprouts well only from fresh or properly stored seeds.

Experiments carried out in the USA as early as the beginning of the 19th century showed that with negative temperature(-15 degrees) delphinium seeds stored in hermetically sealed vessels fully retain their germination capacity even after 16 years from the moment of ripening.
And when stored in paper bags at room temperature, the seeds lose their germination capacity after 11 months.
Delphinium seeds sealed in an aluminum foil bag retain their germination a little better.

Our seed companies typically use three years for perennial seeds. By reading the expiration date on a packet of delphinium seeds, you can imagine the harvest year and calculate how long they have been stored.

Still, the best in quality are your own delphinium seeds, collected in your garden or from friends. They should be stored in glass jars in a cool place (in the refrigerator or on the balcony).

How do we sow delphinium seedlings

When sowing a delphinium, there is no unambiguous “recipe”, options are possible. But there are basic principles that must be followed.
I'll tell you how we sow the delphinium.

It is better to sow delphinium seeds for seedlings at the end of March or in April. But if necessary, you can sow the delphinium in May.

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Delphinium is one of the most beloved and desired garden plants. Slender, with bright emerald leaves, impressive flowering columns and pleasing to the eye. Differs in height, harmony and magnificence. Known to people since ancient times.

According to one of the legends, the gods turned a gifted young sculptor into a dolphin just because he revived the sculpture of a deceased girl with whom he was in love. Every evening the dolphin swam to the shore with a bouquet in his mouth, and in memory of his love he threw this flower at the girl's feet.

The second myth tells about the battle under the walls of Troy. An arrow that hit Achilles' heel wounded him. Fallen drops of blood gave life to these magnificent flowers. According to Russian belief, they have medicinal properties and help the rapid fusion of bones in fractures, injuries. Most peoples called the delphinium a spur because the upper petal of its bud looks like a spur.

And now, many admire the bewitching spectacle of blooming delphiniums, from a distance resembling multi-colored steles, soaring up. The genus delphinium, spur, or Larkspur combines about 400 species of herbaceous annuals and perennials, forming massive terminal cluster or paniculate inflorescences, which are valued for their long flowering.

Description of the delphinium

Wild delphinium lives in all corners of the world, belongs to the buttercup family. Elegant, branched, hollow inside the stems reach a height of 2 m. The leaves are rounded, hand-finger-dissected. The color of the buds is ultramarine, blue, purple, pink, lilac, white. Simple flowers consist of five petals, and in double ones their number is increased due to modified stamens. An unopened delphinium bud looks like the head or body of a dolphin - hence its name.

Dissolves in June and again, with proper care, in August. All delphinium varieties and hybrids are used as a high-quality cut crop - they stand in a vase for a long time. This luxurious flower will decorate any flower garden.

Growing delphinium in open ground

Delphinium prefers open areas, but in the bright sun the petals can fade. A light midday shadow is only good for him. The location near the walls of buildings and fences will protect it from lodging from the wind, cover it from scorching rays.

These plants require fertilized, rich in organic matter, permeable soil, painstaking care. In damp places, they arrange drainage from expanded clay or make grooves for outflow excess moisture. Prefers loamy, loose soils with a neutral reaction. It has been grown in one place for several years.

Plant in full sun or light shade. When preparing the soil for planting, organic and mineral fertilizers (phosphorus-potassium) are applied. During the entire period, water abundantly, periodically feed. The soil is constantly loosened and mulched with peat or compost, which helps to retain moisture and serves as additional nutrition.

In the spring, the weakest shoots are cut off, which are used for grafting. Stimulate the formation of new flowers, regularly removing fading inflorescences. Tall plants require reliable support, because the stems break easily even with a slight wind. autumn perennial species cut off at the root, spud so that water does not get inside the hollow stems, because this can lead to the death of the plant. If pruning is done in the spring, then simply break the stems to close the cavity inside.

Reproduction of the delphinium by dividing the bush

The most reliable and productive way is. This is done during a planned transplant in the spring before the start of the growing season. The dug out root is cut into parts, each of which has a growth point and a root. The slices are dried, sprinkled with ash. They are placed at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other in pre-prepared holes.

It is possible to divide the plant without digging after sprouts appear or after flowering. To do this, the shovel is thrust into the place of the desired incision until it stops. The part that they want to plant is dug around the circumference, carefully pulled out and transferred to the desired area. In the vacant place pour fresh nutrient soil. All carefully watered, shaded until they take root.

Growing delphinium from seeds for seedlings and sowing in the ground

Annuals and biennials are propagated by sowing seeds in autumn and spring. Seeds quickly lose their germination capacity - when buying, you should pay attention to the timing - the closer to the last date, the less likely you are to get seedlings. To stimulate germination, you can treat the seeds with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water) for 30 minutes.

Sowing for seedlings

When to sow the delphinium? In late March - early April, seedling boxes, containers or individual cups are prepared. The seeds are large enough to plant one at a time without any problems.

  • Prepare a nutritious loose soil, perfect soil mixture for flowering.
  • Containers or cups must have drainage holes.
  • Seeding depth 0.5-1 cm.
  • The distance between seeds is at least 2-3 cm when sowing in a common container.
  • Moisturize moderately, you can use a spray bottle so that there is no excess moisture.
  • Cover with a film and ventilate daily, removing condensate.
  • When shoots appear, it is better to remove the film.
  • When 2-3 true leaves appear, plants dive in separate cups.
  • Seedlings need to be hardened a couple of weeks before planting in the ground. Take it out into the fresh air, let it get used to the sun and wind. When she can spend the night, the plants are ready for planting.

It is necessary to transplant to a flower bed already at a steady positive temperature in November, in order to avoid freezing by night frosts. The distance between the bushes is left 30-40 cm, so that the plants develop well.

Sowing in the ground

They are sown in late March - early April in a greenhouse to obtain flowering specimens already in the year of sowing or in May in open ground. You can sow them before winter or in winter in boxes that are buried under the snow to get friendly shoots in the spring. Seedlings dive in the phase of 2-4 leaves, regularly watered and fed.

Plants of most varieties (if they are hybrids) grown from seeds may not convey the decorative qualities of the parent individuals, so the seed method is rarely used. But with this method, you can get several colors of different qualities at once. Most of the hybrids are propagated by cuttings taken from the lower part of the flowering stem in early spring.

Propagation of the delphinium by cuttings

Young shoots about 10 cm long. The lower sections are treated with a root formation stimulator. For this purpose, you can use the usual agave. The bottom sheet is torn off from an adult plant and placed in the refrigerator for 5 days. After that, a few drops of juice are squeezed out of it and the lower parts of the cuttings are moistened with it, which are then placed in containers with well-moistened sand or vermiculite. Rootin and similar preparations can be used.

The containers are covered with transparent lids or placed in a plastic bag to maintain sufficient humidity. The appearance of young leaves indicates successful rooting. The grown seedlings are transferred to permanent place at the end of summer to give them the opportunity to finally take root before the onset of cold weather. Usually delphiniums tolerate winters well. middle lane, only young seedlings require shelter from dry peat, moss or sawdust.

Pests and diseases of the delphinium

Delphinium is a rather delicate plant subject to attack by leaf-eating insects. Some diseases cause yellowing, deformation of the leaves. Among the diseases, powdery mildew and some rot are dangerous; to limit the spread of diseases, they resort to disinfecting the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Fusarium infection and bacterial diseases, causing cancer and rot, leads to wilting of plants. When they appear, treat the plants with special fungicides. Aphids sucking plant sap contribute to the spread of viral diseases. Thrips provoke the formation of silver spots on leaves and flowers.

Damage is also caused by Coleoptera scoops, which are disposed of with the help of special insecticides. Used as a preventive measure against insects and diseases. ammonia(2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) or tar water (1 tablespoon of pharmacy birch tar is mixed into 5 liters of water, add a little laundry soap), the solutions of which are watered by the plants themselves and the ground around.

These products repel many insects, and ammonia is also an excellent additional foliar top dressing. Due to its toxicity, the delphinium was almost never used as a medicine in ancient times, only in the Middle Ages, doctors used its tincture to heal wounds. In magic, it was used to protect against a love spell or as a talisman.

Dried blue flower the delphinium was worn in a small bag or amulet around the neck, protecting it from prying eyes. It was believed that such a charm served as protection against nightmares and insomnia. All varieties of delphinium are ideal for cutting. This is a very showy plant used for planting in groups, in flowerbeds, borders, mixborders and in single plantings against a lawn or buildings. And as a solitary plant, it is excellent.

Types of delphinium with photos and descriptions

Numerous hybrids are divided into three large groups‘Belladonna’, ‘Pacific’, ‘upright’. The latter refers most of perennials bred in our gardens. They have delightful compact inflorescences of single, semi-double or double flowers.

Delphinium belladonna Delphinium belladonna

Delphinium belladonna reaches a height of 0.9-1.2 m. An upright perennial has beautiful spike-shaped flowers. It has loose, branching inflorescences, grows quickly and blooms for a long time.

Delphinium high Delphinium elatum

Perennial resistant specimen 70 cm high, with deeply dissected leaves, azure buds.

Delphinium field Delphinium consolida

An annual plant up to 2 m high.

Delphinium grandiflora Delphinium grandiflorum

Herbaceous plant with a shortened rhizome up to 100 cm tall.

Delphinium hybrid Delphinium hybrids

Giant Delphinium Pacific Giants Delphinium Pacific Giants photo of flowers in the garden

The hybrids of the ‘Pacific’ (Pacific) group include numerous annuals and biennials. As a flower culture, the most common delphinium hybrid, obtained by crossing various kinds between themselves. Modern varieties differ in shape, size of leaves and flowers, as well as the height of the bushes. Pacific hybrids are less adapted to cold winters and require more careful care. Even in much warmer Europe, they are grown as biennials.

New Zealand hybrids are characterized by excellent frost resistance, unpretentious care and long flowering - this is an excellent option for decorating a suburban area.

Marfin hybrids are very popular with flower growers, because they are perfectly adapted to the realities of our weather. In terms of quality, decorative indicators, they are not inferior to foreign varieties. They form neat bushes that produce large panicles of columnar-shaped inflorescences with semi-double flowers of various colors, attract attention from afar with their magnificence.

Delphinium - poisonous plant

All parts of the plant, because they contain an alkaloid widely used in medicine. If ingested, they can cause serious gastrointestinal upset. And contact with the leaves, especially in individuals with particularly sensitive skin, causes skin irritation and allergic dermatitis. Therefore, when working with a delphinium, it is necessary to protect hands and bare parts of the body from getting juice.

In parks and garden plots not only perennial hybrid delphiniums are grown, but also annual species that are also very decorative. Delphiniums attract the attention of flower growers not only with their catchy appearance and huge size, but also with their ease of care.

They are unpretentious, grow quickly, do not need winter shelters, but like all plants, they have some features in growing and caring. Flowering begins in late June and, depending on the weather, lasts 20-30 days.

How to grow a delphinium from seeds

There are two ways to grow a delphinium from seeds.

  • Growing through seedlings.
  • Sowing seeds in open ground.

Growing through seedlings.

Growing through seedlings.

If you want the flower to bloom in the same summer, then you will have to grow it through seedlings.

What kind of soil should the seeds be sown in? Delphinium does not like acidic soil, therefore peat tablets not suitable for sowing seeds. If you take peat (neutral reaction) for sowing, then only as one of the components of the soil mixture. For example, mix sod (or garden) soil, peat and sand, but it is better to replace peat with leafy soil (2: 1: 1).

What seeds are best? Many flower growers complain that the purchased seeds germinate very poorly, and sometimes do not germinate at all. Delphinium is an easy plant to grow and care for, but its seeds are rather capricious and require special conditions for storage.

Seeds should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container. In warm room conditions they lose their germination after 10 - 11 months, and if the seeds have lain on the shelf in the store for 2 - 3 years, then there is nothing to expect from them.

Seed stratification. Before planting, the seeds must be kept in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 days, always in a humid environment and with air access. It can be done different ways. You can simply wrap it in a damp cloth and put it in a plastic container, you can make not deep longitudinal cuts in the foam rubber sponge, and place it in the container in the same way.

If there is a lot of space in the refrigerator, you can put a container with soil in which the seeds have already been sown. Of course, it is not necessary to use a refrigerator, if you have rooms with similar conditions (basement, loggia), stratify there.

When to plant? It is necessary to plant a delphinium for seedlings in March or early April.


The peculiarities of sowing include the fact that delphinium seeds are not sown alone. Although they are not very small, they sprout better when sown quite thickly. As they grow, they seem to help each other. The seeds are laid out on a slightly compacted soil surface and covered with a thin layer of sand (3-5 mm) on top. Before sowing, they can be soaked for 6 hours in a solution of zircon: 3 drops per 100 ml of water at room temperature.

Temperature regime. Delphinium seeds do not need high temperatures to germinate. Sometimes they begin to germinate already in the refrigerator during stratification. The optimum temperature for germination is 12-15 degrees. Further cultivation seedlings are carried out at a temperature not higher than +20. This of course creates some difficulties when growing seedlings indoors.

Seedling care. Seedlings that appear after 10-15 days are transferred as close to the light as possible. Good lighting is a prerequisite for growing strong seedlings. When the first true leaves are formed, the seedlings dive into separate cups. To do this, it is better to use large cups or peat pots with a diameter of at least 9 cm.

How to water seedlings. Do not over-moisten the soil, do not water from above. Watering should be either through a pan or a thin stream, trying not to get on the plants. Before watering, the earth must necessarily dry out, otherwise the seedlings may be damaged by a black leg.

At the end of April, seedlings that have been hardened in the fresh air are transplanted into the garden. Plants of March sowing, if everything suits them, will bloom closer to autumn.

Planting and caring for a delphinium in the open field

And the delphinium will arrange a well-lit place, protected from the winds, fertile soil. Even the most good soil before planting, it needs to be improved, given that the delphinium will have to be grown in one place for several years. Add good humus or compost (0.5 buckets), complete mineral fertilizer (1-2 tablespoons per plant), mix everything well. You can add some wood ash.

Delphinium seedlings at the time of planting in open ground are not yet large, but the distance between them can withstand a large distance (up to a meter), given the future dimensions. The surface of the soil after planting is mulched with compost or humus.

It is imperative for grown plants, otherwise tall stems may break - by wind or under the weight of flowers.

In the first year of cultivation, the delphinium can not be fed. Sometimes you need to carefully loosen the soil that has compacted after watering or additionally mulch it. Closer to autumn, well-grown bushes can be fed with potassium sulfate and superphosphate so that they overwinter better.

After flowering, flower stalks are cut off, and after the first frosts - all shoots. But the shoots of delphiniums are hollow, after cutting, water can stagnate in the stumps and cause the root collar to rot. To prevent this from happening, hemp is split to the ground. Thin shoots killed by frost can simply be bent to the ground, and cut out in the spring.

For the winter, the plants do not require shelter, but mulching the root zone with compost and fallen leaves will not be superfluous.

Delphinium care for the second year

Next spring, when shoots appear from the center of the bush, the flower is fed with mullein infusion or complex mineral fertilizer(it should not have a lot of nitrogen). Watering also begins in the spring, because in the delphinium, with a lack of moisture, the lower leaves begin to dry out, the plants bloom poorer. In hot weather, water abundantly every week.

A prerequisite successful cultivation delphiniums is pruning and thinning. In the spring, shoots are rationed, leaving 2-3 stems in young bushes, 3-5 in older bushes, but not more than seven. Thinning promotes abundant flowering, inhibits the development of fungal diseases (primarily - powdery mildew), since normalized bushes are better ventilated. Broken shoots, if their middle has not yet become hollow, you can try to root.

During the period of formation of flower stalks, it is advisable to feed the plants with organic infusion, complex mineral fertilizer. Healthy bushes are grown in one place for 5-6 years or even more.

After flowering, cutting off the flower stalks, the delphinium is fed again. And then it blooms again: more modest than in spring, but still bright, spectacular.

Growing an annual delphinium

Growing an annual delphinium is not much different from growing its perennial relative. Usually annual plants grown not through seedlings, but by sowing seeds in the ground. This is due to the fact that the seeds of annual delphiniums lose their germination capacity by spring, and they endure transplantation extremely painfully.

Annual delphinium Geocinthus.

When to plant an annual delphinium.

Seeds are planted immediately in the ground. This can be done both in spring and autumn, it must be said that autumn sowing is preferable. At autumn sowing seedlings appear very early, immediately after the snow melts, respectively, and flowering occurs earlier. Seeds are immediately sown in a permanent place, maintaining a distance of 20 - 30 cm. Annual delphiniums well reproduced and self-sowing.

Delphinium is grown in well-lit places, on loamy soils. Flowers are watered moderately and throughout the season once every 2-3 weeks they are fed with complex min. fertilizer. When growing tall varieties, you need to take care of the supports.

Reproduction of the delphinium

In addition to seed propagation, there are two more ways vegetative propagation this plant.

Reproduction by cuttings