Water pipes      03/08/2020

Timber baths - The best options for a beautiful layout! (90 photos). How to attach a veranda to a bathhouse: design, materials, construction stages from foundation to glazing Photo gallery build a bathhouse with a veranda from timber

A bathhouse with a veranda is great option For summer holiday! Obviously, it’s more pleasant to relax between visits to the steam room in nature, enjoying clean air and beautiful scenery, rather than sitting indoors. Certainly, best option choose a project and build them at the same time, but this does not always happen.

There are often cases when there is no money for the construction of a veranda at the time of construction of the bathhouse, so you have to install it later, having collected the necessary financial resources. Over time, some people like to expand the total area of ​​the building by installing a veranda or terrace.

Do-it-yourself veranda for a bathhouse: projects, photos, ideas

The veranda is a building that can be accessed from the bathhouse and from the street. It comes in different shapes: square, rectangular, U-shaped, etc. It does not have to have even corners; a round veranda will look original. But keep in mind that its construction will be much more difficult.

The easiest option to make a veranda is to attach it to the house. The advantage of this arrangement is that less materials will be needed for its construction, since it will already have one of the walls - this is part of the bathhouse.

If you decide to attach a veranda to the wall of the house, then check that the wall is strong and reliable.

The traditional location of the veranda is in front of the front door. The advantages of such placement: you don’t have to change the layout, make an additional doorway, the veranda will fit organically into the interior and will be easy to use.

The veranda can “encircle” the bathhouse on several sides, in which case it will be quite spacious.

If on the site, in addition to the bathhouse, there is also a house located nearby, then great solution there will be a veranda connecting the two buildings. In this case, even on a rainy day you will be able to walk from the house to the bathhouse, remaining dry, the roof will protect you from bad weather.

If the bathhouse is located next to the road, then it is better to place the veranda in the courtyard so that you can relax in privacy and away from dust.

The plan of the veranda may vary. Some people limit themselves to a table and benches, while others make a full-fledged recreation area on the terrace. Here you can put sofas and armchairs, a plunge pool and even make a swimming pool!

If the area of ​​your veranda is large, then an excellent option would be to place a stove on the veranda and cook food on it.

If you choose a closed veranda, then in the summer it can be used as a guest room or bedroom. Then it is desirable that it has a bed or a folding sofa, for example.

Step 2. Veranda walls

The walls of the veranda can be different: solid, partially closed, etc. If you are making a veranda as an extension to the bathhouse, then the walls will protect from the wind in any case, so it is better to make the remaining sides of the veranda open, then you can enjoy beautiful view.

If the veranda is a separate building, then it is better to make its walls higher to protect vacationers from drafts.

Curtains will help decorate the veranda and protect it from the wind.

There are also Alternative option- glazed verandas. In this case, they will be warm, while you will have a view of the surrounding landscape. Glazing can be partial or complete.

Partial glazing, as the name implies, means that glass will occupy only part of the walls, and the other will be made of another material, for example, logs or bricks. This option is considered simpler.

Full glazing means that the walls consist of large windows, connected to each other by a frame. The advantage is that there will always be light here during the day, and there will also be a panoramic view of the surrounding nature. But it is quite difficult to implement such an option with your own hands; it is better to turn to specialists.

When glazing the veranda, you need to make several windows with vents so that you can ventilate the room.

The simplest option is a frame veranda. Its assembly begins with bottom trim, for which a beam of larger cross-section is used. For example, if you use 100x100 mm timber to build a veranda, then for the lower crown it is better to take 150x150 mm material. Wooden parts verandas must be treated with antiseptics to protect the wood from moisture and fungus.

During the construction of the extension, you need to ensure the evenness of the walls; starting from the first row, use a level.

Do not forget to decide on the location of window and doorways, if they are provided for in the project. If you are going to the bathhouse all year round, then it is better to place the door on the south side - this will help to avoid blocking the passage with snowdrifts.

Step 3. Veranda roof

The veranda may have a separate roof or a common one with the bathhouse. If the gable of the bathhouse roof is located above the veranda, then the roof is usually mounted with a common slope. The advantages of this option are cost-effectiveness and no need to decide how to make a water drainage system.

If the veranda is perpendicular to the gable, then it is better to make a separate roof for the veranda. A fairly simple single-pitched one.

To prevent water from flowing onto the veranda, you need to install its roof so that it extends about 15 cm under the roof of the bathhouse.

It is better to choose the same roofing material as that of the bathhouse itself, so that the building looks harmonious.

  • organizing a good rest - taking a steam bath and relaxing after the bath, right on veranda without leaving anywhere, you can cook barbecue or snacks on the fire
  • joint construction helps to accurately maintain the general architectural style for all buildings on the site
  • if a bathhouse in a country house is planned to be used only during the season, then a spacious terrace with a barbecue can completely replace the rest room, which will help significantly save on the construction of a bathhouse
  • no need to link separate objects paths, which allows you to further save usable space and reduce costs
  • grouping several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, because in this case, for example, the wall of a bathhouse will also act as a wall of the terrace

Material selection

The most popular and economically viable material for building a bathhouse with a terrace is wood. timber. On the one hand, it holds heat well, so a bath will not require additional insulation. Moreover, it is the tree traditional material Russian bathhouse, it allows you to create a unique “bathhouse” atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a “breathable” material, independently regulates humidity, but will require additional protection from mold and fire.

Brick baths are more reliable in terms of fire safety, but they take longer to warm up, requiring more fuel. In addition, brick baths will require the mandatory installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensation will begin to accumulate inside the bath, provoking the development of mold and bacteria.

Laying the foundation

Despite often having a common roof, under the terrace and bathhouse they put different foundation. A bathhouse, naturally, is heavier than a terrace, so for large and multi-story buildings you will need a strip monolithic foundation, and for small bathhouses you can get by with a pile foundation. If foam concrete or brick is used to build a bathhouse, then it must be poured strip foundation- the other simply cannot withstand the weight of the building.

For a wooden terrace it will be quite enough pile foundation. In cases where the terrace will be located on difficult soil, prone to freezing or crumbling, on slopes, then to increase reliability it is better to lay screw piles. Moreover, for wooden buildings It is very important to properly organize waterproofing between the tree and the foundation to avoid rotting of the wood.

Advice! Since the soil under a heavier bathhouse will shrink faster than under a lighter terrace, the foundations of the terrace and bathhouse must be separated by a layer of insulation.

Terrace and barbecue: planning correctly

When planning a terrace, first of all it is necessary to take into account which wind direction is the main one so that the design of the bathhouse covers the terrace. In addition, this will allow you to properly place the barbecue so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from vacationers. If the terrace will serve as a shelter from sun rays on a hot summer day, you should not place it from the south. Or vice versa - a terrace with a sun lounger can become great place for reception sunbathing– here everything depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. In addition, the choice of terrace location is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape - contemplation fence It is unlikely to add to the mood on vacation, where it is more pleasant to admire the forest, lake or landscaped landscape design.

The terrace can be located frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bathhouse, Fig. 1), on the side (near one of the walls), it can have an angular location (along two adjacent walls) or encircling (along three walls, sometimes completely around the bathhouse, if the territory allows).

Rice. 1. Design of a bathhouse with a front terrace

If you do not plan to invite a lot of people, then taking into account the installation of a barbecue (barbecue), the minimum recommended terrace area is 7-8 m2. But it’s better to start with 9-10 m2, then in addition to tables and chairs on the terrace you can put a sun lounger and a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space to work, and vacationers will not be bothered by the heat from the stove and smoke .

Although a terrace in the classical sense is from covered area, for greater comfort it has a roof to protect from rain and sun. This can be a continuation of the roof of the bathhouse and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can cover the terrace with translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will create twilight in the bathhouse itself, so you will have to turn on the lights earlier.

Advice! Polycarbonate coating is especially justified for large terraces - there is no need to build a massive base, lightweight metal the design will not clutter up the space, remaining almost invisible.

Best suited for terrace flooring wooden plank or decking. Of course, you can lay paving or ceramic tiles, but wood will look cozier. Natural stone used as a covering on a large terrace

To install a barbecue, it is necessary to lay the foundation separately, and for construction they use special fire-resistant bricks, and the base is made with a height of about 70 cm from the floor level.

Advice! To improve fire safety, it is better to put stone (tile) tiles around the barbecue instead wooden covering– even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall in which a small supply of firewood can be stored. To remove smoke from the barbecue, a separate chimney is made, which in height should ensure effective removal of smoke from the bathhouse.

Designing a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue oven

The design of a bathhouse, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish), must provide for the presence of at least three rooms:

  • locker room - dressing room with a minimum size of 1.2 × 3 m, but it should be taken into account that according to the standards there should be 1.3 m2 per person
  • shower room – minimum size 2x2m
  • steam room - its size is a compromise between the convenience of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature with low consumption of fuel (electricity). Minimum size the steam room for 2-3 people will be 1.3x1.8 m.

If you have a spacious terrace for a seasonal bath, you can skip the rest room. The planning of the remaining premises, naturally, depends on the desires and capabilities of the future owner.

Let's take a closer look at some projects.

Corner bath with a terrace and barbecue (Fig. 2) allows you to effectively use the area of ​​the site if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bathhouse with terrace and barbecue

The space is used very functionally - the spacious shower room has a cold water plunge pool. The steam room is quite spacious - it will be quite comfortable to heat the stove in it, while it is shifted closer to the corner, away from front door- it’s safer this way, because after the bright lighting of the shower room, your eyes need to get used to the dim light of the steam room. If brick is chosen as the material for the bathhouse, then the stove can be embedded into the walls. If you make the steam room a little smaller, then with this arrangement of the stove it can be heated from the shower room. There are two entrances to the common vestibule - one directly from the street, the second from the terrace.

Project bathhouse-guest house(Fig. 3) with a veranda and barbecue, a fairly large area - 98 m2. Therefore, if it is intended to be used year-round, installation of a heating system will be required. Inside there is a spacious lounge and a separate kitchen. The terrace is located on the side, in terms of area - it is actually half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the terrace.

Rice. 3 Bathhouse – guest house with barbecue and terrace

Figures 4 and 5 show two more designs for a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. Project of a bathhouse-guest house with a terrace and barbecue

Rice. 5. Bathhouse with terrace and barbecue

In Fig. 6 drawing of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, in which you should pay attention to the entrance door to the relaxation room - it is located at the maximum distance from the barbecue to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the room.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue

A timber bathhouse with a veranda and a barbecue in a traditional Russian style - watch the video presentation:

A terrace is a platform with flooring, which is built on a prepared foundation. There are many types and varieties of this architectural addition:

  • It can be located near the house, or it can be completely unconnected with it, or connected by a path.
  • Maybe without a roof - then they say that it is open. Or with a roof - covered.
  • May or may not have walls. The walls can be solid or in the form of a fence.
  • There are single or multi-level ones.

There are a lot of types of terraces: both in shape, and in the number of levels, and in materials

If we talk about terraces that are adjacent to the house, then they can be side and front, and can cover one, two, three or four sides. Sometimes they have an irregular shape. They can be under the same roof with the main building or have their own.

If you consider that very different materials can be used in manufacturing, it is clear that there are simply countless variations.

  • 1 Projects of bathhouses made of timber with a terrace
    • 1.1 Bathhouse 4 x 4.5 with terrace
    • 1.2 Project of a 4 by 6 bathhouse with a terrace
    • 1.3 Drawing of a 6 by 5 bath (with a protruding terrace)
    • 1.4 Project of a 6 by 6 bathhouse with an open terrace
  • 2 What materials are they built from?
  • 3 How to make a wooden terrace on a pile foundation
    • 3.1 Preparing the piles
      • 3.1.1 Piles made of roofing felt
      • 3.1.2 Columns made of bricks
    • 3.2 How to make the bottom harness
    • 3.3 Flooring
  • 4 Tiled terrace
    • 4.1 Simple option
Projects of bathhouses made of timber with a terrace

Building a terrace in front of the bathhouse or next to it is not so difficult. In general, most often the difficulty is caused by the lack of a project. If funds allow, it is better to order it, describing in detail what and how you imagine, what you want to achieve, and what things you absolutely do not like. If it is impossible to order the production of a personal project, there is an option to find one of the ready-made ones and slightly adjust it to suit your own needs. Here are a few bathhouse projects with different terraces, which are easy to do with your own hands.

Bathhouse 4 x 4.5 with terrace

According to the project, the bathhouse consists of three rooms, with a terrace attached to it on a separate disconnected foundation (read about one of the options for its construction below). There are three rooms in the bathhouse building:

The parameters of the premises can be changed by moving the partition separating the rest room. If the bathhouse is being built for a dry-air sauna, a large volume of the steam room is not needed: calculate the number of people who should fit in one session, then calculate the area of ​​the shelves for their comfortable arrangement: for “sitting” places you can take 1-1.2 meters per person, “lying” - 2.1-1.2 m. Width of shelves - 0.7-0.9 m. Calculate the area of ​​the shelves, add space for the stove and its fence and some area for free movement. Get the required area.

The calculation of the area of ​​the steam room in a Russian bathhouse is similar, but if there is no need to have “lying down” places in a sauna - they usually only sit there, then in a Russian steam room they are required. Another difference is that the fencing of the sauna stove is wooden structure, which prevents you from touching the hot walls. In a Russian steam room, if they install a metal stove, then they must cover it with a brick screen, and these are completely different dimensions. Therefore, a larger area needs to be allocated.

Read more about the layout of baths and room sizes here. About where and what kind of windows to place is written in the article “Bath Windows: Where to Place and What Sizes.” For information about what doors and their sizes are needed in the steam room and other rooms, read the article “Which doors to choose for baths and saunas”

This is an example of what the implementation of the project looks like

Using such a bathhouse in winter will not be comfortable: entering the rest room directly from the street and the cold air will be a clear hindrance. To eliminate this drawback, you can either fence off part of the rest room as a vestibule, or make part of the veranda closed. The second option looks preferable due to the small size of the premises. But then you need to either make an entrance from the other side, or move the doors.

Optionally wood stove for a bathhouse: for this project you will need a compact version, perhaps tall and narrow, but you can try to fit just a small one in size. The volume will be quite small, so low power should be enough. This project includes a stove that is heated from the rest room. At the same time, it will also heat it, so you need some power reserve, do not forget about this (if you plan to visit the bathhouse in winter). For example, “Heat “Malyutka”, Varvara stoves - models “Palenitsa” and “Mini”, or “Compact”, “Osa”, “Shilka” and “Biryusa” from Termofor.

Project of a 4 by 6 bathhouse with a terrace

This option for planning a small bathhouse immediately provides for the allocation of a small vestibule, so this bathhouse is suitable for winter use without modifications. The steam room and sink are separate and have almost the same dimensions, which is not always justified. If they will only use the shower in the washing room, then it can be made a little more compact by blocking off more space for a steam room (for a Russian bath). You can also install a sprinkler in the shower. If the ceiling height allows, it is mounted above the shower “gander”; if not, on the side.

Project of a 4 by 6 bathhouse with a terrace

Drawing of a 6 by 5 bath (with a protruding terrace)

This timber bathhouse project also has a fenced-off closed vestibule. It occupies part of the terrace, but in order not to reduce its area, it was “pushed” beyond the building’s foundation. If desired, you can further increase it by making it in the shape of the letter “G”. You will get a spacious area for summer recreation. It will be possible to fence off a part of it for installing a barbecue (there are several projects here).

Bathhouse 4 x 5 with adjacent terrace

Bathhouse project 6 by 6 with an open terrace

This layout option requires the same number of rooms. It’s just that their area has become larger: now the dimensions allow it. In this option, you can already fence off a small room for a locker room. And for winter use you will need to organize a vestibule somewhere.

Project of a 6 by 6 bathhouse with a terrace

If there is still an opportunity to add a little dimensions, you can already “fit in” the bathroom. It will turn out to be a guest one house-bath, especially if you make a two-story bathhouse. One of the options, however, on the same floor, is located in the photo below. More projects two-story baths can be found here.

Large bathhouse-guest house with terrace

What materials are they built from?

To cover the terrace you can use any building material: wood, brick, building blocks, natural or artificial stone, paving, ceramic, porcelain tiles, natural or artificial stone, etc.

Despite the fact that outdoor wood is not the easiest material to use, decks are most often made of wood. Use pine and spruce in this case - have a constant headache: Maintenance and repairs need to be done very often. Harder wood is more expensive, but lasts longer and is less of a hassle.

Near brick bath a terrace with a brick fence looks good

Near the brick bathhouse, a terrace with a fence also made of brick looks good; in this case, it is rational to lay out the terrace itself with tiles or stone. A much more practical option. However, for such sites it will be necessary to pour a concrete slab.

If your soil is dry and not prone to heaving, it will be enough to fill it with crushed stone and sand. It will be possible to lay paving slabs. It comes in different shapes and colors, so it can also look more than interesting.

The terrace with laid paving slabs looks very good. It can be combined with a blind area around the house. In this case, you will kill two birds with one stone.

How to make a wooden terrace on a pile foundation

The most problematic option is wood. If you plan to use it, then you need to choose from varieties that tolerate being outdoors well. It also requires treatment with protective impregnations, varnishing or painting.

Preparing piles

To create normal operating conditions for wooden terraces, it is necessary to think through the design so that water does not accumulate under the structure. In general, it is advisable to make the platform made of wood raised above the ground level so that the boards below are well blown and ventilated. Therefore, most often a pile or columnar foundation is made for such structures. Moreover, the fertile layer under the terrace is removed, the remaining soil is leveled and compacted, and then covered with crushed stone and also compacted. This is done to prevent the vegetation from rotting and spreading “odors” and spores.

The installation step of the posts is at least 1-1.5 meters - this way the boards will not sag. Material of manufacture - any. You can drive asbestos or iron pipes into the ground and pour concrete into them. This is a very durable, but not cheap option.

Roofing felt piles

Much less money (but more labor) will require piles with roofing felt formwork.

This is how you can make permanent formwork for piles from roofing felt

Ruberoid is rolled into round columns in two or three layers. Diameter - 20-22 cm, height - about 1 meter (70 cm is recessed in the ground, 30 cm is on top). This is for soils with an average tendency to heave. In order not to have to worry about measuring the diameter of this formwork, you can use a pattern. If you find a water bottle of a suitable diameter (these are nine-liter containers), the work will be simple: screw on the roofing material, secure it with tape, and pull out the “pattern” by the handle.

It is more convenient to fasten with tape, as usual. It just doesn’t want to stick to the powder. To ensure adhesion, remove the crumbs in the right places with a brush and wipe the cleaned area with white spirit. Once dry, the hold is excellent. This is how you cook required amount columns.

Using a drill, make the required number of recesses, slightly larger in diameter than the molded posts and 25 cm deeper. These 25 cm are used to construct the pillow: they are covered with a 15 cm layer of crushed stone and compacted. Sand is added, which is also compacted.

Then formwork is installed in the prepared pits. All columns must be leveled. This can be done using two rods driven along the edges of the planned terrace and a cord stretched between them. Its verticality can be checked building level, adjusting the height of the bars as necessary. The second way is to set the height of the bars using a hydraulic level (you can also use a laser level, but it is difficult to work with it outside - the beam is visible only in the evening or in cloudy weather). After fiddling with positioning the cord, you will then quickly bring all the columns in one row to the same height. Repeat the procedure in the following.

How to attach support pillars to concrete piles - one of the options

The columns also need to be placed vertically. You can't do without a plumb line here. It’s a simple tool, but nothing better has been invented yet.

Next, to increase the strength, it is advisable to insert several bars of reinforcement inside - 2-3 per column. You can use smooth rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Then pour concrete inside. It needs to be compacted, since it is not worth knocking on the roofing felt; you will need to take a long metal rod and bayonet it (pierce it through and pull it a little from side to side). As a result of such actions, the concrete level will become a little lower - air will escape, you will have to add a little. Everything becomes easier if you have a submersible hand or mobile concrete vibrator. When the solution has set, you can begin further work.

Brick pillars

On heaving soils, the posts can simply be squeezed out, causing the terrace to slide down. What is needed here is a wider platform that will stabilize the situation. For such a foundation, small pits are dug, measuring 50*50 or 60*60 cm. The soil is compacted in them, crushed stone is poured, it is also compacted, and formwork is installed from boards 20-25 cm high.

The foundation for the terrace can be made of brick columns

Several pieces of reinforcement are laid on the halves of the bricks - lengthwise and crosswise - to form a cage (2-3 rods each). A pipe is inserted into the middle (verticality is checked). All this is filled with concrete (maybe with crushed stone). Thickness - 20 cm.

After the mortar has set, a brick column is made around the pipe. The height is set just below the required flooring height - leaving room for the bottom trim.

How to make a bottom harness

There are two options for installing support pillars:

The first method is used most often, but the second also occurs. He demands a little less costs, but there will be more fuss with laying the logs.

When making the bottom trim, a beam of 100*75 mm, 75*75 mm or wider is used - it depends on the size of the terrace and the load on it. They are treated with antibacterial impregnations, laid on a concrete column covered with a layer of waterproofing (lay twice folded roofing material or coat with mastic or liquid waterproofing).

The beams cost a lot, but you can cheat by making a spliced ​​beam from boards. It is not suitable for support pillars - appearance not the same, but for lags it is even better, since it has increased strength. How to make timber from boards:

Regardless of the chosen method, everything wooden elements must be impregnated with protective and antifungal compounds. To improve their appearance and extend their service life, they are coated with varnish. Use better formulations for outdoor use, and if we talk about varnishes, then yacht varnish is preferable - it is well adapted to a humid environment and protects the wood from the effects of salts.

It is possible to create a frame made of metal. You can use a powerful corner or a square pipe. This base is more reliable and durable. It is well primed, then carefully painted and will serve for decades. To prevent the board from being damaged upon contact with metal, it is glued to the metal. waterproofing material- type "TechnoNIKOL", etc. When attaching the flooring, you will have to drill holes - it is unlikely that you will be able to screw in the screws directly.

The frame can be welded from metal. Such a terrace will be much more repairable


After making and securing the strapping, you can begin making the flooring. An edged board is usually used. There is a special terrace board - it has not a flat, but a wavy front surface, but it is more often laid around fonts or pools built on the terrace. The wavy surface, even when wet, does not allow slipping, and if you make a slight slope, the water will quickly drain without lingering on the flooring.

The thickness of the board, as for the floor, is rarely thinner than 20 mm, although its thickness depends on the distance between the piles. At a distance of 1.5 meters, the thickness of the board is 25 mm, then it will not sag when walking.

Boards for plank flooring need to be of decent thickness. To make them last longer, they are treated with antiseptics and varnished or painted.

Tile terrace

If you decide to make a platform not from wood, but from tiles, you can go in several ways. It all depends on how you imagine your terrace.

If you are satisfied with paving slabs as a covering, the technology can be greatly simplified. The process is very similar to installing a blind area around a house. The technology is similar, you can use the same techniques.

Simple option

The simplest, but very reliable and effective option is using profiled membranes and geotextiles. In this case, the soil is removed to the width of the future terrace, the depth is small - 20-25 cm is enough. If there is a roof on top, the site can be made level; if a roof is not provided, a slope of 3-5 cm is formed for every meter (from the foundation).

If precipitation in the region is heavy and subsoil water is close, it is better to lay a drainage pipe along the edge of the terrace. This is special corrugated pipe with holes. A small recess is dug for it (about half the diameter), where it is placed. The end of the drainage pipe is brought into drainage well or into the sewer system.

One of the options for constructing a terrace (with a drainage pipe under the tiles)

To prevent plants from sprouting under the coating, treatment is carried out special chemistry. After processing, a profiled membrane is spread over the entire width. If you are laying drainage, the edge of the membrane should fit into the dug groove, reaching its opposite edge. A drainage pipe is placed on the membrane. Now all the moisture will roll down the film and get into it.

On the other hand, near the house, a membrane of 10-15 cm is placed on the wall. They fix it there. A layer of geotextile is rolled out on top. He is also lifted onto the wall. Both films can be fixed clamping bar. The second edge of the geotextile ends above the drainage pipe (it is not fixed).

Now pour a layer of crushed stone of large and medium fractions. A curb stone is installed along the edge of the site (not above the drainage pipe, but closer to the house). The crushed stone is compacted well (preferably with a vibrating plate, but do not compact it over the pipe with a plate). A layer of sand is poured on top, leveled, spilled with water and compacted. You can already lay tiles on it.

What would such a terrace look like?

The thickness of the layers is 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit for the terrace is selected so that the tiles are laid at the required height. It is difficult to say exactly, since the tiles can be of different thicknesses. Based on the purchased coating, calculate the required depth of the pit around the house.

One “but”: the described method is suitable for the case when the foundation and base are insulated. If there is no insulation, half the sand is poured onto the crushed stone, slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are laid out, then sand is added, and then the tiles are laid on it. At the same time, the foundation of the house is also covered with expanded polystyrene slabs to the entire depth of the dug pit.

The bathhouse was the main “washing” place in many countries, from the Middle Ages until the advent of centralized water supply. In modern times, such a structure is intended primarily for relaxation in the company of family and friends. But if you can only take a steam bath in a small bathhouse, then a large bathhouse with a terrace is a symbol of solid material security, because you will have to spend a considerable amount of time and finances on its construction.

Advantages of a bathhouse with a terrace, veranda

A veranda is a small open or closed structure with a roof. It is part of the bath structure, located on the same foundation. The veranda is built together with the bathhouse or later. The terrace has its own foundation, another foundation raised above the ground. Such a platform is closed, open, universal. The latter option is suitable for full use both in summer and winter.

A bathhouse with a veranda or terrace has many advantages:

  • on the area in front of the bathhouse you can organize barbecue, barbecue, and grilling;
  • friendly gatherings, family lunch or dinner are also convenient here;
  • huge selection of modern building materials, design solutions allows you to create a building in any style;
  • the extension can be located either on the side of the bathhouse or between the house and the bathhouse, so that you can relax without going far;
  • plants in tubs and flowerpots will be beautifully placed on the site;
  • competently executed construction allows you to comply with the chosen concept of landscape design as much as possible, without making the architectural ensemble disjointed;
  • since there is no need to build a separate roof over the recreation area and the washing area, as well as to connect them with paths, the savings in time and building materials are obvious;
  • With open terrace, verandas you can admire the sunset or sunrise over a cup of tea, wrapped in a soft blanket;
  • The outdoor pool can easily be located right on the terrace.

On a standard platform there is a barbecue grill, a barbecue grill, an open stone or brick hearth, several benches or full-fledged chairs, as well as tables.

Choosing a location for the building

The location for the bathhouse should be chosen very carefully, especially when the area is small and the neighbors are very close. If there is such an opportunity, the bathhouse is placed near a natural or artificial reservoir; plunging into cool waters immediately after a hot steam room is a great pleasure.

According to current standards, the following minimum distances to other buildings are required:

  • from a residential building – 7-10 m;
  • to buildings made of non-combustible material - 6-9 m;
  • to wooden outbuildings - 10-13 m;
  • to wooden buildings with non-flammable coating - 7-9 m;
  • from the roadway – 6-7 m;
  • from a neighbor’s fence or boundary – 1-2 m;
  • to the neighbor’s house – 15-17 m;
  • to the forest – 16 m;
  • to the well, well - 10 m;
  • to tall trees – 4 m, bushes – 2 m.

It is also important to discuss in advance the location of the future bathhouse in relation to the places common use, if available - a swimming pond, a playground, etc. When building on the banks of a river or lake, it is important that wastewater did not get there, and the structure itself stood on solid ground and could not be damaged during floods.

Even a tall bathhouse will be placed so as not to shade the neighbor’s property. The slope of the bathhouse roof is made in its own direction, and the entrance should be visible from the house, which is very important during kindling.

Selection of materials for construction

Materials for construction are selected mainly as environmentally friendly, natural, and high quality as possible. The structure is built to last for many years, maintaining a beautiful appearance, requiring virtually no repairs.

The following building materials are most often used for construction:

  • natural wood - logs, boards, beams;
  • brick, natural stone;
  • foam concrete, gas silicate blocks;
  • glass, including fireproof, frosted, colored;
  • sand, gravel, clay, cement;
  • various types of vapor barrier, waterproofing, thermal protection;
  • pipes made of plastic, metal;
  • ceramic tiles - for decorating floors and walls;
  • tiles, ondulin, roofing felt, slate - for roofing.

The indoor bathhouse is exposed to hot water, high temperature, the open area in front of it is influenced by wind, precipitation, and direct sunlight, which is important to consider during construction. For the construction of the bathhouse itself, coniferous wood is preferred, but it is better to finish it with deciduous wood - resinous substances, with long-term exposure, have a detrimental effect on the respiratory system. Such construction is carried out frame or in the form of a log house. Brick, stone, and also bathhouses built using the “claystone” technology (from firewood and clay) are less common.

Since high humidity is constantly present in the room, high-quality putty of walls, ceilings, and floors is necessary.

Which floor to choose for your future terrace

Choice flooring depends on the materials from which the entire structure is made, its stylistic design.

Basic requirements for installing a floor on a sauna porch, veranda, terrace:

  • the coating should not slip - this will help avoid injuries if the floor is wet;
  • the material chosen is frost-resistant, which is important in the coldest regions;
  • high resistance to abrasion and deformation - people walk around the site in a variety of shoes.

When the site is partially or completely open, when making the floor it is necessary to make a slight slope (no more than two to four degrees) towards the street so that water can easily flow down.

It is desirable that the entrance to the site can be made both from the street and from the bathhouse building.

Stone, tile or wood

The most popular covering option is decking. It is made from natural wood or wood with the addition of polypropylene. The latter option is characterized by low swelling and practically does not deform from external influences. The most commonly used wood species are larch, ash, spruce, pine, hornbeam, oak, and less commonly - fir, Brazil walnut, cedar, and teak.
Using natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles justified if the washing facility is at least partially designed by them. When using tiles, choose the most textured one that will not slip. In brick buildings, the floor is sometimes made of paving slabs, which visually unites the area with the paths in the garden. Porcelain tiles are also acceptable, it is only important to lay it according to all the rules.

Choosing a decking board

At self-production wooden floor on the terrace, it is recommended to cover it with antiseptics, moisture-resistant or fire-resistant impregnations, products containing oils, wax, intended for outdoor use. All of them are available in transparent, tinted or with a whitening effect.

Purchased terrace boards can be smooth or corrugated - for bath verandas and terraces, the latter is recommended. A board made of composite material contains wood flour obtained from valuable wood species and various polymers.

Building sizes

A modern bathhouse is not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a whole complex that can also combine a relaxation room, a kitchen, a toilet, and a small bedroom. Such a structure, if necessary, can become a full-fledged summer home. The bath terrace will have a barbecue area, a fireplace, and even a small swimming pool.

When drawing up a plan, it is important to take into account many rules and principles for the construction of such structures. The minimum comfortable area of ​​the steam room is 9-11 meters, height – from two. Doors and windows are made in the south, in as a last resort– east side to minimize heat loss. All electrical appliances, wires, sockets, switches, if provided, must be protected from moisture to avoid electric shock if they malfunction.

The choice of a suitable project depends on how large the area is around the house:

  • 6 by 9 meters are “classic”, the optimal size of a bathhouse in a spacious yard. The guest area here is so large that it can accommodate not only a family of four to six people, but also a dozen friends. It is recommended to build a common foundation for both zones; you can even organize a second floor: then there will be a sauna and a veranda itself below, and a billiards room or a relaxation room, a toilet above;
  • The bathhouse attached to a residential building has dimensions of 6 by 6 or 5 by 6 meters - such proportions look harmonious on any standard site. The construction allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​the house, creating a cozy place under a canopy for gatherings with family and friends. A definite plus here - additional protection from the cold of the building itself;
  • 4 by 4 or 4 by 4.5 meters is also a typical bathhouse, consisting of a steam room, a font, and a relaxation area. The veranda is located on its own foundation - it is usually open, which is not very convenient, provided that the entrance is from the street. In some options, the structure is made covered or part of the room is converted into a small dressing room;
  • in a 4 by 6 meter bath project, a vestibule is provided immediately, since the building is intended to be used in the autumn-winter period. The shower here is not combined with a steam room, but they are almost the same size - the latter is always a little larger, since it must accommodate at least two or three people at the same time;
  • a typical bathhouse 5 by 6 meters has a protruding terrace and a fenced dressing room, which takes up very little space. The veranda is designed as an extension, sometimes it is L-shaped, which allows you to comfortably accommodate a large company by arranging a convenient barbecue corner, fireplace or tea area;
  • the 6 by 6 meter bathhouse project has a spacious steam room, shower, locker room, vestibule, a place to relax or even a small bedroom. You can also set up a smoking room here. The terrace can be closed or open.

The heavier the planned structure, the stronger the foundation for it is made. During simultaneous construction, in most cases, the foundation for the veranda and the bathhouse itself is completed at the same time, but since the shrinkage for both structures varies greatly, a rigid connection between them should be avoided. Any distortions or cracks, if they occur, are masked with polyurethane foam.

The following foundations are used as a reliable foundation:

  • columnar - consists of concrete pillars that are dug in several places around the perimeter, to a depth of 55-75 cm. The distance between them should be at least 130-200 cm. Bored piles are sometimes used instead;
  • strip is a concrete strip running along the entire perimeter of the building. The design requires a lot of materials and time, so it is used relatively rarely;
  • slab - is a “cushion” of concrete used for construction on “soft” soil. Such a foundation is expensive, but the most reliable and durable.

Popular layouts, options for placing terraces

Before starting construction, you must create a project indicating all dimensions. The layout of a bathhouse with a terrace can be closed, open, corner, can be one-story or have a second floor, rest rooms, extensions, sliding doors.

The terrace is arranged in three different ways:

  • in front of the entrance - this layout allows you to clearly zone the space;
  • separate from the bathhouse - usually next to the pool;
  • along the entire perimeter of the building - plays the role of a fence, usually completely covered with a roof.

Bathhouse with a regular terrace

Open area – perfect option for the warm season. They will stir it on it portable grill, sun loungers. There are usually no side walls or any fences here, and under the roof there is only a woodshed, the size of which depends on how often the bathhouse is used and the total supply of firewood.

Bathhouse with closed terrace

The closed area is fully used all year round. It is decorated with glass walls, a transparent or translucent roof. A barbecue stove, miniature fountains, plants in tubs and flowerpots are carefully placed here. The building must be insulated, and the recreation room is moved to the terrace, and the woodshed is located there. If space allows, you can equip a full-fledged gym.

Corner type with terrace

The main advantage of such a bathhouse is that the only stove is located almost in the center, heating all rooms at the same time, which is especially important in the cold season. Such buildings are often placed in small areas, significantly saving space or “bypassing” large objects such as trees and poles. The finished structure looks stylish and original.

With terrace and barbecue

The building is not only a bathhouse combined with a resting place, but also a full-fledged summer kitchen, which has everything you need. Here it is important to design the chimney competently and beautifully - it must remove smoke efficiently, and also leave room for free movement of the person who will be doing the cooking. The stove itself, as well as the area around it, is usually made of natural stone.

Two-story bathhouse

A two-story structure significantly saves space in a small area. A sauna, washroom, and locker room are located on the first floor, and a place to relax is on the second. The upper floor is decorated with a “broken” roof, allowing full use of almost the entire attic area. The larger the area of ​​the building, the more time it will take to warm it up properly.

With terrace and lounge

The main emphasis here is on the design of the rest room. Usually it is made quite spacious, capable of accommodating up to ten people. In such a room there is a billiard table or a couple of exercise machines, a table and soft sofas, and a real or electric fireplace. A table with chairs can also be placed on the veranda - many people prefer to relax in the fresh air after a hot sauna.

Two-story with an open attic

Such a building will require significant financial investments, since it is impossible to make it small: the average area of ​​the structure, where everything necessary is compactly located, is 30-45 square meters. m. The attic on the second floor is sometimes closed, but more often it is equipped with a spacious, cozy balcony, which can be glazed. Here you will need a lot of space for the stairs to the top; it is also important to think through a heating system for such a large bathhouse.

With sliding wall

Sliding walls in the bathhouse are a newfangled invention that is gaining popularity every year. In fact, this is a closed veranda, which becomes open when the wall is pulled back. Sliding structures are made from various materials - plastic, glass, plywood, textiles stretched over a frame, metal. Often used are peculiar “accordions” in the Japanese style, removable shields that move away much like awnings.

With attached gazebo

Gazebo located under common roof with a bathhouse, is a neat canopy over the dining area. To make it more convenient to enter and exit the gazebo, the floor level is made the same in both zones. The roof of the building is made single-slope, double-slope, multi-slope, the gazebo itself is quadrangular, round, octagonal, etc. An outdoor fireplace, barbecue, barbecue are also installed here, soft chairs or wooden benches.

For lovers of winter bathing procedures, a covered area between a residential building and a bathhouse is ideal. Such a project is acceptable for owners of small plots, and heating system is made common to the entire building - one stove heats the entire house. The sewage system will also be uniform. A small pool is often located here, decorated with a transparent roof, which allows you to save on lighting during the day. The main thing in such a building is to take care of fire safety; it is advisable to use non-flammable materials, fire-resistant impregnations, and keep fire extinguishers within reach.

Interior Design Ideas

The interior decoration of the bathhouse should be as hygienic and safe as possible. The same applies to the space of the closed terrace. The open area is made resistant to external weather conditions - its parts are varnished and painted in different colors. The closer interior spaces, the lighter the finishing is required, to further expand the space, mirrors are suitable - in damp rooms they are coated with special compounds that prevent fogging.

Wooden buildings are most often decorated with house carvings - they are present on the railings, roof edges, and in the design of windows. To diversify the interior design, use wood different shades. The bathhouse, decorated in the style of an old Russian hut, looks interesting - it looks like a log house, with rough “clumsy” interior decor, good-quality benches along the walls, wooden tubs"antique" The steam room space itself is prohibited from painting or varnishing - most of these compositions release all kinds of poisons when heated.

The brick bathhouse is decorated with wrought iron railings, stands for firewood, and a fireplace with metal shutter doors. The roof of a building in ethnic style is covered with reeds and straw. Bathhouse in modern style has practically no decorations - everything that is in it is as simple as possible in form, strictly functional. The round building with a terrace looks very original, but its full design can only be done by true masters of their craft - the interior design, the shape of each room here must be appropriate.

Furnishings for different styles A wooden one, with forged legs, or wicker from rattan is suitable. For spacious rooms, as well as for families with children, swing benches will be useful. A flat screen TV or a computer with a game console is sometimes placed in the relaxation room - it is important that such a room does not have high humidity, which can damage expensive electrical appliances.


A bathhouse built with your own hands allows you to have a great rest, practically without leaving home. It is attached to the house and decorated in all possible ways. If self-construction causes difficulties, you can always turn to professionals - many companies are engaged in creating turnkey bathhouse buildings and taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The flight of fancy here is endless, limited only by the amount of finances of the future owner.

Baths have existed in Rus' since ancient times. And if in the old days the main task of the bathhouse was hygiene procedures and maintaining cleanliness, then in the modern world it is rather a place comfortable rest with family and friends, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate their financial viability, because not every Russian can afford their own bathhouse.

Nowadays, bathhouses are built from exceptionally high quality materials so that they are comfortable, practical and serve faithfully for many years.

Modern bathhouse– this is not just a steam room. This is a whole multifunctional complex that includes everything that could be located in a comfortable house: the steam room itself, a recreation room, a gym or billiard room, a small swimming pool and open veranda.


The spacious terrace is perhaps the most A big dream any resident of the metropolis who appreciates relaxing on outdoors in the company of close friends. However, if your cottage is not equipped with a veranda, as is often the case in old private houses and modern standard cottages, then you can compensate for this shortcoming and build a bathhouse in the yard, equipping it with a functional recreation area.

Thanks to this, you can solve several problems at once:

  • the presence of a bathhouse “without leaving home”;
  • the presence of a terrace, which can be used as an ordinary gazebo, where you can arrange intimate gatherings in pleasant company;
  • a practical solution to the problem of organizing friendly or family leisure;
  • if necessary, solving the ill-fated “housing issue”.

Terraces can be equipped with barbecues, grills and barbecues, without which no picnic is complete. There are other pleasant bonuses of such structures - you can fry kebabs and prepare other snacks right on the veranda.

In addition, the joint construction of a bathhouse and a terrace allows you to maintain a single architectural style and comply with the concept of landscape design throughout the entire site. There is no need to connect separately located objects with paths, and this significantly increases the total usable area land plot, which can be used for a flower bed, rock garden or lawn.

And, of course, combining a bathhouse with a place of relaxation allows you to save on construction work, since in this case the wall of the bathhouse simultaneously serves as the wall of the veranda, and this significantly reduces the consumption of necessary materials.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that connecting a terrace with a bathhouse is much more difficult than constructing them at the same time.

If the common foundation was not laid at the stage of foundation construction, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​a bathhouse + terrace “2 in 1”, especially if the soil is heaving. In this case, both parts will shrink differently, which leads to cracking of the walls.

If you are determined to combine two functional buildings, then it is worth considering the basic aspects of this technological process.

It is optimal to build a veranda only after the building has completed shrinkage, after that they equip a columnar foundation and build a building perimeter on it.

To reduce the likelihood of distortions, the terrace can simply not be connected to the main wall bath complex, and mask all the gaps that appear using polyurethane foam or using sliding fasteners.

It is better to arrange the roof separately for both structural elements, and so that water does not flood between the roof of the bathhouse and the covering of the veranda, an L-shaped ebb is installed. It is placed 2-3 cm above the terrace and mounted to a log frame.

Selection of materials

Most builders assure that the bathhouse should be wooden, and the most the best material is coniferous wood. This is a very common misconception. The point is that the tree coniferous species It is characterized by increased resin content, and this resin at elevated temperatures begins to emit a pungent odor. That is why coniferous varieties It is recommended to take it only for the construction of frame boxes, but for the finishing interior decoration you should give preference to linden, alder or oak wood.

Keep in mind that pine, juniper and cedar vapors have a beneficial effect on the body only in small quantities. When inhaling large doses, you can cause significant harm to the respiratory tract - their passages become blocked, and inhalation/exhalation becomes difficult.

It is equally important to decide on the standard shape of the wood material. Many people use logs when constructing baths, since such buildings can work effectively in any season in a wide variety of climatic conditions. Other consumers prefer timber. Such material is more expensive than logs. However, its operational parameters are also higher: the timber is laid faster, but cracks much less often.

In any case, both types of wood blanks are suitable for building a bathhouse with a terrace, and the final choice is only a matter of personal preference of the owner of the site.

Gas silicate blocks and foam concrete are well suited for the construction of bathhouses. It's relative inexpensive materials, which effectively solve all problems associated with the thermal insulation of a room.

The only thing you need to pay attention to Special attention– this is equipment for highly effective waterproofing of walls and their high-quality putty. The air in the steam room is humid, so walls must be reliably protected from the adverse effects of moisture. Nowadays brick baths are practically not built, although this material is considered the most optimal for finishing cladding facade of a country building, also look very stylish decorative fencing brick verandas.

For those who are looking for original solutions for their site, we can recommend a round bathhouse with a terrace, built using environmentally friendly clay technology. All that is required for this is a couple of dump trucks of firewood, a cart of hay and big car clay.

Design and layout

At its core, creating a bathhouse project with a terrace is, in general, a simple task, but in practice it requires compliance with and application of a large number of different rules and principles.

The area of ​​the steam room must be at least 10 square meters. m, and the ceiling height is not lower than 2 m– with this arrangement of the bathhouse, three people can be in the room at the same time without loss of comfort.

For any bathhouse, it is important to have the possibility of natural water drainage, so the subfloor, as a rule, is made at a certain angle.

When installing a bath complex, it is prohibited to install cables, lamps and shades; If they come into contact with steam, they may cause an accident. When constructing such premises, it is worth giving preference to specialized materials, although they are by no means cheap.

Depending on the location of the bathhouse and terrace, there are several types of layouts: open, closed and corner.


A mansion with a large open veranda and equipped steam rooms is not only stylish, but also quite comfortable. On the veranda at any time you can equip a small functional gazebo, set up a grill or barbecue for barbecuing and preparing other dishes for which access to air is important.

The terrace often serves as a playground for small children, a place for meeting guests and dancing. It is on the veranda that it is so comfortable to read, draw or just relax even in the most inclement weather, since it is, as a rule, reliably protected from the wind and sun.

For greater comfort, you can hang curtains; they will protect from the piercing wind and annoying mosquitoes and other stinging insects.


Today, more and more owners of private houses and cottages prefer the most efficient use of their land plots. Lands, especially those located within the city, in the vast majority of cases have small sizes, and the owners want to build a bathhouse with a gazebo and other recreational facilities in their yard. This is especially important during the landscape planning stage.

If there is no house on the new site, but its construction is planned for several years, then first you should build a bathhouse. At first, it can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also play a role summer kitchen, warehouse and storage areas gardening tools. Subsequently, a garage can be built above the bathhouse and on the sides of it, as well as living rooms and equip a connected veranda. This type of structure is called closed.

This also includes projects of free-standing bath structures, to which a covered veranda is attached.

It increases the total area of ​​the recreation space and solves a number of problems:

  • allows you to use useful space as extra space for gatherings with family and friends;
  • use of the terrace for comfortable relaxation outside the bathhouse complex;
  • arrangement winter garden on the terrace;
  • use for the purpose of an additional area of ​​the utility room for storing household equipment.

As a rule, in closed terraces they use panoramic glazing, and the glass is made transparent or mosaic.


Corner types of baths with a terrace are quite popular and widespread. This arrangement is considered a modern trend in garden construction. The design has a unique configuration, takes up little space on the site, and fits harmoniously into any landscape design and is combined with other buildings in the yard. Well, besides, such a bathhouse with a veranda is quite spacious inside due to its shape.

Corner modifications are preferred in situations where it is necessary for the bathhouse to be as close as possible to the cottage, almost right next to it - this may be due to the characteristics of the site or the personal wishes of the owner of the house. In this case, the terrace, which is adjacent to the main building, can have any shape - square or rectangular.

The corner bath is ergonomic. The use of this type of layout creates conditions for a more logical and beautiful use of the site area, and also allows you to tidy up the areas adjacent to the house.

A distinctive feature of corner structures is their unique shape. In the traditional version, the basic functional area The premises (the steam room and shower) are located perpendicular to the leisure area.

In corner-type buildings, the stove is located in the middle between the steam room and the recreation room, thanks to this the entire space is heated, which is extremely important in cold weather winter time of the year.

Corner designs optimal for small areas. They are located on one of the corners local area, take up little space and fit into any landscape composition.

Buildings in the shape of a triangle always look quite stylish and attract attention with their architectural design. Exactly corner baths with verandas are considered the most acceptable in terms of ergonomics, practicality and functionality.

Examples of finished buildings

The choice of a specific project for building a bathhouse with a terrace most often depends on the parameters of the local area.

  • Eg, classic version– project of a standard bathhouse measuring 6x9 m optimal for houses with quite large yard. Such a guest recreation area can comfortably accommodate not only a family, but also a large group of friends. In this case, it is assumed that a joint foundation will be built for both zones. You should not stop at one-story buildings. Often the structures are made two-story and on the lower floor there is a steam room with a veranda, and on the second floor there is a room or a billiard room or a toilet.
  • If the bathhouse is attached close to a residential building, then in this situation there will be a project with dimensions of 5x6 or 6x6 m looks harmonious. The proportions will allow it to fit into the design concept of any type of site. At the same time, the owners not only significantly expand the area of ​​the house, but also receive cubby, where they can meet friends and family in any weather. By the way, this will create additional heating of the walls of the main building, and this is also of no small importance.

  • Bathhouse 4 x 4.5 m with terrace- one of the standard projects offered by construction companies. A bathhouse of this layout contains three functional rooms: a relaxation area, a steam room with a plunge pool. An open veranda is attached to the bathhouse on a separate foundation. Such a project assumes that the entrance to the recreation area is from the street, and this can be extremely uncomfortable, especially in autumn and winter. To eliminate this shortcoming, you can make the veranda covered or partition off part of the room and convert it into a vestibule.
  • Project of a 6x4 bathhouse with a terrace involves the arrangement of a small-sized vestibule, since such a bathhouse can be used in the cold season without any modifications. The steam room and shower are not combined, but their sizes are almost identical. This is not always justified from an ergonomic point of view. In the shower room, as a rule, people wash one at a time. Therefore, it would be more correct to make it a little more compact, but it is worth allocating more space for the steam room, since for the most part there are 2-3 people steaming there.

  • Drawing of a 6 x 5 bath (with a protruding terrace)- another typical version of a bathhouse with a fenced vestibule. With this layout option, it occupies a small part of the veranda, so in order not to hide its functional area, part of the veranda is simply designed as an extension, that is, “pushed” beyond the existing foundation of the building. Sometimes it is enlarged even more, shaped like the letter “G”. This allows you to create and arrange a spacious area for a good rest for a large or small company at any time of the year. At the same time, a small area of ​​the gazebo can be safely reserved for grilling, barbecuing or installing a barbecue.