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Garden landscape design styles. Landscape styles. Landscape design styles: compare and evaluate the main characteristic features Characteristic features for types of landscape design

A person is closely connected with nature, which is why when he gets a dacha or a house with a small plot of land, the desire to create the garden of his dreams awakens in him: it can be a simple vegetable garden with a garden, intricate interweaving of lawns and paths, or a simple estate in the Russian style. To bring your ideas to life, it is very important to choose the right style for the future garden, according to scientific style landscape design. The word style itself is a set of creative techniques and ideas, determined by the unity of artistic content and theme. It is necessary not only to correctly apply the planning technique, but also to decide color scheme, select plants, small architectural forms, type of decorative paving, garden equipment.

It is known that garden styles existed since time immemorial: it is enough to recall the legendary wonder of the world - the Gardens of Babylon, the description of which has survived to this day. IN Ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome also had landscape gardening art, which became the basis for the formation classic styles. Over time, the principles were transformed, and the fashion for decorative elements changes relentlessly. IN Lately People's interest in traditional styles is growing - for example, classical noble estate- here and, and a small pond, and a pair of snow-white birch beauties, and lawns planted with wildflowers. Both Mediterranean and oriental motifs are interesting.

Decorative details of the garden also attract attention - unusual flowerpots, sculptures, flowerpots, bridges; bird feeders and birdhouses are actively used in gardens. The fashion for sundial- the trend of Europe, however, now they play not so much a practical role as a decorative one. Green sculptures are also a new-fashioned element - and these can be either intricate trimmed figures, or ordinary shrubs, and weaving plants grown on metal frame. In any case, existing trends should not put you in strict limits; it’s time to show your imagination and decide on bold experiments.

Conventionally, all styles of landscape design are divided into 2 groups: regular and landscape. If regular styles are characterized by the presence of some kind of pattern and strict geometry, then landscape styles emphasize the closeness of man to Mother Nature and allow all ideas to be realized. Let's look at each of the styles in more detail.

Regular Landscape Design Styles

French style of landscape design

This style cannot but delight, because it is the very embodiment of luxury and elegance. It requires strict geometry so that the man-made nature of the created garden is deliberately emphasized, and there is not a single hint of the naturalness of the composition. Wide alleys, graceful figures, parterre lawns, beautiful flower beds- these are the main elements of this style. Strict symmetry must be observed in the layout: it is preferable to trim bushes in the form geometric shapes or straight lines. True, such a garden will require a lot of maintenance.

photo: French style landscape design

An obligatory element in a French garden is a pond in the center of the composition, framed by cascades and sculptures. Lawns and flower beds are low, and bosquets contrast sharply with them - this is the name given to trees and shrubs that are trimmed to look like green walls. The paths laid out will look very beautiful paving slabs with a green frame of low-growing bushes.

First, formulate your garden idea on paper: all elements must be arranged in strict order and be geometrically correct - build bends using a compass. Remember that in such a garden there should be two points - the upper one, where the house is located, from there there should be a view of the entire plot, and the lower one, where the main entrance. If you have a significant difference in elevation on your site, you can form a cascade of level terraces and connect them with stairs. An interesting solution would be to create labyrinths from thickets of honeysuckle, juniper or hazel. An elegant forged lattice can become a fence for such a garden.

Italian or Mediterranean style of landscape design

Initially, this style assumed the presence of strict geometric shapes and perpendicular paths. The center of the composition is a pond, around which there is a paved area and rare flower beds. The garden is surrounded by trimmed hedges or an elegant fence. A special solemnity can be given to the garden with the help of alleys and fountains, and spherical and cube-shaped shrubs and trees will become a harmonious frame for the paths.

photo: Italian style of landscape design

Also a characteristic feature of this style is the patio - this is an elevated area located next to the house. Here you can place garden furniture, decorate the patio with sculptures and flowerpots with vegetation, and both coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs are appropriate.

Moorish or Muslim garden

A characteristic feature of this style is the use of several squares, the center of the composition is a fountain or pond, and around it plants are planted in a geometric sequence and paths are laid out. Pools and fountains are often lined with marble or decorative glass; it is worth remembering that water in Islam is sacred, it is purification and life, without it the Garden of Eden is simply impossible to imagine.

photo: Moorish style of landscape design

This garden is framed by galleries entwined with roses or wild grapes. A characteristic feature of such a garden is a corner of aromas, where spicy herbs are planted - such a heavenly place will definitely appeal to owners who adore spices and unusual aromas. Tile or mosaic paving is common in the yard - it is both simple and elegant.

Landscape landscaping styles

This style is based on naturalness, it is a harmonious combination of human labors with the gifts of nature. There is no place for symmetry, geometric lines and shapes; most often the main role is played not by the house, but by the garden, while the building is hidden behind thick growth or entwined with wild grapes. Picturesque ponds, winding paths, plants planted in tiers - all this is a landscape style. If you have an uneven plot, don't worry, because this style involves alternating hills, slopes and flat areas.

photo: English style of landscape design

For reservoirs, it is worth creating a natural frame - planting near-water plants, sprinkling the soil with sand or pebbles, and pave the paths with wild stones or cuttings of tree trunks. Low shrubs are planted along the paths, but there are few flowers in the English garden - most often these are wildflowers and unobtrusive garden flowers - chamomile, calendula, aster, bluebell, and they are planted not in flower beds, but in chaotic groups.

Chinese style landscape design

This type of gardening art originated many centuries ago, its characteristic features are naturalness, spontaneity, in fact, it is a world in miniature, giving its owner a feeling of harmony and peace.

photo: Chinese style of landscape design

In the foreground in such a garden are water and stones, and only then architecture. Flowers play only a fleeting role; conifers, bamboo, and low-growing shrubs will fit in organically, but the lawn may be absent altogether. You should definitely build a wooden peaked gazebo for tea ceremonies at outdoors, build a bridge across the pond, you can hang Chinese lanterns around the perimeter of the area

Japanese garden

Most often, a garden in this style occupies a small area; its beauty lies in its symbolism. Stone sculptures and figurines framing a pond, a light gazebo, and natural vegetation would be appropriate here.

photo: Japanese style of landscape design

A special place in the Japanese garden is occupied by cherry blossoms - the embodiment of beauty and resilience. Bonsai - dwarf trees, conifers and low shrubs - will also get along well in our climate. Don't forget about the stones - chaotic piles and intricate compositions will complement the Japanese garden.

Modern landscape design styles

One of the modern styles dictated by trends fashion trends. It implies presence simple lines and open space.

photo: Art Nouveau style in landscape design

There is no place for elaborate decorations and unnecessary details; a minimum of accessories is enough. The paths are laid out with slabs, and a platform is created in the courtyard where you can place a simple modern furniture, plants in the garden can be planted in a container. The layout can be asymmetrical, but the flowerbeds have strict geometric lines.

Cozy rustic style: in fact, it is in search of this unique comfort that many people buy dachas. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of simple and uncomplicated forms and natural materials. The texture and color of the decorative elements should be similar to the material from which the house is built - it can be stone, wood or brick. The garden is filled different colors- flower beds with bright flowers are appropriate here - hollyhocks, peonies, phlox, calendula, marigolds, dahlias and others.

photo: Country style in landscape design

There are no visual restrictions in such compositions. It is advisable to make furniture yourself - in as a last resort, chairs can be made from stumps, and a table from several boards. You can use clay pots, wicker, old painted buckets or barrels - the main thing is not to be afraid to show your imagination and then your summer cottage will be truly unusual and very cozy.

Every owner of a personal plot of land - be it a dacha or a full-fledged country house, I want his site to become that unique and wonderful place where it is pleasant to be and where you can feel truly good.

Perhaps this article will help you understand landscape design styles and choose the style that suits you. The landscape design styles presented in this article are the most popular in the world, and therefore, there is a high probability that you will find inspiration in the photos presented.

Modern style in landscape design.

What we call modern landscape design is actually a trend that began in the 50s and 60s. Modern style is based on simple geometry and linear designs.

Modern design, despite the simplicity of its forms, is quite elegant and sophisticated. The garden, designed in a modern style, is a well-organized space. The focus in such a garden is on large and small forms - buildings or furniture, rather than on plants. In the modern style of landscape design they are practically not used flowering plants. The mood is created not through flowers, but thanks to colorful decorative elements - pillows, flower pots And so on.

basis modern style is to create contrast. For example, a large concentration of green grass against the background of ordinary concrete wall or simple plain garden furniture with very bright pillows. When creating contrast, don't overdo it. Select two or three spots in your yard and introduce one contrasting element to each spot.

Tuscan style in landscape design.

Tuscan gardens are known for their impressive designs. These gardens have inspired us for centuries, starting with the Renaissance gardens. They have their own identity. Of course, create a Tuscan-style landscape in middle lane– very difficult, but you can at least convey his mood.

The Tuscan style in landscape design is closely related to agriculture. Tuscan gardens are often surrounded by vineyards and olive trees, they grow herbs, which are used in the kitchen in the form of spices. If your climate allows it, be sure to plant it in a Tuscan style garden. citrus plants in pallets.

A Tuscan garden must have a relaxation area in the form of a gazebo, where a friendly group can gather. There are many benches in the Tuscan landscape. A Tuscan garden does not have to look perfectly manicured; the plants grow naturally in it. There are no plants here that require special care. For the same reason, the Tuscan style of landscape design is not characterized by the presence of lawns.

Country style in landscape design.

Country style originates from the famous English gardens of the 1600s. This style is ideal for summer cottages and farmhouses, it blends perfectly with rustic architecture. Country style landscapes are initially designed for practical use. Country style in landscape design implies the presence of beehives, fruit trees, vegetables and herbs. Country style flowers are used only as an addition.

The basis of the country style in landscape design is plants, and not decorative elements, as, for example, in the modern style of landscape design. Country style is characterized by the presence of small open areas hidden among lush vegetation. On open area you can place a gazebo. The gazebo should be placed away from the house, which will provide a sense of mystery to everyone relaxing in your garden.

Country style is characterized by the presence of winding lines. Geometric shapes, straight perfect lines, and even symmetrical curves are not typical for this style in the landscape. Better pay attention to the combination of colors in the garden. Country style in landscape design has deep charm and extraordinary character.

Features of country style in landscape design.

English landscape style

The English style in landscape design is an attempt to move away from the French regular style that reigned in Europe for a long time with its ideal forms to a simpler and freer style. However, it should be said that in an English garden, as in a French regular one, there must be a perfectly manicured lawn.

Feature English style In landscape design, the presence of a pond or lake on the site is mandatory. In English gardens there are always trees and shrubs. Initially, English gardens were very large in area, but today even on a small summer cottage you can successfully imitate the English style.

Elements English garden:

Xeriscape in landscape design.

Xeriscape is a special style in landscape design. It is designed for difficult areas with not very favorable conditions, and, in particular, with a lack of moisture - with dry soils. The basis for creating a xeriscape landscape is the selection of unpretentious, drought-resistant plants. Xeriscaping is effective method save money by using little water. For example, it is estimated that not using a lawn reduces the cost of water required to irrigate a site by approximately 80%.

But you should keep in mind that you will only be able to save on water in the third year. During the first two summers, a xeriscape site requires thorough watering at regular intervals to allow the plants to develop deep root systems. Xeriscape is more than a style, it's an idea rational use water. Typically, people choose xeriscaping not so much in order to save money, but from the point of view of saving natural resources, so landscapes in this style, in principle, are not characterized by the presence of irrigation installations. Barrels are installed on the plots to collect rainwater, which is used for irrigation.

Mediterranean style in landscape design

Peculiar variations of the Mediterranean style are Tuscan And Spanish styles also described in this article. If you dream of a vacation on the Mediterranean coast, recreate the beauty of the Mediterranean landscape in your own backyard.

A special feature of the Mediterranean landscape is that many aromatic herbs grow here. Lavender is a minimum task. When recreating the Mediterranean style of landscape in your summer cottage, make sure that among the selected plants there are many fragrant herbs, as well as herbs that are also spices - lemon balm, etc. Another idea - in a Mediterranean-style garden you can organize a place for the Italian game of bocce .

Colonial style - photo and description.

The colonial style of landscaping dates back to when the first settlers from Britain established colonies in North America. The settlers began to lead a new way of life and created a special style of landscape design - the colonial style. This style is not based on high aesthetics, but on practicality as the basis of survival. There is not much planting for ornamental purposes in the colonial landscape. The color palette is pastel.

Colonial Gardens have 3 areas. The first one is for practical application, there are agricultural buildings here. The second one is reminiscent of our orchard. The third is a garden of herbs and vegetables, in other words, a vegetable garden. Everything is like ours))). The colonial style is characterized by straight and symmetrical paths between flower beds. Colonial landscapes, like architecture, are symmetrical and often divided into square zones with paths between them.

Cape Cod style

Cape Cod, a cape in eastern Massachusetts, is the birthplace of the Cape Cod style, which spread throughout the country and then around the world. Houses in this style blend into the landscape, as they are painted in natural tones, but are distinguished by their charm. Cape Cod style landscapes are simple and elegant.

There are not many plants here, or rather, not more than are needed to feel like you are in a garden. Cape Cod style features container flowers and lush greenery. There are not many flowers - they are used as an accent for greenery. White flowers are welcome and go well with greenery and white fences.

Coastal style

Coastal gardens are among the few that are not based on creating beauty, but on highlighting what is. Coastal landscapes are simple, their design enhances the natural beauty of their location. Coastal gardens vary in size but are always relaxing in their simplicity. The natural beauty is emphasized by massive plantings of herbs and shrubs. Shrubs are the basis of the coastal style.

A must-have element of a coastal-style garden is a patio with wicker chairs or benches. Usage light colors small architectural forms are the basis of the style, so light granite and sand are ideal for designing winding paths. Regardless of your location, a coastal garden is guaranteed to provide you with a tranquil place to relax, perfect place to relax and read a book.

Spanish style - photo and description

The Spanish style of landscape design has been greatly influenced by Islamic, Persian and Moorish landscaping traditions. Originating in Spain, this style is now popular throughout the world, especially in areas with similar hot and dry climates. The Spanish style of landscape design has improved the principle of dividing space and creating closed areas. Patios, terraces overlooking the landscape, fountains - all these are features of the Spanish style.

Water must be present in the Spanish landscape. Fountains and the use of water are extremely important features in the Spanish style. The courtyards are designed down to the smallest detail. Decorative ponds of regular geometric shape with symmetrical flower beds around can replace fountains. Symmetry is one of the main elements of the Spanish garden.

The basis of the Spanish landscape is made up of drought-resistant plants. Ceramic tiles are widely used; with their help, almost any small architectural forms and design elements are created, such as built-in benches, fountains, ponds, retaining walls, paths, etc. Large terracotta pots with bright blue glaze are also a must-have decorative element.

I hope this short guide to landscape design styles helped you decide on the choice of style for your summer cottage, and the photos and descriptions of the styles directed your creativity in the right direction. Good luck in creating something beautiful!

Strict flower beds, impeccably trimmed trees and shrubs. It is based on stable, time-tested canons of classical art. This style landscape design will look best on areas large size - from 15 acres. Such a garden requires very careful care. . English style (landscape) - free placement of elements and complete lack of symmetry. This style is naturalness itself. It seems to merge with the surrounding nature; there are no regular geometric or deliberately created forms in it. Best size plot for this style - from 12 acres.

. French style - clarity and perfect symmetry. A garden in this style is very elegant and cozy. The soul of the garden is harmony. A simple lawn, a few fruit and ornamental trees, a paved area next to the house, low borders along the paths, fountains... This style is suitable for both 6 acres, and for larger areas.

. Country style (rustic) - naturalness and ease. Everything about it reminds us of rural life. Country music is characterized by a certain carelessness, cheerfulness, and a motley mixture. bright colors. The garden should grow many beautiful flowers, characterized by simplicity and unpretentiousness. This garden does not require complex care and can be arranged on a plot of any size, but optimally - from 6 to 12 acres.

. Ecodesign - recreating a corner of wild nature, and the main thing here is naturalness. Minimum intrusion into nature. A pond, “dry” retaining walls, large stones among plants, forest trees, shady corners - all this is about him. If you like to enjoy the view of a forest or meadow, this style landscape design- for you. It is economical and easy to clean. It is suitable for areas of all sizes and shapes.

. Japanese style - the center of peace and tranquility. Its mystery lies in its simplicity. This is a special philosophy. All elements are symbolic and full of hidden meaning. This garden is intended for contemplation and reflection, and therefore every detail in it should play a certain role. In general, a Japanese garden should help you detach yourself from your own thoughts and experience the beauty and infinity of the world. This style landscape design Suitable for plots of absolutely any size, but optimal from 6 to 8 acres.

. East style - colorfulness and cheerfulness. He's rich bright accents and original parts. Unusually cozy and conducive to communication. Abundance sunlight- one of the requirements in this style. Inner courtyard, mosaic elements, fountains, carpet flower beds, domed roof structure and lancet windows for gazebos, a lot of ceramics. The oriental style is characterized by the use of mirrors in garden design. Eastern style in landscape design perfect for plots before 6 acres, with close proximity to neighboring houses.

. Fantasy - mystery style. There must certainly be some kind of secret in this garden, and a very ancient secret. Winding paths and paths leading to nowhere, old brick, moss on the stones, overgrown ponds and streams, dry trees and strangely shaped driftwood... All this gives rise to the image of the distant Middle Ages, Gothic. Best size plot for this style - from 8 to 25 acres.

. Mediterranean style - nostalgia for the sunny south. Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece... Endless blue skies, refreshing breezes and short warm rains... There are no lawns in this style. Baskets and containers with fragrant plants are mainly used, which are displayed in picturesque groups on the patio or gravel backfill. Ceramics, handmade accessories, geometric patterns, sea shells, etc. are also used. Garden areas are visually separated by numerous wooden pergolas and trellises. This style looks great in small areas - from 6 to 8 acres.

. Exotic style - an image of distant tropical countries. A riot of colors, shapes, as well as fancy accessories (African idols, figurines of tropical animals and birds) and unusual combinations. This style of landscaping uses only natural materials: lots of stone, dark wood, gravel and sand. Plants are arranged in tiers, like in a jungle. Dense plantings, many hedges - not molded. Use a stream or swamp as a reservoir. Best size plot - from 6 to 20 acres.

. Romantic style(free) - the name speaks for itself. There are no strict boundaries in it. Complete freedom of creativity and imagination! The main thing here is harmony and peace, individual presentation and a sense of romance. Old, large trees with spreading foliage, many flowers, and climbing plants can grow in this garden. This style of landscape design combines landscape and regular, geometric shapes; there is both symmetry and asymmetry. The main thing is that such diversity does not violate visual harmony. It is best to arrange this style on the site - from 8 to 25 acres.

. Scandinavian style - conciseness, naturalness, simplicity and good quality. Accents and contrasts are required. Let them be few, but they should be bright. There are few garden accessories used, but they can be large. Some household items from the past are also used to decorate the garden in this style: cart wheels, old equipment, dishes, etc. Weaving is widely used: baskets, hanging panels, garden figurines. The Scandinavian garden promotes have a good rest and mood. Easy to care for. The best plot size for its installation is from 5 to 7 acres.

. High tech - modernity, dynamism, individuality. Here you can make even your wildest fantasies come true. First of all, high-tech manifests itself in a combination the latest materials and plants: from the most ordinary to the very spectacular. Unusual designs and accessories can become the highlight of the garden. There is geometric symmetry or asymmetry here. For this garden, it is important to choose plants with an interesting shape of leaves and crowns, making some eye-catching accents. This garden is easy to care for. The size of the plot does not matter.

. Modern - elegant and mysterious. The lines are smooth, flowing, bewitching, arched, as if flowing into themselves. It also has elegance and meaning. Landscape design of a garden in the Art Nouveau style mainly has a decorative function. It requires careful care. Art Nouveau is characterized by plants with a sharp leaf shape, but there should be especially a lot of climbing plants (maiden grapes) on the site. In the modern garden, only natural materials are used: natural stone, dark wood, forged metal with a complex pattern. Optimal size plot for this style - from 10 acres.

. Baroque - chic, picturesque, sophistication. His soul is a rose. You won't see dark wood, sculptures or stones in it. The main colors of this style are red, yellow, orange, white and pink, as well as gold. Baroque combines elements of classical and romantic styles. This garden is luxury itself. Oversaturation of elements, abundance garden decor It's simply amazing. State lawns with flower borders, hedges, openwork gazebos, flower beds - islands, white forging and gilding - truly a palace outfit. Such a garden requires constant care. Best size plot - from 15 to 20 acres and more.

. Alpine style - beautiful mountain landscape. In such a garden, the house is usually located at the highest point of the slope so that a beautiful panorama opens up from there. Stone is the soul of such a garden. Here it is present everywhere: retaining walls, stone flower beds, streams and waterfalls, paved areas and steps, etc. Zones in alpine garden should be partially visible and provide a single, interconnected picture, so solid partitions are not used here; basically, the garden is zoned by levels, podiums, and paving boundaries. The garden may contain several alpine slides, rock gardens and rockeries. Cascade reservoirs are connected by streams. Gardens of stones, mosses and heathers will definitely take you straight to the mountains... Alpine-style trees - conifers (mountain pines, juniper, thuja, spruce, etc.) Size of the plot alpine style -from 6 to 30 acres.

. Forest style - a work of art created by nature itself. Intrusion here should be minimal. You just need to link the house with nature, place accents here and there, and emphasize a few things. The main thing is not to violate the originality of nature and use everything that is given. The key element is the forest landscape and everything connected with it (wild flowers, ponds, streams, etc.) Redevelopment in the garden is minimal. Main material- tree. Everything must be done from natural materials. The size of the plot does not matter.

. Architectural style - this is the correctness of forms, clarity, engineering calculation. Although it intertwines regular, modern and high-tech styles, it has its own “ideological foundation”. Individual approach- the main thing in such a garden. Emphatically geometric lines and shapes reign here: squares, circles, triangles, etc. A characteristic feature of the architectural style is a theme that is repeated in several elements. A certain rhythm should be visible in it (square border - square pond - rectangular paving elements). Symmetry is a must in this garden. The range of light colors and their shades predominates. The best plot size for a garden in this style is from 6 to 20 acres.

. Minimalism - conciseness, simplicity and expressiveness. If you are a lover of restraint and modern style, then minimalism is designed specifically for your garden. Geometry here means compositionality, and not the use of only symmetry and regularity. There are a lot of pavings here. Use only one material in the garden. Here you will not find winding paths, many outbuildings, or a lawn decorated with flower borders. The line and shape of each planning element is revealed as much as possible. A small number of details. The motto of minimalism is “more in little.” In this garden, it doesn’t matter “what”, but what matters is “how”. Optimal size plot - from 6 to 12 acres .

Landscape style is a set of artistic techniques, a system of stable and uniform interpretations of forms that determine the overall appearance of your garden, a certain combination and use of vegetation elements, and types of decor.

Landscape styles - complete list

Navigation 16 styles:

Styles of gardening art, like those, can be divided into historically established and relatively new, modern. Let's start with the first ones.

English or landscape landscape design

As the name suggests, this design method has developed garden plot in England, at the beginning of the 18th century.
The main idea of ​​the style is love and respect for natural flora, the commonality of man and nature.
English handwriting is a balance between slight carelessness, even neglect and homeliness, well-groomed garden.
Harmony is achieved through the following criteria:

  • smoothness of contours and lines, absence of straight and sharp corners;
  • unity of the garden plot and the house;
  • vertical gardening;
  • stone-paved, winding paths simulating trails;
  • tidy lawns as a place for passive recreation;
  • the use of plants of varying heights to create relief and picturesque corridors;
  • abundance of perennial plants;
  • natural-looking body of water or stream;
  • flower beds in the form of flower “carpets” and mounds;
  • riot of colors, color contrasts.

The landscape garden, stylized as a “wild” corner of nature, begins immediately outside the door of the house, on the facade and gates, entwined with ivy, grapes and ramblers - climbing, world-famous English roses.

The English Garden is a flower festival. Among the most popular are: roses, begonias, lobelias, poppies, scarlet sage, multi-colored delphinium.

Attributes of a truly English landscape are wooden or stone benches located at the end of paths, flowerpots with flowers, ceramic slabs built into alleys, a romantic gazebo, small bridges, wrought-iron lanterns.
Feature– the presence of one or two ancient objects: a statue, a bench.
The color is green interspersed with silver, white, crimson, and lilac shades.

Dutch style in landscape design

You can get an idea of ​​it by looking at paintings by masters of the Dutch school. It is characterized by pastoralism, bright colors, and an exemplary, sleek appearance. Dominants of the Dutch style:

  • ground lawn, the center of the garden and the pride of the owner;
  • hedge;
  • a small number of trees (preference is given to flowers and shrubs);
  • mixborders along garden paths;
  • rustic decor, funny figurines;
  • flower beds in carts.

In front of the facade of the house, hidden by vines, there is a very elegant lawn, surrounded by flower beds and ornamental shrubs - the heart of the garden. To create it, bushy cereals with narrow leaves are suitable, forming a thick, silky cover. The lawn is accented with a standard tree, topiary, a small fountain or a tiny flower bed with flowers - camassia, hyacinths, crocuses. The parterre lawn is surrounded by a trimmed hedge or mixed border, a mixed flower garden with carefully selected crops.
The most popular are bulbs: tulips, lilies, daffodils. Among the favorites are also delphinium, chinstrap, and foxglove.

An indispensable condition for a Dutch garden is openness so that passers-by can admire it. Therefore, they do not install solid fences, but are content with a fence made of juniper, boxwood, dogwood, or a fence made of rare forged rods.
The paths are covered with wood chips or pebbles, and areas are arranged on which pavilions and decorative elements are placed. But benches are often “cut” directly into the mixborder, into a living fence.

A Dutch garden is unthinkable without handmade decorations: firstly, these are carts “loaded” with flowers. Secondly, decorative mills and wells, as well as wheels, wooden buckets and barrels, even chests of drawers and suitcases adapted for mini-flower beds. The sculptures are often funny and make you smile: stone frogs, gnomes, crows, mermaids.
The palette of the Dutch garden is lush greenery with bright flashes of scarlet, blue, and white.

Country in landscape design (rustic style)

Simple naturalness is the basis of a village garden. He does not declare the idea of ​​unity with nature, he is nature itself.
Free design rustic style does not mean, however, a complete absence of rules. There they are:

  • simplicity and slight chaos;
  • paths sprinkled with gravel or paved with stones with gaps covered with grass;
  • Availability fruit trees and garden beds;
  • flowers growing not only in flower beds;
  • creeping, climbing plants on fences;
  • decor from “village” objects - fragments of wicker fabric, carts and wheels, clay pots and jugs, barrels;
  • fruits in the role of flowers - pumpkins, physalis, bunches of grapes and rowan;
  • combining garden and wild crops into one group.

The appearance of a village plot is the golden mean between natural neglect and economic care, beauty and benefits.
Fruit trees and bushes, beds are a must; this, one might say, is the originality of the style. It is better to place apple or plum trees not in a cluster and in a strict order, but in different corners of the site. It’s also not worth forming a full-fledged vegetable garden from the beds; you can limit yourself to spicy, healthy herbs.

Expensive, exotic flowers will not fit into a landscape full of rural spontaneity. But such a garden cannot do without sunflowers and hollyhocks, cosmos, chamomile, calendula and marigolds.
Where it is dark, you can plant shade-loving hostas, textured-looking ferns.
Flowers in such an area do not grow in flower beds, but simply on free lawns, near fruit trees and between vegetable beds.

The attributes of a rustic country garden are simple-looking wooden or wicker furniture, birdhouses, swings, rough, self made hedges, funny garden scarecrow.
The variety of country decor is almost limitless: you can use rustic dishes and utensils, all kinds of tubs, drawbars and rockers, decorating them with flowers.

Chinese style in landscape design

The world's first park appeared in Suzhou County - Chinese landscape art is thousands of years old. It is based on the principles of Feng Shui. The movement of water and wind, the main elements in the Taoist worldview, gives rise to qi energy, which should permeate both the house and the garden. If the layout does not take these wisdom into account and does not regulate the flow of qi, the garden cannot be called Chinese, no matter how many pagodas you put in it.

The Chinese are sure: qi energy circulates freely only along natural, non-man-made lines and contours. Therefore, there cannot be symmetry, parallels, or right angles in the garden.
In addition, the Chinese garden is subject to the following rules:

  • all items must form a single, complete composition;
  • the garden is obliged to improve health, to be a “hall” for qigong and meditation;
  • from any place a new landscape should be visible, creating the impression limitlessness landscape;
  • water is present in the forms of rest and movement;
  • the presence of a tea gazebo in a secluded nook is also mandatory;
  • finally, plant diversity is another credo Taoist parka.

The garden in the Middle Kingdom is a model of the world, which means it looks as if the pine trees, bamboo, boulders and streams appeared on their own, many years ago.
Such a garden must create the impression of limitlessness, as well as fullness and richness. Wherever you turn, a new facet of beauty should open up.
A stream with running water and a pond with standing water are indispensable companions of the Chinese park. Carefully selected stones are placed in one area selected according to Feng Shui rules. Stones of unusual color and shape are especially valued.
The completeness of the composition suggests a garden fence, which, however, follows all the bends of the relief and tends to merge with the bushes and trees. A wooden gate topped with a wise aphorism leads to the Chinese garden.

A round-shaped tea house is placed on a hill from where the distance can be clearly seen.
Flora in Chinese garden- all symbolism. Each tree means something: pine - strength of spirit, peach - happiness, juniper - health, fir - longevity... People in China love jasmine, chrysanthemums and peonies, tea roses, dahlias, irises.

Colonial style in landscape design

Colonial garden art combined the traditions of the Old World with the practices of the natives, the inhabitants of the colonies. Signs of a colonial garden:

  • simple, utilitarian materials;
  • veranda or terrace as the starting point of the garden;
  • plants and topiary in large tubs;
  • white wooden fence;
  • several sentimental sculptures;
  • freedom, slight absent-mindedness, evident in the manner of design.

The colonial-style garden begins on a veranda covered with spittle and hops. Garden paths in the Dutch style, they are sprinkled with wood chips or covered with wooden flooring or flagstone.
They decorate the area with small sculptures made of stone, alabaster, ceramics or wood - these are rabbits and ducks, chubby-cheeked angels, cherubs and cupids.

IN set A colonial garden may also include a fountain - a small one, stylized as a washstand, located near the walls of the veranda.
Arches and pergolas, if there is room for them, are preferably forged; garden furniture is made of planed boards, rattan, wicker or bamboo.
Don't forget about the rocking chair and hammock.

The plants in the colonial garden are captivating with their variegated variety. In tubs, flowerpots, containers, urns, the following flowers bloom, replacing each other: hyacinths, daffodils, peonies, lilies, phlox, begonia, sweet tobacco and peas, carnations, hydrangeas. The containers in which they grow can be moved, brought into the veranda or into the house during cold weather.

A certain place is given to edible and medicinal plants - sage, echinacea, lemongrass, marjoram. Fruit trees predominate among the trees, because at first colonial gardens were not so much a place of relaxation as a source of fruits and vegetables.

Moorish landscape design

The Moorish Garden is a fairy tale come true, an oasis full of colors, sounds and aromas. Splendor and luxury are its main parameters.
TO distinctive properties Such a landscape includes:

  • isolation, closedness;
  • the chor-bak principle is the basis of the layout;
  • classical norms, symmetry;
  • flower beds in the shape of squares, sometimes circles;
  • pools and fountains lined with Arabic mosaics;
  • the obligatory presence of fruity, sweet-smelling trees;
    fragrant flowers and herbs;
  • beds, benches in the shade.

The eastern garden is hidden from prying eyes behind a stone fence. This is a square divided into four equal parts (chor-bak rule). Paths, bushes, and less often canals serve as boundaries between squares.
Inside each “puzzle” there is a pond, a fountain or even a swimming pool. Peaches, quince, apricots and pears crowd next to jasmine and roses, hinting at heaven. What is missing?
- That's right, birds. Peacocks walk around the Moorish garden, and cages with canaries and parrots hang on the trees.

Except roses for eastern gardens Typical are tulips, hyacinths, and lilies growing in oblong flower beds.

The murmur of water, bird trills, the fragrance of flowers and fruits should be palpable anywhere in the Mauritanian arboretum.

Details of the Moorish landscape - comfortable, wide beds with many pillows, gazebos in the form of tents, awnings made of thin, airy fabrics and glass beads, mosaics.
Palette – juicy greens, purple, yellow, violet colors.

Provence style in landscape design

In essence, this is the style of the French villages - sweet, soulful, rough and sophisticated at the same time.
Conceptual features French garden:

  • fruit trees with palmette-shaped silhouettes;
  • stone terraces, supports made of old, rough tuff, sandstone or shell rock;
  • many colors of pastel shades;
  • beds with Provençal herbs;
  • “antique” gazebos with the same furniture;
  • pergolas and trellises;
  • stone well and (or) fountain;
  • narrow paved paths built in addition to the wide main paths.

Basically, French vineyards are located on slopes, so the gardens are usually fortified with terraces and retaining structures made of stone. Actually, a couple of wide steps are enough to remind you of this tradition.

Covered with creeping plants, gnarled masonry- company logo provencal style, in which every item is shrouded in a light veil of archaism.

Plants are chosen with foliage of different but soft shades - apple trees, olives, lindens, apricots, plane trees, Dubrovnik, grapes.
The main paths are covered with ceramic tiles, rectangular or square, and additional paths are sprinkled with white sand.
Shade in the French garden is created by pergolas that serve as support for wisteria and clematis.
Water in the south is a true value, so a medium-sized fountain made of wild stone must “register” on the site.
The “highlight” of French gardens is springs built into the masonry of retaining walls. Previously, there was also a well, but today it is being replaced by a swimming pool, the sides of which are decorated with ceramic vases with flowers.

There are many flowers: hydrangeas, delphinium, lavatera, cosmos, lupine... Spicy herbs are no less respected: lavender, hyssop, rosemary, thyme, anise, oregano, mint, thyme.
For color, pumpkins and ornamental cabbage are added to the beds.

Creating a corner of a French village is a delicate matter, because many plants will have to look for an adequate replacement. The main difficulty is to arrange fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs in the correct tiers so that the garden remains a solid, colorful picture all year round.

Gazebos and garden furniture are most often wooden, with patina and cracks. For added comfort, pillows are laid out on chairs and benches, and the entrance to the gazebo is covered with muslin.
The shades of a Provençal garden are soft green, white, pink, sky blue and, of course, lavender.

Regular (classic, formal) style

Excellent standards of such a landscape are the ensembles of Peterhof, Versailles, Sans Souci, Tuileries, Hyde Park and other complexes.
Regular style, sometimes called landscape baroque, originated in France, the core of its concept is “man is the architect of nature.”

Classicism, in the bosom of which this garden design was formed, preached rationalism and advocated logic and clarity of proportions. It is no wonder that the regular style, in particular, is characterized by:

  • mirror symmetry, straight alleys, impeccable geometry of flower beds and lawns;
  • the main parterre is a rectangular lawn decorated with an antique statue, an exquisite flower bed, vases, colored sand and gravel;
  • fountains, sculptures and flower beds as centers of compositions;
  • bosquets - green “rooms” surrounded by walls of evenly trimmed trees and bushes;
  • an abundance of ridges along the paths - elongated flower beds forming a complex pattern;
  • artificial ponds of ideally regular, geometric shape;
  • classic gazebos and belvederes at the intersection of alleys, serving as observation platforms from where you can admire the garden;
  • strict silhouettes of topiary, flowerpots;
  • antique statues or sculptural compositions.

All small architectural forms in the garden - from fountains and sculptures to garden benches– placed at carefully selected points, at the intersections of paths, to emphasize the symmetry of the territory. In addition to the listed items, columns and stone balls, forged pergolas and arches, and clearly defined, living borders are widely used in classical gardens.

A special role in the regular landscape belongs to low trees and shrubs with dense crowns, which perfectly hold the shape given by gardeners, these are: cypresses, thujas, euonymuses, lindens, spirea, maples. Among the flowers, preference is given to tulips and lilies, cyclamens.
Shades of a classic garden, in addition to natural greenery, are white, blue, pale yellow.

Landscape in the style of “Russian estate”

You can get into the spirit of this style by reading Russian classics. It’s just a pity that the Russian scale characteristic of old gardens cannot be realized in a small area. In addition to scale, the estate style is distinguished by the following accents:

  • streamlined shapes and smooth lines;
  • old lindens, oaks with large trunks and spreading crowns;
  • shady, secluded corners;
  • antique sculptures;
  • artificial pond;
  • lawns with wild vegetation;
  • pavilion or rotunda;
  • hedges, raised flower beds;
  • forged lanterns.

The atmosphere of a Russian garden is calm and thoughtful; it’s a good place to retire to a book and dream about love.

When arranging a garden-estate, you should avoid too regular forms and pedantry, which is unusual for the Russian mentality.

Benches, swings and gazebos are of a dull color, most often white.
You should not get carried away with exotic flowers, and it is better to prefer lawns covered with clover and dandelions. There must be several coniferous trees, among which, of course, spruce is the emblem of the Russian forest.

The accessories, in addition to those mentioned, also include flowerpots, old, mossy statues, and forged gratings.
The range of the Russian garden is watercolor, without loud components; white, sky, pink, lilac and cream shades prevail in it.

Mediterranean (Italian) garden design style

This is a southern version of the landscape, a resort near home.
Expressive touches:

  • play of light and shadow;
  • patio as the center of the composition;
  • tropical plants in ceramic tubs;
  • pergolas and umbrellas;
  • wide, white-painted benches;
  • paths and platforms paved with mosaics;
  • stone terraces or wide steps.

Mediterranean garden - a synthesis of stones, terracotta, plants surrounding the water in the pool. The layout is strict, because the birthplace of the classical canons is the Mediterranean, Hellas and Rome.
The patio is covered with ceramic tiles; For awnings, white, blue, and yellow canvas are used.
The area is landscaped with palm trees in tubs, cypresses, magnolias, acacias, silver olives, almonds and pistachios. They demonstrate topiary skills by trimming crowns in the form of balls and pyramids. Crocuses, hyacinths, climbing roses, snapdragons and gillyflowers, lilies, and primroses are cultivated. As well as dried flowers - immortelle, kermek, decorative onions and cereals.

Pergolas, covered with ivy and hanging over the alleys, and grottoes will fit into the concept of the Italian garden.

Accessories and decor - amphora-shaped flowerpots, flower pots against the background of white walls and shutters, Corinthian columns and porticoes, imitation of ancient ruins.
The colors of the garden are shades of sand and sea.

Japanese landscape design

The traditional garden in Japan is part of the worldview, an area not for fun, but for thought and contemplation. There are no accidents in it, no aesthetics for the sake of aesthetics: all components symbolize certain elements, expressing yin and yang.
Japanese gardens are alien to Western rationalism with its straightforwardness, unnatural symmetry and geometry.
Essentially, this is a cast, a toy copy of a large-scale landscape, in which there are rivers and mountains, tall trees and low bushes.

Signs of a Japanese garden:

  • asymmetry as the basis of planning;
  • a lot of stones from quite large boulders to small gravel, groups of them (rock gardens);
  • crowns of trees formed in the form of hills;
  • variety of reservoirs: stream, pond, stone bowl of water;
  • paved, step-by-step trails;
  • "dry" streams;
  • moss, ferns;
  • bamboo fences, gates;
  • gazebo - tea house.

The Japanese garden is distinguished by its seclusion - most often it is hidden behind walls, thanks to which, as well as boulders and grottoes, it is associated with a refuge.

All water features in a Japanese garden have a natural appearance - that is, they are not fountains or pools.

One of the important characteristics of a Japanese garden is that it is non-seasonal; it is designed to encourage reflection and contemplation at any time of the year. The garden should please the eye both in early spring and late autumn, and even in winter. For this purpose, not only evergreen plants are used, but also japanese lanterns in branches, trees with winding trunks, bizarre roots and snags.

Attributes of the garden in Japanese style– benches made of roughly sawn wood or stone, graceful, curved bridges over streams, ropes.
The paths in such a park are not easy; they symbolize the path of life and are covered with flat stones, every step of the way.
Typical flora are pine and maple, cherry, bamboo. You should definitely include plants whose leaves turn scarlet, crimson, or crimson.
The range of the Japanese garden is gray-green, white, brown, red-brown, carmine; transitions from color to color are unsharp and blurry.

Despite the fact that the direction implies conciseness and extreme simplicity, it is quite difficult to implement the idea of ​​minimalism in the garden. After all, it has to be implemented using minimal amount tools.
The principles of such a garden:

  • using relief differences to divide into zones;
  • spaciousness, isolation of objects;
  • steps, stairs;
  • the paths are straight as arrows;
  • geometric regular pond.

Garden accessories and decor of a minimalist garden have something in common with high-tech, but are less varied. These are, in particular, polished balls made of metal, stone or concrete, strict but effective LED lamps, painted gravel, uncluttered outdoor furniture made of plastic or aluminum.

Filling with gravel and crushed stone can completely replace lawns. Trees and shrubs are distinguished by their graphic forms - these are plane trees, spruce and thuja, and columnar juniper.

For vertical gardening They use hops, actinidia, and wild grapes. Sedges and ferns, mosses and grasses are suitable to cover the soil.
“Even minimalism can’t do without them, but there should be a few bright plants, two or three crops. Zinnias, petunias, asters, and chrysanthemums are planted in wooden or plastic boxes, which emphasizes the urban spirit of the style.
Minimalist colors – gray, silver, white, beige, light brown.

  • emphasis on the structure of the garden, on small architectural forms;
  • smooth, arched, wavy lines;
  • use of modern materials;
  • abundance of accents;
  • contrast of colors and textures, alternation of well-lit and darkened areas;
  • asymmetrical flower beds and flower beds.

Art Nouveau is closer to the landscape style with its denial of regular, non-living nature outlines. But the freedom of style is not limitless, rather, it is even well dosed.

The central point of the Art Nouveau garden is. Vegetation is planted in groups, in the middle of which there is something unusual, an exotic shrub, for example, or a tree with original color leaves, bright berries, a fancy trunk.
To create contrasts, tall oak and squat willow are combined, common breeds with dwarf ones. Climbing plants such as wild grapes, ivy and clematis are widely used.

The pretentiousness and mystery required by the style are added by irises, lilies, nasturtiums, poppies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, colorful succulents and spreading ferns.

Details of the modern garden - clear outlines of flower containers, large concrete or terracotta slabs, textured garden parquet, figurines of birds, beetles and butterflies. And also forged trellises with floral patterns, built into gazebos, benches, lanterns and fences.

The colors of the garden are beige, chocolate, silver, pink, burgundy, and blue.

High-tech in landscape design

Yes, this fashionable style has made its way into nature, subjugating it the latest technologies. This landscape is distinguished by:

  • expressive, chopped forms, clear boundaries, right angles;
  • polished stone and wood;
  • large parts made of glass, metal, finishing with composite materials;
  • straight or zigzag alleys;
  • very well-groomed, smooth lawn;
  • supports for vertical gardening;
  • a hammered pond with a concrete edging;
  • straight, like step keys;
  • modern lamps as a means of decoration and landscape lighting;
  • fences in the form of cubes, rectangles, balls.

High-tech does not provide for bright flower beds, calling for the abandonment of lush flower beds and an abundance of colors.
For landscaping, choose not very tall trees and shrubs with hard, dense crowns - boxwood, spruce, juniper, plane trees.
hedge formed from barberry, hawthorn, cotoneaster. Small, unique flower beds of ferns, hostas, and succulents are laid out on the lawns.

Straight paths are neatly and tightly covered concrete tiles, wooden dies or sprinkled with white, painted gravel.

There can be several artificial ponds, autonomous or interconnected, always of regular shape, with concrete “shores”.

However, a high-tech garden is not at all devoid of decor. It is decorated with balls and ball-like vases made of polished stone and mirror metal, abstract monuments, LED lamps.
Even, “cosmic” lighting is used to equip containers for plants, the sides of the pool and steps to it, and futuristic sculptures.
And also among the accessories are spherical gazebos made of metal or wood, artificial stones, CDs on branches.

The general color is a mixture of gray, chocolate, silver, blue, and purple. They dilute the restrained palette with strokes of red, red, and black.

Ecostyle in landscape design (naturgarden)

Landscape design in eco style is a fashionable hobby today. The essence of the idea is minimal intrusion into the natural environment in order to preserve the maximum naturalness of the landscape.
Naturgarden is a local, self-sufficient ecosystem in which all elements are connected and support each other. Its signs:

  • materials of natural origin, typical of the area;
  • authenticity, miraculousness of the relief;
  • a combination of garden flowers with wild flowers, plants and stones;
  • natural lawns, covered not with lawn grass, but with wild, field grass;
  • uneven, intermittent paths, carelessly laid out with stones with gaps;
  • forest trees and shrubs.

The basis of the eco-garden is the flora characteristic of the area. And not only because it meets the criterion of maximum naturalness. But also because such plants are resistant to pests and do not require chemical protection.

The paths are covered with stone, turf or pebbles - they should not be straight, but not too winding so as not to stand out from the environment.

Attributes of ecological design are primitive-looking furniture made of wood, wicker or rattan, a stone hearth or fire pit, a hut or canopy. Stumps and snags, cut down trees in the eco-garden are replaced by benches and statues, and a small swamp bordered by reeds is replaced by a fountain.

The decor of the garden is discreet: lanterns, for example, made from bottles suspended from trees, bird feeders, crafts made from wicker or hemp. Decorate an eco-site and a house for beetles, a beehive.

Vegetation is selected in such a way that it benefits the fauna and gets along with insects and birds. These are, for example, honey flowers that attract bees, bushes where hedgehogs will live, and berries that birds will feed on.
The palette of the ecological garden is soft, natural tones.

A garden is an extension of the house, and you don’t choose its style when you buy flower seeds and tree seedlings. And much earlier, when you decide what its environment will be like. After all, you must admit that it is difficult to imagine a garden in a regular style adjacent to a high-tech house. Or an eastern, Islamic landscape with an English cottage...
However, it is absolutely not necessary to try to realize this or that landscape idea, using everything from A to Z of style resources. Sometimes a few or just a few style elements are enough for the garden to acquire a spectacular, memorable appearance.

Landscape design is the activity of creating a beautiful and comfortable environment in various areas, usually outside the home - in the garden, in the park, in a recreation area, etc. The purpose of this activity is to create aesthetics and harmony of natural and man-made forms. Landscape design provides truly limitless opportunities for creativity and allows you to fabulously transform even a modest garden plot. In this short article, get acquainted with the main components of landscape design and terminology.

Landscape Design Styles

Main types of landscape design:

Within each design direction, various styles, which differ in the forms and elements used, materials and preferred plants. Currently, there are many style trends in modern landscape design, for example:

and others.

Within each style, certain rules for selecting individual design elements and their combination are assumed. A detailed description of each of the listed styles can be found on our website using the appropriate links above.

Main components of landscape design

The choice of elements depends on the size of the site, the aesthetic preferences of the designer and style direction.

Large forms: trees and shrubs

To create relatively large elements, shrubs and trees (both ordinary and dwarf) are used, from which they can be composed:

  • alleys - even rows of plants along the path;
  • hedges - rows of closely planted shrubs;
  • bouquet and nest type plantings - a group of several plants planted in a circle;
  • borders - framing individual areas with the help of low-growing, densely planted shrubs;
  • tapeworms - separately planted shrubs or trees of particularly valuable species;
  • backstage - a continuous row of trees or shrubs that limit long-range visibility;
  • labyrinths - tall hedges forming a system of intricate paths;
  • topiary - small-leaved shrubs and trees, the crown of which has a bizarre shape due to a curly haircut.

All these elements are most characteristic of a regular look design.

Space for imagination: flowers and cereals

An integral element of the garden, it serves as a wonderful green or colored background for other objects.

Flowers are the most bright element landscape design. There are certain ways to organize flowers in flower beds and flower beds that allow you to fully reveal their beauty.

  • – planting flowers, forming a certain geometric shape along the contour and area;
  • arabesque - a flowerbed of an unusual, intricate shape;
  • – bordering strip of flowers;
  • monogarden - an area where one specific type of flower is grown (rosary, gladularium, syringarium, dahlia);
  • border - a narrow row of flowers of the same type along the edge of a hedge;
  • - a border made up of flowers of different types, colors and heights.

Romantic flair: hanging plants

Plants grown in hanging bowls and flower pots are called hanging plants. As a rule, they have stems hanging down or, conversely, rising up along supports. Their use is an effective technique for vertical gardening. With their help they create and decorate:

  • pergolas (canopies) and arches - to decorate the entrance to the garden;
  • trellises and trellises - as green walls and partitions, allowing you to zone the space;
  • gazebos, canopies, verandas - climbing plants on their walls create a romantic image.

Small architectural forms

Small architectural forms (abbreviated as MAF) include: