Well      06/26/2020

Why do you need snow guards on the roof and how to install them. Installing snow guards on a metal roof: installation according to the instructions with your own hands Attaching tubular snow guards

In areas with snowy winters, installing snow guards - mandatory stage in the construction of the roof. A large mass of snow that has melted in an unnecessary place can damage roofing material, the roof structure itself, wires, air conditioners and ventilation systems, and even cause injury to people.

Types of snow guards

By type of construction there are:

  • tubular,
  • lattice,
  • lamellar
  • hooks

Tubular snow retainers are metal pipes threaded in 2-3 rows into special holders installed on the roof. The retained volume of snow depends on the thickness of the pipes, the distance between them and the roof, and between the fastenings. The advantage of this design is the ability to increase the length and increase permissible load by placing fixtures and pipes more frequently.

Lattice snow guards are similar to a ladder installed on an edge across the roof. They are made from metal profile or corner and are also simply lengthened and strengthened, like tubular ones. Lattice and tubular types are the most versatile and reliable; they can be installed on roofs made of both natural tiles and sheet materials.

The plate version is able to hold less snow, but is least noticeable on the roof. They are usually made from the same material as the roof itself, and they are more suitable for flat roofs made of metal profiles, metal tiles, etc.

Hooks also retain small amounts of snow and are usually installed on roofs covered with soft materials: ondulin, bitumen shingles.

Plate snow retainers and hooks are cheaper and easier to attach, so they can be used in regions with little snow or short winters. The roof on which they are installed must have a slope of no more than 30 degrees. One of the varieties of plate snow retainers is corner ones, which in cross-section represent a triangle.

It is necessary to decide which type will be used before starting work, since it is better to fasten them simultaneously with the roofing material. An exception can be made for tubular and lattice structures, but for them, reinforcement of the sheathing will also need to be provided. They can be mounted on a roof made of any material. Their number and frequency of location depend on the amount of snow falling on average during the winter.

Fastening rules

When planning the installation of snow guards on the roof, you need to take into account a number of rules.

  • The sheathing in the areas of intended installation must be reinforced, and elements should only be attached to it.
  • The lower element should be located at least 40-50 cm from the edge of the roof.
  • Snow guards are located across the roof, parallel to its lower edge.
  • They can be arranged in a line (preferably for tubular and lattice) or in a checkerboard pattern (plate and hooks).
  • If the roof area is large, then several rows are placed with a distance between them of 35-40 cm.

On roofs with a large slope, about 60 degrees, you can avoid installing snow guards, since the snow comes off them on its own. However, such a roof is negatively affected by strong winds, and more materials are required for its construction.

Preparatory stage

Even during the construction of the sheathing in the places where snow retainers are supposed to be attached, it must be reinforced with a board at least 25 mm thick. Subsequently, it is to it that the fastenings will be mounted. All installation work, as well as other roofing activities, must be carried out with insurance, observing safety precautions.

Installation of snow guards

The delivery set usually includes the pipes themselves, a grille or snow retention profile, a support element, and a decorative trim. First, locations for future installation are marked on the roof, and a lining element is attached to the roof. For corner snow retainers, the decorative overlay rests with the side facing upward on the lining; for plate ones, it is applied from below in the direction of the roof. The lamellar one is screwed onto each ridge, the angle one - onto each ridge on top and every other one from the bottom.

If there is one on the roof dormer window, a snow guard must be installed on top of it.

For fastening, it is important to use galvanized self-tapping screws, preferably with a rubber cap, to prevent rusty streaks on the roof. The holes for fastenings are sealed with rubber gaskets and waterproofed with sealant.

Important! Installing snow guards does not relieve you of the need to clean the roof of snow. Thanks to these structures, snow accumulates on the roof and increases the load on it. As a result of the large weight of snow accumulated on the roof, the snow retainers themselves may break and the roofing material may sag.

Snow guard- this is a structure that holds the snow mass on the roof, preventing it from spontaneously moving off. It is very important to install snow guards on initial stage designing the entire roofing pie.

The absence of such barriers can cause damage to the drainage system, windows, balconies, cars standing next to the house, and even lead to tragic consequences if people are nearby. That is why we strongly recommend installing snow guards immediately after installing the metal tiles.

The following are available on the market types of snow guards:

  • Tubular
  • Lattice
  • Corner
  • Snow stops, sometimes also called hooks

Angle and snow stops cannot retain large amounts of snow, so they are recommended to be installed in areas where snow cover is not abundant. They are attached to a metal sheet, and not to the sheathing, and in the event of a collapse large quantity snow, such a snow retainer can be torn out along with part of roofing.

Lattice snow guards, on the contrary, can withstand heavy loads. Their disadvantage is that they do not allow the snow to melt away in parts, but retain the entire volume at the same time, thereby the load on the roofing pie and the roof greatly increases, and this in turn has an impact on Negative influence on the durability of the entire structure.

The most popular type of snow guards is tubular. From the looks of it simple design, consisting of brackets and horizontal pipes. This type of barrier can be used on any roof with any roof covering. Its main function is to initially retain and gradually pass snow between the pipes, thereby reducing the load on the roof and minimizing the danger to humans.

Installation of snow guards on metal tiles

Snow guards can be installed in several rows: from 1 to 5. This depends on the length of the slope and the snow cover in a particular region.

Below is a table from which you can calculate the number of rows of snow retention.

Snow area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance between brackets, mm 800 1200 800 1200 800 1200 800 1200 800 1200 800 1200 800 1200 800 1200
Roof angle
Less than 15 37,7 27,1 25,2 18,3 16,8 12,2 12,6 9,1 9,4 6,9 7,5 5,5 6,3 4,6 5,4 3,9
15-25 23,1 16,8 15,4 11,2 10,3 7,5 7,7 5,6 5,8 4,2 4,6 3,4 3,9 2,8 3,3 2,4
26-37 16,2 11,8 10,8 7,9 7,2 5,2 5,4 3,9 4,1 3,0 3,2 2,4 2,7 2,0 2,3 1,7
38-45 13,8 10,0 9,2 6,7 6,1 4,5 4,6 3,3 3,5 2,5 2,8 2,0 2,3 1,7 2,0 1,4
46-55 11,9 8,7 7,9 5,8 5,3 3,9 4,0 2,9 3,0 2,2 2,4 1,7 2,0 1,4 1,7 1,2

Based on the table and figure, we correlate the angle of inclination of the roof and the snow area and determine what the maximum length of the slope is for one row of snow retainers. If the length of the ramp according to the table is greater than the actual length of your ramp, then one row of snow guards is more than enough. If less, then 2 rows are needed. If it is 2 times less, then 3 rows of snow retainers are required, etc.

In construction sites located on the borders of snowy areas, it is recommended to install snow guards based on the area with a higher snow load.

Snow guards must be installed:

  • continuously
  • along the entire roof line at one level and above protruding elements

To install snow guards, the following tools are required:

  • level
  • screwdriver
  • jigsaw

Attention! Using an angle grinder is strictly not recommended so as not to damage the polymer coating.

For achievement the right size the entire structure of the snow retainers, the pipes can be joined together. For this purpose, a crimp is provided at the end. It must be secured from above with an M8 bolt connection.

It is recommended to use continuous sheathing in installation areas roofing elements safety (SNiP II-26-76 “Roofs”). We advise you to consider installing snow guards at the design stage of a construction project.

Snow guard kit for metal tiles

Installing snow guards on the rebate

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Installation of snow guards on metal tiles - step-by-step instructions

1. Mark the location of the snow guard on the metal tile next to the eaves at the level load-bearing wall and places where it is necessary to make holes for fastenings. The bracket is mounted strictly at the bottom of the wave. The distance between the last bracket and the edge of the pipe should not exceed 300 mm.

2. Drill holes with a metal drill exclusively in the metal tiles, without touching the sheathing.

4. Secure the bracket by tightening the screws. The maximum permissible step between the snow retainer supports is 900 mm.

5. Insert the pipes into the corresponding holes in the supports.

6. Connect the pipes along the entire length of the slope and secure with an M8 bolt connection.

Installation of snow guards on a seam roof

1. Mark the location of the structure on the roof near the eaves at the level of the load-bearing wall and the place where it is necessary to install brackets for fastenings. The bracket is mounted to the seam joint. The distance between the last support and the edge of the pipe cannot exceed 300 mm.

3. Insert the pipes into the corresponding holes in the supports.

4. Connect the pipes along the length of the roof and secure with an M8 bolt connection.

Video installation instructions

When designing a roof, you should pay attention not only to the appearance, cost and functionality of the roofing covering, but also think about safe operation. Snow guards and other roof safety elements are necessary and have a very important function. Fastening such structures will allow the roof to remain reliable and durable and will ensure the safety of all residents of the house.

Snowy winters cause a lot of trouble for public utilities and owners of private houses associated with removing snow drifts. Moreover, this applies not only to streets and squares, but also to pitched roofs. The snow that collects there poses a potential threat, since in the event of a sudden collapse it can scratch the roofing material and cause harm to objects and people below. One way to protect yourself from such phenomena is to use snow guards for the roof.

First of all, roofs with a significant slope angle, where corrugated sheeting, metal tiles or seam sheets are used as roofing, need snow barriers. In addition to a smooth surface, these materials have very good heat capacity, which provokes the melting of snow accumulated on the roof from below. As a result, these masses begin to break away under their own weight and “slide” down the metal slopes, like on a tray. The presence of a formed layer of moisture between the ice and the slippery roofing surface only aggravates the situation, allowing the snow cap to collapse at high speed.

Why is it dangerous:

  1. The roof is damaged. In regions with snowy winters, quite impressive amounts of snow accumulate on roofs (up to hundreds of kilograms per m²). During rapid convergence they leave deep scratches on the surface of the slopes. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the layer of snow that is in direct contact with the roofing surface usually turns into ice: reinforced by heavy weight, it can seriously damage the roof material. If we are talking about a metal covering (seam roofing, corrugated sheeting), then corrosion begins to appear at the sites of such damage.
  1. Deformed truss structure. Since we are talking about a sharp change in the uniformity of the load on the roof, this is fraught with distortions, deformations and even fractures individual elements rafter frame.
  1. Gutters break. When it falls, a snow cap can tear off or deform drainpipes, gutters and other parts of the drainage system.
  1. Threat to objects located near the house. If there is a car, trees, etc. standing next to a building from the roof of which snow is falling, they can suffer serious damage. Especially it concerns multi-storey buildings with pitched roofs, when the snow and ice mass falling from above manages to gain decent speed.
  1. Danger to people. Unfortunately, as a result of snow falling from the roof, there are cases of serious injury to people (even death). Children or utility workers who clean blind areas and other areas adjacent to the house suffer especially from this.

Causes of snow melting

Most often, avalanches of snow and ice accumulations from the roof surface occur during spring snowmelt or thaw. As already mentioned, metal roofs especially suffer from this, since this material quickly heats up, melting the snow in contact with it. Internal heating of the house can also provoke these processes: usually the metal roofing in private houses with a residential attic is heated in this way.


There are different ways to combat the collapse of ice and snow accumulations from the roof:

  • Clean your roof regularly. This method immediately presents several difficulties. Firstly, not every roof will withstand if you regularly trample on it (and in snowy regions you need to constantly clear the snow). The second point is that you don’t always have time for this, especially given how busy you are. modern man. It is also important to take into account the safety aspect, because such a procedure is carried out at heights (and if we are talking about multi-storey building– then at high altitude).
  • Localization of snow accumulations on the roof surface. In this case, they will be removed during the spring melt, being removed as moisture through the drainage system.
  • Convergence dosage. In this case, the snow mass is distributed into non-hazardous portions, which do not pose a particular threat if it collapses. This method is more suitable for areas with heavy snowfalls than the previous one, as it protects the rafter structure from heavy overload.

The second and third methods are implemented using the so-called. “snow retainers” - special devices installed on the roof surface. These products are presented in several varieties, differing in shape and method of functioning.

Situations when snow barriers may not be used :

  • In warm regions with little snowy winters.
  • On flat roofs and roofs with a slight slope, when accumulated snow cannot physically collapse.
  • If soft roofing material is used. In addition to its low heat capacity, such a surface has a characteristic roughness, which reduces the risk of avalanches to a minimum.
  • If the slope angle is greater than 50 degrees. Snow does not stay on such roofs.

Types of snow guards


These prefabricated products include pipes and brackets. The manufacturing material can be aluminum or painted galvanized steel. High-quality tubular snow guards are equipped with supports made of sheet steel 2-3 mm thick. Pipes with a thickness of 1.5 mm can have a cross-section of 20-35 mm: they are inserted into the holes of the brackets parallel to each other. The supports are fixed to the eaves overhangs: to achieve greater quality, it is necessary to further strengthen the roof frame. Those places where the roof and supports come into contact are carefully sealed. For this purpose, special sealants or seals made of resistant rubber are used (these materials are usually included in the product package).

Tubular snow guard

Installation of functional parts (pipes) is carried out along the lower slope, parallel to the cut. At the same time, it is not recommended to protrude beyond the plane of the wall, as this will overload the edge of the cornice. Installation is carried out in the same way on gable overhang. On slopes longer than 6 m, it is recommended to use a double-row installation of tubular snow retainers.


  • High strength. Tubular structures are most convenient for equipping complex areas of the roof. This also applies to extensive roofs with steep slopes and a smooth surface.
  • Universalism. Products can be equipped with a variety of brackets, depending on the type of roofing material. For example, on the surface of a roof covered with thin steel (metal tiles, corrugated sheets), not every type of snow retainer can be used (for example, snow barriers do not attach well to convex metal tiles). In the case of tubular structures, such problems do not arise.

The disadvantages of tubular snow retainers include their high cost, but taking into account how much is spent on eliminating the consequences of the collapse of snow caps, these investments are completely justified.


They have a similar design to the previous type of snow protection. Nail-on or hanging-type brackets are also used here as load-bearing supports, for the manufacture of which we use durable metal. The role of holding devices is performed by special mesh grids. By increasing the area of ​​resistance to snow pressure, mesh elements are able to provide protection for steep, extensive roofs. This primarily applies to industrial and commercial buildings, although their use is also allowed in the private sector. Lattice structures are usually tinted to match the overall color of the roof.

Lattice snow retainer


  • Universalism. Can be used on any roof covering.
  • Functionality. Effectively protects roofing and gutters.
  • Reduces the kinetic energy of snow. Snow masses not only slow down as they slide, but are also divided into smaller locations. This contributes to faster snow melting.
  • Variety of designs. Available for sale wide choose lattice snow guards by size, design and manufacturing method. Most common simple models, consisting of longitudinal strips, fastened with a pair of corners.

Since the contact area of ​​the retaining elements and snow in this case is very large, there is a significant increase in the load on the supports. This involves the arrangement of a reinforced sheathing, which it is advisable to provide for at the design stage of the rafter system. Hardwood boards can be used as reinforcing elements. To achieve durability and efficiency of the snow retention structure, you will need to accurately calculate the required number of supports, taking into account the size and angle of inclination of the slope. The place where the brackets are attached can only be the rafter structure, but not the roof covering. The complexity of installing such systems is their main disadvantage.


They look like a bent bar with a hook or tooth at the end. This type of snow retainer is mainly used on non-smooth roof surfaces, which themselves are capable of retaining snow. This primarily applies to bitumen and composite coatings. Some types of roofing material are initially equipped with built-in teeth (natural, asphalt and composite shingles).

Toothed snow guards

Whether or not to install jagged elements on a bitumen roof is a rather controversial issue. On the one hand, such surfaces are not smooth and do not conduct heat well, which reduces the risk of snow collapses to a minimum. However, in regions with significant snowfall, this possibility still remains, and the presence of teeth will reduce the potential for the sliding mass, loosening it from the inside.

Snow stoppers

Another type of point snow retainers. Most often they are used to strengthen lattice systems, in quantities of 5-6 pcs/m2. Along with blocking snow, snow stops make it easier for people to move across the roof surface, protecting the roof covering from damage. This need arises during maintenance and repair activities. The shape of products of this type and their fastening may differ depending on the type of roofing material.

Snow stoppers


We're talking about bent metal sheets having protective covering: they look like low thresholds on the roof. Along with significant simplicity, it should be noted that these structures are low in strength, since they are made from the same material as metal tiles. You can even bend such a sheet of 0.5 mm with your hands, so it is impossible to talk about effectively withstanding multi-ton snow loads.

Disadvantages of corner snow guards

Some strengthening of the corner snow guard is achieved through internal jumpers. Typically, the height of such barriers is limited to 6 cm, so they are usually not used on slopes with a slope of more than 30 degrees. Otherwise, the snow either flies over the plates, or, even worse, bends (and even tears) them from the roof surface. Quite often, to increase the efficiency of corner products, they are used in combination with snow stops, which keep an avalanche from a sudden collapse.

As for the advantages of corner snow retainers, along with their low cost, one can note their high strength with respect to transverse and longitudinal loads. They are almost the only option for piece roofs (ceramic or cement-sand tiles). When installing metal corners, a multi-row or checkerboard pattern is usually used, which allows for uniform distribution snow load over the entire roof surface.


An innovative Finnish development, much lower in price than conventional metal snow guards. The material used here is polycarbonate, which is resistant to shock, frost and scratches. The main advantage of products of this type is that their installation does not require holes in the roofing material, because Fixation is carried out using glue. This is very convenient when ceramic tiles, slate or the same polycarbonate are used as roof covering.

Polycarbonate snow guards

In the latter case, snow guards identical in manufacturing material are the only possible technical solution. The fact is that modern polycarbonate roofs are mainly equipped with a lightweight frame with a wide pitch. Equipping such a roof with conventional snow retainers is an almost impossible task, since this requires thick sheathing. The only possible solution here is to use polycarbonate products that are fixed with glue.

The first thing to take into account is how much snow each variety can hold. Inexpensive products with weak retention characteristics can be equipped with low-slope roofs in areas with low levels of snowfall. It is better not to install them on large, steep slopes, since the first heavy snowfall will reveal the futility of the efforts made. Available for sale modern systems capable of withstanding loads of 75-500 kg. However, the effectiveness of most of them is limited to 150 kg. This involves the use of multi-row installation for similar models. The same products that are designed for 300 kg or more are installed in one row.

Even if the calculations were carried out correctly, it is recommended to install more snow retainers, because no one guarantees the uniform accumulation of snow. In this case, the degree of sliding of the roofing material is also taken into account: the greater it is, the greater the risk of avalanche-like snow falling. In some cases, it is even dangerous to localize large snow masses on the roof, since not all roofing coverings will bear the load created on the brackets. If this point is not taken into account, the fastening will be pulled out: in such cases, it is recommended to use combinations of several snow retainers on one roof.

For formation cost Each type of protection is influenced by size, material of manufacture and brand name. For example, tubular snow guards can cost between 950-3600 rubles/set. Lattice structures belong to approximately the same price category. Corner barriers are much cheaper: the cost of one 2 m long set with fasteners usually ranges from 300-600 rubles. To purchase point stippers you will have to spend 40-60 rubles per piece (for 1 m2 of slope, 6-8 pieces are usually required).

Installation of snow guards on metal tiles

On a metal tile roof, any type of protection against snow collapse can be used, however, tubular, corner and lattice types of products are most often used.

The complete set of a tubular snow retainer for metal tiles consists of a pipe, special brackets, 8x50 mm screws and 7 and 14 mm seals. The number of protective rows is calculated depending on the length of the slopes: if it does not exceed 5 m, one row will be enough. If the length is longer, the installation of the second row is carried out at a distance of 3 m from the first, which is always located above the load-bearing wall of the building. The distance to the edges of the overhang is taken from 40 cm (this is the third or fourth row of tiles).

Operating procedure:

  1. Drilling holes for supports. To mark the drilling points, the bracket must be attached to the surface of the metal tile, ensuring that its upper cut rests against the previous row of profiled tiles. It is important that the marking line is located above the sheathing beam, which takes on the entire load.

Drilling holes for supports

  1. Laying seals. After the holes are made, gaskets need to be placed in them. A 7mm seal is used for the top hole, and a 14mm seal for the bottom hole. Due to the difference in height, compensation for differences in metal tile profiles is achieved.
  1. Installation and screwing of brackets. They are mounted at a distance of 110 cm from each other. As fastening material, only special galvanized self-tapping screws equipped with press washers can be used.

Installation and screwing of brackets

  1. Installing the pipe into the holes of the supports. Along each edge the pipe can protrude no more than 30 cm. If it needs to be extended, there is a special fitting for this.

  1. Sealing of pipe ends. To do this, the end can either be flattened or sealed with a sealed plug. The second option is more preferable for aesthetic reasons.

Some metal tile manufacturers disclaim warranty obligations in case of installation of snow retention systems. This point should be clarified before starting work.

Lattice-type snow retention systems have a similar installation procedure.

Corner snow guards for metal tile roofs

The installation location for the first row of corner snow guards should also be chosen on the line above the load-bearing wall: here the roof is strongest. Typically, corner elements are the same width as the length of one row of metal shingles. Its top edge should be in contact with the roof surface at a right angle.

Installation of corners is carried out in the middle of the row on special screws. Since almost the entire load is borne by the upper platform of the snow retainer, it is therefore secured with screws 70 mm long: this allows them to be immersed in the wooden frame located under the covering.

Installation of corner snow guards (continued)

To fix the lower edge, it is permissible to use shorter self-tapping screws, since the load there is several times less, and coupling with a metal profile will be sufficient.

Installation of spot snow guards

If a metal tile roof does not withstand a significant snow load, you can get by with point devices (hooks, snow stops, polycarbonate snow retainers). These elements are distributed over the entire roof area, and the placement patterns in each specific case may differ.

The most popular is the staggered order of installation of hooks and snow stops: this is done using self-tapping screws.

The surface of the metal tile sheet does not have the necessary strength to hold the point product, which requires the use of special wooden pads in the installation areas to compensate for differences in the profile. The backings are usually standard wooden blocks.

Profiled metal coating Roofs must be equipped with snow retention systems in regions with heavy and moderate snowfalls. This is explained by the fact that such roofs are very slippery, surpassing even metal tiles in this regard. As for which design to choose and how many rows of protection to use, it depends on the intensity of precipitation in the region and the steepness of the slopes.

Let's look at the procedure for installing snow protection for a roof made of corrugated sheets using an example. lattice barrier :

  1. Marking. It is necessary to measure the perimeter of the roof and mark the places where the stops will be placed. The distance between the outer support and the edge of the grille should be within 30 cm. The mounting brackets are spaced no further than 110 cm from each other. In cases where it is planned to use several barrier rows, it is recommended to maintain a distance of 200-300 between individual rows cm.

Snow retainer device

  1. Making holes. Drilling is carried out in the designated places using a hammer drill.
  1. Installation of brackets. To do this, you will need metal screws with special rubber gaskets. Their length should be sufficient to reach wooden sheathing under a profiled covering.

  1. Installation of gratings. For this purpose, the brackets are equipped with special holes. If necessary, you can increase the length of the structure using short sections.

It should be noted that in addition to nailed supports, hanging elements can be used to attach the metal grating. Their peculiarity is that they do not need to be fixed with bolts, as they cling directly to the frame.

Specifics of installing other types of snow guards on corrugated roofing:

  • Installation of hooks It is best to carry out them at the stage of roof construction, which allows them to be partially hidden under profiled sheets. Installation on a finished coating will require re-laying the sheets. Layout of spot snow guards - in rows or in a checkerboard pattern. They are most often used in areas with low snowfall, or in combination with more effective systems.

  • Plate fixtures can be mounted on an already used roof. They are unable to hold too large volumes of snow, demonstrating best efficiency on slopes made of corrugated board with a slope of up to 30 degrees. Products of this type are usually equipped with pads, the method of fastening of which directly depends on the configuration of the stop. In corner models, the flat part should look up the slope, in plate models - exactly the opposite. In addition, the place where the plate elements are fixed is the corrugated sheet wave. The corners are attached to each wave only along the upper cut - their lower part is sufficiently fixed through the wave.

To summarize, we can say that snow retention elements must be used on roofs that have slippery surfaces. metal surface. As for installing snow guards, it is not particularly difficult. The main thing here is to follow the recommendations for choosing the installation location, using galvanized roofing screws with special seals.

Snow guards on the roof: installation, types, what they are needed for

The Russian winter is particularly harsh, as a result of which owners of private houses receive certain losses every year - and all because of snow. A white cap on a house only in appearance seems light and harmless, even artistic, but in fact, without proper action, it is a source of danger. Fallen snow can not only damage garden buildings, break a fence or kill a dog, but also injure a person.

And therefore, the current SNiP provides for a roof safety system, which necessarily includes snow guards for metal tiles as one of the especially slippery roofing coverings. Is this the type of roof you have? Be sure to install them!

Why is snow avalanche dangerous?

It is not without reason that every spring you can find reports in periodicals about problems due to the descent of ice and snow masses from roofs, both private and apartment buildings. Usually the consequences of an avalanche of snow are not particularly tragic, but there is always damage from them. That's why snow on the roof needs to be taken care of Special attention, and not only in terms of cleaning it up.

After all, you are not always at home, you have business trips, vacations and, in the end, a common person is not protected from being hospitalized. Where is it better to install special equipment or enclosing elements, which, for a moment, are provided by modern building codes and rules. Is your roof made of metal tiles? You are completely at risk!

Judge for yourself:

Are snow guards required for metal tiles?

Just five years ago, snow guards were almost unheard of on the domestic market. At that time, only large developers offered to install some snow stops on the roof, although in Western countries such elements have long been considered mandatory when installing any pitched roofs.

In these countries, a house that was built without snow guards is considered unfinished and does not meet legal safety standards. It can't even be insured. Think about it, the average thickness of snow cover on roofs in the Russian climate is one and a half meters!

Let's explain in more detail. If you have ever had the good fortune of shoveling white and fluffy snow at the gate of your dacha, then you probably know how heavy it really is. And therefore, you understand well how dangerous it is for a thick layer of snow to fall on someone’s head or on your favorite car. And often the roof itself cannot withstand such loads, which destroys the integrity of its covering and causes leaks. Let's put it this way: in Russia, snow guards need to be installed on any pitched roof, especially for metal ones.

Despite all the advantages of this modern roofing material, metal tiles have a number of disadvantages. So, it has high thermal conductivity, it heats up quickly during the thaw period and the snow on it melts just as quickly. And at night, at the first cold snap, it freezes quickly - in the morning you get ready-made ice blocks. And the main danger is that an avalanche of snow and ice from such a roof can occur at absolutely any moment.

The snow retainers themselves, together with roofing bridges, stairs, parapets and fences, make up the roof safety system. Thanks to their strength, work on the roof itself becomes safer, because a standard snow retainer can withstand pressure from 70 to 300 kilograms. Two birds with one stone!

Types of snow guards by function

Now let's figure out what exactly the modern market offers from this series. Thus, certain types of modern snow guards have their own specific functions:

  • the first to partially let snow through, in small quantities;
  • others delay it completely and are called snow barriers;
  • The third type of snow retainers is intended only to slightly increase the friction of the existing roof covering. As you guessed, in order to reduce the speed of snow moving down. These are usually placed only on soft roofs.

And in each individual case, metal tiles require their own specific type of snow retainers. Let us explain in more detail using an example. Thus, according to official data, the snow cap on roofs in the central region of Russia can reach several tens of tons on average per building. Therefore, in such areas there is no point in installing standard snow retainers - here we need ones that can prevent partial snow from melting, and partially allow it to pass through.

Why exactly like this? The fact is that if there is too much snow on the roof, it creates strong pressure on rafter system, and when it melts, it delivers more more problems. Therefore, it makes sense to reduce its volume without getting rid of it completely. And among those that partially block snow, the most popular are plate snow retainers, lattice and tubular.

In other cases, when snowfalls in the area do not cause any particular problems, it is more rational to install snow stops or teeth. These will evenly distribute the snow cap over the entire surface of the roof and maintain the integrity of its structure.

Types of snow guards by shape and aesthetics

Modern snow guards, in addition to their functions, also differ in shape and design. And for metal roofing this point is of great importance. It’s all because of profiling: not every snow retainer that can be easily attached to a flat seam roof can be adapted to waves or between them. But it is impossible to attach it to the roofing covering alone.

Snow barrier systems: retain as much as possible

Snow retainers and snow stops are most often found on metal tile roofs. Since ancient times, in countries with generous winters, simple logs on hooks were used (today too, but more in decorative purposes), but today only their metal analogues are in mass production.

Their the main task is to keep as much snow as possible on the roof and let it fall down as little as possible, where the pedestrian area is located and the car is parked. But these are suitable only for those roofs whose slope angle does not exceed 30 degrees.

Snow guards: lightweight version

Plate or corner snow stops are the most affordable and simplest snow stops in design. They are also called snow barriers. These are long strips that are bent in the shape of a triangle. As a rule, such products are included in the standard roofing range with ready-made metal tiles. Naturally, they do not have significant strength, and are limited by the overall height of the roofing itself. And such a corner is secured to the metal tiles with three roofing bolts.

Corner snow retainers are made, like the point ones we talked about above, from the same roofing material as metal tiles, and they are also economical and quite highly efficient. Although most often it is corner snow retainers that are installed on metal roofing.

Note that if we are talking specifically about metal tiles, then it is quite difficult to install plate and corner snow retainers on it. The fact is that metal tiles have a wavy profile, so it is possible to nail them only to the upper part of the wave, and it is far from the sheathing. And if the snow retainers are not attached directly to the sheathing, in especially snowy winters, when the snow masses converge, it will simply be torn right out of the roofing, and imagine the scale of repairs you will have to do.

Tubular snow guards: for special loads

Modern tubular snow guards are a durable prefabricated structure made of long pipes and support brackets. They are usually made of aluminum or galvanized steel, with a protective polymer coating. The diameter of such pipes varies from 20 to 35 mm, and the pipe walls have a thickness of about 1.5 mm.

Tubular snow guards are usually installed 3 meters long, in a continuous line, on the second wave from the eaves. They are better than all existing snow retention systems in preventing avalanches of snow, without breaking or bending under its weight.

Point systems: for even distribution of snow

Enough the new kind snow retainers for metal tile roofs - point ones. We are talking about the so-called snow stops. It is recommended to install from 5 to 8 snow stops per square meter, supplementing them with a snow-retaining grid. Their main task is to evenly distribute snow and its pressure on the roof structure. The secondary one is to serve as some kind of supports on which you can rest your feet during roofing works, and you won’t have to step on the fragile waves of metal tiles.

For each individual type of roof, snow stops are made in their own shape and with their own bracket. Therefore, never buy those spot snow retainers for metal tiles that were originally intended, for example, for soft roofing.

“Horseshoes” for metal tiles

Relatively recently on Russian market snow stops have appeared, which are designed specifically for metal roofing and are made using the cold forming method.

They have a curved appearance that follows the radius of a standard wave, and are perfectly attached to almost any area of ​​such a roof. Thanks to this innovative technical solution, the problem of attaching snow guards to profiled roofs is completely solved in terms of their reliability of fastening and aesthetics. appearance. The very places where such elements are attached must be treated with polyurethane sealant.

Such snow retainers have more advantages in the particular case of metal tiles than corner ones. The fact is that such snow stops have more fastenings (four, to be more precise), and they themselves are much smaller in size. And from an aesthetic point of view, such roofing elements benefit by remaining less noticeable.

Polycarbonate “teeth”

But this is a new product on the market:

What calculations need to be made in advance?

Before attaching snow guards to metal tiles, be sure to draw up a design for the location of the snow guards on the roof. For what? This is necessary so that in the future the bracket you install does not accidentally end up in those places on the roof where there are actually no sheathing slats, and you have already drilled a hole and are now wondering what to do with it.

Next, before installing snow guards on metal tiles, you need to think through all the points and take into account all the data. After all, their durability and functionality directly depend on the proper installation of snow guards. And therefore, it is necessary to calculate the required quantity in accordance with SNiPs for the following specific stages:

  • Roof slope. To obtain such data, use a regular protractor or use special formulas. If the roof slopes have a slope of more than 15 degrees, this means that future snow retainers will be subject to a large load. Therefore, in this case, it is better to give preference to a tubular snow retainer, which is usually highly durable.
  • Roofing type, namely the features of metal tiles. For all types, universal fastening of snow retainers is suitable, but if Monterrey metal tiles are laid on your roof, then the supports of the metal tiles should have a protrusion, and thanks to it you will no longer have to reinforce the sheathing.
  • Metal tile color. We recommend that you choose snow guards that match the shade of the existing roofing, so that the snow guards themselves will not be noticeable later, unless you plan to specifically highlight them. The option of roofing elements that are a shade or two darker is also quite suitable.
  • Please note that the selected snow guard must include rubber gaskets and special roofing screws. It is very important that all fastener areas on metal tiles are then 100% tight.
  • Find out the inherent weather in your region. For example, according to the snow and wind load map.
  • Define number of rows snow retainers. The easiest way to do this is to use a special table that shows your snow region, the angle of the roof and the distance between the brackets.

Your main task when calculating snow retention for your roof is to evenly distribute the load on these roofing elements and on the entire rafter system. And remember, brackets cannot be mounted close to the roof overhang; there are strict rules in this regard:

How to install snow guards correctly?

In the case of metal tiles, it is most reliable to install snow guards, like any other roofing safety elements, at the stage of construction of such a roof:

But even otherwise, you will see that installing snow guards on a metal roof is a pleasant job. The only difficulty is screwing the roofing screws into the metal roof and then sealing them properly.

The easiest way to repair a hole from a roofing screw is with modern silicone sealant, the heat resistance of which ranges from -50°C to +180°C. As you understand, even in the harsh Russian latitudes there are rarely more severe climatic conditions.

Carry out the installation of snow guards according to the following specific steps:

  • Step 1. Installation of snow guards, as a rule, begins with determining the installation location. If we are talking about metal tiles, then this is the area of ​​the first or second wave from the eaves. The main thing is that the snow retainers are located above the load-bearing wall in order to evenly distribute the loads. Snow guards can be installed around the entire perimeter of the roof, or selectively in the right places.
  • Step 2. The supports are attached to the roof using hardware, which are included in the kit, 2 pieces per support. And it is important that the hardware gets into the rafters or at least into the roof sheathing. Otherwise, if there is a lot of snow, the catchers may not be able to withstand the loads and will go down with the avalanche.
  • Step 3. Once the snow guards are installed, the tubes are inserted into them. The tubes are connected to each other and extended to required length, and their joint is fixed with self-tapping screws. From the outer supports to the ends of the tubes the distance should be 15-20 centimeters. As a result, the total installation step should not exceed 70 centimeters.

Correct installation of snow guards on metal tiles guarantees long term services of these elements!

Here is another such process in detail:

And a more detailed video tutorial from one of the manufacturers of such snow guards:

Popular questions and error analysis

And now we will tell you what not to do when installing snow guards on a metal roof. Listen, this is valuable advice.

Mistake #1. Why does the brackets come off?

If you have heard about how the brackets were torn off along with the snow, there could be several reasons:

  1. The snow load on the roof is incorrectly distributed.
  2. Incorrect installation was performed.
  3. The self-tapping screw was only screwed into the coating, or they did not provide an additional block.
  4. Only one row of snow guards was installed on long slopes.

Yes, metal tiles are the most capricious coating when it comes to installing roofing elements. Here, indeed, the waves do not make it easy to install the same bar, but still, in no case should installation be carried out only in metal.

Mistake #2. Where do leaks come from?

Let's also consider this point. During installation of metal tile sheets, a self-tapping screw is screwed into the end of the wave. And to take him away rainwater and debris, it must be protected with a simple EPDM gasket.

The durability of such an elastic band is much lower than that of the metal itself, and after 5-10 years there will simply be a hole in this place for water to get inside the roofing pie. Therefore, the only way out is to either treat such connections with additional sealants, or use tubular snow retainers, and only at the eaves.

Mistake #3. Why does the mount come off?

Another mistake is the small removal of the snow-retaining element from the support, which, with the slightest lateral shift, can lead to the entire tube or grid flying out of the mount. The optimal distance is considered to be 15-20 centimeters, where the element protrudes beyond the outermost part of the support.

Mistake #4. What causes deformation of supports?

It is also impossible to install only supports, without the snow-retaining elements themselves. The fact is that the supports are designed only for loads in the direction from the slope, and if there are no horizontal elements in the form of lattices of logs or tubes, then the snow pressure can sometimes be lateral. Especially in the area of ​​the valleys complex roofs. And all this will lead to damage to the supports. An insufficient number of hardware and their short length also lead to problems.

Mistake #5. When does snow break through the fence?

Another common mistake is poor fastening connecting elements between gratings or pipes, or their complete absence. There is a high risk that in places where the connection is weak or missing, a breakthrough will occur snow mass, and it will bend the accompanying roofing elements.

Mistake #6. What if the snow guards failed?

And finally, the last mistake, if the installation of snow guards is carried out according to a too sparse pattern, each of the supports already bears a greater load. This will invariably lead to damage to the support itself and the roof covering that is located under it.

The main reason for such errors is incorrect calculation of the installation of the snow retention system, errors by installers and an unreasonable desire to save money. If the console is exposed to too much snow, the outer supports are always damaged, and they may even cause a chain reaction along the entire line.

Here is a good and detailed video tutorial on how to properly install modern snow guards on a roof such as metal tiles:

And finally valuable advice: do not forget that during the first year of operation of the snow guards it is necessary to check the tension of the bracket bolts approximately once every 4 months. After this, the inspection can be carried out only once a year, during a routine inspection of the entire roof.

That is why it is more convenient to install snow guards in the first year of operation of the roof, since metal tiles still require frequent inspection of all its fastenings at first, and it is more convenient to combine all these tasks over time. Good luck!

The modern owner should know about the benefits of using snow guards in the fight against natural elements. The article contains useful information about the criteria for selecting snow retainers for the roof and about the intricacies of installing the system on a metal tile roof. You will get acquainted with the popular types of snow retention systems, from tubular and angle, to lattice and rope.

A method for extending the life of a roof Source kryshikrovli.ru

The need for a snow retention system

To the roof country house there are many requirements, it must be reliable, practical and beautiful; Another mandatory characteristic of a roof is its safety. It is this quality of the roofing structure that sharply deteriorates during the cold season in places characterized by long and snowy winters.

Weightless, fluffy snow flakes, falling on the roof, have the unpleasant property of lingering on it and, over time, compacting. In a short period of time, the snow layer grows to a considerable thickness, managing to thaw several times and then freeze again. As a result, a dense and heavy layer of snow with layers of ice is formed, ready to slide (and slide!) off the roof surface at the most inopportune moment. If at this time there is a person, animal or, for example, a parked car under the roof, falling snow can cause (and, unfortunately, often causes) considerable damage. Plants planted near homes may also be affected.

Recently he was fluffy and light... Source tolknews.ru

The problem of sudden snow melting is common for residents of northern countries, and snow retention on the roof of a house is a standard solution to the problem. For this purpose, snow retainers are used, special devices that do not allow the snow to completely disappear at one time. In addition to preventing sudden snow melting, the device also performs some additional functions:

    Makes the roof easier to clean from the snow.

    Protect drainage system from violating the integrity of connections and breaking off fasteners.

    During the thaw keep snow off the roof, allowing it to melt and flow down the drains safely.

    Protects canopies and awnings buildings (falling pieces of ice, compressed snow and icicles can seriously damage them).

    Additionally protectsparesroofingwowdesignYu during stormy gusts of wind.

Solution Source ametiststroi40.ru

Operating principle of roofing snow blocking systems

The installation of snow guards on a metal tile roof is especially relevant - a smooth polymer surface cannot seriously prevent the snow mass from sliding off. If the bottom layer of snow has turned into an ice crust (which happens in 70-80% of cases), when it melts it will inevitably damage the surface of the sheet. Scratches will become sources of corrosion and the roof will not last as long as it should.

Three factors influence the choice of snow retention system:

    Slope angle.

    Snow cover amount, characteristic of this region.

    Type of roofing.

The snow guards on sale can be divided according to the operating principle into two groups:

    Snow cutters. This design is designed to let snow through in small portions, piece by piece. The principle of its operation is not to stop (and accumulate) a layer of snow, but to divide it into fragments. Design advantage: a large mass of snow does not accumulate on the slopes, loading rafter frame. It fades gradually and is not capable of causing damage. Another plus is that snow cutters can be mounted on roofs of any steepness.

One of the options for placing snow guards Source remoo.ru

    Snow barriers. They completely block snow melting; To prevent the accumulated snow cushion from deforming the roof and rafter system, the snowdrifts will have to be removed manually on a regular basis. The installation of snow retention barriers is justified only for a durable structure with a solid load-bearing capacity.

Roofing snow retention systems: popular design solutions

As a rule, snow blocking systems are purchased at the stage of housing construction, simultaneously with the roofing material (but nothing prevents you from purchasing them later). You can choose products from one of the following types:

    Lattice. Such designs are widespread and are successfully used for different types roofing, including metal tiles. There are several types of products on the market, differing in complexity of execution and features of supporting parts. Relatively high gratings can perform additional function: serve as a safety barrier in summer, during repairs.

The capabilities of the lattice system at a glance Source tr.decorexpro.com

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof repair services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Corner(lamellar). A budget option, which can be selected if snow accumulations are insignificant. Angle-type snow guards are easy to design and install, which makes them popular, including for metal tiles. Looks like a galvanized steel corner; A wide range of shades of protective polymer coating allows you to select products that best match the color of the roof. They are allowed to be used on roofs whose slope angle does not reach 30°.

Corner snow guard Source yandex.uz

    Tubular. If snowy winters are common, tubular construction is an ideal choice, especially for standing seam or metal roofing. In case of frequent and prolonged snowfalls, it is recommended to install tubular structures in several rows.

Tubular design Source zemeljka.ru

    Spot(tow ropes). A relatively new type of device for regions with light and medium snowfalls. They evenly distribute snow pressure across the roof and additionally serve as support for the feet. Various roofing materials require the use of products of a certain shape; snow retainers suitable for soft roofs cannot be installed on metal tiles.

    Made from polycarbonate ( gear). They are a type of point snow retainers; The products are transparent, non-corrosive and easy to install.

Budget option Source stroypay.ru

    Horseshoe snow guards. A type of point system; has a characteristic curved shape and is made to fit certain metal tile profiles, which makes installation easier.

    Snow retainers-logs. The original systems that protected alpine dwellings from snow and in some places survived until today; in the modern version, the role of logs is played by metal pipes with a diameter of 130-150 mm. The tubular design effectively holds the snow layer, confidently coping with high pressure.

Criteria for selecting and calculating the system

In order for the snow blocking system to adequately perform its functions, the type, number and location of snow blocking devices is calculated based on the rules of SNiP Proper installation involves drawing up a design for the location of the blocking elements on the slopes. This approach helps to avoid that unpleasant situation when it turns out that under drilled hole there is no sheathing.

Video description

About Finnish polycarbonate snow guards in the following video:

System parameters are calculated based on the following conditions:

    Roof type and angle of inclination. The greater the angle, the more pressure the snow will exert on the system. If the angle exceeds 15°, experts recommend installing tubular-type snow guards as the most reliable.

    Surface area of ​​slopes and type of roofing material.

    Precipitation in winter in this area. Maps and tables have been developed showing average snow load values ​​by region.

The result of the work is a diagram of the arrangement of snow retention elements on this type of roof. It defines the following parameters:

    Type of snow retention elements.

    Mounting location. The system is installed parallel to the eaves overhang, with the first row placed above the load-bearing wall; this helps to minimize the load on the overhangs. The remaining tiers are mounted one and a half to two meters from the first.

Places for mandatory attachment of snow guards Source stroimmaster.ru

    Number of rows and pitch between fastening elements. The distance between the brackets is determined by the length of the slope and the magnitude of the slope (the stronger the slope, the closer the parts are located to each other).

    Fastening order. Tubular, lattice and plate-type systems are installed in rows; rope and corner - in a checkerboard pattern.

    Color. If focusing on a snow retention system is not part of your plans, snow retention systems are matched to the color of the roof or one or two shades darker than it.

    Equipment. The kit necessarily includes roofing screws and gaskets made of special rubber. They make the attachment points airtight.

Video description

About tips for choosing snow guards in the following video:

Tubular snow guards for metal tiles

Metal tiles, due to their properties, are affordable, popular and therefore more widespread than other roofing materials. But its surface is smooth, sensitive to temperature changes, and is not capable of holding melted snow for any long time. This property makes the installation of snow guards on a metal tile roof a urgent need. The following types of snow guards are suitable for metal roofing (as well as corrugated sheeting):

    Lattice. Reliable, easy to install, varied in design.

    Lamellar. Suitable for slopes with a small angle of inclination, they are more often used where winters are short and with little snow.

    Tubular. Leading in frequency of use.

Universal tubular snow guard Source celinrmo.ru

Tubular structures are considered to be the most universal category. They are designed for high pressure, reliable in operation, safely separates the snow layer into small fragments. They are also widely used in the protection of tiled and soft roofs. Tubular snow guards on metal tiles are mounted following several rules:

    Parts are fastened through the roof.

    Installation is carried out after sheathing reinforcement, basics for securing system parts.

    To prevent the metal tile sheet from becoming deformed, a hole is drilled in the concave (lower) part of the wave, in the place adjacent to the sheathing.

    Mounting locations sealed with rubber gaskets.

If you choose plate or corner snow retainers, you do not need to reinforce the sheathing, since they are mounted directly into the sheet. Choosing models of snow guards that work on the principle of snow cutters allows you not to worry about timely cleaning of the roof - even in a strong snowstorm, the snow will melt off in safe portions.

Video description

About the rules for installing snow retention devices in the following video:

Additional types of snow guards for metal tiles

In addition to the ubiquitous tubular snow blockers, other types of snow blockers can be installed on metal roofing, including:

    Lattice. The design resembles tubular systems, only the role of retaining pipes is performed by a grid, the size of which (height) can vary. Such barriers hold back snow well, but sometimes they can bend under its weight. The grille copes especially well with its role on steep roofs (when the slope exceeds 35-40°).

    Corner(lamellar). If the roof slope is small (up to 30º), and there is little snow in winter, you can limit yourself to installing a corner system. Corner snow guards have a height of up to 6 cm; on the roof they are arranged in several rows in a checkerboard pattern. The system is not designed to withstand high pressure, and the roof will require periodic manual cleaning.

    Spot(yokes, hooks). They are used mainly on flat, rough (soft) roofs. On metal tile roofs, point systems are used as an addition to gratings and pipes.

The plate system is ideal on low-slope roofs Source roofos.com.ua

Order turnkey installation of snow guards

The price of snow guards is comparable to the costs of periodic roof cleaning and repairs, which are inevitable in case of uncontrolled snow melting. Installing snow guards on the roof is a popular service provided by many construction organizations, often in parallel with the installation of the roof. Turning to specialists allows you to obtain complete protection of the roof structure and the surrounding space. The price for installing snow guards is calculated per linear meter; it depends on several parameters:

    Roof type and roofing material.

    House heights, difficulty of access to the roof.

    Vida selected system snow retention.

    Scope of work(depends on the size of the roof and, therefore, the number of snow retention elements)

    Necessities preparatory work.

Contacting the company allows you to get additional benefits:

    The quality of the system is affected installation time, the best option in terms of price/quality ratio can be obtained simultaneously with the installation of the roof.

Installation of tubular system brackets Source sense-life.com

    The system is installed according to manufacturer's recommendations, which increases the service life of the structure.

    Equipping the roof with snow retainers involves obtaining a work guarantee(and sometimes on the material). If a defect is identified during this time, it will be corrected free of charge. If problems do not arise during warranty service, they most likely will not occur in the future.


Snow falling from the roof is a pressing problem for a large part of the Russian territory. Modern technological solutions in the form of installing snow retention systems can reduce the dire consequences to a minimum. For a metal roof, the best solution would be to install reliable tubular snow guards by professional builders.