Well      06/23/2020

Washing station in a bathhouse: features and design. Finishing a washroom in a bathhouse Finishing a shower room in a wooden bathhouse

Currently, the bathhouse is a whole complex of special rooms for bathing procedures and relaxation. In addition to the actual washing, there you can take a break from the hustle and bustle, socialize in pleasant company, improve your body health and improve your morale. Further in the material we will talk about what the structure of a bathhouse washing machine is, what materials are best used for finishing and where to start this process.

As a rule, in modern bath You can find the following rooms:

The finishing of the steam room and wash room must meet special requirements, since they are the ones that are most intensively used during bathing procedures.

Not so long ago, it was customary to combine a steam room with a washing room in order to save space and better warm up both rooms. However, at present, this idea is increasingly being abandoned, since these rooms are completely different in terms of functional load. In addition, not everyone can tolerate high temperatures in a steam room for a long time. However, everyone is free to decide for themselves what they want.

Is it worth combining a sink with a steam room?

At the design stage of the entire structure of the bathhouse, you need to decide whether you want to equip a steam room combined with a sink, or a separate one. Although, in fairness, we note that such a decision may be dictated not so much by wishes as by objective necessity.

The following factors are important in this matter:

  • material capabilities of the developer;
  • availability of building materials and other components;
  • area of ​​the building plot.

Often, a steam room combined with a sink is equipped when there is a lack of free space and funds.

In any case, even with a small building area, there will be at least two rooms in it. In the first - the dressing room - there will be a locker room, a rest room with the necessary furniture, as well as part of the stove, which will be heated from here. The second room is the washing-steam room itself. A heater is laid out in it, which provides heat, beds are installed, as well as a place for bath accessories - brooms, basins with cold water. Hot water is heated on a stove in a large container.

Despite the apparent inconvenience, a number of positive aspects can be found in this design:

  • from an economic point of view, it is cheaper and also requires less fuel for heating;
  • The layout of such a steam room is simple and laconic - the stove goes into the steam room with a heating part with a heater, so you can heat water directly on it.

At the same time, one cannot ignore the negative aspects:

  • the small dimensions of the room do not allow several people to wash at the same time;
  • after each visit to the steam room by a separate group of people, the steam room needs to be ventilated and the stove heated;
  • This type of washing is not suitable for people with poor health.

To somehow compensate for these shortcomings, you can think through competent planning, that is, place the washing area slightly lower than the steam room area so that washing is not so hot.

Thus, if at your disposal small area for a bathhouse - no more than 16 m2, it is better to make a steam room combined with a sink, since if separated, it will not be comfortable to be in very cramped rooms.

Finishing of a separate steam room and wash room

Working with walls in a washroom

Traditionally, when deciding how to decorate a bathhouse sink, they prefer to choose wood, since it meets all the requirements for this room. However, not every type of tree is suitable for these purposes.

It is preferable to finish the shower in wooden bath made from the following types of wood:

  • Abashi– an African type of wood, which has a beautiful appearance and texture, practically does not heat up and is very durable.
  • Cedar- suitable for covering walls and ceilings in the washing room of a bathhouse, since it does not heat up very much, and it will not release resin, because it is not as hot here as in a steam room. However, such lining is very expensive.
  • Larch– moisture-resistant and durable material. Although it is quite difficult to process, it is very attractive in appearance and smells pleasant.
  • Linden– this type of wood is the best among the options for sheathing a bathhouse sink. When exposed to water, the wood does not darken, and also has a subtle aroma that has a positive effect on the body.

Regardless of what you decide to cover the sauna sink with, the lining can be positioned in several directions to create a decorative effect.

There can be several options for fastening the lining:

Bathroom sink finishing wooden clapboard begins with attaching a frame consisting of timber (read: “How to attach lining in a bathhouse - rules and installation sequence”). The structural elements are attached perpendicular to the direction of installation of the lining. Moreover, it does not matter whether the horizontal, vertical or diagonal fixation method was chosen. And if you also combine various options cladding, the design of the washing room in the bathhouse will be truly impressive.

Fastening the lining can be done using the following methods:

  • using clamps;
  • nails, driving them into the groove under acute angle, which can be a difficult process for a beginner;
  • using self-tapping screws, screwing them all the way through.

Arrangement of the floor in the washing room

A properly equipped floor will help create an attractive interior for a bathhouse washroom. It must meet a number of requirements - at a minimum, it should not slip, and its maintenance should not be difficult.

Most professionals believe that a tiled sink in a bathhouse will look best. In addition, such material is relatively inexpensive.

To drain water from the sink, drains are installed on the floor wooden slats, or rubber mats (read also: “How to make a floor in a bathhouse in a washroom - rules for planning and installation”). These coverings need to be washed and thoroughly dried after each bathing event. Application is not allowed detergents based on chemical additives, because during the heating process they are capable of releasing elements hazardous to health.

In addition, when installing the floor, it is worth considering that the soil pad, thermal insulation layer and concrete screed should not be fastened to the foundation. This way, the screed can move up and down independently relative to the walls in summer and winter. If this is not provided for, flooring in the form of tiles will collapse when spring comes.

Organization of a ventilation system in a washing room

It is very important to provide high-quality ventilation for the floor of the tiled sink in the bathhouse, since due to the accumulation of water in the underground, mold can grow. Therefore, they organize air exhaust in order to dry the space under the floor in a timely manner, as well as ensure uniform heating of the floor. It is possible to make a hood if you install a ventilation duct near the stove. As the oven heats up ventilation duct a draft appears, due to which moisture and cold air come out.

Consequently, the organization of ventilation of the washing compartment in a wooden bathhouse not only ensures ventilation and drying of the room after bathing procedures, but also promotes permanent air flow and optimal temperature balance in the room.

There can be two types of ventilation in a bathhouse sink:

  • natural, which is formed by the difference in pressure in the building and outside, without installing additional equipment;
  • artificial, which is created by installed fans, air conditioners, filters and other equipment.

The process of organizing a ventilation system should be thought through very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of the formation of colonies of bacteria and fungi that are harmful to human health, rotting of wooden floor elements, and the appearance of a musty odor.

Providing the wash room with water

Calculation of the power of water supply pipes must be made based on the expected number of people and the area of ​​​​the future bathhouse, since a sufficient water supply is an important condition functioning of the bathhouse.

To provide washing hot water in sufficient quantity, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • water heating gas heater, if possible, supply gas to the bathhouse;
  • using an electric boiler.

Thus, if it is possible to connect to central water supply, then solving the issue of water supply is not difficult.

But if no communications are laid near the bathhouse, required amount Water for washing all visitors to the bathhouse must be prepared in advance so that everyone can collect the required volume of water in a separate container.

Therefore, the calculation of the approximate volume of water must be made in advance. Considering that on average one person needs about 7-10 liters hot water at 80-90 ºС and 3-4 times more cold, it turns out that each steamer will need about 45 liters of water.

By multiplying the resulting value by the number of visitors to the steam room, you can determine how much water is required. Hot water is prepared in a large vat, leaving it on a stove, which is usually heated with birch wood.

DIY washing room furniture

To complete the finishing of the sink in the bathhouse, you should take care of the appropriate furniture, that is, beds and benches. Some owners will prefer to do it themselves. And although this process is quite complex and time-consuming, if you follow a number of rules, it is quite possible to cope with it.

When making furniture for washing, you need to pay attention to the following rules:

  • you should choose the right type of wood. As a rule, furniture is made from hardwood, in particular linden boards, which retain an attractive appearance for a long time, do not darken when heated, do not overheat, are practically not afraid of moisture and hot steam, and smell very pleasant;
  • To protect wood from rot and fungus, it must be impregnated with an antiseptic composition. But resorting to painting or varnishing is strictly not recommended, since when heated, these materials begin to evaporate harmful substances.

To assemble the beds you will need slats, wooden beams and fasteners.

Assembling the bed begins with installing a frame of the required size. Next, they begin to fill the planks onto this structure.

All fasteners must be deepened into the wood and puttied so that when heated they cannot burn the skin.

Thus, organizing a washing unit in a bathhouse is done not only with the goal of rinsing and refreshing yourself after visiting the steam room, but also to enjoy the whole process. To do this, you need to first think through the design of the washing room with tiles in the bathhouse, so that it is pleasant to be in it. Well, furniture made with your own hands will bring the owners not only physical satisfaction from the washing process, but will also become a source of joy and pride.

Construction of a washing room in a bathhouse: finishing of a shower room in a wooden bathhouse, design of a washing room with tiles, how to decorate and cover it, interior, walls, tile sink, washing compartment in photos and videos

Construction of a washing room in a bathhouse: finishing of a shower room in a wooden bathhouse, design of a washing room with tiles, how to decorate and cover it, interior, walls, tile sink, washing compartment in photos and videos

Washing room in a bathhouse - what should be the finish?

When designing baths, it is customary to zone the premises, separating the steam room from the washing room. This solution allows you to reduce the level of humidity in the main compartment, and it is also possible to design the washing area in the bathhouse in a style that is most suitable for humid conditions. Often this area is sheathed on all sides with wood, but such an impractical material can hardly be considered an ideal decor for this room.

  1. Basic washing criteria

Basic washing criteria

The interior decoration of the bathhouse (photo below on the page), steam room and washing room is planned from the selection of materials for the available usable area. In most cases, a room adapted for receiving water procedures, should not be less than 4 m2. This room is used not only as a traditional bathroom, but also for the following operations:

  • conducting a massage session;
  • application of skin care cosmetics;
  • use as a shower room.

The interior of the washing room in the bathhouse includes 1-2 wooden benches. They can be purchased at a specialty store or made yourself. Their length is selected so that even the tallest family member can fit on a horizontal surface. Accordingly, the dimensions must be at least 180 cm.

If space allows, the washing compartment in the bathhouse includes a swimming pool, and several shower stalls are installed nearby. This allows you to immediately cool down after leaving the steam room. Instead of showers, tubs with cool water are used.

The design of a bathhouse with a separate steam room and washing room may involve the installation of a regular shower stall. This solution minimizes the influence of moisture on the finishing of the washing area in the bathhouse, since there is practically no contact with water near the walls.

Specifics of the material

It is necessary to take into account that the classic washing compartment in a wooden Russian bathhouse is not exposed to significant temperature changes. However, in many cases, the upholstery has to come into contact with moisture, which negatively affects the material, for example, wooden panels made of lining.

Choose the most optimal material will succeed based on the following characteristics:

  • ease of installation work;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • increased water-repellent properties;
  • affordable price.

At the same time, it is taken into account individual characteristics designs of a washing room in a bathhouse. It can be difficult to take into account all the features in one material, so the most important features are selected. In this regard, the choice is made on the following finishing materials:

  • artificial or a natural stone;
  • ceramic decorative tiles;
  • applying water-repellent paint;
  • use of high-density wood species;
  • installation plastic panels.

They can be used to finish the ceiling in washing bath, for arranging the floors in the bathhouse in the washing department, as well as for decorating the walls of this interior. Each case has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Application of tiles

The positive properties of ceramic tiles are their increased moisture-repellent characteristics. It is used both on the floor and on the walls. Before finishing the bathhouse sink with tiles, it is necessary to perform waterproofing and also level the plane of the walls.

To perform the work, moisture-resistant tile adhesive is used. Tile sizes and colors are selected in accordance with overall design premises. The most common use is on the floor. This increases the practicality of the room.

Before making tile floors in a washing bath, it is necessary to ensure proper drainage.

The drain is prepared long before the floors in the washing bath are waterproofed. A slope is formed throughout the room towards the drainage point. Next, the liquid is directed either to the sewer system or to an autonomous drainage system.

Positive qualities of tiles:

  • high degree of waterproofing;
  • long term operation with stable performance characteristics;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • affordable price with a wide choice;
  • easy care.
  • Slippery floors increase the risk of injury;
  • when using it on the walls of the washing compartment of a bathhouse (there is a photo on the page), microcirculation is lost, unlike wooden decor;
  • For self-finishing inside the bathhouse, steam room and washing room, certain installation skills are required;
  • Due to its fragility, tiles can crack when heavy objects fall on them.

When laying tiles on the floors in the washing compartment of a bathhouse, it is necessary to place them on the walls from the floor to a height of 40-50 cm. In this case, vertical wooden decoration will be protected.

It is allowed to use water-repellent paint instead of tiles on the wall.

Use of wood

The design of a washing bath often involves the use of wooden elements in the decoration. It can be a lining or a block house. Coniferous wood is often used in this operation. Unlike using pine in a steam room, a washing room would be an appropriate area for this material. Due to the presence of natural resins, wooden elements have better water-repellent properties.

The following procedures help improve performance:

  • applying wax to a wooden surface;
  • impregnation with natural oils;
  • use of water-based paint.

Before treatment, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of possible contamination. Do-it-yourself oils are applied in several layers to the wooden base of the bathhouse. After the material is saturated, the wood will gain more water-repellent properties.

Wax is more expensive, but its cost is compensated by the longevity of the treated surface. The use of this material allows the wood to “breathe” and also emphasizes the natural pattern.

The water-based paint used is made from natural materials. It is also water repellent. At the same time, there is a large selection of colors and shades that can be combined with each other.

How to decorate with stone

The design of the bathhouse sink can be created in an individual style by laying natural or artificial stone on the walls. It can be used in combinations with other materials.

Advantages of using stone:

  • original appearance;
  • durability of the material;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • has water-repellent properties.

Disadvantages of using stone:

  • it is not always possible for beginners in construction to work with it;
  • relatively high cost;
  • installation is carried out on a pre-leveled surface;
  • significantly increases the weight of the building structure.

Most disadvantages natural material compensated for when using artificial analogues.

Plastic panels in the interior

Polyvinyl chloride, although called a safe material by manufacturers, cannot be used in finishing a steam room. Dressing room, washing room - those places where the air temperature is within normal limits, therefore, no harmful emissions are planned. Today this is the most budgetary way to arrange interior decoration, but this option is not durable and practical.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the darkening of the panels themselves and interpanel seams, deformation, swelling, if we are talking about a washing machine. The advantages are the speed of finishing and the price. In general, such material has the right to exist, but, we repeat, only for those rooms where there is no sharp temperature difference, and the maximum mark does not exceed 36-38 degrees.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a bathhouse: photo of steam room and washing room

The interior decoration of the bathhouse (photos are given in the article), steam room and washing room is planned from the selection of materials for the available usable area.

Nowadays, washing is not a problem at all. As you know, people go to baths not only for hygiene. The main goal here is a special atmosphere, because you can’t go to an ordinary apartment shower with friends and then sit peacefully, talk, drink delicious kvass or foamy beer. However, some people prefer hot tea and homemade cakes – it’s a matter of taste. Such visits to the bathhouse are often practiced in order to forget about problems for a while, relieve stress, and improve your own body.

Bathhouse - washing room finishing: this is what worries many people today. Let's talk about this process in more detail so that your visits to the bathhouse are guaranteed to bring only joy and health. We also recommend reading about how best to decorate a dressing room.

Bathhouse: finishing the washing room is an important stage of work

How to wash in a bathhouse: procedure

Let's figure out how people usually behave in a Russian bathhouse. What procedures are taken here, in what order does all this happen.

This ritual looks something like this:

  • A person goes into the dressing room, takes off all his clothes (which, as a rule, are already quite sweaty);
  • Next, you need to stand in the washing room for some time - there is a shower installed here. Here people prepare their bodies for the most basic procedure – going to the steam room. About how to finish this room, we have already discussed in detail;
  • Now you can take a steam bath. They start doing this on the bottom shelf (this is what experts recommend). You can climb to the second shelf about 10 minutes after you rest outside the steam room. Then they take a break again for 15-20 minutes and go up to the top shelf. The human body is currently as relaxed as possible, the pores on the skin are open - all toxins and salts smoothly leave the body.

This is why, by the way, it is recommended to go to a Russian bath exclusively on an empty stomach. Even better before the hike: drink compote, herbal infusions, tea, juice.

  • If you have a bathhouse, finishing the washing room is a relevant topic for you, because this room has its own special purpose. Here you can quickly cool your body in the shower, or simply douse yourself with a bucket after the steam room cold water. Many people, taking into account these features, even organize a small swimming pool here. And here you can read about the decoration of the steam room;
  • Such buildings are usually made exclusively for oneself - that is, it is quite possible to cope even on one’s own. Only then do they take into account everyone else - who may also visit your bathhouse at your invitation. By the way, you can ask these people for help with finishing. It is not so difficult for several adults to build a pool, and the pleasure when a person lies in cool water after a steam room is incomparable to anything else;
  • It is customary to look into the relaxation room in the intervals between the pool and steam room. Here you can talk about something with your guests, chat, sit on a sofa or bench.

The interior of a washing room in a Russian bathhouse may look like this

What kind of washing area should a bathhouse have?

There are many options for finishing, but certain points should be adhered to

High air humidity is a specific feature of the washing compartment in any bathhouse. At the same time, the temperature here remains optimally low. A person is quite comfortable in such an environment; he can stay here for a long time.

As an example, any bathhouse can be considered: the finishing of the washing area should be such that air circulates well. All waste materials must leave the premises without any problems, and instead of them, fresh air must flow.

If the ventilation in the washing room does not work correctly, the pleasure of staying in this room decreases. There will simply be nothing to breathe there; it will be impossible to wipe the body dry. Fungus and mold will also begin to appear in the sink, and after some time you will notice an unpleasant odor - which will arise due to the high concentration of moisture.

What to do here:

  1. Usually forced ventilation is installed - it has the format of an exhaust and supply pipe, their size is the same. The pipes also have valves - it is with their help that the circulation of air masses is regulated;
  2. The direction of air flow will go to different secondary rooms. For example, it will start flowing from the washing room into the vestibule, etc.
  3. The exhaust pipe must be installed above the roof - in this situation, a more efficient air outlet will be provided;
  4. A supply pipe is installed two meters above the ground;
  5. Your forced ventilation will work more efficiently if it is driven by an electric motor. This motor will usually be configured so that it starts to work the moment the light turns on (to do this, it must be connected to the electrical wiring in the bathhouse);
  6. Your washing room will definitely not be complete without cold and hot water - keep this in mind when decorating it. An excellent option here is to install a water supply in the bathhouse (for this you need to install a centralized water supply);
  7. As in the old days, in bathhouses today a container of water is often placed on the stove - even when a small container with a ladle is enough in the steam room. It is profitable to supply the washing room with water - storage water heater will be provided with resources;
  8. Various types of massage, rubbing the body with different compositions - due to all this you will be able to lose weight and solve problems with cellulite. All of these tasks are best performed in the washroom. That is, a small massage trestle bed is often placed here specifically for this purpose;
  9. On those days when you go to the bathhouse, a massage table placed in a space where there is free access to it from any side. At all other times, you can move the trestle bed to the wall so that it does not interfere. To make these tables, it is customary to use lightweight materials, although everything is individual and you can use those that you like.

We finish the washing area in the bathhouse

Comfortable and functional washing room in a Russian bathhouse

First you need to start finishing the floor, and only then pay attention to the walls. In general, the floor in such a room is a very important element, because a person here can easily get injured, fall and receive serious injuries as a result.

For walls and floors in the wash compartment, they are often chosen:

  • Marble;
  • Glazed ceramic;
  • Granite tiles.

However, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to tile materials. You can always install a self-leveling floor in your sink. And to avoid slipping here, you can simply put stands (wood gratings). Some people prefer to install rubberized mats; slates are also often used here.

Even the floor in the washing room can be made of wood.

That's right: today, moisture-resistant floors are made from wood, which can easily cope even with significant loads. You can easily decide what is suitable specifically for your bathhouse: just check out the photographs and videos on various thematic resources.

Water drainage - how to arrange it?

Particular attention to the disposal of used water

So, the bathhouse is the finishing of the washing room. If you are doing this, it’s time to figure out how to properly arrange the water drain. For any type of floor, it is recommended to drain the drain outside the bathhouse - no less than three meters. The simplest option, which is very popular among people, is to dig a hole.

In detail, this problem is solved in this way:

  • You need to step back about 50 cm from the foundation and dig a hole. The depth of this hole should be at least 150 cm - so that on frosty days the drain water does not freeze;
  • A trench of a certain length is dug outside the hole. At the end of this trench there is a drain well, the volume of which is 1.5 m³ or more;
  • The surface of the pit (as well as the trench) is usually treated with a thick layer of clay (at least 100 mm). Then everything is leveled and carefully smoothed.

Organization of drainage for water - without this, the washing room will not be functional

The trench and hole inside the washing room must be filled with sand - completely, or with gravel - halfway (and then with sand). Outside, the drainage well and trench should be filled with sand or gravel to a height of 100 cm.

Entrance to the steam room and washing room

Why do we need sand and gravel here anyway? It's simple: these materials act as a natural filter - they will purify your water from soap, as well as other compounds that may be harmful to the environment. The cost of such a design is not at all high; almost everyone can afford it.

To build more complex design To remove wastewater, certain financial investments will be required. But it’s worth it - because the cleaning will be done more efficiently.

Let's look at the instructions for its implementation - it is possible that you can do this for yourself:

  • Water first enters the drain - from the inclined floor covering. You can always make the box of this ladder either from concrete or stainless steel;
  • Water flows from the drain to the outlet pipe;
  • The box must be equipped with a pipe. It is raised from the bottom by 10 cm, a steel plate is also installed - obliquely, the distance from the bottom is 40-50 mm. The side and top parts of the plate must be secured tightly, and the top of the drain passage is covered with a lid. Holes should be made in the lid;
  • Water lock - excellent protection against all unpleasant odors, which you can feel from the blooming water. Cold air thanks to this lock, it will also not get inside your premises. That is, the floor will be very warm;
  • The junction of the outlet pipes is minted, coated with cement mortar - and a very decent drainage system is obtained.

Washing in a Russian bath can be extremely simple

Ceiling and wall cladding

Bathhouse, washing room finishing - this is what we are talking about in detail today. Everything related to drainage was discussed above. Now is the time to think about the ceiling and walls.

Bathroom washing areas are often finished with tiles. This material is chosen because it has a reputation for being practical, durable, and hygienic - because it is not difficult to care for during use. Ceramic tiles have been used for decades, they have successfully passed all strength tests - no one will argue with this.

And still, why you should use ceramic tiles and their different types?

Finishing the inside of the washing bath involves the use of moisture-resistant materials. Hygienic standards assume that the walls in the washing area are covered to a height of at least 180 cm. The entire space above is usually whitewashed, plastered, and painted with various water-repellent compounds.

The good thing about tiles is that their design is perfect for the most different interiors. The room takes on a solid appearance - and this catches the eye.

The room is completely ready for water procedures

  • You can tile the sink in your bathhouse, either completely all the walls, or combine this material with other available ones;
  • For wall cladding in the washing department, wooden slats are often chosen, which are treated in advance with antiseptics;
  • At the same time, it is customary to lay all the elements closely so that moisture inside the casing is excluded, and therefore the appearance of mold is prevented;
  • If we talk about wood, the interior finishing of sinks in wooden bathhouses is often done with coniferous materials. At the same time, larch can be called an ideal choice - it does not rot at all in a humid environment. Pine and spruce will also last a long time - if you care for them properly, ventilate the room in a timely manner and dry it if necessary;
  • The ceiling in the washing compartment should also not be left without due attention. To decorate it, you can choose the same materials that were used for the walls. It is customary to insulate the ceiling from the outside;
  • There should be no moisture in the attic; it should not accumulate in the upper part of the structure under any circumstances;
  • The ceiling in bathhouses made of timber is usually covered with boards, the thickness of which is at least 62 mm;
  • The top is finished with foil, and paper with wax is also used here. Everything is covered with soft clay, then insulated with sawdust or mineral insulation.

After all this, you can perform the final screed with sand and cement. And at this point, it is quite rightly noted that the finishing of the washing room in the bathhouse is completed and the room is completely ready for active use.

Bathhouse - washing room finishing

When there is a bathhouse, finishing the washing area is a very important topic. In fact, this is a responsible job, because if you finish the washing area incorrectly, you will hardly be able to enjoy water procedures

Until recently, bath procedures were used only for hygienic purposes. However, today the bathhouse is also a massage and beauty salon, a place to relax with friends, and even a kind of psychological relief room. We can say that people visit the bathhouse to relieve stress, improve their health, or simply to lose weight. excess weight. In this article we will talk about how to wash in a bathhouse, which will provide you with comfortable conditions during bathing procedures.

Features of the washing compartment

It is important that the washing department is thought out at the bathhouse design stage. The main thing in washing equipment is a hot/cold water system and drain. Considering the fact that the humidity in the washing room is always high, it is important to properly arrange ventilation. With its help, you can prevent the formation of pathogenic bacteria, mold and mildew.

The approximate area per person is 1x1.2 m, but it all depends on your financial capabilities. For finishing works It is best to use natural materials:

  • Ceramic tiles are environmentally friendly, durable and do not require special care. A variety of color palettes, shapes and textures allows you to experiment with finishing design. The only drawback of the material is the slipperiness of the finished surface when laid on the floor and the complexity of installation. But if the tiled floor is covered with a rubber mat or wooden gangway, then there was no shortage.
  • Wood is quite suitable for finishing a sink. There are no such high temperatures as in a steam room, so even coniferous wood is quite suitable. The resins contained in the needles improve the moisture resistance of wood. However, with all this, before finishing work, all wooden elements should be coated with wax or natural oils to increase their service life.
  • Natural stone is not often used to completely finish a sink. It is usually combined with wood and tiles. The material is durable, natural and very durable. However, doing stone cladding yourself without knowledge and skills is not so easy. Characterized by light weight and ease of installation fake diamond. Its price is significantly lower.

Among artificial materials, often used for finishing the washing room, the leaders are PVC panels and lining. They are easy to install, affordable and have high moisture resistance. The disadvantage of this finish is instability to mechanical damage and toxicity.

Note! The use of impregnated wood, chipboard and fiberboard for arranging a washing area is prohibited. At elevated temperatures, which are observed in the bathhouse, these materials emit toxic fumes.

During bathing procedures, one person receives approximately 40 liters of cold and 8 liters of hot water. At active use baths, the water consumption will be appropriate, which implies the need to arrange a high-quality drainage system.

The algorithm of actions for arranging a drain is as follows:

  • At a distance of 0.5 m from the foundation, you need to dig a trench with a depth below freezing of the soil inside the washing room.
  • Also dig a trench from the street. The length from the wall to the drain well must be at least 2 m. The volume of the well is from 1.5 m 3. When digging a trench, you should make a slight slope of 2 cm per meter. This will prevent water from stagnating in the sink.
  • Place a 20 cm thick sand cushion at the bottom of the trench. This is necessary to reduce soil pressure on the drain pipes.
  • Now the pipes should be laid. You can use one of the types plastic pipes, which are the most popular nowadays.
  • An inspection well should be made at the junction of the pipes, allowing, if necessary, to clear the clogged drain or repair it.

An ordinary one can be used as a drain well. cesspool or septic tank. However, the pit should not be located near the bathhouse to avoid the accumulation of dampness.

Washing baths are rarely equipped with separate shower stalls and trays.

Typically a drain is used to drain the water. So, the ladder kit consists of the following parts:

  • A siphon with a water seal that blocks unpleasant odors that can penetrate from the sewer.
  • The decorative grille is mounted on the drain body and rests on it. The surface of the grate and the sides of the ladder must be at the same level.
  • The drainage ring is designed to ensure that when the waterproofing breaks, water flows back into the drain through the hole located in the ring.
  • A steel pressure flange is used to ensure the tightness of the waterproofing connection with the drain body.
  • Gangway body.

The location for installing the drain is determined when designing the washing room. This is due to the fact that the equipment will be mounted in the floor. This directly determines how to make a floor in a washing room. After arranging the drain, care should be taken to connect it to the drain. To do this, you will need to install a pipe with a slope of at least 3°.

Note! The floor should also have a slight slope towards the drain, which will prevent the accumulation and stagnation of water in the washing room.


To install a ladder, you need to prepare:

  • cement;
  • sifted sand;
  • heat and sound insulating material;
  • mastic/ adhesive composition;
  • waterproofing membrane;
  • finishing material for flooring.

Installation technology

First you need to lay the thermal insulation material, in our case it will be polystyrene foam. Its thickness should be 4 cm or more. In this case, the foam must be of high density, which will provide good rigidity.

Note! To maintain the slope of the floor to the drainage point, check each step with a level. Make a cutout in the foam sewer pipe and gangway.

When the preparatory work is completed, you can pour the floor sand-cement mortar, this way you will fix the ladder. Pre-treat the drain with solvent. In this case, the screed must be laid taking into account the slope necessary to direct the water to the drainage point. Ensure the drain is tight.

Note! After the screed has dried, use silicone sealant to seal the joints of the drain. Remember, water from the washing room should only drain through the drain.

Waterproofing and finishing

You also need to perform waterproofing, into which the fiberglass seal should be embedded. Along the perimeter of the wall, to a height of 10–15 cm, you need to apply waterproofing, and then glue a fiberglass mesh onto it. After this, the second layer of screed should be poured.

After the screed has dried, you can begin finishing the ladder. An adhesive composition is applied to the screed and the tiles/mosaics are laid. In this case, the grate of the ladder should be on the same level with the finishing material. Upon completion of the finishing work, all seams should be sealed with moisture-resistant grout. Wall tiles are laid using the same principle, but this will be discussed further.

Note! If you plan to lay a plank floor, then lay roofing felt on the base, and then install the sheathing.


To make bathing procedures enjoyable, it is important to ensure sufficient air circulation in the washing room. To do this, install a supply and exhaust ventilation system in it. With its help you can reduce the level of air humidity.

Install an exhaust pipe into the wall and extend it above the roof. This way, the air will be purified more effectively. Install the supply pipe at a height of 2 m from the ground.

Note! Forced ventilation will be more cost-effective. It needs to be made so that it works when the electricity is turned on.

The plumbing should also be installed at this stage. It is easier to do this through a centralized water supply system.

Note! To provide the washing area with hot water, install a boiler.

There is no way to connect to a centralized water supply? Then you need to make an alternative decision. Provide the bathhouse with water from a well. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • Dig a trench below the freezing level of the soil from the source to the washing area.
  • Make a sand cushion in the trench 20 cm deep.
  • Lay pipes in it to ensure water supply.
  • Install two pumps in the bathhouse - one for pumping water from the well and a circulation pump. You will also need to install a water storage tank. Already connect the water heater to this system.


There are several ways to organize heating in a washing room:

Wall and ceiling finishing

Marble/ceramic tiles, wooden lining or natural stone can be used as cladding material for walls and ceilings. To save money, the tiles can be laid 1.5–1.8 m from the floor. The remaining space of the walls and ceiling can be painted with paint that is resistant to water and moisture.

  • You can immediately lay finishing material on the wall bordering the steam room without waterproofing. If we are talking about wooden lining, then the slats need to be tightly fixed to each other and to the wall.
  • If you decide to use tiles as finishing, then lay them in one plane. The level will help you with this. The seams should be sealed with an antifungal compound.
  • A waterproofing layer must be applied to the shower walls before laying the cladding.
  • In the classic design, the ceiling, as well as the walls, are covered with wooden paneling. If tiles were used as wall decoration, then the ceiling must be covered with water-repellent paint.

Note! Before finishing the ceiling, it must be insulated. To do this, use foil, soft clay, wax paper, sawdust and mineral wool. Brick ceiling should be pre-plastered, and a wooden flooring with a thickness of 6 cm or more should be laid on it.

Based on the size of the steam room and your wishes, the washing room can be made as a separate room or combined with a steam room. By following the instructions outlined in the article, you can create a functional washing room. If you have questions on the topic, then ask our specialist. Do you have experience in arranging a sink? Share it with us and our readers in the comments.


See a review of the finishing in the bath:


Films are made about the Russian bath, books and even scientific works are written. Most materials talk about the steam room. Meanwhile, the washing room deserves no less attention.

The basis of comfort in washing is light, air, water, furniture, decoration

In the sink they prepare for the next entry into the steam room and relax after it; massages and rubbing are also done here. Yes, sometimes they use the break room for this. But, firstly, not every bathhouse has one - it is often replaced by a locker room/dressing room, and secondly, the relaxation area is more intended for drinking delicious teas after bath procedures.

We decided that the washing room in the bathhouse is not inferior in importance to the steam room. This means that its arrangement must be done no less carefully. And one of key points– this is the atmosphere in the room. The flow of fresh air has a beneficial effect on human health and prevents the formation of mold and mildew.

But don't think that just installed air ducts will be enough. Water accumulates in the washing room, which also does not contribute to a healthy atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the wastewater disposal system and the organization of the drainage pit.

The next important element is indoor furniture. As a rule, these are benches, the width of which allows you to comfortably sit for ablution or lie down for a massage. Considering that the person in the bathhouse is naked, increased demands are placed on the quality of the environment.

A comfortable bathhouse is unthinkable without lamps and lamps. In a washing room, with its high humidity, not only lighting, but also safety depends on high-quality wiring. Yes, in most cases, professional installers are involved in electrifying a bathhouse, but the owner must also know at least the basics. Breakdowns usually happen when you least expect them.

Finishing the washing room - material options

In Russia, for construction or logs. The interior decoration of such buildings involves the use of wooden panels in the form of planed boards or lining. Experts recommend using materials made from coniferous wood. High content resin prevents wood from rotting. And solutions and varnishes will help preserve the appearance of the finish. They will not allow bathhouse visitors to stick to its walls.

Although wood is a popular finishing material, ceramic tiles confidently compete with it. In terms of durability, it is many times superior to wooden finishes.

Not without its shortcomings. Finishing a washing room with tiles will cost a little more - you will have to spend money on glue, jointing, and, possibly, on the salary of a master finisher. After all, not every bathhouse owner has the skills or time to work with tiles. This material also has a slippery surface. But this can be easily fixed with rubber mats or by combining a wooden floor and ceramic walls. Another way is to use ceramic tiles designed specifically for finishing baths and bathrooms.

IN Lately Finishing materials such as artificial and natural stone are gaining popularity. They are used to decorate hallways, living rooms, and bathrooms. Baths were no exception. This option cannot be called a budget option - the price of the stone itself is not very reasonable, and you still need to buy related materials. However, if you are passionate about the idea of ​​a stone sink, but your finances leave much to be desired, use artificial analogues. The visual effect is practically indistinguishable, and the price is several times lower. And it’s easier to work with such a stone.

When cost savings are at the forefront, pay attention to PVC panels. The construction market offers models for every taste, color and budget. The prevailing stereotype about the harmfulness of such material causes some concern. In fact, those times are long gone. We regularly use teapots, coffee makers, and washing machines with plastic bodies.

Clean air in the car wash - breathe deeply

Being in a room with musty air is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. Therefore, you cannot do without a ventilation device. There are at least three types of ventilation: natural, mechanical and combined. Which one to choose? It all depends on the size of the sink.

For example, if you have built a bathhouse where there is a large swimming pool in the washing room, then without air handling unit It's unlikely to work out. True, you will have to call specially trained people to install it. We will proceed from the calculation of 1.5 m2 per person, for four people this will be six squares. We do not consider heretical statements that a shower stall is enough for washing.

Ceilings of 2–2.2 meters are considered standard for a bathhouse, i.e. we need to provide air exchange into a room with a volume of 12–13 cubic meters. For such a wash, natural air exchange through the vents will be sufficient.

Vents are holes that are made in the foundation or lower part of the bathhouse wall to bring in fresh air.

That is, ventilation will consist of two openings: supply and exhaust. It is not necessary to place them on the same plane. Moreover, it is better to make the supply grille from warm wall steam rooms (ideally under a stove). Cold air entering the room from the street rises and warms up.

Such ventilation is quite inexpensive and can be done without the involvement of specialists. It works great in any bathhouse, regardless of whether the bathhouse is electrified or not. When installing such ventilation, install dampers - this will allow you to regulate the microclimate in the sink. By the way, if necessary, a fan is installed in the air and when minimum costs you get a natural-mechanical air exchange system with good efficiency.

Waste water - types of drainage systems

The room in the bathhouse where you will wash requires an abundance of water, which you need to get rid of. Not so long ago it was believed that to do this it was enough to dig a drain hole under the sink. Yes, and now builders often follow the path of least resistance. But after the next change of rotten floors, the owners of the bathhouses are thinking about diverting water outside the bathhouse.

Draining wastewater from a washing room involves three main points: laying a sewer pipe, laying a floor, and constructing a drainage pit or septic tank. The system will largely depend on the floors, and they come in two types: leaking and non-leaking. In the first case, a container is installed under the floors along the entire perimeter, from which a drain pipe extends - it is unknown how long such a container will last. It is also difficult to visually assess its condition, since the floors will have to be raised.

Therefore, they increasingly give preference to non-leakage inclined floors and sewer pipes. It is better to use sewer pipes with a diameter of 100–110 mm. The device for such a drain is not complicated.

The next step: the pipes, raised vertically, are placed flush with the floor and protected with nets. They prevent foreign objects from entering the bath drain. One of the receiving sockets needs to be made in the steam room. Unless, of course, you want to pull to drainage hole two branches of sewer pipes.

Such a system will only work in tandem with correctly aligned floors. Two methods are popular. The first is when a cement floor is poured with an inclination towards the drain hole and the finished floor is laid on top of the joists. Visually it will look like this

Having installed such a system, you will walk on a flat floor without tripping over grates, and arrange furniture without risking damaging the integrity of the drain neck. However, if desired, the cement screed can be decorated with tiles. But this option is not without some drawbacks - a slanted floor will make it difficult to arrange benches.

Another option is when the drain pipe is mounted in a wooden non-leaky floor. True, its creation is associated with certain difficulties.

And in terms of price, the gain is minimal. In addition to wood, you will have to purchase waterproofing (to direct water into the drain neck), foam plastic or its analogues, which will ensure thermal insulation of the floor. Not to mention the increased consumption of fasteners, since finishing and subflooring will have to be laid.

Ohm's laws in the service of cleanliness - electricity in the car wash

People of the older generation still remember the times when baths were lit exclusively through small windows. Today the situation has changed. It’s difficult to imagine a sink, a steam room, and even more so a relaxation room without electrical appliances. However, a bathhouse is a room with its own special microclimate, and the wiring requires special attention.

The causes of most fires are improper installation of furnace equipment and electrical wiring. We will give practical recommendations that will reduce possible risks to a minimum. The first of them! When starting installation, carefully study all sections of the PUE (electrical installation rules).

The electrification of the bathhouse begins with. There are power lines laid over the air (a simple option) and underground (difficult, but reliable). Wiring for bathhouses begins with an electrical panel located in a dry, safe place.

It is not recommended to install sockets and switches in the washing room with its aggressive environment. The only device that is really needed there is a lamp. For everything else, there is a rest room or locker room - a dressing room. For lighting, lamps with a protection level of IP 54 are selected, and their power should not exceed 75 W.

Power supply to lighting devices is supplied via power cable 3x1.5 mm. The abbreviation in the name is deciphered as follows:

B – outer sheath of the cable made of polyvinyl chloride.

c – the protection of the current-carrying wire is also made of PVC.

And the reduction ng-ls indicates a reduced release of gas and smoke during combustion. But even a special cable should be installed correctly. That is, in wooden baths it is not allowed to hide it inside the walls. In sibit and brick buildings, a layer of plaster over the wires is allowed. You also need to pay attention to the connecting connections - they are made by soldering or welding.

And don’t forget about standard security measures:

  • Cables are mounted strictly vertically or horizontally, without unnecessary turns, kinks or twists.
  • Place the wires in visible places, at a distance of at least 50 cm from metal pipes and heating devices. It is prohibited to lay electrical lines opposite the doors and above the stove.
  • Cables must not be laid in metal pipes and shells.
  • The use of protective grounding is mandatory.

Upon completion of the work, invite a professional electrician to evaluate it. This service is relatively inexpensive - from 500 rubles.

Bath furniture – what you need to pay attention to

Light, air and water are important components of comfortable washing in a bathhouse. But there is one more element that you can’t do without – furniture. This includes benches for washing and massage, tables for basins. Recently it has become fashionable to install a font in the sink. Although the last element is still considered exotic.

Most bath furniture is made of wood. Unlike a steam room, the choice of wood is much wider. It is allowed to use coniferous wood without fear of escaping resin. The only requirement is that the material for future furniture must be thoroughly dried.

People make basins, fonts and shelves based on their own convenience and the accessories they use; with benches the situation is different. The practice of generations recommends making benches 0.6–0.8 m wide and 2 to 2.2 m long. Such dimensions allow several visitors to sit by placing a tub of water next to it. In addition, it is convenient to lie on such a bench during massage and rubbing.

The creation of furniture in a bathhouse begins with the preparation of the material, which includes sanding and impregnation of the wood with an antiseptic. The first operation is necessary to avoid injuries when washing, the second prevents the appearance of fungus and mold. Another important factor– fasteners. To assemble benches and shelves, use galvanized bolts and screws (nails will come out at the wrong time and in the wrong place).

It is desirable that the furniture in the bath pleases the eye. But the desire for beauty should not be detrimental to human health. For example, you should not use synthetic dyes and varnishes in the bath. Even solutions that are safe in ordinary rooms in a bathhouse with its aggressive environment can cause injury or allergies.

Produce inner lining The washing room in the bathhouse can be made of various materials. They differ in appearance, cost, and characteristics. The choice depends on the method of building the bathhouse and the financial capabilities of the owner.


When working on the interior decoration of a washing bath, you should take into account that high air humidity is constantly maintained here. This means that to facing materials special requirements apply. They must be extremely moisture resistant. This allows you to improve the performance characteristics and increase the service life of the bathhouse. In addition, the sink is lined only with environmentally friendly materials.

Selection of materials for interior decoration in a washing bath

If the washing area in the bathhouse is combined with a steam room, then it should be sheathed deciduous trees tree. For lining a separate sink, the choice of materials is wider:
  1. Tree. The best option Coniferous species are considered. They contain resin and are therefore more moisture resistant. When using spruce or pine as finishing, it must be additionally coated with wax or impregnated with a moisture-repellent composition.
  2. Tile. Tile and ceramics are distinguished by high strength and moisture-resistant characteristics. The tiles are produced in a wide range color palette, however, laying it out competently and aesthetically on your own is not so easy. Usually it is used to decorate walls up to 1.8 meters.
  3. Stone. Marble and granite are mainly used for laying floors and walls up to 0.4 meters high. Due to its heavy weight, it is not recommended to cover the ceiling with stone. This material is expensive, but has a long service life.
  4. Plastic. PVC panels are the cheapest option. They are moisture resistant, easy to install and easy to clean. However, this material is not strong and durable, and the seams darken after just six to a year. At the same time, a low-quality panel can emit an unpleasant synthetic odor when heated.

After selecting the material, it is necessary to consider the ventilation, heating, water supply and drainage systems in the steam room. Only then should work begin.

Covering the washing room in the bathhouse with wooden clapboard

Work on finishing the washing room in the bathhouse from the inside is carried out only after the structure, external and internal caulking has settled. If the bathhouse is built of brick or foam block, then internal lining can be carried out immediately after completion construction work.

We carry out the work in this order:

  • We put a frame of beams on the walls. We will place the lining vertically, which means we mount the sheathing in a horizontal position. You can sheathe it with clapboard diagonally. In any case, the base bars must be perpendicular to the sheet of material. By combining these methods, you can make the cladding in the form of an original design.
  • We lay a 5-10 cm layer of heat insulation in the recesses between the sheathing elements.
  • Cover the surface with foil insulation.
  • We fasten the lining to the sheathing using a clamp, nails or self-tapping screws.
  • We treat it with wax or a water-repellent solution.
  • We install trim on windows and doors.

The finishing of the ceiling in such a washing room should also be done with clapboard. It is mounted in the same way as on the walls.

Finishing the washing area in the bathhouse with tiles

This method involves laying tiles on walls up to 1.8 meters high, and plastering and painting on top. However renovation work in this case, they will be required every year or two. You can finish with washing tiles in both wood and brick baths.

We carry out the cladding in the following sequence:

  1. We cover the walls with roofing felt for waterproofing.
  2. We make a cement screed on the wall with a maximum height of 1.8 meters.
  3. Prepare the adhesive base. To do this, mix glue, cement and sand in the proportion indicated for a specific tile.
  4. We lay the tiles on the wall from bottom to top. The adhesive solution is applied to the tile.
  5. To ensure that the tile seams are even and the levels do not shift, we use a special cross.
  6. We rub the seams with a hydrophobic compound.
  7. We plaster the remaining space up to the top and the ceiling, and then cover the surface with water-based paint. The water-based coating must be refreshed every two to three years, depending on the frequency of use.

A tiled floor will also look beautiful. It is worth noting that tiles are very slippery (especially in high humidity), therefore, when installing such a floor, for safety reasons it is better to lay a rubber mat or build a ladder made of wood.

Facing the washing bath with stone

Natural stone is expensive and heavy. Therefore, recently the artificial analogue has become increasingly popular. What material to use - natural or artificial - is a matter of personal preference and financial capabilities.

The methods for laying these materials are identical:

  • We carefully plaster the walls and reinforce them with construction mesh.
  • We make a cement screed on the wall with a maximum height of 0.4 meters.
  • We lay slabs of stone on it. Apply the adhesive solution to the wall or stone slab. You can leave gaps or lay them end to end.
  • We begin installation of stone slabs from window or door openings or from a corner.
  • We use a level to check that the installation is horizontal.
  • We rub the seams with a water-repellent solution. This work should be carried out no earlier than one day after installation.
  • We plaster the remaining space to the top.
  • Apply a layer of waterproofing mastic.
  • We cover the walls with PVC panels. We press them tightly against each other and against the wall to prevent moisture from entering.

Please note: if you decide to lay the stone with gaps, they should not exceed 2.5 cm.

Installation of PVC panels in a washing bath

In a washing bath there are no such high temperatures as in a steam room, so finishing the surfaces with PVC panels is allowed. Majority modern varieties plastic panels have a tongue-and-groove “locking” system. This makes installation much easier, which even a beginner can handle.

If the walls are not perfectly smooth, then you should first make a lathing on which we mount the panels. This provides an additional air gap, which prevents the formation of condensation. A layer of waterproofing should be laid in the space between the wall and the sheathing.
Sometimes, if the walls are smooth and dry, it is possible to lay the panels directly on the wall. However, in any case, this method of cladding is undesirable for a bathhouse.

The ceiling is also easy to cover with PVC panels. To do this, we plaster it, apply a waterproofing layer, make a lathing and install panels on it.

Please note: connecting moldings are produced exclusively for panels whose thickness is 8-10 cm. The optimal panels for a sink are 15-25 cm wide and up to 10 cm thick.

Watch a video about finishing the washing compartment in the bathhouse:

Instructions for finishing a washing bath and photos will help you understand in more detail the basic principles of this process. When performing interior cladding, it is imperative to take into account the increased humidity of the room. Therefore, moisture-resistant materials should be used, and due attention should also be paid to the organization of ventilation.

A bathhouse is a specific building characterized by high humidity and temperature conditions, as well as the specifics of its operation. These factors determine the choice of finishing materials for its premises. In the steam room, wood paneling is preferred and traditional. In the washing room, the choice of finishes is much wider and is limited mainly by conditions of high humidity.

Room wall material

At the moment, baths continue to be built mainly from wood; buildings made of brick and blocks are often found. The enclosing structures of the washing room, as a rule, are the external walls of the structure and the partitions between it and other rooms, in particular, always a steam room. This neighborhood has special requirements due to the presence of high temperatures when using a bath here and the danger of toxic substances being released when heated.

The material for internal structures is usually used similar to external walls, but other options can be used:

  • The log house must be built simultaneously with the main structure in order to perform dressing with external walls, since subsequently this is practically impossible;
  • Timber in one row or in the form of a double structure with an air gap;

Advice! When the partition is located parallel to the main load-bearing structures of the floor, it is necessary to install an additional beam under it.

  • Gas- and penobton can be used in brick buildings or wooden, provided that the foundation for the partition was built in advance;
  • Brick, preferably red, characterized by high fire resistance and good ability to retain heat;
  • Glass is the most effective option, but requires ordering the manufacture of a structure from a heat-resistant type of material to specific dimensions.

Important! The finishing of the partition adjacent to the sink and the steam room is done only with heat-resistant materials! If there is a stove protruding into the room, it and adjacent sections of the walls are covered with tiles that meet special requirements (see “Tiling walls in a bathhouse - types of materials and instructions for carrying out work”).

Selection of finishing material for washing

The peculiarities of the processes taking place in the bathhouse and the specifics of its operation dictate a number of requirements for the design of the room:

  • Resistant even to extremely significant temperature changes;
  • Immunity to long breaks in active use;
  • High resistance to constant exposure to moisture;
  • Compliance with all modern sanitary and hygienic requirements.


It is preferable to use coniferous trees, since due to their resin content they have high moisture resistance. The best cladding is considered to be clapboard made of aspen and larch, but these are quite expensive materials. Installation is carried out in horizontal, vertical or diagonal directions, as well as their combinations.

Most often, spruce or pine finishing is used and they are treated with water-repellent compounds to increase durability:

  • Natural oils are a deep penetration impregnation, which is applied in 2-3 layers to a cleaned and sanded surface.
  • Wax is the most effective and expensive remedy. After treatment, a water-repellent but breathable film is formed on the surface of the wood, which at the same time makes the shade of the material richer and the texture more expressive.
  • The paint with a water-repellent effect and an exclusively natural base is applied in 2 layers. Requires updating annually.

Important! Varnishes should not be used to treat wood in a washing room, as when heated they release toxic substances into the environment!

Ceramic tile

The material is characterized by high moisture resistance, durability, ease of maintenance, and a huge range of color solutions and forms, the possibility of implementing non-standard design solutions. Disadvantages - fragility, the need for certain skills for high-quality installation and airtightness.

Important! When tiling wooden walls, it is necessary to first perform waterproofing, attach a metal mesh and plaster the surface with cement mortar.

Natural or decorative stone

Due to the high cost, complexity of installation and the heaviness of products, natural rocks are rarely used for complete wall cladding - usually this extremely durable, moisture-resistant, beautiful and durable material is combined with ceramic tiles or wood. Decorative rock has properties similar to natural ones, but is lighter in weight and quite affordable in cost, and is easy to install, which can be done independently.

Plastic lining panel

The most budget-friendly and easiest-to-implement way to finish a sink. The moisture-resistant and lightweight material is mounted on the sheathing. Visually, plastic lining is practically indistinguishable from natural wood, and the panels are produced in a wide range of design solutions. Significant disadvantages of such cladding are the ease of causing mechanical damage, airtightness, non-environmental friendliness, and the ability in some cases to release toxins.

Advice! Installation of plastic panels requires careful waterproofing using foil film or PVC. In this case, it is necessary to provide an air gap of 1-2 cm between them to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

Painting washroom walls

Only water-repellent paint can be used on natural basis. The walls are preliminarily sheathed with sheets of plasterboard along the frame, but these preparatory measures reduce the area of ​​the room. This is the simplest and most short-lived finishing method, the use of which is only possible if installed in a washing shower stall.

Important! It is prohibited to use chipboard, fibreboard and treated wood, which produce toxic fumes when heated!

Principles of work

The finishing is carried out using the technology of laying the selected material, but for the washing room there are several main points:

  • Installation of high-quality insulation of external structures;
  • Carrying out measures for thorough vapor barrier of walls;
  • The wood must be treated with an antifungal compound.

A competent choice of finishing material for the washing room and compliance with the work technology is a guarantee of long-term and comfortable operation of the bathhouse.