Shower      04/14/2019

Decorative flowering shrubs frost-resistant. Decorative flowering perennial shrubs for the garden

To make your garden or garden look beautiful, it is advisable to have plants with different heights on the site. Near the ground there will be flowers and beautiful grass, trees will cover the upper niche, and flowering shrubs will take their place between these levels. It is the latter that will be discussed in this article.

Shrubs blooming in spring

IN spring period many plants flourish. The bright and warm sun, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers are the main signs of the arrival of spring. And what plants can be planted in a garden or vegetable garden so that they please their owners with flowers during this period? But there are a lot of such options.

Of the most popular among gardeners shrubs blooming in spring, the following can be noted:

  • Wolfberry - its flowers appear very first, they will fill your garden with an amazing aroma. The flowering itself can last almost a month, and after that appear beautiful berries. But the wolfberry has one significant negative side - its fruits are toxic;
  • Irga Canadian. This perennial shrub begins flowering in May. Inflorescences are very reminiscent of bird cherry. This plant, in addition to spring flowers, has another attractive feature for gardeners - in the fall, its leaves turn purple-red, which will greatly decorate your site;
  • Viburnum, mountain ash and elderberry are perfect for decorating a garden or vegetable garden. By planting these shrubs along the fence, you can significantly decorate the site. In addition to their beautiful flowering, these plants will give fruits that will look beautiful on snow-covered branches in winter.

And of course, do not forget about the lilac. This shrub is widely distributed in our country. Today withdrawn dozens of varieties of lilac, which differ in appearance their inflorescences. Snow-white, blue, blue, purple-burgundy and other shades of flowers will surely decorate your garden. In addition, the pleasant and rich aroma of lilac is sure to cheer you up and your guests.

summer bloom

If you want your garden to be filled with flowers not only in spring, but also in summer, then here you can pick up suitable option perennial shrubs. To decorate the site You can use the following plants:

Most often found in our cottages spray rose. This beautiful ornamental plant is quite often used as hedge, due to the presence of rather sharp spikes. Varieties spray roses today there are quite a lot, some do not require for themselves special care others need more careful care. But in any case, everyone can choose the appropriate option, which will surely become an adornment of his garden or vegetable garden.

Perennial shrubs that bloom in autumn

IN autumn period when nature is preparing for the winter cold, you especially want to see flowering plants at your dacha. Such plants will allow you to extend the summer a little, and cheer you up with their beautiful and fragrant flowers. To perennial shrubs that will delight you in autumn, include the following varieties:

  • Hydrangea - will delight you with its beautiful and bright "balls";
  • Heather ordinary - gives its pink, purple, red and white flowers until the end of autumn;
  • Kizilik brilliant - unpretentious perennial ornamental shrub, which can often be found not only in summer cottages, but also in city squares and parks

But not only the flowers of perennial shrubs can please in the autumn. At this time of the year, the leaves of many plants are painted in the most fancy colors. Shrubs were no exception. You can easily pick up several beautiful and undemanding options for personal care.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing one or another perennial ornamental shrub, first of all, you should pay attention to conditions for its growth. The fact is that not all plants will feel good in some regions of our country. Some of them grow in cold climates, but require special care. When making a choice, keep this in mind.

In addition to the conditions for growth, it is advisable to choose options that will decorate your garden or vegetable garden throughout the year. Shrubs can be evergreen or deciduous. Of course, the first option, from a decorative point of view, is more attractive, it will be nice to see a green bush in winter garden. But such plants are more finicky than their deciduous counterparts. It is best to choose shrubs that look beautiful even after the foliage has fallen. For example, rowan will decorate your garden with its clusters of berries.

Also, when choosing a perennial shrub for a garden or vegetable garden, it is worth considering its shape and size. These parameters will be important in determining the landing site. In addition, a large shrub will take up too much space, and plant it on small plot impractical.

If we talk about forms, then here the following varieties may occur:

  • Wide shrubs - an option where the plant is wider than it is tall. Such plants often act as hedges;
  • Spherical shapes - become a beautiful, free-standing element of landscape design;
  • Vertical option - the shrub has a small width, but grows tall. Can be used as a stand-alone element or as part of a hedge;
  • Columnar - tall and narrow shrub, resembling a column of leaves. Can be used for zoning.

Height perennial shrubs can be low (up to a meter in height), medium (from 1 to 1.8 meters) and high (in adulthood they reach a height of 3 meters). Some tall and medium shrubs can be made into trees. In this case, all forms of vegetation will be presented in your garden, while leaving enough free space.

Another factor to consider when choosing a shrub is its ability to tolerate pruning. At a young age, such an operation may not be necessary, but over the years the plant will grow and will need to be shaped. If the shrub does not tolerate pruning, then this design will not work, and it will need to be replaced with a young plant.


In a garden or garden, to make it look beautiful and well-groomed, it is desirable to have various forms of plants. In addition to grass and trees, without fail shrubs should be presented. These perennials will occupy a niche of medium height, and will transform your site.

You can choose a variety of perennial shrubs, the number of varieties is very large. But when making a choice, it is worth considering some nuances. First, the ability of the plant to grow in your climate zone. Secondly, the size of the shrub itself. Besides, do not forget about the aesthetic side. Some of the varieties bloom in the spring, others will brighten up your garden in the summer, and still others become beautiful only in the fall. If you take into account all these nuances, then perennial shrubs will become a harmonious addition to the design of your site.

perennial shrubs in the garden

Beautiful, decorative, flowering, frost-resistant, low shrubs for summer cottages - consider everything. We will analyze in detail which unpretentious ornamental shrubs are best planted on suburban area Middle strip, Moscow region, North-West, Siberia and the Urals. And which one to choose is up to you.

Types of ornamental shrubs

All decorative bushes can be divided into deciduous and coniferous. Both are used in design. With the help of them, various tasks of landscape design are solved - space zoning, the creation of hedges, beautiful borders. In some cases, even single plantings of a flowering shrub look advantageous. IN Lately the topiary haircut is popular, so that designers turn a bush (of a certain type) into a sculpture in the literal sense.

Ornamental bushes of various shapes, types and sizes adorn gardens completely different style. Often the main factor is the placement of plants that are easy to cut.
For hedges, free-form or sheared shrubs are planted. To design the boundaries of the site - groups of tall specimens. And for zoning within a group of undersized and medium-sized plants. With the help of ornamental shrubs, you can accent the passages and mark the gates.

Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs in the country

All the shrubs described here easily tolerate cold and often snowy winters, that is, they grow and bloom well in most regions and regions of Russia. A photo and a small description are given for each species, so that it is clear in general terms what a plant is. Each of the shrubs is described in more detail on other pages of the site.

Deciduous shrubs in landscape design

Some of them are decorative throughout the season due to their beautiful foliage, and some are pleasing to the eye mainly during flowering.

Decorative deciduous shrubs for summer cottages

Unlike flowering counterparts, deciduous species remain attractive throughout warm season. Many of them are extremely easy to grow, as they are frost-resistant, unpretentious and perfectly tolerate formative pruning.
Low-growing species - Fortune's euonymus, Thunberg's barberry. Sredneroslye - snowberry, privet. Tall - hawthorn, vesicle, derain, common barberry, rowanberry, red Japanese maple.

Barberry Thunberg

Unpretentious in care, not afraid of summer heat and drought, tolerates winter well, grows even on poor soils. It can serve as a decorative thorny hedge from uninvited guests. It has a high decorative effect due to the beauty of the leaves, tolerates forming pruning well. It has several varieties that differ in the shape and size of the crown and the color of the foliage:

  • Atropurpurea Nana is the most popular dwarf variety with purple leaves;
  • Red Pilar - has a columnar crown shape, and its reddish-purple foliage becomes scarlet by the end of the growing season;
  • Golden Ring - the leaf plate of this variety has a coral color with a golden border around the edges, and the height reaches 3 meters;
  • Aurea - reaches 1.5 m, leaves are golden or yellow;
  • Kobold is a dwarf variety with green leaves, its crown is spherical. Can replace boxwood. Requires shelter for the winter;
  • Green Carpet - the height of the bush reaches 50 cm, and the leaves are green in summer and red in autumn;
  • Kornik - this variety of 1.5 meters in height goes well with roses and conifers. The leaves are green in summer with white spots, and in autumn green color turns red.


This shrub is always attractive, even without foliage, as its branches have a bright red color. Derain is unpretentious, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, grows on almost any soil. Suitable for large areas, as the shrub is quite tall.
There are many varieties of sod:

  • Elegantissima - with white-green leaves;
  • Siberica Variegata - with reddish-green foliage with pink edging along the edges;
  • Kesselring - with chameleon leaves of a brownish-pink hue with the addition of yellow and green colors.

Red Japanese Maple

Ornamental shrub with red leaves. Its foliage is bright green at first, turning reddish-orange and then red in autumn. This bush looks great anywhere on the site, as it combines wonderfully with both conifers and ferns and, for example, hostas. Feels good in the shade.

The Japanese maple has many varieties, and each of them has an attractive foliage color in its own way:

  • Aconitifolium - orange-red leaves;
  • Vitifolium - carmine-red leaves;
  • Atropurpureum - dark red, almost black-red foliage.

Fieldfare rowanberry

Unpretentious, fast-growing ornamental shrub with openwork leaves. The foliage has interesting feature A gradient is a transition from one shade to another. Orange, red, yellow, pinkish, green - all these colors blend smoothly with each other on one single leaf.
The highest decorative effect is observed closer to autumn. You can plant a bush both in a sunny place and in partial shade. Fertile soil is preferred. The plant does not like drought.


It lends itself well to a haircut, so it is widely used in landscape design.
Depending on the variety, the vesicle has a completely different color of foliage:

  • Diabolo - dark red, almost black leaves. In spring, its foliage has a lighter shade - carmine red, but then gradually darkens;
  • Darts Gold - yellow-fiery leaves;
  • Nugget - at first the foliage is yellow, and closer to autumn it turns green;
  • Red-leaved - the leaves are scarlet in spring, and with the advent of cold weather they are maroon.

Variegated shrubs for the garden

Shrubs with variegated leaves with photos, names, descriptions.

Fortune's Euonymus

It is a low evergreen shrub originally from China. Its height does not exceed 60 cm. The foliage is very decorative - dark green with a white or yellow border, as seen in the photo. The plant forms fruits, but only in the southern regions, in the North the bush rarely blooms and bears fruit. This frost-resistant plant, unpretentious, looks great both as a single element in the landscape of the site and as the main accent among a company that matches the color.

Flowering ornamental shrubs

All these plants have the highest decorative effect during flowering, the rest of the time they are usually ordinary garden bushes with green foliage of various shapes. However, they are attractive when well cared for.


This shrub pleases the eye not only in early spring, when numerous flowers bloom on its branches. yellow flowers, but also in autumn, when the leaves turn golden, and sometimes purple-violet.


Unpretentious and very beautiful shrub, blooming profusely and luxuriantly, with branches leaning to the ground. Some varieties of spirea have beautiful foliage, for example, Vangutta, Pink Ice. Spirea blooms in spring and summer, depending on the species.


In the common people - jasmine. The most famous ornamental shrub. And they love him not only for the beauty during flowering, but also for the pleasant smell emanating from the flowers. The plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious, resistant to diseases.
Depending on the species, the bushes differ in size, crown shape, color and aroma of flowers. The flowering time of the mock orange depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are those that bloom both in summer and in early autumn.


The most decorative time for it is autumn, at which time its leaves turn yellow, red, orange, burgundy or purple, and in place of small flowers, snow-white, pale pink, red or dark purple bursting berries appear, which remain on the shoots. after leaf fall.


Lush inflorescences of this shrub look like puffs of smoke, and bright leaves that change color during the season adorn the bush from spring to autumn.
This ornamental shrub will fit into the design of the site of any style.

decorative almond

Its time is spring, when all the branches are densely strewn with tender pink flowers. In autumn, almonds are also beautiful when their leaves turn orange-red or pink.
The most decorative almonds are three-lobed (luiseania) and steppe (bean).

Mahonia holly

Very beautiful in the second half of spring, when it blooms. Its bright yellow panicle inflorescences are organically combined with shiny, serrated green leaves.
At the end of summer, mahonia is decorative due to the dark blue fruits that appear on the shrub.


The time of the highest decorative effect is autumn, when it has red berries and burgundy leaves. Kalina, even on poor soil and with a lack of sun, blooms with lush inflorescences.

Hydrangea - a shade-loving shrub for a summer residence

It can bloom where other shrubs cannot show their decorative effect. Hydrangea prefers shade and moist soil. It is frost-resistant, unpretentious, and blooms in large snow-white, pink, lilac, blue or purple “balls” or “panicles”.

Hydrangea is characterized by long flowering, which begins around July and continues until early autumn. Pairs well with rhododendrons, clematis, lilies, roses and ferns.


This shrub can be classified as decorative and deciduous, as it is beautiful both during flowering, and before and after it.
Weigela blooms in May, especially luxuriantly at the very beginning. Weigela Middendorf can bloom twice per season.

Rose hip

Decorative and at the same time medicinal shrub. Attractive in appearance both during flowering and during fruit ripening.
Rosehip is unpretentious, grows rapidly, has a very dense crown, prefers the sun or partial shade. The bush blooms from May to August.
Can be used as a hedge as the branches are thorny.

Lilac - a beautiful shrub in the garden

Grows and blooms in sunny areas and in partial shade. A universal plant for suburban areas of the middle lane. Frost-resistant and unpretentious. Often seen in the front gardens of private houses and adjoining territory high-rise buildings.
The flowering time of lilacs is May, in some species this period stretches until June.

Coniferous shrubs for giving: photo, description

Here are the most unpretentious conifers that require minimal care. All these plants will fit into the design of small garden and summer cottages. It's not hard at all to take care of them.

The main requirements for them are: they must winter without shelter, grow well on all types of soil; should not freeze in winter, get wet, dry out, burn in the sun.


The shrub grows well on not heavy soils, both in the sun and in partial shade. Some creeping forms of junipers can suffer from excess moisture, so it is better to plant them in rockeries and on slopes.
They look beautiful in combination with ferns.

The main types that are used in the design of sites in middle lane: Chinese juniper "Old Gold", horizontal juniper "Andorra Compact" and " bluechip”, “Wilton” and “Prince of Wales”, scaly juniper “Blue Spider”, Cossack juniper.


Among the species there are a lot of those whose height is only 50-80 cm.
This shrub has bluish-green or yellow-green needles, which are in the form of needles at a young age, and scaly when mature.
Decorative cypress trees are different types, differing in the shape of the crown, shades of needles, growth rate.

This is an evergreen shrub. In young plants, the leaves are soft, needle-like, in adults - scaly. Thuja is undemanding to growing conditions, has high frost resistance.


A popular shrub that is used in landscape design. Decorative throughout the year. Has bright green foliage, easily tolerates formative pruning. Boxwood is ideal for creating garden sculptures, that is, for topiary haircuts.
It is preferable to plant in bright places of the site, timely watering is required.

Beautifully flowering shrubs for the Moscow region on video

Ornamental shrubs for the garden are not planted by every gardener, because in most cases the owners of summer cottages main principle lies in growing your own ripe crop. Few people are engaged in the beauty of the land.

If there is such a desire, summer residents are limited to landing flower beds, believing that caring for flowers is easier than growing an ornamental bush. This is far from the case, since many varieties of bushes do not require special care and are able to grow on their own - without daily watering and other treatments. In order to accurately determine the choice, you should understand a little about the varieties of these beautiful plants.

Shrubs to give: types, names, photos

Shrubs for growing in a country house within Russia more than one and a half thousand varieties can be counted. Each of the species requires certain care, concluded in watering, processing or simply implementing proper disembarkation- in a more suitable area for the plant.

The criteria include both the presence of shading in the garden plot and the predominance of winds, as well as the suitable climate of the region.

Winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer

Winter-hardy shrubs, which bloom all summer in the summer - this is the main feature when choosing the type of plant for subsequent planting. Indeed, in most regions of Russia, a harsh or temperate climate prevails, and beginner gardeners do not want to carry out additional actions to warm the shrub for the winter.

Flowering hardy ornamental shrubs are especially popular. Among them are the most popular:

Lilac is a beloved shrub that can reach a height of 3 meters. Of course, such heights are not needed within the garden plot, since the branches will shade the crop in the beds. Therefore, the lilac bush should be cut according to established rules- in compliance with the frequency and principle of trimming. Many gardeners doubt the planting of this shrub, believing that the lilac will not withstand the harsh winter. In this regard, you can play it safe and choose those varieties that are intended for growing in a harsh climate. These varieties include terry lilac "Alice Harding" and "Paul Tyrion". If there are doubts about durability, you can cover the shrub with any covering material in the late autumn.

Spirea is a shrub that, during flowering, takes on a cascading shape due to the severity of numerous small white flowers. This variety is divided into sub-varieties, where specimens are isolated that bloom in spring or summer. Thanks to this feature, you can enjoy the beauty of shrubs from May to October ( plant two bushes side by side with different flowering periods). Sub-cultivars can reach a height of 2.5 meters. To prevent this from happening, immediately after flowering, the shoots must be cut off. Japanese varieties are more popular among gardeners. "Golden Princess" and "Shirobana". These shrubs are quite miniature and, with the right approach to cultivation, reach a height of only 70 cm.

Buddleya - intended for cultivation in regions with a temperate climate. A rather heat-loving plant, but it will withstand even a cold winter, if it is first spudded and covered with spruce branches. Its popularity is inferior to the two representatives listed above, although this is not deserved. Buddleya differs in flowering time. Gardeners can enjoy the beauty of large lilac clusters from July to October. If the region has warm weather in early autumn, the flowering time is slightly shifted in the corresponding direction. This shrub, if desired, can be given a beautiful and unusual shape. Every time after flowering, the shrub is pruned.- remove reddish shoots and branches. The free growth of the shrub contributes to the achievement of a height of 3 meters.

- a tree-like plant that pleases the eye with large inflorescences. Easily tolerates the most harsh winters. Requires pruning of shoots and branches twice a year. The first procedure is carried out after flowering in autumn, where it is necessary to remove all shoots that have not yet acquired a tree form. The second pruning of the shrub is carried out in the spring - the tops of the branches are cut off to the very top unblown bud. Of the needs, regular feeding can also be distinguished. Compositions for the implementation of the presented procedure should be chosen with a high content of iron and magnesium.

It's just the most common types of shrubs for the garden able to easily endure severe frosts. Before planting any plant variety, it is recommended to study all the information necessary to create conditions for a comfortable stay of the selected shrub.

Ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer, video:

Perennial shade-loving shrubs for the garden

shade tolerant shrubs- Another type of popular plant for growing in the garden. They are often planted by novice gardeners who have just acquired a summer cottage and are trying to decorate it.

Usually, shade-loving shrubs landed along country house and other outbuildings. They can cover the unpresentable appearance of buildings and at the same time not harm the very growth of the plant.

For planting in the shade, shrubs such as:

Wisteria - can reach a height of 18 meters. These flowering shrubs are often used to decorate any erected arch or ugly building. It is enough just to pull the threads, having previously wrapped them around a bush or branch, in the shape you need. Small flowers with a bright aroma bloom from late spring to early autumn.

- low shrubs, reaching a height of only 70–80 cm. Pink or purple flowers begin to appear already at the end of April. With proper care, it can bloom until late autumn. Constant shading and warm weather are a must. With the first night frosts, the shrub will throw off all its flowers.

Action - Beautiful flowering shrub small sizes. It starts flowering in late spring. The flowers are small, white or pink in color. With the help of action create beautiful compositions, planting several shrubs at once together. To maintain the resulting beauty, shoots and branches are recommended to be cut regularly.

All of the above types of garden shrubs easily tolerate winter, but in regions with a harsh climate, it is better to cover them with any suitable material.

Shade-tolerant shrubs, video:

Fast growing hedge shrubs

Fast-growing shrubs are also particularly popular with beginner gardeners. Their task is to build an attractive hedge. It is easier to do this with the help of shrubs that reach a small height.

To create a hedge, the following fast-growing shrubs for summer cottages are used:

Dogwood - its berries can be used in folk medicine to treat any disease. The shrub can reach a height of 5 meters, so it is often planted to form an outer hedge. From March to May you can admire beautiful flowers this plant. In summer, dogwood will delight summer residents with a delicious berry. The crown of trees is quite dense and requires regular care in the form of pruning shoots and tops of branches.

- use low varieties for hedges. Thanks to the formed thorns of the bush, an impenetrable hedge can be achieved. Due to the dense crown, the barberry is easily formed into the correct hedge shape. It is enough only to carry out regular processing in the form of infrequent spraying, feeding no more than once a month, and also, as necessary, trim the tops of the branches.

Turn - with free growth can reach a height of 3 meters. But to decorate a hedge with this shrub, regular pruning and shaping should be carried out. correct form. Distinctive feature the presented plant is the beauty of the hedge during flowering. A bright almond aroma emanates from the flowers, which attracts the attention of most gardeners. After the first frost in autumn, the fruits of the blackthorn can be eaten.

All of the listed types of shrubs also belong to fruit varieties. Therefore, in this case, they carry two functions.

Shrubs for hedges, video:

fruit bushes

fruit bushes planted in garden plots most often. Needless to say, in almost any country house you can find either cherries, plums or. Today, these berries are more used for planting a beautiful and blooming garden. This is understandable, because each of them blooms lovely flowers in the spring.

If you do not have enough space in your summer cottage, and you cannot afford to plant flowering and ornamental shrubs, use fruit varieties. Plant several varieties at once.

For example, raspberries are not only red, as many are accustomed to seeing, but also white, black and even purple. The usual, at first glance, gooseberries or currants have the same features.

Allocate a place on the landing site fruit bushes. With their help, you can create a unique and attractive garden design with beds for growing vegetables.

Take a look at this stuff -

An integral part beautiful garden are ornamental shrubs. Of these, you can create a hedge, decorate the area in front of the house with them, zone the territory in the country. It is advisable to choose plants so that the flowering of one follows the flowering of the other, and the flowering bushes are adjacent to the decorative leaves. At the same time, it is important to take into account the requirements of each shrub for the climatic conditions of Bashkiria and opt for zoned varieties and species. Caring for such plants will not require much effort, and they will decorate the garden all season long.

Criteria for the selection of shrubs for growing in the garden

Before planting perennial plants in the garden, you should familiarize yourself with which ones are suitable for growing in Bashkiria.

The main requirements that shrubs must meet:

  • the ability to winter with minimal losses;
  • drought resistance;
  • wind resistance.

The climate of Bashkiria is distinguished by its stability. The main part of Bashkortostan is located in the southern part of the Urals, where the continental climate prevails. Winter is frosty, without sharp jumps and temperature changes. In winter, the thermometer readings are rarely below minus 20-22°C. Snow cover is sufficient to prevent freezing of the roots of perennial frost-resistant plants.

The temperature below zero is set at the end of October, and its increase begins in the first ten days of April. Return frosts are possible until mid-May, in rare cases they occur until the end of the month. When choosing shrubs, it is better to plant late flowering varieties so that frost does not spoil the beauty of plants during flowering.

In summer, there is little precipitation, so it is preferable to opt for plants that are not demanding on the irrigation regime. There is almost no heat in summer. The average temperature is 20-23°C.

Due to the proximity to the steppes of Kazakhstan and the Orenburg region, there are strong winds in summer. Shrubs with brittle shoots should not be planted.

The main criterion in the selection of plants - it is important to be based not only on decorative qualities, but also on adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region. Frost resistance and drought resistance will allow shrubs to bloom beautifully and decorate the garden with minimal care for them. Other plants may need shelter for the winter and constant watering.

Beautiful flowering shrubs

Unpretentious flowering shrubs:

  • spirea;
  • lilac;
  • mock orange();
  • viburnum buldenezh;
  • bloodroot;
  • honeysuckle honeysuckle (liana).

These shrubs are winter-hardy, easy to propagate and require watering only in hot weather.

Spirea is unpretentious and hardy. It withstands frosts down to -30 °, tolerates drought easily. To prevent flowering from being short, it is advisable to water the bushes once every 10 days. If the site is fertile, you do not need to feed the plant. On poor soils, it is enough to fertilize every three years.

Spirea has many varieties. It can be short, about 60 cm, and tall, up to 2 meters. Branches can be upright and drooping. It blooms very profusely, the flowering period lasts up to three weeks. Flowers are collected in caps or panicles, the color is white, yellowish, pink or crimson.

Depending on the species, spirea blooms on the shoots of the current or last year. When cutting, this must be taken into account:

  • bushes that bloom in spring on the shoots of last year are pruned immediately after flowering;
  • if the spirea blooms in summer, then the shoots should be cut in early spring.

If you plant several varieties of spirea in the country, then flowering will come in a wave from May to July.

Lilac bloom begins at the end of May. The plant tolerates frosty winters, cold winds, in drought requires watering twice a month.

Lilac gives a lot of shoots, so it is suitable for growing as a hedge. A single plant is formed as a bush or tree:

  • no more than 7 strong shoots are left for the bush, the rest of the shoots are cut out annually;
  • 1-3 shoots are left for the tree. To form a stem, the lower branches are constantly cut at a height of up to 1 meter.

For the annual abundant flowering Carry out the cutting of the faded tops of the shoots. This should be done immediately after flowering, until seeds have formed on the brushes. Late pruning will not bloom next year.

Common lilac is a success. Its flowers are simple and double, the color is white, lilac, lilac, the brushes are erect and drooping.

If space allows in the country, then in addition to this it is recommended to plant a Hungarian lilac. It blooms later, after the flowers on ordinary lilacs begin to dry out. The Hungarian lilac does not give growth, which makes it easier to care for it.

Jasmine garden is known to many under the name mock orange. The bushes are covered with snow-white flowers in early June. By planting several different species, you can create a wave of flowering from June to August.

The first to bloom are varieties with simple flowers, which are distinguished by a delicious aroma.

Then terry types of mock orange blossom. Small flowers cover the entire plant, green foliage is not visible because of them. Terry species have almost no aroma.

For abundant flowering requires a sunny place, watering during a drought and pruning. Thickening, broken and old branches are pruned at the end of summer.

Fertilize the mock orange once every two years. The plant responds well to feeding with mullein infusion, wood ash and complex mineral fertilizer.

Kalina Buldenezh will not leave anyone indifferent. For a whole month it is covered with large white balls, each of which consists of many small flowers. Flowering is so abundant that under the weight of flowers the shoots bend to the ground.

Buldenezh grows in the form of a bush with several trunks. The maximum height can be up to 2.5 meters. To create a beautiful shape, pruning is carried out annually, immediately after the flowers crumble. Later pruning is unacceptable, because then shoots with flower buds will be removed and there will be no flowering next year.

For the stability of the plant, the trunks are tied together, sometimes support may be required. Kalina loves sunny places, partial shade is allowed for several hours. In drought it is necessary to water.

Winters well, but sometimes some of the shoots may freeze. They are cut out. This does not affect the decorativeness of the plant.

Hydrangea tree retains decorative properties until winter. The flowers are collected in hats, after light frosts the petals become translucent.

Grows best in partial shade. In the bright sun, the flowers become smaller and are not formed on every shoot.

Pruned in early spring, after the leaves begin to appear. At this time, it is noticeable whether there are frozen or dried branches.

In dry weather, regular watering is required.

Potentilla shrub grows up to 1 meter, some specimens may be slightly higher. Its decorative properties are that the crown is dense, in the form of a ball, it forms itself without pruning. The entire bush is strewn with small flowers of yellow or pinkish-orange color.

In a sunny place it blooms from two months, starting from the end of June. It is desirable that in the midday heat a shadow from plants growing nearby falls on the cinquefoil.

In dry summers, abundant watering once a week is necessary. Pruning is necessary sanitary. It is carried out in the spring, cutting out broken and dried shoots.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a perennial blooming creepers. They are used for vertical gardening, requires a garter and direction of the lashes.

Blooms in late spring or early summer. Flowers of an unusual shape, white-pink or yellow. A pleasant aroma can be felt from a few meters away.

Abundant flowering is possible in bright sun, in the shade more leaves than flowers are formed. Tolerates drought for some time.

Winter-hardy, shoots rarely freeze slightly. If this happens, they should be cut off. For a year, the lashes grow by 1 meter.

Closer to autumn, orange round fruits are formed. They decorate the plant, unsuitable for food.

Near flowering plants in the country will look great decorative, which differ unusual shape or leaf color.

These shrubs include:

  • sod;
  • barberry;
  • vesicle.

Derains - the variety of these shrubs never ceases to amaze. Their decorative properties are expressed not only in the foliage of unusual colors, which varies from light green to variegated. The shoots of some species in winter stand out against the background of white snow. They can be red, green, bright yellow or salmon.

Derain is frost-resistant, the shoots are flexible, do not break from strong winds and the severity of snow. Tolerates both drought and excessive soil moisture.

To maintain a compact shape, some branches are cut out every two years. Remove the oldest or weakest branches.

To create a hedge, an edible barberry is planted. The height of the bushes is up to 2.5 meters, and the prickly thorns make the thickets impenetrable. Its leaves are green in color. By autumn, they turn yellow and do not crumble for a long time. Long brushes with bright red berries adorn the plant all winter. Part of the fruit is eaten by birds in winter.

To decorate the site, decorative leaf species of barberry are planted. Their color can be yellowish, raspberry, brown. In many varieties, the leaves do not fall off in winter, or only some of them fall off. There are plants with erect shoots and arcuate ones that droop to the ground.

All types of barberry are winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Pruning is required sanitary - to remove dried branches.

This plant has beautiful foliage color. Vesicles with light green and burgundy leaves are popular. It does not bloom for long, small flowers are collected in balls or caps. Due to the many stamens, the inflorescences seem fluffy.

Drought tolerant, needs occasional watering in dry weather. Winter-hardy. Only the tops of the shoots can freeze slightly, which are quickly restored after pruning.

The bush is grown compact or in the form of a fountain. Compact form attached by pruning all shoots at a height of 40-50 cm. The upper buds quickly start growing.

If you cut out some of the weak shoots at the base, the remaining branches will stretch upwards, and their upper part will bend in different directions, which will give the bush a beautiful fountain shape.


A variety of species and varieties of unpretentious shrubs allows you to design a garden plot so that it is beautiful throughout the season. Properly selected plants make the garden bloom from May to September, and decorative leaves of shrubs add brightness and contrast.

An evergreen ornamental shrub is great option for landscape design next to a country house.

By planting an evergreen shrub for the garden, you get the opportunity to create a unique atmosphere of comfort in your home garden at any time of the year. They perfectly decorate the garden both in summer, creating a pleasant partial shade and a magnificent background for flowering plants, and in winter, against the backdrop of dazzling white snow.


  • Reproduction: dividing the bush in the fall, dividing the bush in the spring

Bamboos are becoming more and more popular. Many of them have an exotic appearance, but they are quite easy to grow. Provide some cover. In shiny arundinaria (A. nitida), 3 m high, the stems are purple. A. Muriel (A. murialiae) with yellow stems has a height of 3 m, and the giant magnificent Arundinaria (A. fastuosa) - 6 m.

Evergreen flowering plants allow you to solve two problems at once. If you plant an evergreen flowering shrub, you will get a great backdrop and beautiful blooms.


  • Flowering time: September - January

Plants with large colorful leaves for a shady spot. It will grow anywhere, but icy winds can damage new growth. The fully green Japanese aucuba (A. japonica) grows to a height of 2m and has many varieties such as 'Longifolia' (narrow leaves) and 'Picturata' (leaves with a yellow center).

ARBUTUS- Arbutus, strawberry

  • Location: sunny or partial shade

A slow-growing shrub that has hanging flowers and strawberry-like fruits on the plant at the end of autumn - these fruits are tasteless. The popular large-fruited strawberry (A. unedo) reaches a height of 2 m. Its flowers are white, and A. u. 'Rubra' has pinkish flowers.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade

It withstands wind, alkaline soils and some shade. The stems can be cut regularly. Boxwood evergreen (B. sempervirens) - the main species it will grow to 3 m if left uncut. Its cultivar 'Aureovariegata' has yellow spotted leaves; "Suffruticosa" - dwarf.


  • Flowering time: June - July
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Small flowers with prominent stamens are tightly collected in cylindrical inflorescences. Grow this plant near a sunny wall. Callistemon lemon yellow (C. citrinus) "Splendens" 2 m high has dark pink flowers and long leaves; Callistemon hard (C.rigidus) 1.5 m high is a more hardy species.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

All heathers love poor soil and light, and cannot tolerate lime. Their leaves are often colored and they bloom in spring. Heather ordinary (C.vulgaris) 25-50 cm high is the only species, but there are many varieties with white, pink or lilac flowers.


  • Flowering time: June
  • Location: sunny or partial shade

It is a palm-like plant. Grow it in a large pot or border in a mild climate. Southern cordilina (C. australis) 2 m high has pale green leaves from 30 cm to 1 m long. The Purpurea form has purple foliage. 'Torbay Dazzler' has white-striped leaves.

Evergreens for summer cottages and gardens and their photos

When choosing evergreens for the garden, consider their height and decorative properties. Properly selected evergreens for summer cottages help in improving the microclimate. Look at photos of evergreens for the garden and read their brief characteristics.


  • Flowering time: October - December
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in autumn

Common holly (I.aquifolium) 3 m high is a symbol of Christmas, but there are varieties whose leaves differ from its pointed evergreen leaves. 'Golden King' has yellow-edged leaves, 'Argentea Marginata' has white-edged leaves. P. gorodchaty (I. crenata) "Golden Gem" foliage like boxwood.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

This plant is grown in the herb garden. Or in a container, like a neatly trimmed shrub. The noble laurel (L. nobilis) has a height of 2.5 m. It needs a protected place - the leaves can be damaged by frost. Yellow flowers and black berries may appear on female specimens.


  • Flowering time: June
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Only one true palm can be considered hardy. It can withstand winter frosts in most areas, but needs protection from freezing winds. In Trachycarpus Fortune (T. fortunei), 3 m high, leaves up to 1 m wide are located in the upper part of the thick trunk. Large inflorescences of tiny flowers appear in summer.


  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Dutch elm disease has swept away countless popular elms such as Bare Elm (U. glabra) and High Elm (U. procera). Prefer a species that has been noted for its disease resistance. Small-leaved elm (U.parvifolia) is good example. 'Geisha' is small and has white-edged leaves.

Evergreen shrubs: photos and names

The evergreen shrubs presented below in the photo with the names will help you navigate the huge assortment of these plants. A beautiful evergreen shrub may require additional care in central Russia. Therefore, all names and photos of evergreen shrubs are accompanied by short descriptions characteristics. Look at the photo of evergreen shrubs and choose the type that suits your decorative properties.


  • Flowering time: June - July
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

An unusual shrub that needs protection from the south or west wall. Some shoots may freeze in winter. Camellia Californian (C. californica) 2 m high has white flowers with a center of golden stamens. Leaves below with white felt pubescence. Variety "Ladham's Variety" with more abundant flowering.

CAMELLIACAMELLIA (Variety C.japonica "Adolphe Audusson")

  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Spectacular flowers with a diameter of 5 to 15 cm, simple or double, white, pink or red. Non-alkaline soil is needed, as well as protection from cold winds. There are two species - Japanese Camellia (C. japonica) 2 m high, blooming in February-April, and Camellia Williams (C. williamsii) 2 m high with flowers in February-May.


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: definitely sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Short-lived flowers, often spotted at the base. The buds appear regularly and the shrub blooms constantly throughout the summer. There are low varieties, reaching a size of less than 1 m, such as 'Silver Pink' and white Cistus corbariensis (C. corbariensis). An example of a high species is Cistus purple (C. purpureus).


  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

This neat rounded shrub has a year-round densely leafy crown. Flat inflorescences of wax flowers appear in spring - both leaves and flowers are fragrant. View for the garden - Choisia trifoliate (C. ternata) 2 m high. The Sundance variety has yellow foliage, the Aztec Pearl variety has narrow leaves.


  • Flowering time: May - August
  • Location: definitely sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Attractive but rather tender shrub that provides year-round interest. The leaves are silvery gray and the white flowers appear throughout the summer. Shrub bindweed (C. cneorum) has a height of 50 cm and pink buds that open into funnel-shaped flowers. Frost can damage foliage.


  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

This shrub requires a mild microclimate location, partly shaded, near a wall. Defontenia prickly (D. spinosa) 50 cm high has red flowers with yellow edges. Buy large specimens if you need to fill a space - they grow very slowly over about 10 years.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

More versatile than heather (page 118). There are cultivars for flowering in any month, and colors ranging from white to almost black. There are species that are tolerant of lime, such as Erica ruddy (E. carnea) 20 cm tall, blooming in early spring, and not tolerant of lime, such as Erica ash (E. cinerea) 25 cm tall, blooming from July to September.


  • Flowering time: June - September
  • Location: sunny or partial shade

Small bell-shaped flowers cover the bush in summer. It grows vertically at first, then the stems are arched. Popular variety "Apple Blossom" 1.5 m high, slow growing; 'Donard Seedling' has pink flowers and is hardier; Escallonia red (E. rubra) "Macrantha" is more vigorous.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in autumn

Evergreen species of euonymus are more popular than deciduous ones. Variegated-leaved varieties provide color in winter, and there are bushy forms for hedges. Forchun's euonymus (E. fortunei) 1 m high - ground cover species; Japanese spindle tree (E. japonicus) is a taller species for hedges.


  • Flowering time: October - November
  • Location: best part shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Plant with large decorative leaves for shady places. Fatsia Japanese (F. japonica) 3 m high blooms in autumn with small cream flowers in spherical inflorescences, which are then replaced by black berries. Variety "Variegata" with white-edged leaves is less cold-resistant than the species.

More names of evergreens and their photos

Evergreens, which are presented later on this page, are not common. Below we invite you to find out the names of evergreens and appreciate their beauty in the photo.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

This shrub, 3 m high, is grown against the walls for its winter decoration - long and graceful inflorescences-earrings hang from the branches. Harry has elliptical (G. elliptica) earrings 20 cm long, at first having a gray-green color. The 'James Roof' variety has thicker earrings and is almost twice as long.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

The “whip-shaped” hebes have scaly leaves, for example, those of Armstrong's Hebe (H. armstrongii) are 1 m high. Low-growing hebes are less than 50 cm, for example, "Carl Teschner". Tall hebes - above 50 cm, for example, the Great Orme variety. Winter hardiness decreases with increasing leaf size.


  • Flowering time: May - July
  • Location: definitely sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

The flowers of this stunted shrub form a colorful canopy for many weeks in the summer, but each flower lives only a day or two. Important annual pruning. Pelianthemums of the Wisley series are 20 cm high and have silvery gray leaves; Ben varieties such as 'Ben Hope' are neat and hardy.

St. John's wortHYPERICUM

  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

St. John's wort, (H. calycinum) 50 cm high, having flowers with numerous fluffy stamens in the center. The variety 'Hidcote' has larger flowers. St. John's wort (H. moserianum) 'Tricolor' has variegated green-creamy-pink leaves. St. John's wort (H. inodorum) "Elstead" is decorative with red berries.


  • Flowering time: May - June
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

The flowers live for a long time and cover the entire foliage, if the necessary conditions are present. It needs a mild climate or shelter near a south wall and well-drained soil. Leptospermum broom-shaped (L. scoparium) 2.5 m high has white flowers; usually choose varieties with colored flowers, such as "Kiwi".


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Low-growing bushes for a border or for dwarf hedges. L. narrow-leaved (L. angustifolia) is the most common. Its flowers are pale blue; 'Hidcote' has purple flowers. French lavender (L. stoechas) also with purple flowers. View with green foliage and white flowers - green lavender (L. viridis).


  • Flowering time: June - October
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Fast growing shrub that blooms all summer large flowers. It is easy to grow, but needs to be severely pruned every year. Khatma "Rosea" 2 m tall blooms with pink flowers; "Barnsley" - pink and white with a red eye. Khatma seaside (L. maritima) is not quite hardy.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in autumn

Common privet (L. vulgare) has evenly colored green foliage, but there are also varieties with colored leaves. Privet oval-leaved (L. ovalifolium) "Aureum" 2 m high has yellow leaves with a green center "Argenteum" with yellow edges. Several species bloom in summer.


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: definitely sunny
  • Reproduction: sowing seeds in autumn

Wood lupine is rare, unlike its grassy border relatives. It has a short lifespan, and its inflorescences are shorter than hardy perennial hybrids. Tree lupine (L. arboreus) 1.5 m tall has yellow fragrant flowers and grayish-green leaves; grade "Mauve Queen" purple. Not for heavy soils.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: best part shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Tolerates any soil and shade. fragrant spring flowers are replaced by purple or black berries. In Holly Magonia (M. aquifolium), 1 m high, the flowers are located in compact inflorescences; Magonia Japanese (M. japonica) 2 m tall with long inflorescences diverging like rays.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

The shrub is covered in daisy-like blooms in summer, but will look scrawny when not in bloom unless pruned annually. Olearia large-toothed (O. macrodonta) 2.5 m tall blooms in June and has leaves like a holly. Olearia Haast (O. haastii) has leaves like boxwood. Olearia Scillonian (O. scilloniensis) 1.5 m high blooms in May.


  • Flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Myrtle is not popular. The problem is that it is damaged as a result of severe frost and icy wind. Common myrtle (M. communis), 3 m high, is the main species. Small white flowers with fluffy stamens in the center. Variety 'Variegata' has cream-colored leaf margins.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Neat bushes are covered with evergreen leaves - the flowers have the scent of jasmine. Osmanthus Delave (O. delavayi) 1 m high - the most popular species with tubular flowers in April - May. Osmanthus Berkwood (O. burkwoodii) is more vigorous. Osmanthus variegated (O.heterophyllus) "Variegata" blooms in September, leaves like a holly.


  • Flowering time: June - October
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: dividing the bush in the fall

Color changes throughout the year. Foliage is red in spring and leaves turn purple in autumn. Nandina home (N. domestica) 1 m high is the main species. It blooms with white star-shaped flowers in conical inflorescences, and berries appear later. The "Firepower" variety is even more colorful.


  • Flowering time: March
  • Location: best shady
  • Reproduction: dividing the bush in spring

Pachysandra - groundcover, able to grow under the branched. The densely spaced leathery leaves inhibit the growth of weeds. Pakhisandra apical (P. terminalis) 20 cm tall - a common species with white inconspicuous flowers. The Green Carpet variety is more compact.


  • Flowering time: November - February
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: rooted offspring in autumn

The mass of flowers in early summer is replaced by large berries on the female plants of this undersized thorny shrub. These fruits are not touched by birds. Pernettia pointed (P. mucronata) - garden view height 75cm; 'Cherry Ripe' has red berries. Variety "Mascula" male, "Bell's Seedling" monoecious.


  • Flowering time: June - July
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Plants become unattractive with age - heavy pruning is needed each year to ensure new stems are formed. Shrub thorn (P. fruticosa) 1 m high bears whorls of yellow flowers 5 cm wide. Golden-leaved thorn (P. chrysophylla) is similar to it, but the leaves turn yellow in autumn.


  • Flowering time: July - October
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

In the spring, cut off all the stems or simply cut off the frost-affected lateral shoots. Figelius Cape (P. capensis) 2.5 m high has red flowers with a yellow throat, located around the axis of the inflorescence; Figelius equal (P. aequalis) "Yellow Trumpet" is smaller and has one-sided inflorescences.

Other evergreen shrubs and plants

Don't dwell on what you have already learned. See below for other evergreen shrubs and plants.


  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Photinia Fraser (P. fraseri) "Red Robin" 2.5 m high. Its young foliage is bright red in spring; if you cut off the tops of the shoots, new red leaves will appear again. Inflorescences of small flowers appear after a mild winter. Needs a protected place. 'Robusta' is similar in appearance, but the new growth is copper in color.


  • Flowering time: March - May
  • Location: Best slightly shady
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

In spring, long inflorescences of small flowers appear, and the most popular varieties have decorative bright red young leaves. Pieris beautiful Forrest (P formosa forrestii) 3 m high has white flowers and red young leaves. P Japanese (P japonica) is a more compact species.


  • Flowering time: May
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Black branches and leaves with wavy edges are used by florists, but there are also beautiful flowering species. Fully or partially bushes may die in harsh winters. Pittosporum thin-leaved (P tenuifolium) 3 m high is quite hardy. Pittosporum tobira (P tobira) is the best blooming view but too soft.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Evergreen species of the genus Prunus are popular for hedges. Trim your hedge in late summer. Laurel cherry medicinal (P. laurocerasus) 5 m high blooms in spring with white flowers. Plum Lusitanian (P.lusitanica) 2.5 m high has leaves with red petioles and blooms in early summer.


  • Flowering time: depends on the variety
  • Location: best part shade
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

The average height of rhododendrons is about 1.5 meters and they bloom in May, but there are many varieties - a height range of 30 cm to 6 m and a range of flowering times. There are hardy hybrids, dwarf hybrids and species (eg R. arboreum).


  • Flowering time: October-January
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

This is a hardy shrub. At the end of spring it blooms with white flowers, which are then replaced by berries. The leaves are toothed and the stems are spiny. Pyracantha bright red (P. coccinea) "Lalandei" has orange-red berries; "Teton" - yellow. Pyracantha atalantoid (P. atalantioides) grows vertically.


  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: best part shade
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Usually, azaleas are graceful plants with smaller leaves than rhododendrons, but not always. Evergreen groups are described here. They are stunted, reaching a height of 60 cm - 1.5 m, and there are several groups such as Vuyk hybrids, Kaempferi and small-flowered Kurume hybrids.


  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

A good plant for growing in a border. The vertically growing stems are densely covered with narrow leaves, and small flowers appear on the stems in spring. Rosemary officinalis (R. officinalis) 1.5 m high has gray-green leaves and lavender flowers; 'Albus' flowers are white


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

These are shrubs with thorny stems, or tall vines. The flowers of most species are similar to non-double roses. Raspberry tricolor (R.tricolor) 60 cm high has white flowers and red fruits; Raspberry elmifolius (R. ulmifolius) "Bellidiflorus" blooms with double pink flowers. Raspberry Henry (R. henryi) - vine 6 m high.


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: definitely sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Low-growing shrubs with silvery leaves and yellow, button-like flowers. Santolina cypress (S. chamaecyparissus) 60 cm high is the main species - flower buds are sometimes removed to improve the decorative foliage. Variety "Nana" is used for edging.


  • Flowering time: January - February
  • Location: sunny or shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

A plant much loved by flower arrangers. Sarcococcus confused (S. confusa), 75 cm high, has oval leaves and black berries; Sarcoccus Hooker (S. hookeriana) "Digyna" 1.5 m high has narrow leaves with a purple tint. Variety "Humilis" - dwarf, 30 cm high, and is used as a ground cover plant.


  • Flowering time: March - April
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

She has shiny leaves all year round, and in the spring inflorescences of small flowers appear, which are replaced by berries by autumn. Japanese skimmia (S. japonica) 1 m high. You will need a female variety, such as 'Veitchii', and a male one, like 'Fragrans', in order for the berries to appear. Variety "Robert Fortune" monoecious.


  • Flowering time: July - August
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: rooted shoots in autumn

Despite its exotic appearance - xiphoid leaves and large inflorescences - it is quite hardy. Yucca filamentous (Y filamentosa) has stiff leaves 60 cm long with white fibers along the edges. Flowering stems are 1.5 m high. Yucca drooping (Y. flaccida) has less hard leaves, while glorious Yucca (Y gloriosa) leaves are very pointed.