Shower      04.03.2020

Preparatory work before painting the walls. Preparation of walls for painting with water-based paint. Grinding of concrete floors

The walls in the living room can be decorated different ways, for example, using decorative plaster, wallpaper, painting, MDF panels. Paneling perfectly hides various flaws. Traditional wallpapering also perfectly masks small defects on the surface. For each of these options, preliminary preparation is mandatory.

Wall painting is a popular, but specific type of finish that requires the most careful surface preparation, because after applying a layer of paint, any irregularities will become visible. Moreover, most modern facing materials suggests the possibility of painting, which allows you to refresh the interior of the apartment without spending a lot of money on repairs. Having a minimum list of materials and tools, you can prepare the walls for painting with your own hands.
It is very important to properly prepare the surfaces for painting - after all, the final result depends not only on the quality of the materials, but on the exact observance of the technology.

Types of work surfaces

The material and texture of the walls that are suitable for painting are varied. For modern interiors The most typical types of surfaces are:

  • smooth, plastered surface;
  • relief decorative plaster;
  • textured plaster;
  • natural wood flooring;
  • smooth surface coated with panels, wallpaper, tiles.

Starting to prepare the walls for painting (especially if you are doing repairs yourself), you should take into account the characteristics of the surface types, because the preparatory processes for walls made of different materials can vary significantly.

As a rule, such preparation usually consists of the following steps:

  • careful alignment of the wall;
  • filling irregularities with putty;
  • cleaning from dust, coating with a primer layer.

Finishing for painting wooden walls

During preparation for painting wooden surfaces, the features of this material should be taken into account.

After complete drying, the surface is ready for painting.

During the preparation of walls with textured surfaces for painting, it is only necessary to apply a layer of a special primer (deep penetration), since the relief material does not need to be sanded and leveled.

Wallpaper that is suitable for painting is not needed special processing, it is enough to cover them with a thin layer of glue or adhesive primer.

Wall preparation technology

There is a standard procedure for preparing walls for painting, which includes several steps:

1. Removal of the previous coating (a layer of old paint or wallpaper), cleaning from dirt and dust, stains, mold. If the walls were previously covered water-based paint, it can be washed off with a sponge, but a layer of enamel or oil paint must be scraped off with a spatula.

2. Leveling the surface of the walls before painting can be performed:

  • with the help of plastering;
  • drywall sheets;
  • grinding.

Wall plastering is necessary if the surface has many irregularities and cracks. If old layer preserved in good condition, it is possible to redo only some sections, and not replace it completely. Such a conclusion can only be made by first verifying the strength of the plaster with the help of tapping - if there are no voids anywhere that respond to the knock with a booming sound, the layer is strong. But, of course, it is best to make a new coating, since the old plaster layer may begin to peel off the wall over time.

To simplify your task when plastering, it is better to use special beacons.

Sheathing with sheets of drywall allows you to create a perfectly flat wall surface in a short time.

Grinding is only suitable for solid walls that do not have depressions (more than 3 mm deep) or protrusions on the surface. Before sanding, the previous coating must be removed from the wall. For work, you can use sandpaper. Do not forget that during the grinding of the walls there is a lot of dust in the air, so be sure to wear safety glasses, as well as an aspirator or a protective mask.

3. After the surface is leveled, it is necessary to apply a primer coat (to improve adhesive and operational properties coatings).

4. Puttying the walls is a mandatory stage of work, because almost all types of coatings are unsuitable for painting without first applying a layer of putty. If this stage is neglected, the paint will lie unevenly, ugly stains will remain on the surface. Puttying the plastered surface will help smooth out small bumps and roughness, as well as hide small cracks. If the walls are finished with drywall sheets, putty is used to seal the joints.

5. Priming before painting reduces the porosity of the top layer of the material and provides excellent grip paints with the surface of the walls (the primer is usually applied with an airbrush, fur roller or a wide square brush).

6. Wall painting.

Features of wall putty

To putty walls before subsequent painting, it is necessary to use two types of putty - starting (base) and finishing.

The base is designed to align noticeable defects. Due to its dense grainy texture, it fills deep depressions and cracks well. After the first layer of putty has dried, it is sanded with a special mesh, achieving a smooth surface. Then a layer of finishing putty is applied, which will smooth out small roughnesses and help remove excessive graininess of the walls. Due to its texture, it provides smooth surface perfect for coloring. The puttied surface has a high density, therefore it does not absorb paint and helps to reduce the consumption of paints and varnishes.

Surface cleaning and priming before painting

When all preliminary work is completed, and the surface is as ready as possible for painting, it should be thoroughly cleaned of construction dust and small particles (with a vacuum cleaner, soft brush or dry cloth) and only then cover with a primer layer. The primer can be applied with a roller, sprayer or brush.
Primer treatment, in addition to better adhesion, provides a more even application of paint and uniformity of color over the entire surface. You need to select a primer in accordance with the type of paint used, however, an acrylic primer - universal option, it can be used for almost all types of paint (except oil). Some types of primer have antibacterial properties, so they protect the walls from mold. Please note that painting the walls is possible only after the primer has completely dried (not earlier than after 5-6 hours).

The main types of wall paints

Determining the order preparatory work, it is necessary to take into account the features of the material with which the room will be decorated. The painting process is simple, and it is quite possible to do it yourself, even without experience. On this moment water-dispersion paints, which are suitable for internal works. They easily and evenly lay down on almost any surface, do not spread, dry quickly. Walls covered with such paints are not affected by mold, and the optimum level of humidity is always maintained in the room.
Depending on the components of the composition, water-dispersion paints can be divided into:

  • Latex- they are distinguished by an even dense coating, elasticity and complete water resistance (thanks to the latex rubbers included in the composition). The surface painted with such paint is resistant to various contaminants, it can be washed not only with water, but also with aggressive cleaning agents. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the high price and rapid fading under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, so it is recommended to use it only indoors.
  • Acrylic. The main component of the composition - acrylic resins. Such paints are durable, high resistance, vapor permeability, long term operation. They are used for painting plastered surfaces: concrete, gypsum, wood, brick, metal, as well as walls covered with wallpaper. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor work. The surface covered with such paint can be washed, it does not lose its color brightness under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Acrylic water-based paint is the most popular representative of this type of coloring compositions.
  • Vinyl- contain polyvinyl acetate, are intended for decorating dry rooms, are not used for outdoor work. The walls covered with vinyl paints look very beautiful. Another advantage of this type of finish is the low price.

  • Paints with a combined composition have mixed characteristics and are suitable for wall decoration in rooms with adverse conditions.
  • Latex-acrylic paints are durable, beautiful appearance, waterproof and easy to maintain.

Of course, preparation for painting takes quite a lot of time, but if you are careful and do everything right, the result will look like beautiful walls will make you happy for a long time.

Preparing walls for painting is an important and responsible procedure, without which it is impossible to create a high-quality finish. The main feature of the paint applied to the surface of the walls is the ability to show the slightest defects existing on it. These may be scratches or irregularities that have not been eliminated in the process of puttying and sanding. Knowing how to prepare the walls for painting with water-based paint, you can avoid additional physical and material costs, save time and effort spent on finishing work.

Features of manipulation

How the walls will be prepared for painting depends on the quality of the wall material. If it's about wooden structure, then a thorough polishing of the wood is to be done. To achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time when performing work, you will need Grinder, with which you can eliminate all the defects that exist on the surface of the wood. After grinding is completed, it is necessary to impregnate the wood with special compounds that provide effective protection surfaces from moisture, insects, fungus, mold.

Performing all work related to the preparation of walls for painting, their order is strictly observed. In addition, mandatory thorough cleaning of the surface from dirt and dust is required.

When preparing walls for painting, you must first get rid of the previous finish coating by removing it from the surface. Further repairs in the room require preparation concrete walls for painting.

This complexity is caused by the need to perform plastering, with which the walls can be leveled. Only after that it is allowed to start applying several layers of putty mixture.

For each surface, special formulations have been developed and created, most of which are characterized by deep penetration. This processing allows reliable protection walls before painting. This must be done before plastering, then the priming of the walls is carried out before applying putty, and it is necessary to once again process the walls in the apartment immediately before painting.

For these works, a paintable wall primer is used, designed not only to protect the surface from fungus and mold, but also to create an ideal surface for painting.

Removing the old coating and priming

Repair is not only the replacement of the finish coating on the floor and walls in the room. Repair requires careful preparation of all surfaces. So, for example, in the course of preparing walls for painting, you need to:

  1. Clean it of old wallpaper, tiles, panels or paint.
  2. Eliminate the detected defects, and if necessary, remove the damaged plaster and create a new coating.
  3. If in accordance with design project or if the owner of the residential premises wishes, repairs in the apartment do not involve thorough puttying, and the planned finishing requires painting on plaster, then care must be taken to carefully prepare the surface to avoid paint overspending due to significant absorption of the coloring composition into the plastered walls.
  4. Wall decoration made from concrete slabs- this is primarily a high-quality putty, when the composition is applied in several layers. To create the latter, a special mixture is used with the addition of quartz mica.

You need to remove old wallpaper from the walls by first soaking them warm water with the addition of a small amount detergent. Such a composition will help to remove the canvases without resorting to spatulas or a wallpaper knife and without damaging the surface of the walls. The roller must be impregnated with the composition and alternately roll the canvases on the walls, wetting them abundantly with a warm mixture.

If the planned repair and the selected finish involve painting with water-based compositions, then after the wallpaper you need to properly prepare the walls for painting, strictly observing all the rules and stages of work. The cleaned surface must be primed, using specially created compounds for this, which are characterized by deep penetration. This will help:

  • strengthen the surface;
  • avoid cracking;
  • achieve high adhesion.

Repair and high-quality finishing require that all stages of wall preparation be observed and implemented. Otherwise, created top coat will not be durable, and very soon cracking (a thin network of small cracks) will be noticeable on the wall surface unprepared for painting with water-based paint.

Sanding, plastering, puttying

Concrete walls are characterized by increased strength, but another feature of such a surface is its evenness. If defects are found on such walls in the form of small depressions or protrusions, they must be removed by grinding and puttying. The most insignificant tubercles can be knocked down with a hammer (pick), but grinding is one of the mandatory procedures included in the preparation of walls for painting.

Whatever the surface of the walls in the apartment (concrete, brick, drywall), preparing the walls for painting with water-based paint requires mandatory puttying. In the course of the work, it is necessary to correctly select the most suitable mixture (ready or dry) and a tool with which it will be easier to level the surface. We are talking about spatulas with a length of at least 45 cm and a trowel. In addition, you will need:

  • level 2 m with spirit level;
  • rule;
  • spatula 10 cm for a mixture set.

Working with such compositions is simple and convenient. Applying them to the surface and distributing it does not require much physical effort. All manipulations can be performed with a trowel or spatula 45-60 cm. The quality of the created surface is checked by applying a rule and a two-meter level to the wall.

Putty is applied in three layers: the first base, starting, second leveling and third finishing. Everyone has certain thickness and is performed by a specially created composition. This is an obligatory stage of work related to the preparation of walls for painting with water-based paint. It is he who ensures the uniform distribution of the coloring composition over the surface of the wall.

With the help of putty, minor defects can be eliminated even on a plastered surface. These can be small cracks and cracks, depressions no more than 3 mm deep, but even if drywall was used to level the walls, it will not be possible to prepare the walls for painting without putty.

It is putty that fills the seams and seals the joints between the fixed sheets.

Skinning and painting

The completed preparation of the walls for painting can only be considered if, after the putty has completely dried, the surface has been treated with sandpaper or special mesh. It is necessary to skin the walls in order to eliminate possible irregularities, transitions, to hide the junctions of different layers of the composition.

The peculiarity of water-based paint is that the first applied layer of paint will show all the defects and shortcomings in the quality of the preparatory work. Even the wrong use of abrasive materials during the sanding process will lead to the fact that barely noticeable scratches will remain on the putty surface, which will appear after the first coat of paint has been applied. The result of such work is not only a flat and absolutely smooth surface, but also a large number of dust accumulated on it.

Priming will help prevent the paint from rolling off and ensure that it is evenly distributed over the surface of the wall to be painted. The primer at the final stage of preparing and finishing the walls is applied in two layers to reduce the porosity of the material and increase adhesion. The primer is applied in several layers, and each subsequent one is not earlier than 4-5 hours after the previous one. Only after waiting for the complete drying of the surface, you can proceed to re-treatment. The resulting thin, but rather strong film will help to significantly reduce paint consumption and facilitate the process of applying water-based emulsion.

Another positive quality primers - the ability to ensure the uniformity of the applied paint. Antiseptic additives have been introduced into the composition of most primer mixtures, which guarantee effective protection of the surface from the appearance of fungus and the subsequent growth of mold.

In more detail, the process of preparing walls for painting is presented in the video.

The performance of work on the preparation of the surface of the walls for painting must fully comply with established order. All stages are important and mandatory, and for their high-quality implementation, it is necessary to use construction and electrical tools.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

Despite the large assortment of cladding, high-quality painting has not yet receded into the background. Wall painting is simple and allows you to quickly and cheaply change the interior at any time. However, it must be borne in mind that paint is not a reinforcing material and does not hide surface defects, therefore, high-quality preparation of walls for painting is essential.

Types of surfaces for painting

When carrying out repairs for the owner of the apartment, the question is important: how to prepare the walls for painting? Jobs may require different materials, the choice of which depends on the basis. Most often you can find concrete walls. Also, partitions made of wood or drywall can be erected in the apartment, the preparation of which for painting has its own characteristics.

Walls may differ in appearance:

  • smooth surface with leveling plaster or putty;
  • relief surface;
  • smooth flat surface of the finishing material;
  • embossed lining.

Preparing the walls for painting in most cases is done by leveling and puttying.

Alignment of the walls: stage number 1

If you don’t look closely, at first glance the surfaces seem to be even, and the question “how to properly prepare the walls for painting?” does not seem to be the main one. Only after applying the paint, defects begin to appear, but it is too late to correct them. A thick layer of paint can hide potholes up to 1 mm, but the desired quality still cannot be achieved. In order not to do the work several times, it is necessary from the very beginning to level the surfaces as carefully as possible.

The technology for preparing walls for painting includes the necessary first stage of leveling in one of the following ways:

  • grinding;
  • by lighthouses;
  • plasterboard finish.

Grinding of concrete floors

The preparation of concrete walls for painting by grinding surfaces is carried out if they are even and free of defects. If the plaster falls off, it should be removed. For processing, use sandpaper or a grinding block. In the presence of small damages they close up cement mortar. Level differences should not exceed 2 mm.

Leveling with putty

Directly onto drywall or ordinary plaster paint is not applied. These surfaces are too porous and perfectly absorb liquids. As a result, the paint will be unevenly distributed over them, and the smallest roughness will be clearly visible. Preparing walls for painting involves applying at least two coats of putty. The first can be up to 4 mm thick, which allows you to perfectly align the wall.

Applying the starting putty

Putty is prepared in the proportions indicated in the instructions. Too much of it should not be diluted, because the mixture will harden after 45 minutes.

  • The prepared thick mortar is applied with a wide spatula (60–80 cm), and with a narrower one (20–25 cm), irregularities are smoothed out. To create a durable coating, reinforcement with a glass cloth mesh with 2 mm cells is used. It is attached to fresh putty, rubbed with a spatula and another 2 mm layer is applied on top.

There is no need to immediately try to level the surface perfectly. It's important not to leave empty seats and large depressions. You can only smooth out the differences between the stripes, and minor tubercles are removed by grinding before applying the finishing layer.

  • When applying the mixture, the spatula is held at an angle of 30 ° to the wall. The previous layer overlaps with the next, and the differences are smoothed out. Putty is applied to the corners with an ordinary spatula, and then leveled with an angular one.
  • The first layer hardens in 6-8 hours, then it is polished with a coarse abrasive mesh. Here it is necessary to remove the greatest irregularities and other shortcomings. No need to pay attention to the grainy surface, absolute smoothness will help to achieve.

Important! Before applying each layer, the surface is primed.

Finishing putty

For final finishing a finely dispersed solution is used. The thickness of the finishing layer does not exceed 2 mm, otherwise cracks will appear later. It's much easier to get here. perfect surface, since there are no more gross defects. However, even in this case, it is necessary to grind the surface with fine-grained sandpaper. It is important to work carefully so as not to remove the entire layer. For more confidence, you can apply several layers.

Note! If the wall that is being painted with water-based paint has previously been painted with the same composition, the old paint can be left on and a new one applied over it, but only on condition that it holds very well. Do not forget to pre-primed the surface.

Preparation for painting other surfaces

Consider the nuances of processing before painting surfaces from other materials:

  1. Wooden surfaces are sanded and puttied with special compounds. Then protective solutions are applied to them, stained. Only after that wooden surface covered with paint or varnish.
  2. Surfaces with texture or relief are covered with a deep penetration primer.
  3. When it comes to, their preparation is usually not required, although some manufacturers recommend applying a special primer to them.


Many people associate painting with something ugly. At one time, this was practically the only way to finish. Over time, new types of paints began to appear that looked more aesthetically pleasing, but the walls were not properly prepared for their use. This resulted in uneven, ugly surfaces. How is the preparation of the walls for painting?

Painting is gaining popularity again, now it can be seen quite often. But, unfortunately, this type of work involves a perfectly flat surface, which can be very difficult to achieve.

Surface preparation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Room cleaning;
  2. Removing the old coating;
  3. cleaning;
  4. alignment;
  5. Finishing.

First of all, you need to protect the furniture from dirt during operation. Cover furniture and floor protective film. Cover all sockets and wires with masking tape. It is better to turn off the electricity in the room altogether. The floor and ceiling line can also be covered with masking tape. It is imperative to remove the old coating. Paint is not applied to old paint, wallpaper or whitewash.
You can remove a thin layer with a soapy solution and a spatula. A solution is applied to the wall, after which you need to wait a bit until it is absorbed. After that, the whitewash is carefully removed with a spatula. You need to press hard, but do not damage the wall.

If the layer is thick, then a grinder can help. There will be a lot of dirt, so you need to work in special clothes, with a respirator and goggles for protection.
If there is no machine, you can make a paste. The composition is applied to the wall and then turns into a crust that is easy to tear off. Paste can be made from flour and water.
The most radical method is an acid solution. Acid is diluted in water and applied to the wall. It will just eat away at the coating. After that, the wall must be thoroughly rinsed several times. The paint can only be removed using a special solution that can be purchased at any hardware store.

Different types of wallpaper can be removed in different ways. First of all, just try to pry them with something sharp. They can easily walk away. If this does not happen, then other methods must be used. paper wallpaper needs to be soaked. Spray them warm soapy water and wait 15-20 minutes for them to absorb water, and then pick them off with a spatula. It is easier to use a spray gun, but you can moisten the surface with a sponge.
If they do not give in, you can try using a brush.
If time is precious to you, then you can buy a special solvent. It is applied to the surface and remains on it for 15 minutes. The wallpaper will peel off on its own.
You can also remove it with an iron. A wet rag is applied to the surface and it is heated with an iron. The resulting steam will soften the adhesive while the surface is hot and the wallpaper can be easily removed.

Waterproof wallpapers do not let water through. Therefore, before removing them, make small cuts on the canvas so that the water gets to the glue. If your glue is waterproof, then you can remove it only with a drill or grinder. After removal old finish the wall must be thoroughly rinsed several times. If there are stains on it, you need to get rid of them. Fat is removed with kerosene or ammonia.
Mold and fungus must also be removed. This can be achieved with the help of soda, vinegar, whiteness. Just wipe the affected area with vinegar. You can sprinkle it with baking soda first. Now wash the wall again.

Wall decoration for painting

Inspect your walls carefully for defects. Old plaster can not be removed if it does not crumble. If the wall crumbles, then it must be removed by all means.


Primer must be applied. It protects your walls from mold and mildew and allows the material to bond better. Use a deep penetration compound. The primer is applied with a roller.
So that there are no traces, buy a roller with a long nap. Depending on how well the base coat absorbs, the primer is applied in several layers.

Applying a new layer is possible only after the previous one has dried. The manufacturer indicates the timing in the instructions.


When working with plaster, special beacons are pre-installed on the wall. Using a trowel, the composition is applied to areas separated by beacons. Leveling the surface during operation occurs using a special tool - a rule. It will also remove excess mixture. After covering the entire wall, the beacons are removed and the holes are sealed.


Putty is used to level the walls. Apply it in several layers, and then rub it with sandpaper or grinder. In the process, you will need a narrow and wide spatula. The composition is scooped up with the help of a narrow one and distributed over a wide one.
Correctly hold the spatula when applying at an angle of 45 degrees. The layer must be thick. Finishing putty it is applied in the same way after the starting one has dried, but the layer thickness is only 1-2 mm. Grouting occurs after complete setting and drying. Move the machine or sandpaper in a circular motion across the wall surface. No roughness should remain.

Preparation of wooden surfaces

In a private house, the walls are most often wooden. They also need to be prepared before painting. To begin with, a primer layer is applied to the wood. This is done to protect the tree. Then the wood is sanded and all small fibers are removed.
Clean the surface and reapply a coat of primer.

It is better to do this in several layers, since the tree absorbs everything very well.

The tree is puttied, as well as concrete surface. All cracks and crevices are sealed with a composition. All resin must be removed immediately. Treat its location with a shellac primer.

Plasterboard wall preparation

Although GKL sheets are used for leveling, it helps with large dents. The surface of the sheets itself must also be pre-treated before painting. Treat the seams between the sheets with putty. After that, the composition is applied to the surface completely.
Irregularities can be removed with sandpaper. Use the coarse grain first, then the fine grain. Then treat the surface with a primer. This will increase adhesion and save on paint. After that, a finishing layer of putty is applied and it is overwritten until a smooth surface is formed.

Painted walls in an apartment or cottage are becoming more common. How to prepare the walls for painting, will be discussed in our article.

The advantages of such a method finishing weight:

  • hygiene;
  • modern look;
  • ease of restoration of individual sections;
  • the widest range of colors and shades.

There is only one drawback, if you can call it that: the preparation of the walls for painting must be done with the utmost care. Unlike wallpaper, which masks putty defects, painting, on the contrary, shows any roughness. The preparation technology is relatively simple, you just need to follow the order of work.

Preparation of walls for painting consists of five main stages:

  1. Removal of old coating.
  2. Primer.
  3. Starter putty.
  4. Sanding and priming.

Given that the quality of the preparatory work is extremely important, many invite hired craftsmen to carry them out. However, using modern materials and, having previously studied the technology properly, it is quite possible to prepare the walls for painting on your own.

Dismantling of the old coating

If the walls in the apartment are covered with paint or wallpaper, you need to completely remove the old layer. Wallpaper is removed by generously wetting their surface with soapy warm water using a sponge, and then removed with a spatula in stripes. Old paint is sometimes a real problem, as it happens that in some places it bulges and bubbles, falling off when touched, and in others it sticks tightly. But you still need to remove the entire layer, since the putty will not attach to the surface of the paint and it will not work to level the wall. It is necessary to work in a respirator and goggles. After removing the decorative layer, the quality of the plaster should be assessed. To do this, you need to listen carefully, tap it with a spatula handle. In places where a layer of plaster has moved away from the wall due to dampness or a violation of work technology, the sound will change. In such areas, it is necessary to beat off the old plaster in order to subsequently fill in the irregularities with the starting putty.

In the event that the walls in the apartment are concrete, plastered or sheathed with drywall, you can immediately proceed to the primer.


Choosing the right primer is very important. This mortar promotes strong adhesion between the wall surface and the starting putty layer.

Types of preparations for priming walls

Which primer composition is suitable in each case depends on the condition of the wall surface. Depending on the functions that the composition performs, the following types of primers can be listed:

  • primer-strengthening, improve the adhesion of putty to the base, strengthen it and form a strong vapor-permeable film;
  • priming paints based on acrylic and latex resins are most often used to prepare the base for decorative work;
  • solvent-based primers - penetrate deep into the plaster, create a durable water-resistant layer and effectively remove dust from the surface.

Priming compositions with fungicidal and antiseptic additives are also produced, which are used in wet rooms where mold has already been noticed during operation.

The primer solution is applied to the surface of the wall to be treated with a roller or brush, thoroughly wetting all areas. Dry spots should not remain. Dry the primer for at least five hours, depending on the ambient temperature.

Starting putty

Why do you need a starter putty? It may seem that if the surface of the wall is fairly even (high-quality plaster or drywall), then you can skip this step and immediately proceed to the finishing putty. However, this is not true. The surface of plaster and drywall is not intended for direct application of paint, nor for adhesion to the finishing putty.

Therefore, a starting layer of minimum thickness must be applied to protect the wall surface and ensure adhesion to the next layer.

The industry produces materials for preparing walls for painting in the form of dry mortars, which, after being applied to the wall in two stages, make it possible to obtain a flat, smooth surface, ready for processing with water-based paint. Mix for initial stage putty is called starting. It has a rough structure and can be applied to the wall with a layer of 20-30 mm. With a greater thickness of the layer, it is required to be reinforced with a special mesh. Such reinforcement is carried out with mesh strips, with their obligatory overlapping.

It is always better to apply several thin layers than one thicker one. The task of the starting putty is to even out all the irregularities of the wall. In the case of large irregularities of small curvature, bulges or depressions of a large area, experienced plasterers, applying a long rule to the wall, determine the boundaries of such irregularities and circle them with a carpenter's pencil in order to understand where the starting putty layer should be thicker and a reinforcing mesh may be needed.

The amount of material for its purchase in a hardware store is determined by the formula:

  • 0.8-0.9 kg per 1 sq.m of surface, if the walls are almost even;
  • 1-3 kg per sq.m, if the walls have many small defects;
  • 4-6 kg per sq.m, if there are gentle depressions and bulges of slight curvature, medium area;
  • 7-9 kg per sq.m, if the walls have many large defects and large curvature.

How to prepare a putty solution with your own hands? To do this, you need a dry mix for starting putty, water room temperature, a mixing container and a drill with a nozzle, sometimes called a "construction mixer".

According to the instructions on the package, the dry mix is ​​​​measured and pure water. Then you need to gradually pour water into the mixture, adjusting its amount, and thoroughly mixing the solution with a construction mixer.

The starting putty is applied to the surface with a wide spatula, trying to fill all the irregularities. At this stage, you should not get carried away with excessive leveling of the solution. The sags will be removed in the process of intermediate grinding, the main task- fill all the cavities, make the surface even on average. It is advisable to use the putty solution within 45-60 minutes, because after this time, it thickens and ceases to be suitable for work.

After leveling all surfaces, the layer is left to dry. In no case should you allow the application of the following layers on wet putty!

The dried layer is leveled with a spatula, removing rough influxes, then carefully primed.

It is always better to choose the material for the finishing putty of the same manufacturer as for the starting one. The consumption of material for this stage of work is small if the starting work was done with high quality: on average, 0.5-1 kg per sq.m.

For walls for painting, you need to buy a finishing mixture only white color, otherwise you may need 2-3 coats of paint more than planned.

The putty mortar is prepared in the same way as in the previous step. The result is a plastic, smooth mixture that is easy to apply, stretches well under the trowel and fills in the smallest irregularities of the previous layer.

With a wide spatula, the solution is leveled over the surface, while trying not to leave streaks and stripes from the spatula. Finishing putty made an experienced craftsman almost no grinding required. The less sanding required last step, the less dust will settle in the room and the stronger the finish will be.

The final layer should be sufficiently thin and smooth, as it is necessary, at the same time, to prepare the walls for the final painting and ensure a strong adhesion to the previous layer.

The solution should be used up in 45-60 minutes, otherwise it will thicken, grab, and will not reach for the spatula, but will crumple like plasticine. Considering that the finishing putty requires great care and cannot be done quickly, especially by a beginner, you should not knead too large portions of the mortar.

In the same way as in the previous case, it is better to apply several thin layers than one thick one.

Sanding and priming

How to prepare aligned walls for painting?

After complete drying, the surface of the wall is carefully polished. It is better to do this work with the help of a special grinder, which can be rented from a construction power tool. A respirator and goggles are required. The smallest skin or mesh is used.

Then the walls are dusted and primed. At this stage, it is advisable to apply a waterproof primer. This is required so that the brush or paint roller does not damage surface layer finishing putty, do not soak it. Otherwise, streaks and spots may appear. The primer should be carried out very carefully, without missing dry areas and without waterlogging the surface. After drying, the wall will be ready for painting.