In a private house      06/16/2019

Caring for begonia at home. Begonia: care at home - important points (photo). Creating conditions for begonia to bloom at home all year round Begonia antares care at home

The begonia flower has over 900 varieties and is widely used as a houseplant. Among them there are three-meter giants, and there are very small centimeter crumbs. This one is called gorgeous beauty in honor of the Governor of Haiti Begon, because the plant comes from the tropics.

Begonia species - diversity created by nature and people

Before deciding how to care for begonia at home, you need to decide what type of plant you like.
The main types of begonias are divided into two huge groups - flowering and deciduous, further classification is as follows:
Flowering varieties:

    • The tuberous begonia in the photo may be without leaves - they fall off from this plant, and a new generation grows from the tubers. Luxurious and abundant flowering, flowers 5-15 cm, of various shades, double or simple, two-color, with a border;

    • bushy, requiring a period of sleep. The most common type is the ever-flowering garden begonia (see photo), planting and caring for which is not difficult. The ever-blooming begonia pleases with its delicate flowers almost all year round, but it must be renewed by cuttings every 3 years, since the stems stretch out and become unattractive;

  • evergreen begonia.

Decorative deciduous varieties are characterized by beautiful leaves with interesting colors:

    • When you see the royal begonia in the photo, you will understand why it is the leader in the group of decorative deciduous plants. These are heart-shaped leaves with heterogeneous colors of green, brown and red tones;

    • spotted;

    • brindle;

    • Cleopatra;

  • Mason's begonia.

The ampelous begonia will attract attention even from the photo, planting and caring for it is the same as for other types of this plant. Ampelous begonia belongs to the tuberous family and is used in vertical gardening, because it forms an attractive flower garland up to half a meter in length. When the plant is not in bloom, it produces attractive leaves.

Advice! Caring for the ampelous variety is simple - you should plant the plant in a pot with soil made of sand, humus and turf, and place it near a well-lit window.

The basic requirements of begonias are light, watering and humidity, temperature

In order for your plant to be as wonderful as the begonia in the photo, care at home should be provided according to the following recommendations:

  1. Lighting. It is better to place pots with begonias on south-east or south-west windows. The place should be bright, but without direct sun, because under sun rays Burns will appear on the tender leaves.
  2. Temperature. In order for you to enjoy photos of begonia flowers grown with your own hands, you need to know that the plant is heat-loving. In summer, the optimal temperature for it is 18-20°C, and in winter the thermometer should not fall below 18°C.
  3. Watering. Abundant regular watering is needed only in summer, when it is hot. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to moderate. Begonias do not like waterlogging, so they water only when the top layer of the substrate dries 1.5 cm. And it is better to use soft, pre-settled water.
  4. Humidity. Begonias cannot be sprayed because brown spots appear on the leaves. However, high humidity is very important for the plant, and therefore the containers are placed on a tray with wet moss.

Advice! You can also place vessels with water or wet expanded clay next to the plants.

Rules for transplanting begonias. Selection of soil and fertilizers

Caring for and growing begonias requires proper planting and regular replanting. For the plant to thrive, it will require good drainage, and the soil should be loose and light, but still nutritious. The most commonly used mixture is the following:

  • leaf soil - 2 hours;
  • turf - 1 hour;
  • peat - 1 hour;
  • humus - 1 hour;
  • sand - 1/3 tsp.

If we are talking about planting young plants, you can use a soil mixture of leaf and peat soil in a 1:1 ratio.

Advice! Ready soil, bought in a store, you can independently supplement it with crushed sphagnum moss.

Young plants should be placed on the sunny side, and leaves will quickly begin to appear on them. And after 1.5 months the first buds will appear and beautiful begonia flowers will open, as in the photo.

Transplant mature plant costs no more often than every two years, and young ones - annually, in the spring. The pot should become cramped, and only then is the transplant carried out. An exception is if you bought begonia in a store - then replanting is advisable immediately, since during this operation you can assess the condition of the plant’s root system.

Important! Soil is not poured to the very top of the container, since begonia forms additional roots, and they should be covered with new soil.
From the moment the buds appear, the plant is fertilized. This requires a universal complex fertilizer, suitable for flowering indoor plants. The frequency of fertilizing is twice a month.

Begonia propagation methods

Begonias can be propagated by cuttings of stems and leaves, as well as by dividing the bush, and for the propagation of tuberous varieties, tubers or seeds collected after flowering are used. Most often propagated by cuttings in the spring:

  • you need to choose a strong and healthy leaf or cutting;
  • place it in a moistened mixture of sand and peat (proportion 3:1). Planted immediately to prevent the cut from drying out;
  • the container is taken to a dark place for 1.5 months until a new begonia is born.

Important! The leaf cuttings for propagating begonias must be at least 5 cm, and the stem cuttings must be at least 7 cm.

But for tuberous begonias, planting and care are somewhat different. To propagate a plant with tubers, the tubers should be stored correctly: they are placed in sand or peat in the fall and kept at a temperature of +8...10 ° C all winter, and in the spring they are planted in containers with a suitable substrate and drainage. The tubers are only half-deep into the substrate. Next, the plant is provided with moderate watering. The tuber will germinate for several weeks, attach roots to the ground, and only then release shoots. As soon as the shoots appear, the required layer of soil is added on top of the tubers and the containers are transferred to the light. Already in mid-summer, the plants will be covered with flowers, and by winter they will form new baby tubers.

Possible difficulties when caring for begonia

Various consequences of improper care at home for evergreen begonia can be seen in the photo.

The most common troubles are:

  • the plant sheds buds and leaves - it lacks moisture;
  • if the leaves are too pale, then the plant does not have enough light;
  • when it is too wet and cold, begonias may develop gray mold- mold. Then all affected parts are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide;
  • Spider mites or aphids may settle in, which will draw juices from the plant. This begonia must be washed soap solution tobacco or chamomile, and also treated with an insecticide or preparations with pyrethrum.

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Genus Begonia (Begonia) belongs to the Begoniaceae family. In nature, these plants live in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and America. Among the varieties of begonias, there are two main groups of forms and varieties: decorative deciduous and beautifully flowering. In our photo gallery you can see photos of home begonias various types and varieties.

Most decorative deciduous begonias have a bush-like or ampelous form; several tall forms are also known. The description of begonias of this species is similar: they all have a thickened rhizome that spreads along the surface of the ground or is located in the soil at a shallow depth.

Hybrids of the species Royal Begonia (Begonia rex) widely cultivated as potted plants. Asymmetrical, fragile, large leaves reach a length of 23 cm and are distinguished by a bright pattern of spots of green, silver, brown, red, pink and purple.

Begonia Mason (Begonia masoniana)- a plant with large bright green wrinkled leaves with a brown cross in the center.

Begonia coral (Begonia corallina) grows up to 2 m, has silvery leaves and pink flowers that last for a long time.

Begonia metallic (Begonia metallica)- a bushy, highly branched plant up to 1.5 m high with reddish white pubescent stems. The unevenly toothed, pubescent, ovate leaves of the begonia flower are located on long petioles. They are olive green above with bright red veins and a metallic sheen, and purple below. The flowers are pink with bright pubescence.

Begonia Bovera (Begonia boweri)- a compact plant about 15-23 cm high with small bright green leaves with a brown border, slightly incised and pubescent along the edges. Single white or slightly pinkish begonia flowers of this species are produced in winter. The plant has a creeping rhizome.

An interesting variety of begonia "Tiger" with bronze-green spotted leaves.

Begonia striped (Begonia listada)- a plant with lobed dark green softly pubescent leaves with bright emerald green specks. A few white flowers are produced in autumn and winter.

Begonia dotted (Begonia maculata) It is distinguished by long shoots, a silvery dotted pattern on the leaves and pink flowers.

Begonia domestica hogweed and its photo

Begonia hogweed (Begonia heracleifolia)herbaceous plant 40-50 cm high with a thick creeping stem. The beautiful palmately dissected leaves are large, up to 30 cm long. Their color varies from bright green to light green. The underside of the leaf is light green or reddish-brown in places and heavily pubescent. Large pink or white flowers are collected in a large loose raceme up to 40-50 cm long. It blooms from late February to April, sometimes until May. Growing all year round, especially intense in spring and summer. Has several varieties.

Variety of blackish hogweed begonia (Begonia heracleifolia var, nigricans) in contrast to the main species, it belongs to both decorative deciduous and beautifully flowering begonias. Its stem is thick and creeping. Large (up to 25 cm in diameter) palmately divided leaves are located on short, slightly pubescent petioles. The leaves are dark green to dark brown in color on top, and light green in places on the underside. The flowers are located on a peduncle up to 40-50 cm high. They are relatively large (up to 2.5 cm in diameter), waxy, bright pink, collected in inflorescences. Blooms from late winter to mid-spring (February-April).

Varieties and hybrids of this species are also known.

Begonia yellow

Begonia yellow (Begonia xanthina)- a herbaceous semi-bush plant up to 40-45 cm high with a thickened short rhizome and highly branched recumbent shoots. Petioles of this species indoor begonia covered with hairs.

The leaves are large (up to 17-20 cm long and 15 cm wide), oval, finely toothed at the edges, with a pointed tip. Above they are dark green, naked; below - pink - purple with sparse pubescence. Large (3-4 cm in diameter) yellow-orange begonia flowers are collected in loose inflorescences. This plant is widely known in culture, and it is used in hybridization to obtain new forms.

Red leaf begonia (Begonia x erythrophylla)- a spectacular herbaceous plant with slightly shortened stems pressed to the soil. Numerous leaves are round or slightly oblique, 12-15 cm long and 9-10 cm wide. Their upper side is dark green, shiny, the lower side is intense red. Petioles are light green. The flowers are whitish-pink, small. Blooms from December to June.

Begonia splendor (Begonia nitida)- one of the few botanical species widely used in culture. The plant is erect, highly branched, with bare shoots, up to 1.2 m high. The leaves are oval, obliquely heart-shaped at the base, glossy, dark green above, light green below. The peduncle is 15-20 cm long. The flowers are medium-sized, pink or white. Blooms during winter, spring and summer.

Begonia Limminga (Begonia limmingheiana)- one of the species cultivated as an ampelous plant; perennial subshrub with long (30-50 cm) hanging shoots. The leaves are shiny, ovate, heart-shaped at the base, slightly oblique, wavy at the edges, 8-12 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, located on light green short petioles. They are light green with a barely noticeable yellowish tint. Flowers range from light red to coral red. Blooms in summer.

Begonia growing conditions

For decorative deciduous plants, a bright, but not sunny, but slightly shaded place is allocated. Even a short stay of plants in the open sun leads to severe burns of the leaves. It is necessary to create the following conditions for growing begonias: in spring and summer, the optimal temperature should be 18-20°C, and in winter - not lower than 18°C. Most begonia species do not have a dormant period, and plant growth continues all year round, with some slowdown in autumn and winter.

Water regularly, using only soft water at room temperature. From spring to autumn, the soil is kept slightly moist, avoiding either excess water in the pot or drying out of the earth ball. Plants need high air humidity, but it is not recommended to spray leaves and flowers. Begonias are fed from March to September once a week, in autumn and winter - once a month with complex mineral fertilizers.

Replanted annually in spring. When replanting, take a new pot no more than 2 cm wider than the old one. Good drainage (2-3 cm) is required, and then a layer of charcoal is poured, which serves as a preventive measure against root rot. A substrate (pH 6.1-7.5), consisting of leaf and turf soil, humus and peat (2: 1: 2: 2), is poured over the drainage and coal.

The main techniques for forming young plants are pruning and pinching. By pinching the tops, shortening the shoots and stem, you can give the begonia any shape - spherical, pyramidal, bush. To obtain a bush form, the first pinching of the top is done at a height of 5-7 cm. This promotes the formation of side shoots. After they grow to 10-12 cm, they are pinched again.

Begonia propagation

These plants are propagated in spring and summer by leaf or apical cuttings, rooted under the film, and dividing the bush.

When propagating begonias using leaf cuttings, cut off a healthy leaf and cut off its edges where there are no thick veins. Cut the leaf into square cuttings no less than 2 cm long. The cuttings are planted vertically or laid out on a substrate consisting of equal parts of sand and peat. Cuttings take root within one to two months.

To propagate begonias by apical cuttings, hanging or bush begonias are preferably chosen. The cutting selected for rooting must have at least two nodes (buds). The bottom cut is made under the very bottom knot. If the cutting does not have a tip, then the top cut must be made 5 mm away from the bud. The large leaves remaining on the cuttings are cut in half. Cuttings take root within 15-30 days in a mixture of sand and peat (1: 1) at a temperature of 22-24°C.

Begonia always blooming (group of beautifully flowering ones)

The group of beautifully flowering begonias is divided into three subgroups:

The first includes begonias of the type "Lorraine" , which appeared at the end of the 19th century and under the name “Gloire de Lorraine” dominated the market for a long time. This begonia variety blooms in winter with white or pink flowers. Nowadays it is rarely found in flower shops.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, begonia was bred from tuberous begonias in England. "Elation" , which blooms all year round with white, red, pink, yellow flowers.

In this subgroup, begonias have gained the most popularity. "Rigera" , named after the breeder.

The third subgroup includes very famous hybrids that bloom all year round. "Semperflorens" , which tolerate the sun better than the varieties listed above.

Begonia always blooming (Begonia semperflorens)- a low, mound-forming plant, covered all summer small flowers red, pink and white tones. The leaves of some varieties have a bronze tint. There are many varieties.

Begonia domestica tuberous

In indoor culture, it has gained the greatest popularity tuberous house begonia (Begonia x tuberhybrida). This plant belongs to the group of begonias with large double flowers.

Many varieties are known, including ampelous - tuberous begonia (Begonia x tuberhybrida pendula) with single and double flowers, used for hanging baskets.

Begonia tuberous multiflorum (Begonia x tuberhybrida multiflora) with single, semi-double and double flowers in red, orange, pink and yellow tones. All of these types of domestic tuberous begonias bloom during the summer months.

Caring for ever-blooming begonia

Plants are given a bright place, protected from direct sunlight. In summer they are kept at room temperature or taken out into the garden; winter-flowering species - at a temperature of 13-21°C. In domestic tuberous begonias that die off for the winter, the tubers should be protected from frost. The optimal storage temperature for tubers is 5-10°C.

Caring for ever-blooming begonia involves abundant watering during the flowering period, and the rest of the time as needed, avoiding the earth clod from drying out. During budding and flowering, begonias are fed with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizers.

When growing large-flowered tuberous begonias as potted plants, regularly cut out the small female flowers that appear next to the showy large male flowers. Old flowers are constantly removed (with the exception of small-flowered species).

In the spring, begonia tubers are transplanted into a fresh nutrient mixture, placed in a bright sunny place and watered regularly. As a rule, begonias bloom in rooms two months after planting (or transplanting) the tubers.

Ever-flowering begonia is propagated by seeds. Tuberous begonias Propagated in spring by cuttings or dividing old tubers. Winter-flowering hybrids from the “Lorraine” and “Elation” groups can be propagated by cuttings from leaves or stem tips.

In the latter case, in winter, faded plants - queen cells - are kept at a temperature not lower than 16°C. In April-May, cuttings 8-10 cm long are cut from them (each must have at least two leaves and two axillary buds), planted in a substrate consisting of equal parts of peat and sand. At a substrate temperature of 20-22°C, cuttings take root in three to four weeks. Then they are planted in pots with a diameter of 6 cm with a soil mixture of leaf soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1), kept at an air temperature of 18-20 ° C. When the roots entwine a clod of earth, transfer the plants first into pots with a diameter of 9 cm, then into pots with a diameter of 12 cm. At the same time as transferring, shoots that have reached a length of 10-12 cm are pinched two or three times, otherwise the plants will bloom too early in the summer.

Plants are affected spider mite, aphids, nematodes, as well as powdery mildew and gray mold.

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Begonia is a very beautiful and amazing colors, which captivates gardeners with its magical shape and varied flower colors. These flowers can be seen in almost every home and personal plot. They decorate different zones recreation, squares, parks, apartments and balconies. Let's take a closer look at the most common types of begonias and their brief descriptions.

Begonia, like all plants, requires attention and care. Timely watering and fertilizing are necessary. She loves bright sun, especially during the flowering period, as well as high air humidity, since she first appeared and grew in tropical conditions. In general, caring for begonias is not difficult, the main thing is not to miss the main points in caring for the flower.. Maintaining temperature and proper lighting allow the begonias to bloom beautiful flowers, which you can admire for a long time.


The flower is also called always blooming. It got its name due to its long flowering time. Begonia is presented as a perennial shrub, which has a thick, large stem, and the leaves have a delicate and smooth surface.

The inflorescences are represented by flowers in white, red and pink shades. The inflorescence itself is located on high peduncles. male flower four-petalled, and the female consists of three petals. The seeds ripen and are stored in dark brown boxes.

Approximately 600 varieties have already been bred from the Ever-blooming begonia, which have different plant heights, the color of the leaf blades and the flowers themselves. These varieties are mainly represented by heterotic hybrids. These are short-growing hybrids with a height of 15 to 20 centimeters, medium-growing ones from 20 to 30 and tall ones, whose height reaches 50 centimeters..


Begonias of this species are very powerful and large plants. The length of such a flower can reach up to three meters. Its tenacious shoots always stretch upward and cling to all sorts of parts of any material, living and inanimate. The flowering is simply amazing in its beauty. But due to the large length of the plant in room conditions Not everyone likes this begonia.


Deciduous or decorative deciduous trees do not have above-ground shoots. The leaf blades of this plant grow directly from the spreading root. This species received its name for its beautiful and multifaceted leaves, which differ in color and shape.. You can see different spots on them different colors and shapes, and some are simply plain.

Royal (Rex)

Rex is one of the hybrid plant species. The leaves reach a length of thirty centimeters, and the edges are jagged. The shape can be oval or round. Their color can be purple, brown-pink, or violet. The leaves of the plant always have a very beautiful border, which decorates the plant with its silver, green or white color.

Metallic or Metallica

The leaves of this species are usually up to 15 centimeters long. They are covered with olive-green pubescence. The shape is ovoid, and the edges are jagged. Due to the characteristic color and unusual coating, the leaves seem to be covered with a metallic coating.. When exposed to direct sunlight and bright daylight, the leaves reflect it and shine gracefully.

Bauer (Brind)

The second name of this plant is Bauer's begonia.

This is one of the most beautiful views decorative deciduous begonias. The stem is straight and branched. The length of the leaves can reach up to seven centimeters. Their shape resembles a heart, only slightly beveled and pointed at the tip. Color - brown-olive, which is covered with white spots. That is why tiger begonia is called that.

The flower of this variety does not tolerate direct sunlight. Feels good indoors. During the winter months, it is better to reduce the temperature.

Watering should be done directly into the soil. Water should not get on the leaf blades of the flower. You need to water systematically, but moderately, so that water does not stagnate. To increase the air humidity around the begonia, you can place a vessel filled with water.

Mason ( Begonia M asoniana)

Place of growth: New Guinea. On the leaves there is an amazing pattern in the form of a Maltese cross. The drawing is brown, and the color itself is green. Can grow up to 20 centimeters in length. The height of the plant is 20 - 35 centimeters. The flowers are usually small and beige in color.

Cleopatra ( Cleopatra)

The leaves of this flower are similar to maple. Therefore, this variety is considered very decorative. The color of the leaves differs from different sides. The outer side is painted olive or bright greenish, and the lower side is red and burgundy.. The leaves are located on fleshy and long stalks, which are covered with white or gray hairs. This differentiates this flower from other varieties.

The bush of the plant can reach a height of 30 to 50 centimeters. Cleopatra usually blooms from January to February. When the plant begins to bloom, it extends flower stalks on which whitish-pink small flowers are located.


It is also called cuff begonia. The plant is native to Mexico. The plant has a creeping stem, the leaves are large and grow up to 30 centimeters in diameter, covered with villi. The cuttings of the leaf blades are long, which are surrounded by a cuff of red hairs. At home, they bloom in winter, forming approximately five peduncles that grow about 60 centimeters in length. The flowers are formed into a cluster of pink color.


Bush begonias have a fairly branched and articulated stem, which is similar to the stem of bamboo. Grows as a bush from which many side shoots grow. The shape of the leaves and color are varied. The blooms are very beautiful with graceful flowers. The root system is thick and fleshy and does not separate.

The peculiarity of bush begonias is that they bloom throughout the year.

Among the varieties of this species there are both annuals and perennials. The height of the plant is quite large and at optimal conditions can reach up to two meters.

The most common varieties of bush begonia are:


The stems of this plant are straight and bare, the length of which reaches from 0.5 to one meter. They have a heterogeneous color on different sides. Green color on the outside it is covered with silver speckles. back side The leaf blade is dark red. The flowers are small, but the inflorescences are dense.


The flower has highly branched tall stems that can grow up to one meter in height. The leaves are oval, the surface is glossy green.. Fuchsia begonia flowers have many different shades of red. But the flowers are sparse and droop heavily.


This species has tuber-shaped rhizomes. Stems are tall, about 80 centimeters, fleshy. Flowers come in both single and double types, they are similar to flowers of roses, peonies, carnations and camellias. Flowers can be arranged singly or in inflorescences, small and large. Their diameter is usually 3-20 cm.

Tuberous begonia can be ampelous, shrubby or herbaceous. The leaves are heart-shaped, matte, glossy, flat and corrugated. They have shades of green, light and dark tones. It blooms in May and until October, it looks very beautiful.

The most common varieties:

  • Picotee Harlequin (Picotee)
  • Bouton de Rose
  • Dak Red (BegoniaDark Red)
  • Crispa Marginata

Begonia Bouton de Rose Begonia Picotee Harlequin

Blooming begonia

This group includes many varieties that are able to bloom during the summer months. However, their flowering is not affected by weather conditions.

The most popular varieties:

  • Baby Wing
  • Ambassador
  • Cocktail
  • Gloire de Lorraine
  • Competitor
  • Marina
  • Rosemary

One of the famous varieties is hybrid Elatior. It was bred by crossing tuberous and Socotran species. Elatior can bloom almost all year round. Because of this ability, it is called winter begonia. The plant is small, approximately 40 cm in height, the stems are thick and bright, the leaves are glossy. Their length can reach up to 8 centimeters, in the shape of an uneven heart. The pedicels are long, on which castings grow.

According to the height of the bush, they are divided into three types:

  • tall – up to 40 cm
  • medium – up to 30 cm
  • short – up to 25 cm


It is popular among gardeners and summer residents. The plant is large, up to 40-50 centimeters in height.. The stem is creeping and fleshy. The leaves are about 30 centimeters long, green in color (dark or light).

The flowers are pink or white, collected in a raceme that reaches 50 cm in length. Blooms from February to April, with peak flowering in the spring and summer months.

Hybrid variety Hogweed is red leaf begonia. It is a herbaceous plant that usually spreads along the ground. The stem is shortened.

Slightly rounded leaves, quite large, the length and width of which range from 10-15 cm and 8-10 cm, respectively. The outside is glossy green and the inside is red.

Flowering begins from December to June. The flowers are small, white with a pink tint.


This is a subshrub whose height is from 40 to 50 centimeters. The shoots are recumbent, the rhizome is thick. Cuttings are pubescent. Large leaves grow up to 20 cm in length and up to 15 cm in width.. The tips are pointed and the edges are jagged.

Flowers in inflorescences are dull yellow. Yellow begonia is used to produce hybrids. Varieties are developed by both breeders and amateur gardeners.

Griffin ( Gryphon)

This species is one of the newest and most popular hybrids.

The plant is quite large. Height can reach forty centimeters. The leaves of the flower are wide and distinguished by their decorative effect.

Indoor begonia Bovera

This is an indoor or house plant. Counts decorative look. The leaves are dark green, palmately divided. The fingers are distinguished by green spots. Cuttings, pubescent and low.

Flowering occurs with the arrival of spring. Flowers in white and pink tones. Care for this plant is minimal. Feels good at home. But, as with most flowers, in order to establish long-lasting flowering it is necessary to observe optimal temperature conditions and maintain air humidity. Reproduction does not require much effort; even a novice gardener can handle it.

You need to replant once a year.

Also applies to indoor Red begonia. The plant is quite large for indoor conditions, but looks impressive. The leaves are shiny and smooth, ovate.

The inflorescences are collected in a panicle, the flowers are bright red.

Terry Pink

Small plant up to 20 centimeters. The flowers are pink and double. Flowering is abundant from July days until frost.

To achieve long flowering it is necessary to remove wilted flowers. Thus, the plant will not waste energy on the formation of seeds, but will direct it to the formation of new flowers.

If you want begonia of this variety to bloom earlier, then you can plant the tuber at home in a pot with a sterile substrate (peat, coconut substrate, perlite, etc.) to the depth of the tuber.

Such begonias will look good on the balcony.

Begonia is a plant that has won the hearts of many gardeners and breeders. It gained its popularity due to its long flowering period (some varieties bloom all year round), the huge variety of plant sizes, leaf colors and, of course, the flowers themselves. That's why Currently, the world's leading breeders are still creating more and more new varieties and hybrids. And everyone else can only admire and admire the beauty of the amazing begonia.

One of the most popular indoor plants, begonias, are native to the tropics and subtropics of South America. However, as decorative flower it began to be grown only in the 18th century. All modern varieties and hybrids of this crop were bred from the first five varieties brought to Europe by English botanists. The plant was named begonia by scientist Charles Plumier in honor of the French governor of the colony of Haiti, Michel Begon.


At the moment, gardeners and indoor plant lovers breed only three main types of begonia: herbaceous, shrub and semi-shrub. Tuberous flowers are commonly grown in lawns and flower beds. Begonia rhizomatous, shrub and semi-shrub is more often used as decoration in city apartments. Some forms of this ornamental plant are valued for their beautiful flowers, others for their showy leaves.

Caring for begonias of all varieties is almost the same, with the exception of some nuances. In this article we will talk in detail about how indoor, that is, rhizomatous leaf and shrub forms of begonias are grown.

Pot and soil

Begonia is usually grown at home in rather small containers. The fact is that its roots do not tolerate neighborhoods very well large quantity wet ground. They should completely occupy the space of the pot. In order for the plant to feel comfortable, it needs to be transplanted into a new container every year. bigger size(about 2 cm).

The soil for begonias should be nutritious leaf soil. You can mix it with sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1:3. Sometimes purchased soil is also poured into pots for this ornamental plant. In this case, it is better to buy peat.

Where to place begonias

Most begonias are shade-loving plants. That is, they cannot be placed in direct sunlight, otherwise their leaves will be burned. Most often, begonia is grown at home on window sills located on the north or east side. It is especially important to comply with this condition for rhizomatous varieties with beautiful leaves. Shrub and semi-shrub begonias also love partial shade. However, too great harm Direct lighting usually does not harm them. These varieties adapt to the sun very quickly.

An exception to this rule is the garden tuberous begonia. It is usually planted on lawns laid out in sunny areas. And she feels very good about it.

Reproduction methods

Seeds and petioles are what you can use to propagate these flowers. Begonia, unfortunately, loses its decorative value after just a few years of cultivation. Therefore, old plants have to be replaced with new ones. And therefore, those who want to see this crop as a decoration for their apartment should definitely become familiar with the technology of its cultivation.

Begonia: propagation by seeds

This method, being quite complex, is used very rarely for breeding begonias. However, if you wish, you can try to propagate this ornamental plant this way. In this case, the growing procedure usually begins in February. This begonia propagates by seeds as follows:

  1. A 2-3 cm layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of a large box. It is best to take pebbles that are not too large.
  2. The leaf soil is sifted through a fine sieve and poured over the drainage in a layer of 2-3 cm.
  3. A layer of snow is laid on top of the ground.
  4. Begonia seeds are sown on it. They are very small, and therefore the procedure must be carried out slowly, trying to distribute them over the surface of the snow. planting material as evenly as possible.

Begonia does not tolerate dry air very well. Therefore, the box should be tightened until the seeds germinate plastic film. After the plants hatch, this covering must be removed and the box placed in a lighted, slightly shaded place.

For the first time, plants are picked immediately after the first true leaf appears on them. At the same time, they are planted in another box. First, leaf soil with a small addition of peat and sand is poured into it. Planting is done in such a way that there is a distance of approximately two centimeters between the rows and between individual plants.

As soon as the bushes become crowded in the box, carry out a second pick. This time, a mixture consisting of leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in a proportion of 4x1x1x1 is poured into the box. Planting is carried out according to a 3x5 pattern.

Begonia from seeds will develop well only at temperatures not lower than 20 degrees. Also, the soil in the boxes should be disinfected from time to time by watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.6%).

Propagation by cuttings

Planting begonias can also be done using this technique. For propagation in this case, either young or slightly lignified cuttings are taken, which should have at least 2-4 buds. Under the lowest node, an oblique cut is made with a very sharp knife. Large leaves are removed from the cuttings. It's better to leave the small ones. Cuttings should be planted in pots one at a time. You can also take a large box. However, in this case, planting material should be placed only along its perimeter (at the edges). The fact is that cuttings are well accepted only if there is free air circulation.

Leaves soil mixed with peat and sand is poured into pots or boxes. A few days before planting, the soil needs to be thoroughly wetted. Do not water the soil before and after planting. The cuttings are carefully stuck into the ground and covered on top with a film attached to sticks of suitable length.

For two weeks, the plants must be sprayed and ventilated daily, removing the covering for a while. After this period, the seedlings begin to adapt to room temperature. To do this, the film is removed every day for 2-3 hours. They do this for a week. Then the film is removed completely.

How to propagate by leaves

This method is also often used by indoor plant lovers. Propagation by leaves is carried out as follows:

  • With mother plant a large healthy leaf is removed and cut into squares 2 cm long;
  • the resulting planting material is planted vertically in a moistened mixture of leaf soil, sand and peat or simply laid out on it;
  • The box is covered with film.

Begonia, propagation by leaves of which is not difficult, germinates in this case in about 2-3 weeks. From this moment on, the box needs to begin to be ventilated. To do this, the film is first removed for 30 minutes a day. Then the ventilation time is gradually increased. You should try to adapt the plant completely to room temperature within a week.

How to water correctly

Of course, a lover of indoor plants should also know how to properly water these wonderful flowers. Begonia, like any other tropical plant, does not tolerate dry air at all. Therefore, it should be sprayed daily with a spray bottle. But this must be done in such a way that water does not fall on the leaves. Spraying is carried out around the plant, humidifying the air. You can also place the begonia pot in a larger container. In this case, water is poured into the bottom of the latter and stones are placed. The pot with the plant should be installed so that its bottom does not touch the water.

Actually, begonias are watered very rarely. This plant does not like too damp soil. At high humidity soil, its roots begin to rot and its leaves turn yellow. Before watering, the water should be left for a day at room temperature. Flowering begonia, as well as those forms that are valued for the beauty of their leaves, are watered every other day or several in spring and summer. In winter, the number of waterings is reduced to once a week.

Immersion method

Sometimes this technique is used to moisten the soil in a pot. It's completely easy to implement. To do this, you need to take a container larger in volume than a flower pot. Peat-softened water is poured into it (1 kg per 10 liters). Next, lower the pot into the container for 20 minutes. As a result, water will penetrate into it through the drainage holes and moisten the soil. Then the potted begonia is placed on a tray. As soon as the water drains from the drainage holes, it is drained.

Growing begonia: how to fertilize

To feed plants, they usually use a special mixture for begonias, which can be purchased at a specialized store. If you can’t find it, you can use any complex fertilizer for indoor flowers. In spring and summer, fertilizing is usually done once a month. At the end of autumn and winter, plants are not fertilized. At this time, the flowers are at rest and fertilizing can even harm them. The only exception is the ever-flowering begonia. This variety should be fertilized all year round.


Resistance to various kinds diseases - this is also what characterizes these spectacular, unpretentious flowers. Begonia, however, sometimes still causes problems in this regard for lovers of indoor plants. Most often it is affected by powdery mildew. In this case, a white or gray coating that can be easily wiped off with a finger appears on the stem and leaves of the plant. The fungus begins to suck all the juices out of the plant. As a result, the leaves curl up and gradually die off.

Plants are usually rid of powdery mildew using special purchased products - fungicides. They also treat other begonia diseases caused by fungi. Very popular and effective, for example, are drugs such as “Topaz”, “Zlato”, “Fundazim”, etc. Before treatment, the diseased plant must be isolated from others, as it spreads powdery mildew very fast. You also need to remove all plaque. Severely affected shoots and leaves are removed and burned. The actual spraying is carried out according to the instructions for the selected drug.


Begonias are also sometimes affected by spider mites or aphids. In the first case, the plant can be treated with infusion of chamomile or tobacco with soap. Aphids are destroyed with preparations containing pyrethrum. You can also treat the plants with a weak infusion of garlic. To prepare it, 2-3 mashed garlic cloves are mixed with 2 tsp. oil and one teaspoon of liquid soap. Next, fill in everything warm water in an amount of 0.5 liters.

Most popular varieties

And finally, let's figure out what popular varieties of begonias exist at the moment and which one is best to choose.

Most often, indoor plant lovers grow the following varieties:

  1. Begonia ever-blooming. This is one of the most beautiful forms, the main feature of which is a thick bare stem, reaching a height of up to 40 centimeters. Depending on the variety, the leaves of this begonia can be emerald or bright green, and the flowers can be white, pink, red or salmon. The peculiarities of this variety, among other things, include the fact that it blooms almost all year round.
  2. Begonia coral. The branches of this form hang down very beautifully. Its leaves are covered with spectacular white spots. Coral begonia blooms in spring. The flowers of this variety can have different shades of red - from hot pink to dark burgundy.
  3. Royal begonia. This variety has a creeping stem and is very beautiful motley leaves.

Coral, evergreen and royal begonias are the most popular varieties. However, sometimes lovers of indoor plants also breed more exotic forms of begonias. For example, tuberous varieties are grown mainly in gardens and yards. However, even in a pot they can look very good. Household tuberous begonia, unlike rhizomatous varieties, is valued not for its beautiful leaves. It has earned popularity primarily for its spectacular double flowers.

As you can see, there are many varieties of begonia. And all of them, without exception, are distinguished by high decorative qualities. Considering that caring for any form of this wonderful indoor flower and even propagating them is not a difficult task; using begonia to decorate an apartment is certainly worth it.

Due to the variety of species and bright appearance, begonia has gained great popularity among amateur gardeners. Despite the fact that this plant comes from the tropics, it feels great in our climate, both at home and in garden plot. Today, there are about a thousand varieties of this plant. In this article we will talk about the types of begonia with photos and names.

These houseplants They can be either annuals or perennials. The bushes can grow over two meters in height and have very small flowers. Root begonia, on the contrary, is capable of producing inflorescences measuring more than twenty centimeters.

Feng Shui fans believe that begonia in the home eliminates negative energy and helps smooth out conflict situations. Normalizes the biofield of residents and increases their confidence in own strength at the subconscious level.

Begonia varieties


Begonias are divided into three groups:

  • Decorative flowering;
  • Decorative foliage;
  • Shrubs.

Decoratively flowering or otherwise tuberous begonia is different abundant flowering, and the flowers themselves have many shapes and colors. Gorgeous decorative inflorescences, resembling carnations, roses, peonies or camellias, grow very large. And flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn. They are not whimsical and feel good in shady places, although they are light-loving. The roots of these varieties have the shape of tubers and require abundant watering.

Decorative deciduous begonias differ from tuberous ones in less beautiful flowering, but rich lush foliage of various shapes and colors adorns these species no less. Decorative deciduous begonia prefers brightly lit places and abundant watering.

Shrub forms grow up to three meters. They have very large leaves, but small, unremarkable flowers. They are demanding on temperature conditions. For good growth, the air temperature should be between twenty and twenty-five degrees. In addition, the plant must be pruned every two years.

Begonia, its types, varieties and their names, photo

Decorative foliage begonias

Begonia metallic

It has medium-sized velvety leaves of a muted green color, oval in shape.

Their edges are dotted with teeth, and at the top they seem to be covered with a “metallic” coating.

Begonia tiger (Bauer)

Bauer tiger begonia is also called “Velvet”. This is a low bush, up to 30 - 35 cm.

It has small green leaves in the shape of a heart, on which there is an animal pattern in dark shades.

Begonia "Mason"

Decorative foliage plant with large greenery, on which there are patterns in the form of a Maltese cross. The leaf size can reach more than 20 cm in length.

It blooms in small inflorescences of light colors.

Begonia "Fista"

This variety has short fleshy stems and round shiny leaves.

In summer it pleases with small pink flowers.

Does not require maintenance.

Begonia "Credner"

Quite large bushes of this variety have pubescent green-pink leaves and large flowers.

Blooms from March to October.

Begonia "Horseweed"

The plant is small and bushy.

It has powerful lodging stems and decoratively carved palmate leaves. Ideal as a tapeworm plant.

Begonia "Palomar Prince"

The double spiral leaves of this plant have copper- green tint, and light pink flowers bloom mainly in winter.

Easy to grow.

Begonia "Charlotte Chiffon"

A spectacular plant with silver-pearl leaves, in the center of which there is a purple-pink spot.

The edges of the leaves are wavy, with a bright pink border.

Begonia "Green Golg"

A flower with large rounded leaves twisted in the form of a spiral. The color of the plant is predominantly silvery blue, with brown leaf edges.

The short petioles of the leaves give the plant its compactness.

Begonia "Black Prince"

The variety has wonderful velvet leaves of unusual shape and very discreet flowers.

As the name suggests, the leaves are dark green, close to black.

Decorative flowering begonias

Begonia "Senator"

Begonia is ever-blooming, easy to care for, and will be a wonderful decoration for a flower bed.

An annual flower with lush greenery and bright, medium-sized inflorescences.

Begonia "Fortune"

The plant has rich double inflorescences of various colors.

Peduncles are short and strong.

This variety begins to bloom earlier than other species.

Begonia "Fimbriata pink"

Tuberous fringed begonia.

Huge double flowers of yellow-red, pink, orange and other shades will not leave anyone indifferent.

Flowering begins in June

Begonia ampelous "Venus"

The plant is unpretentious and pleases with its large semi-double flowers and picturesque greenery.

From the series of hanging begonias, white hanging begonia and red hanging begonia stand out as highly decorative.

Begonia "Grandiflora"
Tuberous begonia with large flowers up to 15-20 cm in diameter.

A compact plant with unusually beautiful flowers that look like roses in all possible colors.

Flowers can be either simple or double.

Begonia "Apricot" or Begonia "Epricot"

Belongs to the NONSTOP series, i.e. continuous flowering.

A very delicate but showy plant with lush flowers in shades of white, orange, yellow and pink.

The petals of which are decorated with a pink edging.

Begonia "Non Stop"

The low annual Nonstop variety is rich in large inflorescences. Its leaves have a bright green tint, and flowering continues throughout the summer.

Continuous flowering at temperatures above +18º

Begonia "Marmorata"

This perennial shrub They are grown not only indoors, but are also actively used in landscape design.

Bush height is about 30 cm, flowering from July

Begonia "Terry" orange

The bright and lush flowers of this plant will decorate any interior.

It is also used in decorating garden plots. TO terry varieties The same applies to Begonia Terry, and Begonia Mix will delight you with its variety of colors.

Begonia "Double white"

This is a plant with large snow-white flowers and dark green foliage.

It does not exceed 30 cm in height.

Begonia 'Elatior Borias'

This is an ever-blooming begonia. The bush grows up to half a meter, has bright glossy leaves with mottled edges. Flowers of this variety can be either simple or double, with a variety of colors.

Begonia "Bada Boom"

This is a small dense bush with bronze greenery. Its flowers are simple white, pink or bright red.

It blooms noticeably earlier than other varieties. Therefore, seeds for seedlings are sown in January-February, planted in open ground when the threat of return frosts has passed.

Begonia "Pikoti"

It is a spreading low bush with green jagged leaves.

Gorgeous double flowers with a spectacular border on the petals bloom on it.

Begonia "Crispa Marginata" yellow-red

The leaves on this plant are green with purple edges, and the flowers are yellow with red edges.

Does not exceed 20 cm.

Like all types of begonia, it prefers scattered sunlight

Begonia "Marble"

This is a compact plant with large double inflorescences of pinkish-red color and carved greenery. I advise you to plant begonia tubers in early February in light soil, when the threat of return frosts has passed, transplant them into open ground. Begonia will delight you with its flowering from May to September.

Begonia garden

Garden begonia looks great both in city flower beds and in the garden.

Its flowers resemble small roses, and flowering continues from early spring until frost.

Ampelous begonia

"Bella" begonia

  • "Bella" ampelous begonia. Beautiful plant With a fleshy stem and large leaves, it will undoubtedly enliven the interior of any room.
  • Another representative of the hanging begonia, begonia “Chanson” with lush flowers of red, yellow or white color.
  • Begonia "Pendula Cascade yellow" is characterized by thick and rich shades, bright and asymmetrical leaves and flowing lush inflorescences.
  • Begonia Illumination pink is a perennial herbaceous plant. It grows up to 30 centimeters and has green heart-shaped leaves and huge double pink flowers.
  • Begonia "Cascade Florence". This is a compact perennial shrub with a strong stem and light green leaves. big curvy pink flowers Florences are located on hanging branches.
  • Begonia "Bolivian". The shoots of this species grow upward, but, having grown to a certain level, they begin to effectively bend down, forming a flower cascade. Bolivian Begonia is divided into several varieties. The most popular are Copacabana, Bossa Nova and Santa Cruz Sunset.

Care and reproduction

Home begonia does not require special attention. The main concern for her is to maintain optimal temperature air, timely watering and fertilizing. Begonia growing outside the house needs to be moved indoors during the winter.


Varieties of everflowering begonia are grown from seeds. They are the ones who better transmit their varietal characteristics through seed material. The seeds germinate very well and amicably.

They are sown in early February so that by the onset of autumn the young shoots become strong. Plant them in shallow containers. The sown seeds are not covered with soil, but only lightly pressed onto the soil. The boxes are covered with glass or polyethylene and the room is left at a temperature that does not drop below twenty degrees.

To avoid washing out the seeds, watering is done by drip or using a spray bottle. After a week they will begin to sprout. After which, the seedlings are gradually accustomed to room temperature by removing the glass and ventilating the containers.

A month later, the begonia seedlings are transplanted into separate compact pots. This must be done carefully, as young shoots are very tender and break easily.

After another month, they are transplanted into permanent pots. These varieties begin to delight with their flowering already in the first year of growth.


Begonia reproduces well from tubers, but small sprouts must be present on them.

The purchased planting material must be placed on a damp cloth as soon as possible. It is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the fabric until the first roots appear on the tubers. After which they can be planted in pots. The top of the tuber should be on the surface.

When the weather becomes warm enough, begonia is planted in the garden, burying it in the ground along with a flower pot. And with the onset of autumn frosts, they bring it home and cut off the stems. Pots with tubers are left in a cool place throughout the winter. At this time they are not watered. If sprouts appear, the tuber is freed from the layer of soil to accelerate growth. And when the plant produces several shoots, it is covered with earth again.