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Kitchen bath and terrace under one roof. Summer kitchen project with a bath: options for projects and interior design with a photo. Advantages of combined objects

In creating country life, an important role is played by the presence and correct location auxiliary buildings. After all, they greatly simplify the life of the owners, save time and allow you to enjoy a good outdoor recreation. Lovers of conservation and outdoor dining cannot do without a summer kitchen, gazebo or veranda. A bathhouse or a sauna will help you forget about everyday worries. And with limited space suburban area such extensions can be successfully combined.

Advantages of combined objects

Even at the stage of drawing up a design drawing, all the advantages of such a neighborhood are evident. After all, a bath combined with summer kitchen, will increase the functionality of the entire room, and in skillful hands will become original decorative element suburban area.

Thematic material:


  1. If construction works will be carried out on a common foundation and under one roof, the cost of building materials will be reduced. This means that the overall cost of construction will be much cheaper.
  2. A single heating system for the house and outbuildings - saving energy resources several times.
  3. Competent drafting of a bathhouse project with a summer kitchen will reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bused land.
  4. It is easy to turn such a building into a guest house, providing a lounge there, and a terrace or veranda into an outdoor kitchen.
  5. If, according to the plan, the building is adjacent to the main house, then you do not need to worry about creating paths that would connect the structures to each other.
  6. Possibility of year-round use.
  7. The improvement of the existing structure and the addition of other rooms will not require significant costs.
  8. The proximity to the house will simplify the process of summing up communications.
  9. Independent development of the design of the building will add individuality to the interior, convey the character and passion of its inhabitants. In addition, saving cash hiring specialists in this field.
  10. A convenient place for receiving guests in the warm season, and if the terrace is glazed, then gatherings with friends can be held even in winter, basking by the stove or fireplace.

When choosing a place for construction, you need to remember that the entrance to the bathhouse and summer kitchen should be located on the south side, to the rest room - in the north.

In addition, according to fire safety standards, it is strictly forbidden to place a bath at a distance closer than 5 m to residential premises.

Project Options

The layout of the future joint construction directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bath, the kitchen adjacent to it and the functions that the room should perform. In size, the finished building can reach a dozen meters on one side.

An interesting solution would be:

  1. The construction of a common oven inside the premises, part of which will be responsible for cooking, while the other will become an integral element of the steam room.
  2. Creation of a two-story structure, where the attic floor can be equipped as a living room, bedroom or billiard room. At the same time, it is worth immediately providing for the presence of a bathroom in the building.
  3. The construction of a small steam room with a kitchen will take no more than 20-25 squares.
  4. If, in addition to everything, the owners want to place in the building outdoor terrace and to equip the garage, you immediately need to add 12–20 squares to the total area.
  5. practical option planning - this is a bathhouse combined under one roof with a summer kitchen, a veranda and a cellar or basement for storing and preserving vegetables.

Which project to give preference to each owner decides independently, taking into account the size of the free space, personal functional needs and financial capabilities.

The main stages of creating a structure

Having settled the legal issues of the legality of such a building, and having received permission for its construction from the relevant services, you can proceed to the implementation of the technical work plan.

It consists of these steps:

  1. Preparation of the territory and materials.
  2. Site marking.
  3. Drawing up an individual drawing or choosing an existing building project.
  4. Foundation laying.
  5. Assembly of the frame and walls.
  6. Establishing communications.
  7. Roof erection.
  8. The final stage of construction is the implementation of interior and exterior decoration.
  9. Interior decoration.

If the layout of the room implies the presence of a second floor, when laying the roof, you need to worry about its thermal insulation.

Project development

You can draw an exact design scheme yourself or seek help from professionals. Moreover, ordering the services of employees of such organizations will cost several times more than hiring an experienced freelance designer. Yes, and it will not be displayed in any way on the quality of work.

If it is decided to develop a drawing of a building with your own hands, then it will be useful:

But before you decide on the type of project you need, you need to clearly understand where each of the rooms will be located so that their location does not cause inconvenience. If desired, you can add to such a building:

  • bedrooms;
  • locker room
  • dressing room;
  • bathroom;
  • billiard room;
  • garage;
  • open veranda;
  • wood room.

At the same time, each of the additional zones should alternate harmoniously and correctly, without creating unnecessary fuss.

What materials are better to choose?

At first glance, it may seem that the range of products for building a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is rather limited, but this was the case before. Now for the implementation of such projects use:

  • brick;
  • tree;
  • sheets of metal;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • heat resistant glass;
  • sandwich panels.

When performing high-quality finishing work, you will need:

  • heaters;
  • steam and waterproofing materials;
  • moisture resistant solutions;
  • fire retardant impregnations;
  • paint products.

The main criterion for choosing construction products is the landscape and climatic conditions of the region.

And so that the design is in harmony with other buildings in the summer cottage, it is better to create it from similar raw materials.

Photo: this is what the finished sauna stove looks like

Special attention should be paid to the laying of the heating and cooking device, whether it be a stove or a barbecue. Following the rules of fire safety, it is recommended to take refractory bricks as a basis.

Building materials for a bath must be environmentally friendly so that when heated, toxic fumes and resins do not enter the air.

That is why the demand for natural wood structures is only growing every year. This type of material is practical, easy to install and has a low cost. And timely processing of timber with moisture-resistant impregnations will increase the life of the entire structure.

Creation of the foundation and construction of the frame

When pouring the base of the bath and summer kitchen, there is no need to lay a monolith. Perfect for this type of building. screw piles or strip foundation.

Thematic material:

If the room is being built from a bar, a wall thickness of 100 * 100 mm will be sufficient, while there is no need to insulate such a building.

Well, since the brick technical specifications not inferior to wood, but also in many ways superior to it, the masonry of the frame and walls can be made from this material in one layer, without requiring special measures for thermal insulation.

In addition, in such structures it is much easier to redevelop.


For a small extension, a shed roof will suffice.

Materials for it can be:

  • various types of tiles;
  • slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • soft roof.

It is worth noting that for the roofing of the second floor, you do not need to purchase metal tiles, as it will create a lot of noise during rain or strong winds.

Summing up communications

Two different zones one building should be a logical continuation of each other. Often they are connected by a universal stove-heater, which simultaneously performs the function of heating the bath and is a cooking device for the kitchen.

In addition, the design must be correctly summed up:

  • electricity;
  • water disposal and supply;
  • ventilation.

If there is no knowledge in electrics, for safety reasons, it is worth abandoning the do-it-yourself option, and entrusting this matter to an experienced specialist.

When installing the drainage system, you need to take care of the presence of a durable shutter-valve that will prevent the flow of unpleasant odors from the sewer to the outside.

Ventilation is a necessary measure to ensure a normal indoor climate, which prevents the appearance of high humidity and fungus. But the owners decide which one to choose a natural one or purchase an electronic version based on financial capabilities.

When developing a project for such a structure, it is necessary to realistically assess the size of the building area, the allowable budget of funds, in order to decide in a timely manner whether it will be possible to manage on our own or whether it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

Video: bath projects with a summer kitchen

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A bathhouse with a summer kitchen, and a beautiful terrace adjoining it, where you can relax with a glass of beer after a steam room - this is the dream of most residents of stuffy megacities. Not everyone can realize this dream, but if you are already close to this, then you need a good building project that will take into account all the wishes. We will talk about such projects in the framework of the publication.

Let's collect ideas

First you need to put together your own and other people's ideas, literally everything that you have ever heard or seen from friends or in pictures regarding such buildings. Then you need to choose the best ideas, and then use them when creating a summer kitchen project with a terrace and a bath. You can expect a lot from a building like this.

These are just the main ideas that can come to mind, so to speak, “offhand”, but it is already clear that their implementation will require serious intellectual work on the project to make the building beautiful, inexpensive and functional. It is necessary to think over every little thing and perhaps along the way to implement some additional ideas regarding the summer kitchen with a bath.

Important! You should not do the project yourself; in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. You can independently draw a sketch, where you can state all the main ideas, supported by a description, the rest will be done by a specialist.


We will start our review with a relatively simple projects, which will include a sauna, a summer kitchen and a terrace. A simple project involves the construction of a relatively small building without additional premises, mainly only a bathhouse, a summer kitchen and a terrace. Here are the projects.

The first simple project involves the construction of a small bath or sauna, which adjoins small bathroom, a large room recreation area with a cooking area and a fairly spacious terrace. It is noteworthy that the recreation room is combined with the kitchen, which at first glance seems inconvenient, but in fact good location functional areas solves the problem by itself. The kitchen area is located in a special niche, so that those who are in the rest room hardly notice it.

Doorways are also located very conveniently. The sauna and bathroom have separate exits, and there are two exits from the relaxation room to the terrace. The summer kitchen and the relaxation room are well lit due to the large showcase windows separating the terrace from the enclosed spaces, the sauna and the bathroom are artificially lit.

This project is a little more complicated than the previous one, but still belongs to the simple ones. It combines many advantages and disadvantages, which we will now talk about. The advantage of the project is that it allows you to stay under one roof in a relatively small space: a summer kitchen, a relaxation room, a steam room, a shower room, a toilet. Terraces adjoin the enclosed space on both sides, there are two of them here. A small terrace can be used by smokers to have a smoke break, but on a large one everyone can relax, breathing in fresh air.

The bath in this case turns out to be very functional, take a steam bath, rinse in the shower and you can go to the rest room. The bathroom is also normal, but the rest room and summer kitchen are separated in vain. The project turned out to be two cramped little rooms in which it is inconvenient to cook or relax. In this case, a terrace is more suitable for relaxation, at least it is spacious. Although, of course, rest on the open terrace is more dependent on weather conditions.

For your information! When drawing a sketch or making a project, remember that the smaller the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ba closed room, the less it needs to make all sorts of partitions.

And this project focuses on closed spaces. The terrace here is quite small, you can’t even put a table, but the bathhouse, summer kitchen and relaxation room are of sufficient size. 5 people can stay here comfortable conditions. The whole building will take up very little space, and the cost of its construction will be relatively small.

The only drawback of the project can be considered a not very successful combination of a summer kitchen with a rest room. Cooking and relaxing at the same time will not work, otherwise you will have to breathe kitchen fumes after a steam room and a shower. Yes and good upholstered furniture you can’t put it in such a room, otherwise it will quickly become saturated with the smells of homemade preparations for the winter.

This project has the same drawbacks as the previous one, although in this case the terrace is made more spacious. In addition to the terrace, there is a sauna, a shower with a toilet and a living room combined with a summer kitchen - nothing remarkable, except that the living room-kitchen is completely separated from the sauna and the bathroom.

The last of the simple projects we are considering is the most balanced, according to our specialists. Neither the terrace nor the enclosed spaces can be called spacious, but this is perhaps the only drawback. Everything else is convenient.

  • The summer kitchen is separated from the rest room and the bathhouse, which means that while relaxing, you don’t have to breathe kitchen fumes.
  • There is a separate entrance to the toilet, which is independent of the steam room or shower room.
  • The steam room and shower are connected by a walkway, so you don't have to go through the summer kitchen and lounge naked to rinse in the shower.
  • There is enough space on the terrace for five or six of us to sit outside.

If you like more closed summer kitchens and do not need a terrace, you can look at summer kitchen projects with a veranda. In the publication of the same name you will find everything of interest on this topic.


Now let's take a quick look at more expensive and complex projects that will require significantly higher financial costs, but will also provide more opportunities for quality rest. Complex projects involve the construction of not only a bathhouse, a summer kitchen, a relaxation room and a terrace, but also a number of additional premises.

The summer kitchen, according to the first complex project, is comparable in area to a residential building - 80 m2. There are the following premises: a terrace, a furnace, a vestibule, a hall, a large shower room and an equally large steam room, 2 toilets and a large dining room combined with a summer kitchen. In such a structure, at least 10 people can fully relax at once.

The only drawback of this building can be considered a relatively small terrace. If in good weather all 10 people will go out onto a terrace of 12 m2, they will be cramped. In our opinion, it would be better to redo the project a bit by enlarging the terrace, then the summer kitchen will become truly chic. Look at the picture below, maybe you will share our opinion.

In this case, the terrace area increased from 12 to 52 squares. On it and the table can be placed to eat in the fresh air and sun loungers to arrange and any other furniture. If you want, you can separate part of the terrace for the dance floor - the place allows.

Note! With an updated terrace, the building will look symmetrical and the usable area will increase. At the same time, the cost of its construction will also increase slightly.

This project doesn't look too complicated, but it has a lot to offer. Everything is comfortable in this summer kitchen. There is a fairly spacious steam room, a comfortable shower room, a toilet, a spacious lounge combined with a kitchen, where you can comfortably sit at round table or on a corner sofa. There is also a vestibule, a woodshed and a terrace that fits another dining table.

The project has a drawback we have already described - the cooking area is too close to the place of rest. It would be nice to somehow separate them, but within the framework of the above project, this is not possible.


Summer kitchen project with a bath

A summer kitchen with a sauna is the best solution for a small cottage. Recently, it has become a popular choice for many families, because it can save space and repair costs. Often the kitchen acts as a dressing room or terrace. We have selected several summer kitchen projects with a bath for study.

The project of a summer kitchen with a bath 5 by 6 m.

Frame option small bath with sauna. The recreation room can be divided into two halves: a recreation area and a kitchen. For these rooms, you can make two different entrances. In summer, on the terrace by the window, you can install not big table hic and relax mentally after the steam room.

The project of a summer kitchen with a bath 6 by 8 meters.

The bath area is 12.5 square meters, the summer kitchen area is 21 square meters. The kitchen looks spacious and bright. The roof of the house is gable, and this, in turn, will help to cope with snow in the cold season.

The project of a summer kitchen with a bath 6 by 8 m from logs.

The huge terrace acts as a summer kitchen. Large capacity, it can fit 1 large table and much more. This area is well suited for holidays, gatherings with friends. This bath has everything you need, a toilet, a shower, a steam room, a relaxation room, so you can bathe and relax here. all year round. In this project, you can implement an attic and get a practical, spacious room for relaxation.

The project of a summer kitchen with a bath 5 by 9 m from a bar

The bath area is 2.5 by 4.6 m. There is a steam room with a sink on the same area. The summer kitchen area is 4.3 by 4 m. variant - double. Summer kitchen can be provided in the rest room, with the location small barbecue on the terrace.

Video project of a summer kitchen with a bath:

May 11, 2015Werri


Sauna with summer kitchen and terrace

Many people want a bathhouse, a wide veranda, big house, gazebo, summer kitchen, garage and much more. However, firstly, the area of ​​​​the land plot does not always allow you to build whatever you want, and secondly, it is financially expensive to build a separate bathhouse, summer kitchen, garage, etc. There is a solution, you can combine outbuildings under one roof, for example, a bathhouse with a summer kitchen are well adjacent to each other. Let's talk about projects of such buildings.

What should be in a bath with a kitchen?

Everyone sees the project of a bath, connected with a kitchen under one roof, in their own way. One can be content with a combined building with an area of ​​​​30 square meters. m, where there will be a small steam room, a small dressing room and a terrace with a barbecue and a table. For another, a combined building is unthinkable without a large steam room, heating room, rest room, eating area, font and kitchen. In general, the basic requirements for a bath combined with a kitchen are moderate for people and boil down to the fact that such a building should have:

  • a steam room, preferably spacious, so that at least one person can freely lie on the shelves;
  • a shower room where one could rinse after visiting the steam room;
  • dressing room, where one could freely put a sofa and chairs with a table;
  • a closed dressing room, at least a small one, so that one person can go in and change clothes calmly;

For your information! A small closed changing cabin located in the dressing room will make your life much easier if you plan to visit the steam room with a heterosexual company.

  • a cooking zone, in other words, a place where one could put a barbecue, oven, barbecue, countertop, sink, in general, everything that is needed for cooking;
  • dining area, that is, a place where this food could be consumed. The dining area should be spacious enough to accommodate a large table and chairs.

The above list already allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the future summer kitchen with a bath. To reinforce this idea, we will consider ready-made projects of such buildings and perhaps you are still ripe for the construction of something similar on your site. If you are interested in the question of how to build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands, you can read the article of the same name on our website.

Examples of buildings up to 40 m2

Found a free corner on your land plot, you can build on it a small, but very functional summer kitchen, combined with a bath area of ​​​​up to 40 square meters. m. We present to your attention ready-made projects of such buildings, you will probably “take into service” some of this.

In this case, in the figure above you see a summer kitchen project combined with a bathhouse and a terrace. The total building area is 32.34 m2. Despite its small size, this facility has everything you need for a full wash, rest and cooking.

There is a small steam room, the project contains its exact dimensions of 2400x2450 mm. A shower room of the same size adjoins the steam room. There is a summer kitchen 4200x3400 mm, divided into two functional areas: cooking and recreation. And of course, there is a small terrace 4200x1500 mm, where you can go out, get some air or have a smoke break.

And this is a project of a super small bath with a summer kitchen, which will occupy an area of ​​​​only 22.08 square meters. m., a very good option for giving and material for construction will take a little. The dimensions of the entire building are 4800x4600 mm. A structure is being built from a bar, wooden board and slats. There are quite a few similar kitchens with baths, since everything you need can be placed in such a limited space:

  • steam room or sauna;
  • dressing room or dressing room;
  • kitchen area and living room;
  • veranda.

Note! The sketch shown in the figure above clearly shows that in one small room there was a living room with corner sofa and a dining table, and in the corner is well placed gas stove, washing and working surface.

Saunas with a kitchen more than 40 m2

Those who like to relax in comfort will have to allocate a larger area for a bath with a summer kitchen. In this case, there are no restrictions. There are projects with an area of ​​45, 50, 60 or even 80 and 100 m2. Such dimensions are worthy of a spacious residential building, not like a bathhouse with a summer kitchen. Here are examples of spacious buildings that combine a bath or sauna with a summer kitchen.

In the picture above, a bathhouse with a kitchen area of ​​​​45.19 m2. The whole building is divided into two parts: closed and open. In the closed part there is a steam room, a washing room, a toilet, a rest room and a vestibule, but the open part consists of a spacious terrace and a kitchen area. It is noteworthy that in this unique sauna combined with a kitchen, the cooking zone and the firebox are located nearby. The fact is that the stove in this case is used for cooking and at the same time for heating the heater located in the steam room - very convenient and economical.

Well, this spacious bath with a kitchen area has the size of a small residential building of 51.7 square meters. m. In the closed part of the building there is a fairly spacious shower room, a steam room, a spacious dressing room, it is also a rest room, a bathroom and a vestibule. Under the open shed there is a stove, barbecue, barbecue and a large table with chairs. The structure is made of glued laminated timber - this is an environmentally friendly material that perfectly retains heat, which is very valuable for a bath.

This project features a huge sauna with a swimming pool and a summer kitchen. The room with the pool is the largest 32.3 m2, and the entire building has an area of ​​94.5 m2. The second largest is the rest room, combined with the kitchen. The last one is given a small corner, and the rest of the space is given to the sofa and dining table. The steam room in this case is wonderful, spacious and conveniently located next to the rest room. There is also a shower room, toilet, pump room, vestibule and a fairly large terrace.

For your information! There are two entrances to this room at once, one from the side of the pool, and the other from the side of the terrace.

You can see a much less grandiose bath in the figure above. Its area is 66.24 sq. m. In the corner of the building there is a steam room, next to a shower room, a rest room and a vestibule. The vestibule opens onto a terrace of 15 sq. m. It has a brazier and a round dining table, where you can eat freshly cooked shish kebab right in the fresh air. The bathhouse was built entirely from calibrated logs and looks just great.

So, no matter what project you choose, remember that a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is filled not with chic furnishings, but with the warmth of the hearts of your friends and relatives. Arrange holidays for yourself and your loved ones more often, and a spacious sauna is just a means to make yourself and others a little happier!


How to implement a bath project with a kitchen

Among the buildings united under one roof, in Russia the most popular project is a bathhouse with a kitchen. The fact is that in our country summer cottages are usually small sizes, so their owners have to save literally every meter. The option of combining a bath and a kitchen allows you not to equip them in a living room, which dramatically increases the level of comfort in it.

Pros of bath projects with a kitchen

A bath with a kitchen, as well as its project, have many advantages, which determine the high popularity of this type of building among Russians. The first positive aspect of the construction of such a building is the fact that, in this way, you move out of the living area those premises in which unpleasant odors are formed, large volumes of wastewater are generated, and household work is also performed.

The second plus is the possibility of saving land on the site. The fact is that summer cottages in Russia usually do not exceed six acres, and if buildings are erected on them separately, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site will be occupied. Using the option of a combined building, you can significantly save land, and use the saved space for other purposes. If you need to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, you can always choose a bath project with a summer kitchen.

The third plus is savings on building materials and wiring engineering communications. So, building a bathhouse and a kitchen in the same building, you can save up to 20% of the amount allocated for construction. At the same time follow the rules fire safety and building codes and rules for combined construction are much simpler. This is also important, as it allows you to avoid subsequently large fines from the control and supervisory authorities.

And another advantage of combining a bath and a kitchen is the fact that the projects of combined buildings are much cheaper than stand-alone ones. This is due to the fact that not always homeowners who own large land plots erect combined buildings on them, preferring to build separate buildings.

Options for combining different buildings

There are several options for combining buildings for different purposes on one roof. So, for example, the most popular is the project of a kitchen combined with a bath. This is due to the fact that in rural areas and outside the city at their summer cottage, the issues of cooking and hygiene are paramount.

The direct expression of such a combination occurs in the form of building premises with different entrances, arranging a summer kitchen on the veranda, placing part utility rooms in the attic or second floor. Also, sometimes they are limited to arranging a cooking zone during the bath, which is used in the warm season. A brazier is usually installed here, sometimes a hearth is folded, tables and chairs are placed.

In addition, bath projects with a relaxation room and a kitchen are very popular. This is already a whole architectural complex, which is built according to its own laws. So, for example, if you choose this project, you will have to take care of arranging good ventilation and waterproofing. These systems will allow timely removal from the premises excess moisture and unpleasant odors, which will positively affect the level of comfort in the guest room.

Well, the last option for combining premises, which is very popular with Russians, is the project of a garage, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse. This construction option allows you to create protection for the car, while building a steam room. The downside here is the unpleasant smells of gasoline and engine oil, which can penetrate into the bathhouse. In addition, the State Fire Supervision may not give permission for such construction, since such a "tandem" is extremely dangerous in terms of the possibility of a fire.

Selection of material for the construction of a combined bath

As for the materials from which you can build a bath, combined with another building, it is usually:

A bath with a summer kitchen, projects built of wood are good because they are relatively inexpensive. In addition, wood is a good thermal insulator, and therefore you will spend a small amount of fuel in order to heat your sauna. Wooden buildings look great from the outside, and the traditional Russian banya has always been built of wood.

As for the cons wooden construction, then there are two of them. The first minus is that the tree is very afraid of moisture. So, due to high humidity, pockets of decay can occur in it, so all wooden buildings need good waterproofing. The second disadvantage is susceptibility to fire. In this regard, wooden buildings must be built at a distance from residential buildings, as well as treated with flame retardant compounds that prevent fire. wooden structures.

If you choose a brick bath-kitchen project, then you should remember that for this building you will have to prepare a lot of fuel, since brick buildings are heated for a long time. In addition, the construction of a brick bath is much more expensive than all other construction options, since the brick itself is more expensive than both wood and foam concrete. Of the pluses, we can mention the absolute incombustibility of a brick structure, as well as the fact that they are not afraid of moisture.

Remember also that brick baths require the construction of a sufficiently powerful foundation, as they have serious weight. This is especially true for buildings with 2 floors. At the same time, such a foundation should be adapted for the organization of a good sewer system.

If you need a bathhouse with a kitchen and a terrace and their foam concrete projects, then you need to remember that this construction option is one of the most popular lately. Its advantages:

  • good level of thermal insulation comparable to timber;
  • blocks made of aerated concrete do not emit harmful substances when heated, while they do not rot and are not afraid of exposure to aggressive chemicals, rodents do not settle in them, and microorganisms do not develop;
  • walls made of foam blocks are assembled an order of magnitude faster than walls made of brick and wood;
  • because of given material very light, you no longer need to build a massive foundation, a strip foundation buried in the ground below its freezing point is quite suitable.

In addition, the bath project and its photo with a summer kitchen built of foam concrete are very easy to find on the Internet. But there is only one minus of such construction - a high degree of moisture permeability of foamed concrete. As a result, you will have to fork out additionally for the arrangement of good ventilation and waterproofing.

Placement of a combined bath on the site

Another aspect of choosing a project for a bath is to determine its location on the land. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the location of several heterogeneous buildings under one roof requires an appropriate organization on the land. So the project of a bathhouse with a kitchen and a relaxation room requires additional space in front of the building to organize a recreation area, and a garage-bathhouse will need to be built near the exit to the street.

In addition, building codes and regulations establish special requirements for the placement of a bath, depending on how far it is from other buildings. For example, from a residential building it can be erected no closer than 5 meters. This should also be taken into account in joint construction, since, for example, not all housewives will like the fact that they have to go to a room far enough from a residential building to cook food.

At the same time, construction will need to be carried out exclusively from the leeward side, since in this case, in case of a possible fire, the fire will not turn blue on residential buildings. As for the placement of windows, in the bath they should be installed on the western side of the building, since there is more sun here. It also makes sense to put a bathhouse on the shore of a reservoir, if possible. By doing this, you will make it easier for yourself to supply it with water, and during the bath procedures you will be very pleased to take a cold bath after the steam room.

In this case, it will be necessary to place it so that it stands on some hill. This is done in order to ensure the possibility of water runoff during the spring flood, thereby preventing its possible flooding during the spring flood. In addition, there is such a trick as setting front door from the south side. In this case, a small amount of snow will be swept near it, as a result of which it will be possible to open it easily.

However, there are also restricted areas where the construction of a bath is in no case impossible. These are places near neighbors' plots and the street. The fact is that this will require obtaining a special permit, and neighbors are far from always able to give it. In addition, it is worth avoiding the construction of baths on weak soils, since the wastewater flowing from the bath can wash them away, as a result of which the building can crack and even collapse.

If you like a bathhouse with a summer kitchen and a terrace, its project may involve 2 construction options: on your own or with the involvement of professional builders.

The advantage of attracting professionals is that they will build you a turnkey building as soon as possible, but if you build a bath yourself, you can save quite a lot on construction.

Features of the construction of foam concrete baths

If you decide to build a combined bath on your own, then we advise you to choose foam concrete. The fact is that this material is light enough to make walls out of it without the use of heavy construction equipment. At the same time, the laying of aerated benton blocks can be carried out at temperatures from +5 ºС to +25 ºС. When the temperature reaches the upper bar, the surface of the aerated concrete blocks will need to be moistened with water. In winter, in concrete mortar you will have to add an antifreeze additive in order to be able to build at low temperatures.

When building premises from aerated concrete, horizontal waterproofing is mandatory between the foundation and the masonry, the main purpose of which is to ensure its protection from moisture. For this, roofing material or other materials based on bitumen are used. In addition, the industry produces special polymer-cement mortars in the form of dry mixes.

Usually, before starting the laying of foam concrete blocks, the foundation is leveled. After that, you can start laying out the first row. For this, a flat horizontal surface is set, which can facilitate the laying of subsequent rows as much as possible. When laying concrete, constantly check the surface for horizontal evenness and correct cornering. If you find minor irregularities, you can straighten them with a standard planer.

You can prepare the masonry mixture yourself or order it from a construction company. At the same time, during the laying process, the block must be installed on the applied mixture within 15 minutes, if you install it later, it will not seize with it. It is worth paying special attention to the blocks of the tongue-and-groove form. The fact is that here the building mixture must be applied both in the groove and on the crest of the block. In this case, the laying of blocks is usually carried out with dressing in half a block.

Masonry is usually reinforced with reinforcement. To do this, use a special reinforcing mesh. Reinforcement protects the walls of the building from deformation in case of shrinkage of the building.

As for the operation of a combined foam concrete bath, during its use it is necessary to periodically check the walls and other elements of the building for signs of decay. In addition, it is also worth periodically checking the hydro and vapor barrier for its integrity. Such measures will allow you to operate your bath with virtually no repairs for 50 years.


Summer kitchen project with a bath

Comfortable Vacation home is everyone's dream. A kitchen and a bathhouse are optional buildings, but for a complete “complete set” of a suburban owner, such buildings are erected, otherwise the yard does not seem so cozy and hospitable. Basically, spending time in such a place is a vacation, and I want to make it as varied and enjoyable as possible. Nothing compares to a delicious feast and relaxing water treatments.

In the summer kitchen, a stove and a worktop are lined with bricks

We are used to the fact that in old estates the house, kitchen, bathhouse and garage are separated from each other. But current trends have introduced a fashion for combining buildings. This is due to the fact that each square meter a suburban lot is expensive for the buyer.

Summer kitchen projects with a bath begin with the general layout of the house. Creating a construction project is an expensive service, so many take on this business on their own. Novice "architects" have problems with the arrangement of such premises. The construction is also carried out simultaneously and requires the same care in the performance of work.

The advantages of planning modern suburban areas

A bath with a living room and a kitchen is not an innovation for a long time, although it sounds unusual. The benefits are much greater because everyone sees them differently. A bathhouse with a summer kitchen and a terrace will cost much less than you might imagine if you create their project correctly. And the building itself will last for many years.

Beautiful design summer kitchen with pillars and roof

Bath projects with a terrace under one roof are already widely practiced, because such construction has its advantages:

  • a common foundation allows you to save the quadrature of the land;
  • a joint roof will cost much less than a separate one, because less building materials are spent;
  • you do not have to build paths connecting all the buildings;
  • In summer, the terrace serves as a kitchen and dining room;
  • the building will be holistic in style and architecturally;
  • joint heating saves energy and money;
  • convenient to spend time at any time of the year;
  • common water disposal and sewerage for living quarters and a kitchen with a bath;
  • united electrical network;
  • saving land, time spent on exterior finishing work.

Barbecue in the kitchen goes well with furniture in the summer kitchen

Creation of a bath project with a summer kitchen: an option under one roof, with a garage, a terrace, a toilet, a barn

Accessibility is one of the main criteria that those who want to build such a room are guided by. With the programs that you will find on the net, projects of baths with a relaxation room and a kitchen are created easily and by everyone!

Layouts differ in two features: the area of ​​construction and the type of materials. The project of a bath with a living room and a kitchen provides for the following planning stages:

  1. Foundation creation.
  2. Marking rooms and building walls.
  3. Roofing of premises.
  4. Interior and exterior surface finishes.
  5. Drainage and ventilation layout.

The advantage of online design is that the project, although not professional, can provide an overall picture. You will calculate a more accurate amount of building materials and will know the cost of the upcoming work.

Features of the foundation and roof of a combined utility block made of bricks

If you started projects of a summer kitchen combined with a bath, you should understand that the foundation and roof are combined. During the creation of the project, there will be no difficulties with this, additional layouts will not be needed, because the building is integral.

Design the foundation of a tape or column type, although it is better to choose the latter option, because it is preferable for living quarters. It removes moisture better and does not create problems with communication. For small projects you can use a solid slab, but if the soil is reliable, so that there is no underflooding in the spring.

The kitchen in the bath is carried out similarly to living quarters, the material is chosen the same so that there is only one style. In regions with frequent precipitation, a coating is used on rafter system. A flat roof is almost never erected, because it removes rain worse. Provide grooves through which water flows.

Fairy gazebo with kitchen - good decision

Layout options and walls

Bath, combined with a summer kitchen, is being built from the same materials as the main room. It's simpler, and maintains stylistic integrity. But if the house is built with bricks, then other rooms can be built from beams. Take care of the warmth as well. Use both natural and artificial materials. The latter type is more reliable in operation, because it is processed and better resists fire, is not covered with fungus.

The rest room in the bathhouse with a kitchen has several layout options. The kitchen and dining area can be separated or made compatible. In summer, the terrace will become a dining area, so it is better to design it with shelter. The toilet is built adjacent to the bath, so that the sewerage system is also joint.

Room design

Design of a rest room in a bathhouse with a kitchen - whatever you want. There are no restrictions on this. One has only to understand that the urban "hi-tech" will be inappropriate. You can arrange in a style close to rustic, use natural materials. It will not look too simple and irrelevant, because modern technology will bring the appropriate accents. Use materials natural colors, less glass and plastic, but more wood. If the windows and doors are metal-plastic, then choose not a standard white color, but a wood-like stylization. Use flowerpots with plants to decorate the terrace. Hang paintings and decorative elements in the folk spirit in the bath.

A bath with a kitchen has become an indispensable attribute of any cottage. Gatherings in the company will become pleasant and varied. The ecological interior makes the rest useful, the food seems to be tastier. Water procedures in the bath relax and positively affect the state of the body.


To build such a room, take care of its proper design. An experienced architect will do it quickly and efficiently, but you can also show your own skills and imagination on your own, and the result will not be long in coming.

They built a house for me in 2018, according to my project, by professionals in their field. The project itself is somewhat more expensive than its competitors, but in our village they built 1 more house and the owners were satisfied.

They ordered the construction of a bathhouse, they did it in the shortest possible time, without any complaints about the work of the team.

Full cycle from the production of material to the assembly of the house is perfectly organized. Quality, professionalism highest level. I recommend.

It is very important to find your manager, who will advise not only at the conclusion of the contract, but also during construction. We talked with Igor, as a result, the bath is ready on the site, we use it, everything is fine. Thank you.

Great home, great service! Everyone was helpful and helpful with the selection. You can see everything live - we went to a facility under construction similar to ours, where they saw how they work, only after that they decided to build. Thank you for the patience of managers and builders that answered all the questions!

In 2018, we ordered a bathhouse. We are very satisfied with the work of the employees of this company. Starting with the estimate and ending with a team of builders. We were lucky for the action, we received a sauna stove as a gift!

Thanks for the sauna house. On the site one price is indicated, but in fact it turns out more. But it’s understandable that the price is indicated for the very minimum, like everyone else on the Internet, if you want to comfortably pay extra for extras. In general, "thank you" to the builders.

Among the buildings united under one roof, in Russia the most popular project is a bathhouse with a kitchen. The fact is that in our country summer cottages are usually small in size, so their owners have to save literally every meter. The option of combining a bath and a kitchen allows you not to equip them in a living room, which dramatically increases the level of comfort in it.

Pros of bath projects with a kitchen

A bath with a kitchen, as well as its project, have many advantages, which determine the high popularity of this type of building among Russians. The first positive aspect of the construction of such a building is the fact that, in this way, you move out of the living area those premises in which unpleasant odors are formed, large volumes of wastewater are generated, and household work is also performed.

The second plus is the possibility of saving land on the site. The fact is that summer cottages in Russia usually do not exceed six acres, and if buildings are erected on them separately, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site will be occupied. Using the option of a combined building, you can significantly save land, and use the saved space for other purposes. If you need to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, you can always choose a bath project with a summer kitchen.

The third plus is savings on building materials and engineering communications. So, building a bathhouse and a kitchen in the same building, you can save up to 20% of the amount allocated for construction. At the same time, it is much easier to comply with fire safety rules and building codes in combined construction. This is also important, as it allows you to avoid subsequently large fines from the control and supervisory authorities.

And another advantage of combining a bath and a kitchen is the fact that the projects of combined buildings are much cheaper than stand-alone ones. This is due to the fact that not always homeowners who own large land plots erect combined buildings on them, preferring to build separate buildings.

Options for combining different buildings

There are several options for combining buildings for different purposes on one roof. So, for example, the most popular is the project of a kitchen combined with a bath. This is due to the fact that in rural areas and outside the city at their summer cottage, the issues of cooking and hygiene are paramount.

The direct expression of this combination occurs in the form of building premises with different entrances, arranging a summer kitchen on the veranda, placing part of the utility rooms in the attic or on the second floor. Also, sometimes they are limited to arranging a cooking zone during the bath, which is used in the warm season. A brazier is usually installed here, sometimes a hearth is folded, tables and chairs are placed.

In addition, bath projects with a relaxation room and a kitchen are very popular. This is already a whole architectural complex, which is built according to its own laws. So, for example, if you choose this project, you will have to take care of arranging good ventilation and waterproofing. These systems will allow you to timely remove excess moisture and unpleasant odors from the room, which will positively affect the level of comfort in the guest room.

Well, the last option for combining premises, which is very popular with Russians, is the project of a garage, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse. This construction option allows you to create protection for the car, while building a steam room. The downside here is the unpleasant smells of gasoline and engine oil, which can penetrate into the bathhouse. In addition, the State Fire Supervision may not give permission for such construction, since such a "tandem" is extremely dangerous in terms of the possibility of a fire.

Selection of material for the construction of a combined bath

As for the materials from which you can build a bath, combined with another building, it is usually:

  • tree;
  • foam blocks.

A bath with a summer kitchen, projects built of wood are good because they are relatively inexpensive. In addition, wood is a good thermal insulator, and therefore you will spend a small amount of fuel in order to heat your sauna. Wooden buildings look great from the outside, and the traditional Russian banya has always been built of wood.

As for the disadvantages of wooden construction, there are two of them. The first minus is that the tree is very afraid of moisture. So, due to high humidity, pockets of decay can occur in it, so all wooden buildings need good waterproofing. The second disadvantage is susceptibility to fire. In this regard, wooden buildings must be built at a distance from residential buildings, as well as treated with flame retardant compounds that prevent the fire of wooden structures.

If you choose a brick bath-kitchen project, then you should remember that for this building you will have to prepare a lot of fuel, since brick buildings are heated for a long time. In addition, the construction of a brick bath is much more expensive than all other construction options, since the brick itself is more expensive than both wood and foam concrete. Of the pluses, we can mention the absolute incombustibility of a brick structure, as well as the fact that they are not afraid of moisture.

Remember also that brick baths require the construction of a sufficiently powerful foundation, as they have serious weight. This is especially true for buildings with 2 floors. At the same time, such a foundation must be adapted for the organization of a good sewer system.

If you need a bathhouse with a kitchen and a terrace and their foam concrete projects, then you need to remember that this construction option is one of the most popular lately. Its advantages:

  • good level of thermal insulation comparable to timber;
  • blocks made of aerated concrete do not emit harmful substances when heated, while they do not rot and are not afraid of exposure to aggressive chemicals, rodents do not settle in them, and microorganisms do not develop;
  • walls from are assembled an order of magnitude faster than walls made of brick and wood;
  • due to the fact that this material is very light, you do not need to build a massive foundation, a strip foundation buried in the ground below its freezing point is quite suitable.

In addition, the bath project and its photo with a summer kitchen built of foam concrete are very easy to find on the Internet. But there is only one minus of such construction - a high degree of moisture permeability of foamed concrete. As a result, you will have to fork out additionally for the arrangement of good ventilation and waterproofing.

Placement of a combined bath on the site

Another aspect of choosing a project for a bath is to determine its location on the land. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the location of several heterogeneous buildings under one roof requires an appropriate organization on the land. So the project of a bathhouse with a kitchen and a relaxation room requires additional space in front of the building to organize a recreation area, and a garage-bathhouse will need to be built near the exit to the street.

In addition, special requirements are set for the placement of the bath, depending on how far it is from other buildings. For example, from a residential building it can be erected no closer than 5 meters. This should also be taken into account in joint construction, since, for example, not all housewives will like the fact that they have to go to a room far enough from a residential building to cook food.

At the same time, construction will need to be carried out exclusively from the leeward side, since in this case, in case of a possible fire, the fire will not turn blue on residential buildings. As for the placement of windows, in the bath they should be installed on the western side of the building, since there is more sun here. It also makes sense to put a bathhouse on the shore of a reservoir, if possible. By doing this, you will make it easier for yourself to supply it with water, and during the bath procedures you will be very pleased to take a cold bath after the steam room.

In this case, it will be necessary to place it so that it stands on some hill. This is done in order to ensure the possibility of water runoff during the spring flood, thereby preventing its possible flooding during the spring flood. In addition, there is such a trick as installing the front door on the south side. In this case, a small amount of snow will be swept near it, as a result of which it will be possible to open it easily.

However, there are also restricted areas where the construction of a bath is in no case impossible. These are places near neighbors' plots and the street. The fact is that this will require obtaining a special permit, and neighbors are far from always able to give it. In addition, it is worth avoiding the construction of baths on weak soils, since the wastewater flowing from the bath can wash them away, as a result of which the building can crack and even collapse.

If you like a bathhouse with a summer kitchen and a terrace, its project may involve 2 construction options: on your own or with the involvement of professional builders.

The advantage of attracting professionals is that they will build you a turnkey building as soon as possible, but if you build a bath yourself, you can save quite a lot on construction.

Features of the construction of foam concrete baths

If you decide to build a combined bath on your own, then we advise you to choose foam concrete. The fact is that this material is light enough to make walls out of it without the use of heavy construction equipment. At the same time, the laying of aerated benton blocks can be carried out at temperatures from +5 ºС to +25 ºС. When the temperature reaches the upper bar, the surface of the aerated concrete blocks will need to be moistened with water. In winter, an antifreeze additive will have to be added to the concrete solution in order to be able to build at low temperatures.

When building premises from aerated concrete, horizontal waterproofing is mandatory between the foundation and the masonry, the main purpose of which is to ensure its protection from moisture. For this, roofing material or other materials based on bitumen are used. In addition, the industry produces special polymer-cement mortars in the form of dry mixes.

Usually, before starting the laying of foam concrete blocks, the foundation is leveled. After that, you can start laying out the first row. For this, a flat horizontal surface is set, which can facilitate the laying of subsequent rows as much as possible. When laying concrete, constantly check the surface for horizontal evenness and correct cornering. If you find minor irregularities, you can straighten them with a standard planer.

You can prepare the masonry mixture yourself or order it from a construction company. At the same time, during the laying process, the block must be installed on the applied mixture within 15 minutes, if you install it later, it will not seize with it. It is worth paying special attention to the blocks of the tongue-and-groove form. The fact is that here the building mixture must be applied both in the groove and on the crest of the block. In this case, the laying of blocks is usually carried out with dressing in half a block.

Masonry is usually reinforced with reinforcement. To do this, use a special reinforcing mesh. Reinforcement protects the walls of the building from deformation in case of shrinkage of the building.

As for the operation of a combined foam concrete bath, during its use it is necessary to periodically check the walls and other elements of the building for signs of decay. In addition, it is also worth periodically checking the hydro and vapor barrier for its integrity. Such measures will allow you to operate your bath with virtually no repairs for 50 years.

Recently, there has been an increase in demand for projects for private courtyards, which provide for an active recreation area. At the same time, it is quite possible to create such a corner on your own. The main thing is to know what you should pay attention to when designing a summer kitchen in a bathhouse, what types of materials to choose and what important nuances must be taken into account.

With the end of the cold weather and the onset of spring, household plots and country houses come to life. So, a built bathhouse with a summer kitchen and a terrace will allow you to combine business with pleasure: fragrant tea or juicy shish kebab will be a good addition to bath procedures (details: "").

On other days, the provided recreation area can be used both for cozy gatherings with friends and relatives, and for contemplating the picturesque nature. All this can be translated into reality on your own. It is only important to stick to the plan and correctly place the accents.

Sauna planning - the basis of the project

The first thing to start with is to draw up a clear list and location of objects in the proposed recreation area.

As a rule, in addition to the bathhouse and the summer kitchen, there are:

  • Open terrace;
  • Restroom;
  • Locker room (read also: "");
  • steam room;
  • washing;
  • Bathroom (shower, toilet).

If there is free space, you can plan guest rooms in the project. Here you should pay attention to the ergonomics of their location for comfortable movement from room to room.

Also, auxiliary zones, such as a dressing room, a woodshed, a corridor, already at the planning stage should correctly alternate between themselves and the main premises. This will create additional comfort and convenience when using them.

If the size of the site and the plan of the project itself allow, then it is preferable to locate the rest rooms on the north side, and the entrance to the bathhouse, as well as the open terrace, on the south. According to fire safety standards, it is better to place a bath at a distance of 8–12 meters from residential buildings. And a fence or a green hedge will help hide the entrance and the terrace from the neighbors.

And in the center is a fiery ... hearth

As a rule, the key point in summer kitchen projects combined with a bath is a successful combination of their functionality. The unifying element, of course, is the oven.

But there are several options for its location:

  1. The stove is common for the bathhouse and the kitchen, it is used simultaneously for heating the steam room and cooking.
  2. Stoves are installed each separately - for the bath and for the kitchen.

Moreover, in the second case, often in the kitchen there is a full range of cooking equipment: barbecues, mini-smokers, cauldrons for cooking pilaf, braziers, grill, barbecue ovens and ovens. There would be a place - any idea and idea can be translated into reality!

As a rule, for a bath, the choice falls on a proven stove-heater, even despite some difficulties in installing it. Less often choose a simple metal potbelly stove.

Choosing the right building material

Often a complex consisting of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is positioned as the embodiment of bold design solutions. Therefore, the range of building materials necessary for them will be quite wide, which can be seen in advance in the photo.

Modern projects include the use of wood, refractory glass, metal, brick, plastic panels, as well as modern waterproofing materials, heaters and, of course, flame retardants for wood processing. They also often make a foam block bath project, which is quite easy to implement.

Correct communications - increased comfort

Any project of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen should be equipped with a well-thought-out communication system, whether it be plumbing, electrical, ventilation, heating, drainage and sewerage.


The main thing that should be foreseen at the planning stage is the presence of a water seal to prevent odors from entering the septic tank (or drain well) back into the premises.

Ventilation in the bath

For a bath project with a kitchen, it is also important to correctly plan the ventilation system.

Depending on preferences, it can be:

  • Natural, providing for the presence of channels for the entry and exit of air flows;
  • Supply (electronic), which is based on an electronic air flow control system.

Obviously, a properly planned ventilation system will avoid stagnation of air in the premises. And this, in turn, is an excellent prevention of increased levels of moisture and the appearance of mold.


If you think over the heating system, running pipes from the tank for heating water around the perimeter of the room, then the summer kitchen can be used not only in the warm season. True, it will be best combined with a sauna or dry steam bath, due to the low level of humidity in them. And in such a case, it becomes necessary to strengthen the existing ventilation system.

In especially creative design options it is planned to bring the heating system into the greenhouse, which makes it possible to rest against the backdrop of blooming greenery all year round.

A bathhouse with a summer kitchen is a building familiar to every resident of the CIS. It expands the functionality of the suburban area and makes its use comfortable throughout the year. This allows you to organize useful space without changing the layout of a residential building.

Sauna and summer kitchen under one roof: advantages

The bath, combined with a summer kitchen, will become a comfortable, functional room for both a summer cottage and a country house. Multifunctional building will save space on the site. No need to build two separate capital buildings. It is much more profitable from a financial point of view. The premises can be used all year round. In summer as a kitchen, in winter as a bath. The room can be used as a guest house if an extra bedroom is added to the layout. A covered terrace or a heated gallery will help connect a residential building with a kitchen. This solution allows you to use the room in all weather conditions.

Bath project with a summer kitchen

There are many projects of baths combined with a summer kitchen. Each drawing is developed taking into account the main parameters:

  • size;
  • the material from which the room will be made;
  • location.

Additionally, the following are taken into account:

  • type of kitchen (closed, open);
  • the presence of an open recreation area.

In order to save money, you can use ready-made projects that were developed taking into account similar requirements for terrain, layout, and materials.

Depending on sizes

The functionality will depend on the project of the room and the size. A room with a small steam room, a relaxation room and a cooking area will fit into an area of ​​​​25 square meters. m. The presence of additional premises will require a larger area. Affects the final appearance of the project and the number of storeys of the building. The second floor can accommodate additional bedrooms, home theater.

Depending on materials

For the construction of a bath, combined with a summer kitchen, are used:

  • brick;
  • tree;
  • sandwich panels;
  • metal;
  • heat resistant glass;
  • aerated concrete blocks.

The choice of material will depend appearance buildings, functionality, complexity and duration of construction work.

Popular building materials remain wooden beam and brick. The tree creates the correct microclimate of the room, keeps heat well, does not require expensive external and internal finishing. Brick has similar consumer properties. But finishing work will cost more. It is reasonable to include metal and glass in projects in combination with traditional building materials.

The use of aerated concrete blocks will reduce the cost of the project. But the order in the construction of walls and the laying technology will differ from brickwork. The blocks are large.

Modern version

Modern designs of baths combined with a kitchen are radically different from the boring buildings of the Soviet past. They offer convenience, versatility and aesthetic appeal. combination auxiliary premises must be carefully considered. A typical project may include:

  • bath;
  • garage;
  • summer kitchen;
  • utility room;
  • attic;
  • terrace;
  • a gallery connecting the complex with a residential building.

The building can be connected to a residential building, garage, add a basement.

Space zoning

The main difficulty in creating a bath project combined with a summer kitchen is zoning. Each room should be comfortable to use, functional. It is desirable to maintain the design of the premises in the same style.


Summer kitchen can be of two types:

  1. Open.
  2. Closed.

The open kitchen is located on the terrace or in the gazebo. A prerequisite is the presence of a canopy. It is equipped with an oven (barbecue grill), work desk and storage area. kitchen utensils. Some projects involve a sink.

The closed kitchen is located inside the building. The interior implies the presence of all communications, comfortable work areas, places for storing food and kitchen utensils.


Bath occupies the main part of the area in the complex. This is an isolated area. It includes a steam room, shower room, dressing room. A separate entrance-exit to the bath room will ensure its comfortable use. No need to enter or exit through the kitchen every time. In winter, the summer kitchen can be closed and only the sauna and relaxation area can be used.

shower room

The shower room (washing room) is located between the dressing room and the steam room. It can accommodate a shower, barrel, font, pool. It all depends on the size of the room and the design solution.

Having a bathroom will make your stay more comfortable. It is recommended to place the toilet next to the dressing room. This optimal location will provide convenient access to the bathroom from all functional areas of the building and guarantee comfortable rest for all guests.


The recreation area can be located between the bathhouse and the kitchen, be combined with the kitchen or placed on the terrace. The project may include two recreation areas: summer and winter. The summer recreation area is located on the street. It can be a covered terrace, an impromptu lobby, a gazebo. It is advisable to equip the resting place with a canopy. This will allow you to use it in bad weather. If desired, a terrace or gazebo is complemented by removable glass panels. The winter rest room is located indoors. It can be equipped with various furniture, sofas. For winter recreation, it would be appropriate to have a fireplace.

Baths with a summer kitchen: photo

The photos show examples finished projects baths combined with a summer kitchen. These are beautiful functional buildings that will decorate any land plot.

Bath combined with kitchen: construction

The construction of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen begins with the preparation of the construction site. Remove debris, grass cover and foreign objects. The site is marked out for the construction of the foundation in accordance with the design of the building.

You can familiarize yourself with the process of building the foundation in advance.

Important! For this type of buildings, a tape or pile-tape type of foundation is suitable. The second option is suitable for a site with difficult terrain.

The foundation should stand for 3 to 7 days. During this time, the base acquires up to 80% of its strength. After that, you can begin the process of building walls. The construction technology will depend on the material. Brick or block walls are laid out in accordance with the project scheme. It is important to track the level of the walls, to keep order.

The main difficulties arise with the beam. One of the characteristics of wood is shrinkage. To avoid the appearance of cracks and deformation of the logs after the installation of the log house, it must be given time to stand. The term depends on the time of year. If the structure was installed in summer - 12 months, in winter - 6 months. If it is not possible to withstand the shrinkage period, it is necessary to make cuts of 4 cm at the top of windows and doors. Thanks to this trick, the size of the cut will decrease. The logs will remain intact.

After the walls are erected, the necessary communications can be brought to the structure. Mark the areas where the partitions will be placed.

Roof installation is divided into three main stages:

  1. Frame settings.
  2. Lathing installation.
  3. Roof installation.

Roof construction technology depends on factors:

  1. Type of roof (single-pitched, gable, "curly").
  2. Type of roofing (tin sheets, tiles, slate, soft roofing).

This stage is the most difficult in the construction process. It is better to entrust it to specialists.

After roof installation:

  • install windows and doors;
  • insulate the walls, lay the floor;
  • install furnace equipment in the steam room, mount necessary elements communications for the kitchen;
  • produce interior decoration;
  • install sun loungers in a steam room;
  • install plumbing fixtures;
  • produce exterior finish building.

Only the main steps are listed here. The list may vary depending on the project and type. heating system. For example, installing a fireplace in a recreation room or equipping a cellar in a kitchen requires different skills.


Sauna with a summer kitchen will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family. A comfortable building does not require large financial costs. Can be used throughout the year. A properly selected project will allow you to install the building even in a small area.