Well      06/13/2019

Frost-resistant varieties of Erica. Erica herbal - evergreen: photo and care

Genus Erika has quite a few species (more than 400), of which most are garden plants.

But some species can also be used as house plants - however, it is preferable to grow erica, for example, on a balcony or loggia, since the indoor microclimate does not quite suit her.

The most common for home floriculture erica varieties:
Erica graceful (Erica gracilis),
Erica herbal or ruddy (Erica carnea).

In appearance, Erica is a small evergreen shrub with small needle-shaped leaves of pale green color.

The stems of the plant are long, stiff, erect. In late autumn and early winter, Erica blooms - her flowers are tiny, bell-shaped. At different types various shades of flowers - pink, lilac, crimson, white, red.

Brief information - flower dossier

Erica - Wikiwand Erica

Africa, Europe
In the apartment - well lit, in the air - partial shade
Up to 15 °С
Frequent watering with rain or soft water
Removing dried flowers
Autumn and winter
40-50 centimeters

Erica needs cool, well-ventilated places, while sufficiently lit - under such conditions it can be grown indoors.

Quite often, erica is grown on open balconies and in the ground annual plant She can't stand frost. However, if you put it in glazed balcony or a terrace - it may well overwinter.

Erica needs a lot of light, but at the same time it cannot bear direct sun rays. When grown in open field the plant is planted on penumbra meta.

During the flowering period (at the end of autumn), Erica needs a temperature of + 7-8 ° С. Rest of the year optimum temperature for this plant + 15°C. Maximum temperature + 18°С. If the temperature rises, then increase the humidity level for the plant. To do this, Erica can be placed in a tray with wet pebbles.

For watering erica use soft water(hard is detrimental to the plant). You need to water often - this will also help maintain temperature regime. Periodically add to the water for irrigation liquid fertilizer.

The aerial part of the plant is often sprayed, maintaining high level humidity.

Constantly you need to make sure that the peaty soil in which the plant is located remains moist. If it dries out excessively, then for urgent resuscitation, the pot with the plant can be immersed in water for 40-50 minutes.

The overwintered plant in the spring must be transplanted into a new pot. The soil needs peaty, acidic, without lime impurities. After landing upper layer the soil above the roots should be well tamped.


Erica can also be propagated by air layering.

Cuttings are cut at the end of summer and planted in a mixture of peat and sand (in the proportion of 2/3 peat and 1/3 sand). Then the planted cuttings are covered with a film (bag) and kept moist at a temperature of + 18°C.

Layers are added dropwise in the spring and wait until they have roots. After that, they are separated from mother plant and planted separately.

To remove dried flowers, the plant is turned over on its side from time to time and shaken.

(Erica darleyensis) - flowers are only white, pink or purple, reaches a height of 60-70 cm, grows up to 1 m wide. Erica mediterranean(Erica erigena, Erica mediterranea) - has purple-pink flowers, plant height is up to 3 m, crown diameter is 1 m. (Erica mackaiana) with pink-purple flowers grows to 15-25 cm both in height and in width.

Diseases and pests

If Erica sheds leaves, this means a lack of water, humidity and too much high temperature. Too much water can rot the roots.

Of the harmful insects, erica can be attacked by worms and ticks. To remove insects and waste products, the stems and leaves of the plant are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then the diseased plant is treated with appropriate insecticides (against ticks - acaricides). When treating erica for ticks, frequent spraying of the plant also helps.


When buying, make sure that most erica flowers are unopened.

Purchase of plants: when choosing Erics for your garden, make sure that the plants you like are obtained as a result of propagation of a proven variety that is resistant to these conditions (those called zoned varieties), or, if the plants are imported, strongly refuse those brought from Central Europe: they if they survive, they will freeze over every winter and will not show their full potential. Material from the north of Germany and Poland, from the Baltic states and from the Scandinavian countries is the most reliable.

Erics have a symbiosis with the mycelium of soil fungi and, if the roots that provide symbiosis are damaged, take root very poorly. This happens more often if the plant has bare roots - an open root system. For long or improper care such a plant dies very quickly, but does not lose leaves and flowers (this is a feature of eric). When buying an eric, you should pay attention to the fact that the plant in the container meets the criteria that are set out for heathers:

    appearance of the plant: shoots should be elastic, well leafy, at the ends of the branches there should be vegetative buds or young shoots that are significantly lighter than old ones;

    the soil in which the shrub grows: the soil should be slightly moist, not overdried, but not wet. Excess moisture can lead to rapid death of the root system;

    the container in which the shrub is located: it is very good when the pot fits snugly against the root ball; in this case, air will not flow to the roots, drying them out.

Location: Erics need full sun to maintain their intense flower color. In the shade or partial shade, the flowers turn pale, and their number decreases markedly. The location must be protected from the wind. As protection from strong winds, evergreen conifers or hedges from spirea, cotoneaster, mahonia, etc. should be planted.

Soils: Ruddy erica tolerates almost neutral soil (pH up to 6.5), Darleyan erica requires acidic soils (pH 4 to 5), four-dimensional erica prefers humic acidic soils (pH 3 to 5), wandering erica tolerates slightly alkaline, but prefers sour. Peat, sand and soddy soil are included in the mixture in equal amounts for neutral soil or peat 3 parts if soils should be more acidic.

Landing: distance between plants 0.4-0.5 m in groups, per 1 sq. m planted 5-6 copies. Planting depth 20-25 cm, only up to the level of the root neck. Optimal age for boarding permanent place 2-3 years. Planting time: early spring before flowering or immediately after flowering. It can be planted from containers in summer and early autumn after pruning, having previously kept the plant in a basin of water for 1-2 hours or watering it abundantly. Drainage is preferably small of sand.

Care: during planting, after pruning and before flowering, mineral fertilizers are applied at the rate of 30 g / sq. m Kemira-station wagon, containing both macro- and microelements. To avoid burning tender shoots, sprinkle fertilizer by lifting the branches. Abundant watering is necessary after planting: 4-5 liters per bush. In dry and hot summers, it is recommended not only to water frequently, but also to spray the plants in the evening. Due to the shallow root system, surface loosening up to 3-6 cm is allowed when removing weeds and compacting the soil. When mulching, wood chips, pine bark and peat are used. A layer of 5 cm mulch. It is better not to cut young plants, but old plants (age 10-15 years old) are cut immediately after flowering, removing part of the stem below the faded inflorescences. In Moscow, these works are recommended to be carried out at the end of May or at the beginning of June. At the end of June - in July, new buds are laid, and pruning of shoots is not allowed.

Erica herbal under the snow

Wintering: late autumn it is recommended to sprinkle peat or a dry leaf with a layer of up to 10 cm to the trunk circles. It is better to close the plants with spruce branches on top, which, in particular, is convenient for carpet planting. Using this old "grandfather" method, you can kill three birds with one stone. The first "hare" - spruce branches really creates more or less reliable protection from frost; the second - under spruce branches, plants do not get wet from condensate, as under denser shelters, and continue to “breathe”; and, finally, the third “hare” - in the spring with spruce branches the needles will fall off the moment you take them off. This heather mulch is very beneficial as it will slightly acidify the soil. It is also useful to chop the sprinkled branches smaller and scatter this material between the plants. In mid-April, the shelter must be removed, the peat must be removed from the root neck to ensure full flowering.

Diseases and pests: Erikia are practically not damaged by pests, but fungal and viral diseases are possible.

The most common disease is gray rot, which develops at high humidity of air and soil. This usually occurs in places where a large mass of snow is retained, or in places that do not have a runoff of melt water. Plants that were not properly covered or that were removed too late are also damaged. When the first signs of the disease appear (gray plaque on the shoots, partial death of young shoots and leaf fall), it is recommended to use antifungal drugs type "Topaz", "Fundazol", with a more severe damage to the plant, a 1% solution is used blue vitriol. Treatment is carried out in 2-3 doses with an interval of 5-10 days. Preventive treatment is carried out in late autumn or in early spring, after removing shelter from the bush.

If the leaves turn brown and the tops of the young shoots wither, then most likely this is a consequence of waterlogging the soil or excessive fertilization. Possible defeat eric powdery mildew, in which the drying of young shoots occurs, and the leaves are covered with a grayish-white bloom. Antifungal drugs are used to treat affected plants. Sometimes red-brown spots appear on the leaves, which indicates rust damage.

Symptoms of a viral disease are deformation of shoots and flowers, uncharacteristic, uneven coloring of foliage and flowers. Viral diseases are fairly well understood, but effective treatment No. In case of infection with viral infections, the plant must be dug up and burned.

reproduction: seeds (species), cuttings (varietal), dividing the bush, and both.

Reproduction by seeds. The seeds are small, and it is better to sow them in a room in bowls or bags, without embedding them in the soil. Cover with glass until sprouts appear. The best substrate for growing: coniferous or heather land, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1. Favorable temperature for their growth is 18 - 20°C. Seedlings appear a month after sowing seeds. The first week it is necessary to maintain high humidity. For the summer, boxes with seedlings are taken out into the garden, grown, hardened, and after 1.5-2 years they are planted in a permanent place: alpine slide, flower garden, along the path, etc.

Seeds of Erica tree when stored in hermetically sealed vessels remain viable for up to 15 years. Laboratory germination 65%, soil - 30-35%. Embedding depth s. 0.4-0.9 mm.

Erica bluegrass seeds in natural conditions do not spread far from the mother plant. After 2 years of storage in dry conditions with. germinate normally, but a 10-week storage period in humid conditions improves germination. Ground germination is 20-40%. Light and temperature changes significantly affect the germination of c. Monthly wet storage c. at 1°C, hot treatment (shock) for 1 min at 80°C and mechanical scarification also markedly stimulate sprout germination. (germination rate c. 40% after 4 weeks, control only 3%). Embedding depth s. 0.5 mm, surface seeding.

Apical cuttings can be taken in early spring before flowering or a month after flowering. Very soft cuttings are not suitable, as they wither faster and are damaged by diseases. The length of the cutting is 2-3 cm. One third of it is immersed in the substrate. They are rooted in sphagnum peat with sand, preferably in separate pots, where the root system is well formed. Regular foliar feeding is necessary for weak urea solution, as well as microfertilizers. Rooting depends on temperature and variety and usually begins 3-4 weeks after dipping them into the soil mixture, over which 1 cm of washed sand is applied. Rooted cuttings grow faster and bloom earlier than seedlings.

Erica can also be propagated by dividing the bush. The division of plants into parts is carried out with a sharp shovel. Good roots form on the divided parts of the plants. They soon become full-fledged specimens. Film greenhouses and beds covered with various covering materials allow you to quickly grow good planting material. Erics can live in the garden for 15-20 years, decorating compositions.

Usage: Erica can be used as a groundcover. A great variety of flower colors in Erica varieties will create a bright carpet in the garden. The combination of colors can be different - you can create gentle transitions from lilac through purple-pink to pale pink. You can separate different groups with bright colors of flowers in white. When creating heather corners, it must be borne in mind that the ruddy and Darleyan Erica varieties bloom immediately after the snow melts in April-May, while the four-dimensional Erica varieties bloom later - from mid-June to mid-late July.

Partners: Erica varieties can be used alone to create flowering spots in the consecrated corners of your garden, or in combination with other heathers, and above all - rhododendrons. All heathers look great with undersized forms of conifers: junipers, thujas, cypresses, yews. From herbaceous plants clove grass, thyme, ornamental cereals are suitable.


Preparation garden tool and inventory.


Withdrawal winter shelter, raking from the root collar of peat from last year's and old plantings. In the case of "bulging" roots - planting plants in their original place. Removal of dry and damaged shoots from plants. The first dressing with nitrophoska before flowering.


Watering and sprinkling in dry weather. Application of fertilizers (Kemiry-station wagon) into the soil. At the beginning of the regrowth of shoots, foliar top dressing is carried out. If the plants are weak, then spraying with epin 2.5 cm 3 per 10 liters of water is recommended. Preventive spraying of plants against pests and diseases (with an excess of moisture in the soil and air for a long time).


Weeding. loosening trunk circles. Formative pruning after flowering. The third top dressing with mineral fertilizers after the end of flowering. Cutting cuttings for green cuttings.


In the first half of the month - the last fourth feeding. Removing weeds and loosening as needed.


Watering. Weed weeding. Loosening the soil during its compaction.


Autumn planting.

October November

Mulching with peat or dry leaf. In the first half of November, young plants are covered with spruce branches, and heat-loving varieties - with covering material, which is stretched over the frame so as not to touch the plants.

The erica plant is a beautiful evergreen herbaceous or treelike shrub of the heather family with narrow, bright green, needle-shaped leaves and small, bell-like flowers.

Flower color ranges from white and pink to red and purple. Flowering is so abundant that no leaves are visible. Thanks to its unpretentiousness and attractiveness, Erica is loved by gardeners.

Grow her outdoors and in pots. Erica reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.

Seedlings are planted on the site immediately, and erica is grown from seeds in room conditions, and only a year later they are planted in open ground.

  • Blush (herbal)- This is a shrub up to 60 cm tall, blooms from April. The color of the flowers is pink, reddish, rarely white.
  • is a hybrid of Erica ruddy, the height of the plant is up to 50 cm. It is distinguished by its good winter hardiness and a long flowering period. The color of the flowers varies from white and lilac-pink to purplish-pink and purple.
  • - bred more often as a pot culture. Blooms reddish, white and pink flowers several months from November.
  • - reaches a height of 20 cm, blooms from April with red flowers.

All these types of Erica are propagated by cuttings or seeds.

Planting a flower on the site

Erica is planted in a permanent place in the spring before or after flowering. The place is chosen sheltered from drafts, well lit. Without direct sun, the color of the leaves and flowers turns pale.

Erica prefers light, breathable, acidic soil. Therefore, peat and sand are introduced into the soil.

erica water stagnation can't stand, you need to plant it in places where there will be no heaps of melted snow in the spring. Potted crops require good drainage.

Plants are planted at a distance of 50 cm, keeping a planting density of 5-6 bushes per 1 sq.m. Planting depth - 20-25 cm, the root neck is not deepened. For good rooting and growth, the plants are watered every other day or two for the first couple of months.


Plant roots are shallow, so loosen the soil superficially to a depth of 6 cm.

You can mulch the soil with peat, pine needles, sawdust or bark with a layer of 5 cm. Mulch acidifies the soil, prevents the propagation of weeds, conserves moisture and ensures a safe wintering.

top dressing

Erica is fertilized when planting bushes, before flowering, and also after pruning. scatter under the bushes or add to the water when watering. They are fed with complex mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira-universal (20-30 g per 1 sq.m.), fertilizers for rhododendrons or azaleas, but in smaller dosages.

Erica should not be fertilized with fresh organics.


Although Erica is drought-resistant crop, drying of the soil should not be allowed. Watered with warm soft water and sprayed periodically.


Pruning provides rich flowering and improves bushiness. Lignified branches do not form new shoots, therefore, after flowering, they cut off the part where the leaves grow.

Pruning is carried out asymmetrically - it gives the bushes a more attractive natural look.


Trunk circles of bushes fall asleep with a layer up to 10 cm dry foliage or peat. Plants are covered with spruce branches: it protects from the cold, prevents condensation and acidifies the soil with needles.



Erica is propagated by apical cuttings before flowering or a month after it.

The cuttings are cut 2-3 cm long and planted in an earthen mixture of 2 parts of peat and 1 part of sand, deepening 1/3 of the length into the ground. From above, the soil is sprinkled with sand with a layer of 1 cm.

Pots with cuttings are covered with polyethylene or glass, kept at a temperature 18-20 degrees shading from the sun. Regularly fertilize with microfertilizers and a weak solution of urea. After 3-4 weeks, the seedlings should take root.


Spring on the bushes choose strong shoots, tilted to loosened soil, attached with wire or hairpin, covered with earth.

The soil is moistened, preventing drying. When the shoots take root, they are carefully separated and seated.


For sowing seeds, an earthen mixture is prepared from heather, coniferous soil and sand (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1). The seeds are small, they are not covered with earth, but only slightly pressed against the soil. The soil is moistened with a spray gun, and the humidity is kept high for a week.

The container is covered with glass or polyethylene, the temperature is maintained at 18-20 ° C, aired daily. Seedlings will appear in a month.

Reproduction by seeds labor intensive, therefore, it is rarely used and mainly for natural plant varieties.

By dividing the bush

An old adult bush is dug up, divided with a knife or a shovel into parts and seated.

Diseases and pests

Fungal diseases:

  • Gray rot- a gray coating appears on the branches, the plant sheds foliage, the branches partially die off. The reason is high humidity.
  • powdery mildew- young branches dry up, and the plant is covered with a white-gray bloom.
  • Rust- red-brown spots form on the leaves.

When Erica is affected by gray rot, the branches die off.

Spraying with antifungal fungicides such as Topaz or Fundazol is recommended, and in severe cases, Bordeaux liquid or a 1% solution of copper sulfate. After 5-10 days, the treatment is repeated.

At viral the disease deforms the flowers and shoots, the color of the buds and foliage changes. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease, the bushes will have to be dug up and burned.

When defeated worm and spider mite cotton-like bloom and cobwebs appear on the bushes on the underside of the leaves, the foliage is deformed and turns yellow. Treatment with fungicides is recommended, for example, "" or "Aktellik"

The use of landscape design

Erica is used in single and group plantings, as groundcover and as a pot culture for decorating porches and windows.

decorative and organic Erica bushes look in company with barberry, heather, cereals, decorative ground covers, Japanese spirea, undersized conifers.

Erica branches are used to form winter bouquet. The cut branches are dried in a vase. Spray flowers with hairspray to prevent shedding.

Completely easy to care for, but amazing ornamental plant decorate the garden and delight with a palette of colors most of the year.

In the garden, the first flower that heralds the arrival of spring is erica, a plant belonging to the heather family. Her color palette is very diverse. Many varieties bloom profusely and for a long time. For all these qualities, Erica is loved by gardeners. Another quality that a flower is endowed with is unpretentiousness, so even novice flower growers can grow it.

general characteristics

A large number of varieties of erica look like evergreen shrubs . They are very similar to heather. On long stems there are small needle-like leaves, the length of which is about one centimeter. They are very similar to spruce needles growing at right angles to the shoot.

When flowering time comes, the shrub becomes strewn with abundant small flowers. In shape, they resemble bells, which are slightly elongated and drooping. They are collected in one-sided brushes of various colors. They can be white, pink, purple, etc. Even after flowering, the color remains unchanged for a long time.

After flowering fruits are formed - boxes, which are filled with tiny seeds. They can remain viable for several years.

As garden plant Erica was first used in England around the middle of the eighteenth century. After that, in Holland and Belgium, they began to develop new varieties. As a result, many hybrid varieties of shrubs have appeared. Currently, the plant is grown both outdoors and in pots or decorates terraces. It is unpretentious and for this it is loved by many gardeners.

flower varieties

The plant Erica in the description has a wide variety of species. However, the most interesting for flower growers are:

  • Erica grassy - one of the very first to bloom. Sometimes it is also called blush. Around April, it is already covered with small bells of reddish or pink hues. In height, the bushes can reach up to thirty centimeters, and some specimens even up to fifty. From this group, varieties can be distinguished: Erica herbal Miratown ruby, Natalie, Ice Princess, Isabelle, etc.
  • Erica graceful (gracilis) - most often this culture is used as potted plant. Flowers begin to bloom around November and bloom for several months. There are several varieties of this variety and their main difference is in color palette: Their flowers may have a white, pink or reddish hue.
  • Erica Darlenskaya is a hybrid species that was bred by a breeder from England, Darley Dale, at the beginning of the twentieth century. At the moment, it has become widespread throughout Russia. It is distinguished by winter hardiness, which is very important for the cool Russian climate, and a long flowering period. About twenty varieties belong to this group of shrubs. The tallest can reach half a meter in height.
  • Erica pink - is the shortest of all species. In rare cases, the plant grows up to twenty centimeters. Usually it is much lower. It blooms around April and has bright dark red flowers.
  • Erica tree is an unpretentious shrub that can grow in any type of soil. It has a curved trunk and pretty white bell flowers, in which the anthers are painted bright red. This type of plant is characterized by a very fragrant aroma, and the height of some specimens can reach seven meters.

Erica Landing

When landing very it is important to choose correct soil . Heather shrub prefers soil with high acidity, which can even be very acidic. The soil itself can be swampy or dry sandy. Regardless of where the plant is planted - in a pot or in a hole in the open ground - there must be a layer of drainage at the bottom, because stagnant water is harmful to the flower.

When planting in open ground, the distance between the bushes should be observed. It should be about 40 or 50 centimeters. Bushes are planted to a depth of 20-25 centimeters. In this case, the root neck should not be deepened.

It is better to leave Erica in one place for two or three years, then you should find a new place for her. It is better to plant it before it begins to bloom or after flowering.

The soil should be breathable and pass moisture well. as a substrate suitable mixture of:

  • peat, coarse sand and turf in proportions of 3: 1: 1, when choosing a neutral soil, the peat part can be reduced;
  • sandy forest soil; rotted needles; peat and river sand (proportion 3:1;1;2)

Required Care

Heather shrubs are easy to care for, which is why they are so often chosen for planting and decorating the garden. Required follow some simple rules:

  • Lighting and location. The shrub prefers to grow in a bright place, but the light should be diffused. When it grows in a shady place or where there is partial shade, the color of its flowers may become paler. Their number may also change downwards. In addition, it is desirable that there are no drafts at the landing site. It is good if there are hedges nearby that protect the bushes from the wind. At home, pots can be placed on the southern, western or eastern window sills. If selected a good place, then Erica will surely please the owner with abundant and long flowering.
  • Temperature regime. This item applies more to those flowers that are grown indoors. For normal growth, Erica requires a temperature of about 18 degrees. During the flowering period, it should be about half as low - about 7-8 degrees. If it rises, then it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air. At temperatures above 21-22 degrees, it is recommended to put humidifiers or put the pot in a container that will contain wet ceramite. You can also spray the deciduous part of the crown.
  • Irrigation mode. It is necessary to water the shrub with a soft type of water, without the presence of impurities. Hard water can kill a flower. In summer, more frequent watering is required. However, the soil should not be waterlogged. If the soil in the pot is too dry, then it is better to put it in a container with water and stand there for about forty minutes.
  • Shrub pruning. During the first two years after planting, the bush does not need pruning. Then, in most cases, a shaping pruning is required. It is necessary to carefully remove excess shoots, forming a crown. It is better to do this after the flowers have faded or before it starts. active growth after a dormant period. When pruning, it is important not to remove the old wood.
  • Top dressing. From time to time, the plant needs top dressing. However organic fertilizers in the form of fresh manure is not recommended. For these purposes, mineral complex fertilizers. Special additives intended for azaleas or rhododendrons are also suitable. They can be found in flower shops. In this case, the dosage is slightly reduced. When fertilizing, fertilizers are applied to the soil, while it is necessary to ensure that the solution does not get on the foliage, otherwise it can cause a burn. It is not necessary to fertilize the flower often, it is enough to do it once a year in spring period, adding mineral composition in water.

Plant propagation

Erica is propagated in several ways. These include:

  • cuttings;
  • reproduction by layering;
  • seeds.

When cutting, cuttings should be cut into a length of 2-3 centimeters. Then they are planted in a soil mixture (2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of sand) and deepened by 1/3 into the ground. From above, the resulting seedlings are sprinkled with a layer of sand about a centimeter thick.

After the procedure, containers with planted cuttings should be covered with film or glass and placed in a place where the air temperature will be approximately 18-20 degrees. They should be shaded from the sun. After about a month, the seedlings should take root. All this time they need to be fed with micronutrients or use a weak urea solution.

Reproduction by layering begins in the spring. At this time, stronger shoots are selected on the bush and tilted to the ground. Then they need to be fixed in this position. Suitable for this wire. From above they need to be sprinkled with soil and moistened. After a while, they take root and it will be possible to plant them separately.

The seed method of reproduction is the longest and most laborious. To sow them, you need to prepare a special soil, which should consist of heather, coniferous and sand (2: 1: 1). The seeds are very small, so they are not planted in the soil, but poured directly on the surface, slightly pressing them to the ground. After that, you need to moisten them with a spray bottle and maintain high humidity. It is also necessary to cover them with glass or film and maintain a temperature of 18-20 degrees. A month later, the first shoots should begin to appear.

If the bush is already old, then it can be propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, it should be dug up and simply divided into several parts, and then these parts should be planted again.

Possible difficulties

Sometimes the plant is affected various diseases. Of the fungal misfortunes can be distinguished:

  • Gray rot - with it, the branches become covered with a touch of gray, the bush begins to shed its foliage and some branches die off. This happens in high humidity.
  • Powdery mildew - appears on the bush white coating and the young branches die off.
  • Rust - brownish-red spots form on the foliage.

If diseases caused by a fungus appear on the bush, then it should be treated with fungicidal agents according to the instructions. Also, fungicides help with a worm or spider mite.

If the cause of the lesion was a viral disease, then the flowers and shoots are deformed, and the color of the foliage and shoots may also change. It is no longer possible to help the plant in this case, therefore, in order not to infect the rest of the plantings, the diseased plant should be dug up and burned.

Erica is the flower-tesque of the famous singer and is considered a relic plant. This is one of the many representatives of the Heather family, which in turn has many species. We will talk in more detail about all the intricacies and features of the erica plant, as well as the rules for growing and caring for a flower in the garden, in this article.

Erica: plant description

Erica is a plant with a rather interesting appearance, whose description is as follows: bush small size(up to 30 cm), evergreen. Small leaves (up to 1 cm in size), have the shape of a needle and are "scattered" along the entire length of the stem. The stem is stiff, erect and rather long.

Like the rest of the Vereskov family, the Erica plant blooms small flowers, similar to bells lowering their heads, collected in a small one-sided brush. The color of the flowers varies depending on the species and can be either snow-white or deep purple.

Did you know?Inexperienced flower growers believe that erica and heather- the same thing, but these two plants have a very significant difference: erica- evergreen.

The erica shrub comes from South Africa, and the plant was cultivated for the first time in England, in the middle of the 18th century, and since then it has become popular in Belgium, Holland and other countries. Erica came to our region from Germany in 1994. Now grown different ways: And How indoor plant and as a garden decoration.

The main types of erica

Despite a large number of types of erica, gardeners focus on a few basic ones that can be easily grown at home. All of them differ in size and color.

Erica blush or herbal

Erica carnea L. \u003d E. herbacea - erica ruddy, or herbal. Most often found in southern and central parts of Europe.

- shrub growing up to 65 cm in height and up to 40 cm in diameter. Its crown is branched, the leaves are bright green, glossy, needle-shaped, 4-8 mm in size, arranged in a whorl of 4 pcs.

The flowers are drooping, in the form of a bell, they are collected in brushes and are located in the axils of the leaves. Brush size - 2-5 cm. Flowers red or pink flowers, rarely white.

Important!The flowering period of the plant depends on the area of ​​​​growth: in Russia, this process begins in late April-early May, but the further south the territory, the earlier Erica grass will bloom (perhaps even in March).

The most common type of herbal erica is Erica Alba, which has become the basis for many hybrid varieties.

- plant up to 50 cm high with an uneven crown: side shoots shorter than central. The leaves are linear, painted in a light green color, grow no more than up to 4 mm. The flowers are oval, elongated, bright red. Gathered in small inflorescences of 4 pieces at the tip of the shoot.
Erica graceful begins its flowering in October and ends in February. Many varieties of this species differ in color: they can mostly be pink or white.

Did you know?Erica Graceful is most often grown as an indoor annual plant.

Erica gracilis is propagated vegetatively by rooting cuttings in acidic, nutritious soil.

Erica plant does not require special care:this species needs good moisture, a warm and well-lit place.

It looks good next to cyclamen and chrysanthemums, and special stones or decorative roots can be used as a decoration for an Erica pot.

- shrub with a highly branched crown, which in nature can grow up to 90 cm, but in home cultivation - no more than half a meter.
Erica Darlene is a hybrid that combines several varieties that begin their flowering in late April or early May.

In addition, this species is characterized by rapid growth, which attracts many gardeners. The color of the flowers varies and, depending on the variety, can be either snow-white, or pink, or dark crimson.

Some of the varieties tolerate only light frosts and are not frost-resistant.

Erica does not require much effort in the care process, and growing in general is a fairly simple matter. It is enough just to water the plant in time, spray and feed. Also for this species it is better to choose well-lit places, sheltered from the wind.

Where is the best place to plant erica

In the question of choosing a place for erica, it is necessary to take into account the fact that under natural conditions the shrub grows on well-drained and breathable soil, which means that similar conditions must be provided in home cultivation, because stagnation of water in the root system can lead to flower diseases.

As for the place, the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore, it is better to choose a well-lit, but cool area.

Based on this, on the east, or east-west window, Erica will feel great.

The soil should be acidic, with a pH level of 3-4. Soil is best for Erica, consisting of turf, peat and sand.

Cultivation of Erica

Growing Erica is a simple process, but everything needs to be done in a comprehensive manner, observing the rules for planting, watering, feeding and wintering the plant. We'll talk more about this later.

How and when to plant erica

It is best to plant Erica with the onset of the first warm days, when the temperature outside stabilizes around +10 ° C. This is the main condition, the observance of which will help the plant grow stronger before winter.

If you plant Erica in the fall, then the shoots will freeze, or, in the worst case, the plant will die. Usually, when planting, soil remains on the roots, therefore, it is necessary to moisten them well before planting.

Erica breeding

Erica can be propagated vegetatively using cuttings, or using seeds when propagating natural varieties.

Important! hybrid varieties it is better to propagate vegetatively, since when propagated by seed, they may not retain the varietal characteristics of the "parent" plants.

Reproduction by cuttings easy to carry out. The best period for this procedure is the end of summer.

The cut stalk must be planted in a mixture of peat and sand and create a "wig effect" by covering the container with glass or film. In this state, the cuttings stand until spring. Periodically, the film must be removed and the planted plants "ventilated", as well as moisten the ground with a spray gun.

By spring, layering will appear that needs to be dug in. When the root system is sufficiently developed, the plants can be planted in pots.

reproduction seed way happens like this: Erica seeds are sown on the surface of a soil mixture consisting of sand, coniferous soil and heather soil (they do not need to be deeply deepened). The sown seeds must be placed under glass or film and wait for the first shoots to appear, usually this process takes about a month.

Optimum temperature - +18 °C...+20 °C.

Did you know?The sown seeds cannot be watered, and the process of moistening the soil must be carried out carefully by spraying the container.

When the seedlings reach a size of 8-10 cm, they must be dived into pots and protected from direct sunlight. For winter, young plants should be placed in a cool place with a temperature of +10 °C ... +11 °C.

How to take care of erica

Erica care consists in correct and timely watering, pruning, as well as regular feeding of the plant. Watering is carried out only with soft water, as hard water can harm the plant. If you water Erica in a timely manner, you can avoid many problems.

For example, if the soil is constantly wet, then it is much easier to observe the temperature and humidity levels. Spraying should be done with water. room temperature, several times a week.

Important!If it so happened that the soil is too dry, then the pot with the plant must be lowered into the water for a few minutes.

So that the water does not stagnate, it is necessary to provide the plant with good drainage even during planting - this way you will protect it from unwanted diseases. Once every 2-3 months, liquid fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation, in small doses.

It is also better to carry out top dressing using mineral fertilizers, or fertilizer for rhododendrons, only the dosage should be lower than indicated on the package (this will help avoid burns that can be caused by highly concentrated substances on the leaves). As for organic matter, it is not recommended to apply fresh manure as a fertilizer.