Shower      06/17/2019

DIY hydrogen generator for heating. Hydrogen generators. Creation of a prototype

Many car owners are looking for ways to save fuel. A hydrogen generator for a car will radically solve this issue. Feedback from those who have installed this device suggests a significant reduction in costs when operating vehicles. So the topic is quite interesting. Below we will talk about how to make a hydrogen generator on your own.

ICE on hydrogen fuel

For several decades, there has been a search for the possibility of adapting internal combustion engines for full or hybrid operation on hydrogen fuel. In Great Britain, back in 1841, an engine running on an air-hydrogen mixture was patented. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Zeppelin concern used internal combustion engines running on hydrogen as the propulsion system for its famous airships.

The development of hydrogen energy was also facilitated by the global energy crisis that erupted in the 70s of the last century. However, with its end, hydrogen generators were quickly forgotten. And this despite a lot of advantages compared to conventional fuel:

  • ideal flammability fuel mixture based on air and hydrogen, which makes it possible to easily start the engine at any ambient temperature;
  • large heat release during gas combustion;
  • absolute environmental safety - exhaust gases turn into water;
  • the combustion rate is 4 times higher compared to a gasoline mixture;
  • the ability of the mixture to operate without detonation at a high compression ratio.

The main technical reason, which is an insurmountable obstacle to the use of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel, was the inability to fit a sufficient amount of gas into vehicle. The size of the hydrogen fuel tank will be comparable to the parameters of the car itself. The high explosiveness of the gas should exclude the possibility of the slightest leak. In liquid form, a cryogenic installation is required. This method is also not very feasible in a car.

Brown's Gas

Today, hydrogen generators are gaining popularity among car enthusiasts. However, this is not exactly what was discussed above. By electrolysis, water is converted into the so-called Brown's gas, which is added to the fuel mixture. The main task that this gas solves is complete combustion of the fuel. This serves to increase power and reduce fuel consumption by a decent percentage. Some mechanics have achieved savings of 40%.

The surface area of ​​the electrodes is of decisive importance in the quantitative gas yield. Under the influence of an electric current, a water molecule begins to decompose into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. When burned, such a gas mixture releases almost 4 times more energy than the combustion of molecular hydrogen. Therefore, the use of this gas in internal combustion engines leads to more efficient combustion of the fuel mixture, reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, increases power and reduces the amount of fuel consumed.

Universal diagram of a hydrogen generator

For those who do not have the ability to design, a hydrogen generator for a car can be purchased from folk craftsmen who put the assembly and installation of such systems on stream. Today there are many such offers. The cost of the unit and installation is about 40 thousand rubles.

But you can assemble such a system yourself - there is nothing complicated about it. It consists of several simple elements, connected into one whole:

  1. Installations for water electrolysis.
  2. Storage tank.
  3. Moisture trap from gas.
  4. Electronic control unit (current modulator).

Below is a diagram according to which you can easily assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands. The drawings of the main installation producing Brown's gas are quite simple and understandable.

The circuit does not represent any engineering complexity; anyone who knows how to work with the tool can repeat it. For vehicles with a fuel injection system, it is also necessary to install a controller that regulates the level of gas supply to the fuel mixture and is connected to the vehicle’s on-board computer.


The amount of Brown gas produced depends on the area of ​​the electrodes and their material. If copper or iron plates are used as electrodes, the reactor will not be able to operate for a long time due to the rapid destruction of the plates.

The use of titanium sheets looks ideal. However, their use increases the cost of assembling the unit several times. It is considered optimal to use plates made of high-alloy stainless steel. This metal is available, it will not be difficult to purchase. You can also use a used tank from washing machine. The only difficulty will be cutting out the plates of the required size.

Types of installations

Today, a hydrogen generator for a car can be equipped with three electrolyzers that differ in type, nature of operation and performance:

The first type of design is quite sufficient for many carburetor engines. There is no need to install a complex electronic circuit for a gas performance regulator, and the assembly of such an electrolyzer itself is not difficult.

For more powerful cars, it is preferable to assemble the second type of reactor. And for engines running on diesel fuel and heavy-duty vehicles, the third type of reactor is used.

Required performance

In order to truly save fuel, a hydrogen generator for a car must produce gas every minute at the rate of 1 liter per 1000 engine displacement. Based on these requirements, the number of plates for the reactor is selected.

To increase the surface of the electrodes, it is necessary to carry out surface treatment sandpaper in a perpendicular direction. This treatment is extremely important - it will increase the working area and avoid “sticking” of gas bubbles to the surface.

The latter leads to isolation of the electrode from the liquid and prevents normal electrolysis. Do not also forget that for normal operation of the electrolyzer, the water must be alkaline. Regular soda can serve as a catalyst.

Current regulator

A hydrogen generator on a car increases its productivity during operation. This is due to the release of heat during the electrolysis reaction. The working fluid of the reactor experiences heating, and the process proceeds much more intensely. To control the progress of the reaction, a current regulator is used.

If you do not lower it, the water may simply boil and the reactor will stop producing Brown gas. A special controller that regulates the operation of the reactor allows you to change productivity with increasing speed.

Carburetor models are equipped with a controller with a conventional switch for two operating modes: “Highway” and “City”.

Installation safety

Many craftsmen place plates in plastic containers. You shouldn't skimp on this. You need a stainless steel tank. If it is not there, you can use a design with plates open type. In the latter case, it is necessary to use a high-quality current and water insulator for reliable operation of the reactor.

It is known that the combustion temperature of hydrogen is 2800. This is the most explosive gas in nature. Brown's gas is nothing more than an "explosive" mixture of hydrogen. Therefore, hydrogen generators road transport require high-quality assembly of all system components and the presence of sensors to monitor the progress of the process.

A working fluid temperature sensor, pressure sensor and ammeter will not be superfluous in the design of the installation. Particular attention should be paid to the water seal at the outlet of the reactor. It is vital. If the mixture ignites, such a valve will prevent the flame from spreading into the reactor.

Hydrogen generator for heating residential and production premises, working on the same principles, differs several times greater productivity reactor. In such installations, the absence of a water seal poses a mortal danger. Hydrogen generators In order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the system, it is also recommended that vehicles be equipped with such a check valve.

For now you can’t do without conventional fuel

There are several experimental models in the world that run entirely on Brown gas. However, technical solutions have not yet reached their perfection. Such systems are not available to ordinary inhabitants of the planet. Therefore, for now, car enthusiasts have to be content with “handicraft” developments that make it possible to reduce fuel costs.

A little about gullibility and naivety

Some enterprising businessmen offer for sale a hydrogen generator for cars. They talk about laser processing of the surface of electrodes or about the unique secret alloys from which they are made, special water catalysts developed in scientific laboratories around the world.

It all depends on the ability of the thoughts of such entrepreneurs to fly scientifically. Credulity can make you, at your own expense (sometimes not even small ones), the owner of an installation whose contact plates will collapse after two months of operation.

If you decide to save money in this way, then it is better to assemble the installation yourself. At least there will be no one to blame later.

One of the most convenient and practical ways to obtain hydrogen and its further, reasonable use is a hydrogen generator, the so-called hydrogen burner. But producing hydrogen at home is quite a dangerous activity, so listen to the advice described.

Homemade hydrogen generator:

The basis of a hydrogen burner is a hydrogen generator, which is a kind of container with water and stainless steel plates. Construction and detailed description The hydrogen generator can be easily found on other sites, so I won't waste typing characters on this. I want to convey very important subtleties that will be very useful to you if you are planning to make a hydrogen burner with your own hands.

Figure No. 1 – Structural scheme hydrogen burner

The essence of a hydrogen burner is to produce hydrogen by electrolysis of water. You must understand that you cannot pour anything into the electrolyzer (a container with water and electrodes), I recommend using distilled water, but I have read that for more efficient electrolysis they add more caustic soda(I don’t know the proportions).

My electrolyzer is assembled from stainless steel plates, rubber gaskets, and two thick plexiglass plates, and outwardly it all looks like this:

Figure No. 2 – Electrolyzer

The electrolyzer must be filled exactly halfway with water to comply with safety precautions; monitor the liquid level, as it changes as it decreases. electrical parameters and the intensity of hydrogen release!

But before you spend a lot of time and materials on assembling the electrolyzer, take care of the power supply for it. My electrolyser, for example, consumes about 6A current at a voltage of 8V.

Metal plates (electrodes) are connected using a thick layer soldered to them. copper wire, and thick copper wires (about 4mm cross-section).

Figure No. 3 - How to connect the wires

You must also understand that everything must be tightly connected and well insulated, short circuiting of the plates and sparks are unacceptable!!!

Figure No. 4 - Insulation of plates

In fact there are a lot various kinds electrolyzer designs, so I don’t want to focus your attention on it, although it is the most basic and labor-intensive part for a hydrogen burner, in itself it is not very important (any design of it will suit you).

When working with a hydrogen torch, you should:

If you are planning to make a hydrogen burner, then be careful! Hydrogen is very explosive!!! When assembling and operating a hydrogen torch, there are many vital important subtleties. Pay attention to my advice - I actually did this and I know what I’m saying.

In a homemade hydrogen burner, the hydrogen pressure must be consistent, and protection against reverse explosion, good tightness and insulation!

The fact is that when working with a hydrogen torch, you use a power supply for electrolysis. And while it is turned on, hydrogen is released at approximately the same intensity (as work progresses, it may drop, as water evaporates and the current density between the electrode plates changes), so do not start working without first familiarizing yourself with the burner design.

How to use a hydrogen torch correctly:

First of all, always work in personal protective equipment (be sure to put a protective shield or goggles on your face), and secondly, follow the rules fire safety. Thirdly, monitor the water level in the electrolyzer and the intensity of the flame.

You don’t need to ignite the flame right away, let the hydrogen displace the remaining oxygen (for me this takes about ten minutes, depending on the intensity of the release and the volume of the vessels with a water seal and fuse A, B, Fig. 1)

Be sure to keep a container of water near you - you will need it to put out the burner flame when you finish your work. To do this, you just need to point the tip of the needle with the flame under the water and thereby cut off the oxygen to the fire. ALWAYS PUT OUT THE FLAME FIRST AND THEN TURN OFF THE POWER TO THE GENERATOR - OTHERWISE AN EXPLOSION IS IMMEDIATE.

Water seal and fuse:

Pay your attention to figure No. 1 - there are two containers (I labeled them A and B), and a needle from a disposable syringe (B), all of this is connected by tubes from droppers.

You need to pour water into the first container (A), this is a water seal. It is necessary so that the explosion does not reach the electrolyzer (if it explodes, it will be like a fragmentation grenade).

Figure No. 5 – Water seal

Please note that there are two connectors in the water seal cover (I adapted all this from a medical dropper), both of them are hermetically glued into the cover using epoxy glue. One tube is long, through which hydrogen from the generator should flow under the water, gurgle, and through the second hole go through the tube to the fuse (B).

Figure No. 6 – Fuse

You can pour both water (for greater reliability) and alcohol (alcohol vapor increases the combustion temperature of the flame) into a container with a fuse.

The fuse itself is made like this: You need to make a hole in the lid with a diameter of 15 mm, and holes for the screws.

Figure No. 7 - What the holes in the lid look like

You will also need two thick washers (if necessary, you need to expand the inner diameter of the washer using a round file), two plumbing gaskets and chocolate foil or an ordinary balloon.

Figure No. 8 – Sketch of a safety valve

It is assembled quite simply; you need to drill four coaxial holes in the iron washers, lid and gaskets. First you need to solder the bolts to the top washer; this can easily be done using a powerful soldering iron and active flux.

Figure No. 9 – Washer with screws
Figure No. 10 – Screws soldered to the washer

After you have soldered the screws, you need to put one rubber gasket on the washer and your valve itself. I used a thin elastic band from a burst balloon (this is much more convenient than putting on thin foil), although foil also fits quite well, at least when I tested my hydrogen torch for explosiveness, there was foil in the valve.

Figure No. 11 – Putting on the gasket and protective elastic band

Then we put on the second gasket and you can insert the protection into the holes made in the cover.

Figure No. 12 – Finished valve
Figure No. 13 – Protection elements

The second washer and nuts are needed to tightly and firmly fix the protection by tightening the nuts (look at Figure No. 6).

Please understand and take note that safety rules must not be neglected, especially when working with explosive gases. And such a simple device can save you from unpleasant surprises. The defense works according to the principle “where it’s thin, it breaks”, it knocks out with an explosion protective film(foil or rubber band), and the explosive force does not go into the electrolyzer, and the water seal also prevents this. Take my word for it, if the electrolyzer explodes, you won’t think it’s enough :)!!!

Figure No. 14 – Explosion

It should be understood that emergency situation definitely inevitable. The fact is that the flame burns at the outlet of the nozzle (for which a needle from a disposable syringe is quite suitable) only because gas pressure is created (the pressure is agreed upon).

Figure No. 15 – Nozzle from a syringe, on a pedestal

For example, you are working with your burner and the light goes out, believe me! You will not have time to jump away from the burner, the flame will instantly go back through the tube and the explosion of the protective valve will thunder (it is needed so that it explodes and not the electrolyzer) - this is quite normal when the burner is homemade - be vigilant and careful, stay away from the hydrogen burner and wear personal protective equipment!

Personally, I’m not very enthusiastic about the hydrogen burner, I tried to make it only because I already had a ready-made electrolyzer. Firstly, it is very dangerous, and secondly, it is not very effective (I’m talking about my hydrogen burner and not about burners in general) and it was not possible to melt what I wanted with it. And therefore, if you came up with the idea of ​​​​making this type of burner, ask yourself a completely rational question, “is it worth it,” since assembling an electrolyzer from scratch is quite a troublesome task, and you also need a powerful power supply so that it is enough to match the hydrogen pressure and diameter of the outlet nozzle. Therefore, “if only it was”, I don’t recommend you do it, but only if you really need it.

We are accustomed to consider the most accessible view fuel natural gas. But it turns out he has worthy alternative– hydrogen obtained from the splitting of water. We receive the starting material for the production of this fuel completely free of charge. And if you make a hydrogen generator yourself, the savings will be simply amazing. Right?

For those wishing to build a cheap but very productive fuel generator with their own hands, we offer detailed instructions. We provide recommendations for proper use. Photo applications and videos were used as informative additions that clearly explain the principle of operation.

In high school chemistry classes, explanations were once given on how to obtain hydrogen from ordinary tap water. There is such a concept in the chemical field - electrolysis. It is thanks to electrolysis that it is possible to produce hydrogen.

The simplest hydrogen installation is a container filled with water. Two plate electrodes are placed under the water layer. Electric current is supplied to them. Since water is an excellent conductor electric current, low resistance contact is established between the plates.

The current passing through the low water resistance promotes the formation of a chemical reaction, which results in the formation of hydrogen.

Diagram of an experimental hydrogen installation, which in former times was studied in the high school chemistry class. As it turns out, those lessons were not superfluous for the practice of modern everyday needs

It would seem that everything is simple and there is very little left to do - collect the resulting hydrogen to use it as an energy source. But chemistry is never complete without subtle details.

So it is here: if hydrogen combines with oxygen, at a certain concentration an explosive mixture is formed. This point is one of the critical phenomena that limits the ability to build sufficiently powerful home stations.

Hydrogen generator design

To build hydrogen generators with your own hands, they usually take Brown’s classic installation scheme as a basis. This medium-power electrolyser consists of a group of cells, each of which contains a group of plate electrodes. The power of the installation is determined by the total surface area of ​​the plate electrodes.

The cells are placed inside a container well isolated from the external environment. The tank body has pipes for connecting the water main, hydrogen outlet, as well as a contact panel for connecting electricity.

Installations for operation within condominiums are also developed and manufactured. This is already more powerful designs(5-7 kW), the purpose of which is not only the energy of heating systems, but also the generation of electricity. This combination option is quickly gaining popularity in Western countries and Japan.

Combined hydrogen generators are characterized as systems with high efficiency and low carbon dioxide emissions.

An example of a real-life industrially manufactured station with a power of up to 5 kW. In the future, similar installations are planned for equipping cottages and condominiums

Russian industry has also begun to engage in this promising type of fuel production. In particular, Norilsk Nickel is mastering production technologies hydrogen plants, including household ones.

It is planned to use the most different types fuel cells in the development and production process:

  • proton exchange membrane;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • proton exchange methanol;
  • alkaline;
  • solid oxide.

Meanwhile, the electrolysis process is reversible. This fact suggests that it is possible to obtain already heated water without burning hydrogen.

It seems that this is just another idea that, if you grab onto it, you can launch a new round of passions related to the free production of fuel for your home boiler.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Experimenting at home with homemade models, you need to prepare for the most unexpected results, but negative experience is also experience:

DIY hydrogen generators for the home are still a project that exists at the level of one idea. There are no practically implemented do-it-yourself hydrogen generator projects, and those that are positioned online are the imagination of their authors or purely theoretical options.

So we can only rely on an expensive industrial product that promises to appear in the near future.

Long gone are the days when Vacation home There was only one way to heat it - by burning wood or coal in the stove. Modern heating devices use different kinds fuel and at the same time automatically maintain comfortable temperature in our homes. Natural gas, diesel or fuel oil, electricity, solar power - this is an incomplete list alternative options. It would seem - live and be happy, but the constant rise in prices for fuel and equipment forces us to continue the search for cheap heating methods. And at the same time, an inexhaustible source of energy - hydrogen, literally lies under our feet. And today we will talk about how to use ordinary water as fuel by assembling a hydrogen generator with our own hands.

Design and principle of operation of a hydrogen generator

The factory hydrogen generator is an impressive unit

Use hydrogen as heating fuel country house beneficial not only because of its high calorific value, but also because during its combustion it does not emit harmful substances. As everyone remembers from a school chemistry course, when two hydrogen atoms (chemical formula H 2 - Hidrogenium) are oxidized by one oxygen atom, a water molecule is formed. This produces three times more heat than the combustion of natural gas. We can say that hydrogen has no equal among other energy sources, since its reserves on Earth are inexhaustible - 2/3 of the world's oceans consists of the chemical element H2, and in the entire Universe this gas, along with helium, is the main “building material”. There's just one problem - to get pure H 2 you need to split water into its component parts, and this is not easy to do. Scientists have been looking for a way to extract hydrogen for many years and settled on electrolysis.

Laboratory electrolyzer operation diagram

This method of producing volatile gas involves placing two metal plates connected to a high voltage source in water at a short distance from each other. When power is applied, the high electrical potential literally tears the water molecule apart, releasing two hydrogen (HH) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. The released gas was named after the physicist Yu. Brown. Its formula is HHO, and its calorific value is 121 MJ/kg. Brown's gas burns with an open flame and does not produce any harmful substances. The main advantage of this substance is that a regular boiler running on propane or methane is suitable for its use. Let us only note that hydrogen in combination with oxygen forms explosive mixture, so additional precautions will be required.

Installation diagram for producing Brown's gas

The generator, designed to produce Brown's gas in large quantities, contains several cells, each of which contains many pairs of electrode plates. They are installed in a sealed container, which is equipped with a gas outlet, terminals for connecting power and a neck for filling water. In addition, the installation is equipped with a safety valve and a water seal. Thanks to them, the possibility of backfire spreading is eliminated. Hydrogen burns only at the exit of the burner, and does not ignite in all directions. A multiple increase in the usable area of ​​the installation makes it possible to extract the flammable substance in quantities sufficient for various purposes, including heating residential premises. But doing this using a traditional electrolyzer will be unprofitable. Simply put, if the electricity spent on hydrogen production is directly used to heat a house, then it will be much more profitable than heating a boiler with hydrogen.

Stanley Meyer hydrogen fuel cell

The American scientist Stanley Meyer found a way out of this situation. His installation did not use powerful electrical potential, but currents of a certain frequency. The invention of the great physicist consisted in the fact that a water molecule swayed in time with changing electrical impulses and entered into resonance, which reached a force sufficient to split it into its constituent atoms. Such an effect required tens of times less current than when operating a conventional electrolysis machine.

Video: Stanley Meyer Fuel Cell

For his invention, which could free humanity from the bondage of oil magnates, Stanley Meyer was killed, and the works of his many years of research disappeared to God knows where. Nevertheless, some of the scientist’s notes have been preserved, on the basis of which inventors in many countries around the world are trying to build similar installations. And I must say, not without success.

Advantages of Brown's gas as an energy source

  • Water, from which HHO is obtained, is one of the most common substances on our planet.
  • When this type of fuel burns, it produces water vapor, which can be condensed back into liquid and reused as a raw material.
  • During the combustion of detonating gas, no by-products are formed except water. We can say that there is no more environmentally friendly type of fuel than Brown's gas.
  • When using hydrogen heating installation water vapor is released in an amount sufficient to maintain the humidity in the room at a comfortable level.

You may also be interested in material on how to build your own gas generator:

Application area

Today, an electrolyzer is as common a device as an acetylene generator or a plasma cutter. Initially, hydrogen generators were used by welders, since carrying a unit weighing only a few kilograms was much easier than moving huge oxygen and acetylene cylinders. At the same time, the high energy intensity of the units was not of decisive importance - everything was determined by convenience and practicality. IN last years the use of Brown's gas went beyond the usual concepts of hydrogen as a fuel for gas welding machines. In the future, the possibilities of the technology are very wide, since the use of HHO has many advantages.

  • Reducing fuel consumption in vehicles. Existing automotive hydrogen generators allow the use of HHO as an additive to traditional gasoline, diesel or gas. Due to more complete combustion of the fuel mixture, a 20–25% reduction in hydrocarbon consumption can be achieved.
  • Fuel savings at thermal power plants using gas, coal or fuel oil.
  • Reducing toxicity and increasing the efficiency of old boiler houses.
  • Multiple reduction in the cost of heating residential buildings due to complete or partial replacement traditional types Brown gas fuel.
  • Using portable HHO production units for domestic needs - cooking, receiving warm water etc.
  • Development of fundamentally new, powerful and environmentally friendly power plants.

A hydrogen generator built using S. Meyer’s “Water Fuel Cell Technology” (that’s what his treatise was called) can be bought - many companies in the USA, China, Bulgaria and other countries are engaged in their production. We propose to make a hydrogen generator yourself.

Video: How to properly install hydrogen heating

What is needed to make a fuel cell at home

When starting to manufacture a hydrogen fuel cell, it is imperative to study the theory of the process of formation of detonating gas. This will give an understanding of what is happening in the generator and will help in setting up and operating the equipment. In addition, you will have to stock up necessary materials, most of which will not be difficult to find in the retail chain. As for the drawings and instructions, we will try to cover these issues in full.

Hydrogen generator design: diagrams and drawings

A homemade installation for producing Brown's gas consists of a reactor with installed electrodes, a PWM generator to power them, a water seal and connecting wires and hoses. Currently, there are several electrolyzer designs using plates or tubes as electrodes. In addition, you can find on the Internet an installation of so-called dry electrolysis. Unlike the traditional design, in such a device the plates are not installed in a container with water, but the liquid is supplied into the gap between the flat electrodes. Refusal of the traditional scheme makes it possible to significantly reduce the dimensions of the fuel cell.

Electrical circuit of a PWM regulator. Diagram of a single pair of electrodes used in a Meyer fuel cell. Diagram of a Meyer cell. Electrical diagram of a PWM regulator. Drawing of a fuel cell.
Drawing of a fuel cell Electrical circuit of a PWM controller Electrical circuit of a PWM controller

In your work, you can use drawings and diagrams of working electrolyzers, which can be adapted to your own conditions.

Selection of materials for the construction of a hydrogen generator

To manufacture a fuel cell, virtually no specific materials are required. The only thing that may be difficult is the electrodes. So, what do you need to prepare before starting work?

  1. If the design you choose is a “wet” type generator, then you will need a sealed water container, which will also serve as the reactor vessel. You can take any suitable container, the main requirement is sufficient strength and gas tightness. Of course, when using metal plates as electrodes, it is better to use a rectangular structure, for example, a carefully sealed case from an old-style car battery (black). If tubes are used to obtain HHO, then a capacious container from a household filter for water purification will also be suitable. The most the best option The generator housing will be manufactured from stainless steel, for example, grade 304 SSL.

    Electrode assembly for a “wet” type hydrogen generator

    When choosing a “dry” fuel cell, you will need a sheet of plexiglass or other transparent plastic up to 10 mm thick and sealing rings made of technical silicone.

  2. Stainless steel tubes or plates. Of course, you can take ordinary “ferrous” metal, but during the operation of the electrolyzer, simple carbon iron quickly corrodes and the electrodes will have to be changed frequently. The use of high-carbon metal alloyed with chromium will enable the generator to operate long time. The craftsmen involved in the manufacture of fuel cells spent a long time selecting material for the electrodes and settled on 316 L stainless steel. By the way, if tubes from this alloy are used in the design, then their diameter must be selected in such a way that when installing one part in the other there was a gap of no more than 1 mm between them. For perfectionists, here are the exact dimensions:
    - outer tube diameter - 25.317 mm;
    - the diameter of the inner tube depends on the thickness of the outer one. In any case, it must provide a gap between these elements equal to 0.67 mm.

    Its performance depends on how accurately the parameters of the hydrogen generator parts are selected.

  3. PWM generator. Properly assembled electrical diagram will allow you to regulate the frequency of the current within the required limits, and this is directly related to the occurrence of resonant phenomena. In other words, in order for hydrogen evolution to begin, it will be necessary to select the parameters of the supply voltage, so the assembly of the PWM generator is given Special attention. If you are familiar with a soldering iron and can distinguish a transistor from a diode, then you can make the electrical part yourself. Otherwise, you can contact a familiar electronics engineer or order the production of a switching power supply at an electronic device repair shop.

    A switching power supply designed for connection to a fuel cell can be purchased online. They are manufactured by small private companies in our country and abroad.

  4. Electrical wires for connection. Conductors with a cross section of 2 square meters will be sufficient. mm.
  5. Bubbler. The craftsmen gave this fancy name to the most common water seal. You can use any sealed container for it. Ideally, it should be equipped with a tight-fitting lid, which will be instantly torn off if the gas inside ignites. In addition, it is recommended to install a cut-off device between the electrolyzer and the bubbler, which will prevent HHO from returning to the cell.

    Bubbler design

  6. Hoses and fittings. To connect the HHO generator you will need a clear plastic tube, inlet and outlet fittings and clamps.
  7. Nuts, bolts and studs. They will be needed to attach the parts of the electrolyzer to each other.
  8. Reaction catalyst. In order for the process of HHO formation to proceed more intensively, potassium hydroxide KOH is added to the reactor. This substance can be easily purchased online. For the first time, no more than 1 kg of powder will be enough.
  9. Automotive silicone or other sealant.

Please note that polished tubes are not recommended. On the contrary, experts recommend treating the parts with sandpaper to obtain a matte surface. In the future, this will help increase the productivity of the installation.

Tools that will be required during the work process

Before you begin building a fuel cell, prepare the following tools:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • set of wrenches;
  • flat and slotted screwdrivers;
  • an angle grinder (“grinder”) with a mounted circle for cutting metal;
  • multimeter and flow meter;
  • ruler;
  • marker.

In addition, if you build a PWM generator yourself, you will need an oscilloscope and a frequency meter to set it up. Within the framework of this article, we will not raise this issue, since the manufacture and configuration of a switching power supply is best considered by specialists on specialized forums.

Pay attention to the article, which shows other sources of energy that can be used to heat your home:

Instructions: how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands

To manufacture a fuel cell, we will take the most advanced “dry” electrolyzer circuit using electrodes in the form of stainless steel plates. The instructions below demonstrate the process of creating a hydrogen generator from “A” to “Z”, so it is better to follow the order of actions.

Dry type fuel cell diagram

  1. Manufacturing of the fuel cell body. The side walls of the frame are plates of hardboard or plexiglass, cut to the size of the future generator. You need to understand that the size of the device directly affects its performance, however, the costs of obtaining HHO will be higher. For the manufacture of a fuel cell, the optimal dimensions of the device will be from 150x150 mm to 250x250 mm.
  2. A hole is drilled in each of the plates for the inlet (outlet) fitting for water. In addition, drilling will be required in the side wall for gas outlet and four holes in the corners to connect the reactor elements to each other.

    Manufacturing of side walls

  3. Taking advantage of the corner grinder, electrode plates are cut from 316L stainless steel sheet. Their dimensions should be 10–20 mm smaller than the dimensions of the side walls. In addition, when manufacturing each part, it is necessary to leave a small contact pad in one of the corners. This will be needed to connect the negative and positive electrodes into groups before connecting them to the supply voltage.
  4. In order to obtain a sufficient amount of HHO, the stainless steel must be treated with fine sandpaper on both sides.
  5. Two holes are drilled in each of the plates: with a drill with a diameter of 6 - 7 mm - to supply water into the space between the electrodes and with a thickness of 8 - 10 mm - to remove Brown's gas. Drilling points are calculated taking into account the installation locations of the corresponding inlet and outlet pipes.

    This set of parts must be prepared before assembling the fuel cell

  6. They begin assembling the generator. To do this, water supply and gas outlet fittings are installed in the hardboard walls. The places where they are connected are carefully sealed using automotive or plumbing sealant.
  7. After this, studs are installed in one of the transparent body parts, after which they begin laying the electrodes.

    Laying the electrodes begins with a sealing ring

    Please note: the plane of the plate electrodes must be flat, otherwise elements with opposite charges will touch, causing a short circuit!

  8. The stainless steel plates are separated from the side surfaces of the reactor using O-rings, which can be made of silicone, paronite or other material. It is only important that its thickness does not exceed 1 mm. The same parts are used as spacers between the plates. During the installation process, make sure that the contact pads of the negative and positive electrodes are grouped on different sides of the generator.

    When assembling the plates, it is important to correctly orient the outlet holes

  9. After laying the last plate, a sealing ring is installed, after which the generator is closed with a second hardboard wall, and the structure itself is fastened with washers and nuts. When performing this work, be sure to ensure that the tightening is uniform and that there are no distortions between the plates.

    During the final tightening, be sure to check the parallelism of the side walls. This will avoid distortions

  10. Using polyethylene hoses, the generator is connected to a container of water and a bubbler.
  11. The contact pads of the electrodes are connected to each other in any way, after which the power wires are connected to them.

    By assembling several fuel cells and connecting them in parallel, you can obtain a sufficient amount of Brown gas

  12. The fuel cell is supplied with voltage from a PWM generator, after which the device is configured and adjusted according to maximum output HHO gas.

To obtain Brown's gas in quantities sufficient for heating or cooking, several hydrogen generators are installed, operating in parallel.

Video: Assembling the device

Video: Operation of a “dry” type structure

Selected points of use

First of all, I would like to note that the traditional method of burning natural gas or propane is not suitable in our case, since the combustion temperature of HHO exceeds the similar indicators of hydrocarbons by three degrees. one more time. As you yourself understand, structural steel will not withstand this temperature for long. Stanley Meyer himself recommended using a burner of an unusual design, the diagram of which is given below.

Scheme of a hydrogen burner designed by S. Meyer

The whole trick of this device is that HHO (indicated by the number 72 in the diagram) passes into the combustion chamber through valve 35. The burning hydrogen mixture rises through channel 63 and simultaneously carries out the ejection process, entraining outside air through adjustable openings 13 and 70. Under the hood 40, a certain amount of combustion products (water vapor) is retained, which enters the combustion column through channel 45 and mixes with the burning gas. This allows you to reduce the combustion temperature several times.

The second point that I would like to draw your attention to is the liquid that should be poured into the installation. It is best to use prepared water that does not contain heavy metal salts. Ideal option is a distillate that can be purchased at any auto store or pharmacy. For successful operation of the electrolyzer, potassium hydroxide KOH is added to the water, at the rate of approximately one tablespoon of powder per bucket of water.

During operation of the installation, it is important not to overheat the generator. When the temperature rises to 65 degrees Celsius or more, the electrodes of the device will become contaminated with reaction byproducts, which will reduce the productivity of the electrolyzer. If this does happen, then the hydrogen cell will have to be disassembled and the deposits removed using sandpaper.

And the third thing we place special emphasis on is safety. Remember that it was not by chance that the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was called explosive. HHO is a hazardous chemical that can cause an explosion if not handled properly. Follow safety rules and be especially careful when experimenting with hydrogen. Only in this case, the “brick” that our Universe consists of will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

We hope you found this article a source of inspiration and will roll up your sleeves and start making a hydrogen fuel cell. Of course, all our calculations are not the ultimate truth, however, they can be used to create a working model of a hydrogen generator. If you want to completely switch to this type of heating, then the issue will have to be studied in more detail. Perhaps your installation will become the cornerstone, thanks to which the redistribution of energy markets will end, and cheap and environmentally friendly heat will enter every home.

Science knows of only one absolutely pure fuel - hydrogen, which is used in the space industry. During the combustion of hydrogen, compounds with oxygen are formed, that is, water. The reserves of this fuel are inexhaustible, since it, along with helium, is the main “building material” in the Universe.

Today we will talk about hydrogen generators that gain Lately increasingly popular due to its affordable cost and environmental friendliness.

Distinctive features of hydrogen heating

This type of heating is based on the production of huge amounts of thermal energy as a result of the contact of oxygen and hydrogen molecules. Typically, the only byproduct in this case is distilled water. And in order to put this principle into practice, many developments have been carried out to create a hydrogen heating boiler (we are talking about industrial models).

Such devices differed in size and, therefore, required a lot of space for installation. And the efficiency of such boilers was not the highest - about 80 percent. But since then the device has been improved many times and as a result we have received a boiler for home heating, working on this principle. For its normal operation, only a few important conditions must be met.

  • Availability of constant power supply. The generators are based on the electrolysis reaction, which, as we know, is impossible without electricity.
  • Permanent connection to a water source. Often, water supply is used for this, although the specific consumption of the device depends, of course, on its power.
  • The catalyst needs to be replaced regularly. The frequency of this replacement depends, like the previous indicator, on the power, as well as on the features of a particular model.

And if we compare hydrogen equipment, for example, with gas equipment, then it is less demanding in terms of safety. But the whole point is that reactions are formed and occur exclusively inside the generator. From a person, as a user, all that is needed is visual control over the main indicators.

Hydrogen generator device

Now let’s take a closer look at the hydrogen option for heating a house. And its essence, as already noted, is to produce H2O; this option deserves to be considered an alternative to natural gas. Typically, the average combustion temperature in this case can reach 3 thousand degrees, so you will need to use a special hydrogen burner in the heating system. This is explained by the fact that only such a burner can withstand such significant heat.

There are several components that make up hydrogen heating, let’s get acquainted with them.

  • The burner mentioned above. It is necessary for one simple purpose - to create an open flame.
  • Hydrogen generator - it will process the mixture by decomposing water into molecular components. And in order to optimize a chemical reaction, catalysts can be used in its process.
  • Actually, a boiler. Here it serves as a kind of heat exchanger. The burner itself is installed in the combustion chamber, due to which the coolant in the system warms up to the required temperature.

Note! We remind those who plan to manufacture hydrogen generators that to do this they will have to improve existing equipment according to the scheme indicated earlier. But this homemade equipment more economical than its “store-bought analogues” purchased for a lot of money.

Strengths of hydrogen heating

The positive qualities of heating with hydrogen are numerous. This is precisely why the system is so popular.

  • The excellent efficiency with which it is characterized can reach 96 percent.
  • Environmental friendliness. This is explained by the fact that the only by-product, waste, so to speak, is pure water produced in gaseous state. And water vapor, as is known, does not have negative influence on the environment.
  • No flame is required to function in a hydrogen system. Thermal energy appears due to catalytic chemical reactions. Combining with air, hydrogen forms water, which is accompanied by the appearance large quantity energy. The heat flow (and its temperature reaches 40 degrees) is supplied to the heat exchanger. It is quite obvious that this is the most best option for a "warm floor" system.

Weak sides

Having familiarized ourselves with the advantages, we proceed to the disadvantages of hydrogen heating.

  • Despite the fact that in more advanced countries this heating method is extremely popular, in our country it has not yet received the necessary attention. That is why the acquisition and installation of this equipment is so problematic and associated with a number of difficulties.
  • Average room temperature causes hydrogen to acquire a gaseous state. Moreover, this substance is explosive, and therefore it is very difficult to transport it, especially over long distances.
  • Cylinders containing hydrogen must be certified by appropriate specialists, whose training requires quite a lot of time.

How to install a hydrogen boiler?

On this moment Many people prefer to produce their own hydrogen generators for their heating systems. And this is not surprising, because “store-bought” analogues are not only very expensive, but also do not have very high efficiency. But if you make this device yourself, then its efficiency will be much higher.

There are several options for how to assemble a hydrogen-powered generator. But in any case, to make it at home you will need the following: Consumables.

  • 12 volt power source.
  • Several tubes made of stainless steel and having different diameters.
  • The reservoir in which the structure will be located.
  • PWM controller. It is important that its power is at least 30 amperes.

These are the main components that usually make up homemade hydrogen generators. In addition, do not forget about a tank for distilled water - its presence is also mandatory. Water must be supplied to a sealed structure with a dialectic inside. In the same structure there will be a set made of stainless steel plates adjacent to one another by insulating material. It is important that 12-volt voltage is supplied to these plates. If everything is done correctly, then when voltage is applied, the water will split into 2 gaseous elements.

Note! More effective in this regard is the use of direct current (it must have a specific frequency) produced by a PWM type generator. In this case, the pulsed current (or alternating current) will be replaced by a constant one. As a result, the efficiency of the equipment will increase significantly.

What water should I use – distilled or tap water?

There is nothing complicated here. Tap liquid can be used, but only if it does not contain heavy metal impurities. But in order for the equipment to work more efficiently, it is better to use distilled water, adding a small amount of sodium hydroxide to it. The ratio in this case should be as follows: a tablespoon of hydroxide for every ten liters of water.

What kind of metal should I use?

This issue is controversial. Thus, many - including very authoritative - sources say that only rare metals must be used for hydrogen heating. In reality, this is not entirely true, since it is quite possible to use stainless steel, as we have already discussed above. Although ideally it should be ferrimagnetic steel. It differs in that it does not attract particles of unnecessary debris. We also note that when choosing a metal, it is better to focus on “stainless steel”, which is not subject to the oxidation process.

As you can see, building a hydrogen boiler is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to choose the right consumables and carefully study the diagram of a heating system of this type. Having installed everything necessary equipment, check to make sure that it is really of high quality and quite effective.

Video - Making a hydrogen generator

About the law of conservation of energy

This law states that everything in the world is interconnected: if it leaves somewhere, it will definitely arrive somewhere. And so that through electrolysis it is possible to obtain gas, a certain amount electrical energy you will still have to spend it. And energy, as we know, is obtained primarily as a result of the creation of heat during the combustion of other types of fuel. And even if we take the clean energy necessary to generate electricity, and that which hydrogen produces after combustion, the losses will be doubled (at least!) even in reality modern equipment. It turns out that 1/2 of the funds are simply thrown away. Moreover, these are only costs associated with operation, and the cost of equipment, which, as noted, is not cheap, is not taken into account. Let's remember hydrogen generators.

If you believe research conducted in America, the price of one kilogram of hydrogen (or rather, the cost of creating it) is equal to:

  • 6.5 dollars when using an industrial electrical network;
  • $9 when operating wind generators;
  • 20 dollars in case of using solar devices;
  • 2.2 dollars when using solid fuel;
  • 5.5 dollars if the substance is produced from biomass;
  • 2.3 dollars, if we are talking about electrolysis at high temperature carried out at a nuclear power plant (the most cheap way, but the farthest from normal household use).

Note! Even the most advanced household generator will be significantly inferior in all respects to a similar industrial device. Therefore, in view of the prices described, it is impossible to say that hydrogen can seriously compete with natural gas. The same applies to electricity, diesel and even heat pumps.

Energy prospects using hydrogen

Now let’s try to find out whether there really is a chance to reduce the cost of pure hydrogen. Let’s immediately say that there is every chance for this. First of all, this includes the technology for producing inexpensive electricity using renewable sources. In addition, cheaper chemical catalysts can be used in the catalysis process. By the way, these have existed for a long time and are used in hydrogen cells for fuel (we are talking about cars). Although here, again, we came across their too high cost.

But technology is improving all the time, science does not stand still. At some point, oil will run out, and people will have to switch to some other, alternative energy source. But at the moment, and, perhaps, for the coming decades, we can say with confidence: energy using hydrogen itself is still unprofitable. The only exceptions include those cases where hydrogen is a by-product of some other technical process. Of course, various programs to support and develop hydrogen energy are possible, but this requires the help of large corporations and, of course, the state.

As a conclusion

It is difficult to say what kind of energy will become the main one in the future - hydrogen, nuclear fusion, the use of gravity, etc. But experts assure that the first electrolysis reactors capable of competing with modern nuclear reactors will appear in at least twenty to thirty years. Some are generally skeptical about this. But real professionals believe that hydrogen generators will soon become a subject high technology, and not homemade from improvised means, which we described above. That's all, have a warm winter!