Well      06/13/2019

Hydrangea species and varieties for growing in the country. Hydrangea paniculata: varieties, cultivation, pruning

Adult plants of this species do not tolerate transplantation well, so the place where the seedling will grow and develop must be permanent.

The landing site must be protected from strong winds And well lit; slight shading possible.

The landing site should not be in danger of snow layers coming off the roof: fragile wood will not withstand the additional load.


The soil should be slightly acidic, moderately loose and sufficiently nutritious.

Its composition can be as follows: peat, humus, turf, leafy soil and sand in equal amounts.

An "equivalent" mixture of peat, humus and garden soil is also used.

Best time for landing in open groundspring. Bushes that wintered in the ground can be planted immediately after the soil thaws, and greenhouse bushes with leaves can be planted only at the end of spring, after the end of frost.

The planting hole should be large enough to provide sufficient space for the root system of the seedling to grow. The usual sizes are from 0.5 to 0.8 meters in length and width. The depth may be slightly less, since the roots of paniculate hydrangeas grow in breadth rather than in depth.

If the soil is clayey, a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay, brick or ceramic batt is laid on the bottom.

Sandy soils, on the contrary, are compacted with a layer of clay at the bottom of the planting pit.

If ground water stand high, landing on a hill is obligatory.

A layer of soil mixture and a carefully spread moistened root system are placed in the prepared planting pit.

Top up the soil, carefully compacting it. As a result the root neck should be flush with the soil surface- but not deeper.

Watered, then the surface of the earth is mulched peat chips or crushed bark. This last operation is necessary so that the soil under the bush retains moisture longer.

Optimal irrigation water must be soft, perfect option- Irrigation with rainwater.

Water from water supply network should be well settled and warmed up, and from time to time it is useful add a small amount of lemon juice or vinegar.

Paniculata hydrangea, unlike many other species of this plant, is relatively drought-resistant, however, in dry summers, systematic abundant watering is necessary.

top dressing

The plant responds well to mineral fertilizing with a complex for heather, rhododendrons and azaleas. The best optionspecial mixtures designed specifically for hydrangeas. They can be from time to time supplement with organic compounds.

The timing of fertilizer application takes into account the main phases of growth and development:

  • spring dressing promotes the formation of young shoots;
  • June contributes to the abundant formation of buds;
  • summer, during the flowering period, prolongs flowering and are held twice a month. Potassium and phosphorus components should be added to these top dressings, and nitrogen should be reduced.
  • autumn, before a dormant period, consists of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.


These fast growing bushes can and should prune in autumn and spring, as flower buds open on the shoots of the current year.

Moreover, strong pruning up to the level of four or six or even up to two or three kidneys stimulates the mass formation of powerful shoots with large inflorescences.

Thoughtful pruning also helps form this hydrangea as attractive saplings.

In this case, a vertical leading shoot and 4-5 lateral shoots are selected on a young plant, the remaining shoots are cut out, the remaining lateral shoots are pinched and the "leader" is allowed to grow by 1-1.5 meters.

After that, its top is cut off, stimulating the formation of skeletal branches of the crown, and the lateral "support" is removed.

How to cover for the winter?

Adult paniculate hydrangeas do not need winter shelter, but young plants better bend to the ground And cover with spruce branches.

For mature bushes having brittle wood, pose a risk of heavy snowfalls.

To prevent the branches from breaking off, they are tied together and attached to a reliable support.


Abundant flowering of fragrant "panicles" begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn

Coloring inflorescences depends on their age (the older, the pinker) and on the acidity of the soil: white flowers in neutral soil turn pink in acidic soil.

This property is widely used, especially since acidified, soft water is coming for the benefit of plants.

Some varieties at a young age do not form lush inflorescences, however, with age, flowering intensifies and reaches the proper forms.

Blossoming "panicles" stand in the cut for a long time. Even when dried, they retain their shape, color and, in part, aroma.

Mandatory pruning of all inflorescences before the first heavy snowfalls, since heavy snow caps on these "panicles" will create a load that can become unbearable for fragile branches.

Seeds of paniculate hydrangea often do not ripen in the middle lane, and their germination lasts no longer than a month. So they breed it vegetatively: layering and cuttings.

Reproduction by layering. In spring or at the end of summer, a suitable branch is bent to the ground, fixed in the middle, slightly deepened and dug in this place. The top of the branch is tied to a support to give it a vertical position. For a year, the buried part forms a sufficient root system, after which a new plant can be separated from the mother.

Reproduction cuttings And. This method has two optimal time: spring, in which cuttings are harvested from waste after pruning and summer, June.

  • spring cuttings cut into 3-5 internodes from selected branches, previously aged in water for two to three days. The lower sections are treated with a root formation stimulator and planted in a mixture of sand and peat, deepening by about two-thirds of the length. Landing cover polyethylene film, moisturize, ventilate and keep at a temperature of 14-17 degrees. Rooting usually occurs within a month.
  • Summer cuttings- a more risky material for rooting, since at this time the plant tissues contain much less moisture. However, the period from 10 to 15 June is considered the most successful for this type of breeding. The material for ten-centimeter cuttings are young shoots without flower buds in the lower part of the bush. They are broken out with a “heel” and the core is treated at a break with a root formation stimulator. Keep the top 3-4 sheets and discard the bottom ones. Planted in the ground and covered; maintain humidity, ventilate and, before the formation of the first new shoots, protect from direct sunlight. Rooting usually takes 20-30 days.

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea in a site with optimal conditions for it is resistant to disease.

If the soil is calcareous or supersaturated with humus, the plant may develop chlorosis, in which the leaves, with the exception of the central vein, become yellow-light.

In this case, watering potassium nitrate solution with a concentration of 4 g / l, and after 3 days - iron sulfate solution the same concentration.

False powdery mildew , in which dark oily, gradually spreading spots form on the leaves and stems, it affects hydrangea at a temperature of 18-20 degrees in combination with high atmospheric humidity.

An effective remedy for such a disease is spraying with a copper-soap solution: 15 g copper sulfate and 150 g green soap per bucket of water.

Gray rot, which also develops in summer at high humidity, requires the removal of affected leaves and shoots and the treatment of the bush fungicides.

If the air humidity is low, the plant can settle aphids and spider mites which can be removed with soapy water.

However, it is most effective in such cases to use systemic insecticides.

As a preventive measure, you should get rid of weeds that serve as a haven and breeding ground for these pests.

Paniculata hydrangea is one of the most unpretentious and hardy "princesses" of open ground. She withstands not only winter cold, but also a significant gas content of the atmosphere.

Suitable landing site easy care and sufficient watering will ensure a long, perennial, fragrant flowering of these bushes-trees in open ground conditions of the middle lane.


Hydrangea paniculata is one of the most beautiful shrub plants. In the world there are a huge number of all sorts of varieties. From mid-summer until almost autumn, the shrub is covered with large flowers, behind which the leaves are practically invisible. One of the main positive aspects of garden hydrangea is its frost resistance. Its homeland is the subtropics, where it can reach up to 4 meters in height.

Planting hydrangea paniculata and caring for it are not difficult. It is important to know when is the best time to plant hydrangeas outdoors and how to care for them.

Hydrangea is perfect for growing novice growers and gardeners. It was because of her unpretentiousness that she fell in love with everyone so much. To choose the best varieties, you need to study their characteristics.

Popular varieties

Varieties of hydrangeas can vary in shade of flowers, size and height of the bush, frost resistance and flowering period.

The peculiarity of this species is that the inflorescences have the shape of a high pyramid.

The most beautiful and popular types of hydrangeas:

  • Bobo

It belongs to dwarf species, which allows it to be planted not only in open ground, but also in containers on the balcony. It reaches a height of up to 70 cm. The width of the bush is up to 50 cm. The flowering is very plentiful, the shade of the petals changes from white-yellow to delicate pink color. The inflorescence is lush. It is best to plant bushes in a semi-shaded place. If you plant them in the sun, then when the flowers are very small. It is good if the bushes are sufficiently protected from gusty winds.

It starts flowering in July and ends in September. Despite the fact that the flower is frost-resistant, it is advisable to mulch the roots of newly planted bushes for the winter. The soil for planting is best to choose fertile and acidic.

  • Vanilla Fraise

This variety garden hydrangea differs in that the bush can reach a height of up to two meters. The width of the bush is up to 150 cm. It is suitable only for a very large flower garden. The inflorescences are also quite large in size, they can reach up to 30 cm in diameter, they are very similar to lilac inflorescences. Special attention what attracts is that the petals can be either pale pink or have a rich crimson hue, located on the same shrub.

The flowering period begins in July and ends in September. It is characterized by high frost resistance, can tolerate severe frosts down to -30 degrees. If the bush is still frozen, then it recovers quite quickly. It is advisable not to plant this variety on calcareous soils, but to choose well-moistened and slightly acidic soils.

  • Wims Red (Wim's Red)

A rather tall shrub, it can reach a height of up to 1.5 m, and a width of 120 cm. It is best to plant seedlings in open, sunny areas. But it also feels great in the shade. The soil for planting should be acidic. So the shade of the petals will be much richer. Frost-resistant, does not need shelter for the winter.

It has a conical inflorescence, reaching up to 35 cm in diameter. The flowers have a pleasant, honey aroma. A distinctive feature of the species is that over the entire flowering period, it changes color from milky (freshly blossomed petals) to pink shades, and in autumn they acquire a rich cherry color.

  • Grandiflora (Grandiflora)

Another tall variety of paniculate hydrangea. Its height can reach two meters, and its width - up to 3 meters. The planted shrub feels great in the shade and grows well in urban environments. Sufficient watering must be ensured. In young bushes for the winter, it is desirable to cover trunk circle(soil, around the trunk).

It begins to bloom from mid-June, the end of flowering - October. The inflorescences are pyramidal in shape. At the beginning of blooming, the petals are creamy white, the full inflorescence has a snow-white color. At the end of summer, the flowers turn pink, and in autumn they turn greenish-red.

  • Diamond Rouge

In height, the shrub reaches up to 1.5 m. In width - up to 1.2. Has an upright compact shape. It contains voluminous inflorescences, the length of which can be up to 40 cm. Flowering time begins at the end of June and ends in September. At the beginning of flowering, the petals are White color, and then acquire an intense crimson-red color. This color does not have any of the varieties of hydrangea paniculata. In autumn, the leaves turn orange instead of green.

Well suited for growing in urban areas. Frost-resistant, does not need shelter for the winter. Constant maintenance of soil moisture is required, since the plant does not tolerate drought.

  • Kyushu (Kyushu)

One of the tallest bushes, it can reach a height of three meters. The width of the bush is up to two meters. The shrub grows very fast. It has a dense, rounded crown. Flowering time starts from mid-June and ends in mid-September. Panicle inflorescences are cone-shaped up to 25 cm long. Flowers of this species white shade with a strong pleasant aroma. In autumn the green leaves turn yellow.

The variety is frost-resistant, can tolerate temperatures down to -25 degrees. It is necessary to constantly maintain the moisture of the soil where the flower grows. The downside is that it attracts a lot of insects.

  • Limelight (Limelight)

One of the most popular varieties among landscapers due to the fact that it has very strong shoots. Shoots do without stands, independently withstanding heavy inflorescences.

Bushes reach a height of two meters. They can also be up to two meters wide. It has voluminous inflorescences-panicles. Flowering begins at the end of July and ends in September. If the plant is at the beginning of the flowering period in the shade, then the inflorescences have green color. In the sun - white. By the end of flowering, they turn pink. Limelight has slightly velvety leaves. By autumn, the emerald shade of the foliage is replaced by purple.

To grow hydrangea in the garden, it is necessary to maintain constant humidity. It is best to plant seedlings in the sun. Despite the fact that adult plants are quite frost-resistant, young bushes must be covered for the winter.

  • Little Lime

Dwarf shrub, reaching no more than 70 cm in height. It can be up to one meter wide. Flowering time begins in July and ends in October. It resembles hydrangea Limelight inflorescences. At the beginning of flowering, they have a white-green color in the shade and green in the sun. At the end of the flowering period, the inflorescence becomes pink. The only difference between these two species is only the size of the bush.

Frost-resistant species, does not require shelter for the winter. It is best planted in moist, well-drained and fertile soils. It can tolerate standing water very well.

  • Magical Candle

The shrub reaches a height of two meters, a width of one and a half meters. Medzhikal Kendall is characterized by a spreading crown. The leaves are velvety, have an elongated shape. The inflorescences are cone-shaped, have a pleasant aroma. The flowering time begins in mid-June and ends in September. At the beginning of flowering, the petals have a creamy, sometimes greenish, tint. Then they turn pink. At the end of flowering become crimson.

This type of hydrangea is best planted in the shade. Prefers acidic soil. Handles pruning well. Like most varieties, it is frost-resistant.

  • Pink Diamond

Plant height up to two meters, width - up to one meter, erect stem. Flowering time from late July to October. The inflorescences are paniculate. At the beginning of flowering, the flowers are white, later they turn pink and by the end of flowering they have a crimson hue. In the spring, the plant needs pruning. It is characterized by frost resistance, but it is better to cover young bushes for the winter.

  • Fraise Melba

The height of the bush is up to two meters, the width is also yes, two meters. It has a spreading crown, vertical shoots and an unusual pointed shape of foliage. It grows quite slowly, but with proper care, already at the age of two, it reaches a height of up to 2 meters.

Flowering time begins in July and ends in September. A feature of this variety is that three colors can be present on one inflorescence. The petals open white and then turn pink. By autumn they become wine-red.

Branches require a garter. In order to get lush inflorescences, you need to prune in the spring.

  • Phantom

The height of the bush is up to two meters, the width is up to two meters. A distinctive feature of the Phantom variety is its unique honey aroma. Flowering time begins in July and ends in September. At the beginning of flowering, the petals are cream-colored, closer to autumn they become pink, and the tops begin to turn yellow. In the middle latitude, if there are severe frosts in winter, then the young bush may freeze slightly. Therefore, in the fall it needs to be covered with a layer of mulch.

  • Silver Dollar

This name was obtained because of the unusual flowering. At the beginning of the flowering time, the petals are white with a light green tint, and towards the end they acquire a silvery-pink color. Flowering begins in July and ends in September. It belongs to tall shrubs, it can reach a height of two meters, a width of two and a half meters.

Able to withstand even severe frosts (down to -29 degrees). But in the first year after planting, it is better to cover the root system. Due to the fact that the bush has strong shoots, it does not need to be tied up.

  • Sunday Fraise (Sundae Fraise)

Small, fairly compact shrub. The height of the shrub is about 1.3 m, the width is 1.2 m. The flowering time of Sunday Frize begins in mid-June and ends in October. At the beginning of flowering, the petals are white in color, and towards the end they acquire a lilac-pink hue.

This variety is very resistant to various diseases and insects. Frost-resistant. It is better to plant on fertile soils, prefers to grow in areas that are located in the shade.

  • Pinky Winky

Despite the fact that the Pinky Winky variety was obtained more than 10 years ago, it still belongs to one of the the best varieties hydrangea paniculata. The height of the bush reaches two meters, the width is one and a half meters. The shrub has a wide, rounded crown, which becomes 30 cm larger every year. The flowering time begins at the end of June and ends in September. At the beginning of flowering, the petals have a milky hue, by the end of flowering they acquire a pink-purple color. A distinctive feature is the foliage of the shrub, in the summer it is green, and closer to autumn it becomes an intense purple color.

This variety can withstand severe frosts (up to -25 degrees). It is better to cover young seedlings so that they do not freeze. This can be done using burlap or spruce branches.

Planting a plant

For planting and caring for paniculate hydrangea, you do not need to spend a lot of time. In order for the hydrangea to take root quickly, it is necessary to learn how to properly plant the hydrangea. It is also important to choose a place where to plant a hydrangea. The soil must be acidic. It is best to choose a place in the shade.

The question of when to plant a hydrangea can be answered based on whether it is a young bush or an adult.

Young bushes are best planted in spring(in May), adults - in autumn(in September).

Propagation is by cuttings or individual bushes.

How to plant hydrangea:

  • you need to dig a big hole. Optimal size- 80x80x60 cm;
  • then you need to moisten the soil well (2 buckets of water);
  • sand and humus are poured into the pit (1 part);
  • peat and fertile soil (2 parts);
  • urea and potassium sulfate (25 gr);
  • superphosphate (65 gr);
  • then cover the composition with earth;
  • after that, plant panicled hydrangea in the pit, leaving no more than five buds on it;
  • it is necessary to dig the plant with soil so that the root neck is located on the same level with the ground;
  • then you need to water the bush with plenty of water.

If several hydrangea bushes are planted nearby, then the distance between them should be at least 1.5 m, since the bush grows very strongly.

It is important to remember that lime should not be added to the soil mixture for shrubs. It adversely affects the growth of hydrangeas.

shrub care

Planting and care in the open field is the main thing that a grower needs to know about panicle hydrangea. Caring for hydrangea is easy, it is quite unpretentious. How to grow panicled hydrangea so that it gives lush bloom is of interest to many.

Hydrangea paniculata is a rather moisture-loving plant.

It is better to water it every other day, and on dry days every day with plenty of water.

Soil moisture must be maintained constantly. You can mulch the soil so that water stays in the ground longer. This is especially true if it is not possible to water the flower every day.

It also needs to be fed once every two weeks. The first feeding is done when the soil thaws. Simultaneously with top dressing, the plant is watered. This is necessary for that. To make the bush grow faster. You can feed with a solution of mullein or mineral mixtures. You can feed with fertilizers that acidify the soil. In this case, you can use fertilizer for azaleas. Despite the fact that the hydrangea is unpretentious, it is advisable to weed it at least once a month so that the roots have access to oxygen and moisture.

Young bushes need a garter, as they may not support the weight of the inflorescences. This will cause the stems to break under the weight.

Periodically you need to cut the plant. Doing so better in spring. With garden shears, shoots up to 3-4 buds are removed from the bush. This is necessary in order for the bush to be lush. Inflorescences are cut in autumn, otherwise, under the weight of snow, they can break the stems.

Most varieties of hydrangea do not need shelter for the winter. Even harsh winters the flower is able to survive. Only young bushes need to be covered.

Hydrangea paniculata will look great in any garden. Its unpretentiousness in care and frost resistance make it very popular among flower growers. In order for it to grow and give lush flowering, it must be remembered that it loves moisture. Periodically you need to do top dressing. Soil moisture must be maintained constantly. It can grow both in the shade and in the sun. It depends on the selected variety. Before planting a bush, you need to make sure that acidic soil is selected for planting. If not, then it needs to be acidified. Hydrangea prefers only acidic soils. Some varieties can change the shade of the petals depending on the level of soil acidity.

I dream of those times when not only in private gardens, but also on the streets and in city parks, instead of banal and very expensive flower beds from annuals, stylish perennial compositions will appear. And the main character in such compositions should be the hydrangea paniculata. This is one of the few shrubs that blooms from mid-summer until early winter. Even in cold and rainy October, the huge hydrangea inflorescences are still good, although touched by wilting.

Hydrangea is a very stylish shrub. It, like no other, is in tune with our climate, the discreet beauty of nature. And she is ready to put up with the gas pollution of megacities and with harsh winters. Did you know that panicle hydrangea grows equally well both in the Crimea and in the Komi Republic? Of course, its winter hardiness is not unlimited, but the study of the plant in many botanical gardens in our country is increasingly expanding the geography of normal wintering of this species. For example, in the Leningrad region, a successful wintering of hydrangea was recorded in a year when the temperature dropped to -43. So far, the results of studying the cultivation of hydrangeas in the Altai Territory are disappointing: the aerial part freezes heavily, but in summer the shoots grow back, which gives gardeners hope to pick up varieties that can bloom profusely in a short summer.

Let's figure out what paniculate hydrangea likes and dislikes, how to grow powerful bushes with large and numerous inflorescences, how and when to prune, whether it is necessary to cover.

Hydrangea in Latin - Hydrangea, i.e. in translation - a vessel for water. These are the key words in understanding what this plant needs. Regular and abundant watering. The hotter and drier the climate, the more water it consumes. Surely you, having arrived at the dacha after a hot week, found leaves hanging like rags on hydrangea branches. But it was worth pouring a couple of buckets of water under the bush, as the leaves acquired turgor.

That's why point one in the list of "what hydrangea loves" - water. Irrigation, including late autumn the so-called moisture-charging. Reduces the evaporation of water from the soil mulching the trunk circle. For hydrangeas, the most organic mulch is a mixture of pine needles and bark. When choosing a place and planting, keep in mind: hydrangea loves to drink water, but does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water in the root zone at all.

Second point– well structured, but with high content clay particles soil. If you have light soil with a predominance of sand, then when planting under each bush, add at least a bucket of clay. But too heavy, clogged soils are harmful, so their structure is improved with sand. It is very important that the soil is highly fertile, so high-quality humus, compost is what you need to plant hydrangeas. AND essential condition- acid reaction of the soil. The best option is pH 5.1-5.5.

Third paragraph- protection from direct sunlight at noon. This is especially important in the southern regions. It has been noticed that in too open sunny places, the growth of hydrangea slows down, and the inflorescences become smaller even with good care.

Landing and care rules

Think carefully about where your hydrangea will grow, because you plant it every 30-40 years. And she will not be a small bush that touched you in the garden center. Hydrangea paniculata can grow up to 2.5 m in height and take from 2 to 3 m in diameter. So right place and a carefully prepared landing pit. Like under fruit tree put in it a bucket of humus, 200-250 g of superphosphate and 100-150 g of potassium sulfate. No ash, let alone lime! If the soil is alkaline or neutral, then add acidic peat.

It is better to plant a seedling with ACS in the spring, and in pots - at any time, but no later than mid-August. After planting, water abundantly and mulch with a layer of at least 6-8 cm.

A year after planting, fertilizing begins. In the spring, urea is used (20 g per 10 liters of water), in the summer - with a solution of mullein (only once!), And at the end of August, complex mineral fertilizer free of nitrogen, chlorine and calcium. This diet affects appearance hydrangeas: large leaves, long inflorescences and many flowers. If chlorosis appears on the leaves, then it is urgent to do an analysis for acidity and, accordingly, add acidifiers to the water for irrigation (for example, 5-6 g iron sulphate per 10 liters of water). And be sure to spray a couple of times on the leaves with a solution of ferovit.

Do not abuse organic top dressing and do not mulch the soil with humus. The best mulch is sour peat, pine needles and bark. Renew the mulch layer annually.

Hydrangea paniculata does not require shelter for the winter, but it is better to mulch very small plants in the first year after planting so that the upper buds do not freeze for the first time snowless frosts. And we have them often and quite severe. Yes, and the bark can burst on the shoots. For adult hydrangeas, a flaky (but not cracked!) bark is, in general, the norm, but in young shoots, even small cracks can cause warming.

Secateurs and steady hand

Imagine that you went under the knife of a plastic surgeon, and at the most crucial moment he “regretted” cutting off what so prevented you from being dazzlingly beautiful for complete happiness. Represented? And I can imagine your reaction.

So, hydrangeas for beauty are very important so that you do not "sorry" to cut off all unnecessary. Your hand should be firm, the pruner sharp, and there was a clear plan of action in your head. Only in this case, the plant will delight you with its abundant flowering.

First you need to decide how many trunks your hydrangea will be. Of course, it looks very impressive on a trunk 50-70 cm high, but this is a separate issue, how to form such a tree. But most of all, hydrangea in gardens is grown in the form of a shrub of 3-4 trunks. Therefore, all shoots growing below or parallel to the ground are cut into a ring.

In the year of planting, be sure to remove all inflorescences from a seedling less than 3 years old, cut off the shoots at a height of 2-3 pairs of leaves.

In the spring of the second year of planting, the young hydrangea must be cut off, leaving 3-4 pairs of leaves on each shoot.

In autumn, without delay, be sure to cut off all the inflorescences (marked in red). This will lighten the bush and protect it from sticking wet snow, which can damage both the bush itself and the buds. Follow this rule for the rest of the history of your bush.

In the spring, before the awakening of the kidneys, two types of pruning are carried out: sanitary and shaping.

Sanitary pruning involves cutting out all weak and frozen, broken and damaged shoots into a ring. Be sure to remove weak shoots in the center of the bush.

Formative pruning involves removing excess shoots in the root zone and shortening annual shoots (marked in blue). On each annual shoot, 3-5 pairs of buds are left. This technique will allow you to increase the number of inflorescences every year. It is known that a properly formed 6-year-old bush has at least 50-60 inflorescences, and after 6 years their number can exceed 300 pieces.

The old bush is periodically rejuvenated by removing a branch with perennial wood "on the stump". This allows a young replacement shoot to grow, which, by the way, will bloom in summer.

Hydrangea paniculata is unusual plant amazing beauty, which has many types. It can be grown both at home in large pots and in your garden. Today we will tell you everything about the planting and care of paniculate hydrangea in the open field.

In the wild, paniculate hydrangea is found in the form of a shrub and small trees up to 10 m in height. Natural habitats are the southern shores of Sakhalin, China and the islands of Japan. Here the hydrangea grows in the form of trees.

In our latitudes, hydrangea also grows well, but not more than 3 m in height. She is accustomed to the heat of the south of the country, and to the frosts of the Urals and Siberia. However, the territory of central Russia, the Moscow region, is especially well suited for its cultivation. With proper care, the bush will add 25-30 cm every year.

Panicled hydrangea in the garden looks very picturesque. Flowering begins in early July and lasts until the first frost. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long resemble panicles in shape. They grow small flowers, which can be of 2 types:

  • bisexual (small in size, after pollination, the petals quickly fall off);
  • sterile (about 3 cm, do not fall off for a long time).

In many species of this plant, the petals change color. At first they are creamy, then gradually become pink, then turn green or redden.

The leaves are oval in shape, quite large - they reach a length of 10-12 cm. They have a velvety texture, and there is also a slight pubescence. Leaf plates abundantly cover the branches.

Hydrangea paniculata is considered a long-liver. On average, it grows for about 60 years.

The following varieties of hydrangea paniculata are most optimally suited for growing on our territory:

  • Pinky Winky;
  • Grandiflora;
  • Polar bear;
  • Kyushu;
  • Tardiva;
  • Limelight;
  • Vanilla fries;
  • Phantom;
  • Mega Pearl.

Every year, hydrangea varieties are updated. You can always choose suitable grade and plant it in your yard. However, before that, you should definitely find out if it is suitable for growing in your climate or not.

Hydrangea is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. This can be done at home, but keep in mind that planting in open ground will not occur before two years. This is a very laborious and slow process. It is best to buy ready-made seedlings for planting.

Getting ready to land

Planting hydrangea paniculata, as well as subsequent care for it, does not require special skills. The shrub grows quickly, it begins to bloom already for 2-3 years. But still, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules in order to properly plant hydrangeas in open ground. These include:

  1. Landing place. Choose areas that are protected from strong winds and with good lighting. It should be borne in mind that it blooms best in partial shade, that is, it will be great if a shrub or tree grows nearby. Best planted on the east side of the garden.
  2. Terms of planting hydrangeas. In a cold climate, seedlings should be planted in early May, in the southern regions - in September.
  3. soil and acidity. Hydrangea grows very well on fertile and clay soils that are rich in humus. It grows worse on red soils. Sandy soils are completely contraindicated. Optimal indicator acidity is pH 5.3-6.0. That is, the soil should be slightly acidic, so you can ensure maximum brightness of the inflorescences. On neutral soil, the inflorescences are pale in color, and the bush grows slowly.
  4. Buying seedlings. Give preference to seedlings only with a closed root system, as they are less likely to be susceptible to any diseases. Seedlings can be bought at garden shops and flower fairs.

Step-by-step instructions for planting paniculate hydrangea

The technology for planting panicled garden hydrangea is as follows:

  1. 2-4 weeks before planting, completely clear the area of ​​plant debris and dig a shovel onto a bayonet.
  2. Dig holes 40-50 cm deep and 70 * 70 cm wide. If you plan to do hedge, then dig a continuous groove of the same size. The distance between the holes can be from 1 m to 2.5 m - it all depends on the particular variety.
  3. Prepare the soil mix. The composition includes leaf land, sod land, peat and humus in equal amounts. Nutrients should also be added there: 25 g of potassium sulfate, 70 g of superphosphate and 25 g of urea. In no case should you add chalk, lime and wood ash.
  4. Fill the planting holes with the prepared soil mixture.
  5. After 2-4 weeks, re-dig the holes. For planting take hydrangea seedlings 3-4 years old. If they were with open roots, then they should be shortened a little.
  6. On the cone of soil mixture, place the seedling on required depth and carefully fill the hole. The root neck should be located at ground level, a maximum of 1-2 cm below. Tamp the soil with your palms.
  7. Pour the bush with 10 liters of warm, settled water and mulch. Sawdust, bark or peat are well suited as mulch.

Below is a photo of planting hydrangea paniculata:

Garden hydrangea is a heat-loving plant that needs fertile soil and a sufficient amount of moisture. If you want to grow a strong and healthy shrub, do not neglect this instruction.

Care after landing

It is impossible to grow panicle hydrangea without proper care. It includes several factors, each of which we will analyze in more detail:

1. Watering. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving flower. In the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture, development is disturbed, so drought is strictly contraindicated. It is recommended to water every 2 weeks with 20 liters of water, in hot weather - 1 time per week, and in rainy summer - 1 time per month.

2-3 g of potassium permanganate can be added to the water for irrigation to prevent the development of rot. Watering should be in the near-trunk circle in the morning or in the evening, when the scorching sun is not standing. Do not forget to loosen the soil 5 cm deep after each watering and remove weeds.

2. Mulching. After watering, sprinkle the soil with peat chips or needles. This will prevent the moisture from evaporating quickly.

3. Top dressing. It should be applied often enough, as the shrub is fast-flowering. In the spring, water the hydrangea with a solution of urea (20 g per 10 liters of water). Under large bushes, at least 20 liters should be poured.

At the beginning of the growing season good result can be achieved by making nettle infusion, and then immediately a bucket of water. Mullein solution should be applied every 2 weeks. It is prepared simply: fill a bucket of manure with 3 liters of water and let it brew for 3 days, after which dilute 1 liter of infusion in 10 liters of water and pour over the bush. When the first buds appear, apply 2 mineral top dressings (70 g superphosphate + 45 g potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water) with a two-week break between each top dressing.

4. Pruning in spring and autumn. All varieties of panicled hydrangea need pruning. In November, all dry inflorescences should be cut off so that they do not create additional weight on the branches in winter. In the spring, before sap flow begins, you should completely get rid of improperly located and weak shoots. Those affected by frost runaway should be cut back to a healthy location. Annual shoots should be shortened by a third. In time and correctly trimmed hydrangea blooms very profusely.

5. Shelter for the winter. After removing faded inflorescences, it is necessary to prepare for winter. Paniculata hydrangeas tree type can not be hidden. They are winter-hardy - simple mulching is enough for them. In the conditions of the Moscow region, Middle lane, North-West, Siberia and the Urals, hydrangea should be covered.

To do this, the bush is spudded with soil, and the trunk circle should be mulched with needles, rotted manure or peat. After the branches, be very careful to bend them to the ground so that they do not break. Cover them with spruce branches, sawdust or dry leaves. Place a box or box on top of the bush. Carefully tie large bushes, make a frame shelter (a kind of "hut") and pour dry foliage there. Winter shelter should be dismantled gradually, you can start in April.

Caring for a hydrangea is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to water and feed in time, then the risk of damage by diseases and pests will be minimized. Do not forget about pruning, then lush flowering will be provided.

Panicled hydrangea can fit into any landscape design. From it you can grow a hedge, plant in pairs. It will look great as a single plant.

Planting hydrangea paniculata will decorate problem areas of the garden. Caring for a culture, of course, requires certain skills and efforts. However, one has only to look at the photo of this beauty to make sure - the game is worth the candle!

Description of hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata is a genus of shrubs and trees from the Saxifrage family. Comes from Far East. The height of the hydrangea panicle bush reaches 3 meters (some varieties up to 10 m). Shoots upright, spreading. From the second year of vegetation, the stems become woody. The leaves are opposite, large, finely serrated.

Hydrangea pleases gardeners with a long flowering period

Panicle hydrangea differs from other species in the shape of the inflorescence. Many small graceful flowers are collected in panicles of a pyramidal shape. Peak-shaped inflorescences reach up to 30 cm in length and 20 cm in width. It blooms very profusely, forming a chic crown, from June to October. The first flowering occurs at 3-4 years of growth. The color of the flowers is a chameleon: by autumn, the white color will change to pink.

An adult hydrangea panicle bush is completely winter-hardy. Grows on acidic and gassed soils, in shaded areas, very moisture-loving. Long-liver - grows up to 60 years. Hydrangea paniculata is an excellent honey plant and will decorate any, even the most specific part of the garden.

Popular varieties of hydrangea paniculata

  1. Grandiflora("Grandiflora") is a common popular variety. Fast growing shrub with large flowers. During the flowering period, it changes color four times: when blooming inflorescences - cream; full bloom- white, turning into pink; in autumn - red-green. Blooms somewhat later than other varieties.

    Grade "Grandiflora"

  2. "Kyushu"("Kiushu") - reaches a height of three meters, is distinguished by a sprawling fan-shaped crown. Flowers have a pleasant aroma.

    Sort "Kyushu"

  3. Mathilda("Matilda") - a bush up to two meters in height. The crown of the bush reaches 3 m in diameter. The flowers change color from cream to red-green.

    Sort "Mathilda"

  4. "Pink Diamond"("Pink Diamond") - differs in very large inflorescences, over time acquiring an almost red color.

    Sort "Pink Diamond"

  5. Brussels Lace("Brussels Leys") - a rare variety. Forms many inflorescences with fruiting flowers. Looks tender, like a bride.

    Variety "Brussels Lace"

  6. "Tardiva"("Tardiva") - characterized by late flowering (August - October). The height of the bush is up to three meters, the inflorescences are located at the ends of the shoots. Used for group landings.

    Variety "Tardiva"

A variety of varieties of hydrangea paniculata will help you choose the one that is right for you.

Planting hydrangea paniculata

Before planting paniculate hydrangea, you need to choose the right place.

Illumination. Hydrangea is planted in semi-shaded areas. On open areas hydrangea will grow poorly, and the inflorescences will shrink.

Hydrangea should be planted in partial shade. Where other shrubs will grow poorly, she will feel great.

The soil. The plant prefers fertile clay or loamy soil. Does not develop in sandy soil. The soil for growing hydrangeas should be acidic, so flowering will be plentiful, and the color of the flowers will be brighter. It is possible to acidify the soil by preliminary introducing semi-rotted needles, sawdust, brown peat into it.

Important! It is impossible to make deoxidizers under hydrangea - lime, dolomite flour, ash.

Humidity. Hydrangea is a very moisture-loving plant and may not be able to endure neighborhoods with the same “drink lovers”. To preserve moisture under the crown, it is recommended to plant ground cover flowers: saxifrage and stonecrop.

Planting a hydrangea is very easy.

Panicle hydrangea planting is carried out in early spring and autumn. The planting hole should be wide, up to 70 cm in diameter, for even distribution of the roots. The recess is filled with a portion of mineral or organic fertilizers and moisturized. When planting a hydrangea seedling, the root neck should not be buried. Covered with soil and rammed landing pit you need to pour plenty of water.

Advice. In autumn, panicle hydrangea can be planted only in the southern regions. In all others - only in the spring.

The distance between planted bushes is at least one and a half meters. In group plantings of hydrangeas, in order to achieve a quick closing of the crowns, seedlings can be planted at a smaller distance from each other. As they grow, such plantings thin out.

Hydrangea panicle care

Hydrangea paniculata is a rather demanding and capricious plant. Proper care help to achieve a bright abundant flowering on a strong healthy bush.

Watering. Abundant and regular (in a drought at least twice a week). After watering, the soil must be loosened without cracking the top layer. The solution to the problem will be mulching with needles or peat.

Mulching hydrangeas

Top dressing. Hydrangea is very responsive to fertilization. At the beginning of growth, it will be useful to add a diluted nettle infusion. Mineral dressings are applied carefully, without excess, but regularly (every 10 days). It is preferable to use water-soluble fertilizers and apply them along with irrigation. From organics, slurry and diluted bird droppings are perfect.

Important! The interval for applying dressings for hydrangea should not exceed 15 days. Otherwise, flowering will be sparse and faded.

pruning. Annually, hydrangea bushes need to be cut short. So they will retain their attractiveness for a long time and bloom profusely.

In autumn, all remaining inflorescences, old and weak shoots growing inside the bush, are cut off from the bush. It is recommended to leave 10-12 strong shoots in winter.

Hydrangea pruning

Spring pruning is carried out before bud break. The shoots of an adult bush are cut into 2-3 buds, a young one - by 3-5. Such pruning will allow the bush to gain strength over the summer and meet the winter fully armed. Flowering becomes more lush.

Important! Pruning is required for hydrangea paniculata. Otherwise, the bush develops poorly and does not bloom.

Old bushes need to be rejuvenated from time to time. To do this, the shoots are cut under the stump. The bush is fully restored in two years. Standard methods of growing hydrangea paniculata require more gentle pruning.

Shelter. Young seedlings require winter shelter spruce branches or other materials. In regions with a harsh climate, adult bushes also need to be covered.

Do not neglect the shelter of the bush for the winter

A photo of panicled hydrangea in the garden conveys all its beauty and inspires you to overcome the difficulties of growing.

Reproduction of hydrangea

Hydrangea paniculata reproduces in the following ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. cuttings.
  3. layering.

It should be noted right away that the propagation of hydrangeas by seeds is not justified. The seeds are very small, give unfriendly seedlings, grading is lost, a flowering bush can be obtained only after four years.

hydrangea seeds

The most common propagation method is cuttings. Cuttings are cut from one-year-old mature shoots. Usually ripening occurs in June, when the hydrangea releases buds.

Important! Cuttings cut in spring and autumn do not root well.

Rules for cutting cuttings:

  • the cutting must have at least three pairs of buds;
  • lower cut under the kidney at a distance of 2 cm;
  • the upper cut above the kidney at a distance of 5 cm (if the shoot is a small upper cut, you can not do it);
  • the lower leaves are removed, 1-2 leaves are left at the top;
  • the remaining sheets are cut in half.

Chopped shoots need to be soaked in water for several days. Hydrangea is very capricious during reproduction, therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, it is recommended to treat the cuttings with a growth stimulator.

cutting hydrangea cuttings

Cuttings are rooted in containers with a sand-peat mixture (1: 2). Deepens planting material by 2/3. The soil mixture is covered with a layer of sand from above so that the bottom of the cutting does not reach the peat mixture. Seedlings are covered with banks and placed in the shade.

It is very important to maintain constant moisture in the containers, otherwise the cuttings will not take root. Spraying and watering should be done every day. The first roots will appear after three weeks. Now the banks can be removed and continue to water the seedlings regularly.

For the winter, containers should be placed in a cool, but frost-free place. During this period, you need to monitor the condition of the plant and prevent the appearance of fungus.

By cuttings you will get a young plant by next year

Seedlings are planted in open ground in August of the following year. By this time, the stalk will already acquire young shoots. If flower buds appeared during this period, they need to be cut off so that the plant can gain strength. A young seedling needs to be covered for the winter, and only after the first flowering is the bush considered winter-hardy.

Getting panicled hydrangea layering is quite simple. One-year-old mature shoots bend down into a dug groove, 20-25 cm deep. Shallow incisions are first made on the stem at the intended site of root germination. In the ditch, the layer is pinned or fixed with a stone. The upper part of the shoot must be above the ground, always in a vertical position. The trench is covered with earth and moistened.

Hydrangea easily propagated by layering

Already next spring, layering will give young shoots. It is not worth rushing to separate them from the mother bush. This can be done in a year, when the young will gain enough strength. All varietal properties of the mother bush are preserved.

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea in the garden is affected by many diseases and pests. To the most dangerous diseases relate:

The fight against diseases must be carried out in a timely manner with special preparations and do not forget about preventive measures.

Snails can significantly damage hydrangea leaves

Hydrangea panicle pests:

  • snails - feed on foliage;
  • aphids and spider mite- located on the underside of the leaf, they feed on the juice of the plant;
  • pennitsa and bedbugs are larger sucking pests;
  • leaf beetle, leafworm, weevil - gnaw and twist foliage;
  • nematodes - live in the tissues of the roots.

Important! During the flowering of paniculate hydrangea, spraying with chemicals is not recommended.

Weak plants cannot resist diseases. Cultivation of zoned varieties, compliance with agricultural technology, preventive spring spraying Bordeaux mixture, removal of dried branches - these are the activities that will help to avoid the misfortune of most diseases.


Plants damaged by nematodes and viral infections must be removed.

Hydrangea paniculata is a very capricious beauty. Growing it is fraught with many difficulties. But when the first huge inflorescences appear, all the difficulties are forgotten, and you just want to enjoy this incredible miracle of nature.

Flowering hydrangea paniculata: video

Varieties and types of hydrangea: photo