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How to work with a patterned roller. Features of the application and varieties of textured rollers. We make a roller with our own hands

Once upon a time, plaster served as the basis for painting work. Now it is used for interior decoration. With textured rollers for decorative plaster the finishing process is not particularly difficult. Such products make it possible to obtain various images on the surface that imitate the texture of leather or tree bark, the effect of a fur coat or stone.

Applying decorative plaster with a roller (photo No. 1) is often used in interior decoration. It is used both inside and outside the building. It has high wear-resistant qualities, water resistance, forms a very durable layer after drying. Certain patterns or floral ornaments can be applied to the mixture that has not yet dried. For this, the masters use a roller for textured plaster. This tool can be purchased for the home and used with your own hands. The surface will be beautiful and without any seams.

The embossed roller for decorative plaster can be of the following form:

  • rubber;
  • wood;
  • foam;
  • foam;
  • leather;
  • plastic;
  • nappy.

Rubber products (photo No. 2) have convex patterns on their surface. If this tool is pressed into the surface of a fresh layer, then patterns in the form of birds and animals, plants and geometric shapes. Plastering can be done in two main ways:

  • first applied ready decorative composition on the wall, after light hardening, finishing is performed;
  • on a pre-made single-layer plaster, a new layer is applied with a roller, which is dipped into the decorative mixture.

The solution itself should differ from the usual fine grain. It should not contain any solvents. They are able to corrode foam rubber coatings, which will leave ugly marks on the surface.

A wooden product is often made by hand. Slots are made on its surface with a sharp knife or special tools, forming a pattern. There are rollers and industrial production. But the wood absorbs moisture from the plaster and gradually swells. The pattern takes the wrong form. You need to dry the roller well, then continue to apply patterns.

A foam product is an analogue of a rubber tool, but cheaper. Its quality is very low, the service life is short. Styrofoam is able to flatten during operation. This leads to the fact that the pattern on the processed wall may not be exactly what is expected.

Applying the finished composition with a tool made of leather allows you to get the effect of marble. Elastic skin leaves beautiful stains on the surface, reminiscent of a stone coating. This effect is applied when applying Venetian plaster. The roller must be made only from genuine leather. Artificial may either leave no marks on the surface at all, or spoil the plaster layer.

A plastic roller is cheaper than a rubber counterpart. With its help, many patterns and various textures are created. This relief tool has holes and holes on its surface, which form bulges on the wall. Its disadvantage is that plastic is able to deform over time, become covered with cracks.

Fleecy rollers can create the effect of a fur coat on the wall (photo No. 3). Pile is of different lengths, natural and artificial. Its value ranges from 2 to 25 mm. The longer the pile, the shaggy fur coat on the surface of the wall. Keep the villi on the case firmly, otherwise they can ruin the expensive decorative coating.

Application of decorative plaster

Each room needs its own patterns and structural roller. In the kitchen and in the hallway you can imitate brickwork. In the bedroom, this pattern is unlikely to look beautiful. You can apply a decorative mixture and homemade tools, if it was not possible to purchase the ones you need in the store.

You can make a textured roller with your own hands from foam. Patterns are cut out with a regular sharp knife. If you need the texture of textiles, it is better to use natural materials. On a simple foam roller, a strip of canvas fabric is wound and fastened with threads. The decorative mixture on the wall can even be processed with improvised means, for which it is convenient to use a rolling pin from the kitchen or massage rollers.

How to make a plaster coating with your own hands? First you need to prepare the walls. Their surface must be cleaned from the old coating, from dust, then treated with a primer. After the mortar dries, putty is applied to level the walls. This is done with spatulas 40 to 60 cm wide. When the composition hardens, decorative plaster can be applied.

The dry mixture is combined with water according to the instructions and mixed well until the desired homogeneous consistency is achieved. Applying plaster on the walls is carried out in a thin layer equal to 2-4 mm. This is done again with a wide spatula. After 10 minutes, the solution begins to thicken. This is the time to start working with a textured roller. It is rolled from top to bottom without much pressure. You should immediately get a certain pattern.

Finishing is best done together: one person applies the plaster, the other works with a roller. Further surface treatment is carried out after 48 hours. A dried wall can be completely painted or individual patterns can be highlighted. This can be done with a roller with a short or long pile.

When working with textured tools, you need to remember and follow a few rules:

  • do not press hard on the tool;
  • make the second track on the border of the previous strip, avoiding overlaps;
  • make all movements in one direction;
  • at long work the structural tool wears out, it needs to be changed in time;
  • very embossed pattern after drying can be smoothed with a wet sanding mesh.

Conclusion on the topic

Typically, decorative plaster is used in public buildings, but it can also be done at home. on your own. To do this, you need to purchase or make with your own hands a relief roller for plaster with patterns and decorative material in the form of a powder or ready-made solution. The mixture is sold in sealed containers. When applying plaster with a roller, you do not need to use respirators or gloves, as the material is non-toxic and does not pose a danger to human health.

After work, textured rollers for decorative plaster must be washed well in running water and dry.

You started a renovation and decided to give the walls in your house unusual view creating a cozy atmosphere. Beyond Choice color solution, you can give the walls an original texture.

Textured plaster can transform the look of your room. To do this, you will certainly need a special textured, aka structural, roller.

These rollers from various materials(rubber, wooden, linoleum) are presented in assortment on the shelves of hardware stores.

Rollers with a textured surface are used for embossing on damp plaster, the depth of the relief should not exceed five millimeters. During operation, the roller itself must also be wet.

But you can make this tool at home. For manufacturing, you will need the following materials: - a used but serviceable roller; - a clothesline or a thin cord (half a meter will be enough); - a plastic bag; - adhesive tape; - a knife; - scissors.

Try on a small section of the wall several options with different decorative patterns and choose the one that suits you best.

First option

Author's roller made of clothesline. Wrap the old roller with rope or cord. A roller made in this way gives a regular pattern with clear lines. A distinct texture rhythm is created, which you can control by making a different number of passes.

The type of pattern can also be adjusted by the thickness of the rope being wound, the direction and frequency of winding. This roller applies a pattern of depressions.

Second option

If you have a foam roller left from past repairs, you can put it into action. The foam roller will create a bulge pattern.

Use a knife to make a few cuts on the roller. You can make cutouts with scissors. The wider the neckline, the wider the bulge that builds the pattern will be. On the roller, you can combine the types of cuts, you can also come up with your own methods of application.

A textured roller can be made with your own hands from a roller with a soft sleeve by tying the surface of its sleeve with a thread in several places. On a foam roller, apply a pattern with a knife

Rollers for decorative plaster will help to add a stylish design to the room and make it unusual. It is amazing that such an affordable and familiar wall leveling tool has become a full-fledged tool for decorative finishing. The secret of the transformation lies in textured rollers, which allow you to create a figured print on the wall that imitates Various types surfaces, for example, the texture of stone, wood, leather, "fur coat", etc.

With the help of figured rollers, you can easily create a picture on the wall

Varieties of rollers

For a long time, craftsmen have been working on walls with improvised means: sponges, a comb, a hard brush. Today assortment building tools for decoration, it allows you to find a roller with a ready-made relief that is suitable for the plan, which, after processing the plastered wall, turn it into real three-dimensional images. Variations of roller cylinder coatings:

  • rubber;
  • foam rubber;
  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • silicone;
  • textile;
  • leather.

Before choosing a roller, you need to decide on the desired pattern on the wall

Tools with a soft surface, such as fur, create a “fur coat” effect on the plaster. Marble finishing is obtained with a fabric roller with a crinkled fabric, and a leather surface gives a finish similar to natural stone. As a rule, they work with such rollers when it is necessary to process a painted surface. Standard foam cylinders can be upgraded with twine, thread, and foam pieces to create natural patterns such as tree bark.

Features of structural plaster rollers

If you are interested in a more pronounced decor, then you can not do without hard-coated rollers. Their cost is an order of magnitude higher than conventional pressure ones, but this is due to their high aesthetic value. Plus, you can use them multiple times. The most productive will be rubber rollers, which can have a convex pattern to get a depressed pattern or slotted to form three-dimensional textures.

Since such an innovation for decorative plaster came from Western countries, it is in their stores that a variety of textures and patterns reigns: leaves, flowers, animals, birds, geometric shapes.

Work with a structural roller is carried out in two ways - first they apply plaster, wait for some fixing, after which they finish by layer or apply plaster to the wall (already filled with putty in one layer), dipping the roller into the composition. But, basically, the second method is used to carry out patterned coloring by creating prints with this rubber product.

Stages of wall plastering

Before applying decorative plaster, the wall must be carefully prepared

In order for the plaster to last longer and not crack, it is necessary to pre-treat. To do this, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt, old wallpaper, dust and a primer is applied to it. Then, for leveling, they pass with putty. For puttying, spatulas with a size of 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm are used. Putty application should be uniform. And don't push too hard.

After the first layer of putty has dried, it is necessary to apply a second one using a 600 mm spatula. Putty must be applied and smoothed in two mutually perpendicular directions. Then you can proceed to the decoration process, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Dry plaster is mixed with water, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Then they apply the mixture to the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm in order to move on to creating a decor, or more dense if it is also necessary to level the surface. Smooth out with a spatula.
  3. They give ten minutes for the composition to thicken, and they begin to pass the textured roller from top to bottom, forming a pattern. It is more convenient to work in pairs, when the first person is applying plaster, and the second creates a relief, for example, a “fur coat”.
  4. The subsequent processing of the wall with paint is carried out after 48 hours, as the plaster finally dries. If it is necessary to paint over the entire wall, then a roller with a long nap is bought, and to add color only to the protruding parts, they take a tool with a short nap.

Principles of accurate drawing

Using rollers for decorative plaster, you must follow a few rules:

  1. The roller is not pressed strongly against the wall, the movement should be smooth and unhurried.
  2. The application of the second ink path begins where the border of the first pattern passes, without overlap.
  3. At the ceiling, the roller needs to be pressed up a little, but keep a low pressing force further.
  4. If the pattern is too embossed, it can be smoothed out with a wet sanding mesh.

How to create a "fur coat" surface

A “fur coat” wall means that plaster is sprayed onto the surface with a broom, brush, or a special machine. "Fur coat" is especially popular for the facade surface, but it will also look interesting indoors. Modern version creating a fur coat includes the use of a textured roller, which allows you to make the layer uniform and presentable.

Facade processing under the "fur coat" is carried out in the same way as in the room. First putty is applied, plastered and carried out over the plastered layer with a pile roller. If an error occurs or you see that the plaster is uneven, you should remove the excess with a spatula. It is impossible to take breaks in the process of creating a “fur coat”, otherwise the composition will have time to dry, and there will be too noticeable a joint at the edges.

The use of structural rollers will allow you to decorate the wall as well as any repair specialist. Decorative plaster has long outgrown its main purpose (wall leveling) and is a great way to create exclusive interiors, and even in ethnic style.

empstenup/ March 15, 2016 / /

Wall processing in a room with a large area in vertical plane involves the application various tools. One of them is a decorative paint roller. With your own hands, this tool can be assembled from improvised materials, or you can purchase it already ready product. The roller is very easy to handle. Additionally sold as a set of nozzles with different texture. With their help, you can create various effects on the wall.


The design of the rollers is as simple as possible. The tool has a working part that is in direct contact with the walls, with a coloring composition. This is a plastic cylinder. There are also wooden varieties, but much less frequently. The surface of the cylinder is covered with nozzles and materials with different properties. The quality of the result of the work depends on the characteristics of these coatings.

Do-it-yourself metal bushings are pressed into through holes. The latter are located at the ends of the cylinder. The clasp handle is attached to the axis, which itself is threaded into the holes.

On the axis there is a thread from the end through which the roller is put on. A lock nut is usually placed here. Sometimes a fixing cotter pin is placed inside. It needs a recess with a different shape. The cylinder freely rotates around its axis due to the design features in the assembled form.

The handle of the tool has a smooth surface or rough. If the tool is professional, the grip area is covered with rubber. To install the tool with your own hands on the bar, a special cavity is located on the handle from the end. Thanks to this, painting the upper sections of the walls does not take much effort.

Practical use

The working part of the tool is selected individually, depending on what texture you need to apply the material with your own hands, what coating is to be processed.

First, we put the cylinder with an outer coating on the axle with our own hands. For professional tools, there are so-called single cylinders. They wear covers made of different materials.

Productivity will increase if you use only suitable texture rollers with your own hands. It also allows you to apply a coating by changing the shading in different places, use substances with different composition.

If the wall roller is of high quality, then the paint is applied without splashes and other traces. And the coating itself does not contain traces of wax. At right choice You can save a lot of time for processing large areas.

Mount type

  • The roller in thermoglued modification. In this case, the fur coat is glued to the surface of the core by the method of thermosynthesis. Such nozzles are considered durable. Therefore, they are often recommended to professional masters. No seam - important feature designs. But such devices themselves are more expensive compared to the closest analogues.
  • With knitted coats. The parts are fixed directly on the core with an adhesive base. Most often, foam rubber rollers are produced in this way. The characteristics of the adhesive used determine how high-quality and durable the tool itself for decorative finishing will be.
  • With interchangeable coats for painting. Plugs are used for fastening.

Coat materials

One or the other work surface for painting it is necessary to choose depending on the features that you will encounter when performing painting work for the walls. Case materials - the main difference between different models nozzles that are available on the modern market.

According to the results of the work, the textures of the cover and the surface of the wall will fully correspond to each other. Hiding power - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls that you can cover with your own hands at a time. The length of the pile determines what this characteristic will be.

The following materials are used in production most often. Everyone performs a decorative function in approximately the same way.

  • A polyester paint roller is a cheap tool but cannot boast of durability. The coloring composition impregnates the fibers well. No less qualitative paint is transferred to another surface. There is no pile on the finished coating.

  • Polyacrylic rollergreat option for water based paints. Or for compositions in which a minimum of aggressive substances. They have a pile with different lengths. The latter is determined by the functional characteristics of the tool.

  • Polyamide roller of artificial origin. Has high wear resistance. The material is not deformed under the influence of aggressive substances. Therefore, it can be used to apply different colors with your own hands. The fibers are most often 2 cm long.

  • Rollers with wool fibers perfectly distributed for walls paints and varnishes have good absorbency.

  • Roller with velours for walls contain polyamide fabric. On top of the product, the texture resembles plush fabrics. Suitable to work even with oil paints. The roller is good because it does not splatter the paint when applied.

  • Flock fibers are made on the basis of polyurethane. In an electrostatic field, they stick to fabric bases. These are durable and strong coats. Differ in a high rate of wear resistance. Suitable for smooth surfaces.

Foam rubber is characterized by the ability to return to its original shape after deformation. They practically do not stick. Such devices will help to apply even water-dispersion paint. But the surface is not able to withstand chemically aggressive substances.

Tools with interchangeable wall coats usually cost more. You should not choose such rollers if the work will be one-time.

A special painting ditch is a must-have addition to the purchase. Such a part is supplied with a ribbed surface. A tool soaked with paint can be rolled over it, which will allow you to remove excess material that is not needed.

Several different painting tools or replacement coats will be useful in situations where solvent formulations are used. It is recommended to wrap the tool tightly in plastic bags when you need to store it in its original state for several days.

Both painters and designers use tools to the same extent. Convex patterns on the surface will allow you to create any pattern, not only abstract, but also quite definite.

2 videos about decorative paint rollers

Types of rollers in pictures (35 photos)

If plaster is used to finish the facade, then it smooth surface, even painted in the original color, may look a little boring.

more original and interesting design help to make rollers for decorative plaster. Their relief surface will leave a textured pattern on outer wall, but at the same time the whole house will also be reliably protected from a large amount of precipitation and temperature changes with a layer of plaster.

In order to create a decorative finish on the wall, various sponges, stamps, combs and applicators are used, but they can be used if the scale of work is small. A roller allows you to quickly process a large area. In the assortment of stores there are several types of textured rollers:

  1. According to the material with which the moving cylinder is covered.
  2. According to the drawings that are created during the work.

There are also several ways to apply decorative plaster using a roller. In the first variant, still wet plaster (both colored and ordinary gray) is passed with a textured roller and the necessary pattern is created, which can be additionally painted. In the second case, the tool is dipped into the solution and the texture is already applied to the prepared flat surface.

What are textured rollers

If earlier paint was applied to a plastered wall with a metal cylinder, now the roller can perform various functions. With its help, a primer, paint and even a mortar for plaster are applied, and it will also help to make an original drawing on a large surface.

Given all the functionality, rollers for textured plaster are produced from various materials, such as:

  • foam rubber;
  • leather;
  • plastic;
  • tree
  • silicone;
  • textile;
  • rubber;
  • Styrofoam.

Foam tool

If a tool of this type is chosen for work, then you should know that the foam rubber must have sufficiently deep pores, and their diameter may differ significantly. With such features, a pattern will remain on the treated surface, which will resemble bursting bubbles or lunar craters.

Applying decorative plaster with a foam-coated roller should be easy, you should not press hard on it, because the soft base, compressing, will smooth out the entire pattern. Also, you can not use such a tool if a plaster with solvents is selected. These components will easily break the structure of the foam rubber and its particles will remain on the surface of the plaster.

In order to apply decorative plaster with an ordinary foam roller, it can be wrapped with ropes of different thicknesses, a vegetable net, or the desired pattern can be cut on it. This will be a do-it-yourself roller for decorative plaster. It will help to realize a truly original idea.

Fur or fleecy rollers

If used for work fur rollers, then a surface imitating a “fur coat” is obtained. An important point is the length of the villi. If you need a more pronounced effect, you should choose options with a long pile. Available for sale different instruments, the length of the pile ranges from 2 mm to 25 mm.

Both natural materials (natural fur) and synthetic fibers can be used as a material for the manufacture of these rollers. You need to carefully choose such a tool, the pile should not be pulled out of the base. Otherwise, when drawing a picture, the base will be damaged by the presence of unwanted villi.

leather roller

A leather-coated tool will help make the surface look like natural stone or marble. It is most often used together with Venetian plaster.

Please select a product from natural material, since synthetic analogues may be of poor quality and can ruin expensive plaster.


Textured rollers for decorative plastic plaster are considered the most budget options.

They may have bulges or depressions on the surface. various shapes. This material is not durable, after a while chips or cracks may appear on the surface of the roller, which will cause defects in the pattern.


Textured plaster can also be applied with a wooden roller. This tool can perfectly replace the most popular and durable rubber tool. It leaves a quality picture with correct use. Moreover, the tree is a rather inert material, and does not interact with chemicals plasters.

Its disadvantage is hygroscopicity. During operation, it can absorb water from the solution and, as a result, swell. This changes the size of the picture. To eliminate this drawback, you need to stop working and dry the tool thoroughly.

rubber roller

This tool is most often used to create complex textures:

  1. geometric shapes.
  2. plants.
  3. Animals.
  4. Murals.
  5. Brickwork.

It is used by professionals in their work, because the material is durable, easy to maintain and easy to work with.


This material is just as good as rubber suitable for applying complex textures and patterns. But due to the fact that the material is easily damaged during operation, when processing large surfaces, it will be necessary to change the tool several times. If the owner wants to finish on a small surface, then this will be an alternative to expensive options.

Work rules

Before proceeding to decorative trim walls, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, the walls are cleaned of all contaminants, well primed and leveled. If the base is not even, then the drawing will not turn out to be quite high-quality and uniform, it will not look aesthetically pleasing.

After the leveling layer dries, you can proceed to the decorative finish.

  1. A solution of special decorative plaster is made according to the recipe indicated on the package.
  2. Next, the mixture is applied to the wall, up to 5 mm thick.
  3. In order to get a clear picture, you need to wait a bit for the mortar to begin to solidify on the wall. Approximately 10 minutes will be enough. If you wait longer, then a thicker solution will cling to the tool, and if less, then a clear print will not work on a liquid basis. You also need to remember about the complete solidification of the plaster. Can't do a large number of solution. If not used immediately, it will solidify in the container. And if you put it all on the wall, then it will not be possible to process it with a roller. It is better to work in pairs - one applies plaster, the other works with a roller.
  4. They move from top to bottom.
  5. The embossed plaster roller must not be pressed hard. Movements should be smooth, sliding.
  6. Each subsequent strip runs close to the previous one. On the whip is unacceptable, because the picture will be distorted.
  7. The first few strips should be checked with a level or plumb bob. If they are not even, it is better to redo it immediately to get a high-quality result.
  8. If the pattern turned out to be excessively embossed, after drying it can be smoothed out a little with a grater and a sanding grid.
  9. If the area to be treated is very large, you need to monitor the condition of the roller, especially if it is made of soft materials. When worn, they must be replaced.
  10. After the decorative plaster has completely dried, if necessary, you can start painting. If the paint needs to be applied to the protruding parts, then use a short-nap roller or a brush. If the plaster must be completely painted with a roller, then it is better to use a tool with a long pile.