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Pros and cons of houses from aerated concrete blocks. Aerated concrete house: pros and cons. Projects and construction of houses. Advantages of aerated concrete blocks

There are two diametrically opposed points of view on aerated concrete. The first is a loud glorification of his virtues. The second point of view is based on the denial of the possibility of using such material for the construction of residential buildings. This article discusses the main pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks. The information presented here will allow everyone to form their own opinion about this masonry material and use it most effectively. This knowledge will help to correctly select the material, optimize construction work.

Features of aerated concrete blocks

To understand specifications aerated concrete blocks, you need to know what material it is made of, what technologies are used.

Helpful information:

In total, there are 2 ways to produce aerated concrete:

  • autoclave;
  • hydration.

The first step in the manufacturing process is the same for both methods.

  1. A set of measures to prepare molds for pouring. Main works this stage associated with cleaning. It is carried out both with collapsible forms and with cap ones. Collapsible consist of several elements: sides, pallet, lintels. Jumpers allow you to vary the size of the blocks. Caps are not disassembled, they are intended for the manufacture of large batches.
  2. Mixture preparation. Depending on the components used to prepare the mixture, the final product acquires certain properties. The standard set for preparing the mixture includes cement (M 400, M 500), aluminum powder (0.04% of the total number of components), fine sand, lime, water. The volume of water can reach up to 0.8%. The most most of- this is cement, it is taken from 50% to 80%.
  3. Filling process. First, the molds are heated, then the mixture is poured into them, and it is leveled. The temperature of the molds at the time of pouring should be about 400°C.

Next comes drying. The technology for this stage varies. If the autoclave method is used, the molds are placed in an autoclave where a pressure of 12 bar is applied and the temperature rises to 2000°C. At the same time, an appropriate level of humidity is maintained. As a result, products are obtained, the level of strength and reliability of which makes it possible to recommend them for the construction of walls, including load-bearing ones.

The hydration method consists in using boxes for drying, where the temperature also rises and creates desired level humidity. The resulting aerated concrete blocks are used for insulation.

If the material is used without the use of special equipment, it is not endowed with either strength or durability, so it is not advisable to use handicraft blocks. Low quality is associated with the lack of special conditions for drying products in molds. They go through this stage in unadapted under this production premises.

Varieties of aerated concrete sides

There are several brands of aerated concrete blocks. Material grades are divided depending on strength.

Apart from standard products, produce heat-resistant varieties and or blocks endowed with high soundproofing performance. To obtain the above types of products, special chemical substances. The resulting masonry material is used for the construction of special-purpose structures.

There are various classifications of these products. By type of binder, the following are distinguished:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • cement.

Classification by type of filler gives the following blocks:

  • ash;
  • sandy;
  • slag;
  • from recycled materials;
  • from the waste of ferroalloy production.

The use of fillers meets the requirements of GOST. However, the type of filler has little effect on product properties.

Block sizes

Basically, aerated concrete blocks are parallelepipeds with a system of grooves and ridges. Specific gravity material is low, so these blocks have dimensions that exceed the parameters of ordinary bricks. The length is standard - 625 mm, the height also does not change - 250 mm. But the width can be from 100 mm to 400 mm. For the manufacture of reinforced jumpers, for use as a heater, blocks with a different size range are produced.

Advantages of aerated concrete blocks

The widely discussed advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks can be summarized in the list below.

  1. Good thermal insulation. This is the main advantage of aerated concrete. The ability to retain heat is an indisputable advantage of this material. It corresponds to the thermal insulation that an ordinary brick has, but an aerated concrete wall is much cheaper.

  2. Combination of geometric precision and large size. Because the blocks are correct form, it is easy to work with them, the masonry is carried out quickly and without failures. Therefore, the erected walls do not have deviations in level. The presence of a system of grooves and ridges eliminates the penetration of cold.

  3. Possibility to carry out laying without cement mortar. In order to reduce heat loss, adhesives are used to connect the blocks. Glue by volume takes much less than cement mortar (almost 5 times).

  4. Good vapor permeability. High breathability. Blocks pass air almost as well as wood. Therefore, the microclimate of the premises built from these blocks is comfortable.

  5. Fire resistance. The material perfectly copes with the effects of fire, adequately tolerates contact with aggressive environments.

  6. Minor weight. The use of such a lightweight material significantly reduces foundation costs.

  7. Ease of processing. Aerated concrete can be cut, sawn, drilled.

  8. Environmental Safety. Of course, it's not wood. However, it does not have any negative impact on humans.

  9. Resistance to biological factors. Aerated concrete blocks are not subject to destruction by rodents, bacteria, and easily tolerate other biologically aggressive influences. But with constant contact with water, the blocks can become covered with a green coating.

  10. Frost resistance. The material withstands 50 freeze/thaw cycles. These are very high figures.

Cons of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete has its drawbacks. The following are discussed in particular.

Aerated concrete has been known to European builders since the beginning of the last century. For 80 years, a significant number of new buildings have been built from it. For the last 30 years, this material has been actively used in domestic market. Despite this, the question of the feasibility of building a house of aerated concrete is still relevant. Owners living in aerated concrete houses can give an objective assessment. Lots of reviews both positive and negative. We will conduct a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of aerated concrete houses

Offers to study the main ones for comparison and only then draw your own conclusion. It will also be useful to get acquainted with the technical and pros and cons of aerated concrete as a wall material.

Advantages of aerated concrete houses

  • it will cost less than building a house from other wall materials;
  • an aerated concrete house is almost ideal in terms of environmental friendliness of living in it. The material itself has an almost minimal radiation background, due to natural components, so being in the house does not pose a threat to residents;
  • aerated concrete house does not need insulation. It is known that the best of the existing heaters is air. In aerated concrete, it is enclosed in small pores of the same size. What makes the gas block an excellent heat insulator.
  • savings on home heating. The advantage arising from the previous paragraph. In such a house it is warm, therefore, significant savings on the cost of heating are provided;
  • aerated concrete is a lightweight material that is cut into large blocks. This informs the house of gas blocks at once several positive qualities: the cost of pouring the foundation is reduced, there is no need to attract lifting equipment, and the speed of installation increases. An aerated concrete house can be built in just a few weeks;
  • the use of aerated concrete blocks allows you to build a house of any configuration. The gas block lends itself well to processing, which eliminates difficulties in the formation of complex fractures or in the design of arched openings.

Cons of aerated concrete houses

  • even construction one-story house from aerated concrete should be accompanied by a significant number of calculations. The higher the number of storeys of the building, the more reasonable these calculations should be. During the construction of a 2-3-storey building, it is unacceptable to use aerated concrete as the main bearing material. As an option, the laying of load-bearing walls is carried out from an aerated block of a grade higher than D 600. However, the higher the grade (density of aerated concrete), the less thermal insulation properties. Which leads to the need for thermal insulation of the structure. The way out can be laying the wall in two rows with dressing. The outer part of the wall is made of load-bearing dense gas blocks, inner part- from heat-insulating (porous and more fragile);
  • a house made of aerated concrete is characterized by low thermal inertia. Inertia is the ability of the material that was used for construction to accumulate heat. Aerated concrete structures quickly warm up and just as quickly give off heat to the environment. The thermal inertia index of the aerated concrete block depends on the structure of the aerated concrete. The more pores, the lower the inertia.
  • minimal deformation caused by shrinkage of the material, errors in pouring the foundation or movement of the soil will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks in the aerated concrete wall. They will not cause significant damage to the structure, but they will affect the visual perception of the house. As practice confirms, even with the observance of the laying technology, about 20% of all blocks crack;
  • aerated concrete house needs finishing. Even with a forced interruption of work, it is recommended to preserve the unfinished for the winter. A newly built house needs immediate finishing due to the ability of aerated concrete to absorb moisture from environment(moreover, the source of dampness is not only rain and snow, but also fog). Aerated concrete can withstand no more than 25 cycles (some manufacturers claim that no more than 35 cycles) of freezing and thawing. This does not mean that the house will stand for only 25 years.
  • when finishing a house from aerated concrete, it is important to follow the order in which work begins. First held interior work. This is due to the fact that the gas block gives off moisture in both directions: inward and outward. Thus, starting work on plastering from the inside, it becomes possible to reduce the humidity in the room. After that, the exterior walls can be finished.
  • any type of finish can be used as finishing materials for a gas-block house. It's right. But the arrangement of ventilated facades is associated with a number of difficulties, the main of which is the difficulty of fastening into aerated concrete. The facade may simply fall off over time. Based on this, the best option is. Moreover, you can use only special mixtures based on gypsum;
  • the smoothness of the walls also plays against the craftsmen when it comes to finishing. Mixtures do not hold well on the wall. Double priming of the wall is required, processing them sandpaper or mesh reinforcement (preferably polymer);
  • the lime contained in aerated concrete (2.5-5%) and in part of the adhesive mixtures for the gas block (0.5-1 part of the lime in the composition of the masonry mixture) leads to the fact that the metal components of the masonry become unusable after a certain time. The same fate awaits metal pipes of communications;
  • fasteners in aerated concrete walls do not hold well. To hang something that has a significant weight (shelf, water heater, hanging kitchen cabinets), you need to use special fasteners.


Thus, a house built of aerated concrete has both pluses and minuses. As a conclusion, it can be noted that some of the shortcomings of the house can be leveled even at the construction stage, thanks to the observance of the gas block laying technology. Thus, the characteristics of a house made of aerated concrete are determined by the ability of the master to apply the material in practice.

Aerated concrete house - owner reviews

In the field of individual housing construction, disputes do not subside among consumers: what is better to build a house from. Particularly lively discussions are being held around cellular concrete, in particular foam concrete and aerated concrete. Like any other material, the gas block has its supporters and opponents. And each of them gives his arguments for and against in an attempt to defend the designated positions.

This article has collected several reviews from real owners of aerated concrete houses. Practical reasoning, opinions and statements will allow you to get a more complete picture of what the pros and cons of an aerated concrete house are really relevant.

Vladimir (Moscow region)

Based own experience I can recommend aerated concrete as a building material for the walls of the house. True, we do not have a house, but a dacha. But, we use it almost year-round. The building is small 4.5x7, it warms up quickly, which is very convenient, since usually it is not heated.

Of the shortcomings, I will note the most common - a web of cracks both along the seam and along the block. But, over finishing we are still thinking. The dacha stood unprotected last winter. And this one, I'm sure, will last. And there we will accumulate money - we will deal with the decoration.

Dmitry (Orenburg region)

Much has been written about cracks. A house built of aerated concrete undergoes shrinkage without fail. But their number can be significantly reduced.

First, there are three types of shrinkage.

The first of them is structural, occurs within a month, it can be avoided by starting construction after the block lies on the site during this period.

The other two do not have such a strong effect on the characteristics of the building. If a quarter of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is covered with cracks, this is considered a normal indicator. Of course, you need to take into account the depth of the crack and its location.

Secondly, you need to properly finish the house from aerated concrete. Small cracks that go directly along the gas block are eliminated by high-quality finishing. Proper plastering of aerated concrete involves the use of mixtures intended for this and the use of a reinforcing fabric.

There are nuances in reinforcement. I propose to use not a reinforcing mesh, but a fiberglass canvas. This canvas (popularly called "cobweb"), made by pressing from natural materials. In addition to the fact that fiberglass perfectly reinforces the surface and masks cracks, it also allows steam to freely escape. In favor of the mesh is also the fact that it is not afraid of water, chemicals, impacts and prevents the development of mold and fungi. To be honest, fiberglass will not protect against the appearance of cracks, but they will not be visible from the outside on the plaster.

Mikhail (Chelyabinsk region)

Due to the sharply come autumn, construction work had to be interrupted. Not only did we not cover the roof, we didn’t even completely kick out the walls. Although, the dimensions of the gas block are such that the work progressed at a rapid pace. We read how to preserve the construction site. All done as recommended. And they covered it with a universal primer, and even wrapped it with a film. In winter, however, they did not visit the site. But in early spring found that the house was soaked through like a sponge (this can even be seen from the color of the wall, it turned dark gray).

Now we are waiting for it to dry. The builders say that if the situation (weather) is good, we need to wait a month and a half until we can continue the work.

The moral is this: you don’t have time to build a roof, you don’t need to start building walls. Once wrapped the building with a film, be kind, periodically check its integrity. The winds in Russia are crazy, the film was quickly torn to shreds.

And finally, than using a universal primer, it is better not to prime it with anything. To sense, all the same, any. It is necessary to use either a deep penetration soil, or a special composition - a water repellent. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s better than watching how the laid aerated concrete is covered with cracks both at the seams and along the block.

Builder with experience (St. Petersburg)

I'm in construction. It was necessary to lay walls from different materials: brick, foam block, gas block, cinder block, gas silicate, and so on. In favor of aerated concrete, I can give a lot of arguments. But I think the best confirmation of the quality of the material is that my own house built from aerated concrete blocks. And those who complain, most likely, either built it themselves, or entrusted the work to specialists from neighboring countries. Contact the professionals right away. Save time, money and nerves. And instead of complaining about the material, you will live peacefully in the house.

Vladimir Ivanovich (Vitebsk)

Stopped on aerated concrete for two-story house. This decision is based on:

  1. Low cost

  2. Ease, and in laying, and in processing, and in lifting the material. The weight of the block allows you to easily move it to the desired height.

  3. Good thermal insulation properties. Under the house, almost a meter deep, monolithic strip foundation(worth about 2 years). There should be no cracks. At the top there will be a roof made of shingles (theoretically not heavy).

I plan to build it myself, I think I will manage it in a month, and before the onset of cold weather I will cope with the finishing.


In your description, you forgot such a trifle as the number of storeys of the house. For a two-story house, structural (bearing) aerated concrete is needed. And he just, a bad heat insulator. Therefore, think about warming before it's too late. It is enough to put the insulating gas block on inside bearing wall and perform a re-binding.

Sergei (Nizhny Novgorod)

I ordered turnkey works in the New Technologies construction company. All work, from the project, ending with communications and interior decoration, was carried out by the professionals of this company.

The house is made of aerated concrete, the seams are a pecking mixture for aerated concrete. High-quality insulation of the foundation was made, each 4th row was reinforced with rods with a diameter of 8 mm, reinforcement under and above the openings, rafter system also installed on the reinforcement (additionally laid along the perimeter).

I oversaw the progress of the work. The house was commissioned in the autumn, the family spent the winter without any complaints. Yes, I forgot to say, I live in Novopokrovsky, near Nizhny Novgorod. It is not cold here in winter, it is not hot in summer, there are practically no strong temperature drops, the house was constantly heated.

Foam blocks, now widely used in construction, are gradually starting to give up part of the market to a relatively new building material- aerated concrete. This is due to its best performance, which allows the use of this type of cellular concrete in the construction of a wide variety of objects, among which it occupies one of the first places. With a relatively small number of disadvantages, aerated concrete blocks have significant advantages.

Advantages of aerated concrete

The advantages of this material make it possible to build a building whose positive performance characteristics will be maintained for a long time (up to 100 years). One of the main advantages is lightness; the density of the blocks is in the range of 400-1200 kg/cu.m. This allows you to dramatically reduce the load on the foundation, which significantly reduces the cost of its cost, because. there is no need to build a solid, monolithic foundation for the building. In addition, lightweight material is easier to use in construction, and the relatively large dimensions of the block allow you to quickly build walls.

Two other important pluses are moisture and frost resistance. In the first case, high resistance to moisture penetration is provided by the porous structure; even with an ambient humidity of 90%, aerated concrete absorbs only 8%. In the second case, tests show that gas silicate products do not react in any way to temperature changes; sharp thawing and freezing does not lead to the destruction of the material. In addition to these qualities, aerated concrete has other advantages:

Fire resistance: products do not contain substances that support combustion, and when exposed to high temperature no toxic substances are released into the atmosphere;
- biological stability: inside aerated concrete there is no environment that would favor the development of mold, fungus;
- low thermal conductivity and high level sound insulation: these qualities are provided by a cellular structure;
- environmental Safety.

Disadvantages of gas silicate

First of all, it is hygroscopic. The material does not let moisture into the building, but accumulates it inside the pores, which over time can lead to a decrease in the strength of the material. This drawback can be corrected if, during construction, reinforced waterproofing is carried out using, for example, a waterproofing tape.

Another disadvantage is the possibility of cracks. Most often, their education is associated with incorrect calculations, which should be carried out by professionals. And the last drawback is the high price when compared with the same foam blocks. However, aerated concrete is relatively new material, therefore, there is every reason that over time it will be improved, and negative qualities will be minimized.

Most individual developers focus on modern varieties artificial stone, preferring them to traditional wood or brick. With all the nuances of the construction and operation of houses made of aerated concrete, their pros and cons should be dealt with in detail. main reason- in the lack of awareness of the potential buyer and often diametrically opposed opinions about the feasibility of such construction.

So is it worth it or not to use aerated concrete blocks for a residential building? Where is the truth and where is the lie about this material? What hidden problems of aerated concrete are “shyly” silent about by manufacturers and sellers? We will draw our conclusions on the analysis of the numerous reviews of the owners who already live in these houses.

The main reason for the ambiguity in the assessment of aerated concrete is ignorance of the specifics of its production and use. Before finding out what this building material has more - pluses or minuses - one should clarify not only with its characteristics, but also with the terminology.

Aerated concrete is the generalized name for two types of cellular concrete, and both are used in the construction of houses. In most cases, due to a misunderstanding of the features of their production technology, the shortcomings of one are often attributed to the other. The basis of aerated concrete is cement, such a stone for the house can be distinguished by its grayish color. In the composition of the initial gas silicate mixture, lime plays the role of a binder. Gas blocks of this type are white.

The fundamental difference is in the manufacturing technology. Aerated concrete products can be produced independently, at home, that is, at the place of work. But his "brother" - only processing in autoclaves (pressure and temperature) with further transportation to the consumer. Since the price of the last version of the material is somewhat higher, in the private sector, when building houses and other buildings, aerated concrete is more often used. Here, further emphasis will be placed on it, especially since the difference in the pros and cons of stones for most parameters is not so significant.


1. Benefits.

  • Sufficient strength of artificial stone.

This property of the material greatly simplifies the construction of a house.

Firstly, the gas block does not crumble when cutting, while for an analog made of foam concrete this is one of the main disadvantages.

Second, installation (fixing) attachments in the house is no problem. In this regard, gas blocks are not much inferior to bricks. With regard to foam concrete, fixing something on the wall of the house is much more difficult - only on the anchor. And this is not always convenient, since reinforcement of the base is often required, otherwise the weight suspended structure is sharply limited.

Thirdly, the construction of a house from aerated concrete can be carried out on several floors, but from foam blocks - no more than two.

  • The evenness of the edges.

The strict geometry of gas blocks facilitates their fitting in place. The seams are so insignificant that the influence of "cold bridges", judging by the reviews of the owners, has practically no effect on the microclimate in the house.

  • Low thermal conductivity.

Simply put - such a house retains heat well. If we take into account the constant growth of energy tariffs, this is another plus, and not a small one. According to the reviews of the owners of houses, the cost of heating them is much less compared to buildings made of brick and, moreover, reinforced concrete products.

  • Small weight of gas blocks.

Given that the cost of building a foundation is approximately ⅓ of the estimate, at this stage you can save a lot. More than a significant plus of such a house.

  • Reduced terms.

Gas blocks have significant dimensions. Even if you buy the smallest ones, then building the walls of the house from them will turn out much faster than from brick or wood.

  • Affordable product price.

A house made of aerated concrete blocks is rightfully considered one of the best options for solving the housing problem. Regardless of whether it is being built on its own, or purchased, such construction belongs to the "budget" category.

2. Disadvantages of aerated concrete.

Judging by the reviews of homeowners on thematic forums, increased moisture absorption is practically the only disadvantage of this stone. But even here, not everything is clear, since this disadvantage of aerated concrete blocks is somewhat relative.

Firstly, residential buildings are decorated on the outside in one way or another. For example, if it is necessary to insulate a building, which is done almost everywhere for our climate. Plus - waterproofing the house. Therefore, lining is mandatory.

Secondly, such a minus of a house made of gas blocks is canceled if overhangs, window drains, and a drainage system are thought out and correctly installed.

Thirdly, a lot depends on the technology used to make the stone. A house made of autoclaved aerated concrete has the best performance characteristics. It has a higher density, which means that it absorbs moisture less intensively.

Owner reviews

“I was engaged in building a house on my own, without the help of specialists. I believe that all the disadvantages of aerated concrete products are attributed to those who in practice have not dealt with this material, but judge it only by the reviews of the same "experts". My opinion is unequivocal - subject to the technology in such a house, high performance characteristics and an acceptable cost are optimally combined. I've been living in it for the 5th year, and so far no complaints. What’s more, heating costs are significantly lower than when my family and I huddled in an old brick building.”

Vladimir Olshansky, Moscow region.

“I know firsthand about houses made of aerated concrete. I work as a foreman, so I built a lot of this stone and I can give my opinion. The pros of gas blocks are much greater than the cons. When ordering houses (without interior decoration) turnkey in a couple of months the box is completely ready. Another advantage is that there is no need to wait for shrinkage. Therefore, it is possible to partially begin to settle down in parallel with construction. Diversity finished projects houses made of aerated concrete makes them accessible to all segments of the population. For families with very modest incomes - a good option. I don’t think there are any significant shortcomings in gas blocks.”

Ilya Zotov, Moscow.

“I am rather skeptical about various reviews, reviews posted in the media. It's no secret that most of them are made to order. When I bought a building plot, I just took it and walked around the neighborhood, asked the neighbors' opinion about their houses. Personal communication with people made it possible to conclude that for me, given the material possibilities and limited time, The best decision- to build a dwelling from aerated concrete blocks. The house turned out to be solid, and now, having lived in it for 3 years, I can say that I was not mistaken. I think that those who want to build both inexpensively and with high quality should pay attention to aerated concrete.”

Sergey, Samara.

“When I started to build a house, I decided that if I save money, then just not on the project. No matter how attractive aerated concrete is, it is still “foam”. Experts helped and optimal thickness pick up blocks, and finishing materials. If everything is done correctly, then a house made of such a stone will last a long time. Nevertheless, without taking into account all the features, I would not recommend anyone to build. First of all, you need a timing. If you leave the box at home for the winter, then there will be so many problems that the final cost will simply go off scale. Therefore, "amateur" has its limits.

Oleg, Omsk.

“I think that the approach to the use of gas blocks should be professional. We must not forget about the cellular structure of the stone, and therefore the disadvantages - moisture absorption and fragility. When building a house, you need to reasonably combine aerated concrete masonry with brick, reinforcement, high-quality finishes. Those who believe that this material is a "gift of fate" are mistaken. There are certain difficulties, so it is better not to start building a house without consulting a specialist. The cost of gas blocks will justify itself only if the technology of working with them is strictly observed.

Ivan Pershin, Krasnoyarsk.


The fact that aerated concrete has much more pluses than minuses is obvious. But if there is a choice alternatives for the home, then when is it more expedient to make it in favor of this material?

1. With limited free space on the site. Gas blocks are planted on glue, so it is not necessary to prepare a solution.

2. If a house is being built with 2-3 floors, foam concrete is clearly not suitable.

3. If you want to partially save on home insulation. In some cases, it is enough to correctly determine the thickness of the gas blocks.

4. If it is impossible to equip a massive foundation. For example, if the soil on the site is problematic.

To take into account all the nuances is unrealistic. But the information given in the article is enough for the dear reader to decide for himself whether to build a house (or not) for him from aerated concrete. In any case - success!

Aerated concrete is one of the varieties of "lightweight" concrete, it is universal and is used for the construction of structures of various functions - from fences to residential buildings. Let's take a closer look at aerated concrete blocks, the pros and cons of the material.

Aerated concrete blocks are made in two ways:

  • Autoclave - drying and hardening of products takes place in an autoclave oven;
  • Hydration - natural hardening of blocks.

The main advantage of the material, according to experts, is its thermal insulation, strength and relatively low weight, which allow the use of aerated concrete for any construction purposes:

  • Construction of low-rise buildings;
  • Residential houses - dachas, cottages;
  • Non-residential premises, such as utility and agricultural premises, garages, baths, sheds, etc.;
  • Fences, fences;
  • Additional wall insulation.

Let's take a closer look at what aerated concrete blocks are, their advantages and disadvantages, and also find out the opinions of experts about aerated concrete.

Characteristics of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete refers to cellular types of concrete, they are characterized by the presence of a floor in the body of the product, which give the blocks certain properties.

When creating aerated concrete, the following components are used:

  • Portland cement brand not lower than M400;
  • Sand, cleaned of impurities;
  • Gasifier - aluminum powder;
  • Lime;
  • Purified water.

The resulting mixture is poured into molds and sent to dry in an autoclave oven. In the process of hardening under pressure, aluminum reacts with lime and gas release begins, as a result, many cavities and cracks form in the body of the block, through which gas escapes.

With the autoclave method of manufacturing gas blocks, the material acquires high rates of the main characteristics - strength and density. The resulting products can be used for laying load-bearing structures.

Aerated concrete, dried naturally, is used only for facade insulation, it is not suitable for others. construction works, because it does not differ in strength.

The main indicators of strength and thermal conductivity of aerated concrete

Gas blocks, the strength of which is equal to D350, are used only as additional insulation. D400 blocks are used for interior partitions, which do not carry a large load, but for the construction of load-bearing structures and the construction of two-story buildings, the strength grade D500-600 is used.

According to these indicators, aerated concrete is divided into;

  • Structural;
  • Constructional and heat-insulating;
  • Heat insulating.

Gas blocks are produced in different shapes and sizes, their cutting and molding takes place on automatic equipment, which allows you to create accuracy and evenness of lines.

Advantages of aerated concrete blocks

According to expert reviews, gas blocks have a large list of advantages that distinguish the material from other types of concrete.

The main advantages of using aerated concrete:

  • Thermal insulation of the structure - the blocks have high thermal insulation rates, they retain heat in the room for a long time, which saves on heating the building, they are suitable for additional insulation buildings;
  • Ease of use - aerated concrete can be easily further processed with improvised materials, it can be cut, sawn, drilled. It is possible to form arched openings and other complex structures from gas blocks.
  • Vapor permeability - in buildings built of aerated concrete, natural air circulation is observed. Due to the fact that the body of the block is permeated with open pores, the air freely passes through the walls, experts note that the vapor permeability of aerated concrete is comparable to that of wood.
  • Geometry - a wide variety of shapes and sizes of blocks, various lengths and thicknesses are offered. The blocks have precise cutting, the surface is even, the maximum deviation that is possible is 1 mm.
  • Fire resistance - the blocks are completely safe, when heated, toxic substances are not released, they do not burn or melt. Aerated concrete is able to withstand up to 3 hours of exposure to fire without loss of technical properties.

  • Speed ​​of construction - gas-block structures are built quickly and easily, builders do not need to create a heavy-duty foundation, due to the fact that the blocks are quite light, and their size reduces the time spent on construction by three or even four times.
  • Sound insulation - products have a porous structure that absorbs sounds and increases sound insulation performance.
  • The absence of "cold bridges" - the so-called "cold bridges" are formed in the interblock seams when laying on cement mortar, aerated concrete blocks lie only on a special adhesive for cellular concrete, which is applied in a thin layer, so "bridges" do not appear.
  • Durability - blocks undergoing the process of solidification in an autoclave oven are characterized by high strength.
  • Biological stability - aerated concrete does not rot, is not susceptible to mold and fungal formations, and is also not of interest to rodents and insects.
  • Frost resistance - aerated concrete products can withstand up to 50 cycles of alternate freezing and thawing, this figure can be even more. Aerated concrete appeared not so long ago, so this indicator has not yet been tested by time.

Based on the above indicators, it can be seen that these advantages of aerated concrete make it possible to build durable, reliable buildings in a short time and at minimal cost.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete

Like any material, aerated concrete has advantages and disadvantages, and if we figured out the first, then the second should be carefully looked at.

The main disadvantages of gas blocks:

  • Poor resistance to moisture - blocks absorb water, swell, resulting in cracking and delamination of the material. This is due to the fact that the pores in the inside of the blocks are open, along the paths through which gas escaped and water enters. It is not difficult to prevent this problem - lay a waterproofing layer, cover the surface with water-repellent compounds, make exterior finish facades.
  • The appearance of cracks in the wall - this problem occurs when the foundation shrinks, it is necessary to correctly calculate and install the base.
  • Poor adhesion to finishing materials- gas blocks do not hold plaster and other decorative trim, the surface must be carefully prepared - priming with deep penetration solutions. Gypsum-based plaster is also used for aerated concrete, before applying it, it is better to fix the reinforcing mesh, then the result will be more durable.
  • Compressive and bending strengths - aerated concrete is characterized by low bending strengths, so it is impossible to build buildings above two floors from this material. As an option, the use of gas blocks to install partitions in such houses.

Another disadvantage of aerated concrete blocks is the problems that arise with the installation of various fasteners and dowels - metal elements are eroded, fasteners do not hold well, fall out, so it is necessary to use special parts suitable for cellular concrete.