Well      03/31/2019

Corner false fireplace made of cardboard. Do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes - step-by-step manufacturing instructions in different styles with a photo

Modern fireplaces have long ceased to be exclusively a source of heat, now they have already become stylish and fashion accessory. Now this design element can be installed even in apartment building, since there are many alternatives to the wood-burning option: electric fireplaces, gas, and also those running on biofuel. It is possible to recreate false fireplaces: polyurethane, plasterboard, foam and even paper.

You can create such a fireplace with your own hands without much effort. Let's figure out how to make a paper fireplace. There are many options for how you can make a fireplace out of paper with your own hands. Let's consider some of them.

Advice! You can glue several layers of paper, but it will be much easier to use cardboard. Even boxes from under large equipment will do: refrigerator, TV and other.

False fireplace simple cardboard or paper


  • box;
  • decorative plinths and foam figurines;
  • drawing;
  • scissors, construction knife;
  • pen, simple pencil for marking according to the drawing;
  • construction tape;
  • specialized glue;
  • putty, as well as a spatula;
  • ruler;
  • water-based paint: brown or white and other shades;
  • brush.

Manufacturing steps:

  • Creation of a drawing according to pre-prepared dimensions.

  • Transferring the picture to cardboard or paper, which is glued in several layers. You will need a pencil and a ruler.

Electric fireplaces are very popular. There are several types of installations, the most common are corner electric fireplaces. To give the hearth the look of a traditional fireplace, a plasterboard portal is made. You can do it yourself, following the instructions provided.

Advice! You can not use markers, felt-tip pens, as they will shine through the paint, and it will be necessary to apply putty before painting.

  • It is necessary to make slots under the hearth, they will be bent to the back wall and secured with tape. Thus the portal is formed.

  • When the base is ready, you should start finishing. Styrofoam parts must be fixed on the base, according to the sketch.

  • A patterned plinth of a wide size is glued on top. It will be the basis of the future paper fireplace shelf.
  • Styrofoam supports should be placed behind the fixed plinth. On top you need to put a plate of the same material.

Advice! To make the fireplace look beautiful, you should give Special attention corners. There should be no gaps at the joints. Well, if it didn’t work out, then putty will help correct the situation.

  • After all the details are in place, you need to carefully apply putty to the paper fireplace.
  • When the coating is completely dry, water-based paint should be applied. The fake fireplace is ready.

  • Figurines can be placed on top.

Corner cardboard or paper fireplace

A model of this type will look great in the corner. She brings spice to design solutions interior organization. A paper fireplace, the master class of which is presented, can be made by everyone.


  • cardboard box or glued thick paper;
  • self-adhesive film or wallpaper with a brick pattern;
  • scissors or a construction clerical knife;
  • scotch;
  • garland, LED strip or battery-powered candles.

Manufacturing steps:

  • From the box, you should make the base in the form of a triangle.

  • The workpiece must be pasted over with wallpaper or self-adhesive film.

  • The tabletop should be made from several layers of cardboard.
  • The top of the fireplace should be glued in the same way.

  • You can put a garland in the firebox, led strip or candles powered by batteries.

Advice! The table top can also be made of foam or fiberboard.

Cardboard or paper fireplace with hidden shelves

A decorative model is not only an interior decoration; at the same time, you can create a hiding place or small shelves for small things in its walls.


  • a large box or several;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • putty;
  • decorative plinths.

Stages of creation:

  • Creating a paper fireplace with hidden shelves should begin with the formation of a “base” or “skeleton”.

Advice! When creating a skeleton, you need to take into account the required size of the shelves.

  • When the base is ready, it should be glued on both sides with cardboard or paper glued in several layers.

  • The podium or tabletop is made of several layers of cardboard.

Advice! If desired, cardboard can be replaced with a sheet of foam. Joints for reliability should be glued with a newspaper using PVA glue.

  • A wide decorative plinth should be glued on top of the paper false fireplace. Its top edge should be flush with the countertop.
  • On top of six sheets of cardboard and a plinth, you need to glue the seventh.
  • The building corner closes the corners.
  • The firebox can be pasted over with wallpaper with a pattern or cut out cardboard bricks with a clerical knife and paint them.

  • The paper fireplace should be puttied.
  • After that, it needs to be painted. When the paint dries, it can be decorated.

Advice! You can glue a false fireplace from several boxes, each of which will be a separate shelf.

A paper fireplace, the master class of which is presented in step-by-step instructions, is easy to create. This does not require specialized skills and special monetary costs.

Video: do-it-yourself cardboard fireplace

Modern owners of apartments or houses are increasingly striving for the construction of fireplaces. Of course, it is impossible to install a wood-burning fireplace, but a false fireplace is real. There are many options for manufacturing, they are not complicated. A do-it-yourself paper fireplace will be no worse than others. It will harmoniously complement the interior design. As for the firebox, there are many options. You can make it yourself or purchase an electric version that will create the illusion of burning wood. Modern hearths can also reproduce sound and create various effects.

Create a romantic atmosphere in the house, a good mood in winter and comfort all year round will help decorative fireplace from boxes with their own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help you not to start “dirty” work in the house, spread cement and disassemble the roof under the chimney. A fireplace can be created in one evening and from improvised materials. So, turn on the fantasy, involve children in the work and start creating.

How to make a fireplace out of cardboard boxes

To build such a fireplace, we need:

  1. Cardboard boxes: small, for example, from under shoes (5-6 pcs.) And large (4 pcs.)
  2. Scotch tape: regular and double sided
  3. PVA glue
  4. Thick white paper or a piece of old wallpaper
  5. Sheets of cardboard or wallpaper with a brick pattern
  6. Ruler, simple pencil.

To prevent the boxes from opening, we glue all the joints with tape. According to the drawing in the figure, we assemble the basis of the future fireplace. The boxes that will make up the parts of the fireplace are glued together with adhesive tape. For side racks, we use smaller boxes stacked on top of each other. We make the base of the fireplace and the upper mantelpiece from larger boxes, joined end-to-end with short sides.

We glue every detail of the fireplace thick paper or old wallpaper. Boxes must be completely covered with paper. We connect the edges of the paper with adhesive tape. Now we glue the parts of the fireplace with PVA glue together. The product is ready, it remains to design it.

To decorate the fireplace, we use wallpaper with a brick pattern or sheets of thick cardboard. Four "bricks" can be cut out of one cardboard sheet. We glue the fireplace with wallpaper, giving it a look brickwork. If “bricks” cut out of cardboard are used, we glue them onto the surface of the boxes, creating rows of bricks, and leaving gaps between the bricks, so that it looks as close as possible to natural masonry.

For gluing the "bricks" we use PVA glue. The back wall of the fireplace, adjacent to the wall, can not be glued. If the cardboard is white, paint it with paints of the appropriate shades - from sandy yellow to dark red.

The fireplace is ready, we will install it in the prepared place in the room, against the wall. We will put decor on the mantelpiece, we can put natural logs or their imitation in the firewood hole. Here we focus on our imagination.

Exquisite decorative fireplace from a large box

Let's prepare materials for creating a fireplace. To do this, you will need a large cardboard box from under the TV. You can take thick cardboard instead of a large box. But, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will have to be cut and glued.

You will also need to make a decorative fireplace:

  1. Stationery knife
  2. Scotch
  3. PVA glue
  4. Plinth and foam decor
  5. Paint in a can
  6. Ruler, simple pencil.

We transfer the drawing to the box from under the TV. Cut out a hole in the middle of the box according to the drawing. This will be the "hearth". We bend the cut edges and glue them to the back wall of the box. If cardboard is used, we cut the sheets according to the drawing, taking into account the gluing tolerances. We connect them together with glue.
To make the top of the fireplace, take a sheet of foam or plywood, or glue several sheets of cardboard together. Glue the resulting mantel to the fireplace itself.

To make the fireplace stand stable, it is also better to glue an additional sheet of cardboard or plywood on the base. IN hardware store buy ceiling cornice from foam and a couple of decorative elements - foam pylons or sockets. They will add sophistication and grace to our hearth. Glue the decor to the fireplace. To do this, use PVA glue or liquid nails.

We paint the fireplace in two layers with balloon paint in white or another pastel color. In order not to spoil flooring, lay old newspapers or paper on the floor. After painting, let the product dry and install the fireplace. The decorative fireplace is ready.

Firewood for the hearth can be made from cardboard, twisted in the form of logs or natural branches can be used. If the fireplace is conceived in one color, we will paint the firewood with the same paint. In the recess of the hearth, you can also place candles in tall glass glasses or an electric garland. Decorating the mantelpiece also leaves room for creativity. Photos in beautiful frames, paintings or flower arrangements and memorable gifts in bright packaging will look great on the mantelpiece.

Photo of a decorative fireplace from the box

It is very easy to create beauty and comfort in the house with your own hands. Imagine and create, then you can do do-it-yourself decorative fireplace from boxes with step-by-step instructions in the shortest possible time. Your apartment can be decorated with simple decorative items with minimal cost. To do this, it is enough to spend a little time and effort.

Decorating a false fireplace for the New Year and Christmas holidays is one of the mandatory rituals. To do this, you can use various attributes, decorations and decorations. It all depends on the imagination of the master.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, everyone is in a hurry to decorate their home. A decorative fireplace is traditionally included in the list of interior items that require themed decoration. There are many options for decorating a false fireplace, the most basic will be discussed in this article.

Decorating a decorative fireplace is a creative process. It all depends on the flight of the master's imagination.

Decorative Christmas fireplace: stages of creation

Before talking about decorating a fireplace, you need to pay attention to the issue of its creation. Not everyone knows that a false fireplace can be made from an ordinary cardboard box. For its construction, you need to prepare unnecessary cardboard packaging from under the plasma or refrigerator. If a large box is not at hand, you can use several smaller ones. From improvised means you will need a knife, glue, tape, pencil / pen, ruler and paper. Stages of creating a decorative cardboard fireplace for the New Year:

  • First you need to think about the design of the festive fireplace and its dimensions. The finished sketch can be found on the Internet. It is recommended to put the plan-scheme on a sheet of paper.
  • A Christmas fireplace can be made in two ways - it all depends on the installation location this subject interior. If he stands against the wall, we will talk about a wall fireplace, if in a corner - about a corner one.2

Features of creating a wall false fireplace

The easiest way to create a fake fireplace is to make a “hearth” directly from one or more boxes. If only one carton is used, then a rectangular window is cut out in the front according to the markings. The furnace hole or place for the "hearth" is made in the likeness of a real brick fireplace. The flaps of the hole are bent inward and fixed with glue. for fireplace bigger size take three boxes, two of which are side "outbuildings". The boxes are glued together and "equal" to each other.

Advice! It is better to glue the inner walls of the box with adhesive tape in advance so that the package does not “fall apart”.

The resulting fireplace with a furnace hole is painted with water-based white paint or pasted over with paper. The mantelpiece is cut out of cardboard or plywood to fit the top of the hearth. It is attached to the top with glue. The fireplace is decorated with borders and skirting boards, foam molds, etc.

More solid construction A decorative cardboard fireplace is made of three main elements: a base, a furnace portal and a shelf. A rectangular box is taken as the basis, its size should be 5-10 cm larger than the parameters of the future fireplace. In inner part The bases are fastened with cardboard stiffeners, this will make the case more durable.

Marking the future cardboard fireplace with a furnace hole. It is recommended to draw the main lines with a pen, auxiliary lines with a pencil.

The fireplace portal is made from a box with a firebox cut out. The side strips are bent inward and fastened with adhesive tape. Next, the place for the hearth is inserted into the finished base in the middle and sealed. The mantelpiece is made of thicker cardboard, along the length of which cardboard panels are placed for structural rigidity. The shelf is attached to the top of the portal with polymer glue. Next, the fireplace is covered with coloring compositions, a primer, or pasted over with wallpaper / film. It all depends on the desires and preferences of the master.

Video: decorating a false fireplace

Corner decorative fireplace

It differs from wall-mounted in its shape. It is installed in the corner space of the room, so it is better to take all measurements directly in the chosen place. The box is placed in a corner and a furnace hole is cut out according to the principle described above. The back wall of the package is removed, and the side walls are cut to fit the angle. Thick cardboard or plywood is also attached from above. The material should be light and strong enough to withstand light loads. Otherwise, it will be impossible to put anything on the mantelpiece. The resulting fireplace is painted with water-based paint or putty.

Options for decorating a cardboard fireplace for the New Year

You can make an ordinary fireplace festive with the help of improvised means. There are no specific decorating rules. Everyone decorates "their offspring" in their own way. Below are a few options to create a New Year or Christmas atmosphere:

  • Creation of homemade firewood / woodpile. A real fireplace is hard to imagine without logs. A decorative fireplace is also decorated with fake firewood. They are made from corrugated cardboard rolled up. The larger the sheet of cardboard, the thicker the log. Knots are made from smaller bundles of cardboard, planted on glue. The surface of the logs fixed with adhesive tape is painted white, and the twisting points remain unchanged. The woodpile can be placed right next to the fireplace, using the space next to the "hearth". Real logs are often used for decoration.

Advice! You can make homemade firewood for any type of wood, painting it with the appropriate paint.

  • Imitation of fire. In a cardboard fireplace, for obvious reasons, it will not be possible to make a real fire, but you can make an imitation of a flame. In the firebox of a false hearth, it is recommended to put burning candles or candlesticks. Even a small live fire will give the fireplace a bewitching holiday look. The original version of decorating the fireplace is the installation of stands made of logs for candles.

Advice! You can replace the fire with Christmas garland, twisted in several layers and laid inside the furnace portal. You can also use candle lanterns or candles in a glass. These are the safest decoration options.

  • Finishing. Imagining the Christmas holidays, thoughts of a real brick fireplace immediately come to mind. There are several ways to make a decorative brick-like fireplace. The first is to paste over it with wallpaper with the appropriate textured pattern. The second is to cut out rectangles from foam or cardboard and stick them on the surface of the fireplace in the form of brickwork. The figures should resemble "bricks". The body of the fireplace is primed so that the design is made in a single color. Then it is covered with brown paint. The space between the "bricks" can be left white or painted yellow/gold.

Advice! To give texture, the masonry is covered with silver or golden dotted paint with a sponge.

  • Scenery. To decorate, you can use the usual attributes of this holiday - tinsel, Christmas decorations, rain. Along the edges of the fireplace, you can place a rag gift "boot" for children. You can also decorate a mantelpiece, the most common option is to place a garland or tinsel along the countertop. Inside the firebox, you can put figurines of Santa Claus, Santa Claus, photo frames, or leave a place to place postcards and gifts. You can decorate your holiday fireplace with wreaths, paper snowflakes, flags, posters, photographs, or homemade garlands.

To decorate the fireplace for the New Year, you can use the furnace space, the walls of the structure and the mantelpiece. The main rule is not to overdo it with the number of attributes.

You can give the appropriate mood with the help of thematic attributes - a vase with dried flowers, a forged poker, etc. You can make the fireplace sparkle with new colors with a disco ball or a projector that will make the room festive and unusual.

Advice! The gifts of the forest - branches and cones - will help create a festive atmosphere. However, placing them near open flames is unsafe.

You can decorate in different ways. For some, it will be enough to install a decorated Christmas tree next to the fireplace, others will move cozy chairs closer to the “hearth”. You need to decorate a false fireplace at your own discretion, depending on the number of festive attributes and a flight of fancy.

Winter celebrations are coming. So I want to create in the house an atmosphere of not just a holiday, but also a real winter comfort. How to do it? We suggest you make a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands. To do this, you do not need any super expensive materials or transcendental knowledge, but the result will be amazing nonetheless. Do you remember the good old fairy tale about Pinocchio? After all, there, too, in the closet of Papa Carlo, a hearth was painted, while those around them did not even know that it was not real. Well, let's try to master this unusual art!

As you probably know, cardboard is an environmentally friendly material, from which various decorative elements, furniture and even houses have been made for more than a decade (although these are Western technologies). However, lovers of non-standard types of needlework also did not leave cardboard unattended. So, let's assume that things are moving towards the New Year. Well, a great excuse to turn ordinary cardboard into a real work of architectural art.

We make a cardboard fireplace with painted fire

This step-by-step instruction will not cause difficulties even for beginners, so you can safely prepare the materials necessary for work, namely:

  • thick, even cardboard;
  • ruler, pencil and centimeter;
  • Styrofoam;
  • paints and brushes;
  • sponge
  • stencil for brickwork;
  • tape or glue.

Let's start our master class:

  1. To begin with, we cut out two rectangles measuring 110x60 centimeters from suitable cardboard density. The color of the cardboard in this case does not matter, because in the future we will decorate it. But, of course, cardboard must have smooth surface without visible damage and strong creases. It is very important!
  2. Further, along the narrow side of each rectangle, we perforate every 15 centimeters. In the future, along this perforation, we fold a square column with a width of both sides of 15 cm and a height of 110 cm, respectively.
  3. We proceed to the formation of fireplace racks. We will make them in a brick manner. To do this, draw a pattern on each of the columns that imitates brickwork. For greater convenience, we recommend using stencils. This will make it easier and faster. You can make such a stencil yourself, or you can buy ready-made.
  4. Now we take another sheet of cardboard and cut out two more rectangles from it. This will be the base of our fireplace and its top. Dimensions in this case should be determined individually.
  5. Please note that the parts cut out by us, placed on brick racks (those prepared in the previous step) must necessarily protrude on the sides. Ideally, they should be at least 2 times wider than the columns themselves.
  6. In order to give the bases greater thickness and volume, we thicken them with foam, and then paint the entire resulting structure (all parts) in specific color. We recommend choosing a white color to match the foam.
  7. Now we fix the racks we have obtained to the bases. To do this, we use either glue or adhesive tape (whoever prefers). However, do not forget that the bonding material as a result should not be visible from the front of our false cardboard fireplace.
  8. Now cut out another rectangle from cardboard. This will be the back wall of our fireplace. Using a sponge, prime the resulting wall with black and gray paint. This coloring will perfectly convey the feeling of a few charred walls. It will be very effective.
  9. After the paint has dried, we draw a fire on the back wall of the fireplace, supplying it with cheerful tongues of flame. Here you can connect fantasy using different colors, felt-tip pens, etc.
  10. We wait for complete drying, after which we glue the wall to our bases and racks. It remains only to put a little dry firewood to the fireplace to give it even more naturalness. In the photo below you can see what happened:

Of course, the proposed scheme of actions can be supplemented by you with some other nuances and details. For example, you can paint the entire false fireplace to look like brickwork. Or even choose a different color that matches the interior of your home.

In addition, the fireplace can be decorated with various decorative elements: vases, figurines and other New Year decorations can be placed on the top shelf. And the deepening of the fireplace can be protected with a real forged fence, suitable in size. A DIY Christmas wreath would look great on the wall above the fireplace.

Craftsmen-professionals even make a backlight at the bottom of the fireplace, which will later imitate the burning of a flame, but this, as they say, is from the category of higher matters. In the videos below, you can also find a lot of useful information about this. Happy Holidays!

Related video:

Several interesting master classes and useful tips waiting for you in this collection of video materials.

Most interesting articles:

When finishing a false fireplace made of cardboard, putty from acrylic tape will crumble, and polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam moldings that imitate stucco will stick loosely.

Also, you can make an imitation of logs using the same corrugated cardboard. Knife designed for cutting drywall. Cardboard should be corrugated and most importantly dense.

It is better to glue the mantelpiece on polymer glue or “liquid nails” - this way it will be securely planted on a frame structure or a fireplace arranged in the form of a box.

Next, the box can be pasted over with wallpaper under a brick or pasted over with white paper outside and inside. Masking tape works well, as it is thin, but it holds details well, and besides, paint adheres well to it.

The last step before directly decorating the fireplace is to glue all the seams of the portal and the base with tape.

They can be made from pieces of cardboard glued together.

Another one is possible, but it should cut the cardboard well.

To make the "bricks" more textured, they are dotted with gold paint with a sponge.

The fireplace is primed in several layers so that all the details become the same color. Next, the installation is painted with brown paint, and the curbs are yellow.

The most commonly used water-based paint white color. If you plan to make a decorative antique fake fireplace, then instead of coloring compositions, they use ordinary putty for drywall.

Do-it-yourself fake fireplace - we create a New Year's atmosphere

As unbelievable as it may sound, you can really make a decorative fireplace portal out of cardboard boxes.

As you can see, making a cardboard fireplace with your own hands is very simple. After installing the fireplace in the place of your choice, you can start decorating it with various accessories. Now you need to decide on the method of attaching the portal to the base of the fireplace.

Having prepared the elements of the fireplace, we begin by creating the base of the fireplace.

Your fireplace will consist of three main parts: the base, the portal and the top shelf.

We note that the folds of the box can also be used rationally and they are quite suitable for the corners of the fireplace.

There are very few of them, so you do not need large investments to create a cardboard fireplace.

And here it is shown how easy and quick it is to make a New Year's false fireplace from a cardboard box. On the mantelpiece you can arrange little things dear to your heart. The final step in creating a false fireplace made of cardboard will be painting it with water-based paint.

The top mantel does not have to be installed. Next, cut out the layout of the fireplace. According to the previously prepared sketch, we draw the details of the fireplace on the spread cardboard.

But if you want to be creative, you can construct a false polyurethane fireplace with your own hands from semi-columns, platbands and moldings.

It can be photographs, vases, some crafts, and much more. You can make it either pure white, or add your chosen color scheme and highlight the tone of the stucco elements. Also, in the hearth of the fireplace, you can create an imitation of brickwork using rectangular pieces of cardboard.

These can be painted patterns or decorating the front of the fireplace by highlighting the niche of the hearth with the help of thinly sliced ​​molding, after which stucco elements are also attached.

After that you can add decorative elements.

How to make a fireplace out of a box with a solid back

Making a fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands is not so difficult - just find large cardboard packaging from furniture or household appliances.

This easy process will take you a minimum of time, but it will wonderfully decorate your home. To create a fake fireplace, you will need a minimum of tools and an empty cardboard box.

In the niche of the hearth, you can place waxed candles or decorate it with diode bulbs. To create this shelf, we cut out 3-4 parts of the same size from the box.

By established dimensions according to the sketch, an ordinary box is assembled, with a solid back wall.

We also start by cutting out the portal panels drawn on the box.

The second option is to install the portal on the surface on a fully sealed box.

If one of the adjacent walls is the side of the cabinet, then it is necessary to calculate the dimensions so that the finished structure is flush with the cabinet and does not protrude.

The thickness depends on your wishes, you can make it a small twig or a larger log. Their width can be made the same or slightly larger than the width of the portal. Otherwise, the whole structure will collapse. When installing the top shelf, remember that its weight should not exceed the weight of the fireplace base.

But if you're going to put heavy objects on it, like vases, for example, then just the top of the box won't be enough to hold it.

Then we install the prepared portal, fixing it securely to the base with construction tape.

The ribs can be assembled into a lattice, or they can be randomly glued to the bottom and lid of the box.

To do this, we make a thinner tube, after the bonding glue dries, the branch is cut into small knots, which we then attach to the logs. Next, we create knots for these logs. Strips of cardboard are cut, which are then folded into a tube.

It must be said right away that there is nothing particularly difficult in the manufacture of this decor element, and it can be performed not only by a man with skills in construction, but also by the owner of the apartment.

Making them is very easy. Therefore, it is desirable to make it still more rigid.

How to make a decorative fireplace with imitation fire

It should be noted here that there are also several options for the execution of the portal. There may be two options.

Having decided on the dimensions, we create a sketch, where we mark all the dimensions.

Before proceeding with the direct creation of a fireplace, it is necessary to carry out a series preparatory work. By planning everything well, you will ensure the quality of the result.

For example, you can make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands - let it not be able to warm the apartment, but it will definitely add comfort and cheer up your household.

It all depends on your imagination. We nurtured the idea with a fireplace for a very long time, went to all kinds of construction markets and shops, but since the real one didn’t suit us, we went through the options.

Great site. Thanks a lot! Let's remember the happy childhood of the era of developed socialism together.

Fireplace from boxes for the new year

Do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes for the new year

A fireplace made of cardboard boxes with your own hands is not so difficult to make - just find large cardboard packages.

For example, a cardboard box from a plasma or LCD TV is well suited. The manufacturing work will take quite a lot of time - you need to cut out the details, paint, putty and decorate them. Nevertheless, the result will not leave you indifferent - it is difficult to distinguish a well-made fireplace from boxes with your own hands from the real one.

What you need for the specific example below:

  • Large cardboard box
  • Foam skirting boards (borders)
  • Glue type "Moment"
  • Decorative foam bas-reliefs
  • White water-based paint
  • Stationery knife

Preparing a fireplace from boxes with your own hands for the new year

  • To get started, make a drawing of a fireplace - examples can be found on the Internet, peep in specialized literature, or come up with your own.

    Do-it-yourself cardboard fireplace from boxes

    Print the picture and calculate the dimensions of your product on the drawing, according to the size of your box and space in the room.

  • Draw the layout on the box - use a ruler and a simple pencil so that the markup is clearly visible.

    Auxiliary lines can be drawn with a pen.

  • Cut out the window for the fire as follows - with a clerical knife, push deep grooves in the cardboard so that the edges can not be cut off, but bent inside the fireplace.

  • Glue the resulting blades to the back wall of the fireplace with Moment glue.

The preparatory phase is over.

Now you can start decorating the fireplace from the boxes with your own hands. The master class continues!

Do-it-yourself fireplace decoration from boxes for the new year

  • Cut off the foam skirting boards (curbs) right size for the edges of the hearth, decorative elements - they can be bought at any hardware store. Cut the pieces at a 45 degree angle so that the borders can be folded into rectangles later.
  • Glue the elements in the marked places.

  • In the center of the side elements of the fireplace, glue decorative foam plastic bas-reliefs in the form of angels.

    Decorate the top edge with a beautiful plinth, forming a future mantelpiece.

  • From above, your product should look something like this.

  • From Styrofoam or other similar lightweight material, cut a shelf to the desired size and glue it on top of your fireplace.

Painting can be done in different ways, depending on what effect you want to achieve.

If you need an aged surface with cracks, putty the entire surface with white putty for and dry with a hairdryer, after drying the surface will be covered with small cracks.

To achieve an even smooth layer, paint the product with water-based paint in 2-3 layers.

Show your imagination - the fireplace can also be decorated using all kinds of Christmas decorations.

Fire can be made from candles or garlands laid in the hearth. You can simply print out a large photo of the fire and stick it on the back of your fireplace insert.

Such a fireplace is perfect not only for decorating any home - many photo studios use such decorations when creating a home or holiday interior.

Fireplace from boxes for the new year (video)

Do-it-yourself New Year's fireplace from boxes

We often associate a fireplace with Christmas - it is with its help that Santa Claus, according to the beliefs of many Western peoples, sneaks into the house to put gifts under the Christmas tree.

Despite the fact that Santa Claus is closer to us, it doesn’t hurt to make a New Year’s fireplace with your own hands out of the box. So you can gather all your relatives near the family hearth, in literally words, on a festive night.

To make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions assume that you have many Christmas decorations for the home, which are also easy to prepare yourself.

  • Take 3 boxes: wide and flat from the TV and 2 small rectangular boxes from the speakers.

    Glue them together like in the picture. If necessary, cut the workpieces in height to achieve one level.

  • Take another cardboard box and cut out the top border for the fireplace from it, equal in length to the two sides of the blank and the front.
  • Glue the border. From above, decorate it with a patterned plinth, as in the first master class. Attach a foam board of the correct size.

  • Cut out a lot of rectangles with rounded ends and glue them in rows on the workpiece with PVA glue - they will create a semblance of bricks.

  • Prime the fireplace from the boxes with your own hands in 1-2 layers so that all its details become the same color.

    If this is not done, when painting the fireplace, it may turn out different colors.

  • After the primer is completely dry, paint the fireplace brown, plinth on it - yellow. Also, dip a dish sponge into the yellow and lightly dab some paint on the bricks to give them texture.
  • Decorate the fireplace with all sorts of New Year's toys, and in the hearth put a luminous garland rolled into a ball - an imitation of fire.

It will be even better if you replace the yellow paint with gold or silver - thanks to it, your fireplace will simply shine!

Material taken from the page MEGAPOISK.COM

False cardboard fireplace: how to decorate the room yourself for the New Year holidays

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford luxurious houses and mansions with fireplaces and stoves. However, everyone wants to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in their small house or apartment. I especially want comfort and warmth when the New Year and Christmas family holidays are approaching.

We invite you to find out how you can easily and quickly make a fake cardboard fireplace with your own hands in absolutely any room.

Basic Tips and Tricks Before Starting Designing an Indoor Fireplace

Before proceeding with any actions and manipulations for the manufacture of a decorative fireplace in your room, you need to plan and prepare everything you need.

  1. Determine the future location of your cardboard fireplace.

    It is best and more practical to place it along a large and free wall in your house or apartment. With this arrangement, this element of decor will look advantageous and spectacular.

  2. Decide on the desired dimensions of the cardboard fireplace. Do everything necessary calculations and measurements.

    For the convenience of work in the future, draw detailed drawing your future cardboard structure.

  3. Prepare in advance all the material necessary for making a fireplace.

    Collect large cardboard boxes from household appliances. It will be much easier and more convenient for you to work with such materials.

  4. For gluing parts and corners of the structure, you will also need a large number of PVA glue, as well as masking tape.
  5. think over appearance your cardboard fireplace. If necessary, stock up on moldings, corners, wallpaper, paints or other decorative elements.

A simple option for making a wall-mounted fireplace with your own hands

We offer affordable and detailed master class for the manufacture of a cardboard fireplace for decorating a room for the new year.

Take a large sheet of thick cardboard and cut it out according to the template outlined in advance.

The entire structure must be cut. You should make a strong and reliable foundation for your future fireplace. Use stiffeners for this, which you place inside the cardboard frame of the false fireplace.

The base of the structure should be larger than the false cardboard fireplace itself, by about ten centimeters. More accurate calculations need to be made.

There are two main ways to make a base for a fireplace design:

  1. Cut out cardboard material with small sides, and use PVA glue to glue the stiffeners.
  2. Cut out two panels of the required size.

    One will act as a surface, and the second in the form of a bottom, on which stiffeners are also glued.

New Year's fireplace from boxes: simple hastily, beautiful for a long time, and even with real fire

Open the marked cardboard and cut it out.

First you need to form the front part in order to fix the frame on it.

On the cut box, it is necessary to mark the window for the hearth. Cut it out with a utility knife.

The flaps should be bent inward.

It is also necessary to cut a rectangle out of cardboard, which will act as a ceiling. It is attached with adhesive tape. From the inside, the portal is attached using frame panels.

After that, it is necessary to glue the prepared cardboard on the gratings. The decorative portal is installed on the prepared base and fastened with PVA glue or adhesive tape.

If necessary, the craftswoman can paste over the frame with wallpaper or paint.

The most important and final stage is the decoration of the completed fireplace design.

Try to reproduce the design of stones or brickwork. Use a thin molding to divide the fireplace into several separate zones and sections.

Stucco elements glued to the structure with liquid nails look interesting and original. The columns placed on the sides will give a noble and complete look to your cardboard fireplace.

On finishing stage all decorative elements must be coated with white water-based paint.

Themed Video Compilation

We invite you to look at some interesting and useful videos on the topic of making a fireplace from cardboard with your own hands.