Mixer      07.03.2020

A small decoration for a mirror made of shells. Mirror with shells or a mirror in a marine style (40 photos)! Well, let's start decorating the mirror with shells

Required mirror materials nautical style

  • Mirror (any shape);
  • Starfish, river pebbles, various small shells. If it so happens that you do not have the opportunity to collect such materials immediately near the sea, you can buy ready-made kits in stores;
  • Beads-pearls of different sizes;
  • Adhesive composition (optimally - super-glue);
  • Adhesive paper or bandage.
  • Required Tools labor: scissors as well as tweezers.

How to decorate a mirror in a marine style

1. Before starting work, you need to clean the surface of the mirror with a glass detergent, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the shells, river pebbles, this is quite important point, after all adhesive composition does not adhere well to greasy or stained surfaces.

2. Using an adhesive bandage (or paper), we will make a frame on the mirror.

If necessary, you can also glue the shells on mirror surface, however, the advantage of this “frame” is that it will help you clearly limit the place of gluing (serves as a contour), and in case of an oversight, it is easier to separate the bandage from the mirror than very fragile materials.

3. Let's start gluing small shells. First you need to glue large shells on the frame. It is highly desirable that they be arranged symmetrically.

Try not to overload the frame, otherwise it will look overly cumbersome

Before applying the adhesive composition to the material, attach the selected shells to the frame, create several steps back at once, look at the mirror from afar. This will help to determine in advance which shells are much better combined with each other.

Glue must be applied to the shells.

4. Moving away from already glued big figures, attach small shells to the frame and, in addition, medium-sized sea river pebbles. Instead of river pebbles, you can also use very light, very flat pebbles, sold in flower shops to decorate potted plants. Don't forget to leave room for the beads.

5. Carefully enough, you need to glue the starfish. The important thing is that they are quite fragile. Therefore, at first, it is much better to glue the stars on an empty certain space, and only then place the rest around them.

6. It remains to fill the empty spaces with small small shells, pebbles, beads. For convenience, I advise you to use tweezers. This will make it easier to apply the adhesive to a small material.

Using tweezers, we will also fill in all the other gaps with beads.

In the same case, if you are unable to fill out absolutely everything empty seats between small shells (for example, along the edges or even small “holes”), leave them empty - only thanks to the bandage frame they will not be conspicuous.

For all those who live near the sea, there is Alternative option- fill the "holes" with adhesive and, accordingly, pour clean sea mountain sand into them. After some time, when the adhesive is completely dry, you will need to shake off excess clean mountain sand. Another method is to use small rather light beads instead of pure sand, for example, light cream, very light sand color tones.

7. Let's move on to last stage nautical style mirror decorations. When all the materials are glued to the frame, it remains to wait until the adhesive composition dries. Following this, you need to clean the surface of the mirror, as well as the shells from the remnants of the adhesive composition.

Following this, the decorated frame can also be covered with a completely colorless lacquer composition. However, this is not at all necessary: ​​the varnish composition is needed to strengthen the structure.

Marine style mirror - photo

Vacation in the summer on the sea coast promises sure to bring souvenirs in memory of the beautiful hot days. There are many ways to use them at home. There are many options for using shells as decorations. You can decorate any room with your own hands and if available interesting ideas create beautiful decor from shells.

Seashell care

If there are many sea shells available, then at home, without proper care, they will quickly begin to darken. Worst of all is the smell that appears in this process. To extend the life of these souvenirs, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions.

Start caring for such a souvenir from freezing the product itself. Collect the shells in a bag and close it, then place it in freezer For undefined period. When you can handle the shellfish, defrost them. Do not open the package right away or you will smell the fetid smell of sea rotten clams. It spreads very quickly throughout the room and does not volatilize well. Cover your mouth and nose with a cotton-gauze bandage, put on gloves and remove the insides of the shells with tweezers and a knife.

Pour the clams with water and boil for 15 minutes. Drain the water and after complete cooling, carefully remove the internal contents from there with tweezers. Place your shells under running water. Then they will be completely cleansed.

The next step is bleaching. Prepare a glass container, stack your sinks and fill them with some kind of bleach. In this state, you need to leave it all alone for a couple of hours. Then they need to be washed, dried and lubricated. vegetable oil, then cover with a colorless varnish.

ADVICE! When drying seashells, do not get carried away sunbathing. If you overexpose the shells in the open sun, they will begin to crumble.

Items to decorate

Decorating with your own hands is a very exciting and useful activity. You can give free rein to your imagination and create something new, unique with your own hands. Such an option for transforming the premises will be very economical.

new life in home interior In this way, you can give objects of different sizes:

  • mirrors;
  • coffee tables;
  • lampshades or nightlights;
  • dressers;
  • jewelry boxes;
  • photo frames.

A variety of trinkets of a similar theme will serve as an excellent addition to the main material. It can be sea horses, corals, stars, pebbles, and many others. small items. They will be in your home.

ADVICE! Do not overdo it with the decoration of rooms with shells. It should remain light and relaxed.

If you overload the space with such decor, it will look very stupid and ugly. Please note that this natural component serves excellent tool not only when creating a marine image with your own hands in the house. He can make the most strict interior softer and more interesting. This result is possible under the condition correct selection material.

1st idea: shell mirrors

The first thing that many girls think about using a natural component to decorate their home with shells is photo frames or mirror rims. It is these products that are in special demand among ladies.

To construct beautiful mirror DIY, you will need:

  • mirror (framed);
  • hot glue gun (can be used when performing work transparent glue"Moment");
  • shells;
  • beads, pearls, pebbles from the river and other decorations for decoration (they can be found at home);
  • varnish (colorless);
  • tweezers.

The very process of decorating a mirror with your own hands is very entertaining, but painstaking.

You need to put a mirror on the table. Cover it with a cloth or paper so as not to spoil it with glue or scratches. Then heat up the glue. Glue small shells along the inner rim.

Advice! To make them better fastened, it is necessary to pour glue on them.

After the outline is ready, start gluing the large shells. Do not forget about their organic placement relative to each other. Then the gaps between the shells are filled with decorative beads, pebbles, pearls, etc. After the mirror frame is completely covered with shells, leave the resulting product. It should dry well. It usually takes about a day. The final stage is to cover the mirror with shells with a colorless varnish.

2nd idea: photo frame

A stylish photo frame can make every photo unique. It will add a certain charm.

Making a unique frame is quite easy. This will require:

  • glue;
  • shells;
  • rhinestones;
  • sequins;
  • pebbles;
  • pearls.

When all the components are ready for work, you can proceed to the process itself. Take wooden frame. Mark on it the location of the shells and other decorating trifles. Then use glue to bring the idea to life.

3rd idea: candlestick

One of the most interesting and unusual handmade jewelry is seashells as a candlestick. In order for such an interesting little thing to appear in the house, you will need a large shell, a wick and wax.

The process of preparing such a romantic attribute will not take much time and effort. You need to choose the largest shell. It should be comfortable and stable. Fix the wick in it, fill it with wax, and then let it cool.


Shell decor is a great chance to express yourself. It is pleasant to do it with your own hands, dream up, spend time usefully and with pleasure.

Decorating panels and bottles with your own hands (2 videos)

Seashell decor options (43 photos)

How do you want to extend your summer vacation at sea, right? But work and other obligations are urgent, it’s good at least the memories of a wonderful sea holiday are glimmering in the soul!
But such memories can be extended, and not by viewing colorful vacation photos, but by one’s own mirror frame decorated in a marine style. Just imagine how wonderful it will look in the interior of a bathroom or hallway, constantly feeding you with pleasant memories of the warm sea!

Mirror with shells photo

If you brought shells from the sea, then in just a few days you may notice that they have darkened, and a terribly bad smell, below you will learn how to bring the shells into proper form.
How to clean shells at home.
1. Freeze shells. Some people recommend freezing shells in a bag filled with water, I know from experience that no water is needed, put the shells in a bag, tie it up and put it in the freezer. After a while, when you can take care of the shells, take out the bag, wait until the shells are defrosted (do not untie the bag during defrosting - otherwise you will feel a pungent smell). After defrosting, tie a cotton-gauze bandage on your face, put gloves on your hands, arm yourself with tweezers, a knife, and a sharp wooden skewer and remove the insides of the shells.
2. Boil the shells. There is another way to clean the shells, pour water into the pan, into which the shells are carefully immersed, boil the shells in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Then drain the water, let the shells cool, arm yourself with tweezers and remove all the insides from them. At the final stage, thoroughly rinse all sinks running water.
3. How to bleach shells. Take glass container, dip the shells in it and fill it with laundry bleach. After 1.5 hours, you can get the shells, if necessary, you can hold longer. Rinse the shells under running water, dry, grease with vegetable oil and after a while, cover with a colorless varnish. When drying in the sun, try not to overexpose the shells, otherwise they will crumble.

Mirror with shells photo

How to decorate a mirror with shells.
Necessary materials:
✓ Mirror in a frame;
✓ Hot glue gun with glue sticks (you can use transparent glue moment);
✓ Shells, pearl beads and river pebbles;
✓ Colorless varnish;
✓ Tweezers.

Where to get seashells?
Collect on the seashore; Buy in coastal shops (usually in such departments shells of various shapes and sizes are sold at affordable prices); Buy in souvenir shops in your city; Order in the online store; Purchase at "All for Creativity" stores; Ask friends and relatives.

Well, let's start decorating the mirror with shells.
We put the mirror on the table, heat up the thermal gun or simply arm ourselves with a bottle of transparent glue of the moment. We cover the mirror canvas with a cloth or paper so as not to drip with glue and not to scratch.
We glue small shells along the inner contour of the mirror, it is better to apply glue on the shell itself, of course, when applying glue to the frame, things will go faster, but since the moment tends to harden quickly, you may simply not have time to glue seafood. Make sure that they are arranged symmetrically and do not jump out of the intended row.

After creating the shell outline, you can start gluing large shells, but before gluing, just attach the shell to the frame and evaluate whether it looks appropriate here.
After gluing the large shells, start filling in the gaps between them using pearl beads, river pebbles and small shells. If you plan to stick starfish, then remember that they are very fragile and need to be glued on first, and then lay out other decorations around them. Gaps can also be filled with clean sea sand or light beads can be used.

When the marine-style mirror is fully decorated with all kinds of marine gifts, leave the product to dry completely, 24 hours will be enough. Then we cover the frame with a glossy, colorless varnish, and after another drying - we admire the result!

I suggest you look at a selection of photos of square mirrors, complemented by shells.
Such mirrors will emphasize the interior design of the bathroom, hallway and bedroom. And how perfectly they will fit into a themed marine interior!

Mirror with shells photo

Round mirrors decorated with different-sized shells.
Such mirrors look very neat and quite compact, so they can be hung in any room of the house, in addition, such a mirror is perfect as a gift!

Mirror in a marine style photo

Oval mirrors decorated with shells and other marine gifts.
Such mirrors look really cozy, they will help to instantly revive the overall interior atmosphere. Just one mirror can dramatically change the entire home environment, thanks to its bright decor, it will become the main accessory in the house and will constantly catch the eye.

Rectangular mirrors decorated with large and small shells.
This form of mirror is perhaps the most traditional and popular. A large mirror, decorated with shells of various shapes, can be hung in a central place in the living room or dining room.
Mirror in a marine style photo

Everyone who at least once in their life rested on the sea, probably tried in every possible way to preserve the memory of these happy days - they took pictures on the beach, collected shells in different boxes and bags, which they then, neatly and not very, put into hard-to-reach places his city apartment, creating a chaotic shell decor.

Unfortunately, after returning home and visiting our favorite work, we most often forget about the warm sea, the invariable attribute of which are beautiful sea shells. Residents of coastal cities also treat shells casually: if they cannot be sold to vacationers, why are they needed? Well, maybe one of them Greeting Cards made in bygone Soviet times.

shell decor for christmas tree

So, gentlemen, shells are back in fashion! Do not be lazy and take out the treasures of mother nature stale in the dark corners - now they will symbolize the beauty of the seascape right at your home, because talented designers urge you to make your home unique and cozy with the help of these shells, beautiful as Eternity itself. Have you ever thought about how many years the shell you stepped on grows in the sea? It turns out that there are many, and this is a number with many zeros! Let's follow the recommendations of modern designers - collect all our shells and start creating a new style in the home interior with the help of shell decor - marine, Mediterranean, or, as it is also called, ecological!

    Marine theme in the interior

    Some practical advice

    Photo gallery - shell decor:

Yes, today they are not as popular as pebbles, and cannot be used for covering a home floor, however, shells look just great in the decor of walls, columns and arches! They can be combined with pebbles, gluing both on the walls with special types glue and plaster.

flower pot decorated with shells

A transparent vase filled with shells will brighten up any setting, add well-placed mirrors to it, as well as maritime-style picture and photo frames - you can't go wrong! By learning how to make wreaths of shells, you can decorate doors or hanging planters for flowers.

In general, when visiting stores, you should often pay attention to a variety of interesting elements decor, which uses seashells, because they can be both a successful addition to the already formed unique style of your home, and the first step towards further improvement. Don't forget the comfortable accessories artificial materials, the shape of which repeats the silhouette of sea shells.

a vase decorated with colorful shells will bring originality to the interior

Shell decor in the bathroom

“A pebble rug in shell decor will not only decorate the bathroom, but also provide a healthy and pleasant foot massage, and being on a heated floor will create the effect of being on the beach”

Whatever general style decoration of your home, in the bathroom, shells and pebbles are always in place, because there is water here.

The easiest way to put a simple but expressive element on a mirror shelf is a vase filled with shells. Do not be too lazy to inlay the mirror set or the outer surface of the bathtub with shells - you will achieve a simply amazing effect. The most industrious of us can even line the walls with pebbles and shells, creating a decor worthy of Neptune himself.

A pebble rug in a shell decor will not only decorate the bathroom, but also provide a useful and pleasant foot massage, and being on the heated floor will create the effect of being on the beach.

white table with shells

Shells in the interior of the kitchen

In the kitchen, it is worth decorating any vases and flowerpots, pots and jugs with shells, combining these elements with paintings and photos on a marine theme, as well as various souvenirs and utensils in the same style.

Living room in a marine style

Interesting souvenirs brought from the sea are used as independent decorative elements from shells, as well as as decorations for a variety of objects.

Shells do not burn, which means they can decorate sconces and lamps in any room.

a picture of shells in the living room will always remind you of warm sunny days

Massive shells from distant exotic seas can be filled with shining candy wrappers, or epiphytes, unique miniature decorative flowers, can be planted in them.

Wax-filled shells make spectacular candles.

A special charm will give the living room interior a picture made of shells, pebbles, and if available, even corals and pearls. You will not see such a picture hanging on the wall of the neighbors - it exists only in one copy and is a manifestation of your individuality. Even unpretentious dogs and boats made of shells, unobtrusively reminding of the sea, add quiet romantic notes to the atmosphere of the room.

mirror decorated with large shells in the interior of the living room

Shells in the decor of the bedroom

Sea pebbles forever keep the warmth of the summer sun, and ornate scrolls of shells - the sound of the sea surf; all of them will help create a unique and sophisticated aura of magical memories in your bedroom, because only you know where and when sea ​​waves presented these expensive gifts.

Try decorating mirrors and photo frames with shells, decorating a chest of drawers and an elegant dressing table with them - marine style will take you into a fantasy world, far from the problems and difficulties of everyday life.

Marine theme in decorating mirrors

Mirrors decorated with seashells and pebbles look extraordinarily impressive using such additional materials, like decorative beads, ropes or pieces of rope. Elements of the composition can be painted acrylic paints and cover with a shiny varnish, and they are fixed with glue (you can use PVA or Moment).

a mirror decorated with white shells goes well with the pale blue tint of the walls

A small fish long lost among children's toys and a keychain in the shape of a sea anchor will successfully fit into original decor from shells, invented by you for decoration mirror frame. The decorative rope will symbolize the ship's rope on your favorite photo frame, in the corner of which there is a small starfish. Familiar things will come to life if their owners give free rein to their imagination.

Decor options in a marine style

“Shells can decorate flower vases inside, but it’s even better to stick them on the outside in a chaotic manner, or based on an interesting ornament”

The number of options for using seafood in interior decor is limited only by the decorator's imagination; they are essentially limitless, but there are a few time-tested good ideas worth knowing about.

a dressing table and a mirror decorated with different-sized shells will become key elements of the marine theme in the bedroom

So choose your favorite and beautiful seashells, arrange them in shape and size, change the color with paints if you wish - and scatter them along with colored beads around your favorite photo frame. Photographs designed in this way can be placed on the shelves or hung on the walls of the living room, bedroom and children's room. If you are endowed with artistic talent - do not hide it, but use the inspiration that has appeared to create beautiful picture which will be admired by the people around you with delight.

Bedside tables, coffee tables and the shelves will gain completely the new kind if you put on them transparent vases filled with sea sand, pebbles, shells, starfish, coral and pearls. Such compositions are also well suited for decorating banquets and richly served tables.

You can decorate flower vases inside with shells, but it’s even better to stick them on the outside in a chaotic manner, or based on an interesting ornament.

This shell craft can be made independently and placed on a shelf

On suburban area the shells and pebbles look great too! Scattered here and there: among garden trees and flowers, around the fountain or artificial reservoir, - they will emphasize the beauty of the natural landscape and remind you of the sunny days you spent on the sea coast.

The interior of the house can also become an object of decoration. Soap dishes in the bathroom and pepper shakers in the kitchen, original candle sinks, garlands, planters and even lampshades in a marine style - this is just a small list. original ideas and possibilities of use natural materials brought from the seashore.

floor vase decorated with shells

  1. Since shells are taken from natural conditions, which means that mollusks previously lived in them, they cannot be used to decorate rooms without preliminary treatment - an unpleasant smell is characteristic of shells. In addition, often large specimens recently raised from the bottom of the sea are covered with a rather thick layer of algae adhering to them, which can only be removed mechanically after soaking in water.
  2. Outwardly clean shells can simply be poured with boiling water for five minutes, then drain the cooled water and repeat the procedure for another three minutes.
  3. Do not forget that, if desired, shells can be painted.
  4. Completes the process of processing sea shells with a one-time coating acrylic varnish This will give your shell décor an attractive natural look for years to come.

Photo gallery - shell decor:

A mirror is not only an object that helps to evaluate your appearance, it complements the interior, gives style and performs aesthetic functions. With the help of an originally designed mirror, you can significantly change the image of your home and give the house a complete look and a unique style.

You will need:

  1. Various shells;
  2. Pearls different sizes;
  3. Sea pebbles;
  4. Glue "Moment";
  5. Colorless varnish;
  6. Sand, beads, sequins, etc.
  7. Self-adhesive paper;
  8. Ammonia;
  9. Water;
  10. Mirror.


  • First of all, it is necessary to degrease the surface of the mirror, shells, pebbles and pearls with water and ammonia. Using self-adhesive paper, frame the mirror desired shape and size.
  • When you make a frame, you can proceed to exciting process- decoration. First, it is recommended to stick large shells symmetrically. They can be fixed on the sides or corners of the mirror. If you use starfish when decorating, be careful, they are quite fragile.
  • Fill the space between the large shells with small shells, pearls and pebbles. You can also add sea sand, salt, beads or glitter. Do everything carefully and carefully, carefully considering where you glue the elements.
  • At the end of the work, shake off excess sand, remove the remaining glue and varnish the frame with a colorless varnish (if the mirror will hang in the bathroom, varnish it in 2 layers). This will give reliability and prevent the elements from crumbling, while maintaining the appearance.
  • When the mirror is completely ready, you can hang it in the place that is provided for it.

Decorate the mirror with beads

You will need:

  1. Mirror;
  2. Transparent silicone sealant;
  3. Beads;
  4. masking tape;
  5. Alcohol.


  • First you need to prepare the surface of the mirror: to do this, treat it with alcohol. Using tape, separate the part of the mirror from the one you will decorate. The border should not be made too wide, otherwise the decor will look clumsy and heavy. The tape line can be uneven and arbitrary, the main thing is to observe symmetry.
  • Apply a thin layer of sealant to the area limited by the adhesive tape. Gently pour the beads on the surface with sealant, leveling it. The beads should lie in an even layer without visible gaps.
  • Instead of beads, you can take transparent pebbles of different sizes. Thus, decorate the entire separated surface of the mirror.
  • Once you've made your beaded frame, carefully peel off the tape and let the sealant dry.

DIY mirror: decor options

The easiest way to decorate a mirror is with regular paint. You need to pick suitable paint not only in color, but also in the nature of the frame material. The frame of the mirror can be painted in a neutral solid color or bright, with contrasting patterns. The only thing worth considering is harmony colors interior.

The mirror can be decorated with artificial flowers. You can take flowers of different sizes and glue them in any order. The gaps between them can be filled with beads, sequins, sparkles or beads. A mirror decorated in this way will look beautiful in the bedroom.

A good option for decorating a mirror is ribbons. You can make lots of colorful bows in different sizes and attach them to the frame. In addition to bows, you can cut small squares of multi-colored ribbons and place them on the frame, creating a patchwork. This mirror will look great in the hallway.

To design a mirror in the bathroom, use ceramic tiles or CDs. You can decorate the mirror using the mosaic technique. For effect, use bright or mirror tiles. This option is quite laborious and long, but the result is worth it.

A mirror for a child's room can be decorated with a puzzle. Buy a children's puzzle and glue its elements on the frame, creating a pattern. This way is original and bright, your child will be delighted!

Decorate a mirror for Christmas you can use rain, tinsel, garlands, paper snowflakes and angels. In addition, you can buy artificial snow in a special store and spray it on the surface.