Mixer      04/14/2019

Painting windows with wooden frames. How and how to paint old wooden windows: an overview of suitable paints and a step-by-step scheme of work

Not all of our contemporaries unanimously rushed to acquire standard plastic double-glazed windows, some prefer safe, natural, wood-based designs. Modern wooden windows have a lot of advantages in addition to environmental cleanliness: reliability, durability, high quality workmanship. At the same time, behind such frames it is necessary regular care, in particular, painting of wooden windows is required. Of course, if you have chosen some of the best wooden windows, then this task will not appear before you soon, but if your windows are several years old, it's time to start thinking about maintaining their beauty and functionality.

  • What is the best paint for wooden windows?
    • Paint for interior and exterior painting
    • The choice of paint according to its characteristics and composition
  • How to paint wooden windows?
    • Materials and tools
    • Important points before starting work
    • Rules for removing old paint
    • Preparation of fittings and glasses
    • Puttying wooden windows
    • Priming wooden windows
    • Multi-layer painting of wooden windows

But before you paint wooden windows, and even with your own hands, you need to stock up on everything in advance necessary tools and materials.

What is the best paint for wooden windows?

The first question is, which paint is better for wooden windows? Suitable paint for wooden windows must meet the following requirements:

  • be moisture resistant to protect wood from fungus and decay;
  • be elastic so as not to crack when the frame shrinks and swells;
  • be "breathable", because the wood after processing must retain the ability to let air into the room, due to which a healthier microclimate is created there.

Paint for interior and exterior painting

Interior window painting

Alkyd paints with added oil meet all the requirements regarding which paint is best for painting wooden windows. They are quite elastic and durable, in addition, they give the surface a great look.

But with alkyd paints, the frame is best painted from the side of the room.

Painting windows from the street:

If the question is being solved, what is the best way to paint wooden windows from the street, then in this case it is better to stop at nitro paints or acrylic paints. They dry quickly, without a strong smell, give a very durable coating. These are also suitable for window sills.

Universal Paint:

For those who do not want to get confused about what is better to paint wooden windows from the outside, and than from the inside, and prefer the use of a universal composition, atmospheric glossy enamel should be recommended.

Some people can't decide what color to paint their wooden windows with. Our climate is characterized by significant temperature fluctuations, variable weather with precipitation. In such conditions, alkyd enamels and acrylic paints performed well on water based Caparol, Remmers and Dulux although they are quite expensive. You can also choose cheaper domestic counterparts.

The choice of paint according to its characteristics and composition

In addition, wooden surfaces can also be painted with conventional oil, enamel and adhesive dispersion paints. To finally decide which paint to choose, you need to think about the features of the conditions in which the painted surface will stay, the humidity of the atmosphere, and the properties of the surface to be painted. From the composition of the composition and its operational properties the cost of a particular paint also depends heavily.

Acrylic and polyurethane paints

The most modern and technologically advanced are acrylic and polyurethane enamels and varnishes. All of them contain organic solvents, which make them more toxic, but also more stable. The most promising in terms of durability are polyurethane paints, which provide the most wear-resistant coating, so at the moment they are - best coverage for wooden windows. But still, acrylic paints are used more often for doors and frames, which are more affordable. After drying, which occurs very quickly, they are no longer afraid of water. Acrylic can be diluted with water and tinted to desired shades. Of course, they should not be confused with acrylic paints for artists, which are available in small tubes.

Alkyd paints

A good option when choosing the best way to paint wooden windows can be alkyd paint, since it is not only resistant to various manifestations of atmospheric adversity, but also to mineral oil or detergents. A surface primed and coated with alkyd paint in advance will retain its appearance for 4 years. It perfectly tolerates extreme heat (+60) and extreme cold (-50).

Nitrocellulose paints

Nitrocellulose paint may also be the right option for which paint is better to paint the wood of window structures. True, the solvent in it is acetone, which evaporates very quickly, so the room should be intensively ventilated. This paint is very flammable.

IN Lately Owners of wooden windows increasingly began to cover them with transparent varnishes, which allow them to preserve all the magnificent texture of wood. At their core, such transparent varnishes are the same alkyd enamel, in which a coloring pigment is simply not added.

How to paint wooden windows?

Before processing wooden windows before painting, you need to consider that different breeds wood require different processing:

  • pine must be impregnated with compounds that protect it from grinders and getting wet;
  • oak windows are not afraid of moisture, but insects love to feast on them;
  • larch does not need treatments that are used for either pine or oak, since it does not rot and is avoided by grinders.

Materials and tools

A master who knows how to paint wooden windows correctly will first prepare not only the paints and brushes themselves, but also some tools and consumables.

It is quite obvious that before painting wooden windows with peeling paint, you need to remove all this paint from the surface, as well as various foreign objects sticking out of the frames. Therefore, when working, you may need a variety of tools:

  • screwdrivers and pliers are needed to remove various screws and nails from the frame;
  • it is convenient to remove old paint with a small spatula;
  • you will also need a small hammer to install the glazing beads in place, because the latter will have to be temporarily dismantled in order to remove the glass from the frame;
  • sandpaper you have to clean the surfaces;
  • so that the slopes do not get dirty during painting, they must be temporarily sealed with masking tape;
  • brushes are needed to apply paint, and if the frames are quite wide, then they can be painted faster with a roller;
  • jars or trays for paint;
  • a crowbar or a small nail puller will be needed during the dismantling of glazing beads, as well as sashes and vents;
  • also worth preparing rubber spatula, a fine mesh for straining the putty and the putty itself on wood. The fact is that chips, cracks or dents are often found on old frames, which can be successfully leveled with such putty;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood;
  • an effective solvent for used paint in case you need to quickly remove a misplaced stain.

If the painting of old wooden windows will be done with acrylic paint, then a color scheme may also be required (if the paint itself is white and its tone needs to be corrected with a dye). But if there is no tinting experience, then it is better to immediately buy the desired shade.

Important points before starting work

In order for wooden frames to last longer after painting, you need to choose the right time for work.

It is best to do this on a warm day, when there is no bright sun, but the humidity is low, then the ultraviolet will not destroy the dye. Wooden frames will dry already at a humidity of less than 80% and a temperature of only +5 degrees.

Paint should not be applied to damp wood, otherwise bubbles will come out and the frame will have to be repainted.

In addition to dampness, poor surface preparation also leads to paint peeling. If the windows are painted indoors, then before starting work, it is necessary to clean it up there so that dust does not settle on the frames.

Rules for removing old paint

It has already been mentioned above how to prepare wooden windows for painting - first of all, remove the old paint:

  1. You should arm yourself with an industrial hair dryer or blowtorch and try to warm the surface of the frame with them. If the paint begins to peel off when heated and can be easily removed with a spatula, then this means that good way its removal.
    If the paint does not give in, then it remains to work hard with a spatula and a chisel or soak the old paint with a solvent. In this case, you will need a scraper and coarse sandpaper.
  2. If the frame is difficult to close, then sand the “conflicting” surfaces with grinder. The latter must be handled delicately so as not to damage the frame material itself.

Video on how to remove old paint from wooden windows:

Now, to remove old paint, they began to produce special liquids that significantly speed up the preparatory process. These include Ukrainian "Svema" or "Shostka" or Finnish from "Tikkurila". It can be found in auto shops as it is used for cars. The liquid must be applied and wait until the paint begins to wrinkle and turn into something curdled, which can be easily removed with a spatula and then rubbed with coarse sandpaper.

Preparation of fittings and glasses

Preparation for painting involves the dismantling of window sashes and fittings, then after restoration the window will look neater. In addition, at the same time it will be possible to replace or repair faulty elements. If the locks and handles do not want to be easily removed, then they can be wrapped with masking tape, protecting them from paint.

Glass should be prepared no less carefully, especially if wooden windows with double-glazed windows are being painted. For beginners, it is better to cover the entire glass area with newspapers, fixing them with masking tape 2 mm from the edge of the frame, so that the paint fills these cracks and does not allow water to accumulate in them later. For experienced craftsmen, one adhesive tape glued along the edge of the glass is enough.

It is better not to reuse old glazing beads holding glass. New glazing beads must be sanded, primed and painted separately from the frames, and in this form already nailed into place.

Puttying wooden windows

Some people who know well how to paint and prime a wooden window use old recipes, mixing rosin or wax with turpentine. The rest is better to rely on ready-made formulations, which, fortunately, are always available in specialized stores, where you can find a variety of base paints, primers, solvents, finish varnishes and paints. Putty for wooden windows for painting should be specially designed for wood, it is usually acrylic and packaged in 200 g cans.

The most promoted brand in our country is, perhaps, Tikkurila, at least on the forums it has received the most positive feedback from consumers. But they also note its "biting" prices. TO famous brands can also be attributed to "Tex", "Pinotex", "Zawosan" and a number of others.

The procedure for puttying wooden windows is as follows:

  1. Before puttying wooden windows for painting, the frame must be carefully inspected. All elements made of iron (steel hinges, stud caps, etc.), which can rust over time and spoil the look of the window, should be pre-treated with a special primer for iron.
  2. An important stage of the preparatory work is the treatment of wood with an antiseptic, thanks to which the structure will be protected from decay and the spread of fungus, will not allow insects to settle in the frames, and in general will extend the life of the frame.
  3. Having processed the frame with an antiseptic, you need to re-examine its surface. There will certainly be potholes, bumps, cracks that need to be puttied. This should be done gradually, in several approaches, because if you immediately apply a thick layer of putty, then it will then easily fall off along with the paint layer and the entire repair will go down the drain.

  1. On the surface of wooden frames intended for painting, putty is applied in a regular layer. If the frame is processed with a stain, then the puttied places will look through it, so the putty must be tinted exactly to the color of the wood. Putty can even be prepared independently from wood flour and epoxy resin or glue.
  2. After applying the first layer and hardening of the putty, its surface must be treated with sandpaper.
  3. Then a second layer of putty is applied and a few hours after it dries, the surface must be treated with sandpaper in the same way.
  4. These operations must be repeated until a perfectly flat frame surface is formed.

Useful preparation video wooden window for painting:

Priming wooden windows

This procedure is necessary to ensure high-quality and reliable adhesion of the paint to the surface. A modern primer forms a transparent protective film that allows you to preserve the appearance of the natural pattern of the material. In addition, modern primers have antiseptic properties, therefore they protect the entire frame (especially the outside) from rotting, mold and swelling even in rainy weather. The primer composition includes oil, glue, resin and coloring pigments.

The formulation of the primer mixture can vary significantly, however, all mixtures for wood must certainly preserve its natural structure. That is why a metal primer is not used for wood.

It is quite simple to determine which primer is needed in a particular case:

  • For water-dispersion paints, you should choose an acrylic-based primer, the composition of which resembles that of a paint.
  • Under the enamel, you need to apply alkyd drying oil.
  • It is useful to treat the windows with wood stain with protective properties for wood, the solvent in which is white spirit.
  • Then the wood will absorb less moisture, and grinders will not start in it.
  • You can also find putty that has the same shade as the wood itself.

The surface before the primer must be degreased with white spirit, if it has not been previously puttied. It is better to prime not with a roller, but with a brush.

If the putty has not dried completely or some area was missed during the primer, then dark spots often form in these places after painting.

Multi-layer painting of wooden windows

After the procedures described above, the window becomes even and smooth. Next is the painting process:

  1. Before painting, the room must be carefully cleaned, especially from dust so that it does not settle on fresh paint.
  2. Having opened a can of paint, the contents must be thoroughly mixed and strained into a bath through a special sieve.

Many neglect this and smear the paint taken directly from the can. But the paint is usually sold too thick and requires pre-dilution. If you paint with undiluted paint, then too thick a layer of it is applied, so it is distributed unevenly, with sagging and traces of the bristles of the brush. After drying, such paint will begin to crack faster.

  1. The degree of dilution of the paint is determined only empirically, but one should strive to ensure that the applied paint layer is uniform, however, does not flow like water.

It is not necessary to dilute all the available paint at once, but pour some of it into a separate container and bring the solvent there to the required consistency.

  1. About which is better to take a solvent for paint or primer, you can ask the seller or carefully study the text on the package.
  2. The first applied layer of paint should be the most liquid, since it should penetrate as deeply as possible into all the irregularities of the wood structure.

  1. After applying the first layer of paint, it must be allowed to dry completely and only then proceed with the application of the second layer.

Usually painting wooden windows on the outside is carried out in three layers, with reinsurance, although with good paint and surface preparation, two layers may be enough.

  1. The paint for the second and third layers should be thicker so that it does not form streaks. If streaks still appear, then they must be removed immediately using a rag moistened with a solvent. If you delay with this, then the paint will dry out and the entire surface of the frame will have to be cleaned and painted again.

During operation, the brush should not be dipped into the paint entirely, but only halfway, and the excess paint should be removed by gently brushing along the edge of the container.

Painting should start from the outside of the window.

  1. It is necessary to take care that there are different brushes at hand: for even wide surfaces more, and for hard-to-reach areas - smaller. The width of the brush can be in the range of 3-5 cm. Frames should be painted with flat, not round brushes, they will ideally distribute the paint along the wood fibers. And it is better to paint over the corners with light, concise strokes of the tool.

  1. By the way, newspapers and adhesive tape must be removed from the glass before the paint is completely dry, because if you tighten it with this, the paint layer can be damaged later.
  2. Then install the previously removed fittings in place, but after the paint has completely dried.

Knowing everything the most important nuances painting wooden frames, the reader himself can decide whether to do it on his own or still turn to the services of professionals.

What paint do you choose for painting windows, and why? Tell us about your choice in the comments, and explain it - in communication with other builders, truth is born!

The appearance of windows for any building is of great importance, and especially for a residential building. Clean, neatly painted frames and the right color make even the simplest facade attractive. In order for the windows to always look like new, it is necessary not only to follow the application technology, but to correctly choose the composition. Among the huge range of paintwork materials, it is not at all easy to figure out which paint for windows is better, and therefore we will take a closer look at the main types of paints, their characteristics and the most popular brands.

When choosing a coloring composition for wooden windows, one should take into account not only the properties of the tree, but also the operating conditions of the material. External frames all year round are exposed to atmospheric influences, tolerate sharp fluctuations in temperature, and are susceptible to sunlight. Dirt and dust gather on them more strongly, which means that they have to be washed more often, as a result of which the paint layer is gradually erased and loses its original smoothness and shine.

The wooden surface is prone to deformation and cracking, which also affects the integrity of the coating. Based on this, we can distinguish the main criteria for choosing a paint:

  • high water resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • coating strength;
  • resistance to microorganisms (especially fungi);
  • resistance to abrasion and fading.

As for toxicity, the requirements here are not too strict: since the paint is applied outside, harmful fumes quickly disappear and do not harm a person. Additionally, the coating must be moderately plastic so that microcracks do not form during the thermal expansion of the frame.

Please note - it is not necessary to paint both doors in the same shade.

Types of paints for outdoor work

At the moment, alkyd, acrylic and oil compositions are used for painting windows on the outside.

Alkyd paints

These are universal formulations based on pentaphthalic and glyphthalic containing natural oils. They do not dry for a very long time (about a day), have elasticity, perfectly tolerate frosts and temperature changes - from -50 ° С to + 60 ° С. After drying, a very durable smooth coating with water-repellent properties is formed. The color palette is very wide, the paints are sold already tinted and completely ready for application. Solvent and white spirit are used as a solvent. Average paint consumption is 100-180 g/m2.

Due to the presence of resins and oils in the composition, alkyd paint very effectively protects wood from burning out, swelling and temperature deformations. Insect pests also bypass such surfaces, which prolongs the life of windows. Subject to the staining technology, the service life is about 5 years. Disadvantages - the presence of toxic and combustible substances.

Acrylic paints

Water-soluble paints with polymers. They do not contain harmful fragrances, as a result of which they do not have a pungent odor and are considered the most environmentally friendly. Thanks to high content polymers are resistant to fading and weathering. Acrylic paint withstands repeated freezing well, can be wet cleaned, has long term service - up to 7 years or more, subject to the staining technology. It is easy to apply, dries very quickly, painted surfaces can be renewed without first stripping the coating. Average consumption is 120-150 g/m2.

Oil paints

They are suspensions of pigments on drying oil. Such paint forms a durable waterproof film on the surface, resistant to negative temperatures and atmospheric influences. It is also resistant to chemically aggressive substances, abrasion, does not fade in the sun for a long time, and has a high hiding power. The color palette includes more than 100 options.

Consumption, on average, is 100-150 g per square meter, and if the base material is too porous, then about 200 g/m2. Drying oil is used for breeding, as well as turpentine and white spirit, but not more than 5% of the total amount of paint. Despite a lot of positive properties, oil paint is less in demand than alkyd and acrylic, and the reason for this is a short service life - from 1 to 3 years, as well as a long drying period - from 24 to 48 hours. In addition, this composition contains flammable substances and has a sharp unpleasant odor.

Popular paint brands

Paints, impregnations and varnishes are products that are in stable demand, and the market is simply overflowing with paints and varnishes for every taste and in different price categories. Unfortunately, quality is not a priority for all manufacturers, and therefore many paints do not hold water. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you should give preference only to reliable, time-tested brands from well-known manufacturers.

Tikkurila (Finland)

The trademark "Tikkurila" has earned the recognition of consumers for a long time: the company has been manufacturing its products for more than a century and is included in the list of leaders in the paint and varnish industry. Paints of this brand are of unsurpassed quality and are suitable for operation in the most adverse conditions. As you know, the climate of Finland is quite severe, and therefore the development of protective coatings for wood is carried out taking into account the impact negative temperatures and very high humidity. The composition of the paints contains antifungal additives, due to which mold and fungi do not develop on the painted frames.

Tikkurila Helmi - acrylate paint for furniture, doors, windows

The color palette of Finnish paints is very wide and includes about 15 thousand shades. For outdoor and internal works color catalogs are developed separately, as for different kind surfaces. For example, the Valtti catalog is intended for tinting glazing antiseptics. Unlike paint, these compositions do not hide the natural texture of the wood, but only emphasize it, giving certain shades and a soft sheen.

But in the Vinha catalog there are semi-gloss paints of 30 natural shades. They are intended exclusively for wooden surfaces - window frames, facade cladding, outdoor railings. These paints are characterized by high hiding power and excellent protective properties, and are best solution for surfaces requiring restoration.

More wide choose provides a directory " Wooden facades". It includes 120 colors, ideal for outdoor surfaces, including wooden windows.

NameBrief characteristics

Alkyd composition for oil based. It is used for painting wooden bindings and frames, both new and previously painted. It is tinted in accordance with the catalog "Wooden facades", has a semi-gloss sheen. One liter of paint is enough for an area of ​​8-10 m2, when applied in one layer. At a temperature of +23°C and an air humidity of no more than 50%, the paint dries for 24 hours. Packed in jars with a capacity of 0.9, 2.7 and 9 liters

Matt paint based on acrylates, oil content. It is used for painting new and previously treated wooden surfaces. 1 liter of paint is enough for 5-9 m2, depending on the density of the substrate. Can be applied by brush and spray, diluted with water. Complete drying takes 2-4 hours. Packed in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Semi-gloss paint for new and refurbished wooden bases. Diluted with white spirit and alkyd solvent, a brush is used for application. Consumption is about 8-11 m2/l, depending on the porosity of the substrate. At +23°C it takes 24 hours to dry. Packed in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water-soluble acrylate-based paint. Designed for exterior painting of wood, both new and previously processed. It has a semi-matte degree of gloss, applied with a brush and spraying method. 1 liter of composition is enough for 6-9 m2 when applied in one layer. Drying takes 2-4 hours. Paint is packaged as standard in containers of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water-soluble paint-antiseptic, opaque, with a semi-matt sheen. Contains alkyd components, as well as mold and blue stain inhibitors. Designed for painting wooden surfaces of all types, especially old and in need of restoration. It is applied with a brush and by spraying, the consumption is 6-10 m2/l. It takes 2 hours to dry at 50% humidity and +23°C. Standard packaging - 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

"Dufa" (Germany)

The products of this brand include a variety of paints, primers, glazes, varnishes and other related products for finishing and repair work. In terms of quality, Dufa paints and varnishes are not inferior to the best European brands, which is confirmed by high demand from foreign and Russian consumers. The company specializes in the development of paints for certain areas of application, and produces universal compositions in a minimum volume. Most paints are made on a silicone, latex and acrylic base and are water soluble.

For windows, water-soluble colored enamels are intended, as well as enamels with increased whiteness. These compositions are easy to apply and spread over the surface, have good hiding power, after drying they form a very strong film. Enamelled frames can be washed soap solutions, mold does not develop on them and insects bypass. Due to the presence of special components, Duf's colored paints fade slightly in the sun, and whites do not turn yellow.

NameBrief characteristics

Alkyd paint with a glossy finish. It is resistant to weathering, abrasion and moisture. When applied, it is easily distributed over the material and does not form streaks. It is diluted with white spirit, dries for about 6 hours. Consumption is 10 m2/l, applied with a brush. Packed in containers of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Semi-gloss alkyd-based paint. It has 20 tinting options, forms a silky-matte even coating. It is applied by spraying and brushing, the consumption is 10-12 m2/l. The paint does not have a strong odor, dries in 8-12 hours. Packed in containers of 0.375, 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Glossy paint designed specifically for wooden frames and bindings. Forms a durable water-repellent coating with a high degree of whiteness. It is diluted with water, applied with a brush and by spraying. At an air temperature of 20°C and low humidity, the drying time is 8-10 hours. Consumption about 13 m2/l. Packed in containers of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Acrylic paint with glossy finish. Differs in high adhesion and water resistance, does not turn yellow, is easily distributed over the material. Consumption is 10-11 m2 / l, diluted with water - no more than 10% of the total. Dries 4-6 hours. Standard packaging - 0.750 and 2.5 liters

The products of this German brand are of excellent quality and a rich assortment. The manufacturer focuses on the production of environmentally friendly products, therefore most of"Kaparol" does not contain paints harmful substances and solvents. The most popular are paints for outdoor work, which have increased resistance to fading and weathering.

For windows, enamels based on alkyd resins and water-soluble glazing compounds are produced. They fade slightly in the sun, with proper care they retain their original appearance for several years. Due to high coverage and economical consumption, Kaparol paints can significantly reduce repair costs. The Caparol company also owns the Alpina trademark, whose products have identical characteristics.

NameBrief characteristics

Water-soluble semi-gloss paint for new and previously painted wooden substrates. Contains fungicides, resistant to negative effects. It is applied with a brush, the consumption is 150 ml/m2 in a single layer application. Dries completely in 12 hours

Water-soluble glazing composition that preserves the texture of wood. Forms a strong highly elastic film with water-repellent properties. Apply with a brush, consumption is 100-250 ml/m2

Water-soluble paint with increased resistance to moisture and weathering. It is applied in a thin layer, preserves the texture of the wood. Consumption is about 120 g/m2. Drying time - 6 to 8 hours

Sniezka (Poland)

The Polish brand "Sniezka" is an optimal ratio of quality and price. Its products are very diverse, rich color palette, a wide range of related products. Paints for wood are made on an oil, alkyd and acrylic basis, while all formulations additionally contain antifungal agents and have enhanced fading resistance. Subject to the Sniezka paint coloring technology, they do not lose their visual appeal during the entire service life and provide stable protection against moisture.

Tex (Russia)

Among domestic manufacturers, products of the Tex trademark enjoy the greatest confidence of buyers. The paintwork materials of this company are maximally adapted to local operating conditions, while the compositions are constantly being improved. Excellent specifications and a relatively low price allow Tex paints to successfully compete with foreign-made coatings. With proper application, their service life is at least 7 years.

Enamel for windows and doors "Teks Profi"

The list of reliable brands also includes ISAVAL (Spain), German brand REESA, Canadian Forester, VIVACOLOR (Estonia). Among domestic manufacturers, the Yaroslavl Paints, Stroykompleks, and Olivesta brands can be highlighted.

Yaroslavl paints, enamel

Basic rules for using paints

Coloring tool

There are three options for applying paint - brush, roller and spray gun. When painting bindings and frames, the roller is not very convenient, so it remains to choose between an airbrush and a brush. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the method of application on the paint packaging, since the spray method is not suitable for some formulations. If both tools can be used, consider the following factors when choosing:

Ambient conditions

In order for the paint to be firmly and evenly fixed on the surface of the frame, it must be applied at a temperature of +5 to +30 degrees. This condition is mandatory for almost all types of paints, with the exception of special heat-resistant compounds. But the most optimal temperature is considered to be in the range of 18-23 degrees above zero.

Humidity also matters. As a rule, staining is carried out in dry weather, with relative humidity 50-60%. For water-dispersion paints, this figure can increase up to 80%, but no more. In addition, the humidity of the air must remain the same as long as the surface dries. The higher its value, the longer the paint will dry, and the higher the possibility of various defects.

It is undesirable that direct sunlight falls on the surface during painting. If it is not possible to shade the windows with something from the sun, you need to paint on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon, when the surface will heat up less. Well, of course, you can’t start painting in windy weather, otherwise everything will be covered with dust and small particles garbage.

Number and thickness of layers

If you only need to refresh the window, and the color of the paint matches the color of the previous coating, one coat is enough. Especially if the paint has a high covering ability. If you need to repaint in a different color, you will need at least 2 layers, otherwise the base will shine through. 2-3 coats are needed for raw new wood or material in need of major restoration.

You can not apply paint in a thick layer in the hope of achieving a deep color at a time. This provokes the formation of streaks, sagging and other defects that show through perfectly after drying. In addition, such a coating dries longer, and its strength leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the paint is applied in a very thin layer and well rubbed into the base.

Instructions for painting a wooden window

Consider how to paint regular window without removing the frame.

Step 1. Remove platbands, gratings, decorative elements- anything that gets in the way. If the window is in good condition, the frame and bindings are simply treated with medium grit sandpaper, but if the old coating is cracked and peeled off, you need to remove it to the ground.

Advice. Three methods are applicable here - clean everything with a metal scraper or brush, heat it with a hairdryer and remove the old paint with a spatula, and treat the surface with a chemical remover. The choice depends on how strong the coating is.

Step 2 The integrity of the structure is checked, the damaged areas are cleaned with a knife and sealed with putty on wood. After drying, the puttied areas are sanded with sandpaper.

Step 3 The frame cleaned of dust is covered with an antiseptic primer. If the surface is highly absorbent, it is advisable to prime in two layers.

Step 4 Tape or masking tape seal the fittings on the sashes, close the perimeter of the glass. Thoroughly stir the paint, if necessary, dilute it with a solvent.

Step 5. They take a narrow brush, dip up to half the length of the pile into the paint and carefully apply it to the frame, starting from the top. Movements are performed along the jumpers: horizontal elements are painted from side to side, vertical ones from top to bottom. The paint is well rubbed into the wood so that there are no streaks left.

Restoration of wooden windows - photo

Step 6 After applying the first layer, you need to wait for the paint to dry (the time is indicated in the instructions on the package), and then repeat everything in the same sequence.

After finishing painting, you need to immediately remove the strips of adhesive tape from the glass. This should be done very carefully so as not to get dirty and not leave marks on the frame. While the window is drying, you can paint the trim.

Video - Paints for windows


Wooden windows need constant updating of the paintwork, which serves as a reliable protection for them from external factors. If the window paint is not updated, the structure may begin to mold, pick up moisture, be subjected to other negative influences, and lose its attractive appearance.

How to choose paint?

Which paint for windows is better is not so easy to determine. Exists a large number of manufacturers whose materials differ from each other in properties, price, and other characteristics. When choosing a paint, attention should be paid to the following:

  • What kind of surface does your frame have.
  • Do I need to apply paint in several layers.
  • Is preparation required, priming the frame before painting.
  • Is it compatible new paint from the old or previous layer must be completely removed.

What paint options are available?

Almost any paint can be applied independently: this will require a brush or roller. In order to choose the right product, you should know what types of paint are on sale. You can use the following materials for painting:

  • polyurethane dyes.
  • Acrylic paints with water-dispersion composition.
  • Alkyd enamels.
  • Oil based paints.

Not always the most expensive paint wins in all respects. Important role the composition of the substance plays, not the manufacturer.

Polyurethane varieties

Window paint from this family has polyol as a base: this substance is the main component of all polyurethane resins, in addition, various hardeners and other elements are included in the composition. Such paint can create protective film which will secure wooden structure from moisture, oils, exposure to acids, various oxidizing agents, aggressive liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, alcohol.

The coating of such paint is elastic, repels water well, is resistant to low temperatures, dries quickly enough, does not emit harmful substances, and does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The disadvantage of paint is vapor permeability. Due to exposure to steam, cracks in the coating may appear.

Universal polyurethane enamel

Acrylic paints on a water-dispersion basis

This is a fairly popular paint for. It has high technical characteristics, the price of the material makes it affordable for buyers. The main substance is acrylic resin diluted with plain water. The paint is odorless, well suited for wood products, does not emit harmful substances.

The positive properties include the economy of the paint, the ability to dry quickly, the ability to form a plastic coating, due to which the paint layer is not disturbed under the influence of temperature changes. If you use colors, you can get any desired shade. In the sun, the paint does not fade, does not lose color saturation. The material is not afraid of low temperatures, moisture, suitable for use both outdoors and indoors.

acrylic water-dispersion enamel for windows

Paint for may contain other additives that enhance its characteristics, for example, various antiseptics to combat fungi and mold. When certain components are added, the material can become a serious barrier to fire.

Covering frame fire protective composition cover other window components with it; do not forget about the window sill, slopes, other structural elements, which also consist of wood and can be damaged in a fire.

If the window includes metal elements, you cannot use paint designed for wood on them. For them, you should choose a similar, but designed specifically for metal structures. For example, Polystil can be attributed to high-quality fire-retardant paints.

Colors for acrylic paint

Alkyd compounds for staining windows

Alkyd enamel for windows

The paint for this category has as a basis alkyd varnish. The composition includes various pigments that give the material the desired color and shade. White spirit acts as a thinner, marble chips, sand or other materials similar in properties can act as a filler. Ordinary sand is not suitable: it has larger grains of sand.

Alkyd enamels have the following positive traits: they are durable, have high elasticity, after application and drying, a glossy film is formed. It protects the tree well from external factors, in addition, it has an attractive appearance. The paint is not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, does not lose color, does not fade. Temperature fluctuations do not cause any harm to the coating, it is not afraid of heat and frost, in addition, it repels moisture well.

Alkyd paints are applicable for outdoor work, they are most often used for this purpose, as they can reliably protect wood from moisture and other destructive factors. You can choose such paints indoors, but on condition that it is well ventilated. The paint in the process of working with it emits a pungent odor, it is toxic.

Oil based paints

Oil paint

Choosing which paint is best for , It is worth paying attention to products that have oil as the basis. This is a fairly popular material, although it is inferior to more modern ones. Such paints have been used for a long time and are a time-tested substance. When working with wood, oil can be well absorbed deep into its structure, which provides high-quality protection. However, such paint dries several times longer than any of the above. The cost of the material is also not the lowest. Oil paints are usually non-toxic, repel water well, and form an even, elastic coating. Colors can be different due to the dyes included in the composition.

When choosing a paint, you should pay attention to which solvent is used. Some may be toxic and should not be used indoors. Most oil paints are designed for outdoor use.

It is no secret that wooden windows are still the most preferred for installation in residential premises, and above all, due to their environmental friendliness. They do not interfere with the natural air exchange in the house and do not emit any toxic substances into the air. Wooden window structures distinguished by their respectable appearance. But despite all its obvious advantages, caring for wooden windows is quite complex and laborious. In particular, to protect wood from the negative effects environment it must be painted, and depending on which paint is chosen for wooden windows, the degree of protection, the durability of the coating, and the appearance of the window will depend.

Preparing the surface for painting is an important and mandatory step.

Before deciding which paint is better to paint wooden windows, it is necessary to prepare the surface accordingly. If this is not done, in just a couple of months, even the most expensive and high-quality enamel will begin to peel off.

First of all, a thorough visual inspection of the surface of the frames will be required. It should not have a variety of roughness, potholes or cracks, areas with signs of rot and mold. If such defects are found, they must be eliminated. To do this, you should “arm yourself” with sandpaper (coarse and fine), a jar of ready-made putty on wood, as well as a special antifungal compound (or a primer containing such additives).

All irregularities / roughness must be carefully processed with sandpaper. Cracks, chips and potholes must be eliminated with a special putty. It is applied in a fairly thin layer with a spatula, and after drying, it is polished with fine-grained sandpaper so that the puttied area is completely level with the rest of the frame surface. All places where there are traces of mold / rot must be thoroughly dried (you can force the process with a hair dryer), and treated with a protective compound. If desired, a thin layer of putty can be applied to this place.

Advice ! Before puttying, it is desirable to treat the wood with any acrylic primer - this will improve its adhesion to wooden surface and dust it off after sanding. Before painting, it makes sense to check all window fittings.

The choice of paint - the main thing is not to make a mistake with the composition

There is no single answer to the question of what paint to paint wooden windows with, since each owner of a wooden window has his own preferences. Someone prefers to preserve the natural color and texture of wood, for someone the only acceptable option is white window slaves.

If a decision is made to preserve the natural color of natural wood, it is necessary to use special impregnations, varnishes or azures to color it and impart protective properties. These penetrate well into the wood, give it water-repellent properties, prevent the formation of mold and rot, and also protect the wood from insect pests. Along with rather expensive imported compounds, there are also more affordable domestic analogues on the market, which are not inferior to foreign ones in quality and protective characteristics (for example, Neomid Biocolor Ultra).

IN modern conditions the question of what paint to choose for painting wooden windows is very relevant, since the choice paintwork material big enough:

  • acrylic paint(water-dispersion);
  • alkyd enamel;
  • Oil paint;
  • clear nail polish;
  • drying oil or primers;
  • solvent-based stain.

And if the answer to the question of what kind of paint is better to paint wooden windows on the outside can definitely be - alkyd enamel, then for interior work, acrylic paint is more preferable, which is practically odorless and dries in a few hours.

How to paint wooden windows with old paint

If the wooden frames are new, they are easy to paint. The situation is much more complicated if the window has already been painted. Before painting wooden windows with peeling paint, it must be removed, and the better this procedure is performed, the more attractive the painted window will look. To remove old paint, there are special compounds that soften it, turning it into a curdled substance that is easily removed with a scraper or spatula.

Attention ! Compositions for washing enamels are quite toxic, and when working with them, it is necessary to use protective equipment, and to prevent inhalation of the vapors of the product or contact with the skin.

If the house has a building hair dryer, you can do without chemicals, softening the paint with hot air and removing it with a scraper. It is worth warming up the paint in small areas, since it cools down quickly enough. Before cleaning wooden windows from old paint with a hair dryer, it is advisable to remove the glass from the frame. After we managed to remove the paint from the wooden windows, they must be processed with sandpaper and primed. After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to staining.

After it is precisely determined what paint to paint the wooden windows with, you should prepare the appropriate tool:

  • brushes of different widths;
  • roller with short pile;
  • masking tape;
  • when using alkyd enamels, a suitable solvent will be required;
  • clean rags.

Masking tape will be required if there is no desire or opportunity to remove the glass - in this case, before painting, you should stick the tape on the junction of the frame with the glass. It is most convenient to start painting a window with “curly” surfaces, for which it is most convenient to use a narrow brush. Do not draw too much paint on it, which will avoid the formation of smudges.

Smooth surfaces are best painted with a roller, in which case the paint will lie much more evenly than when applied with a brush. In addition, regardless of what paint wooden windows are painted with, it is better to start the process from the outside. This is due to the fact that the layer of paintwork material, as a rule, is moisture resistant, and if you start painting from inside, moisture from the wood simply does not have time to go outside (relevant when painting in spring and autumn).

As practice shows, if white paint is chosen for wooden windows, its service life will be much longer than that of colored paint, since white enamel, by reflecting the main part of the sun's rays, heats up many times less than tinted paints. In the event that the old paintwork on a wooden window is held firmly, shows no signs of peeling or cracking, and just needs a refresh of color, the surface still needs a little preparation.

It is advisable to treat the entire surface with fine-grained sandpaper, then thoroughly wash the frame with soapy water. For fidelity, you can wipe it with a rag soaked in solvent, gasoline or kerosene. After that, you can start applying a new layer of paint.

Before self-painting windows, you can read this "video instruction"

Windows with wooden frames- a wonderful choice for those who appreciate the classics and care about maintaining a cozy climate in their home. Over time, the tree loses its presentable appearance, so it needs to be restored in time.

With new high quality windows, troubles do not arise - painting them is not a problem. But restoring old wood frames with a shabby appearance is sometimes difficult. So how do you paint an old wooden window?

Preparation before painting

So, there is a middle-aged wooden window slightly spoiled by time. In no case should you start painting it with raw paint from a can, as many do. This can only be done in one case - if the frame has just been purchased and is of excellent quality. But even here you can not do without a primer.

Before painting, the old window needs to be thoroughly prepared, and for this it is necessary to assess its condition:

  • conduct a detailed diagnosis of all parties window frame;
  • evaluate the tightness of the glass to the glazing beads;
  • check the presence and condition of the old paint layer.

Preparing the window for painting is a must. Ignoring this point, you can only spoil the product, and waste time in vain. After a thorough diagnosis, the frame should be removed from all defects that have been found. If there are rotten places, they need to be scraped off with a sharp metal object, for example, a knife. Old paint, if it does not adhere well or bubbles, also needs to be removed. For a better do-it-yourself window renovation, it is better to completely clean the frame of old paint with a special solvent and a knife.

After removing damaged areas of wood, bumps and pits often appear on the window frame. Grinding with coarse sandpaper, followed by applying putty, will help fix the problem. At the same time, in this way, you can fill the cracks that appear as a result of the drying of the tree. The preparation of the window for painting does not end there. Once the layer of putty has dried, it can be polished with fine sandpaper. It remains only to cover the frame with a layer of ground enamel. You can’t do without it, since the paint applied immediately to the tree does not hold well, swells and peels off ahead of time.

If preparatory work completed, and the window frame has a smooth smooth surface, you can proceed to painting the old wooden window.

Applying paint to the frame

To make it easier to apply the paint, it should be diluted with a solvent. The choice of liquid for dilution depends on the composition protective coating. This can be easily checked with the seller from whom the paint was purchased. But if no recommendations on this matter could be obtained, you can apply universal thinner"White Spirit". It fits almost all types alkyd paints. How to calculate the optimal amount of solvent? Here everything is chosen by eye. The main thing is that the finished mixture should not have a thick or watery consistency.

To paint the frame without staining the glass, you need to use masking tape. It will help update the window without losing its transparency. Adhesive tape is glued around the perimeter of the glass close to the glazing beads. When working with a brush, a minimum of spatter is created, so narrow strips of masking tape will be enough. To paint the window frame easily, quickly and efficiently, you should follow a few rules:

  • during work, care must be taken to ensure that the paint lays evenly and does not fall into unnecessary places;
  • it is not recommended to immerse the entire brush in a container with a dye. It is enough to dip the brush halfway and walk it along the edge of the can to get rid of excess paint;
  • staining must be done from top to bottom. So it will be possible to prevent the appearance of sagging and smudges;
  • no need to try to apply as thick a layer of paint as possible in one go. This can lead to unevenness.

One simple rule will help to properly paint wooden windows: it is better to apply 2-3 layers, the first of which should be made thin. Moreover, the next staining is carried out only after the complete drying of the previous layer. Thus, the whole process can take several days, depending on the drying speed of the coating. This technology helps to get rid of unpainted areas and provides reliable protection wooden frame from natural precipitation and sunlight.

It is not difficult to paint a wooden window. Armed with patience and tools, an old product with an unsightly appearance can be turned into beautiful thing, which is proved by the example of a window frame. With the above tips, you won't have to rack your brains thinking how to paint wooden windows according to your needs. old paint. The main thing to remember: "It is not so much difficult to achieve professional quality painting of old windows, but to maintain this quality for a long time."