Toilet      06/23/2020

How to connect the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. Installation tips. Where is the best place to install an air conditioner? How to install a split system yourself

Good day to all! Today I want to talk a little about the features of installing an air conditioner in an apartment.

There are many methods and installation methods, there are various tricks and tricks, but as a person who has been doing this work for more than 8 years, I want to emphasize - ALWAYS read the instructions first! And demand from the installers that they comply with it, starting from the features of the fasteners, the selection of the length of the hoses, the angle of installation, and so on.

The article turned out to be traditionally rather big, because. I just picked up a lot of different situations, installation video, installation in different rooms, where on the contrary, it is undesirable to mount and so on.

So read on, I think you will definitely find answers to most installation questions here. Write, comment, share the article with friends, or just put a “like”, I will be glad! Good luck!


Most of the inhabitants of our vast Motherland, one way or another, are faced with the problem of summer heat! Each of us understands that the best salvation from the heat in the apartment is a split system. The process of buying it is accompanied by two main questions - where to install the air conditioner in the apartment and which model to choose? Today I will talk about the most successful options for the location of the air conditioner.

When we are just planning the purchase of a "split", many do not even have a vague idea where it should be located in the apartment. For the first time we are thinking about where it is generally possible to put the device so that it works correctly and efficiently. Many people have two versions in their heads:

I stick to the second option, when the "split" is calculated for one room. And even better when its power takes into account a small margin. Then the neighboring rooms can be partially provided with coolness.

Location of several air conditioners in the main rooms

This option of placing a "split" has 3 important advantages:

Installation of one large air conditioner in the hallway

The option of installing an air conditioner in the corridor also has the right to life! The main advantage in such an installation is that it excludes the impact of a direct cold stream on people. But the BIG disadvantage is that it will be difficult to achieve the "correct" temperature in individual rooms (accurate temperature is very important for health). Each case of such installation must be considered separately. But note that:

Basic rules for choosing the location of the air conditioner

In living rooms there are places where a person is most of the time. Let's call them "rest zones" of a person. These include primarily:

We are well aware that in most apartments it is difficult to find a place where the "conder" will not affect the "peace zone" of a person. But in any layout there is the most “harmless” position of the device.

There is one myth- some people imagine that the cold is concentrated at the location of the air conditioner (they say, the coolness will be only in front of the unit or in the place where it "blowing"). That's bullshit! If the doors and windows of the room are closed, the temperature will be evenly distributed throughout the room! No matter where in the room the indoor unit of the "split" is located. Only if the doors are open can you feel that the air-conditioned room is cooler than the hallway.

All air conditioners have the ability to adjust the direction of air flow. But you must understand that air is primarily a gas! It will not, like a stone, "fly" where you sent it (where the blinds turned). In any case, the flow of cold air will "scatter" around the room. OF COURSE, the movement of cold air will be felt more directly against the block.

If you need to cool the corridor too, then there is no need to put the block in front of the door. At open door coolness in any case will "leave" the room. The location of the air conditioner strictly opposite the door can "play" only to a small extent (the entire air flow will not fly like a solid object in one direction).

Where is it better to install air conditioning in a two-room apartment

It is not uncommon to hear such a question. In part, I have already given the answer, expressing my opinion. Namely, I said that it is more efficient to install an air conditioner in a particular room, and not in the corridor. So, in which rooms is it better to install the device? I will give a few recommendations with which you can determine the placement of blocks for a specific case.

"Dvushka" often consists of three "living" rooms - a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. For most of us, the apartment is primarily a place of rest. If so, then we determine where we rest and sleep the most. I believe that the bedroom in this regard should take precedence. Since any person spends almost a third of his life in a dream! If the apartment is also a place of work, then we determine for ourselves where we spend the most time.

We calculate the second priority room according to the same principle. If you find it difficult to choose, then I suggest staying in the living room (where we also have a lot of rest).

After we have determined the priorities for the rooms, WE CONSIDER YOUR FINANCIAL POSSIBILITIES AND WISHES. If you plan to get by with one air conditioner, then we put it according to your needs (I recommend in the bedroom).

If the budget allows, then a great solution would be to install air conditioners in two main rooms (a bedroom and a living room, for example). And at the same time it is better to take into account a small margin of power.

For example, if the living room and bedroom each have an area of ​​15 square meters, then you can put 2.7 kW in each of the “nine” (although the “seven” in terms of power of 2 kW would be quite suitable for each of the rooms!). This replacement will not cost much more, but in this situation, life-giving coolness will “reach” even into the corridor and into the kitchen.

If there is no money at all, then install air conditioners in every living room (bedroom, living room, kitchen).

Where to install air conditioning in the bedroom

In many apartments, the bedroom area is 10-14 square meters. Opposite the front door is usually a window. "Traditionally" in such a room there is a bed, opposite which there is a TV.

In this case, there are the following options for mounting the air conditioner (sometimes called "side mounting", since the hole in the wall is drilled to the side of the unit, and not under it):

If you choose between these two methods, it is safer to place the indoor unit above the head of the bed (ceteris paribus). This is due to the fact that the cold flow from the block is less directed downward than in a straight line (if the block is placed in front of the bed, then there will be more likelihood of cold air entering the sleeping area). But if a computer desk is located opposite the block, then you will have to choose the “lesser evil”.

An equally effective option is also possible - the location of the block "in the aisle" (between the foot of the bed and the TV). This and other placements indoor unit it is better to discuss already on the spot with experts. Since most of these options require the agreement of specific technical and financial issues.

In order for you to imagine what other options for the location of the “split” blocks can be, I give a link to the article “installation diagram of an air conditioner in an apartment”. If you decide where to buy an air conditioner, then I advise you to look at the link in one of the popular online stores for climate equipment.

Where is the air conditioner installed in the apartment?

Have you bought a split system and are already looking forward to the pleasure of a pleasant microclimate in your home? This article will help avoid the disappointment that is likely to await a consumer who has not figured out where to install an air conditioner and where not.

According to statistics, many buyers take a balanced approach to the choice of climate equipment. Before buying, they consult with professionals, carefully analyze the features of models from different manufacturers, select parameters for the characteristics of their apartment or house.

But, unfortunately, not all buyers pay due attention to the qualified installation of climate equipment. At this stage, many seek to save money and order installation from private installers or do such work on their own. At the same time, no attention is paid to the question of where to install the air conditioner. This approach can not only reduce the efficiency of air conditioning, but also lead to a quick failure of expensive equipment.

After reading this article, you can avoid unpleasant mistakes and choose the right one. the best place for climatic equipment that will help create an excellent microclimate in your home, office or apartment.

Where is the best place to install air conditioning in the apartment

Before installing a split system, you must carefully select the installation site. The building structure on which you plan to install the indoor unit must be strong enough to support the weight of the unit. In addition, the installation point should be close to the location of the outdoor unit. Another criterion that should be taken into account in order to properly install the air conditioner is aesthetic considerations (you need to take into account the features of the room and interior design).

Risk zone. When installing the air conditioner, it must be taken into account that the air flow from the distribution grille of the unit will diverge by three meters. Cold streams will concentrate in this area before being dispersed throughout the entire volume of the room. When choosing where to install an air conditioner in an apartment, it is necessary to ensure that there are no objects intended for work or leisure of people in the zone of cold air concentration.

To prevent diseases caused by cold airflow, care must be taken that no one is in the airflow area. long time. Those. the installation of the air conditioner should not be carried out opposite the bed, sofa, desktop, etc. It is better to install the indoor unit of the split system above the place of work or rest, so that a direct stream of cooled air passes over the sofa or table.

But, you should not install an air conditioner above cabinets and other dimensional items that will interfere with the normal distribution of cooled air masses throughout the entire volume of the room.

It should be taken into account that when people are under a direct stream of cold air for only about a quarter of an hour, they will experience a deterioration in well-being. This can cause colds. At the same time, the difference in temperature readings in the street and in the room should not be more than 12 ° C. Larger temperature fluctuations can be detrimental to health.

The distance between the ceiling and the block. In order to properly install the air conditioner, it should be noted that the distance from the top edge of the indoor unit and the ceiling should be no less than 15 cm. The fact is that the air intake module is located in the upper part of the device, and a smaller distance to the ceiling may prevent the normal passage of air masses .

Appliances. All types of equipment that radiate heat and may interfere with the normal operation of the air conditioner should be as far away from the indoor unit as possible. Do not install a split system near the boiler, heating radiators, oven, refrigeration equipment, etc.

Cut off the heat inflow from the window. This principle will be especially relevant if you plan to install an air conditioner in a room with windows that face the sunny side. For faster cooling of the room, the flow of cooled air from the air conditioner should be perpendicular to the direction of the rays of the sun that pass through the window panes.

Aesthetics. The indoor unit must be installed in such a way that it does not cover significant decorative elements and does not violate the overall style of the interior. Professional installation is planned in such a way that not only does not spoil the design of the room, but also emphasizes its features. One of the first rules that experts follow is that you should avoid placing the air conditioner directly opposite the entrance to the room.

Where to install the outlet for the air conditioner in the apartment

The most common version of household air conditioners are wall-mounted models that are connected to a 220V network. Non-inverter models whose performance does not exceed 4kW (seven, nine, etc.) can be plugged directly into an electrical outlet. In fact, low-power inverter air conditioners can also be connected through a socket, but only if a certain phase orientation is observed.

Few people think about placing a small air conditioner in a one-room apartment, where to install an outlet. It is usually connected to the nearest plug-in source or "spread" the wire. Such solutions are not very attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

It is better to think about how to install an air conditioner at the repair stage. To do this, a separate wire is laid from the installation site to the electrical panel, where a separate automatic connection is installed.

If you still decide to install a socket for a split system, then you must consider the following requirements:

The decision on how and where to install the outlet for the air conditioner depends on the power of the climate equipment. Devices with high performance create an increased load on the connection wire.

If you need to connect models from the “seven” to the “twelfth air conditioner”, consuming up to 1.4 kW, then the serviceable wiring of the old house may well be enough. But if the task is to power powerful devices, then it is imperative to equip a separate connection through the electrical panel. The best option placement of an outlet for an air conditioner - 0.3 m from the ceiling surface.

Where is the best place to install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner

When placing the outdoor unit, it is necessary to pay attention to the cost-effectiveness of installation, as well as the convenience of further maintenance of the equipment (cleaning, repair, etc.). When choosing where to install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, pay attention to the following points:

For mounting the outdoor unit, special brackets and anchor bolts are used to prevent vibration. If you install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner in violation of these requirements, it will be noisy and can quickly fail.

Where is it better to install air conditioning in the 1st apartment

For effective air conditioning, it is not enough to buy powerful equipment. It is necessary to provide where you can install the air conditioner in the apartment. From a unit located equidistant from other rooms (in the corridor), the flows of warm or cold air will not be fully supplied. At the same time, it will be very cold in the hallway.

Choosing a high performance air conditioner will not solve the problem, as it will constantly run in stop / start mode, which will eventually lead to compressor failure.

What are the criteria for choosing an air conditioning system for service? one-room apartment and where in the room to install the air conditioner? There are several solutions:

The disadvantage of the option with a split system is the presence of 2 blocks in the design of each air conditioner. A more economical and efficient solution is to install a duct system. But its minus is the high cost and features of the installation. For its device, it is necessary to lay air ducts, which can only be realized at a certain height of the ceiling structures.

Another disadvantage that can be expected from a ducted air conditioning system is the spread of unpleasant odors throughout the premises, since air intake ducts are placed throughout the area and then distributed to the same premises. This option is attractive for housing with several rooms.

The most economical option- this is the installation of one wall-mounted split system, so that the entire area is covered by air currents. However, you need to understand that in the room where the air conditioner is located, the air will be colder. The temperature difference between a room or hallway will be different.

If you decide to install wall model in the kitchen, then it should not be mounted near the stove, as this will interfere with the burning of the burners. This rule does not apply to houses with electric stoves.

Where is it better to install air conditioning in the 2nd apartment

To install climate equipment in a 2-room apartment, you should choose the largest room. The air cooled in it with this placement is evenly distributed throughout other rooms. If you choose to install an air conditioner in a hallway or a room with small area, then the distribution of cooled air will be uneven. At the same time, the cooled air will be concentrated in the hallway, and it will not reach the back rooms.

If you still do not know where to install the air conditioner in a two-room apartment, then you need to carefully study the layout of the rooms in the apartment. For planning a studio apartment, it is rational to place the air conditioning system in the very big room, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account the fact that air flows should be directed to the doors of adjacent rooms.

The strategic location for placing an air conditioner in a two-room apartment is the location that is most connected to the rest of the premises. If the central place in the apartment is the living room, from which there is access to the hallway and bedroom, then the air conditioner should be installed in this room. This option will create the most comfortable microclimate throughout the apartment.

Where to install the air conditioner so as not to get sick

There are several most convenient points where you can install air conditioning in the bedroom. Each option has its positive and negative sides:

If we consider how the distribution of cold air occurs, it turns out that the most comfortable place the room is under air conditioning. The cold air flow is directed to the opposite wall, where the cooled air masses accumulate, and therefore the lowest temperature indicators are here.

The place opposite the air conditioner, at a distance of 2.5 to 4 meters, is considered the most uncomfortable and dangerous to health, since the flow of cold air tends to go there.

If you are looking for a place to install air conditioning in the bedroom, then we can say that opposite the bed is not the best option. Installed opposite the bed, the air conditioner will direct the flow of cold air to the opposite wall, from which it repels and falls on the heads of sleeping people.

As a result, it creates not only discomfort during sleep, but can also be harmful to health. When purchasing an air conditioner for the bedroom, many buyers still have no idea where to hang it. They cannot decide where to install the indoor unit - above the head of the bed, or, on the contrary.

In this case, the best option would be to place the indoor unit above the head of the bed. In this case, you need to install the blinds of the air conditioner in a horizontal position. Thus, the outgoing flow of air masses will be directed horizontally and, starting from the opposite wall, will be evenly distributed throughout the room.

Installing an air conditioner above the door is the most inconspicuous option. It will not be visible when entering the room. This arrangement of the split system does not spoil the interior of the room. The equipment will be noticeable only during rest or sleep.

Another advantage of the decision to install the air conditioner above the door is that furniture and objects do not get in the way. They can be easily moved as needed.

The only drawback of the decision to install the indoor unit above the door is the laying of a long route. This affects not only the quality of the split system, but also the cost of its installation.

The installed split system should not violate the interior of the room. Designers always provide options for placing the device, in which it will be imperceptible or harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Therefore, the decision to install an air conditioner in front of the door is considered unaesthetic, since when entering the room, the eye will rest on the split system.

Can't decide where to install the air conditioner in the bedroom? One of the most popular places is near the window. The main advantages of this arrangement are a short route and the proximity of the device to the windows.

But with such an arrangement of the air conditioner, it will be impossible to hang curtains with lambrequins on the windows. As curtains, it will be possible to install fasteners for tulle or light curtains, which, when the air conditioner is turned on, must be constantly moved away.

Some options involve a choice - aesthetics or comfort. With any placement of the air conditioner, we wish you the pleasure of operating the climate device.

Where to install air conditioning in the living room

The living room is a room where the whole family gathers to spend leisure time and celebrate celebrations with friends and relatives. Therefore, first of all, it is in this room that you need to install a split system.

The choice of air conditioning system and the place for its installation is determined by the size of the room and its design. The split system will harmoniously fit into the interior of the living room, if it is invisible to the eye. Therefore, it is not worth installing an air conditioner opposite the entrance, the optimal places for installation are:

When choosing a model, it is desirable to take into account the design of the room. air conditioning by color scheme can be combined with other equipment - TV, acoustic system. Split system can be selected in accordance with the main color of the interior. Thus, the air conditioner will not stand out and harmoniously fit into any interior.

Where to install the air conditioner in the nursery

When choosing an air conditioner for a nursery, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as cleaning the air from dust, germs and unpleasant odors. The supply of fresh air, cooling or heating of the room are also important tasks that can be solved if the air conditioning system is installed correctly. For the installation of climate control equipment, parents should use the following recommendations:

Install the air conditioner in the room of a newborn or a small child in such a way that air masses do not pass over the crib. Cold air can cause a cold, while warm air can cause your baby to sweat all the time.

Therefore, the choice the best place to place the air conditioner, it is necessary to carry out taking into account the recommendations provided by our specialists. If the air conditioner was installed earlier, then you need to find another place for the baby's crib.

Where to install the air conditioner in the office

Everyone knows that in order to create a normal microclimate in the office, it is necessary to install an air conditioner. But in order for these air conditioning costs to bring the maximum effect, as well as to prevent employee diseases, it is necessary to properly position the climate equipment in the room.

It is necessary to exclude hit of direct currents of cold air on people. To do this, the indoor unit must be installed so that the air flows from it are directed to the passages between the workplaces.

Air conditioners, which provide for the general control of the operation of several units, do not provide high-quality temperature conditions. For every person comfortable temperature may differ slightly, so the option of installing separate systems for each room looks more preferable. Thus, it becomes possible to set up an individual mode for each department, which will significantly reduce the number of complaints from employees.

Powerful computer equipment has long been an indispensable attribute of a modern office. Many companies provide separate premises for the placement of computer equipment - server rooms. There are usually no windows in these rooms, and the organization of high-quality air conditioning is required.

In order to correctly install the air conditioner in the server room, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the room (fresh air intake, presence / absence of heating, humidity level, etc.). Based on such data, the calculation and selection of climatic equipment is carried out.

It is necessary to install the air conditioner in the “server room” so that cold air does not get on the equipment and people working here. Another point to which attention should be paid is "landscaping". All plants should also be located away from the indoor unit, as they may not tolerate changes in temperature.

Radiators and mobile heaters should also not be located in the zone of cooled air intake, as this may affect the operation of the climate equipment.

Where not to install the air conditioner

When figuring out where to properly install an air conditioner in a room, you need to find out where such installation cannot be performed. The indoor unit of the split system is not installed:

Where not to install outdoor unit:


When buying climate equipment, in addition to calculating the appropriate power, it is necessary to take into account where to place the air conditioner in the room / in the kitchen so that it functions smoothly, does not create discomfort for the inhabitants of the home and does not cause neuralgia or regular colds.

For all types of residential premises (regardless of their area), there are seven basic rules for the location of the air conditioner in the room, which future owners and installers are simply obliged to follow.

Exclusion of direct hit of air currents on a person

Installation of a split system or any other climatic equipment should be carried out taking into account the fact that the air leaving the distribution grill diverges by 2-3 meters.

It is at this distance that the greatest concentration of cooled air masses occurs, after which they are dispersed throughout the room. When thinking about where to install an air conditioner in a room, it should be remembered that the main places of rest or work of people should not fall into this risk zone: beds, sofas, computer and dining tables, and so on.

Lack of heating and steam emitting appliances near the air conditioner

All household appliances that in one way or another can affect high temperatures on climatic equipment, should be as far away from it as possible. Do not mount the air conditioner above the stove, refrigerator, near radiators, boiler equipment and electric heaters.

Distance between ceiling and split system

When deciding how to properly position a wall-mounted air conditioner in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the minimum distance between the split system room unit and the ceiling surface. It should be at least 10-15 cm.

Distance between air conditioner and furniture

For high-quality distribution of treated air, it is necessary to remove from the area within a radius of 1-1.5 meters all furniture and any other interior items that can serve as a barrier to it. Air currents will be reflected from them and return back to the device, which will cause it to turn off, as the temperature sensors will receive a command that there is sufficient cooling / heating. Over time, this disables the climate control equipment.

To ensure the correct position in the room, it is advisable not to hang it above high cabinets, elongated computer tables and various shelves. This also serves as a limitation for the normal dispersion of circulating air flows.

The location of the external and internal units of the air conditioner relative to each other

The normal installation of an air conditioner in a room involves a small length of the freon route between the units of the split system. On average, this value is from 5 to 10 meters.

Firstly, it is important in terms of interior aesthetics. The shorter the connecting line, the less it needs to be sewn into decorative boxes that look neat, but do not add beauty to the design.

Secondly, the price for installing an air conditioner is formed taking into account the length of the freon route. Each extra meter adds to the total cost of about 800 rubles. For devices with higher power, a larger diameter of the pipeline will be required, and, consequently, the price will increase.

Cut off the heat inflow from the window

This rule for placing an air conditioner in a room is especially true where the windows face the sunny side - south, southeast or southwest. The blown out cooled streams should go perpendicular to the sunlight and warm air entering the room. This will ensure that the set temperatures are reached as soon as possible.

Corner installation of the air conditioner

You can install the air conditioner in the corner of the room where another way is simply impossible due to the architectural features or the size of the room. Some manufacturers have corner models split systems with a very attractive design and compact dimensions. But this is the least desirable location of the air conditioner in the kitchen or room, since in any case, the uniformity of distribution will suffer and the formation of different temperature zones cannot be avoided.

At the same time, sometimes the question arises of where to place the air conditioner in the room, if there is an opening 70 cm wide between the window frame and the wall, and there is no other place to choose. In this case, corner mounting is justified. When the landlord chooses this option, you should take into account the location of the doorway - you can not hang the device in front of him, as the air will go to another room.

In addition to these general provisions, there are many more options for installing an air conditioner in a room, including depending on the number of rooms in the apartment.

Air conditioners in a one-room apartment

Many buyers are often mistaken about the possibility of high-quality cooling / heating of both the room and the kitchen with one indoor unit. Even when the device is placed in the hallway, which is equidistant from the rest of the premises, coolness or heat will not be supplied there enough. When the stove or oven is turned on, the coolness will instantly go away, and in the hallway it will always be, on the contrary, very cold.

An air conditioner with increased power is also not an option, since it will often work in stop-start mode, and this renders the main part of the system, the compressor, unusable.

Then how to install air conditioning in a one-room apartment and which type to give preference to? There are three options here:

The only disadvantage of the first option is the presence of two external modules on the facade of the building. Installing a ducted air conditioning system is quite acceptable, but it will cost much more. In addition, you will have to pull the air ducts, mount them in a false mezzanine or wall, and most importantly, this can only be done in apartments with high ceilings.

With a ducted air conditioner, such a nuisance can arise as the spread of kitchen aromas throughout the apartment, because the air duct system connected to all rooms will mix the air taken from them, and then distribute it also to all zones. This air conditioner is ideal for several rooms in the apartment.

If funds are very limited, then you can install one wall-mounted split system, but in such a way as to cover all the premises as much as possible. In an apartment with the location of zones, as in the picture, usually the best option air conditioner installation is above the doorway in the room. The air will be reflected from the opposite wall and enter the corridor and kitchen in 30% of the total air masses circulating in the apartment.

As an option - the installation of the block opposite the opening. But in this case, only 30-40% of the cooled / heated air will remain in the room, and 60-70% will disperse to the rest of the zones. This arrangement of the air conditioner is more suitable for a small room, where the temperature change is felt much faster, and the divergence of flows is better.

Not worth buying window air conditioner to a small room. Even modern models are noticeably noisy, which is unacceptable for the sleeping area. It is better to choose an air conditioner for a small room with less power. Devices up to 2-2.5 kW are hung in a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 15 m².

A window monoblock can replace a split system in the kitchen. It works properly on areas up to 15-18 m². But you will have to find a special place to collect splashing condensate, because under the window there may be a footpath or a recreation area.

If, nevertheless, the owner decides to install a wall split in the kitchen, then it is undesirable to hang it in front of the stove, as the flame of the burners will be constantly blown out. Of course, this does not apply to kitchen areas equipped with electric stoves.

Sometimes the question arises of the correct placement of the air conditioner in a room with an adjacent balcony. There are no deviations from the rules in the installation of the indoor unit. It is recommended to hang the outdoor module on the facade or on the side of the balcony/loggia. Mounting option inside is possible, but only if there is no glazing. An elongated track is laid between the blocks, which passes through the balcony to the street under a slope.

Air conditioners for apartments with two or more rooms

There are no special differences from the previous recommendations in the selection and installation of air conditioners for two or three rooms.

Khrushchevs and their air conditioning

A standard two-room Khrushchev can get by with one split for two adjacent rooms. The indoor unit is mounted above the doorway between the rooms in the entrance hall. The air will be repelled from the opposite wall and pass into the bedroom. Usually its dimensions are from 8 to 11 m². Buying an air conditioner for such a small room is pointless. A device with a power of 3.5-4.5 kW can easily cope with the cooling and heating of two adjacent rooms.

Owners of a three-ruble house in Khrushchev with two adjacent rooms and one separate room can solve the problem of air conditioning without spending money on air conditioners for several rooms as follows:

Rulers and their conditioning

If the apartment has a layout called a “line”, then there is absolutely no need to buy an air conditioner for two rooms with a limited budget, since the premises are located here in one row. It turns out that the hallway is equidistant from them.

Homeowners do not want to freeze in the hallway? Then the following recommendations regarding apartments with separate rooms will help.

Undershirts and their conditioning

Apartments with separate rooms are best equipped with multi-split or duct installations with air ducts between the rooms. This will save space both outside the building and inside the rooms themselves and the kitchen.

The disadvantage of such systems is the inability to set autonomous temperature parameters in different areas of the apartment. Cooling a kitchen with appliances running will require lower values ​​than cooling a bedroom or nursery.

One of the advantages of a ducted air conditioner is the possibility of mixing outside air.

Two separate inverter-type air conditioners can be installed in two small separate rooms. They will process the air efficiently and will not incur high electricity costs. The same can be done in a three-room apartment. But this is justified only if all the rules mentioned at the beginning of the article are observed.

If you try to place separate splits in three rooms, then this will bring little benefit to the design of the apartment itself, as well as the external appearance of the house. It is much more reasonable to buy an air conditioner for three or more rooms, that is, a multi-split system or a duct. In most cases, they have an inverter type of compressor control, which eliminates the operation of devices in the frequent start-stop mode.

Some air conditioners for three rooms can be combined with different types of indoor modules. The most powerful wall-mounted apparatus is hung in the living room, and a wall-mounted device with lower productivity is hung in the bedroom.

In the nursery, it is desirable to install a console unit in ceiling version fasteners, as it has the softest and most comfortable distribution of air flows along the ceiling along the entire room. The console air conditioner is especially relevant with an elongated (rectangular) shape for a child.

Many air conditioners for three rooms do not need to be assembled on their own. Ready-made multi-splits are on sale, perfectly matched in terms of parameters relative to each other, which can be easily and quickly hung.

Professional installers will help you choose the exact options for installing the air conditioner in the room and its suitable type.

How to install the air conditioner in the apartment

After the onset of spring, it becomes necessary to cool the apartment. This can be done in several ways. One of them is to open a window. But in this case, you are more likely to not fall asleep at night due to traffic noise and mosquitoes buzzing above your ear.

So it is better to choose the second way - to buy a split system. But we all know that often the price of installation is unreasonably high. Therefore, let's look at how to install the air conditioner yourself. It is not easy to do this, but it is quite possible.

Some general information

We have a serious, but quite feasible task ahead of us. Almost any man who has done repairs at least a few times in his life will be able to cope with the installation. Yes, and a beginner with the proper approach will be able to install air conditioning at home. I would like to note right away that all this is necessary for significant cost savings.

Installation, depending on the type and power of the split system, can cost from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles, and this, you see, is a lot. We will not once again talk about how the air conditioner works, the same applies to its characteristics. Now we are only interested in the installation.

The first thing you have to decide is the installation location. If you bought a window air conditioner, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits placement is limited window openings and vents. If you want to install it away from the window, you will need a rather long outlet pipe (corrugation).

You will have to pay a lot for each meter. We'll talk more about this, but a little later. As for the usual, wall-mounted or sub-ceiling, split system, here it is necessary to observe several simple rules: the distance to the ceiling should be more than 100 millimeters, 2 meters in front of the air conditioner should not be any objects (cabinets, etc.), this is necessary for normal air circulation and maintaining the temperature.

As for the external unit, it must be installed slightly above the window level. It is mounted on special brackets at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the wall. Well, now let's talk about how to install the air conditioner yourself and what tool you need for this. The list will be quite large.

Finding the right tool

In order for our split system to be installed efficiently and reliably, we need to do the job correctly at all stages. To do this, you will have to use quite a lot of equipment. First you need a puncher with a set of chisels. We will have to drill a hole in the bearing (main) wall with a diameter of 100 millimeters.

In addition, there must be an armature detector. Of course, if you hit the iron with a puncher, then all the work will need to be done again, and this is not very good for both the wall and for you. We also need a pipe cutter. A simple household model will suffice.

Do not forget that it is simply impossible to properly install the air conditioner in the apartment without a pipe cutting device. This is due to the fact that the compressor is very sensitive to any foreign objects. Copper shavings that remain in the gap of the hacksaw field will quickly disable it.

If you are going to flare pipes with improvised means, then this is a very bad idea. So you will not be able to achieve 100% tightness, which is necessary. For this simple reason, you need to buy a special flaring kit. It is also desirable to have a reamer on hand - a device for stripping a cut copper pipe. The file is not suitable, as crumbs remain.

We will also need a conventional pump, which can easily check the tightness of the entire system. A vacuum pump is needed to remove moisture from the system and evacuate it. It is advisable to have a pressure gauge and a simple tester on hand to perform work with electrical circuits. How to install air conditioning in the apartment yourself? Let's talk about this in more detail now.

Step 1: Purchase and Cut, Scrap and Flare Copper Tubing

One of the most important points is the purchase of tubes for circulating refrigerant. It is highly recommended to purchase the whole set, you will most likely have some stock left, but it is better than running out of any piece. As noted above, a cut piece is not very good, so try to do as little work as possible with a pipe cutter.

As for rolling, it should be factory-made in the bay. Pay attention to the absence of defects on the copper tubes (abrasions, cracks, chips, etc.), as this can lead to depressurization of the system during operation. If the pipes are long enough, it will be possible to lower the outdoor unit a little.

As for cutting, everything is quite simple. The most important thing is to make an even cut along the entire diameter. As for flaring, it is better to practice first, since it is unlikely that you will succeed the first time. To do this, buy a small piece of copper pipe, on which you will train.

The inner surface must be smooth, and the flaring itself must be uniform and symmetrical. Cracks, as well as distortions, are simply unacceptable. After you have done everything, you can proceed to the direct installation.

In order to install the air conditioner in the apartment and do it correctly, you need to start with the outdoor unit. However, there are several nuances and important points, for example, the Ministry of Health does not recommend installing it yourself on the second and upper floors.

How to install the outdoor unit?

If you do not live on the ground floor, experts advise mounting on a balcony or loggia. In this case, you are unlikely to fall, and it will be much easier to maintain the unit in the future. Please note that the balcony canopy should protect the air conditioner from sunlight, of course, this is not necessary, but it is desirable.

We will use small or medium brackets, no more than 20 centimeters. As you know, it is necessary to mount on the south side. As practice shows, it is quite difficult to install the unit yourself, so invite a friend or neighbor to help you.

The only inconvenience that you may experience during installation is the removal of the balcony glazing, if any. In order to install the air conditioner with your own hands, you will need shallow brackets. We will attach them to the frame.

Pay attention to the bottom of the frame, it is there that you will have to drive the root parts of all existing brackets. If you can bend the root parts down, then it is quite possible to do without violating the integrity of the balcony skin. Do not forget that the reliability of fastening is very important.

Agree, an outdoor unit that has fallen from the second floor can cripple or even kill a person. A level must be used for correct installation. Horizontality will ensure proper operation of the compressor. Look at the product passport, modern models have their own standards. All clearances must be respected.

Indoor unit and electrical

To begin with, let's talk about places where it is strictly forbidden to install a split system. In close proximity to heating radiators, as well as near other heat sources (convectors, etc.). In addition, the indoor unit must not be exposed to electrical interference from microwave ovens, mains powered tools, etc.

Curtains should not interfere with normal air circulation. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that it is impossible to install air conditioning in the kitchen, as it has its own ventilation. You will probably ask: “Where is the best place to install an air conditioner?” This is perfect for a living room or bedroom. Of course, you can choose any other place, as long as there are no obstacles.

As for the wiring, there is nothing complicated. Currently the most simple models air conditioners have a power of 1.3 kW. For normal operation of such a device, additional wiring with a cable cross section of at least 1.5 square meters is required. mm, you can take with a small margin.

We will also set automatic shutdown, for example, as on washing machine or boiler. When you get to work with the shield, then connect yellow wire to zero (neutral).

Do not forget that in some cases the colors of the wires are non-standard, so you need to enter your own phase and zero designations. After we figured out where to install the air conditioner, and made an electrician, we move on to the next step.

Properly installed pipeline is half the battle

We have already talked about how to prepare copper pipes for use, and now - directly about the installation. First, always leave a margin of 1-2 mm, which will go into bends. By the way, you need to bend the tubes very carefully, the appearance of kinks (depressurization) and wrinkles (increased resistance to refrigerant) is unacceptable.

In order to understand where to install an air conditioner in an apartment without violating the integrity of the fittings, use a special device - a fittings detector. After the tubes have been bent in the right places, it is necessary to put thermal insulation on them. Often use special hoses made of polyurethane foam. After we put on the flanges and flare the tube.

Next, you need to connect the pipelines to the fittings. Here it is important not to confuse the inputs and outputs, for example, a cold indoor unit with a hot outdoor one, and vice versa. Modern models can have different diameters of fittings, so doing something wrong will not work.

At the final stage, tighten the nuts. Do not forget that you are dealing with copper, and this is very soft material, to which great forces cannot be applied, so do not pinch the flanges.

Final tightening will be required during sealing. Up to this point, you should already decide where to install the air conditioner, since redoing everything is very costly and time consuming. Go to drainage. To do this, you need a plastic tube that connects to the drain pipe.

Mobile air conditioner: how to install and where to do it

Here everything is somewhat simpler than in the case of other types of split systems. The fact is that mobile air conditioners practically do not require additional tools for installation. You only need a piece of a special pipe that will go outside. But it is not ordinary, but two-layer.

Air for conditioning enters through one circuit, and mining comes out through the second. If you do not know which air conditioner to install in an apartment with a small area, then definitely choose a mobile one. It does not take up much space and can stand on the floor, special wheels allow you to move it.

Almost always, the pipe goes out the window, and there is no need to drill or gouge something. For example, you can bring out the window, which is especially important. Can be installed even in the kitchen or bathroom, if required. Do not forget that the tube must be free of defects.

One end is connected to the output in the split system, the other goes outside. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that no outdoor units are needed, but you will have to sacrifice power. That, perhaps, is all that can be briefly said about what a mobile air conditioner is, how to install it and where to do it.

A few words about which split system to choose

Currently, there is a wide choice: column, ceiling, multi- and other air conditioners. However, for ordinary person a wall mounted device will suffice. However, consider the power of the unit.

It should be selected with a margin of 5-10%. For the bedroom, it is relevant to install split systems that work almost silently, which will not disturb your sleep. And what kind of air conditioner to install in the apartment in the children's room? In most cases, it is desirable not to do this at all. And if it is simply necessary, then you should give preference to a low-power model with a fine air purification function.

As for the manufacturer, the leaders today are firms such as LG and Samsung. Despite the high prices, you will receive a quality product that will delight you for many years. Choose a device with the ability to remote control, it is very convenient and saves you time and effort.

For apartments 30-35 square meters a split system with a capacity of 1.5-4.7 kW is quite enough. We figured out which air conditioner to install in the apartment. Now you can talk about completing the installation with your own hands.

Install the air conditioner with your own hands: vacuuming and sealing

For proper sealing, do the following. Buy half a liter of distilled water and pour a spoonful of soap shavings into it. Then mix everything thoroughly until a soapy solution is obtained. All this can be done after you have decided where to install the air conditioner in the room. Next, you need to open the outlet nipple and connect the pump, you can even use a bicycle pump.

It is necessary to pump up until the air stops coming out. To understand when this moment comes, you need to put a little soapy solution on the nozzle. Twist when finished threaded connection 1/8 turn. You probably noticed that installing an air conditioner with your own hands is not so difficult, especially since almost all the way has been covered.

Vacuuming is performed as follows. A vacuum pump is put on the nipple, which must pump for an hour. During this time, all moisture and dust will be removed from the system, which, in fact, is what we need. The air that got there during installation will also be removed.

That's all, you were able to mount a split system without the help of specialists. It remains only to fill it with refrigerant. It is necessary to fill up to the green mark on the pressure gauge, however, before doing this, look at the instructions, everything is indicated there. Now you know how to install a window air conditioner as well as a wall split system.


So we figured out where you can install the air conditioner. But do not rush to choose a place, as redoing everything later is long and difficult. After reading this article, you could understand how to install the air conditioner yourself.

The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and use a quality tool. It is not allowed to use files and saws for metal while working with tubes. Because it will cause damage. By the way, it is worth noting that at the end of the work you need to perform testing, that is, a check. This will let you know if everything was done correctly.

Testing is extremely simple. You can do everything through the remote control, there is a corresponding button. Also, there is such an opportunity directly on the body of the split system. The air conditioner should enter the test mode, if this does not happen, then something is wrong. Perhaps it's an electrician, sealing or vacuum.

There can be many reasons. Another important point: if you install it yourself, you risk losing all warranties on the product, and this is very, very bad. For this simple reason, think twice before doing anything yourself. In some cases, it really makes sense to install with your own hands, for example, an inexpensive split system.

If you are purchasing expensive and powerful equipment, then do not regret 6 thousand to call the masters. In this case, you will be properly installed, and if problems arise, you can call the organization that installed the split system and solve them.


If you have planned a major overhaul in the apartment, then already at this stage you should think about installing an air conditioner in it. Installing an air conditioner) requires complex installation. In addition to installing the blocks themselves, you also need to lay a route for the refrigerant. You may need additional wiring. All this, of course, is better to hide in the wall. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out these works before the repair of the apartment is completed.

In order for the air conditioner to serve you for a long time and reliably, you should take care of who to entrust with its installation. If the air conditioner was installed poorly, the result may be failures in its operation and equipment failure in the first month.

When choosing a company that will install your air conditioner, be sure to pay attention to the guarantees provided by it, to recommendations and availability of certificates. Usually such guarantees are given for several years. In case of failure of the equipment, the company assumes obligations for free repair and troubleshooting during the entire warranty period.

How does an air conditioner actually work? A team of installers (usually 2 people) comes to you, they install the outdoor and indoor units, test the operation of the system, and if everything functions as expected, then you accept the work and sign the documents confirming this. Do not try to save on installation, especially if the air conditioner itself is expensive. So you risk ruining your purchase.

After all, often so-called “wild” installers or just private entrepreneurs who do not have right level professionalism and a tool for high-quality performance of these works. Such "experts", according to them, have 3-4 orders per day, and they do not have time to explain to you in detail the features of the operation of the air conditioner.

There is no time even to fix the outdoor unit to the required number of anchors. It is unlikely that such a quick installation will ensure the reliability and duration of the equipment, no matter how high-quality and expensive it is. So remember that the miser pays twice.

Separately, it should be said about the installation of air conditioners that can work during the cold period. When installing such an air conditioner, take care of the canopy over the outdoor unit, which will protect it from precipitation and layers of snow.

In cold weather, air conditioners are more often used to heat rooms. Immediately, I note that such heating is more suitable for the transitional spring-autumn periods, when the air temperature outside does not drop below -15 degrees. During severe frosts, the air conditioner will not be able to replace a full-fledged heating system.

When choosing a location for the indoor unit of the air conditioner, consider several factors. Many homeowners rely on aesthetic considerations when deciding where to install an air conditioner. But more important are technical points associated with the operation of this device.

Firstly, air must flow freely to it and also freely exit into the space of the room. Secondly, direct sunlight should not fall on it, it should be protected from dust and moisture. And thirdly, access to the air conditioner should not be difficult if you suddenly need to call the service.

When installing the indoor unit, be sure to take into account that it is necessary to bring a drain hose to it, which will drain the condensate.

When installing an external unit of a split system, you should take into account that it should not disturb your neighbors, and the heat removed from the inside should easily get into environment. The height difference between the indoor and outdoor units should not exceed allowable rate. It is important not to overdo the maximum length of the refrigerant piping.

In addition, the air conditioner should not disturb the architectural composition of your home. For this purpose, air conditioners can be installed on the floor of the loggia. But this option is only suitable if your loggia is open. If it is closed, then the outdoor unit is not allowed there.

Some new houses have special niches for outdoor units. If you do not have the opportunity to fix the outdoor unit in any of the above ways, then it is allowed to mount it on the facade of the building, provided that it is painted in the same color.

External blocks of split systems weigh up to 80 kg. Therefore, make sure that the fasteners are secure and supporting structure(so that it is not hollow). And in order for the device itself to work for a long time and correctly, again, do not place it under direct exposure to the sun, next to trees (to avoid clogging the internal parts of the unit with leaves) and on the side where the wind most often blows.

When laying a route that connects the inside and outside of the air conditioner, you should be careful, because there may be electrical wiring, gas pipes, etc. in the wall. It is better to make a hole in the wall with an external slope so that water does not enter the room when it rains.

There are cases when installing a split system is impossible or not very convenient. But do not be upset, because progress does not stand still - other equipment will come to the rescue, which also does its job well - air cooling. These are the so-called mobile air conditioners. They are somewhat similar to window ones, but they are not placed in the window. Instead, they have an air duct that vents warm air from the room to the outside.

Their main advantage, as the name suggests, is portability. They, for example, can easily travel with you to the country house and back. But they also have their drawbacks - the compressor, which serves as the main source of noise. If in split systems it is located in the outdoor unit, then the owners of monoblock air conditioners will have to compromise with the generated noise level.

To do this, it is recommended to test such an air conditioner at the maximum number of fan revolutions even upon purchase. And also for your convenience, find out the volume of the "condensate collector". If this value is too low, then on particularly hot days you will have to drain the condensate every 2-3 hours.

The choice is always yours. But before planning the installation of an air conditioner, take into account all the subtleties of this process and make sure that the installers do their job well. And to be completely sure, order such services from a reliable, trusted company.

TOP 40 tips for choosing a mobile air conditioner without an air duct for your home! 60 tips for choosing an air conditioner for a private home: models, specifications, prices!

A split system makes life easier on summer days, but such pleasure costs a lot of money. This situation encourages people to install air conditioners on their own. To avoid material damage and other possible problems, you should know the basic principles of installation, understand each stage of installation and follow the instructions. So, how to properly install a split system?

How to choose an installation location

Determining the location is a fundamental stage in the installation of a split system, which is regulated by manufacturers.

As for the location, you should know the following requirements:

  • The indoor unit should be placed at a distance of 20 cm from the ceiling;
  • The indoor unit should be placed at a distance of 30 cm from another wall;
  • The distance between the outdoor and indoor units should be at least 1.5m.

It should be noted that the maximum distance between the units of a split system is not limited. Installers try not to exceed 6 meters, because if additional freon charging is required, additional costs will only aggravate the situation. The ideal distance is 3 meters.

The outdoor unit is often placed on open balconies or around the window. In multi-storey buildings, they are guided by the following principle: up to the 5th floor, the outdoor unit of the split system is installed above the window and at a certain distance from it, if the air conditioner is installed on the 9th floor, for example, then the outdoor unit is mounted at the level of the window or below it.

In private houses, the choice of location depends on the strength of the walls and suitable conditions. Installation is carried out on a load-bearing wall using brackets or hung on the basement of the house itself.

What you need for self-assembly

The main thing required for self-assembly split systems are tools and materials. Specialists do not just set a high cost for installing an air conditioner, because the equipment is expensive. Do not forget about the need for its armotization.

Installation tools

Equipment for installing a split system:

  • Perforator (a tool for creating a hole in the wall through which communications are laid and split system blocks are connected);
  • Drill and drills of different diameters, which will be needed to install the base (fasteners) for the air conditioner;
  • Expander of copper pipes, with the help of which the pipe is deformed to the required diameter;
  • Pipe cutter, which is used to cut copper pipes;
  • Rimmer or a regular file, which are needed for stripping pipes and removing burrs.


The list of materials for installing a split with your own hands is longer and includes the following objects:

  1. Copper seamless pipes exclusively for air conditioners. There is a difference between these and water pipes. For split systems, soft pipes are used, which successfully allow you to create good sealing. According to the diameter, this material is divided into large and medium size. The required length should be 20 cm longer than the length of the communication;
  2. Cable for connecting blocks of a split system. Often a 4-core wire with a cross-sectional thickness of 2-2.5 square millimeters is used. The length of the cable must match the length of the communication or be slightly longer;
  3. Drainage tube - spiral plastic hose;
  4. Insulation for pipes made of rubber;
  5. Brackets for mounting the outdoor unit. Dimensions depend on the dimensions of the block and the bearing capacity of the wall;
  6. Fasteners (dowels, anchors, bolts, screws, etc.);
  7. Plastic box in order to hide communications at the end of the installation of a split system.

Installation procedure and features of the work

Do-it-yourself installation of a split system consists of installing blocks and laying all necessary communications. It is important to follow the instructions from the equipment manufacturer, because each model has its own characteristics that affect the method and location of installation.

Installation of the indoor and outdoor unit

The installation of the indoor unit begins with the selection of a location. Make sure that electrical communications and water pipes do not pass at the attachment points.

First of all, a plate is attached, on which the block itself is then put on. It is necessary to fulfill a prerequisite, the horizontal level of the split system plate must be ideal.

After working with the level, you should put marks for the holes. It is important to secure the bottom of the plate well, where the latches for the body of the indoor unit of the split system are located.

After successful installation of the plate, the indoor unit is put on from above and enters the grooves, which allows it to be firmly held on the wall.

The opening for communications should be at such a height that the drain pipe slopes towards the outdoor unit (slope - 1 cm per 1 m). The diameter of the hole must be at least 5 cm. It is better to make two holes - for wires with copper pipes and separately for the drain tube.

To mark the mounting of the outdoor unit, remember that again you need to observe the level and the fact that the drain pipe must go along the slope. Accordingly, the level of the outdoor unit is lower than the level of the indoor unit of the split system.

Brackets are installed first. Each hole in them must be used for its intended purpose. The more anchors will hold the base, the greater the chance that the block will not fall. Installation of the block itself on the brackets is carried out using bolts.

Laying communications

The first step is to lay copper pipes. Having decided on the length, they are cut with a special tool, which was indicated above. The edges must be carefully filed.

Insulating pipes are put on top of the pipes, which serve to maintain the temperature. There should be no insulation joints. From above, everything is tightly glued with reinforced tape. Important! When pulling pipes through the hole, it is necessary to block access to the inside to prevent dirt and construction debris from entering.

The cable is easy enough to run. Stripped wires of the required size are pulled through the hole and connect the split system blocks.

To find where to connect the wires, you need to open the cap, which is located above the copper pipe mounts on the blocks. It is recommended to study the wire fasteners before installing the system so that there are no problems during the process.

Connecting blocks

To connect the blocks, it is necessary to observe the correct connection of the cable colors. This shouldn't be a big problem.


Or . On the indoor unit there is a tube with a plastic tip, where the corrugated pipe is put on and crimped with a clamp. It is advisable to bring it at a distance of 1 meter from the wall

At the bottom of the outdoor unit, corrugated pipe is rarely used and everything is left as it is. The water just drips onto the ground.

Freon circulation system

Connecting copper pipes requires responsibility and good preparation. Before that, it is better to carefully read the instructions and study the connection points. Copper tubes should not be strongly bent and run evenly with the rest of the communication.

The indoor unit has two ports for connecting two handsets. First you need to twist the nuts. If something hisses during this, it’s not scary, it’s nitrogen that comes out, which was previously pumped into the block.

After cutting the pipe, the ends are carefully checked for burrs and other roughness. For 5-7 cm, the pipe should be perfectly flat. Rolling is carried out according to the size of the port fitting. It is very important that the tube fits snugly on the fitting - this will prevent excessive loss of freon and ensure normal sealing.

If everything fits well, the tube is connected to the port by screwing on the nut. There is no need to use gaskets or other devices. Such operations are done with all ends of two copper tubes.

Vacuum for what and how to do

Vacuuming is necessary in order to clean the copper pipes from air and moisture that gets inside during installation. If it is not removed, a large load will be created, and the compressor, accordingly, will overheat.

There are two ways to pump out a split system.

Puff method

If you look at the port into which the copper pipes are connected, you can see two plugs, in addition to the nut with the fitting. Both plugs are unscrewed.

Work to be done with the port larger diameter. Inside there is a special slot for a hex key. The size is selected according to the place, and it can also be found in the instructions.

Turn the valve 90 degrees for 1 second with the key, then release it. This means that a little freon was released into the system, which led to excessive pressure. On the same port there is a spool, which must be pressed with a finger to start the release of a mixture of freon and residual gases. The operation is carried out 1-2 seconds 2-3 times.

After all, a plug is put on the spool, and the hexagon port is completely unscrewed to let the freon into the system. It is important to make sure that all plugs are tightly screwed in, you can lubricate the threads with soap for greater sealing.

Vacuum pump

The vacuum pump is connected to the spool for 20-30 minutes. During this time, he must completely evacuate the system. Then the pump is turned off, but the tube remains in the spool for 15 minutes. This is necessary in order to observe the pressure with a pressure gauge. If the arrow freezes and stays in place, then everything is fine. The chaotic movement of the arrow indicates an air or moisture leak, so you should turn on the pump again.

Before disconnecting the pump, it is necessary to let freon into the system using a hex key. A characteristic sound in the system indicates a successful launch. After that, you must quickly disconnect the pump.

To install the air conditioner, as a rule, you need to call in specialists who, upon completion of the installation of the equipment, will issue you with a document indicating that the work has been carried out correctly. When installing a split system with your own hands, you lose the right to service under warranty. But, in order to save money, many home craftsmen are trying to install the air conditioner with their own hands. At the same time, one point should be taken into account: in order to qualitatively connect the external unit of the system with the internal one, and then put the unit into operation, you will need to purchase quite expensive equipment. In addition, installing a split system is a rather troublesome business if you do it yourself. The purchase of equipment is advisable in the following cases:

  • you plan to move one or more units to new locations;
  • if you have purchased several units;
  • Are you planning a major renovation in your apartment? complete dismantling, and then reverse installation of the split system;
  • you want to help install a split system to your friends or relatives;
  • if you need this tool kit to repair your car air conditioner.

In other cases, installing an air conditioner in an apartment with your own hands is impractical.

The standard package of a split system usually includes such components.

Important! To install the air conditioner with your own hands and put it into operation, you need to supplement the standard equipment of the device.

Materials and tools for installation

To install a split system yourself, you will need to purchase the following materials.

You can't do without a special tool:

  • pipe bender (how to use, shown in the video);
  • rimmer-sweep;
  • pipe cutter (how to use it, you can learn from the video);
  • rolling (see video);
  • manometric manifold;
  • Vacuum pump.

Selecting the installation location for the indoor unit

The location of the indoor module should be such that during its operation you do not experience discomfort from the flow of cool air. If you look at the following figure, it will become clear without words what are the ideal options for installing an air conditioner in an apartment.

When placing the module above the head of the bed, the flow of cold air will not enter the relaxation area and will not be harmful to health. Workplace it is recommended to position it so that the air flow is either from the side or from the back. If the desk you are working at is under the air conditioner in your apartment or office, you can install a special screen under the hair dryer to direct the flow along the ceiling.

Indoor unit installation requirements

There are the following rules for placing the indoor unit of the air conditioner in the room:

  • the distance between the hair dryer and the ceiling must be at least 15 cm (some models are installed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ceiling);
  • the distance from the installed block to the wall on the right or left is at least 30 cm;
  • the obstacle in the way of the air flow must be no closer than 150 cm.

Sometimes the question arises: at what height should the indoor module be hung if the room has high ceilings? On average, you can hang the air conditioner on the wall at a height 280 cm from the floor, as it shown on the picture.

The following figure shows examples various options installations that clearly show how best to install the air conditioner.

Outdoor unit installation requirements

The external module of the unit is usually placed under the window, near the window or on the balcony. If the balcony railing is strong enough, then you can fix the module on it.

If the apartment is on the first floor, then the outdoor unit must be located at a height of at least 2 meters from the ground, adhering to the rule: the outdoor unit must be mounted slightly lower than the indoor unit, or at the same level with it.

When installing split system modules, you should remember the values ​​​​of the minimum and maximum distance between them. These values ​​may differ for different manufacturers of climate control equipment. For example, for Panasonic split systems, the minimum distance between modules can be 3 meters, and for Daikin - from 1.5 to 2.5 meters.

Some manufacturers do not specify a minimum distance at all. In this case, the blocks can be placed on a back-to-back basis.

The maximum route length between modules is usually 6 meters. More is allowed, but in such a situation it will be required freon refueling, which entails additional material investments. Therefore, if you are installing an air conditioner yourself, it is better not to exceed the indicated 6 meters.

Installation order

How to install an air conditioner, including inverter air conditioner, implies a phased installation of all its modules and highways. Installation must be carried out by following the step-by-step instructions below.

The rules for installing an air conditioner state that at the first stage it will be necessary to install an indoor unit (hair dryer) of the air conditioner. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. To properly install the air conditioner yourself, take a steel mounting frame and attach it to the wall in the place of the intended installation of the hair dryer (taking into account all the distances described above). It is important that the frame for mounting the air conditioner is placed strictly horizontal(use the building level).
  2. Mark the places for fastenings.
  3. Using a puncher, make holes in the wall and hammer plastic dowels into them.
  4. Attach the plate to the wall and fix it with self-tapping screws.
  5. The hair dryer is hung on a mount (plate) for the air conditioner, after which it is necessary to check the horizontal again. If you allow the air conditioner in the room to skew in the opposite direction from the drainage channel, then the liquid will accumulate in the pan and flow down the walls.

Preparation of communication channels

Do-it-yourself air conditioning installation continues with the preparation of the channel for the highway. To bring out the freon circuit tubes, supply cables and drainage, it is necessary to make a hole of the appropriate diameter in the wall. For this, a perforator with a long drill is used. For free outflow of condensate to the street, it is necessary to make slight slope.

Outdoor unit installation

Installation of an external air conditioner unit is considered the most time-consuming process in the installation of split systems. Difficulties are associated with the fact that the weight of the module can reach 20 kg or more, due to the compressor placed in it. In addition, most often the external module is installed at a high height.

First, make a markup using a level. Then, using a perforator, make holes. Further, anchor bolts are screwed into them, and the brackets themselves are screwed to them with nuts. After the brackets are securely fastened, the outdoor unit is installed on them.

When installing the air conditioner, especially the outdoor unit, you will need the help of at least one person.. If the module is installed at a high altitude, then you will not be able to install the air conditioner yourself. It is better to use the services of climbers to hang this module.

The outdoor module is attached to the brackets with bolts. It is recommended to put thick rubber under the feet to reduce vibration.

Connection of blocks by communications

To continue the installation of a split system with your own hands, you need to connect both modules to each other.

  1. First of all, remove the protective plastic covers on the terminals of the outdoor unit. Using the instructions, connect the control and power cables that come from the indoor module to them.
  2. Carefully, in order to further connect the modules, make route installation your air conditioner, having previously put thermal insulation on the tubes (the ends are fixed with reinforced tape). To prevent debris from getting into the tubes, also seal their ends with tape. The track is fastened with clamps screwed to the wall. After that, measure the length of the line and cut the tubes, leaving a margin of 10 cm. Put union nuts on them and roll the ends. Using a rimmer, chamfer. The laying of the route (main) for the air conditioner can be carried out both outside the premises and inside, if for aesthetic reasons it is forbidden to place any communications on the facade of the building.
  3. Using union nuts, screw the pipes first to the fittings of the outdoor unit, then to the fittings of the indoor unit.
  4. Secure the drain tube using plastic clamps.

The connection diagram of the split system modules is shown below.


Without evacuation of the line, it is impossible to run refrigerant into the system. This procedure will require a vacuum pump and a gauge manifold. The pump is connected to the filling connection through the manifold as shown in the figure below (the valves on the manifold must be in the “closed” position), after which it turns on for 20-30 minutes. to remove air from the system.

After turning on the vacuum pump, you need to open the handle located under the low pressure gauge. After a short period of time, the pointer on the pressure gauge will begin to fall and reach zero, within 30 seconds or more. The pumping time depends on the length of the line and the diameter of the tubes. The position of the arrow at zero means that in the line a vacuum has formed.

Do not turn off the pump at this stage. Continue vacuuming for about 30 minutes more. After the specified time, you should first turn off the tap on the manifold, and only then turn off the pump. If the faucet is not closed, air will be sucked into the system.

Freon filling

Freon is launched into the system without disconnecting the hose connected to the service port valve. If this is done before starting the refrigerant, air will enter the line.

In order to independently start the refrigerant into the system, it is required, using a hex key, to slowly open the valve located on the liquid valve. After filling the line with refrigerant, you can unscrew the hose connected to the service port located on the gas valve.

Attention! When the hose is disconnected, freon can be released, which can freeze your hands and damage your eyes. Wearing goggles and gloves is recommended. The face must be kept away from the fitting.

It is necessary to unscrew the fitting from the valve as quickly as possible in order to reduce the loss of freon. Do not be afraid of loud hissing. The nut may become covered with frost when the refrigerant exits. Do not touch it without gloves, so as not to get burned.

All leak test connections can be soaped. After checking, tighten all the plugs on the valves of the valves, not applying much force, but well enough. If you twist them weakly, then it is possible that in the winter period freon leak.

After you are convinced of the tightness of the line, turn on the split system for a while, then check all connections again. At this stage, the installation of the wall-mounted air conditioner is considered complete.

Do you need permission

People often ask if a permit is needed to install a split system, and can it be installed without the consent of the authorities? Based on practice, permission to install an air conditioner is not required. An exception may be cases when it is necessary to coordinate the installation of climate equipment with the authorities, in buildings that are architectural monuments or having historical, aesthetic value. In other cases, approval for the installation of climate equipment is not required.

Now everything more people want to buy and install a split system in their apartment. And it's not just air conditioning. Split system allows you to better freshen the air in the premises. What is its advantage? First of all, it does not block natural light, as it does not cut into window frame. The second advantage is that it does not depend on common system air conditioning of the whole house. And the last - it consists of only two blocks: internal and external. The only reason why a large number of consumers do not dare to purchase a split system - this is ignorance of the rules for its installation. Consider all the steps in order and tell you how to install a split system yourself.


First of all, you need to know what this air conditioning system consists of. It is equipped with two separate units: the outer one - the condenser, and the inner one - the evaporator. They communicate with each other through electrical wires and two tubes made of copper through which the refrigerant circulates. In addition, the indoor unit is equipped with a thin plastic tube that performs a drainage function, i.e. removes condensed moisture from the system. According to the rules, it must be connected to a special tank for draining or to a sewer pipe, but for some reason, most often it turns out to be brought out, and water from it drips directly onto the heads or under the feet of passers-by.

Principle of operation

It is quite simple and lies in the fact that if the room needs to be cooled, then freon flows through a copper tube from the heat exchanger of the external unit to the heat exchanger of the internal one. Thus, the refrigerant is processed by the fan, and already cold air comes out from the inside of the air conditioner.

If, on the contrary, the room needs to be heated, then the external condenser heat pump starts to work as an evaporator, and the evaporator, in turn, acts as a condenser. The split system is also equipped with a compressor located in the outdoor unit. Its main function is to compress freon, which contributes to a significant increase in the efficiency of the air conditioner.

Mounting methods

Indoor units of split systems can be either wall-mounted or floor-to-ceiling. The latter can be successfully attached to both the ceiling and the floor. Most often, wall blocks are used in apartments of multi-storey buildings. They are equipped with movable blinds, with which you can change the direction of the flow of air masses.

The power of the wall units is limited by the manufacturers themselves on purpose, since if the jet of cooled air is too strong in small room it can literally blow away everything that is there. In the event that the room is quite spacious, for example, it is an office or a workshop, then a more powerful split system with a floor-to-ceiling indoor unit is installed in it.

Mounting tools

In order to install a split system with your own hands, you will need a number of devices that you will have to purchase or rent. The quality of the work performed and the durability of your air conditioner directly depend on what tool you will use during the installation process. You will need:

● Perforator with a set of chisels. It is useful in order to make holes in the main wall.

● Armature detector. It may be needed if the walls in the house are made of concrete. If during drilling the tool gets on the reinforcement, you will have to make another hole.

● Tube flaring kit. It will not be possible to do this work with improvised means, since it will be impossible to achieve complete tightness.

● Pipe cutter. Under no circumstances should you saw off the pipes through which the refrigerant circulates with an ordinary hacksaw. Copper chips always remain in the gap, which can subsequently lead to compressor failure.

● Scraping. This tool is used for stripping the cut ends of pipes. Ordinary files or needle files are not suitable for this purpose precisely because of the sawdust.

● Manometer. It will be needed to measure the pressure of the refrigerant in the system.

● Vacuum pump. It is necessary to process the system before filling it. Quite often you can hear the advice that it can be flushed with coolant. This is fundamentally wrong, since it does not remove moisture and spoils the compressor, just like metal chips.

● Manual bicycle pump. It is used to test the system for leaks.

● Tester and phase indicator. These devices are necessary for electrical work.

Tubes and work with them

Experts recommend buying a copper tube in a store in a whole bay at once, and it does not matter if there is an extra one. It can be applied elsewhere. But if iron filings remain in the cut tube, you risk ruining your air conditioner compressor. Also, when buying it, you need to make sure that there are no visible cracks and dents on the surface, and its ends are rolled by the manufacturer.

Before you install the split system yourself, you need to practice flaring the tubes. It is worth noting that this procedure is done only with a special tool and nothing else.

To practice working with flaring, you need to take the same small piece with the pipe in the store, but do not touch the bay itself. At the same time, it will be possible to try to cut the tube in a circular motion, as well as to scrape the product, holding it with the end down.


In order to make a high-quality installation of a split system with your own hands, you need to know the sequence of actions. Professionals recommend installing air conditioners only before or during repairs, as you still have to gouge the walls, lay electrical wiring and attach brackets. If the repair has already been made, then all communications can be hidden with the help of external boxes, but this, as you yourself understand, will not improve the interior. How to install the split system yourself correctly will help you understand the phased implementation of this work.

Stage one: wiring

If we take even the most low-power modern air conditioner, which consumes 1.5 kW of electricity, then it also needs to lay a separate wiring with a cross section of at least 1.5 square meters. mm. In addition, you will need an automatic shutdown.
When connecting the wires to the input shield, it is necessary to find where the phase and zero are located with a special indicator, and after determining, mark them from both ends.

Stage two: outdoor unit

It is strongly not recommended to install the outdoor unit of a split system on your own if your apartment is not located on the first floor, as there is a risk of falling from a height. But on the other hand, due to the presence of loggias and balconies on the upper floors, this problem practically does not exist. In addition, maintenance and repair of air conditioners in such cases become more convenient.

Typically, a split system is installed on the east or north side of the house. But even if you had to attach the outdoor unit from the south, the balcony canopy will still protect it from direct exposure to sunlight.

Stage three: indoor unit

In order for the installation of a split system with your own hands to be successful, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions. First, with the help of screws, special brackets are attached to the ceiling (if it is floor and ceiling air conditioner) or against the wall ( wall system). Having finished this work, it is necessary to check the strength of the fastening, namely, install the indoor unit and connect it. If the structure does not stagger or vibrate, then the brackets are securely fixed.

It is easiest to install a split system with a floor unit, since it usually does not need fasteners. But all the same, it is necessary to finally decide on its location, because after laying communications it will be impossible to rearrange it.

Stage four: punching gutters

If you doubt your knowledge or are not sure about something, you can always get advice from a specialist who will tell you how to install a split system yourself and connect freon tubes and electrical wires, thereby connecting the two units to each other. For this, special gutters are usually punched on the ceiling or in the walls, but only if you need to lay a hidden highway.

If you do not want to hammer, then there is another option. All wires can be closed with skirting boards or decorative plastic boxes.

If a multi-storey building consists of blocks, then before starting to punch a hole in the wall, it is necessary to determine in advance with the help of an armature detector the places where the iron core lies. In no case can you cut off the reinforcement, since it is located in the external load-bearing wall. According to the standard, the hole diameter should be at least 80 mm. Sometimes you can hear recommendations about 50-60 cm, but here the thickness of the thermal insulation was clearly not taken into account.

In addition, you will definitely need an assistant to stand below and warn people passing nearby, as a piece of brick or concrete that accidentally falls from a height can injure someone. Such an incident can cost the owner too much.

Stage five: connecting pipelines

In order not to make a mistake and connect all the tubes correctly, you need to study the instructions well on how to properly install a split system. First you need to measure desired length tube and cut it off with a margin of at least 1 m. All excess will go to bends.

Professionals warn that tubes must be bent with great care, as they can break, and sometimes wrinkles form on their surface. They create obstacles to the free flow of refrigerant, which leads to a significant increase in energy consumption. The minimum allowable bending radius is 100 mm.

Then, polyurethane foam hoses or flex thermal insulation are put on the tubes. The use of foam rubber is highly undesirable. After that, threaded flanges are put on them, and the ends are flared. Next, the pipelines are connected to fittings. In this work, the main thing is not to confuse the connection. Most air conditioner manufacturers have made cold and hot fittings different in diameter.

For drainage system you will need a piece of reinforced plastic tube. It is connected to the drain pipe using a heat-shrinkable tube or a threaded flange. Drainage should be installed at a slope of at least 5-10 mm. This is necessary for the natural flow of water.

Sometimes, for some reason, such an inclination cannot be made. In this case, you will have to additionally install a special pump for pumping moisture. I must say that its purchase can cost about 70-200 dollars. The price depends on the pump model.

Step Six: Sealing and Vacuuming

The easiest and most reliable way to check the tightness is soap solution. To prepare it, you need to buy half a liter of distilled water at the pharmacy and heat it, then throw shavings of laundry soap into it.

By using the rubber hose of a bicycle hand pump connected to the outlet nipple, you can easily check the sealing quality. This is done as follows: one worker pumps air, and the other brush smears soapy water on the threaded connection and monitors the appearance of bubbles. When they stop puffing up, tighten another 1/8 turn. After completion of work, the soap coating is removed with a damp cloth.

After completing the sealing test, the system must be evacuated, i.e., remove moisture from it, dust and air that have got there. To do this, return the nipple to its place and tighten. Next, connect the vacuum pump and pump for about an hour. During this time, the moisture from the system should evaporate along with the remaining air.

Final stage: testing

For testing, the split system is filled with refrigerant from a cylinder through a special adapter on which a pressure gauge is installed. Wait until the pressure gauge shows the pressure indicated in the instructions. It is worth noting here that air conditioners operating on freon cannot be filled with freon, and vice versa.

During testing, the disconnector is turned on, and the air conditioner should enter the mode itself. If this does not happen, you need to try running the test using the remote control. If this does not help, you will still have to call specialists, but be aware that all installation warranties have already been lost.

In the event that the test is passed successfully, the cold air has gone and the blinds have been set to the desired position, you can safely tell yourself and others that you now know how to install a split system yourself. And the final touch - you need to close up a hole in the wall. And not with foam, but capitally.

November 15, 2019 No comments

How to save on air conditioner installation: detailed recommendations on installing the climate system with your own hands.

No need to wait until the summer heat still forces you to install air conditioning. It is better to deal with this problem in advance. Then you can save a significant amount. In addition, you can perform installation work yourself, without involving masters from outside.

The equipment must work without failure. When installing the air conditioner, you should strictly follow the instructions and choose appropriate place. If the technical conditions do not correspond to the norm, or if the details are chosen incorrectly, the split system will break down very quickly.

To properly install the unit, you first need to understand the principle of its operation and device. The conditioner consists of:

  • from the evaporator block;
  • from the compressor
  • from the pipes connecting these two systems.

A compressor is installed on the outer side of the wall, and an evaporator is installed in the room. In expensive models, there are several indoor units connected to one compressor at once.

The refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator unit by means of a pressurized nozzle. Once in the evaporator chamber, the refrigerant expands and boils. Vapors of this substance are taken to absorb heat with high intensity. At the same time, water condensate is released, which settles in the evaporator unit - on its radiator. From there, the moisture enters the reservoir, and then it is discharged outside the building through a tube.

Throughout this period, the refrigerant evaporation accumulating in the chamber is pumped out by the compressor, and the pressure behind the pump rises. Further, the refrigerant heats up, turning from a liquid into a mist, the density of which is high. The refrigerant in a state of high-density mist enters a chamber designed for condensate and equipped with a radiator. There it is cooled by a fan, again turning into a liquid. And then it under pressure again enters the evaporator nozzle. According to this scheme, the workflow is repeated again and again.

Air conditioner efficiency

How efficiently the equipment will work, and how much electricity will be spent, depends on the specific operating conditions.

Condition one. Suppose a heating device is installed next to the air conditioner. Then the compressor:

  • will work almost continuously;
  • will consume a lot of energy;
  • will soon be out of order.

Condition two. Ordinary dust that has penetrated into the system can reduce the performance of the air conditioner and even disable it. So you should regularly and thoroughly carry out wet cleaning.

Condition three. It is not allowed to put any objects on the surface of the block.

Condition four. Do not cover the air conditioner.

Condition five. Evaporation of the refrigerant can be eliminated if, when installing the system, carefully seal any joints and joints.

Condition six. The outdoor unit must be lower than the indoor unit. For its installation, it is necessary to choose the coolest zone on the outer side of the wall. For example, a roof overhang can form an eternal shadow.

If all the above conditions for installing the air conditioner are observed, then the system will work smoothly, creating the desired comfort in the premises.

Description of air conditioner parts

  1. The air flow blows the air conditioner. For this purpose, a fan is installed in the system.
  1. The condenser / radiator is responsible for cooling the freon and its condensation. The air blown through the condenser is heated.
  1. In the compressor, freon is compressed and in this state moves along the refrigeration circuit. Compressors of the following types are used:
  • spiral (scroll);
  • piston.

Piston systems are cheaper, but less reliable. Their reliability is especially reduced if the outside temperature drops too much.

  1. In the designs of reversible air conditioners (producing cold and heat), there is a four-way valve. When the heating mode is set, the direction of freon movement is changed using the valve. Then the purpose of the indoor and outdoor units changes in fact:
  • the indoor unit starts heating;
  • the outdoor unit is cooling.
  1. Only on inverter models there is a control board. If the model is not inverter, all electronics are usually placed in the indoor unit. It is taken into account that high humidity and significant temperature changes can significantly reduce the performance of electronic components.
  1. Blocks internal with external are connected by copper pipes. And the pipes are fastened with fittings.
  1. Before the compressor inlet there is a filter of the freon system. The filter is designed to protect the compressor from the penetration of small particles (primarily copper chips). They enter the system when the capacitor is mounted.

But if the installation was carried out in violation of technology, a lot of debris could enter the system. Then you should not expect that the filter will cope with the problem.

  1. The terminal block is intended for the supply of electronic cables. Terminal blocks and fitting connections are protected by a quick-release cover. There are models where the protective cover covers only the terminal block, but the union connections remain uncovered.

What tools are required for self-installation of the air conditioner

Here are the tools you should have on hand.

  1. Vacuum pump.
  1. Bicycle load.
  1. Indicator.
  1. Tester for electrical systems.
  1. Perforator.
  1. Pressure gauge.
  1. Pipe cutter.
  1. Reamer.
  1. A set used for expanding pipes.

Still should stock up on the bay copper tube, the ends must be rolled in the factory. Dents, scratches, other defects are unacceptable.

When to start work

It is best to install an air conditioner during a major overhaul. All the same, the wall decoration will be damaged, because you will have to make a through breakdown.

Prices for accessories for air conditioners

Air conditioner installation rules

After purchasing the air conditioner and unpacking it, you can proceed with the installation of the system. Of course, provided that all necessary tools are available.

The outdoor unit is installed first. After completing its installation, you can proceed to mount the system indoors.

If work is carried out in an apartment on the second floor and above, special safety rules must be observed.

If the air conditioner is installed in a private house, then the outdoor unit is easy to place. But its installation on the building of an apartment building raises many questions.

Should be considered. It is unacceptable for the block to block neighbors' view from the window. Also, do not allow condensate to flow down the wall.

The air conditioner is attached in such a way that it can be reached from the balcony. After all, the unit will periodically have to be serviced.

It is best to fix the block on the north or east side of the window (balcony). It is advisable to install the system in the lower part of your outdoor territory. Then, if necessary, it will be easier to reach the system by opening the window.

Using a tool such as a level, the attachment points for the brackets are marked. Holes are drilled in the wall for the installation of anchor bolts.

To conduct inter-unit communication, a through hole is drilled. A sufficient diameter is 8 cm. If the wall is brick, it is advisable to make a hole between the bricks, at the place where they are laid. Then the hole will come out more accurate, and less effort will be expended.

Given the markup, brackets are installed. After alignment, they are bolted. Mount the outdoor unit in such a way that there is a gap of 10 cm (or wider) between the wall surface and the unit.

Next, the system is connected, as well as closing the resulting gap. Before proceeding to the next stage of installation of the structure, you should make sure that the outdoor unit is fixed sufficiently securely.

A place for fixing the indoor unit is selected. fastened mounting plate. Need to step back:

  • from the corner of the wall - 5 cm;
  • from the ceiling - 10 cm.

  • pipes;
  • electrical wiring (cable);
  • hoses to drain condensate.

Important! The indoor unit cannot be fixed:

  • above the battery
  • behind the curtain;
  • in a room where there is a source of electrical interference;
  • at the place where communication takes place (water or heating pipe, electrical wiring).

How to connect the power supply

For the indoor unit, wiring with a cross section of at least 1.5 square meters is laid. mm. There must be an automatic shutdown. There is a shield at the input, and the wiring is connected to it after the completion of its installation along the wall. The zero wire becomes the one that has a yellow color and a green stripe. To identify the phase and zero, you must use the indicator.

And then stranded wires passed through the wall are connected to the terminals of each of the blocks. The names of the terminals must necessarily be the same as the wires. The instructions always clearly sign the connection diagram.

How to lay pipes

Copper pipes are cut with a margin for bends (about a meter margin). When bending the tubes, special tools should be used so that there are no dents, folds, wrinkles, or stretching of the copper.

Further, polyurethane foam hoses are pulled onto these tubes for thermal insulation. Foam rubber is not suitable here, because the life of this sealant is short. Then threaded flanges are put on the tubes so that the thread is located at the end of the tube.


The flaring of the tubes should be carried out very carefully, the formation of grooves and cracks in the metal should not be allowed. The nut should slide onto the flare without effort. It is desirable to tighten it with a torque wrench, then the flared connection will not be squeezed out of the nut.

Pipelines are attached to the fittings in turn. The fittings cannot be confused, since they have a different diameter. Flanges are screwed onto the fittings. It is necessary to screw so that a tight connection is formed, but you should not pinch it, otherwise the tube will be damaged.

And finally, a segment is connected to the drain pipe plastic pipe with a reinforced body. It is fastened with a threaded flange (if it is included in the kit) or with a piece of heat-shrinkable pipe. The drain tube must be removed from bearing wall away.

It's time to bring the pipes into the hole and align. From the outside of the wall, the pipes are attached to the wall with clamps, the fastening must be tight (an electric cable runs nearby). The piping is connected to the outdoor unit. Free places in the hole are filled with silicone or polyurethane foam.

Leak test

External connections are checked for tightness in the usual way: a bicycle load and a soap solution are used. If air leakage is detected, the threads will need to be tightened more tightly. Upon completion of the check, the soapy solution is wiped with a rag or napkin.

It's time to pump the refrigerant from the cylinder into the system. An adapter should be connected to the cylinder, then a pressure gauge. After that, the tank is filled. Pressure needs to be monitored.

After this process is completed, the automatic disconnector is turned on on the air conditioner. Next, the system enters the test mode on its own.

It can be expected that the system will work without failures. That is, there will be a uniform circulation of cooled air flows. Then you can close the holes made in the wall, clean up the garbage and enjoy a comfortable microclimate.

Video: Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation: