Toilet      08.03.2020

Sheathe the metal door with laminate. Facing a metal door with a laminate with your own hands. Upholstery laminate care

Metal entrance doors are a reliable protection, but they do not add comfort. Therefore, the inside door leaf can be sheathed with materials that have an attractive appearance and blend well with the decoration of the hallway. Most often, finishing front door laminate. Consider how to do this work with your own hands.

At the entrance to the apartment, as a rule, metal doors are installed. Although modern models look quite attractive, many are trying to trim the door leaf from the inside. Most often, entrance doors are sheathed with laminate, although other options are possible. Let's consider how finishing is done if the work is planned to be done by hand.

Choosing a material

To make the interior of the hallway look harmonious, it is best to sheathe the entrance doors with a material that looks the same as the covering of interior doors facing the hall. As a rule, you have to choose from two options:

  • laminate;
  • MDF panels finished with natural veneer.

Let's figure out which finish is better.

Veneered panels

Advantages of panels for the finishing of which veneer is used:

  • veneer is a coating that has a large selection of colors and textures, allowing you to choose an option that looks like interior doors;
  • if minor damage appears on the surface of the coating, the veneer can be restored.

Disadvantages of the option:

  • natural veneer is not cheap;
  • veneer is a natural material, so it does not tolerate fluctuations in humidity.


The advantages of the material are:

  • relatively high resistance to mechanical stress;
  • the material tolerates temperature extremes;
  • has an affordable price;
  • extremely unpretentious in care.

The disadvantages include the unnaturalness of the material and the inability to perform restoration in case of damage to the coating.

How to finish?

Sheathing with laminate is a simple job, so finishing the front door may well be done by hand.

Advice! If desired, you can purchase a finished metal front door, already sheathed with laminate. However, it is better to do the cladding with your own hands, in which case the finish can be chosen so that it “fits” well into the interior of the hallway.

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to start work with taking measurements and purchasing material. If you are finishing an old-style metal front door, you must first prepare the surface:

  • the canvas must be washed well, degreased;
  • then you need to cover the metal with a rust converter;
  • after the composition has dried, the speaker should be wiped off white coating with a rag and cover the canvas with a primer for metal. It is better to apply the primer in two layers, the second layer must be applied after the first one dries well.

If you are finishing a door that is powder coated at the factory, then the above operations are not required. This canvas already has reliable protection from corrosion.

Advice! Instead of foam for insulation door frame other materials can be used - foam or plastic mineral wool.

Before sheathing the door leaf with laminate, it can be additionally insulated. For this purpose, it is better to use sheet foam, since this material:

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • has low thermal conductivity;

  • not only prevents heat loss, but also acts as a heat insulator;
  • easy to mount;
  • is inexpensive.

Advice! For the convenience of finishing work, it is necessary to remove the canvas from the hinges and lay it on a horizontal surface, for example, on two stools. To remove the door from the hinges, most likely, you will need an assistant, since the canvas is quite heavy.


Measurements are taken from the horizontally laid door leaf, after which the laminate board is cut in accordance with the measurements taken. It is convenient to cut the material using a jigsaw.

Now you need to assemble a shield from separate boards. Connections are made using interlock connections. The assembly technology will depend on the type of connection. As a rule, the connection method is indicated on the packaging. Most often, this option occurs:

  • the attached element is applied to the groove of the previous board at an angle, the size of which should be approximately 45 degrees;
  • now you need to carefully lower the attached element down until it clicks;
  • on this, the connection can be considered completed, the joint turns out to be tight and is practically invisible on the surface of the coating.

The assembled shield must be fixed on the surface of the canvas, but first you need to outline and make holes for installing locks, a peephole and other necessary fittings. In addition, you will need to seal the ends, for this you need to use a special edge tape.

It is placed on the end of the part and ironed through a napkin or cloth. When ironing, the adhesive layer melts, thanks to which the edge is securely fixed to the surface. Excess edges in width can be carefully cut off with a sharp clerical knife.

It is necessary to fasten the shield on the surface of the door leaf with glue such as "liquid nails". On last step finishing, fittings are fastened - pads of locks, handles, etc.

To inner surface metal front door looked more attractive, you can finish using laminate. The work is simple, anyone can do it with their own hands. House master. Help may be required only at the stage of removing the canvas from the hinges and when installing it in its original place.

Do-it-yourself laminate door finishing allows you to minimal cost make the entrance to the home individual and attractive, thanks to the huge variety of textures and colors of this facing material.

Now there are many materials on the market that can be used for facing entrances. door structures from metal. The most popular product for these purposes is a laminate, which has many operational and decorative advantages. The latter are due to the unique characteristics of this material.

Door with laminated panels

Standard laminated panels are produced in the form of multi-layer tiles, consisting of:

  • stabilizing base impregnated with resins of synthetic origin or paraffin;
  • wood fiber or particle board, which acts as the core of the panel;
  • one more layer of specially processed paper, on which any image (pattern, drawing) is applied;
  • polymer protective film.

This structure gives the laminate high strength, excellent resistance to mechanical wear and fading. In addition, the described products are characterized by a chic appearance, affordable cost and the ability to self-assembly without any major difficulty. If you are looking for quality, affordable and quick finish metal door with your own hands, the best material almost impossible to find.

Laminate is suitable for cladding door structures both inside and out. However, it must be remembered that it has one drawback. Laminated products do not tolerate fluctuations in humidity and temperature very well. For this reason, they cannot be used to finish the external entrance (for example, in a private house or in the entrance of an apartment building). Under the influence of moisture, the laminate will swell very quickly and lose all its special properties.

Let's figure out step by step how to sheathe input structure material of interest to us. Everything is elementary here. The scheme of work will be as follows:

  1. Dismantle the door from the hinges, lay it horizontally on a flat surface.
  2. Remove (carefully and slowly) from the canvas all latches, smooth, locks, handles and other fittings.
  3. coloring wooden slats in the color of the planned finish and fix them around the perimeter of the structure. On metal doors, such products are fixed with liquid nails.
  4. Assemble a shield from separate laminated panels. The work is simple, due to the presence of locking joints on the products. It is only necessary to ensure that all the panels are mounted to each other as tightly as possible (butt).
  5. Measure the distance between the individual rails. After that, transfer the measurement results to the prepared shield.
  6. Saw off the extreme panels in length and width. This operation is easiest to carry out electric jigsaw. The likelihood of damage to the laminate in this case is minimal.
  7. Treat the door leaf with adhesive. Take a short pause (the exposure time of the glue is in the instructions for its use). Then transfer the panel structure to the canvas and press it on top with something heavy.
  8. After the glue has dried, the door can be put back into the opening.

Door with slopes after finishing

As you can see, do-it-yourself front door sheathing with laminated products is a really simple process. You just need to adhere to the above scheme for performing facing activities. And then the result will exceed all your expectations. Decoration of an iron door should be carried out with laminated panels with a thickness of at least 8 mm. It is undesirable to use a thinner material, since it does not have the required operational strength.

If you want your home to always be warm, and drafts bypass it, you should definitely take care of high-quality sheathing with the same laminate. The finishing of these elements gives the entrance metal structures an attractive appearance, as it hides the areas of the box fastening. Sheathing slopes also increases the resistance of the structure to burglary. And this, you see, in our days means a lot. Slopes can be formed in three ways:

  1. Sealing with mortar and subsequent plastering.
  2. Adhesion of sheathing material.
  3. Frame cladding.

Paneled door slopes

It is easiest to implement the first two options with your own hands. But you should understand that you will have to do dirty and wet work - stir the solution, apply it, wait until the composition hardens. Not every home craftsman wants to get involved in such events.

The alternative to wet finishing is technology frame sheathing slopes. You will need to make a simple skeleton from wooden blocks and metal profile. And after that, strengthen the laminate on the frame (in the transverse or longitudinal direction) using. Note that vertical wood slats should be fixed at the edges and in their central part, while horizontal ones should be fixed only at the edges. After simple work, you will get perfectly smooth slopes. The door itself will be perceived as a single structure.

Other door decoration materials

Metal structures can be ennobled with the help of other products. Let's see how to sheathe the front door, if for some reason you do not like the laminate. Laminated, veneered or simply painted MDF is popular. Wood fiber products coated with a special film or veneer are suitable for interior and exterior finish. But it is better to use painted MDF exclusively for decorating doors from the inside, since its strength is not high enough. Laminated panels have a beautiful appearance and reasonable cost.

Laminated MDF panels

Prices for veneered products are higher. The cheapest is MDF with birch veneer. For luxury finishes, mahogany, oak, beech and exotic wood panels are usually used.

Veneered MDF is available in the form of strips. They need to be glued to the canvas. Such a process does not cause problems, since the strips in question have glue on their back side, which is covered with a protective paper layer. You need to alternately remove it from each product and apply MDF to the canvas, ironing it with a hot iron through a thin fabric or thick paper. Important! Pasting should start from the middle of the door. First, draw a vertical center line on the structure, and then attach the strips to the left and right of it.

Many craftsmen decorate the entrance to their house wooden clapboard. Such products have a different cost, depending on the type of wood from which they are made. They fasten the lining not to the iron door itself, but to the frame pre-assembled for this purpose. It is made of thin strips (they are fixed to the canvas with metal screws). The lining can be placed on the structure under different angles, paint it in any color, cover it with carvings. If you wish, with the help of such material you will be able to easily make an outwardly unique door with your own hands.

No matter how high-quality and reliable the doors are, in many cases it is necessary to decorate them additionally.

Using a laminate, you can significantly improve the appearance of the door, but this must be done as carefully as possible.

It is important to understand in advance all the nuances and take into account the features of the finish, choose the color.

What can be sewn?

Doors with laminate coating can be any, the main material is chosen at your discretion. They can be used both in an ordinary apartment (house) and in the office. over metal structures most often they put panels with a thickness of 0.7 or 0.8 centimeters, even a layman can do such work without any problems.

But keep in mind that the deviation from the basic technical requirements can lead to damage to the cladding and to unnecessary costs instead of savings. Acting skillfully and competently, you can significantly improve the entrance or interior doors, and not only in aesthetic terms. Laminate does not accumulate static electricity, so there will be less dust.

A steel (iron) door after sheathing with a laminate performs its functions more efficiently - it will be more difficult to destroy or knock it out. In today's turbulent conditions, security guarantees are not superfluous.

Decorative panels will create the same beautiful view for outdoor and internal doors, little distinguishable from the coating of elegant woods.

No less important is the fact that the technology of sheathing metal and wood has been developed thoroughly, if you follow it, you can sheathe anything you like.


Laminate boards do not always differ in the same size, the length is most often 126 or 138 centimeters. For obvious reasons, elongated blocks (up to 1.84 meters long) can be more difficult to use, their exact fit and installation causes difficulties. The fewer cuts are made on the material, the better its original appearance is preserved.

Laminate 9-16 cm wide reproduces the look of parquet, most often oak. Such boards are considered narrow (according to the generally accepted classification). They mainly use panels from 18.5 to 19.5 centimeters, which imitate ordinary wooden planks, it is easiest to lay such a coating. Attracts consumers and their low cost.

A thicker panel, other things being equal, will be more stable and durable. Even with strong blow it almost never deforms, and also, the thicker the laminate layer, the lower its thermal conductivity.

This circumstance is especially important for doors that go directly to the street.

In the production of thick panels (from 1.2 centimeters), minimum tolerances are used, so that the deviations in its value will be small.

Laminate of the 32nd category is produced from 0.7 to 2.2 centimeters thick, it lasts a long time. Although no one will walk on the door, it makes sense to choose a coating of a higher group - the 33rd, 34th, since it has better sound absorption, and there will be more heat in the house. Do not be afraid of overpaying, because the material will need quite a bit.

Sheathing materials

The use of flooring for decorating doors allows you to realize the most daring design ideas.

It is not difficult, for example, to take a wenge oak or other exotic color laminate and apply it in the interior. It is much easier than creating an original flooring from real wood.

If you want the door to look like brickwork, stone wall, ceramic or tile- special panels again become the best way out of the situation. Simple, fast, easy and without weighting the structure.


Inner part For a metal door, it is best to decorate with patterns depicting wood of various tones. When using any color, the visual stiffness of the material will be reduced.

Regardless of the option chosen, it is undesirable to use flooring identical tone.

For bright rooms, it is desirable to use panels of neutral and dark shades.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the good thing is that the laminate is inexpensive - just use a few strips and completely the new kind door block ready. The speed of the work will be quite high, and it will be possible to simulate expensive material without any problems. In this case, all care is reduced to wiping the surface with weak solutions of household detergents.

In addition, laminate

  • Immune to sunlight.
  • It is strong, holds heat well and prevents the penetration of extraneous sounds.
  • Completely safe in environmental and sanitary terms.

There is only one drawback - the danger of changes in temperature and humidity, they can spoil the material. Therefore, its use from the outside of the room is undesirable. Also keep in mind that it is better to sheathe metal doors with a laminate with the help of experienced specialists or after a thorough study of the entire technology.

Finishing Features

Attach laminate to metal surface Not so difficult, you just need to strictly follow all the steps. If necessary, it is necessary to insulate the entrance, and thermal insulation material should not be thicker than the stiffeners and the crate. The ends are decorated with strips of veneer of a suitable color. You can attach laminate strips in both longitudinal and transverse ways. With a horizontal connection, its bottom and top are thoroughly attached to the edges of the frame.

Vertically fastened strips must be fixed in the middle and on the sides.

To avoid mistakes, be sure to prepare a project that reflects:

  • Canvas size.
  • Brand of material and its thickness.
  • Estimated expense.
  • Composition of tools and consumables.

The door should be sheathed with laminate by removing it from the hinges and placing it at a comfortable height for yourself.

making out steel door do-it-yourself laminate, you will need to take measures against corrosion.

If it has already appeared, you will have to do cleaning and subsequent processing with special compounds. Sealing slopes with mortar, with all its strength and reliability, limits the design possibilities. Think carefully about whether it will be meaningful to you or not.


Slopes will also need to be decorated with laminate, otherwise design decision remains only partially implemented. But even before finishing, you will need to seal the box on both sides, otherwise no coating will help keep the heat.

To decorate the slopes, you will have to use either exactly the same laminate as on the door itself, or combined with it.

When the slopes are placed in parallel, slats of uniform thickness are used for the launch panels. But when mounting at an angle, the bar located at the door itself must be made wider, and the one located at the very corner - narrower.

Dowels are needed to fasten the supporting panels, and all other decorative blocks are glued or screwed with self-tapping screws. Do not forget that the caps of the screws should be masked with plugs to match the coating. Silicone sealant will help close the seams.


You can improve the appearance of old doors not only by coating with a laminate. Textured plaster applied to the slopes will look good. But the consumer is not limited only to it, there are only isolated cases when the desired material is incompatible with others.

Having created an arch, it is easy to improve its perception due to additional elements. Finishing the surface with veneer is not difficult, but the effect will be impressive. Translucent materials make the design somewhat livelier.

There are significantly more opportunities for decorating doors from the inside of the apartment than from the outside and, in addition to laminate, you can add mirror surfaces, For example. If you do not cover the entire canvas with one material, leave open parts, you should consider options with carved platbands, with foam overlay decor.


The design of the doors can both harmoniously fit into the environment, and contrast sharply with it. Both solutions are very attractive when used correctly.

Consider the style features:

  • So, for a high-tech hallway decorative elements are contraindicated, the main design should reveal the intention.
  • If the room is decorated in the spirit of minimalism, then try to choose an option that simultaneously creates a feeling of simplicity and elegance.

It is not known who was the first to decide to finish the door with a floor laminate, but the idea turned out to be good and the people liked it. Such decoration of the door leaf and slopes is carried out in 1 - 2 days and is relatively cheap. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to sheathe a door with a laminate and what kind of laminate is suitable for this.

Finishing the front door with laminate can become an original feature in your interior.

What is good laminate flooring

Important! There are doors with laminate finish and laminate flooring. In the first case, we are dealing with a solid laminated MDF panel, which is made specifically for decorating the door leaf, and in the second, the doors are lined with a simple floor laminate.

According to the installation technology and appearance finishing the door with a laminate for the floor is significantly different from facing the entrance doors with laminated MDF panels

The classic floor laminate has a multilayer structure, the leading manufacturers keep the detailed production technology of the material secret, but in general terms, the laminated board looks something like this:

  • The so-called HDF board acts as a carrier board, given material has the same basis as MDF, but its density and mechanical strength are an order of magnitude higher;
  • The lower stabilizing substrate is a thick cardboard impregnated with paraffin or something similar;
  • Paper is responsible for the decor of laminated boards, it is glued on top of the HDF board;
  • A layer of transparent synthetic resin is applied to the paper. It is traditionally believed that melamine compositions are used here, but since it is this layer that is responsible for the wear resistance and decorative appeal of the material, manufacturers keep the real formula of the coating in strict confidence.

The classic scheme of a laminated board is the same for all manufacturers, the secret of quality lies in the composition of individual layers of material

There are hundreds of laminate decor options, mostly the theme prevails here. natural wood in all its angles, but there are also stone finishes and combined patterns, so choosing something extravagant for your doors will not be difficult.

Finishing doors with a combined laminate will become interesting solution, but the price for such a board is quite high

Advantages and disadvantages of floor laminate

Upon closer examination, the door, finished with a laminate floor board, has a lot of undeniable advantages.

  • If you move a little away from stereotypes and arrange several types of laminate on one door leaf, then even without buying expensive combined models, it is quite possible to make an exclusive door decor with your own hands;
  • From personal experience, I can say that do-it-yourself laminate door finishing does not require sky-high professional skills and expensive tools;
  • It doesn’t take much time to cover the door with a laminate, in fact, you can do it in 1 day, if you’re not in a hurry, it will take a maximum of 2 days;
  • The floor covering is initially made anti-vandal, respectively, scratches and chips do not threaten such doors;
  • In the middle and upper price categories, all laminated board models are protected from ultraviolet radiation, in other words, the coating does not fade over time and does not change color;
  • And finally, the price of a simple MDF card is at least 2 times higher than the cost of two square meters good laminate.

But in the world there are no absolutely ideal materials, finishing the door with a laminate also has its drawbacks. So for outer cladding this material is not suitable for entrance doors, although there is a reservation here.

If the doors are installed in the entrance of a high-rise building, then waterproof board models can be used for facing the entrance. But direct contact with the street for floor laminate will be disastrous. This material, in principle, is not designed for low temperatures and sudden changes in humidity; such doors will peel off in a year.

In outdoor conditions, from sudden changes in temperature and humidity, the laminated coating warps and peels off, and even expensive waterproof models are not able to withstand such a test.

How to choose laminate for doors

The entire laminate is divided into 7 classes, 6 classes are widely available - these are 21, 22, 23 and 31, 32, 33 classes. Conventionally, the material is divided into 2 directions, so all models, the marking of which begins with a deuce, are referred to as a domestic direction, and a laminate starting with a triple is referred to as a commercial one.

The table below describes the scope and resistance to loads of different classes, plus there you will also find links to European standards that correspond to one or another type of laminate.

Classification of laminated floor board according to purpose and performance

If we summarize all the information, then the dependence is visible, the higher the number in the marking, the more durable the coating will be. But there is another 34 class of laminate, according to experienced craftsmen, this material has a unique strength and can even withstand ax blows, but it is expensive, so it is rare.

The thickness of the board is also directly related to its strength, that is, the thicker the material, the stronger it is. On average, the thickness varies between 6 - 12 mm.

Now let's move on to choosing a laminate for facing the front doors. On the network, most of the craftsmen advise buying expensive high-strength material. Personally, I think that one half of these advisers have a percentage of the sale of the laminate, and the second part simply does not have the information.

Let's be sensible. You and I are finishing only the front door, this is not a dance floor in a nightclub, no one will dance on the doors and knock on them with a hammer. The maximum that threatens them is the claws of your pet, and any kind of laminate will cope with such a load.

As practice has shown, for door cladding it is necessary to take a laminate no thicker than 8 mm, otherwise problems may arise with the installation of lock plates and a peephole

Important! Sheathing doors with any material, you increase the thickness of the canvas. Metal doors are already not small, if they are still sheathed with a laminate 10-12 mm thick, then there may be problems with installing lock plates and a door peephole.

The appearance of a laminated board is often independent of its performance, in other words, a grade 21 laminate can look exactly the same as a grade 33 laminate.

The appearance of cheap and expensive laminate can be the same

High resistance to abrasion and impact, in this case, is not the main thing for us, the only parameter that you should pay attention to is moisture resistance, and then if you sheathe the outside of the doors. We conclude that a laminate of 21-23 classes with a board thickness of 6-8 mm is quite suitable for doors.

Advice! When buying a laminate, ask the consultant about the presence of regrading and substandard. Not much material is needed for a door with slopes, and in any building supermarket, the surplus and sorting are given at a bargain price, as a result, you can take a beautiful laminate for reasonable money.

Also an important parameter is the choice of the dimensions of the board. The maximum length of the laminate is 1488 mm, with vertical trim for the entire height of the doors, these strips are not enough, so you have to mount them in a run.

Accordingly, it is better to take standard, relatively inexpensive strips 1200 mm long, they can be mounted both vertically and horizontally (the width of a standard door leaf ranges from 800 to 1100 mm).

Important! The width of the laminate planks does not play a big role, since the edge plank will have to be cut anyway.

The range of dimensions of common models of floor laminate

How to independently sheathe doors and veneer slopes with laminate flooring

Now it's time to learn how to sheathe the door leaf and veneer the slopes. But before that, I will say a few words about the choice of instrument.

The most important stage in the work is cutting the laminate, it is important for us not to leave chips on the edge. The best option will use miter saw but she's expensive.

An angle grinder equipped with a metal disc also does an excellent job with this task. At worst, you can take a jigsaw, but it leaves chips. Personally, at one time I took an ordinary hacksaw for metal and used it to veneer the doors along with the slopes, but there you have to sweat.

If the budget does not yet allow you to buy a power tool, then you can cut the laminate with a hacksaw

From the auxiliary tool you will need:

  • Roulette;
  • Perforator;
  • Construction square;
  • Screwdriver or screwdrivers;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Pair of files, round and flat;
  • Level;
  • Hammer;
  • Glue gun in tubes.

Auxiliary tool that can be useful for lining doors with laminate flooring

Of the materials, in addition to the laminate, you need a good polymer adhesive, for example, Liquid Nails. The perimeter of the door leaf can be trimmed with a corner or a wooden plank, there is already someone who likes it. Decorative corners are plastic, aluminum and pressed from MDF. MDF looks better, but plastic is easier to work with.

Entrance door cladding

Most entrance iron doors are made on the basis of profile pipe. There are models where the frame is welded from a corner of 50 × 50 mm, it is even easier to work with them, a wooden beam is laid in the corner and a laminate is screwed to this crate.

We will consider the lining of metal doors based on a profile pipe. We lay the laminate horizontally across the door leaf, it's easier. To make it more convenient for you to work, it is advisable to completely remove the doors from the awnings and lay them horizontally on a table or some kind of platform.

Photo Recommendations

· The laminate must not directly touch the metal. First, we clean the surface and degrease it with an alcohol-containing solution;

We glue the perimeter and stiffeners with foil penofol or thick foam tape.

The fabric is sheathed from top to bottom.

We attach the bar to the doors and mark the width. We leave a couple of millimeters around the perimeter of the skin for attaching a decorative corner. The corner should not protrude beyond the canvas.

In this case, a grinder with a circle for metal is used. It is desirable to fix the bar so that the cut is even.

The bar is fixed with metal screws. It is impossible to drive a self-tapping screw directly into the laminate, as it can crack, so we drill holes for self-tapping screws and immediately countersink them.

When marking the holes, we start from the width of the decorative corner. Fixation points must be covered with a decorative overlay. Usually 10 - 15 mm recede from the edge.

It is not necessary to drill a profiled pipe; when working with a screwdriver, self-tapping screws for metal easily pierce it.

Mounting holes are drilled and countersinked in the next plank, after which the spike of the new plank is inserted at an angle of 45º into the groove of the previous plank and snaps into place with pressure.

For a tighter fit, after inserting the spike into the groove, the bar can be slightly knocked out with a mallet from the back, as in the photo on the left.

The entire door leaf is sewn up in the same way. When you reach the castle, you need to accurately measure the location of the keyhole and arrange holes for it.

Under the English cylinder larva, you need to drill 2 - 3 holes for 10 mm, and then bring these holes to desired shape round file. A flat file is used under the lever lock.

The extreme plank is cut along the entire length, here it is important not to forget to leave a tolerance for the decorative corner.

The starting and finishing boards along the horizon must be additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.

To do this, a series of holes are drilled in the laminate with a well-known indentation, the fixation step is 200 - 250 mm.

The lock plate can either be fixed immediately or after hanging the door leaf on the hinges. I recommend doing this at the end, so it will be easier to mount the decorative corner around the perimeter.

But keep in mind, door linings are attached to through studs, they are not fixed to the top lining.

The photo shows a cut aluminum corner under 45º, but plastic, MDF and wood are cut similarly.

If a corner is used for decor, then it is better to fix it with self-tapping screws from the end of the door leaf.

Naturally, the holes are countersunk so that the heads of the screws become flush with the plane of the corner.

It is desirable to glue the decorative strip along the perimeter, this can be done immediately or after fixing it with self-tapping screws.

If you use a plastic corner, then it is not necessary to fix it with screws at all, only glue is enough there.

Now it remains for us to remove minor flaws, clean up the protruding glue and you can hang the canvas on the hinges.

We considered the installation of a laminate on a door frame from a profile pipe or wooden beam. Smooth a metal sheet on the outside, I recommend sheathing a little differently.

Here, only the first and last boards are fixed on self-tapping screws, it is easier to put all intermediate planks on polymer glue. The area of ​​​​contact between the sheet and the laminate is large and the lining will hold quite firmly. The decor around the perimeter can also be fixed with glue.

How to sheathe slopes

Photo Recommendations

We mount the crate from a wooden beam with a section of 30 × 40 mm. The beam is fixed with anchors, but before that, the verticals are set according to the plumb line, and the horizontals according to the level. If the base is not even, then wedges are used.

In principle, the strips can be fastened to self-tapping screws, as on a door leaf, but there are laminate models in which it is possible to fix them on clamps. If you bought such a laminate, you can equip a hidden cladding.

Kleimer is a metal hook, the base of which is attached to the crate, and the tongue clings to the edge of the groove.

The easiest way is to paste over the perimeter wide plastic corner in the tone of the laminate. But if the plastic does not fit into your interior, then door trims are mounted along the edge. Detail selection and step-by-step instruction installation door architraves in 3 variants is located.


I repeat once again, the above described method of finishing the door with a laminate and arranging the slopes has been tested in practice and works exactly, the video in this article shows the process clearly. If there is something to add from personal experience or have questions, welcome to the comments.

Entrance doors are a means of protecting the premises and its visiting card. For this, various finishing materials, including laminated ones, can be used. How to do it for the front metal door, and is it worth it?

Laminate door trim

If as finishing material a laminate is chosen, then both the door leaf and the slopes are trimmed with it, we will consider each of the stages of work.

Preparatory stage of work and tools

Every job requires preparatory stages, which contain the calculation required material and preparation of tools.

To calculate required amount and volume building materials, calculate the area of ​​the opening. After that you can go to hardware store and buy laminate. You do not need to buy a durable laminate class, 31 classes with a thickness of 8 mm are enough.

Insulation is needed, the choice may fall on polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Styrofoam is less thermally conductive, therefore it is laid with a smaller thickness.

The bars are attached either to metal screws or to mounting glue. Depends on whether there are jumpers on the metal door. If the fastening of the bars on self-tapping screws, then to make it easier to fasten them, holes of a smaller diameter are prepared for them, therefore a drill for metal is needed.

In addition to this, you will also need:

  • glue for laminate;
  • copper nails;
  • decorative corners for closing the junction of laminate and metal;
  • electric jigsaw or other tool for cutting lamellas;
  • tape measure, pencil and square.

Canvas finishing

It is possible to sheathe the door with a laminate with your own hands. But in the process of work, it is necessary to take into account the rules so as not to spoil the laminated coating. Entrance doors made of laminate are sheathed like this:

  • The door is removed from the hinges.
  • After that, you can dismantle the handles and other accessories, they will interfere with the work.
  • Then the frame is prepared for the laminate. To do this, fasten around the perimeter of the rail. On wooden doors rails can be easily fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, but on metal it is better to use liquid nails.
  • After the frame of wooden bars is ready, heat-insulating material is laid. Fix in the corners with liquid nails.

Doorway lined with foam
  • After that, the installation of lamellas begins. It is necessary to cut the lamellas to size. Apply glue to the slats and place the prepared slats on them.
  • This work must be done on a horizontally laid canvas. After the lamellas are laid and glued, a load is placed on them so that the glue grabs better.
  • After the laminate has seized, install the fittings in place. It is necessary to prepare places for installation even before gluing the laminated coating.
  • After that, the laminate door leaf is ready. They hang him in place.

Finishing the door leaf is not all the work of decorating entrance metal doors with laminate. You need to take care of facing the slopes.

Slope cladding

Before facing works, the slopes are sealed. Without this part of the work, laminated cladding will not retain heat in the apartment. Can be used for room sealing mounting foam And cement mortar. Sealing will improve the thermal insulation of the room and protect the house from extraneous noise.

Facing the slopes of the door is carried out without fail, because otherwise the presentability of the entrance metal door will be compromised. Therefore, it is mandatory to veneer slopes, although they require minor work.

For cladding, the same laminate is used, which is attached to metal slopes.

Before starting work on the cladding, level the surface after sealing, cut off the excess mounting foam.

  • You need to determine the shape of the slopes. They can be mounted from laminated material along the ends of the door leaf or across.
  • Depending on which installation method is chosen, it is necessary to install starter slats. If the slopes are mounted in parallel, then install rails of the same thickness. If they are planned at an angle, then the rail near the door is made wider, and the one closer to the corner is narrower.
  • Bearing panels must be fixed to the wall with dowels.
  • You can mount subsequent panels with glue or self-tapping screws.
  • The use of glue seems to be more presentable, because it has a hidden connection, and self-tapping screws need to be closed with decorative plugs.
  • Side panels and perimeter corners are fixed in the same way.
  • At the end of the work, the seams are sealed with sealant.

Self-finishing a metal door with a laminated coating seems possible, but requires precise work, most of which is associated with the preparatory stages.

Video on how to sheathe slopes

Advantages and disadvantages of laminate flooring

Why is it possible to finish the front door with laminate? Laminate has high performance due to the multilayer structure of this material. This multilayer material can be briefly characterized as follows.

  • The bottom layer is stabilizing, impregnated with special resins.
  • The basis of the laminate is made of MDF or fiberboard.
  • The decorative layer is paper that imitates the structure and texture. This layer is impregnated with special resins.
  • Protective film.

Thanks to this multi-layer structure, the laminate has the following specifications and other positive features that are advantageous for using it as a front door trim.

  • wear resistance. Laminate coating has a high wear resistance, which may depend on the class of the laminate. When used on vertical surfaces, it will not tolerate heavy mechanical stress. Therefore, even fragile lamellae can be used.
  • aesthetic value. Laminate imitates different kinds materials: stone, tiles, wood. Popular - imitation of the texture of wood.

  • easy installation. Working with laminated material is easy. They are joined to each other by a locking mechanism, so the joints are smooth and without gaps. It is only necessary to take care of the reliable fastening of the lamellas to the canvas.
  • resistance to fire;
  • affordable price.

It should be noted that the laminate is not moisture resistant coating Therefore, it is not advisable to use it in an environment with high humidity. Due to exposure to moisture, it may begin to peel off, and the locking mechanisms to swell. It should be borne in mind that when laying a laminate on the floor, a floating floor is made, and it will be fixed on the door leaf. Because of what, when the locks swell, the lamellas can rear up.