Shower      06/23/2020

Quick bathroom refurbishment. Budget renovation in the bathroom with your own hands. Cleaning of the premises is carried out in several stages

The question of how to finish a bathroom cheaply worries many people in our country. Average salaries do not allow you to make expensive repairs in the apartment and force you to resort to finding a budget option. Some of them for some reason believe that their dream cannot be translated into reality, but in reality this is not so. You can achieve aesthetics, comfort, durability and safety of the planned repair, using even relatively inexpensive materials. How to do it?

How to save on materials without losing quality?

It should be understood that expensive is not always high quality, and vice versa. The high price may be due to, say, the possibility of application in special situations, while your conditions do not require such dedication. The significant remoteness of the store from the production facilities of the producing company can increase the cost. Sometimes you have to overpay for a well-promoted brand. One should not exclude the difference in living standards in different countries- if a product is produced in a state with high average incomes of the population and high salaries for all employees, then residents of all other countries are forced to dump themselves on this sky-high salary if they want to buy specific products. In general, to finish the bathroom cheaply, you should approach the task wisely.

The high price of finishing materials does not always indicate their quality, so if you don’t want to overpay, you need to choose wisely

Economic glue

Let's start with a simple one - with tiles, or rather, with glue for it. Tiles are one of the main materials for finishing walls and floors in the bathroom, and if it is often not worth saving on the tile itself, then glue is often overpaid. Consumers often prefer the famous Ceresit glue, refusing the cheaper Moment, not even suspecting that both trade marks belong to the same company. Of course, the two options differ from each other in the range of hardness, but for ordinary home repairs, as a rule, there is no difference. If for the walls there is still some point in acquiring more expensive Consumables, then the tiles will not fall off the floor even with the Moment, unless you arrange a dance floor in the bathroom.

Wall decoration

At first glance, it is obvious that the most expensive tile options may look more prestigious, but those who want to save money are more often interested in another question - is there a difference in strength and durability? It should be noted that usually it is still not there - you can trim the walls with cheap tiles for decades to come.

The difference in price is usually due to the attitude towards appearance - if expensive models are real masterpiece, then budget options often seem to be done somehow, but most often it's just a visual deception.

The manufacturer can also save on non-slip coating, but if the finish is chosen for the walls, then this is not too important. Another thing is that laying tiles usually requires the involvement of professionals, so, in any case, this is not the cheapest option.

You can significantly save money by getting approximately the same result if you finish the bathroom walls with plastic panels. In terms of a variety of colors, they are not inferior to tiles, but they are much cheaper and much easier to install. Unlike tiles, damaged fragments are much easier to replace, and communications can be hidden under the panels. The installation of the panels does not require leveling the wall, however, due to the additional fixing profiles, the area of ​​​​the bathroom may be slightly reduced.

Plastic panels - economical option for bathroom decoration

Of course, the most budgetary repair option is painting the walls. Even the most expensive paint will cost the owner less than the same plastic panels, especially since even a child can do the job, because the only thing that is really needed for this is accuracy. However, this option is very limited in application - if the walls are crooked, then it will have to be abandoned. Of course, the wall can be leveled, but it is not easy to bring it to the ideal on your own, and the call of a specialist forces you to delete this design method from the list of inexpensive ones.

Floor decoration

For floor ideal option tile is also - although it is expensive, it is still optimal in terms of practicality and durability.

Most practical option floor covering for the bathroom, tiles are considered, the cost of which varies over a wide range

Linoleum is usually used in classic competitors, however, it should be borne in mind that an attempt to purchase a cheaper version of it is fraught with the rapid destruction of the repair - the material does not perceive constant moisture well.

Actually, the most budget solution for updating the flooring in the bathroom is simply to lay a new rug, if possible, picking it up to match the walls and the rest of the finish. At the same time, in order to prevent the appearance of mold, the rug should be regularly lifted and the floor under it wiped.

Ceiling and lighting

Repairing the ceiling surface in the bathroom with a limited budget involves the use of plastic panels that allow spotlights to be built into the ceiling.

However lighting you can leave it on the wall, the main thing is to place them correctly.

A competent approach to the layout of the premises, as well as cleanliness and order will make it visually attractive and worthy of dear guests.


It is undesirable to save on plumbing and pipes, because any accident will force the owner to start repairing the bathroom from scratch. The quality should be maximum, but sometimes it makes sense not to buy new plumbing, but to restore the old one. If the bath has not lost its integrity, but has problems with the enamel coating, then it is better to renew it - modern materials allow for different kind restoration of enamel, but it costs much less than buying a new bathroom bowl.

The option of buying equipment that was already in use on the market is not excluded - construction companies that carry out regular repairs in public institutions (for example, hotels) can rent out removed plumbing for resale. At the same time, before implementation, it usually undergoes restoration to a normal functional level and costs much less.

Latest bathroom details

When the interior is almost ready, it remains to add the finishing touches that will make the room ready for its intended use - we are talking about a curtain, shelves and hangers.

The curtain can be found at very low prices if it is made of film or inexpensive fabric. If it is possible to invest a little more money now, in order to invest less later, it is worth paying a little more for a curtain made of waterproof fabric - it will more reliably protect against splashing water and last longer. It is important to choose Beautiful design accessory, and then its low cost will not seem obvious.

As for the shelves and hangers, they just need to be placed correctly, once in the general color scheme. If neatness and order reign on the shelves, the guest will not notice much difference between expensive and cheap accessories, and vice versa - there is no point in overpaying for a shelf if appearance jars on it raises vague doubts about the solvency of the owner.

In today's world there are so many building materials, which we need to renovate the premises, that when you come to the store or to the market, you involuntarily find yourself in a dead end. How to understand them, and how to choose those that will satisfy our needs both in quality and in price? Bathroom renovations are no exception. A huge number of product offers for finishing walls, floors, ceilings make our eyes run wide, and our thoughts work hard.

It is natural that, due to its functional duties, moisture-resistant building materials are needed for the bathroom. It is this condition that must be used when choosing materials for the repair or construction of this room.

Bathroom finishes can be found online. But if you want exclusive design, you can resort to the services of professional designers, and they will help you develop a special project.

Based on the chosen option for finishing the room, select building materials for the bathroom. Do not forget that due to the specific functions of the bathroom, they must meet many requirements.

Basic requirements for building materials in the bathroom:

  • Strength;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Durability;
  • Harmonious combination with other items in the bathroom.

Also, make sure that the building material you choose allows you to maintain sanitary and hygienic standards in the bathroom.

Wall decoration in the bathroom: what color is better to choose

In addition to technical characteristics, the color scheme and design play an important role in the bathroom. The color in which your bathroom will be decorated will create a certain atmosphere not only in the bathroom area, but will also affect the entire room as a whole.

Wall decoration in the bathroom should begin with the development of a complete project of the entire room, taking into account both related building materials and basic ones. Only in this way will you be able to carry out repairs or repairs correctly and without negative consequences. construction works in the bathroom.

In the market of all building materials, there is currently a huge range of products of any color and quality. This allows you to easily develop the design of the room and choose the materials of the right colors for it.

What colors can be used to decorate the bathroom:

  • White;
  • Light pink;
  • Cream;
  • Blue;
  • Salad;
  • Red;
  • White black;
  • Lilac;
  • Peach.

In addition, you can always provide a combination of two or more colors that are in harmony with each other.

What finishing materials are needed for the bathroom

If you plan to do a major overhaul in the bathroom, that is, change the design of the entire room, or build a bathroom from scratch, you will need to choose finishing materials for finishing the entire room.

Finishing materials for the bathroom must be chosen carefully, paying attention to their technical characteristics and parameters. Pay attention to whether they are combined with each other.

In the store and in the markets there are goods, both domestic firms and imported from other countries. Domestic materials are cheaper, while goods imported from outside are more expensive.

What materials are needed for overhaul In bathroom:

  • Drywall;
  • Starting putty;
  • Finishing putty;
  • Mounting glue;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Aluminum profile;
  • Floor tiles;
  • Tiles or wall paint;
  • Material for sealing seams.

When planning repairs, it is advisable to first buy everything necessary materials and then get to work.

Material for finishing the wall in the bathroom: which is better to choose

Due to the fact that the walls and floor in the bathroom are often exposed to water and steam, best material tiles are considered for their facing. It varies in texture, composition, quality and price.

What is the best material for bathroom walls? “Of course, from tiles!” you say. Yes and no. In terms of practicality and wear resistance - yes. But this option is not suitable for those who like frequent or constant changes.

Having once laid tiles on the walls in the bathroom, you will see them like this for several years. Whereas walls finished with other materials can be painted or re-glued.

What types of tiles for wall decoration in the bathroom exist:

  • Marble tiles;
  • Granite tiles;
  • Ceramic tiles, or tiles;
  • Vinyl tiles;
  • Porcelain tile.

Marble and granite tiles differ in their aesthetic data. Tiles and porcelain tiles will serve you for a long time, and with the help of vinyl tiles you can equip the bathroom with underfloor heating.

Walls in the bathroom: room decoration materials other than tiles

You can finish the walls in the bathroom not only with the help of ceramic or granite tiles. There are options with which you can make these works cheaper, or very inexpensive.

Materials for finishing the bathroom room, in addition to tiles, there are others. There are a sufficient number of types, and if you decide that the tiles on the walls of the bathroom are not for you, then choose from another range of goods.

If your wall is not even, then it can be leveled with drywall, and then pasted over with moisture-resistant wallpaper, or covered with paint.

You can finish the walls in the bathroom with the following materials:

  • Mosaic;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Glass - tiles;
  • Natural stone;
  • Agglomerate stone;
  • Painting;
  • Solid plastic, or in the form of plastic panels;
  • Waterproof wallpaper;
  • Combined tiles.

There are other ways to ennoble the space of the bathroom, but they are usually applied individually.

What to do before decorating the walls in the bathroom

Performance repair work- the stage is long and laborious. From the beginning of the work to the moment when we can see the results, there is a long way to go. The most uninteresting and time-consuming process is the process of dismantling and eliminating flaws.

How to finish the walls in the bathroom room, if we have not considered a lot of funds. But if you do not take preliminary, preparatory measures for repairs, then this, not a lot of money, can, as they say, go down the drain.

Before the walls are finally sheathed with building material, it is necessary to analyze the dismantled surfaces for gross, significant defects.

What you need to do before applying the coating to the walls:

  1. Check the wall for cracks or other damage. If they are, then they need to be sealed.
  2. Analyze the wear of the wall, it may need to be strengthened.
  3. Look for rust or yellow streaks. If water leakage occurs, then this problem must be eliminated before the start of finishing work.
  4. Think about how you will hide the pipes. Analyze their condition, you may need to replace the water pipes.
  5. Perhaps your renovation involves moving faucets or drains to another location. These works must also be completed before cladding the walls.

New modern technologies allow you to bring a lot of new things to the decor of your room. It is necessary to provide for all wall details even before the start of finishing work.

Wall cladding methods in the bathroom

With the advent of drywall on the market, the technology of repair work has changed dramatically. Now many building materials are laid on drywall sheets which facilitates and reduces the type of repair work.

Methods for processing walls in the bathroom are frame and conventional. Frame method, this is the way when a frame of metal profile, and drywall is already attached to it.

The next step is to attach the building material for cladding to the plasterboard. Already on a flat drywall, you can easily stick various ceramic products, paste wallpaper or paint. You can use a combination of methods when inner lining half is done with some one material, for example, plastic panels, and the rest of the skin to others.

What gives the frame method of wall cladding:

  • Contributes to the concealment of wall flaws and their 100% alignment;
  • Helps to hide pipes and other communications;
  • Great for making recessed lighting indoors;
  • Helps to warm the room and reduce heating costs;
  • It will save you from unnecessary work on leveling the curves of old walls.

A lot of specialists who make repairs these days use the frame method. Frameless way less popular, and it is used mainly by those who have bathroom space worth their weight in gold. After all, a frame made of a metal profile will increase the thickness of the wall of your bathroom, which means it will reduce its usable area.

The process of finishing the walls in the bathroom and materials (video)

There are a huge number of methods and ways to renovate your bathroom. Just like the types and shades of building materials. Your task is to correctly understand them and make the right choice.

When renovating a bathroom, to get good result it is necessary to choose the right materials and evaluate the scope of work, the amount of time required. In the article we will consider various options bathroom decorations using traditional and unusual materials.

Ways to level walls

Almost all options for finishing the bathroom provide for preliminary. There are two ways - using plaster and drywall. Plastering is a longer and more expensive process, but takes less space- when plastering, existing irregularities are filled. You can quickly level the walls in the bathroom with drywall and it will cost less. And that's a plus. But at the same time, at least 6 cm will “leave” on each wall (5 cm profile + 1.2 cm GVL thickness). And this is a solid minus, especially in small bathrooms. Another point: you can attach heavy things or equipment to plasterboard walls only if you have previously installed mortgages - wooden block or steel strips fixed to the wall. And this is additional costs and difficulties.

The walls in the bathroom are leveled with plaster

Whatever way you choose to level the walls and ceiling in the bathroom, you must take into account the high humidity of this room. Therefore, all materials are taken moisture resistant:

After leveling the walls by any of the methods, surfaces are prepared for finishing. For laying tiles, evenly plastered walls or primed drywall are sufficient. For wallpapering and application decorative plaster putty is required. The surface must be perfect for painting, therefore the putty is applied in several layers (usually two are enough, but sometimes more).

There is an option for finishing the bathroom, under which the walls are not leveled - Wall panels PVC. They are mounted on the crate, so the degree of curvature of the walls is unimportant.

Tiles and its types

When it comes to bathroom finishes, the first thing that comes to mind is ceramic tiles. This material is ideal for wet rooms, has a lot of advantages:

Wallpaper in the bathroom

Wallpaper in the bathroom is perceived critically by many. And in vain. It's inexpensive and fast way wall decoration in the bathroom. It is hardly worth pasting them over the area near the bathroom or washbasin, but the rest of the space is very possible. You need to choose wallpaper for the bathroom that is moisture resistant (three wavy lines in graphic coding), preferably resistant to friction - so that you can wash them with a brush.

Use glue with antibacterial additives, not forgetting to prime the walls with an antiseptic composition. This option is perhaps the cheapest bathroom wall decoration and the fastest way to tidy it up (assuming the walls are already leveled). And such a repair will last for a couple of years, and then you can re-paste the wallpaper or choose a more durable finish option.

Wallpaper in the bathroom is a good option for an economical repair, and the view is very good.

Plastic panels

PVC wall panels are another inexpensive alternative to bathroom tiles. Their charm is that the walls can not be leveled: they are attached to the crate, which will hide all the bumps. The second advantage is that they are inexpensive and are mounted quickly. Another plus - a large number of colors, including plastic panels imitating laid ceramic tiles, mosaics, decorative panels.

Plastic on the walls for the bathroom - there are different options

Another positive point: under the plastic wall panels you can easily hide all communications, and they are also easy to clean. But so that mold does not start under the finish, the walls must be primed with an antiseptic composition and ensure good ventilation.

The disadvantages of this method of finishing the bathroom - the crate takes up a fairly solid volume, which is important. And the second minus is that the panels are fragile and jumpers are pressed into them with considerable effort. Having hit with your elbow, you will not break through the strips of normal quality, but the dent will be for sure, and this spoils the appearance.

Custom bathroom finishes

Some finishing materials are not very suitable for use in conditions high humidity, but, with certain processing, they can be used there. These materials include wood and natural and artificial stone.

Non-standard, you can arrange a bath even using standard materials- photo printing on tiles and

There are also new materials for wall decoration, which, according to their characteristics, are suitable for the bathroom, but due to the fact that they have been developed recently, they are still little used. These materials include wall linoleum and thin PVC panels.

That's about all these finishing materials and we'll talk about it in this section.

Wall linoleum

This material is brand new. It is produced by Tarkett and is called Wallgard. It was developed as a wall covering in medical facilities because it is resistant to water and impact. chemical substances, can be washed many times, and even with the use of disinfectants. In appearance, it resembles flexible plastic sheet 1.2 mm thick, sold in rolls 2 m wide, cut with scissors.

So far, there are not so many colors - the material is new, but since it has aroused active interest, the assortment will probably be expanded soon. Currently, if you prefer calm tones in decoration and matte surfaces, you can use wall linoleum.

The canvases are mounted on even walls, welded together with a special soldering iron with an adhesive cord. Can be used cold welding(glue), but the tightness of this connection is much lower.

PVC panels without partitions

There are PVC panels for wall decoration without partitions. These are printed sheets of plastic. Plastic thickness 2-3mm, plate size 955*480mm or so. In Russia, they are produced by one campaign so far - the Regul enterprise produces the Dekopan material. One sheet costs 215 rubles, that is, the material is classified as inexpensive.

It is mounted on glue on even walls, cut with scissors. In general, a promising option for economical wall decoration in the bathroom. Surely summer residents will like it - it creates a 100% water-repellent surface, weighs little, and is easy to install.

Natural and decorative stone

If you are looking for non-standard options for finishing the bathroom, take a closer look at flagstone - natural stone sawn into thin plates - flagstone. Granite flagstone is most suitable, as it is not hygroscopic, but other types can be used. The laid stone is usually varnished on top, which is additional protection from moisture.

Another option is marble. But this is an expensive material that looks only in spacious rooms. It is rarely used for finishing bathrooms, as it does not react well to contact with water, and it is difficult to protect it. Very difficult installation - the plates are large, weigh a lot, only professionals can handle it.

When laying natural stone special adhesive composition(for natural stone). The technique is similar to laying tiles, only you have to select each element.

Natural stone, of course, is beautiful, but heavy and expensive. The slabs have an arbitrary shape, which makes their laying very difficult. These problems do not exist if artificial decorative stone is used. It is made on the basis of gypsum and cement. To finish the walls in the bathroom, cement is used, since gypsum is hygroscopic and does not respond well to getting wet.

A little on the walls harder work With ceramic tiles. Each collection consists of a set of fragments in the form of small bricks of various shapes. They are joined to each other, it turns out an uneven, but picturesque surface. In order not to make a mistake when laying, first the fragments are laid out on the floor, a combination of colors and sizes of the elements is selected. When the "picture" satisfies, the decorative stone is alternately transferred to the walls.

Bathroom finishing options decorative stone are numerous, but most often the stone is present only in fragments. They decorate one wall or even only a part. The rest of the space is most often painted or, as in the photo above, trimmed with mosaics. These types of materials combine very well.


In our country, wood for finishing a bathroom is used very rarely - it changes dimensions with changes in humidity, deteriorates faster and loses its appearance. So this is not the best good option although it certainly looks beautiful.

Impregnations help to improve the situation, which retain the attractive appearance of wood even on the street. These are oils and waxes. Many of them give color to the wood at the same time as protection. It can be bleached, made darker, even painted in blue, pink or other colors - there are different colors.

These bathroom finishes look cozy and warm, and not cold, as when using tiles. The disadvantage of this type of finish is that it is necessary regular care for wood using special tools.

Approaching the repair of the bathroom, not everyone believes that the only option for finishing the floor and walls is tiles. There are several alternative options, which, among other things, can save finances, as well as reduce the time for finishing work.

wall decoration


An option that does not require any materials at all is paint. Manufacturers offer a lot of options for moisture-resistant paints that are suitable for the bathroom.

The advantages of this solution are quite significant:

  • You can choose almost any color or several at once;
  • Paints differ in texture, can be glossy or matte, you can create different effects;
  • This method does not require high qualifications - anyone can paint the walls with a brush or roller;
  • This is a fairly budget option - depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the paint you choose, you can meet the modest money.
  • Painting does not take much time - most likely, the work will be completed in one day.

However, if you decide to paint the walls, and not only in the bathroom, then the preparation of the surface - the walls - will require significant time, money and effort.

To bring the walls for painting, it is necessary to clean them of the old coating, remove the old plaster, especially in those places where it “sits” loosely and realign the walls. There is another option to “sew up” the walls with plasterboard. The final result is covered with a primer twice, after which it can be painted.

Plastic panels

Another option for the bathroom is plastic panels. They are moisture resistant flat surface even on an imperfect wall, have a huge amount color solutions. As a rule, one pvc panel several times larger than a square of tile, which means that installation will be faster.

Plastic panels are attached either to liquid nails, directly to the wall. Note that if the bathroom has an old tile that has lost its attractiveness, but still holds up well and is made to last, then the panels can be glued directly on top of it. Another mounting option is on the frame. If the walls are not even enough, but the frame is made of aluminum profile, protruding a couple of centimeters, will correct the picture, and mounting on the panel frame is easy and simple.

Moisture resistant wallpaper

The next option is moisture resistant wallpaper. They are produced by many brands that produce "clothes for the walls." However, wallpaper is best used in bathrooms, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich allows you to "turn around". So, beautiful wallpaper can decorate those areas that are not directly exposed to water. The walls adjacent to the sink and bathtub, nevertheless, should be finished with something more tolerant to moisture.

Despite the fact that the wallpapers are labeled “suitable for the bathroom”, they are based on paper, albeit impregnated with special substances. Therefore, you should not count on long-term operation of wallpaper in the bathroom - over time, they can peel off.

Decorative plaster

In the bathroom, it would be appropriate to look at the decoration of decorative plaster, if this material is protected with a moisture-resistant varnish. There are a lot of options for such a decor on the building materials market: different in texture and color, such plasters can act “solo” or become a partner for any type of finish described above.

Floor finish


The main thing is to choose linoleum of the appropriate class - in this case, you need a coating of 21-23 classes, suitable for residential premises. Next, you need to consider the properties of linoleum.

The following requirements are put forward for the bathroom:

  • Low slip coefficient so as not to be injured on a wet floor;
  • The ability to create sealed joints-seams by welding or gluing;
  • The minimum porosity of the base so that it does not absorb moisture;
  • High moisture resistance and wear resistance of the top layer.

Laying linoleum implies that there will be no furniture and the bath itself in the room, otherwise the material will have to be cut and “customized” under the legs and other ledges. If it is possible to put the linoleum in one piece, then the work will not take much time - the material must be given time to lie down and straighten, then it is fixed with skirting boards.

Moisture resistant laminate

Another option for flooring in the bathroom is a moisture-resistant laminate. Unlike the usual one, it perfectly retains moisture on the surface and does not deform, and its layers are firmly pressed together, which prevents delamination when water enters.

There are some nuances in laying such a coating, first of all, this is the choice of a special sealing adhesive that will secure the joints of the laminate.

Another important point- the choice of the substrate, which must also meet the requirements of moisture resistance. Otherwise, laying laminate in the bathroom is no different from normal process in any other room.

When acquiring a new home or living in an old one for a long time, it becomes necessary to repair it. Any updates are associated with costs that even the most economical person cannot always afford. In the absence of a significant amount of money, it is not at all necessary to postpone the replacement of a damaged finish on the back burner. It would be wiser to plan a budget repair using inexpensive, but quality materials. And you should start with the bathroom, which is one of the most important rooms in the house.

Repair, like any change, begins with getting rid of the old and unnecessary. And this process can be called the most pleasant and easy part of the work: coatings that have become obsolete can be safely removed from walls and ceilings without worrying about their safety.

Cleaning of the premises is carried out in several stages:

  • Disconnecting plumbing;
  • Removal of old coating from walls, floors and ceilings;
  • Removal of previous layers of plaster, screed and waterproofing residues;
  • Cleaning the room from dirt and dust.

After getting rid of debris, all surfaces must be leveled cement mortar. Slots must be sealed with sealant.

An obligatory stage is the waterproofing of the room. For the floor, you can use a coating composition, which is applied to the screed in one or two layers.

Cheap do-it-yourself bathroom renovation: material requirements

The bathroom is characterized by a special microclimate, which leads to rapid wear of materials. Therefore, when making even low-budget repairs, it is worth choosing a finish whose performance meets the requirements.

The materials used must have the following properties:

  • Resistant to high humidity;
  • The presence of antiseptic additives that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • Resistance to aggressive compounds used to clean the bathroom;
  • Ease of maintenance.

The best option for the bathroom - smooth surfaces. Due to the absence of irregularities and various volumetric patterns, the material does not accumulate dirt on itself, retaining its original appearance for many years.

When choosing a finish, you should also pay attention to the possibility self-assembly. A simple do-it-yourself repair will cost less (approximately twice).

How to paste over a bathroom cheaply: we decorate the walls

A significant part of the costs falls on the design of the walls, which have the largest area when compared with the rest of the finished surfaces. Wallpaper is one of the options for the economy class, but before you paste over the bathroom with them, you should think carefully. This type of finish is very unstable to high humidity in the room.

Painting with a water-repellent emulsion is the most cheap way wall decorations. For finishing, a special composition is used on a polyester or acrylic basis, which is applied to the surface after it has been leveled. The paint lasts for 5-8 years.

Among budget options The following types of finishes also have the necessary properties:

  • plastic panels;
  • Ceramic tile.

PVC panels - inexpensive material which saves not only money, but also time. Plastic strips fastened together do not require preliminary alignment of the walls and removal old finish. The installation of the panels is quick and can be done even by a non-professional.

If you want to decorate a small bathroom inexpensively, you can consider laying wall tiles. This material resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, has a huge number of colors. The tiled bathroom looks nice and neat. A small budget in this case will not be a problem: you can purchase domestic products that have more affordable prices.

Bathroom renovation options: how to finish the ceiling and floor

The ceiling can be decorated in the same way as the walls. For example, paint with white paint or install plastic panels. This option- the most economical and practical.

For a small bathroom ideal solution may be the installation of a stretch fabric. The cost of such a finish depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, so installation false ceiling in a small restroom will cost less than other options. Especially if you abandon the idea of ​​​​a designer canvas and make it matte white.

Finishing the floor is the most important task on which the safety of using all plumbing equipment depends. That is why experts recommend that the first step is to update the waterproofing in the room, and only then repair the coating itself.

For finishing the floor in the bathroom, two materials with high durability and a variety of designs are suitable:

  • Linoleum;
  • Ceramic tile.

Linoleum will cost less than tiles, but if we are talking about a small bathroom or toilet, there will not be much difference in their cost. Therefore, the choice of coverage in this case depends on personal preferences. However, it should be borne in mind that the installation of linoleum is quite simple and is done by hand, which also significantly reduces costs. Having given preference to the tile, you will have to work hard with its installation. Or finish the floor with the help of a specialist.

Renovation of a small bath: updating plumbing

Buying a bathtub and sink is the biggest expense in a renovation. However, you can save even in this case. The solution to the problem will not be the acquisition of new equipment, but the restoration of the old one.

The update is done in two ways:

  • Application of two-component polyester enamel on inner surface bathtubs (the cheapest option);
  • Restoration liquid acrylic(It will cost more, but the result will be more resistant and beautiful).

If the bath is in a very poor condition, you can purchase an acrylic liner. This is a special insert that is attached inside the bowl with a sealant.

The listed methods may not seem budgetary, because. are not very cheap. However, in any case, it will be beneficial to restore old bath than to buy a new one.

Quick budget do-it-yourself bathroom renovation (video)

Self-renovation of the bathroom can be carried out at almost any income. It is only important to carefully plan the whole process and acquire the necessary materials. The modern market offers a variety of finishes, so choose quality coating low cost will not be difficult. The main thing is not to get carried away, trying to save as much as possible: you need to pay attention not only to the price of the material, but also to its properties.