In a private house      06/23/2020

How to remove old paint from doors. How to remove old paint from a wooden door? Temperature method for removing old paint from wood

There are several ways to remove paint from a door surface. This task is not easy: you have to put in enough effort. And yet, armed with a tool and knowledge, even very difficult work can be done.

It will be problematic to restore the door during the repair, or simply refresh the color of the canvas if the surface is not prepared. Most often, the sash is covered with several layers. old paint, has noticeable bumps and smudges. Even using the most expensive paint, the finish may not be what you want.

In addition, the old coating may react with the new, because it is not always possible to understand what chemical composition the previous dye had. So it's better to remove old layer, otherwise it will lead to cracking, swelling and the formation of bald spots on the coating.

must be carefully removed old paint and in the event that the old coating had dark color, and now light light shades have been chosen for the product. Overlapping the previous layer will be difficult: the dark color will show through. As a result, the canvas may acquire a completely incomprehensible shade, or several layers of paint will have to be used. At the same time, it should be noted that painting in several layers has another disadvantage - the doors will begin to close worse, as the layers begin to accumulate at the ends. It is not necessary to remove the paint on the upper and lower ends, it is enough just to sand them, but only if the shade of the old paint material matches the new one.

It is sometimes necessary to remove the old coating partially, from the ends or from the side where the door is sheathed with leatherette. Unfortunately, this is a complex process, and it will take a lot of effort to achieve the desired result. Special tools are used to remove paint from wood, and a metal door is prepared for a new painting in a different way.

Removing paint with chemicals

The chemical method is quite effective. Special fluid can be purchased at any hardware store. Only the agent must be suitable for the corresponding coating. For example, the composition will not work if oil paint is removed, and it was intended for metal coating. It is worth warning that the products are unsafe for health. Solutions are sold in dry, liquid, pasty form.

When choosing a tool, you need to carefully study the instructions for use. The liquid can be highly toxic and will require a respirator and work gloves to handle. It is pointless to recommend a certain remedy, so it is best to purchase the one that is. Paste and gel are most often used on uneven surfaces. In addition, it is necessary to buy mineral kerosene to remove the agent and particles of old paint. Additional solvent treatment may also be required if it is written in the instructions.

After application, the product may not work immediately, but only after a few hours. Therefore, in order not to say that it did not work, you need to study the instructions before applying. For a certain time, the product will soften the old paint coating to the base. Then you can remove the old layer using a spatula or a metal brush.

It is worth noting that before applying the reagent, the surface must be prepared, namely, cleaned of peeled layers. To reduce the consumption of the product, it is applied to a durable layer of the painted surface. For work, you will need overalls, goggles, a respirator and rubberized gloves.

Cleaning a metal door from old paint

Repeatedly colored steel door ceases to look attractive, especially under the influence of temperature changes. To update the surface, it must be cleaned, for which special or improvised means are used. For example, a grinder or special tools with various nozzles are used.

Before starting the procedure, the door is removed from the hinges, then the fittings and decorating linings are dismantled from it, and they are taken out into the yard for processing. The easiest method to get rid of paint is to use a blow dryer, kerosene, paint remover, a spatula, and a cipher machine.

Without the use of the necessary remover, it is almost impossible to remove paint from the surface with a spatula alone, as it can damage the smooth surface of the metal. After removing the paint, it is recommended to grind the surface with a machine or sandpaper.

The grinder effectively removes the old layer, but for this you need to choose the right nozzle. If there is not a wide variety of nozzles, then a nozzle with medium spraying is used, processing a surface of low power. To make the work more efficient, the tool head sometimes needs to be cleaned of paint that is clogged there.

A building hair dryer can also be used to remove paint. The process consists in the fact that it melts the paint under the action of hot air pressure, after which the layer is removed with a spatula. In addition, when processing, you need to be careful, since the surface of the door is very hot, so you need to be careful not to touch it with body parts. It is best to remove the paint after warming up, when it begins to bubble. In this way, only metal surface. If this method is used on a wooden door, it can be burned through. Glass inserts must be removed in advance so that they do not melt. It is also worth noting that the smell of burning will appear during processing, in connection with this, the procedure must be done on the street.

Cleaning a wooden door

Wood differs from metal and stone surfaces in texture, which can be easily damaged by sharp objects. Therefore, the processing must be done carefully so that the fibers retain their integrity, and the spatula must be tilted along the pattern. Using chemical reagents, it is necessary to protect yourself with a respirator, goggles and rubberized gloves. To prevent the product from getting on the skin, you need to open the jar and apply it carefully. If the substance comes into contact with the skin, it is necessary to immediately rinse it, and if irritation persists, consult a doctor.

With any processing method, it is best to work outdoors. When using a grinder, do not turn it on at maximum power. To verify the effectiveness of the nozzle, check it on the upper and lower ends of the door. If the rotation of the nozzle is too fast, even very strong wood can be damaged.

Using thermal method any tool will not work for heating the surface, because you can easily burn through the wood. A hair dryer may be used as the temperature of the hot air heats up the paint without damaging the wood.

At the end of the work, you need to clean the surface. Before applying a new coat of paint, the doors are carefully sanded. The formed cracks and chips need to be puttied. Only after the above procedures can you start painting the door.

If you decide to do repairs and update the interior of your home, then get ready for serious financial costs. But in order to reduce costs, in the process of repair we pay attention to everything that, with skillful use, can reduce the cost of this difficult undertaking. For example, you fell into the hands of an interior door. It's not new, but what's stopping you from making it like that? To add eccentricity or give a classic austere look to your door will help alternative way— painting. Never be afraid to update your old interior. With a skillful approach, you can reduce the cost of repairs and bring a touch of extravagance and comfort to your abode.

But, as a rule, old doors are already painted. And here you need to think carefully about how to remove old paint from a wooden door. For achievement good result, you need to prepare the door for painting, for this you need to wash it off the paint and sand it. And how to do it with a minimum investment of funds, energy and your precious time, we will now tell you.

We start repairing the door with our own hands

To understand the complexity of this procedure, you first need to determine the nature and type of colorful materials. Specifically, you need to know the answers to the following questions:

  1. What material was the paint applied to?
  2. How many coats of paint solution were put on the door?
  3. What type of paint was used?
  4. What period of time has passed since latest update product appearance?

You need to take into account all these factors and with the help of various paint removers bring the surface of your door into a uniform structure.

Important! If you decide to apply new paint to the old one, then you will not achieve the desired result. You will not achieve color contrast and gloss. It is for this purpose that it is necessary to remove old layers of paint.

Preparatory work or the basics of the basics

The entire process of updating the door will be conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  • direct paint removal;
  • preparatory cleaning of the surface and its repair;
  • new door paint.

Why remove old paint?

Do your best to remove the old paint. To do this, below we will offer you several ways. On working surface no previous paintwork materials should remain. This is very important point Otherwise, all your hard work will go down the drain.

The old paint under the new layer will begin to swell and the surface will be damaged. All this preparatory work you will be doing it yourself, so treat the process conscientiously, with enthusiasm.

Why clean the door?

Once you've finished cleaning your door of paint, move on to pre-painting. wooden product. Its smoothness, strength and aesthetics upon completion of your work will depend on the quality of the work performed at this stage.

For this:

  1. Remove the remaining pieces of paint from the surface with a spatula.
  2. All irregularities, roughness are removed with the help of sandpaper.
  3. Cracks and potholes close up with putty.

Important! When sealing cracks, pay attention to the color of the putty and the color of future doors. There shouldn't be much difference in color scheme. Otherwise, the putty will appear from under the paint.

Several ways to clean the door of old paint

There are three main ways to remove old paint from a wooden door:

  1. Thermal.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Chemical.

If the door was painted in one layer, then this will make your work easier. All you have to do is lightly “sand” the surface, and you’re done. But we will look at more difficult option, with several coats of paint, where you need an integrated approach to get your door in proper shape.

Method 1 - Thermal

It is reasonable to use this technology if you need to remove old paint from a wooden door, and 2 or more layers of paint were previously applied to the surface. Under the influence of high temperatures, the paint softens and becomes pliable.

Therefore, take an industrial hair dryer and heat the surface of a wooden door. Modern building hair dryers are equipped with a temperature controller. This will come in handy if you have glass on the door and you cannot or do not want to remove it.

Then, using a spatula, scrape off the old paint from the wood.

Important! Carry out the manipulation carefully, without damaging the wood structure in difficult areas.

Method 2 - Mechanical

Very good way remove old ingrained paint. Scraping and sanding will bring your door into proper shape. In this way, you will achieve the desired result, but in return it will require your diligence and effort. To implement this method, you need to have a few tools:

The whole essence of this method lies in scraping off thick layers of paint, followed by sanding. In doing so, consider the following features:

  1. The use of sandpaper on a grinder is best to start with a coarse grit and move on to a finer one. This will eliminate roughness on the surface of the wood.
  2. IN hard-to-reach places use a knife, chisel, scraper, depending on the complexity of the site.
  3. If the paint is applied in several layers and holds well, then better way than the use of a grinder with special brushes, you simply will not find. This is truly a killer option.
  4. In the end, using not coarse sandpaper, bring the surface of wooden doors to the desired state.

Important! In some cases, an ordinary piece of glass works very well, especially if there are no other tools at hand and you are not going to buy them, as well as special chemical washes. After all, all this costs money, sometimes a lot.

An abundance of unnecessary glass at hand will allow you to cheaply and efficiently remove old paint. Just be very careful not to damage the tree or injure yourself.

Method 3 - Chemical

A 100% way that does not require large physical and temporary losses. In every hardware store you can purchase special chemicals for removing old paintwork materials.

The best paint removers

You can not limit yourself in choosing their assortment, these are Denalt, Marshall SET, Gunter Gut Umsetzer, Graffi Guard 2030.

They contain various chemical elements that, when applied to old paint, soften it, and it is easily removed with a spatula.

Tools for the job

Before you start stripping paint with special means, you need to prepare some tools:

  1. the solvent itself.
  2. Brushes for applying a special tool.
  3. Putty knife.
  4. Gloves.
  5. Goggles.

Important! For this procedure, select a suitable room or utility room. Chemical elements adversely affect environment and the smell of most products is far from the most pleasant.

General cleaning scheme

To clean the door of old paint, prepare the field of action in this way:

  • Remove all attachments from the doors - locks, handles, curtains. For convenience and room to maneuver.
  • Then evenly apply a chemical reagent to the surface of the door with a brush, after observing the safety measures when working with chemicals.
  • Protect your hands, eyes, open areas skin, wearing protective gloves and goggles.
  • The method and nature of the application of the wash depends on its characteristics and method of application.

Features of the use of different paint washes:

  1. Application of Graffi Guard 2030. Apply with a brush on the doors in light circular motions. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes. The reagent reacts with the paint at the molecular level. There will be a splitting of the old paint, after which you can easily wash off the surface of the door from the dried old paint. If it is necessary to repeat this procedure, keep a time interval of 10-15 minutes. This will finally take away all the paint you do not need.
  2. Drawing Gunter. With a brush or spatula, apply a layer of wash 1-2 mm thick. Depending on the thickness of the paint to be removed, leave to sour for 15-25 minutes. Finally, remove the old paint with a spatula, degrease with white spirit or solvent. Reapplication of a wash for old surfaces is allowed.
  3. Application of Marshall. The agent is applied with a brush. After 10-15 minutes, scrape off the swollen old paint with a scraper or spatula. Then wipe the entire treated surface with a cloth moistened with cellulose solvent. Dry the surface to be painted. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Preparing for painting

After you have successfully managed to remove the old paint from the wooden door, we move on to another stage of painting the old door:

  1. Take a grinder and carefully bring the canvas of your doors to perfect condition.
  2. If a grinder is missing in some places, then sand it by hand or use a bar with emery material glued to it.

Important! When sanding wooden surfaces, always carry out any movements, whether by hand or with a machine, in one direction. This way you will avoid roughness in those places where you did not follow this rule.

The machine will remove all bumps, chips, scratches, dents, cracks. But with such a sweep, some problems may arise:

  1. If under the old paint you find blackening of the wood, then this can be eliminated by applying putty to the damaged areas. Spread putty, let dry and rub.
  2. If dark spots have become massive, then there is a “miracle solution” to eliminate them. The combination of chlorine with water 1:3, when applied with a soft brush on damaged areas, removes blackness.

You easily and naturally managed to clean off the old paint, and the canvas of your doors is in proper condition. It is without bumps, roughness, all cracks are sealed. The putty is dry and sanded. The door is dry and dust free and ready to be painted. We move on to the next stage of painting the old door.

How to paint a wooden door?

First of all, you need to do right choice paints. Basically, to protect wood from external influences, paint is taken on oil based. It is deeply absorbed into the structure and protects the tree very well from moisture, cold, frost. Protects from dwelling and eating shashel.

As for the tools:

  1. The paint on the door can be applied with a brush. Somewhat laborious, but you will be sure that you have carefully painted over every small depression, every ledge.
  2. If the door is not paneled, but flat, use a roller.
  3. Most effective method this is to use a spray gun. Very comfortable and economical option, applies smooth layers of paint without streaks.

We paint the door with a brush or roller

Consider the option with a brush or roller. Here everything is tritely simple:

  1. Stir the paint thoroughly before painting.
  2. Apply paint with a brush or roller in an even layer.

Important! Be careful with paint drips. If you notice smudges, then do not delay, but immediately eliminate them until the paint reacts with wood and oxygen and begins to thicken.

Spray gun option:

  • Shake the paint well before use.
  • Since it is thick for spray gun use, dilute it with solvent type 647. Determine the density of the solution individually (it all depends on the viscosity of the paint itself).
  • Pour in expansion tank pistol.
  • Set the air pressure to 2-3 atmospheres.
  • Wear protective clothing - a respirator, gloves, even better - old unnecessary clothes or special overalls, a dressing gown.
  • With smooth movements, paint from top to bottom of the product.
  • After finishing painting, rinse the spray gun with a solvent.

Important! Repeat the painting procedure after 15-20 minutes (as soon as it is absorbed), since in this way the paint lays down in a thin layer, and the first time it may not evenly paint over the entire plane of your wooden door. After applying two or three layers, you will achieve the desired result.

Choose any of these methods, but remember to use safety precautions and personal protective equipment when working with paintwork materials and household electrical appliances. We hope that our tips will help you achieve your goal.

If you started a do-it-yourself repair in the house, then be sure to pay attention to the condition of the doors, windows and floor. Wooden doors have many advantages over modern products. They differ in both quality and convenience, and will also be able to serve you for a very long time. If you have a solid wooden door, but the paint on it has peeled off and cracked from time to time, do not rush to throw it away, but try to update it. To do this, you need to know how to remove the old paint from the doors.


Before the canvas is repainted, all layers of the old paintwork must be completely removed. Otherwise, it will look not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also not close. There are several options for removing old paint from a wooden surface. The most common ways:

  • Chemical;
  • Mechanical;
  • Thermal.


The chemical method is considered the fastest. Here they use different washes for paints. They must contain solvents to soften paints. This makes it possible to remove it with a simple construction spatula (metal).

Immediately prepare all the materials and tools that you will need for work:

  • chemical agent to remove the coating;
  • brushes;
  • solvent;
  • putty knife;
  • protective glasses;
  • gloves.

Now let's start the process, guided by the video:

  1. First, remove the door from the hinges, and also remove all the locks, as shown in the photo. Work is best done in utility room or in a separate room;
  2. Using a brush, apply a wash on the old canvas;
  3. Let it brew and start rubbing until the paint starts to peel off;
  4. Peeling paint can be removed with a spatula, and residues can be removed with sandpaper.

Please note that for different types paints, there are special chemical washes. If you take the wrong solvent, there will be no effect.

In addition, all chemical compounds are toxic, so it is necessary to work with gloves and goggles on outdoors or ventilated areas.

To remove old paint from a wooden canvas, a special chemical paste is also used, which is prepared from caustic soda and oatmeal. You can prepare such a composition yourself:

  1. Caustic soda is completely soluble in water;
  2. Then add oatmeal and stir until you get a paste-like mixture, as shown in the photo.

This composition is usually used for doors with a complex shape. Also, such a paste is best used when removing a multi-layer coating and in hard-to-reach places. For the best effect, the composition must be applied to the canvas in a thick layer. After the paint begins to bubble, remove the paste with a scraper along with the old coating, and then rinse the surface with water pressure. With this chemical composition You have to be careful not to burn your skin.


For work mechanically need to cook:

  • scraper;
  • chisel;
  • grinder or grinder.

Of course, this way of working is long, and besides, you can get injured. However, sometimes without knives and other sharp objects it is difficult to clean the product from paint in hard-to-reach places.

The mechanized method is to use grinder. But it can only be effective if the door is covered with only one layer of paint. If the coating is multilayer, then it is better to use a "grinder" with brushes, as shown in the photo.


The building hair dryer is indispensable tool during heat treatment of doors covered with old paint. Modern hair dryers have a heat regulator, with which you can soften the paintwork on a wooden surface, and then clean it with a knife, as shown in the photo.

If the door has glass, it is better to remove them. The temperature of the air that comes from the hair dryer is 600 degrees and the glass can simply crack.

If you are going to paint the restored canvas again with your own hands, it will not cost you much work. We can only advise you to carry out trial work first from the “wrong side” of the door. Then on the other hand you will not make possible mistakes.

Summing up

Wooden doors are considered the most durable, and after restoration, you can not tint them for five years. Interroom doors will last even longer, as they are installed indoors and are not exposed to various weather influences.

If, in the process of furnishing or renovating your home, you have a desire to update, freshen up or completely change appearance solid pieces of furniture made of wood - doors, floors, window sills, frames, platbands, cabinets, tables or chairs, then in this case there is an urgent need to first remove the old paint from the tree, that is, prepare the surface for all subsequent work.

And if in the case of a new surface, the situation is quite simple: it needs to be sanded and then primed, then the old wooden surface will require much more time and effort to bring it into proper form. The matter is also complicated by the fact that a tree is relatively soft material, and when removing paint from it, there is a risk of damaging its surface.

Is it necessary to remove paint from wood surfaces? This is perhaps the first question you ask yourself when you decide to do some kind of restoration work. After all, in some cases it really does not make sense to remove the old paint from the surface, and it is quite possible to apply a new layer of paint on top of the old one.

In this case, you should take a closer look at the surface to be treated: if the layer of old paint is thin, the paint does not lag behind the surface and there are no cracks on it, then minimal sanding will be enough, after which it will be possible to start re-painting.

  • the previous paint layer is too thick;
  • the surface has already been painted several times;
  • there are cracks on the layer of old paint;
  • the former layer bubbles and lags behind the surface;
  • you are going to use a different type of paintwork than the previous one.

How to remove old paint from wood

There are three main ways to remove old paint from a door or other wood surface:

  1. Mechanical
  2. Temperature
  3. Chemical

Mechanical way to remove the old layer of paint from the surface of the tree

This method consists in mechanical action on a previously painted surface. This is the first method that is tried to be used to clean the surface of a door, floor, window sill or any piece of wood furniture from old paint. In this case, it is simply scraped off with the appropriate tools:

  • spatula;
  • metal brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • chisels;
  • scraper.

Beyond simple hand tools requiring significant physical effort, you may need more serious power tools: an electric drill with a special nozzle for grinding and cleaning, Grinder or a grinder with a disc for grinding and cleaning.

The mechanical method of removing old paint is justified if the paint layer is already very old, and the paint peels off the surface easily, in layers. It is also a good idea to clean old paint mechanically with flat surfaces, or surfaces small area such as window frames.

However, when it comes to uneven decorative surfaces, for example, twisted, carved and curved elements on the door, furniture or architraves, simple mechanical removal will be too complicated, time consuming and ineffective. Another negative aspect of sanding is the impossibility of completely removing the paint, since it usually only makes the paint layer thinner, and paint usually remains in hard-to-reach places.

Temperature method for removing old paint from wood

An effective way to remove the old paint layer with your own hands is to heat it, followed by removing the peeling paint with a spatula.

How to remove old paint with a building hair dryer? To do this, you need to direct a stream of hot air from a hair dryer onto the treated paintwork surface. From exposure to heat, the paint softens and begins to swell, after which it is removed with a spatula, scraper or chisel. If there are depressions on the surface, the paint can be removed from them with a triangular spatula. In the absence of such, you can use a razor.

But remember that this process requires accuracy and caution, because if you handle the hair dryer and spatula ineptly, you can get hurt or damaged. wooden surface. You also need to keep in mind that it is difficult to remove oil paint with a hair dryer, because, unlike other types of paints, it does not exfoliate when heated, but melts, turning into a greasy soft substance that is difficult to remove with a spatula.

How to chemically remove old paint from wood

A tool for cleaning old paint from a door, frame, trim or furniture can be made by yourself or purchased ready-made. The home remedy in this case is a solution of caustic soda. This method requires great care and appropriate protection of exposed areas of the body, that is, be sure to wear thick rubber gloves and unnecessary clothing. Next, you need to pour a solution of caustic soda into an unnecessary container and apply it with a brush to the painted surface. Continue application until the old paint begins to blister. After that, you need to clean off the paint with a spatula, scraper or chisel, and apply any degreasing agent to the treated surface, or at least wipe it with water.

It is much easier to remove old paint from wooden objects by purchasing a ready-made chemical agent designed for a specific type of paint in combination with a wood surface. It is very important when using them to pay due attention to the protection of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract: protect your eyes with goggles or a mask, hands with gloves, and be sure to open the window while working.

If you cannot determine which paint was used in this case for painting, for example, doors, you can choose a universal chemical for all types of paint. The selected solvent is also applied to the surface with a brush, roller or spray gun, and after 10-15 minutes, the paint is easily removed with a spatula or even just a rag moistened with kerosene or water.

An easy way to update the surface interior door is to paint it. For such a procedure, it is not necessary to have special skills, or seek help from painters - everything can be done alone.

Methods for removing paint from wooden doors

Before painting wooden door, you need to completely get rid of the old layer of paint. There are three ways to clean the surface.

Chemical method

Special chemical solutions- "old paint remover". The reagents included in the composition quickly soften the paint layer.

To do this, the mixture is applied to the surface of the door with a roller with a fine pile or a brush. As soon as a sufficient amount of solution has been applied, it is necessary to wait for a certain period (from 5 to 30 minutes). During this time chemical substances can eat away all the paint. Then it will be easy to remove its remnants with a spatula.

Important! Before applying a new layer of paint, it is necessary to degrease the surface from the remnants of the wash.

This method of removing the old layer is very fast and does not require the use of force. But pay attention - chemical reaction will be released into the air harmful substances. First you need to take care of the effective ventilation of the room. And also about a respirator - to protect the respiratory system. Hands must be protected with gloves.

mechanical method

Mechanical cleaning is the easiest option for cleaning. But at the same time, it is also the longest. It is most effective to use a grinder, with a circle-nozzle for sandpaper. You can also use an electric drill.

The procedure will be accompanied by education a large number dust and dirt. So it is necessary to protect the airways with a respirator. You will also need goggles and gloves.

Read also: How to make your own spray gun for water-based paint

Before you start cleaning, you need to consider the grit of sandpaper and the type of wood. Too coarse paper grain can leave scratches or even depressions on the wood. Otherwise, before painting, you will have to additionally putty and prime all mechanical damage.

thermal method

The old layer can be easily removed if the surface is preheated. This option is called thermal. It is most convenient to heat the door with a building hair dryer, but if it is not available, you can use an ordinary iron and foil. The foil is applied to the surface, then warmed up from the iron. Next, you need to remove it and immediately start cleaning.

It should be borne in mind that old paint can ignite if overheated. It is important to acquire extinguishing agents, even if they are not useful. In addition, it is desirable to carry out the procedure away from the accumulation of wires or plastic items, otherwise heat they can easily be damaged or destroyed.

Types of paints for wooden interior doors

For doors it is worth choosing an option on water based- this variety is quick-drying, resistant to changes in humidity and temperature, and some subspecies are almost odorless. Stop at the following types:

  • Water emulsion. Colored or white enamel, inexpensive, environmentally friendly. It is applied to the surface, under the future layer of varnish, since the composition does not have strength and with great activity - opening-closing - it will peel off. If humidity is increased in an apartment or house, then this defect cannot be avoided.
  • Moisture resistant. Silicone or acrylic paint contains polymers that form a film on the surface that prevents the penetration of moisture. This is important for wooden structures and rooms where the humidity is constant - kitchen, bath, bathrooms.
  • Lesser. This is a paint for wood doors or completely transparent. Gives canvases a finished decorative look highlighting the natural beauty of the material. Unlike varnish, the composition is not transparent, which is why it has received the characteristic of glaze. The components allow you to smoothly make the transition to shades, linger on the natural pattern. Flawless on all surfaces - deaf, smooth or textured.
  • Lucky. Inside the apartment, only water-based compositions are used - nitrolac will not work.