In a private house      04/20/2019

How to plant indoor peppers. Potted pepper: advice from an experienced practitioner

The miniature indoor pepper grows well on the windowsill and is an excellent source of spices for preparing amazing dishes in the kitchen. Often used at home different kinds and varieties of ornamental crops. Decorative pepper is loved by many for its original look and ease of cultivation.

Description of the plant

The biological name of indoor pepper is capsicum. Often decorative indoors, although it is also possible to grow it in open ground. Such species are used as food and have some medicinal properties.

Ornamental peppers were brought from America and Asia. It contains a large number of useful substances and vitamins. In our country, peppers are mainly grown to produce an ornamental plant with beautiful leaves and less often for edible fruits.

Peppers in a pot come in a variety of shapes:

  • small;
  • large;
  • pointed;
  • rounded;
  • pear-shaped;
  • elongated.

Depending on the varietal qualities, the fruits can grow up or down. Growing ornamental peppers requires time and careful care.

Important! Ornamental peppers in pots can bear fruit at home for four years with proper care.

When growing peppers, there are some requirements for indoor conditions:

  1. The temperature in the room should be within 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. Air circulation.
  3. Sufficient lighting.
  4. Regular watering.
  5. Trimming.

Important: When flowers form, it is necessary to pinch the sprouts; this has a great effect on the formation of a beautiful, strong bush.

Caring for decorative peppers also involves pruning, which is carried out after flowering. Peppers are very demanding when it comes to fertilizing, so they should be fertilized about 2 times a week. In winter, the plant does not require additional feeding and therefore regular watering and lighting are sufficient.

To stimulate the plant to grow, develop and bear fruit, it is recommended to replant it approximately once a year.

Selection of planting material

To get healthy plants, first of all, you need to decide on the choice of seed material. Ornamental peppers are best propagated by seeds; in order to understand how to grow plants from seeds, you need to take into account some points:

  1. Seeds are collected from dried fruits.
  2. Seeds should be collected from the bush you like, taking into account the shape of the fruit.

Seeds hot pepper As a rule, they can be stored for five years, but seeds collected a year before planting have the best germination rate. Therefore, it is better to plant seeds from last year, as this will ensure a good harvest.

Important! Seeds collected for storage should not have mechanical damage or signs of disease. Benign seed material should have a yellowish color.

Varieties differ in terms of ripening:

  • early ripeness;
  • medium ripeness;
  • late ripening.

Varieties early date When mature, they bear fruit 70–95 days after planting in pots. Peppers from mid-season varieties appear after 110 days, late ones - after 130 days.

The pepper bushes, which reach a height of 35 centimeters, amaze with their splendor. In general, the height of peppers grown in pots can vary from 20 to 100 cm in height.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

One pot is enough for planting. Planting consists of the following steps:

  1. Filling the bottom of the drainage container. Small expanded clay stones can be used as drainage.
  2. Backfilling soil with neutral acidity; specially purchased soil is best, since soil collected from the site may contain disease microbes or pest larvae that negatively affect seed germination.
  3. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water room temperature, for about 2 hours. This time will be enough for swelling; biostimulants such as “EPIN” or “ZIRCON” can be added to the solution. These drugs stimulate the germination of healthy shoots.
  4. Distribution of seeds on the soil surface, maintaining the optimal distance between them. Seeds are planted in moist soil, but not wet.
  5. Sprinkle the seeds with soil to a depth of 50 millimeters.
  6. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  7. Cover with film to create a greenhouse effect.

After the emergence of seedlings, they need to be regularly inspected and moistened, avoiding overwatering.

Every day the film should be lifted for some time, ventilation should be increased every day, and after strong young shoots appear, the greenhouse effect should be eliminated and the plants should be allowed to adapt to normal conditions.

As the above-ground mass of plants increases and when 2 true leaves appear, the peppers are transplanted to permanent place. If the plant is planted in a separate pot, then it should be transplanted into a container with a larger feeding area, this will ensure full growth and development of ornamental peppers.

In general, when growing ornamental peppers, you need to adhere to the following rule: “one plant - one pot.” Mass plantings are unacceptable for indoor peppers.

Stimulating flowering and fruiting

Care to stimulate peppers to produce flowers is the following:

  • to increase the number of ovaries, the pot with the plant should be shaken periodically;
  • providing access sunlight;
  • ensuring systematic irrigation.

Important! Usually the first flowers on the peppers fall off, but then new ones appear that bear fruit, so you should not despair and continue to provide care.

Growing conditions

Ornamental pepper is demanding on the sun; if there is not enough, the leaf plates suffer and are damaged, as a result of which the plant may not develop and become deformed. Do not place pepper pots on shelves, refrigerators or cabinets. If there is not enough light, additional lighting should be provided.

Be sure to moisten the plant every day by spraying it with a spray bottle. The water should be at room temperature; the pepper does not tolerate refrigeration.

Between March and October, peppers should be fertilized; special fertilizers for nightshade crops are suitable for this plant. Fertilizers can be purchased at a specialty store and used according to the instructions on the package.

Around the end of summer, pruning can be done, but only if the pepper has formed rather long branches. The pepper bush should be pleasing to the eye and compact. When pruning, you do not need to touch the main trunk, otherwise this may lead to the death of the plant.

Caring for miniature peppers in winter

According to biological characteristics, decorative indoor pepper is a perennial plant, which, when good care can bear fruit for 4–5 years. The main care during this period is transshipment of plants in order to renew the soil. The soil needs to be updated every spring. For comfortable overwintering, there are three growing options:

  • after fruiting, collect seeds for propagation, and mature plant throw away;
  • to preserve it, it should be placed in a bright place and provided with regular watering;
  • to preserve an adult plant and obtain a harvest in winter time Additional lighting should be provided; for this, lamps are installed and fertilizing continues.


This paper discusses the main points of caring for and growing ornamental peppers at home. A bush of such a plant will delight you with its appearance and savory taste.

During the cold season, you want to create a special coziness in your home, and edible and ornamental plants, grown on a windowsill at home. Potted pepper is no exception; it not only adds originality to the interior, but also gives lovers of spicy food the opportunity to spice up their dishes.

Features of growing hot peppers in an apartment on the windowsill

Growing peppers on a windowsill is enough exciting activity. As for the purpose of such an unusual landing, he o can be a big plus forinterior decoration of the room, villageKolka plant, densely strewn with bright ripe fruits, looks very decorative.

And, of course, it will not be superfluous when eaten.

Advice! You can use hot pepper for salting, pickling and canning, as well as as a spicy addition to first (soups) and second courses (especially meat).

For successful cultivation pepper on the windowsill must be created optimal conditions for its growth and development, because this culture is quite capricious. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics and preferences of the plant, as well as the rules for planting and further care.

By the way! With proper care and regular feeding, indoor peppers can grow fully and produce a stable harvest for 5-10 years, because This perennial.

To grow hot peppers at home, you need to consider the following factors:

  • seeds suitable variety from a trusted manufacturer or freshly cut cuttings;
  • choosing the optimal place for plant growth, its lighting, the need for additional lighting;
  • selection of planting containers and suitable substrate;
  • features of watering and fertilizing;
  • knowledge of pepper diseases and pests.

Important! By following all the rules of care, you can get 10-20 or more fruits from one plant at the same time.

Choosing a bitter variety for planting in an apartment

The following varieties of decorative peppers are ideal for growing on a windowsill in an apartment:

  1. Ogonyok. This variety has long been popular due to its compact bush, which reaches a height of 40 cm. It was developed by crossing chili and cayenne pepper. Forms fruits up to 5 cm, which at the base have a diameter of 1-1.2 cm. As they grow, they change their color: green, yellow, red. The fruits ripen within 120 days.
  2. Aladdin. An ultra-early compact variety, the height of the bush reaches 35-40 cm at home. Forms cone-shaped multi-colored fruits, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm. During the growth process, the shade of the fruit changes: green, purple, red. Fruit ripening occurs within 105 days.
  3. Garda Firewall. One of the new ones indoor varieties. Forms compact bushes 30 cm high. The length of the pods is 5 cm. A peculiarity of pepper is that the fruits stick out with their tips up. As they ripen, they change color, so the plant can simultaneously have green, lilac, orange and red fruits. The pods ripen within 115 days.
  4. Explosion Amber. The unusualness of the variety is that the foliage of the plant has a dark purple color. Forms cone-shaped small fruits 2.5 cm long. As they grow, the shade of the fruit changes: purple, pink, scarlet. The bush forms compact, 30 cm high. The variety is considered early ripening, fruit ripening occurs after 115 days.

Also suitable for growing at home are such varieties of hot pepper as Black Prince, Five-Colored, Medusa, Ornament, Orange Round, Phoenix, Fakir, Falcon's Beak, Queen of Spades, Salute.

Depending on individual preferences, you can select one or several varieties at the same time.

As a rule, the most popular varieties for growing on a windowsill are peppers. Ogonyok and Chili.

Important! You cannot use seeds from a pod purchased in a store to grow pepper on a windowsill, since it is an industrial variety and requires completely different conditions.

Video: decorative indoor hot pepper - review different varieties

Features of planting hot pepper at home - step-by-step instructions

To grow Ogonyok pepper on a windowsill, you need to prepare for the procedure by studying the preferences and features of growing this crop in room conditions. Only by following all stages of planting can you ultimately achieve the desired result.

Sowing dates: when to sow seeds

It is worth understanding that hot peppers grow for a very long time, like any pepper, for example,

In the case of growing indoor hot peppers, you can start sowing them at any time, that is all year round. Let’s say if you sow in winter, in December-January, you can get the harvest in summer – in June-July.

Choosing a suitable location and creating optimal growing conditions

Hot peppers are very demanding of light and heat, so for its full growth and development it is necessary to choose southern or southeastern (or western) window sill. During the period of active sun in spring, the plant needs light shading. In summer, the plant should be placed on a balcony or loggia, but it is recommended to avoid drafts.

Important! Pepper does not tolerate cold drafts, so when ventilating the room it is best to keep it away from an open window. You should also seal (seal) any holes if you have old window frames.

For full growth and development, the plant needs 12-16 - hourly duration of daylight hours. During the period of short days from early October to March, bitter pepper especially needs in additional lighting with phytolamps or full-spectrum LED lamps in the morning and evening, as well as on cloudy days.

Important! A lack of light is manifested by a light shade of foliage, which can ultimately lead to leaf fall. In this case, the duration of artificial additional illumination must be increased.

For normal plant growth in winter air temperature should not fall below +18 degrees, and starting in spring optimal temperature is +20-24 degrees.

Do not forget! In summer, pots of indoor peppers can, and even should, be taken outside.

Planting container

Hot pepper forms a relatively compact root system, which is located closer to the soil surface. It is recommended to select pots for growing indoor peppers volume of at least 3 liters, and preferably 4-5 liters.

Important! Peppers are grown, as a rule, with a pick, so for the initial sowing, very shallow, wide (rectangular) containers (4-5 centimeters in height) are first prepared. From these, the grown plants are subsequently transplanted into larger individual containers, and then to a permanent place (in large pots).

A prerequisite is presence of drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, which helps remove excess moisture. Before planting, it is necessary to pour a 2-3 cm layer of drainage onto the bottom, which will prevent water from stagnating in the pot.

Suitable substrate

For sowing hot pepper seeds, you can purchase seedling substrate in a specialized store. But you can prepare a nutrient mixture for planting yourself. To do this you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part river sand, perlite or vermiculite.

Immediately before planting hot pepper seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the soil by sprinkling it with a biofungicide or potassium permanganate, which will prevent the development of fungal diseases. You can also disinfect the soil in advance by heating it in the oven.

Pre-sowing seed preparation

Pepper seeds before planting are recommended germinate in a humid environment. To do this, you need to spread the seeds in damp gauze (or use cotton pads) and carefully wrap the fabric. And then put them in some container and close the lid so that the moisture is retained longer.

For germination, place in a dark and warm place (+25-27 degrees) for several days(1-2 days will be enough), periodically opening, moistening and examining for the presence of sprouts. As soon as most of the seeds hatch, they will need to be planted in the prepared soil.

Important! Seeds should not be allowed to dry out during germination, otherwise they will die.

Although, in principle, you can sow dry seeds.

Growing hot peppers from cuttings indoors

In some cases, to preserve all species properties It is recommended to carry out cuttings of pepper. Cuttings must be cut from green young shoots without fruits, 7-8 cm long. Each of them should preferably have at least a leaf, but not necessarily.

Before planting in the ground, they must be pre-soaked in a zircon solution (3 drops per 100 ml of water) for 12-24 hours or the lower cut must be powdered with root powder.

For more information on growing indoor hot peppers from cuttings, see the video below.

Video: growing hot peppers on a windowsill from cuttings - pruning and propagation

Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds and planting (rooting) cuttings

To grow peppers on a windowsill, you must initially plant them correctly. Only if you comply with all necessary conditions procedures can achieve the desired result in the end.

Step-by-step instruction sowing pepper seeds at home:

  • Prepare the seeds.
  • Fill the containers (pots) with the required substrate and level the surface.
  • Moisten the soil generously with water and allow it to be completely absorbed.
  • Make small grooves (rows) up to 1 centimeter deep.
  • Place the seeds at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from each other.
  • Sprinkle with soil.
  • Moisturize upper layer from a spray bottle.
  • Cover containers with glass or film to preserve high humidity air inside the planting container (to create greenhouse conditions).
  • Place the containers in a dark and warm place (22-26 degrees) until shoots appear.

Video: how to grow indoor hot peppers - correct sowing and further care

Features of further care for hot peppers in the apartment

After the pepper sprouts appear, it is recommended to move the container with the seeds to the windowsill and lower the temperature to +20-22 degrees. The glass or film should be removed completely and be sure to begin illuminating it up to 12-16 hours of daylight with the help of lamps.

In order to exclude warm air from heating appliances, pepper sprouts should be covered with a layer of polystyrene foam or a blanket.

Pepper cuttings take root within 2-3 weeks.


When 2-3 true sheets appear it is necessary to plant (pick) the peppers in separate containers.

The first planting should be done in pots (it’s best to take cups) with a diameter of no more than 5 cm and a height of up to 10 cm.


  • Before diving, water the container with the seedlings so that you can transfer the seedlings with a clod of earth.
  • The new soil should be even more airy and fertile, so prepare a substrate based on peat, humus and river sand (perlite), taking the components in approximately equal parts.
  • After picking, water the transplanted seedlings with water (preferably with the addition of root for better rooting).

Further Young seedlings need to be replanted as they grow. As soon as the roots begin to crowd into the pot, it is recommended to replant the plant, increasing the diameter of the pot. A container for an adult plant should be about 10-15 cm high and about 20-30 cm in diameter.

Video: how to plant indoor peppers


Hot peppers are very demanding on soil moisture and does not tolerate watering with cold water. It is necessary to water the plant moderately, with water at room temperature, as the top layer in the pot dries, but allowing it to absorb moisture from the pan. If there is still water in the pan 30 minutes after watering, it should be completely poured out.

Important! The higher the air temperature, the more often the soil should be moistened.

In conditions of low air humidity It is worth carrying out additional spraying of the foliage using a spray bottle.

Top dressing

For the full growth of hot peppers on the windowsill, you need carry out regular feeding. During the period of active growing season (gain of green mass), preference should be given to mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content or organic fertilizers. And when forming buds and fruits, it is worth using fertilizers with a large amount of potassium. It’s even better if you use complex mineral supplements, which also contain phosphorus. The plant needs to be fed once every 7-14 days.

Forming (stepping) and pinching

As a rule, indoor hot peppers grown on a windowsill are not planted.

To make the bush branch better, you can pinch its top.

Main diseases and pests

Peppers, including indoor ones, are susceptible to fungal diseases and various pests. Therefore, you should know in advance what problems may arise and how to deal with them.

  • Aphid. This pest loves to feast on young shoots of pepper, so it is on them that a large accumulation of pests forms. To combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with the biological preparation Fitoverm or bitoxybacillin.

By the way! A folk remedy for combating aphids is ammonia. You need to prepare a solution (dissolve 5-10 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water) and simply pour it under the root.

  • Spider mite. It is characterized by stunting of plant growth and curling of young leaves, on which a small cobweb later appears. To combat the pest, it is necessary to spray with Actellik, although at home it is still better to use biological products (Fitoverm, bitoxibacillin).

Advice! One more the folk way pest control is tobacco. You just need to sprinkle the tobacco from the cigarette on top of the soil in the pot.

  • Blackleg. It affects pepper seedlings during the initial period of germination. The stem at the base of the seedlings becomes thin and turns black. Appears as a result of overwatering a plant, which leads to its death. It will no longer be possible to save the plant. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to water the soil and spray the sprouts with previkur fungicide.

Important! After treatment with the preparations, it is necessary to adhere to the waiting period indicated on the packaging of each product; it is not allowed to use pepper for cooking during this period.

Video: how to get rid of aphids on indoor hot peppers

Timing of emergence and first harvest of homemade hot pepper

Hot pepper seeds take a long time to germinate, which is why this feature must be taken into account when planting. Shoots appear within 14-21 days if all recommendations for sowing are followed.

The first harvest of pepper on the windowsill ripens 105-150 days from the moment the first sprouts appear, depending on the selected variety.

As soon as the pepper turns red (ripe), you should promptly remove the fruits. from the bush along with the stalk. Then at the same place after some time will appear flower, in other words, the plant will continue to bear fruit - set new fruits.

What to do with indoor hot peppers after harvesting in the fall, when the leaves begin to fall

Since indoor hot pepper is a perennial plant, when its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and as a rule, this happens in late autumn and early winter (November-December), you will need to trim the pepper, leaving only 8-10 centimeters .

Interesting! New shoots will begin to develop from dormant axillary buds and branches that are in the dormant stage. The cycle will repeat, by March the plant will bloom, and in May you will receive the first fruits.

If you follow all the recommendations, growing hot peppers on a windowsill will not be particularly difficult. But it is necessary to understand that further care care for the plant must meet all its needs, since the pepper will grow and bear fruit only taking into account all the required conditions.

Video: detailed instructions(master class) on growing extra hot peppers on a windowsill in 2 parts

In contact with

When cold weather sets in, the sun shines less and less often, the colors of nature fade and nature becomes despondent, so you want to create a bright and colorful corner at home. In this case, gardeners grow decorative peppers indoors. Strewn with colorful fruits a bush in a pot on the windowsill, against the backdrop of a gloomy landscape outside the window, will perfectly cheer up its owners. This plant is often called Mexican pepper or annual paprika.

What is decorative pepper and can you eat it?

Decorative indoor pepper has a botanical name - capsicum. This is a shrub of the Solanaceae family native to the subtropics of Central America. Peppers such as decorative or vegetable crops. Capsicum should not be confused with black pepper, as the latter belongs to the pepper family. Varieties of indoor pepper are divided into bitter and sweet.

Indoor culture is a compact, branched plant with a height of twenty to forty centimeters, with an abundance of dense foliage and fruits. These peppers are grown at home in pots. In summer, it is recommended to take the plant out onto the balcony, if possible, plant it in open ground. Before the temperature drops The pepper should be replanted in the pot.

Is it possible to eat this pepper? Capsicum fruits are false fruits, empty seed pods that can be used in food as a spice. Since box is translated in Latin as “capsa”, this is where the name - Capsicum - comes from. Depending on the plant variety, the shape of the fruit, color and size may vary. However, some decorative varieties the fruits may be unfit for consumption. The roots of the plant, greens and tops are poisonous.

Popular ornamental varieties

How to grow ornamental peppers at home

Subject to certain rules decorative indoor pepper in a pot can bear fruit for three to four years.

Selection of planting material

In order to subsequently grow a beautiful and healthy indoor pepper bush in a pot, you need to choose the right planting material. The best way reproduction - seed. But in order to grow a bush from seeds, you should follow some rules:

Varieties are divided according to the timing of fruit ripening:

  • early ripeness - the fruits ripen seventy to ninety-five days after planting in the pot;
  • medium ripeness - fruit ripening occurs after one hundred and ten days;
  • late ripeness - after one hundred and thirty days the fruits finally ripen.

Rules for planting seeds

One pot will be enough for planting. Planting includes several stages:

After the seeds sprout, they must be regularly inspected and moistened as they dry, but avoid overmoistening, as this can lead to rotting and death of the sprouts. Every day it is necessary to lift the film and ventilate the germinated seeds, every day the ventilation time should be increased, and after strong sprouts appear, the film is completely removed and the plants are given the opportunity to adapt to normal growing conditions.

As soon as two leaves appear on the sprout, the pepper is planted in a permanent place. You need to use one pot for one pepper. For decorative pepper Mass plantings are not used.

Stimulating flowering and fruiting

To stimulate the pepper bush For the appearance of inflorescences and fruits, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the container with the plant must be shaken periodically in order to further increase the number of ovaries;
  • provide the plant with access to sunlight;
  • systematically water the plants.

You should know that the first inflorescences on the peppers are falling off, then new ones grow, which later bear fruit.


Peppers are often grown from seeds, but propagation is also possible by cuttings.

To grow indoor pepper from seeds, you should purchase planting material, prepare the pot and soil, sow the seeds, wait for the shoots to emerge and provide the sprouts with necessary care. It is necessary to plant the plant in a permanent place at the end of winter.

Peppers should be propagated by cuttings in the spring and summer. To do this you need to cut lateral processes and place them in a container with a mixture of earth and sand. Water the soil regularly as it dries. The container must have a good drainage layer so that moisture does not linger for a long time. Replant the cutting, which has taken root does not follow. In order for the rooting process of the cutting to take place as quickly as possible, it should be pinched.

When providing the right conditions maintenance, caring for the plant will not be difficult.

Humidity and temperature

Capsicum is classified as a heat-loving plant. It grows and develops well in spring and summer at an air temperature of about twenty-five degrees. In winter, the temperature should be reduced to fifteen to eighteen degrees. The plant also tolerates changes in day and night temperatures well, so in summer it is better to take it out onto the balcony or into the garden.

Air humidity should be moderate.


When caring for indoor peppers, you need to monitor the lighting. To provide good growth, development and harvest, the bush should be placed on a southern, western or southwestern window. Pepper loves light; in the autumn-spring period it needs three to four hours of direct sunlight. But no more than four hours, otherwise burns may occur on the leaves and fruits. In summer, it is better to shade the plant, since during this period the sun is especially active.

If there is little light in the room, then it is necessary to provide artificial lighting. Because with a lack of light, the bush thins out, there are few leaves on it, and the harvest will be small.

The soil

For cultivation, use light neutral soil. The substrate can be purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently. To do this, you need to mix turf soil, leaf humus and sand.


In spring and summer, the plant needs abundant watering as the earthen clod dries out. In this case, the pepper must be regularly bathed by spraying it once or twice a week, and on particularly hot days - every other day. Water the bushes with water at room temperature.

Peppers that grow on the windowsill near the radiator need more frequent watering. IN autumn period Watering must be reduced, and in winter completely reduced to a minimum. Indoor pepper does not tolerate drying out the soil, because of this its leaves become limp, the fruits fall off and the plant may die.


Ornamental peppers, like other plants, need regular fertilization. If the lower part of the foliage turns purple, it means the plant needs phosphorus fertilizers. If the leaves have lightened, they should be fertilized with nitrogen. Root fertilizers are applied along with watering every two weeks.


Pepper bushes need pruning, this will ensure good harvest, a beautiful crown and will enhance its growth. After the first harvest, pinch off the tops of all branches of the plant. As soon as lateral shoots form and are knocked out, they must be cut off.

Sometimes you should cut each branch in half.


Peppers are difficult to transplant, but it should be done every year. Therefore, this process should be treated with caution, transferring the plant into a pot and adding new soil.

The main purpose of replanting is new soil. If it is possible to partially replace the soil without replanting, then this should be done so that once again do not injure the plant.

Diseases and pests

The most popular pests and diseases of pepper are:

What are the benefits of decorative peppers?

The beautiful and healthy fruits of the plant can be used to prepare hot seasonings, various sauces, homemade pickles and marinades. This option is quite economical financial side, since one peppercorn is enough for one dish.

Decorative pepper is often used as a spice, especially in Georgian dishes.

Eating one pod of pepper every day can increase your appetite and provide the body with a general strengthening effect. Excellent for hypertensive patients, as it brings blood pressure back to normal. Those who want to lose weight will also benefit from this type of pepper, as it speeds up metabolic processes and burns extra pounds.

Using pepper infusions You can cure radiculitis, neuralgia, digestive system disorders and many other diseases. The rubbing tincture should be used with caution so as not to cause a burn to the skin.

But under no circumstances should you overuse pepper. It should not be used by those who have problems with the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.

Growing peppers indoors is easy, interesting and exciting process, since this is not necessary special means and conditions. By giving a bright bush care and attention, you can subsequently get beautiful plant with a tasty and healthy harvest. While creating comfortable conditions the plant will bear fruit for five years.

Small green pepper bushes on the windowsill delight the eye with bright colorful fruits. I remember the story of Gulliver in the land of Lilliput.

Tiny bright decorative peppers, as if they came to us from this fairy tale. Many varieties are not only beautiful, but also edible.

Growing at home in a pot from seeds

Ornamental pepper is a perennial. It can bear fruit all year round if given enough light, warmth, water and fertilizer.

Peppers are grown from seeds and love fertile soil. At the end of February, beginning of March, the seeds are planted in a purchased soil mixture or leaf soil, humus and peat mixed in equal proportions.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for better germination for a day, planted to a depth of one centimeter in well-moistened soil. The container with the pepper crops is placed in a warm, bright place, covered with film and watered regularly. After two weeks, sprouts should appear. They are picked in the cotyledon phase.

When four leaves appear on the plant, it is transplanted into a separate one-liter pot. When planting, drainage must be provided at the bottom of the pot. Place the plant on well-lit windows on the south side.

Water regularly with settled water at room temperature. Young seedlings are fed every week with complex mineral fertilizer.

Variety of species

Little Muck. Herbaceous bush, up to thirty centimeters high. It blooms with small white star-shaped flowers.

The beautiful orange fruits are not edible. At good lighting and abundant watering, the peppers remain on the bush for three months.

In addition to bright sunlight, the plant likes spraying with water and weekly fertilizer.

Grown from seeds. Does not like dry soil.

Small miracle. Early ripening variety.

Bushes with a dome-shaped crown grow up to fifty to eighty centimeters in height.

As they ripen, the peppers change color, turning from green to purple, then yellow, bright orange and dark red.

The plant is not only beautiful, its fruits are edible.

Ripe peppers are used as a spicy seasoning in cooking and when preserving vegetables.

Filius Blue. A bush with violet-blue fruits that become bright red as they ripen.

Low and compact up to twenty centimeters in height, this variety bears fruit abundantly and pleases with bright fruits for a long time.

Like all peppers, it loves bright sun, frequent watering and fertile soil. The fruits are edible. They have a very sharp, burning taste.

They are used in cooking to give dishes a special taste.

Jellyfish. The fruits of this pepper are oblong, elongated, up to five centimeters long, thin, sometimes twisted, similar to the tentacles of a jellyfish.

When ripe, yellow, white and orange peppers turn red.

This decorative variety is not tall. The bush grows up to fifteen to twenty-five centimeters in height and about fifteen centimeters in width.

Peppers are edible, they have a pleasant, not very spicy taste, and are used as a seasoning.

Garda Fireworks. Very beautiful variety. Bright multi-colored fruits - elongated pods.

The variety can be grown both on a windowsill in a container and in open ground by planting seedlings.

The period from planting to ripening is about three months. At proper care And good watering, the plant bears fruit abundantly.

The fruits are edible and have a pungent taste.

Aladdin. A small compact bush, up to twenty-five centimeters high.

The fruits have a very varied color: light green, pink, orange, purple and red.

Pepper weight up to five grams.

It begins to bloom in May and blooms until the end of summer. The bush contains flowers and fruits at the same time.

Peppers of this variety have a sharp taste and are used as a seasoning for preparing first courses.

Orange gnome. Early ripening variety with orange fruits.

The bush is small, growing up to thirty centimeters in height.

The conical fruits weigh five grams.

Bright peppers, similar to funny gnome caps, are directed upwards. This ornamental variety is edible.

Fruits with a pungent taste are used in cooking as a seasoning.

Ampelous Zorro. Pepper fruits are purple and bright red, oval, three centimeters long.

The bush grows up to forty-five centimeters in height.

The cultivation technology is the same as for other varieties of ornamental peppers.

Zorro is remarkable in that it can be grown in hanging flowerpots.

The ampelous branches of pepper, dotted with multi-colored fruits, hang beautifully from the flower pots. The fruits are inedible.

Gavrish. An unpretentious, shade-tolerant variety.

It has fruits that differ not only in color, but also in shape.

Peppers are round, ovoid, conical and elongated in the form of a pod, weigh from four to ten grams, white, cream, purple, brown, green, orange and yellow color.

Ripe fruits are used in food as a seasoning and in medicinal purposes. The plant does not need pruning or bush formation, growing in height up to forty centimeters.

Watch the video in which experienced gardener shares the secrets of growing ornamental peppers, in particular the peculiarities of picking seedlings: