In a private house      04.03.2020

How to make a doorway. A hole in the wall - a step-by-step description of how to do it yourself. A simple guide on how to make a beautiful opening (75 photos) How to make an opening under the door

Types and methods of finishing doorways are of fundamental importance for interior design. This detail occupies a significant part of the wall and attracts attention: sometimes with beauty, and sometimes with inappropriateness in the overall interior composition. Therefore, it is so important to properly decorate the doorway during the repair, choosing the finish with taste and intelligence.


By themselves, doorways have practically no distinctive features. They are only a place for installing an interior door, and perform a transit function at the border of the rooms in the room. However, the nature of the design of the dwelling directly affects the features of the doorways.

In the apartment appearance and functional load on openings depend on the type of building:

  • Old Fund and "Stalin". These are apartments from the time of pre-revolutionary construction and the Soviet period of the 30-50s of the last century. Their distinguishing feature- quality factor, large dimensions, high ceilings, wide openings. They require a non-standard size of door panels and high-quality decorative finishes. A common drawback in the interior of such an apartment is that the doorway is too low in relation to the height of the ceiling. You can level it with a transom. This is an artificial increase in the height of the door and opening due to installation above the opening wood panel in the color of the door or glass window;

  • "Khrushchev" and communal apartments. On the contrary, they are distinguished by small dimensions, narrow doorways with a small wall thickness, and tightness. In them, the design of the opening without door leaf, the use of design techniques to increase space, the installation of folding and sliding doors or hidden structures in the opening;

  • Typical modern buildings. Their advantage is that the doorways comply with GOST, are universal in width and height. It is convenient to arrange them with the help of doors of various types or without them at all.

In a private house, the doorway has more functions. Static structural elements (ceiling, second floor, roof) give a significant load to the arch of the opening.

It literally helps to hold the floor of the upper floor or the ceiling of the house, so the following methods of decorating and strengthening doorways are often used:

  • An important element is the jumper (upper beam). It provides reinforcement and strengthening of the arch, creates the opening itself (upper part), serves as the basis for the ceiling;
  • The doorway is built as part of the wall, so it is made of the same materials as it, but can be laid from others. For example, in wooden house it can be brick or block, and vice versa;
  • Doors of various types are installed in the opening, which allow isolating functional areas from each other and some traumatic areas from small children.

An opening is considered “ideal” if:

  • the length from one slope to another remains the same at any point;
  • two slopes are strictly parallel straight lines;
  • the thickness is uniform around the entire perimeter of the arch;
  • the distance from the floor to the jumper is the same at any place of measurement;
  • there is no angle of inclination of the floor surface under the opening.

What should be for interior doors?

SNiP norms regulate only the height and minimum width for different types of rooms in the room, and the thickness is a secondary characteristic and is not regulated by building codes.

Almost any doorway is suitable for installation interior doors. The exception is the case when a partition was independently installed inside the room. She is not full wall, especially if it is a single sheet of fiberboard, chipboard or plywood, and will not withstand the weight of the door leaf. In other cases, you just need to choose the right type of door in accordance with the characteristics of the room and its operational condition.

So, openings made of loose materials are suitable for sliding structures with low weight, but not suitable for installing a metal door, in which the frame fastening weighs more than all the components of the sliding doors.

Types of doors that are installed in the opening:

  • Swing. With a standard width of openings, single-leaf doors are used, and for wide openings one-and-a-half (up to 120 cm) or double-leaf (from 120 cm) doors are suitable. The structures of two wings are heavy, so they need to be used in openings from strong materials. Such doors close tightly, therefore they are universal, they are used for children's rooms, and in the bathroom for good tightness, and to the kitchen, and to the bedroom to ensure comfort and silence. To install swing doors that open on themselves, the distance from the opening to the nearest wall must be at least a meter;

  • Retractable and compartment. Such doors "walk" along the monorail on gel rollers. Suitable for doorways of different widths, and the thickness does not matter, since the door panel rolls back to the left or right. Designed for rooms where reinforced insulation is not needed, and there is a place to roll the door to the side;

  • Cassette. The optimal solution for Khrushchev and small rooms. The door in the open state does not take up space at all - it rolls back into a special groove in the wall. Can be installed even with a small opening thickness;

  • Folding. These are door-books (of two slats) and accordions (3 or more slats), which are folded according to the principle of accordion bellows, for which they got their name. They have a low dead weight, so they are suitable for drywall openings, narrow arches and rooms in which saving space is in the first place. They protect well from odors, but sound insulation and heat insulation are worse than swing doors.


Standard and “correct” is a classic rectangular doorway. In typical buildings, the width and height parameters are regulated by SNiP and GOST, while for different rooms these options are different. The thickness does not have strictly regulated parameters.

The height of the doorway varies between 188–210 cm. It is considered optimal for the passage of a person with average height or slightly above average and is in harmony with the ceiling height from 270 to 470 cm.

The width depends on the location of the doorway. If it is intended for the front door, the width will be 80 plus or minus a few centimeters. Here, accurate measurement is important when choosing doors. If it is a doorway at the entrance to the bathroom, toilet, adjoining bathroom, kitchen, the average width is 60 or 65 cm. In the pantry, the door can be even narrower - 55 cm. In other rooms (bedrooms, offices, children's), the width of the opening is from 65 to 80 cm.

But openings do not always and everywhere have standard shapes and parameters, or design features do not allow them to be left that way.

Often increase the passages to the living room, hall, large kitchen or other large space. In this case, the height can change at several points by changing the shape of the upper edge of the opening (arched or figured) up to 250-260 cm, or up to 300, but already through the use of a transom, which does not increase the opening itself, but only stretches it visually.

The width can be increased practically without restrictions if design features dwellings allow you to dismantle part of the wall or the entire wall. As a rule, such changes need to be settled in the appropriate authorities, but the result is worth it. Large cassette or telescopic door at the entrance to the living room or kitchen looks luxurious and modern.

A slight increase in width from 80 to 120 cm is a doorway for one and a half doors. From 120 cm to 160 - parameters for the installation of massive bivalve structures. Over 160 cm - the basis for the installation of sliding doors of three or more canvases.

You will learn more about how to arrange a doorway without a door by watching the following video.

Finish options

Types of finishing of doorways, both for the subsequent installation of doors, and without it, are divided into two main processes: “rough” finishing and “front” or decorative.

Rough finishing is necessary regardless of whether the repair is done by hand, or it is carried out by professionals.

Its purpose:

  • Preparation of openings and slopes for decorative finishing;
  • Alignment of the surface of the walls. In a brickwork or a wall of foam blocks, there are often gaps and irregularities that must be eliminated before proceeding with the front finish;
  • Filling empty spaces between the decorative layer and masonry, which increases the insulating properties of interior doors (noise insulation, heat insulation, tightness). If the opening is perfectly even and finished with high-quality materials, you can not use the sealant in the future, and on flat surface the floor is better set threshold when using interior doors.

For rough finishing, the following are used in sequence:

  • Priming. Priming agents level and improve the absorbency of the surfaces of the doorway. They are necessary for a good "adhesion" of the next "layers" of decoration with the wall. In addition, the primer prevents the occurrence of fungi and mold;

  • Styrofoam or drywall panels. They are not obligatory for use if the opening surfaces are sufficiently even and the room does not need to be insulated. But their installation is necessary in cold apartments on the lower floors and in a private wooden or brick house;

  • Plaster. As a rule, it is used immediately after the primer, if there is no drywall, since it is convenient to level the surfaces with its help;

  • Reinforcing corners or mesh. It seems to many that it is not necessary to make such a complex draft layer, but this device is able to protect the corners of doorways from chipping and destruction. They are made of a metal, most often aluminum profile, a finished corner. They have insignificant weight, dimensions and price, but are of great importance for the preservation of the beautiful appearance of the openings;

  • Putty compositions. They are necessary for the final alignment of the slope surface after installing the corners. However, the putty itself lays down in an uneven layer, after drying it must be “sanded” sandpaper with fine grain;

  • Primer. A second coat of primer is not needed in all cases. For example, if the decorative finish will be carried out by sheathing (mounted into the wall with dowels and screws), it can be missed, and if the materials are glued, then it will not be superfluous to improve the adhesion of adhesives to the surface of the slopes.

decorative design

The choice of decorative finishes depends on whether the doorway door, or this space is free.

In the first case, there are fewer design options, since the finish should echo the color and texture of the door leaf, and after installing the door, the slopes must be put in order. If the width of the doorway is small, then extensions or doborniks will help to ennoble it - thin wooden planks in the color of the door or lining on the door. They are almost invisible and form a single whole with the door shield at first glance. It is neat, practical and convenient if the interior design does not require a more original solution.

You can see the whole process of roughing door slopes more clearly in the next video.

The remaining types of finishes can be divided into several groups according to the type of execution.


Used over plaster, drywall, fiberboard. It belongs to simple techniques, does not require the help of professionals and high costs. Allows you to design a doorway in the color of the walls, if the interior is dominated by classic or minimalist trends, or create interesting decor. For example, an optical illusion, imitation of arches of various shapes.

Are used different types colors:

  • Acrylic. Suitable for adding to plaster to obtain a uniform color at the same time as finishing. Gives a velvety matte finish. Not resistant to wet cleaning, therefore, requires treatment with a colorless primer or PVA solution;
  • Water emulsion. Used in the same way as acrylic. In white, it goes well with colors. different shades;
  • latex formulations. They have less satin effect, dullness, and they are resistant to wet cleaning. The color must be purchased ready-made, since the base white "eats" the brightness of the colors;
  • Alkyd, oil, enamel. For a more wear-resistant, moisture-resistant, glossy finish. The downside of using one is a sharp chemical smell.


In this way, you can create the most original decor, since absolutely any materials can be glued, both in solid fragments and in small parts.

For gluing use:

  • Wallpaper. The simplest and a budget option- decorate the opening as a continuation of the wall with vinyl washable wallpaper. This gives integrity to the room, and is especially convenient when a door is not used in the opening. Wallpaper goes well with plastic curtains various kinds;

  • Ceramic tile. Beautiful tiled slopes are in perfect harmony with the interiors of historical-style apartments, especially if they have other ceramic details (fireplace, "apron" over the stove in the kitchen, floors, floor vases large sizes, partial wall or floor decoration). Laying tiles does not require much professionalism, but a little experience is necessary. It is glued to building glue, and the gaps at the joints, if necessary, are treated with transparent sealants or grout.

  • Mosaic. One of the most interesting views tiling - mosaic. To do this, you can use both a ready-made set and a marriage in the form of fragments. The formation of the picture depends only on the imagination of the author. Then the finish will be not only original, but also cheap;

  • Porcelain tile. A more expensive but high quality alternative to tile. Porcelain stoneware is stronger, easier to cut, it is dyed over the entire thickness of the slabs, unlike tiles, so chips will not be so noticeable, easy to clean, looks like natural material. It is best to combine porcelain stoneware in color with other interior elements: flooring, plinth, doors. It is glued in the same way as a tile, on building glue with subsequent processing of seams;

  • Decorative rock. It refers to rarely used materials in design, since it is difficult to fit into the interior and is often inappropriate. But in suitable interiors, it can become a highlight in the house, because with the help of decorative stone can imitate the real masonry from natural raw materials. In addition to its attractive appearance, the stone has a number of other advantages: it is environmentally friendly, not subject to chips and mechanical damage, it is easy to wash and clean, and it is fixed with the same building glue. The disadvantages include the high cost of the material.


It is very convenient to use sheathing for finishing openings due to the fact that sheets of material immediately cover large areas of surfaces, you do not need to mess around with adhesives and waste time on subsequent processing of seams and joints. However, the corners of the openings must be sheathed especially carefully so that they do not have to be closed with corners.

Materials used:

  • MDF. Lightweight, affordable, easy-to-handle material. Provides a durable and aesthetic coating with good performance. MDF can be pasted over and painted repeatedly. Helps to strengthen the insulation performance of doors;

  • Chipboard and chipboard. practical and economical solution, which will help without additional effort (putty, primer, surface leveling) to finish doorways that are in a deplorable state. Laminated chipboard at the same time, it already has a finished decorative coating and does not need to be processed. Important nuance- do not trim passages to rooms with high humidity with this hydrophobic material;

  • Laminate. With qualities similar to MDF, laminate has a more aesthetic appearance. It costs an order of magnitude more expensive, but its wear-resistant characteristics are higher. The basic rule when choosing a laminate is the minimum presence of formaldehyde in the composition;

  • Plastic. It is appropriate in the design of openings with plastic doors, at the entrance to the kitchen, which requires frequent cleaning, and to the bathroom, where the humidity is always higher. Plastic is not afraid of shock, water, household chemicals, but may become cloudy over time;

  • Sidings. Gives you the opportunity to make the finish unusual. For example, use aluminum or brass siding (panels) in the decoration of openings in a room with a technological interior (hi-tech, techno, minimalism). It goes well with plastic, glossy surfaces, chrome elements. Durable, durable and moisture resistant. Happens from different materials, from wood to PVC;

  • Drywall. Drywall finishing is considered universal, since it is on the border between draft and decorative look. It can be used as an intermediate layer to level the surface and increase heat and noise insulation, or it can be mounted as independent material, which is the final stage of finishing the doorway. It is easy to process and gives ample opportunities in the design of openings.

How to sheathe drywall?

You can do the finishing of drywall (gypsum plasterboard) with your own hands, without the participation of professionals, and this is one of its important advantages. Among other things, it has other distinctive characteristics: light weight, cost-effectiveness, strength, machinability, versatility.

Sheathing the opening with drywall is required when the doorway is uneven, the surface of the slopes with depressions and protrusions, or cables pass through the opening and need to be hidden.

Sheathing involves the installation of a frame made of PVC, wooden or metal profiles.

The work takes place in stages:

  • Handle work surface primer composition from the formation of fungi, mold and condensate;
  • Make accurate measurements of the length of the profile segments required to form the frame. Measurements are made taking into account the joints on the jumper;

  • Cut off profile fragments with a grinder or hacksaw. Attach to the surface and mark the edges. If there are no holes in the profile, drill them according to the size of the screws;

  • Along the edge of the opening, make holes for the dowels with a perforator, insert the dowels. You can drive them in with light taps. rubber mallet;

  • Attach the profile with holes to the dowels, fix it with screws using a screwdriver. If the opening is wide, tie-downs should be used to rigidly fix the frame. If necessary, voids are filled with insulation - mineral wool;

  • Cut the plasterboard exactly to the size of the opening. Cutting taking into account the joint of sheets in the upper part. That is, the thickness of the GKL sheet must be subtracted from the side height;

  • Sheets of drywall are attached with screws to the profile. In order for the holes to be neat, it is recommended to mark them in advance and drill them at the same distance of 15-20 cm;

Due to the fact that many owners of houses and apartments dream of improving the functional properties of the apartment and rationalizing its space, in the process of repair they not only glue wallpaper, paint the walls and ceiling, but also carry out redevelopment and even a global reorganization of their housing. Most often, this is preferred by owners of large apartments with small rooms, who dream of having a large three-room apartment with a spacious living room and a children's room, homeowners who dream of spending leisure time in their own gym, as well as owners of spacious multi-room housing who dream of equipping a modern studio apartment. In this case, two scenarios are possible: the construction of additional walls, arched structures and partitions, or, on the contrary, the dismantling of existing walls and the installation of doorways. Moreover, the last option is the most difficult, since in addition to your own wishes regarding the design and layout of the room, it is necessary to take into account the features of the walls, which can be load-bearing and non-bearing. The presence of load-bearing walls, which in no case are subject to demolition, often stops amateurs in the field of planning and design of apartments, however, in this situation, you can find a way out that will somehow rationalize the layout of the room. It consists in arranging a doorway in load-bearing structures, which also requires highly professional skills and a competent multi-stage approach to solving this issue.

Doorway: routine or stylish interior detail?

Despite the fact that the doorway is an integral part of the interior, it is unfairly attributed to the ranks of fairly inconspicuous elements of the design of the apartment. The functional characteristics of this part, as well as the need for its use, are beyond doubt, and therefore, many homeowners prefer to be creative in the construction and design of the doorway with their own hands, during which they focus on the most daring design solutions, and also use modern quality materials. To make sure that the doorway has ceased to be an unnoticeable routine, just flip through the pages of glossy magazines, where you can see stylishly designed doorways. In order to equip a structure that, in terms of its characteristics, is not inferior to those presented on the pages of magazines, you will have to spend a certain amount of money, choose the most suitable stylistic solution and finishing materials, and also carry out a set of design measures, a separate item of which is obtaining permission for redevelopment.

doorways photo

To design a reliable and effective doorway, experts recommend using the following materials:

  • natural and fake diamond . Designs from these materials look not only spectacular, but also presentable if your door is characterized by impressive dimensions and made from high-quality, solid raw materials. If you correctly approach the choice of breed and color solution stone, you will create an intriguing visual effect of an original doorway "cut into the rock";
  • natural wood, namely valuable wood, is also used to equip spectacular doorways;
  • Drywall, characterized by practicality and ease of installation, is one of the most practical, and therefore often used materials for the manufacture of doorways. Elements made of drywall have a long service life, reliability and spectacular appearance. Doorways made of plasterboard can be easily painted in any color shades, as well as a suitable basis for the installation of built-in LED lamps, while the drywall surface itself can be sheathed with any decorative coating- plaster, tiles, paint or wallpaper.

How to make a doorway: step by step guide

Coordination of the redevelopment project: how to insure yourself against undesirable consequences

Before you proceed with the redevelopment of the apartment, associated with any changes in the supporting structures, we note certain legal points, since any change in the supporting structures must be legalized by obtaining a redevelopment permit. If we are talking about partial dismantling of non-load-bearing structures, then they can be carried out practically without problems, but in the situation with load-bearing structures, certain nuances arise that cannot be ignored. And, first of all, it concerns the coordination of the redevelopment project for the arrangement or expansion of the opening in the supporting structures, with the relevant authorities. Registration of the necessary papers will not take much time, but you will reliably insure yourself against possible problems that may arise in the future. Even if you do not plan to demolish the wall, but only organize or expand the opening in the main wall, you need to complete all the necessary paperwork and obtain permission for redevelopment, since this procedure is vital, due to the fact that the building structure rests on load-bearing walls. Otherwise, collapse of the ceiling may occur.

Doorway in the wall: preparations

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the opening, evaluate the budget for the work being done. To do this, you will need to decide who will be the performer of the work - you or the masters of the construction company. In the latter case, you will have to spend from 5 to 20 thousand rubles, but the construction company will be fully responsible for the quality of the work performed. If you carry out the work yourself, their cost will depend on whether or not you have a diamond disc, which is not advisable to purchase if you plan to use it once. If you have a diamond blade, the cost of work will depend on the cost of channels and consumables.

Before you begin work on arranging the doorway, prepare the following information:

  • The material from which the load-bearing wall is made;
  • Required width of the doorway;
  • Number of floors in the building;
  • Existing defects of the bearing wall;
  • The location and type of floors, as well as the height to them.

You will need the specified information in order to calculate the scale of strengthening the opening in the load-bearing wall. The reliability of the reinforcement is determined by the number of storeys of the building, the presence of defects in the load-bearing wall and the width of the doorway.

If you have prepared the appropriate permit and stocked up with the necessary information, you can begin to work on arranging the doorway with your own hands. Before that, prepare a tape measure with which you will take measurements, as well as special clothing: protective gloves, goggles and a respirator. To reduce the amount of construction waste and speed up its cleaning, prepare strong bags for construction debris and a vacuum cleaner. To reduce the amount of dust, the wall must be moistened with water before work.

To carry out the main stage of work, prepare a grinder equipped with diamond discs, a sledgehammer, a chisel and a puncher with various nozzles. Work using a sledgehammer must be carried out carefully, since at the end of the work you plan to get an even doorway, which is subsequently to be faced. To reduce the likelihood of chipping large fragments of the partition, experts advise sawing, rather than destroying part of the wall.

It is also necessary to calculate the size of the doorway. There are certain standards that experts recommend adhering to during the installation of a doorway. If we are talking about the doorway to the kitchen, the height of the door leaf is 200 cm, the width is 70 cm, and the depth of the opening is at least 7 cm. For the bathroom, the width of the door leaf is 60 cm, the height is 200 cm, the depth of the doorway is 5- 7 cm. For the living room, these parameters are somewhat different, due to the frequent installation of double doors, the width of which reaches 120 cm, the height is 200 cm, the depth of the doorway is from 7 to 20 cm.

Important! The width and height of the doorway should be several centimeters larger than those for the door leaf. Also, during the installation of the doorway, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the box. For example, if the width of the door leaf is 80 cm, the width of the door leaf should be 87-88 cm.

Installation of openings in brick and concrete walls

As a rule, load-bearing walls are made of concrete or brick. Despite the fact that experts do not recommend destroying load-bearing walls, it is often possible to obtain permission to redevelop load-bearing structures. If you will be working with brick wall, it is recommended to remove wallpaper, plaster and other finishing materials, which will help to see brickwork. Next, you need to mark the future doorway, which can be done by drawing an opening on the wall with a pencil. Also, in the process of marking, it is necessary to designate the installation location of the jumper, which is necessary to strengthen the structure and prevent the wall from collapsing during the work.

Important! To make a jumper, use two metal corners with a side of 35 mm, which are cut 30-40 cm longer than the width of the doorway.

  • Having drawn a rectangle in accordance with the dimensions of the future opening, it is necessary to drill in its upper corners through holes, which will allow you to get working points on the other side;
  • Next, make sure that the jumper supports the entire row structural elements(if it's about brick wall). You can verify this by removing plaster and other finishing materials at the channel installation sites (if you have not removed facing materials before starting work). Adjust the markings to the level of the horizontal seam between the bricks;
  • Using a chisel and a hammer, make a niche for a jumper on both sides of the wall;
  • Next, drill holes for installing bolts for the future jumper;
  • Using a grinder with a diamond wheel, cut through the top of the wall on both sides of the wall, thus making a niche for the lintel. The depth of the niche should correspond to the dimensions of the corner, the thickness is also made taking into account the thickness of the corners. It is necessary to cut a hole 15-20 cm longer on each side than the sides of the doorway are marked. A metal corner is inserted into the resulting niche, and the remaining holes are filled with cement mortar.

After you have strengthened the doorway, you can proceed to dismantling activities. In order to quickly and efficiently remove an unnecessary section of the wall, experts recommend using a diamond saw, in the absence of which you can use a chisel, puncher, grinder or sledgehammer. According to the marked borders, using a grinder with a diamond wheel, cut a hole in the wall to such a depth that the diameter of the circle allows. Then, using a perforator or chisel, dismantle the wall, while the jumper, made of metal corners, will securely strengthen from above, and therefore hold part of the wall. After you have carried out the dismantling activities, it is necessary to modify the jumper from the metal corners. The most reliable way to strengthen is to weld the corners together. But if you are unable to produce welding work, the corners can be fastened together from below with the help of metal plates, securing them with powerful self-tapping screws. The holes in which the metal corners are installed must be filled with cement mortar.

How to make a drywall doorway?

It is known that doorways are an integral element of the interior and an integral part of the stylistic design of the apartment. The most popular material used in the primary finishing of doorways is drywall, which has proven to be effective. finishing material. This is due to its undeniable advantages, such as ease of installation, high performance and long term services.

To make a drywall doorway, you first need to prepare the appropriate materials and tools:

  • Drywall sheets;
  • Metal profiles to be used as guides;
  • Metal cutting tools: grinder, jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • A nail puller, if it is planned to dismantle old doors and a door frame;
  • Construction tape, level and plumb, as well as a hammer and spatula;
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels.

How to make a frame for a doorway

If you plan to create a drywall doorway in place of an existing opening, you must dismantle the doors and door frame. In this case, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • First of all, you need to remove the door from the hinges;
  • Remove platbands;
  • Dismantle the door frame;
  • If necessary, expand the doorway to the required dimensions;
  • If the doorway is located in a main wall or brick partition, it is necessary to remove the plaster layer at least 15-20 cm from the edge;
  • If you plan to organize a doorway in drywall partition, the opening project must be developed in advance.

Next, you need to install the frame for the doorway. To do this, you need to install two metal racks that will frame the doorway. They are installed taking into account the width of the future door and two slopes. In addition, it is necessary to leave free space between the finished door frame and the slopes. In the future, the indicated free space is filled with mounting foam. Manufacturers polyurethane foam it is recommended to leave a hole of at least 1 cm and no more than 3 cm. On average, it is 1.5 cm. Horizontal load-bearing profiles are installed in the upper and lower parts of the doorway.

To ensure greater structural strength of the doorway, it is necessary to install 4 rack profiles, the height of which corresponds to the height of the door. It will be more convenient to carry out these calculations if the doorway has already been prepared and the door has been purchased. Each of the four prepared profiles must be inserted in pairs into the other, closing it, which contributes to the formation of 4 right angles. So you get two vertical racks, which are fastened together with self-tapping screws. Position them in a strictly vertical direction and, using self-tapping screws and metal plates, strengthen the horizontal jumper. Before doing this, make marks on the racks, taking into account the height of the door frame. The assembly of the structure must be carried out using building level to avoid distortion of the frame.

The finished frame is inserted into the drywall opening and fixed with bolts or long screws. Using metal screws and a screwdriver, sheathe the surface of the frame with drywall. Next, finish the drywall opening in accordance with your taste preferences.

Doorway without a door: arrangement of an arched structure

Earlier we described how to make a standard drywall opening. Similar designs are intended to be subsequently inserted into them finished door with standard dimensions. Due to the fact that doorways without a door are gaining popularity, plasterboard arches are in particular demand, mounted when there is no need to install a door. To do this, you will need a metal profile of the required length, which will serve as a bend for the arch. Every 4-6 cm it is necessary to make notches in the form of a cut out triangle on it.

They are applied just in those places where it is necessary to bend the profile. The curved profile must be attached to a metal frame, the manufacture of which we described above. The fastening of the curved profile must be carried out before sheathing the doorway with drywall. Having formed the upper part of the arch, it is possible to produce sheathing metal frame drywall. Sheathing the bend of the arch is carried out using a sheet of drywall, prepared in width and length, and also pre-moistened in water. Do not be afraid that when wetted, it will lose its original characteristics, as they will return to it after the material dries. Sheathing of the side racks of drywall is carried out in a similar way to the method described above.

The final stage in the manufacture of a doorway decorated with an arched structure is its decoration and design, which can be done by plastering, painting or tiling it.

doorway video

When carrying out repairs, quite often it becomes necessary to make a new or expand an existing opening in concrete wall.

If you decide to redevelop the apartment, then you may need to cut openings for windows or doors, including they can be performed both in the exterior and in internal walls.

If it became necessary to create an opening in a concrete wall, then this can be done in several ways, each of them has its pros and cons.

diamond cutting

This is the most popular and common way to create an opening in a concrete wall. diamond cutting has the following advantages:

  • during operation, minimal danger to the wall is created;
  • since in this case the vibration is insignificant, the risk of cracking will also be small;
  • the ability to make an opening exactly along the marked lines;
  • during operation, minimal noise is created;
  • some dust and dirt is generated.

Despite the large number of advantages, this method also has several disadvantages:

  1. high energy consumption;
  2. during the reduction of work, the tool must be cooled with water;
  3. high cost of working tools.

cut through with water

Waterjet cutting method is less popular, in this case the work is done with a powerful jet of water and sand.

First, water is supplied to the tank, where it mixes with sand, after which great pressure through a nozzle with a diameter of about 0.4 mm, the mixture is fed to the cutting site.

To extinguish the residual force of the jet, a special water trap is used.

Care must be taken when working with waterjet cutting equipment, as the speed of the water jet reaches 1000 m / s.

By adjusting the pressure of the water jet, it is possible to remove part of the concrete or make a through hole.

The main advantages of waterjet cutting are as follows:

  • the cut is neat and precise;
  • during such cutting, the material does not heat up, so harmful gases and fumes are not formed; there is no strong noise and vibration;
  • you can make an opening at any angle;
  • the ability to create an opening of any complex shape.

The disadvantages of waterjet cutting include:

  1. equipment has big sizes, therefore, it cannot be used in apartments;
  2. high cost of abrasive material.

laser cutting

In this case, the work is carried out by equipment that has a thick-walled spear in the form of a pipe through which oxygen is supplied.

The spear is heated up to a temperature of 1400 degrees
, and at its end the temperature reaches 2000 degrees. Popularly, this method of creating openings in a concrete wall is called laser cutting.

When using oxygen lance cutting, when the lance comes into contact with, its temperature is covered by the resistance of refractory slags, so the wall does not oxidize, does not emit heat, and after removing the lance, it cools down quickly.

The disadvantage of this method is that during operation, molten slag particles fly apart, so the worker must wear a special protective suit.

Punching with a perforator and grinder

If the concrete wall is of small thickness, then the opening in it can be made using a puncher and a powerful grinder.

To make an opening in the load-bearing wall in this way will very difficult and it will take a lot of time.

In this case, first, holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm are made in the concrete wall using a perforator, every 3-4 cm, and then the concrete is cut using a grinder with a diamond wheel.

Cutting tool

Depending on the chosen method, you will need the following tools:

  • equipment for diamond cutting;
  • waterjet cutting equipment;
  • equipment for oxygen-lance or laser cutting;5
  • grinder with a diamond wheel;
  • perforator with a drill;
  • hammer;
  • chisel.

How and what to do on your own

If you decide to make an opening in a concrete wall yourself, then to perform the specified work, you will need these tools:

  1. perforator;
  2. powerful grinder with a diamond wheel;
  3. sledgehammer;
  4. welding machine;
  5. studs with nuts and washers.

Before starting work, check if there is electrical wiring in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall, if so, then it must be disconnected from the power supply.

After that markup if the wall had or was applied the old one, then the entire finish is first removed, and then the markings are made. With a large width of the wall, the markings will have to be done from its different sides.

To navigate the markup on the other hand, through holes are made at the corners of the opening with a puncher.

Before creating an opening in the wall, it must be strengthened, for which a strobe is made into which the channel is laid, its length should be 1 m longer than the opening.

After you make a strobe in the wall, the channel should fit tightly into it. Before installing it, in increments of 30 cm for mounting the tightening fasteners.

Strobes are made on both sides of the wall, a channel is inserted into them and pulled together with studs. This design will strengthen the wall and after that, you can start creating an opening.

Now the area of ​​the opening is divided into squares, holes are drilled along their borders with a puncher, after which the work is performed by a grinder and fragments of the wall are removed.

Please note that in some places the work will be relatively easy, and in other areas it will be much more difficult to do, as you will have to remove the reinforcement.

How to widen a doorway

Often there is a need to expand the doorway. Inexperienced home craftsmen take a grinder with a diamond wheel for this and with its help cut off the excess part of the wall.

But this method is only suitable if if the work is carried out in a non-residential room, in which there is no furniture and no repairs have been made, this is due to the fact that during the performance of such work, a lot of dust and dirt is formed.

There is an easier way to enlarge the doorway, which produces little dust and dirt.

According to the outlined contour, using a perforator, holes are made close to each other, after which, with the help of a chisel and a hammer, the jumpers are removed and the unnecessary section of the wall is calmly taken out, after which slopes or drywall are made.

Reinforcement of the opening

If you make a hole in the wall high-rise building, then it must be strengthened so that the bearing capacity of the building does not decrease.

You can do this in several ways:

  • with the help of channels;
  • using corners;
  • combining channel and corners.

Easiest reinforce the opening with metal channels. When attaching the channel, it does not always fit snugly, so the voids that have appeared must be sealed with mortar.

When using corners, they fit more closely to the finished opening, the elements of the reinforcing structure are connected to each other by welding.

Most commonly used combined option when the upper part of the opening is reinforced with a metal channel, and its sides are reinforced with a structure of metal corners.


Modern technologies and equipment allow you to easily make an opening in a concrete wall.
To perform these works, you can invite specialists who will do everything quickly and accurately, but be prepared for the fact that the cost of such work is quite high.

If you have a desire, a grinder and a puncher, then you can make an opening in a concrete wall with your own hands, but you will need a lot of time and effort, but you will save a lot of money.

Useful video

How to make an opening in a concrete wall, video:

In contact with

Whether you are building a house from scratch or looking to remodel, you need to know how to make a doorway in accordance with all rules and standards. It should be borne in mind that there are both general norms and specific nuances in relation to individual materials.

Punching an opening in a brick wall has a number of nuances

Doorway parameters and general requirements

The device of openings in the building is one of the design stages. A number of parameters depend on how well this work will be done. It is important to correctly calculate the position of doors and windows, strengthen the ceilings above them, determine the appearance and dimensions. It is necessary to separately calculate the area of ​​light openings. This includes not only doors, but also windows, since this concept refers to natural light from outside the building. In general, when performing calculations and installation, the ratio between the area of ​​light openings and the floor of the room should be taken as a basis in a ratio of 1:5.5 to 1:8.

The question deserves special attention - how to make an opening under new door in the wall of the house. In order to answer it, one must also refer to the generally accepted standards of GOST and SNiP. Today, despite the popularity of non-standard architectural and design solutions, the basic parameters are still taken as a basis. Consider what needs to be considered first of all:

  • Height. In ordinary apartments and houses, it is customary to cut openings under the door 2 meters high.
  • Width. The standard designation for the width of the door leaf is 70 and 80 cm. For living rooms it is customary to take just such doors, but for the bathroom and toilet, you can reduce their width. Entrance doors can be 90 and 100 cm. It should be borne in mind that additional centimeters must be left for the installation of the box.
  • strengthening. Since a cutout in the wall leads to a partial loss of its strength in this area, this factor must be compensated by redistributing the load exerted from above. To do this, a jumper is installed or a pigtail is installed. Next, we will take a closer look at how to do this work with your own hands.

The main parameters of the doorway

If you have high ceilings in your home and want to create a grand entryway, you can deviate from the standards and install a larger structure, while coordinating these data with the overall design of the building.

Types of openings

Before cutting an opening, it is important to choose the optimal types of construction. This moment may not seem so significant, but in fact there can be many options. The following types of openings under the door can be distinguished:

  • Portal. This is a standard opening, made in the form of a rectangle.
  • Under double doors . Extended version of the portal. In this case, the height may remain unchanged, but the width of the opening increases and averages 120-150 cm.
  • Arch. Basically, it means a cutout with rounded corners at the top. Installing the door in the future is not at all necessary, since the curved shape creates difficulties in selecting the canvas, but at the same time it looks very impressive.
  • Complex structures. These are non-standard solutions that may differ in an unusual shape, ratio of elements, etc. Basically, they are suitable for plasterboard partitions. But installation under the opening in a brick wall is best done according to the basic plan.

Varieties of doorways in the wall

When designing a building with your own hands, a prerequisite is the drawing up of a plan and the designation of all doorways in the drawings. In the diagram, they look like an interrupted section of the wall with a line deviated to the side - this is a designation of the direction of plowing the canvas. This line in the drawings is connected to the wall line with an arc.

Used technique

In order to perform the work in construction, special equipment is used. The following tools are mainly used:

  • Perforator. The most common method due to its availability. Despite this, it has many disadvantages: uneven cut, increased vibration load, dust, etc.
  • Drill. alternative to a perforator. To drill holes with your own hands, you can use a hole cutter or drill large diameter. The drill is used to mark the contours of the future opening.
  • Bulgarian. Allows you to work also with concrete walls and wood. To cut an opening, you need to process the wall on both sides.
  • Chisel. Basically, this tool is used to clean the seams on the brickwork.
  • Sledgehammer. The main tool for knocking out material along cut contours.
  • Diamond cut This tool is a large grinder model. A diamond cutter allows you to work through a wall on one side up to 40 cm thick. In advanced models, a construction vacuum cleaner and a water container are additionally used.

Necessary tools for punching a doorway

Brick wall

So, after checking the project on the drawings, you can proceed directly to business. Since brick walls are one of the most common options for partitions in a house, you should consider the technology of opening an opening in them first.

The main feature of punching an opening in a brick wall is that the contours of the upper part must match the joints in the masonry. It is not allowed to cut the brick along. After the work is done, the jumper is installed. The same principle is followed when creating a doorway in a foam block building.

Consider the order of work. First you need to check the position of the future opening on the plan with real conditions and adjust the general plan if necessary. For convenience of work, the designation of boundaries is applied to the wall of foam blocks. Since all the bricks are connected to each other, any wrong effort can lead to a violation of the integrity of the entire masonry. That is why you first need to cut out the contours of the structure.

Dust-free cutting of openings is carried out using special equipment with diamond disc equipped with construction vacuum cleaner to collect dust. If you do not have a specialized tool at your disposal, you can use the grinder. After marking the contours, further work is carried out using a sledgehammer.

Very often, in the process of doing work with your own hands, you may encounter the problem of load distribution. To minimize the risks, you can first cut through only the upper part of the opening, perform strengthening work and then continue. Also, sometimes temporary side supports are installed, especially when it comes to load-bearing walls made of foam blocks.

Jumpers are used to properly distribute the load when punching an opening.

How to make a doorway in a brick or foam block wall with your own hands is now clear, but what about redevelopment of an apartment in a panel high-rise building?

Panel house

To make a safe opening in the wall panel house no need to look for joints, as in the construction of foam blocks or bricks. There are much less restrictions on the definition of contours, but more load. Therefore, the installation of any doorway is recommended to begin with the installation of a metal jumper.

Consider how to make an opening in a concrete wall with your own hands? The work algorithm is the same: first, the designation is made, the contours are cut, and then the middle is taken out. If a wall of foam blocks can be crushed with a sledgehammer, then in panel house for reinforced concrete structures, you need to additionally cut it into squares.

The installation of the details of the doorway itself is carried out according to the standard scheme and is common to all types of structures. The installation of the canvas is reflected in the drawings. An exception may be an opening in a log house. This type of structure inevitably shrinks over time, so it is important to pre-pigtail this area.

An opening in a panel house can be created in any convenient location not attached to joints

How to make a jumper

The issue of organizing a jumper should be considered separately. It is a horizontal crossbar, which is installed at the top of the opening and takes on most loads.

The following can be used as jumper materials:

  • wooden beams;
  • reinforced concrete beams;
  • metal sleepers and profiles;
  • brick with reinforcement.

Varieties of jumpers over the doorway according to the material of manufacture

For reliable fixation of the elements, the jumper must be implanted into the wall by about 20-30 cm on each side. Used for clutch cement mortar. After it hardens, you can continue punching and finishing the opening.

Whether you are going to punch a doorway in a brick wall or cut it into wooden partition, it is important to comply with the basic requirements of GOST. If the load is not properly distributed, you increase the risk of building failure in the future, especially when it comes to load-bearing elements.

Making a doorway, its parameters, calculation and types, preparatory work, installation technology and design.

The content of the article:

The doorway is an integral part of any interior or exterior building envelope. It is made both during the construction of the building box, and when planning it. interior spaces. Moreover, the shape of the opening, its size and finish can be quite diverse. In most cases, the entrance to an apartment, room or house can be done independently. This will be discussed in our material.

Door opening options

The calculation of openings is usually performed at the stage of designing a house. An exception may be a small redevelopment of the premises, which does not affect the load-bearing structures, for example, the manufacture of plasterboard partitions with doors. The calculations take into account the size of the doorways, the appearance and ways to strengthen them. At present, despite the huge popularity of non-standard design solutions, the basic parameters that correspond to the concepts of SNiP and GOST are still taken as the basis.

When calculating the opening, first of all, the following are taken into account:

  • door height. In ordinary houses or apartments, its value is taken equal to two meters with slight amendments up or down.
  • Width. Its standard values ​​​​are 0.7-0.8 m. Entrance doors can be 90 and 100 cm wide, doors to the toilet and bath are usually narrower - up to 70 cm.
  • Strengthening the opening. This is a necessary measure, since in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits location, the wall partially loses its strength. Therefore, to redistribute the load from its overhanging part, the top of the opening is provided with a jumper, which can have a different shape and material of manufacture.
The height and width of the door directly affects the dimensions of the opening. Its dimensions are taken somewhat larger for the possibility of mounting the door frame. If the house has high ceilings and there is a desire to create a “front” entrance, you can deviate from accepted standards and increase its dimensions, but such a decision must be agreed with the design organization.

Features of the calculation of the opening for the door

Before installing a doorway, you need to determine its dimensions. When calculating, it is important to know the dimensions of the door leaf and the thickness of its frame. Ordinary sashes are manufactured in accordance with GOST and have standard sizes:
  1. Toilet and bath: the width of the door leaf here can be 600 mm and 500 mm, the height is 1900 or 2000 mm, the thickness of the door frame is 50-70 mm.
  2. Kitchen: canvas width - 700 mm, height - 2000 mm, box thickness - 70 mm.
  3. Living room: at double-leaf construction door block its width is 1200 mm, height - 2000 mm, box thickness - 70-200 mm.
  4. Interior: door leaf width - 800 mm, height - 2000 mm, frame thickness - 50-60 mm.
Factory-made door blocks have a maximum thickness of 128 mm. Adjustment of the block to the opening in case of a mismatch in their thickness is carried out using additional strips and special flashings.

The width of the doorway can be determined by summing up the width of the leaf, the double thickness of the side posts of the frame, the width of the technical seams and the gaps along the porches. The obtained value, taking into account the error of 10-20 mm, should be guided. This will be the optimal width of the opening.

Its height should be calculated taking into account the absence or presence of a threshold. If it is planned to install a door with a threshold, then 100 mm must be added to the value of the leaf height, or 60 mm if there is no threshold.

For example: it is required to determine the dimensions of the doorway for a canvas with dimensions of 190x60 cm. First, the entrance width is calculated: 60 + 3.5x2 (double the thickness of the rack) + 0.2 (gaps on the hinges) + 0.4 (gaps on the lock) + 1x2 ( assembly seam gaps) = 60 + 7 + 0.2 + 0.4 + 2 = 69.6 cm.

The height of the opening with a threshold is calculated as follows: 190 + 3.5x2 + 0.3x2 (gap gaps) + 1x2 + 10 \u003d 190 + 7 + 0.6 + 2 + 10 \u003d 209.6 cm. Without a threshold, the height of the opening will be as follows: 190 + 7 + 0.6 + 2 + 6 \u003d 205.6 cm. As a result, we get: for mounting a door with dimensions of 190x60 cm, an opening of 210x70 cm with a threshold or 206x70 cm without it is required.

The thickness of the side walls of the opening should be the same throughout their entire length. You should not make a doorway with a large margin in height and width, since the size of the casing does not always allow you to mask large gaps.

The main types of doorways

Before you make a doorway, you need to choose its optimal type, suitable for general style the interior of a particular room. There are several types of openings that you should pay attention to:
  • Portal. This is a standard rectangular opening, but its width can be increased, depending on which doors you plan to install.
  • Arch. This may be the same portal, the upper part of which is made in the form of an arc of a regular or arbitrary shape. Another option: the arch originates from the surface of the base and closes on the straight side of the opening or continues to the floor line. Doors in arched openings are usually not installed.
In addition, there are complex structures doorways, which are distinguished by non-standard solutions in the form of unique shapes and additional elements. In most cases, such openings are made in plasterboard partitions, since in this respect the possibilities of gypsum plasterboards are almost limitless. Below we will consider the stages of manufacturing doorways in walls made of various materials.

Preparatory work before making an opening

In construction, any serious process begins with the manufacture of a drawing. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a wall diagram on which an opening of the desired shape will be shown, indicating its dimensions, curvature radii, if necessary, and linking the control points of the opening perimeter to the ceiling, corners or other basic structures.

The doorway can be made at the stage of construction of a wall or partition, or cut into existing structure when remodeling rooms. The second case is the most complicated, so today we will focus on it.

So, first of all, you need to know that the arrangement of doorways in the bearing walls of buildings without the appropriate permission is strictly prohibited. Therefore, before starting such a “sabotage”, you need to draw up the necessary papers and get approval for redevelopment. Otherwise, the joy of the work done can, at best, be overshadowed by a fine, and at worst, by a collapse of the ceiling.

If such a problem does not exist, you should stock up on construction debris bags, overalls, work gloves, goggles, a respirator and a tool kit, which includes:

  1. Perforator or drill. They will be necessary for drilling the wall when marking the contour of the future doorway.
  2. corner Sander"Bulgarian" with a cutting wheel for stone. It allows you to accurately cut openings in the walls of brick, concrete or wood. Cutting is done on both sides of the structure.
  3. Chisel. It is useful for cleaning the seams of brickwork.
  4. Sledgehammer. This is the main tool designed to knock out wall material inside the cut contour of the opening.
  5. diamond cutter. In fact, this is the same "Bulgarian", only in an enlarged form. With it, you can make an incision in the wall on one side to a depth of up to 40 cm. Advanced models are used in combination with an industrial vacuum cleaner, which immediately removes construction dust into a built-in water container during operation.

Doorway installation technology

Consider the process of mounting an opening for a door in walls made of different materials.

Making a doorway in a brick wall

A feature of this process is that the top line of the opening always coincides with the longitudinal masonry seam in this place, since cutting a brick along a spoon is unacceptable.

First, you should mark the outline of the opening on the wall according to the diagram. It is transferred to a life-size structure using a long ruler-rule, a marker or a piece of chalk. At this stage, it is important to observe the vertical side lines of the opening. Its desired height is determined taking into account the number of rows of masonry. If the top of the opening is in the middle of the bricks, it should be raised higher to the nearby seam.

After marking the contour in its two corners, you need to make through holes with a puncher. To do this, you need a drill with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of at least the thickness of the wall. Such holes are necessary to mark the control points of the opening contour on the other side of the structure.

Then, above the top line of the future opening, you should cut a special groove, that is, a cavity for laying the jumper, which will hold the section of the wall above the opening, preventing it from collapsing after cutting the hole. The length of the cavity should be 1 m greater than the width of the opening. This will provide reliable support for the lintel on the sides of the rectangular hole in the wall.

The jumper can be made from two channels. Before mounting each of them, matching holes should be made in the profiles to perform their fastening. Hole pitch - 300 mm.

After that, one of the profiles must be fixed in the cavity of the wall with a mortar, and the partition should be drilled through through its holes. Then, on the other side of the structure, cut out a similar groove, install a second channel in it, and then tighten both profiles through the holes with studs.

When the jumper is installed, you can cut out the doorway. It is best to use a diamond cutter with an industrial vacuum cleaner for this. Work can be carried out only on one side of the wall, since the diameter of its disk is quite enough to make deep cuts.

After weakening the wall, excess material inside the contour of the opening should be knocked out with a sledgehammer, and then the garbage should be collected in bags. When dismantling the masonry, some bricks will probably remain intact. They should not be thrown away - after cleaning from the solution, they can be useful on the farm.

Making an opening for a door in a concrete panel

This process has less restrictions on the designation of opening lines and has a similar algorithm of work: drawing a contour, installing a jumper, cutting a hole, removing excess material from it.

Unlike a brick wall, where an unnecessary part of the masonry can be broken with a sledgehammer, a concrete structure is not as malleable. Therefore, here it is necessary to divide the contour of the opening into squares and remove unnecessary fragments of the wall in parts using cutting tool and perforator. Work on the installation of the doorway must be carried out along the marking lines inside its contour. Some parts will be removed with ease, others will require cutting of the wall reinforcement.

After cutting an opening in a concrete or brick wall, it needs to be reinforced. Jumper channels should be connected by welding, using metal strips. Such fasteners are carried out every 200 mm along the length of the jumper.

The sides of the opening must be reinforced with metal corners. Their upper ends are connected by welding with the profiles of the horizontal part of the opening. In addition, the corners framing the corners of the hole are connected in pairs with plates and pulled together with pins along pre-prepared holes. If the wall is load-bearing, then the opening in it is additionally reinforced with a lower jumper, which must be welded to the side posts.

Making an opening in a plasterboard partition

A doorway in a plasterboard partition is formed at the stage of manufacturing its frame. The design of such a wall consists of guides and rack aluminum profiles, soundproof filler and outer skin in 1-2 layers of GKL.

Guide profiles are attached to the ceiling and floor of the room, marking the contour of the wall. Rack profiles are installed vertically in the guides and serve to ensure the rigidity of the structure and the basis for fastening the skin. Two such profiles form a doorway in the selected location of the partition.

After installing them, taking into account the width of the door leaf, it is necessary to make a horizontal upper part of the opening. To do this, use scissors for metal to cut off a piece of rack profile waste, the length of which will correspond to the width of the opening. In addition, you will need a pair of short lengths of the rack, 10 cm each, which must be connected into the letter "P" with a transverse profile.

Then this element needs to be turned 180 degrees and fixed with screws to the uprights as a horizontal upper crossbar opening. The rigidity of the side racks can be increased by inserting wooden beam. In this way, the doorway will be formed. It will acquire its final form after sheathing the frame of the partition with plasterboard sheets.

The subtleties of the design of the doorway

To design a self-made doorway, you can use various materials that can properly emphasize the style of the interior. Most often used:
  • artificial and a natural stone . They look great framed by an opening that has impressive dimensions. If you correctly approach the choice of color scheme and type of stone cladding, you can create a visual intriguing effect of an opening cut into the rock.
  • natural wood. The design of its valuable species of doorways gives the interior sophistication and luxury. Pleasure is expensive, but worth it.
  • Decorative plaster. She has mass useful properties. The material is durable and environmentally friendly, can have a variety of relief surfaces and be painted in any color. Such plaster strengthens the slopes of the doorway, fills the voids on their surface and has a presentable appearance.
  • Drywall. It is one of the most practical materials that are used in the design of doorways. With it, the entrance to the room can be given almost any shape: straight, curvilinear, arched, oval, etc. Elements cut from drywall sheets are attached to the opening using a metal frame or glue. They can be painted in any color and serve as the basis for mounting. led lighting. In addition, on drywall sheets you can glue wallpaper, tiles and apply decorative plaster.
It should be noted that the slopes of doorways are constantly subjected to mechanical stress when, for example, furniture is carried, corners are accidentally touched by any objects, etc. Therefore, if the chic design of the opening is not critical for you, the most reliable protection its slopes will serve as an ordinary cement strainer. It is easily repaired in case of damage, unlike cladding, which will require replacement of its elements. Moreover, this service is not expensive at all. In any case, the decision of this issue is up to you.

How to make a doorway - look at the video:

In addition to the above materials, doorways are often decorated depending on the style of the interior with columns, stained-glass windows or just curtains with beautiful ornaments. Good luck!