In a private house      07.03.2020

Build a decorative pond. Do-it-yourself pond in the country: consider how to make a decorative pond step by step with a photo. Decorative design of the reservoir in the country

I really want to relax after the summer heat and physical labor near a picturesque place. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is water. Unfortunately, not all land owners are lucky to have a pond in their country house. Therefore, many summer residents equip a mini pond in the country with their own hands. We will talk about this in this article.

Perhaps at first you will have questions: how to do it? what material? where to place? But believe me, you can build a pond with your own hands. Moreover, we are talking about a small pond in the country - mini copies of reservoirs from 0.5 to 1.5 m3.

Design of the future pond

Thanks to today's technologies, the owner can build a pond of any complexity. For example, there are three possible options for a small pond: wrap a recess in the ground with a film and fill it with water; use a ready-made container that may be right at hand; fill the walls of the recess in the ground with concrete and fill with water.

Option 1

To get started, create a project for the future pond on paper. Consider the width, depth, and sills for planting. Start drawing contours on the ground. This can be done with paint or sand.

If several tiers are planned in the pond, then mark them out and dig them out one by one

Purchase a film for your pond with a calculation of +0.5 m on the sides on the sides of the pit bowl. More purchases will be needed: geofabric is a material that is laid on the bottom and walls of the bowl to protect the film from damage. Although you can use something from the bins: unnecessary carpet, old linoleum.

Geofabric for reservoirs

You can fix the film with rubble, laying it in trenches dug along the edges of the thresholds. Fill the pond with water gradually, taking breaks. Lay out the shore line with stones and cover the bottom of the pond with small pebbles.

Option 2

First, decide on the shape of the container in which the water will be. Then dig a pit under it, retreating 30 cm from the sides. Tamp the bottom so that it is even. If you have chosen a multi-tiered plastic form, then pour water gradually, and fill the space between the form and the pit bowl with sand.

There are many more options for a small pond in the country. Can be used:

  • Unnecessary bath. Mark the area with the dimensions of the bathroom, adding 10 cm on the sides. Dig the pit 20 cm deeper. Under the drain hole of the bathtub, make a drain with stones for draining. Pour crushed stone with sand at the bottom of the pit and tamp it down.
  • Taz. We take the path of least resistance and use the most budgetary option, because even a leaky basin can be used by covering the hole with a film. Leave the edges of the basin above the ground. Under the bottom and between the walls of the basin and the pit, lay a layer of a solution of clay and sand. Fill the bottom of the basin with soil to plant the duckweed and bury it, or whatever you choose. Such a pond will be miniature and beautiful.

Bathroom pond

And more tires, a barrel, a boat, or even old wardrobe! It is convenient that some of these containers can be brought into the house for the winter. Indeed, making a pond with your own hands is not difficult!

How to make a pond from the bathroom (video tutorial)

Option 3

I think many will agree that to build a pond according to the third option, some, at least basic builder skills are needed. But at the same time, do not let this scare you, because any summer resident or owner of a plot in the private sector is already a bit of a builder. And as a reward for your work, you will have an almost eternal piece of paradise in your yard.

Stages of construction of a reservoir in the country (video)

Seriously approach the choice of the location of the pond, because it will be impossible to move it. Now you can start.

If you decide to make a reservoir without thresholds, then this will greatly simplify the task. Dig a pit with slopes at 45 degrees. Tamp the hole and fill it with sand.

Lay a PET or PVC film on the bottom, without pulling it hard. Start pouring concrete from the walls, and then go to the bottom.

Try to do this part of the work in one day to avoid cracks at the joints.

Press in reinforced mesh. Pour the second layer of concrete as soon as the first one dries. Constantly check the level of the horizon. Pour in water when the concrete is completely cured.

concrete pond

Before deciding on the option of building a pond, decide which design idea will look particularly organic on your site. If the house, paths and flower beds are designed in a strict style, feel free to break a clear-cut pond. If you like everything natural, then any free form will do.

Decide on a place

How to make all the inhabitants of the pond feel comfortable? If you have a large plot of land, then carefully study the area so as not to make a mistake with the choice. There are several secrets that we will share with you.

  • The roots of old trees can interfere with the work, and over time, even the walls of the reservoir. Also, falling leaves and fruits will make you clean your pond often.
  • Choose a place with the expectation that the pond will be in the shade for some time so that algae and microorganisms do not develop too actively in it.
  • At the same time, the sun is needed for plants along the bank. So you have to search best option considering these nuances.
  • If your pond is small but deep, then make sure that it is always in sight when children play nearby. And why hide such beauty from the eyes?
  • Best of all, the reservoir will look in the hollow. They almost always go down to the lake, river, sea.

Mini pond for a summer residence

Consider a possible ecosystem

If you want fish to live in your pond and flowers to bloom, then a few rules from this section will help you.

Plant selection

Decorative flowers in the pond do not suffer from temperature changes and can even tolerate frost (of course, except for the southern varieties of plants that will need to be hidden for the winter). But still, make sure that the water in the pond will be heated by the sun for at least five hours during the day.

The less light, the faster the mini pond in the country will turn into a small swamp. Then it will look completely unattractive, a characteristic smell and flowering will appear.

In nature, an amazing process of self-purification has been launched, and at home, the owner should take care of the cleanliness of the reservoir.

As in a natural pond, plants in a home pond are divided into the following types:

  • those that grow on the shore;
  • those that grow in a humid zone on the border with water;
  • floating on the surface;
  • shallow and those that grow at depth.

Although the air humidity will be higher on the shore along the pond than in other places, simple garden plants they can live there. But still, consider that they do not look ridiculous or casual next to other inhabitants of the pond. Begonias, aquilegia, balsam and many other perennial plants that are used to decorate landscapes will harmoniously combine.

A zone with constant humidity, but without stagnant water is the best place for moisture-loving perennials. Among such stars are meadowsweet (meadowsweet), lysichiton, darmer, iris and many others.

Irises also successfully get along in shallow water. They compete with susak, pontederia, tail

A water lily can rightfully be called a deep-sea queen. She copes with harsh winters. Water lilies are not only beautiful, but also useful. It is they who can create the shadow necessary for the pond. Among other deep-sea beauties, the lotus (although it needs to be dug up for the winter, because in most of the territory of the former USSR the water does not warm up for almost 8 months, as it is necessary for the flowering of such varieties), water paint, oronium, water chestnut and many other bizarre inhabitants of the depths.

Rivals of deep-sea plants are algae, which saturate pond water with oxygen and support the vital activity of other organisms. Among them are the swamp, hornwort, etc.

Animal inhabitants

Insects, microorganisms and protozoa will start up in your pond on their own. You will have to take care of the fish yourself.

Fish in the pond in the country

But don't think that you can't get them. In fact, there is nothing supernatural here. Check the depth of your pond - it should be at least 90 cm deep. This is necessary for the fish, because this way they can overwinter. And in summer the water does not warm up too much. Smaller ponds are suitable only for growing ornamental plants.

By the way, in ponds with fish, a third of the surface of the water should be covered with greenery.

In summer, we all want to have a good rest by the water, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to the sea. Someone is holding summer rest on own dacha, but even in a small area you can create a zone for yourself comfortable rest with the help of an artificial pond, made by hand.

Pond for a summer residence - where to start

So that the issue of building a reservoir does not seem so complicated, it is necessary to break the whole process into several stages and sequentially carry them out.

To get started, decide on a place for a future artificial pond and its size on suburban area.

How to choose the most suitable site for a pond in the country:

Important! It is easier to build a pond of a small area. If you are confused by the amount of work or financial side question, start with a small lake.

Perhaps later, having the experience and skills of work, you will create a fairly voluminous version of the reservoir with your own hands in the country, a good experience in the preparation is shown in the video

We determine the size and shape of the future reservoir in the country

The depth of the reservoir, according to experts, should not be too large; for an artificial lake, a depth of up to two meters will be enough. The deepest part is usually done in 1/5 of the area of ​​the entire reservoir.

When planning a pond, consider the landscape of your summer cottage. Designers advise doing it on a flat surface area, and if the terrain of the country house is hilly, with slopes, in this case it is better to opt for a current stream or cascade.

It is necessary to choose which version of the pond will be the most profitable and interesting to fit into the landscape of your summer cottage. Landscape designers offer a lot of options ornamental ponds, you just need to delve into the intricacies and nuances of various projects and choose the best one, optimally suited specifically for your dacha.

Varieties of the shape of water bodies

The reservoir can be with clear geometric lines of the coast, especially if it is located on the territory near the mansion, built in a strict aristocratic style, with alleys, paths, flower beds of regular geometric shapes. In this option, a pond or lake will organically fit into the overall interior of the site.

A small pond can be made round or oval, use moisture-loving plants to decorate it.

If you want to get closer to the natural landscape, the coastline is made in a winding or arbitrary shape, so that it resembles a natural reservoir in the country as much as possible.

In advance, it is necessary to think over the design style of the artificial lake, so that it is combined with the style of the rest of the dacha, complementing it.

Before starting work in the country, you must also consider how you plan to use your future artificial pond. If you want to get a place for swimming, then it will not be possible to breed fish in it. Decorative pond can not be used for swimming sanitary standards and hygiene requirements.

When choosing the size of a future reservoir, keep in mind that an artificial pond is the same biosystem as a natural pond or lake, with an optimal ratio of flora and fauna, with a water purification system, self-regulation of microorganisms.

It is easier to monitor and maintain the ecological balance in large artificial reservoirs, in small, as well as in small aquariums, it is much more difficult to maintain the necessary balance. But in the manufacture of your own hands, both financially and in terms of labor costs, it is much easier to do not big pond.

The shape of the pit under the pond in the country

It is clear that in order to make an artificial reservoir in the country, first of all, you need to dig a foundation pit of appropriate shapes and sizes. The pit under the pond has its own characteristics. In shape, it resembles a deep plate with wide edges, as seen in the photo.

A shallow coastal zone should be made along the edges of the pit, then there is a ledge that prevents the overflow of water from the coastal zone to the bathing zone, and vice versa. A recess is made in the center to the required size.

To maintain ecological balance, the water in the pond must circulate, otherwise it will quickly become clogged, silted up and lose its decorative and attractiveness.

In a small pond in the country, a skimmer is installed to maintain cleanliness, allowing you to clean surface layer water from pollution, and a UV sterilizer. To do this, at the bottom of the reservoir are installed drainage pipes, through which water is pumped into the filter and back to the bathing area, as in the photo.

Materials for waterproofing the bottom of the reservoir

There can be several options for making a waterproof bottom of a reservoir:

  1. Using ready plastic mold. Such a choice of the bottom greatly simplifies the procedure for manufacturing a reservoir for a summer residence, but it limits the choice of sizes, the shape of the banks and the volume of the water space, the shape and dimensions of the selected container. Typically, such a container has a small volume up to 4 m 3;
  2. The bottom of the reservoir in the country can be made of concrete, but it will be a rather laborious procedure, in addition, it will be required additional protection from frost to avoid cracking concrete base. In addition, if it becomes necessary to remake or dismantle the pond in the country, this will be quite problematic;
  3. One of the most budget options for giving there will be a bottom of a reservoir of clay, but the process is quite labor-intensive. It will be necessary to apply two layers of clay dough to the bottom of the reservoir bowl, and then also strengthen the bottom with fine gravel, pressing it into the clay layer;
  4. The most optimal and most used method is the use of a special film laid on the bottom of the pit.

Important! If the width of the film roll does not allow covering the entire bottom of the pit with one single piece, it is necessary to weld the seams so that water cannot seep out of the reservoir.

When choosing a film, keep in mind that cheaper options have a significantly shorter service life, break down faster under the influence of frost and sun rays, video

Excavation work

Digging a pit with your own hands under a reservoir of 20-30m 2 or more is not an easy task. Perhaps it will be easier to attract equipment in the form of a small excavator. With a small amount of earthwork, you may manage on your own or by hiring several workers armed with shovels, video

The main thing is to correctly designate the dimensions and shape of the required pit.

We mark the boundaries of the future reservoir with a rope or hose, you can sprinkle the contours with sand so that they can be easily distinguished. Then, along the contour of the coastline, we dig a trench approximately to the depth of the bayonet, so we get the first level of depth - the line of the swamp zone, up to 40 cm deep and 30-50 cm wide. Then inside we dig the next level with a gradual deepening towards the center of the pit, so that as a result got a bowl, as in the photo.

The second level is made to a depth of 1 meter, the deepest third level is in the center of the pit.

Important! In the process of digging a pit, check the level of the banks, they must be the same height.

Along the perimeter of the dug pit, they dig another ditch, up to 30 cm deep, so that the edges of the film can be laid and fixed in it.

Film laying

Before laying the film, the bottom of the pit must be leveled, compacted, stones, tree roots, and debris removed. Then a layer of sand is poured, 15-20 cm, carefully leveled and compacted. After that, a layer of roofing material or geotextile is laid, old linoleum can be used, and then the bottom is lined with a film.

The edges of the film are fixed with bricks or stones, and after that the reservoir is filled with water. Water is poured in several portions, if there are air bubbles under the film, they need to be removed in the process of filling the reservoir with water, consider the experience of others on the video After that, the ends of the film are laid in a prepared ditch, fixed with gravel or large stones.

Do-it-yourself arrangement of a reservoir in the country house step by step

When you fill the pond in the country with water, measure how much water is required. This will be the capacity of your reservoir. According to these data, it will be possible to select required power pump, filters and other equipment for water treatment in a pond in the country. Usually it can be purchased as a kit and installed with your own hands in accordance with the instructions.

Then you need to strengthen the edge so that the earth does not crumble into the reservoir, and arrange the coastline in accordance with your project.

A large stone can be laid out at the bottom, it must be round in shape so as not to damage the film and not injure the swimmers. You can also decorate the banks of the pond in the country with stones, it is better if large boulders alternate with smaller stones. In addition to stones, driftwood can be used in the design of a reservoir in the country, wooden structures, animal figurines and other options.

Moisture-loving plants with large leaves, such as bergenia, as well as ferns, lilies of the valley, are also suitable for decorating the shores of a reservoir in a country house. coniferous shrubs. In shallow water, you can plant plants such as calamus, reeds, cattail, or water lily as in the video

Water lilies and lotus are located in the center of the pond for summer cottages. interesting design solution will create a floating in the center of the reservoir flower arrangement as in the photo.

Usually, plants in special containers or pots are used to decorate decorative reservoirs; it is convenient to remove them while cleaning the bottom and replacing water.


The creation of a reservoir in the country is within the power of everyone, the main thing is to carefully consider the recommendations of specialists. Of course, you will have to spend time and money, but as a result you will get a wonderful place to relax and enjoy spending time in your country house.

Whether you like to swim or just relax near the water, relaxing on the shore of a reservoir is one of the great pleasures of summer. But not every summer resident has the opportunity to build a cottage near the water. Therefore, sooner or later, each of us thinks about how difficult it is to make a pond on the site with our own hands. Ideally, we see a pond in the country not only as decorative element landscape design, but also as a small reservoir in which you can enjoy swimming on a hot day.

However, faced with colorful descriptions of technical difficulties, costs and nuances regular care, many of us part with this idea.

Let's start with the basics - what makes a pond fundamentally different from a pool is the self-regulation system.

Bathing pond with their own hands.

We will tell you the process of creating a pond step by step, and you can make a garden pond with your own hands - by building a cool oasis in the middle of the heat right on your summer cottage, where our everyday worries disappear with every light breath of fresh breeze.

A garden pond is a living organism.

The pond in the country house mimics the process that nature uses to keep the lake clean. Everything - from the size and shape of the pond, plant species and water circulation are designed to maintain the pond in a stable natural state.

The problems that the pond owner faces is maintaining the balance between plants and water - the plants either die or take over the entire surface of the pond. Only a pond that is a balanced ecosystem ensures optimal water clarity and quality, and maximum enjoyment of swimming in the pond.

The water in the pond must circulate among the roots of the plants in order to be purified. Plants enrich the water with oxygen, which supports the vital activity of beneficial bacteria that utilize pollution and potentially harmful organisms, and also create a habitat for dragonflies, frogs and other aquatic life. The result is a stable, ecologically diverse system. Nature has revealed its technology to us and we must carefully use it.

How to make a pond yourself. The principles of the pond.

Water is a living biologically active component and all purification occurs due to the work of plants and beneficial microbes. To do this, the pond provides a bathing area and a filtration area for plants. The filtration zone is actually the swamp part of our water zone, and just like in nature, it is this one that guarantees the purity of the entire reservoir. This zone should occupy at least 50 percent of the total area of ​​the water surface of the pond.
If you have noticed, then in nature there are almost no tiny reservoirs with a consistently clean surface of water - they quickly overgrow or silt. Natural stable biological balance can be achieved in ponds from 100 sq.m. Smaller ponds require more of our attention as they their biological balance is precarious. Therefore, these ponds include a skimmer and UV sterilizer to keep them clean, but still offer a chemical-free bathing area and support growth. aquatic plants.

It is useful to add a small waterfall, stream or fountain to the pond for regular enrichment of water with oxygen. Although, for the same purpose, you can use an aerator.

How is pond water purified?

You can see that the process of filtering water in a pond is not complicated:
1. Water from the swimming area flows into the regeneration area.
2. Water circulates back to the bathing area.

Through the drainage pipes under the plant roots in the regeneration area or/and after the skimmer, the water is pumped through the UV sterilizer to the waterfall, stream or to the bottom of the swimming area. The pipe that goes to the bottom of the swimming area is slightly raised above the bottom so that the flow of water prevents the formation of silt at the bottom.

What should be the shape of the pond.

The bowl of the pond looks more like a soup bowl with large rims than a bathtub. The height difference should be about 30 cm for each meter of depth. It is this shape of the pond bowl that ensures the stability of the walls. The figure shows a cross section of a pond with a plant and bathing area:

After compaction of the surface layer of soil in the pit, geotextiles and a hermetic liner are laid on the bottom of the pond. In the plant zone - drainage pipes and gravel. In order to separate the swimming zone from the plant zone, a small hillock is formed - its top is 3 cm lower from the water surface. It can be made from sandbags or gravel. The mound allows water from the swimming area to pass into the plant area, where the water is filtered by the plant roots, and at the same time protects the plants from fluctuations in the water of the swimming area.

This design of the pond will allow you to conveniently clean the swimming area without affecting the plant area. In addition to purifying the water, the shallow water warms up quickly and serves as a habitat for frogs and other invertebrates, you will appreciate their benefits when they start eating mosquito larvae.

In order to mimic the natural contours of a pond, use a combination of different profiles for its shore. If you have plants on pond terraces, it is better to do this in pots so that they can be easily removed when cleaning the pond.

What size pond is suitable for our site?
The optimal size of the pond is 1/10 of the area of ​​​​your site.

How about mosquitoes?
One of the first questions that arises at the word “pond with your own hands” is mosquitoes? Mosquitoes breed only in stagnant water, while the water in the pond will never be static, so mosquitoes will find it unattractive for their habitat. Even if at some point they appear, the frog pond ecosystem will reduce their population to a minimum.

Why make a pond in the country?
Do-it-yourself pond people make this decision because they want to see their pond as a beautiful part of the landscape design and still have a clean, inviting place to swim on a hot day.
Is it possible to have fish in the swimming pond?
Unfortunately, fish, on the one hand, eats beneficial microflora with pleasure, on the other hand, it is a carrier of pathogenic bacteria, so there should not be fish in the baths.

Is it possible to make a sandy beach on a pond?
The best solution for entering the pond is walkways or stairs. For a beach entrance to the water, you need enough space, because. the angle of entry into the water is small. In addition, the sand quickly silts up - those beaches that we see are often simply trampled down to sand, most of the pond shore is usually densely overgrown with plants.

Should I swim with frogs?
Yes, frogs are full-fledged and important inhabitants of the pond. Additionally, to purify the water in the pond, it is good to have double-winged toothless shells or barley, which filter water up to 40 liters per day. You can also get snails (coils, livebearers) - they eat dead plants and clean the pond well.

What is the best place for a pond?
It is better to place the pond away from the trees, because. falling, the leaves will rot in the pond. Moreover, growing roots can damage the waterproofing film or tilt the finished container. The illumination of the site should be about 5 hours in the morning, and the rest of the time it should be in partial shade. The pond does not need large illumination. leads to increased formation of algae and overheating of water in the reservoir.

What to do with the pond in winter?
In winter, the pond, like natural reservoirs, freezes. You don't need to drain it. For the winter it is necessary to remove all equipment from the pond (pumps, filters, skimmers).

Does the type of soil affect the creation of a pond?
No, the composition of the soil does not affect. There is a misconception that it is good when the groundwater level is high. In fact, ground water at the level of freezing, rather a problem. Freezing, the ice can bulge the bottom of the pond. It is especially problematic if the pond is made on the basis of a rigid finished form.

Do-it-yourself pond from a film.

The main question when creating a pond: how to make it waterproof. There are several types of pond waterproofing - film, clay castle, concrete and rigid installation.

Installing a rigid mold is a simple and durable method, but they usually come in small sizes up to 3.5 sq. meters. Their service life is 10-50 years.

Waterproofing with concrete is the most expensive, in addition, it needs additional treatment with a frost-resistant agent and liquid glass to protect it from frost.

A clay castle is the cheapest in terms of materials, but the most labor-intensive. In order to waterproof the pit with clay, the compacted soil is covered wood ash or soot. Then a 15 cm layer of clay dough is applied to the walls, compacted. When the layer dries, a second 30 cm is applied. When the layer is almost dry, crushed stone is poured on it, slightly pressing into the layer.

The optimal solution for the construction of ponds with an area of ​​more than 5-6 sq.m. - film waterproofing.

How much film is needed for the pond:
Film length= pond length + 2 pond depth + 50 cm margin for fasteners.
Film width= width of the pond + 2 depth of the pond + 50 cm margin for fasteners.

The film is produced in widths from 2 to 10 m, length 10-50 m. Knowing your needs, you can choose the optimal roll. The film is bought before digging the pit, this will allow you to cover it immediately when the pit is ready, preventing its edges from shedding.
What kind of film to choose for the pond.
PVC film for a pond is cheaper, but eventually destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, its service life is 8-10 years.
Butyl rubber sheeting is more expensive, but has both UV and cold protection. The service life of such a film is 50 years.

Do-it-yourself pond construction photo.

Do-it-yourself pond begins with marking the pit. The curved shape can be marked with a hose. We remove the sod along the coastline and take out the soil on the bayonet - this will be the line of the swamp zone, then the next level of the earth is taken out inside the resulting border, and so on. As a result, our terraces will be 50 cm wide with slopes of 20 cm. When the pond pit is ready, all hard objects that can damage the film: stones, roots, etc. , remove. We level and ram the walls and bottom of the pit.

Before work, the film is laid for several hours in a sunny place so that it warms up and becomes more elastic. Laying the film is done in warm weather. Overlapped geotextile or felt sheets are laid on the compacted pit, they are needed to protect the waterproofing film from protruding roots and stones over time.

A waterproofing film is spread on top of the geotextile with a margin of 50 cm along the edges of the pit. The edges are temporarily fixed with stones. The film is allowed to sag a little, smoothing and leveling it according to the shape of the pit.

The foil inside the swimming area can be protected with dry stacked stones.

Gravel or sand bags can be used instead of stones. But keep in mind that it is more convenient to take care of a pond with film walls. - it is easier to clean it from silt and mud.

In portions, the pit is poured with water, removing air bubbles from under the film.

When the pond is completely filled with water, the ends of the film are securely fixed in a trench, which is made at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the pit. In a trench 20 cm deep, the edges of the film are wrapped in a roll and covered with stones and pebbles.

We make a pond with our own hands. Shore decoration.

After you have made a pond with your own hands, before you start decorating the shore, you need to pour plenty of water on it and wait 2-3 days, because. shrinkage is possible. In addition, during this time, the water in the pond will settle.
We mask the film on the shore with rubble, stones, snags. We plant plants in shallow water. The pond needs plants that saturate the water with oxygen. There are many suitable plants - reeds, meadowsweet, iris, bathing suit, marigold, arrowhead. Any plant that grows on the shore of a natural pond will work for your pond. Don't forget about algae, like hornwort, which just floats in the water. Deciduous ornamental shrubs it is better to plant for marsh grasses, which are planted directly on the shore.

Additional charm is added to the pond backlight.

Floating flower beds look seductive on the surface of the pond.

Pond safety.

If there are very young children in the family, then perhaps the construction of the pond should be postponed until they are older. It is necessary to consider visiting the pond by the elderly and school-age children. Make a convenient ladder for entering the pond, don't forget to clean it so it doesn't get slippery! All other sides of the pond, except for the entrance, are best covered with plants.

Pond care.

The new pond will take on its natural form throughout the year - while it will form its ecosystem. Small world your pond is very vulnerable. The pond may quickly heat up or freeze, the water may evaporate, or the pond may overflow after rain. This puts a strain on aquatic life that cannot instantly transition to a safer, more stable environment.

Therefore, your pond, like any living organism, requires care. On a hot day, you need to add water, collect garbage that floats on the surface with a net, check whether the plants have grown or perhaps something has not taken root and must be annoyed. However, a surprising number of life forms will colonize your new pond, they will quickly explore new waters and stay if conditions suit them.

The quiet splash of water is the most enchanting melody of a hot summer, water bewitches, attracts and seduces us with a playful play of light, transparent depth and life-giving coolness. A handmade pond will give your cottage a special charm.

Even in a small area, you can equip a quite decent artificial reservoir, while sacrificing only a few beds. It'll be cheap. In order to create a pond in the country with your own hands, you only need geotextiles, PVC film or polyethylene and a few days of free time.

Choosing a place for an artificial reservoir

When choosing a location for a pond, it is of great importance illumination. Since aquatic plants require enough sunlight, it shouldn't be too shaded. But too much overheating of the water is also undesirable, as this can lead to flowering of the surface.

The most suitable site for placing an artificial reservoir is a place near the fence in the corner of the garden, which is illuminated in the morning, but is in partial shade at noon. Do not place a pond near large trees: Proliferating roots can damage the excavation cover. And during leaf fall, you will have to clean the pond from leaves almost daily.

An artificial pond is best placed in partial shade

Pit preparation

The size of an artificial reservoir can be anything - it all depends on the desire of the owner and the free space on the site. But it should be noted that too large a pond will require more care.

1. With the help of driven stakes and a rope, markings are made according to the shape of the pond at the selected place.

2. Sod is removed along the perimeter of the marking.

3. A small pit can be dug with an ordinary shovel. So that the walls of the pit do not crumble, its walls must have slight slope. There is no need to make an artificial reservoir too deep. Minimum depth bowls - 60 cm (plus 30-40 cm for backfilling drainage from crushed stone and sand).

4. If it is planned to launch fish into the pond, its depth should be lower soil freezing level in this climatic region. Otherwise, the water at the bottom will freeze and the fish will die. In the central part of Russia, the soil freezes to a depth of about 1.4-1.5 m.

5. For planting aquatic plants, it is better if the edges of the pit are stepped. The size of each of these steps is 10-15 cm.

Stepped pond pit

6. All large stones and branches are removed from the bottom of the pit, which can damage a not too strong film.

7. At the bottom of the pit falls asleep drainage: crushed stone, and then sand each with a layer of 20 cm and compacted.

8. To protect against soil erosion, a layer of geotextile. It can be replaced with any durable fabric: old carpets, blankets, old oilcloth or roofing material. Laying such a protective layer is carried out with an overlap on the edges of the pit of about 50 cm.

Roofing material laying

9. Next, you can lay on the bottom of the reservoir polyethylene film (shelf life is about 3 years), pvc film (it will last longer, about 15 years) or durable butyl rubber. To prevent damage to the film during filling with water, it must be laid without tension.

A film is laid at the bottom of the pit

10. Do not cut off excess geotextiles and films immediately. the desired shape they will accept only after filling the pond with water. It is better to dig along the perimeter of the pit shallow trench, in which it will be possible to lay the edges of the fabric and film and lightly cover with earth.

11. After filling the artificial reservoir with water, stones are laid along its edges, which will not only hold the material lining the bottom of the pond, but also serve as decoration. The edges of such an artificial reservoir can be decorate And decorative tiles, slate, sandstone or other suitable size stones or bricks.

Stones are laid along the edges of the reservoir

12. The area adjacent to the reservoir can be backfilled with gravel or marble chips.

Decoration of the edge of the reservoir

13. In the center or at the edge of the pond, you can install a small artificial fountain.

14. Along the edges of the reservoir, you can install several small lamps on solar panels.

Advice. If there is too little space on the site, a small artificial reservoir can be made from an old wheel or bath, buried in the ground and finished with stones along the edge (see photo).

A small artificial pond made of old bath

Pond from an old wheel

Pond cleaning

To clean a large pond, you can use the simplest system filtration: small pumping station With sand filter. Two pipes are drawn into the pond: one serves to take water, from the second, purified water will again flow into the pool. Additional purification can be provided by a small stream filled with sand, through which the filtered water will pass before re-entering the pool. It can flow into the pond through a small waterfall.

Pond filter

It is enough to clean a small pond only once a season by hand. To do this, completely pump out water from it using submersible pump and remove accumulated dirt from the bottom. To clean the pond, you can also use a special vacuum cleaner equipped with a filter, with which you can collect dirt from the bottom.

Pond vacuum cleaner

Advice. If you put a vessel filled with charcoal at the bottom of the pond, the water in it will not bloom for a long time.

Fallen leaves can be collected from the surface of the pond using a net. In autumn, during a strong leaf fall, the reservoir can be covered with a special net. In order to avoid the ingress of dirt for the winter period, the pond is covered with any covering material.

Advice. So that the film does not crack in frost, it is better not to drain the water for the winter. To compensate for the pressure created by the expansion of the ice, several wooden planks or plastic bottles filled with water.

Planting aquatic plants

Aquatic plants serve not only original decoration pond. Bogwort, hornwort, elodea and other plants that can saturate the reservoir with oxygen will help protect the water surface from greening.

Naturally, only those plants that can develop well in a given climatic region should be planted. To decorate the pond, you can use traditional plants: reed, sedge, reeds. Large plants (lilies, water lilies) will be able to cover the water surface from the bright scorching sun and reduce water heating. TO flowering plants Those who prefer to settle near water bodies include arrowhead, kupena, plakun-grass, fern, bergenia, lungwort, water iris, etc.

Advice. For planting plants, you can use special containers that are placed along the bottom of the pit. In this case, it will be much easier to take care of the plants.

Planting aquatic plants

Video: Do-it-yourself pond in the country

An artificial reservoir is a spectacular component of landscape design, designed to give peace and tranquility. What could be nicer than sitting in a gazebo covered with roses and admiring mirror surface reflecting white clouds and flowering shrubs? Have you been dreaming of a small pond for a long time, but there is not enough money for its arrangement? No problem. You can do it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. All that is needed for this is to carefully read this article and apply the knowledge gained in practice! So, how to make an artificial pond: DIY instructions.

Artificial pond on the site

Choosing the right place for the pond

The right choice of a place for a pond is a guarantee that it will really please the eye clean water, and not scare those around you with a stormy summer "bloom". An artificial reservoir should be illuminated by the sun 6-7 hours a day. It is important to find a middle ground, because an excess of sun will lead to intensive reproduction of algae, and its lack - to the complete extinction of "decorative inhabitants".

The pond should be located on an open surface, at a relative distance from the trees. Otherwise, you doom yourself to constantly fishing out branches and fallen leaves from it. In addition, growing, the roots of plants can damage the base or break the film. Do not forget that the home lake needs to be cleaned from time to time and change the water in it. Well, if a source of clean water is nearby - this will solve the problem of filling.

Designing a recreation area with a small pond

Dimensions and design

As for the size, everything, of course, is individual and depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits of your possessions. It is believed that the reservoir should occupy approximately 3% of the area land plot. But that's up to you. Do not make the pond too deep - it will be difficult to care for it. Provide three degrees of depth. The first will belong to coastal plants, the second - to water lilies, the third - to fish.

If we talk about the design of the future reservoir, then you should build on your preferences and the style of the existing landscape. Would you like to emphasize the rigor and geometry of the house? Square or rectangular pond - The best decision. Those who dream of filling the space with oriental motifs should take a closer look at small tanks. irregular shape, bordered by smooth boulders and low trees with bright foliage.

Original artificial pond

Round ponds on a green lawn, surrounded by original lanterns, are very popular. It is possible to lay a bridge across the reservoir from terrace board, break flower beds nearby, form stone paths, thus creating an ideal atmosphere for a good rest.

The pond is perfectly round

Materials for an artificial reservoir

Do-it-yourself pond can be made from different materials. The most commonly used film, butyl rubber or ready-made containers. Which option to choose is up to you. But first - consider their advantages and disadvantages.

  • PVC film. Excellent material for homemade ponds. You can easily build a design of the desired shape. If necessary, dismantling is not difficult to do. Affordable price film provides everyone with the opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful pond without significant financial costs. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the fragility of the material, i.e. after some time, you will have to attend to the construction of a new reservoir.

The process of laying PVC film in the pit

  • Butyl rubber. Like PVC film, it allows you to create ponds of any shape, but it has a lot of additional advantages. Rubber is able to withstand high loads and maintain excellent strength characteristics for a long time. Of course, these advantages directly affect the cost - in this case, it will be an order of magnitude higher.

Butyl rubber for pond equipment

  • Finished plastic tanks. Most fast way acquire an attractive lake. Plastic containers are strong and resistant to adverse weather conditions, but have a limited range of sizes and shapes.

A small pond from a finished tank

Some craftsmen build ponds from what is found in the garage - from an old bathtub, a barrel, a suitable basin, a trough and even a tractor tire. Well, it is possible and so. Original and well worth a look.

Sequence of work

Creating a pond using PVC film is considered the most common, so let's consider it.

  • We make a plan. Before proceeding directly to work, sketch out a rough plan indicating the width and depth of the future pond. It is advisable to think over the decoration in advance. This approach will avoid rework and as a result get what you want;
  • We outline the contours of the pond. This can be done with an ordinary hose or simply by scattering sand along the proposed boundaries of the reservoir. Think again whether everything suits you - at this stage, you can change something;
  • Roem a pit. Begin excavation. We form the first two tiers of the reservoir. Approximate depth - 30 cm, width - 20 cm. Then we dig out the main bowl. Please note that the total depth must be greater than 80 cm. Otherwise, your pond will be too hot in summer and too cold in winter. In such conditions, it is unlikely that someone or something will live there;
  • We measure the dimensions. The pit is ready, now we measure its size and depth. Adds 50 cm around the edges, and with the numbers obtained, we boldly go to a specialized store to purchase the right amount of film;
  • We line the bottom and walls with foil. To extend the life of polyvinyl chloride, geotextiles, linoleum, roofing material are laid under it, or at least sand is poured. If you do this on a hot sunny day, you can achieve maximum elasticity from the material and easily give it the desired shape;
  • We fix the edge. To do this, we dig a trench, put the wrapped ends of the film into it and fill it with gravel for greater reliability. Plastic pipes nailed to pegs will help to eliminate shedding of the edges of the reservoir;
  • We decorate the pond. Decorate the edges of the pond with stones, install a fountain with lights, place containers with plants in the bowl. In the coastal zone, you can settle marigold and marsh iris. In shallow water - reeds and calamus. Deep water will become great place for water lilies, water hyacinth, elodea, aponogeton;
  • We pour water. After graduation preparatory work, you can pour water into the pond. A stream that will ensure continuous circulation will help prevent stagnation. The source of the stream is raised above the level of the reservoir, while water is supplied by a pump resting on the bottom. Don't forget to install a cleaning filter.

Video: instructions for arranging a pond in a small area

The pond is ready. It remains to launch the fish. It is better to keep unpretentious crucians, koi and veiltails. The design of the surrounding area is a purely individual matter. Some will want to build a gazebo, others - to break flower beds, others - to install a barbecue.

Koi carp in an artificial pond

How to properly care

Caring for an artificial reservoir does not require large power and time costs. If the pond is dry, add water to it. In the summer, remove thread algae and weeds around your home lake. In autumn, clear the pond of falling leaves. You can make it easier for yourself and stretch the net over the water surface. With the onset of cold weather, the plants are transplanted into other containers and sent for wintering. Equipment is also removed. In the spring, the walls of the pond are scraped of silt, and everything returns to normal.

As you can see, arranging a pond with your own hands is not such a difficult task. All you need is desire, a little free time and a little imagination. Dare!