In a private house      09.06.2019

Homemade paving slabs from plastic bottles. How to set up a business for the manufacture of paving slabs at home. Manufacturing instructions

Every homeowner puts in a lot of effort to ensure that his backyard looks good. Many try to do all the arrangement on it with their own hands. This brings not only moral satisfaction, but also cost savings.

A convincing example is the tile from plastic bottles which can be made at home. At the same time, in this way, the problem of recycling used raw materials is also solved. You will learn how to make such a tile yourself from this article.

Why is it beneficial to do so?

There are several reasons that encourage owners to start arranging the sidewalk on a site from such unusual material. And, perhaps, the most important of them is the low cost of the manufactured material. There are no problems with raw materials, I mean plastic bottles, today. On the contrary, almost every homeowner has to deal with the issue of their disposal.

And, of course, important role plays the fact that the manufacture of plastic tiles does not require expensive equipment and special equipment. Everything you need for this is on every farmstead.

The production technology is quite simple and everyone can do it, there would be only desire and patience. And how to make paving slabs yourself from plastic bottles will be discussed below. This tile coating has a high level of wear resistance. It is easily dismantled and its restoration in case of damage to individual sections does not require large expenditures.

Constituent elements

To get paving slabs made of plastic, only three main components are enough:

  • Sand;
  • Polymer;
  • Dye.

In the manufacture of all the constituent parts are mixed, then heated and under great pressure pressed. As a result of mixing, the color of the tile is uniform.

Benefits of a plastic bottle walkway

Polymer sand coating is particularly durable. It is much more durable than concrete tiles, which breaks easily, especially in the cold season. Snow does not linger on a plastic product; due to the high heat resistance, ice does not form on the surface of the material. The material has good grip with shoes, so there is practically no slip.

Watch the video, everything is very simple:

According to many characteristics, this coating is significantly superior to vibrating plates and other analogues.

Tiles made from plastic bottles have a number of features that distinguish them favorably from the cement version. In particular, these are:

  • High bending strength;
  • Small specific gravity;
  • Significant operational period;
  • impact resistance;
  • Low rate of water absorption;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Easy care;
  • Easy to cut and drill with little effort.

In addition, the material does not lose its original appearance over the years, as it has a high resistance to direct sunlight.

Paving slabs from ordinary bottles

Coating production requires the following equipment:

  1. extruder;
  2. Melting apparatus;
  3. Press for molding.

Although the manufacturing process is environmentally friendly, it must nevertheless take place in a well-ventilated room or outdoors.

The production technology is not complicated and consists of next moments. First, plastic containers are placed in the extruder. They are finely crushed, the resulting small pieces are heated with constant stirring.

At the next stage, the resulting mixture enters the melting apparatus. Wet sand and dye are also added there. As a result of mixing and heating to a certain temperature, a viscous mass is obtained at the outlet, which is quickly poured into pre-prepared forms. Then it is compacted by pressing equipment. At the end of the process, the finished tile is given time to cool.

The resulting polymer sand product almost does not differ in shape from ordinary concrete or cement tiles, since the same molds are used in their production for casting.

Plastic tiles can be of different colors, any shape, texture and vary in size.

Main characteristics of the material

In many of them, the material compares favorably with similar products. First of all, it should be noted that it is an environmentally friendly product. During its operation, no release of carcinogenic substances hazardous to human health is observed.

The tile is able to withstand repeated freezing without losing its properties. The material, despite its considerable strength, is quite plastic. It is highly resistant to aggressive acids and other chemically active substances.

The substance of the product does not soften as a result of heating sunbeams. Its surface does not slip, as it has a good grip on the sole of the shoe.

Another positive quality coatings - maintainability. A damaged element can be easily replaced with another one. The material does not fade in the sun and is preserved in its original form. Availability of various color schemes contributes to the fact that tiles can be used to solve any design project. It is used in the ennoblement of a variety of landscapes.

Do-it-yourself tiles made from plastic bottles do not prevent water from entering the soil. Puddles do not form on its surface, which means that in winter time there will be no ice on the sidewalk.

In the manufacture of the material, the ratio of raw materials used is as follows:

  • Sand - 94 parts;
  • Plastic - 5 parts;
  • Dye pigment - 1 part.

What polymer raw materials can be used

Having decided to make tiles at home, you should worry about the presence of not only sand, but also plastic in sufficient quantities. If there are not enough used plastic containers in your household, this is not a problem. Polymer waste can be found in the area, especially a lot of it in spontaneous dumps. IN last resort it can be purchased, and not for a lot of money, at recycling points.

Watch the video, different types of tracks:

Plastic waste does not need to be sorted and cleaned. Under the influence of high temperatures during melting, paper or food residues will burn out and the quality of the finished product will not be affected in any way.

Production paving slabs, both industrial and independent, from plastic bottles allows the use of any polymeric material. Including old plastic wrap or bags. It is desirable that half of the composition of the raw materials be rigid polymers, such as:

  • Polypropylene;
  • Polystyrene.

The cost of such waste is approximately estimated at 3 thousand rubles.

In the manufacture of tiles, the moisture content of sand should be within 10%, and the content of clay and other impurities should not exceed 20%.

Nowadays, you can buy a dye of any color. It is inexpensive, the cost of a kilogram of the substance is about 90 rubles. You can do without it, but the products will turn out to be a boring gray shade. Such tiles will no longer look stylish on garden paths.

It should be noted that the material is durable. It has high strength and is resistant to abrasion. The painted tile is outwardly beautiful and can have a different shape. And most importantly, it is quite within the power of everyone to do it on their own at home.

To save color, layer-by-layer casting is sometimes used. At the same time, a colorless layer is laid on the colored layer, which, in turn, is covered again with color. The thickness of each layer is 1-2 centimeters.

Defective tiles or fragments remaining after cutting can be reused after crushing them. Experts advise molds to be treated with a special compound before pouring, which will prevent the solution from sticking to the walls.

Today, around the world, the number of companies that use Hi-tech for the manufacture of products by the method of processing secondary raw materials. This process shows that not only the thinking of the producers themselves is changing, but also their attitude towards making profits. ongoing global changes are also transforming a conventional resource-based economy into a high-tech one that allows rational use of available resources and at the same time does not pollute our environment.

Of course, such production also requires financial investments, but believe me, all of them quickly return after the start of work. Now, thanks to the examples below, you will see that the recycling of secondary raw materials, in large and small volumes, is a combination of pleasant and useful, personal benefit and respect for the nature around us.

Manufacturing technology of polymer-sand tiles and paving slabs

For industrial or private production of polymer-sand tiles and or paving slabs, it is necessary to have ordinary sand, dye (preferably from Bayer) and used polymer material.

The ratio of the necessary components for polymer-sand tiles is as follows:

75 parts of sand
24 parts of polymer waste,
1 part dye.

For the manufacture of paving slabs:

94 parts of sand
1 part dye
5 parts of polymer waste.

Where to get recyclables? Polymer waste can be purchased very cheaply at recycling centers or at any landfill. It is absolutely not necessary to clean and sort them (from paper and food waste), because all this will burn down and further on quality finished products will have no effect.

What polymeric materials can be used?- any. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that used bags and old polyethylene film are called soft polymers, and any polyethylene bottles, polystyrene, polypropylene - rigid polymers. It is desirable if the ratio of soft and hard polymers are equal, that is, fifty to fifty. In Russia, the cost of one ton of polymer waste is approximately 3 thousand rubles.

Sand. The moisture content of this component should not exceed 10%, the content of impurities (for example, clay) should not exceed 20%. The cost of sand is 300 - 350 rubles per ton.

Dye. It is inexpensive - about 90 rubles per kilogram. Of course, you can do without it, but then the resulting tiles will turn out to be gray and will not have a presentation.

The production line consists of:

melting and heating unit,
molding press.

Required working area (for installation of equipment, in a well-ventilated area) - 150 sq. meters.

Processing and manufacturing of products

In the extruder, polymeric materials are heated, then mixed and crushed into very small homogeneous particles (up to 10 mm).

Further, the prepared polymer material + sand + dye are mixed and this mass is poured into the melting and heating unit. There, the process of melting polymers takes place, and with the help of rotating blades, uniform and high-quality mixing of all the listed components.

The resulting homogeneous mass (like a tight dough) is placed in a molding press, in special molds, where it is then slowly cooled. To give the polymer-sand tile shine, in the mold, the upper part is cooled more slowly than the lower one.

The equipment and products themselves do not require any certificates or licenses. More detailed information about equipment for the production of polymer-sand products, you can get by e-mail: [email protected]

We produce ... oil!

One more interesting technology invented by American scientists. Its essence is to return plastic bottles to their original state, that is, oil.

So, the company Envion (Washington), has developed a method for processing plastic and polyethylene into oil. For this, the EnvionOilGeneratorTM was created with a production capacity of 50,000 bar. oil from 10 thousand tons of used material per year.

The cost of producing one ton of oil, thanks to this technology, is $17. The generator is easy to install and operate, high-performance, for environment absolutely harmless. Is based technological process on the extraction of hydrocarbons from used plastic. Without the use of catalysts, by cooling the raw materials (plastic and polyethylene), thermal cracking in a vacuum.

Conclusions. To date, in Russia, the production of plastic and polyethylene processing has not yet been seriously debugged. Therefore, the commercial potential of this idea (the production of polymer-sand tiles, paving slabs and oil from plastic waste) is very large.

And further. Starting to produce the above products or raw materials, you can not only create new jobs, earn decent money, but also help solve the problem of recycling plastic and polyethylene waste and improve our environment.

The production of paving slabs from plastic bottles is a solution to a number of problems. First, recycling. Previously, it accumulated in huge quantities and occupied kilometers of free space, but now it is beneficial. Secondly, this is the production of a budget finishing material: there is no shortage of plastic, the rest of the components are inexpensive. Thirdly, the technology allows you to create products of any shape and size - new opportunities for landscape design open up (sand-plastic paving slabs are street tiles). What attracts consumers to it, the details of industrial and private production, the features of paving slabs - that's what potential buyers are interested in.

Material Advantages

Plastic tiles for a private house, landscaping near an office building or finishing a public area are not just fashion trend. Reuse of raw materials is a current trend.

But she has a number of other advantages that favorably distinguish this particular product among concrete and ceramic counterparts:

  • Availability. Finding it for sale is not difficult and, recall, the cost of this building material is quite acceptable.
  • Wear resistance. The polymer, which underlies the product, perfectly withstands temperature extremes and heavy rainfall - it is resistant to moisture, and if liquid gets into the gaps between the plates, it does not blur the track. Plastic paving slabs are perfect for street furnishing and private estates and public areas.
  • Longevity. Able to remain attractive appearance and durability for 50 years.
  • Ease of repair. Damaged single products, if necessary, can be easily replaced with new ones.
  • Ease of use. It seems that the surface of the tile is perfectly flat (the consistency of the polymer contributes to this), but it does not slip: sand particles (abrasive) prevent this, making it completely safe.

This - good decision and for the playground. Injuries on it are not uncommon, and an anti-slip coating will help to significantly reduce their number.

Production features

Unlike other outdoor finishing materials, plastic paving slabs are made as on manufacturing enterprises as well as at home. This is very convenient if plastic container accumulated over several years, and it needs to be disposed of. It is also a great option for those who like to do a lot with their own hands. To organize home production, you only need a small but well-ventilated room, raw materials and a few equipment for the production of plastic paving slabs:

  • extrusion (melting) machine;
  • molding press;
  • forms.

As for materials, it is recommended to use hard polymers (those same plastic bottles) and soft polymers (plastic bags). The ratio of hard and soft plastic should be approximately 3:2 - this will achieve the best performance finished product. Pure river sand and a coloring pigment (preferably inorganic) are added to this mixture. It is not recommended to add rubber or polycarbonate to the mixture for paving slabs - this will not make it stronger or more elastic, but it will break the homogeneous structure.

Next, the mixture is prepared in an extrusion machine and poured into pre-prepared molds. After a few days, in natural conditions, plastic paving slabs for summer cottages dry out and are ready for use.

You can not buy ready-made forms, but make them yourself. The result will be more interesting if you use different dyes and combine tiles of different colors.

Making your own molds

It only seems complicated because plastic is rarely used as a raw material in everyday life. In fact, making the mold takes several hours.

You will need materials:

  • wooden boards;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw (jigsaw);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • plastic;
  • oil (can be machine);
  • oil brush.

Then the template. It is made on paper, drawn on the ground. Or they don’t do it at all - when asymmetric shapes are needed, and you want to spend a minimum of time on production. Manufacturing plastic molds for paving slabs is as follows: from wooden elements assembling frame, inner part which is smeared with oil (so that the form lags behind more easily). Plastic is poured into it in a uniform, not very thick layer. In the warm season, 50-80 minutes are enough to dry the mold. The same frame can be used several times, but if you make several frames, the process of making tiles will go faster.

The technology for manufacturing paving slabs from plastic bottles is environmentally friendly. However, it is recommended to use a respiratory protection mask and gloves when working.

Laying technology

How to make paving slabs from plastic bottles is not for everyone: it’s easier for many to buy already finished goods. But almost everyone is interested in how to properly stack such material. Subject to right technology the coating will be stable and durable.

If paving slabs from plastic bottles are laid with their own hands, they do it in different ways - the correct technique is determined by the conditions for further operation. From the surface of the area where the tile is planned, remove upper layer soil (15-20 cm thick). Then they make a "pillow" - its composition depends on the intended use of the territory.

Tiles are laid on the “pillow” in the chosen order, the cracks are covered with fine river sand, watered from a watering can - this is how the sand is compacted and its excess is removed from the surface of the tile. If the laying of plastic paving slabs (it doesn’t matter, with your own hands or with the hands of a specialist) involves the use of sides, a deep concrete “cushion” is required for the sides so that the “ribs” are firmly entrenched in the ground.

Paving slabs made of plastic - the material is modern, beautiful, comfortable. She has wonderful operational properties. They make it and lay it on their own or turn to the masters - and just enjoy the excellent result.

Plastic bottles make up almost a third of all garbage, according to environmentalists. These bottles sell a huge list of drinks, ranging from mineral water to beer or milk. Very rarely this material is used for recycling, but in Lately The production of paving slabs from plastic bottles is gaining popularity.

Features of the manufacture of polymer tiles

The main advantage of this building material is its low price.

Organizing the manufacture of polymer tiles at home has recently come to the mind of homeowners more and more often. Owners who prefer to do their own arrangement suburban area or the territory adjacent to the house make a lot of efforts to create an original and well-groomed appearance.

The main advantage of this building material is its low price. After all, finding raw materials for products is not difficult. You can organize the production of plastic tiles from waste, because there are a huge number of used plastic bottles around us. In addition, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment for the production of plastic tiles, if we are talking about a small amount of products for home use.

Paving slabs made from plastic bottles are different high level strength. In addition, it can always be easily dismantled and replaced with a new one without serious financial investments. And as a raw material for the manufacture of this building material, only a polymer, sand and a coloring matter will be needed.

What are the features of polymer sand tiles?

In winter, removing snow from the surface of the polymer track is not difficult.

Polymer tile, due to its strength, can be compared with concrete, surpassing it in some parameters. Unlike concrete, it will not crack in the cold. In winter, it will not be difficult to remove snow from the surface of the track, plus everything, an ice crust will not form on this material. And the surface itself perfectly adheres to the sole of the shoe, which will minimize slipping.

Advantages of a track made of polymer materials:

  • high level of strength;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • withstands low temperatures up to -70C;
  • light weight;
  • chemical resistance;
  • lightness and ease of installation;
  • the possibility of manufacturing in various colors with a variety of surface textures;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of the material include an increase in size with high temperature therefore, when laying it, it is necessary to leave a distance of several millimeters.

Where can the material be used?

Before considering the production of polymer-sand tiles, we will determine the scope of its application. Products can be used:

  • for the construction of paths and the surrounding area in a country or private house;
  • for finishing the floor in a summer cafe or park;
  • in garages and workshops;
  • as facing material for plinths;
  • for roofing.

The wide scope of application is due to the characteristics.

What equipment is needed?

Extruder for grinding polymer waste

Equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles at home should consist of an extruder, a melter and a molding press.

If it is planned to produce polymer tiles on an industrial scale, then the equipment must also be appropriate. And these are polymer crushers, a thermal screw mixing machine and a molding unit. Accordingly, the price for the purchase of equipment will be high.

Also, the production of polymer sand tiles involves the availability of molds for manufacturing. Molds can be rubber, fiberglass or plastic. The first type is almost never used, since such forms are expensive and have a fairly large weight. In addition, the service life of such molds is short. As for fiberglass, they are suitable for the manufacture of large-sized products. They require pre-lubrication with each use. Plastic molds are the most commonly used. Usually ABS plastic is used. At the same time, the direct production of paving slabs from ABS plastic is not yet provided.

Production technology

Melting mold for the manufacture of polymer tiles

Consider how do-it-yourself polymer sand tiles are made. Organize the manufacture of tiles from plastic bottles should be in well-ventilated areas. You can do it right on the street.

Manufacturing technology is the initial grinding of raw materials. To do this, you need to put plastic bottles into the extruder. In addition to bottles, you can additionally use old broken boxes, etc.

Further, the production of plastic tiles involves pouring the heated and crushed mixture into a melting apparatus, where dyes and moistened sand are added to the plastic. When heated and mixed, a substance is formed that has a viscous consistency. It is this that is distributed into molds where it is pressed. The production of paving slabs from plastic bottles is completed by cooling the finished products.

What will be the ratio of raw materials?

A set of equipment from an extruder and a press for a mold

The production of tiles from plastic bottles involves the following ratio of raw materials used:

  • 75-80% sand;
  • 1% dyes;
  • about 20-24% of plastic products.

The production of sand-polymer tiles from recycled materials does not require pre-cleaning, and sorting is also not required. It is also acceptable to manufacture plastic paving slabs using old packages or polyethylene film, but not more than half of the composition.

What else can you make a tile with your own hands?

In addition to plastic tiles, you can also produce another modern product yourself - rubber tiles. Equipment for the production of rubber tiles will be the same as for polymer products. Waste products are best used as raw materials. car tires. They are crushed into crumbs, dyed with dye and pressed. In the video presented, you can clearly see how plastic tiles are made.

Plastic paving slabs - ambiguous construction material, primarily because the definition of "plastic garden paving tiles" includes two different kind elements for garden paths. And the difference between them is no less than between the ceiling plastic and the lacquered laminate on the ceiling as an original and complex repair.

Polymer paving slabs - what is it?

Plastic paving slabs for summer cottages are available in two types. The first type is a lattice plastic structure, square in size 30x30 or 50x50 centimeters. Each element contains symmetrical through slots, has a thickness of no more than 2 cm and a weight of up to 1.5 kg. From the ends there are grooves for coupling light plastic planes to each other. The second type is similar to ordinary paving stones. It has smaller dimensions, tangible heaviness and a significantly larger variety of colors. Such paving slabs are produced from plastic mixed with sand, pigment dyes and other composite elements.

Lattice paving slabs made of polymer are laid on any flat surface almost instantly, with assembly speed children's constructor experienced engineer. But the base must be really perfectly even, otherwise our “fast floor” will split from the very first step. But grass can grow through the slots, which no other garden path cover can boast of. True, such a track looks frivolous. Its appearance is similar to ventilation grilles, which were simply laid on the floor, and such a repair option does not differ in a variety of colors.

Heavy – if you like, classic – plastic tile for garden paths is much more expensive than lattice tiles, and its installation takes considerable time and requires perseverance. But the result of personal efforts in landscape design will last for decades, albeit without shoots of young seedlings through the plastic layer.

Plastic paving slabs - advantages and disadvantages

Immediately make a reservation that we are talking about a "full-fledged" tile made of sand and plastic. The surface version of quick-assembly tracks does not need special instructions; a child who has skills in handling Lego constructor will also assemble it. The advantages of plastic as a road design include:

  • Ease. The weight of sand-plastic slabs is approximately two times less compared to paving stones;
  • High strength. It should only be taken into account that given parameter depends heavily on the presence of binders between sand and plastic - and they are quite expensive. The stronger the plastic paving stone, the higher its cost;
  • Waterproof. Moisture does not penetrate deep into this material, so the proverb “water wears away a stone” is completely inapplicable to plastic tiles. And this means greater durability - up to 50 years;
  • Anti-slip qualities. They are provided both by the property of the material itself and by the corrugated surface of most collections. It is really difficult to slip on paving plastic, sometimes special efforts are needed for this;
  • If necessary, you can store the material on the street, including in winter - with dense storage, rain, snow and frost will not damage it.

Before you purchase and start laying plastic tiles, you should consider the disadvantages of this method of decorating garden paths:

  • A polymer, by definition, cannot be resistant to an aggressive environment. Your tile won't shatter into pieces from accidental gasoline drops or acetone splashes, but it's not stone-hard;
  • Over time, the colors of the equipped paths will begin to fade - ultraviolet again affects any plastic. The choice of color and texture solutions is more modest than that of cement-sand slabs;
  • Abrasion of plastic plates is higher than that of paving stones.
  • Due to the comparable lightness of the material, installation will have to be carried out on a solution, that is, in an integral way. As you know, it is possible to correctly lay paving slabs of cement and sand without adhesion to the base, on clean sand;
  • The water-repellent properties of the polymer do not preclude the need for drainage. Another thing is that its arrangement will be simpler and easier - it is enough to lay hidden drainage grooves on the side of the track (or on both sides).

Laying plastic tiles - full installation

The work is similar to laying conventional paving slabs, but has a number of its own features:

Laying plastic tiles on the track - step by step diagram

Step 1: marking

We are marking our plastic path to a brighter future. This is done with the help of twine and pegs at the places of turns or changes in the width of the canvas. Of course, to begin with, it is worth limiting yourself to one straight section, it is desirable that its width be a multiple of the dimensions of the tile - in order to cut it less.

Step 2: Earthmoving

Total depth earthworks depends on the type of soil, usually you need to use bayonet shovel dig a ditch 30-40 cm deep. Interestingly, a flat bottom and walls in this case are not as important as the absence of any traces of vegetation on the bottom. So that the hidden sprout does not turn our road creation over time, the entire wide ditch must be carefully examined in search of such "surprises of the kingdom of Flora." And carefully uproot them, without a trace and without pity.

Some experts recommend treating the walls and bottom of our flat pit with pesticides or other chemicals, and if your site is characterized by lush vegetation, this advice should be followed. Just be careful when working with such compounds, they are very toxic. Side stacked drainage pipes with an appropriate slope - if mounted on both sides of the track, then with its width up to 1 meter, the slope of the finishing surface is not needed

Step 3: fundamental

The foundation of the path consists of layers of gravel (10-15 cm) and sand (5-7 cm). Sand is suitable for any, without large debris and stones, gravel fractions of 20-30 mm. The surface of each layer is leveled, beacons made of plastic or metal rods are placed on the sand. Lighthouses are installed strictly horizontally, the base screed will be poured over them.

The screed is made from a conventional mortar based on sand and cement, up to 3 cm thick. On the sides of the ditch, with a margin for the width of future borders, the screed is not poured, a clean sand layer remains there. In the absence of precipitation on the street, the screed will "grab" in a few days. You will have to work while on the screed, so it must be completely dry, otherwise the base will fall under your feet before the installation is completed. Step 5: final

After laying the main canvas of the track, curbs are placed on its sides. Their height can exceed the road level by 3-5 cm. The space between the curbs and solid slabs is filled with tie-ins. This operation is more difficult than it seems, it is necessary to observe strict horizontal! The seams between the tiles are filled with a liquid mortar of cement, sand and moisture-resistant compounds ( liquid glass and others.) The seams are rubbed in several layers, it is unacceptable to leave voids.

Use plastic track for its intended purpose, it is possible after the installation solution has completely solidified - that is, after two days. Since even before the installation is completed, the track looks almost ready, it is reasonable to provide a temporary fence for it - otherwise the naughty children can damage all our multi-day efforts. And redoing is always harder than doing again.