In a private house      03/07/2020

What this woman did from a simple shower curtain is amazing! How to decorate a house with your own hands? Best ideas How to decorate the interior with your own hands

According to many designers, beautifully decorated rooms in a house give it comfort and warmth, which is why it is so important to know how to decorate a house with your own hands.

How to decorate a house with your own hands?

Without a doubt, if you entrust this matter to the builders, they will be able to turn the room into a real kingdom, but if for some reason this cannot be done, you can decorate your nest with your own hands.

Sometimes even in a room where renovations have recently been carried out, you want to change something. Enough important role A variety of accessories play a role in decorating a room. Various figurines, stylish and beautiful interior items, original Wall Clock and much more will help give the room uniqueness and beauty. Also different kinds accessories should be selected based on the taste and preference of the resident of a particular room.

How to decorate a house with your own hands - photo

One of the simplest ways to decorate is decorative pillows, these can be pillows selected based on the main color of the room, or, on the contrary, completely different from it. You need to understand for yourself what you want to change in the interior. Pillows made in bright colors and unusual shapes will add a joyful note to the room. If you are a lover of style without any harsh colors and shapes, square-shaped pillows are just for you.

Some may think that such a technique in revitalizing the interior will remain unnoticeable, but this is far from the case. Correctly selected pillow design is the main rule; also pay attention to the different types of fabrics, shapes and patterns of pillows.

How to decorate a house with your own hands - ideas

1. Kitchen and stylish jewelry for her
The kitchen is the place where a woman spends half or even more of her time; in the kitchen she prepares breakfasts and dinners, receives guests, or simply leafs through a magazine during lunch. That is why the kitchen needs to be given Special attention and take proper care of its interior. Even for a rather important role, accessories with their own twist, which you can make yourself, play a rather important role.

Necessary materials:
- a piece of wood (size and color at your discretion);
- a long piece of fishing line or strong thread;
- metal rods with a ball-shaped tip (the quantity can be determined by the size of the future decoration).

In order to make a decoration, you need to select a piece of wood; when choosing it, you should pay attention to the color scheme of the room itself. Then you should select a wire or fishing line; it must be long enough, since it will be used to create a pattern.

Using a simple pencil, you need to sketch out the future drawing with a dotted line, then draw the image of a fork and spoon using permanent paint. We wait until the paint has completely dried, and then the most exciting thing awaits us. important stage in creating crafts.

Metal rods should be installed along the contour, maintaining the same distance between them. Small nails can be used as such rods, the head of which will act as a limiter. After this, the selected fishing line or wire is taken, from which the pattern is woven. To do this, the fishing line is attached to a rod, and the remaining rods are wrapped in any order. When finished, the line should be secured.

2. Decorating a lampshade using photographs
Introducing novelty when the child has already grown up, while simultaneously preserving best moments his first years is possible by giving new life to an ordinary object. This could be as simple as combining memorable photographs with a floor lamp. This method will noticeably update the room and transform it in a very short time. Absolutely anyone can decorate a floor lamp with their own hands using family photographs.

In addition to the lampshade, to perform this procedure you will have to use ready-made photographs, hot glue or spray glue, and laminated paper.

First, you should pay attention to the size of the selected photographs; it is necessary that they can fit in several rows on the lampshade. Having selected and printed the photos you like, you can proceed to the main process, which can easily be completed in less than thirty minutes.

First of all, you need to determine the total number of pictures, the number of rows, in which direction they will be placed. Placing photographs in can be done in consecutive rows, diagonally or randomly.

After the direction has been chosen, the photographs are attached to the lampshade in a pre-prepared sequence. For this back side photographs are treated with glue, after which they are pressed against the surface of the lampshade.

Then the laminated paper is taken and, based on the size of the lamp, the required length is cut. The cut paper is placed on the lampshade. After making sure there are no wrinkles or bubbles, you need to smooth the paper by hand.

How to decorate your house with your own hands

3. Making decorative Christmas trees
The main attribute of the New Year is the Christmas tree. But sometimes installation of a forest beauty is impossible for certain reasons. For example, when decorating offices, live Christmas trees are almost never used; their place is usually taken by decorative ones made from some kind of modern artificial material. Such trees always have measured needles and branches. However, occasionally the soul needs something unusual, traditional and at the same time innovative to decorate. To do this, it is possible to make a small artificial Christmas tree that can stand in any room. Can be used to make decorative Christmas trees different materials, for example, silk rope or thick threads.

To make a Christmas tree, you will have to use the following materials:
- polystyrene foam of different sizes in the shape of a cone;
- a skein of thick thread or rope of an unusual color;
- colorful paints for fabrics;
- wooden stick;
- a set of sparkles, rhinestones, garlands and more.
This work also involves the use of scissors and hot glue.

First, take a foam cone. For beginners, it is better to try on small cones, and when gaining a certain skill, use large cones. Then you need to measure and cut small pieces of thread and fasten them to the cone. In this way, the entire surface of the tree should be filled.

After attaching the threads with scissors, the craft is given a finished shape. Next, a wooden rod is threaded through the middle of the cone, which can be used as a toothpick.

The Christmas tree with a toothpick threaded is installed on a spool of thread. Multi-colored Christmas trees are obtained by painting them in various shades. Decorations of decorative Christmas trees in the form of sparkles and artificial snow applied with a brush. In addition, decorations can be multi-colored garlands and small cotton balls, which can also be painted.

4. How to decorate fabric using painting and embroidery
Stylish sofa cushions Not only embroidery can decorate. Embroidery can be combined with some painting technique and decorated. This activity is far from easy, but it is ideal for lovers of everything unusual. To combine embroidery and painting on textile items you will need the following:
- natural fabric (you can use linen);
- filler in the form of padding polyester;
- fabric paint and brush;
- a set of embroidery threads;
- hoop.

First of all, you need to transfer the template to the material. After this, the required areas are painted using yellow paint and a thin brush. After the paint has dried, the effect is fixed, for which you need to use an iron. Next, a black thread is taken and used to embroider the remaining gaps. Then you need to select the entire drawing along the contour. The combination of painting and embroidery helps to give the fabric a special charm and sophistication; the designs acquire an unusual texture, making them look especially attractive.

How to decorate a house with your own hands - master class

5. How to decorate your kitchen with watermelon potholders
Special Application Watermelon potholders can add a cheerful touch to even the dullest of kitchens. Moreover, such potholders can be used as coasters for dishes. Despite the wide range of their applications, they are mainly decorative element. They help lift your mood, create home comfort And warm atmosphere, which is inherent in almost any knitted accessory and fits perfectly. They are a symbol of comfort and order and speak of the hospitality of the owners. Knitting such products is quite simple. To do this, select yarn with the appropriate hook. First of all, you need to knit a ring with several air loops, after which it is tied in a circle with single crochets (thus, the products are completed completely).

When performing the third row, the ring should be figuratively divided into six parts. When performing each row, two loops are added at the connection of the parts.

The size of the tacks is determined individually. It is important to finish knitting the watermelon pulp and move on to making the skin. To do this, take yarn of a bright green shade, from which a couple of rows are knitted. By the way, absolutely any colors can be used, you can even try to do a color experiment. It is also worth paying attention to the loop, which is necessary for hanging potholders.

At the end of knitting, the watermelon is decorated with seeds. To do this, you can use an embroidery needle or the same hook.

6. How to decorate a nursery using homemade toys
You should definitely decorate the nursery with toys. A special effect can be achieved with the help of hand-made toys. In addition, the child can also participate in their creation. To do this you will have to use fabric and sewing supplies. In addition, to make a toy you will need a couple of buttons and padding polyester filling.

In addition to all of the above, you need to select ready-made pattern products or make it yourself.

Finished patterns are printed, cut out and transferred to the material. To decorate the nose, ears, paws, you should use a different fabric. After this, assembly begins. The parts of the head are being sewn together. The front of the head is presented in three parts. When sewing the front and back parts, do not forget about inserting the previously prepared ears. Stuffing the toy with filler is done gradually when assembling individual elements.

In this article we will talk about how to decorate your home with your own hands. Bring ready-made ideas Our master classes will help you, and a selection of photos with many cool decorations will help you get inspired to create your own.

Undoubtedly, accessories play a big role in interior design: vases, interesting details, multi-colored decorative pillows, figurines, etc. To prevent them from turning into simple “dust collectors”, it is not necessary to invite a designer. If you wish, you can handle this task yourself. The main thing here is to keep the decorations in uniform style, which would not stand out from the general interior of the room or the whole house.

However, each room needs an individual solution. For example, frivolous decorations such as decorative brooms, amulets, fruits, and wicker baskets are not suitable for the living room. These accessories will look better as kitchen decor.

We sew a decorative pillow for the living room

One of the most functional decorations for the living room are pillows (see photo). In addition, they have great aesthetic value. They can be made from contrasting materials or matched to the main color of the interior. You can make such decorative pillows with your own hands. Even a novice needlewoman can handle this.

Almost any material you like is suitable for making pillows, but it must meet certain criteria:

  • keeps its shape perfectly;
  • be resistant to washing;
  • be hypoallergenic.

Another concern is to choose the right material for the filler. It is better to give preference here to foam rubber and silicone. And one more thing: it is better to prefer dense material for a pillowcase, and its color should, if possible, be light, without patterns. Here the optimal choice would be cotton.

Having decided on the material, we proceed to selecting the shape of the pillow. It all depends on your personal preferences, as well as on the interior of the room. So, if it is maintained in strict classic style, then pillows in the style will be inappropriate patchwork.

The most popular pillow shapes:

  1. square;
  2. round;
  3. rectangular.

Let's move on to sewing pillows.

Advice! The most successful seam for sewing covers and pillowcases is linen. We combine the parts and sew them together right sides up. Iron them carefully and then sew them down. The crumbling edge of the material will thus end up inside the seam. This protects it from falling off.

Master class for children

The children's room provides a huge choice for imagination and bringing ideas to life, because children love bright and original things. And if you involve them in doing simple crafts under your guidance, then this process will turn into a real game.

Let's look at some ideas on how to make a toy with your own hands. It will become not only an original decoration for a children's room, but also a faithful friend for your child.

Materials you will need:

  • fabric in two colors (it is advisable to choose one that will not shrink when washed);
  • sewing supplies;
  • buttons;
  • filler (sintepon is suitable).

Advice! Select a pattern in advance or make it yourself to make the toy more neat.

Then cut out the pattern and transfer it to the material. In order to make the toy's ears, nose and paws, you can use fabric of a different color, maybe contrasting.

We sew together the parts of the head with our own hands. The front part of the head is formed by three parts. We sew the front and back parts, not forgetting to insert the previously prepared ears. We fill the toy with filler gradually, while assembling individual parts. And you will get a toy, as in the photo above.

Decorations for a private home

Paper home decoration ideas

We offer original version decorations for which you will need the following:

  • decorative paper;
  • ribbons, lace;
  • paper decoration fabric for interior;
  • photos;
  • various available materials.

With these simple materials You can beautifully decorate any piece of furniture, but we suggest decorating an old, unnecessary suitcase. This will be an unexpected solution for the interior of a living room, bedroom, or kitchen. And, in addition, it will serve for storing various things.

Just carefully cover the outside of the suitcase with paper and cloth. To decorate, you can chaotically glue photographs onto it, and decorate the edges with ribbons, braid, and lace. This suitcase, decorated with paper, can be made in any style (see photo).

Geometric wall decoration made of paper: an abstract plot of volumetric pyramids of muted colors

No matter how old we are, New Year remains for us a little fairy tale awaited by the whole world, a little hope for something new, white and clean, with a winter atmosphere, snowballs, the smell of tangerines and fireworks. Every family begins to prepare for a bright, magical family holiday in advance, planning guest lists for loved ones and relatives. Home decor, decorating and planning the Christmas tree, the symbol of the holiday, is an equally important activity in preparing for the upcoming holiday. Successful combination New Year's decorations and a good mood are the key to the New Year's atmosphere in the house. By the way, if New Year's tree You don't have it yet, we know.

Many housewives prepare gifts and decorations with my own hands, and for this they will need a dose of inspiration and a box of time. If your plans are to decorate your home in an original, atmospheric and cozy way, then take on this important task right now.

Prepare a notebook and plan your actions, add sketches of future decorations, notes, a list of necessary things to prepare, and then take out all the available materials that you have at home, and begin, immediately begin preparing the most original New Year's decorations for home.

By the way, here are a couple of ideas that you can easily implement:

New Year's wreath: how to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands

To let your guests feel the New Year's atmosphere from the very threshold, decorate your front door with a wreath. It will be as easy as shelling pears to make, and you will need very little to create it: spruce or pine branches, pine cones, glue, and a variety of satin ribbons.

You can easily create a base for a wreath from cardboard, foam rubber, and even a bent pine branch or thuja on a wire will be an excellent future Christmas wreath. Arrange the pine cones different sizes, add bright sequins, bows, small Christmas balls, bells, give free rein to your imagination, but most importantly, do not overdo it. And for the snowy effect of your wreath, cover it with silver spray paint; artificial snow has never been canceled. The finished wreath can be hung not only on the door, but also above the fireplace, above the door in rooms, on walls and shelves, even on windows: give passers-by an atmosphere of a holiday and a fairy tale.

You will find more master classes in our selection:

New Year tree: making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands

Whether you put up a real spruce or an artificial one, decorating the forest guest beautifully is probably the most important thing in preparing for the holidays. If you plan to focus on any color in your home decor (this year it’s red, brown, gold, but you can choose other colors), or you have a prepared style (country, retro) for decoration, choose in advance decorations, Christmas tree toys. An important point in the decoration of the Christmas tree is the direction in which the toys are placed. There are several ways to choose from: vertical, spiral and filling free branches. Try to arrange the toys evenly, do not cover them with a huge amount of rain and garlands, add lights, artificial snow or cotton wool. Don't forget to respect the symbol of the coming year by placing the rat figurine under the New Year's beauty.

An excellent idea for decorating a coniferous guest is a smooth flow of colors, placing christmas balls From one color to another, you will show not only your originality, but also your sense of style. This arrangement of toys is popular in high-tech style.

The minimalist style spruce has also not been canceled, but nothing can replace a bright, fluffy New Year tree with a thousand sparkles and lights.

Find master classes on making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands here:

DIY garland: decorate the house with New Year's garlands

An equally important attribute that brings a festive mood are bright New Year's garlands, they can also be made from scrap materials, the same cones of different sizes and a strong thread can turn into a New Year's original decoration, which will look great on shelves, above the fireplace and on the window. You can decorate the cones as a carbon copy, or each one in a different way, for example, add shiny sprinkles of different colors to each cone. You can diversify the garland with candies, small balls, twigs or deer figurines.

Do you remember how to make a garland chain? From the time of primary school, you must remember that colored paper and glue can instantly turn into an attractive decoration. But try using satin, silk ribbons or braid instead of colored paper. A great decoration for an evergreen guest in the house!

You can always use old ones to decorate a new garland.

We have more ideas and master classes on making New Year's garlands:

Candles: DIY New Year's candle decor

Burning candles in New Year's Eve a symbol of warmth, and if you don’t have a fireplace, then a burning candle is an integral decor for the upcoming holiday.

Again, cones can become a beautiful candlestick if you cut out their tops, make room along the diameter of the candle, and decorate the remaining scales with sparkles.

What smell do you associate with the New Year? Spruce? Tangerines? Cinnamon! Of course, it is no less important; this spice can be added not only to New Year's cake. Try gluing the sides of the candles with cinnamon, you will be guaranteed a pleasant smell! Tie a bow or string around the candle, and don't forget some bright glitter or sprinkles.

Knitted muffs for candles can also be a cozy decor for a holiday, they can also be diversified with drawings or embroideries with deer, Christmas trees and other New Year's attributes, but be careful and do not forget about fire safety.

See more:

New Year's socks for gifts

Craftswomen who are not afraid of thread and needle can easily sew New Year's socks in the American style by hanging them over the fireplace. Their original design(snowflakes, lace, frills, bright shades and varied shapes) will attract the eyes of guests and add a fabulous atmosphere. Socks with pointed toes, shiny, with a border and frill, molded from different pieces of fabric, from circles and squares will become a bright decoration.

You can please your children by putting treats in their socks or gifts from Santa Claus.

By the way, you will find templates for felt socks in this one.

Obviously, cutting out snowflakes and silhouettes from paper is one of the simplest home decorations. But what about origami made from colored paper? With a few folds and cuts, red, white and green sheets can be turned into balls, Christmas trees and other themed decorations with which you can decorate everything, right down to the tree itself.

We have many ideas New Year's crafts from paper:

New Year's windows: decorating windows for the New Year with vytynankas

The Internet and printer will help you get beautiful silhouettes of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, sleigh, Christmas tree or New Year's symbol.

This beautiful decoration for windows will never become outdated.

See more:

You need to create a festive atmosphere not only inside the house, but also outside, so that everyone around you, even those who are not going to decorate christmas tree, felt the approach of the most fabulous night of the year! However, decoration front door- a responsible matter. You can decorate from the outside or from the inside. By the way, you can use the most unexpected materials as decorative elements! How exactly to decorate is up to you. And we have collected the coolest ideas for you that you can use!

Not only a delicious New Year's table: New Year's table decor

You can decorate the New Year's table not only with tablecloths, napkins and beautiful dishes, candles and so on, although this is no less important. A decoration that will delight your visitors is New Year's leg warmers for the table. A huge advantage of New Year's leg warmers for the table is that the unusual decoration will make the table silent. During the holiday it will have to be moved more than once.

You can look for such beauty in stores, or you can sew it yourself using bright threads and felt fabric. The shoes can be stuffed with foam rubber or cotton wool.

By the way, speaking of tablecloths and napkins, you can buy napkins with New Year’s designs in stores, and embroider simple, uncomplicated patterns on fabric ones. For example, a Christmas tree toy, a twig or wishes for the New Year. The same applies to tablecloths; store shelves are full of variety, but don’t be afraid to try to decorate the table decoration yourself.

See more:

Of course, what is most important New Year's table is a bottle of champagne. Raising glasses and sparkling wine to the chimes of the capital, desire, shine and good wishes. Decorating a boring bottle will add brightness to a small but important tradition. Multi-colored beads, sparkles, sequins, sprinkles and glue add variety to the main holiday drink.

See more:

Chair decorations

No, no, you don’t need to change the decor and furniture for the holiday, it’s unaffordable! But a little change would not be bad. For example, the chairs on which guests will sit during the celebration. Hats on the backs can serve as an excellent decoration. Santa's hats will look very touching, and they are made very simply, just cut out a couple of triangles and tie them on the backs. But don’t limit yourself, if you have time, then in addition to hats, you can try to make Christmas trees, gift boxes, deer, etc. Your imagination will tell you where to stop.

Both tasty and beautiful: New Year's table decoration

Decor holiday dishes may play an equally important role. After all, it’s not every day that we pay attention to decorating our food, so on a holiday, food has the right to please not only the tummies of your guests, but also the eyes. Decorating even the simplest dishes, perhaps ones that have become boring after a year, can make them attractive and appetizing.

Home improvement is quite creative and exciting process. Today our editors will share with you unusual ideas who will help diversify the interior and give new life old things.

How to decorate a house with your own hands

  1. Use shower curtains
    A simple shower curtain can become an interesting decorative element in your living room. Simply find a suitable stretcher and secure the fabric on all four sides using a furniture stapler.
  2. Use spray paint
    Every home has unique items that deserve a second life. Use special spray paint for this.
  3. Hang geographical maps
    This concept will not leave anyone indifferent! Your guests will be delighted with this design.
  4. Attach metal stands
    This decorative element will not only add variety to your interior, but will also become the most convenient place for storing small items.
  5. Make a wall rack organizer
    like this useful thing You can easily make it using the slatted bottom from an old bed. You will need: boards, rope, a drill and several metal hooks.
  6. Use old wallpaper
    Decorate the sides drawers your chest of drawers or closet with the remnants of old wallpaper. This life hack will help you disguise small scratches and scuffs on furniture.
  7. Use fabric paint
    Create simple designs on the fabric upholstery of your furniture. This technique will give new life to old armchairs, sofas and poufs.
  8. Use markers to draw
    Everything you need to create unique design, - several colored markers and a beautiful template!
  9. Attach backing paper to the wall
    With the help of such substrates you will not only diversify your interior, but also not forget about important matters and tasks.
  10. Make a cornice from PVC pipes
    This idea will ideal solution for those who want to save a little. Believe me, such curtain rods look no worse than metal ones!

  11. Make an organizer panel from a board
    The good thing about this panel is that you can hang almost anything on it. With this little thing you can easily organize the space in the kitchen, nursery or garage.

If you find these useful home ideas- be sure to share the article with your friends! And also don’t forget to find out

Decorating a house - what could be more enjoyable and entertaining for every housewife (or owner)? To do this, you can buy jewelry in the store. But you need to take into account the fact that even the most expensive jewelry can be in someone else's house. But you want to decorate your home so that no one else has such beauty. You can decorate your home with your own hands.

The norm is needed in everything. When decorating a house, you should not overload the interior with various figures or paintings; one or two pieces are enough.

As you know, handmade is a very fashionable trend today. It is with the help of it that you can make home decorations with your own hands that can create coziness. You don't need any professional skills for this.

It should be borne in mind that the principle - the more decorations in the house, the better - is no longer relevant for a long time. As they say experienced designers interior, too a large number of Decorating the house is in poor taste.

A flower pot can be covered with multi-colored pebbles or beads.

It is absolutely not necessary to place on each shelf a large number of different figurines, figurines and trinkets that are made with your own hands. Photographs, paintings, decorative plates and carpets can look very nice on the walls, but there shouldn’t be a lot of them.

When decorating your home, you shouldn’t forget about the balcony. In no case should it be cluttered, since this is where you can enjoy fresh air. It is best to decorate the balcony with landscaping; for this, climbing and hanging plants. You can use flower boxes or flowerpots as decorations, then the balcony will look like a cozy mini-garden, which looks very attractive.

DIY decorations: how to make flower pots?

One of the options to decorate the house yourself is original flower pots. It's no secret that many homes have old, faceless flower pots that have not been used for a long time. They can be given a second life. There are several options for this. You can simply cover flower pots with spray paint. It’s better to wrap them with multi-colored, coarse threads, use fringe, braid, or drape them with ruffled fabric, which looks very attractive.

And such pots can be decorated with appliqués, beautiful beads, and then all this can be varnished. This composition will be an excellent DIY home decoration.

How to decorate your home with homemade sofa cushions?

Sofa cushions can be decorated with original appliqués.

What could look more attractive than beautiful and original sofa cushions? Such decorations can be embroidered on long winter evenings.

And if you don’t have enough time, you can buy a ready-made applique in the store and glue it to the pillow using an iron. This applique can be glued to a pillowcase.

You can purchase fabrics in 4 different colors. They should be in harmony with the shades in the room. These fabrics are used to make 4 different pillows that will perfectly decorate your home.

How to make curtains for a door?

When decorating your home with your own hands, you should take care of decorating the door.

This can be done different ways, but it is best to use curtains. Such curtains are made from costume jewelry, using large beads. In addition to the beads, you will need fishing line, which can be bought at any fishing store. The beads are put on a fishing line to create an original and stylish curtain.

How to make beautiful vases?

From bottles you can make beautiful vases that will decorate the interior of any room.

You can perfectly decorate your home with homemade flower vases. Very beautiful and original vase can be made from the most ordinary bottle. It is better to use an unusually shaped bottle. The bottle is cleaned of glue and labels, and an ikebana bouquet is inserted into it (immortelle or helichrysum are perfect).

At the end, this entire composition is carefully coated with silver or gold spray paint. You can use paint of any other color, but it should be in harmony with the room. You can also wait until the paint dries and stick a bead or rhinestone in the center of each flower. Before applying paint, the bottle can be coated transparent glue, sprinkle fine sand and roll it on it. Then the bottle vase will become embossed, which looks very attractive.

Decoupage in the interior

For decoration coffee tables And flower pots You can use a style called decoupage. To do this, you need to choose a pattern that matches the interior. Then the image is printed on thin paper (you need to use a color printer for this). Then the design is carefully cut out and glued to the surface of the item that needs to be decorated.

For everything to turn out beautifully, you need to use the following rule: The surface on which the applique is glued should be lighter than the design. To do this, it is recommended to cover the surface before gluing. acrylic paint light colors, and glue is applied to the drawing from above, and this must be done with great care. There should be no folds or bubbles.

After the application has dried, it should be covered acrylic varnish. It is noteworthy that using this method you can decorate anything - both a refrigerator and furniture.

If the room has small sizes, then you shouldn’t decorate it with multi-layer curtains. In this regard, Roman curtains or blinds are more appropriate; bamboo blinds look very cozy and harmonious. They let in more light, and the small space of the room is not cluttered.

If there is a table in the room, it is recommended to hide its lower part from prying eyes. To do this, take a piece of fabric of the appropriate size. It needs to be overcast on all sides and Velcro sewn to the top edge. The second side of the Velcro is glued to the edge of the table. In this case, you can choose either straight or gathered fabric. This not only hides the space under the table, but also makes the room cozy.

One of the walls in the room can be decorated with contrasting wallpaper.

In a square-shaped room, you can focus on one of the walls, which is decorated with wallpaper in a contrasting color.

If you want to combine space, you can use textiles or film. A small object (flower pot) is covered with film.

If you choose tables and chairs for a small and narrow room, then preference should be given light models, which are made of glass or plexiglass. Such furniture is good because it does not create the impression of clutter.

If the room is small, then the decor should also be small. You should not use fabrics with large patterns or large paintings for decoration, which “eat up” the space.

As one of the decorative elements, you can use a board on which pictures, photographs, and various notes are attached.

If small decor is used on the shelves, then the accents should be at eye level.
When decorating your home with your own hands, you should think about lighting. It is better to save on furniture and purchase several lamps, which should be dispersed throughout the room in such a way that they distract attention from all existing shortcomings.

When decorating a bathroom, you can replace the standard fluffy mat with a small rug that is made in oriental style. A plastic candelabra can be installed on the shelf, and the mirror can be decorated with multi-colored mosaics.

Thus, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to decorate your home, you just need to put in a little effort. It is noteworthy that even children can make jewelry with their own hands.