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What can you make a bench in the country. Wooden benches (45 photos): a variety of shapes and styles. Making garden benches with your own hands

In this article, we will tell you how to make wooden garden benches yourself using ordinary lumber and a simple power tool. We offer three original projects of different levels of complexity, each of which has its own design expressiveness and high functionality. This outdoor furniture will decorate any garden or cottage, and is guaranteed to justify the time and effort invested in it.

This wooden bench was originally designed for use on outdoors, but if desired, it will look great inside your home. Its manufacture does not require phenomenal carpentry skills and complex instrument. Cutting and assembling parts with your own hands will take until noon, a couple more hours will be spent on finishing the product.

The construction is based on simple lap-to-edge carpentry joints and screw ties. You will not need to work with glue, cut complex spikes and nests. At the same time, all nodes are strong and hold loads well, due to which the bench is as reliable as possible in operation. Due to its light weight, it is easy to carry, which once again proves its indispensability for the garden and cottages.

Bench detail drawing with dimensions

Overall dimensions of parts, mm:

  • leg element (4 pcs.) - 38x165x440;
  • proleg (1 pc.) - 38x178x1143;
  • cross member (2 pcs.) - 38x76x419;
  • seat trims (3 pcs.) - 38x 165x 1219.

According to the dimensions indicated in the diagram, cut out the elements of the legs (4 pcs.). The accuracy of the cuts is crucial here, otherwise problems with the assembly of the structure or its stability may arise. To optimize the workflow, sidewall elements can be mass-produced: lay the boards in a bundle and saw them in one pass.

Following the dimensions in the drawing, make two cross members. Cut a groove in the edge of each of them for connection with the proleg. On the saw table, make a series of cuts, remove the waste part and carefully clean the finished groove (photo 3).

Prepare the grooves on the prong in the same way. They should be well-fitted and tightly closed with the grooves of the crossbars. The lap-to-edge connection will provide a strong cross-link of the elements and allow the garden bench to withstand heavy loads.

Using a jigsaw, make a curved cutout on the prog. For its accurate and symmetrical layout, use a flexible wooden lath, fixed at the edges with clamps, and a nail driven in the center, as shown in photo 4.

To tie the base, use screws or self-tapping screws. If you are making a bench from hard rock wood, it is better to drill pilot holes for fasteners.

Cut the seat slats according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing and drill holes for fasteners. With a cone cutter, chamfer the edges of the parts. Using self-tapping screws, fix the planks to the base, spacing them at intervals of 19 mm. Smooth out any exposed sharp edges with sandpaper.

Close the recesses of the screws with wooden plugs

Moisture that collects in the recesses of fasteners greatly accelerates the destruction of wood. Simple and effective solution in the form of wooden plugs, plugs will not only extend the life of your outdoor bench, but add attractiveness to a wooden seat.

Using a cork drill, drill out 16 wooden plugs from the remaining scraps. Pay attention to match the color and texture of the corks with the seat slats. Glue the plugs into the pre-counted holes using D3 or D4 glue. Let the glue dry completely, then cut off the protruding parts of the plugs and sand them flush with the surface. As a result, metal fastener heads will be reliably isolated from external influences.

The second project is a stylish and beautiful bench, designed in an extremely laconic design. Thanks to the massive base and the stacked seat of the bars, the product looks solid and modern.

Wooden spacers between the bars provide clearances for water to drain and make the bench well suited for outdoor use. If desired, the seat can be given a small curvilinear shape: a soft arc will not only add designer expressiveness to the bench, but will also prevent the accumulation of rainwater on the surface of the bars.

This garden bench is easy to make and easy to DIY. Two types of connections are used in the project: glued assembly on a plug-in spike and simple screw ties. They will provide a strong connection between the elements and prepare country furniture to all outdoor tests.

Carpentry knots on a plug-in spike. In this connection, nests are created in both parts, and a separate spike is wooden insert. In terms of technology, the manufacture of such a connection is much simpler, while reducing the likelihood of errors and inaccuracies that lead to distortions and loose fit. When used, the strength characteristics of the plug-in stud are in no way inferior to the classic stud-nest connection.

Drawing of a wooden bench with dimensions

According to the dimensions indicated in the diagram, prepare 11 seat slats. It is important that each of them has the same shape and as much as possible flat surface. Before assembling the seat, decide in advance on the front faces. Take a close look at the wood and arrange the bars so that the more beautifully textured edges are on the outside.

Saw and sand 30 40x3mm square spacers. On the bars, make precise markings and drill holes for the iron rod. For convenience and accuracy, drill holes serially, stacking several bars at once in a pack. On the outside of the outer bars, a countersink is made - a recess in which the coupling nut will be hidden.

The seat elements are assembled on three metal rods. Prepare in advance three stainless steel rods with threaded ends. Consistently assemble the seat bars on the rods, not forgetting to install wooden spacers. Tighten the assembled structure with nuts and washers.

Focusing on the dimensions indicated in the drawing, cut out all the elements of the base: legs, upper crossbars, prolegs and spacers.

Mark the prolegs and cut out a groove that the spacer will fit into. For precise work, use a saw table with a slotted disc.

In the legs, upper crossbars and prolegs, cut out sockets for a plug-in spike, dimensions 8x22x40 mm. Cut the plug-in spikes to the same size. Before gluing, dry-assemble and evaluate.

Apply glue to all sidewall nodes and tighten the structure with clamps.

After the sides are dry, complete the assembly of the base by installing the spacer. One self-tapping screw on each side will be enough for the spacer to be securely fixed in the groove of the prongs.

Attaching the seat to the base

Center the base on the inverted seat. According to the dimensions indicated in the diagram, cut out the mounting plate and drill pilot holes in its edges. Screw the mounting plate to the side panel, then connect it to the bench seat.

Bench with a backrest on thorn-groove joints

The next project is an outdoor wooden bench with a back. It has a rather strict appearance and will become a functional decoration in any garden or country house. The vertical slats on the back give the massive structure visual lightness. Shaped armrests and curved top bar add Japanese motifs to a strict classic look. It is simply created for carefree contemplation on shady alleys, and will look even more expressive surrounded by greenery and flowers.

If in the previous two projects we talked about how to make benches on simple carpentry knots, then here we will talk about the classic spike-nest connection. It underlies all structural elements project. You will have to make a lot of spikes and nests, so it is advisable to be puzzled in advance by optimizing this process. The most simple and affordable option is the use manual router and saw table.

Advice! For accurate and fast selection of sockets, use a homemade milling template with slots of the desired size.

Drawing of a bench with a wooden back

Prepare the details

According to the dimensions specified in the drawing, make the main parts of the bench. For quick marking, use pre-prepared templates. Duplicate parts can be mass-produced. After sawing, fasten all the same parts into a pack and process their ends with a grinder, this will significantly speed up the workflow.

Make thorns

On the saw table, form tenons on all tenon parts, following the dimensions from the diagram. Using a slotted disk will greatly simplify this work. It can be done just as neatly as usual saw blade followed by trimming the waste with a chisel, as shown in the photo.

Mill the nests

Assemble the sidewall

Dry assemble the sidewall. If the connections in the structure are not tight enough, make them fine-tuning with one of the methods that we talked about in the article "".

Perform sequential gluing of the structure

After checking the accuracy of fitting the joints of the entire bench, proceed to sequential gluing first of the elements of the base, and then of the back. After the glue has completely dried, attach the seat trims with self-tapping screws.

- the oldest piece of furniture that has become available to man. A wooden snag, just a little hewn with a stone ax and brought into a cave - this is the great-great-ancestor of all modern furniture, closer to which are wooden benches, which have not lost their relevance and demand - neither in the house, nor, especially, in landscape design.

Garden benches made of wood: choose a style

It only at first glance may seem that the bench is far from the most important element in landscape design, but real professionals say that it starts from the bench and ends on it. garden design. Otherwise, why then all these efforts and labors, if no one can enjoy and appreciate them?

That is why it is important to place the bench correctly, choosing a place from where the most beautiful and attractive view opens, and the bench itself can become an elegant accent that complements the beauty of the garden.

A comfortable bench in the garden will become the place where you can hide from the hustle and bustle, admire nature, read a book or listen to music, dream, just relax. At the same time, wooden benches for summer cottages are a powerful and effective “weapon” landscape design, they can be used for zoning the site, marking the boundaries, etc.

At the same time, garden benches differ in their functional purpose:

  • front doors - they are installed at porch, at the entrance of the house. These are wooden decorative benches, richly decorated with carvings, they become a favorite place for photo shoots.
  • dining - they are usually placed at B-B-Q, on the terraces, in those places where the family likes to dine in nature
  • garden - small benches, next to flowerbeds, flower garden or plot, they are good to sit down and relax while working in the garden. Usually it is of a very simple form, without decorations and aesthetic frills.
  • relaxation - usually they are "hidden" in the most secluded corner of the site, away from strangers, and even their own eyes, where the whole situation is conducive to relaxation. The main criterion is comfort, and you can not be modest with the size - you can climb on such a bench with your feet and even lie down

To make the bench comfortable, you should adhere to the following dimensions:

  • optimal height- about 40-50 cm, while the legs will comfortably rest on the ground and rest
  • seat width - about 50-55 cm. The seat is made with a slight inclination inward - 5-12 cm, so it is more convenient to lean
  • back height - 35-50 cm
  • back tilt - within 15-45 degrees
  • if armrests (handrests) are installed, then the optimal height for them is 15-20 cm, counting from the seat

Advice! When choosing material for a bench, preference should be given to wood that is especially resistant to moisture and decay - oak, larch, hazel, cherry. But teak is considered to be the "champion" in terms of strength, its wood contains natural resins protecting it from rot and insects (bark beetles, termites).

The choice of the shape and type of bench depends both on your preferences and the style in which the garden is decorated.

For country style, the most simple bench in shape is suitable, natural color or painted in a brown discreet shade. For the Provence style - a little semi-antique shop, rather modest in terms of decoration, painted in blue , white , violet or blue.

  • the bench must be periodically painted (opened with varnish). It is best to do this at the beginning of the season, before carefully cleaning the tree from the remnants of old paint.
  • in hot weather, the bench should be placed in the shade - it will be comfortable not only for you, but also for the tree - ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the quality of wood
  • regularly check the fasteners (bolts, screws, nails), if necessary, fasten them to the stop, do not loosen the structure
  • if you notice traces of rot on one board, replace it immediately, do not let it spread further

Good afternoon, today we will make a variety of benches with our own hands. I collected in this article all the SIMPLE WAYS make yourself comfortable and beautiful bench. I will give detailed explanations and demonstrative photos, and tell you as clearly as possible how to make a bench. wooden(beams and boards) and improvised materials(pallets, pallets, old chairs, boxes, etc.). I will also give drawings, assembly diagrams, and step-by-step master classes.

All assembled models I will lay out country benches according to their complexity - that is, we will start with the simplest and most concise ways - and end with real professional products worthy of the hand of a master. After this article, you will feel that you have become the very master who knows a lot about his business and can easily make a bench from absolutely any material, even if there is not much of it. And the bench will stand firmly on its legs and serve your family for years. And who knows, maybe you can even sell your benches to your neighbors - after all, they will also want to have such country benches on their site. And later you will start doing it, too, according to my articles-lessons.

In this article, as well as in the following articles in this series, we will look at ...

  1. benches made from old chairs.
  2. Bench chaise longue in French style
  3. Beautiful benches made from bed headboards.
  4. Master class of an elite bench from a chest of drawers.
  5. Country benches with a back - from timber and foam blocks.
  6. Benches for giving - panel with support on a solid sidewall.
  7. simple drawing benches from edged board- in 15 minutes.
  8. Country benches with a curved side.
  9. Slatted benches for giving - with a curved shape of the seat.
  10. Benches with backrest and armrests - 23 models.
  11. benches under a canopy or classic pergola.

So, let's figure it out. And let's start with the SIMPLE WAYS to make a country bench with your own hands.

Model #1

Bench for giving


Here in the photo below we see the original and very simple bench- which is easy to make with your own hands from unnecessary chairs. Everyone in the country has old shabby chairs. Once you left one chair in the rain, the varnish coating on them was swollen, the soft upholstery had long since spread into shaggy holes. It’s a pity to throw it away, you put it against the wall of the garage or in a shed - and it continues to deteriorate. Then another comrade chair was added to it - but it is still nothing, and you keep it on the summer veranda. And sometimes you see shabby chairs with a warped leg at the entrance (someone took it to the trash).

All these old robbers can be given a new valiant life. Paint them in a daring juicy color. And cover with a wide board - fasten it onto self-tapping screws (so that they hold on to the leaky bottom of the chair, it can be strengthened with a wooden overlay). Or screw not to the bottom but to the frame of the chair.

By the way, if you don’t have old chairs, it’s NOT a problem. Go to any flea market site - they sell a lot of old chairs for mere pennies. They are happy that they sold it. You are lucky that you found it.

If wooden chairs will have different seat heights, this is easily solved by filing the legs of high chairs (or stuffing additional thick boards onto the seat frame of a low chair to raise the seat to the desired height.)

Chairs can be connected not only in the seat area - but also along their backs. Here on step by step master class making such a bench (photo below), we see how it is done:

  • The attachment points along the rear line of the seat are a long wooden plank.
  • The attachment points along the front line of the seat are a screed with screws (or just a butt, which is held due to the fact that the back bar prevents the chairs from dispersing).

We attach the side rails of the bench. We cut out corner groove on the handrail so that it fits into the frame of the chair back.

We sand the varnish coating from the chairs (we prepare them for painting). We prime before painting - a special primer for wood. We impregnate with a moisture resistant coating.

And attention - we add elements of strength. Bottom and top between the backs of the chairs - we nail short wooden planks-holders. They will unite the backs of the chairs - into a single common back country bench.

Cut out the board for the seat. Please note that special square cuts are made in it (so that the high “humps” of the chair legs pass through them.

This is how we get an elegant garden bench. It can be placed on the lawn of the garden in a place with a table - under a canopy, in a recreation area, on a veranda or terrace. And for the winter and rainy season to bring into the house.

And here is the idea of ​​​​how you can arrange chairs DIFFERENTLY under our future bench in the country - WITH A ROUND.

And you can also make a round garden bench around your favorite tree or lilac bush in your country house - also from chairs set in a circle with their backs.

Even if you found only 2 chairs at a flea market, you can still make an original bench with them - which only you will have.

Moreover, one exclusive idea is still hiding here - just for TWO chairs.

Here in the photo below we see how exactly from two old chairs you can make an elegant one with your own hands french bench.

In the photo diagram below, we see a master class - where it is shown how two backs from chairs - become side elements of the garden bench frame.

  • First we do quadrangular seat frame(light wood in the photo below) - even scientifically it is called TsARGI (frame elements under the chair seat, or under the table top). We nail this frame to the lower bars of the chair back.
  • And then, so that our bench does not sway back and forth, we make an additional coupler frame already in the lower part of the legs of the future laochka-goat. Scientifically, such a screed frame at the bottom of the legs is called a PRONG FRAME.
  • We paint all the product in White color and we get a solid French bench for a beautiful holiday in the country.

If desired, a backrest can be attached to such a garden goat bench. Just nail to the side surface of the board chair frame. How it is done in the photo below.

Model #2

Country benches


And here are ways to create a beautiful bench for giving using backrests from an old bed.

One back is sawn as is in half. The halves will be used as side elements of the country bench.

Even if the back of your bed is not made of a solid shield, but is decorated with carved balusters, you can still make a bench according to this scheme.

The seat can be covered with a solid wooden shield. Or upholstered with boards-rails as in the photo below.

The second headboard can be used under the FOOT of the bench- from the front edge. How it is done in the photo below. The bottom frame of the bench can simply be paved with an edged planed board and painted. Or you can cut out a solid shield and put it on top of the frame.

You can use only one back to create a bench.

You can make a FRESH FRAME from a cut board for a country bench.

Or the frame for the seat - the frame of the bench - can be taken from the same material as the frame frame of the bed. How it is done in the photo below.

And pay attention. Here, part of the bed frame is PUSHED ON THE TOP - to increase the level of the seat.

A beautiful country bench can be made even using modules from any other furniture. For example from an old buffet. Let's say you have a sideboard, part of which is not subject to restoration (drunk guests fell and broke through the line of drawers).

Then fate itself tells you to make an exclusive bench out of it. Unusual to beat the rest of the buffet. And create a cozy corner for family privacy.

And you don't want to put this designer bench out in the rain. You will find her a place of honor in your country house. And sew for her blue pillows with embroidery of snow-white patterns.

Model #3

SHIELD garden benches


To immediately explain the term "panel board" - I'll show you this simple design- a mini-shop from cutting rooms kitchen boards. This is the classic shield bench design. That is, the product is ASSEMBLED FROM SOLID SHIELDS.

In the photo below, the shields are connected in a groove way. The board-seat rides into the grooves on the legs-racks.

Below, the bench is made EXACTLY THE SAME - using the shield method. Only the material of the shield is more coarse and unhewn. And here they added a back - it was also cut into the grooves cut in the support shields.

  • The fastening of the shields to each other can be GROOVE (as in the photo above) - where in one shield grooves are cut, and other shields enter the bottom. Such fasteners are used only in panels made from a SINGLE PIECE of WOOD. Glued boards are not suitable for this - they can delaminate in the places of their gluing.
  • Also, for fastening, ADDITIONAL FASTENING ELEMENTS are used - wooden(tsargi, corner braces, prolegs), metal(corners, staples and perforated plates).

Village shops are made using the shield method. 2 side shields (these are legs) - are interconnected by a long board (this is a proleg). The board can be located in the lower part of the midsole, or in the upper part of the midsole - immediately under the seat board. In the photo below we see both of these ways of arranging the proleg under the bench.

As you understand, the shields you work with do not have to be named correct form. It may be fragments of an old gnawed board - in which you carved flat lines support for SEAT AND BACK REST.

In the photo below, a one-piece shield plays the role of a support for both the seat board and the back board.

Here is the same principle - a solid support for the seat and back of the country bench.

And this beautiful white bench for giving is made according to the same principle. Only already from exactly sawn shields and painted.

Below we see a panel model of a bench with a back, where already 2 shields play the role of a support for the seat and back.

And these supporting SIDE PANELS are made at a slight angle of inclination. And so the bench turned out to be a seat with an inclination inward and a slightly reclined back. It is very comfortable to sit in such a bench.

And agree to do it, it is very easy to cut out such a bench with your own hands. Here the drawing does not have to be exact. Just do it to your liking. Easy sidewall angle choose by eye.

  • Side lean back - in the form of a long triangle (choose the angle of inclination yourself).
  • Foot support for the seat - in the form of an elongated trapezoid (can be with or without tilt).
  • A piece of thick timber is smoothed under the foot supports - so that the bench has a height. But if you have wide board, then the legs will turn out higher at the bench, then it is possible without beam supports

All parts can be planted on ordinary nails.

To keep the bench from being so low(if you wish) you can make the footboards higher - put together several pieces of timber at once - put them on top of each other with a turret and fix them on the inside with a board (to keep everything together) or without a board, just on nails.

And also such a bench can be PUT ON LEGS - also in the form of elongated trapeziums. Nazhki are stuffed from the inside of the seat support.

Bench SHIELDING can be KNOWN (that is, not solid, but consist of their boards, closed with each other by a bar-bridge). A simple country bench with a photo below just demonstrates this method.

And this garden bench made of thick boards is also made according to the same principle.

Model No. 4

EDGE BOARD benches

Do it yourself with your own hands.

And here's another simple model country bench. Simplicity is not only in the design, but also in the material. From one long edged board, you can make just such a garden bench quickly and easily with your own hands.

It can be supplemented with armrests, covered with a noble dark stain, or bright rich color paint.

On the sides of a country bench of this type, you can make coasters for books, beer, those things with which you like to relax in the country.

Let's look at the drawing of this country bench. We see that all the corners of the board cuts have a slope of 30 or 60 degrees. The dimensions in the drawing are in inches. One inch equals 2.54 cm.

We see the drawing from the side. The length of the back and seat is up to you.

We cut the board into the segments we need. And we assemble the bench for bolts, screws or nails.

To such a bench in the country, you can make a table for provisions. Or an ordinary shield shop.

Model No. 5

Shield benches for summer cottages


The shields that you cut out for the SIDES of your bench in the country can have SMOOTH ROUND LINES. Then the bench can become a real work of art - your creative work.

The seat in such a bench rests on the PLANKS stuffed under it from the inside of the sidewalls.

The back rests at the bottom - on the same bar as the seat, and at the top on a bar stuffed vertically along the back part of the curved sides.

The boards from which you cut out the curly sidewall can be processed along the edge, giving it roundness and smoothness (left photo below).

And curly sidewalls can be cut not from an ordinary shield, and from joinery with relief - the front of the cabinet or the old paneled door. Even the door handle can not be removed - but left for beauty (on the right photo of the bench below).

Model No. 6

Slatted bench for giving

How to do it yourself.

And from the carved sidewalls you can make an interesting RAIL BENCH. They get a round seat with smooth outlines and a curved back line.

In the photo below we see just such a convenient bench for giving.

The curvature of the bench is obtained due to the fact that narrow slats are stuffed AROUND THE FLEXIBLE PERIMETER of the figured side parts.

In the photo below we see a master class for making such a bench for a summer residence. In order for the slats not to bend under the weight of a seated person - for such a bench they make another frame curly element - along the center. All three parts are connected together into one common frame - simply by PUTTING THEM ON THE SLOTS OF THE LOWER RAILS (as in the photo below).

And then on this frame along its upper perimeter - we fill the rails on the screws.

If you want such a bench to be longer, then you just need to make not three curly frame models - but four, or five, or six. And of course, the stuffed slats must also be long.

Model No. 7

Quick bench -

from foam blocks with a cavity.

Foam blocks (or gas silicate blocks) are sometimes made with through holes inside. This is done to save material and also to enhance the heat-shielding properties of such a building material.

And we can use this "leaky" feature of gas silicate blocks - for the good purposes of creating a bench in the country.

To do this, we install 2 two rows of foam blocks with holes DOWN, and put more foam blocks upstairs with holes on the side. And in these holes we insert a bar of a suitable section. To make it more comfortable for the pope to sit upstairs, you can put foam pillows. It is better to choose those that are lined with waterproof fabric. Or sew it yourself from oilcloth and thick foam rubber (sold in household stores and construction stores).

You can simply hammer it with a sheathing of boards into a solid one - so that a flat seat without holes turns out.

And it’s good to cover the foam blocks regular paint- to get a bright beautiful bench.

Here are some ideas for making country benches with your own hands. But this is not all the models of wooden benches that I would like to tell you about. Therefore, wait for the continuation - we will make interesting benches made of wood (beams, boards and logs).

Your professional growth will not end there...

You will see how easy and fast it is to make a real building with your own hands - a large country gazebo. How to install pillars, how to make a roof yourself (without any building education), how to cover it with a roof (polycarbonate, slate, tiles). Stay with our "Family Bunch" - and we will give you "golden hands".

Good luck with your home building.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

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You can calmly relax in the shade of trees in summer or bask in the sun on a cool autumn day on a wooden bench installed in the garden with your own hands. IN modern design garden furniture is one of the full-fledged elements of landscape design.

Taking into account the decorative value of wooden garden benches, you should try to choose a model that will harmoniously fit into the environment. For a young garden or suburban area without big trees it is better to choose light furniture options on decorative thin metal legs, simple benches and benches that are laconic in shape. If the garden is old and well-groomed, then Provence-style seats are suitable - styled as antique furniture with wooden decor.

An overgrown summer cottage with an imitation of a wild natural thicket can decorate benches assembled from natural material- fin, snags, lightly processed branches. A bench made of logs hewn with an ax will look very successful in such a garden. Such seats should be installed in places hidden from the eyes: among flowering bushes or around the corner of the path.

When choosing a place to install a bench for a summer residence, you need to pay attention to the views that will open up to the eyes of those sitting on it.

It is undesirable to place a bench in such a way as to contemplate an unsightly fence or compost heap. Place it near a pond or flower bed, under a branchy old tree.

Then the rest will be complemented by the pleasure of the smell of flowers and the play of light on the water, the rustle of leaves and coolness in the shade.

Various types of benches can also be installed on the veranda near the house, in the recreation area by the pool or outdoor hearth. They will also find application under a canopy in the garden. In each case, you must adhere to the general rules for the compatibility of a wooden product with common style site. How to do original benches from pallets, see this video:

As a material for garden furniture, wood is traditionally chosen - an easy-to-work material that allows you to implement almost any idea. At present, along with regular board and a bar, you can use moisture-resistant varieties of thick plywood. From durable and aesthetic sheet material you can assemble designs that are suitable for both modern design landscapes and for an ordinary courtyard that does not have certain style features.

If wooden benches are made in a stationary version, then care should be taken to protect them from moisture. This purpose can be served by a variety of impregnations and paints and varnishes. Outdoor furniture will have to be covered with paint or varnish every 1 - 2 years as the protective layer wears out. Such measures can significantly extend the life of a wooden structure.

How to build benches yourself?

In order to build a comfortable bench with your own hands, you need to make a sketch of it. Exist optimal dimensions garden furniture, which must be observed in this case:

  • seat height above the floor - 40 - 50 cm;
  • width (depth) of the bench - 50 - 55 cm;
  • backrest height above the bench - 35 - 50 cm.

These dimensions allow a person of average height to sit comfortably, lean on the back, and get up easily. If the build of the owner is very different from the average, then the dimensions of the bench will have to be selected individually. The back is usually done with a slight tilt back. More about wooden benches see in this video:

For woodworking, you will need the following tools:

  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • drill and screws, or hammer and nails;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Carpentry glue can be useful for assembling complex-shaped products. They fasten parts that are connected using the tongue-and-groove method or a furniture dowel (dowel). For plywood products, long threaded metal studs and nuts are useful.

A simple bench for a garden or a bath

Even a novice master will be able to make the simplest wooden bench with his own hands. Such benches can be seen in abundance at the gates of village courtyards, they can be placed near the beds, in a bathhouse or utility room. They do not differ in sophistication and decorativeness, but they can perform the functions of garden furniture quite successfully. To make a bench, you need a board 2-2.5 cm thick and about 20 cm wide.

Benches for a bath or garden are easy to make

According to the drawing in fig. 1. you need to cut out the following parts:

  • seat - 1 piece;
  • apron - 2 parts, the length of each is 10 cm shorter than the seat;
  • legs - 2 parts.

Cut off the corners on one side of each piece of the apron, as shown in the diagram. Measure from the edges of the element for the legs 2 - 2.5 cm on each side in the upper part, cut a groove 10 cm long. If desired, cut holes for the handles on the seat of the bench. To learn how to make a bench with your own hands, see this useful video:

Assemble the product in the following sequence:

  1. Drill holes for self-tapping screws in the plane of the apron board at a distance of 10 cm from each end. Place the board in the groove on the legs and screw the screws through the holes into the edge of the board. Attach the 2nd leg pattern on the other side of the apron.
  2. Repeat all steps and attach the apron to the other side of the bench base.
  3. At a distance of 15 cm from each end of the seat, make several holes in the plane of the board. Lay the part on top of the base and attach with self-tapping screws, screwing them into the end of the leg part. For strength, you can make additional holes along the length of each side of the seat and attach it to the apron boards.

Treat the surface of the product sandpaper to remove burrs. If necessary, paint the bench to your taste.

A simple bench with a back

Another simple design is shown in Fig. 2. To make a bench with a backrest with your own hands, you will need 2 pieces of log about 25 cm long, boards for the back and seat, and 5x5 cm bars for the backrests. If you want the seat to be a little higher, you can take 4 pieces of logs or timber and lay them on top of each other, fastening them with dowels.

The back is screwed on with screws from the back side

Making a bench is very easy. To ensure that there are no nuts and nail heads on the surface of the product, fasten parts to dowels and glue. The back can be fastened with self-tapping screws with wrong side so that they don't drill through the board.

For the manufacture of dowels, wooden rounded rods are needed (a thin handle is suitable for garden tool). Drill 2 holes in the log with a diameter equal to the thickness of the dowel. Focusing on their location, make reciprocal recesses in the underside of the seat. The work must be done very carefully so that during assembly it is not necessary to adjust parts of the bench. For more information on making a bench with a back, see this video:

Lubricate a piece of wood for the dowel with glue and insert it into the hole on the log so that a small fragment remains on the outside. Its length should be equal to the depth of the recess drilled in the seat (Fig. 3). Lubricate the dowels with wood glue and put a board on them. Do the same with another piece of log.

Cut off the bars desired length for the manufacture of backrests. Screw with screws to the ends of the logs. Drill 2 holes in the upper part for attaching the backrest. The distance between the holes should be less than the width of the board. Screw the screws through the holes into the board. The finished bench can be painted or coated with a clear varnish.

Stylish bench with a back

Making garden furniture according to the proposed project is not difficult at all. The basis of the design is porcelain stoneware or concrete slabs and boards with a thickness of 2 - 2.5 cm. If desired, heavy materials can be replaced light plywood the same thickness. A wooden bench with a back, it will turn out to be mobile.

Stylish bench features an interesting back

The following details will be required:

  • squares 50x50 cm for legs (plywood or plate) - 12 pcs.;
  • boards or plywood rectangles 15x200 cm - 5 pcs.;
  • back support 15x65 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • crossbars 15x17.5 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • threaded rod M16 55 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • nuts and washers M16 - 8 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws.

Plywood will first have to be cut into fragments of the required shape and size. If boards and slabs are used, then this step can be skipped. How to make an original shop with your own hands, see this video:

Drill 2 holes at an equal distance from the edges in the upper part of the square parts of the legs. Adjusting the long parts of the seat as in the diagram (Fig. 4), make 2 holes in them on each side. Screw a nut onto one end of each rod and put on a washer. Alternating long and square elements, assemble the bench. Tighten the nuts on the other side of the studs.

This bench can also be used without a back.

But for convenience, you can do it. To do this, fasten 4 boards 15 x 65 cm to the screws from the inside of the back of the bench. Glue or put crossbars on the dowels between them.

Decorative benches made from natural materials

Raw wood is an excellent material for garden furniture. The bench, similar to the throne of the forest king, fits perfectly into the landscape, imitating wildlife. Such seats are very appropriate near rockeries or old trees with a spreading crown in an overgrown corner of the garden. Rustic benches work well with wild stone picnic areas or sandstone and boulder barbecues. The original shop in this video:

The simplest option for sitting from logs is a monastery bench. For its manufacture, an untreated log must be cut in half lengthwise. Legs are made from short segments, laying them with a saw cut on the ground. The long halves of the logs are fastened to the dowels from above, saw cut up. So that the shop does not stain clothes, it is better to choose logs hardwood and dry them well before assembling the furniture.

To remove splinters and burrs, the saw cut plane must be smoothly planed with a planer and treated with emery cloth.

A complicated version of such furniture is a bench made of logs, supplemented by a back with their own hands (Fig. 5). To attach the back, you need wooden or metal supports and a crossbar. These parts can be made from thick tree branches, bars, steel strips. Fastening is carried out on self-tapping screws of sufficient length or on nails.

Examples of original wooden benches

A log bench can be made differently (Fig. 6). The photo clearly shows the grooves in the upper part of a thick log sawn in half. In the grooves you need to insert a board with a thickness of at least 4 cm or a beautiful saw cut of a tree trunk. If desired, an exclusive piece of furniture made with your own hands can be supplemented with a backrest. Supports for it must be attached to inside feet on a flat surface. The crossbar can be a thick branch or the same cut of wood as for sitting.

Chopped table with benches

A set of a table and benches will be convenient in the country in the dining area or near the barbecue (Fig. 7). It is not difficult to make this if you know the basic techniques for making wooden log cabins. To begin with, 2 logs of approximately the same thickness are placed on the ground. With an ax, you need to carve out semicircular recesses (bowls) at the ends of the logs. The size of the bowls will depend on the diameter of the log that is selected for the seats. This trunk needs to be cut along. An example of chopped furniture in this video:

In the middle of the 2 lower logs, 1 more cup must be cut out to install the transverse support. It may not be a very thick log. Its length should be such that the ends protrude beyond side surfaces trunks.

Shorter logs are needed for the base of the table. Their length is approximately equal to the desired width of the countertop.

In the middle of each trunk, you need to carve out notches that are suitable in size for the thickness of the crossbar. Lay the parts of the log house cups down, covering them with a transverse log. From the boards make a countertop and fix it with nails. Lay the halves of the logs on the places intended for them.

How to make benches from branches or fin?

Exactly this creative occupation. Having found beautiful snags and polished fin trunks in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir, you can make furniture amazing beauty(Fig. 8). Each such shop is unique, because it is difficult to find 2 identical branches. Therefore, there can be many solutions for how to make a bench from snags.

The main thing for all such products is one thing - the fitting of parts is carried out right on the spot under the already finished legs, seats, backs. The branches should intertwine harmoniously, forming a structure that can support the weight of an adult. To connect non-standard parts, you can use both self-tapping screws and nails. The most reliable is the connection to dowels and glue. Where a snug fit of the pieces of the structure is desired, snags can be hewn with an ax.

The most original benches can be made from branches and a fin.

Such decorative benches can even be used to decorate rooms in a chalet or rustic style. They are wonderfully combined with wild stone trim. They will also look harmonious in the garden among flowering bushes or near a pond.

The variety of models of benches that you can make with your own hands from wood is limitless.

The main thing in the manufacture of furniture made of wood is the careful fitting of parts.

Then the finished product will turn out neat, without distortions. Treated with moisture-proof impregnations and varnished or painted, any seat in the garden will last for many years.

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To make your household plot comfortable to use and beautiful, you need to use landscape design elements such as flower beds, paths, gazebos and. Garden furniture is especially important. It is she who guarantees your convenience.In our review, we will find out how a do-it-yourself garden bench with a back is constructed. Drawings and detailed photos will allow you to make the best design.

Comfortable garden furniture is a wonderful addition to the garden ensemble

Before you make a bench for a summer residence with your own hands, let's see what varieties of this design exist. Classification can be made taking into account factors such as material, functionality and characteristics.

Benches can only be a piece of furniture designed for sitting, or have a multifunctional purpose. For example, to be used as a rocking chair or a table.Popular and original benches - swings. Designs with backs that are stationary are in demand. They are made of brick or concrete. There are also folding benches.

For the manufacture of products, the following materials are most often used:

  • plastic options they are light in weight, and also endowed with resistance to all kinds of climatic changes;
  • wood a great solution for any garden. This is a traditional option that has many advantages;

  • metal can be used in two configurations, from profile lines or as a forged structure;

  • the most durable material stone. For a bench, you can take two boulders, as well as use purchased material.

You can even make a product out of concrete. There are also combined options for garden benches with a do-it-yourself backrest. Drawings will help to build a structure from any material. You can combine a metal frame with wooden planks. You can also combine stone and wood.

Benches can have a different design:

  • a simple option - a bench without a back;
  • you can build a bench with a backrest with your own hands;
  • a bench with a table is suitable as an option for the garden;
  • a bench with a canopy is used as a miniature gazebo.

When creating designs in an artistic style Special attention given appearance. All kinds of shapes can be used instead of the side parts.

When creating drawings, it is important to consider general form products, as well as all dimensions of the structure. Furniture made of wood, forged steel or stone will fit perfectly into a garden created in a classic style. A plastic products suitable for landscape design in a modern style.It matters where the bench is placed. You can put it near the porch, and also place it in the depths of the garden under a beautiful tree.

For your information! A bench made of wood can be comfortably used at any time of the year, since the level of thermal conductivity is lower than that of stone and metal.

Original benches for summer cottages made of metal and wood

You can try to make a metal or wooden bench with a backrest with your own hands. Metal products are known for their exceptional durability. However, they do not require constant attention. They can be coated with a special anti-corrosion compound only once a year.Modern designs using forged elements are performed using a welding machine.

Benches are made from wood beautiful design. Such products are suitable for almost any landscape design. To protect such structures, you can use special varnish compositions.

This will protect the wooden surface from the development of mold, fungi, as well as from sun rays. Rarely who uses fully hardware, as they cool down a lot in the cold season and heat up in the heat. Most often from this material performed load-bearing elements and legs, and the back and seat are made of wood.

From profile pipe rectangles are made, and then jumpers for support are welded to the side walls. You can build a more functional design with armrests, soft pillows and back.

To create smoother lines, you can bend the pipes. This will result in furniture with rounded edges.Board benches are popular. The design can be made in the form of a sofa, and pillows can be placed on top.

You can also build a simple bench with your own hands from wood. In this case, the legs can be in the shape of the letter X. From the boards, you can make a bench in the form of the letter P. In this case, it is necessary to ensure a rigid fixation of the seat and legs.

For your information! The use of special coating compositions will allow for a long time to preserve the natural pattern of such materials.

Photo of do-it-yourself benches made of stone

Do-it-yourself garden bench with a back can be made of stone. This material is highly operational properties, as well as significant strength. Stone structures can be used for any garden style and design. The use of stone elements to complement general design. Such furniture looks good against the background of a building that has separate details made of stone.A bench made of stone will make a wonderful combination with stone flower beds, steps, ponds and paths. Similar benches are often combined with wood.

For your information! Often marble is used for the construction of such benches. Sometimes quartzite and even coarse-grained granite are used.

Photo of garden benches with your own hands: how to make from improvised materials

Plastic products are also endowed with certain advantages. Here they are:

  • low weight of the structure, which ensures its ease;
  • affordable price;
  • a wide variety of colors;
  • practicality.

You can use all kinds combined combinations that will differ or match in texture, color palette and materials. A good solution is the combination of stone and wooden parts.

Try to make original combined designs. It can be a sandbox bench for children, as well as a flowerbed bench.

How to make garden benches and benches with your own hands: popular technologies and ideas

To make a bench with a wooden back with your own hands, you first need to understand its design. A simple device involves a seat on some kind of support. But there are also products that have a non-standard configuration, designs with forged or carved parts, as well as furniture with armrests.

An easy solution is to use two drawers and a couple of boards. In this case, the boxes will be installed as supporting elements. They can be filled with soil and made into them beautiful flower bed. A seat is mounted from the boards, which is installed between the boxes. Be sure to sand the surface with sandpaper. For a more practical design, you can replace the drawers with stone or concrete pedestals. Seats can be built from halves of logs or from processed boards. You need to fix the seat with the help of metal corners. Dowels are used to attach them to concrete foundations. And fixing to the tree can be done using self-tapping screws and through bolts.

ImageStages of work
It will take detailed drawing with all sizes
The blanks must be polished. The rear legs are also a support for the back. All blanks are pre-marked.
At a height of 40 cm, mark the place for fixing the seat. Then the board is cut at an angle of 20 degrees. The front and rear legs are attached with a bar.
The side parts are attached with seat boards. They are screwed in with screws. To fix the structure, you need to strap with a beam. Two boards are attached to the back.
Finally, a special coating is made that protects against precipitation.
Helpful information! As supports, you can use flowerpots with ornamental bushes and dwarf trees.

Bench with storage box

You can build a convenient design with storage boxes. At the same time, it is worth using old furniture. Before work, you need to choose the right screws. Their thickness should correspond to the thickness of the wooden elements.

A bench with a drawer is a wonderful solution for a loggia and a balcony. In this case, you can use the old balcony. The design with a box consists of two walls, a seat and sidewalls. It is also recommended to make the bottom of the box. As fasteners, you need to use metal corners.The design can be varnished. And in order to make it comfortable to sit, additionally arrange soft pillows.

Features of a do-it-yourself wooden garden bench

It is easy to make a bench out of wood with armrests. To do this, you will need special bars for supports, boards for the back and seat, glue, saw, dowels, milling machine.First a drawing is made wooden bench with a back. Then, according to the schemes, templates are cut. Contours are placed on all blanks, and why parts are cut with a saw. Sections must be polished. Holes are made in the backrests. First you need to fill them with glue, and then insert the dowels into the carrier beam. Planks are fixed with dowels. Then the bench is covered with a special varnish composition.

The secrets of designing a country bench with your own hands from a log

A practical solution is a garden bench made of logs. For sitting, the tree trunk is sawn into two parts. The backrest can be constructed from a trunk that is thinner than the seat element. Legs can be built from the remains of a log. Connections are made with metal pins. Here's how it's done:

  • holes are made in the details for the pins;
  • the pin is driven into the middle of the length;
  • on top of the free edge is the second part and is also clogged.

Fasteners are installed with a hammer. Pins suggest a strong connection to enhance fixation. The surface of the structure must be sanded.

How to make garden benches with a backrest in ethno style with your own hands

A rustic and ethno style bench will fit perfectly into the courtyard setting. With its help, you can create a magnificent natural corner. To build such structures, wood is used with or without bark. In the manufacture of benches, you can use a variety of curved shapes. Before construction, all parts must be sanded and processed.To create a seat, an unedged board is used. All construction details are rounded.

Ethno-style benches are perfectly combined with wicker fences. In this case, you can build a back in the form of weaving. Branches should be placed tightly. But you need to leave gaps between them. Materials such as stone, wood, bamboo or even rattan are suitable for creating ethno-style furniture.

Here are some popular designs:

  • for the Moroccan style, you can use threaded parts;

  • bamboo benches are suitable for Chinese-style landscape design;

  • small furniture is used in Japanese style;

  • British-style furniture involves the use of solid wood species, as well as intricate patterns.

Do-it-yourself drawings of benches for giving: photos and diagrams

When performing the bench, individual needs are taken into account, as well as certain parameters. To create a quality design, you will need a drawing with all dimensions.An important point is the calculation of the amount of materials, which will depend on the final design parameters. Profiled timber is especially convenient. To round the edges, you can use a special cutter.

Do-it-yourself garden bench with a backrest drawings: double designs

Benches can have different capacities. Most often they are designed for 2-4 people. For a double structure, you will need bars and boards. To build such a product will take no more than one day. Before cutting, you need to choose the right drawings.

Do-it-yourself bench for giving from a tree: how to do it step by step

First of all, boards for sitting are being prepared. In this case, the material is cut and processed. Will help in this matter Sander or cutter. You can also use sandpaper, but it will take much more time. With the help of bars, you can build strong legs. The areas where the fasteners will be placed must be marked.

Metal pins are used as fasteners. For greater strength, you can use special glue. The pins are also used for reliable fastening of the backrest. After marking, you need to measure the distance from the edge.

The assembly goes like this:

  • the bars are stacked on top of each other;
  • all parts are fastened with clamps;
  • holes are made in the center and along the edges;
  • through the holes made, the parts are fixed with studs.

How to make a simple design look at the video:

The seat boards are then attached to the legs with nails. After that, the nail heads can be masked with a mixture of mastic and sawdust. Be sure to cover the surface with paint or varnish.

Do-it-yourself garden bench from improvised materials: from pallets

You can make a bench from pallets with your own hands. Photo interesting options you can see on our website. Such furniture can be placed not only in the garden, but also in country house or on the veranda. For installation work you will need three pallets.

This is how the assembly goes:

  • the pallet is divided into two halves. These halves will be used for the back;
  • two pallets are connected together with nails;
  • then the back is attached to them;
  • a mattress of suitable dimensions is placed on top.
For your information! soft objects can be secured with straps.

Video: how to make a simple pallet bench

Do-it-yourself drawings of a garden bench with a wooden back: a transformer option

A transforming structure is independently constructed. To do this, you need boards and bars.

Do-it-yourself transforming bench manufacturing technology

You can build a structure by doing the following:

  • 3 boards are attached to the supporting part, a seat will be made of them. Insert 4 screws into each board;
  • when assembling units, it is necessary to apply carpentry glue to these zones;
  • legs for backrest support must be sawn from the end side. Then the legs must be connected in pairs;
  • then you need to make a back, which, when transformed, will transform into a countertop.
  • boards are fastened so that there is a gap;
  • V support board it is necessary to make 3 holes with a diameter of 0.8 cm.

Here is a convenient transformer design:

To create an axis of rotation, you need to make two holes on the back leg. The backrest is attached to the base with bolts.
