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How to clean aluminum from dark plaque. How to clean an aluminum pan from blackness and soot to a shine

Aluminum is a soft and pliable material, it quickly becomes contaminated and easily deteriorates if not properly cleaned. This problem becomes relevant when it is necessary to rid aluminum dishes of grease, scale and soot. Experienced housewives clutch their heads, not knowing what to do in such a situation. Today we will look at the basic rules for caring for kitchen utensils and the nuances of cleaning them.

Rules for cleaning aluminum cookware

  1. Before washing aluminum dishes, wait for them to cool completely. Otherwise, all the fat will be absorbed into the heated material, it will be much more difficult to get rid of pollution.
  2. Do not rinse hot kitchen utensils cold water. This can lead to deformation of the dishes, their darkening, cracking and other problems.
  3. If you intend to wash the dishes, let them cool first, then soak them in a mixture of water and soap shavings. Food and other dirt will come off, you can easily remove them with a sponge and dishwashing gel.
  4. To avoid stains on the metal, wipe the dishes dry after washing soft cloth. Never leave aluminum utensils to drain or put them in the dishwasher.
  5. For surface cleaning kitchen utensils boiling method is used. Large-sized dishes are selected, an aluminum pan is placed in it and boiled with the addition of water and soda.
  6. Do not use hard sponges or brushes during the cleaning process. For manipulations, a soft cloth or foam rubber sponge is suitable. After cleaning, rinse the dishes under the tap and dry.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive or alkaline products to clean aluminum cookware. So you only damage the surface, dirt will later clog into the cracks.

Shiny aluminum cookware

Dishes of this type often lose their original appearance due to violation of the rules of operation. But do not despair, even an inexperienced hostess can restore the shine. There are several ways, which we will consider in order of priority.

  1. If you need to get rid of darkening on the surface of the container, use cucumber pickle, curdled milk, kefir. Soak a sponge in the composition and rub, then leave for 2 hours, wash the dishes thoroughly. If there are dark spots inside the container, pour kefir into the cavity and leave for 4 hours. By analogy, the pan must be washed well and dried after manipulation.
  2. A 6 or 9% vinegar solution will help restore shine. Arm yourself with a soft cloth, soak it in vinegar, rub the darkened surface of the dishes well. Then rinse the container, walk with a dry cloth to collect excess moisture.
  3. To give the original appearance of the inside of aluminum dishes, it is necessary to pour cold filtered water into its cavity to the top. Put the pot on the stove and wait until it boils. Then lower a few cut onions inside and wait 10 minutes. Turn off the burner, wash the dishes with a sponge and dry.
  4. Useful in this case, the use of apples. Their cavity contains acids that corrode plaque on the surface of aluminum dishes. It is enough to cut the fruit in two, remove the middle, and rub the aluminum with the pulp. Such a simple move will help you restore the dishes to their original shine.
  5. If you have toothpaste, use it. Make a slurry by mixing the loose composition with drinking water. Rub this mass on darkened or lost shine places on aluminum dishes. Leave it for literally 5-10 minutes, then remove the excess with a soft cloth. Finally, thoroughly wash the utensils.
  6. Some housewives have adapted to get rid of darkening and loss of luster with a regular pencil eraser. Manipulations are not difficult. Rub the stained area until it shines.

Cleaning aluminum cookware from greasy stains

The appearance of traces of grease on the surface of the dishes is a natural phenomenon with regular use of aluminum kitchen utensils. Such complex pollution can be removed if you look closely at the methods described below.

  1. Prepare a basin in which the soiled dishes will fit. Pour warm filtered water into this bowl, add dishwashing detergent and whip the liquid into a foam. Lower the aluminum pot or pan, leave for 1 hour. After this time, wash the kitchen utensils well with a soft sponge and wipe with a cloth.
  2. If fat appears inside, pour clean drinking water into the cavity of the container, add vinegar and lemon juice in equal amounts. Send the dishes to the stove and boil the contents for a third of an hour. Pour out the liquid, cool the container and wipe it with a sponge.
  3. If you need to carry out general cleaning of cutlery, prepare a container for boiling. Pour water into it and add citric acid, mix. Send the appliances inside, simmer over high heat for 10 minutes. Wipe with a sponge, rinse, dry.

  1. Before proceeding with the procedure, the container must cool. Otherwise, deformation of the dishes may occur when they come into contact with cold water.
  2. If the carbon deposits did not have time to soak into the cavity of the material, resort to using a soapy solution. Grate half a bar of household soap on a grater with medium holes. Send shavings to 1.5-1.8 liters. water from temperature regime about 40 degrees. Place kitchen utensils inside. Wait at least 25-35 minutes.
  3. Stubborn stains can be easily removed. To do this, prepare a liquid mass and melt the products in it. For 9 l. water, take more than half a bar of household soap, 300 gr. soda and 120 gr. glue (silicate). The boiling procedure should not last more than 4 minutes.
  4. After cleaning, be sure to thoroughly rinse the dishes running water. Leave the products to dry naturally. If the dirt is weak, they can be removed with a sponge made of foam rubber or a soft cloth.

Descaling aluminum cookware

  1. If tap water hard, scale will appear on any dishes when cooking. As for aluminum products, plaque forms on them extremely quickly. Do not rub the surface hard, otherwise you risk damaging the walls.
  2. To properly remove scale, you need to consider some of the nuances. If the plaque is persistent, it is necessary to boil the product in soapy water with the addition of silicate glue and soda ash. The recipe has been mentioned before.
  3. If the scale is a small layer, then you can get rid of it with the help of ammonia To do this, pour in 5 ml. composition in 3-4 liters of water. Additionally, mix 40 gr. baking soda and 20 gr. laundry soap. The resulting solution must be wiped off the scale. Rinse the aluminum container under running water.
  4. Table vinegar can also cope with the task. Fill a saucepan with water and add 120 ml to it. vinegar. Boil for a quarter of an hour. After the manipulation, drain the liquid and rinse the container with non-hot water. Wipe dry with a towel.

How to take care of aluminum cookware

In order not to face the problem of cleaning aluminum containers from soot and grease stains, you need to know the rules for caring for aluminum.

  1. If you have purchased a new container made of this material, boil the product in salt water before use. During the procedure, the metal acquires an increased coefficient of rigidity. As a result, fumes and scale will stick to the walls less.
  2. To keep the dishes shiny, wash the containers with soapy water and ammonia.
  3. To keep the shine of the dishes as long as possible, the products must be cleaned with toothpowder. To do this, apply the composition to a damp cloth and soft fibers. Wipe the surface thoroughly.
  4. To avoid stains in pots, it is not recommended to boil potatoes and dishes without salt in containers made of such material.

Cleaning aluminum cookware requires certain rules to be followed. Do not wash the utensils if they have not cooled down to room temperature. The use of abrasive products and hard sponges is prohibited. Pay attention to the above effective methods cleaning.

Video: how to wash an aluminum pan from burning and fat

« How to clean an aluminum pan?”- a well-founded question for those who have dishes from this material at home. Many housewives prefer aluminum pans because they are light, heat up well and quickly, and also have long term services. However, at the same time, aluminum is quite brittle and soft material, which is very easy to leave scratches if the dishes are washed incorrectly.

To prevent damage to dishes, the following rules should be observed:

  • when cleaning aluminum, do not use iron sponges or sponges with a hard, abrasive coating, and do not rub the pan too much, otherwise its surface may be damaged;
  • it is forbidden to use washing powder or powder-type dish detergent to clean an aluminum pan from any kind of dirt, as this can lead to damage to the container;
  • never use a knife, or worse, sandpaper to clean the surface of an aluminum pan from soot or burnt food, such as jam;
  • aluminum reacts very poorly to alkali, under the influence of this substance the material tarnishes and darkens;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use substances containing chalk to clean an aluminum pan, because this will lead to irreparable damage to the dishes;
  • do not try to wash an aluminum pan in dishwasher, because under the action high temperature soft material is warped or stained.

When we figured out exactly how not to clean and wash aluminum dishes at home, we can move on to the correct and effective ways to wash the pan.

Methods for cleaning an aluminum pan

Methods for cleaning an aluminum pan depend on the type and degree of contamination of the dishes. Before we talk in detail about how you can remove scale inside the pan and from its outside, as well as how you can effectively clean carbon deposits at home, we will look at common ways to wash an aluminum pan:

  • to get rid of grease stains, it is not necessary to resort to household chemicals, it is enough to rub the contaminated area with ordinary mustard powder, and then rinse the pan warm water;
  • if over time the aluminum pan has darkened, you can restore its color and shine with table vinegar: just rub the surface of the dish inside and out with a cotton swab dipped in nine percent vinegar;
  • for everyday effective washing of aluminum pans, you can use the following solution: a mixture of grated soap, a liter of warm water and a couple of teaspoons of ammonia;
  • no less effective in the fight against any contamination on an aluminum pan at home will be Coca-Cola, which can even cope with persistent, old soot.

Now let's look at special cases of aluminum pan contamination and how to clean them.


Over time, the bottom of any aluminum pan turns black. This is natural, and you should not worry that you are somehow taking care of the dishes incorrectly. To get rid of blackness on aluminum, we recommend the following folk remedies:

  1. Mustard powder is not only great for greasy spots and plaque on aluminum cookware, but can also remove blackness from the bottom of the pan. To do this, mix in a deep container about two tablespoons of mustard powder without a slide, the same amount of table salt and table vinegar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then apply the paste to the problem area. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the aluminum pan under warm running water. The effect will really surprise you!
  2. In the event that blackness appears inside the pan, it is necessary to boil fresh sorrel leaves in it. To do this, put the greens in a bowl, fill with water and send to the stove. Bringing the liquid to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and boil the broth for half an hour, then it can be drained into the sink, and the used leaves thrown into the trash can.
  3. Acids can be used to clean blackness on aluminum plant origin. For example, to clean the pan, you can take homemade cucumber pickle or sour milk. Boiling such a liquid is not worth it, but you can leave it in a pan that needs to be cleaned overnight. After the specified time, the dishes must be thoroughly washed.
  4. Cope with blackness at the bottom of the pan will help lemon acid. Pour water into the dishes, pour the contents of 1-2 packs of citric acid into it and bring the liquid to a boil. It is necessary to boil water with acid from 15 to 30 minutes (the time depends on the degree of darkening of the bottom).
  5. If you want to definitely clean the bottom of blackness, you can resort to using a factory cleaning agent. However, make sure that the selected product does not contain aggressive chemicals and abrasive particles.
  6. Another option for effectively cleaning darkened aluminum or just stains on the surface of dishes is to use cream of tartar. To do this, pour into a saucepan hot water, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of powder in it and infuse the liquid for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the pan should simply be rinsed with warm water.

All of the methods described above will not only help remove browning from aluminum pans, but will also return the dishes to their original color and shine.


Nagar is one of the common contaminants not only for aluminum pans, but also for other utensils. It is very difficult to deal with such contamination, given that hard sponges and brushes cannot be used to remove carbon deposits from an aluminum surface. In the table below, we have presented the most simple and effective folk ways to clean carbon deposits from aluminum pans at home.


Mode of application

Few people know, but you can remove a small layer of soot from an aluminum pan with an ordinary apple. To do this, you need to cut the fruit in half, and then carefully rub the half of the place that needs cleaning. As in the case of sorrel, the apple is a source of vegetable acid, so without harm to aluminum, it can help clean the pan from soot. Leave the pan grated with apple for a while, and then wash the dishes in soapy water.


Another effective method to get rid of soot inside an aluminum pan is to boil a few onions in a bowl. Take 4-5 pieces of small onions, cut them in half and put them in a saucepan. After pouring water over the vegetables, bring the liquid to a boil, and then reduce the gas to a minimum. After boiling water with onions under the lid for half an hour, drain the liquid into the sink and discard the onions. After that, rinse the aluminum pan thoroughly with detergent.

Soap and Vinegar

This method will help remove carbon deposits both inside and outside the aluminum pan. For cleaning, we need another enamel pan, which will be larger in volume than the one that we will clean. We get a small piece of laundry soap and rub it on a grater. Pour the resulting shavings into an enameled pan, add half a cup of table vinegar and about a liter there. clean water. We insert an aluminum pan into an enameled dish, send the design to the stove. We bring the liquid in the container to a boil, after which we reduce the fire, cover the enameled pan with a lid and boil the aluminum utensils for 30 minutes. If necessary, the procedure time can be increased. At the end of the process, the water must be drained, and the pans thoroughly washed with detergent.

food salt

This method consists in using edible salt to remove carbon deposits from an aluminum pan. At the same time, you can make both a saline solution and an equally effective paste. Finely ground edible salt should be mixed with warm water so that a slurry is obtained, and then rub the resulting mass into soot. In a saline solution, the pan should be boiled for 20-30 minutes. Then the dishes must be thoroughly washed with liquid soap and rinsed.

This recipe is suitable for those cases if the soot is very serious and the previous methods could not cope with it. First of all, boil 2-3 liters of water in a saucepan, then add two teaspoons of glue, as well as a third of laundry soap grated on a fine grater, to the bubbling liquid. Close the pot tightly with a lid to keep out harmful fumes. Boil water on low heat for 30-50 minutes, depending on the layer of soot. If the carbon is on the outside of the pan, you can use an additional larger pot, as is the case with washing off the carbon with soap and vinegar.

dishwasher tablet

This is not a very popular method, but this option is also possible if the carbon deposits on the aluminum pan are not too old and persistent. Pour a little water into the dishes so that it covers the contaminated area, add a tablet and bring the liquid to a boil. Boil the liquid for 25-30 minutes, then the water can be drained, and the pan washed and rinsed.


This folk method should be used only in last resort if the soot is very persistent and cannot be removed in another way. In the evening, it is necessary to cover the problem areas of the aluminum pan with powder, spray clean warm water on top and leave the dishes to infuse overnight. During this time, the soot will lag behind the walls of the pan by itself, it will simply be removed using a silicone cloth or an ordinary spatula made of wood or plastic.

Carbon deposits are very difficult to clean from an aluminum surface without damaging the pan, so try to avoid a persistent and dense layer of such contamination.


Scale is the kind of pollution that affects almost all the dishes in the house, whether it be pots, stewpans or kettles, if water is brought to a boil in them. The easiest, most popular and most effective way to remove scale from an enameled surface involves the use of citric acid. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Get citric acid and pour the contents of one pack into an aluminum pan with scale, pour the crystals with about one liter of clean water.
  2. We put the container on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil, covering the pan with a lid.
  3. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, the lid can be removed, allowing the water to boil for 6-8 minutes. After that, the gas can be turned off.
  4. Once the water in the pot has cooled, drain the liquid down the sink.
  5. Then boil the water several times in a saucepan, you can even with detergent.

After such simple actions, there will be no trace of scale on the aluminum surface. Of course, this is taking into account the fact that the pollution is not old. If the scale has covered the walls of the pan with a dense layer, you will have to resort to more serious methods of removing it.

You can remove scale from the walls of an aluminum pan using 3% table vinegar, which must be boiled. The disadvantage of this method is the smell, which will be quite unpleasant and persistent. After such a procedure, the pan will have to be boiled more than once with clean water, adding liquid soap or other detergent.

Helpful advice! If, after cleaning the scale with vinegar, the pan still has bad smell, try using dried citrus peels to eliminate it. To do this, it is enough to pour the crusts into a saucepan, pour them with water and heat slightly. Pleasant and natural citrus aroma is guaranteed!

  • before washing or cleaning an aluminum pan, let the dishes cool completely, otherwise the heated material will deform under the action of water;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use aluminum dishes for preparing home preservation for the winter, despite the fact that some folk methods involve the use of brine as a cleaning agent, boiling liquid with a new saucepan high content acids will harm;
  • in an aluminum pan it is very convenient to cook soups or cook cereals, but you should not leave food in such dishes, and even more so send cooked food for storage in the refrigerator: this way you will ruin both food and containers;
  • in order not to scratch the walls of the pan, use silicone, wooden or plastic spatulas to mix the ingredients during cooking;
  • after washing the aluminum pan, immediately wipe the container dry with a clean cloth, because long exposure to water will lead to the formation of dark spots;
  • store such utensils in suitable place, for example, a dry and clean kitchen cabinet.

By adhering to these rules, you will never wash a dark coating, a dense layer of soot or fat, and scale from an aluminum pan!

Aluminum cookware is in demand, it is light, heats up and cools down quickly. This kitchen utensil also has a significant drawback, it is susceptible to pollution. During cooking, an aluminum pot or pan can become covered with black soot, which is problematic to wash off. However, there are some ways by which you can restore the former shine of aluminum cookware without damaging its surface.

Rules for the use of aluminum cookware

Before using a new aluminum cookware, it must be washed from industrial grease with a detergent. Then the pan should be ignited, this will protect food from harmful compounds, and the walls of the pan from oxidation. The calcination process is carried out as follows:

  • the container should be thoroughly washed and dried;
  • at its bottom it is necessary to pour vegetable oil and add one tablespoon of salt;
  • ignite the pan on the stove for about five minutes;
  • after the aluminum container dries, it must be washed with detergent.

Aluminum cookware requires regular care so that she long time retained its original appearance, the following rules must be observed:

  • you need to cook dishes on low heat;
  • to prevent food from burning, you should mix it as often as possible, this should be done with wooden or silicone spatulas that do not scratch the surface;
  • it is necessary to wash the pan only after it has completely cooled down;
  • burnt food at the bottom should not be cleaned off, it is soaked in warm water for an hour, after which it easily leaves;
  • it is not recommended to wash aluminum dishes in a dishwasher;
  • for washing it is necessary to use a soft sponge and non-aggressive detergents.

Cleaning at home

It takes a lot of time to restore aluminum cookware to its original appearance; cleaning procedures should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the surface of the product. To clean aluminum pans at home, improvised tools are most often used:

  • It is possible to wash aluminum products from milk carbon deposits or from burnt jam using activated charcoal. Several tablets are crushed and poured into the bottom of the pan, after half an hour they are poured into the container cold water and leave for another half an hour. After the procedure, the pan is washed with a detergent.
  • Limescale that forms on the walls of aluminum cookware can be removed with citric acid. Water is poured into the container and allowed to boil, then a few tablespoons of citric acid are added and boiled for about 10 minutes, after the pan has cooled, it is washed with dishwashing detergent.
  • Fresh dirt from an aluminum pan can be removed with fresh onion. Several peeled onions are placed in a container, poured with water and boiled for half an hour.
  • Salt removes burnt food residue. It is diluted with a small amount of water and the burnt pan is washed with the resulting slurry.
  • It will help to clean the pan from fat mustard powder, it is poured onto a sponge and rubbed with it on the surface of the product.

Cleaning from soot

The soot that forms during operation not only spoils appearance aluminum cookware, but also makes it unsuitable for further use.You can clean an aluminum pan in the following ways:

  1. 1. The bottom of the aluminum bowl can be cleaned with toothpaste. The surface of the product must be moistened and a thick layer of paste applied to it for 10 hours. After the procedure, the pan should be thoroughly washed.
  2. 2. Vinegar quickly removes heavy carbon deposits from the metal surface and polishes the product. One liter of water is poured into the container and one tablespoon of vinegar is added, then the pan is put on fire and boiled for about half an hour.
  3. 3. Sour apples effectively cope with soot both outside and inside, the fruit is cut in half and rubbed on the surface of the aluminum product.
  4. 4. Silicate glue. It must be mixed with laundry soap and water, placed in an aluminum container and turned on to low heat. When the soot leaves, the mixture is poured out, and the cooled pan is thoroughly washed. With the help of glue, you can quickly and effectively get rid of soot.
  5. 5. Hydrogen peroxide and soda. These components should be mixed with dishwashing liquid, applied to the surface of the product and rubbed well with the hard side of the sponge.

Every household has items made of aluminum. Over time, oxidative processes make you think that aluminum has turned black, than to wash off such a scourge and not damage the household item itself. To do this, you should follow certain rules that will help you achieve excellent results in a matter of minutes.

What not to do when cleaning

Aluminum is a fairly soft and pliable material, which is why particularly aggressive cleaning methods should be avoided.

  1. 1 First of all, you must stop using sharp objects. Do not scrape off blackening or burns with ordinary kitchen knife, scraper or wire brush. After such a procedure, the surface of the product will be damaged. And if it is dishes, then particles of aluminum will later fall into food during cooking.
  2. 2 In addition, do not try to clean aluminum if it is hot. Otherwise, when interacting with water, this material begins to succumb to deformation, and it will be very difficult to bring the product to its original form.
  3. 3 Powders with abrasive particles can cause both small and very visible scratches. They will spoil the appearance of an object made of aluminum alloy. For the same reason, it is necessary to abandon the use of sand or sandpaper.
  4. 4 Also avoid using products that contain acids and alkaline solutions. They render negative influences to no lesser extent than abrasive preparations. Moreover, during a possible chemical reaction heavy metals and toxins can be released, which will cause irreparable harm to the human body.

Cleaners for aluminum products

What caused the darkening of aluminum also depends on how to clean the pollution. Therefore, to eliminate plaque, you need to be patient and use several proven methods.

If you need to clean cooking utensils in which food has burned on, it is best to soak the kitchen utensil in warm water. After that, washing the product will be much easier. Remains of food will move away on their own under the influence of moisture, all that is required is to wash the pan with a soft sponge and dishwashing detergent.

Of the purchased products, it is better to give preference to special tools designed for processing glass and porcelain.

Such detergents perfectly perform cleaning functions, and also add extra shine.

If the oxidation has affected the aluminum thoroughly, then more severe renovation methods will be required. In this case, ordinary table salt, combined with clean water in a 1: 1 ratio, will help. Rub the resulting mixture on the damaged product and carefully go over the surface with a sponge.

Cream of tartar works very well with aluminum and can easily remove dark spots. To do this, in 5 liters of warm water, dissolve 3 tbsp. l. means and soak the product itself in the resulting solution, leave for 3 hours. After that, all the dirt will come off on its own, the hostess will only have to rinse and wipe the products dry.

Cream of tartar may not always be at hand, so vinegar or citric acid is suitable for these purposes. They need to be taken at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. acid per 1 liter of warm water and leave to cool completely. As a precaution, gloves should be used to prevent possible irritation on the hands.

For especially advanced cases, you can do it yourself special remedy. It will take 100 g of stationery glue, 5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. All ingredients are combined and brought to a boil, after which aluminum is placed in the solution and left to cool. The product is rinsed well under running water and wiped dry. Instead of soda, you can take 100 g of grated laundry soap. It will help prevent the formation of possible scratches that may appear due to soda particles.

Ordinary white clay, as well as tooth powder, will help restore the former shine to aluminum. It is enough to use them as a cleaning agent. They work quite softly, but effectively.

Grandma's recipe for cleaning pots involves the use of a cabbage leaf. It contains enzymes that help remove darkening. In addition, you can treat the contaminated surface with cucumber or tomato brine, whey. They fill the pan with them for at least 24 hours, and under the influence of a weak acid, all black stains are removed, while the protective shell is not damaged.

An aluminum pan is lightweight, heats up quickly and is relatively inexpensive. But aluminum is a fairly soft metal, so it is prone to corrosion and oxidation. For this reason, such products quickly become covered with soot, scratches and lose their luster. Burnt food in an aluminum pan is also common. It is not necessary to throw away the dishes that have lost their appearance, it is enough to know how to clean them at home.

What methods and means can not be used

  • Scrub the soot with an iron washcloth. As a result of this, the pan will be covered with unsightly scratches, into which dirt will clog.
    Use scouring powder. As in the previous case, scratches cannot be avoided.
  • Clean with concentrated acids and alkalis. Reacting with aluminum, they lead to darkening of dishes. Such substances can be part of ordinary household chemicals, so choose metal cleaners.
  • Wash aluminum utensils in the dishwasher. As a result of such washing, the protective oxide film is destroyed, which leads to darkening and deformation of the product.
  • Soda also destroys the oxide film. Therefore, use it as little as possible and between cleanings carry out the procedure for restoring (calcining) the pan, which is described at the end of the article.

How to remove burnt food

Ordinary aluminum cookware has no non-stick coating and has thin walls. Therefore, the food in it often burns, and it can be difficult to wipe off burns. What to do if the pan is burnt:

  • Pour water with dishwashing detergent into the bottom of the dish.
  • Boil for 10-20 minutes.
  • Leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Rub softened dirt with a sponge.

There are several other effective folk ways how to clean a burnt pan inside:

Salt. Prepare a concentrated saline solution and boil it until the carbon starts to come off. If the jam is burnt, cover the bottom of the container with salt for 2-3 hours, and then remove the burn with a sponge. Repeat if necessary. The rest of the jam should come off without the use of abrasives.

Citric acid. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. powder in enough water to cover the soot. Boil for 10-15 minutes, rub with a sponge.

Vinegar. If necessary, use instead of lemons in the same way. For 1 liter of water, take a glass of 9% vinegar.

Activated carbon Helps to get rid of burnt milk and dairy products. Pour crushed tablets into the bottom of the pan and leave for half an hour. Then fill with cold water and soak for another 40 minutes.

Salt, soda and ammonia. This composition helps well with fresh pollution. Pour the ingredients into the pan in equal parts, pour water above the burnt level and boil for 20 minutes with the lid closed.

Laundry soap and ammonia. Mix soap shavings and ammonia in equal parts, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Fill a saucepan with the solution, boil for 15-20 minutes, rub with a sponge if necessary.

How to remove soot and darkening

Adhering particles of food, fat and dirt, when heated, form an ugly black coating (soot). Moreover, this happens especially often with aluminum utensils due to the properties of the metal. If carbon deposits are not removed in time, a thick layer will accumulate.

In addition, during the oxidation of aluminum, the surface tarnishes and darkens. The dishes will turn black even faster if you boil water without salt in it, boil potatoes in their uniforms, cook sour dishes, for example, cabbage soup, compotes.

Folk remedies will help to clear the aluminum pan from burning and soot, to lighten the walls outside and inside.

Salt, vinegar and mustard. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and rub the walls with the resulting slurry, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water. This composition will perfectly wash off the stubborn fat.

You can clean the pan to a shine table vinegar. Apply acid to a rag and rub the stained areas. Rinse thoroughly under running water after 10 minutes.

From the soot accumulated outside, you can get rid of with salt. Apply it on a sponge, moisten with water and rub the problem areas.

Silicate glue or PVA

From strong burning and chronic fat help get rid of this old proven method. If you need to get rid of dirt inside, take 2 tbsp. l. glue and 2 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. Dilute these ingredients in 2 liters of water. Boil for 30-40 minutes with the lid closed, after which the remaining soot can be easily removed with a sponge.

If you want to clean the outside of pots from blackness, choose a suitable large container. Pour 1 bottle of silicate glue or half a glass of PVA glue into it, 1 piece of grated laundry soap. Fill with water and put on fire. While stirring gradually, wait for the soap to dissolve and place the dishes to be cleaned in the solution. Boil for an hour, covering the container with a lid. Then remove the aluminum products and finish cleaning with a sponge.

Get rid of dark plaque and darkening on aluminum surfaces can be done with food acids. They will not harm the metal, but will significantly lighten the dishes:

Apple. Take a sour fruit, cut it in half and wipe the darkened areas with a cut.
Lemon juice. dark spots wipe with half a lemon, rinse with cold water.
Sorrel. Boil a bunch of sorrel in a bowl for half an hour.
Kefir, whey or yogurt. Just pour the existing product into the pan and leave overnight. You can also take cucumber pickle.

How to remove scale

Aluminum cookware is often used to boil water. To remove the scale that has formed, use the same effective home remedies.

Lemon acid. Boil water with 2 tbsp. l. lemons for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove, after cooling, rinse with a sponge.

Soda. Wipe the gruel from the soda areas with scale. When rinsing, add ammonia to the water.

Kefir, brine or whey. Pour the liquid in the house for 3 hours, then drain and rinse with running water.

Onion. It also helps to get rid of scale and soot. Peel the onion from the husk, chop and add the right amount of water. Boil in a saucepan for 20-30 minutes.

Dentifrice. Mix it with a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent, apply to the bottom and walls and leave for 24 hours.

Advice! Folk methods effective with a small layer of scale. If lime deposits old people will have to use household chemicals. Read the instructions carefully so as not to damage the product.

How to care for aluminum cookware

If you have purchased a new pan, it must be prepared for use. First of all, wash it with a soapy sponge to get rid of technical lubricants.

Next, you need to ignite the pan to restore the oxide film. It protects the dishes from oxidation and destruction, and also prevents harmful impurities from entering the food. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of a dry, clean saucepan.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  • Heat the pan, tilting it as you go so that the oil spreads along the sides as well.
  • If a burning smell appears, remove from heat and wait for it to cool.
  • Wash with sponge and detergent.

Advice! It is advisable to do this procedure between cleanings, as protective film broken when exposed to acids and alkalis.

Also adhere to the following rules:

  • Try not to cook sour and dairy dishes in aluminum cookware.
  • Stir frequently during cooking to prevent burning. To do this, use wooden or silicone spatulas so as not to leave scratches.
  • After cooking, immediately transfer it to another container. Don't leave it in the pot, otherwise the food will spoil quickly and acquire an unpleasant metallic taste.
  • It is impossible to salt and ferment food in aluminum dishes: when salt and acid come into contact with aluminum, compounds that are harmful to health are formed.
  • Once a week, carry out preventive cleaning of soot from the outside with soda and a sponge.