In a private house      07.03.2020

Thick curtains for the hall. Modern curtains for the living room and hall. natural or synthetic

Curtains… they are so different. The successful design of curtains for the hall is the creation of a unique, inimitable interior that fills the house with warmth and coziness, comfortable for relaxation and hospitable for friends. This is a big, responsible matter that requires careful consideration. different options, choice of stylistic solutions, fabrics, finishes, cornices. Which curtains to choose? How to combine window decoration with the interior? How to combine Beautiful design with functionality?

For windows and more

When it comes to curtains, window decoration automatically “pops up”. The design of curtains in the interior should be understood much more broadly. In addition to the decorative function, curtains protect from cold, drafts, bright sunlight, delimit the room, hide from prying eyes.

In the design of curtains, there are several functional, overlapping areas:

  • Window decoration - light curtains, heavy curtains, lambrequins;
  • Space zoning;
  • Decor doorways, input groups;
  • Zoning and decoration bed- bedside curtains, canopies;
  • Decoration of false windows, drapery of walls in halls and bedrooms.

Each of these areas has its own characteristics, but there are basic principles for the design of curtains, which we will consider in sequence.

Fabric choice

Original high-quality curtains can be made from different materials. Modern designers manage to adapt threads, beads, wood, plastic, cords, film, bamboo and leather for these purposes. But still, the main material for curtains is fabric. Their softness, volume, variety of textures, colors serve as a basic component of interior decor. Fabrics have amazing property bring comfort to the room. Even plain fabric will give the interior individuality and sophistication.

Do you want to make the room cozy, stylish but financial resources are limited? Take your time with the choice of furniture, chandeliers and other expensive interior items. Sew good curtains in the chosen style, and lay a suitable carpet on the floor. The room will "accept" your chosen style, you can enjoy coziness and comfort even without furniture.

Natural or synthetic?

The more natural the fabric, the better. It's not just a fashion trend natural materials is a different quality of life. If we compare the sensations in a room with natural curtains and with synthetic ones, for example, in a bedroom, then these will be two different rooms. The contrast of synthetics and naturalness is especially felt in small rooms.

Color and its influence on the interior

Beautiful, stylish curtains "require" voluminous draperies, height, width, which means they occupy a significant place in the interior. The fabric surface of curtains sometimes exceeds the surface open walls, and the color of the curtains becomes dominant.

For dark, dimly lit rooms, choose light-colored curtains.

The northern windows are decorated with curtains in warm, soft shades - beige, light brown, sand. The southern windows “accept” blue, turquoise, light green well, neutralizing the bright rays of the sun.

Flowers, stripes, cage?

A win-win option for curtains is plain. Curtains in one color will suit any room, but a bright pattern, an interesting print on the canvas, for example, a Roman blind, will bring zest, dynamism, and chic to the interior.

How much fabric do you need?

For beautiful curtains lots of fabric is needed. So many. A lot. The main mistake in the design of curtains is not in the color or shape of the curtain - but an attempt to save on fabric. Expensive luxurious curtains are easy to spoil with “narrowness” and “shortness”. From the cheapest, simplest fabric you can make real masterpiece without skimping on the fabric.

Types of curtains by density

  • light translucent curtain fabric;
  • chintz and linen curtains;
  • heavy thick curtains;
  • lined curtains;
  • curtains with an insert.

The density of the curtain determines its solar and heat-shielding properties. To give the room a feeling of light, openness, light translucent curtains made of nylon, cotton or linen are used. Such curtains drape magnificently in classic interiors, in Provence-style interiors, rural ones, on the contrary, they use shortened, straightened “stretched” options.

Additional finishing

The finished look, harmony, clarity of the lines of the curtain composition gives an additional decorative and functional finish:

  • fringe, braid;
  • contrast stripes;
  • tiebacks, decorative cords, brushes;
  • the use of curtain tape, weighting agents;
  • decorative elements - lambrequins, swags, jabots, flowers, fabric bows.

For expressiveness, clarity, the edges of the curtains, the lower parts of the lambrequins are trimmed with fringe, braid, contrasting stripes of fabric of the same texture. Dark fringe or braid, darker than the main color of the curtain, will make the outer edge heavier, making it clearer. Light fringe, emphasizing the line of the curtain, will make it lighter, more elegant.

Do not use lambrequins when low ceilings. Even a narrow strip of lambrequin visually reduces the height of the ceiling, "flattens" the interior.

Types of cornices, methods of fastening

A beautiful curtain is a beautifully hung curtain. It is not enough to choose the right fabric and sew a curtain with high quality, you need to hang it well. A device for hanging, fastening curtains is called a cornice.

In choosing a cornice, the main thing is its strength. According to statistics, curtains change, on average, once every 10 years, cornices change even less often. A cornice, durable, but not suitable in style to the interior, can be decorated, closed with a lambrequin, decorative trim.

With the help of the correct selection of the cornice, it is really possible to visually change the proportions of the window:

  • to expand the window will allow a longer cornice, a meter and a half longer than the width of the window, heavy curtains can completely go onto the wall.
  • you can increase the height of the window by fixing the cornice as high as possible, if necessary, fix ceiling cornice, to enhance the effect will allow long curtains lying on the floor.
  • a high window can be "cut" with a cornice with a lambrequin.

Like arched windows, but in your apartment only simple rectangular ones? You can change a simple rectangular window to an arched one using a cornice with a rigid lambrequin in the form of an arch. In the same way, you can change the shape of the doorway.

Types by style, method of manufacture and fastening

Classic curtains in combination with a light curtain fabric, tulle;
The most common design option for curtains for the hall, bedroom. Light translucent tulle gives airiness to the composition, side sliding curtains protect from bright light, cold from the window, frame window hole, combining it with interior.
The category of classic curtains includes French and Austrian curtains. By their design, they belong to the lifting curtains, luxurious assemblies are formed when the curtains are raised due to the cut, fastening and lifting mechanism. Use French and Austrian curtains in classic interior alone and in combination with classic curtains and lambrequins.

Roman blinds are simple and strict. In the raised position, they form soft folds, in the lowered position they are flat, even, covering only the glass surface of the window. It is convenient to hang these curtains near the glass itself as an addition to the classic sliding curtains in the hall. Made from thick fabric They protect well from the sun's rays, especially in hot summers.

Roller blinds are a single piece of fabric to fit the window, which rises with the help of a lifting mechanism. They can be hidden behind a lambrequin or disguised under a cornice, lowered if necessary. If the interior allows, roller blinds can be used as independent, plain or with a bright decor.

Japanese curtains are an interesting option for curtains for the hall, rectangular panels are rigidly attached at the top and are supplied with a weighting bar at the bottom. Japanese curtains move along the eaves with solid panels. From several translucent canvases, you can create original exquisite compositions.

The design of curtains for the home is an option when someone else's experience will be very useful. Before deciding on curtains, look at photos of curtains in various interior styles, visit fabric stores, consult a professional designer. Large fabric stores provide design services for free.

Curtain design is a whole art that borders on interior design. Considering the properties of fabrics, compositional, decorative features it is possible to create a real masterpiece that fills the house with beauty and comfort.

The hall is the main room of an apartment, cottage or private house. And the choice of style and interior must be taken carefully. Stylish curtains- undoubtedly the main detail that will help complete the interior, give the room coziness and comfort. The photo of the curtains for the hall shows that there are a huge variety of designs, fabrics and models.

So how do you make a choice? We will tell in the article.

What styles exist?

Such an interior detail as curtains should be chosen based on the planned design of the room. For the hall in a classic design, dense, heavy curtains are suitable, which will be made of expensive fabric.

For modern interiors designers have come up with many models. The most popular curtains for the hall in 2017-2018 are multilayer models. They include several types of curtains at once - day, night, evening and others. This solution makes the room more comfortable and functional.

When buying curtains for the living room, be guided by a few simple statements. If the curtain is made of a heavy, dense and non-translucent material, then the tulle or bottom curtain should be light, "luminous", transparent or translucent.

Remember that curtains are not suitable for every room. For very small room it is better to stay on just tulle in a room without curtains. When choosing a color, be guided by the colors and shades already present in the interior of the room.

Views suitable for modern trends in the interior

modern curtains in the hall should have external unburdenedness, ease. If the apartment belongs to people of a creative mindset, profession, then you can add a slight negligence to the design in the form of curtains.

Curtains made of heavy fabrics and too pretentious material are not suitable for this interior. Minimalism is the main feature that you should pay attention to when choosing a model. A minimum of frills, the main thing is simplicity, durability, versatility.

TO modern species relate:

  • models with a sliding mechanism;
  • lifting type;
  • standard or straight.

Also to modern models include bright, unusual, daring curtain designs for the hall.

Classic models

The novelties of classic curtains for the hall are straight models made of expensive, noble fabric. Without sharp assemblies and folds. For daytime use, curtains are assembled using garters or special fasteners. Lambrequins can act as decoration.

Art Nouveau and interior styles derived from it

Movement and lack of rest and static are what is most important and indicative in modernity. Materials should be simple and not weighty, pale or pastel shades.

The main features of the style include:

  • the presence of a geometric ornament or figures;
  • curved lines;
  • harmonious combination of elements that are different from each other;
  • only light shades of fabrics;
  • the presence of asymmetry;
  • the presence of an animal or vegetable print.

High tech style

It brings into the interior features of rigor and practicality. All unnecessary, useless, non-practical elements are removed from the design. That is, they are distinguished by the almost complete absence of various elements designed to make the curtains beautiful. Prints or designs are not allowed, any patterns are prohibited. The lines used are straight.


Provence is a style common for summer cottages and country cottages. Now it is again experiencing the peak of its popularity. Contains many refined and artsy elements. The style leaves an imprint of naturalness, which obliges to use only natural materials (cotton, linen and other similar fabrics) in the manufacture of the product.

The drawing is most often absent or does not have a main role. Various ribbons, garters and draperies are used for decoration. Pastel green, beige or blue shades predominate as colors.

Minimalistic Solutions

The style emphasizes lightness, space and freedom to visit. Differs in smoothness and softness of shades. The use of bright and harsh colors is strictly prohibited. No more than two shades are used.

The most common model consists of both black and white flowers. Beige, peach tones are popular.

How to choose a model for a room with a balcony?

Most apartments have a balcony, usually this room is used as a living room. The model of curtains should combine not only external beauty but also convenient content. Even if you rarely use the balcony, you still need to consider the presence of a door and the need to open or close it.

Choose a model depending on the size of the room. For a small living room, roller blinds are suitable. They will help save space and not interfere with the operation of the door mechanism.

Visually enlarge the room will help right choice colors and shades. The product must be light color and pastel shades.

Curtains with multiple windows

Large private houses or premium apartments often have two or more windows in the same room. In this case, it is important to observe an identical design for all windows. Tulle should be of the same shade and style. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. Any style and colors can be used.

Photo of curtains for the hall

The hall is a room in which the whole family gathers to spend time together. In addition, guests are periodically received here, covering festive table. That is why you need to competently approach interior design this room. After all, it is, in a way, the face of your home, which is paid attention to in the first place.

A large space in the living room is occupied by a window opening, the design of which will determine the overall impression of the room. Having picked up the appropriate design of curtains in the hall, you can beautifully decorate the windows. Correct connection various fabrics and textures will allow you to create a real masterpiece of decor.

It is necessary to select curtains in such a way that they are combined with the general style of the room. This is a rather time-consuming and responsible task, which can be solved by studying the current article.

After looking at the photos of the new curtains in 2020, you can see what variety we will expect when choosing. Designers offer the widest range in which the most unusual colors can perfectly match and complement each other, transforming appearance rooms. Of course, the primary task of curtains is protection from sunlight and prying eyes in the window. But do not forget about the decorative function.

The choice of material for curtains

The fashion trend of the season is natural fabrics. The variety of materials, combined with their skillful use, allows you to choose the right option for absolutely any style, be it classic or high-tech. Modern curtains in the hall are distinguished by their multi-layered and intricate textiles.

At the peak of popularity, everyone's favorite lambrequins with smooth or curving lines. They embody sophistication and emphasize the excellent taste of the owners.

Among the more modest options, cotton, silk, satin or velvet fabrics are offered. Draperies in lightweight fabrics such as viscose or tulle are also popular. A window can be decorated with three or more canvases at the same time. This design is found in the novelties of curtains in the interior of the hall.

You should not combine only matte fabrics with shiny ones. Curtains that fall on the floor surface look very elegant and are suitable for large rooms.

Curtain color palette

Among the hits of curtains for the hall of 2020, gray, turquoise and lilac colors and their shades. The living room, decorated in lilac or purple tones, is quite colorful and has an attractive appearance. The priority of the next season is juicy color palette. The rich colors of the curtains, echoing other elements of the room, emphasize the stylistic unity of the space.

Do not choose too dull and faded shades. For adherents of the classics, light tulle in combination with dark monophonic curtains remains the invariable option. Besides, White color visually enlarges the space and gives it a feeling of airiness. Naturally, the curtains should be in harmony with the curtains. They will be a worthy frame for the whole composition.

Designers unequivocally state that if the walls of the room are designed in a single-color version, you should pay attention to the curtains with a pattern. And vice versa, if there are patterns and images in the wallpaper, it is better to stay on one-color curtains. These are the so-called general trends in design.

However, modern designers can choose a combination that violates the above rule, but at the same time will look simply enchanting.

One of the most fashionable curtains curtains with photo printing become in the living room. They can be custom made with any pattern of your choice. This option will definitely become a bright accent of the interior and will attract everyone's attention. The modern technology of printing on fabric allows you to wash the curtains without fear for the fading of the pattern.

Prints with geometric shapes and futuristic motifs look very unusual and perfectly complement the room, designed in a monochromatic range. The combination of a common pattern on curtains and other interior elements, for example, sofa cushions, adds a sense of unity. Canvases with colored inserts create a sense of layering.

Neutral colors of curtains can be varied with accessories in the form of tiebacks, hooks and holders. Decorative cords and brushes, decorated with beads and various figures, can be made by hand. Tiebacks not only support the curtains in a certain position, but also allow you to achieve an original design.

Mechanisms for fastening and opening curtains

When choosing curtains, be sure to consider how they will be attached. After all, sometimes there is not enough space above the window to accommodate reliable fasteners.

Roman curtains. Special cornice with lifting mechanism and the control unit holds the curtains. Often such products are attached to the window frame, therefore, before buying, you must accurately measure its width and height. When raised, the curtain is assembled with an accordion and can be additionally fixed with Velcro;

Roller blinds. The fastening mechanism is identical to Roman blinds. The only difference is that when the canvas is lifted, it is wound onto a special tube, forming a neat roll of fabric;

Curtains with ties or loops. The most common mounting option. The loops are put on hooks hanging on the curtain. And the ties are simply threaded into special holes in the canvases and tied around the eaves;

Curtains on grommets. Round holes are punched into the fabric. Special rings are inserted into them, called eyelets. They can be made from various materials: wood, metal or plastic. The size of the eyelets depends on the diameter of the cornice on which they will be worn;

Drawstring curtains. The upper edge of the curtain is folded and hemmed, forming a hole for pulling on the cornice. Clamps are put on the edges of the cornice to avoid fabric slipping. This option looks very neat. The only nuance correct selection drawstring size in accordance with the diameter of the eaves, on which the curtain must move freely.

Regardless of which design will be preferable for you, remember that you spend a lot of time in the hall. Therefore, following fashion trends, do not forget about personal preferences and your own desires. By adhering to this rule, you can create a truly cozy and homely atmosphere in the room.

Photo of curtains in the hall 2020

The hall is the main, central room in any house. And if you think through all the details, even the smallest, it will be very comfortable in it.

Of course, in this matter, you can not do without curtains. And in general, special attention is given separately.

EXPERT OPINION Diana Smetanina Sales Manager Russian company OLEXDECO

The beauty of roller blinds is that virtually any type of roller blind is suitable for window decoration in the hall. The main thing - the buyer needs to decide on two points. The first is the initial data: the size of the window niche, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and its location (which side the windows face), etc. The second is what result you need to achieve when creating the interior.

For example, a client needs to make a room as bright as possible, “looking” to the north, and he has a window opening at his disposal standard sizes with a double-leaf window (deaf and opening sash). All tasks will be solved by "Mini" roller blinds, which can be installed on each individual sash, including those with options without frame drilling. Transparent fabric will let in diffused light even with the curtains down, and the “anti-wind” system will not allow the canvas to sway and will allow you to comfortably ventilate the room.

Another situation: there is a large blind (without sashes) window in a room “facing” to the south, and the customer needs to provide reliable and comfortable protection from sunlight. The best option is cassette roller blinds with side guides and a fabric that does not let light through ("blackout"). Such roller blinds are equipped with side guides that are glued on the sides of window glass and do not leave any gaps and gaps. Roller blinds are perfectly combined with traditional fabric curtains and will harmoniously complement the interior of the hall in any style, including the classic one.

curtain styles

Curtains in the living room are a special decor, which is selected according to the interior style.

In modern life, curtains are chosen simple, for classics, heavy options made from expensive fabrics are more suitable.

  • If you chose weightless tulle, pick up plump massive fabrics for them.
  • Based on which color solution You stopped, you should choose a color palette.

Modern designers often prefer to design living rooms in combination with day and night curtains. They are perfect no matter what time of day it is.

Modern curtains for the living room

Easily laid-back. Highly rated here taste qualities versatile people. But, do not use heavy paints and fabrics.

IN modern style applicable usage:

  • Minimalism
  • Beyond functionality
  • practicality
  • Reliability
  • Various combinations
  • Metal accessories

Curtains here will be straight, lifting or sliding.

Classic designs

The materials used are exquisite. For example, it can be silk, velvet, brocade. With them general form takes on a classic feel.

In general, in the classics, the style is even, the sides can also be tied up with laces, bows, in the shade of the curtains. Decorations in strips of fabric, lambrequins are also perfect.


Also great modern version. Here you can use shapes smooth transitions between components, intricate images, floristry.

Thanks to light noble fabrics, draperies, folds, asymmetric fabrics and light shades, the interior acquires a certain sophistication of modern modernity.

High-tech curtains

This style is practical. It embodies aesthetics with convenience. It is quite strict, which means that there are no decorations, geometric patterns, patterns in it. Everything is very clear and precise. by the most ideal solution in this style there will be blinds with roller shutters.

Modern fabrics, maximum restraint, teflon, anti-glare, flame retardant impregnation, metallized fibers. All this is inherent in high-tech style curtains.


Incredibly popular style. The elements here are rough, the decor is simple. Ornaments of plant motifs are used. In order for a special atmosphere to reign in the room, we apply an ecological style like chintz, cotton, linen, cambric, imitation cloth.

In Provence, pastel colors will be the most diverse.


There is a special freedom here. All this is noticeable in the decor on the windows, soft lighting. Brightness and variegation are completely absent here. Most suitable options here: beige, gray, brown, light, cream shades.

In the interior of the living room, roller blinds, Roman, Japanese, look great. Color dominates one last resort- two. It is recommended to choose only natural materials.

Fashionable modern curtains

When choosing curtains in the living room, you should adhere to relevance. Curtains 2016 juicy and rich.

If we talk about a variety of combinations, gray shades can also be used. It is also possible to use floral patterns, combinations with lambrequins of straight or rigid shapes, ruffles.

Curtains, including for the balcony

Naturally, if the apartment has a balcony, it is also necessary to choose practical curtains.

It is very important and simply necessary to take into account the parameters of the balcony room and the living room. In this case, roller blinds, Roman type, medium curtains can be ideal.

Photo of curtains for the hall

Without any doubt, the hall is the main room in our home. Firstly, this is the largest room in the apartment. Secondly, as a rule, it is here that the living room is set up, which gives the impression of the entire housing as a whole. Therefore, the question of how to choose the right curtains for the hall is quite relevant, because it is this procedure that becomes the final touch in the interior design of the room.

Curtains for the hall - photo

What to consider when choosing curtains: basic rules

When choosing curtains, all the basic rules of interior design work, so consider in which room the curtains will be used:

  • For small spaces, it is preferable to use light shades and light fabrics.
  • Rooms, unlimited in volume, allow for more diverse options. Here you can use both heavy materials and voluminous cascades of curtains.

  • It is also worth making sure that there is no overload in color. Curtains should not only be combined with the environment, but also not oppress the interior in one tone.
  • Remember to carefully measure the length and width of the window opening, as well as the height from floor to ceiling. So you will definitely guess with the appropriate size of the curtains, and they will not have to be redone later.
  • Also consider the ease of use of the curtains. Light fabrics are usually used to protect from the sun, heavy curtains should cover the window in the evening. Therefore, first of all, decide what functions the curtains will perform, and only after that go shopping.

In addition, when choosing curtains, it is necessary to take into account at once all the parameters that are important for the interior: style, color, fabric texture and other criteria.

Curtain styles for the hall

Today, the textile market presents a wide variety of styles of curtains for the hall: classic strict, Austrian, Italian and Lately Roman and Japanese curtains are especially popular. Such a large assortment sometimes confuses an inexperienced buyer, so before purchasing it is worthwhile to figure out what curtains are and where it is better to use them:

  • For fans strictly and elegant design The best choice would be classic curtains, suitable for almost any style of interior.

  • Not less than interesting option are and italian curtains, gathering diagonally, or Austrian, forming lush scallops.
  • Japanese curtains are ideal for rooms with a combined balcony or loggia. They will not only create unique interior indoors, but also allow you to freely go out into the fresh air.
  • Roman roller blinds are fabric sheets with a minimum of decorative elements, the texture and pattern of the fabric is of primary importance here.

This option is very practical, easy to use, and in addition, allows you to adjust the level of illumination in the room.

  • In addition to the most common options presented above, there are other styles. In addition, today it has become popular to combine various forms in one room, which allows you to create original interior in the hall.

And one more nuance: as a rule, each style involves the use of a certain type of fabric. With the possible exception of classic curtains, where almost any material can be used. Therefore, the fabric used is also of great importance, especially in the case of making curtains with your own hands.

Fabric selection principles

When designing a window opening, it is necessary to take into account the texture, density and structure of the material from which the curtains will be made. The following fabric selection principle applies here: for each style in the interior there is an approximate design of curtains, for which it is preferable to use a certain material.

For the hall, heavy curtains, light curtains, as well as multi-level compositions from various fabrics are equally applicable:

  • Satin and velvet claim to be the luxury and chic of the environment, so the use of these options is possible only in a suitable interior: baroque, classic or modern.

  • Velor and plush curtains look very solemn and solid, especially in combination with additional drapery from lighter fabrics.
  • Tulle and taffeta will find their use in small rooms with good natural light.
  • Natural fabrics such as linen give the interior a natural feel. Such curtains are often used in a hall combined with a bedroom.
  • To create the illusion of movement, you can use fabric made according to modern technologies: organza or other material with the addition of aluminum or gold-plated thread will shimmer very beautifully under evening lights.

Curtains in the hall: features of the fabrics used

However, keep in mind that each material for curtains in the hall has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

  • So, fleecy fabrics easily collect surrounding dust, therefore, they require periodic cleaning.
  • Many materials categorically do not accept washing: organza begins to crumble, and cotton loses all its natural charm. Therefore, such fabrics, as a rule, are sent to dry cleaning.
  • Silk and velvet curtains also have their own peculiarity, so that curtains made of these materials do not hang on the cornice with shapeless rags, they require a special lining.

Therefore, when choosing curtains, soberly assess your strength, how great is your willingness to pay attention to caring for this piece of furniture. If the answer is no, choose practical, non-staining fabrics in the appropriate color.

We select the color for the decoration of the hall

An important factor influencing the overall perception of the hall is color design rooms in which curtains are of great importance:

  • A classic design solution is to choose the color of the curtains to match the furniture used in the room. Applicable if you are a fan of constancy, and once the selected furnishings for the hall will last for quite a long time.
  • Another option to match the color of the curtains with the surroundings is to choose a shade that matches the tone of the main element in the room, such as a large sofa.

  • Often the color of the curtains is combined with a shade wall covering. Here you can apply one of the common design solutions. Hang curtains in the same color as the wall decoration, while choosing a lighter or darker tone so that the two decor elements do not merge with each other.
  • Curtains, if necessary, can also be used as a bright decorative accent, if the whole environment is made in too calm shades. At the same time, keep in mind that the fabric should be combined with the color of the curtains. For example, yellow velor and satin of the same color will look completely different.
  • However, not everyone claims to be a designer. Therefore, if you doubt your ability to choose suitable color, you can use a win-win option - choose curtains of a neutral color: sand, beige, milky or silver. Such shades will successfully fit into the interior of almost any direction.

To revitalize too boring monochromatic shades, you can use additional draperies, lambrequins, multi-colored trim, or use two colors that match in shade in the manufacture.

We select curtains for a small room

The eternal problem of Russian apartments is small-sized rooms that require a special approach when creating an interior. small size the premises, of course, somewhat limit the variety of design options for window openings. However, this does not mean that it is too difficult to choose curtains for a small room:

  • Take advantage of today's fashionable styles, such as Roman and roller blinds. They are close enough to the window, so they do not limit the space of the room.

  • If you are more inclined towards classic version flowing or strict curtains, choose light-colored curtains. Or a combination of darker thick curtains and light tulle.
  • For small rooms, especially those with north-facing windows, good decision will be the use of light curtains with the addition of lurex.
  • If patterned curtains are used, do not choose large patterned curtains. The best option there will be small translucent ornaments that will not burden the space of the room.

Be careful when using lambrequins, they are applicable only in spacious rooms. But if you really want to apply this design element, use its modification - a gang, which is a rigid base of various configurations, covered with decorative fabric.

Modern trends in the design of the hall with curtains: what is fashionable today?

And finally, it is worth mentioning the fashion trends that designers today adhere to when creating an interior. Speaking of current trends when decorating the hall with curtains, it is worth considering not what is fashionable at this particular moment, but the nearest forecasts for the future. After all, this element of decor with good care Approximately serves about 5-7 years. Therefore, creating an interior, it makes sense to focus on tomorrow.

So, in the next 2-3 years, lilac, turquoise and brown tones will be relevant for heavy fabrics. For light curtains - classic light shades from milky to beige colour with almost transparent invisible patterns.

In the design of the window opening in the hall, one should adhere to minimalism or classical style which will always be in fashion. At the same time, special preference is given to curtains on grommets (plastic rings set in the fabric). As well as Japanese and Roman curtains, which also meet the main trend of modern fashion: a minimum of material, a maximum of functionality and practicality.

A good option would be a combination of these areas, combined in one room using similar fabrics.