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Homemade crafts from plastic bottles. DIY crafts from plastic bottles. Washbasins and boxes

at 05/28/2017 147,894 Views

From plastic bottles you can make many useful things for the garden and dacha

While lovingly arranging our city dwellings, we are no less touching about our summer cottages. We try to improve them, create comfortable conditions for ourselves and add special notes of attractiveness to the even rows of beds and berry bushes. Many summer residents have chosen the most accessible and flexible material for their creative experiments - ordinary plastic bottles. We will talk further about what products can be made from it for the garden and dacha!

  • House made of plastic bottles
  • Country crafts from plastic bottles step by step: palm tree made from plastic bottles
  • Plastic crafts: some tips
  • Master class from plastic bottles step by step

wonderful hanging pots for cacti from plastic bottles

Resourcefulness in ways to place many plants in the garden area

Plastic bottles in in capable hands will be a wonderful decoration for your landscape

Beautiful flower from plastic caps

Crafts from plastic bottles step by step: from flower pots to fairy-tale towers

Manufacturing idea useful devices and decorative items from plastic containers not new. The first attempts led our grandparents to build low fences for paths. Having appreciated the plasticity and low cost of the material, craftsmen from among the people moved on. And now the summer cottages are decorated with full-fledged fences, funny figures and unusual devices made from plastic bottles.

Your children will definitely like this beautiful ostrich from a pet container!

Thanks to imagination and such excellent material as plastic bottles, we have almost limitless possibilities for creating crafts for every taste, any complexity and direction

Paintings made from the caps of plastic bottles and other containers have grown into an entire art movement.

Plastic bottles have long been in great demand among gardeners

Magnificent orange flowers from pet containers

Crafts and decorations for the cottage and garden made from plastic bottles do not require the use of complex tools and specialized skills. The main thing is to have time and desire, as well as enough material. Those who have had both have convincingly proven the limitless possibilities of such needlework, and we have prepared a review best examples crafts.

DIY furniture, flowerpots and a vase made from a plastic bottle

Comfortable and very stylish chair made from plastic bottles

A sheet of plywood, sixteen one and a half liter bottles, adhesive tape - and your site will have a comfortable and durable coffee table. Plywood can be replaced with plastic or hardboard, an old countertop or plexiglass. From the same materials, slightly changing the design, you can make a garden bench. Some diligent and patient craftsmen manage to assemble full-fledged sofas and armchairs from bottles.

You can even make the basis for a full-fledged sofa from plastic bottles if you fasten them firmly and carefully

Hanging flowerpot or base for flowerpots

DIY ottoman made from plastic bottles

How to make a pouf from pet containers

House made of plastic bottles

Among the summer residents there are also real builders who know that they can build whatever their heart desires from plastic bottles. They collect gazebos, toilets, sheds and even from plastic bottles. The only difficulty with such structures is not in their assembly, but in assembling them required quantity bottles

House with a roof made of 7,000 bottles

Plastic bottles are a good base material for building the walls of a summer house, greenhouse, shower, toilet or other partitions

Greenhouse walls made of containers on a wooden frame

Bottoms from plastic bottles will help you decorate garlands for the garden

Children's playground: flowers made from plastic bottles and toys made from plastic bottles

Crafts made from plastic bottles will help decorate the playground

All kinds of crafts made from plastic bottles are especially attractive for decorating a children's playground. Absolutely safe, they can become the basis for toys, for fun decorations, and for creating story compositions. Funny elephants, bees, bunnies and hedgehogs, bright flowers, cheerful lanterns will turn the country island of childhood into a fairy-tale kingdom.

A whole plot for a children's playground from the caps of plastic bottles and canisters

Together with children, you can make small crafts and large plot mosaics from the caps of plastic bottles

Plastic bottle doll

Examples of a variety of crafts that will help the gardener with placement, easy transportation and care of plants

Piglets from the big ones plastic bottles– stable stands for germinating seedlings or small plants

Craft for garden or lawn decor: parrot from pet container

Crafts for the garden and useful little things

Multi-colored turtles will be an excellent element of your garden decor.

You can see how easily the “crazy” hands of summer residents transform used plastic containers into useful summer cottage devices by walking through suburban areas. Here, on the trunk of a tree, a washbasin was nestled comfortably, and in the next yard, the gazebo was decorated with multi-colored, fragrant and ampelous geraniums. We have also prepared for you several descriptions of crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden.

DIY bird made from plastic bottles

DIY painted garden owl lanterns

Birdhouse made from a plastic bottle

It’s very easy to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles cut in half will become cute flower pots; it is important to carefully paint them. It is also advisable to take opaque bottles for this.

The ever-tangling and stuck twine for tying seedlings will stop tormenting you if you hide the ball in a plastic bottle. Just cut the bottle in the middle, insert a ball into the top, pass the end of the twine into the neck, connect the parts, secure the cut with tape - and your convenient storage is ready.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Your seedlings will not wither, even if you go away for several days: install semi-automatic watering. Once again, plastic bottles come into play. We cut off the bottom of the bottle, about 2/3, drill 4-8 holes in the cork, close the neck, bury the bottle upside down, pour water - and the seedlings are provided with moisture during your absence. A similar garden made from plastic bottles (photo confirms this) will significantly save your time and money.

Automatic watering "Aquasolo" - these are conical nozzles on a bottle with a thread that do not require wasting time on drilling slots, digging into the ground, and so on.

Anthurium with convenient system automatic watering"Aquasolo"

Maximum space saving: plastic bottles suspended one above the other with a cut tube with water passing through them

  • For the same seedlings, plastic bottles make excellent containers. After cutting the bottle in half and taking the bottom, pour the prepared substrate into it, plant the plants and place them on a shelf made of wooden planks. This design is also suitable for decorating your home with flowers.

Beautiful hanging pots made from plastic bottles will not only decorate the interior, but also make it unique

Excellent flowerpot made from a shampoo bottle with your own hands

Arrangement of compact placement of seedlings or small plants at the dacha

Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle

Some crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden amaze the owners with their ingenuity. By placing a bottle on a hose and making many holes in the bottom, you will get an excellent diffuser for watering your garden. From a five-liter container you can build an elegant lamp for the veranda, and a mineral water container is suitable as a bird feeder.

Bird feeder made of plastic container

A simple and convenient hose sprayer for garden watering

  • Plastic bottles will help you save trees from pests. Cut the bottle lengthwise into two halves, fill it with a mixture that is attractive to pests and add insecticides, and bury it at the base of the trunk.
  • From bottles you can make a magnificent decorative all-weather and all-season flower bed. Just paint the bottoms of the bottles in different colors and make a wonderful carpet out of them by sticking them in open side into the ground. The carpet pattern can be pre-reproduced on paper.

Decorating flower beds with pet containers has become very popular

  • One Brazilian engineer did the calculations and built a solar collector from plastic bottles. The structure can be placed on a summer cottage, connected to storage tank, and you will always have a warm shower.

Device solar collector from plastic bottles

Automatic watering of seedlings and ornamental plants in your absence, using a plastic bottle dug next to the roots with small holes drilled in the neck or cap

Cut plastic containers suspended one above the other are the fastest and most economical way out of a situation when you need to germinate a lot of seedlings in a limited space

Making an owl from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Bottles for germination and winter holding of plants - an opportunity to save space and ensure good irrigation and drainage

Products made from plastic bottles: artistic masterpieces

Magnificent dandelions from pet containers will never cease to delight you and your guests

The imagination of folk craftsmen is so diverse that it leads to the appearance of outlandish animals, fairy tale and cartoon characters, and exotic plants, and original thematic compositions.

We cover the bottom of a plastic bottle or cup with dry twigs and get an unusual candlestick, protected from the wind.

Rainbow decor for a garden, workshop, garage: a fountain of spirals cut from multi-colored plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are used not only to decorate the garden, but also to decorate the home.

Country crafts from plastic bottles:

If you have a small pond on your site, you can decorate it with a plastic palm tree. It's not at all difficult to make. You will need:

  • 10-15 brown plastic bottles (for the palm trunk);
  • 5-6 green bottles (preferably long);
  • iron or willow rod;
  • an awl or drill for making holes;
  • sharp knife or scissors for cutting bottles.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles looks very beautiful

Now let's start making the decoration.

  • Cut all the brown bottles in half. We take the lower parts and use an awl to make holes in the bottom of each of them, equal in size to the diameter of the rod.

Advice! You can also take the tops of the bottles, then you won’t have to make additional holes.

  • For green bottles, cut off the bottom by about 1 cm. Leave one of the blanks with a neck, cut it off for the rest to make a loop.
  • Carefully cut the green bottles lengthwise into three equal parts up to the loop.

Making palm leaves

  • We cut out the edges of the brown parts with jagged edges to create an imitation of a rough palm tree trunk.
  • We securely fix the rod in the soil. We calculate the length of the rod by laying out the brown parts on the ground in one row, plus 2-3 cm for the leaves.

We put brown bottles on it.

Making a trunk for a palm tree

  • We string our leaves onto the free top of the rod, finishing the work with a blank with a neck. We make a hole in the lid and screw it onto the last sheet, securely securing the entire crown.

Connection of trunk and leaves

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles

Using several rods of different lengths, you can create a real oasis. As you can see, making garden crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands is not so difficult; the main thing is to find a sufficient amount of material and take one of the proposed ideas as a basis.

Step-by-step guide: making fabric pots on bases from plastic bottles.

Hedgehog from a plastic bottle and twine rope: growing seedlings and small creeping plants

Crafts for the garden from plastic bottle caps

You can create real masterpieces from plastic lids

Don't throw away bottle caps. Decorative crafts made from caps from plastic bottles for the cottage and garden can also be beautifully integrated into its landscape. They will serve as an excellent mosaic material for decorating fences and walls of a country house.

Bright compositions made from plastic lids will help make your landscape design more fun.

Video master class (from plastic bottles of standard capacity):

A path made of plastic covers is not only economical, but also very beautiful

Large-scale red and blue mosaic of caps different sizes

Having tinkered a little with the pattern, painted and drilled holes in the sides of the covers, you can use them to assemble a curtain for the door. An excellent option for protection against insects!

The lids can be turned into a beautiful tabletop or a practical doormat. Use them for decorative finishing internal space.

Gorgeous door curtains made from plastic covers

Carport that diffuses sunlight

Beautiful lanterns in Hawaiian style

Before starting work, remove the labels from the bottles and wash the container thoroughly.

For stability of vertical structures, fill the bottles with sand or small pebbles.

Dragonflies made from corrugated plastic bottles

An ingenious device for collecting fruit from trees

Hanging pots made from pet containers with images of animals will fit perfectly into the interior of a children's room

Choose plastic bottles of different softness for crafts. For example, for the body of a dog or elephant, take a strong base, but for the ears it is better to use softer plastic.

Master class from plastic bottles (step by step):

Without strong and cozy home, a spacious and roomy barn, a beautiful and comfortable gazebo outside the city is indispensable. But real originality and individuality are given to the plot of land by homemade products for the dacha and garden. It is about the manufacture of these dear little things that will be discussed below.

Crafts from scrap materials

Not so long ago country cottage area was considered by our compatriots only as a source of fruits, berries and vegetables, which diversified the diet during the long and cold winter.

Now everything more people They consider it as a place where they can have a good rest and relax after a busy week of work spent in the city. That is why many began to pay great attention to the decorative component.

Some hire landscape designers for this purpose, however, the price for their services is usually quite high. But many interesting and practical things that will decorate your yard, garden and vegetable garden can be made with your own hands. Moreover, for this you can use various scrap materials that would otherwise go to a landfill.


Country homemade items made from polymer bottles are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also environmentally friendly. After all, plastic takes a very long time to decompose in landfills, releasing harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. chemical substances. And using it as building material, you breathe a second life into them.

For the manufacture of certain structures, not only plastic ones are suitable, but also glass bottles.
By combining materials, shapes and colors, you can create an installation for the vegetable garden, which will play a key role in the landscape

Here are just a few of the most common ideas:

  1. Bird feeders. These useful homemade products for home and garden not only decorate the exterior, but also help birds, saving them from hunger. The material will be a plastic 3 or 6 liter bottle. The manufacturing process itself is simple. You just need to cut holes of the appropriate size in the right places and pour the food inside.
  2. Vases. By cutting off the top of the bottle, you can use it as a flowerpot for ornamental or garden plants.

  1. Fences for flower beds. In this case, it is better to use glass bottles. Sticking them with their necks into the ground around the perimeter, you will get an original and original fence that will diversify appearance plot.
  2. Playground decorations. The first thing that comes to mind: a plastic pinwheel, a windmill or the sun. However, more creative and hardworking summer residents can be advised to make a palm tree. Our instructions below describe in detail all stages of the work.

Making a plastic palm tree

Before you begin production, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • green and brown plastic bottles;
  • several rods of fittings or 2-3 pipes (according to the number of palm trees);
  • glue;
  • wire;
  • concrete or cement mortar for pouring the base.

Further operations are performed as follows:

  1. A small hole is dug into which pre-stored metal rods or steel pipes are installed.
  2. For strength, the structure is lined with stone, pieces of brick or cinder block, and then filled with concrete or cement mixture.
  3. You need to cut off the bottom of brown bottles and then put them on the previously installed pipe. The number of details depends on the height of the future palm tree. It is necessary to ensure that all metal parts are hidden.

To make the decorative palm tree more durable, it is recommended to additionally glue the bottles together using silicone glue.

  1. Leaves tropical tree cut from green bottles. To do this, the bottom of the parts is removed, after which the cylinder is cut into narrow strips, not cutting about 2 cm to the neck.
  2. Individual crown elements are mounted on steel wire and secured to it. Finished lush branches are attached to the supporting part using welding or bolts.

Once installed, a palm tree cannot be moved.
Because if you use country houses from block containers, make sure that after the construction of a permanent structure, the decorative elements fit organically into the landscape design.

Car tires

What else can you use to make homemade items at the dacha: products made from car tires look great at the dacha.

Let's look at the most common ideas:

  1. Flower garden. You need to paint the used tire and dig it into the ground about half its width.

  1. Sandbox. The place for games is made in the same way as a flower bed. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no pieces of reinforcing wire (cord) sticking out of the tire, which could injure children.
  2. Decorative figures. It all depends on your imagination. The most difficult task is cutting the tire correctly. It is best to use a hacksaw or a special power tool for these purposes.

If there is no electricity at your dacha, renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help out.
With this device you will power a power saw, grinder, hammer drill and many other necessary power tools.

Making a stool

From rubber tire for a car you can make a convenient and beautiful ottoman, which is suitable for a garden, gazebo or home.

The materials in this case will be:

  • an old car tire;
  • two sheets of thick plywood;
  • thick hemp or synthetic rope.

The manufacturing process consists of the following sequential stages:

  1. Two circles are cut out of sheets of plywood, whose diameter is 2-3 centimeters smaller than the size of the wheel.

  1. The parts are attached to the rubber using self-tapping screws.
  2. Then using glue gun A rope is attached to the tire. It must be glued so that the rubber base is not visible in the gaps.

  1. After this, the entire surface is covered with varnish, which will not only give the product an attractive appearance, but also extend its service life, protecting it from negative external factors.


The list of homemade products for the garden given in this material is not exhaustive. With a little imagination, you can make many other crafts from wood, bottle caps, old beds, and so on. You can learn more about this from the video in this article.

Trend rational use household waste in Lately is becoming increasingly popular, especially for plastic containers. You can make almost everything from plastic bottles with your own hands. country house interior and not only. One of the main advantages of this material is long term service, and it is also very elastic. Don't forget that plastic bottles are... available material, which is always available to every owner or hostess.

By showing ingenuity and a little imagination, you can not only make necessary and useful things that will decorate the site, but also free it from unnecessary trash without harming nature. After all, it is known that plastic takes a very long time to decompose, and when burned it releases hazardous substances. Therefore, it is better not to throw bottles into a fire or take them to a landfill - they can still serve in the form of a variety of crafts, some options of which are presented in the article.

Cheap and cheerful - we make flower beds from bottles

Plastic containers are ideal option for flower beds, since it has big advantage before wood and even metal. Wooden fencing in flower beds or flower beds, it dries out over time or rots under the influence of moisture and sun. Even metal curbs are susceptible to corrosion and require periodic maintenance, such as regular painting.

What about plastic? It does not lose its shape and does not collapse for a long time. This means that such a flower bed will last for more than one season or even one year, and it also requires absolutely no maintenance. Even if a “breakdown” occurs, the required “element” can always be found in the pantry and easily replaced, without resorting to long, tedious shopping trips to find a suitable fragment.

So, what can you make from plastic bottles with your own hands?

Bottle borders

If you need to fence a flower garden, plastic containers of different sizes will do the job perfectly. Such a border will not only limit the space and prevent growth perennial plants, but will still retain moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

The shape and size of the flowerbed depend only on the imagination of the summer resident: it can be either equilateral or in the form of some kind of animal or plant. You can also use bottles to break the flowerbed itself into segments.

Even a child can build a bottle border (with the help of adults, of course):

  1. The first step is to draw the contours of the flower bed with a sharp object or sprinkle sand on the site.
  2. Remove the labels from the bottles, wash them, pour sand into them and screw on the cap. If this is not available, you can use ordinary soil or water. This is necessary for stability, since empty containers will quickly fall out of the fence.
  3. Dig a groove along the outlined contour so that the bottle can be deepened into it by about 1/3.
  4. Place the filled bottles in the groove with the neck down, as close to each other as possible, and cover with soil.

For visual effect, you can use bottles made of different colored plastic (green, white, brown).

Some summer residents do without digging in bottles. For example, bottles without a bottom are simply inserted into each other, forming a circle. The finished structure can be “put” on a bush or taken into a ring around the trunk of a tree. To secure the curb, it must be pressed tightly to the ground with arcs.

Multi-tiered flower bed

If you really want to have a flower garden, but there is too little space, you can make a multi-tiered flower bed with your own hands from plastic bottles. The principle is the same as when constructing a border, only after laying the first tier it is necessary to fill it with nutritious soil, and only then lay out the next floor.

When planting plants for the lower tier, it is better to choose moisture-loving specimens, since when watering the water will flow down.

Mini flower beds

Beautiful and useful crafts for a summer residence, you can make it from 5-liter plastic bottles. They will serve as miniature and cute flower beds, for example, in the shape of everyone’s favorite piglets.

Group compositions in the form of trains with flowers look no less impressive.

And if instead of flowers you sow lawn grass, a large bottle turns into a cute hedgehog with green spines. All that remains is to attach the eyes and nose.

Those who are not afraid of small rodents will like cute mice from small (liter) bottles. They are good for planting petunias.

Flower pots and flowerpots

With a little imagination, plastic bottles can easily be transformed into small decorative pots for flowers or herbs. You can make them even or cut them to fit a marker in the shape of a face. Such flowerpots will look great not only in garden gazebo, but also in the house on the windowsill.

But if you put a fabric cover on a cut bottle and attach ropes, you will get elegant flowerpots for summer veranda.

The easiest way to make hanging pots is to cut out fragments of the walls on both sides of the bottle, and secure a rope under the neck for hanging. Compact, low-growing plants can be planted in such flowerpots.

Making a beautiful garden path

Paths made from plastic containers are especially popular among summer residents. The strength of such a path depends on the laying method and what part of the plastic container serves as building material:

Paths made of plastic bottles become very slippery in winter.

Fun playground - decorating a place for children to play

Caring parents always strive to provide their children with a place to play in their dacha, where the children can pass the time while the adults are busy in the garden. Of course, it should not only be safe, but also colorful so that the kids will like it. With the help of plastic bottles it is easy to decorate the playground by making a variety of plants and animals. It will help to give them brightness regular paint.

In the shade under a palm tree

What is a children's playground without a sandbox? And where there is sand, a palm tree must “grow”. For the tropicana you will need green and brown bottles for the trunk and leaves, respectively.

Before you begin assembly, you need to take care of solid foundation. For example, fix in concrete screed a metal pin, and it must be quite long so that the tree is tall and children can walk freely under it.

When the base is fixed, you can start “growing” the palm tree:

  • cut off half the bottle (the top and neck are not needed) and form a jagged edge;
  • Make a hole in the center of the bottom, string the blanks onto the base pin, bending the teeth to the side for a more natural look;
  • cut off the bottom of the green bottle and make straight cuts along the entire contour to the place where the wall meets the neck (if desired, the branches can be made into shapes - cut into 4 parts and make teeth on each one);
  • string fragments of the branch onto the base;
  • firmly attach the finished branches to the top of the stem (by welding or construction cords).

If after assembling the palm tree there are still a lot of green bottles left, you can use them to make a small (or large) Christmas tree. Remove the bottom of the bottle and cut it into long narrow strips right up to the neck. Trim the edges of the strips to resemble thorns. String the leaves onto the base.

Such a Christmas tree will look great on the site in winter, especially under the snow, and will also help out in New Year's Eve those who, in a hurry, did not have time to buy a living tree.

Guests from a fairy tale - funny animals

And of course, there must be toys on the playground. Children often take their old favorites outside. With the help of plastic bottles, you can easily diversify the “zoo”, creating real masterpieces - from the fairy-tale Frog Princess and Goldfish to modern cartoon characters.

Take, for example, a handsome cat, painted with black and white paint. Or you can use brown beer bottles and you will get a brown cat, also beautiful.

Form a head from two bottle bottoms (connect them), and the curves on the bottoms will indeed look like a real head. On one of them, paint eyes, eyebrows and mustaches with white paint, and a neat tongue with red paint. Insert small cut out ears on top. For the body, string the same short-cut bottoms onto the base, closing the body last. Melt the edges of the bottoms. Apply white paint along the melted contour of the ears and body fragments, and make a white spot on the chest on the front bottom.

Glue the head and legs - the top parts of bottles with elongated necks will be useful for them. Cut them to the place where the bottle expands, cut the edges with sharp teeth and build legs from 4-5 parts, putting them on the base wire. Screw the plugs onto the upper necks and use them to glue the legs to the body. For the tail, take a long wire and string the narrowest parts of the neck onto it, but without the plugs. To make the tail fluffy, cut the edges into thin strips.

Beautiful animals from plastic bottles are also obtained from large 5-liter containers. With the right combination of bottles of different sizes and with the help of bright colors, you can place a zebra, horse, cow, donkey and even a giraffe on the site.

Flowers for my daughter

In the sandbox, children not only make Easter cakes. Little girls love flowers very much and often pick dandelions on the lawn (or roses from their mother’s flowerbed) to plant in their sand garden. But you can make a whole greenhouse of flowers from bottles, and little girls will be happy to take part in making the most simple options. Chamomiles, cornflowers and tulips will decorate the sandbox, especially since young flower growers will be able to repeatedly “transplant” them from bed to bed without harm to the plants or mother’s nerves.

For flowers you will need:

  • wire for the stem;
  • straight parts of bottles for cutting leaves out of them;
  • necks or bottoms for the inflorescences themselves;
  • dye.

Adults can make more complex versions. Plastic roses or poppies will decorate not only the playground, but also the flower bed.

Plastic design for garden

Garden crafts made from plastic bottles have a wide range of applications. So, if small animals and birds look appropriate in flower beds and playgrounds, then larger animals can be placed in the garden, among trees and shrubs. They will give the garden a unique look and enliven it.

Amazing garden sculptures

Representatives of large birds made of plastic look almost alive. With help multi-colored paints You can achieve a stunning realistic effect. To make them, you just need to master the technique of cutting feathers from the sides of bottles and prepare a frame on which they will be attached.

The following will look very impressive in the garden:

In the garden you can place sculptures of not only birds, but also animals of a large enough size so that they do not get lost against the background of tall trees.

Among the greenery, a bright spot will be a white sheep, which is quite easy to make if you have 2 liter bottles and several 1.5 liter bottles lying around in the pantry:

  1. Cut the necks of two 2 liter bottles and put them on top of each other - this will be an elongated head. Cut out long ears from the third bottle, roll them up a little into a tube and attach them to the head in appropriate places with wire (or glue). You can draw eyes or glue two corks.
  2. For the body, insert the whole bottle with the neck inside into the cut-off top. Make 3 more such blanks and attach them to the first one on the sides and top, thus giving the sheep the desired “waist” volume.
  3. The neck will be a whole two-liter bottle, which should be attached to the body at an angle of approximately 120 degrees so that the cork is on top.
  4. Place the head to the neck (on the plug).
  5. For the legs, cut off the top of a two-liter bottle and insert a whole bottle of a smaller volume (1.5 l) into it. Make three more such blanks and attach the legs to the body with the wide part up.
  6. Make a fleece from the cut bottoms of two-liter bottles, fastening them together, and put them on the body. Grip the edges of the fur coat under your belly.
  7. Paint the sheep with white paint and draw black eyes.

Caring for birds

Plastic bottles can be used not only in decorative purposes, but also for the benefit of the garden. After all, it is always inhabited by the summer resident’s little helpers - various birds that collect pests from the trees. In the warm summer they have something to eat, but in winter it becomes more difficult to get food. That’s when the feeders hanging around the garden will come in handy. And if you involve children in the process, you get a double benefit: the children get an interesting activity and pleasure, and the birds get cozy house with grains.

The simplest feeders can be made from large 5 liter plastic bottles by simply cutting large arch-shaped holes on both sides.

To prevent birds from injuring their paws on the sharp edges of the bottle, they must first be melted or covered with electrical tape.

For those who rarely visit their summer cottage in winter, a feeder that fills automatically will come in handy.

You can make it from a bottle and two wooden spoons:

  • make two holes in the bottle opposite each other, with the second one located slightly lower;
  • unwrap the bottle and reverse side repeat the procedure;
  • insert the spoons crosswise into the holes.

After the bottle is filled with food, it will be poured through the holes into the spoons as they are emptied.

A cozy place to relax using improvised means

Not only birds, but also the owners themselves should have their own secluded corner among the greenery, where on warm summer evenings you can happily drink a cup of tea, inhaling the aromas of nature. Many people prefer to place it in the garden wooden gazebos. They are very beautiful, you can’t argue with that, but they require certain financial investments. But it’s cheap and cheerful to make from plastic not only a recreation area, but also to completely equip it.

Alcove? Easily!

A gazebo is one of the largest-scale garden crafts made from plastic bottles. But a plastic gazebo has two big advantages:

  • it is easy to assemble;
  • will last for more than one year without damaging the material.

Perhaps the only drawback of the building is the presence large quantity bottles that need to be stored somewhere during the collection process.

What the gazebo will look like depends only on the desire of the owner, and, accordingly, on the availability of “building materials”:

Read also: Beautiful and original do-it-yourself shelves

Practical curtains for the gazebo

IN summer gazebos there is a lot of fresh air, but, unfortunately, also dust. Ordinary tulle requires frequent washing, while a plastic curtain does not collect as much dust, and you can “wash” it without even removing it - just spray it with water from a hose (of course, if such a curtain is not hanging in the house).

For dreamy and romantic housewives, delicate curtains made from the bottoms of plastic bottles strung on a base are suitable.

Energetic people who love bright colors are more suitable for cork curtains assembled according to the same principle.

garden furniture

A table, ottoman, armchair and even a sofa in a gazebo can also be made from plastic bottles. Old furniture from the house is also quite suitable for relaxing in the fresh air, but it, like the curtains, will eventually become a collection of dust. In addition, it is quite difficult to take a wooden sofa outside, because such furniture is quite bulky and heavy. But rearranging the plastic chair will not be difficult.

Assembling the furniture is not difficult - the bottles just need to be placed tightly and connected together with tape, giving the required form. For ottomans, knitting or sewing a cape - no one from the outside will guess what they are actually made of.

Leatherette covers are more suitable for a sofa.

Unbreakable chandeliers for the garden

If you are planning an evening tea party, the gazebo must be illuminated. To decorate the light bulb, you can cut the bottle into two parts and make a simple lampshade from the upper half and paint it or cover it with colored thread.

In plastic chandeliers, it is better to use energy-efficient light bulbs - they do not heat up so much and will not melt the material.

In more complex options chandeliers are assembled from fragments of leaves or flowers cut from multi-colored bottles.

Gardening supplies for gardening

In order for a summer cottage to look beautiful and tidy, it is necessary to take care of it all the time - weeding, collecting fallen leaves and small debris. To do this you will need tools. Of course, you won’t be able to make a hoe or rake out of plastic, but simpler ones are quite possible.

Craftsmen have long known how to use plastic bottles to benefit themselves and save the family budget. After all, if the scoop suddenly breaks, you no longer have to run to the store for a new one. From household waste, which is in every home, a lot of useful things are obtained without extra costs:

Garden cares

From plastic bottles you can make useful things not only for the garden, but also for the vegetable garden. These can be either small crafts in the form of repellers or larger-scale structures such as greenhouses.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Most summer residents grow seedlings of garden crops on their own. Some do this in apartment conditions, but more quality seedlings They are obtained from greenhouses - there is enough heat and light there.

There is no need to talk about cost, but as for durability - greenhouses made from plastic bottles will certainly last longer than film shelters or glass structures.

To increase the service life of greenhouses made from plastic bottles, it is advisable to place them on a foundation and use a metal profile for the frame.

The simplest version of a greenhouse involves constructing walls from whole bottles that are placed on top of each other.

It will take a little longer to tinker with a greenhouse made of plates, but it will turn out warmer. In this case, you need to cut out even parts from the bottles and fasten (sew) them together in the form of a canvas. Use ready-made canvases to assemble a greenhouse.

Watering "systems"

For gardeners, watering is no less topical issue than having a greenhouse. Instead of ready-made watering systems, you can use plastic bottles in the garden. They must either be hung above the bush, having previously made holes in the lower part, or dug into the ground.

In addition, the bottle makes a good sprinkler - you just need to make small holes in it and connect it to a watering hose.

Getting rid of pests

A repeller made from a plastic bottle will help drive away the gardener’s worst enemy, the mole, from the property. It not only plows up the beds, digging its tunnels, but also damages the root system of plants in the process, depriving gardeners of the future harvest.

If you cut it in a bottle side walls, bend them and put the container on a steel rod; when there is a gust of wind, the bottle will spin and make noise. The sound will go into the ground through the rod and deprive the mole of the desire to manage in this noisy place.

The list of things you can make from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite long. These are just a few crafts that make life easier for summer residents. Agree – it’s better to get the most out of bottles than to pollute them environment. Take care of nature and work with pleasure!

21 ideas for using plastic bottles - video


DIY crafts from plastic bottles for the garden and garden - master class on how to do it with step-by-step photos

Surely the inventors of plastic bottles had no idea how widely people would use them. Today, craftsmen have learned to make a huge number of useful things from plastic bottles with their own hands, from toys to a boat or a house. We will limit ourselves to considering crafts that will help you beautifully decorate your plot, garden or vegetable garden.

Unusual qualities of homemade products from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are extremely popular among those who like to create garden crafts. The explanation for this is simple: on the one hand, the material is easily accessible, on the other hand, it is easy to work with. It’s no wonder that among the fans of the “genre” there are a huge number of women.

Note that plastic containers take an extremely long time to decompose like garbage, but they serve endlessly in the rain and sun in the yard. It's nice to make something fun and useful out of something that was supposed to be thrown away. The presence of numerous interesting examples further provokes creative and inventive souls to create something better and different.

Plastic bottles come in many colors; crafts made from them can be painted and enriched with a variety of decorative elements, which most often are also improvised materials. The use of both small and large empty bottles with a volume of 0.5 to 5 liters allows you to create the most different combinations figures. The author of the text sets himself the task of offering you the most interesting examples and familiarize yourself with the techniques of working with plastic bottles yourself using the example of several descriptions. Thus, you can both choose interesting and beautiful homemade products to repeat, and learn how to implement your own ideas.

Bright crafts and decorations made from bottles in the yard

Such poppies always bloom, and you won’t be fined for it

The most striking decoration in the yard is the flowers. They come out wonderfully from plastic containers and a considerable number of examples have already been invented. We have prepared a separate article for you on how we decorate a site with flowers. Do you want to build your own bottle tree? It's possible! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the master class on how to make plastic palm tree. If plastic homemade product from unnecessary packaging needs to be painted, read our material on this topic.

Winter and summer in the same color

Probably the easiest crafts to make from plastic bottles are mushrooms. Making mushrooms with your own hands is extremely simple and very similar to real ones. The mushroom cap is the bottom of the bottle, its stem is the top of the container. They should be colored as you wish. It is most convenient to fasten both parts with a self-tapping screw.

To get the characteristic protrusions on the fly agaric leg, you can use two bottle necks to make it. Weed can be created from the side of a green container.

In this lake the water never freezes, and swans always live

The blue lake in the yard is most realistically made from plastic bottles. Its surface, even in the absence of wind, is covered with characteristic ripples. Making such a pond is as easy as shelling pears. You need to paint at least 100 bottles with blue paint from the inside, and then bury them in the ground, neck down. Flowers and swans made from the same material according to the recommendations of our articles are suitable for decorating a pond.

Funny figures of animals and people for the garden from plastic containers

We all enjoy decorating our garden with crafts from animals, gnomes and people. A considerable number of different figures for the site have already been invented. Interestingly, even when copied, every creative invention has features introduced by the author. Nothing prevents you from leaving “your own mark on history” by inventing an original gnome.

All sorts of different animals in the yard and garden

Here are several options for turtle designs. All of them are made from the bottom of a bottle, which resembles an amphibian shell. Using paints and other decorative elements, you can create a turtle with its own face.

A caterpillar in a garden is quite appropriate. In this design, it will not turn into a butterfly, but it will not be able to harm either. You can make an insect from the bottoms, lids and bodies of plastic containers. The easiest way is to assemble the top parts of the bright green bottles in sequence. There may be a wire inside that is bent on both sides of the figure.

Funny gnomes for your yard can be made from a variety of containers. Perhaps you can’t do without the use of paints here. Decor occupies a special place in the design of gnomes: give free rein to your imagination and try to use everything that comes your way. This is exactly the case when you can compose something unusual and your own.

The land has not been plowed with the help of horses in the country for a long time, but the presence of their figures is appropriate and welcome. The horse's body is most often made from five-liter eggplants, and the legs, neck and muzzle are made from smaller containers. A horse is very similar to a donkey, so when making it, you can use the donkey assembly instructions that follow.

Pigs in the country made from plastic bottles are a classic of the genre. Of course, a 5-liter container is best for making a well-fed pig. It is often used as a flowerpot. The techniques for assembling the pig are exactly the same as for the donkey. A description of this follows.

A bright spot on the site will be a figurine of a fox or a bear, covered with orange paint. We already realized that big five liter bottles Well suited for both the already mentioned and other animal crafts. Here again, imagination and scenery are required. Assembly is the same as the donkey making guide that follows below.

We can say with complete confidence that you can build any animal from plastic bottles. Choose a sample to your liking and create!

Here are a few more examples of using plastic containers to make animals. Frogs, hares, bears and sheep - everything is like in a real forest.

Hunting trophy from a plastic container

If you are unable to hunt even with a camera, you can hang a hunting trophy from plastic canister. In addition to the container for making a horned head, you will additionally need about 30 multi-colored corks, a piece of wire with a diameter of 3 mm and self-tapping screws.

Instructions for assembling a hunting trophy:

Funny donkey made from plastic bottles for your garden

As the pictures suggest, donkeys are a little different. We have thought over our own collective image and prepared a master class for you:

Do-it-yourself products will definitely come in handy on the farm

Our articles about useful homemade products for your own yard from plastic bottles

You can learn how to make a sprinkler from a plastic bottle, or how to learn how to create your own paintings, curtains, furniture and other unusual things from plastic bottle caps in our articles. Here is a list of several more articles about useful garden products:

Interesting examples of creations from containers for household purposes

As you can see, quite monumental structures can be built from plastic bottles. However, many of us, having appreciated the scale of the work and the large number of bottles, are ready to utter the words from the old joke: “I won’t drink that much.” It’s up to you to decide which homemade products are good, but we offer a master class on how to make a prosaic broom from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Step by step guide to the sequence of actions:

When assembling the craft, we set the goal of using fewer bottles and getting a panicle of sufficient rigidity. However, it turned out to be not wide enough. To solve this problem, you should use the entire length of the bottle for blanks.

In this case, you will need twice as much container. In this option, to ensure sufficient rigidity of the broom, it will have to be tied with twine, as in the photo.

Along with the broom, we made a dustpan from a plastic container. To implement this idea, it is better to use a thick plastic canister. Cut out the part according to the image, place it on wooden handle and we get a scoop. The scoop does not dig the ground, but it is suitable for sand and cement and works in tandem with our broom!

It turns out that you can make adorable slippers out of plastic bottles. We have already described how to make flowers in a special article. The rest is already clear.

Unfortunately, the slippers were needed urgently, and we resolved the issue much faster. Of course, it’s impossible to run in these, but we managed to get from the shower to the house quite safely.
We give several more examples of the use of bottles in the household. The lightweight chair is assembled using tape. The laundry baskets are woven from tape obtained from bottle casings. Garbage cans and a greenhouse are assembled on a wire frame.

We tried throughout the article to talk about the most successful examples use of plastic bottles in household. The given descriptions allow you to master the techniques of working with containers. May you be able to realize these ideas and create your own “plastic masterpieces”.


DIY garden crafts made from plastic bottles.

My family and I live in a house with a plot, so I almost never throw away things that might be useful for the garden. Since we bought this house, we have accumulated a lot of plastic soda and water bottles in our shed. Therefore, I decided to do something useful for my garden and to decorate our garden with my own hands. I was looking for new ideas, and now I will share with you what I liked the most.

Use of waste material in the household, garden and vegetable garden.

Very useful and interesting use plastic bottle - for high-quality watering of flowers and other plants that grow in the garden:

This device is for convenience in picking apples and other fruits from trees that are difficult for you to get:

Useful crafts made from bottles in which you will store the necessary tools and other small items:

A good idea is how to plant onions and other greens more densely:

Convenient feeder for your cat:

Making a tank from plastic bottles is not at all difficult:

Even entire buildings, shelters, greenhouses for the garden are made from bottles:

Decor for the garden and vegetable garden.

At many people’s dachas I saw such “Ilyich” lamps standing, without shades, not decorated with anything. And so, good idea– a lampshade made from a bottle with your own hands, which resembles a lily. And in your gazebo in the garden such a romantic light from the craft will always delight you with its tenderness: Flowers.

Multi-colored homemade garland:

You can decorate an area near a house or a fence not only with fresh flowers, look how cute these flowers are made from bottles with your own hands:

Here is a vase or mini-flower bed:

Fencing for garden beds:

Cacti or other not very tall plants planted in plastic bottles will look like cute hedgehogs:

This craft is reminiscent of a Chinese lantern, with which almost all the streets in Asia are hung:

You can make such interesting things for your garden with your own hands!


21 ideas for using plastic bottles in the country. Crafts from plastic bottles

Hello, dear gardeners! How are you doing? Everything is ready for summer season? The topic today is interesting and relevant, probably familiar to many... But I hope I will surprise you with something =)

Using plastic bottles in the country Today, everything is sold in plastic bottles: water, lemonade, milk... Of all the garbage that we accumulate, the most disgusting ones are bottles: you put one in the trash can and that’s it: consider half the bucket occupied. And what is it like at the dacha! In many holiday villages there are simply no garbage containers. There is only one way out: either take all this “good” to the city, to the nearest container, or somehow use what cannot be recycled into dacha conditions.

A logical question: how can plastic bottles be used in the household so that it is useful, convenient, and beautiful? That's what we'll talk about.

Ideas for using plastic bottles. Photo from ru.pinterest.com

By the way, information: plastic decomposes in water from 100 to 500 years (according to various sources and depending on the type of plastic).

We have few factories that process waste, and people themselves sometimes find interesting uses for simple and seemingly completely unnecessary things. If you wish, you can create such beauty - your neighbors will be jealous! Do you want to decorate your garden without special costs? See if there are empty plastic bottles at your dacha. Plastic bottles can be used to protect flower beds. The benefit here is obvious: flower beds and beds are not washed away by rainfall, they always look neat and are pleasing to the eye. I think it looks great... How to make such a flower bed? Beautiful neat flower beds and beds. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com Of course, you will need a lot of bottles (preferably the same size). We pour sand into them, close them and begin to build a “picket fence”. The bottles will have to be buried a little in the ground to give them stability. After the flowerbed is fenced, we paint the resulting border in any color of the rainbow. In principle, you can do this in advance - as you wish. But it seems to me that it is more convenient to paint a ready-made fence than to paint each bottle separately. And containers made of dark plastic can be left as is, it also looks nice. The beauty is indescribable. Turn on your imagination, awaken your imagination and create all kinds of flowers in your garden that will never fade or rot)).

Such a palm tree is not afraid of snow and frost. To make it clearer how to make something from bottles (for example, flowers), let’s look at an example.

What you may need:

  • plastic bottles of different colors;
  • scissors, awl, thick threads;
  • PVA glue and “Master”;
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads - for decoration.
Everything else is more or less clear, but why the candle? It's simple. Cut off the necks of the bottles. We do not cut each neck completely lengthwise, making 6 petals. Give the petals a rounded shape. We light a candle and scorch each petal so that it melts a little. First along the edges, so that they are beautiful and even, and then at the base of the petals, bending them at the same time, giving them shape. When heated, the plastic forms well.

The seven-flowered flower is made from plastic bottles! It is better to make the stem from thick wire. The stamens are made of thin wire on which beads can be strung. All that remains is to assemble the whole thing, fastening it with glue, if necessary, using an awl and wire. Ready flower decorate. Do you know what beauty it turns out?

Flowers from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com Palm trees, bells, butterflies, etc. are also easy to make. For example, a palm tree trunk can be easily made from brown plastic bottles by cutting off the bottom part of each and stringing the bottles on top of each other. Imagine and everything will work out! They don't make anything out of bottles. The simplest thing, perhaps, is pigs. All you need to do is cut out and bend the “ears”, attach a tail and paint it beautifully. However, there are crafts that are quite complex. For example, animals from fairy tales. I won’t describe how to do them step by step, otherwise the article will turn out to be of galactic proportions. I'd rather just show the video from the slides. From the photo, in principle, you can see how to do it, it’s not difficult to figure out.

How do you like these animals? I think they look great! And if you involve children in the process, they will be delighted!

Funny birds made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com The tools used are the same as those listed above. Paints do not have to be acrylic. But they dry faster, which is a plus. And they hardly smell. True, they are also different. These crafts captivated me precisely with their airiness and unusualness. I’ll specially collect bottles and make a curtain like this in my yard! I think you could use different sized bottles.

Curtains made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com Mostly the bottoms will be useful, but you can also cut the leaves! From a distance it is not very clear what these transparent flowers are hanging on, but the idea is even more interesting. Let's see...

As you can see, you can fasten flowers with threads, you can glue them to the base (for example, plastic film). I think this option would be perfect for a gazebo. And it will be light, and the rain will not penetrate. There are a lot of options for curtains made from bottles. But I still liked the first one better, and you? Actually, why not? Buying a lamp for the garden is not profitable, just hanging a light bulb is unsightly. Lamp made from plastic bottles - great option lighting garden plot.

There is no shame in hanging such chandeliers in your home.

The main rule: you must not allow plastic parts come into contact with the light bulb, otherwise they may melt. True, you can use an energy-saving lamp; it heats up less - up to +50...+60°C.

Girls! If you don’t know how to attach the light bulb itself, leave this task to your husbands, brothers or fathers... You get the creativity, they get the lighting element =)))

Lampshade made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com I recently wrote about garden paths in the article 9 materials for garden path. But there was nothing there about the bottles, only about their caps. It turns out that the bottoms will also make a good path along which it is pleasant to walk barefoot and massage your feet. Please note: the bottoms are laid on loose sand. When laying, the master makes an effort so that the workpieces are filled with sand. This will prevent them from becoming deformed in the future when you walk on them. This is where the expanse is... If you think that garden decor from bottles - not for you, perhaps you will be interested in useful things that can be made from them. The easiest option is to hang the bottle upside down, and when you need to wash your hands, just unscrew the cap a little. It is better to cut off the bottom of the bottle and make it removable to make it easier to fill with water. There is nothing complicated here, even a child can handle it. This washbasin can be hung on a tree or somewhere else. By the way, use this idea when you go on a picnic - it’s very convenient, and your hands are always clean. Washstand and box for bags made of plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com It is advisable to make a homemade washbasin that can be closed so that leaves, insects and other debris do not get into the water. There are more complex designs. You can, for example, embed a hose with a tap into a large bottle. But this would be completely convenient. Or you can make a box out of a bottle for bags, napkins or something similar. Making a scoop with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. Take a bottle and mark the shape of the future scoop with a marker. The next step is a matter of scissors. Well, or a knife. Scoop made from a plastic bottle. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com These are the kind of shoes that wear out quite quickly. Therefore, durable and beautiful slippers will always come in handy around the house. Nooo, don’t think that bottle slippers are just scoops with heels =))). I would like to see this... Although there are simple options too. For example, this one:

A more complex version looks like this:

Of course, it is not necessary to make such bouquets. But in general, the slippers are excellent. To prevent slipping and keep your foot comfortable, you can experiment with “layers.” How to make holes? At least with a hole punch! And if there are men in the house, let them solve this problem. There are many different ones. I will only talk about the mole windmill and the mosquito trap.

Let's start with the trap

It's very easy to do. Cut off the top of the bottle and insert it into the bottle with the neck down. The structure needs to be darkened with paper or fabric - mosquitoes will be more willing to fly there.

Pour sugar-yeast syrup into the bottom of the bottle as bait. It’s easy to make: pour hot water, add sugar and yeast, stir and cool. Such a trap will attract not only mosquitoes, but also bees, wasps, and flies.

You can put the structure on a window or hang it - this is optional. You need to clean it once a week. Insect traps made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com By the way, I don’t know why the syrup in the photo is brown - maybe it’s made from cane sugar?))) Or maybe it’s kvass. By the way, yes - insects also fly to kvass. Once we left a jar of kvass on the porch, and so many midges flew there!

Wind vane that repels moles and more

These devices were described in detail in the article How to drive moles out of your dacha. There is also a video there - you can see how to make such a design, how it works. You ask, why is he scared? It is recommended to pour beads, ball bearings and other “rattling” elements into the bottom of the bottle. They say that moles cannot stand the sound this windmill makes. Who has moles? Try it, then post here, okay? Yes, the axis on which the craft is attached needs to be stuck into the ground - I think you understand. I think you already know that some people save themselves from mole crickets using bottles. The bottom and neck of the bottle are cut off to create a cylinder, which is dug into the ground. This “cover” protects the root system of the young plant from attacks by mole crickets. Rectangular bottles are more suitable for these purposes. For example, from machine oils. However, there are also water bottles of this shape. The containers are made simply: mark them with a marker and cut them. That's it =))

Storage containers made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com These boxes can be very useful around the house. Some plants do not like surface watering. That's why my mother waters some of the beds with plastic bottles. The bottom of the bottle needs to be cut off, but not all the way, so that you get something like a cap. We tear up the soil on the side of the plant, make a small trench and place pebbles there. Drainage is needed to prevent water from eroding the soil. Then we place the bottles with their necks down and cover them with earth. Now, to water the plant, all you need to do is open the lid and pour in the required amount of water. Some people dig in containers with the neck up, but then you need to make holes in the bottle so that the water can escape. Using plastic watering bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com As for heating plants, you can simply pour water into bottles and cover the plant with them. In the sun, the water will heat up and will give off heat to the ground for some time. I know that glass bottles are also buried in the ground, but today we are talking about plastic. For many people, working upside down is generally contraindicated. This is especially true for hypertensive patients. How then to weed the bed? There are many devices, I'll tell you about knee pads. If you work on your knees, your head will no longer be down, therefore, your well-being will not suffer. All you need to do is find suitable bottles, try them on your knees and cut the knee pads into the desired shape. Then attach the ties. It's simple. And there are so many pots made from plastic bottles! Some simply pour soil into bottles, others make real masterpieces. The possibilities are endless. What's good: bottles can always be painted any color and hung anywhere. For example, how do you like these ideas?

Flower pots. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com Very cute, and you won’t immediately guess what the pots are made of. I made my first candlestick from a plastic bottle back in primary school, at a labor lesson. It's simple. Cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle (about half the bottle). Then cut the part with the bottom into strips and fold them over. And inside you insert the part with the neck. She will hold the candle. In general, it couldn't be easier. Candlesticks made from plastic bottles can be very beautiful. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com But this is only one of the options; you can connect two necks. Instead of a thousand words, I will show one video.

Why buy a broom when you can make one in half an hour? On the farm, from time to time there is a need to pour something from one container to another. It doesn’t have to be something edible - sometimes it can be diluted fertilizer or poison for Colorado beetles... Don’t use a funnel from the kitchen for such purposes! And you can make a funnel out of a bottle at any time. Funnels made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com We fed the birds in these feeders all winter. The bottles used were large, 5-liter bottles. I cut out windows in them, made small “thresholds” and “porches”. So that the birds could sit comfortably and snow wouldn’t blow inside. Another plus is that such feeders are convenient to hang on trees, they already have handles.

Bird feeders made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com These are not funnels with pots, but something more serious. Enterprising people can build something for themselves out of anything. Plastic bottles, for example, make excellent greenhouses and gazebos. A finished medium-sized greenhouse costs more than 15 thousand rubles. I know for sure because I was interested in this issue. Add to that the cost of assembly. Not everyone can figure out what's what. But there is an alternative that is not inferior in performance and will cost you... only 500-700 empty plastic bottles! =))

The plastic from which the bottles are made is 20 times stronger than dense polyethylene. It holds temperature well, does not melt in the sun and can last for decades. A greenhouse made from plastic bottles has a number of advantages:

  • it's cheap;
  • durable;
  • easy to repair;
  • light in weight, it can be rearranged if necessary;
  • looks pretty nice.

Greenhouse made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site parkdoma.ru I walked around different sites and realized that there are 2 main ways to use plastic bottles in construction:
  1. The bottom of each bottle is cut off. A thin strip is taken and all the bottles are strung on it. You will get ready-made construction planks.
  2. The bottom and neck of the bottles are cut off. Then what happened - the middle part - is cut lengthwise. It turns out to be a rectangular piece of plastic. We iron it (necessarily through hard paper) to even it out. From these sheets we sew together larger sheets. Preferably overlapped. You can use an awl; for fastening parts - cord thread or wire. It is not recommended to sew with thread or fishing line - the seams will quickly rot and come apart.
Greenhouses made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com When the sheets (planks) are ready, you can make the frame. It is made from ordinary wooden blocks using a hammer and nails. Any form. It could be a house, or it could be a triangle. And then we attach what we made from bottles to the frame. In the first case, the planks need to be placed as close to each other as possible so that the wind does not blow around. Well, you can always stick it with tape. In general, you'll figure it out!)) And in the second case, ready-made plates from plastic bottles are simply nailed to a wooden frame. Important point- roof. Generally, good frame It can withstand quite heavy weight, but knowledgeable people advise covering the roof not with bottles, but with polycarbonate sheets. Or strengthen it with something for the winter - suddenly there will be a lot of snow. I’ll tell you right away that they even build houses out of bottles, and what kind! What a sight for sore eyes! But mostly they use glass bottles - they are still stronger. And they do not need to be filled with additional sand. The technology for building a gazebo from plastic bottles is, in general, simple. The child will figure it out. We fill the bottles with sand. These will be our “bricks”. We mark out the shape of the gazebo, think through the architecture, make the cement mortar, base and build the walls!

Gazebo made from plastic bottles. Photo from the site hs.fi There are, however, subtleties. For example, it is better to place a reinforcing mesh between the rows of masonry - the structure will be stronger. In addition, until the solution has completely dried, it is better to hold the bottles with something to prevent them from spreading. Well, we follow the usual rules for masonry brick wall. Everything will work out! In conclusion, I want to say this. Friends, let’s, if possible, find some more useful use for garbage than a landfill. So that there are as few landfills on the planet as possible. Otherwise, even the seabed has been polluted, not to mention the shores. Plastic bottles are trash. Photo from the site ru.pinterest.com In the spring, I’m generally very angry with people: the snow is melting, the first “snowdrops” are opening up... I even wrote to the newspaper, tried to somehow influence their conscience - it’s useless. I think I should print this post and spread it to all my neighbors))). Of course, there are not all the options for using plastic bottles in the country... You can also make boats... mugs, chairs... In general, anything))

Friends, I have one question for you: do you use plastic bottles in your household, and if so, how? By the way, don’t forget that you can post photos of your crafts and successful “inventions” in the comments;)

You probably have a lot of unnecessary things in your house, such as empty plastic bottles. But with a minimum of effort, you can make from a simple plastic bottle useful thing, decoration for landscape design or some other interesting element decor. This article contains the most current crafts made from plastic bottles with detailed description, photos and videos.

The main thing in the article

Crafts from plastic bottles: practical and unusual

A plastic bottle is probably the most affordable material for crafts. Yes, and everyone has one. Since today the environmental situation around the world is quite deplorable, a few bottles that will decorate your yard or cottage rather than go to a landfill will be a small drop in the fight for clean life. After all, every self-respecting member of society is simply obliged to maintain cleanliness and take care of nature. And a material such as plastic, which can take up to 100 years to decompose, in skillful hands will turn into a multifunctional, useful item.

Today, people with “golden hands” create exclusive decorative elements from plastic bottles - beautiful birds, beautiful flower beds, exotic palm trees, at the same time making their contribution to cleansing the environment. The peculiarity of this material is its durability, and once you make an original decoration, you will admire it for decades.

If you still doubt that something useful will come out of a plastic bottle, then read on and be surprised.

Ideas for crafts made from plastic bottles for the home with photos

Ordinary empty plastic bottles, which are commonly called garbage, are an excellent basis for unique crafts. For a long time now, crafts made from multi-colored plastic bottles have been decorating courtyards, playgrounds and cottages. However, from this material it is absolutely possible to make decorations for the apartment and other useful and decorative accessories.

Decorative crafts from plastic bottles for the garden: ideas with photos

It’s nice to have a dacha, and if it’s also beautiful, then it’s a hundred times more pleasant. As you know, you won’t surprise anyone with crafts made from plastic bottles. But such decorative elements are practical, inexpensive and beautiful. You can make bird feeders from plastic bottles, which will be a wonderful decoration for your garden.

Large bottles and containers can be an excellent material for exclusive flowerpots.

Small colored bottles can turn into ever-blooming plants that will never wither.

And if you have a large number of bottles, you can “plant” a tropical palm tree in your dacha.

Plastic is very versatile: a little imagination and you can turn it into an exclusive decoration for your garden.

Using crafts made from plastic bottles in flowerbed design

If you want to use bottles for arranging flower beds, then select plastic containers of the same color and size:

Single flower beds made from large bottles(baklag) in the form of different animals. To do this, cut off one side of the eggplant, make several holes at the bottom of the resulting container for drainage, fill it with soil and plant flowers in them. Such container flower beds are mobile and can be installed in different parts of the yard. They are also portable.

Useful crafts from plastic bottles for the garden

From plastic bottles you can make not only beautiful things, but also useful crafts for the garden. Here are some ideas on how to put plastic bottles to good use.

Trap for wasps and mosquitoes.

Sprayer for watering.

Drip root irrigation.

Fencing beds.


A device for collecting fruit from trees.

Broom for cleaning leaves.

Crafts from plastic bottles: step-by-step master classes

Decorative butterfly

This butterfly can be used to decorate both an apartment (curtains, plants) and flower beds in the yard. To work you will need:

  • Ours is a clear bottle of mineral water.
  • Scissors.
  • Butterfly drawing.
  • Marker.
  • Glue.
  • Wire.
  • For coloring nail polish.

Place the butterfly drawing on the flat part of the bottle.

Trace the edges with a marker.

Cut and color.

Pink pig

The cute pink pig will make you smile every time it catches your eye. To work you need:

  • Egg bag for 5–9 liters.
  • 6 regular bottles of 1.5 liters each.
  • Scissors.
  • Paint and brush.
  • Buttons and wire for eyes.

Blanks are cut out of bottles, as shown in the photo.

We collect the piglet as shown in the photo.

All that remains is to paint. Flowerbed piglets are made using the same principle: the top of the figure is cut out, and the entire lower part is filled with soil.

Cockerel figurine

An original bright craft made from plastic bottles and disposable tableware. You will need:

  • Three plastic bottles.
  • Disposable tableware red and yellow color(cups, plates).
  • Ball for the head.
  • The tape is regular and double-sided.
  • Stapler.
  • Marker.

We make a frame for the cockerel from cut bottles. The photo shows what should happen.

U disposable cups cut the walls into “noodles”. We put them around the cockerel’s neck and secure them with tape.

We make beautiful feathers for the tail from plates. We fasten them with a stapler. Place the feathers in the cut on the bottle.

We decorate the tail section and attach the head.

We decorate the head with a comb, beak, and eyes.

The cockerel is ready. Now you can put it in the yard to decorate the area.

Crafts from plastic bottle caps: unusual ideas

Many people make crafts from plastic bottles. But the crafts made from lids from them are still surprising. Usually no one thinks or pays attention to them, sending them to the trash can. And from the lids it is quite possible to build original decors, which are both easy and interesting to do.

If you are afraid that you won’t have enough lids, then ask your friends, and lo and behold, after a short amount of time you won’t know where to put them.
So what can be built from plastic stoppers? Yes, whatever you want, see for yourself.

Fun crafts made from plastic bottles for the playground

If you have children living in your yard, you can make an original, fun playground for them. But how can you make it colorful and interesting for kids without spending money? Using plastic bottles. And by adding benches for adults to such a playground, you can simply have a pleasant time. Choose interesting ideas and bring them to life.

Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten: photo ideas

In kindergarten, you can decorate the area using plastic bottles. Simple ideas brought to life will greatly delight the children. And if you involve them in creating a plastic masterpiece, the benefit will be double. Ideas for kindergarten see below.

Video ideas and master classes on crafts made from plastic bottles

Perhaps now you will think twice before throwing away plastic bottles. After all, you can use them to create an original masterpiece and decorate both your home and yard. In addition, plastic bottles have many useful uses. Don't lag behind either. Arm yourself with ideas and create something surprising for your family, neighbors and friends.

The trend of rational use of household waste has recently become increasingly popular, especially with regard to plastic containers. From plastic bottles you can make almost the entire country house interior and more with your own hands. One of the main advantages of this material is its long service life, and it is also very elastic. Don’t forget that plastic bottles are an affordable material that every owner or housewife always has in stock.

Cheap and cheerful - we make flower beds from bottles

Plastic containers are an ideal option because they have a great advantage over wood and even metal. Wooden fencing in flower beds or flower beds dries out over time or rots under the influence of moisture and sun. Even metal curbs are susceptible to corrosion and require periodic maintenance, such as regular painting.

What about plastic? It does not lose its shape and does not collapse for a long time. This means that such a flower bed will last for more than one season or even one year, and it also requires absolutely no maintenance. Even if a “breakdown” occurs, the required “element” can always be found in the pantry and easily replaced, without resorting to long, tedious shopping trips to find a suitable fragment.

So, what can you make from plastic bottles with your own hands?

Bottle borders

If you need to fence a flower garden, plastic containers of different sizes will do the job perfectly. This will not only limit the space and prevent the growth of perennial plants, but will also retain moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

The shape and size of the flowerbed depend only on the imagination of the summer resident: it can be either equilateral or in the form of some kind of animal or plant. You can also use bottles to break the flowerbed itself into segments.

Even a child can build a bottle border (with the help of adults, of course):

  1. The first step is to draw the contours of the flower bed with a sharp object or sprinkle sand on the site.
  2. Remove the labels from the bottles, wash them, pour sand into them and screw on the cap. If this is not available, you can use ordinary soil or water. This is necessary for stability, since empty containers will quickly fall out of the fence.
  3. Dig a groove along the outlined contour so that the bottle can be deepened into it by about 1/3.
  4. Place the filled bottles in the groove with the neck down, as close to each other as possible, and cover with soil.

For visual effect, you can use bottles made of different colored plastic (green, white, brown).

Some summer residents do without digging in bottles. For example, bottles without a bottom are simply inserted into each other, forming a circle. The finished structure can be “put on” or taken into a ring around the trunk of a tree. To secure the curb, it must be pressed tightly to the ground with arcs.

Multi-tiered flower bed

If you really want to have a flower garden, but there is too little space, you can make it yourself from plastic bottles. The principle is the same as when constructing a border, only after laying the first tier it is necessary to fill it with nutritious soil, and only then lay out the next floor.

When planting plants for the lower tier, it is better to choose moisture-loving specimens, since when watering the water will flow down.

Mini flower beds

Beautiful and useful crafts for the garden can be made from 5-liter plastic bottles. They will serve as miniature and cute flower beds, for example, in the shape of everyone’s favorite piglets.

Group compositions in the form of trains with flowers look no less impressive.

And if you sow lawn grass instead of flowers, the large bottle turns into a cute hedgehog with green spines. All that remains is to attach the eyes and nose.

Those who are not afraid of small rodents will like cute mice from small (liter) bottles. They are good for planting petunias.

Flower pots and flowerpots

With a little imagination, plastic bottles can easily be transformed into small decorative pots for flowers or herbs. You can make them even or cut them to fit a marker in the shape of a face. Such flowerpots will look great not only in a garden gazebo, but also on a windowsill in a house.

But if you put a fabric cover on the cut bottle and attach ropes, you will get elegant flowerpots for the summer veranda.

The easiest way to make hanging pots is to cut out fragments of the walls on both sides of the bottle, and secure a rope under the neck for hanging. Compact, low-growing plants can be planted in such flowerpots.

Making a beautiful garden path

Paths made from plastic containers are especially popular among summer residents. The strength of such a path depends on the laying method and what part of the plastic container serves as building material:

Paths made of plastic bottles become very slippery in winter.

Fun playground - decorating a place for children to play

Caring parents always strive to provide their children with a place to play in their dacha, where the children can pass the time while the adults are busy in the garden. Of course, it should not only be safe, but also colorful so that the kids will like it. With the help of plastic bottles it is easy to decorate the playground by making a variety of plants and animals. Regular paint will help give them brightness.

In the shade under a palm tree

What is a children's playground without a sandbox? And where there is sand, a palm tree must “grow”. For the tropicana you will need green and brown bottles for the trunk and leaves, respectively.

Before you begin assembly, you need to make sure you have a solid base. For example, fix a metal pin in a concrete screed, and it should be quite long so that the tree becomes tall and children can walk freely under it.

When the base is fixed, you can start “growing” the palm tree:

  • cut off half the bottle (the top and neck are not needed) and form a jagged edge;
  • Make a hole in the center of the bottom, string the blanks onto the base pin, bending the teeth to the side for a more natural look;
  • cut off the bottom of the green bottle and make straight cuts along the entire contour to the place where the wall meets the neck (if desired, the branches can be made into shapes - cut into 4 parts and make teeth on each one);
  • string fragments of the branch onto the base;
  • firmly attach the finished branches to the top of the stem (by welding or construction cords).

If after assembling the palm tree there are still a lot of green bottles left, you can use them to make a small (or large) Christmas tree. Remove the bottom of the bottle and cut it into long narrow strips right up to the neck. Trim the edges of the strips to resemble thorns. String the leaves onto the base.

Such a Christmas tree will look great on the site in winter, especially under the snow, and will also help out on New Year's Eve those who, in a hurry, did not have time to buy a living tree.

Guests from a fairy tale - funny animals

And of course, there must be toys. Children often take their old favorites outside. With the help of plastic bottles, you can easily diversify the “zoo”, creating real masterpieces - from the fairy-tale Frog Princess and Goldfish to modern cartoon characters.

Take, for example, a handsome cat, painted with black and white paint. Or you can use brown beer bottles and you will get a brown cat, also beautiful.

Form a head from two bottle bottoms (connect them), and the curves on the bottoms will indeed look like a real head. On one of them, paint eyes, eyebrows and mustaches with white paint, and a neat tongue with red paint. Insert small cut out ears on top. For the body, string the same short-cut bottoms onto the base, closing the body last. Melt the edges of the bottoms. Apply white paint along the melted contour of the ears and body fragments, and make a white spot on the chest on the front bottom.

Glue the head and legs - the top parts of bottles with elongated necks will be useful for them. Cut them to the place where the bottle expands, cut the edges with sharp teeth and build legs from 4-5 parts, putting them on the base wire. Screw the plugs onto the upper necks and use them to glue the legs to the body. For the tail, take a long wire and string the narrowest parts of the neck onto it, but without the plugs. To make the tail fluffy, cut the edges into thin strips.

Beautiful animals are also obtained from large 5-liter containers. With the right combination of bottles of different sizes and with the help of bright colors, you can place a zebra, horse, cow, donkey and even a giraffe on the site.

Flowers for my daughter

In the sandbox, children not only make Easter cakes. Little girls love flowers very much and often collect dandelions on the lawn (or in their mother’s flowerbed) to plant them in their sand garden. But you can make a whole greenhouse of flowers from bottles, and little girls will be happy to take part in making the simplest options. Chamomiles, cornflowers and tulips will decorate the sandbox, especially since young flower growers will be able to repeatedly “transplant” them from bed to bed without harm to the plants or mother’s nerves.

For flowers you will need:

  • wire for the stem;
  • straight parts of bottles for cutting leaves out of them;
  • necks or bottoms for the inflorescences themselves;
  • dye.

Adults can make more complex versions. Plastic roses or poppies will decorate not only the playground, but also the flower bed.

Plastic design for garden

Plastic bottles have a wide range of applications. So, if small animals and birds look appropriate in flower beds and playgrounds, then larger animals can be placed in the garden, among trees and shrubs. They will give the garden a unique look and enliven it.

Amazing garden sculptures

Representatives of large birds made of plastic look almost alive. Using multi-colored paints you can achieve a stunning realistic effect. To make them, you just need to master the technique of cutting feathers from the sides of bottles and prepare a frame on which they will be attached.

The following will look very impressive in the garden:

In the garden you can place sculptures of not only birds, but also animals of a large enough size so that they do not get lost against the background of tall trees.

Among the greenery, a bright spot will be a white sheep, which is quite easy to make if you have 2 liter bottles and several 1.5 liter bottles lying around in the pantry:

  1. Cut the necks of two 2 liter bottles and put them on top of each other - this will be an elongated head. Cut out long ears from the third bottle, roll them up a little into a tube and attach them to the head in appropriate places with wire (or glue). You can draw eyes or glue two corks.
  2. For the body, insert the whole bottle with the neck inside into the cut-off top. Make 3 more such blanks and attach them to the first one on the sides and top, thus giving the sheep the desired “waist” volume.
  3. The neck will be a whole two-liter bottle, which should be attached to the body at an angle of approximately 120 degrees so that the cork is on top.
  4. Place the head to the neck (on the plug).
  5. For the legs, cut off the top of a two-liter bottle and insert a whole bottle of a smaller volume (1.5 l) into it. Make three more such blanks and attach the legs to the body with the wide part up.
  6. Make a fleece from the cut bottoms of two-liter bottles, fastening them together, and put them on the body. Grip the edges of the fur coat under your belly.
  7. Paint the sheep with white paint and draw black eyes.

Caring for birds

Plastic bottles can be used not only for decorative purposes, but also for the benefit of the garden. After all, it is always inhabited by the summer resident’s little helpers - various birds that collect pests from the trees. In the warm summer they have something to eat, but in winter it becomes more difficult to get food. That’s when the feeders hanging around the garden will come in handy. And if you involve children in the process, you get a double benefit: the children get an interesting activity and pleasure, and the birds get a cozy house with grains.

The simplest ones can be made from large 5 liter plastic bottles by simply cutting large arch-shaped holes on both sides.

To prevent birds from injuring their paws on the sharp edges of the bottle, they must first be melted or covered with electrical tape.

For those who rarely visit their summer cottage in winter, a feeder that fills automatically will come in handy.

You can make it from a bottle and two wooden spoons:

  • make two holes in the bottle opposite each other, with the second one located slightly lower;
  • unfold the bottle and repeat the procedure on the reverse side;
  • insert the spoons crosswise into the holes.

After the bottle is filled with food, it will be poured through the holes into the spoons as they are emptied.

A cozy place to relax using improvised means

Not only birds, but also the owners themselves should have their own secluded corner among the greenery, where on warm summer evenings you can happily drink a cup of tea, inhaling the aromas of nature. Many people prefer to place it in the garden. They are very beautiful, you can’t argue with that, but they require certain financial investments. But it’s cheap and cheerful to make from plastic not only a recreation area, but also to completely equip it.

Alcove? Easily!

A gazebo is one of the largest-scale garden crafts made from plastic bottles. But a plastic gazebo has two big advantages:

  • it is easy to assemble;
  • will last for more than one year without damaging the material.

Perhaps the only drawback of the building is the presence of a large number of bottles, which need to be stored somewhere during the collection process.

What the gazebo will look like depends only on the desire of the owner, and, accordingly, on the availability of “building materials”:

Practical curtains for the gazebo

In summer gazebos there is a lot of fresh air, but, unfortunately, also dust. Ordinary tulle requires frequent washing, while a plastic curtain does not collect as much dust, and you can “wash” it without even removing it - just spray it with water from a hose (of course, if such a curtain is not hanging in the house).

For dreamy and romantic housewives, delicate curtains made from the bottoms of plastic bottles strung on a base are suitable.

Energetic people who love bright colors are more suitable for cork curtains assembled according to the same principle.

garden furniture

A table, ottoman, armchair and even a sofa in a gazebo can also be made from plastic bottles. The old one from the house is also quite suitable for relaxing in the fresh air, but it, like the curtains, will eventually become a collection of dust. In addition, it is quite difficult to take a wooden sofa outside, because such furniture is quite bulky and heavy. But rearranging the plastic chair will not be difficult.

Assembling the furniture is not difficult - the bottles just need to be placed tightly and connected together with tape, giving the desired shape. For ottomans, knitting or sewing a cape - no one from the outside will guess what they are actually made of.

Leatherette covers are more suitable for a sofa.

Unbreakable chandeliers for the garden

If you are planning an evening tea party, you should definitely go to the gazebo. To decorate the light bulb, you can cut the bottle into two parts and make a simple lampshade from the upper half and paint it or cover it with colored thread.

In plastic chandeliers, it is better to use energy-efficient light bulbs - they do not heat up so much and will not melt the material.

In more complex versions, chandeliers are assembled from fragments of leaves or flowers cut from multi-colored bottles.

Gardening supplies for gardening

In order for a summer cottage to look beautiful and tidy, it is necessary to take care of it all the time - weeding, collecting fallen leaves and small debris. To do this you will need tools. Of course, you won’t be able to make a hoe or rake out of plastic, but simpler ones are quite possible.

Craftsmen have long known how to use plastic bottles to benefit themselves and save the family budget. After all, if the scoop suddenly breaks, you no longer have to run to the store for a new one. From household waste, which is found in every home, a lot of useful things are obtained at no extra cost:

Garden cares

From plastic bottles you can make useful things not only for the garden, but also for the vegetable garden. These can be either small crafts in the form of, or larger-scale structures such as greenhouses.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Most summer residents grow seedlings of garden crops on their own. Some do this in apartment conditions, but better quality seedlings are obtained from greenhouses - there is enough heat and light.

We can’t even talk about cost, but as for durability, plastic bottles will certainly last longer than film shelters or glass structures.

To increase the service life of greenhouses made from plastic bottles, it is advisable to place them on a foundation and use a metal profile for the frame.

The simplest version of a greenhouse involves constructing walls from whole bottles that are placed on top of each other.

It will take a little longer to tinker with a greenhouse made of plates, but it will turn out warmer. In this case, you need to cut out even parts from the bottles and fasten (sew) them together in the form of a canvas. Use ready-made canvases to assemble a greenhouse.

Watering "systems"

For gardeners, watering is no less pressing issue than having a greenhouse. Instead of ready-made watering systems in the garden, you can use. They must either be hung above the bush, having previously made holes in the lower part, or dug into the ground.

In addition, the bottle makes a good sprinkler - you just need to make small holes in it and connect it to a watering hose.

Getting rid of pests

A repeller made from a plastic bottle will help drive away the gardener’s worst enemy, the gardener, from the property. It not only plows up the beds, digging its tunnels, but also damages the root system of plants in the process, depriving gardeners of the future harvest.

If you cut the side walls of the bottle, bend them and put the container on a steel rod, when there is a gust of wind, the bottle will spin and make noise. The sound will go into the ground through the rod and deprive the mole of the desire to manage in this noisy place.

The list of things you can make from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite long. These are just a few crafts that make life easier for summer residents. Agree – it’s better to get the most out of bottles than to pollute the environment. Take care of nature and work with pleasure!

21 ideas for using plastic bottles - video