Well      06/20/2020

The walls of the house are made of concrete. The ideal flood house made of concrete. Masonry mortar

Concrete-based houses are famous for their strength and durability. The quality of such a building is significantly superior to that of any other building material, be it brick or wood. In the past, only industrial buildings or high-rise residential complexes were erected on a concrete base. Today, most people building own house more and more are turning to this home building technology.

A concrete house is a durable, warm structure that does not require the purchase of expensive equipment and materials.

At the moment, the idea of ​​building a house of concrete has gained wide popularity in our country. For this reason, land owners planning to build a private house or a cottage, they want to get acquainted with the construction technology in more detail in order to build concrete house with your own hands. In addition to strength and durability, such a structure does not require expensive building materials. The construction of a concrete building is not a labor-intensive process, when compared with structures for the construction of which brick is used.

A concrete house can be finished and decorated with any material, and its walls can be insulated with a heat-insulating layer during the construction process. This is due to the special technology of fixed formwork. Below are several methods for building a concrete house with your own hands, which include the above technology.

Pros and cons of concrete-based buildings

Technical characteristics of concrete of different grades.

Concrete construction has both advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, a high-strength cast frame can be noted, which increases the stability of the structure in case of exposure to phenomena such as seismic activity, proximity ground water and atmospheric precipitation, which has a devastating effect on the structure of the structure.

The structure is devoid of joints, which are ubiquitous in buildings built from other materials. Heat energy is released through the joints, which leads to an increase in material costs during the cold season. The monolithic structure is devoid of this drawback.

A concrete house can be built on any type of soil layer, in addition, the construction of a structure can be carried out in any weather conditions. The construction of such a house can be completed in a short time, concrete will cost much less than other building materials, such as brick.

A concrete structure does not reduce reliability when the structure is uneven. When sawdust, expanded clay and perlite are added to the solution, there is no need to pour a massive foundation, since the walls of the house become lighter.

If the house is built using the fixed formwork method, there is no need for a separate arrangement of the heat-insulating layer. In addition, this will reduce the thickness of the walls.

To work with concrete, you will need a number of tools.

Concrete walls are characterized by high sound insulation, which is achieved due to solidity. And the overlap between floors can be constructed from various building materials.

Since the building is located evenly, micro-slits and cracks will never appear in it.

Concrete houses also have disadvantages, but they are much smaller. When erecting the upper levels of the house, it is impossible to do without a special pump for concrete mortar. Laying concrete slabs as interfloor ceilings is a rather laborious process. This procedure will require high strength scaffolding.

If the fixed formwork method was chosen, in the future it will be necessary to equip the supply and exhaust air exchange. Otherwise, there is a possibility of an increase in humidity, which will lead to the formation of mold and wear of building materials. The formwork must be plastered, as it is a flammable material that emits harmful substances when burning.

The concrete structure must be grounded without fail. This is due to the fact that there are iron pins in the structure of monolithic plates.

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Tools and equipment for work

To build a concrete house, you will need the following tools, supplies and equipment:

To build walls, you need to build a formwork.

  • construction mixer and concrete mixer;
  • shovels and container (when mixing the solution manually);
  • a cart or stretcher for transporting the solution;
  • building hair dryer;
  • reinforcing network;
  • wire cutters or construction scissors;
  • knife for cutting foam;
  • hammer and nails;
  • roulette and level;
  • steel and wood supports;
  • wire hook for knitting;
  • perforator;
  • set of industrial tools.

Self-construction of a concrete house will not require building materials that are not in the above list.

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Building a concrete house with your own hands

Scheme of removable formwork for erecting walls.

As mentioned above, the construction of a concrete house can be carried out in two ways: fixed and removable formwork. Each construction method has its own characteristics both during construction and in the process of maintaining walls and other elements of the building.

Removable type of formwork is calculated for each layout individually. The purpose of its arrangement is the ideal repetition of all the contours of the planned building. The main formwork material is wood, metal or plastic.

The opening in the middle of the formwork walls is the actual volume of the final building wall. It is calculated by determining the lowest possible temperature in an existing region. The calculation also depends on the thermal conductivity of the monolithic wall. The formwork walls are fixed with nuts, studs and washers. To simplify the dismantling of the shields, after pouring the concrete solution, corrugated tubes must be put on the studs. This will help protect them from direct contact with the mixture.

This formwork method allows the pouring of concrete solutions with low thermal conductivity. Walls made in this way will be able to store more heat energy inside the building, but their degree of strength may decrease.

It is worth paying special attention to the reinforcing layer. To do this, either steel or plastic reinforcing nets are placed in the formwork. To increase the strength of the walls, you can supplement the design with a reinforcing crate.

Filling the solution is carried out in several approaches. For 1 cycle, it is necessary to pour no more than 0.5 m of concrete. The next approach is done after the previous mixture has hardened. The concrete solution must be compacted with a deep vibrator, paying special attention to the end parts. As soon as the mortar hardens, it is necessary to move the formwork upwards. Filling is carried out in this way until the required height of the walls being erected is reached.

For the strength of the structure, the wall is reinforced.

Finishing work and installation thermal insulation material can be made only after 1-1.5 months after pouring concrete, since the structure must be finally strengthened.

Materials such as mineral wool, polystyrene foam, warm plaster and extruded polystyrene foam can be used as thermal insulation.

In some cases, a heat-insulating layer is created on the basis of a well facade. To do this, you need to deviate a little from concrete base and lay out another wall hollow brick or stone. The resulting gap can be covered with any insulating material. It is worth remembering that this method of insulation has less durability compared to polystyrene foam and brick.

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Such formwork can have a variety of designs: longitudinal, window sill, window sill, corner. The fixed formwork has a similar structure to the children's Lego constructor.

This method of building walls is very popular due to the built-in thermal insulation layer. After all, when arranging fixed formwork, you can save a lot of money.

The advantage of fixed formwork is that it has built-in reinforcement and a heat-insulating layer.

After placement waterproofing material at the base of the building, a foam formwork is located on it, which is fixed with the help of special guides into the spike and into the groove. This ensures reliable pouring of the concrete solution, preventing any leaks at the connection points.

Volumes of foam formwork come in various sizes. If necessary, it is possible to order the required amount of material at a factory that specializes in the production of expanded polystyrene. The plates have a standard width of 15 cm, where 5-8 cm is a foam layer. This thickness allows room temperature indoors at 5°C outdoors without using a heating system.

In the process of pouring such formwork, it is forbidden to use any warm solutions. It is recommended to use only concrete mixtures. This is due to the fact that warm solutions have an increased sensitivity to vapor permeability. This causes an excessive amount of condensation to form, which leads to an increased level of humidity inside the house.

Upon completion of construction, there is no need to take care of the thermal insulation layer. You only need to cover polystyrene boards decorative trim or sheathe the building with composite panels.

The desire to improve living conditions, comfortably equip life spurs representatives of the construction industry to seek raw materials with which to create inexpensive materials used in building construction. One of these materials is sawdust concrete - a composite based on wood shavings. You can build a house from sawdust concrete on your own, with minimal building skills.

We build a house from sawdust concrete

Before choosing sawdust concrete as a material for the construction of a building, it is necessary to understand what properties it has. Sawdust concrete is one of the cheapest building materials. Possesses the increased heat-insulating and sound-absorbing characteristics. But its shortcomings require deep reflection when choosing a composite as a material for building a house from sawdust concrete with your own hands.

The special components of the product and its characteristics give it a lot of advantages in the eyes of consumers

The main disadvantages include:

  1. Low moisture resistance of the material requiring additional processing.
  2. Unpresentable appearance requiring decoration.
  3. Short service life due to reduced strength.

Given the shortcomings, the use of sawdust concrete is limited to the construction of low-rise buildings. Main application - country houses, auxiliary buildings that do not require high strength bearing walls. With a density of 300-700 kg / m³, it is used as a heater. With an increase in density up to 700-1200 kg / m³, it is used in the construction of load-bearing walls with subsequent moisture protection treatment.

Building construction options

The chip-based material is quite ductile.

In this regard, you can build a house from sawdust concrete with your own hands in the following ways:

  • form blocks from the finished solution, further working with them, as with any concrete blocks;
  • carry out construction activities by the method of formwork pouring of the composition.

Each of the building construction methods is relevant. If you need to build a structure quickly, then it is better to use the formwork method, since self-made blocks will gain strength for at least four months. You can use ready blocks, but you need to be sure of the decency of the manufacturer, the use of environmentally friendly raw materials in the production. The pouring method ensures the rapid erection of walls, but is laborious in arranging smooth formwork.

These products for the construction of buildings can be easily made by hand, and the strength will be high.

The use of ready-made blocks simplifies the laying process, does not require large labor costs for the production and rearrangement of formwork. In addition, blocks that have reached operational strength are less susceptible to shrinkage than a monolithic structure.

Technology for building a block house

The construction of sawdust-based buildings begins with the manufacture of blocks.

Technological process involves the use of the following components:

  • sawdust;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • lime;
  • water.

To increase the strength and heat-conducting characteristics, the solution is saturated with clay (optional). The sand content determines the density. As the amount of sand increases, the density increases.

Having prepared the necessary ingredients, proceed to manufacture:

  • Mix the ingredients until smooth. Add ingredients gradually. This will ensure that the ingredients are evenly distributed. It is better to mix the solution with a concrete mixer, since it is difficult to achieve a uniform composition with manual mixing with a different structure of the components.

It is possible to build houses from sawdust concrete using two technologies - from blocks or from monolithic material

  • Lay out pre-prepared molds on the molding surface right size. Most common with self-manufacturing wooden mold blocks due to the availability of raw materials. Industrial technology provides for the use of plastic reusable molds.
  • Beat the molds with a smooth, not highly rough material ( plastic wrap, linoleum). This will help at the end of the process to remove the blocks without difficulty.
  • Pour in the prepared solution. Fill slowly, with slight shaking to evenly fill the volume without the formation of voids.
  • After setting the solution, lay the products under a canopy, leave to dry completely in the open air. The process of achieving the required strength is long, takes 3-4 months - it is determined by the weather conditions of the region. The gradual evaporation of moisture avoids the formation of internal defects.

While the blocks, resting, are gaining strength, start arranging the foundation for the planned building.


For buildings of small mass, including structures made of sawdust concrete blocks, several types of foundations are suitable.

Due to the low weight of this product, the installation of a shallow foundation is allowed.

Depending on the desires, financial capabilities of the developer, the following types of foundation can be equipped:

  • shallow strip or slab foundation. Does not require the use of heavy construction equipment. Excavation are limited, which significantly affects the cost of the foundation;
  • column foundation. Supports are made of concrete, brick or asbestos cement. Installation of supports is carried out according to the developed project at the most loaded points. The popularity of the columnar foundation for light buildings is explained by the speed of construction, improved strength characteristics. The disadvantages of the foundation include a short service life;
  • pile foundation. Steel poles with screw-type tip are easy to screw on required depth, are connected by a grillage, which is responsible for the uniform distribution of loads along the contour. Construction work does not require increased labor costs, which attracts many developers.

Regardless of the type of foundation chosen, remember the need for high-quality waterproofing. If possible, arrange a plinth at least 50 cm high on the foundation. This will help protect the structure from excess moisture.

Masonry mortar

Masonry blocks based on sawdust are produced using:

  • special adhesive for porous materials. Small seams are created with the help of glue, reducing heat loss. But the adhesive composition does not make it possible to eliminate the geometric errors of the blocks;

Most often, a special type of glue or cement mortar is used as a masonry mortar.

  • sandy cement mortar. Having treated the sawdust with special moisture-repellent compounds before making blocks and reducing the saturation of the masonry mortar with water, you can use cement mortar for work. With its help, it will be possible to easily cope with irregularities, to achieve high strength characteristics of the structure.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


When using glue or cement mortar, it should be noted that the size of the masonry joint should not exceed 8 mm. Otherwise, heat loss through cold bridges will make it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature regime premises.

Block masonry

The technology for erecting walls from sawdust blocks is similar to the technology for laying any block products. The nuances include the preparation of a cement mortar with a reduced concentration of water. This is explained by the high hygroscopicity of the material.

Installation works are carried out as follows:

  • We begin to lay the blocks from the highest corner of the foundation. For linking use cement-sand mortar, which makes it easy to smooth out deviations in geometric dimensions.
  • We lay out the remaining corners, checking building level horizontality.
  • We stretch the cord or install beacons that serve as a guide for further laying of elements. If necessary, we adjust the dimensions. We control the horizontal and vertical deviations of each row.

The technology of installation of walls with sawdust concrete is absolute, identical to installation technologies from similar materials

  • Every 3-4 rows we reinforce the masonry, using a metal or plastic mesh for reinforcement. As a binding solution, it is desirable to use glue, which allows to reduce the size of the seam, and, consequently, reduce heat leakage.
  • Making window and door openings wooden beam or channel. Jumpers should cover the opening by 40–50 cm on each side.
  • Having laid the last row, we fasten it for further installation of the roof.

If it is planned to build a second floor, it is desirable to additionally strengthen the corners of the building. This can be achieved by forming corner concrete supports reinforced with metal bars. In more simple version reinforcement is carried out with wire tied into a single corner frame along the entire height of the building.

Finishing a house from sawdust concrete

Finishing work of the building from sawdust blocks should begin with reliable waterproofing open surfaces. Work is carried out under the condition of complete drying of the material in order to avoid deformation shrinkage. After carrying out waterproofing, they begin to decorate the internal and external surfaces. For exterior finish the most acceptable is plastering or facing in one brick. When applying plaster, a metal mesh is used, which ensures reliable adhesion of the plaster to the surface to be treated.

The special structure of the product needs both external and internal finishing.

Interior decoration is carried out with any decorative materials:

  • plaster mixture;
  • paints;
  • wallpaper;
  • wooden lining.

A flooded house made of sawdust concrete - the nuances of construction

At the stage of making a decision on the construction of buildings from sawdust concrete, doubts often arise in connection with long term achieving the strength of block elements. As a rule, the duration of the material strength gain takes 3-4 months, which does not always suit the owners. If the construction time needs to be minimized, there is a way to build a sawdust concrete building by filling the formwork with material.

Formwork after setting the mixture is shifted, the next level is poured. Thus, it turns out monolithic wall, which goes through the process of drying and curing in a single array.


The foundation for a monolithic house made of sawdust concrete does not require high strength indicators. The structure of the material containing a significant amount of light sawdust is characterized by low weight. The only requirement that determines the durability of the structure is the correct choice of the type of foundation.

The best choice in the construction of such houses is a strip foundation

The determination of the type of foundation is preceded by geodetic measures, including:

  • drilling pits to the depth of soil freezing;
  • soil composition analysis;
  • determination of groundwater level.

Knowing the depth aquifers and the composition of the soil, you can determine the type of foundation that ensures the integrity and reliability of the building.

A concrete house is the right choice because it is much more durable and stronger than brick. However, it is necessary to distinguish between technologies for building houses from monolithic concrete and concrete blocks, since these are, as they say, two big differences. This article will focus on the first case, in which the structure is a single non-prefabricated frame, which can then be trimmed to improve the appearance.

Why is it worth building a monolithic concrete house

One-piece structures have a lot of advantages over prefabricated ones: these are higher reliability, long service life, low heat transfer rates, and so on. Consider the advantages of monolithic houses in more detail:

  • Reliability . Since a seam always has a lower strength than the material it connects, it can be concluded that the fewer seams, the better, and perfect option- when there are no seams at all. Such houses are very common in seismically active areas, for example, in Japan, where earthquakes occur almost every month, almost all houses, including multi-storey ones, are built using monolithic technology, so they can easily withstand even the strongest shocks. Also, in places where hostilities are taking place, monoliths are also quite popular, and a vivid example of this is Israel. A good all-concrete house there could take a direct hit from a rocket, and although the glass would still shatter, at least there would be no need to rebuild.
  • High service life . If you build a house out of bricks, it will undoubtedly serve for a long time. Your children, and even a few grandchildren, can live in it before it has to be overhauled. But a monolithic concrete house will give a roof over your head to your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and even great-great-grandchildren, which, of course, is very nice. The thing is that any structure wears out over time, but it is not the material from which it is built that deteriorates most quickly, but the seams connecting the blocks. For example, in brick house the layer between the bricks deteriorates very quickly, and after it, they themselves begin to collapse. But since there are no seams in a monolithic house, the only thing that can deteriorate is the concrete itself, and as you know, it lasts a very long time.
  • These houses are warmer. . The absence of seams allows you to avoid the presence of microcracks through which air passes, taking heat with it. In addition, these microcracks tend to diverge over time, as air flows blur their edges. This is not the case in monolithic houses, so they can be built even in areas where strong winds blow - there will be no draft.
  • perspective . With the development of 3-D printing technologies, it became possible to literally stamp houses using a 3-D printer. This does not require workers or complex building construction and the process will only take a couple of days. Imagine how a huge self-propelled printer with a dozen tanks of liquid concrete arrives at the place of your future home and starts printing your house - fantastic! Of course, this is not yet technically feasible, but in the future, in 30-40 years, they will build just like that.


The main disadvantage of monolithic houses is high price. While the technology of 3-D printing of residential buildings is very poorly developed and is able to serve, perhaps, the low-budget sector, monoliths have to be built manually. But the procedure for erecting a monolithic house is quite difficult and therefore requires highly qualified builders.

The most difficult thing here is the construction of the formwork into which liquid concrete is poured. The fact is that if you install it incorrectly, then during filling it will simply break, and all the concrete will spill. This problem rises especially sharply in areas with soft ground, as it also contributes to its loosening.

At experienced craftsmen construction works there are secrets of how to strengthen the formwork, and that is why such workers are very expensive. Building a monolithic house on your own is far from the best idea, which is why there are relatively few such structures in our country.

The need to create high formwork. As already mentioned, the construction of solid concrete houses requires reliable scaffolding that will not fall apart at the most crucial moment. Only an experienced team, which has repeatedly dealt with such buildings, can design and build such ceilings. And of course, the development of forests takes time.

Difficulty of installation concrete floors . The fact that concrete can break through the formwork is only part of the problem. In fact, quite often, when it is built by unskilled workers, it breaks under its own weight.

Requires high quality concrete. Find good concrete- the task is not an easy one, but this is the main thing in the construction of an all-concrete house. After all, the service life of good and bad material can vary significantly (3-4 times). The case is widely known when the Moscow Voentorg concrete store, built of concrete in 1912, became emergency after only 80 years, although it was supposed to stand for at least 250.

These 4 problems are the main obstacles to the popularization of concrete houses in our country, and it is because of them that only people with high incomes can afford the construction of monoliths. Therefore, if the budget does not allow, it is better to build from brick, as it will last longer than a low-quality concrete house built by cheap workers.

When asked which house is the most durable, the answer is obvious - monolithic. And if earlier the technology of monolithic construction was used only for the construction of high-rise buildings or industrial facilities, then today it is increasingly possible to meet a monolithic cottage or a private house. Such technologies can realize even the most amazing design ideas to life, not limited to rectilinear structures. In addition to the amazing strength, which is enough to withstand a slight earthquake, such cottages are also popular because they are quickly and easily erected, do not require expensive materials and labor, and are also reliable and durable. The walls of monolithic cottages can be finished with any materials without restrictions, and the technology of fixed formwork allows you not to equip additional wall insulation.

Monolithic construction of cottages: advantages and disadvantages

Construction using monolithic technology is carried out entirely at the construction site by pouring concrete into the formwork. Due to this feature, this technology has its advantages and disadvantages.

To date, such praises are sung to monolithic construction that one gets the impression that there are no shortcomings at all, and nothing can be better than a monolith. Let's figure it out really a lot of benefits:

  • Due to the integrity of the monolithic structure, the mechanical strength of the entire building is increased, it is resistant to destruction caused by soil shifts, gullies and earthquakes.
  • The absence of seams in the building box makes the cottage warmer, as there are no so-called "cold bridges".
  • Work on the construction of a monolithic cottage can be carried out at any time of the year, on any soil.
  • Fast construction.
  • Low financial costs.

  • The possibility of curvilinear construction, projects of monolithic cottages can be arbitrarily intricate.
  • If insulated concrete mortars with additives are used: expanded clay, perlite, sawdust, slag, etc., the structure becomes light enough so that it is not possible to equip a heavy buried foundation.
  • The walls of a monolithic cottage can be insulated and finished with various materials.
  • When using fixed formwork, additional insulation is not required, and the total thickness of the wall will decrease. Also, the walls will have exceptional sound insulation.
  • The possibility of arranging any interfloor overlap: slab, monolithic concrete, wood.
  • Uniform shrinkage of the building, which eliminates the appearance of cracks.

But also not without a fly in the ointment, disadvantages of monolithic construction:

  • To pour the concrete mixture at height, a concrete pump (mortar pump) is required. This is not a problem at all if you order construction in a company, and it is expensive if you do it yourself.
  • When pouring a monolithic floor slab, labor costs increase many times, special scaffolding will be required.
  • Monolithic cottage with fixed formwork, which is at the same time thermal insulation, is not able to "breathe" the walls, the arrangement of supply and exhaust ventilation will be required. High humidity in the house.
  • Expanded polystyrene, which is used in fixed formwork, is a non-environmental material, which, although it has a G1 flammability class, which means that it decays within 2 minutes, it releases extremely toxic substances during smoldering, therefore mandatory requirement is the plastering of walls from fixed formwork.
  • Time costs for the manufacture of formwork, taking into account the specifics of the project.
  • Mandatory grounding is required for the entire cottage, as the walls are reinforced concrete with metal reinforcement.

Given the prices for monolithic cottages and all their advantages, many neglect the disadvantages associated with the non-environmental friendliness of expanded polystyrene. It is understandable - cheap, fast, beautiful, durable, strong, who will think about their health there? Although it should be noted that if you do not use fixed formwork, but build walls from warm concrete, and then insulate it with more environmentally friendly materials, then the cottage will turn out not only cheap and warm, but also quite comfortable.

Technologies for the construction of monolithic cottages

In total, there are two technologies by which monolithic cottages can be built. They differ only in that in one case the formwork is removed after the concrete has hardened, and in the other case the formwork is fixed. Both technologies have their own characteristics and nuances in construction and operation.

Construction of a monolithic cottage with removable formwork

Removable formwork is made individually for each cottage project, as it must exactly repeat its curves and features. The most commonly used wood, plywood, plastic or iron.

The width of the empty space between the walls of the formwork should be equal to the width of the future wall, which is calculated taking into account the thermal conductivity of the concrete mixture and the region of construction. The formwork panels are fastened with washers, studs, nuts. To ensure that the formwork can be easily removed after pouring concrete, corrugated tubes must be put on the threaded studs, protecting them from contact with concrete.

The technology for building a monolithic cottage with removable formwork suggests that it is possible to pour not only ordinary concrete, but also mixtures with much lower thermal conductivity, for example, expanded clay concrete, perlite concrete, cinder block, sawdust concrete, foam concrete, aerated concrete, wood concrete and others. The walls will be much warmer and more vapor permeable, but will not be able to withstand too much load.

Reinforcement is also important. concrete wall. For this, reinforcing meshes, plastic or steel, can be used, and for greater strength, a reinforcement frame is connected.

Important! Wall, reinforced with carcass from reinforcement 8 - 18 mm, it will be quite cold, since the metal parts of the frame will act as "cold bridges".

It is allowed to pour no more than 50 cm of concrete in one pass. Only after he "grabs" you can continue pouring. Compaction of concrete in the formwork is carried out using internal vibrators, Special attention must be given to the corners.

After the concrete hardens, the formwork is removed and rearranged higher. So, until the whole cottage is flooded.

In order for concrete to take on maximum strength, it is necessary to let it stand for at least 4 to 5 weeks. After that, you can start warming and finishing.

Monolithic walls can be insulated with expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, "warm" plaster. At the same time, use the technology of a ventilated or wet facade.

A variant of a well facade is also possible, when an indent is made outside the concrete wall, then it is lined with facade bricks or tiles, and the free space is covered with insulation: expanded clay, ecowool, etc.

The indisputable advantage of this technology is that the house can be made as "breathable" and environmentally friendly as possible, although you will have to tinker with the assembly and disassembly of the formwork.

Construction of a monolithic cottage with fixed formwork

The use of fixed formwork is advertised with enviable constancy and perseverance. Indeed, according to this technology, the formwork is not only not removed after pouring concrete, it is also a layer of thermal insulation. When using this technology for the monolithic construction of cottages, the price is the lowest, since labor costs are reduced as much as possible.

After the arrangement and waterproofing of the foundation, formwork is installed on it, which is a form of expanded polystyrene, fastened with special profiles. These forms have a tenon-groove fastening system, which allows the connection to be so strong and without gaps that the leakage of concrete or its sagging at the junctions of the formwork forms is absolutely excluded.

The width of the formwork made of expanded polystyrene can be different, in the case of a large order, blocks of any required thickness can be produced at the factory. A standard block is considered to be a block in which there is an empty space for concrete 150 mm wide and on both sides polystyrene foam with a layer of 5 - 7.5 cm. This is quite enough to keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer, heating will only have to be turned on when the temperature drops below +5 °С.

After the formwork is installed, concrete is poured inside with a layer of 50 cm and compacted with a deep vibrator.

Important! Please note that only concrete can be used for pouring fixed formwork and warm mixes cannot be used. This is due to the fact that the vapor permeability of expanded polystyrene is negligible and equal to 0.05 Mg / (m * h * Pa), and the vapor permeability of warm mixtures is higher than 0.09 Mg / (m * h * Pa). If you squeeze warm concrete between layers of polystyrene foam, condensation will accumulate in it, as a result, mold and fungus will appear over time.

After erecting the walls, they do not need to be insulated, it is enough just to plaster them with decorative plaster or sheathe them with siding.

The advantage of fixed formwork technology is ease of erection, low cost and no need for additional insulation. But at the same time, such a cottage is a thermos that is not able to “breathe”.

Types of formwork for monolithic construction

According to the field of application, several types of formwork are distinguished: wall formwork, foundation, floors, tunnel formwork, ring wall formwork with modified radius. Due to this diversity, it is possible to use a monolithic fill for any element of the building structure.

Various formwork elements are also installed in different ways. The formwork of the foundation is installed on struts and horizontal supports. Wall formwork - with the help of racks, brackets and connecting locks. The slab formwork is laid on a structure of telescopic or volumetric retaining props.

Removable formwork is made of the following materials: steel, aluminum, wood, plastic. Depending on the material of execution, it has various properties. If plywood is used for formwork, then it must be cut with a fine-toothed saw so as not to damage the veneer and lamination. Drilling holes for pipes and cables in the formwork is necessary from both sides, for the same reason. Store plywood formwork in a dry place.

Before use, the removable formwork is treated with a special solution so that it can be easily removed.

Fixed formwork, as already mentioned above, consists of expanded polystyrene, does not require additional processing. Its forms are different: angular, longitudinal, window-sill, window-sill and others. In fact, the arrangement of a removable formwork resembles the connection of LEGO figures.

Types of concrete solutions for monolithic construction

The indisputable advantage of monolithic construction is the ability to pour solutions with different thermal conductivity and vapor permeability into the formwork.

Concrete- the simplest option and, unfortunately, the only one acceptable when pouring fixed formwork. A monolithic concrete cottage will be very cold, since its thermal conductivity is 1.51 W / (m * C), and the vapor permeability is 0.03 Mg / (m * h * Pa). Concrete walls should be carefully insulated.

Reinforced concrete- even colder than concrete, since iron reinforcement acts as "cold bridges". A monolithic reinforced concrete cottage requires insulation with expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

Expanded clay concrete has a thermal conductivity of 0.66 - 0.14 W / (m * C) and a vapor permeability of 0.09 - 0.3 Mg / (m * h * Pa). The indicators depend on the density of the mixture, the larger the porosity of expanded clay, the warmer and more vapor permeable the wall. The wall thickness for the region of the Moscow region is 50 cm.

slag concrete- the same as expanded clay concrete, only instead of expanded clay - slag. It is less durable, so the thickness of the walls should be 55 - 60 cm.

A mixture of cement, sand, sawdust (needles) and water. The walls are warm, fire-resistant and environmentally friendly, only from the outside they need to be protected with waterproofing material.

A mixture of cement, water and wood chips 40x10x5 mm. Chips are pre-ventilated or treated with lime. Wood concrete walls are warmer and stronger than sawdust concrete walls.

foam concrete- foamed concrete by chemical means, more warm material than ordinary concrete. Its thermal conductivity is 0.29 - 0.08 W / (m * C), and the vapor permeability is 0.11 - 0.26 Mg / (m * h * Pa).

Do-it-yourself monolithic construction of a cottage

Usually, the construction of a monolithic cottage is ordered from a construction company. This is due to the fact that the work will require formwork, a concrete pump, scaffolding for floor slabs and other equipment that any construction organization has, and buying it for one time is unprofitable.

But for those who do not like simple ways and agree to spend money on a mortar pump, and make the floor wooden or order a floor slab and install it with a crane, building a monolithic cottage with their own hands will also be possible.

The project of a monolithic cottage can be done independently, downloaded on the Internet or ordered from a design organization, in the latter case, everything will be done for you necessary calculations: strength of load-bearing walls and loads on them, required thickness filling and insulation.

When the project is ready, we equip the foundation. If the house is ground floor, then the basement overlap can be done monolithic slab, and the foundation - tape. Usually they build a pile-tape foundation and carefully waterproof it.

How to build a monolithic cottage with removable formwork

Formwork is made from wooden planks 30 - 50 mm thick. If the temperature in the region drops to -30 ° C, we make the walls 55 - 60 cm thick. We tightly connect them together and drive them with racks of 80x80 mm, at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from each other. The length of such shields should be 2 - 4 m, and the height 60 - 80 cm.

Below we install metal ties with bolts so that the shields do not burst when concrete is poured into them. At the top, the shields are fixed with wooden plates or the same ties.

We insert a reinforcing mesh or frame into the formwork, depending on the project.

For the manufacture of sawdust concrete, we take: 8 parts of dry sawdust, 1 part of cement M400 - M500, 3 parts of lime, 2 parts of sand.

Important! Sawdust should be weathered in the open air for at least a year.

First, we mix cement with sand, lime with sawdust separately, then combine both mixtures and mix thoroughly, adding water a little at a time. As a result, there should be enough water so that it does not flow out of the solution.

With the resulting solution, pour a layer of 20 cm into the formwork. We compact with vibrators and pierce with rods to thoroughly compact the solution. Then fill in the next layer. And so on until the formwork is practically filled (for convenience, we leave 5-10 cm empty on top).

It is possible to rearrange the formwork above only after 3 - 5 days. All this time, the concrete must be covered from the sun and precipitation with a film or roofing material.

After the completion of the construction of the walls, we give the concrete to gain strength within a month, then we equip the ceiling and the roof. The overlap should go on the walls at least 15 - 20 cm.

After the sawdust concrete has completely dried, you can insulate the walls from the outside if necessary. To do this, you can use "warm" plaster, which can be applied with a layer of up to 50 mm. It is an excellent waterproofing, heat insulator and at the same time easily releases steam to the outside.

How to build a monolithic cottage with fixed formwork

The construction of a monolithic cottage with fixed formwork is an extremely simple task. First you need to stock up on formwork elements. They are wall, corner and radius. It is necessary to calculate the number of each type of elements according to the developed project.

We install a fixed formwork on the foundation, assembling it like a LEGO constructor, connecting interlock connections blocks. To get started, the first row will be enough.

We carry out all the necessary sewerage, plumbing and ventilation pipes. Then, if reinforcement is required, we insert a reinforcing mesh. We prepare a concrete mortar from M500 cement, sand, crushed stone and water. We build up the formwork and pour a 50 cm layer, compact it with deep vibrators.

For a day, you can increase in height no more than 50 - 70 cm.

After the completion of the construction of the walls, they do not need to be insulated, and as a finish, you can make the so-called "wet" facade - plaster with decorative plaster on a fiberglass mesh.

Building a monolithic cottage with your own hands is greatly simplified if you call a couple of partners for help. Indeed, after overcoming a certain height, when erecting walls for pouring concrete upstairs, you will need to use a concrete pump. And coordinated actions can reduce time and organize the right work.

Quite often, special equipment is used in construction. A large selection of spare parts for road construction equipment from leading manufacturers, such as spare parts for Komatsu bulldozers, are presented on the website of the Imashinery Group of Companies.

A monolithic house is superior in strength to all other types of buildings. Previously, only industrial facilities and high-rise buildings, today private individuals also use this technology for the construction of cottages and houses.

The system for calculating the mass of a monolithic concrete slab.

A house built using monolithic technology allows you to bring the most incredible design ideas to life.

And increasingly, future homeowners are thinking about how to build a monolithic house with their own hands. Such construction is becoming more and more popular also because a do-it-yourself house using this technology is surprisingly durable. It can withstand a small earthquake, does not require much labor and expensive materials, and is durable and reliable in operation. A monolithic house can be finished with anything, and the walls can be erected immediately equipped additional insulation. The technology that uses non-removable allows this.

Scheme of reinforcement of concrete floor.

This technology, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages. And the advantages are very significant:

  1. The integral solidity of the structure greatly increases the mechanical strength of the structures. They are resistant to damage caused by gullies, earthquakes and ground shifts.
  2. There are no so-called cold bridges, which are found in ordinary buildings from structures with seams. This makes the rooms warmer.
  3. Monolithic construction can be carried out at any time and on any soil.
  4. Pretty fast building.
  5. Low financial costs.
  6. Projects of monolithic buildings may have curvilinearity.
  7. If used in concrete solutions perlite, sawdust, slag, expanded clay and similar substances, then the structure will be light enough not to make a heavy foundation under it.
  8. Additional insulation will not be needed during construction with non-removable. And at the same time, the total thickness of the wall will be less than usual;
  9. Monolithic walls have exceptional sound insulation.
  10. Interfloor overlapping can be made of any material.
  11. This technology eliminates the appearance of cracks in the walls due to uniform shrinkage of the building.

And about the disadvantages of monolithic construction - there are much fewer of them:

  • on the upper floors of the structures under construction, one cannot do without a mortar pump or a concrete pump;
  • monolithic floor slabs will require multiple labor costs, since special scaffolding is needed;
  • with fixed formwork, it is required to equip the house with supply and exhaust ventilation, otherwise moisture and its consequences cannot be avoided;
  • mandatory plastering to avoid possible negative consequences from its combustion - the release of toxic substances;
  • mandatory grounding of the entire building, as it is reinforced concrete.

Construction technology

Scheme of the monolithic concrete device strip foundation with reinforcement

As it is already clear from the above, the technology of erection in a monolithic way can be made with different formwork: removable and non-removable. Both types of construction have their own nuances and features both in the construction itself and during operation.

Removable is individual for each project. Its task is to accurately repeat all the features and curves of the future structure. More commonly used plywood, wood, iron or plastic.

The distance between the walls is the width of the future wall. And it is calculated taking into account the region of construction and the thermal conductivity of the concrete mix used. Shields are fastened with nuts, studs, washers. To facilitate removal after pouring, corrugated tubes are put on the threaded studs to protect them from contact with the concrete mixture.

This technology allows you to pour with your own hands into the formwork not only ordinary concrete, but also mixtures with lower thermal conductivity: perlite concrete, expanded clay concrete, slag concrete, sawdust concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete, wood concrete and others. Such walls will be more vapor-permeable and warm, but the loads can withstand less.

A very important point in monolithic construction is reinforcement. Steel or plastic reinforcing meshes are used for it, and a reinforcing cage is made for even greater strength.

At a time, you can pour concrete no more than half a meter. And it is allowed to continue pouring only after it has set. Concrete must be compacted using internal vibrators, with special attention paid to the corners. After the concrete has hardened, the removed formwork is placed higher, and work continues in this way until the entire structure is filled up to the roof.

Finishing and wall insulation can be done with your own hands no earlier than 4-5 weeks, after maximum strength gain. Warming is done with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, warm plaster or extruded polystyrene foam.

Sometimes do-it-yourself insulation is made using a well facade. At the same time, an indent is made from the concrete wall and a wall of brick or tile is laid out, and the indent is covered with ecowool, expanded clay or other insulating material.

Benefits of non-removable

Scheme of the device of a partition from foam blocks.

The shape may be different. There are longitudinal, angular, window-sill, window-sill and others. At its core, the arrangement resembles the collection of structures from a children's play set.

Fixed formwork is more popular because it is also an insulating layer, while reducing overall labor costs and no need to spend money on wall insulation.

After the foundation is equipped with a waterproofing layer, an expanded polystyrene formwork is installed on it, fastened with special profiles in the form of a tenon-groove fastening, which allows pouring concrete without leakage and without sagging at the fastening points.

Scheme of reinforcement of floor slabs.

The width of the polystyrene foam can be different. And with a large number of them, they can be manufactured at the factory to order. The standard block width is 150 mm, with polystyrene walls of 5-7.5 cm.

This fully meets the requirements, in which the heating will have to be turned on only when it is below +5 degrees outside.

For pouring fixed formwork, you can not use warm mixes - only ordinary concrete. The thing is that the vapor permeability of warm mixtures is significantly higher than the vapor permeability of expanded polystyrene, such a neighborhood will lead to condensation and the house will become overgrown with fungi and mold.

After erecting walls with fixed formwork, they do not need to be insulated, it will be enough to apply decorative plaster or siding.


During the installation of the frame, boards are used. The foundation should be at least 20 cm wider than future walls.

There are several types of application: formwork for foundations, ceilings, annular walls with the possibility of changing the radius, tunnel formwork. Thus, any element of the building structure can be manufactured.

It is impossible to build different elements in the same way. For example, foundation formwork is installed on horizontal supports and mowing, walls are made using building locks, brackets and racks. And for floors, the formwork is laid on a structure of retaining volumetric racks or telescopic racks.

Removable can be built from steel, plastic and wood. If we are building formwork from plywood, then it must be cut with a saw with fine teeth in order not to damage the lamination and veneer. Holes for the same reason are drilled from both sides. Store plywood formwork in a dry place. In order to make it convenient to remove the removable formwork, not only special fasteners are made for it, but they are also treated with a solution specially designed for this.

Tools and equipment

To build a house with your own hands using monolithic technology, you will need the following:

  • concrete mixer, mixer;
  • when manually preparing a concrete mix, you will need utensils for mixing it, shovel, measuring utensils;
  • a stretcher for transferring concrete mix or a wheelbarrow;
  • gas cutter, building hair dryer;
  • mesh for reinforcement;
  • scissors for cutting the mesh, pliers or other similar devices;
  • knife for cutting polystyrene foam;
  • hammer, nails;
  • tape measure, water building level;
  • machine for giving the grid a special shape;
  • metal and wooden supports;
  • reinforcing hook for knitting wire;
  • perforator;
  • individual protection means.

The monolithic technology of building a house with your own hands allows you to completely do without additional building materials, other than those required for the manufacture of a mixture for pouring into the formwork.