Shower      06/05/2019

How to make a retractable ladder. Do-it-yourself attic stairs with a hatch: drawings and step-by-step master classes with instructions. Instructions for making a folding ladder

For personal needs. Can be used to lift indoors different kinds stairs: monolithic - mid-flight or spiral, folding or attached. Folding attic stairs are installed indoors or from the outside of the building. To get to the attic from the outside of the house, you have to go out into the yard in any weather, and this is very inconvenient. Therefore, the installation of such a device indoors will provide a comfortable lift.

It is convenient and safe to use stationary gangways, but free space is required for their installation. With rare visits to the attic, it is enough to put a stepladder and clean it as unnecessary. The disadvantage of this method is the unreliability of portable devices. To combine safety requirements and a limited area will allow the use of a folding ladder, which you can do yourself. This is an affordable and economical way.

Folding attic stairs must meet certain strength requirements, so metal and wood are used to make them. There are several types of folding structures:

  • Scissor - a compact model that folds like an accordion. Lightweight and durable metal e.g. aluminium. This difficult option for installation, it requires skills in working with metal and numerous fasteners.
  • Telescopic - the model is made according to the principle of folding segments in the side tubes. When manufacturing, you will need to bore the metal yourself.
  • Sectional - compactly placed on the attic hatch. Separate sections are connected by a hinge, when extended they are securely fixed.

Deciding on sizes

Prior to the start of production, they are determined with the dimensions of the future product. It is necessary to take into account the size of the structure when folded and its total length, which is allowed up to three meters. Longer ladders do not have sufficient rigidity and are not safe to use. The span width should ensure convenient operation, for this it should be at least 65 cm. The optimal distance between the steps is 19, cm, a larger or smaller value will cause difficulties when lifting. The thickness of the crossbars should be 2–3 cm. The installation angle of the structure is in the range of 60–75 degrees. The steps are placed strictly parallel to the floor. When using wood for the manufacture of structures, you can count on operation with a load of up to 150 kg, metal structure withstand up to 260 kg.

The hatch opening is 120 × 70 cm in size so that an adult can use it without problems. A larger hole will become a place of significant heat loss.


To work, you will need the following tools:

  1. Spanners.
  2. Wood saw.
  3. Screwdrivers.
  4. Roulette.
  5. Pencil.

Manufacturing process

by the most simple option folding design will be a device consisting of two sections. To make it you will need wooden bars, loops and metal strips for fastening, self-tapping screws.

A finished wooden staircase is taken, to the upper part of which a bar 2 cm thick is attached. A similar bar is screwed on the wall under the hatch. The bars are fastened with loops.

Having measured 1/3 of the length from the bottom of the side boards, a cut is made - it must be done between the steps. The two resulting parts are connected with loops. It is important to correctly position the fasteners so that the ladder folds in the right direction.

To hold the structure in the folded state, a loop is used, screwed in at the junction of the sections, and a hook installed at the desired height. The disadvantage of this simple design would be open placement.

Hidden folding ladder

So that there is a lot of free space and nothing spoils the interior, the device can be mounted on the hatch cover. For its manufacture, two boards 10 cm wide will be required. The design will consist of three sections: the first is equal to the length of the hatch, the second is slightly shorter, the length of the third is equal to the remaining distance to the floor. The angle of inclination of the hatch is measured with a bevel and transferred to the boards.

On the boards, the places of cuts and fastening of the loop are marked. Boards are sawn into three sections. To fix the steps in them, recesses with a depth of 5 mm are made. The steps are fixed with glue and self-tapping screws.

Elements are decomposed into flat surface and are joined, loops are screwed at the junctions. Having assembled the structure, they check its ability to bend, after checking the ladder is installed on the hatch. You can fix the first section with metal strips screwed to the hatch and the edges of the bowstring. The folded ladder descends beyond the bottom section.

It is not difficult to make an attic ladder, it is important that it be durable, comfortable and compact.

Video: the process of making a folding ladder to the attic

The space between the ceiling and the roof in private houses is occupied by the attic. It is used by the owners for storage, provides an opportunity for inspection and repair. inside roofing cake. A folding ladder installed to get to the attic can be made by hand. portable structures stepladders are not always convenient and reliable. The stationary version, which is easily extended if necessary, and most of the time is in the folded state, will be the best model for a small space.

  1. Place of installation:
    • outdoor - mounted outside the building, the disadvantage is the need to leave the premises in any weather;
    • internal - located in the house.
  2. By design:
    • monolithic - screw or marching;
    • portable - attached, ladders;
    • folding - sliding, folding, scissor, folding.

Monolithic structures provide complete safety of lifting to the attic. But they take up valuable space in the room. Portable models are convenient as a temporary option, but they are not suitable for permanent use due to the increased risk of injury. Best Choice a folding ladder is considered, which takes up a minimum of space. This design is often attached to the hatch, it has a compact size, and making it yourself will save money.

Features of folding structures

Transforming models have several options, from which you can choose the right one for your home. When designing a product, one should take into account not only the dimensions, but also the design features. Minimal amount sections of a folding ladder should be 3 pieces. A 2-piece model will require a significant increase in the size of the attic hatch. Folding ladder lowered manually, using a weight for weighting, or automatically, using an electric drive.

Varieties of folding attic stairs

telescopic model consists of parts that slide into each other. The material for it is aluminum, which is lightweight, durable, and resistant to corrosion. It is compact, functional, will last a long time, but it is difficult to make such a product with your own hands. A variant of mounting on a hatch of a finished structure is possible.

scissor model made from metal parts. It develops according to the principle of an accordion. A solid construction with comfortable steps has one drawback - over time, a creak appears at the joints. Preventing the problem will allow timely lubrication of the attachment points.

The scissor ladder is reliable and has a beautiful appearance

Folding ladder will not take up a single extra centimeter. It is difficult to design and install. Its steps are attached to the bowstring with card loops, and in the folded position, the folding model is fixed on the wall.

Retractable ladder to the attic consists of several sections, the upper part is firmly attached to the hatch, it is equal to the size of the cover. The remaining sections are connected by special fittings and hinges. When unfolded, they form an even flight of stairs. It is easy to bring the product into working position, thanks to its mobility. The difference between the telescopic and sliding models is in the way the sections slide. In the first case, they are placed one inside the other, and in the second, they move with the help of rollers from the outside along the guides.

The attic climb structure should be installed in a place where it will not interfere, usually a hall or corridor. Sliding and folding ladder is customized to fit standard sizes, which are designed with safety in mind:

  • the angle of inclination of the structure is 65-75 degrees, a larger value will make use unsafe, and a smaller one will require a lot of space for placement;
  • the optimal width of the stairs is 65 cm;
  • the recommended number of steps is 13-15 pieces;
  • the length of the structure should be about 3.5 m, with an increase, it loses rigidity and strength, the processes of lowering and lifting become more complicated;
  • convenient distance between the steps for movement - 19.3 cm;
  • a ladder made by one's own hands is calculated for a load of up to 150 kg;
  • the safe thickness of the steps is 1.8-2.2 cm;
  • horizontal crossbars are mounted parallel to the floor, for safety they are supplemented with anti-slip pads.

The attic hatch also has standard dimensions, its parameters are 120x70cm, they provide unhindered passage and minimum loss heat.

Materials for manufacturing

The materials from which the stairs are made with their own hands are subject to requirements for strength and weight. The design for frequent use due to rapid wear is not made of wood. Metal - best option for such a product, it will ensure safe and durable operation.

To reduce the total weight of the ladder attached to the hatch, the combination of materials will allow. Steps are made from lighter wood. Bars are used hard rock wood about 2 cm thick. To connect the products, metal or plastic fittings are installed, the latter reduces the friction of the parts. In the folded position, the structure is attached to the hatch, which eliminates spontaneous loss.

Manufacturing technology of a simple folding design

If the hatch is located near the edge of the ceiling, then for lifting you can install a folding ladder of two sections with your own hands, which will rest on the wall. The basis for the design can be ready product, it will take about two hours to transform it.

A simple folding ladder that is easy to do with your own hands

Tools for work:

  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw.


  • wooden blocks measuring 2x3 cm;
  • card loops;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hook and loop.
  1. Take two bars equal to the width of the stairs. One is hinged to the upper edge, and the second is firmly fixed at the bottom, ensuring the stability of the unfolded structure.
  2. The ladder used is divided into two parts - one of them is 2/3 of the length, and the second is 1/3. A neat cut of the bowstring is performed along the intended line.
  3. metal hinges screwed to connect the sections. Pay attention to how the fittings are located. It should ensure that the lower part of the ladder folds under the upper one.
  4. A bar is fixed on the wall under the attic opening, to which the folding structure is attached.
  5. For reliable fixation in the folded position, a loop is screwed in near the sawing point, and a hook is installed on the wall in the appropriate place.

The advantage of such a product is the ease of doing it yourself, and the disadvantage is an open location.

Manufacture of the hatch

If a folding ladder is placed on the cover of the opening, it is not visible from the room and will not interfere with the interior. Simple drawings will help determine the size of the hatch and the product. Having measured the sides of the passage to the attic, they begin to assemble the hatch with their own hands.

You need to prepare the following materials:

  • bars with a section of 50x50m;
  • plywood sheet 10 mm;
  • PVA glue;
  • fasteners;
  • door latch with handle.

Two parts equal to the length of the opening and two similar to its width (120x70 cm) are cut off from the bar. Each edge of the bar is sawn to half the width. These sections are smeared with PVA glue and glued together into a rectangle. To hold the exact diagonal, right-angled plywood triangles, called kerchiefs, are attached to the frame. After the glue dries, the bars are additionally connected with self-tapping screws, and the scarves are removed. A prepared plywood sheet is screwed to the workpiece. The design will fit to the opening. To keep the hatch in the closed position, a door latch is cut into it. The fittings have a convenient handle with which the hatch will open.

Assembling the opening mechanism

Making a hatch opening mechanism with your own hands is a rather complicated process to make the task easier, it is enough to purchase a finished product in a store.

Those who decide to assemble the entire structure on their own must prepare a metal corner, two strips and a sheet of metal.

In order not to be mistaken with the size of the hinges, they are initially cut out of cardboard. After fitting, proceed to work with metal.

  1. Places for fastening according to the template are marked on the metal strip.
  2. Holes are drilled for a bolt with a diameter of 10.
  3. Details are assembled and baited with bolts. The selected angle of fixation of the stairs is measured with a small one, and then the parts are moved apart by the desired value.
  4. On the metal, a section is indicated, which, when lowered, is blocked by a corner. This area is cut off. Removing the excess, the details are processed to give an aesthetic appearance.
  5. The second mechanism should be identical to the one already made. For an exact match of the holes, the parts are connected with a clamp and drilled.
  6. Having inserted bolts into the second mechanism, it is equalized according to the model, cutting off excess metal.
  7. Ready-made opening mechanisms are installed by hand on the hatch . They will create an emphasis, fixing the folding structure at the right angle.

To ensure uniform distribution of the load will allow the installation of a second hinge mechanism that supports the hatch in the middle. You will need: two metal strips 2 cm wide, a corner and a piece of metal. The corner serves as a support for the mechanism when opening. A piece of metal is welded to one part, against which the second part rests. When lowering the hatch, the hinge will move apart, taking part of the weight of the structure.

Wooden staircase, do it yourself

The easiest way is to make a wooden structure, the material will be a 2.5x10 cm board. The product consists of three sections, the first two are equal in length to the hatch, and the size of the last is the distance remaining to the floor.

The length of the sections is marked on two boards used to make the bowstring. The marks should mirror each other, therefore, before work, the workpieces are connected with adhesive tape. Holes for the hinges are drilled in the designated places, after which the boards are sawn. To make it attractive wooden details sanded and covered with two layers of varnish. Do-it-yourself metal hinges are coated with a primer and paint before installation.

Holes 5 mm deep are cut out under the fasteners of the steps on the inside of the bowstring. PVA glue is applied to them, and then fixed with self-tapping screws. The next step is to connect the three sections into general design with loops. After checking the possibility of bending the parts, the ladder is fixed to the hatch. The upper section of the product is fixed on it with anchors. Folding ladder to the attic is ready.

In contact with

For country cottages, private houses and simple country houses equipped with an attic, the presence of a convenient and reliable staircase leading to the said room is a common vital necessity.

At the same time, the staircase should not be capital and bulky at all - you can assemble and install an excellent folding structure that will not be inferior to stationary stairs in any way.

You can handle all the related tasks with your own hands, saving money and testing your own strength.

There are several types of ladders that can be installed to access the attic.


A staircase with wide flights and railings is the most reliable, durable and easy-to-use design. However, the possibility of arranging such a staircase is far from being everywhere - it is definitely not possible to equip it in small areas.


They are mainly used as a temporary option, as well as for access to rarely used rooms. The main disadvantages of such a ladder are low safety and ease of use. Therefore, if possible, the use of such a design should be abandoned.


They are something between portable and stationary ladders. In terms of ease of use and safety, they are almost in no way inferior to full-fledged stationary structures and have, at the same time, a significant advantage - for their arrangement you need very little space. Therefore, when self-manufacturing stairs, it is recommended to give preference to a folding structure.

Material selection

Not less than important point is the choice of materials from which the staircase to the attic will be assembled. For the manufacture of the main elements of folding sectional stairs, wood is usually used, and fasteners are traditionally made of metal.

There are currently many various materials, types of control and fasteners, which makes it easy to assemble a folding ladder that will best suit your particular room.

When choosing materials for the manufacture of attic stairs, you need to consider a number of important factors. First of all, decide on functional purpose construction, its type, width, as well as the optimal number of sections.

The functional purpose of the stairs to the attic is very important in terms of determining the maximum permissible load on the steps. So, for example, factory-made wooden stairs are able to withstand an average load of 150 kgf, metal - 250 kgf. For homemade stairs these figures are slightly reduced.

This does not mean that the steps will not be able to withstand a higher load, but it is definitely not worth loading them regularly, otherwise the structure will break very quickly.

The width of the stairs, at the same time, should not be more than the width of the attic opening.

When choosing the size of the attic stairs, be guided by proven and approved standards.

Remember: the steps must be installed strictly parallel to the floor surface. In addition, the stairs must be non-slip. To do this, you can fill over the base material lining of any non-slip material.

Attic stairs guide

In the independent manufacture of stairs to the attic there is nothing super complicated. Of course, an inexperienced craftsman is unlikely to be able to assemble a design with the same attractive appearance as factory-made models, but it's definitely worth a try.

Before starting work, create a drawing of the future stairs. In the absence of the necessary skills, order the creation of a drawing to a specialist, or select suitable scheme from the options presented in open sources.


Prepare everything at once necessary fixtures, so as not to be distracted by the search for missing tools in the future.

You will need:

Also, before starting work, you need to buy or assemble an ordinary ladder. For self-assembly of this design, you only need to fix the transverse steps between two long uprights and further strengthen the structure.

The finished staircase should be about 30 cm longer than the distance from the level of the opening to the attic to the floor.

With the manufacture of the hatch, you can also easily do it yourself. Of the materials you need only sheets of plywood and wooden beam 5x5 cm.

First step. Choose a place to place the hatch and determine its optimal dimensions. Add about 7-9 mm to the dimensions of the hatch on each side, so that in the future you can easily close the lid without squeaks and other noise. Make an opening in accordance with certain dimensions.

Second step. Cut the wooden beam into four pieces according to the dimensions of the hatch.

Third step. Make grooves at the ends of the bars. Lubricate the prepared grooves and connect the bars into a rectangular (square) structure. Strengthen the connections additionally with self-tapping screws. Screw the scarves so that the diagonal does not lead.

Fourth step. Fasten the plywood cover to the resulting base and try on the product in the hatch opening.

Fifth step. Insert a regular latch into the hatch cover. You will open the latch with the handle. Attach it to the cover and finally fix the product in the pre-aligned opening. Usually loops are used for this.

Simple folding ladder

Start making a folding ladder. It is assumed that you already have at your disposal the previously mentioned wooden ladder.

First step. Attach a beam across the width to the bottom of the ladder. Attach the same bar to the top of the product. In this case, the lower bar must be fixed rigidly, and the upper one - on the loops.

Second step. Saw the ladder into 2 pieces. The upper part should have a length of about 2/3 of the total length of the stairs.

Third step. Attach a pair of battens for extra diagonal stiffness.

Fourth step. Connect the parts of the structure with loops.

Fifth step. Secure the top beam under the hatch with anchors.

Sixth step. Secure the lower part of the ladder with a hook so that it will not unfold spontaneously. Install the loop on the stringer above the cut line.

Seventh step. Press the finished structure to the wall surface and fix it.

The main disadvantage of such a homemade staircase is not a very attractive appearance - the entire timber and fasteners remain visible. However, with the main tasks - ensuring a convenient and safe ascent and return descent - such a ladder copes with 100%.

An improved and more attractive version of the previous design. There is nothing complicated in the manufacture of such a ladder, it is enough to follow all the provisions of the manual step by step.

First step. Divide the usual attachment wooden stairs into 3 parts. Make the first part according to the size of the attic hatch, make the second a little smaller than the first, and make the third such that the remaining space to the floor surface is completely covered.

Second step. Take a bevel and measure the angle of the attic hatch. Transfer the corner to the boards, thus marking the location of the steps.

Third step. Drill holes at the hinge locations between the individual ladder sections.

Fourth step. Sand the edges of the structures.

Fifth step. Saw the boards at the hinge points.

Sixth step. Cut and sand steps.

Seventh step. Prepare recesses for steps in bowstrings.

Eighth step. Insert the steps into the prepared recesses. Use glue and further strengthen the connections with self-tapping screws.

Ninth step. Connect the ladder sections with special loops. To do this, the sections must be placed on a stable, level surface.

Tenth step. Check the operation of all sections. If defects or deviations are found, try to correct them immediately.

Eleventh step. Sand it all down wooden surfaces and varnish them.

Twelfth step. After the varnish has completely dried, install the structure in the opening of the attic hatch. If necessary, make a final adjustment of the structural elements.

Thus, self assembly stairs is extremely simple and accessible to almost every event. At the same time, the cost of a home-made staircase will be much lower compared to the price of a similar factory-made design. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Successful work!

Also read the article on our website - stairs to the basement with your own hands.

Video - Do-it-yourself ladder to the attic

This article provides step-by-step instruction to create a folding attic ladder. You will learn how to correctly assemble the main hinge element, what to make sections of the stairs from and how to securely fix the structure in the mounting position. The article contains diagrams and drawings.

Inventory factory staircase to the attic is a fairly common product that can be purchased in many stores. construction stores. However budget options not always reliable, and strong branded products cost accordingly. Making the necessary item or device with your own hands from improvised materials is very popular among home craftsmen. The attic stairs are no exception.

Material for work

To assemble an analogue of a factory product, you will need quality materials that may be available, especially during construction:

  1. Bar 50x50 (pine) grade 1 - 20 linear meters m. The frame of the cover and opening will be made from it.
  2. Plywood 8-10 mm - 2 sq. m. Needed for covering the lid.
  3. Board 100x25-30 mm - 15 linear meters. m. Will go to the steps and bowstrings.
  4. Steel strip 3-4x20 mm - for movable fastening of knees.
  5. Corner and plate 3-4 mm - for the main mechanical element.
  6. Bolts, nuts, washers, grovers M12-M14.
  7. Self-tapping screws.


  1. Carpenter - saw, screwdriver, goniometer.
  2. Locksmith - welding machine, electrodes 3-4, grinder.
  3. Workbench and clamps.

Operating procedure

First of all, you need to choose a place for the stairs and make an opening. If necessary, cut and install intermediate beams in the ceiling - by 6-7 mm over size the intended lid. Next, according to the size of the hatch, you need to assemble the lid itself - from a bar and plywood. The design can be arbitrary, but must be reliable (it is better to glue the joints). The bar on one of the short sides should be rounded - so as not to interfere with the lid to open.

Hinge assembly

This is the most critical element of the design. For its manufacture you will need: a steel corner, a plate and strips with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The shape of the parts is clear from the diagram, but the dimensions of the drilling site should be determined individually, based on the situation at the site. Manufactured parts must be of high quality, they should be cleaned and edged.

1 - thrust plate; 2 - corner, top view; 3 - short wings; 4 - long link

The key point is to determine the opening angle. This angle is very important and appears in the manufacture of the plate. In order to set it correctly, project the future march on the ground - stretch the thread and empirically (selecting the best position) set desired angle. Attach it securely to the goniometer - it will be needed in the manufacture of steps.

The resulting angle must be transferred to the part, namely to the plate. To do this, set the mechanism to its original position, attach the goniometer and move until the angles of the angle and goniometer shelf coincide. Then mark the plate along the resulting trajectory and cut out the part travel area.

Holes must be pre-drilled in the plate for mounting to the beam. We assemble the mechanism on the bolts through the washers.

After a rough assembly, you need to try on the knot in place, bait and exactly reproduce the procedure for opening and closing the hatch. If shortcomings are found, correct them.

Then you need to make a response mechanism. It should completely repeat the first one, but in a mirror image. Use clamps and a workbench - by clamping the parts together, you will achieve complete identity in size.

Empirically make the adjustment and final installation. The cover in the open position must exactly follow the angle projected by the cord.

Section manufacturing

Calculation of the length of each section:

  • 1st - opening length minus 10%
  • 2nd - the length of the first minus 10%
  • 3rd - the length of the march minus the sum of the first two

Let's assume that the length of the march is 2500 mm. Based on an opening length of 1200 mm:

  • 1st - 1080 mm
  • 2nd - 972 mm
  • 3rd - 448 mm

We mark the whole boards according to the calculation and transfer the march angle to the bowstrings.

Attention! Bowstrings must be installed mirror! Keep this in mind when marking and drilling.

At the joints of the sections, we drill holes Ø 25 - mirror through one.

All parts need to be processed with a sanding tape with high quality, chamfers are rounded in order to bring the quality as close as possible to the factory one.

Then we cut along the grooves for the steps. We select wood with a chisel.

The design of individual sections is assembled on 65 mm self-tapping screws with a press washer through D-3 carpentry glue.

Knee loops can be made from the same strip as the opening mechanism. To do this, cut 4 strips of 160 mm and 4 of 120 mm, round the ends. To four of them we weld the paws to a length of 160 mm with a hole of 8 mm. You should get 8 parts of the same length, but 4 of them with a step.

Assemble individual plates into hinges using bolts.

Assembly of sections and installation of stairs

Lay out on a flat plane and install the finished sectional hinges so that the mounting bolts fall into the holes in the tree. Install the hinges on the M8-10 bolts.

After assembling the first knee, check the system for operability. Eliminate distortions if necessary.

Then attach the lower short leg and test the system.

Now it remains to mount the ladder in the design position - on the hatch cover. For installation, use bolts (self-tapping screws are not reliable). If, after installation and testing, everything works without distortions, the structure can be dismantled for painting. Use varnishes and spray paint for metal.

Subsequently, the design can be complicated and made more convenient by adding to it:

  1. Additional hinges to eliminate backlash.
  2. A spring to support the structure to make opening easier.
  3. Lock-lock.
  4. Handrails.
  5. Use decorative trim and extra insulation.

Finished stairs:

The issue of finishing and insulation is decided locally, based on needs. You can finish the cover with any material that fits into the ceiling. Basically, it is plastic - light, inexpensive and having an additional layer of air. The difference in price between the "home" and "shop" version of the folding ladder is about 90% (80-150 USD). The work required only a few new boards, a coating for them and hardware.

What is an attic? It is known that in our area the attic can become anything - a warehouse, a workshop or a living room.

It all depends on the possibilities of the room and your imagination, but one thing is certain - the attic space must be used. How to equip the entrance to the attic with your own hands?

Arrangement of the entrance to the attic

If you intend to equip a functional room in the attic, you need to think about choosing a place for the attic stairs. The attic staircase assumes the presence of a hatch - a ceiling door.

It is most reasonable to equip a hatch with a ladder in the corridor, hallway or passage room. In many houses there are rooms that are not used as residential, where you can easily equip a staircase to the attic.

In the old days, the entrance to the attic was equipped from the outside, but the prospect of climbing into such an attic on a frosty or rainy day will not please anyone.

The most extreme lifting mechanism to the attic can be several stools stacked together. But speaking objectively, to get there in a civilized way, you need a good attic staircase. She may be both stationary and folding the latter are in high demand.

Folding options after use are compactly stacked up, saving a lot of usable space. A beautifully decorated sunroof can become a fresh element of the interior.

Manufacturers offer wooden options for small loads (up to 150 kg) and metal for more serious loads. Prices for such stairs vary from 7,000 rubles to the limit of the consumer's wallet. When choosing the cheapest option, you should not rely on its quality, so isn’t it better to make a folding attic ladder with your own hands?

Let's look at some possible custom stairs options, the easiest for a beginner and more difficult for those who are confident in their abilities. At your service the description of materials, works and drawings of offered ladders.

A simple two-piece staircase with your own hands

This is the ladder that consists of two sections, one of which folds up. IN assembled version the ladder is not hidden at the top, but remains in plain sight.

This may not be critical if the attic is located in a workroom, garage, etc. Even in the hallway, it can look quite appropriate, it all depends on the style of your home.

This staircase can be made in a few hours, you only need to prepare the necessary materials:

  1. Wood saw.
  2. Measuring instruments (tape measure).
  3. Ordinary wooden stairs.
  4. Card loops, the width of which is equal to the width of the stringer - 4 pcs.
  5. Four bars 2–3 cm thick: two as long as the width of the hatch and two longer by 20 cm.
  6. Self-tapping screws, anchors, loop and hook.

Kosour is the bearing beam of the stairs, on which the steps are laid.

Nobody needs to tell how to make a ladder, but we only note that its length should be about 30 cm more than the distance from the floor to the hatch.

We take short bars:

  • We connect the first bar to the upper end of the stairs with the help of loops.
  • The second bar is securely fixed on the bottom in a rigid way.

To make the design more reliable, you need to take two slats and nail them with reverse side march obliquely. Just try to do it in such a way that the design did not interfere with the movement of the stairs.

Measure from the bottom exactly 2/3 of the entire length of the ladder and saw it in this place. Next, connect these parts with card loops. Hinges are attached to the back of the ladder so that it can fold properly.

Fasten the top bar directly under the hatch. A hook and loop is needed so that the ladder does not open arbitrarily. The hook is attached to the wall, and the loop on the bottom bar.

The first attic staircase is simple, but it has the disadvantage of being a visible staircase. There are other models shown in the photo - this is retractable, folding and telescopic.

Attic stairs designs

Do-it-yourself folding ladder on hinges

This is a folding attic ladder with a hatch, consisting of three sections and an attic hatch. This option is very attractive literally for any room.

You will need to determine what the hatch opening will be, given wishes and dimensions prospective visitors to the attic. For example, the opening for the stairs will be 125 x 70 cm.

In order to cut the hatch correctly, you need to add 7 mm on each side. Ladders to the attic should close well without damaging the thermal insulation.

Necessary materials:

  • bars 5 x 5 cm - 2 short and 2 long;
  • plywood 1 cm thick according to the size of the hatch.

At the ends of each bar, you need to make a half-thickness drink, connecting glue and screws into a perfect rectangle. From improvised means, so that the diagonal does not move out, you can attach temporary triangles from thin plywood. After we fasten the sheet of plywood to the size of the rectangle.

Instead of locks we use door latch, any door handle or a suitable cylinder. The latch keeps the hatch closed well and just opens. To conveniently open the hatch without using ladders and stools, this handle needs to be made especially. In a special hole you need to insert a long cylindrical handle opening the hatch while standing on the floor.

Manufacture of hinges for opening the hatch

All components for the mechanism that opens the hatch can be bought ready-made, as well as made independently.

In order to do everything yourself, you need estimate dimensions and angles using a cardboard layout. We make parts from cardboard, you can practice on them with the length of the hinges so that the hatch can open to the required angle. Based on the resulting layout, we make a mechanism for opening the hatch.

The key is experience determine the length of the hinges, since this type of attic staircase involves precisely the hinged method. On the drawings you can see how the hinge is installed, the logic of its operation is very simple - it helps to smoothly open and close the hatch.

Necessary improvised materials that can be found in every garage:

  1. Metal corner - 2 pcs.
  2. Sheet metal.
  3. Metal strips 2 cm wide - 4 pcs.

We take two narrow metal strips and use a drill to make holes for the M10 bolt. We collect the parts together in pairs, slightly pulling them together. Using a measuring carpentry tool, measure the opening angle of the hatch and push our mechanisms exactly to this angle.

Using a jigsaw, cut out the part of the metal that will overlap with the corner. We remove the excess length of the metal strips, round the ends. After processing and removing excess metal, we assemble the mechanism - now the corner will stall in a certain position. Both mechanisms for two sides exact copies of each other, but only mirrored.

Attic ladder locking mechanism

The hinge mechanism turns out to be reliable, stopping the hatch with a ladder in the desired position thanks to the corner.

But for more reliability and smoothness opening mechanism, you need to add another simple mechanism that looks like a hand.

For the "hand" you will need:

  • Long strips of metal, 2 cm wide - 4 pcs.
  • Corner-2 pcs.

At the end of one of the strips, you need to weld a metal part on which this strip will rest, and the corner will play the role of the supporting element. We make simple hinges that, when the hatch is open, will maintain the bending angle, while holding part of the weight of the structure.

In order for the load to be distributed evenly between two different hinges, this assembly must be fixed correctly. Yes, his need to fix with fully deployed first hinges.

Attic ladder device

It remains to make the attic ladder itself, it should be 35 cm longer than the distance from the floor to the hatch.

The folding ladder will consist of three sections, the length of which it is important to calculate correctly. The first section is equal to the size of the hatch, the second section is slightly shorter than the first (it should not hit the ceiling when unfolding). The third section is equal to the residual segment.

Materials for stairs:

  • Inch board 10 cm wide.

The angle of inclination of the hatch in the open position, which we previously measured with a small scale, is transferred to the board. That's how we note the slope for the steps.

Let's start marking the bowstring boards for the steps along the lengths of the sections according to the order described above. The boards need to be pressed tightly, fastened with molar tape and marked in the same way, making the slopes of the steps in a mirror image.

The sections will be hinged again, so you need drill a hole for the hinge bolt them on each of the sections with a pen at 25. With a milling cutter, we give all the faces a finished, neat look. We cut the boards exactly according to the sectional markings.

Steps needed cut to length and sand, as well as bowstrings. At the marking places for the steps, you need to make recesses under them of 5 mm. We assemble all the parts using glue and PSh screws.

Folding ladder hinges

To assemble the structure into a folding mechanism, you need to make a set of loops.

Necessary materials:

  1. Metal strips 2.5 cm wide - 8 pcs.
  2. Bolts for hinge 8 mm and self-tapping screws.

In order for the loops to serve and not bend, on four strips you need weld additional segments the same metal (about 1/3). We make holes in each strip - 2 small ones for attaching to the bowstring (one from below and one under the finished piece), and one large 8 mm for the hinge (on top).

The hinges must be fixed when the ladder itself lies on a flat surface. The hinge must be fixed so that the pivot bolt lay down in a previously drilled hole, and the ends were along the edge of the bowstring. So fasten all four loops.

Ladder installation

We collect all the elements and install them in their places, and the first segment of the stairs is stationary and needs to be attach with corners to the hatch cover.

We check the operation of the mechanism, if everything suits you, then we disassemble it again for processing. varnishing wood, primed and painted metal.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating an attic staircase with your own hands, especially when photos of drawings are available on the Internet. All metal parts can be made by yourself, and even easier to buy ready-made. Then it’s a pleasure at all - it remains only to assemble this constructor.