Shower      04/11/2019

Non-hazardous indoor plants. Useful indoor plants that should be in every home

They can become not only a wonderful addition to the design of your apartment, but also a useful find. These create a cozy atmosphere for your home, add color to the interior and are pleasing to the eye at any time of the year. Of particular value are those that can be beneficial to human health. Let's take a look at some of them.

The most unpretentious and most suitable plant for beginning flower growers is. It has narrow green and hanging airy tendrils, on which are located small bushes of a new plant.
can grow in any soil, in any room: in the sun, in the shade, at warm or cold temperatures, on the refrigerator, on the table. Any size pot is suitable for him. The plant needs plenty of water, otherwise it may fade.
An adult flower reaches a diameter of 50 cm and the same size in height. Shoots grow in length from 80 to 100 cm. They have the ability to actively and effectively purify oxygen from harmful substances and carbon monoxide. Most often it is placed in the kitchen, where there is gas stove, since the flower quickly absorbs substances harmful to humans from the air.

A flower that is and should be in every home is. It is a plant with branched, densely leafy, erect stems. The leaves, along the edges of which are located hard cartilaginous teeth, reach a length of 40 cm and have a juicy, fleshy pulp.
Aloe, like everyone else, loves bright light and does not need frequent watering. It is necessary to moisten the pot 1-2 times a week in summer and no more than once a month in winter.
The juice is used as effective remedy in the treatment of staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, abscesses and cellulitis. This flower is widely used in dentistry in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Moreover, aloe masks have anti-aging properties and help with local baldness and skin diseases. With help you can stop bleeding, as tannins and catechin increase blood clotting.

Did you know?Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra only for the sake of aloe plantations, which were grown by local residents. It was with compresses from this plant that the conquerors treated wounded soldiers after their victory.

- useful and attractive indoor flower, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and a huge number of species. For good growth and ripening requires a room at room temperature, without drafts.
The plant requires a large number of light, without which it can die. Any flower is suitable. Regular and frequent is required.
- one of the most popular plants among traditional healers. It stimulates blood flow, normalizes heart rate, relieves headache. is an excellent remedy for runny nose, cough and sore throat, useful for otitis media. In addition, geranium has antiseptic, analgesic, diuretic, bactericidal and antidiabetic properties.

A wonderful and useful decoration for your home will be - small bush, densely covered with bright green leaves with a shiny surface and a peculiar aroma. Indoor view This flower reaches a height of up to 2 m. It is best grown in a small flower pot, increasing its size as needed.
can adapt to any conditions and does not require frequent feeding, but does need sufficient light and air. has the ability improve appetite, normalize digestion.
The phytoncides that its leaves secrete are destructive to the tuberculosis bacillus. The oil obtained from has excellent antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

When thinking about what flowers should be in your home, don’t forget about. At home, the leaves of this plant can reach sizes of up to 70 cm.
A well-lit place at room temperature without direct sunlight is ideal; in the shade it can slow down its growth and shed its leaves. When caring for this, regular maintenance is required as the top layer of soil mixture dries.
very useful for room microclimate, as it actively cleanses the air of benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol impurities. Tinctures and mixtures of this help against mastopathy and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

It will become an indispensable healer in your home, which is valued for its usefulness. This one is unpretentious, it requires a small amount sunlight.

Kalanchoe is suitable at room temperature; already at 10 °C it can be exposed to fresh air. Watering should be done regularly, but under no circumstances should the plant be overwatered, as this can lead to its death.
Kalanchoe leaves are able to accumulate moisture, which the flower can then use to survive during periods of drought. This is one of the few indoor plants that disinfects the air in the house and destroys germs, copes well with the flu virus.
Kalanchoe is most widely used as a remedy for treating colds and runny nose. At the same time, it gives strength and vigor, helping to wake up easily in the morning.

There is hardly a person who has not heard of such a useful and popular flower for the home as. This plant is fully adapted to life at home; it prefers cool temperatures of 15–18 °C and short sunny days. Protect it from direct sunlight.
For drying out of the root system is unacceptable, requires regular watering and moistening. The plant has a beneficial effect on plasma, blood, and bone marrow. It is used for headaches, sore throats, eye infections, liver diseases and nosebleeds.

Perhaps many people have this peculiar thorny plant. have adapted to indoor conditions, since this climate is close to their native semi-desert climate. extremely light-loving and unpretentious temperature conditions in which they are grown. In summer, they require watering once every 3-5 days as the top layer of soil dries out.
On cold or cloudy days rainy weather do not need moisturizing at all. What makes it special is that its leaves are modified into spines of varying lengths and colors.
have a diuretic effect, are used for wound healing, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and neurological diseases. Decoctions from the stem of the cactus effectively help in the treatment of colds.

A very controversial plant is the specific smell of which has completely opposite effects on different people. This is perennial herbaceous plant, some species of which are presented in the form of subshrubs. It can be soothing and relaxing, or cause irritation or an allergic reaction.
Pelargonium needs plenty of sunlight and room temperature. It needs to be watered once every 3-4 days as the top layer of soil dries out. The flower is used as an excellent antidepressant and antiseptic, used for wound healing.
Pelargonium has excellent tonic and deodorizing properties for the skin. In general, this indoor “healer” has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Did you know?Scientists believe that the history of growing plants at home goes back more than 5,000 years.

One of the champions in producing oxygen and absorbing harmful substances from the air is the pike tail. It is easy to care for and looks great in the interior. Sansevieria has dark green leaves, collected in rosettes and growing directly from the rhizome.
There is a small point at the tips of the flower leaves that cannot be broken off, otherwise it will lead to poor growth. To maintain the beauty of a plant, it is necessary to provide it with plenty of sunlight and warm room temperature from 16 to 28 °C.
Sansevieria is drought-resistant and needs light watering as the soil dries out. This flower can enrich your home huge amount of oxygen, clean the air from benzene and formaldehyde. It effectively fights streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens, and has antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

79 once already

10 of the most beneficial indoor flowers for humans, improving the microclimate in a house or apartment and having a beneficial effect on physical and mental health its residents.

People have known since ancient times that many plants can heal. Feeling his inextricable connection with nature, man has always sought to bring a piece of it into his home.

Today, scientists have proven that many indoor flowers that decorate apartments, offices, and kindergartens have a beneficial effect on a person and on the energy of the space in which he is located: they neutralize radiation, saturate the air with oxygen, absorb harmful substances, and protect against colds and depression. But what are these special indoor flowers that are useful to keep in the house? Let's get acquainted.

The most useful flowers for the home

1. Aloe arborescens (agagave)

The special substances that this flower releases into the atmosphere are absorbed harmful secretions from linoleum, remove electricity in the room and have a positive effect on the human biofield. At night, the plant produces oxygen, so the place for a pot of aloe is in the bedroom.

Since ancient times, people believed that this flower brings good luck and protects against unkind people and evil forces. Aloe does not like guests, so it is better to hide the plant from prying eyes.

It is impossible not to mention the multifaceted medicinal properties this useful flower. Aloe is " ambulance"at home. Its juice is used to treat runny nose, headaches, digestive tract problems, skin diseases, and washed and cut in half sheets are applied to wounds and burns. Aloe perfectly disinfects and accelerates the healing of damaged tissue. It’s also worth learning from this resident of hot deserts about perseverance and love of life.

2. Geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium is an unpretentious and surprisingly useful flower. Our grandmothers used compresses from its mashed leaves to treat runny noses, otitis media, headaches, muscle pain, and ulcers on the body. Pelargonium has long been held in high esteem: ladies of the court decorated their hats with flowers, and healing balms were made from the juice of the plant. Both in Rus' and in medieval Europe, geranium was used to fight evil spirits and protect against black magic.

This beautiful plant, which blooms with pink, red and white flowers, exudes the scent of mint, roses, almonds, lemon, apples and lilacs, is very much appreciated today. Geranium will not only decorate your home, but will also refresh stale air, rid it of dampness and pathogenic microbes, and in summer it will repel flies. The plant is well suited for both the kitchen and the bedroom. The main thing is not to place it next to the bed.

The aroma emitted by pelargonium inflorescences has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, lowers blood pressure, relieves nervous tension, and helps with insomnia. If you are very tired, sit next to the geranium, but not for long, otherwise you may get a headache. The plant has too powerful energy. Pelargonium strengthens character, develops a sense of humor, and promotes personal success.

3. Cactus

This exotic plant Even in ancient times, it was used as food, medicines were made from it, and the needles were used as toothpicks. The cactus, in addition to being unpretentious, can please its owners with a wide variety of shapes and delicate, beautiful flowers. If you properly care for a cactus, it will make the energy in the house more harmonious and balanced, clear the space of negative energy, and help improve the financial situation of its inhabitants. According to Feng Shui, this flower symbolizes accumulation, as it can use moisture very economically. The main thing is to water the plant in a timely manner so that it does not turn from a prickly helper into an energy vampire.

You should not place a cactus in the bedroom where spouses sleep: it can provoke “prickly” relationships, quarrels and disagreements, and also reduce sexual fervor. But in the office his presence is very appropriate.

4. Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

Many people associate these delicate, graceful flowers with the arrival of spring, and the leaves of the plant, shaped like a heart, are considered a talisman for lovers. Extremely unpretentious, but practically blooming all year round, Saintpaulias have a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house: they awaken a person’s desire to act, develop sociability and love of life, and bring joy and harmony to the house. They have a soft, calming energy, help to tune into a positive mood, get rid of tension and insomnia. In a house where violets bloom, love and harmony reign. The influence of violets on humans is multifaceted, it all depends on the color of their flowers.

White Saintpaulias will be appropriate in any room. They calm, relieve anxiety and worries, help cope with excessive irritability and fatigue, clear the space from the negative influence of bad thoughts, and help keep the house clean.

Pink and red Saintpaulias are best placed in the kitchen. They harmonize the energy in the home, protect against illness, improve mood, give a feeling of calm, help a person feel the joy of communication and work, and get rid of bad habits, in particular, overeating.

Violets with blue flowers especially useful for creative individuals. They relieve despondency and apathy, help cope with depression, give inspiration, fill space with creative energy, and help a person reveal his creative potential.

Saintpaulias with purple flowers clear the space of the energy of mistrust, help achieve mutual understanding between the residents of the house, promote spiritual growth, elevating thoughts, strengthening character, and developing intuition. True, they have no place in children's rooms and offices.

5. Indoor ficus(ficus rubbery)

This beautiful flower with fleshy, glossy leaves, it has always been one of the most desirable inhabitants in the house. In addition to saturating the air with oxygen, it also cleanses it, but not only from toxins. Like a vacuum cleaner, ficus absorbs the dust of our worries and doubts. The plant also releases substances that have a positive effect on sleep. Its presence in the bedroom will help you fall asleep peacefully and wake up cheerfully. In addition, the flower improves mutual understanding between loving hearts, helps spouses achieve harmony in relationships, become more patient and attentive to each other.

Ficus has a very positive effect on the character of the people living in the house. It calms, relieves anxiety and aggression, instills optimism, eradicates the need to arouse pity from others, develops enthusiasm, teaches you how to rationally distribute your time, and helps you concentrate. His presence is very welcome in rooms where work is in full swing. Ficus also helps to overcome the fear of public speaking. They even advise you to rehearse your speech before the flower.

6. Azalea

Azalea pleases its owners with delicate buds that bloom even in winter. Its mesmerizing flowers come in a variety of colors - from snowy white to lilac and dark red. Against the background of windows painted with frost, they look simply amazing and create a special aura in the house. The plant sometimes blooms so profusely that even the leaves are not visible behind its flowers.

Azalea smoothes out conflicts, reduces the level of aggression, even in animals, removes nervousness, and relieves fatigue. To get into a positive mood, sit next to this flower. You will feel how it relieves tension, takes away worries and worries, makes your thoughts cleaner and calmer.

Azalea relieves eye fatigue, eliminates inflammation caused by both insomnia and long hours of work at the computer, and even, according to experts, improves vision. And the petals of the plant are used to treat barley: for 5-6 hours they are secured with a bandage on inner side wrists.

For people of creative professions, azalea gives inspiration, a sense of self-confidence, and faith in own strength, helps to cope with anxiety in critical situations. Plants with dark red flowers repel moths, house ants, tree beetles and other small pests.

7. Chlorophytum

Unpretentious, fast-growing, this plant copes with indoor air purification better than any air conditioner. This has been proven by experiments carried out in the USA by NASA employees. It is no coincidence that astronauts take this flower with them on their journey. Chlorophytum is merciless to harmful bacteria, moldy fungi, and toxic secretions, therefore it is deservedly considered one of the best natural orderlies. So that you can always breathe clean air, this flower must be in the kitchen, because it can cope with 80% of harmful impurities entering the air within a day.

Chlorophytum is a child of the subtropics; in nature it grows on trees, grass, and on the ground. In apartments it is most often used as hanging plant, that is, they decorate flower stands, shelves and walls with it. As a decorative element, the flower is very impressive: it quickly grows into lush bushes, and in the spring it produces numerous shoots with tiny flowers that look like white stars.

8. Spathiphyllum (“white sail”, “female happiness”)

People call this flower “women’s happiness.” It is believed that it brings good luck to the beautiful half of humanity in their personal lives: it helps unmarried girls find their love, and helps married girls to establish harmony in the family. If you believe popular beliefs, only spouses who love and respect each other will be delighted by spathiphyllum with its unusual, sail-like flowers.

It has “feminine happiness” and other beneficial properties: it releases substances that help a person relieve stress, well moisturizes and ozonates dry air, and cleanses it of harmful toxins. Spathiphyllum does not disdain even the most menial work. It can cope not only with colonies of microorganisms, but also with vapors of ammonia, benzene, acetone and various alcohols. Spathiphyllum absorbs carbon monoxide, xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, it has no equal in the fight against chemists and moldy fungi. You can put a flower in any room. Together with the “white sails” it is good to settle in new apartment, where renovations have recently been made: thanks to spathiphyllums you will breathe clean air.

9. Sansevieria

Sansevieria produces a lot of oxygen, protects against toxins released by linoleum and synthetics, reduces Negative influence changes in humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure on a person, increases immunity. The plant clears the space of the energy of coarseness, heaviness, harshness, makes the atmosphere in the room more comfortable, conducive to creativity, relaxation and reflection. This flower is very useful for those who have a “leaky memory” or some other learning problems: it helps to overcome laziness and tune in to effectively assimilate information.

10. Common myrtle (myrtle tree)

Decorative myrtle is not only a very beautiful plant, but also an extremely useful plant for humans. It is considered a symbol family happiness and custodian hearth and home. IN Ancient Greece Brave warriors were honored with graceful branches of myrtle, wreaths were woven from them for brides, and cooks used the dried leaves of the plant for cooking.

During flowering, the myrtle tree is strewn with small, star-like flowers. But it pleases its owners not only with its attractive appearance, but also with its multifaceted healing properties. The plant destroys about 40% of pathogenic microorganisms present in the air, thereby reducing the risk of colds. The smell of myrtle cleanses the mind, has an enlightening effect, helps a person restore harmony with the outside world, and brings peace and happiness to the home. Myrtle oil is very popular among perfumers. And herbalists consider myrtle to be a universal plant. It is used to treat allergies, blood and eye diseases, intestinal and bladder diseases, as an antitumor and anti-inflammatory agent.

Now you know which indoor flowers are useful to keep in the house, and own experience You will be able to make sure that they are our faithful friends and helpers. Houseplants protect us from diseases, distract us from the daily hustle and bustle, delight us with their flowering, and bring mutual understanding and harmony to our homes. They feel our love and care. With them we ourselves can flourish. Let ficuses, myrtles and sansevierias grow green in your house, spathiphyllums, azaleas and violets bloom. Be happy!

Indoor plants are not only a decoration for any home, but also the most effective air purifier, a kind of “dust collector”. After all, any home accumulates many different toxic substances that are dangerous to our health. A houseplants, in the best possible way, clean the room, collecting dust, toxic fumes and smoke.

They delight us not only with their aesthetic beauty, they are extremely useful.

Based on the experience of florists and plant breeders, we have compiled the TOP 15 most the best plants from the point of view of beauty and influence on our body.


This plant absorbs carbon monoxide and many other toxic substances from the air. It ranks first in eliminating formaldehyde from environment and oxygen production. Add elegance and beauty to chlorophytum original flowerpot or an unusual support on which to place a flowerpot.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina is one of the best cleaners air after chlorophytum. The plant absorbs dust and toxic substances, which evaporate from furniture and plastic items. The plant is interesting because as it grows, its roots take on different configurations.


Another beautiful and useful plant- spathiphyllum. Its flowers are often called “bedspread”. It absorbs mold spores from the air and also cleans the air well of toxic substances such as formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Despite the fact that geranium is a little dangerous for allergy sufferers, it has a lot of beneficial properties. In particular, geranium purifies the air from bacteria and poisonous microbes. Essential oils its composition has a beneficial effect on the human body. This plant helps improve sleep and calms the nervous system.

Noble laurel

Unlike our homes, laurel can be found everywhere in European homes. This plant is a treasure trove. useful substances and qualities. Purifies oxygen from various harmful substances and dust, helps overcome various ailments. This is a truly unique plant in its healing and cleansing qualities.


Begonia is also worth getting! Not only is it beautiful, but this plant also attracts dust, eliminates fungal organisms, and also humidifies the air. Just remember to spray the plant with a spray bottle so that a new portion of dust is absorbed by the plant. Begonia also absorbs radiation from electrical appliances.


People who suffer from lung diseases should definitely get Dieffenbachia. It eliminates staphylococcus, and also eliminates toxic substances that emit paintwork.


Aloe is one of the most popular and widespread indoor plants and probably everyone has it in their home. This plant is very useful - it “kills” formaldehyde, which evaporates from the surface of furniture! Also aloe is very effective medicine. Plant phytoncides relieve physical stress and improve brain activity.


Dracaena is also a wonderful oxygen purifier. It draws in all harmful substances from the air that enter the house with exhaust gases.


This plant of the Araliaceae family is very beautiful. In order to grow schefflera with a bright yellow-green color, you need a lot of diffused color. The plant is a must for heavy smokers - Schefflera perfectly disinfects the air from tar and nicotine.


The plant perfectly fights harmful chemical elements. Hedera eliminates any volatile fumes. The main advantage of this culture is that even the smallest plant in terms of oxygen production can replace several cacti, since it has a high rate of photosynthesis.


Ivy destroys aerobic fecal particles that are sprayed into the air every time the toilet is cleaned.

For good growth, the plant needs constantly moist soil and sunlight.


This plant enriches the air with natural minerals and salt compounds. Ficus also produces a lot of oxygen, so it is an ideal “inhabitant” of bedrooms and living rooms. In addition, the plant has an energetic effect, favorably affecting the home atmosphere.

Gerber Jameson

The plant disinfects the air from benzene and trichlorethylene, which is formed during dry cleaning.

It should be noted that gerbera is quite whimsical plant and does not tolerate excess moisture. It needs a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.

Sims' rhododendron

This plant is both beautiful and helps fight formaldehyde, and also humidifies the air in the room.

Does well in a cool, dry room.

Have you noticed that an apartment filled with flowers is usually cozy and beautiful. Peace and tranquility reign there. A variety of flowering and decorative foliage plants on shelves and window sills not only please the eyes, but also warm and soothe the soul. Houseplants are silent helpers, faithful friends and healers of their owners. By absorbing gases and harmful substances from the surrounding air, indoor plants benefit apartment owners and have a positive effect on human health. In addition, they absorb negative auras and release vibes of joy and happiness.

Where do harmful toxins and toxins come from in our homes? hazardous substances? Firstly, these are the combustion products of gas stoves on which we cook our food. Secondly, these are all kinds of construction and Decoration Materials– boards made of synthetic resins, linoleum, polymer wallpaper, plastic panels and others that release hazardous substances into the indoor air. Even natural materials in the process of aging they begin to deteriorate and become dangerous to human health. TVs, computers, microwaves, smartphones during operation reduce the amount of negative air ions useful for the human body.

Useful indoor plants

It is indoor plants that purify the air from harmful impurities, improve its quality, as well as the quality of life and health of people and animals living in the house. This ability is due to the fact that all plants secrete phytoncides that are destructive to pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, scientists have determined that many plants destroy pathogenic bacteria with their phytoncides much faster than the phytoncides secreted by garlic.

For example, there will be half as many pathogenic microbes in the room if there is a flower pot with. Lianas, asparagus and Chinese rose. Some indoor flowers absorb heavy metals, while others reduce harm from electromagnetic radiation. Still others reduce the negative effect of synthetic materials.


Houseplants that can harm human health

Some people believe that plants emit carbon dioxide, which is harmful to human health. In fact, indoor flowers during the day, in the light, release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Only at night, in the dark, they emit carbon dioxide, but in tiny quantities that do not in any way affect our health.

And yet, there are plants that, if handled carelessly, can harm its owner.

Dieffenbachia is a very beautiful decorative foliage plant, but it has poisonous sap. This flower should not be kept in bedrooms and children's rooms. When working with a plant - wiping its leaves, cutting cuttings for propagation - wear gloves, and then wash your hands with soap. Make sure that the plant juice does not get into your mouth or eyes, not only of you, but also of your children and pets.

Oleander also has poisonous sap. Handle it with gloves once again do not touch its stem and leaves to avoid getting an allergic burn or poisoning.

Croton is another representative of poisonous indoor plants. If its juice gets on the skin, it can cause a burn or develop contact dermatitis. Croton juice, if ingested, will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Even worse, if croton juice gets into the blood, it is poisonous and a person can die. Therefore, it is not advisable to place a flowerpot with croton in the nursery, so as not to provoke the child to tear off a beautiful leaf and put it in his mouth. Wear gloves when handling the flower, and wash your hands with soap when finished. Croton does not emit harmful substances into the surrounding air.


The leaves and flowers of indoor anthuriums are also considered poisonous. This flower should be handled with care, as with all other poisonous houseplants. (see above). Find a place in the house that is inaccessible to children and pets - and everything will be fine.

Pachistachis is another conditionally poisonous indoor flower. It also does not pose a danger in terms of poisoning the surrounding air. It is advisable to work with the plant with gloves, although it is not as dangerous as previous flowers. Do not put parts of the plant in your mouth, wash your hands after any manipulation with it - and everything will be fine.

Thus, with a certain amount of caution, you can safely grow any indoor plants. Just look after them, love them, take care of them like children, wash, water, feed and fulfill all their whims. After all, for human health, it is simply necessary to have indoor flowers in the house - they humidify the air, purify it, and make it healthier. Medicinal plants By releasing their phytoncides, they increase the resistance of the body of people living next to them to all kinds of infections.

But don't force flower pots the entire lumen window frame- sunlight should penetrate freely into the room. Then your flowers - helpers, healers and protectors - will reveal all their healing properties and they will give them to you!

The Village turned to professional florists and found out key points, which you need to know so that house plants can last more than a month in your apartment, cut flowers last longer, and watercress grows on the windowsill.

What plants are best for keeping at home?

Ilya Shinin:"The most unpretentious plants- these are not profusely flowering, more often decorative deciduous species. These include monstera, anthurium, scindapsus, syngonium, spathiphyllum, crassula, echeveria, various sedums, different kinds and varieties of ficus, ferns. A plant purchased in a store must be replanted in suitable soil».

Venera Shakurova:“If you want low-maintenance plants, choose ivy, chlorophytum, tradescantia, aglaonema or cacti. There are more whimsical ficuses, palm trees, blooming azaleas or orchids, but they become a full-fledged component of the interior. Some plants can be kept at home in winter and placed on the balcony in summer: roses, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, cineraria. Recently, conifers have also received the status of indoor plants: they can be grown at home quite long time, and then transplant it into the garden.”

What trends are most relevant in the field of phytodesign?

Andrey Dvoeglazov:“The number one trend is green walls. A vertical carpet of plants is created by planting them in panels of synthetic felt with prepared pockets of a certain size. They have built-in automated drip irrigation. Shape and color scheme You can set any style and ornament.”

Irina Volkova:“Nobody, of course, says: “Kalanchoe is in fashion this season.” Trends in phytodesign relate more to the decor of vases and flowerpots than to plant varieties. For example, it is now common to plant all kinds of trees in giant designer pots. Small tangerine, lemon, olive, myrtle trees. Another popular trend is glass florariums. Plants are planted in transparent vases, aquariums and jars so that the soil, pebbles and roots are visible. Super trend - a variety of unpretentious succulents in a long wooden box. Cacti with multi-colored flowers on the tops of their heads, planted in one wide pot-dish, look interesting. Style returns “hall in a sanatorium”: this is when one huge plant is placed next to the sofa or armchairs. The second life began at suspended structures for plants a la macrame. But the most important thing is to forget about artificial flowers. All designers and florists agree on one thing: a plant that is located where it can be touched and examined must be alive! Better use dried flowers. Lavender, eucalyptus, cotton branches in beautiful bottles, and dried lotus boxes are suitable.”

Venera Shakurova: "If we talk about topical plants, then today these are, perhaps, ficuses, dracaenas and orchids. As for formats, mini-greenhouses are now popular, that is, a variety of miniature flowers planted in close proximity to each other. However, such gardens require careful and painstaking care.”

How to choose plants depending on the interior?

Irina Volkova:“If you have rooms in the style of Napoleon III, you should think about purchasing plants of exotic forms (ferns, palms, monsteras): this is how aristocrats decorated their houses. Plants will look good in modern high-tech interiors simple shapes, with clearly legible leaves, directed upward, without sloppiness or drooping (for example, amaryllis and anthurium). Interiors in eco or loft style can be complemented by an assortment of plants planted in large wooden box with forged fittings, or those same florariums. And if suddenly you want to add vanilla to the apartment in the spirit of Miss Umbridge from " Harry Potter“, pay attention to the begonias and camellias, reminiscent spray roses, as well as campanulas and azaleas, similar to miniature lilies. A suitable pot can still be found in IKEA, Crate & Barrel, Zara Home, H&M Home, as well as in the Wonderwood workshop or at florist centers such as the Azalea chain.”

How to select plants depending on the purpose of the room?

Andrey Dvoeglazov: “ In small bedrooms with sealed windows, it is not recommended to place a large number of plants, since in the dark they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which can cause headaches. Plants with fragrant flowers (gardenias, lilies) should also be avoided. A couple of small pots with decorative leafy plants on a window or on a nightstand will be enough. You can place a pot of lavender next to your bed, the aroma of which will calm you and help you fall asleep. True, lavender does not live very long in the average apartment.

In the kitchen, it is better to keep plants with dense, leathery (rather than pubescent) leaves, as it is easier to wash off the fat deposits from them. If you have a gas stove, plants that can quickly purify the air from harmful impurities - various types of chlorophytum and aglaonema - will not hurt.

There are no significant restrictions in choosing plants for the living room. Near large window Ficuses will feel good, in the darker part of the room - monstera and philodendrons. Will fit beautifully flowering plants as an alternative to bouquets and cut flower arrangements.

In a bathroom with a window you can place plants that require high humidity air: various orchids, ferns, Saintpaulias, small aroids, arrowroots. In a bathroom without windows, flowers will only live if they are illuminated with phytolamps. About the same situation with the hallway. The shade-tolerant aspidistra, which is not afraid of drafts, will survive in the corridor, but only if it is provided with additional lighting.”

Which pots should you buy?

Ilya Shinin: « The best pots for keeping indoor plants there were and still are clay ones. This material breathes, and therefore the root system is in optimal conditions».

Venera Shakurova:“It’s most convenient to use pots with a built-in automatic watering system. It can be purchased separately and installed in the type of flowerpot that suits your interior. The shape of the pot can be any, but you need to pay attention to the size. Be guided by the previous container: the new one should be three to four centimeters larger in diameter, which will ensure comfortable growth of the root system, and therefore the growth of the above-ground part of the plant. A pot that is too large will greatly slow down the development of flowers.”

Andrey Dvoeglazov:"The most common poisonous home plant, which can grow to the ceiling - Dieffenbachia. Professional landscapers avoid it.”

Ilya Shinin:“There are plants that contain potent toxic substances in their juice or individual parts. As a rule, they belong to the families Aroidaceae, Cutraaceae, Amaryllis and Euphorbiaceae.”

Venera Shakurova:“Ficus, hydrangea, spurge, azalea, monstera, croton and many other plants contain some toxic substances. If there are small children in the house, they should be protected from trying the flower, but in general all these plants are completely safe for both people and animals. Allergies can be caused by flowering plants such as rhododendron, cyclamen, pelargonium and others with pollen.”

Why do potted plants that we buy in bloom quickly die after purchase?

Ilya Shinin:“When buying a profusely flowering indoor plant (azalea, cyclamen, campanula, rose and others), you should keep in mind that this is primarily a forcing crop. That is, in order to make the plant bloom profusely, the manufacturer uses special agrotechnical techniques that cannot be recreated at home. Therefore, the purchase of such a plant should be regarded as an alternative to cut flowers or a bouquet. The only thing that can be done is to promptly transplant the plant after flowering from the substrate into the appropriate soil and create necessary for the species environmental conditions."

What greens can you grow at home without difficulty?

Andrey Dvoeglazov:“Dill, parsley, mint and lemon balm grow easily and quickly. Seeds require minimal conditions: a bright windowsill and timely watering. Thyme and laurel are also suitable, but it is better to buy them as a ready-made bush.”

Ilya Shinin:“At home, watercress will feel good, green onions, lavender, laurel, rosemary, chili pepper. Don’t forget about pelargoniums and citrus fruits, which saturate the air with phytoncides, thereby purifying it and having a bactericidal effect.”

What flowers are useful to keep in your workplace?

Ilya Shinin:“Cacti and succulents get along best with equipment around which dry heated air is formed. Even in such conditions, they need to be watered once a week, not more often. Zamioculcas, which is fashionable today, will feel great on the desktop, tropical plant with small fleshy leaves. True, it does not bloom. I advise you to put a small flower on the table so that it does not dominate other objects and does not distract from your work.”

How to choose fresh cut flowers for your home?

Irina Volkova:"IN classic interiors Flowerpots with hydrangea caps look great. These flowers can hardly tolerate cold, heat and lack of water, but their beauty outweighs any pain associated with processing. Before installing it in water, be sure to cut the stem by three to four centimeters (it is better to cut it directly in the water and in no case with scissors).

In winter, pay attention to anemones and ranunculus: unfortunately, their season is short. All florists adore these flowers! It is better to place them in simple transparent vases: the pattern that the stems create in the water is almost more beautiful than the flowers themselves.

Floral analogues will look great in the kitchen food products: brassica bouquet, hypericum berries, florist artichokes, blackberries and peppers. Freesia, lilies, chamelacium, and fresh eucalyptus will add an incredible aroma to your home. Callas and amaryllis will add austerity.

In my home I often place my beloved and beloved king protea. If you want something scary but fascinating, bring Protea, Leucospermum and Leucodendron into your home.”

What can I do to make flowers last longer?

First of all, remove any foliage from the flowers that may be in the water. Otherwise, it will get into the water, begin to rot, and infect the stem and, as a result, the entire flower with bacteria. In addition, the leaves also like to drink water, so if they are not removed, the flower itself will receive significantly less nutrition.

Cut the stem at least three centimeters with a knife and immediately lower the flower into the water (or better yet, cut the stem directly in the water). This way there will be less chance that the air will clog the vessels through which water gets to the flower.

Plants with a woody stem (protea, hydrangea, pittosporum) are briefly placed in hot water to uncork the vessels.

The more often you change the water and trim the stem a little, the longer your flowers will last.

Photos:, shutterstock