Well      06/16/2019

Decorative columns in the interior (59 photos). Columns in the interior: architectural fantasies Column design in the interior of the apartment

Supporting structures such as columns are not uncommon in modern apartments Oh. To a greater extent, this applies to open-plan apartments. Sometimes the columns are not exactly the way you want them to be. Your task is to turn it from an inconvenient object into a beautiful and organic detail in the apartment. Making a column in the interior is not an easy task, but it is quite doable.

There are purely decorative columns - they help to divide the room into separate zones, enhance the clarity and beauty of the lines in the interior. With their help, you can focus on other elements of the room: a fireplace, an opening in the wall, a bay window. Most modern columns have a square or rectangular shape, less often round. Round columns are more common in classic interiors, but also in modern projects are also present.

In addition, more often the columns in the interior are necessary for masking engineering communications, ugly load-bearing structures. It can be both columns and semi-columns. For those who need to “hide” the column, who do not want it to stand out, we can advise you to mask it correctly.

Finish the columns to match the color of the walls of the room - the supports will not be so conspicuous.

Disguise can be achieved if the column is finished with mirrors - then it will become a light element, and, as it were, “disappears” in space. Finishing with wallpaper or plaster to match the color of the walls looks good, especially in the interior of the kitchen.

This option looks very good: the use of two columns for zoning space. You can make such a kind of rack if you use shelves. Columns will give your room a zest - it's stylish design and the uniqueness of the interior.

Polyurethane is an inexpensive material that is often used in the interior. Columns are assembled from it classical style. It is lightweight and installs quickly.

What are columns made of?

An element such as columns is made of various materials. Previously, the columns in the house were assigned the role of exclusively supporting elements, so columns were made of marble, granite, metal, and basalt. This is all natural materials but they are very expensive. Now designers recommend such inexpensive materials as: gypsum, polyurethane, wood, concrete, drywall, and even foam.

Consider first manufacturing options without exterior finish. We will definitely be back to finishing.

  1. The most common option that is used for the manufacture of columns is concrete. It is quite cheap, plastic, and allows you to make from it, in addition to the usual round and square, the most bizarre shapes.
  2. Often used at work drywall. It is used in the manufacture of rectangular columns. Drywall columns must be finished, unlike concrete. Concrete is not finished, but left in its original form if the room is decorated in high-tech style.
  3. In ethno-interiors, in country houses, apply wooden columns.
  4. columns from metal are considered appropriate in interiors made in the style of minimalism and hi-tech. The emphasis is on the contrast of light and dark colors.
  5. IN Lately material such as polyurethane. Polyurethane is used for columns that perform the function of decoration. Many people like the design of polyurethane columns because of the low price, the lightness of the material itself, and the simple work with it. Polyurethane can be easily replaced in case of breakage. It is easy to work with it, and it can be painted in any colors, and besides, the simplest ones. acrylic paints. Installation of such elements is possible without hiring specialists. The main disadvantage of such a column will be color instability 2-4 years after installation. In addition, the strength of a material such as polyurethane is quite low.
  6. Gypsum is also very popular among designers who have already tried their hand at decorating columns. Gypsum columns can be easily restored, thereby restoring the original version. You can remove errors and shortcomings during the installation of gypsum columns by applying grinding.
  7. Styrofoam- Lightweight and inexpensive material. Styrofoam columns are a frame in the form of long cylinders cut along. Styrofoam columns are installed in a certain place, after which the cavity of the columns is filled with concrete.

What if the columns in the apartment are not just decoration, but support system, and do not fit the room at all? The design of the column in the interior can be done not only by the hands of professionals, but also with your own hands, if you, of course, have experience in repairs.

All more people they want to see more air and space in the apartment - hence the fashion for large rooms.

When designing an apartment, or country house keep in mind that if you want free space, then you must definitely redistribute the main load on the columns, or semi-columns. So that the column is not an alien element in the apartment, for example, in the living room, they usually decorate the room in a similar style. If the house has large, wide columns, you can decorate the interior in country style, loft, underground. If the cross section is small, you can decorate the column “under the tree”, make foam, or polyurethane decor.

You can remake the column into a "green" corner, using climbing plants. This is especially true for country houses and terraces. Greenery looks great with any size of load-bearing elements. Columns - as props for green plants. Enough to surround load-bearing elements mesh made of plastic or metal - and you get a green terrace.

Your talent as a designer will definitely show up when you think about how to beat the space around the column. You can come up with a completely original column design, which will only be in your house. Use this element to zone the room, placing the TV in this way.

Interesting decor is often done with new, modern technologies. Transparent plastic columns are popular, with a fantastic illusion of flying multi-colored air bubbles, or fog, or flowing water. An artificial aquarium can even be built into the body of the column.

In the niche between the two columns, you can build a shelf for books, a mini-bar for bottles, a cabinet for decorative items. It is very interesting how you can combine decorative functions, and practical solutions. Here much depends on your imagination.


Your task is to choose the decor for the columns that are already installed in your apartment or house. Let's look at what decor can be applied to the columns.

  • For columns with a concrete or plasterboard base, decoration with a material such as polyurethane can be applied. Polyurethane can be used to simulate natural stone.
  • Wooden decors with decorative carvings. Also apply decorative panels from good breeds tree. For example, MDF panels make facing concrete, or drywall.
  • You can decorate the column in the interior using foam decor. It is one of the lightest and inexpensive materials. It has long been used as a decoration. It can be additionally reinforced for strength. Not only columns are made of foam plastic, but also stucco molding, similar to plaster. This material is not only painted, but also plastered and covered with gilding.
  • Recently appeared in construction stores flexible tiles. Flexible tile resembles acrylic plaster with its characteristics. The whole difference is that the tile is already ready at the enterprise, all that remains is to stick it on the column.
  • Another decor option is stone wallpaper. This is not a pattern on the wallpaper, but a special finishing material. It is produced on the basis of sandstone, or gypsum, which is applied to the fabric. It turns out an interesting and flexible material, which is also used for exterior decoration of the house.
  • Decorative rock. There are several ways to make it. They make such a stone from sand and water, with the addition of gypsum, cement, and polymers. Decorative stone can be made by yourself.
  • And the last finishing option is textile decor. Typically, textile decor is used at a wedding, most often it is organza decor. But at the same time, you can apply textile decor in the apartment, decorating the columns with a suitable fabric.

The column is an architectural element with roots going back to the distant past. Initially, they served as a support for the roof and upper floors. Today, this element performs another equally important function, because if columns are present in the interior, they create a special, majestic atmosphere. Because this element has big story, and especially bright as an architectural element, the columns appeared in ancient Greece. After all, it was there that the appearance of the columns was given a special look.

In this regard, even today, a similar element in the interior of any room will give it an unprecedented appearance, will create a sophisticated and at the same time majestic atmosphere.

In today's article, we will consider how they are used in the design of modern apartments and houses. Consider their types, as well as find out what material they are made of.

Columns in the interior - features of use.

Columns in the interior are among the most prominent element in both interior design. After all, this large element will not go unnoticed in any case, due to its size and design features. Therefore, most often their design is key point in further interior design, moreover, it is the columns that set the style for the future interior.

Different shapes and sizes allow you to play with space, thin high columns allow you to give the interior more elegance, they can also successfully visually make the ceilings higher and the room larger.

Thick columns will bring fundamentality and a sense of reliability to the interior, but at the same time they will lower the ceiling and make the room smaller.

The atmosphere and style of the room, of course, will be influenced by the appearance of the columns - their architectural design. It should be noted that they can be used not only in classical or antique-like styles, but also quite modern. From hi-tech, loft, modern to country, columns of appropriate design and shape can be used in most styles and in any room.

With proper application, the interior of any house or apartment can be significantly improved. Indeed, thanks to such material as gypsum, it can be built from it anywhere, even in the smallest apartment. This creates an opportunity to hide the shortcomings of the room, if any. In addition to visual correction of the room, decorative columns in the interior can successfully hide the supporting structures, and different kind communications passing along the walls or emanating from the ceiling.

With the help of them, zoning can be successfully done. For example in classic apartment thus can be easily separated into big kitchen dining area from the cooking area. You can perfectly highlight the fireplace in the living room if you install a column on both sides of it.

What are modern columns in the interior made of? Kinds

In the past, hall columns were made exclusively of natural stone, most often it was marble. Today, of course, they can also be purchased, but it should be said that the price for them will be very high. Of course, the genuine look of natural stone will best create a luxurious majestic atmosphere.

They will look no less impressive in the interior, made of the same types of stones as: basalt, onyx, lapis lazuli, etc. Stone in the past and today primarily play the role of a reliable support. If there is no such need, then, as mentioned above, more than modern materials such as polyurethane and gypsum.

Gypsum is more popular because it is easy to work with and, in case of damage, it can be easily restored. Columns made of this material will perform an exclusively decorative function in the interior. They can be made in any style, from antique to modern high-tech.

It is not uncommon to find wooden columns in the interior of country houses. This natural material it will be very appropriate to look in country styles, in a classic style, loft. So, for example, wooden ones with moderate carvings will be appropriate in classical styles. Smooth straight or rectangular wooden columns emphasize the design of a country wooden house in the style of a chalet. Along with ceiling beams, they will look very natural.

Wooden ones in the form of a tree trunk will fit well into country style, rustic and Provence.

For modern styles wooden structures should have a smooth, even surface, they can be of different shapes, but most often they are square and round columns.

Relatively new material for columns - it is metal, glossy metal surface well emphasize the style of hi-tech and minimalism.

Where to install columns in the interior of an apartment, house?

If you are the owner of a country house, then the place for the columns in the house is, of course, the first floor hall. Round marble will create a cozy and at the same time luxurious atmosphere.

In a city apartment, stone ones are rarely installed, because due to their large mass, the floor structure may not withstand them. Therefore, decorative gypsum columns in combination with gypsum stucco molding are very widespread today. Thanks to the elastic gypsum, it became possible to reproduce a column of any design and the corresponding decorative stucco molding.

In apartments, columns are most often installed in the most spacious rooms. So for example in the living room in this way you can select an area for a TV or a fireplace. In the same way, you can select a place in the living room where the sofa is located. For the bedroom, this way you can make zoning for the bed.

In a studio apartment, with the help of columns, it is possible to successfully separate the living area from the kitchen.

Columns in the interior always create a majestic, highly aesthetic atmosphere. They can be applied to almost any style of interior design that exists today, as there are many alternatives to the materials from which they are made. At the same time, gypsum is the most affordable, convenient to use and restore.

Columns in the interior photo

Metal columns in the interior photo

Columns in the interior photo

Round columns in the interior photo

Drywall columns in the interior photo

Columns in the interior photo

Modern columns in the interior photo

Wooden square columns photo

Humanity has been familiar with columns for a very long time - at least several millennia, if not tens of thousands of years. Previously, they were used exclusively as supporting structures for the vault, but today their task has changed somewhat - such a thing as decorative columns has appeared, which have become a popular decoration for human housing.

Along with popularity, this element of decor has acquired a very low cost - the manufacture of only one decorative column can result in a decent amount. You can make it cheaper, but it can really be done only at the expense of quality deterioration. There is another option, from which the quality of the column does not suffer at all, but rather wins - this option provides for the independent production of such a decorative element, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the Dream House website, we will consider in detail the options that will allow you to make decorative columns with your own hands, if not simply, then at least not very difficult.

DIY decorative columns photo

Decorative columns: types and their features in manufacturing

Almost all decorative columns that a person uses in one way or another to decorate his living space can be divided into types according to three criteria.

And the third sign by which decorative columns for the interior can be classified is the material from which they are made. It is worth talking about this in more detail, since both the characteristics of the product and the technology of its manufacture depend entirely on the material.

What to make a decorative column with your own hands: materials and their features

The choice of material should be taken responsibly - as mentioned above, the life of the columns and the complexity of their manufacture by one's own hands depend on it. Among the most common materials from which decorative columns are made today, the following types can be distinguished.

  1. Decorative foam column. We can say that this is the cheapest option, but you can not count on the full-fledged production of columns from it. Styrofoam for columns will have to be purchased. This is a kind of fixed formwork in the form of cylinders cut along. They are installed in the right place, after which their internal cavity is poured with concrete - a kind of molds that are not removed after the concrete dries. The technology for making such columns with your own hands seems to be simple, but as for finishing and operation, there are several pitfalls here. Plastering foam is very difficult - this time. And the second drawback is that it is soft (this material is great for stone or mosaic finishing, but not for plastering and painting).

    Decorative foam columns photo

  2. Decorative columns made of wood. The option is excellent, especially if you plan to use a lot of wood in the interior of the room. Making high-quality wood columns is not as easy as it might seem at first glance - at least you can’t do it with ordinary home tools. Needed at least lathe, on which the column is sharpened in parts, and they are already assembled into a single product by installing anchors.

    Decorative wooden columns photo

  3. Decorative plaster columns. For their manufacture, molds are needed - today this is not a problem at all. Gypsum columns are made by casting, which is very easy to do at home. This is a definite plus this material, but besides it, there are also disadvantages. First of all, this is a complex and painstaking technology for finishing the columns, as they say, to the standard - the gypsum product is puttied with a very thin layer in order to eliminate various kinds of shells formed during the casting process. After that, it is cleaned and only then mounted and painted. By itself, this process is simple, you just need to be patient, especially when it comes to columns of complex configuration, decorated with bas-reliefs. By the way, in almost the same way you can cast columns from concrete.

    Decorative columns made of plaster photo

  4. columns from decorative stone. This material is remarkable in that the columns made from it do not require finishing. Of the minuses, one can note the fact that they are not suitable for every interior. In most cases, they look massive and look good only in large rooms. We can say that decorative stone columns are in some way similar to foam plastic columns - both materials are used as fixed formwork. That is, first from a stone by type brickwork a cylindrical formwork is constructed, which is subsequently filled with concrete. If the core of the column is reinforced with metal, then it can also perform load-bearing functions. Styrofoam columns can be reinforced in the same way.

Drywall. Here is another material that can be used to make decorative columns with your own hands. This method of making columns should be discussed separately - oddly enough, but in home repairs it is used most often.

Decorative stone columns photo

How to make decorative plasterboard columns with your own hands

Despite the fact that almost anything can be made from drywall, with classical columns cylindrical shape nevertheless, problems arise - it is very difficult to make them, although it is possible. They are made gradually - in the sense that at first a multifaceted structure is made with many small planes, which are subsequently smoothed out with putty. This business is by no means for home craftsmen - this is a serious job that requires capital theoretical and practical skills. It should also be noted here that in many respects the complexity of manufacturing a cylindrical column of drywall depends on its diameter - the thicker the support column, the easier it is to give it a smooth outline.

Another thing is the columns of a rectangular shape or some other angular configuration. They are very easy to make, and they are mounted according to the principle of manufacturing boxes, which are used to mask pipelines and other communications. If we are talking about decorative columns of such a section, then it is better than drywall, the material for their manufacture cannot be invented.

How to do decorative column DIY photo

Decorative columns: finishing options

As you understand, not every material from which modern decorative columns are made can boast of the absence of the need for finishing. And those who have this dignity have an appearance that can please all people. In general, one way or another, the decoration of these interior elements has a place to be and cannot be dispensed with. Finishing technologies not so many, and all of them can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

      1. Painting. The easiest and most inexpensive option for decorating columns. Suitable for almost any type of material - concrete, gypsum, wood, and, of course, plasterboard columns. Only columns made of decorative stone and similar materials are not subject to painting.
      2. Decorative plaster. This option for finishing columns is attractive in that it allows you to give the product a look that is almost one hundred percent similar to the look of natural polished stone - for example, marble, the surface of which is obtained using. For independent implementation, this is a very complex type of finish, although not hopeless - if desired, this technology can be easily mastered.
      3. Mosaic. Despite the fact that this good way decorating columns, yet it has one significant drawback - it is far from acceptable for every room. In principle, in some way this moment depends on the type - if it is a small natural pebble, then it is quite possible to use such material for decorating columns in halls, and other similar premises of an apartment or house.

There are other materials for finishing a clone - designers, in an attempt to jump over each other, vying with each other, offer to use a variety of non-standard materials. For example, to finish the column, in their opinion, you can use almost any flooring- with the same success, this element of the interior can be draped with fabric. In general, everything here is without restrictions.

And in conclusion of the topic about decorative columns, only one thing remains to be added: to say that the independent production of columns is a very laborious process that will not guarantee that you will really like the end result. If you have already decided that such decor should be in your home, then it is better to turn to professionals about its manufacture. Alternatively, columns can be purchased from ready-made- the most popular in this respect are polyurethane decorative columns that do not require final finishing.

The interior of the apartment often includes elements of the classics. This allows you to make the home extraordinary, give it a certain spirit of romanticism and grace. If the environment contains objects that are not purely applied, but decorative, then it no longer looks boring and monotonous, but as something creative and alive. Such architectural elements as columns and arches have long been used as load-bearing structures and at the same time decorate the facades of buildings and the interior of the premises.

Arches and columns are often used in a classic interior style.

Decorative decoration of arches in your apartment

Columns and arches in the apartment today perform mainly not a supporting, but a decorative function.

An exception is the deliberate use of columns as supports in a large area.

The arch has long been considered the overlapping of the curvilinear shape of the openings in the wall, the spans between the columns and supports

Arches were used not only in the architecture of buildings, but also in the construction of bridges, and as engineering structures they were strictly symmetrical and were calculated according to the strength of materials formulas.

Each part of the arch has its own name. Eg:

  • The cross section of the top is called the capstone
  • Section near the support - with a heel stone, fifth arch or impost
  • External fornix - extradosom
  • Internal fornix - intradosom

Types of arches

Arches in shape can be of the following types:

  • triangular
  • Round or semicircular
  • gently sloping
  • oblique
  • Lancet
  • horseshoe
  • Planar elliptical parabolic
  • concave etc

An arch in a blind opening in a wall is called a blind arch..

By style, these types of arches are distinguished:

Arches can be different both in shape and style.

Today, the fashion trend is asymmetrical arches.

Purpose of arches

Arches are used when they want to emphasize the organic design, the dominant smoothness of lines.

This technique is used for:

  • Building façade and railings
  • Combining two zones into one
  • Division into zones
  • Interior design elements:
    niches, windows, doors, mirrors, etc.

Merging two zones into one occurs when removing interior doors :

Arches are used to divide the room into zones
  • The living room is combined with a corridor or kitchen
  • Kitchen space - with a loggia

At the same time, the arch visually expands the space, creating a perspective. At the same time, the premises remain separate units.

Arches diversify the design of a long corridor and at the same time also divide it.

original design arched corridor

A rectangular opening in a wall is also considered an arch..

arch materials

For the design of arches, different materials are used.

  • Arches made of stone, concrete, brick look monumental
  • Wooden arches are more decorative and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
    Both stone and wood are versatile materials used for both exterior and interior decoration premises
  • For interior decoration, you can also use drywall, fiberboard, PVC, chipboard

These types of materials are not used for finishing external arches..

How to make an arch with your own hands

It seems that such a curvilinear structure as an arch is extremely difficult to do with your own hands.

In fact, it is very simple to make it, especially from drywall..

For this you will need:

  • U-shaped metal profile
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels
  • drywall sheet
  • Drill, jigsaw


  1. Marking the position of the arch
  2. We fix a metal profile to the wall, ceiling and floor
  3. We strengthen the frame with crossbars so that the drywall does not sag
  4. We cut a piece of the profile for the arch every 2 cm, bend it and screw it to the frame
  5. We cut drywall and sheathe the frame with it on both sides
  6. We cut the upper part for the arch with a jigsaw
  7. We produce putty surfaces and seams

Video: DIY simple arch

Columns in the interior of a modern apartment

As we have already said, columns in a city apartment are used mainly for decorative purposes today.

Columns in the interior can be decorative elements, And supporting structures

However, in a loft-style room and wherever there are no partitions, the column can also bear the load..

The upper part of the column is called the capital, the lower part is called the base. The capital may also be decorative ornament ceiling

Columns are made today from materials of this type:

  • Marble, granite
  • Brick, concrete
  • Drywall
  • Polyurethane

Today, the decoration of columns and arches is also popular. artificial stone or polymer concrete.

Finishing columns with drywall do it yourself

Dry bending drywall sheet

Marble and granite are, of course, expensive materials, and they have to look for alternatives.

columns from light drywall look like the real ones. It doesn’t even come to mind right away that these are empty shells, that is, hollow objects (false columns)

In the manufacture of such columns, the most difficult thing is the frame.

The column can be rectangular or round. There is also another variety - pilasters. They refer to the columns conditionally. This is actually half of the column protruding from the wall.

Consider first how to make a rectangular column of drywall.

  1. From metal profile two bases are made (upper and lower)
  2. The contours of the base are compared using plumb lines
  3. The bases are fixed to the ceiling and floor with dowels
  4. Profile racks are attached to the corners of the bases
  5. All sides of the frame are reinforced with crossbars
  6. Then plasterboard is applied and final finishing finishing plaster mix

Video: Do-it-yourself column decoration

How to make round columns

Round columns made of drywall are made according to the same principle. They are also easy to make with your own hands. But the manufacturing process is more laborious:

  1. First, circles are drawn on the ceiling and floor, also with the help of plumb lines.
  2. Cuts are made on the profile for the bases at a distance of 5 cm
  3. Profiles are combined with circles and fastened with dowels
  4. A sheet of drywall on one side is notched along the entire length, also at a distance of 5 cm between the notches
  5. The finished sheet is bent around the frame, the cuts are sealed with a plaster mixture and left to dry.
  6. Then attach the sheet to the guide profile
  7. Make the final finish, complementing the stucco if necessary

Polymer concrete in the interior of apartments

Column coated with liquid polymer concrete

What if drywall and stucco are not your favorite type of finish, and you prefer an interior that is more close to the natural style?
Then the columns are not made of drywall, but, for example, made of polymer concrete or artificial stone

The texture of these materials is similar to the texture of natural stone - granite.

Polymer concrete (plast cement) - concrete compound, epoxy resin and filler (quartz sand, granite chips, etc.)

Polymer concrete is much more expensive than conventional concrete.

Finishing the column with polymer concrete

It is easier and cheaper to first make a column of ordinary concrete, and then apply upper layer liquid lightweight polymer concrete.

You can do it like this:

  • We assemble the bases and the frame in the same way as in the manufacture of drywall columns
    (In the bases we make additional crossbars for attaching reinforcement)
  • We insert reinforcement into the frame and sheathe it with pieces of plywood (in one of the pieces we leave a hole for pouring concrete)
  • We make concrete pouring
  • After hardening and drying, remove the plywood
  • We spray polymer concrete from the plaster gun on top of the column

It is also possible to apply a layer of polymer concrete, for example, on the countertop, on the outer wall of the fireplace, etc.

  • It is also possible to produce interior items from polymer concrete by pouring into a mold that must be pre-designed.

However, this method is expensive and requires equipment.

What complements the interior in a classic style

Columns and arches in the interior of the apartment are not the only elements in the classic style.

To complement the interior can:

  • Bas-reliefs and frescoes made of decorative plaster
  • Items in vintage style:
    • antique candlesticks and vases
    • Venetian furniture, etc.

Video: Lightweight polymer concrete

Columns are a very beautiful, but relatively rarely used interior element in the design of houses and apartments. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is difficult to correctly arrange the column in the interior. Let's try to figure it out in detail - what are the columns, their functions and design options.

What materials are the columns made from?

columns in modern interior are made from different materials.

Regardless of their type, the design consists of three parts - the capital (upper part), the body (trunk) and the base (lower part). A variety of materials allows you to create columns for a specific environment and advantageously transform the room.

Consider the main materials from which such structures are made.

  • A natural stone

Most often it is granite, marble, basalt or malachite. Such architectural forms adorn theaters, museums, galleries, as well as elite houses. They will effectively complement baroque, empire, rococo and even classical furnishings.

Natural stone is durable, it shimmers beautifully in both daylight and artificial lighting.

It will not be cheap to supplement your home with them, since the material itself is expensive, and the processing is quite complicated.

  • Tree

Oak, beech, ash, cedar are often used as materials. Columns in the interior natural wood Provence, country, rustic, art nouveau and similar trends will complement.

The wood is environmentally friendly and emits a pleasant forest aroma, enveloping the dwelling with it. If the columns are coated with protective impregnations, they will be resistant to moisture and pests, and will also retain their original appearance for a long time.

Depending on the style features and personal preferences, the columns can be coated with colored or transparent varnish. The latter option is good because it preserves the naturalness and beautiful texture of wood.

  • Metal

Most often, structures made of silver, white and black metals are mounted in dwellings. Popular designs from of stainless steel with a beautiful metallic sheen. Such columns in the interior of the apartment will fit into high-tech, minimalism, loft and similar areas. The forms of structures are usually symmetrical, clear and even.

Columns will last much longer if their coating is galvanized. Then they can be mounted in places with high humidity without fear of deterioration.

  • Drywall

To create columns choose thin sheets that lend themselves well to bending. Since the material has a smooth surface and good adhesion, it can be veneered with different decorative trim(stone, paint, plaster, mosaic). This means that GKL designs will fit many styles. It all depends on the finish.

The basis of the GKL is building gypsum. It is environmentally friendly and safe for others. However, its properties may deteriorate upon contact with water.

The forms of drywall structures are mostly straight and even, since it is problematic to make complex decor from plasterboard.

  • Polyurethane

The material will suit most styles, as it can be given a different texture, shape and color. The only exceptions are styles where a natural metallic sheen is needed.

Such architectural forms made of polyurethane are affordable and easy to install. They also have many other advantages - resistance to temperature extremes, moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and deformation. In addition, you can create complex decor.

However, polyurethane columns in the interior will not give such a stunning effect as stone or wood.

Column functions

  • Practicality.

Columns made of natural wood or stone can serve as load-bearing structures - to support floors. Even if they were not present at the time of designing the house, special permits are not required if you decide to install them.

  • Zoning.

Studios, large halls and ordinary rooms can be zoned using such architectural forms. At the same time, they visually increase the height of the ceiling, making the room spacious.

  • Attractiveness.

Such designs will bring sophistication, charm to the home and become the highlight of the situation. Luxurious architectural units made of expensive materials will emphasize the status of the home owner. After all, even in ancient times, majestic columns adorned the buildings of governments and influential people.

The feasibility of using columns in the interior

Columns in the interiors of houses and apartments are not very common. This is due to the opinion of many that this architectural element looks impressive only in large dwellings with high ceilings, and it does not suit all styles.

In fact, the columns will advantageously complement almost any room, regardless of the area - because you can always choose the desired size.

As we said above, such designs will be combined with most styles due to the choice of materials and design. Therefore, it is advisable to install columns in order to advantageously transform the situation.

Design options for columns depending on the style of the room

Consider the design options for columns in the interior, taking into account style features.

  • For an antique setting, you can choose designs in the Doric, Ionic or Corinthian style.

All three directions combine vertical tracks along the entire length of the trunk. The Doric type is characterized by a minimal base, a squat stem decreasing towards the top, and a square and round slab capital. Ionic columns are thin and tall with a pronounced base with round shapes. The capital is complemented by curls and floral ornaments. The Corinthian type is characterized by a capital richly decorated and carved, the stem and base are similar to the Ionic type of structures.

  • In the interior of the Egyptian style, columns made of sand-colored natural stone are mounted with smooth surface.

Such structures should be painted in the form of hieroglyphs, symbolizing life and prosperity. You can supplement them with cartouches symbolizing the pharaohs. The colors used are those that the ancient Egyptians had (natural dyes) - blue, green, coral, red, black, yellow.

  • For Art Nouveau, designs made of natural wood with a smooth surface, opened with varnish, but always with decor in the form of winding lines, asymmetric shapes and floral patterns, are suitable.

All shades of brown, green and golden color predominate. Such columns may resemble a tree, which randomly fly plants.

  • The design of the columns in the interior of the ethnic style is different characteristic features each nation, which has its own historical values, ornament and decor.

By choosing the best features, you can create a spectacular design design, reminiscent of the rich cultural heritage of your people.

  • The loft style and similar areas are suitable for architectural forms made of brick, concrete or metal.

They do not tend to decorate and complex shapes. However, you can choose the color of your choice and taking into account color scheme style. For example, concrete columns in an interior can be painted a bright color, metal can give off a natural sheen or can also be painted.

  • As we mentioned in the first section, wooden columns correct forms suitable for such styles as country, rustic, provence, patchwork and similar genres that embody rural life.

They will also add Scandinavian style. Designs can be stolen with carvings or left smooth. For Scandinavian and Provencal style, they can be painted white or blue. In other cases, it is advisable to cover them with a transparent or colored varnish.

  • Empire, Baroque and Rococo styles are characterized by luxurious decoration of columns made of natural stone.

They are massive, majestic, with an impressive capital with a complex decor and base. The trunks can be intertwined with a gilded floral ornament, or they are complemented by longitudinal paths along the entire length.


Beautiful columns in the interior are not a pretentious element that requires certain standards, as many people think. This is a great way to diversify your home, give it charm and impeccable taste.
In order for such a design to beautifully complement the situation, it is recommended to use the services of a specialist who will help you choose the right material, parameters and design.

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