Toilet      06/13/2019

Azimina: how to grow a banana tree in the middle lane. Azimina: growing and caring for a plant in the open field

Quite unusual and interesting is a plant called Azimina. Growing in open field of this exotic tree is quite possible in our latitudes. As it turned out, banana tree, as the people call Azimina, tolerates frosts down to -20 degrees, and short ones even up to -35 degrees.

In its appearance, Azimina three-lobed belongs to deciduous trees, while not being tropical. The plant is famous for its large leaves, which have a bright green color and a glossy surface. Like all deciduous, autumn period the tree sheds its leaves for the winter.
Azimina blooms from April to May with small flowers of burgundy or Brown.

The exotic component of the plant are oblong fruits, which turn yellow as they ripen, and resemble bananas.

Growing methods

The banana tree is native to North America, but today it can be found in Europe and even in Japan. Russian gardeners also noticed this bright and interesting tree planting in open ground. It should be noted that the most attractive conditions for Azimina will be the southern regions of the country. At the same time, gardeners in the northern districts should not be upset, as they will also be able to try the exotic banana. To do this, it is recommended to plant the plant in a pot for the winter period, and plant it in open ground from spring to autumn.
Azimina three-blade is indicated for amateur gardeners, as it is not whimsical at all and does not suffer from various diseases and pests. The most popular varieties are: Martin, Sochinskaya 11, Rebecca's Gold, etc.

How to plant

For a banana, you should properly prepare the land, which must be fertile and drained. Azimina is excellent with organics, favorable to moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water at all.
If you decide to plant this exotic tree in your home, then it is best to allocate a well-lit place in last resort, slightly shaded. If the plant is very small, then it can be planted in the shade, and then transplanted as it grows. Protect Azimina from drafts.


The process of propagation of a banana tree is quite complicated, which can be carried out using seeds, root shoots or grafting. Seeds germinate very poorly and for a long time, the shoots are not numerous, and young shoots do not take root well.
If you are still lucky and the plant has taken root, then it requires traditional care. Constant regular watering, top dressing in the spring and summer, mulching the near-stem zone and pruning as needed. As a rule, it is done immediately after the winter period, until the sap flow begins.

Azimina, which is grown in open ground, must be covered for the winter period, especially when it comes to a young plant. If the tree grows in a tub, then for this period it should be brought into the room.

Azimina is an unusual and yet little common fruit tree in Russia, which may well become a worthy addition to the collection of gardeners and flower growers who love all sorts of exotics. The culture is decorative, and with proper care it will delight the owner with a bountiful harvest of tasty and healthy fruits. There is nothing difficult in growing it in open ground, the only limitation is that the climate must be suitable. Those who are not lucky with this can cultivate paws at home.

What does pawpaw look like

Asimina is a small genus of deciduous trees and shrubs belonging to the Annonaceae family. At the moment, eight of its representatives are known, in nature they are all found only in North America. Some species can be found in France, Spain, Italy, Japan. The pawpaw is most common in the southern United States (Nebraska, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Virginia).

In nature, pawpaw can grow up to 15 m in height, but in captivity its dimensions are limited - this simplifies care and harvesting.

The most frost-resistant (up to -30ºС) is the pawpaw (triloba), which grows mainly in Canada (Ontario). It is she who is cultivated on the territory of Russia. They began to grow it in "captivity" quite recently, about a century ago. The optimal climate for the plant is temperate, bordering on subtropical.

Azimina is known in her homeland by many nicknames. Most often it is called a banana tree, but there are other options - "Nebraska banana", "poor man's banana", "northern", "dog" or "Mexican" banana. She is also known as "pow-pow". This pawpaw is due to the similarity of fruits with papaya (papaya), and according to another version - their "bunches" with an animal's paw (paw).

In nature, pawpaw grows on average up to 4-5 m in height, in optimal conditions- up to 12–15 m. In "captivity", as a rule, it is limited at the level of 2-3 m. Its crown is sprawling, in the form of a wide pyramid. Under natural conditions, trees form almost impenetrable thickets on the banks of rivers, as well as wherever the soil is wet and loose. The trunk and shoots of pawpaws are grayish in color, the bark is smooth. Young branches are covered with thick "pile".

The leaves are large, hard to the touch, about 20 cm long and 7–8 cm wide. They resemble an ellipse in shape, gradually tapering at the petiole and more sharply towards the tip. Front side young leaf bright green, as it grows older, it brightens, a grayish undertone appears. The underside is dull red or brick.

The leaves of pawpaw are dense and glossy, as if artificial.

Interestingly, the leaves bloom only at the end of spring. Flowers appear first. The buds open in mid-April, flowering continues for at least 20 days, although each individual flower lives for a maximum of a week. Flower buds rarely suffer from recurrent spring frosts, they are protected by a special shell, similar to a casing.

Pawberry flower buds are reliably protected from recurrent spring frosts

The flowers are very decorative. They are located in the axils of last year's leaves on long pedicels that bend slightly under their weight. They have three outer and inner petals, painted in rich dark scarlet, purple-violet, wine color. Their entire surface is covered with a well-defined pattern of veins. The base of the petal is yellowish. The average flower diameter is 5–6 cm.

The pawpaw flowers look very unusual and spectacular, especially when you consider that they are not covered by leaves.

Each of them has several pistils, so 3–5 and even 7–9 fruits can form from one bud. The plant necessarily requires cross-pollination, so if pawpaw is planted with the expectation of harvesting, at least two varieties will be required. The aroma of the flowers is not very pleasant, similar to the smell of rotten meat, but it is barely perceptible.

Up to nine fruits can form from each pollinated flower.

Most pawpaw flowers fall off in early summer. This means that they have not been pollinated. Closer to mid-July, the tree may lose a significant part of its fruit ovaries especially if it's hot and there's no rain. Berries need at least 160 days with temperatures above 18ºС to ripen.

The term of the productive life of the pawpaw is 50 years or more. The first time it bears fruit 5-6 years after planting the plant in the ground. Harvest ripens in late September or early October. Azimina is called a banana tree, but the shape of the fruit is more like a papaya - elongated, oblong, slightly curved and "angular". Berries vary greatly in size and weight. The length can be 5-15 cm, width - 2-8 cm, weight - 50-350 g. The hotter and drier the summer, the smaller the berries.

The skin of pawpaw fruits is thin, pale green or yellowish, it is very easy to remove. In mature fruits, it appears translucent. The flesh is a shade of butter, sometimes light orange, soft, creamy. It is very sweet, but the taste is difficult to describe. It is a cross between mango, banana, pineapple and feijoa. But it smells almost like strawberries and cream. At home, in the USA, they say that the pulp tastes like custard.

The taste of pawpaw pulp is quite difficult to describe, but the vast majority of those who have tried the fruits claim that they didn’t eat anything better.

The pawpaw seeds are large, similar to persimmon seeds, but shiny, black-brown in color. In the pulp they are arranged in two rows. In each fruit there are from 8 to 14 pieces.

By chemical composition pawpaw fruits are similar to bananas. They are nutritious (350–360 kcal per 100 g), contain a lot of vitamin C (50–60 mg per 100 g), carotene, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, and essential amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, arginine) . There is also an increased content of sucrose and fructose. Because of this, pawpaw should not be eaten by those who suffer diabetes any type, but this is the only contraindication. Allergy its fruits are extremely rare. In cooking, berries find the most diverse use - they are preserved, preparing compotes, preserves, jams, marmalade, ice cream are made, used as a filling for baking, added to creams.

Azimina fruits are not only tasty, but also very useful; unfortunately, the crop does not differ in productivity, even if you create ideal conditions for it

Video: pawberry fruit picking

Even if the climate does not allow pawpaw fruits to ripen, it can be used in landscape design as an ornamental plant

The culture is not devoid of certain shortcomings that prevent its wide distribution:

  • Low yield. On average, about 25 kg of fruits are removed from an adult tree, in especially successful years - 35–40 kg, but this is already the limit.
  • Difficulties with reproduction. Seeds do not germinate, a significant percentage of seedlings die. Azimina takes root very badly and for a long time in a new place after transplanting into open ground. Her vaccination is a rather complicated procedure that requires a lot of experience. But even in this case, success is not guaranteed.
  • The fragility of wood. The branches and trunk very often break under the influence of gusts of wind, under the weight of snow. Even the harvest can be an "unbearable burden" for them.
  • Harvesting. On the tree, the fruits ripen quickly, so they need to be removed on time. Otherwise, they immediately crumble, inevitably getting mechanical damage. Even with the smallest pulp, the pulp deteriorates very quickly, acquiring an unpleasant aftertaste reminiscent of burnt coffee beans.
  • Very short shelf life. Fresh berries will lie for a maximum of 2-3 days (in the refrigerator - 5-6 days), which makes transportation completely impossible. It does not make sense to shoot unripe fruits - they lose their taste greatly when they ripen. Accordingly, for those who grow fruits and berries on an industrial scale, paws are completely uninteresting. By the way, this property also applies to homemade blanks from paws. They are stored for no more than a month.

Even slight mechanical damage leads to the fact that the taste of pawpaw pulp deteriorates sharply

Since recently, pawpaws have been paying close attention to breeders. Most of the new varieties are bred in the USA, but there are also Russian ones, for example, Michurinka, Sochinskaya. Of the foreign ones, the most popular are Pennsylvania Gold, Rebecca Gold, Davis, Sunflower. If there is a choice, it is better to purchase one of the early varieties. Practice shows that they are much tastier, since fruit ripening occurs at more high temperature air.

Rebecca Gold is one of the most popular pawpaw varieties bred in the USA.

Video: pawpaw description

Landing procedure and preparation for it

Growing a new pawpaw is a rather difficult task. Seeds do not differ in germination, the plant rarely gives basal shoots. This is due to the structural features of the root system. Vaccination, on the other hand, requires some experience and does not always guarantee a positive result.

Seed stratification and planting

Azimina seeds are extracted only from ripe fruits, on which there are no slightest signs of damage by pathogenic fungi and pests. Their stratification is obligatory, otherwise the germination process may be delayed for 2-3 years.

If there are fruits, there is nothing difficult to get pawpaw seeds

Seedlings obtained from seeds rarely fully inherit the varietal characteristics of the "parent" plant. But practice shows that if planting material extracted from large fruits, berries on new plants will also be different big size and the harvest is abundant.

Seeds extracted from the pulp lose moisture very quickly. This negatively affects germination. Five days stay is enough outdoors so that the planting material suffers irreversible damage.

The pawpaw seeds do not differ in germination, so it is advisable to stock up on planting material in excess

The so-called cold stratification aims to imitate the natural conditions in which the seeds find themselves in winter. In this case, they start the mechanism of processing complex organic substances into simpler ones. This nutrition is absorbed by the embryo, which begins to develop.

The seeds collected in autumn are placed in a small container filled with a moistened mixture of peat chips and sand in a ratio of approximately 1: 1, deepening 4-5 cm into the substrate. The container is sent to the refrigerator for 3-4 months, in a special compartment for storing vegetables and fruits, where the temperature is maintained at the level of 3-5ºС. The substrate needs to be moistened every 2-3 weeks by spraying from a spray bottle. By spring, the seeds should hatch.

Cold stratification imitates the conditions of natural winter, this triggers the mechanism of seed germination

As soon as this happens, they are removed from the refrigerator and soaked for a week in a solution of any biostimulant, changing the liquid daily. Then the seeds are planted in the same substrate in individual pots, preferably peat, deepening by 2–3 cm. The soil must first be well moistened. The containers are covered with film or glass and placed in the brightest and warmest place in the apartment (temperature not lower than 25ºС). A south-facing window sill works well. Shoots pawpaw gives unfriendly. The first may appear in 6-8 weeks, the rest - for another month and a half.

To wait for the shoots of paws, you have to be patient

When the seedlings grow to 12-15 cm (this happens after about a year), they are planted in a greenhouse together with pots. On permanent place pawpaw is transferred only to the next season. But, in principle, you can leave the plant at home for this time.

The azimines obtained from the seeds of the tree in the first 2–3 years practically do not increase in growth, they tolerate transplantation very poorly. Flowering from them can be expected in 6-8 years.

Young pawpaw plants obtained from seeds, the first few years of life, add very little in growth.

Video: pawpaw seeds

Planting paws in the ground and preparing for it

The pawpaw does not impose special requirements on the quality of the soil, but the best option for it is a light, well-aerated, slightly acidic (pH 5.0–7.0) substrate. In heavy clay soil, it will also survive, but growth and development will slow down greatly, you can not count on abundant harvests. When planting several plants at once, a minimum of 3 m is left between them, and 4.5–5 m between rows of plantings.

The landing pit is prepared in advance, 3–3.5 weeks before the procedure. Azimina is most often planted in spring, even in warm southern regions. From the stress associated with transplantation, the plant departs, as from a serious illness, and in this state it will not survive the winter that comes in 2-3 months.

The average depth of the landing pit is about 60 cm, the diameter is 65–70 cm. At the bottom, a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 8–10 cm is required. Small pebbles, pebbles, expanded clay, clay shards and so on are suitable for this. The upper fertile layer of the soil extracted from it is mixed with fertilizers - humus or rotted compost (10–15 l), wood ash (liter jar). The latter can be replaced with simple superphosphate (40–50 g) and potassium sulfate (20–30 g). If the soil is heavy, clayey, add another 2-3 buckets of coarse river sand.

Azimin does not categorically tolerate moisture stagnation, therefore a drainage layer is required at the bottom of the planting pit (especially if the soil is heavy)

It is desirable to choose a place for pawpaw immediately and forever. She does not tolerate transplantation very well, in the process it is easy to damage the taproot, and then the plant will certainly die. The trees are older three years it is generally undesirable to worry. The best option for her - well warmed by the sun open area. But at the same time, it must be protected from cold drafts. Ideally, if at some distance from the pawpaw there is a fence or a wall of a building that does not obscure, but obscures it from the north.

Any lowland and areas where ground water approach the surface closer than 2 m. Azimina has a very negative attitude towards the “swamp” at the roots, and there water and damp cold air stagnate for a long time.

Azimina is photophilous, but young plants under the age of two years easily get sunburn, so they need light shading. You can, for example, build a canopy over them from gauze folded several times or any white covering material.

The procedure for landing in the ground looks like this:

  1. About half an hour before the procedure, water the seedling abundantly. Carefully remove it from the pot (if it is not peat), trying to damage the earthen ball as little as possible.
  2. At the top of the mound at the bottom of the pit, make a small depression. Place a seedling there along with a clod of earth. It is desirable to plant azimin at an angle of approximately 40–45º - this stimulates the formation more adventitious roots.
  3. Fill landing pit soil. It is absolutely impossible to compact it with your hands, and even more so, it is absolutely impossible to trample it.
  4. Water the plant abundantly (20-30 liters of water). When the water is absorbed, the trunk circle with a diameter of about half a meter is mulched with peat chips, humus.

Video: how to properly plant paws in the ground

Other methods of reproduction

Azimina rarely and in small quantities, but still gives basal shoots. Such a "seedling" is carefully separated from the plant along with part of the root. You can also dig up the soil and cut out a piece of rhizome 8-10 cm long.

They are planted immediately in open ground. Seedlings are placed vertically, rhizomes - horizontally, deepening by 3–5 cm. In the first case, the root neck must necessarily be in the ground at a depth of about 8–10 cm. To ensure the “greenhouse effect”, the plantings are covered with a glass cap, cut plastic bottle. After about a month, the plant should take root in a new place. This is easy to see by the appearance of new shoots. A prerequisite for success is abundant (but not too much) watering.

Those who have been growing paws for a long time are advised to cut about a third of the rhizome connecting it with mother plant. In this case, the new seedling's own root system will develop more actively.

The fastest, but also the most difficult way to grow a new pawpaw and get a crop from it is grafting. Such plants bloom already in the second or third year after the procedure.

As a scion, the top of the shoot of an absolutely healthy plant at the age of five years and 12–15 cm long is used. It is important that it approximately coincides in diameter with the rootstock. The grafted cutting is cut obliquely on both sides so that a wedge is formed, the stock is horizontal.

Splitting is the easiest way to graft, but in the case of pawpaw, it does not guarantee success.

Next, in the rootstock, you need to make an incision about 1.5 cm deep perpendicular to the cut plane. A cutting is inserted into it. It should go into the split with some effort. The vaccination site is securely fixed by wrapping it in several layers. polyethylene film, electrical tape. Everything must be done as quickly as possible - due to the high content of tannins, sections in the open air are oxidized. All lateral shoots located below are removed from the rootstock.

It will take a long time to wait for the result of the vaccination operation.

The graft on paws takes root within 1.5–2 months. As soon as new leaves begin to form on the handle, the fixing tape can be removed. Another sign that the operation was successful is the formation of callus. This is a kind of "influx" of connective tissue at the place of fixation of the cutting and rootstock.

Azimina - enough unpretentious plant. But it can be grown with the expectation of fruiting only in regions with a warm climate. On the territory of Russia it is the Caucasus, the Black Sea. The plant successfully tolerates cold temperatures down to -30ºС, but if there are not at least 160 frost-free days in a year, the berries simply will not have time to ripen. In the Volga region, Moscow region, in the European part of Russia, pawpaw can only be cultivated as an ornamental leafy plant.

The main "requirement" of the plant is proper watering. Azimina is moisture-loving (in nature, it most often grows on the banks of rivers), but categorically does not tolerate stagnant water. If the weather is not too hot, one watering every 10-12 days is enough. An adult tree consumes 60–70 liters of water. After that, be sure to update the layer of mulch. It will help retain moisture in the soil, will not allow the soil to overheat. And the gardener will save time on weeding. From the end of August, watering is gradually reduced, reducing to nothing by mid-October.

Proper watering of paws is very important for the normal development of the plant.

Of the fertilizers, pawpaw reacts very positively to natural organic matter. The main macroelements that it needs are nitrogen (during the growth of green mass) and phosphorus (for the formation and ripening of fruits). If the landing pit was prepared in compliance with all recommendations, the first two years of pawpaw feeding are not needed.

Further, during the growing season (from about mid-April), once every two weeks it is watered with infusions of fresh cow dung, chicken droppings, dandelion leaves, nettle greens, wood ash. You can alternate such top dressing with a solution of any complex mineral fertilizer prepared according to the instructions for fruit trees(Kemira Lux, Master, Agros, Good Power, Health and so on).

Azimina can be fed with universal complex fertilizers for fruit trees

From diseases and pests pawpaw suffers extremely rarely. The tissues of the plant contain many tannins that effectively repel most of them. For prevention, it is enough to water the tree once a month with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or spray the leaves with soda ash (5–7 g per liter of water).

Potassium permanganate is one of the most affordable disinfectants.

The main danger threatening her is root rot. Most often, its development is provoked by the gardener himself, by watering the tree too often and / or abundantly. Symptoms of the disease are a blackening and “weeping” base of the trunk, browning sluggish leaves, mold on the surface of the soil, an unpleasant putrefactive odor coming from it. Watering in this case is immediately stopped, allowing the substrate to dry well. The tree is treated 2-3 times with an interval of 4-7 days with a solution of any fungicide - Topaz, Skor, Abiga-Peak, Kuprozan. But the only way to save a plant is to early stages the development of the disease. If the process has already gone far, paws are dug up and burned. The soil is disinfected by spilling a 2% solution of copper sulfate.

Root rot paws very quickly manifests itself on the fruits

Pruning paws is carried out in the spring. For sanitary purposes, be sure to get rid of all frozen, broken under the weight of snow, dried branches. She also needs pruning for replacement, because the plant bears fruit mainly on last year's shoots. About half of the branches with flower buds are shortened by a quarter. And a third of those without them are cut very short, leaving 2-3 growth buds.

The practice of growing paws is not yet too extensive, therefore, clear schemes for its pruning have not yet been developed. In order to facilitate care, the height of the tree is limited by pinching the top.

For pruning, paws use only a disinfected and sharply sharpened tool.

Azimina is not a self-pollinating plant. Therefore, in order for fruit to set, there must be at least two trees on the site. different varieties. You can also carry out pollination by hand, transferring pollen from one flower to another with a brush or cotton pad. To attract flies, which are the main pollinators of paws in Russia, you can hang small pieces of spoiled meat next to the tree.

The soil in the trunk circle is never dug up. It can only be loosened very carefully to a depth of no more than 2–3 cm. Ideally, this should be done after each watering in order to improve soil aeration. The near-stem circle is also necessarily loosened at the beginning of the growing season, while at the same time applying top dressing - humus or rotted compost (25–30 liters per adult tree). Once every 2–3 years, any mineral nitrogen fertilizer (urea, ammonium sulfate) is added to it.

Grown in a subtropical climate, pawpaw does not need shelter from the cold, but middle lane Russia should be safe. There, winter can be both quite warm and abnormally cold. Activities are no different from those that are held for other fruit trees. trunk circle cleaned of debris, mulched with peat or humus, creating a layer at least 10 cm thick. A mound 25–30 cm high is poured near the trunk. As soon as enough snow falls, it is raked up to the trunk. As the snowdrift settles, it is renewed 2-3 times during the winter, while breaking the crust of the crust on the surface.

Azimina is prepared for winter in the same way as any fruit tree

Young seedlings can be closed entirely by putting on them carton boxes of a suitable size and stuffing them with shavings, scraps of paper, straw. It is advisable to wrap the base of the stem with any breathable material - burlap, agril, spunbond, even ordinary women's tights.

Azimina at home

Azimina can be grown at home, regularly harvesting. In addition, there is a dwarf variety bred by breeders, not exceeding 20-30 cm in height. She blooms very beautifully. Fruits on such a tree are also formed, but small, no more than 3-4 cm in length.

As a rule, in "captivity" the height of paws is limited to 1.5–2 m. This is dictated by the size modern apartments. But if available winter garden, greenhouses and so on, it is absolutely not necessary to pinch the top.

Dwarf pawpaw, despite its size, regularly brings crops

Adult pawpaw is a very photophilous plant. The minimum daylight hours are 12 hours. Even direct sunlight does not cause her any harm. Trees under the age of three years can also be placed on the windowsill of a window facing south, southwest, southeast, but at the time of maximum solar activity they will need to be shaded.

The young pawpaw does not differ in growth rate, but this can be corrected. If, with the help of fluorescent or special phytolamps, the daylight hours are extended to 16 hours, a tree can grow up to one and a half meters in just 3-4 months.

The use of phytolamps can significantly increase the growth rate of paws

Azimina is planted immediately in a deep pot large diameter. Capacity "for growth" will avoid transplants, which the plant does not like very much. They are carried out only as a last resort and exclusively by the method of transshipment. Mandatory requirement to the pot - the presence of drainage holes. Immediately after transplantation, paws are watered with warm water, then the soil is not moistened at all for 5–7 days.

Air humidity is not a critical indicator for pawpaw, but it is desirable to improve it. appearance wipe the leaves periodically

It is advisable to prepare the soil yourself by mixing rotted manure or compost, fertile turf and leaf humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. For each liter of finished substrate, a handful of coarse sand and a tablespoon of wood ash are added. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 5-6 cm is required.

Azimina has nothing against fresh air. For the summer, if the dimensions of the plant allow, the pot with it can be taken out into the garden, on open veranda or balcony. Be sure to provide protection from wind and rain.

Pawfish treats the fresh air very positively.

The presence of a dormant period is a prerequisite for flowering and fruiting. The plant must spend at least 4 months at a temperature of 3-8ºС. Water the "resting" pawpaw once every 3-4 weeks, do not feed at all. Lighting requirements do not change.

Water paws so that the soil in the pot is constantly slightly moist. If the street is hot - once every two days. In other cases - once a week. The worst thing you can do is water the tree moderately and often. It prefers rare but plentiful watering.

The fruits of room paws are small, but no less tasty

Water is used only settled and heated to room temperature. The plant tolerates dry air well, but will be grateful for periodic spraying. Also, at least once a week, dust should be removed from the leaves with a soft, damp cloth or sponge.

Starting from April, pawpaw is fed every 10–12 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers(the same as for plants cultivated in open ground). About an hour before top dressing, the tree must be watered so that the prepared solution does not burn the roots.

Until recently, pawpaw was well known only at home, in the United States. But gradually it's unusual decorative tree appreciated by gardeners in Europe, Asia and Russia. The growth of its popularity is facilitated by unpretentiousness, high resistance to the vast majority of diseases and pests, excellent taste and benefits of fruits. Not devoid of culture and shortcomings, most often noted difficulties with reproduction.

Title: Azimina
Family: Annonaceae
Origin: North America
Humidity: Moderate
Location: Bright areas of the garden
Soil: Garden loose soil
Pests and diseases: Root damage due to high humidity
Growth height: 12 m
Bloom: April

The plant is called the banana tree because of its fruits.

Asimina is a genus from the Annonaceae family. These are dicotyledonous plants. Mostly trees or shrubs with glossy, entire, leathery leaves, they are oblong-ovate. Bell-shaped flowers: brown, purple, purple. Fruits with tender pulp, edible. It is the only extratropical genus in the family. The most frost-resistant species is common in Russia.

Planting pawpaw

The soil is suitable for her ordinary garden, it is better if it is loose, permeable and slightly acidic. But the plant puts up with dense, heavy soil. The most important thing for pawpaws is good drainage. For planting, it is good to purchase 2 summer seedlings. The optimal distance between plants is about 3 m.

You can add compost, humus, sand to the planting pit, wood ash. Be sure, when planting pawpaw, it is necessary to straighten its roots. After all the procedures are completed, it must be watered and mulched with peat.

Care for Azimina

The plant loves the light, and adult specimens feel great in the sun. But for the first year or two, it is better to shade young trees from direct rays. It is also desirable to protect the azimin from the wind, providing it with warmth.

After watering, you can loosen the soil around the plant, but very carefully and shallowly. And to preserve moisture, it is good to mulch the soil. In autumn in October, pawpaw enters a dormant period and the first sign of this is the shedding of foliage.


In the season, it is advisable to water pawpaws abundantly, but still observing the measure so that the roots do not rot. It is necessary to ensure that the soil remains moist, while not flooding the plant and maintaining a balance. Reduce watering during the dormant period in autumn.

winter hardiness

The three-lobed pawpaw is frost-resistant and tolerates winters down to -29 ° C and does not need shelter. In winter, she has a dormant period. Flower buds that appear in April are covered with a sheath that protects them from spring frosts.

top dressing

In the first year after planting, pawpaw is usually not fertilized. Then feeding begins in April, when she runs out of rest time. Mineral complex compositions are well suited here. Especially with high content nitrogen and phosphorus. You can apply fertilizer with water for irrigation. From organic matter, manure, pond silt is suitable. In the season it is fed every week, in winter it is enough once a month.


Apply this method to increase the yield of paws. This is good for those who have several trees growing on the site, because the work is done manually. When the pollen is ripe, it is transferred with a brush from one tree to the flowers of another.


Pawpaw blooms in April and may continue to bloom for about 3 weeks. The fruits ripen by the end of summer.


Azimina needs sanitary pruning, it is usually done before growth begins. The procedure is also carried out to form a crown.


Azimin does not like transplantation very much and does not tolerate it well. If it is still necessary, then the optimal time is spring. And only the method of transshipment of the plant is applicable due to the fragility of the roots.

Growing at home

Azimina can be grown in room conditions, a small tub is suitable for this. The bottom of the container must have drainage holes. And a layer of crushed stone or expanded clay is poured inside, like drainage. Sand is already placed on it, and then soil. Immediately after planting, the plant must be watered, it is better warm water. Then wait a few days for the substrate to dry. The soil in the tub can be loosened very carefully.

Inoculation pawpaw

It is best to graft a tree in early April in a split with a lignified cutting. The stock must be cut and split lengthwise, the graft sharpened and inserted into the split of the stock. It is important that the cambial layers match. Then the vaccine must be tightly wrapped, you can use a polymer film. It is good to protect it from moisture by covering it with a cap on top.

The vaccine takes about 2 weeks to take root. Then the buds appear at the scion. The protective cap can be removed, but it is better not to open the fusion site immediately. It is advisable to wait until the vaccine takes root completely.

Reproduction of Azimina


For best germination seeds need cold stratification for about 3-4 months. They germinate in about 7 weeks. If pawpaw is planted in the ground in autumn, seedlings will appear only in the middle of next summer. They are very sensitive especially their roots. optimum temperature for germination not lower than 20°C. If the tree is grafted, then it can bloom in 2-3 years, but bear fruit only in 5 years.

parts of the root

A piece of root can be broken off from the foot of the tree. Then they are planted in separate holes. The first shoots can be expected in about a month. As they grow, they are transplanted at indoor cultivation into larger containers.

Diseases and pests

Azimina is resistant to diseases and pests. But from improper watering, root rot can appear. In this case, the leaves turn brown and pawpaw grows poorly. A balance in moisture and watering is important. At room conditions, a plant transplant will help. The roots of paws should be washed well with water, removing diseased areas. For prevention from pests, paws can be watered from time to time with a weak solution of manganese.

When tropical fruits appear on store shelves, residents of European countries want to eat them. It turns out that some of them, for example, a banana tree, can be grown on your own. suburban area and in the form houseplant. It is enough to learn the secrets of growing such plants, put them into practice and work tirelessly. The most persistent gardener will be rewarded with a bountiful exotic harvest in his own garden. What is the secret of growing a banana tree in the middle latitudes of Europe? Everything is much simpler than many indecisive gardeners think.

Pleasant acquaintance with a plant from the tropics

How nice it would be to eat fresh tropical fruits, plucking them straight from the tree. This is the dream of many gardeners living in a cool climate zone. But nature made sure that all people on the planet could enjoy his creations. Therefore, some tropical trees miraculously take root in cool latitudes. These include the banana tree - pawpaw, as it is often called.

This heat-loving plant was first seen in North America, but eventually spread throughout the earth. It easily migrated to Europe, it is known in Asia, Africa and Japan. The plant is grown not only in suburban areas but also indoors.

Despite its origin, it unique tree able to withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, without ceasing to bear fruit.

Basically, it prefers moist soil, so it is found near large bodies of water. The plant got its name due to the fact that its fruits resemble everyone's favorite banana, exotic mango or pineapple.

Under natural conditions, it is able to grow to a height of up to 9 m. It is distinguished by a wide crown in the form of a pyramid, on which oblong glossy ovoid leaves grow. During the flowering period, bell-shaped buds of a purple hue appear on the tree.
They are like bright lights against the backdrop of lush greenery that attract different kind insects. It is for these excellent inflorescences that the banana tree is grown at home as an ornamental plant.

The fruits of the fruit are usually oblong in shape. They are painted in green color which turns yellow when ripe. Under the thin peel is a delicate whitish pulp, rich in sucrose and fructose. Due to this, the taste of the fruit is very sweet. In addition, it exudes an aroma reminiscent of the smell of pineapple.

The juicy pulp of the banana tree contains a huge amount of trace elements necessary to strengthen the body's defenses. Fruits grow in small clusters of 9 pieces each, which looks very appetizing. Who would not want to grow such a miracle on their site or in indoor garden? Only lazy and indifferent to greenery people will refuse.

Secrets of growing paws at home

To date, gardeners classify about 60 types of banana tree, which were mainly bred by American breeders. I would like to mention just a few of them:

  • "Martin" (cold-resistant version);
  • "Davis";
  • "Overlease";
  • "Rebecca's Gold";
  • Green River.

Varieties such as "Azimina Dessertnaya" and "Sochinskaya 11" were bred during the Soviet era, but are still valued by gardeners. Thanks to such a variety, the cultivation of a banana tree in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Stavropol Territory and in the Crimea has become a special event. In this area, the plant wonderfully tolerates winters, even without additional shelter.
The best adapted species that takes root perfectly in this area is “Azimina Three-blade”.

You can also enjoy the exotic fruits of the banana tree in the northern latitudes. To do this, the plant is grown in a large pot, which can be kept outside from March to October. Only with the onset of cold weather it is brought into the room away from frost.

To successfully grow an exotic tree in a suburban area, you must choose appropriate place and soil composition. Perfect option- this is a hill that is well lit, a zone protected from the wind and slightly loamy soil with drainage.

When planting a tree in a hilly area, it is advisable to build gutters. They will protect Azimina from storm flows and spring meltwater.

Great way to start tropical tree- take advantage of its large seeds.
In diameter, they reach 2.5 cm. The color is dark brown. Before planting, they are stratified for 3 months at a temperature within 4 degrees. The finished planting material is lowered into the ground to a depth of about 3 cm. Greenery appears after 30 days. Since it is very tender, and the roots are still very weak, the plant cannot be transplanted during this period. If the banana tree takes root, then after 4 years it is really possible to try the first fruits.

Another way to grow paws is to use root processes. To do this, before planting the plant on the site, they put a little humus and sand in the hole. The seedling is lowered into loamy soil to a depth of 7 cm. If the soil is light, by 12 cm. Then the plant is watered abundantly. When the soil sags, they pour under the banana tree required amount earth. You can be sure - the plant will take root and give delicious fruits diligent workers. After all, "the worker is worthy of food," as they say in one ancient book.

In addition, it is not difficult to grow an indoor banana tree that can also bear fruit. To do this, it is important to place it in a room where there is a lot of light. And the temperature does not drop below 16°C. To provide the plant optimal humidity, it is sprayed every day, creating a tropical rain. In such conditions, the tree miraculously takes root and brings a good harvest.

Proper care is the key to success

In order for pawpaw to feel at home in a summer cottage, it is important to provide her with competent care. It includes the following procedures:

  • suitable watering;
  • regular loosening of the soil;
  • top dressing;
  • annual pruning.

For the normal development of an exotic tree, it is important to ensure that there is always moisture under it. This encourages not to ignore pawpaw, but to water regularly. It is desirable to reduce it during the dormant period - in late autumn and winter.

Soil loosening is carried out regularly. A few days after the next watering, the earth is carefully plowed. At the same time, the loosening depth is not more than 1 cm. For mulching, mowed grasses are used, which are laid out around the trunk of a banana tree.

Feed the pawpaw in the second year after planting during the growing season every 7 days. In winter - once a month. For this, two types of fertilizers are used: mineral (rich in phosphorus and nitrogen) and organic (manure or ash).

Pruning is performed in early spring to remove frozen branches or diseased ones. Thanks to this, the tree grows successfully and bears fruit better at the appointed time. Instead of pretty buds, oblong fruits appear on the branches. cylindrical shape. They are collected in small clusters that resemble banana branches.

As you can see, growing an exotic tree on the site is not problematic, the main thing is to heed the advice experienced gardeners. Amazing qualities will help you achieve your goal - patience, observation and diligence. As a result, delicious banana tree fruits will flaunt on the table every year.

How to grow a banana tree in a harsh climate - video

Azimina is a perennial fruit plant from the Annonaceae family. It is native to North America, especially the states of Nebraska, Texas and Florida. Although the plant looks like a tropical plant and produces delicious fragrant fruits, it is able to withstand frosts down to -30°C. Domestic gardeners should pay attention to this amazing tree in order to diversify the usual set fruit plants. Among the people, pawpaw can be found under the names "Nebraska banana", "banana tree", "Mexican banana". It suffices to take into account a few simple rules for care and pawpaw will delight its owner for many decades.

Botanical characteristics

Azimina is a perennial deciduous plant. It takes the form of a tree or tall shrub. The average height is 4-5 m, although there are specimens up to 15 m in height. Young branches are densely pubescent with a long pile, which gradually falls off. After a year, the bark becomes smooth and takes on an olive-brown color. After a few years, the bark turns gray and becomes covered with warty growths.

In early spring, the branches are covered with fluffy red-brown buds, large leathery leaves develop from them. The length of the obovate leaf plate is 12-30 cm, and the width is 4.5-12 cm. Dark green leaves have solid edges and a pointed end. There is a reddish pubescence on the reverse side. In autumn, the leaves turn a light yellow hue.

In April-May, before the leaves appear, unusual flowers bloom on paws. Single buds on short, shaggy pedicels resemble large bells. The corolla diameter is 4.5 cm. It consists of six brown-burgundy oval petals. A mesh pattern of veins is visible over the entire surface of the petal. The column-shaped core contains many stamens and several pistils, it is colored in yellow. During the flowering period, pawpaw is enveloped in a weak but unpleasant aroma. It attracts flies, they are the natural pollinators of the plant.

After flowering, 2-8 edible fruits ripen in place of each bud. The oblong juicy fruit reaches 5-16 cm in length and 3-7 cm in width. Its weight ranges from 20 g to 0.5 kg. Under the thin greenish-yellow skin is the pulp. It contains about a dozen large, flat seeds with a shiny light brown skin.

Types of paws

The pawpaw genus includes 10 plant species. However, only one of them is cultivated in Russia - Azimina three-lobed (triloba). Frost-resistant deciduous tree with a wide pyramidal crown grows 5-8 m in height. The branches are covered with large light green ovoid leaves. Their length can be up to 35 cm, and their width can be up to 12 cm. The upper side of the leaves has a shiny surface, and the lower side is densely pubescent with a reddish pile. Large flowers bloom on branches older than 1 year. The fruits ripen by the end of September.

A spreading shrub up to 120 cm high. The branches are covered with long, obovate leaves. Purple flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are located under the foliage.

Azimina Inkana (woolly papaya). Deciduous shrub with a slender crown. Its height does not exceed 150 cm. Narrow oblong leaves with a rounded end are light green in color. Leaves and flowers bloom at the end of March. White or cream corollas are located under the foliage. The fruits ripen in July-August.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of paws is carried out by seeds or root shoots. Seedlings are pre-grown from seeds. Before sowing, the seed material is stratified by placing it in the refrigerator for 3-4 months. For planting use small boxes with sandy-peat soil. Seeds are deepened by 2-3 cm, watered and left in a bright, warm place (+20°C). Shoots appear unfriendly after 7 weeks. You can sow the seeds directly in open ground. Seeds planted in October usually germinate in the middle of the following summer. In the first year, seedlings are recommended to be grown in a greenhouse and transplanted into the garden only the next season. Flowering and fruiting is expected in 5-6 years.

The roots of paws are able to sprout. To do this, in the middle of spring, it is enough to separate a section of the rhizome located close to the surface and plant it in open ground. The root is placed horizontally in the soil, to a depth of 3-5 cm. Within a month, the first shoots appear and the seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place.

tree grafting

Reproduction and development of young plants is very slow. To get a flowering tree faster, use the grafting method. Grafting also helps to grow rare varieties. At the beginning of March, a split is made on the stock to a depth of about 1.5 cm. The wedge-shaped end of the scion is inserted into it. It is important to achieve the coincidence of the cambial layers. The grafting site is wrapped with a film, and the lower shoots on the rootstock are removed.

Within 12-16 days, the vaccination takes place, then the buds begin to bloom on the new shoot. The bandage can be slightly loosened, but it is completely removed after 1-1.5 months.

plant care

It is easy to take care of paws. She needs a bright place. In the southern regions, trees can be planted in partial shade to protect from intense heat. The optimal day length in summer is 14-16 hours and at least 4 hours in direct sunlight.

The soil for planting should be fertile and loose. You can plant a plant on heavy soil, but provide good drainage. Before planting, a thick layer of gravel and sand is poured into the bottom of the pit. Additionally, the earth is mixed with ash and compost.

It is undesirable to transplant plants older than 3 years. The tap root system is easily damaged. Between the trees, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 3 m. After planting, the soil surface is mulched with peat.

Azimina can be grown as a pot crop. In the spring, it is taken out into the street, where the plant lives until late autumn. Transplantation is carried out as needed by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma.

For paws, it is desirable to choose calm areas. This is especially important for young plants. In the first year, they even build a special draft fence.

Azimina loves water, it is grown in regions where the annual rainfall is at least 800 mm. In drought, the plant needs regular watering, but water should not be allowed to stagnate in the soil. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced to nothing. In the cold season, the plant is content with natural precipitation. In spring, the roots may suffer from excess moisture after the snow melts.

Azimina three-blade is resistant to frost up to -25 ... -30 ° C. She does not need shelter, but in harsh winters flower buds may freeze. The plant needs a dormant period. During 2-3 weeks a year the air temperature should not exceed +5…+10°C.

Azimina is resistant to plant diseases. Only with frequent stagnation of water in the soil and dampness can develop fungal diseases. Pests do not settle on the tree, so you do not have to worry about the safety of fruits and leaves.


Trees are distinguished by a slender, dense crown, which changes color during the code. In spring, the plant is covered with large unusual flowers. In summer, it gleams with large dark green leaves, and in autumn it acquires a rich golden color.

The pawpaw fruits are rich in amino acids, microelements, vitamins, sugars. They are used to strengthen the immune system, remove toxins and restore the digestive tract. Scientists have found that some components of the fruit inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Drugs help to reduce even such formations that are insensitive to chemotherapy. Since fresh fruits are stored for only a few days, jams, jams, compotes, candied candied fruits are prepared from them.

The seeds of the plant are used as an effective emetic. They are insisted on alcohol, and then taken as needed. A decoction of the leaves is an effective diuretic.