Toilet      03.03.2020

The norm of room temperature in the apartment in winter. What is the optimal temperature in the apartment. How to take measurements correctly

The act contains the following information:

  • the date of its compilation,
  • characteristics of the apartment,
  • composition of the commission
  • instrument data,
  • temperature values,
  • signatures of all committee members.

The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment, and the other with the housing and communal services employees who measure. back to contents Air exchange rate The air temperature is not the only parameter that directly affects the comfort and safety of people living in the house. Important for the body is air exchange: the presence of fresh air, ventilation of residential and non-residential premises. This parameter is also regulated by SanPiN regulations. Thus, the required rate of air exchange for a dwelling with an area of ​​18 m² is 3 m³ / h per square meter, for the kitchen - three times more.

What temperature should be in the apartment during the heating season

Utility bills are growing every year, especially in times of crisis for the economy. Unfortunately, nothing similar can be said about their quality. When citizens devote a significant part of their hard-earned funds to providing comfortable living conditions, public utilities strive to be dishonest on all fronts of their work.
The content of the article:

  • Room temperature standards
  • Timing heating season
  • Measurement of heat in the room
  • Air exchange rate
  • How to measure the coolant?
  • Responsibility of utilities for violation of the temperature standard

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways legal issues, but each case is unique.

What temperature should be in the apartment in winter?

In the event that the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season are not observed, it is necessary to demand a recalculation of payment for the corresponding service. Her pay should be reduced by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance. Normal temperature in winter in an apartment All temperature standards in a residential area are determined and regulated by GOST 30494-2011 “Indoor microclimate parameters”.


First of all, the temperature should be comfortable for those who live in the apartment. Inside the dwelling, these norms are different, although there is an average temperature for the apartment. In general, the normal temperature is 20-22 degrees. Naturally, the beginning of the heating season should begin long before the onset of frost, that is, a stable minus.

"Heating" in the apartments begins before the onset of winter. This happens after the thermometer is not constantly less than +8 degrees.

What is the optimum temperature in the apartment in winter: the norm according to the law

In accordance with clause Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock”, approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170, organizations servicing the housing stock during the operation of residential buildings should regularly take measures to maintain the proper temperature and humidity conditions and air exchange in residential and auxiliary premises. Moreover, the management company is obliged to maintain the temperature and humidity regime not only in the apartments of a residential building, but also: - in attic rooms (in cold attic rooms - no more than 4 degrees Celsius above the outside temperature, in warm attic rooms - no lower than 12 degrees Celsius). (clause 3.3. Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 170); - in the premises of basements and technical undergrounds ( basements must be dry, clean, have lighting and ventilation.

What should be the temperature in the apartment during the heating season of 2018


It is customary to adhere to the following indicators: Kitchen - recommended temperature - 19 - 21 degrees, maximum - 26 degrees, bathroom - 24 and 26, respectively, bedroom, hall - 20 and 24, corridor - 18 and 22. If necessary, check the compliance of these indicators with regulatory parameters, measurements should be taken in a place where there are no drafts and the battery is not located close. Hypothermia of the body, symptoms and consequences When the body becomes cold in a room, there is a feeling of chills.

Increased drowsiness may develop, performance may decrease. There is a desire to wrap up, put on warm clothes. The fastest supercooled are small children and the elderly. The consequence of hypothermia can be colds, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin?


The temperature standards that should be in the apartment during the heating season are determined by law. Sanitary standards determined by sanitary control Russian Federation, come down to the following:

  1. In the corner room - 20 ° C;.
  2. In the living room - 18 ° C.
  3. In the kitchen - 18 ° C.
  4. In the bathroom - 25 ° C.
  5. In the toilet - 18 ° C, and with a combined bathroom - 25 ° C; although in the bathroom with individual heating allowable temperature– 18°С.

It is within these limits that temperature fluctuations are considered optimal, and people in the apartment should feel good at such indicators. Read also: Room temperature norms for kindergartens When the temperature drops below the norm, which most often happens in the winter season, more energy is spent on warming up.

A person experiences fatigue and constant accumulated stress.

The temperature regime in the apartment is the norm (sanpin)

During the period of correction of violations, the standards change and the charges for the apartment are recalculated taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing. The heating service must be uninterrupted. Permissible breaks should not exceed 24 hours per month (this is in total).

If the reduced temperature persists for a long time, then you need to call the control room. If a blockage is found during the inspection, it must be eliminated. In the case when the reasons are not found, you need to write a statement to the management company or housing and communal services.

Where else can you go:

  • prosecutor's office;
  • society for the protection of consumer rights;
  • housing inspection.

During the proceedings, it is necessary to present acts, statements with appeals, as well as copies of title documents. On the video about heating standards If you approach the process correctly, you can defend your rights.

  • 1 Standard temperature in residential premises
  • 2 What can affect the temperature in the apartment?
  • 3 How to measure air temperature correctly?
  • 4 How to measure the temperature of the coolant?
  • 5 What to do if the temperature in the living room is below normal?
  • 6 The answer to your question may be here

Regulatory temperature in residential premises The normal operation of the central heating system in the cold season is a topic that worries every city dweller. Unfortunately, in practice it often turns out that utility services provide poor quality residential heating services. Often there are situations when the heating seems to be working, but the apartments are cold, the residents have to turn on additional heaters and pay significant electricity bills.

In order not to incur unnecessary costs, it is useful to know what temperature should be in living rooms oh, what documents this norm is established and what to do if it is not observed. The temperature regime in the apartment is determined by the Rules for providing utilities, which are approved by Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011. In accordance with this document, the air temperature in the room should not fall below 18 ° C, and in corner rooms- below 20˚С.

Decrease allowed standard temperature at night, but not more than 3˚С. Daytime descent is not allowed. If the temperature deviates from these values, then the payment for the heating service must be recalculated downward by 0.15% of the amount of the payment for each hour of deviation from the norm. In addition, the optimal and permissible temperature values ​​in residential premises are established by SanPiN

The measuring distance should be more than half a meter from outer wall and heating appliances, and its height must exceed 60 centimeters. You can download a sample temperature control report here. If during self measurement you have determined that the temperature is lowered, you should inform the Emergency Dispatch Service about this. If the violation of heat supply is not caused by natural factors (for example, an accident on a heating main), the dispatcher calls an emergency team to the house, which draws up an official measurement report. The measurement must be carried out by a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents.

The amount in payment receipts increases quarterly, especially during the crisis period for the country. But at the same time, the quality of public services leaves much to be desired. difficult times come for tenants when the heating is turned off. In such a situation, the management companies responsible for providing hot water to apartment buildings often act in bad faith and strive to evade responsibility.

Temperature norms

Of course, a lot depends on the preferences of the tenants - some like it colder and are content with a low temperature of 18 ° C, others prefer cozy warmth and 24-25 ° C instead of thick sweaters and socks. But you need to know what temperature should be in our apartment according to legislative acts , since not only the state of health and well-being of the family, but also the budget depends on it.

The temperature norm in the apartment is contained in " GOST R 51617-2000. Housing and communal services. General specifications". Here are the values ​​needed for the calculation maximum power heating devices. flights of stairs in residential buildings should have a temperature of 14-20 ° C. This is a space that residents use for a short time, no more than an hour and are dressed in outerwear.

In inter-apartment corridors, as well as in lobbies, the temperature is 16-22 ° C. In hallways, living rooms and kitchens with gas or electric stoves the temperature is 18-25°C. These rooms are for permanent residence(i.e. more than 4 hours). The highest temperature of 24°C is valid for calculations in the bathroom. The standard is also regulated Sanitary rules and SanPiN.

Medical temperature standards in a residential area

A little about what optimum temperature should be in the home on medical advice. Standards in living quarters are 22° C. This temperature provides high thermal comfort with an air humidity of 30%. If room temperature higher, it can cause irritation of the respiratory tract, the appearance of mucus, increased susceptibility to bacteria and viruses in the nose and throat. The only exception is the bathroom, where water vapor rises, and even more high temperatures do not threaten health.

When the child is at home, the temperature in the apartment should be raised by at least 1 degree, and in the bathroom or other room where he bathes, up to 28 degrees. In the bedrooms for adults, the temperature can be slightly cooler than in the living room - around 20 ° C. This indicator guarantees a deeper sleep and, therefore, a better rest.

Heat rate control

In order to keep the above recommendations and to minimize heating costs, it is necessary to properly control the heat rates, taking care of the thermal insulation of the house. Window and door frames need to be sealed. In a room, do not cover radiators, paint them thickly with paint, and do not hang thick window shades over them (heaters are usually installed under windows). Place furniture and equipment at a minimum distance of 1 meter from radiators.

It is recommended to adjust the temperature curve of the heating system in individual rooms using manual or electronic thermostats. When installed even on an old heater, the electronic head can be set to a temperature of up to 0.5 degrees, and program thermal power for a whole week, taking into account the time of day and the habits of local residents.

Modern thermostats will also regulate heat output in accordance with external conditions - warming or cooling outside, sunlight etc. You don't have to turn off the heat completely, all you have to do is lower the temperature, for example by setting the economy mode to 15°C. Lowering the temperature even by 1°C increases the heat savings by 5-7.5%.

Factors affecting temperature

The temperature readings in the apartment are influenced by many factors, primarily external ones. They fluctuate due to the following conditions:

  • turning off heating;
  • climatic features of the place;
  • change of seasons;
  • individual features of individual apartments.

The heating temperature schedule also depends on the place where the property owners live. For example, in the northern latitude it will differ from the southern climate. The influence of factors such as atmospheric pressure and outdoor humidity also affect the normal value of the heating system in any month.

When the seasons change, the microclimate in living rooms also varies. For example, in the winter months, the temperature will be lowered, and in the hot season it will increase. When in the spring they stop supplying heat to the radiators following the shutdown schedule, the temperature in the apartment also drops. For middle latitudes optimal value in winter - about 22 degrees, and in summer - 25 degrees. Although at first glance the difference of three degrees is insignificant, but it affects the well-being of all those living in an apartment building or a private house.

Climate control in the room

When there are power outages, temperature regime in the apartment it is necessary to control for the comfort of all citizens living in it. There are people who are comfortable and well during the hot months, they do not need to install climate equipment. Also, some in the winter cold constantly ventilate the rooms. But all the requirements of average inhabitants are reflected by the current standards for any heat supply company for which a schedule for the central shutdown of heating devices is established. After all, hypothermia, like overheating, adversely affects human health.

Among other things, the norms depend on gender. Women require higher temperatures than men. Extremely carefully you need to observe the temperature regime in the apartment where the children live. They cannot yet regulate their temperature, therefore they are prone to rapid overheating and freezing compared to adults. As a result, the thermal norm for them should be stable and be about 22 degrees.

In accordance with the current sanitary standards, central temperature control systems must maintain indicators of at least and no more than 22 degrees, and any deviations from this value have a bad effect on well-being.

For supporting normal temperature some conditions must be met. Previously, the temperature was regulated using batteries, and in order to warm the room more, additional heat sources were used - various electric heaters, convectors, etc. To cool the room, they opened transoms and windows, thus solving the problem.

Today, scientific progress has made it possible to choose any climate equipment that will provide comfortable conditions in apartments. For example, modern air conditioners not only cool the air flows coming from the street, but are also equipped with a heating function. They also have dehumidification functions when the room is too humid, and air purification from harmful compounds.

Current sanitary regulations do not set the temperature of radiators. It is only important that the temperature in the housing correspond to certain indicators, which is influenced by differences in the climatic conditions of the corresponding region. Indicators in the winter months should not be lower than 20 degrees. If this value is less, then the services of the heat supply organization are of poor quality.

In doing so, property owners need to:

  • seek to eliminate poor performance in the provision of public services;
  • demand from management company when the heating is turned off unscheduled;
  • carefully seal all cracks in windows and doors;
  • buy additional equipment for space heating;
  • install autonomous heating devices.

How to increase or decrease the temperature

By GOST the lowest indicator in the apartment should correspond to 15 degrees. With this value, although life is rather difficult and uncomfortable, management companies believe that all standards are met. Because of this, the population independently regulates the temperature regime, and when colds come or massive heating cuts, double-glazed windows are installed or windows are sealed. At worst, they turn on electric heaters or convectors.

And what to do when the constant temperature in the housing reaches 28 degrees, which happens when the batteries are too hot. The highest figure in the standard is 24 degrees, to which an error of 4 degrees is added. When thermostats are installed on the radiator, there are no questions, you just need to adjust it to the required number.

When there are no such devices on the battery, it is not very convenient to open the windows all the time because of the drafts in the room. If there is a small child in the apartment, then such actions are not a way out; this is completely contraindicated for older people. To correct the situation, you can:

  • close the valve in front of the radiator;
  • install an air exchanger.

When overlapping ball valve in front of the battery, you will reduce the amount hot water which is being served. The recuperator will allow the air flows to circulate correctly, and the air flow will enter the housing already warmed up.

Optimum temperature during the heating season

Kaya is clear from the above, the comfortable value in the apartment is set SNIP at 20-22 degrees. Possible indicators are defined within the limits of 18-26 degrees, in accordance with the purpose of housing. Kitchen, living rooms and bathrooms have different standards. The errors correspond to 3 degrees of decrease and 4 degrees of increase in indicators. Unfortunately, according to the current legislation, when the apartment is 15 degrees above zero, you cannot make claims against the management companies. Also at a temperature of 30 degrees, when in winter the batteries heat up as much as possible. Here, as they say, if you want to live, know how to turn around and contact the relevant authorities.

Responsibility of public utilities in case of violations of the norms

According to the law, tenants and homeowners have the right to apply for recalculation to management companies, which are required to reduce by 0.15 percent for each hour of violation of the standards. If you calculate, then for 28 days of improper provision of the service, the payment is reduced to 90 percent. Naturally, utilities themselves will not perform such a recalculation, so you will have to apply to the courts.

There are many cases where residents apartment buildings sued money from public utilities for not fully rendered or poor-quality services. For example, three years ago, a Perm woman managed to recover 136 thousand rubles from the management company for violating their obligations to provide heat to the apartment. Therefore, you should defend your rights and contact.


The management company at the place of residence is obliged to provide temperature according to current standards and regulations. As a result, in case of identified cases of non-compliance with the quality of heating services, it is necessary to report to this organization and, if necessary, draw up an act.

If it concerns a private residential building, then it is necessary to control the supplied heating devices, increasing the efficiency of the batteries or modern efficient devices.


It is very difficult to create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in your home if the tooth does not hit the tooth. On the other hand, too much heat will not lead to anything good, except for frequent headaches and energy overruns. If the microclimate is not right, no photos and pictures hanging on the walls will help the apartment, so the temperature issue is very important. How to achieve the ideal temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius from the point of view of scientists, and what else affects the comfortable weather in the house?

What affects the temperature in the apartment?

The temperature norm in the apartment is highly dependent on the series external factors, which inevitably affect the warmth of the room.

Among them:

  • Climatic features of the area of ​​residence;
  • Season;
  • Age characteristics of homeowners and their personal preferences;
  • Features of the housing itself.
Now a little more about each factor.

Climate features

What temperature should be in an apartment in the north and what in the south are completely different questions, since nature dictates its conditions in different climatic zones, and therefore the inhabitants of the northern latitudes want more heat, and the southerners would be better off cooling the red-hot walls.

Thus, a comfortable temperature in the apartment is absolutely different value throughout the globe, in addition, the humidity of the air and the amount of precipitation in the region strongly affect the climate of housing, since in winter moisture can add frosty sensations, and in summer lead either to stuffiness or to light refreshment.


The optimal temperature in the apartment in winter and summer rarely coincides. For most European countries, the most favorable conditions in winter are 19-22 degrees, while in summer this figure rises to 25 degrees. At first glance, 3 degrees does not play a big role, but if you are in a room with a temperature of 3 degrees below the permissible, then the difference will immediately make itself felt.

Features of tenants

The temperature in the apartment: the snip norm speaks of one favorable conditions for a person, but personal sensations of the climate vary greatly and someone can be very cold at a comfortable 22 degrees, and someone hot at 19. On the other hand, despite the fact that some people may not feel the benefit of the optimal temperature, it affects all people equally. Therefore, despite the fact that even at 18 degrees it is warm for a certain individual, he can still catch a cold, since the human body is adapted to a certain regime that should not be violated.

In addition, it is worth considering what is the comfortable temperature in the apartment for women, and what for the stronger sex. Due to gender characteristics, women are more thermophilic than men.

In addition, it is very important that the air temperature in the apartment, according to the norms of 20-23 degrees, be observed in the presence of a small child, who is most susceptible to environment especially in the first months of life. He needs to ensure the stability of the climate in the nursery so that there is no overheating or, conversely, hypothermia, as this is fraught with serious health consequences in the future.

Heating in the apartment: norms for each room

Each room in the dwelling should have its own suitable temperature regime so that the climate does not adversely affect the health of the inhabitants of the apartment.

Thus, it is worth keeping an eye on the thermometer in each room, for example:

  • In any room reserved for sleeping, the temperature should be 17-18 degrees, as this will ensure healthy sleep without headaches.
  • For the kitchen, it is worth taking care of the temperature regime from 18 to 19 degrees, since there are a large number of heating devices that will increase the air temperature anyway. If you turn on all the appliances at the same time, as during the cooking of lunch or dinner, it will become very hot and uncomfortable.
  • Since the bathroom has the highest humidity in the apartment, the temperature here should be from 24 to 26 degrees Celsius, otherwise there will be a feeling of dampness or it will simply be very chilly to take a shower.
  • In the children's room, stability is important, as mentioned above. In addition, it should be borne in mind that for a newborn, the temperature should be quite high, about 24 degrees, and for an older child, you will have to slightly reduce the heating of the room - up to 21-22 degrees.
  • Minimum temperature in the apartment should not fall below 18 degrees, while it should not exceed it above 22 degrees in all other rooms, except for those named, so that discomfort does not result.

The normal temperature in the apartment should not vary greatly from room to room, as it will be very uncomfortable to come from warm room in a chilled kitchen or bath, for example. So it is worth keeping an eye on the difference of 2-3 degrees, no more.

If we take into account the heating standard in apartment building according to GOST, it is interesting to note that top bar there is no temperature in the house, but there is a lower one - 18 degrees Celsius. Thus, each tenant must vary the maximum for himself, if necessary, opening windows and releasing excess heat outside.

In addition, the question “how to measure the temperature in an apartment” remains important, because it is difficult to understand whether housing complies with GOST or not. To do this, you need to determine the speed of air flow in the room and humidity. In general, the standard humidity of an apartment in Russia will be about 60%, and indoor winds will hardly be stronger than 0.3 m/s. Based on these parameters, with a thermometer reading of 24 degrees, the actual temperature will be 23. If the humidity is a little higher or a little more drafts, then the temperature will drop another degree. Thus, the actual temperature rarely matches the one indicated by the thermometer.

It is better to observe the heating standards in the apartment, since the human body is sensitive to any unfavorable environment around. It is especially worth being careful in the summer or winter, when the owners of air conditioners create a big imbalance between the outside world and their apartment. This provides a lot of stress to the body, which experiences a sharp change in temperature every time, which leads to hypothermia or overheating.

Thus, it is worth trying to adhere to the principle of the difference between home temperature and external at 4-5 degrees. With this mode, the body will not suffer due to sharp fluctuations and the likelihood of getting sick drops dramatically.

If you surrender completely to personal preferences, then two scenarios are possible:

  • Overheat
  • hypothermia

Hypothermia of the body

In other words, this condition is called hypothermia. Hypothermia can lead to a whole range of sores, so it should be avoided.

It occurs for the reason that the body's heat transfer does not stop, but compensation does not occur, because the body begins to draw on internal resources that reduce the person's temperature below 36 degrees and further.

If the body is not warmed up in time, then colds and a runny nose will quickly arise, especially in young children, since their body gives off heat especially quickly and absorbs it very slowly.

Temperature standards in the apartment, detailed video:

Overheating of the body

If the temperature norm is somewhat exceeded, then we should soon expect the reproduction of bacteria, and as a result, unexpected diseases that should not occur in the summer.

In addition, excessive heat has a very bad effect on the human cardiovascular system. This happens because the loss of moisture by the body leads to a greater density of blood, which is much harder for the heart to disperse throughout the body. As a result, it overstrains and begins to hurt.

Another negative phenomenon of overheating is dehydration, which occurs due to the body's attempts to maintain a balance between internal temperature and external temperature. Excessive sweating occurs, and therefore it is necessary to consume fluids in time so as not to get upset nervous system or electrolyte imbalance.

The temperature regime should be given the closest attention, since its violation in the direction of heat or cold will necessarily negatively affect health. Thus, timely actions to maintain the desired climate will save from a large number headaches in the most literal sense.

Maybe Russia is a cold country, but our apartments are warmer than in many European countries. Because there is central heating, subsidized by the state, and the British, Germans, French, deprived of this luxury, are forced to save and temper at the same time. It's in theory. But what about in practice? Is it good for you to heat and what to do if not?

Heating norms

Since central heating is a matter of state concern, the norms for heating in an apartment are determined centrally. GOST 30494-2011 says that during the heating season, the temperature in living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms should not fall below 18 ° C. In cold regions, such as Yakutia or the Khabarovsk Territory, the temperature for living rooms is set from 20 ° C, and for the kitchen and bathroom - from 18 ° C.

From midnight to five o'clock in the morning, a decrease in the indicated norms by 3 ° C is allowed. During sleep, the human body needs less heat, and heating providers are legitimately taking advantage of this to save money.

If the specified GOST is a reference book for designers engineering systems, then all public utilities, without exception, compare hours and degrees with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. It, in particular, establishes the beginning of the heating season. Batteries should be turned on on the sixth day after the temperature outside the window drops below 8°C. By the way, the rule of eight also applies to reverse side: as soon as the spring air reaches an average daily mark of 8 ° C and is able to maintain positions for five days in a row, the batteries will be turned off.

Often, the specified framework of the heating period runs counter to our personal comfort. Almost every autumn, communal services are bombarded with demands to turn on the heating in apartments earlier than planned, but they have every right to reject these demands, until, of course, the day specified by the Decree arrives.

How is the heating of apartment buildings

The heat that goes into our homes is generated at CHP or boiler houses. There, the water is heated to be piped into the houses. It must get to the batteries hot, so it must be very hot. Every schoolchild knows that water will boil at 100°C, but this does not happen with water in heating pipes.

A pressure of 7-8 atmospheres is created in the heat supply pipes, which raises the boiling point of water to 160-170°C.

Exist different schemes distribution of the heat carrier (this is how official documents call water in pipes and radiators) coming from the thermal power plant. In the most common, so-called independent heat supply scheme, water does not go directly to the apartments. First, it is sent to a heating point located in the basement of a high-rise building, where it passes through a heat exchanger and cools down to a temperature acceptable for supply to the rooms. The water in the radiators should not be too hot - it is simply dangerous.

After passing through the radiators inside the house, the coolant, which has already cooled down by 25-35 ° C, returns to the same heating point - to heat up again and get into our homes.

Temperature in radiators

The only norm relating directly to heating batteries in an apartment building is Maximum temperature coolant. It should not exceed 95°C for two-pipe systems and 105°C for one-pipe systems. Finding out which system is installed in your apartment is easy: look at your radiator and count how many pipes are connected to it. Two-pipe systems more widely distributed - they are more efficient and economical.

The lower limit of water temperature in heating batteries is not officially fixed in any way. The only rule: batteries must provide the established GOST 30494-2011 temperature norm in the rooms. It is clear, however, that if the batteries themselves are slightly warm, then they will not be able to heat the room to the 18 ° C required by GOST. Just a very, very small room.

What to measure and how to measure

So, the desired hour has come, and the heating season has begun, but the apartment is still cold. How to proceed?

The first step is to measure the heating in the apartment. In other words, measure the temperature in the rooms and compare it with the GOST standards indicated above (and listed in detail) to make sure that poor heating in the apartment - a reality, not your individual feelings.

If you have a base station, then you will see the exact air temperature in the form of a graph in your mobile application or web interface.

If all measurements comply with the rules, it is useless to complain, utilities will simply refer to the same GOST. You will have to insulate yourself.

However, if the measurements taken indicate that the heating temperature in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, then there are several options.

First you need to determine the cause of thermal problems.
Here is a short list of the most common:

1. Cork in batteries
Batteries can be cold due to the accumulation of air in the pipes - the so-called air locks. They prevent the water from circulating properly and proper heating in the apartment is broken. The plug can be removed by yourself by opening special valve or, as it is also called, Mayevsky's crane. It is usually located near the top corner of the radiator. Be careful, and if you are not sure that you can fix the heating yourself, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

2. Large heat loss of the apartment
A common problem in older homes is that the batteries are scalding hot, but still cold. It is useless to appeal to public utilities, you need to take care of thermal insulation on your own. Just don't get too carried away with sealing, because curing one can cripple the other. In particular, it often suffers from excessive warming measures. When installing airtight windows and filling cracks in the walls, think about how your rooms are.

3. Bad heat
If the two previous reasons are shallow, then only one remains: public utilities neglect their duties. The consequences, again, are regulated: in accordance with the aforementioned Decree, you have the right to compensation for the payment of heat supply, and the relevant services are obliged to correct the shortcomings.

Owners of private households independently set a comfortable temperature regime for living. However, residents of apartment buildings are deprived of such an opportunity. That is why the norms for air temperature in a residential area are regulated at the legislative level.

Norms and standards

Heat is supplied to multi-storey and multi-apartment buildings through a complex and branched engineering network. This system provides residents not only with heat, but also hot water. Certain requirements are imposed on the provided communal benefits. They are determined in accordance with medical recommendations and the physiological characteristics of the human body, which are important for maintaining health. At the same time, there are minimum and maximum allowable values, that is, in a living room it may feel cool or excessively hot, but the temperature indicator will be within the extreme limits of the established standard.

The temperature regime that must be maintained in the apartment differs significantly in different rooms depending on its purpose and domestic use:

  1. Living rooms. The state standard obliges public utilities to maintain the temperature in residential premises within 20-22 ° C during the cold season. In summer, the room temperature in the apartment should be between 21-24 ° C.
  2. Bathroom. The standards for the toilet (19–21 ° C) and the bathroom (23–26 ° C) differ significantly, but if the bathroom in the apartment is combined, then the temperature must be maintained at the upper permissible level within the specified limits. The increased standard is associated with high humidity in such rooms and the need to undress.
  3. Kitchen. In the room where food is cooked, a lower temperature regime is required - 19–21 ° С.
  4. Auxiliary and walk-through premises. In corridors, pantries, closets and other areas where residents do not spend much time, the temperature should be 19-21 ° C.

Read also: Property deduction for a child when buying an apartment

Important! Security comfortable temperature in the apartment in winter is carried out by supplying hot water to heating system, as well as the competent distribution of heating devices in separate rooms of the dwelling.

Negative effects of overheating or hypothermia

Both hypothermia and overheating adversely affect the well-being of residents, causing various disorders. Among the most dangerous symptoms excessive heating of the body (at temperatures above 26 ° C), the following can be distinguished:

  • thickening of the blood;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dehydration;
  • disorders in the work of the nervous system;
  • increased fatigue;
  • accelerated development of infectious diseases.

If a person stays in a cold room for a long time (below 18 ° C), the following consequences are possible:

  • SARS;
  • inflammatory processes of various organs and systems of the body;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Given the possible negative consequences, not only public utilities, but also the residents of apartment buildings themselves should monitor the optimal room temperature that should be in the apartment.

How to take measurements correctly

When the tenants apartment building suspect employees of public utilities in an unfair attitude to work, you can not rely on feelings alone. It is necessary to conduct a competent measurement of indicators subject to certain conditions:

  • distance from heating devices at least 2 m, from external walls - at least 60 cm;
  • the minimum height from the floor for measurement is at least 60 cm;
  • the procedure should be carried out not on a sunny day in a room without sources of heat leakage (through cracks in the windows, loosely closed entrance doors etc.).

If the results obtained do not comply with current regulations, it is necessary to contact the representatives of the emergency dispatch service. They are obliged to accept the call and send specialists to the place to conduct their own measurements and draw up an act. The document must contain the following information:

  • Title of the document;
  • place and date of the measurement;
  • Full name of the members of the commission (representatives of the HOA, management company, heat supply organization, etc.);
  • Name of the applicant;
  • address and main characteristics of the apartment (number of rooms, total area, floor, year of construction, etc.);
  • set data (outside air temperature, data for each room in the apartment: for example, what should be the temperature in the bathroom and the actual value on the measuring device);
  • additional information (indicate the presence additional insulation doors, window material, balcony/loggia glazing, type of installed heaters);
  • conclusion of the commission;
  • date and signatures of all persons present.