Well      03/08/2020

What is the opening design for? Project of doorways Load-bearing doorways how to design

Let us immediately note that the device opening in the main wall the matter is more than responsible, since the structures of the building, which are load-bearing, are affected. Under no circumstances should this be done without consulting with specialists and without obtaining permission from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate and approval from the authors of the house!

With such a redevelopment of load-bearing walls, it is important to first go through the approval process, and only after its approval, begin the appropriate actions, strictly following the methodology prescribed in the project.

There are 3 types of residential multi-storey buildings, in which you can consider the possibility of constructing an opening in a load-bearing wall:

  • old brick (Khrushchev, or aerated concrete block);
  • panel;
  • new monolithic ones.

The method of moving or creating an opening in the main walls is individual for each house.
Such redevelopment of the wall may be necessary in cases of connecting the kitchen and living room, increasing the window opening or increasing the living space due to the apartment located next door, etc.
However, carrying out such work without approval is fraught with adverse consequences:

  • destruction of a house or individual structures;
  • a fine for constructing an opening without permission;
  • repairing the wall and all building structures that were damaged as a result of unauthorized unacceptable actions, to transform them into their previous condition at their own expense.

So, what kind of opening can be made in a load-bearing wall? Clear General requirements, such as the width of the opening, the amount of indentation from the outer (external) wall, etc., exist only for panel houses due to the fact that they were all built in a standard way.

The answer to the question “is it possible to make a doorway in a load-bearing wall? brick house? will depend on the results of a technical inspection of the house, the year of construction and other data. The same applies to modern monolithic houses - there are no general clear instructions here, therefore the maximum width of the openings will vary, based on individual characteristics project of each house.

An important point is the year of construction of the building itself, since any material is subject to wear and tear over time. When constructing a doorway, it is impossible not to take into account the change in loads, therefore, for coordination, a project for strengthening the opening with the corresponding drawings is necessary.

Expanding the opening in a load-bearing wall

The very fact of expanding the opening in a load-bearing wall is a more serious matter than carrying out redevelopment due to the opening. In this case, strengthening the opening is the primary task of the event to ensure your safety. When enlarging a doorway in a load-bearing wall, it is important to remember several important points:

  • strengthening of support is necessary, the installation of a metal structure will help with this, which will prevent the destruction of the building;
  • approval is impossible without a technical report and preparation of a package of design documents, since such redevelopment is not possible in all houses.

If you want to enlarge the doorway in the load-bearing wall in apartments on the top floors, obtaining permission is much easier, due to the lower load on the main walls. The situation is more complicated with the coordination of such work on the lower floors, since the load is much greater and the walls are not designed to carry out such activities.

Moving a doorway in a load-bearing wall

The relocation of a doorway in a load-bearing wall also requires approval, since the main wall of the building is affected, in addition, all changes must be made to the BTI plans.

First of all, it is necessary to obtain a technical opinion on the existence of such a possibility.
Such work must be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of housing legislation, rules fire safety and SNiP. If you move a doorway in a load-bearing wall without coordination and taking into account all the requirements, this will entail a lot unpleasant consequences from a fine to returning the apartment to its original form at your own expense.

Coordination of the opening in the load-bearing wall

Obtaining permission during the approval process for an opening in the load-bearing wall of a brick house is less problematic than in other houses. The thing is that brick houses are more durable, since the walls in them are less dependent on each other. If you are the owner of an apartment in brick house, for approval you need to contact State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt, where, in accordance with current legislation, you will be given a conclusion on the possibility of constructing an opening in the main wall.

The situation is different with obtaining permission when approving an opening in a load-bearing wall panel house, because in such houses almost every wall has an impressive load. If you unauthorizedly build an opening in such a wall, this will weaken it and have a detrimental effect on the structural stability and safety of the entire structure, because all the main walls are interconnected. To coordinate such work and obtain a technical opinion on the possibility of this redevelopment in a panel house, you need to contact State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP (Moscow Research Institute of Typology).

To coordinate an opening in the load-bearing wall of a monolithic house, you must also contact State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt or directly to the authors of the house, which will issue a conclusion on the possibility of legitimizing an opening in a load-bearing wall.

The employees of Architectural Design Studio No. 1 will professionally approach the coordination of a doorway in a load-bearing wall. Quality of work, affordable prices and reasonable terms for approval - these are the main principles of the company.


The construction or transfer of an opening in a main wall is more than responsible, since the load-bearing structures of the building are affected! There are 3 types of houses in which the possibility of such redevelopment can be considered:

  • old brick (for approval, contact the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt);
  • panel (for approval, contact the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP);
  • new monolithic ones (permission can be obtained from the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt or from the authors of the house).

The method of moving or creating an opening in the main walls is individual for each house and requires approval from the specified authorities.

Questions and answers:

Question: Tell me, is the installation of an opening or its relocation considered redevelopment or reconstruction of the building?

Answer: Redevelopment and reconstruction are completely different concepts. The reconstruction includes more global changes rather than redevelopment (for example, changing the number of storeys, replacing engineering systems etc.). And redevelopment is a change in the configuration of a room. Accordingly, work on moving or installing openings is redevelopment.

Most owners of private property want to improve their homes by redevelopment, but not every one of them realizes how time-consuming this task is, especially if the future redevelopment involves implementation into the load-bearing structures of the building. When planning a modern home redevelopment, first of all you need to give the living area a feeling of a single space, allowing you to fully use your apartment. The design of window or door openings in load-bearing walls, as a rule, requires a lot of attention, because the safety of household members depends on it.

The order of execution of the project for the opening

When planning the design of an opening that will be located in a load-bearing wall, you need to take into account the following order of work:

  1. Development of a building redevelopment project.
  2. A comprehensive inspection of the building's load-bearing structure is carried out.
  3. Coordination of planned work with the management company.
  4. Execution of the project for the opening in accordance with the redevelopment project.
  5. opening according to the project for the opening.

When the design of doorways concerns their arrangement in a load-bearing wall, the best solution there will be an appeal to specialized companies that use diamond technologies in the construction sector. Their employees, having the appropriate clearance for such work, including professional ability in handling the appropriate tools, will do the work foreseen by the project doorway at its best.

Project for strengthening the opening, a rational solution.

Very often we are asked to make an opening without a design, according to standard requirements, the project for strengthening the opening contains necessary instructions for the work, including the attached estimate for material costs and labor costs. The project includes all data and calculations for the safe operation of the building in the future. In addition, performing work without a project is a direct violation of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Reinforcement refers to a metal structure that is installed when creating openings in the area of ​​a load-bearing wall. The design looks like a kind of frame, which is installed inside the sawn dimensions in the wall.

A project for strengthening an opening may contain the most common materials for work, which are angle and channel. Once the dimensions are cut out, strengthening begins. Reinforcement is done in such a way that a certain amount of load from the upper floors and ceilings, which was carried by the cut out section, falls on the reinforcement.

You should know that if you do not reinforce the cutout, cracks may appear in the walls and ceilings in the future due to the increased load on the remaining sections of the entire load-bearing wall. The project for strengthening the opening is calculated so that all the load-bearing functions of the wall, with the cut size, remain at the same level as before the redevelopment.

Approval procedure

The process of approving a redevelopment project with cutting out opening dimensions in load-bearing walls is quite difficult. It is determined by the method of developing a huge set of design documents, as well as its approval by numerous authorities, with the final receipt of an agreement by the housing inspectorate.

  1. Since the design of door and window openings affects load-bearing structures, holder agreement is required project documentation the whole house, that is, its author.
  2. Coordination with State Fire Control authorities and other relevant authorities.
  3. Obtaining permission from the housing inspection.
  4. The beginning of the implementation of the planned redevelopment, which has a design of the opening.

After completion of all work on approval, creation of the opening, its strengthening and finishing, a representative from the housing inspection is invited to the site. He checks the work for correctness in relation to current standards, after which he issues a redevelopment certificate. Having completed the registration, the act is sent to the technical inventory bureau. Further, on the basis of this act, the BTI makes all changes to the final documentation. Having received new plan home, you can be sure that the redevelopment, which includes the design of openings and door cutouts in the load-bearing wall, has been successfully approved by you.

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A doorway without a door is sometimes an original way out when solving the problem of combining living space. For example, not all homeowners want to install a door between the hallway and the living room, especially if the layout of the apartment allows for this. Quite often, the practice of combining a loggia with a room is also done by removing the window and door frame, which expands the usable area. However, both of the solutions given above as examples at the same time create new problem- original and neat design of the resulting opening.

Today the construction market offers a very wide range of various materials, allowing you to decorate your living space in any style and to suit every taste. Therefore, there should be no problems in implementing even the most intricate project. Moreover, you can get by with relatively little expense, and at the same time richly decorate the doorway with a beautiful and original platband.

There is no need to think that the design of this interior element is not as significant as, for example, the walls or ceiling. Until the last decorative details are installed, general form the premises will not have the required completeness.

Finishing materials for doorways

Modern designers have developed a large number of design options doorways, which are carried out using different materials. These include the following:

  • Decorative clinker tiles.
  • Stucco molding made of gypsum, or its imitation made of polyurethane.
  • Plastic panels.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Natural wood.

In addition to the finishing material itself, the chosen shape of the doorway itself can become a decorative detail of the interior. And it can vary from traditional rectangular options to asymmetrical complex configurations.

Finishing with any of the above materials can be done independently, having previously developed a design sketch and having on hand necessary tools and materials.

Clinker tiles

One of the traditional solutions for finishing an opening is cladding with clinker tiles to look like brick.

Finishing doorways with clinker tiles has become Lately quite a popular trend - this can be explained by the variety of colors of this material and the ease of its use. Not only straight versions of tiles are produced, but also corner ones, which are convenient for lining the corners of doorways, and they are suitable for both traditional rectangular shapes and for arches or semi-arches.

Most often used for external facade finishing, but for certain rooms and doorways it will be perfect, especially if it harmonizes with the decoration of the walls. Sometimes, in addition, in combination with the doorway, the areas around the windows are also covered with the same material, thanks to which the room immediately acquires its own style.

Sometimes clinker tiles are used in combination with smoothly plastered walls.

Markings are made on the walls according to the drawn up sketch. This process is especially important if the tiles are laid out in a chaotic asymmetrical pattern.

The tiles are laid in different ways, creating a smooth edge or a jagged, stepped edge; they are often installed offset.

Before laying the tiles, it is recommended to additionally treat the area on the wall to be tiled, which will improve the adhesion of building compounds and guarantee that the material will be securely glued to the surface. The primer must be completely dry before gluing the tiles.

Clinker tiles are glued to tile adhesive or “liquid” nails - the adhesive composition is selected depending on the quality of the wall surface. If the wall has flaws or small irregularities, it is best to use tile adhesive. “Liquid” nails can only be used on a perfectly flat surface.

The glue is applied very carefully to the back surface of the tile. If a cement or gypsum-based mortar is used, then its excess must be removed immediately, and it is better to try so that it does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the tile.

It is very important to ensure that the tiles are laid exactly horizontally. This parameter must be controlled using building level constantly during facing work.

When the glue has set, these calibration strips can be removed from the seams and the masonry can be left until the mortar has completely dried.

After the glue has dried, the seams between the tiles are sealed with grout. suitable color harmonizing with finishing material or with a shade of the walls.

Fake diamond

Finishing artificial stone is also sufficient stylish option, especially since the choice of this material is even much wider than that of clinker tiles. It is made from natural rocks, crushed into crumbs, to which various polymers and dyes are added.

Artificial material very reliably imitates appearance and texture natural stone– it can be limestone, malachite, shell rock, jasper, marble and other rocks. There is an option that is simply called “wild stone”, that is, without processing, which looks very original.

The colors of this material are varied, from cold gray to warm ocher, so it can always be matched to the shades of the interior.

The advantages of finishing surfaces with artificial stone include the following qualities:

  • Presentable, aesthetic and stylish appearance.
  • Excellent harmony with other materials.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage with proper installation.
  • Long service life without changing appearance.
  • Simplicity in daily care of finishing.

To decorate a doorway, they usually select compact sizes of artificial stone, with a not very deep relief pattern, otherwise it will look too bulky.

For corners, it is best to choose special corner elements that are easy to install and securely fasten to surfaces.

Finishing with this material is carried out in different ways - sometimes it is laid, maintaining an even border, but more often the “torn edge” design technique is used. Using this masonry method, the finish is more natural, original and does not look “boring”.

Of course, when choosing one of the options for placing tiles on the wall and in the opening, you need to rely on general style decoration of the entire room.

The artificial stone is fixed in the same way as clinker tiles, on one of tile adhesives or "liquid nails". It is necessary to take into account that this material is much heavier than tiles, as it often has a greater thickness, so the wall for its installation must be especially carefully prepared, be sure to treat it in several layers with a primer.

Cladding with artificial stone is quite labor-intensive work, since each of the elements must be glued to the wall and held for some time so that the composition sets. In addition, it must be said that this is a rather expensive material. However, it is worth it - the effect of a high-quality finish will be amazing.

Stucco molding, natural gypsum and artificial

Stucco molding around the perimeter of the opening without a door - columns with pilasters and capitals.

Nowadays, stucco inside modern apartments and houses can be seen quite rarely, although this is one of the most interesting styles of design, including doorways. Naturally, stucco molding is not suitable for every interior - it must be designed in a certain style, and all elements in it must be harmoniously combined with each other.

However, if it is decided to design one of the rooms in a classical, Doric, Venetian or other similar style, where the presence of stucco elements is expected and would not be absurd, then decorating the doorway with it will certainly be “in keeping with the theme.”

Previously, gypsum was used to decorate rooms and facades, and columns were often made of natural limestone. Today, these interior parts are also made from polyurethane.

Plaster stucco elements are quite heavy, so they are quite difficult to attach to the walls. Installation is also complicated by the fact that gypsum in its hardened form is very fragile, and if it falls even from a small height or with careless actions during cladding, the finishing element can break into pieces.

Plaster stucco, this is, of course, a “classic of the genre”, but working with it is quite difficult

Polyurethane is very light, adheres well and adheres to any surface.

It is much more convenient to carry out finishing - use polyurethane parts “under stucco molding”

A very wide range of products are produced various parts to decorate a doorway - these can be borders, pilasters with capitals, or even full-fledged columns that are glued to the ceiling and wall.

The range of polyurethane parts with imitation stucco molding is very wide

The variety of shapes and relief patterns of these decorative elements allows you to choose them to suit any, most demanding taste. It is also very important that polyurethane can be easily painted, which can create an imitation of natural stone or make the surface of parts glossy and perfectly white.

Similar polymer parts are also produced for modern design- with a relief that does not have floral patterns, elements of columns and capitals, but is made in the form of moldings. Although they can also be combined with modest trims that will complement arched or straight elements.

This type of polyurethane finish can be disguised as natural wood or stone, painting them with the desired color and varnishing them.

Installation of polyurethane parts can be easily carried out independently using one of the polymer adhesives, “liquid nails” or special “Moment” glue.

It’s probably worth noting that columns and pilasters are not particularly suitable for small-sized apartments, since such details will overload the space and make it seem even smaller.

If your house or apartment has high ceilings that make the rooms uncomfortable, you should round off the sharp corners of the doorway and choose an arched option for this.

In the case when a hall or hall in a large house is decorated with polyurethane parts, it is best to use columns decorated with Doric reliefs to create pomp and grandeur.

Plastic panels

Plastic kits for decorating doorways can be purchased even in finished form– they are produced for openings of different shapes: rectangular, arched and semi-arched, designed for different heights and widths. Platbands can be white or made with a textured pattern of one of the wood species that may have different shades. It will not be difficult to choose the color of the trim to match the overall scheme of the interior. a lot of work, as well as installing them on the walls of the doorway.

Typically a finishing kit consists of the following elements:

  • Platband, which is fixed on the outside of the opening to the wall. As a rule, this element consists of three parts - top bar and two side ones. If the opening is made in the form of an arch, then the upper part should be arched. If an opening is being finished that will be used without door leaf, then the kit should include two trims, for one and the other side of the doorway.
  • An additional strip that is mounted directly on the walls of the opening along its thickness and covers it completely.

  • For an arched opening, it must also be made in a certain configuration. Some kits are made from fairly flexible plastic, so they bend well under the required form. However, when purchasing such a kit, it is worth asking the seller to demonstrate the flexibility of the material right in the store.

Decorating doorways with just such a plastic kit is very popular, since it has relatively affordable price and has a number of positive characteristics, which include:

  • Ease of installation of elements, which will not be difficult to do yourself.
  • Sufficient resistance to mechanical stress with careful use.
  • Easy to care for, as the material does not accumulate dust and can be easily cleaned with a damp soft cloth.
  • Possibility to disguise communication cables under panels. Some kits have a special entrance for them into the internal space of the platband, located at the level of the baseboard, and the design provides special channels for laying wires.
  • Plastic panels give the doorway neatness and visually highlight it with an aesthetic frame.

Attaching elements to walls plastic platbands and additional payments are made different ways- this can be gluing them to surfaces using " liquid nails"and sometimes they are attached locking connections on special guides that are included in the finishing kit.

Wood finish

Wooden trims are traditional for finishing doors and window openings, but not many people know that they can have a variety of shapes and designs. Of course, having decorative elements, cut by hand or using special equipment, will not be cheap, but they will also be used for a very long time.

If necessary, wooden frames you can repaint, for example, if the entire interior of the room changes, including the color of the walls.

Wooden finishing materials can be selected to suit any design style - they can look very simple or be decorated with figured carvings. An important advantage The material itself and products made from it can be called environmentally friendly.

In addition, it should be noted that even the most inexpensive wood, but well processed and covered with the necessary means to preserve the material, as well as decorated paint and varnish compositions, it will be impossible to distinguish it from expensive wood. Carrying out these processes is not at all difficult, so you can save on them by purchasing or ordering the frames in an unprocessed form to the master.

Despite the appearance large quantity new types of materials from which platbands are made, wood will never lose its popularity and is often chosen to design doorways of any shape.

Doorway shape

Since the shape of the doorway plays an important role in interior design, especially if it is not planned to install a door on it, this parameter should be considered separately. The configuration of the doorway may be familiar to many - rectangular, emphasizing classic style– arched, asymmetrical, trapezoidal and other shapes.

Arched doorway

The arched configuration has recently become especially popular when constructing a doorway without a door. This form has become widespread for decorating passages both in standard apartments and in large private houses.

The advantage of this shape is that it softens sharp corners. Visually, the arch makes the ceiling higher in an apartment, and “lowers” ​​it somewhat when the ceilings in mansions are too high. If you need to visually “lower” the ceiling, making the room more comfortable, you only need to slightly widen the arched opening, making it almost completely semicircular, without vertical sections.

In addition, such an arch will expand the space, and both rooms united by it will look much larger.

An arched opening is usually installed between the living room and the kitchen or hallway. This solution makes the design original and the interior more interesting. Each apartment owner, performing installation independently, gets the opportunity to make it exclusive.

This type of opening is also ideal for combining a loggia with a living space. Thanks to the expansion of the arched structure, the room will visually appear larger than it actually is.

Try making an arch yourself!

Drywall in in capable hands turns into a truly universal material that opens the broadest opportunities independent creation of the most complex interior elements. For a diligent and careful apartment owner, manufacturing should not be particularly difficult. To help him, there is a special publication on our portal.

Video: a variety of interior solutions with an arched opening without a door

Trapezoidal opening

A doorway of this shape cannot be called popular, and it is quite rare to find it, especially in a city apartment. It must be said that such a frame, especially if it has a dark shade, has a somewhat depressing effect on the psyche. It may be more rational to use such a form in large rooms, where it will not become the compositional center of the design, but will neatly fit into it along with other decorative elements.

The appropriateness of a trapezoidal opening in a residential area is highly questionable

If, nevertheless, it is decided to use this form to design an opening in an apartment where the ceiling is not very high, then you should not make the upper horizontal part of the trapezoid too narrow. Such a shape will not only visually narrow the room and lower the ceiling - it will, as it were, weigh down the interior and, oddly enough, spoil the mood.

Such “hard” forms can negatively affect a person’s psycho-emotional state

The absence of smooth shapes in the doorway will make the room uncomfortable, even if it general design Wallpaper or other decorative finishes in warm colors will be used. Therefore, if you choose the shape of a doorway without a door, then it is better to immediately abandon this option.

Asymmetrical opening shapes

There are a great many options for asymmetrical openings - they can have smooth, angular shapes or combine several of the configurations. When choosing fancy lines for an opening, you need to remember not only about the supporting structures of the house - it is not always possible to widen the opening to the expected width.

Asymmetrical openings - the widest field for the owners’ fantasies

Very important point- This psychological impact forms on the mood of residents. If you don’t want constant clashes, irritability and misunderstandings in the family, it’s best to avoid sharp corners and sharp shapes of doorways. If you still cannot do without such outlines, then they need to be smoothed out by placing smooth rounded transitions and shapes nearby.

Due to the fact that today in the construction markets you can find not only ready-made arched or asymmetrical kits for decorating openings, but also a lot of other materials, designers and amateur finishers are creating the most unrealistic decorative configurations. One of the materials most often used for such work is drywall. It is used for cladding structures made from galvanized metal profiles. These Construction Materials They have a very affordable price, but to make complex, decoratively designed interior transitions, you will have to put in all your efforts and spend a lot of time, as well as seriously work on the project first, adapting it for a specific doorway.

Drywall is a unique material for the construction of walls and partitions.

When planning a redevelopment, erecting new partitions or reconstructing existing ones, it is best to rely on the use of plasterboard. A special publication on our portal is devoted to the process of independently creating internal ones.

To summarize, it should be noted that the above options for designing doorways without installing door panels are by no means the only possible ones. It is quite possible to independently develop and implement your own own project design of this interior element. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the structural structure of the entire structure, since an expanded doorway in some cases can weaken the load-bearing walls and ceiling, which is extremely dangerous not only for residents of the upper floors, but also for those who live in a reconstructed apartment.

If any doubts arise when drawing up a project, then it is best to contact specialists to make calculations or even complete all the work. They will determine the capabilities of load-bearing structures and calculate the permissible limits for the expansion of doorways without compromising general design the entire building.

Apartment renovation is often accompanied by changing the size or moving door and window openings. Expansion of the existing opening is also required when replacing old door to a modern one, which often does not match the dimensions of the previously installed door.

Let us immediately note that the expansion of doorways is a redevelopment and must be approved by the relevant departments of the housing inspection. Such work, carried out without special calculations for redistributing the load in load-bearing structures, leads not only to penalties, but also to the probable collapse of the wall and putting the house in disrepair.

IN block houses In modern buildings, it is prohibited to widen the openings. The blocks carry the load along the entire perimeter, so their redevelopment will lead to a violation of the calculated load parameters and distortion of the structure geometry.

The opening must exactly match the dimensions new door, so you need to correctly determine its dimensions. The following measurements must be taken:

  • Height and width of the new door.
  • Thickness and width of the door frame.
  • Platband sizes.
  • Threshold height.

The width of the opening consists of the width of the door leaf, the thickness of the frame pillars, the size technological gaps. If the width of the box is less than the thickness of the wall in which the passage is installed, then additional elements will have to be installed.

The height of the opening is calculated by adding the height of the threshold, the height of the door, the thickness of the frame and the size of the gap. The marking of the opening on the wall is carried out with great precision, so that when decorative finishing doors and platbands completely covered the technological gaps.

Horizontal reinforcement of openings

Expansion of openings in load-bearing walls, as well as in brick partitions, is carried out with mandatory reinforcement metal profile. Openings in concrete walls can be strengthened after the wall is dismantled; brick partitions are strengthened before dismantling the bricks to prevent the top rows from collapsing.

Channel beams are used as reinforcements. Corner profile acceptable to use in brick partitions, which are not load-bearing and for strengthening the vertical parts of openings. Let's consider strengthening an opening in a brick wall as the most common operation.

First, in accordance with the redevelopment project, the future outline of the opening is marked on the wall. The top line of the opening should coincide with the masonry seam. Holes are drilled through the wall at the corners of the contour, and the same markings are made along them on the other side of the wall.

Next, proceed to the installation of the channel jumper. To do this, grooves (grooves) corresponding in size to the metal profile are cut out in the wall. The grooves must protrude beyond the edges of the opening by 0.5 m in both directions, since according to the rules, the width of the crossbar must exceed the width of the opening by at least 1 m.

Holes for tightening bolts are pre-drilled in the metal profile. The channel is inserted into the prepared grooves and fixed cement mortar. After the solution has hardened, the wall is drilled through the holes in the beam, the wall is tapped on the other side, and a channel crossbar is also mounted. Both profiles are connected with steel pins.

After installing the horizontal crossbar, 2-3 rows of bricks under it are dismantled and steel plates are welded to the beams for final reinforcement. The installation of the lintel is completed, you can begin dismantling the masonry.

Vertical reinforcement of openings

When expanding doorways in load-bearing walls, additional reinforcement is done with vertical metal posts, especially if the opening width is more than 1.5 m.

For device vertical racks use pairs of channel profiles, which are connected with threaded fasteners and steel plates. The vertical reinforcement is welded to the horizontal lintel to create a rigid structure.

Channels for vertically strengthening the opening are mounted in the same way as a horizontal metal crossbar.

Reinforcing the opening with a corner profile

The expansion of doorways in interior brick partitions that are not load-bearing can be reinforced with a corner metal profile. For the corners, deep grooves of the wall are not required; it is enough to make grooves into which the shelves will completely fit.

The opening is strengthened on both sides of the wall, connecting the crossbars and racks with studs in increments of no more than 30 cm (use at least 3 studs in any case). As with reinforcement with a channel profile, the vertical corners are welded to the horizontal jumper.

Dismantling walls when expanding the opening

It is permissible to dismantle a concrete wall before strengthening it. Concrete is removed according to the markings in small square or rectangular pieces. First, holes are drilled along the marked lines in increments of 3-4 cm, then they are connected to each other by cutting the wall with a grinder with a concrete disc.

The center of the concrete squares is struck with a hammer, knocked out of the wall and carefully removed. If the wall is reinforced, then the freed reinforcement is cut off with a grinder saw. During dismantling, props or jacks are used.

Expansion of existing openings in concrete walls should not be carried out using a jackhammer or a powerful hammer drill, as strong vibrations of the tool cause resonance in the thickness of the wall and disrupt the bonds between the concrete and the reinforcement, which leads to the formation of cracks and weakening of the structure. After dismantling a section of the concrete wall, the opening is reinforced with a metal profile.

The brick wall near the opening is dismantled after installing the reinforcing structure. Bricks are removed carefully so as not to cause collapse. Dismantling the wall begins from the top, from the reinforcing lintel.

First, the masonry mortar is removed from the joints using a hammer drill or a drill with a flat attachment, then the bricks are removed or broken into small pieces with a chisel and hammer. The outline of the opening is trimmed with a grinder. If the dismantling area is large, then you can clean the opening along the contour, and inner part smash the masonry with a sledgehammer.

When openings expand, a lot of dust is generated, so all work is carried out in a closed work suit, a respirator and safety glasses.

Expanding the window opening

Changing the size of window openings is done using dynamic impact tools (perforators, drills, etc.) or using diamond cutting.

Window openings, just like door openings, need to be reinforced if they are located in load-bearing walls. First, the old window frame is dismantled and the outline of the new opening is marked on the wall. Then beat off excess pieces of the wall with a sledgehammer or hammer drill.

When using a hammer drill, concrete wall Cracks may appear, reducing its strength. Therefore, the expansion of openings in panel houses It is better to carry out using the diamond cutting method. In addition, after diamond cutting, the contours of the opening remain smooth and do not require additional processing.

The side parts of the new opening are sealed with cement mortar or other plastering material. Once the work is completed, you can install a new window.

Offers from MosKomplekt company

The expansion of openings, like any redevelopment, requires special care and professional preparation. Our company has been building and renovating private houses and public buildings for more than 7 years. Contact us, and we will carry out work on the reconstruction of door and window openings in your apartment with high quality.

Our prices

The table shows approximate prices for widening openings in concrete and brick walls by manual diamond cutting. The final cost of the work is determined after assessing the complexity and conditions of the work.

Wall thickness, cmUnit changePrice, rub
Concrete walls
up to 10 cmp.m.from 750
11-12 cmp.m.from 950
13-15 cmp.m.from 1750
16-18 cmp.m.from 1945
19-20 cmp.m.from 2400
21-22 cmp.m.from 2950
23-24 cmp.m.from 3540
25-28 cmp.m.from 3900
29-35 cmp.m.from 4450
36-40 cmp.m.from 4780
Brick walls
1/4 brick (6-8 cm)p.m.from 550
1/2 brick (12.5 cm)p.m.from 740
1 brick (25 cm)p.m.from 1450
1.5 bricks (37-40 cm)p.m.from 2430
2 bricks (50 cm)p.m.from 3450
3 bricks (75 cm)p.m.

The owner of the apartment will bear responsibility for illegal redevelopment of residential premises. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to coordinate the redevelopment of a residential property with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

Coordination of a doorway in the load-bearing wall of a panel and brick house in Moscow

In order to coordinate a doorway in a load-bearing wall in an apartment of a panel or brick house in 2020, it is necessary to develop a project for strengthening the opening and coordinate it with the authors of the house project, who in Moscow most often are:

  • JSC "Mosproekt"
  • JSC "TSNIIEP Dwellings".

The design engineer must conduct a survey of the condition of the load-bearing structures in the room being redesigned, as well as in the apartments above and below, in order to correctly calculate the reinforcement of the opening. After the inspection, you will receive a technical report from the structural survey (SSC) and a diagram of strengthening the doorway.

Assistance in coordinating and legitimizing a doorway in a load-bearing wall

In order to obtain approval from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for the redevelopment of an apartment with the installation of a doorway in a load-bearing wall, you must:

  • order a technical passport for an apartment from the Bureau of Technical Inventory;
  • inspect capital structures;
  • develop a project for redevelopment and strengthening of the opening in the load-bearing wall;
  • prepare a technical report on the inspection of structures and the possibility of constructing an opening in a load-bearing wall from the author of the house project or from the Expert Center;
  • make copies of title documents and have them certified by a notary;
  • write an application for approval of the redevelopment addressed to the head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.