Well      06/15/2019

Successful cultivation of luxurious clematis. Planting clematis in spring and autumn in open ground Which side is right to plant clematis

Clematis are very delicate and charming flowers that can win competition from the most exotic plants. In order for this handsome man to give unforgettable pleasure from one glance at his lush, luxurious flowering, a little effort is required. As usual, it all starts with planting a plant. Planting clematis is carried out in autumn or spring, if the root system is open. In the case of planting clematis with a closed root system, it can be placed in your garden even in summer. In most cases, seedlings are purchased at the age of 1-2 years.

In order for clematis to please with its bright and lush bloom as long as possible when planting a plant, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The location of the future flower should be protected from the winds as best as possible.
  • The landing site should be fairly sunny.
  • Pits for future creepers must be prepared in advance (about 60 by 60 cm, but it all depends on the size of the root system), filled with fresh earth. A mixture of earth with humus and dolomite flour is best suited. In order to improve the flowering of clematis, superphosphate in granules can be added to the soil mixture. Do not add organic matter or peat to the soil.
  • It would be useful to make good drainage, and in the presence of high ground water removing excess moisture is essential.

After the landing pit is prepared, you can proceed to the transplant itself.

The first thing to do is to carefully remove the root from the container (if it is a closed root system) and carefully inspect the clematis for rotten roots or damaged stems. The roots should be well straightened and only then dripped with soil and carefully tamped.

Photo "How to plant clematis correctly"

In order for a young and still fragile plant not to break from a breath of wind, it should be attached to a support. To deal with the support once, its length should be about 2-2.5 meters, and she herself could easily be removed for the winter.

For better survival and speedy development, many amateur gardeners soak the root system in a growth stimulator, for example, Kornevin, for several hours before planting.

Do not plant clematis too close to the building, step back at least 20-30 centimeters. Thus, water or snow from the roof will not be able to damage the plant, and the heat accumulated by the blind area will not dry out the root, because concrete keeps the temperature for a long time.

Video “Clematis for beginners: choose a variety, planting site,

Clematis in Siberia

Despite the fact that the homeland of clematis is the subtropical and temperate climatic zones, they can be grown in Siberia and the Urals. But there are some peculiarities, taking into account which it is possible to achieve the flowering of these very delicate plants in far from the most favorable natural conditions.

The main rule when planting clematis in harsh regions is the choice suitable variety. Currently, breeders have bred a number of plants that are not particularly susceptible to frost. Due to the fact that the Siberian summer is very short, all planting should be done in the spring. Otherwise, the root system will not have time to fully take root and it is likely that the plant will not be able to survive until spring. In summer, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of moisture and periodically feed clematis. These operations will help you enjoy flowering next summer.

Clematis care after planting

In order to get maximum pleasure and satisfaction from your garden, and the inflorescences were large and bright, you need to properly care for clematis, especially in the first time after planting.


Clematis creepers need abundant watering (at least once a week), especially during hot periods (at least 2-3 times). Watering itself must be carried out either early in the morning or in the evening. To prevent the soil from drying out, upper layer soil is best mulched. Clematis perfectly tolerate the neighborhood with all ground covers that are able to shade the ground and thereby save the root system from drying out.

What these plants do not like is weeds. Throughout the summer months, weeds should be removed, but only by hand. Even selective herbicides can cause serious damage to clematis.


For abundant flowering vines need a lot of strength and, accordingly, useful trace elements. To improve in the spring months, you can add lime or dolomite flour to the soil under the bushes.

Most of all, clematis needs the elements boron, cobalt and molybdenum, the concentration of which is quite high in universal fertilizers, such as Kemira or Pocon.


The specifics of pruning depends on the type of clematis. Plants of the first type, for example, "Florida", should not be cut at all, since flowering occurs on last year's shoots. These plants need favorable weather conditions and are not suitable for growing on the lands of Siberia.

Clematis of the second type ("Lanuginoz" or "Patens") must be cut off after the first flowering, cutting off faded shoots. During spring pruning the stem of the creeper should be shortened by 1⁄4 part.

Creepers of the third type, which include the Vititsella and Zhakman varieties, need complete pruning after the end of the growing season. This is due to the fact that in this kind of plants the shoots completely die off. Before the onset of frost, it is useful to cover the root system.

Video "We cut and cover clematis for the winter"

Reproduction of clematis

In most cases, flower growers propagate clematis using stem layers. To do this, next to the mother liquor, you need to dig several grooves. Then a stem shoot should be dug into these grooves. After a short period, young shoots appear from the internodes and roots form. The advantages of this method of reproduction include the possibility of obtaining a large number new bushes (a couple of dozen over the summer) and no need for top dressing. Young growth receives all the necessary trace elements from the mother plant.

The second method of reproduction is characterized by cutting cuttings from plants and planting them in special boxes. For the speedy rooting of young shoots, it is better to use a mixture of sand, perlite, vermiculite and fertile soil. The whole process should take place in a greenhouse, where the future beautiful and lush clematis should gain strength before planting in the spring.

The division of an already adult plant also applies to clematis propagation methods, but it is less popular. The thing is that the root system of an already formed plant is destroyed, and the number of new plants is insignificant.

Video "Methods of propagation of clematis"

Problems in growing clematis

One of the most common diseases of clematis is wilt. This disease is characterized by rapidly curling foliage, which later fades, turns black and falls off. In order to protect your clematis, they should be treated in spring and autumn Bordeaux mixture and foundationol.

When found on clematis spider mite or beet aphids, it is necessary to spray the plants as early as possible with special preparations that are sold in any gardening store or building hypermarket.

In the event of the appearance of a root or gall nematode on clematis (filamentous roundworms) the plant should be dug up and burned. More on the affected area, clematis should not be planted.

Clematis is beautiful blooming liana

Clematis creepers are quite beautiful and plentiful flowering plants that can decorate any garden. However, to get the most beautiful visual effect, it is worth making a number of efforts.

Clematis - highly decorative perennial. It can be planted on permanent place spring, autumn. In the summer planted with a closed root. Planting in the fall is considered the best. In September-October, the plant will take root well.

The distance between the seedlings should be 1.5-2 meters, as they will subsequently grow. Pits need to be dug fairly large and filled well with fertile soil and nutrients. After all, a seedling grows in one place for several years. All this time, it will absorb the substances necessary for growth and flowering from the planting pit. Therefore, it is made 60X60X60 cm in size. Drainage is poured into the bottom in the form of broken brick with a layer of 10 cm, one bucket of sand and humus is placed. In addition to organic additives, mineral ones are also needed. Then the clematis will grow beautifully and bloom beautifully. Planting in the fall involves the introduction of 70 grams of nitrophoska or superphosphate and a glass wood ash. To mineral fertilizers do not burn the roots, they need to be thoroughly mixed with a shovel with sand and humus. The hole is shed with a sufficient amount of water, bringing in 2-3 buckets.

Speaking about when clematis can be transplanted, it should be said that this is done mainly in the fall. Although with a closed root system, plants can be planted from mid-May to mid-October.

Now you can plant seedlings. If they are bought on the market or in a store and have a closed root system, then the package is carefully opened with a knife, and then the plant is planted along with a wet clod of soil. If the seedling has open roots, then before planting they are dipped in a creamy mash. It is made from mullein and clay, taken in equal proportions. This is how autumn plants with 1-2 buds should give good results. The lower kidney is buried in the soil by 7 cm. Then in the summer the roots will be protected from overheating, and in winter - from the cold.

After it gets colder to 0 ° C, it is necessary to pour a mound of light earth or peat 12 cm high over the seedling, and put leaves on top. In the spring, the earth must be raked in such a way that a hole for watering is formed around the seedling. In order for clematis in the country to grow in breadth and up, metal supports are placed every 1-1.5 meters with a height of 2 meters. 5-7 rows of wire are wound between them.

If you plant clematis near a rare fence or chain-link mesh, then it will eventually braid them. You will get a picturesque flower hedge along which clematis will curl. Planting in the fall does not provide for fixing the plant on a support. On the contrary, it is laid on the ground for better wintering. Plants planted near the arch look very impressive. In the spring, they will start to grow, braid it and create a wonderful piece of country architecture.

When answering the question of when clematis can be transplanted, it should be said that it is better to do this from mid to late October. However, plants with a closed root system can be transplanted in spring and summer, but not in the very heat. After planting, the plant should be shaded with newspapers or non-woven material.

Behind Lately gardeners began to decorate their plots with various color compositions, planting not only flowers in the garden, but also various ornamental shrubs that bloom long time. Gardeners did not ignore the extraordinary amazing clematis. This beautiful liana, mask any flaws in buildings or create an amazing resting place. How to plant clematis so that the liana pleases her appearance, bloomed long and abundantly?
"Country hobbies"

A little about clematis

This flowering vine is considered climbing. Therefore, for good cultivation a weaving plant needs support. After 2-3 years of cultivation, the lashes become fibrous and rigid. Therefore, the liana is classified as a woody plant. With its bright colors and pleasant aroma, it attracts insects, although only pollen can be collected from the flowers. Clematis blooms from one to three weeks, depending on the plant variety.

Liana in a garden landscape

Clematis are used for various purposes.

  • Attractive, original and unusual look erect decorative climbing plants on the lawn.
  • Low clematis look great for decorating various trellises.
  • Long creepers unusually adorn the facades of houses, buildings, gazebos, verandas, decorative stairs, pillars.
  • dense foliage climbing vines can perfectly protect the resting places from sun rays, drafts, dust.

Where is the best place to plant clematis

For good growth climbing shrubs must be taken into account when planting the recommendations of specialists. Planting site requirements are simple and easy to meet with a little space in the garden.

The best place for growing clematis is the south side, protected from drafts. Depending on the variety ornamental shrub it can be a sunny side or a place in the shade.

The soil should be light with a neutral reaction, fertile and moisture permeable. Clematis should not be planted in clay, as well as on wetlands.

where is the best place to plant clematis

shrub planting

In principle, planting differs little from planting other ornamental bushes. If you need to plant several clematis, then the distance between the bushes should be 1.5-2 m. Planting pits are made in advance and fertilized. The hole should be 0.6 m in diameter and 0.75-1.0 m deep.

For drainage, cover sand with a layer of up to 5 cm, and fill 15 cm of crushed stone or broken brick.

A mixture of soil is poured on top of the drainage (dug soil, sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 2) plus 200 g of lime or dolomite flour and a glass of wood ash.

This mixture is filled landing pit 2/3 before planting clematis in the form of a mound and be sure to install a support.

Seedlings first stand 2-2.5 hours in cold water, then the roots are straightened along the mound and covered with soil, deepening the root neck by 5-8 cm, and be sure to water.

It is advisable to mulch the surface under the bush with sawdust, peat or straw. This is to protect the surface from drying out, and the roots from overheating. You can plant low flowers nearby, they will also protect the root system.

Supports for climbing shrubs

For the beautiful color composition the plant needs support. Their designs can be different: these are poles, trellises, a rare hedge. However, it must be borne in mind that the shoots of clematis tightly cover any support and very dense foliage is created. Therefore, when complex structures it is quite difficult to remove the shoots for the winter and not damage them.

Landing time

For areas with a mild warm climate, clematis can be planted in autumn or spring at almost any time.

In the northern regions, shrubs should only be planted in early spring so that the plant has time to take root well before winter.

A plant purchased in a container with a closed root system can be planted at any time.

clematis in garden design

Clematis care

Top dressing bushes start from the second year of life. Under the bush, put a teaspoon of complex mineral fertilizer to a depth of 8-10 cm, or you can feed it twice with an organic solution from May to August.

Watering bushes carried out in the heat in dry weather once a week. Watering is carried out from a watering can, without using a nozzle, and water is poured under the root.

Propagated shrub vegetatively: dividing the bush, cuttings and layering.

It can be seen from the article that growing clematis does not create problems for the gardener if you. You now know where to choose a place and how to care for the plant so that it pleases you for many years.

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I invite you to the group on Subscribe.ru for summer residents, gardeners: "Country hobbies" Everything about country life: cottage, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

To decorate country cottage area pretty flowers that have a long flowering period and can trail upwards, the choice can be stopped on clematis. We will talk about how to grow clematis below.

Selecting a landing site

Clematis flowers when planted in open ground require right choice places, because otherwise it will be difficult to achieve bright flowering from them. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The stems and flowers of clematis are very fond of sunlight, so you should not plant them on the north side of the house. However, their root system does not like high temperatures.
  2. Clematis is a weaving flower, the vines of which, during growth, cling to objects that are convenient for them. If the plant is planted on open area, blown by the winds, then it will not be able to stay on a support. The wind is also dangerous for flowers, which will instantly fly around.

    It is important to protect clematis from water when growing and caring, since if it is in excess, the root system of the flower may begin to rot. For this reason, try to prevent water from the sewer from pouring onto its roots, and plant the flower about 50 cm from the walls of buildings. If your area is too high level groundwater, around the flower garden with clematis, it is necessary to dig trenches into which excess moisture will recede.

Planting clematis: when and how to plant a flower

There are several ways to plant clematis. If it is necessary to propagate flower seedlings with a closed root system, then planting clematis will be possible in summer, spring, and autumn. If you have purchased a seedling, but it is too cold outside for planting in open ground, the plant can be placed on the windowsill in the apartment or in the greenhouse where it will grow.

Important!In autumn, clematis with closed roots must be planted before the end of October (if the month is cold, then at its beginning). This will allow the plant to adapt to new conditions as much as possible and make it easier to endure the winter period. To protect from frost, be sure to cover the seedlings with fallen leaves or other insulation.

As for when it is possible to plant clematis with an open root system, then such a plant will be ready for transplantation only from April to May (it is better not to hold out until the end of the month). If the buds of the plant are swollen, the flower may not take root after transplantation. Even if the plant takes root, then its life rhythms shift, and by winter the vine will remain not strong enough to survive the frosts.

Having decided on the landing site, you can immediately install a support for weaving vines, especially if you work in spring or summer. After that, you need to start preparing the hole for the flower.

Important!In one place, clematis can grow for about 25 years, so even during planting it is worth taking care of sufficient fertilization of the land in the flower bed.

  1. Dig a large landing pit - 60x60x60 cm. If you plant several plants, it will be easier to prepare a trench.
  2. For drainage, lay no more than 15 cm of gravel, expanded clay or broken bricks at the bottom of the pit.

  3. Engage in the preparation of the soil, which will need to be filled into the hole. Clematis take root better in nutritious and breathable soils, so mix the earth from the dug hole, sand, manure and peat in equal proportions. Additionally, pour into the pit about a liter of wood ash and 100 g complex fertilizer for garden flowers.
  4. After preparing the soil, pour half of it into the hole and plant a flower. It is especially convenient to do this if the earth is poured in the form of a hill, on top of which it will be possible to plant a seedling and straighten its root system. After that, we completely fill the pit with earth, not forgetting to sprinkle the root collar to prevent it from rotting.

    The size of the cutting will determine how deep you plant it in the soil. If the cutting is very large and has grown quite strongly, then it should be lowered by 12-20 cm, while small cuttings - by 6-12 cm.

    This will promote the growth of a strong root system and stem, and will also protect the roots from freezing in winter. When planting plants in a row between the bushes, it is worth leaving a space of 1-1.5 meters.

    How to care for clematis

    How to care for clematis important role plays the age of the plant. When caring for a young flower, it is necessary to cut off almost all of its buds. This is done so that all life force plants were not spent on flowering, but on the formation of the root system and stem. Also, on a young plant, it is important to pinch all the shoots, which will contribute to the formation of more of them. Do not forget to tie up all the resulting vines so that the clematis bush is even more beautiful.

    How to water clematis

    Clematis do not like the abundance of moisture, so they need to be watered moderately. Young plants - once a week, but in dry weather, watering should be increased up to once every 5 days. Adult plants need watering no more than 1 time in 10 days.

    If you have any doubts about whether to water the flower, check the soil moisture. When it is dry, even at a depth of 30 cm, immediate moisturizing is required. During watering, it is important to ensure the penetration of moisture directly to the roots of the plant, which at the age of 5 can go to a depth of a meter. To do this, it is recommended to dig on four sides of clematis 4 flower pot, into which it will be necessary to pour water. Over time, it will sink to the roots.

    Loosening and mulching the soil

    In addition to moisture, clematis also require a constant supply of air, for which it is important to regularly loosen the soil. Do this every time you water and after rain. But loosening the soil near young flowers must be done very carefully, lifting only the top 2 cm.

    Mulching is very well reflected in the growth of clematis, which is often used instead of watering and loosening the soil. As a mulch for these flowers, it is recommended to use rotted manure, which can be covered with a layer of peat on top. It is especially important to use mulch in winter time, then it can also protect the roots from freezing.

    Did you know? There is a huge variety of clematis varieties. Among them you can find bushes with flat flowers, bluebells, pipes and even tulips. But the most common are star flowers.

    Fertilizer clematis is always required, especially during flowering. How larger flowers near the plant, the more often additional fertilizers will have to be applied to the ground around it - about once every 2 months. If the flowers are small, 2-3 top dressings per season will be enough. Depending on the age and size of the bush, it will need about 10 liters of nutrient solution.

    The lack of many elements in the soil can be recognized by the state of clematis:

    Plant nutrition rules

    When caring for a plant, it is very important to feed it in a timely manner. After all, an excess of minerals in the soil can also destroy the flower. That's why, to get long vines and beautiful flowers, follow these rules:

    1. Since you applied a lot of fertilizer when planting a flower, the next top dressing can be done in 2-3 years.
    2. Constantly alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. The latter can be applied to the soil only in a state diluted with water.
    3. Foliar top dressing will also not be superfluous. Use urea for this (3 g per liter of water). In summer, spray the leaves with a solution of potassium permanganate (you can also add boric acid). For 10-15 liters, 2 drops of the substance are enough.
    4. For the winter, the bushes are fertilized only with wood ash.

    Features of pruning clematis

    To stimulate the growth of the plant and the appearance on its vines maximum number flowers, clematis require regular pruning. In addition to shortening the shoots at the very beginning of development, this operation should be carried out annually, but taking into account the plant variety.

    Flowers on shoots of both last and current year

    Pruning of such bushes is carried out twice a year. The first time it is required in the middle of summer, when last year's shoots fade, and the second - before autumn, when fresh shoots fade. At a very thick end, last year's shoots can be cut to the ground.

    Flowers on the shoots of the current year

    The pruning procedure is carried out before sheltering the bush for the winter, while all shoots can be cut to the ground.

    Flowers on last year's shoots

    Some varieties can grow well without pruning. You can remove only those shoots on which seeds form after flowering. If there are many weak shoots on the bush, they can be shortened so that they become stronger next year.

    How to cover clematis for the winter

    Often clematis do not need a strong shelter, but still you can’t do without it. You can use mulch as a cover, as well as sprinkle fallen leaves over the bushes.

    Bushes that bloom on last year's shoots require more careful shelter. For them, you can use fir branches. But those varieties of clematis that bloom on current shoots, it is important to cut them off for the winter at a height of 10 cm, and you can cover them with sand to the same level, additionally also covering them with a 20-cm layer of peat or sawdust. You can put a film on top of the bush, only in the spring it will need to be removed in time so that the plant does not overripe.

    How to propagate clematis

    The following methods are used to propagate clematis:

    1. Cuttings. Do it in late May - early June. Cuttings are harvested from the middle part of the shoot, it is important that it also has an internode and two developed buds. The length of the lower part of the cutting should be 4 cm, the upper - 2 cm. Such cuttings take root perfectly even in open ground, the main thing is that the temperature is not lower than + 25 ° C. In more difficult conditions they can be rooted in cups.
    2. The use of offsets. To do this, choose one shoot from the bush, which is the lowest to the ground, and cover it with earth at the beginning of summer. By September, a new bush will appear from each internode. In order to plant a plant, you just need to cut the shoot with a shovel and dig out the sprouted bushes.
    3. The division of the bush. You can only divide adult bushes that have reached 6-7 years. To do this, the bush will have to be completely dug up and cut into pieces with a pruner. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the root system.
    4. Seed use. This method of reproduction is suitable only for wild varieties of clematis. 2 months before sowing (it must be scheduled for the end of April), the seeds should be poured with water for several days, then covered with sand and put in the refrigerator. You can sow flowers directly in open ground.
    With proper care, clematis will delight with lush vines and beautiful flowers throughout the summer. We hope that we answered the question of how to grow clematis.

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    526 times already

Many flower growers have clematis. The catalog of these plants is huge. Many people like these creepers because they are from June to September. These varieties include Elegia, Viola, Blue Angel, Ernst Markham and Gypsy Queen. At the same time, up to several hundred flowers with a diameter of up to twenty centimeters can bloom on a vine.

When and how to plant clematis?

Clematis should be planted in a permanent place in autumn or spring. IN autumn period it is necessary to take into account the fact that the plant must take root before the onset of frost. At spring planting pay attention to temperature regime. After all, night frosts can negatively affect clematis. Pits for planting are recommended to be made large, about 60 centimeters deep and the same in diameter. It is desirable to make a drainage layer about 10-15 centimeters thick. Use gravel or broken brick for this. When planting, it is better to spread the roots over the soil, poured into a mound. Many make a similar mound from a mixture of sand and earth, and sprinkle the root neck of the plant with sand. Such a measure can prevent decay of clematis, as well as protect the root system from overheating in summer and freezing in winter.

Right? Planting scheme, watering, planting care

The optimal distance between plants is about one meter. It can be made larger - about 120 centimeters. Then the plants will develop better and be more branched. Be sure to water the clematis abundantly after planting. With further cultivation, it is recommended to loosen the soil regularly to ensure constant air access to the roots. It will also be a great way that can harm the plant by depleting the soil.

How to plant clematis? Secrets of flower growers

To be successful, follow a few simple rules:

It is better to disinfect a purchased seedling before planting in potassium permanganate;

The plant should be planted immediately in a permanent place;

Establish a secure support for the vine. This precaution will prevent mechanical damage fragile root system;

It is necessary to tie up the growing shoots as the vine grows;

Clematis are light-loving plants, but overheating of the root system should not be allowed;

To encourage side shoot growth, pinch off the top of the plant;

It is advisable not to plant clematis in places where the winds are constantly blowing, as a strong wind can break the shoots of the plant;

Make sure that growing clematis does not get water from the roof of the building, it will adversely affect the health of the vine. Therefore, it is better to plant them no closer than fifty centimeters from the walls of the building.

That's all you need to know about how to plant clematis.

To ensure abundant growth and good flowering, do not forget to feed periodically. It is better to apply fertilizers taking into account the growth phase of clematis.

Now you know: how to plant so that they bring joy, and your site is constantly blooming.