Well      06/20/2020

How to make your own deck chair made of wood. A simple deck chair made of boards. Variety by design

Do you want to make your vacation in the garden even more comfortable? Then use one of the many ideas and build a sun lounger with my own hands. In this article we will talk about what material to choose to work on creating this type of garden bench, and how to properly assemble the structure with your own hands. We will also compose step by step instructions how to make a sun lounger at home.

A variety of materials for the manufacture of deck chairs

If you literally translate the word “chaise longue” from French, then you will get a “long chair”, for the manufacture of which natural wood is most often chosen. But along with this material, plywood, durable fabric, plastic and wicker, etc. are actively used. Some craftsmen decorate their site with rocking chairs made from corrugated cardboard, as well as logs. As practice shows, the production of this type of garden furniture can be approached creatively, using elementary, improvised materials that are no longer useful in the household. The table shows the characteristics, features, advantages and disadvantages of wood, plywood, fabric as a material for a do-it-yourself deck chair.

Materials for making a sun lounger
Tree When choosing a wooden material, it is necessary to pay attention to its structure and the breed from which it is produced. Experts do not recommend buying spruce because of the smell of resin, which will only worsen under the influence of sunlight. As a base, it is better to use ash and larch, they are characterized by strength, durability and ease of processing, and therefore not complicated by the installation process. It should be understood that the prices for natural wood are quite high, so save on this material will not work. Wooden furniture must be treated with antiseptic agents, since without proper care it quickly rots and deforms.
Textile A feature of fabric furniture is its environmental friendliness and safety. Such structures are relatively light in weight and are as mobile as possible. Along with these advantages, the following disadvantages can be distinguished: fragility, instability to ultraviolet radiation. Fabric deck chairs are not able to withstand heavy loads. For comfort, it is best to choose natural materials, without a variety of additives, pigments.
Plywood Fairly common construction material, which is actively used for the manufacture of a variety of furniture, including sun loungers. For this purpose, they acquire one of the varieties of plywood FK, it is intended for interior decoration and does not contain toxic impurities. Structures made of this material are lightweight and have affordable prices. However, plywood products cannot be called durable, and besides, they are not suitable for people with a lot of weight.

Craftsmen with weaving skills can use wicker, bamboo, and rattan as a material for a deck chair, which make the furniture look attractive, mobile and safe. As a rule, ready-made structures of this type are characterized by a high price. The disadvantage of wicker products is their instability to precipitation and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

On the modern market there are many ready-made plastic deck chairs, which differ in price, shape, type (monolithic, portable). plus plastic products can be called insignificant weight and variety design ideas, embodied in the manufacture. The disadvantages of plastic rocking chairs are fragility and instability to aggressive climatic conditions.

Chaise lounges are distinguished by structural strength, the frame of which is made of metal and treated with anti-corrosion agents. When using aluminum, the structures are light and practical. In combination with metal frame most often used fabric materials.

Chaise lounge drawing options

On the Internet, on sites related to the construction industry, there are various options for drawings of a deck chair. garden furniture for recreation on casters, with a canopy, with adjustable backrest, etc. will become indispensable after a hard day's work and will allow you to relax with a cup of tea, or reading a good book.

Regarding the appearance, the designs of deck chairs are usually divided into three categories:

  • soldered with inserts;
  • monolithic;
  • portable.

Monolithic models are structures that cannot be disassembled, as they consist of solid elements. They have an attractive appearance, can be decorated with a variety of inserts with combined materials. As a rule, monolithic deck chairs are characterized by their strength and relatively large weight, rather big dimensions. The disadvantage of such products is not an adjustable headboard, backrest.

Designs that can easily change the position of the backrest, etc. are called portable. This type of product is considered mobile and very convenient, they are called a progressive option. Due to their folding abilities, this type of deck chairs is easy to transport. Any of the above designs can be supplemented with mattresses or original pillows to ensure a comfortable stay.

To make a deck chair at home, beginners can already use finished projects and drawings that the Internet is rich in, and which have been tested in practice. For example, the original option is to assemble a Kentucky chair (from bars) with your own hands, as well as a deck chair from wooden beams which will take some time to make.

Features of making a simple wooden deck chair with your own hands

The most common dimensions of sun loungers, which can even be called standard, can be called 60 by 190 cm. Next, we will consider the manufacturing process of a simple wooden rocking chair with a flat base, but at the same time with an adjustable back. Wooden furniture this purpose most often has a fairly large weight, which makes it difficult to move it around the site, but this problem can also be solved at home, for example, attach roller wheels to the legs.

So, for the production of a wooden deck chair with your own hands, you need to purchase and prepare the following tools and materials:

  • wooden bars and boards;
  • galvanized screws;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • drills and screws;
  • hammer;
  • corner;
  • brush and varnish.

It is possible to carry out work on assembling a wooden folding chair in several stages, which are as follows:

  1. the manufacture of the base;
  2. sheathing the frame with wooden gratings;
  3. fixation of support legs.

Now we will consider each of the stages in more detail, but first we will answer the most common question among home craftsmen: How to properly mark a tree with your own hands? So, wood marking is needed in order to significantly reduce the percentage of material waste, that is, to use it as rationally as possible. To do this, the master needs to own a drawing, which details the constituent elements of the structure and their exact dimensions. For marking, the master needs to prepare a sheet of graph paper and draw on it necessary details, then the workpiece is transferred to a thick cardboard, cut out and, according to the contours, marked on wooden material. The cut elements must be sanded and treated with antiseptics in order to significantly extend their service life.

For making a base wooden deck chair bars will be required, the cross section of which should be 45 * 45 centimeters, while drill diameter will be 40 millimeters. It is necessary to start the installation process with the preparation of two long and two short sidewalls. They are connected to each other with metal corners and screws. Further, the outer side of the base is sheathed with carved wooden gratings, the number of which varies relative to the length of the frame. Not the last place in this business is occupied by the processing of parts and fasteners for making a deck chair with your own hands. On long planks, at an equal distance, places under the legs are marked, they are made of wooden block, to the bottom of which the wheels are attached, using screws. An adjustable backrest on a handmade wooden deck chair can be made using a door hinge.

For this, the lattice is divided into two groups: the first plays the role of a headboard, the second of the base. A cross rail is used as fastening. After the complete assembly of the structure, the master needs to use a grinding machine and process the sunbed with it, and then, using a brush, open it with varnish, allow it to dry completely. As a result - a ready-made, comfortable, adjustable deck chair of our own production.

Features of making a fabric deck chair with your own hands

Fabric sun loungers are very popular among consumers, which, due to their folding design, are very convenient to use. As practice shows, many craftsmen make such products with their own hands, bringing to life a wide variety of ideas, turning home holidays into a holiday. Due to their low weight, fabric sun loungers are easy to fold and carry around the territory, take them to the beach, etc.

The frame for a fabric product can be made of wood or metal. Let's consider both options. To assemble a product for this purpose, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • wooden bars (oak, birch or beech);
  • nails;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill and drills;
  • PVA glue;
  • durable fabric (jeans, camouflage, etc.);
  • roulette;
  • bolts;
  • round sticks.

Step-by-step instructions for making a deck chair with your own hands in this case looks like this:

1. To assemble the base of the sun lounger, three frames of different sizes are prepared: the first - 1200 mm * 600 mm, the second - 1100 mm * 550 mm, the third - 650 mm * 620 mm. Holes are made in them, due to which the structure will be connected.

2. First, the first and third frames are connected, bolts and round sticks are used to fasten them, then the first and second blanks are attached, the joints are treated with glue.

When choosing a fabric base, you should pay attention to its composition, manufacturer, structure and quality. It is necessary that the selected material be durable and natural, this will extend the service life homemade sun lounger. The master has the opportunity to acquire the basis of the desired color, to embody his state of mind and mood into the product as much as possible. Also portable, a fabric chaise longue can be a great addition to home decor.

Many beginners are interested in the question: how to properly assemble a structure with a metal frame with your own hands? Why is this option so popular? The fact is that the metal base is maximally adapted to changing positions and is easily subjected to various upgrades. Finished goods of this type are quite compact, they are easy to remove and store when not needed.

The assembly of a deck chair with a metal frame is practically the same as the previous one, wooden version, only in this case it will not be required bars, but metal frames, for the manufacture of which it is better to use steel or aluminum. Do not forget about the treatment of the material with anti-corrosion agents, otherwise rust will soon appear, which will not only spoil appearance products, and damage the fabric base.

To ensure that fabric lounge chairs retain their original qualities long time, professionals recommend using a variety of impregnations that create protection from the active effects of ultraviolet radiation, repel moisture, etc. Usually such funds are valid for up to 4 weeks.

Not so long ago, a deck chair was considered exotic, and only wealthy people could afford it. We saw sun loungers in colorful magazines and American films, but even with a strong desire, an attempt to buy something like this for ourselves would have turned out to be a failure - there simply were no sun loungers for sale.

Well, everything passes sooner or later, and the information revolution generously endows us with new opportunities. Now anyone can find on the Internet a manual on how to make a sun lounger with your own hands. However, such plans are often difficult to implement, especially for a beginner. They require the use a large number expensive tool, and therefore for many remain unfeasible.

This master class is a pleasant exception to the rule. The deck chair presented by the author has simple design and a clear system of folding and adjusting the backrest. If you approach the issue of choosing materials correctly, you will need a very modest arsenal of power tools and in last resort, you could easily borrow some of them from friends and acquaintances.

In addition, given the fact that the deck chair is made of natural wood, it can easily be used at home as well, instead of a couch or armchair in the living room. It quickly folds and unfolds, has a completely finished appearance. A beautiful textile mattress will complement the image, and the deck chair will perfectly fit into the interior of your home.

In order to make a deck chair with your own hands, you will need:


Pine board 20 - 30 mm thick;
- slats with a section of 30 x 30 or 40 x 40 mm for the manufacture of a backrest folding system;
- natural or mineral oil for woodworking, drying oil or varnish for woodworking;
- screws and small nails;
- glue for gluing wood materials;
- metal one-piece loops for fixing the back: two larger ones and a smaller pair;
- a ready-made mattress with ties for fixing it or fabric, batting, foam rubber and threads for its manufacture.


Miter saw, circular saw or wood saw;
- a grinder if you are using old or unpolished boards;
- screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
- electric drill;
- a clamp with a device for drilling pocket inclined holes (optional, but greatly facilitates the work);
- paint brushes;
- construction tape measure and square;
- pencil.

Step One: Sketch and Layout the Chaise Longue

A product layout is simply necessary if it itself consists of a large number of parts. It will not allow you to get confused in their countless list and will significantly speed up the entire work process. In addition, you will have a complete list of parts and their exact size. Well, without this, then?

But everything is preceded by a sketch. This sketch on a sheet of paper by hand gives rise to an idea and lays the main outlines of the image of the future product. That's where you should start.

In your case, the computer layout of the deck chair is already ready and you can safely take all the dimensions indicated in this master class as a basis. But first, write down on paper the entire list of parts that you have to make. Specify their sizes opposite and only after that proceed to work.

Step two: making parts

The detailing you have collected should be transferred to the material in the form of markings. Use a pencil for this to easily correct crept in errors. Also use a construction square. Especially if you plan to resort to help for sawing boards. hand saw. It will allow you to mark angles at 45 and 90 degrees, and accuracy is never superfluous.

So, mark up the parts and start making them. Saw the boards into pieces of the length indicated on your list. You will need:

Two longitudinal frame parts 1850 mm long;
- five transverse frame parts 470 mm long;
- four blanks for legs 280 mm long;
- four - five boards for the base of a deck chair 1270 mm long;
- two side long boards for the base of a deck chair 190 mm long;
- two small slats for supporting the backrest when folded, 580 mm long;
- three bars for the manufacture of the backrest 43 mm long;
- four - five boards for the base of the back;
- two slats for the backrest folding system, 230 mm long;
- one horizontal rail for the backrest folding system, 460 mm long;
- six small pieces of rail for the backrest folding system - three on each side.

All indicated dimensions should be specified, since the author indicated them in inches. They also depend on the thickness of the boards you are using. For sizing in your case, always start with total values and gradually move on to smaller details.

Step three: assembling the sun lounger

Start by assembling the deck chair frame. Remember that it is customary to assemble any frame with screws. This ensures the relative strength of the entire structure. However, it often happens that screws alone are not enough. Then glue is also used. Such combined connections serve very well and do not require repair for a long time.

Assemble the chaise lounge frame with glue and screws and fix the legs. Fasten the base parts to the frame with small nails. In parallel, make the back panel.

Inside the hole for the back on the sides, screw two support rails on which the back rests when folded and on which sections of the rail (teeth) are attached to adjust the inclination of the back. Fix your teeth.

Connect the back to the frame using a pair of one-piece metal hinges. Also make a U-shaped piece for the back and secure it in place with the smaller loops. Check backrest adjustment.

Step Four: Wood Protection

Any furniture sooner or later is subject to wet cleaning. Untreated wood hardly tolerates such processing, and the result often turns out to be zero. Therefore, the tree must be treated with suitable paints and varnishes.

The author decided to leave the wood unpainted so that it could be seen that it was made from natural wood. In this case, the most reasonable option would be to varnish the deck chair with a matte or semi-gloss transparent varnish.

Since furniture is usually used very intensively, you should choose a varnish that will give the most durable and wear-resistant coating. For example, profile furniture varnish. Apply it to the surface of the wood in several layers and let each one dry thoroughly.

On the beach by the sea or in the garden to relax, enjoy the sounds of nature and relax.

And which of the pieces of garden furniture is the most suitable for comfortable rest and contemplation of nature? This is a sun lounger.

Among other things, a comfortable and light garden chair will be a spectacular exterior element that will emphasize the style of the site. In this article, we will look at some easy-to-make deck chairs for a summer residence, among which you can choose the one you want to make with your own hands.

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Functional necessity

Chaise lounges are similar in type to armchairs, but lower and more stable. They can be in a semi-lying position, so that the spine and all muscle groups rest.

Another advantage is that the garden chair can be folded as needed, adjusting the angle of the back to a sitting and lying position.

Most best material for the manufacture of a deck chair, it is wood, as it is the most environmentally friendly, economical, and also easy to use material.

They are very good for observing nature, and they are light and comfortable, so they are often placed in their garden or in the country. It’s good to take such a deck chair out into the countryside in the summer, and keep it somewhere indoors in the winter, for example, in a pantry or in a barn.

In the manufacture of used materials such as:

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • rattan.

The photo shows a wooden deck chair for a summer residence, made by hand

Popular drawings

Drawing of a rocking chair

A rocking chair made of wood, which you can assemble with your own hands, will be very good. This chair is a great option, thanks to it you can relax all the muscles of the back in a semi-recumbent state and at the same time sway (back angle 200).

The rocking chair should have great strength and in no case loosen during rocking. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the structure of the chair with the help of crosses and corners.

In order to increase stability, the rear legs are best left straight, not rounded. This garden chair has a rather small swing amplitude, and to strengthen it, you need to make the radius of curvature smaller and the runners wider.

You can also add a rocking chair with a pendulum (for this we attach a load weighing 2 kg). You can additionally create a removable table. But still, this type of garden chair is not fully a deck chair, since it is impossible to change the angle of the backrest to a semi-lying state.

But, imagine how amazing the rocking chair looks in the garden and how convenient it is to read a book, smoke a pipe, drink tea and enjoy the surrounding nature around, such a chair will effectively stand by the fireplace in winter - imagine these pictures again and you will understand that this type of deck chair is just a fairy tale.

These drawings with dimensions will help to make a high-quality deck chair with your own hands:

Creative sun lounger with canopy

The drawing shows a creative chaise lounge, which is easy to make with your own hands and which is sure to become a wonderful decoration for your garden.

A creative deck chair will cover you in the summer heat

This lightweight garden chair is designed with flowing lines and radii to completely relax every muscle in your body. But the most important thing is how beautiful this deck chair is - thanks to the roof, a shadow is created that covers from the scorching heat of the sun.

Also have additional amenities such as a small pillow made of natural fabric and a comfortable mattress, it also combines the advantages of a rocking chair.

Creative chair on the blueprint

There are many sun loungers that you can make yourself: like beach chairs or cozy seats. Consider some of the simplest options.

How to build a simple chaise longue to give your own hands:

Fabric armchair on a frame

Consider one of the most convenient options– a fabric seat on a frame that can be moved from place to place and folded almost flat.

In order to make a deck chair, you need to prepare the following details:

  • furniture bolts and nuts D8 mm;
  • round slats (length - 65 cm, two 50 cm each, two 60 cm each);
  • slats of rectangular section (length - 65 cm 25x60 mm);
  • a piece of durable fabric 200 x 50 cm;
  • round file and fine-grained sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • slats are best obtained from breeds in which hardwood: oak, beech, birch.

In order to make a deck chair, you need to use fabrics that have abrasion resistance and increased strength: mattress teak, tarpaulin, jeans, camouflage, canvas.

The process has begun

We cut the slats of the required length and carefully grind.

We make slats desired length and carefully sand the surface with sandpaper.

At a distance of 70 and 40 cm from the corners of the structure, we drill eight millimeter holes, and then grind them with a round needle file. In order to be able to change the position of the backrest, at a distance of 7-10 cm we make 3-4 cutouts in frame B.

Then, stepping back from the two ends of the rails, we drill holes with a diameter of 2 cm in order to equip the seat. Then we take round slats (grease the ends with PVA), and install them in the holes.

After assembling the frame, you need to sew and cut out the seat. The length of the matter depends on the possibility of folding. In order to understand what cut length is needed, you need to fold the deck chair and at the same time measure the fabric, and do not forget to make sure that the fabric is slightly stretched.

Then, a piece of fabric, in which the edges have already been processed, we nail to the round slats, which are located on parts B and A.

We wrap the crossbars with the edge of the cut and fix with small carnations with thick caps. A variant is possible when the cut is attached to the crossbars thanks to peculiar “loops”.

Such a garden chair is very good because it can be used instead of a bed - what else can be for an afternoon rest?

How to make a wooden deck chair with your own hands - video tutorial.

Armchair Kentucky

Consider original version- the Kentucky chair, which is assembled entirely from bars. If necessary, the chair can be folded at any time and put away where you need it for storage.

Armchair Kentucky

In order to make a chair, you will need the following material:

  1. Galvanized wire with a diameter of 4 mm and 16 galvanized clips to fix the wire.
  2. Hammer and cutters.
  3. Sandpaper with fine grain.
  4. It is also necessary to take 50x33 mm bars, which are obtained by sawing a board into three equal parts of a 50x100 mm board. If all the bars are put together, you should get 13 meters.

Assembly process

When the bars are ready for assembly, they need to be treated for strength (and protection from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, weathering) and give them additional beauty.

Table of sizes and quantities

To do this, the tree is treated with stain, which is called Beyts. To process a deck chair, you need to buy an outdoor stain, the best of which are based on oils and wax). Among other things, parquet oils can be used, which are ideal for all wooden products.

Assembly diagram

Apply protective covering on the bars you can either brush or spray (the best option).

We assemble the chair

The diameter of the holes must be made one and a half to two millimeters larger than the thickness of the wire used.

We pass the wire into the bars

After preparing the required number of bars, it is necessary that the edges are carefully processed sandpaper with fine grain. We begin to assemble the structure.

You can also use galvanized studs (the edges are fixed with eight nuts and washers) instead of staples and galvanized wire.

After assembly, carefully raise the chair.

Beauty at their summer cottage

Chaise longue is the most best furniture for outdoor recreation or in the country, it gives the garden a special style and atmosphere of comfort.

In this article, we examined several designs and drawings of sun loungers, any of which can be made by hand, and analyzed many of the nuances associated with assembly.

Take some time to assemble a beautiful garden chair for relaxing in your summer cottage, and you will enjoy the fruits of your labor and creativity for a very long time.

After a hard week of work, everyone wants to forget about business for a while. And nothing helps to restore strength like outdoor recreation. But first you need to find appropriate place. The idea of ​​pulling the bed out into the street is unlikely to come to anyone's mind. It is much better to install a special sunbed - a deck chair. Wooden or plastic, it doesn't matter. Any furniture will provide you with the most comfortable conditions for relax.

Main advantages

In their functional purpose, sun loungers are the same chairs, but more stable and with a low seat. In them you can relax in a semi-lying position, which allows you to relax the spine and all muscle groups as much as possible.

The indisputable advantage of sun loungers is their comfortable shape. The garden chair can be folded so that you can sit or lie down on it, depending on the personal preferences of the person.

Traditionally, summer cottages are made of wood, because since ancient times it has been considered the most environmentally friendly, economical and easy-to-use material.

Sun loungers are ideal for observing nature, as they are lightweight and very comfortable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many owners install them in their garden or in the country. Such furniture can stand on the street throughout the summer, and for the winter period it can be removed in some suitable premises, for example, pantry.

More often garden beds are made from materials such as:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • rattan.

If you do not want to spend time and energy on self-assembly garden lounger, you can always order it in furniture showroom.

Types of structures

If you have finally decided to start making a sun lounger for yourself, then at first it will not hurt you to get acquainted with the main types of sun loungers for a summer residence. There are a lot of them, so only the most popular will be considered below:

These are just some of the sunbeds that can be purchased for a summer residence. If you wish, you can independently make a deck chair in the form of a swing, as well as using ordinary tree branches as a material. It all depends on your preferences.

Making a wooden deck chair

First you need to prepare a certain set of materials and tools that you will need to make a homemade deck chair:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • jigsaw and screwdriver;
  • boards for sheathing the frame 2.5 cm wide;
  • timber 40x40 mm for the frame;
  • corners for fastening boards (4 pcs.); wood slabs 20 mm thick.

When going to the store for boards and plates, we advise you to choose a material made from conifers tree. He tolerates much better. Negative influence precipitation and has a wonderful aroma.

Stages of work

Now that you have everything you need prepared, you can proceed to the assembly of a wooden lounger.

First you should decide on the size of the garden chair. you can use finished drawing or compose it yourself. Usually standard sun loungers have dimensions of 60 x 200 cm.

Now you can start making the frame. For it, you will need bars, from which you need to make four sidewalls - two of them should turn out to be 200 cm long, and two more - 60 cm. The finished sidewalls must be further connected to each other using mounting corners.

From the outside, the frame must be sheathed with a board 2.5 cm wide.

We take long sidewalls and attach 4 legs to them, having previously stepped back from the edge of 8 cm. The legs can be made from bars 10 cm long. We use self-tapping screws to attach them to the frame.

Having finished the work on the manufacture of the frame, we begin to assemble the lattice. For it, we need wooden plates, from which we need to cut boards with dimensions of 60 x 10 cm using an electric jigsaw.

We attach the boards to the deck chair frame with self-tapping screws. Be sure to leave a gap between the boards of about 1.5 cm. Then the lounger grill will look neat and beautiful.

If desired, you can make a deck chair with an adjustable back. In this case, the lattice must be divided into two parts. One of them will serve you as a sunbed, and the other as a headboard. We mount both parts to the connecting boards. For reliable connection of elements, it is best to use door hinges.

So that the headboard can be fixed in a certain position, the frame structure with inside should be added cross bar. To it with the help of self-tapping screws you need to attach a support stand for the headboard. If you don't have one, you can buy it at any hardware store.

Now that your homemade summer cottage is ready, all that remains is to sand the boards, cover them with drying oil or a special paintwork material to protect against moisture.

Making a fabric lounger

If for some reason a wooden folding deck chair does not suit you, then you can try to make a deck chair out of fabric instead.

Materials and tools

To make a sun lounger fabric material you will need the following:

  • bolts with nuts 8 mm;
  • a piece of durable fabric 200x60 cm;
  • slats of circular cross section 2 cm thick (one bar 700 mm long, two 650 and two 550 mm each);
  • rectangular boards 30x60 cm thick (two boards 1200 mm long, two 1000 and two 600 mm each);
  • sandpaper.

To make a frame lounger, it is best to use tarpaulin, camouflage or denim. They are strong enough and resistant to wear.

Action algorithm

Now you can proceed directly to the assembly of the sunbed from the fabric.

As you can see above, making a deck chair for a summer residence from a fabric is no more difficult than a similar deck chair made of wood.

Finished product processing

To prolong the life of your homemade garden chair, we advise you to immediately process the material from which it was made. To do this, you can use the following compositions:

  • For wood, we advise you to purchase special protective impregnations and antiseptics that will reduce the negative impact of external factors on the material. Wood materials are best processed before the product is assembled.
  • To increase the service life of a wooden deck chair, it can be treated with paint, drying oil or varnish. It is advisable to cover the product with one of the selected products immediately after production.
  • Water repellent fabrics. With their help, you will not only increase the wear resistance of the fabric material, but also maintain the brightness of colors. The effect of such treatments lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Buying a garden chair

Perhaps some summer residents will not want to spend time and money on making a deck chair with their own hands. In this case, you can go to the store and buy there finished garden bed. In the furniture salon you will be able to offer a variety of such products to choose from. Surely among them you will find budget options, as well as unusual design design models of sun loungers for the street.

After studying the proposed options and comparing their characteristics, you will only have to decide on the amount that you are willing to pay for a sun lounger. The cost of such sunbeds depends on the size and material of manufacture:

  • wooden deck chairs will cost you between 6000-15000 rubles;
  • for plastic sunbeds you will have to pay from 1500 to 9000 rubles;
  • folding frame deck chairs, which can be purchased for 1350-9500 rubles, will not hit your pocket too much.

When traveling to the dacha, many are warmed by the thought that they will have the opportunity to lie down in the fresh air for at least a few minutes and enjoy the surrounding nature. But it is in the power of everyone to make their vacation more enjoyable if you equip a place for it in advance. To do this, you must have special furniture like a deck chair.

The easiest way to buy such a lounger is in the nearest furniture store, although some owners often make a deck chair for themselves and thereby save a lot. You can do the same, especially since it does not require special skills and knowledge. Even the most ordinary wooden lounger for a summer residence can be made from a material that is sure to be found in any household.

But in any case, you will have to prepare for this work, because without drawings you are unlikely to be able to make exactly the deck chair that you want, especially if you do not have the slightest experience in this matter.

A homemade deck chair for a summer residence is much preferable to a store lounger, because you can decide for yourself how it should turn out, and upon completion of the work, decorate it at your discretion. Of course, this will require some effort on your part, but in the end, all this will be offset by the comfort that your homemade deck chair will provide you.

Hot summer brings a lot of trouble to a person. How sometimes you want to lie down somewhere and take a nap under the dense canopy of trees. Such rest both relaxes and allows you to gain additional strength.

To please yourself with such a relaxing relaxation, you need to come up with something. Something that is both quite easy to do and does not take much time. And here it is worth paying attention to the unusual long chair-chaise lounge. It's pretty simple and handy.

And in order not to lose sight of anything, it is enough to use photographs of a sun lounger set by yourself, which can be found in large numbers on the Internet.

Long... chair?

Chaise longue is long and light wooden chair which is meant for relaxation. Most often, sun loungers can be seen at tourist camps, recreation centers, sanatoriums and hotels. They are installed next to a pool or an artificial reservoir, where any vacationer can lie down and relax calmly.

The deck chair fits very well into the overall interior, so a person can install it in his country house, house or plot. Beautiful appearance will decorate any corner of your home.

A person can either buy it for himself or make a deck chair with his own hands.

What do we have?

Comfortable long chairs look completely different. And before proceeding directly to work, you should understand what type of deck chair you need to make. They are:

  • in the form of a rocking chair (the back is at an angle, so the process of rest is very comfortable. You can not only sit, but also lie down and even sleep);
  • in the form of an ordinary armchair (elements of a folding bed or a crib are taken as the basis; armrests are mounted at will);
  • in the form of a monolithic product (with manual assembly all parts are tightly fastened, so parsing is impossible; possesses strength and reliability. Backrest adjustment is not provided, the product itself does not fold);
  • in the form of a soldered product with beautiful hand-made inserts (chaise lounge self made, possessing amazing beauty; can fit into any interior);
  • in the form of a sunbed (a strong and reliable deck chair made of plastic or wood; beautifully sanded and varnished);
  • in the form of a portable product (it is compact and reliable; a position regulating mechanism is provided).

Cheap but angry

The materials that should be used when working on a sun lounger are very diverse. The myth that a deck chair is a wooden chair is unreliable.

When working on its creation, the most various materials, which are at the same time quite cheap, and you can find them in any hardware store. Chaise longue can be made from:

  • tree. At the same time, the deck chair will differ in strength, reliability, and environment it will not suffer. Minus - it weighs quite a lot (to facilitate the transfer, wheels should be attached);
  • fabrics. The basis of a chaise lounge differs in pleasant comfort and convenience. The frame is made of wood;
  • rattan. Chaise longue, heavily made to decorate the home. It is environmentally friendly, but there is one big drawback - the price;
  • plastic. Plastic sun loungers are very light, so you can safely take them on a hike. The frame is made of wood or special pipe. Minus - poor reliability;
  • PVC material. Chaise lounge on a fabric base, but the base is made of PVC pipes.

Beginning of work

After the type is selected and the material is selected, the work starts with the outline of the drawing of the deck chair. The drawing plays the main role, since during its creation the dimensions, shape, additional inserts and much more are determined that will be included in the final work.

Not everyone can draw such a scheme, so if necessary, you should contact the experts.


After the approval of the drawing, in order, for example, to make a wooden deck chair with your own hands, a person will need such improvised assistants:

  • wood for the legs of the back, seat;
  • wooden rod to support the back of the part;
  • fabric for the back itself;
  • bolts;
  • nuts;
  • screws;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • washers;
  • special glue;
  • drill;
  • hand saw;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • sandpaper;
  • round file.

Using these simple devices, you can make a beautiful and comfortable lounger for relaxation in one day.

Fabric deck chair on a wooden frame

If you need to make a small version of the chair, then folding chaise lounges come to mind. A folding deck chair is very easy to make. At first:

  • you need to take the base from a folding bed or crib;
  • drill holes in the main frame;
  • make four cutouts in the auxiliary frame (to adjust the tilt of the back);
  • make holes for both ends of the rails (for installing the seat);
  • Lubricate the round cross-sections with an adhesive solution and install in the holes.

In the second phase, the seat itself is made. To do this, take the fabric, and measure out the right dimensions(the fabric must sag after installation).

Then on sewing machine fabric edges are processed. At the very end, the fabric is stretched over the crossbar and nailed.


Making a deck chair for a summer residence or at home is not a big deal. If everything is done correctly, then in the end you can get a great assistant who will serve as a place of rest in the hardest part of the working day.

DIY sun lounger photo