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Rose care at home. Home roses: a description of the species and the secrets of home care. home rose in spring

It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of flowers, because it pleasantly pleases the eye with lush flowers. bright inflorescences. At the same time, it is quite demanding on growing conditions. Rose care includes not only growing flowers in the garden, but also at home. Indoor roses, like garden varieties, require attention: regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil.

In this article, you will learn how to properly care for different types roses in the garden and in a city apartment, and photos and videos will help you quickly master the necessary skills.

Indoor rose: home care

Indoor roses are considered quite whimsical crops, and all measures to care for them should be taken responsibly. First, they need regular feeding and watering. Secondly, they need good lighting but not exposed to direct sunlight.

In addition, home culture care includes regular transplanting. Since this plant is developing quite actively, the flower needs to be transplanted into pots. bigger size as you grow.


If you know how to properly care for room culture, and what features should be considered when growing, you can decorate your home with a lush and beautiful plant.

The main feature of indoor varieties is that they react negatively to sudden temperature fluctuations (Figure 1). In summer, the room should not be too hot, and in winter it is advisable to protect the plant from drafts. In addition, the plant will react negatively to cold water when watering.

Figure 1. Basic rules for the care of indoor varieties

After flowering, remove all dry flowers and buds. They have no decorative value, but they take away the juices necessary for growth from the plant. Great care must be taken when transplanting, as the roots of the plant are very sensitive and easily injured.

Basic Rules

If you bought an indoor rose, try to provide her good care at home. No need to immediately transplant it into a new pot. The plant needs to adapt to a new home, so at first it is better for a flower to grow in an old pot.

Note: In order for the culture to quickly get used to a new place, it is better to put it on the south or southeast window sill.

Plants are responsive to spraying, so in the evening you can moisten the leaves of the plant with boiled water. room temperature. But in hot summer, such a procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to cause leaf burns.

Another essential step in care is top dressing. You can use a liquid solution of mullein for this purpose. During the flowering period, fertilizer is applied weekly, and at other times - once every two weeks.


The main problems in cultivation are related to the fact that this culture is quite demanding on the conditions of detention. For example, if a flower does not receive enough sunlight, it will stop growing and flowering. Therefore, you should try to put the pot in well-lit places, but exposure to direct sunlight should be moderate.

In addition, indoor roses are often exposed to diseases and pests. These flowers are often infected with powdery mildew. To combat the disease, spraying with a soda solution (two teaspoons of soda per liter of water) is carried out. Spraying should be carried out very carefully so that the solution does not get on the soil. During processing, it is better to cover the soil. Also, a spider mite often settles on them, to combat which they use special preparations - acaricides.


The flowering of indoor varieties largely depends on how regularly pruning will be done (Figure 2).

All diseased, dry or damaged branches and shoots are removed immediately. If they dried up due to illness, you can prevent the spread of the disease, and if the cause is Not proper care- the plant will receive more nutrients for normal development.

Figure 2. Features of pruning indoor roses

After flowering is completed, all wilted buds and inflorescences are also removed. They take the nutrients from the plant that are needed to recover from the active growing season.

Caring for roses in the spring in the country

For long-term flowering, plants need proper care: regular pruning and top dressing, removal of wild growth from grafted plants, mulching and prevention against pests and diseases. One-year-old plants are especially carefully looked after, as this will later affect the quality of the flower.

Young seedlings must be formed so that in the future the bush is symmetrical. To do this, pinching is carried out after the appearance of the fourth sheet. In addition, in the first year after planting the bush, cut off all the buds as soon as they reach the size of a pea. This stimulates the formation of new stems and makes the bush symmetrical. In August, the formation is stopped and the bush is given the opportunity to bloom. Figure 3 shows the basic guidelines for pruning bushes.

Note: Without pinching the shoots and buds, the plant will bloom. This will weaken it and the bush will not grow well.

Pinching is not carried out on climbing, semi-climbing, ground cover and park varieties. However, this procedure is also necessary for adult cultures to limit growth. In order for the bush to bloom beautifully, young shoots must be cut off, drowning out the central part of the bush.

Figure 3. Recommendations for pruning rose bushes

Pruning is also an important step. Unlike wild, garden varieties, this procedure is carried out annually to stimulate growth and more. abundant flowering.

There are several types of pruning:

  • Spring (main) helps to properly form a bush, stimulates abundant flowering and the formation of young shoots.
  • Summer performs the function of regulating flowering. In varieties that produce buds several times, after the first flowering period, all inflorescences are removed along with the upper part of the stem. The cut is made over the second or third leaf with a well-developed bud. This saves juices and stimulates the formation of new shoots and leaves. Summer pruning is not carried out only for those varieties that bloom once and form beautiful fruits, or for those from which it is planned to collect seeds. In summer, extra stems are also cut off, drowning out the central part of the bush. During the last flowering, wilted buds are not removed, as this may cause unwanted autumn growth.
  • autumn do just before shelter for the winter. Remove all leaves, fruits and buds, and cut out all weak and diseased shoots.

In addition, there is a weak, medium and strong pruning. Relevant examples are shown in Figure 4. After winter, the flowers are re-examined and all dead parts are removed. After that, the main pruning begins. For this:

  1. Choose 4-5 strong and healthy shoots arranged symmetrically. All weak, subtle and muting are removed. The remaining branches are slightly shortened.
  2. Plants with flower buds located at the top of the stems are not pruned.
  3. For park species, only old and diseased stems are removed, and for climbing species, all shoots are removed, except for 5-6 annuals. But if there are too few of them, you can leave some of the old ones, shortening them by about half.
  4. Tea-hybrid and polyanthus are pruned heavily, leaving only 3-4 buds at the bottom.

Those plants that have not tolerated wintering well also need strong pruning. In general, the intensity depends on the variety and the strength of the growth of the bush.

For pruning, use only sharp secateurs. If the tool is blunt, it will crush and tear the stems. An infection can get into an uneven cut and the flower will die. The cut should be at an angle so that water flows from it, since stagnant liquid can become a focus for the development of infection. Before pruning, the tools are disinfected in a warm solution of potassium permanganate, and the cut is treated with garden pitch.

Figure 4. The main types of pruning: a - weak, b - medium, c - strong, d - removal of wild shoots at the root level

In grafted plants, wild shoots sometimes appear below the grafting site. You can identify it by the thorns and smaller leaves. Such shoots must be removed, as they can lead to the death of the plant. To do this, dig a little earth around the bush and remove the shoots at the level of the buds in the ground. If this is not done and pruned at ground level, wild buds will throw out several young shoots at once. See the video for general pruning guidelines.

In the spring, regular watering of the bushes begins. Young only planted seedlings are watered every two days, and already established ones - as the soil dries out (about once a week).

Note: The intensity of watering adult plants depends on the variety, weather and the ability of the soil to retain moisture.

It is especially important to regularly water during flowering and bud formation. If there is not enough liquid, the flowers will be small or begin to crumble. Do not use cold water in hot weather. From this, the roots lose their ability to absorb moisture and the plant experiences prolonged water starvation.

Note: It is advisable to water with melt or rain water, as it contains less mineral salts. In addition, these flowers tolerate rare but plentiful watering better. Frequent application of liquid in small quantities provokes the formation of superficial roots, which are easily damaged when loosening and weaken the plant.

To properly water the culture, make a small hole around the bush and surround it with an earthen roller. Outwardly, the hole resembles a bowl and prevents water from flowing out during irrigation. For watering one bush, 10 liters of water will be enough. However, in the fall, the amount of water is gradually reduced, and then completely stopped. It is important to ensure that the liquid does not get on the flowers and leaves. Besides watering the roses better in the morning(Figure 5). You will learn more recommendations for watering from the video.

After each watering, the soil around the bush is loosened to a depth of 5 cm. This allows not only to remove weeds, but also to provide better access of air and water to the roots. The earth is loosened carefully so as not to accidentally damage the roots.

Upon completion of loosening and watering the soil, it is necessary to carry out mulching.

Figure 5 Proper watering rose bushes

During it, the soil around the cultivated bushes is covered with loose organic soil with a layer of no more than 8 cm. This manipulation has such positive features (Figure 6):

  • Allows you to save and prevent the loss of moisture in the soil during summer droughts;
  • The number of weeding and loosening is significantly reduced;
  • Protects plants from drying out and overheating during hot and windy weather;
  • Does not allow silting of the soil during heavy rains.

As mulch, you can use chopped tree bark, straw, compost, peat or rotted manure. All these substances not only protect the soil, but also saturate it with useful elements.

Note: The use of grass or sawdust is not recommended, as they may contain weed seeds and pathogens.

As a rule, mulching is carried out in April or May, but sometimes the soil can be covered with mulch in the fall, but before the ground has cooled. Before mulching, be sure to remove all weeds. After the mulch has dried, it is mixed with top layer soil and mulch again.

Figure 6. Loosening and mulching horticultural crops

Roses respond very well to fertilizing. For example, you can use foliar fertilizers which are applied to the leaves by spraying. The positive effect is noticeable after a few hours. Through the use of this fertilizer improves general form and the flowers get bigger.

In the first year after planting, there is no need for additional top dressing, provided that fertilizers were applied to the soil at planting. After pinching, it is desirable to add liquid organic fertilizers. In the future, they need to be fed annually. As a rule, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied alternately, 6-7 times a year.

Each element that is part of fertilizers has a positive effect:

  • Nitrogen accelerates the growth of leaves and stems;
  • Phosphorus accelerates flowering and strengthens the roots;
  • Potassium improves the quality of buds and flowers;
  • Magnesium, calcium and other micronutrients improve overall health.

Full mineral fertilizer is applied already in the spring, when shelter is removed from the roses for the winter. In summer, both mineral and organic fertilizers are applied. This will have a positive effect on flowering. In late summer and early autumn, reduce the amount of nitrogen to slow down growth before the winter period of vegetative dormancy. Common types of fertilizers are shown in Figure 7.

Roses are delicate garden plants that do not tolerate frost well and need shelter for the winter.

Note: Park species are considered the most winter-hardy. They can not be covered, but only spud with a layer of earth 20 cm high.

To increase winter hardiness, reduce the number of irrigations in the fall, and replace nitrogen fertilizers with phosphorus and potash fertilizers. In rainy weather, drainage grooves are dug around the bushes to drain excess fluid that can damage the roots.

Figure 7. Popular types of fertilizers (from left to right): liquid, organic and mineral

In order for roses to endure the winter well, with the onset of the first frosts, all young fragile shoots, buds and leaves are removed. If they are left, during the winter they will rot and become a source of disease. For additional prevention, the bushes are sprayed with a solution Bordeaux mixture. Climbing and semi-climbing varieties are pinned to the ground, laying them on pine branches (Figure 8). Additionally, each bush is spudded to protect the roots from frost. Examples of shelters for roses are shown in Figure 9.

Note: Roses cover only after the onset of stable night frosts. Rare drops in temperature do not harm the bushes, but only increase their winter hardiness.

For high-quality shelter for the winter, an air-dry method is used:

  • Above each plant, a wire or wooden frame about half a meter high;
  • A layer of insulation (for example, roofing felt) is laid on top and on the side;
  • The top is covered with a layer of polyethylene film.

Figure 8. Shelters for climbing and semi-climbing varieties

In such a shelter, the plants will be reliably protected from the cold. The ends are left open and covered only after the temperature drops to minus 15 degrees.

It is possible to completely remove winter shelters only after the earth has completely warmed up and in the absence of night frosts. But it is impossible to open them too late, as the elevated temperature under the film can lead to the death of plants.

For better adaptation, the opening is carried out gradually:

  • First, snow is removed from the film and drainage grooves are broken around the bushes to drain melt water;
  • After that, they begin to make short-term ventilation, slightly opening the end parts in warm weather;
  • Next, you should make a hole in the upper part of the shelter;
  • When the earth is completely thawed, it is loosened.

Figure 9. Options winter shelters for rose bushes

After warming up the soil by 15-20 cm, they begin to gradually remove the shelter, opening first the ends, then the top and sides. To prevent roses from getting sunburned, it is best to remove the shelter on cloudy days or in the late afternoon.

Open bushes must be shaded, and rooting is carried out only after the final warming up of the earth. After that, weak and diseased stems are removed, and they are also sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid for prevention.

How to care for a room rose in a pot

Hybrid tea, remontant and polyanthus varieties are commonly used as indoor roses. In fact, these are the same garden varieties, but smaller.

As with growing in the garden, roses that are kept at home need proper care: good lighting, regular watering and top dressing. In addition, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature and humidity regime (Figure 10).

The soil

The soil in which it is grown indoor rose should be nutritious, but not heavy. It is important that air is constantly supplied to the roots of the plant, so the soil in the pot must be regularly loosened.

If you plan to transplant a flower into a new container, it is better to buy a special soil for indoor roses. Such a substrate is balanced in terms of the main components, and does not contain pest larvae or pathogens.


Indoor roses are very fond of sunlight. Therefore, they can be safely put on a well-lit southern windowsill. However, it should be borne in mind that in hot weather during the day you can not spray the leaves of the plant, as this can cause burns to delicate tissues.

Figure 10. Caring for roses in a pot

In winter, the length of daylight hours extends by artificial means. To do this, fluorescent lamps are installed near the flower and left on so that the daylight hours are at least 12 hours.


Despite the love of good lighting, indoor varieties very sensitive to temperature. They do not like extreme heat and cold, therefore, in the room where the rose pot is located, it is necessary to maintain a moderate temperature (no more than +20 degrees).

During the dormant period, which lasts from October to February, the indicators are reduced to + 5 + 8 degrees. This is necessary so that the rose gets stronger and does not wake up ahead of time.

Air humidity

Along with the temperature regime and exactingness to the soil, indoor roses are very responsive to air humidity. To do this, the leaves are sprayed with boiled water at room temperature (up to two times a day).

Spraying is carried out in the morning and in the evening so that the water that gets on the leaves does not cause burns. With special care, spraying is carried out in hot weather.

Chinese rose: home care

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, is an ornamental shrub with beautiful flowers different shades. Despite the fact that the inflorescences wither in just a few days, the bush constantly forms many new buds, so the shrub blooms almost continuously. However, this feature will only be relevant if the hibiscus has been provided with optimal care.

The value of hibiscus is that it is considered one of the most unpretentious cultures for home. The main stages of care include:

  • Regular watering: it is necessary to ensure that the earth ball is always moderately moist. In summer, watering should be more intense, and in winter its frequency is reduced.
  • Liquid should not stagnate near the roots, so a layer of drainage must be laid on the bottom of the pot.
  • Maintaining the optimal level of air humidity is ensured by regular spraying. But you need to make sure that water does not get on the flower petals, otherwise they will begin to fall off.
  • Top dressing is applied every ten days during the flowering period, and reduced at the end of summer.

An adult plant needs to regularly cut old branches so that new shoots form on the bush. Every autumn, the shoots are shortened by a third of the length so that the plant can better endure the winter.

Climbing roses: care and cultivation

Cultivation and proper care of climbing roses will help you get a strong and healthy plant that will become a real decoration of the site.

Note: Thanks to flexible climbing stems and lush inflorescences, these varieties are often used to decorate fences, walls of buildings and arbors.

Care for climbing varieties includes a standard set of activities. Bushes need to be regularly watered and fed, as well as prevent diseases and pests. In addition, all damaged and dry shoots are removed in the spring, and the bush is also slightly thinned out to provoke the growth of young shoots and the formation of flower buds.

Figure 11. Options for using climbing varieties for garden decoration

The main feature of growing and caring for climbing varieties is the installation of supports (Figure 11). You can use both special metal structures and any materials at hand. Climbing roses planted near old trees will look spectacular, which will gradually become covered with stems and buds.

Stem rose: planting, care and photo

Rose stem is scientific name ordinary mallow, which is often planted along fences or near the walls of houses. This plant does not grow well in any soil, but some care, like other flower crops, still requires a stem rose (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Planting a stem rose on the site

During the flowering period, all faded buds are removed from the stems, and the stems are shortened to a length of 30 cm. In addition, the stems must be tied to pegs, since they can break in strong winds. Watering mallow prefers moderate, but does not like acidic soils. If the soil on the site is fertile, fertilizing can be omitted. On poor soils, fertilizers are applied about a week before flowering. For the winter, the plant must be covered with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Floribunda rose: planting and care with a photo

Varieties of floribunda roses were bred by breeders. The plants are bushy, and the flowers are collected in large and medium-sized inflorescences.

Well-lit areas are most suitable for planting, but with light shade in the middle of the day. If the plant is intensively illuminated by the sun throughout the day, it will quickly fade. It is also not recommended to plant flowers in areas with strong drafts.

Flowers of this type are very sensitive to watering. The most intensive watering is carried out during the awakening of the kidneys and after the end of the first wave of flowering, when new shoots begin to form on the bushes. In spring, combined fertilizers are applied to the soil, which help the plant to wake up faster. In addition, the soil must be regularly loosened and freed from weeds. The earth circle around the bush can be covered with mulch, which will prevent the soil from drying out and stop the growth of weeds. Rejuvenating pruning is carried out annually to stimulate the growth of new shoots. Despite the resistance to cold weather, floribunda roses are recommended to cover for the winter.

Rose mini mix: home care

Mini mix roses are attractive in that, with small sizes, they are distinguished by long and abundant flowering, and the buds can be of a wide variety of shades (Figure 13).

Figure 12. Growing roses mini mix

Mini mix roses require fairly abundant watering, and the water should be separated and at room temperature. You can also spray the leaves with water at room temperature, and in winter you can completely replace watering with spraying.

In order for plants to bloom often and profusely, they need to provide good lighting. To do this, the flower is placed on the south or southeast window, and in winter the daylight hours are extended with fluorescent lamps.

Park roses: care and cultivation

Park times are most often grown on summer cottages. These are beautiful and relatively unpretentious flowers, which, however, require some care (Figure 14).

Note: to plant park varieties it is necessary at some distance from each other so that the bushes are conveniently maintained and sheltered for the winter.

Park varieties are watered quite intensively, especially in hot summers. However, care must be taken to ensure that the earthen ball does not dry out, but is not too wet. In addition, during the awakening of the kidneys, the plants are fed, and for the winter the branches are shortened and the bushes are covered with dry leaves or coniferous branches.

Tea rose: home care

Tea roses are resistant to adverse factors environment. However, this condition only applies to varieties that are cultivated in the garden. Cultures that are grown at home are very finicky and require careful care.

Figure 14. Growing park roses

First, the room should have enough light and fresh air. For this it is best fit room with windows facing southeast or southwest. If you put a flower on the south window, too intense lighting will lead to rapid drying and falling of the buds. Comfortable temperature is +20+25 degrees. It is also necessary to ensure regular watering: the ground should be moist, but not wet. Therefore, when planting such a crop in a pot, be sure to lay a layer of drainage on the bottom. In addition, indoor tea varieties are regularly sprayed with boiled water at room temperature, avoiding moisture on the flowers.

Lovers of fragrant roses can admire these plants all year round. After all, their more compact "relatives" take their rightful place on the windowsill, terrace in small pots or large containers. Houseplants in pots are just as fragrant and beautiful as garden roses. Their buds are mesmerizing

and with the right content, they delight from early spring to mid-autumn, and maybe longer.

Many beginner gardeners ask about being in a pot. After all, a rose does not always please with abundant flowering, it begins to hurt, dry. But such changes occur with the plant for the reason that gardeners are trying to experiment without knowing the main features. Therefore, proper care ensures early and long-term flowering of plants.

Conditions successful cultivation decorative roses

Ornamentals are grown as compact plants in pots. But not all varieties are suitable for this. Most often these are tea, remontant roses, they feel great on the windowsill.

Indoor roses are very photophilous.

They prefer the south or southwest side, because they need a long Experienced gardeners knowing how to look after them in the fall and in early spring for a successful growing season with fluorescent lamps.

In addition to good lighting, roses like sufficient humidity. In the summer, when the apartment is dry and hot, the plants should be sprayed, and, if possible, taken out to the balcony or loggia. There they will feel much better.

You need to water regularly, as the topsoil dries, but without flooding the plant. Roses can't stand watering cold water, it should be at room temperature. You can pour directly on the soil, or you can pour it into the pan, but then it is recommended to drain the water.

How to keep roses blooming

You can talk for a long time about how to care for roses in a pot. Let's just say that the flowering of plants and its duration depends on many factors.

First, fertilizer. From early spring, indoor roses should be fed with special fertilizers, which can be purchased at a flower shop. There you will be advised a special stick for fertilizer. It is inserted into the ground in a vertical position, its validity period is 3 months. This feeding method is the most convenient.

Secondly, the formation of the bush plays an important role. In winter, the rose is provided with a dormant period, it is taken out to a cool room (+5 ... + 9 degrees), cutting off all the stems and leaving up to 5 buds on each. In spring, the plant is brought to a permanent, illuminated place. Further, as the branches grow, which go to the middle of the bush, they are cut off.

Thirdly, the flowering of roses depends on the plants being illuminated to set many buds.

Fourthly, in order for the buds to form faster, the already withered flowers are removed, and with them the dried branches, that is, the rose bush is kept clean throughout the growing season.

Indoor roses are transplanted after 2-3 years, transferring a clod of earth into a pot, the size of which is slightly larger than before. They buy special land for indoor roses.

These simple advice will help novice lovers learn how to care for roses in a pot, and translate the basic rules into plant life. Decorative roses will delight your home with their magical flowering and delicate aroma for a long time to come.

Indoor rose is able to decorate any room. However, their beautiful decorative look is the result of careful care, which is achieved through the application of certain skills. However, the efforts made are rewarded - after all, you will receive a perfect flower that pleases the eye.

The roses themselves are small potted bushes, reaching a height of 30-40 cm. Especially popular among rose lovers are mainly such types of these plants as hybrid tea, pernetsin, remontant, polyanthus.

This plant practically does not differ from those varieties that are grown in greenhouse conditions. Nevertheless, there are some features of caring for them, which we will try to reveal.

What are indoor roses?

Rose lovers are happy to grow them in summer cottages and gardens. household plots. But there are people who never want to part with their favorite flowers. In this case, you can put several pots with bushes of indoor roses in the house and enjoy their flowering and aroma almost all year round. If you love roses and want to decorate your home with them, these simple tips help you complete the task.

From the article you will learn:

  • Which roses are suitable for growing indoors
  • Buying a room rose
  • Caring for a room rose after purchase
  • Lighting, watering, temperature control
  • Features of feeding indoor roses
  • Transplanting and pruning indoor roses
  • Useful video: how to care for indoor roses

Which roses are suitable for growing indoors

Most of all, low roses are suitable for this purpose, with a height of 40 to 45 cm. There are many specially bred varieties of various colors. Such roses bloom almost all year round and feel good indoors. These include remontant, Bengal and polyanthus roses.

  • Polyanthus - low bushes, strongly branched with densely spaced small flowers white, pink or red, most often odorless. This variety of roses was bred as a result of crossing climbing roses with tea and other varieties that bloom again. Flowering of polyanthus roses at home continues all year round.
  • Remontant - have dense foliage, dark green in color, flower buds are located on a long peduncle, resemble the shape of a glass. The flowers are not as densely arranged as in the previous representatives of the Rosaceae family, but you can enjoy their splendor twice during one season.
  • Bengal - great for growing indoors, as they are compact and not capricious. Small leaves and lush flowers of pink, red, less often white color almost all year round will decorate your rooms.

Buying a room rose

When buying an indoor rose of the variety you like, choose a plant with unblown buds. Carefully inspect the flower for pest infestation (scale insect, mealybug, spider mite), the condition of the shoots, leaves and peduncles. First of all, inspect the shoots and leaves. There should be no black spots on the Shoots, this may mean that the plant is infected with a fungal disease.

The leaves of a room rose should be rich green, dense, shiny in appearance, firmly attached to the stems. White plaque on the leaves indicates powdery mildew damage to the flower, black or brown spots indicate fungal spotting. Yellow and shedding of foliage means that the plant is depleted or was too flooded.


What to look for when buying a plant

Be sure to remove the gift bag, inspect the stems, they should not have black areas. If there are black spots on the stems, refuse to buy this specimen.

Make sure the plant is not shedding leaves. They must adhere firmly to the plant, cover the stems to the ground level and be green, glossy, elastic.

  • Faded and falling leaves indicate that the plant was “steamed” during transportation.
  • Matte leaves with whitish dots indicate that the plant is affected. spider mite.
  • A large number of yellow leaves in the lower part of the stems indicates that the plant was exhausted from long-term transportation and being in the store.
  • Brown or black spots on the leaves are a sign of fungal blotches.
  • The presence of white spots with a small fluff - another fungal disease - powdery mildew.

Examine the plants for pests: mealybug(lumps that look like cotton wool in the axils of the leaves), scale insects (brown small cakes, similar to droplets of wax, are removed with a fingernail, more often along the leaf veins), whiteflies (white small capsules on reverse side leaf), thrips (silver strokes on the upper side of the leaf, thin nimble flies can be seen in the flowers), aphids (usually densely cover the upper parts of the shoots), spider mites (whitish leaves, powdery coating on the underside of the leaf, cobwebs are sometimes visible).

  • After buying a plant wash the rose under warm shower, such a procedure will clean the leaves of road dust, greatly reduce the population of the spider mite, if any.
  • Carefully remove the lump from the pot, with a strong weave of roots, it should be immediately transferred (without replacing the soil and separating the bushes) into a slightly larger pot with the addition of fresh soil for roses.
  • For prevention against insect pests, it is advisable to treat with Aktara (spill with a solution of 1 g / 10 l and sprinkle the leaves with a solution of 4 g / 5 l).

Upon detection black patches on stems they should be removed just below the damage. Give the rose a very bright and well-ventilated place.

Upon detection dark spots(spotting), white plaque(powdery mildew) on leaves, gray fluff on leaves or flowers (gray rot) should be treated from fungal diseases fungicide preparations (Hom, Topaz, Skor, Colloidal sulfur, etc.).


Rose Care Rules

Any amateur grower needs to know how to care for a room rose, because caring for her is different from caring for garden species. Moreover, the maintenance of a rose has almost nothing to do with the care of other house plants. In rare cases, conditions may overlap.

Basic rules for keeping a room rose:

  • Lighting. Roses of domestic species are real lovers of the sun. Therefore, it is better to install the pot on the windowsill, where the window faces south or southeast. In the short daylight season, the plant is provided with additional light through a fluorescent lamp. However, overheating is also unacceptable.
  • Temperature. Optimum temperature for a room rose during its active growth - from 14 to 20 degrees Celsius. Starting from October, and up to February, the plant is at rest, which requires a lower temperature - from 5 to 8 degrees Celsius.
  • Air humidity. Indoor roses prefer a humid climate, and therefore it is recommended to spray them. During active growth, spraying is done twice a day.

Having bought a magnificent bouquet in the store, or having received it from a fan, we are in a hurry to put the flowers in the water. It is necessary to put roses in a vase with water, having previously added a tablespoon of alcohol or vodka to the liquid. This simple trick will extend the life of the bouquet. If we are talking about a rose as a houseplant, there will be several tips.

Proper care of a home rose by season

Not only a lack or excess of water can destroy a plant. Putting roses in water is the best solution for garden species. Indoor roses can be subject to diseases and pests. To avoid this, it is necessary to periodically treat the flower with special preventive mixtures, observe the temperature and humidity levels in the room, and the degree of moisture in the soil. The sooner you notice the signs of the disease, the sooner you get rid of it.

Caring for a room rose is constant attention to it. The rules for keeping this plant may seem complicated. However, they are not. Moreover, for the love and care on your part, the rose will pay for the incredible beauty and splendor of flowering.


Reproduction methods

The following methods of reproduction of these flowers are known:

  • seeds, which is very laborious and almost never practiced;
  • cuttings of roses - the most common and popular way;
  • layering, if the stems are long, climbing.

Also, a rose is grafted onto a wild rose, getting a copy of the desired variety. But this is no longer reproduction. And also the vaccine is used exclusively in horticulture.

How to propagate roses from cuttings? Many species are propagated by cuttings, but this is not always an easy task. Rosa Cordana, for example, difficult to reproduce. A miniature varieties, intended for rooms, interiors, cuttings are easier.

How to grow roots in water

This method is most suitable for miniature and dwarf roses. Roses are most often propagated by green cuttings. These are annual shoots that gave buds. For the formation of roots in water, it is recommended to follow the following rules.

  • The best period is spring and summer, characterized by long periods of natural daylight. Then the plants actively grow and give buds.
  • It is believed that the most suitable shoot for grafting should have a bud. But if you do not want to deprive yourself of flowering, you can take a faded stem.
  • The knife or pruner must be sharp so as not to leave notches on the stem as a source of infection.
  • The cutting must have more than two buds, from which new shoots will grow.
  • From below, the cutting is cut along an oblique line, and from above - in a straight line. Length - no more than 15 cm.
  • Flower growers consider it right to use boiled water for growing roots, considering raw water unsuitable. In any case, the water should be settled for several hours, heated to room temperature.
  • For root growth in water, dark containers, opaque or dark glass, are more suitable.
  • Each container with the material should be signed if the grades are different.
  • Water is not changed, but topped up as it evaporates.
  • Jars of roses should be in a bright place, such as a windowsill.

Features of the method of growing roots

According to one of the opinions, when the roots appear, the rose is placed in the ground. This increases the chances of survival, and the plant itself is not weakened.

Other flower growers believe that miniature roses wait up to three weeks for roots to appear and grow them up to a centimeter. They must branch out. Planted in containers of 200 ml with holes for draining water.

Some take into account the phases of the moon and believe that landing should be done on the growing moon.

But in order to take this factor into account, you need the moon to shine through the window, giving the plant additional lighting. That is, the windows should be south, on the north side it does not matter. In addition, waiting for the “correct” moon, you can miss the time for good landing, weaken the plant.

Very often, the first flowering of a rooted rose does not have to wait long, the bud appears soon. But it depends on the variety and other conditions.

Rooting cuttings

Propagation material-cuttings are obtained in the process of pruning indoor roses. If the rose grew on the street, but has a small size suitable for indoor cultivation, branches can be taken from it.

But not every variety of garden rose will take root in indoor pot. climbing rose considered suitable for rooting. But the tea garden rose almost does not give good results except for a small percentage.

The most suitable shoots for rooting - received in spring and summer, with ripe buds or blooming.

Long runs are fine too. A prerequisite is the presence of kidneys. The length of the handle is up to 12 cm.
Knife or scissors for cutting preferably disinfect alcohol or potassium permanganate. We make a cut under the kidney below and above the kidney at a distance of up to 1 cm from above. The existing leaves are cut in half.

Method of rooting in the ground

Cuttings immediately after the cut are planted in the ground. There are drugs that promote rooting. In the drug "Kornevin" you need to dip the lower cut of the cutting. And from the means of "Epin" they make a solution in which sections are kept for up to half a day.

cutting immersed in the ground 1/3 and tamp the soil. Naturally, before harvesting cuttings, containers with soil must be prepared. Each container is covered with a jar or a common greenhouse is made under the film. The moisture in the greenhouse evaporates slowly. Therefore, it is not necessary to water every day. Favorable soil temperature - up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Roses are a must good lighting required. If you can not put them on the windowsill, we make the backlight (light day - 15 hours). Rooting period - up to 5 weeks. When the leaves begin to grow, then air can be supplied to the greenhouse, and then the film (jar) can be completely removed.

If rooting was done in a common container, over time, roses seated one at a time.

  • The distance between roses should be approximately 5 cm.
  • Being in the light, roses should not fall under the scorching sun.
    When the root system grows, they are transshipped with a clod of earth into a large container.
  • In a 500 ml container, the rose can live until next spring without a transplant.

Normal care: watering, temperature.
In autumn, they can stand on the veranda, in cool conditions. In winter, you also need to keep them away from the heat of the battery. As the winter day begins to lengthen, the plants will respond by growing. In the first year, you should not expect abundant flowering, as it occurs later with thorough rooting.

Rooting by air layering

If a culture of compact (room) size has long stems associated with a variety - climbing, then it can be propagated by layering. This is a more reliable way, not dangerous to the life of the rooted branch.

Air layering can be rooted on any plant. And this is exactly what they do for reliability, if there are not enough cuttings. When propagating by layering, it is advisable to take a flowering branch.

Leaves are removed from the bottom and make longitudinal cuts a sharp cutting object (razor or knife) on the bark. Then put a sandbag over the incision site. This rooting soil needs to be moistened regularly.

Three weeks later, or earlier, root buds will begin to develop on the incised stem. With the darkening of the stem at the site of the cut and the absence of roots, they conclude: rooting by layering did not work. It is necessary to cut this shoot above the damaged place and plant it in the form of a cutting.

You can learn about successful rooting by the growth of new shoots. Need to regularly moisten the soil avoiding excess moisture. Drying out is also unacceptable. The size of the pot is also important.

Soil and fertilizer

for sale ready soil in a package for roses, having all the necessary components. You can also make soil from a mixture of sand and peat.

Sand with turf - good composition soil for the further development of the plant. The substrate is prepared by taking light soil, adding to it twice as much turf, the same amount of peat and a little bit of sand.

A good fertilizer for roses is humus. When new leaves appear on a rooted rose, you can make mineral fertilizers and organic.

Container size and greenhouse conditions

The opinions of flower growers differ. Some insist on matching the pot to the size of the plant and believe that the cutting needs a small capacity, no more than 200 ml.

Others say: the rose loves a large amount of soil and you can immediately take a bigger pot. One way or another, the container must have a good drainage, drain holes.

After the roots have taken up all the space in a small pot, the rose must be transplanted directly with a clod of earth into a larger container. If the pot is excessively large, there is a danger of uneven moisture, moisture stagnation, and the appearance of pests that spoil the roots.

When rooting a single rose in a balcony box, other plants that are similar in climatic preferences can be planted there. It is quite possible to plant several rose cuttings in one box.

It must be taken into account that wind and draft are also harmful to the culture when rooting. For protection from the wind, as well as for long-term preservation of moisture and creating the necessary climate use greenhouses. This is a plastic film covering the container, or a jar for each bush.


Learn more about transplanting room roses

Indoor rose - not only very beautiful plant, capable of creating a festive atmosphere in any room, but also lovely gift any woman.

However, in order for the flower to please you for a long time with its beautiful appearance he needs to be properly cared for. Plant health depends primarily on timely transplantation, performed in accordance with all the rules. How to transplant indoor rose? Let's try to figure out how to transplant an indoor rose.

We immediately note that it is absolutely necessary to do this. The fact is that in the store roses grow in pots with a light baking powder or pure peat, and they have practically no useful substances. In addition, a flower is often treated with special solutions to give it a presentation.

If you leave a rose in store soil, then it can die quickly enough due to the instantaneous reproduction of pathogens.

This is facilitated by infection of the plant through acidic soil. That is why, almost immediately after buying a rose, it needs to be transplanted, but before that, the flower must be prepared for such a process as transplanting a room rose.

Transplant preparation

Rose transplantation is possible only after providing it with good primary care. Be sure to withstand the period of adaptation of the flower to new conditions.

The plant will take some time to settle, after which it must be washed in soapy water.

It will be very handy to leave the rose for half an hour in a basin of water, and then arrange a contrast shower for her from hot and warm water. At the same time, the temperature hot water should not exceed forty degrees.

  • After graduation water procedures spray the flower with a solution prepared from water and epin (5 drops per liter of water).
  • Then you need to make plastic bag a kind of greenhouse and put the resulting bag on a rose, securing it with sticks stuck in the ground.
  • It is important to ensure that the package does not touch the foliage.
  • Every day you need to do airing for the flower, increasing the time it stays in the air.
  • You should start with five minutes and gradually bring this period to noon, waiting for the moment when the flowers begin to wither.
  • After that, you need to remove the inflorescences and your rose is absolutely ready for transplantation.

Step by step instructions with photo

Now let's talk about how to properly transplant a room rose. First you need to carefully remove one or more roses from the pot, and in the second case, you need to get them one by one. Then immerse the rose roots in boiled water at room temperature so that all the earth on the roots is washed off.

If a non-woven fabric is found between the roots, it must be carefully removed. Such water procedures will help rid the rose of chemical substances, which can be on it, and will allow the flower to remain healthy and beautiful for a long time.

The pot should be sized in such a way that it is a few centimeters larger in diameter than the container in which you purchased the rose, and the same amount larger in height.

The choice of pot should be taken seriously, because if you get too large a pot, the rose may stop blooming. It is better to buy land for transplanting in a flower shop, it is preferable to get a special mixture for roses. If you do not find such a composition in stores, then it is better to choose loose, moisture-intensive soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. A ceramic pot must be soaked in water for several hours before transplanting.

  • Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the pot, it is better to use expanded clay in the form of granules for these purposes.
  • At the same time, the largest of them should be laid at the very bottom, and the smaller ones on top with a layer about 1.2 cm thick.
  • If there is no drain hole in the pot, then the drainage layer must be at least 3.5 cm.
  • Prepared earth mixed with fertilizers is poured onto the drainage from above.
  • Then you need to plant a flower and sprinkle with ordinary earth (without fertilizers).

You need to transplant a rose, gradually tamping the ground, but not pouring it to the edges of the pot. There should be at least 2 cm of free space from its edge to ground level. At the end of the procedure, the plant should not be watered immediately.. It is better to put it on the north window or just in a shady place for about a day. The flower can then be placed on permanent place, preferably oriented to the southeast. In very strong heat, you need to water the rose in the morning and in the evening under the root. After a month from the moment of transplantation, you can begin to feed the flower with fertilizers.

Thus, if you carefully follow our advice on transplanting this beautiful plant, you can grow a real rose bush at home. And he will delight you with his flowering and amazing beauty for more than one year. It is hard to imagine that even on harsh winter evenings, this wonderful flower can “warm” you with its charm. For the sake of such a pleasant “neighbor” on your windowsill, it’s worth trying!


How to protect flowers from pests?

You need to constantly check twigs, flowers and leaves in order to have time to take action.. So, how to save a room rose if pests have overcome it?

  • Aphid. These insects are not so scary. Especially if you notice them right away. In this case, you can simply collect the pests with your hands. If the situation worsens, use one of the special preparations, for example, Intavir.
  • Spider mite. He is very partial to roses and is able to destroy the plant in a few days. The tick entangles the twigs and the space between them with the thinnest cobweb, as a result of which the leaves of the flower dry and fall off. The buds are also subject to attack by this pest, due to which they do not have time to bloom. To get rid of the tick, you need to spray the plant with Fitoferm.
  • Rust, powdery mildew, gray rot and other fungal diseases occur due to excessive humidity. These infections will be properly prevented, since they are quite difficult to cure. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pan, ventilate the room in which the rose lives, do not often spray the leaves. If trouble has occurred, use "Fundazol".

It is necessary to process indoor roses with any of these preparations on the street or in non-residential premises. After spraying, the plant is left in the same place for a day, and only then it is brought into the room.

Proper care and maintenance, care and love - that's all your fragrant pets need. And having received all this, Queen Rose will present you with flowers truly royally!

Features of caring for a frozen rose

You were presented with an indoor rose in a pot, but in a short time spent on the street, she still managed to freeze slightly, did the flowers and leaves begin to dry? Do not despair! We will tell you how to revive this beauty.

The following measures are urgently needed:

  • transplant (transfer) into a larger pot with nutrient soil - a special soil mixture for growing roses, or make it yourself from two parts of humus, two parts of peat and one part of sand;
  • donate flowers and buds - remove them along with all frostbitten shoots and leaves.

Top dressing of a room rose

It is not necessary to feed the rose directly when transplanting. And with the onset of spring and until late autumn, the plant must be fertilized once a week, alternating either organic fertilizers or mineral fertilizers. After all, nutritious soil - important condition For good growth room rose.

Watering home roses

The plant needs abundant watering as the soil dries out, especially during the growing season. At the same time, both drying and waterlogging should not be allowed.

Only settled water is suitable for irrigation: in the warm season - at room temperature, and in winter - cooler. If the plant is in a well-heated room in winter, then it needs to take a shower regularly (at least once every two weeks) - spray it with water that is 3 ° C higher than room temperature. In winter, watering should be done less frequently, since at this time the rose is in a dormant period.

After transplanting, it is better to put a room rose on an eastern window sill. In the first days, a few more leaves may fall from it, but after 7-10 days new, young ones should appear. This means that the plant has taken root.


Why the indoor rose does not bloom

To grow in your flower garden rare plant need to know the secrets of the content. Most want to see exotic flowers. The secrets of breeding large plant species are different. Each plant needs individual approach. In this article, the editors intended to provide many tips to avoid content errors. unusual flower. You should determine for yourself which class your pet is assigned to. However, there are also common problems due to which the indoor rose does not bloom.


Despite the fact that flower shops sell blooming roses all year round, their natural bud set times are spring and summer. In stores, they achieve the appearance of flowers in winter with special hormonal and vitamin preparations, which in the end can even lead to the death of the plant. At home, these drugs are simply not applicable. Therefore, do not expect the appearance of buds in December and January, everything has its turn.

Insufficient lighting level

Since roses are photophilous plants, their maintenance requires special placement: on the southwestern or southeastern windows. On windows facing north, you should not expect abundant flowering from them. However, you should not overdo it - putting roses on the windows of the south side, where it will be too hot for them in the summer months, their inflorescences and leaves will become small.

If the windows of the apartment face only the north side, you can use artificial lighting, thereby lengthening the daylight hours.

Lamps are placed at a distance of no more than 30 cm from the top of the plant. The optimal length of daylight hours for good flowering of indoor roses is 10-12 hours. That is why it is important to turn on the illuminating lamps when it starts to get dark outside and leave them on until midnight.

Thanks to properly created artificial lighting, miniature roses can bloom until winter. It is also worth considering the temperature factor on sunny windows: a heated pot with plants will lead to the drying of the earthen substrate and, consequently, the root system.

Roses are very sensitive to such exposure, so light-colored pots are optimal for them. You can also protect yourself from the rays with the help of ordinary white sheets of paper. Also, do not forget about regular watering.

Incorrectly selected soil composition

For indoor miniature roses, soil with a neutral pH of 6.5-7.5 is preferred. If the plant is planted in soil with an inappropriate level of acidity, it will not bloom or the flowering will be very weak.

Inappropriate temperature setting

It will also negatively affect the flowering of miniature roses and overheating of the plant. If the temperature on the windowsill rises above 22-25°C, then simply spraying the plant with a spray bottle is not enough. It is necessary to shade the window to save the flowers from direct sunlight during the hottest time of the day. It is also necessary to wash the leaves several days a week in the evening after sunset. It would be useful if you put a container near the plant with water, which will humidify the air.

Incorrect introduction of dressings

This factor is associated not only with the starvation of the rose, a rare transplant or top dressing, but also with an excessive amount of fertilizer, since an overestimated concentration will cause a serious burn to the root system of the plant.

Problems after transplant

Incorrect transplantation of a rose can also be the reason why it does not bloom. This may be due to too tight, or, on the contrary, too spacious pot, damage to the roots during transplantation.

In addition, a rose transplant carried out in autumn or winter can be not only the cause of the lack of flowering, but also the death of the flower itself.


We hope that our tips will help you avoid problems with rose bloom.


Factors that contribute to the defeat of the spider mite

  • Lack of light.
  • Loss of turgor in leaves. This can be caused by insufficient watering; damage to the roots from drying out or from waterlogging when they begin to rot; inaccurate transplant; high doses of fertilizers.
  • Overheating of leaves (behind glass) and root ball in the sun, as well as too high a temperature.
  • Dry air.
  • Lack of fresh air supply.

Features of growing indoor roses in winter

A problem that may be encountered when growing roses in winter is the lack of natural light. If there is a special backlight that will provide the desired light intensity and daylight hours (12 hours), nothing can be changed in care, it is advisable to maintain a temperature not higher than +21 ° C during the day with a decrease to +16 ° C at night and ensure good ventilation without placing the plant close to heating appliances.

  • It is advisable to maintain high air humidity by spraying the air next to the plant, since water directly on the leaves can cause fungal diseases.
  • LED and fluorescent fitolamps are suitable for additional lighting, but their light is unpleasant for the eyes (the spectrum is shifted to the red and blue parts of the spectrum, so the lamp gives a lilac-pinkish light).
  • You can use household LED and fluorescent lamps, but they give a less complete spectral composition of light for plants, so they increase the lighting power for full growth.
  • If there is no possibility of additional illumination in the winter months, then it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the content to + 10 + 15 ° C. Under these conditions, the growth of the plant will slow down, the rose will plunge into light sleep, and this will allow her to survive the lack of light. In coolness, the metabolic rate decreases and the plant is not depleted.

If the rose is kept in low light and warm, then it will spend more energy (on metabolic processes) than it will receive from inefficient photosynthesis (in low light). Having used up its reserves, the plant will die. In this case, a severe defeat by a spider mite is usually observed. Lowering the temperature will slow down the activity of the mite, this is another reason to keep the rose cool in winter.

During shallow sleep, the abundance and frequency of watering decreases, the soil is kept moist, fertilizers are not applied.

The second way of wintering is immersing the rose in deep dream. It comes when the temperature drops to + 0 + 5 ° C. The rose should be immersed in such a deep sleep, gradually lowering the temperature in autumn, reducing watering accordingly and stopping applying nitrogen fertilizers from the end of summer. The rose sheds its leaves and after that it no longer needs light - it can be stored in a dark place (basement, refrigerator), keeping the soil slightly moist, without top dressing. It is imperative to ensure good ventilation, otherwise the plant will be susceptible to fungal diseases.

If it is not possible to provide good light or coolness in winter, then it is better plant a rose in the garden. Many varieties overwinter well in a protected area in open field, often there they have a better chance of surviving than in unsuitable conditions of a winter apartment. You can plant plants in spring and summer, protecting from frost. Agrotechnics for growing and sheltering mini roses are similar to other garden roses.

Pot roses are self-rooted, grown from cuttings, and different varieties show different winter hardiness. Usually, however, they are used for planting in the garden for the summer, and with wintering - as lucky. Once overwintered varieties may subsequently be short-lived and freeze out in subsequent winters.

Like its garden relatives, it belongs to the Rosaceae family.

Almost all lovers of indoor plants would like to have this incomparably smelling flower at home. However, many flower growers often have no idea how to care for this magnificent plant.

Not even a few weeks pass, and the flower queen turns into a black, unpresentable stump. Neither top dressing nor transplanting helps. What's the matter? How to save and grow a rose at home?

Flower adaptation to home conditions

Caring for a room rose is quite difficult. and before you buy a flower, you need to learn more about all the nuances of its cultivation.

First of all, you should choose a quality plant. Many buyers are guided by the number of buds, believing that the more, the better. However, this is not quite true. Special attention you should pay attention to the bush itself, which should have young shoots. This is evidence that the plant is in the growth phase, which means it will easily take root in a new place and will delight you in the future with its beauty and fragrance.

Do not rush to immediately transplant the flower into a new pot, give the rosette the opportunity to acclimatize in your apartment.

After 2-3 days, preventive measures against pests are necessarily carried out. Here you can use ordinary soap foam. Each leaf must be washed, especially with inside, soapy water and rinse the plant under running warm water.

You can arrange a mini-rose for a contrast shower. To do this, you need to water the flower hot water for five minutes, then the same amount - cool.

Here, on the spot, you should remove the flower from the pot and carefully examine the roots. If rotten areas are found, they must be carefully removed. Healthy roots should be light and strong.

After carrying out water procedures, the flower is left for 1.5-2 hours to dry, after which it can be transplanted into a fresh soil mixture.

Gallery: mini rose (25 photos)

Transplanting a room rose

Transshipment of the acquired bush can be carried out at any time of the year. Experts advise doing this in early spring or postponing the procedure until August.

Substrate and pot

Fans of indoor plants need to know that a garden crop is not suitable for planting at home. For the apartment there is special kind- indoor rose, differing from the garden type and size of inflorescences.

A home or indoor rose is a miniature (up to 50 cm high), flowering, potted plant, of which there are about 250 species, but there are much more varieties. In the photo of domestic roses, you can see a wide variety of colors and shapes of buds, which makes this houseplant very attractive for growing at home.

Among the varieties of home roses most suitable for growing as indoor plants, it is worth highlighting such as "Miss Rowena Tom", "Grousse en Teplitz" or "La France" from the variety hybrid tea roses, "Madame Falco", "Marshal Niel" or "Nifetos" of the tea rose variety, "Orande Triumph" of the polyanthus variety, Bourbon "Souvenir de la Malmaison" or most Bengal red rose varieties.

The whimsicalness and exactingness of domestic roses is well known and can scare away beginner flower growers, but still it is worth trying to grow domestic roses in pots, because they are very decorative and can bloom for a long time.

And so that there are as few questions as possible about how to care for a home rose, you need to remember certain recommendations:

  1. for the location of pots with these plants, you need to choose southern and southeastern window openings and balconies;
  2. you need to plant homemade roses in fresh nutrient soil;
  3. in the warm season, they need to provide fresh air in sufficient quantities;
  4. during the growing season, indoor roses need to be watered abundantly, but at the same time take into account the ambient temperature and the degree of drying of the top layer of soil;
  5. in the process of caring for a home rose, it is imperative to carry out weekly top dressing, especially carefully - during flowering and active growth;
  6. transshipment of plants in larger containers, but only if necessary.

Negative factors when growing indoor roses must also be considered. These include:

  • dry air and direct Sun rays, due to which overheating may occur;
  • cold water used for irrigation;
  • leaving dry foliage and stems, withered buds and sprouts on the plant;
  • root injury;
  • wintering in a too hot room;
  • untimely treatment and control of diseases and pests.

Home care roses require constant and rather active care, but provided that a favorable environment for growth is created and maintained, it will come down only to regular watering and top dressing.


Care for home roses should begin from the moment of purchase. The whole process can be broken down into procedures that must be followed:

  1. Adaptation - while the flower is getting used to the new room, you need to repeat as much as possible the conditions in which the plant was before the moment of purchase in the store, including the mode of watering and feeding. At this time, it is necessary to isolate drafts and direct sunlight, use settled water for irrigation. clean water, carry out spraying of leaves. It is necessary to transplant a home rose only after it adapts.
  2. Transplant - carried out after the plant gets used to a new place. Transplant a new rose it is necessary together with an earthen clod, only slightly loosening the outer layer and removing a small amount of old soil. Transplantation must be carried out very carefully so that the roots remain intact. It is best to use a mixture of soddy and humus soil mixed with sand (in a ratio of 4:4:1) and a small amount of complex fertilizers. The transplant pot should be several centimeters larger in diameter and 5-7 cm higher than the container in which the rose was purchased. A drain hole is required. The bottom of the pot should cover a layer of expanded clay drainage. After transplanting, the rose should be left for a day in the shade in a cool place, and then rearranged on a well-lit window sill, but not under direct rays, with fresh air.
  3. Watering - indoor roses are very demanding on watering and, due to insufficient moisture, they can even begin to dry. Therefore, you need to water regularly, in the cool time of the day, under the root, on hot days more often, as the top layer of the soil dries up. Water for irrigation should be clean, separated, at room temperature.
  4. Top dressing - should also be regular, at least 2 times a month. In doing so, you can use complex fertilizers according to the instructions or mullein. In addition to fertilizing the soil, you can use special soluble complexes for top dressing in the form of spraying. Sick and only transplanted roses are not fed.
  5. Preparation for wintering - too milestone care, as home roses hibernate like their garden "relatives", and some varieties even shed their leaves. In order for the indoor rose to endure this period well, you need to move it to a cool room (15-17 ° C) with sufficiently humid air and without household appliances. Also, before wintering, roses are pruned, leaving 5 live buds on each branch.
  6. Wintering - in the autumn-winter period, roses need no less careful care, namely, watering and spraying, maintaining normal air humidity.

Homemade roses are very beautiful houseplants, and, despite the demanding care, they are still very popular among flower growers.