Mixer      08.03.2020

Brickwork design. White brick wall as a trend. Advantages of a white brick wall in the interior

The brick wall in the interior of the living room is an original and unusual element. The standard design of the walls involves a multilayer coating of brick or concrete wall in order to give it an attractive appearance, in everything different from the material of the base. However, brickwork is a very expressive element and can serve as an interior tool.

A variety of materials are used. White brick in the interior of the living room is most common. In the kitchen and bedroom, facing bricks are more often used. In the corridor you can even meet a colored one. This solution is extremely versatile and allows you to solve many interior problems.

Brickwork in the interior: advantages and disadvantages

The brick wall in the living room has become fashionable not so long ago. After the war, a considerable number of former factory and factory premises began to be rented out as housing. It is hard to say now how successful this idea was, but it just so happened that these buildings were inhabited by bohemian representatives who value huge windows, excellent light and large space. Poor artists, musicians, artists with impeccable taste managed to decorate such rooms in such an interesting way that such a design turned into a separate style - a loft.

Since then, brick has been used as a finishing material in the living room.

In addition to the popularity of the design style, this decor element has many other advantages:

  • decorative brick in the living room creates a unique and interesting texture. Such decoration does not need any decoration, and in itself creates the structure of the space;
  • masonry can be used both fragmentarily and occupy a wall;
  • shades of stone are perfectly combined with any natural materials. White decorative brick in the interior of the living room is combined with any shades and textures;
  • the brick wall is very durable, resistant to mechanical stress, indifferent to the influence of temperature, humidity or ultraviolet radiation. This is one of the most durable cladding materials;
  • natural strength allows you to fix any hinged elements on it - from shelves to console furniture.

In the photo - a brick wall in the living room with a TV.
  • such a finish is quite affordable, especially when it comes to materials that imitate brick;
  • living room design with brick wall performed in any modern style.

Despite the versatility, this solution has some disadvantages:

  • natural brick has an uneven texture. It is difficult to care for her, especially if the finish is used in the kitchen or in the bathroom;
  • an excessive number of brick walls gives the impression of some neglect;
  • the texture of the stone needs good lighting. So, for example, use brickwork for decorating the wall farthest from the window - an unsuccessful solution.

Design options: materials

There are several ways to design such an element. They are divided into 2 categories: a real brick wall and a brick wall. The first option is more difficult to install and maintain, its cost is higher. The second one is noticeably cheaper and much easier to install. However, finishing material of any kind is inferior to real brick in terms of durability and reliability.

Brick wall

The base material of the walls of the house can be brick, building stone, different kinds concrete. In fact, you can implement such a design method in any case.

  • Real brickwork in the interior of the living room can be part of a wall or. The standard design upon delivery of an object involves plastering walls and ceilings, and in some cases, wallpapering. Therefore, apartment owners who want to decorate it in a loft, industrial, rustic style are faced with the need to remove the finish in order to get to the brickwork.

The masonry should be cleaned of dirt and mortar residues, washed and sanded. The base walls are laid without taking into account aesthetic considerations, so the joints have to be additionally rubbed with putty. In addition, it is recommended that the masonry be varnished or even painted in order to protect the material from dust and moisture.

In the photo - a brick wall in the interior of the living room.
  • Another option is a partition in the hall in the form of a brick wall.. This option is easy to implement in cases where a studio apartment is zoned or when a wall is transferred. Masonry is done in 1 brick so that the partition is as light as possible. At the same time, its decorative role is taken into account: the seams are cleaned and sealed immediately, the wall is polished after laying.

In the photo - a living room with a brick wall.
  • In a room, a brick wall can appear in another way.. An ordinary brick wall in an apartment rarely has any kind of attractive appearance. Besides, in modern construction concrete is used even more often than brick. In these cases, the design of the wall in the living room is done using facing bricks or clinker.

Such a finish is more difficult to install and more expensive. In addition, the clinker makes the walls heavier, so you should find out about the possibility of cladding in advance. The walls in the living room, decorated with bricks, do not differ from the basic brick ones. However, it should be borne in mind that the thickness of such a cladding is quite large and reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

You can paint brick walls or trim in any color if its natural shade does not meet the requirements of the style.

In the photo - a white brick wall in the interior of the living room.

Materials imitating brickwork

In practice, the second design option - using finishing materials imitating masonry is much more common. A variety of solutions are used for this.

Tile "under the brick"

If it is not possible to use a brick, good option will become a tile "under the brick". Both clinker and ceramic are used. The first imitates masonry much better, since it is made, in fact, from the same material. It is much thinner, weighs less and is exceptionally durable. It is undesirable to paint the clinker.

In the photo - tiles "under the brick" when decorating the wall in the living room.

Ceramic tile is somewhat different in texture, but it has a very smooth surface. This option does not need to be varnished for protection. Very decorative tiles with a glossy surface - white, red, black. This option is used when decorating a kitchen-living room with a brick wall.

Finishing wall panels

Cladding panels imitating brickwork are the best option. Panels are made of MDF, PVC, hardboard, plywood, fiberboard. That is, you can choose the finish based on any conditions and for any wallet. A living room with white brick is required, but at the same time also warm - they choose MDF finishes, since this material has excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. If you need a budget option, but definitely not causing allergies, use a plastic finish.

PVC panels are by far the most commonly used. The point is not only in the availability of the material, but also in its great decorative possibilities. Plastic imitates not only any color and shade, including completely unnatural, but also reproduces the texture of any type of brick - smooth, with a glossy surface, clinker, aged, and so on. At the same time, PVC plastic is cleaned, unlike real aged stone. In addition, it is allowed to paint the brick wall in the hall in any other shade as desired.

plastered walls

Another popular option is the use of plaster. Actually, the material does not imitate masonry. It can be done, but it requires unreasonably much effort. But to use the most plaster different types in order to modify the basic brickwork - a good solution.

Plaster, as well as putty, can be given any shade - close to the usual color of the stone and the most exotic. In this case, the material is applied in a thin enough layer so that the texture of the stone is preserved. Even a beginner can plaster a brick wall in the hall in this way.

The plaster is applied evenly. At the first stage, the surface is leveled in order to show the texture of the brick, but hide defects: large chips, irregularities, untidy seams. Then, on the plastered brick walls in the hall, a part of the plaster is removed using a ruler or template, simulating the recesses between the bricks. Thus, the “masonry” is more expressive, but as accurate as possible, as in the photo.

As a plaster for a brick wall in the hall, any kind of mixture is used:

  • classical cement-sand mortar- the most difficult for a beginner;
  • lime-sand - recommended for the kitchen or bathroom;
  • clay mortar - provides the most interesting texture;
  • gypsum plaster - allowed only in living rooms like a living room or bedroom. At the same time, gypsum is very simple and easy to use.

For plastering a brick wall in the hall, any option is suitable. A big plus of plaster is that you can finish in this way both the entire wall and any of its fragments, combining it with a flat surface, with panels, and even with wallpaper.

Wallpaper with prints

Brick-like paper or vinyl wallpaper for the wall in the living room is the most budget option. In terms of their properties and method of use, they are no different from ordinary wallpapers and in a sense are more convenient, since there is no need to select fragments according to the pattern. In this case, the color scheme can be anything.

The photo shows the design of a white brick wall in the living room.

Paper wallpapers provide only a color imitation, but thicker vinyl wallpapers to some extent reproduce the grooves at the seams and the texture of the brick. In certain cases, it is allowed to paint a brick wall in a hall finished in this way.

Wallpaper can be pasted over both the entire wall, and its fragments, and individual sections. For example, in rustic styles or in modern, the combination of a fragmented design of “brickwork” with smooth wallpaper looks very successful.

Impact on visual impression

Brickwork is a spectacular and expressive element of the living room. In addition, depending on the color scheme and the nature of the placement, this option can also be used to visually change the proportions of the living room.

Brickwork in the interior is most often designed as follows.

  • White decorative brick in the interior of the living room - the most popular and versatile solution. This color is neutral, visually brings the walls closer, but at the same time significantly increases the illumination, so that in the end the room looks more spacious than it actually is.

In the photo - the interior of the living room with a white brick wall.

The only white brick wall in the interior of the living room is combined with light or dark plastered walls and painted wood paneling, and even with smooth concrete surface. At the same time, it visually expands the space. IN narrow room white is better to make a short wall to correct the proportions of the living room. In a room with 2 and 3 white brick walls, the expansion effect disappears, but the impression of more space remains.

In the photo - a living room with white brick.

The white brick wall in the interior of the living room is combined with any accessories, any color of furniture and any other decoration of the room. White serves as both a neutral advantageous background and a separator. Fragments of white brickwork are the perfect way to zone a studio living room. The photo shows what the white brick wall is in harmony with.

  • Gray color is no less versatile and even more convenient because it includes a large number of shades.. It can act as the same neutral background as white, or it can include several shades to decorate each element and create an original color structure.

For decoration of living rooms with windows to the south, it is preferable to choose cold gray tones, for rooms with windows to the north - warm. Gray goes well with white and black. However, it is the latter combination that is more expressive.

In the photo - the interior of the living room with a white and gray brick wall.
  • The vintage effect is obtained using dark brick. In large living rooms, dark brown and red shades are used, and black can be used to decorate any room. It is only important to observe the correct combination of light and dark areas. A fragment of black brick masonry is an extremely effective backdrop for a mirror, picture, fireplace. This area allows you to change the proportions of the room.

In the photo - a brick wall in the living room with a TV.
  • Graffiti. Brick, facing tiles (not ceramic), clinker, plastered bricks can serve as a backdrop for self-expression. The stone easily tolerates repeated painting. Graffiti is one of the most fashion elements design, giving the interior a kind of hooligan touch.

In the photo - a brick wall in the interior of city apartments.

Traditionally, the design of the wall in the living room "under the brick" is used in the style of a loft or industry. In fact, the choice of style is much less limited, since such a textured element blends perfectly with other concepts.

  • - “basic” brickwork is preferred here, that is, untidy, with mortar residues, with chips, non-uniform color. This does not exclude varnishing the wall, since the latter protects porous material from dirt and dust. In this style, it is better not to use painted bricks, including white ones, and, if necessary, combine natural-colored masonry with a plastered white surface.

In the photo - the design of the living room with a brick wall.
  • - prefers smooth reflective surfaces, but brick is also quite acceptable. In this case, you should choose a smooth, colored stone, since its color should be as uniform as possible. Suitable and glossy ceramic tile"under the brick". Fragments of masonry of a clear geometric shape are combined with even walls.
  • - perfectly combined with both classic design and modern variations. Here they choose a clay brick, red, in no case do they paint it. The stone is combined with wood panels or plaster. In such a living room is very out of place.

In the photo - the walls in the living room, the design is "brick-like".
  • or allows the use of brickwork in both natural shades and lighter ones. The wall can be painted in typical colors for styles: white, lilac, pastel pink. Thus, you can design the design of the kitchen, and the living room, and the bedroom.
  • Ecostyle is another design idea where brickwork is allowed. Most often, stones of natural colors are used, but whitewashing and plastering of walls in a light color are also allowed. Here, the main attractive quality of a brick is not the texture, but the naturalness of the material.

In the photo - the design of the living room with a decorated white brick wall.
  • Grunge is a chameleon style that allows everything and in any combination if it makes the interior more spectacular. However, this same style feature requires impeccable taste from the owner.

Care and use

The design of a kitchen or living room with brick attracts with authenticity. In addition, such a finish, even if it is panels or tiles, is very durable and practical. However, the brick wall also needs maintenance.

  • if the masonry is not covered with a protective layer, the wall should be washed periodically with warm soapy water and a stiff brush. Serious contamination is removed with vinegar and water. Most often this is done when they are trying to maintain an aged look;
  • plastered or whitewashed brick tolerates only dry cleaning - soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner;
  • the painted brick wall in the hall is cleaned with a damp sponge;
  • in styles where “ennobled” masonry is preferred, the brick is varnished. For rooms with not very good lighting it is recommended to use a semi-gloss varnish. For bright and spacious living rooms - matte. Lacquered surface wipe with a damp sponge, wash with warm soapy water. Abrasive agents are not allowed;
  • For plastic panels or MDF models are more suitable for dry cleaning. In case of heavy soiling, you can use water with washing powder and a sponge, but after that the panel should be wiped dry.

Brick in the interior of an ordinary apartment gives originality to the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. It's well worth the extra half an hour cleaning up.

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To appreciate the beauty and diversity of this solution, we offer the most different variants living room decor. Brickwork is used here both as a background, and as an accent element, and as a way to emphasize a stylistic decision.

Brick is one of the most traditional building materials for our country. Therefore, such an element of decoration as brickwork is widely used for decorating the walls of rooms. Designers have long appreciated wide creative possibilities brick wall decoration: a variety of shapes and colors of such decor help to create a very interesting and original interior.

Naturally, such ideas are implemented in different ways, taking into account all the possibilities of the owner, as well as the features of the decorated room.

Brick wall decor options

Instead of real brick for interior decoration in modern decor, other materials are often used, the structure of which strongly resembles a brick surface in appearance.

Brick walls can be finished using materials and technologies such as:

  • building panels;
  • clinker tiles;
  • brick wallpaper;
  • painting.

The advantage of such materials over real brickwork is that they are much lighter than brick and take up much less volume.

What kind of decor is better to choose to reproduce a brick wall? Let's take a closer look at the most popular brick wall finishes. Knowing the features of each of them, you can easily create a unique wall decor at home.

1. Construction panels under the brick

Building panels are a real leader among the "bricks", famous for their strength and water resistance. This finishing material has long conquered the market for exterior decoration, and now it has found its application in interior spaces.

Such imitation panels are made of plastic. And this means that they are not afraid of dust, moisture, or mold with rust. In addition, such brick panels are highly resistant to alkalis and acids, they are not at all afraid of hot fat droplets, so they are often used in the kitchen.


  • ease of fastening;
  • light weight;
  • perfect appearance;
  • minimum prices.


  • Some panels require an additional crate, so this design takes up a certain part of the usable space.

Brick panels are mounted both horizontally and vertically, so the pattern on them depends on the location method. They are mounted on nails, screws or self-tapping screws. Most of these are mounted directly on the wall.

At decorative panels under a brick, each element has its own independent fixation, so an accidentally damaged part of the “bricks” can be replaced in half an hour.

Important: Brick panels are perfect option balcony decor, kitchen apron or a crowded corridor.

2. Brick tile

An excellent alternative to brick for wall cladding is clinker tiles. This is an inexpensive and very beautiful analogue made from raw clay. According to its characteristics, the method of laying and the thickness of the tile under the brick is no different from a simple tile.

4. Decorative brick-like plaster

Imitation of stone brickwork made of plaster looks very impressive and unusual. In addition, it is very easy to do it yourself.


  • variety of textures and colors;
  • ease of application;
  • excellent heater;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • durable and virtually maintenance free.


  • can take up useful space;
  • low resistance to pollution (attract dust);
  • the surface must be very flat. There should be no noticeable scratches, bumps and depressions.

Decorative plaster under a brick make out:

  • one wall in the room;
  • niche or;
  • "bricks" arbitrarily located on a flat painted wall.

Important: This type of imitation is very popular with creative people, as it provides great opportunities for the flight of fancy.

5. Brick painting

A great way to decorate brick walls is painting. The color for the bricks is selected depending on the style of the room, your mood and individual taste.

Modern interior solutions that use such a "brick wall" most often belong to one of two styles:

  1. Calm and cozy Country requires soft pastel shades of "brickwork";
  2. “Brickwork” in the Loft style can be done eccentrically and with a special twist with the help of painting.

A great option for "brick" is elastomeric paint. It fills all the cracks formed due to the shrinkage of the walls, protects the surface from moisture and strengthens it. Acrylic and water-based paints are perfect for bright and colorful decoration. They are applied with brushes of different thicknesses, and if you want to create an additional dust-repellent or water-repellent coating, you can take a wide roller of fur.

  • poor resistance to mechanical damage;
  • cracks over time;
  • not suitable for uneven walls;
  • the color in the jar and on the wall can be very different in shade.

Advice: to add realism to a drawing made under a brick, you can subtract or add a few millimeters from each brick.

The original design of surfaces is a popular design technique, and the brick wall in the interior is the most popular. Real masonry cannot be compared in atmosphere with imitation in the form of wallpaper or facing tiles, but visually this type of cladding always looks very stylish. Interesting property of this universal decor material - looks great in a modern style. Nothing is able to emphasize a certain touch of antiquity in many styles, depending on the chosen variety and color. To correctly use the appropriate material for the tasks, use the hints experienced designers set out in the article.

Brickwork gives the interior of the living space solidity and weight.

What kind of brick to use for decorating residential premises

Ordinary piers, if they are correctly and neatly laid, do not require additional processing, especially for urban style. Although the old "red" material based on baked clay remains the most organic, the use of a colored block and a white brick wall in the interior of new buildings is increasingly used.

Exposed brickwork is ideal for a loft-style room

Of course, they do not argue about tastes, you can plaster and paint or leave a “virgin” surface, only slightly sanding it from excess mortar. Old surfaces need more careful treatment, especially if plaster and whitewash crumble in places. There is even such a design technique when not all the plaster is specially chaotically upholstered, but with chaotic shapeless spots. Upon completion, it is fixed with a primer, preparing for a colorless varnish.

This is a building material made from natural raw materials, in many respects resembling a regular-shaped stone. For these purposes, it was invented, but under the influence of adverse factors, it tends to gradually collapse. In some places, the bare brick in the interior of the apartment, as in the photo, looks inimitable. Unfinished surfaces based on natural material are treated with special tools from building supermarkets, designed to increase the protection of bricks from destructive changes.

In Scandinavian interiors, small fragments of brickwork are often used to emphasize the solidity of the walls of the house.

The uniqueness of the industrial aesthetic is appreciated by designers. Probably because against the background of the “brick” of the kitchen, modern Appliances and original form plastic furniture. Colored brick - quite independent decor in industrial interior, loft and hi-tech style.

Important: The universal building material is also good because you can live in an unfinished house with unplastered walls inside, which have not yet decided how to finally veneer.

Not to mention the refractory brick, which is indispensable for walls with real fireplaces. With such a lining, the owners of the house do not have to worry that the wall will overheat and ignite - fires are not dangerous to it.

Brickwork can highlight an accent area with a fireplace

Today, the restoration of old walls is extremely appreciated in the redesign of "stalinok" and other buildings that are more than half a century old. As the saying goes, “breaking is not building”, and there has been a tendency to keep the primary walls in their original form, a real retro!

A small open-plan masonry in a studio apartment and a “house without partitions” looks solid and reliable. It will remain a fashionable design technique after a while, especially in houses with a large area and apartments with zoning.

You can build a separate architectural element from a brick

Which to choose facing material? Preference is taken into account, but the decision depends on many factors:

  • style;
  • color and shape;
  • method or pattern of masonry;
  • surface texture;
  • required specifications.

Decorative rectangular blocks are usually used for erecting vertical bases. They have a lot of advantages, so their capabilities are not limited to one partition. Building blocks of different sizes and shapes are available in a large assortment with a variety of colors.

Stylish bar counter with a brick base

The material is valued as environmentally friendly, it does not harm allergy sufferers who are sensitive to chemistry. Columns and small piers, arches and window sills between the room and the balcony, massive bases for interior aquariums and heavy shelves are made from it.

A budget alternative with the same aesthetic possibilities is textured wallpaper that looks like real brickwork in the interior. This is the fastest and affordable way achieve the desired effect without building skills. Wall murals often imitate part of a historical building or a fragment of a European street, entwined with ivy and flowering plants.

A wall with imitation brick will create the right impression and will not reduce the volume of a small room.

Decorative brick in the interior - choose a color

Three factors determine the appearance of a base made of decorative or facing bricks for interior decoration in the interior:

  • type of masonry (chain, Gothic, Dutch, Flemish, cross, bonder, spoon, chaotic);
  • finishing method;
  • shade of building blocks.

Designers often offer an unexpected solution, not only within the terracotta-reddish range or white silicate blocks. Most of of this palette is presented in other, no less interesting proposals, depending on the inclusions and technology of material release.

Brick goes well with graffiti

These colors look the most impressive:

  • white;
  • grey;
  • black;
  • buffy;
  • sand;
  • pistachio;
  • terracotta;
  • chocolate;
  • straw.

Depending on the design concept, the brick wall can even be blue, green or black. This is justified if, for example, they use a background for spectacular loft-style graffiti or for other aesthetic tasks that involve “bricks”.

White brick is well suited for interior design in a minimalist style.

It is worth noting separately White color, it is appropriate in any room, visually expanding the space and adding light. If unable to pick suitable material, this will not be a problem if you paint the masonry in bright hues. There will be more light, but then natural material will not "breathe" under the film, absorbing and releasing excess moisture.

Important! If you want to protect the material from moisture, for example, in the bathroom, painting is justified. Any brick wall in a room with high humidity is pre-treated with antifungal solutions, then the issue with the coating is resolved.

The gray color looks modest, and at the same time aristocratic. Experts appreciate it as an excellent backdrop for elegantly shaped mirrors and other original decor in an upscale setting.

Neutral gray creates a calm background for decorative elements.

The material differs in texture:

  • glaze coating;
  • smooth baked;
  • chipped;
  • chopped;
  • wild;
  • rocky;
  • marble, etc.

The surfaces are most often smooth matt, but it is possible to choose a finish with a glossy finish or with a rough texture. Whitewashing or painting over real masonry is the best way to update without resorting to overhaul. You can paint in any color, but a little darker than the shade of the brick itself, so that there are no bald spots.

An interesting combination of a smooth surface with exposed brickwork

Aged brick does not have to be hidden under a layer of plaster if the base is laid out very skillfully. Designers offer to remove the top layer or pick up building materials with the same effect. old brick, remaining after the repair, can be used purely for practical purposes. It remains to fold the wall again, soaking it with a colorless varnish. Processing will make the surface more pliable for cleaning.

Note! Brick-like wallpapers are produced with varying degrees of protection against moisture. If the repair needs to be completed as soon as possible, impregnate with a matte varnish in 2-3 layers.

For persuasiveness in decorative purposes the laid out base is slightly destroyed - they are finalized with a chisel, saws, a blowtorch, building acids and other means.

Bare masonry should be covered with a protective varnish

Any design project suggests a stylistic decision. IN modern solution a plasma panel on a brick wall in the interior of the living room is the main accent; in a classic English office, it is better to hide it behind a rotating picture. This universal decor in many styles:

  • grunge - a typical retro French bourgeoisie who appreciate comfort and quality things, time-tested, here time seems to be frozen (crumbling brickwork as a mute witness to former luxury);
  • fusion - a product of eclecticism, where classical features are recognizable in modern rethinking);
  • V Scandinavian interior white wall perceived most organically;
  • neogothic - an excellent solution with a black wall for high ceilings;
  • a great find in country and Provence style, only light unfinished plaster and whitewash;
  • high-tech - its "ode to high technology" goes well with this brutal finish;
  • the classic suggests a skillful finish, the hallmark of style is a fireplace with open masonry.

Brick walls are suitable for many styles

Brick in the interior design of residential premises

A brick-like surface can decorate any room, but it is important to make the right choice of cladding. Then the brick wall in the interior will be perceived not just as a tribute to fashion or original design solution, but as a real decoration of your personal space.

brick wall in classic interior living room

Imitation or real masonry looks great in any living space, especially a large area. It is appropriate in a house without walls, in a two-level duplex, as well as in a compact "smart home" and a studio-type apartment. Dark brick in the design of the kitchen will perfectly set off light-colored furniture, dishes and modern household appliances.

Advice. Choose a "brick" in the industrial interior, if nothing else comes to mind. This is a practical decor for a kitchen backsplash, a surface near the dining table, a “special feature” at the head of the bed and an inimitable background for equipment.

The texture of the brick wall adds a sense of comfort to the interior.

Brick in the interior of the rooms

Brickwork has a place in any room


In the hallway, this decor is most appropriate, but most often it remains a nondescript background for furniture, mirrors and interior doors. But even here you can apply some decorative techniques, for example, an “unfinished” partition or a “fortress” “destroyed” along the edges. Masonry can be presented in the form of a small column or block for zoning the space in front of the kitchen, separating part of the hallway from the long passage.

Near the brick wall, small chests of drawers or tables look spectacular, over which it is appropriate to hang a mirror


In the bedroom, everything is decided by color. Some are interested in what the white brick wall is combined with. It is not so important what shade of bricks is pure white, milky or grayish. This one-stop solution goes with almost everything, not only as a decor, but also purely practical.

IN sleeping area brick is most often used to highlight an accent wall

A grayish tone will look flawless white against dark textiles and wood finishes, but in comparison with snow-white sheets it will be like dirty. In the interior modern bedroom brickwork at the head of the bed will look extravagant, regardless of the chosen shade.


In long corridors, recreations and aisles of private houses of large footage, you should not spend on decoration if the design of a brick wall in the interior looks very impressive.

decorate the wall narrow corridor you can favorite photos


In the kitchen, these techniques are also quite appropriate, and in the interior of the cooking room it looks the most organic. Any non-standard imitation of a hearth with open masonry will be an excellent decor in country style, retro or imitation of a Romanesque castle setting. The brick base is suitable for a bar counter between the kitchen and the dining room, as well as a window sill block between the balcony and a compact catering unit.

A white brick wall will visually enlarge the space of a small kitchen.

Living room

In a modern living room, a lot of design developments are used to use masonry for practical purposes. Decorative brick in the interior is always popular, especially for large areas. By the same principle of laying, partitions are made of glass blocks and mirror tiles. Diodes are placed under individual glass blocks to create an original lighting design.

A dark gray brick wall will create a pleasant calming atmosphere in the living room.

Large brick arch - another win-win reception. All these "chips" perfectly complement the wallpaper with imitation and real masonry. Extraordinary comfort on cold nights will provide a real fireplace with decorative cladding, but even imitation will give the room aristocracy and comfort.

Studio apartment

In a studio apartment, a loft apartment, and a two-level duplex, masonry decor is often used under the staircase and in the entrance recreation. This technique gives the industrial "brutality" that distinguishes this style.

Clay red brick walls attract attention and become the main decorative element of the interior.


Bathroom and bathroom, mini-pool and shower room, due to temperature changes and high humidity, it is not so easy to veneer with something other than a tile. Today, the so-called "boar" tile is becoming increasingly popular, in shape and appearance resembling a brick, it is laid in the same way.

For the bathroom, the best option would be facing brick

Or brick-shaped ceramic tiles

No less interesting are rectangular glass blocks - a durable translucent material that transmits light, but distorts the silhouette behind the wall. If, nevertheless, they prefer a natural analogue, they choose a hyper-pressed block that does not collapse under the influence of moisture, but it is better to treat the masonry with fungicides.

1. Moderation Brick in the interior used dosed, 1 vertical plus fragmentary decor ( accent wall, finishing niches, arches, columns, partitions).
2. Correspondence Stylistically, the masonry must be justified.
3. Functionality Each decorative element must fulfill a specific task(be useful in the house).
4. Designer creative It’s just that the wall is uninteresting, it’s a suitable background or an independent decorative element.
5. Combination with other finishes The bare surface is well tolerated with rough unplastered surfaces, wood, plaster, stone and metal.
6. Original or drawing Real masonry should not be complemented by paper imitation - only wallpaper, painted brick in the interior or just naked "wild".

Cozy romantic atmosphere in the bedroom with blue brick wall

Decorative cladding for masonry is a universal design technique. This surface is easy to care for. It is easy to update it during the next repair - win, repaint or even hide behind plaster and wallpaper. See more interesting variations on this material in our photo gallery.

Video: the pros and cons of using brickwork in the interior

Photo: 50 stylish combinations

If earlier brick was considered exclusively as a building material or a residual phenomenon of old industrial buildings, now this is a great opportunity to make bright accent in any interior design - from classic to industrial. The brick wall in the interior always looks original, harmoniously combined with different colors of furniture and textiles, and also fits perfectly into any room. She will give the bedroom a slight negligence, the kitchen - comfort, the living room - conservative aesthetics.

Features of a brick wall in the interior

Such a creative and bold decision in interior design will undoubtedly delight the owners of the house and attract enthusiastic glances from guests. In order to beat the brick wall as beautifully as possible, you need to know the winning design options. Then you can be sure of the final result. Here are some of the main features to consider:

1. A brick wall will look amazing in tandem with such interior designs: loft, eclectic, ethnic, classic, grunge, pop art and avant-garde.

2. Non-woven / vinyl wallpaper or facing material can be a wonderful alternative to real brick.

3. The tone of the wall does not have to match the overall color scheme. It can be two levels darker or lighter.

4. Brickwork can serve as a good decor for your favorite paintings or photographs.

5. Gloss on the surface of a brick (created with a special varnish) can visually make the room lighter.

6. Light brick blends well with red and peach shades, coffee - with beige and gray.

7. If you still choose a brick, you should take care of professional tools that can long time protect it from mold and mildew.

8. "Brick motif" will look great not only in one direction of design, but also in mixed version from several styles.

9. An interesting combination of wall decoration is brick and mirrors, old music records on the surface and stone elements.

How to create a brick wall?

real brickwork

The bare brick wall in the middle of the room is a real decorative composition that can be played with in an original way, taking into account all the features of the room. If you are the owner of an interior in an industrial or classic style, then the surface can safely be left rough and unpainted. Such a decision will be the most loyal. If there is a desire to make it more colorful and saturated, you should definitely use an acrylic scuba tank of the desired shade. A glossy shiny surface can be achieved with a special clinker oil.

Non-woven wallpaper

They will be a great alternative to brickwork. Interlining is very popular due to its texture, which perfectly imitates natural types of finishing materials (stone, brick, wood, glass). In addition, the main difference between non-woven wallpaper is that they can be repainted in any color. This is ideal for creative people who can turn their ideas into reality without fear of the consequences. A brick wall can easily turn from white to coffee, from gray to lemon.

Vinyl wallpapers

The advantages of this choice include the durability of the material, its wear resistance, ease of maintenance and aesthetic appearance. Vinyl wallpapers easily correct unnecessary protrusions and bends, ensure good air circulation in the room (if you leave the wall unsealed), decorate the corner of the room. It is also worth noting the fact that they can be glued to almost any wall (large-scale or compact, dense or thin), which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the installation of brickwork.

Facing brick

It is often used in wall decoration. Such material is much thinner and lighter than building material. If a solid thick wall can withstand a solid brickwork, then a facing brick can fit even into a small partition (due to its minimum weight). This is a big plus for those who do not want to lose the main volume of the room, but still want to decorate it with such an industrial detail.

Brick wall in interior design - photo

We have compiled an original photo gallery for you. She will prove that a brick wall is a great design option that is appropriate in any design and in any room.

Brick wall in the interior of the kitchen

The kitchen is exactly the corner in the house where you always want to spend time with family and friends. A brick wall will harmoniously fit into this room, as it is able to emphasize functionality, but at the same time bring the necessary notes of aesthetics and comfort into the atmosphere. Such industrial motifs look great both in a gentle Provence style and in a more daring loft or pop art. Perfect Colors brickwork or imitating wallpaper for the kitchen - sand, beige, gray, red and coffee.

Brick wall in the interior of the living room

Such a decorative element can turn a simple living room into an author's design composition. The main thing is to correctly select the shades of furniture and textiles, as well as complement the overall picture with colorful accents in the form of hand-made products, family photographs, aged mirrors - depending on the overall style of the interior. Then the cozy living room will become not only a place for pleasant gatherings with friends, but also a corner for scooping creative ideas and inspiration. A good color scheme for a brick wall for a living room is white, gray and coffee.

Brick wall in the bedroom interior

A wonderful option for refreshing the bedroom, making it more eccentric and individual. A brick wall can create the necessary contrast even against the backdrop of exquisite expensive furniture and paintings. The best options for its location in the bedroom are masonry / wallpaper on the wall with two spacious windows or behind the bed. It is worth noting that brick motifs not only do not conflict, but, on the contrary, look very harmoniously with light-colored textiles, without darkening it visually.

Brick wall in the interior of the bathroom

The bathroom is a special place where we spend precious minutes in the morning before going out and in the evening before traveling to the land of dreams. Therefore, its design should be concise, stylish and functional. This is how it will look in combination with a brick wall. White or beige colors such walls will visually expand the space, go well with ceramic sanitary ware, bring a feeling of comfort, and coffee, bright and dark shades will create the effect of brutality, conservatism and an original approach to design.

According to most modern designers and architects, the brick wall in the interior is becoming fashionable again, due to the abundance of various interesting ideas for its implementation. The main advantage is that you do not need to build solid brickwork in your home, you just need to stick themed wallpapers or make your own foam decoration.

Most people are already used to the fact that the wall should be smooth and even, because wallpaper needs to be glued on it. Not many are ready for decisive design steps, but in vain, because with the original brick wall you can create a cozy atmosphere and unique design of any room. A brick wall is a great alternative to tile and paneling as it has a more attractive look. Often brickwork is used in the living room or kitchen.

Brick wall in the interior: interesting options for spectacular finishes

Previously, a brick wall was used as an organic decoration of a loft-style apartment. This is due to the fact that historically people received modest and murdered apartments from the state, and the Sami were not rich either. Instead of making costly repairs, many left the brick wall intact. Previously, such a decision caused discomfort and was associated with poverty, but now it is a trend that all wealthy citizens are trying to use.

The brick wall is not whimsical, so it can be used in any room. The most popular option, the use of brickwork to decorate the kitchen or living room. However, this does not mean that brick cannot be used to decorate the walls of a bathroom or bedroom. Brick is a noble material with a number of positive qualities and properties, so it will become an accent in any room. Despite all this, many designers do not recommend using such decor in the bedroom, as many will experience a feeling of discomfort and “cold”.

Styles in which a brick wall looks harmonious

A similar decor element in a residential building or apartment, in addition to the loft, looks best only in some styles, so you need to pay special attention to them:

  • Grunge. This style includes a mixture of several directions at once, the distinguishing feature of which is the ability to “slow down time”. Thanks to a brick wall, this moment can be perfectly displayed, and it does not matter at all natural brick, polystyrene foam or special photo wallpapers. This style and similar design is most suitable for closed people who constantly live in "their own world."
  • underground. This style adores brick wall decor and will appeal to anyone who considers themselves special and unique. Each person is a person, if the owner of an apartment prefers to follow his principles, goes against the times and the gray mass of people, he simply cannot do without such an element in the interior as a brick wall. Such a person will not be interested in imitating bricks, most likely he will be busy laying bricks with his own hands, while studying all the necessary literature, making the wall as real and natural as possible. After such self made it remains just to cover the texture of the brick with varnish, as a result you will get a unique and striking effect that can pleasantly surprise you. If this style came to your liking not so long ago, and there is no experience with it, then it is better to involve professionals.
  • Modern. A brick wall will set off the notes of modernity in the room, make the design original and interesting. For wall decoration, it is better to use white brick or its imitation of light shades.
  • High tech. It may seem strange, but the design " high technology» also goes well with brick walls. The main condition is to keep the correct proportions. A brick wall in this style should only be in the form of a small decorative element that can emphasize the style. It is best to use tiles or wallpapers that imitate bricks. As for the color scheme, it is better to give preference to bright red.
  • Provence and country - styles of country life that involve the union of man with nature. A brick wall would be appropriate here, but the style of the room should match the design of a cozy rural house and a warm stove.
  • English style. Studying history, it is easy to see that all medieval castles could not do without brick walls, the combination of brick and wrought iron furniture (bed, chair, etc.) was ideal. If the theme of the Middle Ages is close and you want to feel like a resident of the castle, then the brick wall will become ideal solution being the first step towards this housing makeover. For complete immersion, you can purchase wrought iron decor elements or a wrought iron bed.
  • Gothic. Dark tones, crosses, gloom, heavy metal forging - all these elements are preferred by special people and artists. A brick wall will become appropriate in this style, complementing all the gloom of the style, making it deeper and more intricate.

Brick wall in the interior with your own hands

Before starting repairs with the creation of a brick wall, you need to view photos on the Internet, decide on the style direction. After that, you need to choose best option implementation, take into account the dimensions of the room and your financial capabilities. If the homeowner has enough time and money, then it is best to build a brick wall from natural material, but first you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances and instructions for laying the material. There is an easier option - to hire professionals, but it will cost even more.

Ideal if a real fireplace or its modern adaptation is located against the background of such a brick wall. A cheaper and more affordable option would be to use facing bricks or special tiles imitating bricks. If there is a desire to translate the idea into reality, but there is no money, then you can use "brick" wallpaper or foam. And most importantly, do not be afraid of risky ideas and experiments, because in this way you can realize and express your “I”, surprise your friends with amazing design solutions.