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Brazier from old bricks. Do-it-yourself barbecue: we make a barbecue from brick or metal, step by step instructions with a photo. Outdoor barbecue options

Each cottage or Vacation home, in addition to many worries and some unpleasant moments, it also implies the periodic preparation of kebabs. But in order to roast meat on coals correctly, you need a high-quality barbecue. And how to make brick barbecues with your own hands, their drawings and photos, you will learn below.

Preparatory work:
  • zoning of the area;
  • the best options for arranging barbecues made of bricks;
  • necessary materials;
  • the best drawings of brick braziers.

Do-it-yourself brazier made of bricks:
  • foundation device;
  • the beginning of the masonry;
  • basement construction;
  • preparation of the brazier and stops for the grate;
  • working surface;
  • tips for making barbecue;
  • brick barbecues: drawings, photos, videos.

Basic preparatory work

Of course, the brazier is not an ordinary structure, so its creation needs careful preparation. Starting from planning the area where the structure will be built, ending with such subtleties as the presence of plumbing, a suitable countertop for convenience, and even lighting. For this reason, first of all, you need to consider the preparatory stage.

  • Zoning of the area.

If you have already set yourself the goal of building a barbecue grill with your own hands, you should start searching best place for its construction. This is not a simple portable metal product that you can install anywhere, calculations and drawings play a huge role here.

Placement requirements:

  • relatively flat area;
  • removal from the house of neighbors, places of rest in order to exclude interference from smoke for a full life;
  • proximity to own dacha or home, in order to conduct electricity, water or other necessary communications;
  • the presence of a small area for the construction of a picnic area (this is a place where you could lay out cooked meat or leave food).

The best options for brick barbecues

An outdoor brick barbecue is a simple structure that does not stand out with special tricks, for example, special ovens or a barbecue. But be that as it may, they are offered interesting options that you can sell on the land.

  • The simplest option includes the construction of a small brick box in the hall, where coals will be added, and meat on skewers is hung on top of it.
  • An excellent option would be the so-called island. It has a compartment for coals and a fire, and shelves will be placed on top: first a grill for meat, then special stops that are used to hold skewers with barbecue.
  • Another great option is not much different from the previous one. He has work surface not located on top of the barbecue or not far from it. It is well suited as a stand or table for saucepans, knives and other accessories that will be needed during the preparation for a picnic.

Necessary materials

In addition to the drawings themselves and photos of do-it-yourself brick braziers, you can use some devices. Here is a rough list of them:

  • slaked lime;
  • heat-resistant brick;
  • cement package;
  • metal corners;
  • sand bag;
  • Red brick;
  • reinforcing mesh or reinforcing bars;
  • wire (for strengthening brickwork);
  • tiles (if your project includes a countertop).

You may have noticed that the list necessary materials types of bricks are offered. This is not necessary, but you can save money this way. This is because only heat-resistant brick can withstand high temperatures. But, unfortunately, its price is far from small. Therefore, it is better to use red brick where the brazier is not exposed to strong heat or there is no heating at all. Of course, it’s definitely not possible to save money on this, but it’s still nice.

Do-it-yourself brick braziers: drawings and photos

Naturally, without studying the drawings before construction, it will be difficult. Therefore, our portal "Remontik" offers the most suitable schemes brick brazier or take advantage of a ready-made offer.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that many people plan to build street version mangala, that is summer complex. On it you can provide not just a place for firewood, but also a barbecue, and a firebox with a door, a sink, a countertop and much more. And here's a great drawing for you.

If this option does not suit you, then find a huge number of diagrams and drawings for every taste, since today the Internet is replete with hundreds of different solutions that craftsmen are happy to share.

Make a brazier with your own hands from brick

Most people think that the barbecue does not need a foundation, and it can be built in a dug pit, which is covered with rubble. This decision is fundamentally wrong, as a slight distortion of the ground will completely destroy the structure that you have worked so hard on. Your money and time will be wasted. Therefore, the foundation is considered a must.

Foundation installation step by step

To create a reliable and solid foundation, you need to perform the following operations:

  • First you need to choose appropriate place where a brick brazier will be built. We have already noted its advantages of choice above.
  • Square dimensions with a side of 120 cm are perfect.
  • With the help of pegs and a special twine, place the selected area.
  • Take a shovel and dig a hole 25 cm deep.
  • Install formwork.
  • Prepare the mortar, adhering to the ratio of sand to cement 3 to 1.
  • Pour the solution into the hole.
It is important not to forget that the base must be necessarily reinforced. For this, one of the following options is perfect for you:
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • reinforcement rods.

It is worth noting that if you choose a grid, it will have to be laid twice. Moreover, the first layer is placed when you have already filled the third part of the pit with a solution. Then the base must be poured another third, laying another layer, after which the pit is completely filled with mortar.

The rods should be laid in the middle of the base of the pit, after which they are completely filled with mortar. As soon as the foundation is poured, it must be given time for it to settle normally. Two weeks will not be enough for this.

Let's start laying bricks for the barbecue

In order for the brazier to be quickly built, but at the same time turned out to be neat, you need to perform a small fitting. Of course, ordering a brick barbecue is not an activity that needs to be done quickly, and therefore a kind of fitting will be needed, which is done as follows:

  1. Bricks are taken, which are laid out dry on the foundation.
  2. We carefully study and remember the results of the fitting.
  3. Such actions allow the use of whole blocks and halves of bricks during the construction of the brazier.
  4. Of course, if you already have a prepared grate, pallet, their parameters should be taken into account when performing preliminary laying.
  5. As soon as you have laid out all the bricks, it is recommended to circle the masonry line and fix it in order to follow it in the future without going astray.

Before you start laying, you need to prepare the bricks. Not everyone knows that they are able to absorb moisture, which leads to poor structural strength. Therefore, the day before the start of construction, it is recommended to wet them well or even leave them in buckets of water overnight.

It is worth starting the construction of the barbecue when the bricks are dry on the outside, but include moisture inside.

It's time to get down to business. Take bricks and mortar and start laying out the first row. Always make sure that the space between the bricks is well filled with mortar and that the bricks set in the order we noted earlier. To melt bricks in mortar, use a rubber mallet.

Basement construction

Once you have built the first row, you can use it as a guide for subsequent rows of masonry. Moreover, the masonry should go in a checkerboard pattern. It implies that each row will be shifted half a brick to the side. In this case, each row should start from the corner.

It's no secret that during laying you will have to check the plane of the structure from time to time. To do this, use the level and plumb. At least once in two or three rows, it is necessary to check. If you do not do this, then the probability of skew will be too high.

Masonry on corner connections reinforced with metal wire.

Preparing the Frypot and Grill Supports

To ensure the reliability of the base of the brazier, you need to prepare special mounts. You can choose to use:

  • metal corners;
  • reinforcing bars.

Also consider the presence of side gaps in brickwork that will not be filled with mortar. They are used as a trench for air intake. It's no secret that you can't light a fire from a regular supply of oxygen.

If we talk about the crate, then you can install it both on special metal rods and on simple protrusions that are formed in the brickwork. If you lay bricks across the wall and they protrude into inside braziers, this will be a great place for the grid.

Working surface

We learned how to make a brick brazier, but this work will not be completed. We also need to equip the work surface. Without it, it will be difficult for you during the holiday and picnic.

A quality countertop must meet the following properties:

  • high strength;
  • simple cleaning;
  • comfort;
  • weather resistance.

Make the countertop so that it is at the optimal height and is comfortable to use. Take care of her appearance too. Well, if you use tiles for its decoration, which are designed for sidewalks or floors.

This surface will be highly durable, will not scratch and will be easy to clean without causing you any inconvenience.

As noted above, it will not be superfluous to make plumbing and a rack near the barbecue. Thus, you will get rid of wasting time for frequent walking to the house to solve domestic problems. Of course, everything needs to be planned in advance, and water pipes it is recommended to withdraw through the base of the brazier.

Moreover, you can think about lighting on the site where the barbecue will be prepared. It often happens that you have to cook the meat in the dark. Therefore, the lighting will definitely not interfere with you.

Photo of barbecue grills made of bricks

To sum up, it is worth considering different variants brick options, which you can create with your own hands, in photographs.

First of all, consider two such simple options, which differ not only in simplicity, accessible to everyone, but also in the high speed of construction.

Now we offer to look at more advanced designs that will take more time and effort. But they fully justify themselves, since this brazier acts not only as a device for frying meat: barbecue and shish kebab, but a highlight and real pride of your yard.

Finally, here are a few more photos, which also show serious barbecues. One of these even acts as a real complex designed for cooking meat. This is an original summer kitchen, which is adapted only for barbecue and barbecue. Of course, building this with your own hands is a rather energy- and resource-intensive process, but you will be proud of the created work of art for a long time.

We decided to complete the article by offering readers a useful video, because it is better to see once than read ten times.

On it, the specialist explains in an accessible way all the subtleties and nuances of planning and building a brick brazier on his site. To do this, he will demonstrate masonry, as well as technology on a special designer, which has a reduced size.

Most people buy braziers in specialized stores, but some who want to make something on their own make them themselves. In this article, we will look at how to make the simplest and inexpensive barbecue from bricks with their own hands. Photo step by step process are also attached.

What is the difference between a simple brick brazier and more complex structures

In a small brazier of their brick, everything superfluous is missing, it is ideally simple. Also an important factor is the difference in the budget: building a small brazier is cheaper and faster than a multifunctional one.

The main differences are shown in the table:

Dimensionson average - 1000x260x625 mmfrom 1.87 m long and 2.47 m high
FunctionalityYou can cook on skewers, grill. Also, with caution, put a cauldron.Cooking meat, fish, vegetables, soups, smokehouse, cauldron.
Rain protectionnot protectedHave top cover which allows you to cook when it rains
Build Speedfrom a few hours to a couple of days, depending on skillsFrom a few days to a week and a half

In this article, we will be happy to tell you how to make the easiest and most inexpensive brick brazier with your own hands. Photo of the finished model and step by step actions can be found right there.

We determine the place for installation on the site

The first thing to start with is to choose where our simplest brazier will be located. Should be considered:

  • The brick building should be located away from living quarters and plants. This is important from the point of view of fire safety, as well as caring for trees, because they can wither;
  • It is best to put the structure on the leeward part of the site. This item will be especially useful to those who have difficulty starting a fire;
  • It is extremely important that the mini brick barbecue be at a great distance from cesspools or other latrines.

Tools and materials

To do small barbecue from a brick you will need:


  • solid brick - 53 pcs.
  • cement;
  • slaked lime;
  • decorative rock;
  • water;
  • sand.


  • Master OK;
  • bucket;
  • sandpaper;
  • container for mixing cement;

The easiest and most inexpensive do-it-yourself brick brazier: photo instruction

A small barbecue will be only 4 rows in height - all that is required to fry a barbecue! We also do without a foundation. The shape of the building will be as in the photo below, but only we will use a solid brick, as in the second photo.

Examples of simple barbecues

Before you start building a simple brick brazier with your own hands in your country house, see examples from our gallery. We hope they inspire you to new projects!

To do delicious dishes in the country, good option will use a brick barbecue. Do-it-yourself construction is quite simple.

Our article will acquaint you with the principles of operation of a mini oven, you will find out what it can consist of.

Barbecue is the most popular way of cooking outdoors. A similar design is similar to a barbecue, has a typical device.

The difference between barbecue and barbecue

Barbecue specialists who converted a lot of stoves into outdoors they know with their own hands that the brazier fries food from below due to smoldering coals.

The food is not fried on top. Therefore, you have to constantly turn the skewer.

Barbecue is different. Meat is placed on the grate, the grate itself becomes slightly lower than the side walls. This is the whole essence of the work of this design. In a barbecue oven, the tray looks like a solid canvas, without grates.

During the smoldering of coal, food is gradually fried due to reflection from the walls of the oven itself.

The walls of the barbecue are high, due to this, a smoke cap is formed above the products, they are slightly smoked in it, this gives them a special aroma. If you put a piece of tough pork in such an oven, it will become soft and juicy during roasting in the oven.

You might think that the height above the walls of 25 cm does not matter, but this is not so. The culinary process is a delicate matter, food lends itself to the slightest change in temperature.

If you pay attention, you will notice that most picnics in nature or in the country are not complete without a barbecue oven, the brazier is not so popular. designs brick oven there are quite a few for barbecue, you can easily choose a convenient option for yourself.

How to build a barbecue yourself?

At first glance, it seems that not simple cooking in a barbecue oven means that the design is complex. However, this is not so, building a stove with your own hands is quite simple.

It is the lovers of country gatherings who build stoves with their own hands. The materials for its construction are always at hand for each owner. Each man held bricks in his hands, which means that building a furnace for him will not be difficult.

First they put brick walls, then they measure the place where the firewood tray will stand, last step is the grate installation for products.

When building a barbecue oven, it is important to think about its appearance. A beautifully crafted design will the best decoration suburban area.

Design features

If you speak to plain language, the barbecue oven is the most primitive brickwork. Make it in the form of the letter "P". Such a simple structure will great option outdoor cooking.

Skillful builders put fasteners for skewers on the ovens, this greatly facilitates the work when frying meat, you don’t need to hold anything with your hands, just turn it over.

Barbecue Oven Materials

The barbecue oven is assembled from standard red brick, which is always available on the site. It is impossible to coat the layers of brick with ordinary clay; here you need a high-quality cement mortar.

At the end of the construction of such a furnace, a pipe is always removed, it serves as an exhaust hood, a canopy from bad weather and strong winds.

If there is an exhaust hood, such a stove can easily be placed in a gazebo, on outdoor terrace, acrid smoke will not come from it directly in the face.

Mangals, barbecue - in Lately are very popular with everyone. Who doesn't love eating delicious food outdoors?

Without exception, everyone loves the taste of juicy, roasted meat. It is for such a pleasure that it is worth using all the strength, experience, building a similar oven. You will be proud of your invention, as well as delight your loved ones with new barbecue recipes.

Brick barbecue photo

It is hard to imagine modern dacha without a brazier - the original building made of bricks. Having built it, you will get rid of the need to carry a steel box with holes in the car. You don't have to kneel before him, fanning the fire and swallowing acrid smoke. A brick brazier will make the process of cooking kebabs easy and enjoyable, and will also contribute to the decoration of the summer cottage.

We will describe in more detail about the possible design options for such a structure and the main stages of its masonry.

Outdoor barbecue options

How is a brick brazier different from a portable metal one? The basic design of these foci is the same. It is a fireproof platform for coals, equipped with sides and raised on support legs.

They also have differences:

  • Roasting area at brick building higher than that of a portable one, so it is more convenient to cook on it;
  • At the stationary hearth, it is possible to organize the removal of smoke into the chimney, so you can comfortably stay next to it, regardless of the direction of the wind;
  • The brick version is superior in decorative qualities to the portable one. It becomes a key element landscape design and an important part of the recreation area.

The simplest brazier can be made from bricks without using mortar. Concrete a flat area under it. After that, lay the bricks dry, carefully forming even legs and walls.

The gaps that remain between the bricks will play the role of ventilation for the firebox, and the sides will protect the fire from strong winds. Having laid out the "legs", they overlap homemade stove cast from refractory concrete. The laying of the walls is completing the work, after which the stationary brazier will be ready to receive barbecue.

In passing, we note that the fundamental differences between a barbecue and a barbecue are more far-fetched than real. The only difference between them is only in what the meat is fried on. In a barbecue, a grate is used for this, and in a barbecue, steel skewers are used.

By changing the grate to skewers, you can easily turn the brazier into a barbecue. Support platforms on brick sides will be a reliable support for them.

The obvious disadvantage of this design is the lack of a roof and a smoke box. Therefore, closed buildings made of brick, equipped with a light canopy and a pipe, are most widely used.

In addition to improving the functional qualities of such a hearth, an extensive field for decoration and styling opens up before the owner.

If you decide to build a brick outdoor brazier, but you don’t feel very confident in the role of a decorator, then cover it with a simple arched vault and top it with a short pipe. From such an addition, the design will only benefit. A sudden rain will not put out the brazier in such a hearth, and the wind will not direct the smoke into the faces of the guests gathered in the gazebo.

A small visor above the facade will not be superfluous. It will protect you from the downpour and allow you not to interrupt the frying process.

Side cavities in a brick barbecue can be used to store dishes and other kitchen utensils.

By adding a metal door to the design of the hearth with a chimney, we get a barbecue oven. After the furnace, she will have enough heat not only for barbecue, but also for cooking first courses.

It should not be kept outdoors. Raw brick does not hold heat well and quickly collapses from temperature changes. Therefore, having decided on such a project, do not forget to draw a canopy diagram that will protect the hearth from precipitation.

Note that great alternative garden gazebo. If you have not built it yet, then combine these two structures in one complex.

The considered examples convince us that building a brick brazier with your own hands is not a very difficult task. The most important part of this structure - a vault with a brick pipe - can be replaced with a smoke box made of galvanized steel. It can be ordered from a qualified tinsmith, having previously removed dimensions from the drawing.

Before starting laying, you should determine a place for a stationary barbecue. Here you need to take into account the direction of the prevailing winds, the slope of the relief and the features of the landscape.

Do not build a hearth near trees, shrubs, or other flammable objects. Proximity to the recreation area is another condition that should be taken into account when looking for a place for a barbecue area. Ideally, if the continuation of the barbecue is yours summer gazebo. In this case ready meals don't have to carry far.

When designing a brazier, choose its height correctly. From an ergonomic point of view, optimal height frying platform is equal to the distance from the surface of the earth to the wrist.

The length of the firebox should not exceed 100 cm. This will be enough to provide a company of 8-10 people with barbecue for one bookmark. The width of the firebox should be equal to the length of the skewer (47-62cm).

Translating our recommendations into a "brick format", let's say that the external dimensions of the masonry are 4 by 2 bricks. Accordingly, all other dimensions of the hearth are selected: the width of the foundation and the smoke umbrella. The approximate consumption of bricks for such a design is 250-300 pieces.

Step-by-step instructions for building a barbecue

Let's start with the foundation. It should not be made too deep. The main thing is that it be strong enough and withstand the weight of a brick brazier without subsidence.

Having marked the contours of the foundation, we take out the soil from the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm, after which we fill in our “pit” concrete mix. A pair of reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a steel masonry mesh embedded in concrete will strengthen the base. On top of the plate you need to make waterproofing. A leveling mortar screed is poured over it, and a ceramic tile or one layer of brick.

At the pouring stage, an electrical cable can be laid to the foundation. Concrete it into the base and bring out the contacts for connecting the lighting. This simple work will make the outdoor hearth more comfortable to use.

A simple laying of a brick barbecue begins with the construction of three supporting walls - two side and one back. If you like see-through design more, back wall may not be built.

We are laying on cement-sand mortar(1 part cement to 3 parts sand).

If you want to make two compartments (for frying and storing dishes), then you can arrange two cavities in the supporting part by putting another half-brick intermediate wall.

Having laid out the walls, they need to be blocked with a concrete slab. For this it is better to use a piece OSB boards suitable size. It is placed from below so that after the concrete has set, the formwork can be removed. On top you need to install a square frame from edged board. Its height should be equal to the thickness of the slab to be poured.

Having laid dense polyethylene on OSB, it is poured with a solution (layer thickness 1-2 cm). Then 4 reinforcing bars with a diameter of 12-14 mm are laid on it and the formwork is filled with fine-grained concrete (crushed stone fraction 0.5-1 cm).

After curing concrete slab, the masonry is carried out similarly to the considered orders. To remove burned-out coals, install a box of galvanized or of stainless steel. Its width must be made such that skewers or a barbecue grill can be laid on the sides.

The completion of the building will be exhaust hood from galvanized steel. It will save you from having to spend energy on laying a vaulted brick pipe.

You can attach an umbrella to brick walls with metal screws. Just before that, do not forget to lay a few short corners in the masonry seams to which the hood will be attached.

For many, a country house is associated with cooking barbecue or barbecue. AND necessary element this process is considered a brazier. And cooking meat dishes will be doubly pleasant if the brazier for them is made by hand.

The brazier on the summer cottage is the key to a successful holiday with barbecue. For this reason, most summer residents want such a cooking appliance on their territory. Some prefer the option from the store, but made by yourself always causes pride in the owner of a country estate.

The smokehouse for cooking barbecue performs several functions at the same time:

  • used for landscape decoration;
  • is considered an important helper when you need to feed many people at the same time, since the homemade invention has a larger surface than the purchased version.

In addition to the fact that the brazier self made performs important functions, it is characterized by: strength, less whimsicalness to weather conditions and individual appearance.

In order to build such a device, enough steam skillful hands and materials. Even those who have no experience in this matter can cope with this task. On the Internet, you can find many training videos that describe in detail each step of production. In addition, there are many ready-made drawings, according to which you can build a high-quality brazier yourself.


If you do not study the drawings for building a barbecue from bricks, then the process of building it will be more problematic and complicated. On the finished schemes, all the parameters of the future product are described in detail:

  • height;
  • width;
  • the total area it will occupy.

For beginners, building a brazier according to the drawings is much easier, since they show all the elements contained in it.

There are cases when people want to build a summer complex, which will be based on a barbecue. They consist of a countertop, a place to store firewood, a firebox and other elements that can be useful when preparing food.

If the master already has experience in this matter, then he can independently develop a drawing based on existing ones. In this case, the scheme will be unique. It will become decorations of a summer cottage or a country complex.

But there are general instructions which must be adhered to in order to obtain a quality product as a result. Step-by-step instructions are useful in that they help build the workflow correctly. In this case, it is very important to do everything in turn and on time.

Step-by-step instruction

On the first preparatory stage most important point is the choice of the place where the barbecue grill will stand. It is necessary that the place was chosen correctly and did not interfere with others. To do this, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • It is worth remembering that the building is an object with an increased fire hazard. For this reason, it is better to place the brazier away from the house, outbuildings and other objects that can easily catch fire.
  • The brazier should not be located far from the place of rest, as this may cause some inconvenience. Ideally, it would be to put a brazier near the gazebo where the holidays take place, or near the summer kitchen. To create more comfortable conditions you can build a wide canopy that will simultaneously cover the brick from the rain, and at the same time the benches and the table will also be protected.
  • It is recommended to equip the site, which was intended exclusively for the barbecue and all auxiliary equipment. It is not recommended that there are flower beds or beds next to this area. Heat can cause all plants to disappear. You should consider how it is convenient to approach this zone, namely, to make paths to it.
  • You should not place garbage cans and a toilet area next to the brazier, as this will not look aesthetically pleasing.

The next step is to select the material from which the brazier for barbecue will actually be built. In our case, this is a brick. It is best that it be heat-resistant and at the same time not collapse. Such material is fireclay brick. It is also known as the "furnace".

In order for the structure to be strong, the masonry mortar must be made from clay and sand.


In order for the building to be used for several decades, it is worth choosing a quality brick. It is this material that is its basis. When quality material on the brazier it will be possible to cook shish kebab for many years.

In order for the outdoor barbecue to be strong, it is worth paying attention to its base. That is, you need to prepare Construction Materials for its construction.

The following materials will be required for the foundation :

  • Rubble.
  • Stones.
  • Cement.
  • Plywood or boards (for formwork).
  • Sand.
  • Fittings.

Also, you need to purchase the tools that will be needed during the construction period.

These include the following instances:

  • Bucket.
  • Shovel.
  • Trough for mixing cement (you can use a concrete mixer).
  • Master OK.
  • Circular saw.
  • Level.

It is recommended to develop a project for the construction of a brazier. You can take a project that has already been developed by someone. In this case, the work will be easier. And also, it will help to calculate the required amount of materials. A small margin is acceptable, but large surpluses are unprofitable and useless.

The next step is pouring the foundation.. This stage is considered basic, since further construction depends on the foundation. The foundation is required only for a stationary type of barbecue. For a portable product, this process is not necessary. After the foundation has hardened and is ready for further work, bricklaying is carried out.


Before laying a brick, it is recommended to water it. After 24 hours have passed, you can begin the process. Also, just before laying, you can dip it in water for a few seconds. This is done in order to better its adhesion to the clay.

The procedure for laying bricks should be carried out according to the finished scheme. When there is a desire to independently develop a scheme, it is better to do this on a piece of paper in a box.

It is better to start laying bricks from the corner and head towards the central part. It is important to periodically check the brazier with a level and a plumb line. This will allow you to detect inaccuracies and correct them in the future.

After that, you need to start laying the central part of the product, namely the firebox.

It can be already pre-cast from concrete, or you can make it from brick.

If the brazier will also play the role of a barbecue, then at this stage you need to decide where the grill will be installed. It is installed on the reinforcement bars that are located in the walls of the product. In order to be able to change the levels of the lattice, several protrusions can be made.

After that, wind walls and a smoke box are constructed, which is attached to the columns and gradually decreases in diameter. Some schemes do not provide for the construction of a smoke isolation pipe.

As a result of such a sequence of steps, you get the simplest brazier. To protect it from precipitation, you can install a metal visor above it.

The final stage of the construction of the barbecue is finishing and a canopy.

The canopy over the product is cocked in order to extend its operation. It can be done in two ways:

  • A canopy that covers only the brazier itself.
  • A canopy that covers the entire area, which is intended for recreation.

In any case, precipitation will not fall on the brazier. In terms of design, a canopy over the barbecue is a good option.

In order to build a canopy over the entire building, you need to install special concrete bases. They can be made not only from concrete, but from metal or wood.


In case of choice wooden poles they need to be covered special tool which will make them heat resistant. Or install them at a distance of 16 cm from the product.

As for the roof, it can be built from any material. A cover made of the same material as the roof of the house will fit into the overall composition.

outdoor oven

The outdoor oven complements any country cottage area or country house. It can perform the following functions:

  • Cooking.
  • Drying mushrooms or fruits.
  • Can be used for outdoor canning.

The design of the structure for this structure can be made to fit the interior. country house. It can be done with one or more foci. Can be made with or without doors. This is only affected by the project that was chosen for the construction of this device.

When building an outdoor stove, you need to be guided by the fact that it must meet the following requirements:

  • Practicality.
  • Safety.
  • Functionality.
  • Durability.
  • Low cost of construction (if your own work is expensive, then it will be more profitable to buy a ready-made version).

In the markets of materials for the construction of an outdoor stove a large number of, but you need to be guided by the fact that it must be of high quality.

To do this, you can use the following raw materials:

  • Fire-resistant brick and aerated concrete. These materials can withstand high temperatures.
  • Metal or cast iron. Most often, finished structures are produced from this raw material. Its price will not be small.

Brick and aerated concrete - fire-resistant materials

The choice of material must be approached thoughtfully. Aerated concrete is cheaper, but a brick oven looks much more aesthetically pleasing.

An important issue is the choice of the main location of the outdoor stove. It’s good when the construction of a street product was provided for at the beginning construction works at home. If, however, the decision to build this structure was made later, then you need to be guided by the same rules as the construction of the barbecue.

Such an attribute of rest is done in the following sequence:

  • Foundation laying.
  • Laying the base of the furnace.
  • Chimney installation.
  • Installation of the walls of the gazebo, in which the stove will stand, as well as the equipment of the adjacent territory.

Outdoor oven lining

As for the decor of the outdoor stove, there are a large number of options. You can finish the product using a special decorative plaster. It can also be lined. As a decor, you can use tiles of various designs and designs.

There are such types of simple finishing of the furnace:

  • Whitewashing and coloring.
  • Plaster.


  • To reduce the surface roughness, you need to rub it with a brick, and then treat it with water.
  • We process the surface with a primer.
  • We paint the building with paint. It is better to choose on an adhesive basis.
  • In the case of whitewashing, we skip the previous stage, and instead of paint we take lime. You can add salt to it. This will help achieve best result. To add a blue tint, a small amount of blue is added to the lime.
  • In order for the whitewash to be of high quality and last for a long time, ultramarine or ocher can be added to the lime on the surface.

The advantages of this cladding:

  • The surface of the tiles can be easily washed and wiped.
  • Tiled flooring has great heat dissipation.

Since real and correct tiles are made by hand, they may differ from each other, for example, in shape or size. Therefore, before the furnace lining process, it is necessary to sort the material according to shape and color.

Tiles are laid using a thick mortar. They are attached to wire pins. Seams between facing material should be no more than 2 mm. They are rubbed with a special tool, for example, an albatross.

Finishing the outdoor stove with tiles

It is better not to choose large-format tiles for cladding. Such material has a high risk of cracking. It is better to choose tiles of small sizes.

Facing street tiles with natural stone

The process of decorating a street structure with stone does not have noticeable differences in comparison with tiling. The advantage is that the stones look more refined.

The peculiarity of such a cladding is that the stones must be placed on the floor and laid out in size, shape and color scheme.


In order not to confuse the sequence of stones, you can number them with reverse side. This action contributes to the fact that the stones do not get mixed up with each other and the process itself takes much less time.

Also, not the entire surface of the product can be overlaid with stone, but only a separate part, for example, corners or a firebox.


For many, the construction of a cauldron-brazier is an incomprehensible and useless thing, since you can use portable grill and a purchased cauldron. But still, experienced gourmet gardeners insist that this is the right thing for suburban area. The barbecue and cooking complex is a godsend for large companies who like to have picnics in the fresh air.

Such a structure will make it possible to simultaneously prepare meat dishes, fish or vegetables on the grill, and pilaf, potatoes and other side dishes are suitable for a cauldron.

Most often, cauldrons are made of metal, the difference is the manufacturing technology.

Many do not know how to combine seemingly incompatible things. After all, the brazier and the cauldron would seem to be two different devices.

You can arrange such a structure as follows. If the brazier has already been built, then an additional brick section needs to be completed for the cauldron. The same actions can be performed if the structure is made of metal.

If, however, a cauldron and a brazier will be built at the same time, then initially you need to choose a project that involves the construction of two sections.

In order for the cauldron to warm up evenly from all sides, it is necessary that the design include a firebox. A cauldron is placed in it and thus food is cooked.

It is important to consider that the product is convenient and practical. The height of the structure must be selected according to the growth of the owners of the house. If it is too high, then there is a high probability of getting burned, and if, on the contrary, it is too low, then you will have to constantly bend down.

It is possible to build a product when the cauldron is hung from above. This option is considered easier to manufacture, since it is not difficult to build. Also, such a design can be made already with a finished structure. It is enough to add some details on which the cauldron will be hung.

The design of the brazier-smokehouse itself is a very convenient and practical product, since in one go you can cook both barbecue and smoke meat products. To start doing it yourself, you need to pay attention to important nuances:

  • The dimensions of the structure should be selected taking into account the number of people who need to be fed. Products that are too small will not be convenient, since you will have to cut the cooking process into several approaches. Buildings that are too large are not beneficial due to the fact that not the entire surface will be used.
  • How the product will be built: stationary or collapsible.
  • The main material for manufacturing: metal or brick.

Features of building a smokehouse

  • Build it sliding from two halves.
  • Make one half. In this case, it will be folding.
  • Removable.
  • Pushing.

The base of the smokehouse can be placed on metal legs, or brick supports can be made. The length of the legs can be customized. An additional table can be built into the design of the brazier-smokehouse. With this option, it will be comfortable to cook food on the fixture.

When building this device, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time and effort. But what happens as a result will be useful for many years. A well-made design is a guarantee that cooked dishes will always be delicious.

The whole process consists of the same steps as the previous products. The difference is that the laying of bricks is done according to other drawings.

As for facing works, it is also required to pay a lot of attention to this. Can be used decorative brick. Now there are a large number of its types, so outwardly the device can be made as the situation requires. Also, to make the entire location of the product look aesthetically pleasing, you can overlay it with paving slabs.

In this case, it will serve as an element of landscape design and will be useful for fire safety.

So that the whole structure does not get wet in the rain or snow, you can build a special canopy. This will make it possible to cook dishes in any weather conditions. Also, in order to create a more practical and comfortable cooking area, you can provide for the presence of different shelves, countertops and sinks. These elements can be built separately from general design brazier-smokers.

With such decoration and arrangement, you can make a comfortable and cozy place to prepare meals for family and guests.

The design is built in the same sequence as the previous attributes for frying meat. Its peculiarity is that it uses a special grid on which dishes are prepared..

The difference between such a structure is that it combines two objects for cooking: a barbecue and a barbecue. The brazier is a rectangular bowl with holes in the bottom. Barbecue is considered one of the most convenient and functional devices for cooking meat products and vegetables.

Such devices for cooking can be built as mobile, that is, portable, as well as stationary. Each of them has its own advantages. Portable barbecue grills are convenient because they can be placed in any convenient place. positive quality stationary brick structures are considered to be more durable and can be used for many years. Most often, they provide for the presence of dampers with which you can regulate the ingress of air. The type of product must be selected at the beginning, when the overall design and drawings are being prepared.

Such a structure can be used in all weather conditions, since the design provides protection from the wind.

A properly equipped area where a barbecue grill is located can become an adornment of the entire interior of a country house.

Thus, the independent construction of structures for a country house will provide an opportunity to spend time with family and friends in a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, structures that are made by the hands of the owners of the house will cause a special sense of pride. Also, as an option, products can be built not only for your site, but also as a gift to your loved ones.

Topic disclosure

Reliability of information

  • The product can be made exactly as you want, as it is more convenient
  • Construction quality
  • The ability to make the appearance unique
  • Time with family
  • Good option for a gift
  • The process takes a lot of time and effort.
  • Cost
  • Not everyone can do it themselves