Mixer      04/26/2019

Snapdragon: varieties, photos, planting and proper care in the open field. When to Plant Snapdragon: Growing from Seed

There is a legend that this plant got its name from the ancient Greek myth, which says that unusual flower gave Hercules one of the goddesses after defeating a ferocious lion. The shape of the inflorescence resembled the mouth of a lion, and the flower was called so - snapdragon. in warm countries and North America meet perennial species. In modern floriculture, there are about 1000 types of seeds. In height, the stems can grow from 20 centimeters to 80 - 90 centimeters.

Flowers with a pleasant aroma, are large, medium, double, different colors: white, yellow, red. When the flowering period ends, a box with a large number of seeds forms in place of the flowers. Experienced summer residents collect seeds and store until spring for growing seedlings or planting in the ground. In warm climates where there is no harsh winters, this plant has every chance to successfully winter and bloom again next summer. A flower can grow alone in a garden or flower bed, or together with others. Snapdragon will look wonderful against the background of green sprouts. Today, among the seeds there are ampelous varieties. The flowering period of this kind of pharynx, under certain conditions of care and watering, is also from June to September. Landing ampelous seeds or seedlings produced in the soil of special designs or hanging pots.

Growing snapdragons in a summer cottage, in a city park is not such a difficult task as it seems. In the south, snapdragon seeds can be planted directly in open ground as soon as the soil is warm enough. Planting and care begin in March - April. We dig up the bed with mineral or organic fertilizers on a shovel bayonet, remove all weeds and clods of earth. We level the ground with the help of a rake and make grooves with a depth of 1 - 2 centimeters, water it. We start sowing. We take a container with snapdragon seeds, add dry fine river sand in a ratio of 1:10. This is done so that the small seeds of the plant are easier to sow. Sprinkle gently with earth. Seeding completed. Next - watering from a watering can. To reduce the time for germination of seeds, you can cover with a film or covering material. After the first shoots, remove the film. Then care will consist in thinning the plants. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, we remove weak, thin stems, leaving the healthiest ones at a distance of at least 20 centimeters. It depends on the growth conditions of each of the varieties. At the same time, the top of each plant left must be pinched. Planting has been completed in the ground and care now consists in watering and timely loosening.

In the middle lane and northern regions, the cultivation of pharynx in open field occurs only through seedlings. Planting and care begin in March. We fill wide bowls with earth. There must be drainage or drainage holes at the bottom excess moisture. Spray the soil with a spray bottle to keep it moist. Mix seeds with sand and sow evenly. Carefully sprinkle with earth, again we water from the sprayer. We cover the container with glass. Seed planting is complete.

Now care consists in daily airing and watering the soil. It should be noted that the soil cannot be poured, it must remain moist, not damp, otherwise there will be no germination from snapdragon seeds. Glass can be removed after the leaves appear. In time, it will be 12-16 days after landing. For good cultivation transfer the seedlings to a sunny warm place. Snapdragon grows very slowly. It must be taken care of daily. You should pay attention to the fact that there is enough lighting, water, the air should not be dry. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the flowers dive: they are seated one at a time in individual cups. At the bottom of the glass should be drainage or a hole to drain excess water. We fill the glass with earth, make a hole, water it. We also thoroughly water the bowl with seedlings so that a clod of earth remains on the root of each plant during transplantation.

We carefully lower one sprout with a clod of earth into the hole, press it, sprinkle it with earth, press it again.

If there glazed veranda or a balcony, and the temperature at night there does not drop below + 13-15 degrees, after a couple of days the seedlings can be taken out. This is done to harden seedlings.
After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the stem must be pinched so that the plant gives side shoots. In the middle lane in early June, snapdragons are planted in open ground. Snapdragon is recommended to be planted on a sunny bed or slightly shaded. If the plants are strong, hardened, they will not be afraid of small night temperature drops.

Before planting, it is necessary to add humus, sand, peat to the soil, carefully dig, remove weeds and large clods of earth. We make holes, water them. Seedlings in cups also need to be watered, so that it is more convenient to remove the plant along with the ground. Plant snapdragons like this: low varieties after 20 centimeters, medium - after 35, high - no closer than 50. With proper care, if the snapdragon takes root, increased growth begins. Flowering period from June to September. Further care behind the flower lies in timely weeding, proper watering.

Watering snapdragons requires in the morning. It should be observed that the earth after watering does not turn into a crust, be sure to loosen it and remove weeds. High grades must be tied to a support. Withered flowers - remove, then new flowers will appear. If you have a goal to grow from a bush perennial, after flowering, in the fall, it is necessary to cut the plant, leaving no more than 10 centimeters of the stem.

Cover with mulch - sawdust, dry leaves, spruce branches - this will help you survive the winter.
Before cutting the plant, snapdragon seeds should be collected. They are harvested unripe, put in a paper bag and stored in a dry, warm place until the pods are ripe and the seeds spill out. Then the seeds in a paper bag are stored in a dry place at a temperature not higher than +5 degrees.

Landing and leaving will not be difficult if you follow certain rules.

Nowadays everything more people show a craving for nature, working with the earth, planting and caring for plants. First of all, each person seeks to surround himself with fresh flowers. They bring comfort, warmth and tranquility into our lives. Each housewife determines the choice of certain types of plants for herself, depending on her tastes and preferences. Undoubtedly, it will not go unnoticed among amateur flower growers of such amazing flower like antirrinum (snapdragon). It will worthily take its place among such annual flowers as petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, marigolds, zinnias and others.

Snapdragon (antirrinum) - description

Snapdragon is a plant of the plantain family, we grow it as an annual, but, in fact, it is a perennial flower. To date, there are over 1000 varieties and varieties of this plant in the world. By nature, the flowers of the antirrinum are large, new-like, bright saturated and even combined colors. They begin to bloom already in the first year, forming a chic bush with powerful roots. Since the flowers are unpretentious in care, they are grown both in flower beds on summer cottages, and on balconies in large cities.

Growing snapdragon seedlings

Sowing snapdragon for seedlings

Most flower growers choose a seedling method of growing snapdragons. This process does not take much time and effort, and the result pleases already in the first half of summer. Seeds are sown from the beginning of March to April in any containers with drainage holes, at least 10-12 cm deep. The ideal soil is compost and sand in equal proportions. After sowing the antirrinum seeds, the soil is abundantly moistened and covered with a film or glass. Optimum temperature for seed germination - it is 23-250 C. Seeds love heat, abundant humidity, regular airing and watering. Overdrying of the soil is not allowed.

Care of snapdragon seedlings

Grow snapdragon sprouts in almost the same way as all annuals. They do not require special care. After sprouts appear, seedlings need good lighting otherwise the plants will start to stretch. Watering during this period is limited, there is a risk of a black leg. In this case, the soil must be immediately treated with crushed coal or ash.

The antirrinum has a very strong root system, so the seedlings must be picked at the stage of the appearance of several leaves in deeper containers; plastic cups or containers are an excellent option. Plants quickly take root in a new place, with virtually no complications and diseases. After the appearance of 5 leaves, pinching is performed to obtain voluminous inflorescences.

Transplantation of snapdragons in open ground

In early June, antirrinum seedlings are planted in open ground, the composition of which contains sand, peat and compost in equal proportions. The site should be protected from the wind, well lit. Depending on the snapdragon variety, they are planted at a distance of 20-50 cm. After planting, regular watering and loosening of the soil are carried out.

Growing snapdragons in the garden

Snapdragon care

Snapdragon does not need special care. All that is needed is to moisten and loosen the soil, and, of course, periodically feed the plants with an interval of 2-3 weeks with any complex organic fertilizer destined for blooming annual plants. They also make sure that there are no weeds and wilted flowers, which are removed so that the plant does not lose its appearance and did not waste their energy on them.

Protecting snapdragons from diseases

Like any living organism, snapdragons can be affected by all sorts of pests and diseases (black leg, gray rot, septoria, caterpillar butterfly larvae, etc.). Treatment begins with the removal of flowers that have already become infected, then the entire land is treated with special antifungal drugs, which are now sold in any specialized store. Experienced flower growers prevent the development of the disease by taking preventive measures to combat pathogens: timely removal of infected inflorescences, moderate watering of the antirrinum under the root, and not on the plant itself, removal of settled insects in flowers.

Snapdragon (antirrhinum) is a flower that is perennial, but in our climatic conditions it is grown as an annual, that is, only in the warm season. Its variety of varieties is simply amazing. It can also be curb, up to 20 centimeters high, and gigantic, up to 1 meter high or more. The antirrinum gained particular popularity among flower growers also by the fact that its planting and further care do not cause any difficulties, because. it's really very unpretentious plant. Cultivation is recommended to be carried out by seedlings, and reproduction - by seeds.

Varieties of antirrinum (snapdragon)

The most popular classification of snapdragon varieties is its division depending on the height of the bush:

By the way! Snapdragon flowers are simple and double. Terry inflorescences look especially good when composing bouquets.

How and when is it better to plant snapdragon seeds for seedlings

Planting dates for seedlings

Growing snapdragon through seedlings is explained quite simply: the flower has a rather long period of development from the moment of the first shoots to the beginning of flowering.

The time and timing of sowing snapdragon seeds for seedlings naturally primarily depend on the climatic conditions of the growing region. So, antirrinum begin to sow from the end of February to mid-April.

According to the lunar calendar

It can help you choose the best date for sowing seeds Moon calendar.

Snapdragon, as a rule, is grown as an annual (annual), for which its dates are according to the lunar calendar.

So auspicious days for sowing snapdragons in 2019 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in February - 6-8, 11-17, 21-25;
  • in March - 12-17, 19-20;
  • in April - 6-8, 11-13, 15-17; 29-30;
  • in May - 8-17, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 for sowing snapdragons (however, like all plants), the following dates are:

  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents."

Tank and soil

For growing snapdragon seedlings, any purchased and home-made containers are suitable. It all depends on how much you are going to grow the plant.

The soil can be purchased from ready-made in a garden store or make your own at home on your own.

Due to the fact that the size of the seeds of the antirrinum is small, they can even be said to be tiny, after preparing the soil mixture it will need to be sifted, the same applies to the purchased land.

To prepare the soil mixture for snapdragon seedlings, you will need:

  • 1/7 washed sand;
  • 2/7 garden land;
  • 4/7 peat.

Now the earth needs to be mixed well and then sieved. Further, in order to protect future seedlings from the black leg and extra shoots of weeds, the soil must be steamed in a double boiler or heated in the oven for 60 minutes.

By the way! Mix an additional 4 tbsp. spoons of ash and 2 tbsp. spoons dolomite ash, snapdragon sprouts well and grows in slightly alkaline soil.

Video: the subtleties of growing snapdragon seedlings

Direct landing

When sowing snapdragon for seedlings, be guided by the following step by step instructions:

Video: sowing snapdragon for seedlings in February

Antirrinum seedling care after planting

As a rule, shoots appear after an average of 2 weeks, although it may take longer. It all depends on what temperature conditions there will be a landing tank with an antirrinum.

As soon as the seedlings look out, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 18-20 degrees. Also, so that young shoots do not begin to stretch, good lighting is needed. As always, you can use phytolamps or more economical LED lights.

At the beginning of their journey, seedlings grow and develop somewhat slowly. Watering should be neat, frequent airing. After 7 days after the emergence of shoots, the shelter must be removed completely. However, at first it is recommended that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the plant.

Periodic loosening of the earth as one of the elements of growing seedlings will help to avoid the appearance of a black leg.


Upon reaching 2 true leaves in development, it is necessary to pick a snapdragon, which he tolerates quite cheerfully, and then easily takes root.

For transplanting, you should use the same composition of the earth as for seedlings, but this time it no longer needs to be sieved. There is nothing to worry about if this time large fractions fall into the soil mixtures. This will be a kind of hardening for the roots of a young plant.

The weather for snapdragon picking is better to choose cloudy (during the day) or when there is no more sun, that is, it is better in the evening. The fact is that in this case we will give the plant a whole night to strengthen, and by morning the dived seedlings will already feel fine.

step by step process snapdragon picks:

Video: picking snapdragon seedlings

Seedling care after picking

Top dressing of snapdragon seedlings must be carried out on the 5-7th day after picking. It is best to feed with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium complex fertilizers having an element content in equal parts, such as nitroammophoska. You can water both under the root and along the leaf, which will positively affect the development of the plant itself and give more abundant flowering.

When the plant reaches 4-5 pairs of true leaves, it is necessary to carry out topping which stimulates active growth side shoots. When the side shoots reach 3 pairs of true leaves, you will need to do a circular pinching of the side shoots. This will start the mechanisms for the development of additional shoots, which will subsequently lead to even more flowering of the plant. In this way, it will be possible to grow a real round ball with hundreds of beautiful flowers at the same time.

Video: pinching rules adult seedling snapdragon

When and how to plant snapdragons in open ground

A couple of weeks before planting in the garden, begin to gradually take out the seedlings, first just on the balcony, and then on open air. Antirrinum seedlings hardened in this way will easily take root in a new place and will not suffer in the event of return frosts.

As a rule, snapdragon seedlings can be planted in open ground as early as May. Such early term due to the exceptional frost resistance of the plant.

Snapdragon is a light-loving plant, but it also tolerates light partial shade, so choose the appropriate place for planting seedlings. However, it is worth knowing that in partial shade the antirrinum will bloom much more modestly.

As you already understood, antirrinum loves loose and slightly alkaline soils. If the earth is too heavy and clayey, then the roots of the plant will not be able to develop normally. Therefore, in order to make such a (heavy and clay) soil more suitable for planting, it should be added dolomite flour or wood ash, as well as some sand.

Plant seedlings in pre-prepared planting holes along with a clod of earth. The landing pattern for each variety is different. For example, it is optimal to plant dwarf and low varieties at a distance of about 20 centimeters, medium-sized ones - 25-30 centimeters, and tall ones - 45 centimeters.

As soon as you land, you can water abundantly and, if desired, mulch with peat.

Video: planting a snapdragon in open ground

Outdoor antirrinum care

Further care for the antirrinum consists of regular watering, occasional fertilizing, weeding and regular loosening of the soil.

To feed, as during the cultivation of seedlings, snapdragons are recommended to be complex mineral fertilizer, such as nitroammophoska (it is also possible to use ammophoska and nitrofoska).

Snapdragon is very demanding on moisture, but in case of excessive drought, it quickly recovers after abundant watering. However, if you forget about regular watering, the plant will not open well, and blooming flowers may fall. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not allow drying out. The best time for watering is in the morning.

Watering snapdragons is desirable to carry out directly under the root. If this is done superficially, then the flowers will be filled with water and gradually slope. Some may even fall, you hardly want to admit it.

The antirrinum blooms in waves, that is, periods lush flowering are replaced by some fading, when all the flowers have faded. Do not worry, this means that the next wave of flowering is on the way. Such waves can continue until the very frost, in other words, until late autumn.

Thus, if you use approximately the same scheme for sowing seedlings and the recommended agricultural practices for growing snapdragons, then it will bloom all summer and delight you with its lush and abundant flowering until the end of autumn.

Video: how to sow snapdragons and properly care

In contact with

The snapdragon plant is popularly called "dogs". Everyone has seen this flower. Found in summer cottages and urban flower beds. Snapdragon is not in vain so popular. Besides what it is beautiful flower he is also not whimsical in care. It comes in a variety of colors: white, purple, yellow, red, there are even two-color and three-color ones. Blooms from mid-June until the first frost.

Antirrinum is well suited for decorating ridges and flower beds

Antirrinum is a perennial plant. It begins to flower and produce seeds in the first year of planting, so it is usually grown as an annual. Today, breeders have bred hundreds of varieties of snapdragon:

  • Tall.
  • Medium height.
  • Undersized.
  • Dwarf.
  • Ampelny.

Snapdragon will decorate any terrace, balcony, flower bed is also used as a border plant. Ampel forms are bred in hanging pots.

To grow snapdragons on your own, you will need:

  1. antirrinum seeds;
  2. container for planting (container, cups, wooden boxes and etc.);
  3. cover, glass or film;
  4. substrate;
  5. spray.

Snapdragon seeds are sown in early March. The plant does not like peat soil. Mix one to one ground out compost heap with river sand is the best substrate for seed germination.

For sowing, you can use plastic containers or cups. Fill the container with soil and generously moisten. The seeds of this plant are very small when sowing, they are not visible. To fix this, put some snow on top of the substrate or mix seeds with sand, then the sowing process will become easier.

How to care for snapdragon seedlings

After the seeds have been sown, you need to sprinkle them again with a thin layer of the substrate and moisten them with a spray bottle. Then cover with a lid or foil. Let the crops breathe daily and water as the soil dries. The air temperature in the room is not less than 23-24 degrees. If everything is done correctly, the seeds will germinate in 14-16 days.

As soon as you see the first sprouts, move the container to a bright but not sunny place. When the sprouts begin to germinate en masse, remove the film or cover.

How to care for Antirrinum seedlings

At first, seedlings grow slowly during this period, it is very important to properly moisten the substrate. Watering better in the morning and not abundant. If moisture is in excess, this will lead to a "black leg". Sick sprouts should be removed immediately, and the place where they grew should be sprinkled with crushed coal.

How to dive seedlings

After the second pair of true leaves appears in the seedlings, they begin to dive. You can dive the plant into a large container, so that the seedlings feel free or in separate cups.

You can dive several sprouts into one cup. Seedlings place in a bright place. Three days after the dive, accustom the seedlings to the temperature and conditions that await them after transplanting into open ground. In order for a beautiful strong bush to grow, the central shoot of the seedling needs to be pinched. It happens that the side shoots are actively growing, they also need to be pinched.

We plant snapdragons in open ground

It is necessary to plant grown seedlings in open ground at the end of May. Choose a site that is windless and slightly shaded. Plant the flower in well-drained soil. When the plant takes root, it quickly grows and turns into a beautiful flowering bush.

White Antirrinum looks just great

Antirrinum in the open field

Snapdragon is also sown in open ground. They will begin to bloom a little later in late July, early August.

... and in this photo there is a red-white Antirrinum

Sow the flower in several rows. Make a small hole and put the seeds in. More seeds should be poured into open ground, excess seedlings can be weeded. Sow "dogs" in early May. So that the seeds do not freeze, they are covered with last year's leaves or some kind of covering material.

Antirrinum with a green tint looks very beautiful and does not usually look

How to care

In order for a flower to grow beautiful, strong and healthy, it needs:

  • water.
  • Feed.
  • Remove weeds.
  • Loosen the soil.

Snapdragon is not a demanding flower. Grows well in both shade and sun. Water only when dry. You need to do this in the morning. After watering, loosen the soil in the evening and remove the weeds. Tie tall varieties to a support. In order for the snapdragon to please you with flowers for a long time, do not let him tie the seeds. Withered flowers should be removed immediately so that the plant does not waste energy in vain. In order for new shoots to appear, cut off the crown of the plant.

top dressing

After transplanting into the ground, the flower is fed. Make it nitrophoska and organic. The next time the plant is fed when the buds appear. Use:

  1. urea solution - 1 tablespoon;
  2. potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp;
  3. superphosphate - 1 tbsp;
  4. water - 10 l.

The ingredients are combined and thoroughly stirred.

Snapdragon diseases

Red spots may appear on the leaves of the antirrinum. In this case, treat the plant with "Zircon" (five drops of the drug per liter of water). Also treated for prevention (two drops of the drug per liter of water). Snapdragon sometimes strikes gray root rot and septoria. Remove diseased plants, and cover the place where they grew with a fungicide ( antifungal drug). If you remove infected flowers in time and observe correct mode moisturizing then the snapdragon is not afraid of anything.

How to collect seeds

Antirrinum seeds are harvested when they are not yet fully ripe. The best seeds located at the bottom of the flower, so cut off the top and discard. On the rest of the peduncle, put on a paper bag, tie it below the seed boxes and cut it off. Hang the bag in a dry place and wait for the seeds to ripen. Store snapdragon seeds at a temperature of +4 degrees. It is important that moisture does not get into the seed bag.

Antirrinum after flowering

If you are growing snapdragon as a perennial, cut it as short as possible and cover with dry foliage or sawdust. If as an annual - shave in a timely manner withered flowers so that seed pods do not form. After the flower has completely faded, cut it off, and dig up the area where it grew. The remains of the plant must be burned to destroy the pests that could have settled there.

As you can see, growing snapdragons from seeds is easy, the main thing is to approach the process with pleasure. Flowers feel when they are loved. They will thank you for your care with their colorful blooms throughout the summer and fall.

Snapdragon or Antirrinum (Antirrhinum) is a perennial herbaceous plant Plantain family. In culture, this flower has existed for over 500 years. The selection of snapdragons was first taken up by scientists from Germany in the 19th century. Today, about 50 species and over 1000 varieties of antirrinum have been bred. Snapdragon today grows in all warm corners of the Earth.

Plants differ in appearance, height and many other characteristics. The color scheme of the antirrinum covers almost all colors, except for blue and blue shades.

Snapdragon in natural conditions is a perennial plant. In horticulture, this flower is most often grown as an annual. To save a flower for the winter, it needs special conditions, good and proper care. The plant is used for group plantings on the lawn, for decorating flower beds, borders, terraces and balconies.

Types and varieties of snapdragon with a photo

The snapdragon flowers are large in shape, can have a two-sponge or non-mesioid, bell-shaped, penstemon-shaped, azalea-shaped (double) shape.

Varieties of antirrinum are divided into:

  • universal,
  • cut,
  • casing.

Plants are versatile compact form and a large inflorescence (medium-sized varieties).

To cut flowers, plants with large flowers and long legs (giant and tall varieties).

Casing varieties are distinguished by the compactness of the bush and the duration of flowering (dwarf and undersized varieties).

There are several classifications of antirrinum, but the most common classification of antirrinum is the height classification. Height grades are divided into 5 groups:

They are distinguished by increased stem formation up to shoots of the third and fourth orders. The main shoot is placed at the level or under the shoots of the second order.

  • Candy Showers - weaving (ampel) snapdragon variety,
  • Sakura Blossom is a pink-white plant with a speck,
  • Magic Carpet - pink-yellow color,
  • Tom Thumb, Pixie and others.

Plants are intended for decoration of rock gardens, ridges, borders, carpet flower beds and growing in pots.

Low varieties grow up to 25-40 centimeters. These varieties have many shoots with flowers of the second and third orders. The central shoot goes on the same level or below the level with first-order shoots.

  • kimozu,
  • hobbit,
  • wunderteppich,
  • Lampion (ampel hybrid) and others.

These flowers are used to decorate flower beds, borders, hanging baskets, containers, balcony boxes.

Medium-sized (universal) varieties and hybrids grow up to 40-60 centimeters. The plant is highly branched. The main shoot goes a little higher than the side shoots.

  • Scarlet Monarch - red-burgundy color,
  • Golden Monarch - yellow color,
  • Ruby is a bright pink flower
  • Lipstick Silver - white-pink color,
  • F1 Bizari - with a variety of colors, strokes on the yellow (primary) color,
  • grade Day and night, and others.

These varieties are grown in a variety of flower beds and are suitable for cutting.

High (cut) varieties with a height of 60-90 centimeters. Their central shoot rises above the secondary (side).


  • Brilliantrose - a bright pink flower,
  • Canary - bright yellow
  • Alaska - greenish white
  • Anna German - gently Pink colour,
  • F1 Rocket Lemon - soft lemon shades,
  • F1 Goshenka - orange shades,
  • Swallowtail - a two-color variety of raspberry-yellow color,
  • varietal terry mix Madama Butterfly - a flower of various shades,
  • Dzhulaiva - open penstemon-shaped or gloxiniform flower,
  • varieties Pink, Ruby, Admiral and others.

Yellow shades have a more pronounced aroma. Plants are suitable for decorating mixborders, group compositions, grown for cutting. Cut flowers last more than a week in a vase.

Gigantic (giant) varieties reach 90-130 centimeters in height. Bushes are narrow-pyramidal. The main shoot of the flower rises strongly above the shoots of the second order, and the shoots of the third order are absent.


  • F1 Red XL - bright red color,
  • Arthur - with large, cherry-colored flowers, plant height 90-95 cm,
  • F1 Pink XL - rich pink color, height of both 110 cm,
  • University of California - a mixture of shades, 95 cm high,
  • Maximum Unicaulis,
  • Start F1 and others.

Snapdragon is propagated by dividing the bush or using seedlings. A feature of this flower is that the seeds in the ground can be stored for more than one year and then grow on their own.

When planting in warm soil, the first shoots appear after two weeks, but this method is suitable for the southern regions. In places with a cooler climate, the antirrinum is planted in open ground with grown seedlings.

Sowing seeds in seedling containers or greenhouses is carried out in late February or early March. In conditions middle lane sowing is done in late April - early May. In northern latitudes, snapdragons are not grown.

After the seedlings get stronger, it can be transplanted into the ground. The flowering of the snapdragon occurs 85-110 days after the appearance of the first shoots - The plant blooms in June - July and blooms until the first autumn frosts.

The first sprouts appear on the 7-10th day. After 3-4 weeks, the plants are picked. Planting plants in open ground can be done only after the end of frost and warming up the soil. By this time, the snapdragon should form a small bush.

Snapdragon - planting and care

Sowing seeds for seedlings allows you to speed up the growing process and get earlier flowering. For planting, you will need seeds of selected varieties, a growing container, a fine and large sieve and a spatula.

For seedlings, a seedling box, a container or a long pot with a pallet, about 10 centimeters high, is taken. The container for seedlings should have holes to remove excess water.

A drainage layer of expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, pebbles, coarse sand is poured at the bottom. Then you can start preparing the land.

Land preparation

A loose, light substrate is suitable for sowing, which can be purchased at a store or made independently. To do this, take: 1 part of the turf, part of the sand, part of the peat, part of the rotted humus and wood ash. The soil is mixed and sieved on a coarse and fine sieve.

Large screenings are poured on top of the drainage, fine screenings are on top. The soil is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate and left to stand indoors for 2 days.

Land when planting should be moist, but not wet.

Seed preparation

Seeds can be bought at the store, while the variety, height and color range of plants is easily selected. When choosing, you need to take into account the storage conditions and the shelf life of the seeds.

On one's own harvested seeds after collecting and drying, they are placed in a plastic bag, and then in the refrigerator until spring. In the refrigerator, the seeds undergo stratification and this improves their germination. Before sowing, the seeds are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Take out and dry on a paper towel. After that, you can start sowing.

Sowing for seedlings

Seeds for uniform distribution, you need to mix with dry sand. Seeds are sown in even paths with an interval of 2-3 centimeters. For convenient distribution, you can use a paper envelope, from which the corner is cut off.

Sand with seeds in this case is poured out in a neat path. Sand paths for a tighter fit of the seeds need to be pressed a little with your palms. From above, with the help of a sieve, a thin layer of soil mixture is poured.

Then the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle.

The seating container is covered with glass, a transparent film and placed in a room with a temperature above 18 degrees Celsius. The film cover is removed every day (for ventilation). The soil, when dried, is sprayed with a spray gun.

Shoots appear after 10 days.

A container with seedlings is placed in a bright place (a window without direct sun rays). A week after the seeds germinate, the film (glass) is removed from the box. It is not recommended to remove the glass immediately. This should be done gradually, starting from 20 minutes onwards.

After 3-4 weeks, the first true leaves will form on the plants. When 2-3 sheets appear, the seedlings need to be picked out.

For picking, cassettes, peat pots or cups with a diameter of 8-10 centimeters are used. When planting in large containers, a gap between plants of 5 by 5 centimeters is observed. The first 2-3 days the seedlings are covered from the sun's rays.

When planting in a box, after the plants grow up, another seating is made in more spacious pots with an interval between plants of 10 by 10 centimeters.

Intermediate transplantation allows you to increase the bushiness of the flower. For better branching and flowering, the upper part of the grown plants is pinched.

Seedlings are grown at 23 degrees Celsius. Plants are provided with good lighting, regular watering. An excess of moisture can lead to diseases of the sprouts and watering should be done only after the soil surface has dried.

When any type of rot appears, the seedlings are treated with Fitosporin (10 drops of the drug are taken per 1 liter of water), crushed charcoal is scattered over the soil.

Snapdragon is planted in the ground after the end of frost. Depending on the region, this is done from early May to mid-June.

The best soil for planting is loam, sandy soil with good air and water permeability. The flowers are not demanding on the soil.

But for a more lush and long flowering in the ground, you need to add

  • wood ash (1 cup per square meter),
  • nitrophoska or complex fertilizer for flowers (tablespoon per meter)
  • a small amount of humus (3-4 kilograms of humus)
  • peat (1 kilogram per meter).

The earth is being dug up and loosened. The place should be light, a dark area for planting is not suitable. Plants in the shade practically do not bloom, flowering in partial shade is less lush.

Transplantation should be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening. Planting interval:

  • dwarf varieties should be 15 by 15 centimeters,
  • low grades 20 by 20 centimeters,
  • between medium - 30 by 30 centimeters,
  • between high from 40 centimeters.

In the prepared holes, seedlings from the pot are lowered along with an earthen clod. The plant deepens to cotyledon leaves. The soil around the plants is slightly pressed with palms and watered.

On close landing different varieties cross-pollination may occur and new plants the next year may differ from the parent varieties.

For better flowering and preservation of moisture in the ground, the bushes need to be mulched with sand, sawdust, straw.

A month after the transplant, when the snapdragon takes root, the first top dressing is performed. complex fertilizer for garden annual flowers or nitrophoska. The following top dressings are carried out every 2-3 weeks throughout the summer.

For heavy soil good growth bushes, you need to carry out regular feeding, loosening, tying high varieties. Loosening protects the root system from leaching and disease. Without tying, tall plants can break off and die in windy weather.

Snapdragon does not like drought, but even with excess moisture it starts to hurt. Based on this, watering should be regular, but moderate.

Pinching the main and side shoots up to the 2nd order increases the splendor of the bush.
For long flowering, buds that have already faded are removed. Flowering lasts 3-3.5 months.

Pests and diseases

Snapdragon has low resistance to stem cutworms, mining flies, aphids, mites, miners, thrips, slugs, butterflies.

Pests appear when flowers are overgrown with weeds or bushes are planted close to each other. Timely weeding protects plants from insects.

Stem cutworms (caterpillars) settled at the bottom of the stem. They gnaw longitudinal passages in the stems and they wither. When a pest appears, it is necessary to make a low cutting of damaged bushes. The cut stems are burned.

All weeds around are removed. Healthy plants are sprayed with chlorophos. Preventive spraying is carried out from the time of planting until autumn.

When flowers are affected by any pests, special chemicals are used.

Most often when improper care snapdragon is amazed root-knot nematode root system and fungal diseases. An excess of moisture leads to the appearance of septoria, rust, verticillium, fusarium, false powdery mildew, black legs.

Mosaic causes mottling (spotting) leaves without necrosis. Flowers shrink and become variegated. When a disease appears, all plantings are removed and burned.

Rust affects a fully formed plant. Dusty pustules appear on the lower part of the leaves, on the seed pods and sepals. Brown. Spots appear on the upper part of the leaves and they wither.

When signs of a disease appear, the bushes and the root circle are treated with a solution of Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride and Zineb's solution. Processing is repeated in a week.

For the prevention of diseases, you can use Zircon (5 drops of the drug per liter of water). Fungicides are used to control these diseases.

The seed box contains about 8 thousand seeds. Ripe seeds are shiny, black, poppy-like. For seeds, the most beautiful plants with large flowers. By one third you need to shorten the inflorescences.

After that, large seed pods form in place of the flowers. It is not necessary to wait for the yellowing of the lower seed pods; for ripening, the inflorescences must be cut and dried indoors.

Seeds from opened boxes should be shaken out into a paper bag. Then dry on a saucer and put in plastic bag until spring.

The collected seeds remain viable for 4-6 years.

Snapdragon is a perennial plant and, if desired, even in the conditions of the middle lane, flowers can be preserved and left to winter in the open field. In autumn, all shoots are cut off, and the roots are covered with peat, grass, dry foliage.

In the spring, the plant grows and can be planted with shoots or left in place in the form of a lush bush. Flowering next year is more lush.

Snapdragon. How best to sow, how to properly care: video

Many gardeners are afraid to grow snapdragons due to many factors, such as poor germination, the need for preventive and protective work against diseases, pests, and other problems. But with the right approach, all these problems are solved quite quickly and the flowers delight with their beauty and unusualness.