Toilet      06/17/2019

How to plant daffodils in the fall. Professionals on when and how to plant daffodils in open ground in the fall. Determining the timing of planting daffodils in the fall

Narcissus is not quite a flower, as we used to think. This is a bulbous herb of the Amaryllis family.

Entire legends are made up about this beautiful yellow-white plant. One of the most popular legends is based on the fact that there was a boy endowed with unearthly beauty. He was forbidden to look at his reflection, but one day, while walking along the river bank, he succumbed to temptation and looked at his reflection in the water.

He was so blinded by his beauty that he immediately turned into a beautiful flower.

Plant information

The flower has a pungent odor, which is also called intoxicating. Its name from Greek language translates as “to stupefy.” Despite the bright smell, the flower is very beautiful and sophisticated. Its yellow core is framed by delicate white petals.. This perennial, which is also herbaceous. The leaves resemble long ribbons: they are linear and basal. Flowers appear in spring.

The flower is located on a round peduncle, which reaches 40–50 cm. The white petals resemble wrappers, and the yellow petals resemble a cap. The yellow part looks a little like a bell. The flowers are large, beautiful, delicate, and have a slight angle of inclination. The heads seem to be slightly inclined towards the ground. The petals are velvety or terry, pleasant to the touch. The white petals are very thin and delicate.

The plant is shade-loving. It is also quite capricious and requires ongoing care. Reproduction is carried out by bulbs or children. If you notice that the flowering shoots have decreased in number, you should replant the daffodil. If the foliage of the plant begins to dry out, it must be removed and the bulbs dug up. The seeds must be properly processed and placed in the shade so that they dry and “rest.” Such bulbs must be stored in a dark place. You should not dig up the bulbs too late, as this may negatively affect their quality.

When to plant daffodils? It is best to plant a flower in August - early September. Planting daffodils in spring is also acceptable. Planting depth is approximately 10–20 cm. The distance between holes should be 10–15 cm. Some varieties are frost-resistant and can easily tolerate cold. However the best solution will cover the flowers in the fall. Before the first snow falls you need to mulch the plants with peat and cover them. After the snow has melted, you can remove the shelter. in spring beautiful flowers the daffodils will bloom. Landing is simple and exciting process. When and how to plant this royal plant correctly?

To plant flowers correctly, you need:

Caring for a Narcissist

When you have figured out how to plant daffodils, you need to think about proper care. It is important to remember that these fragile flowers love not only moist soil, but also careful watering. If rain does not moisten the bulbs, you need to water the flower during the flowering period. Watering is also necessary during the period 4–5 weeks after flowering..

Very important condition- This is the removal of dried and diseased leaves. The quality of the bulbs can be improved by weeding and picking off wilted flowers. Don't be afraid to clean up yellow leaves and withered parts of the plant, because this will help it bloom and delight you with beautiful large flowers. In the first years after planting the bulbs The plant needs careful feeding, the application of nutritious fertilizers and substances necessary for the bulbs.

The first feeding should be done in spring. It is important not to overdo it with fertilizer, since an excess of nitrogen-containing fertilizer can cause a number of diseases. The first sign of a serious narcissus disease is the growth of too tall, yellow and withered leaves. The second feeding should be done using nitrogen-containing and potassium-containing fertilizers. The third feeding is the application of fertilizers With high content nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The fourth is enriching the plant with potassium and phosphorus. This feeding is carried out during the flowering of the narcissus.

This flower attracts the daffodil fly. This insect is the most common pest of daffodils. The narcissus fly is attracted to a large number of fresh manure, which fertilizes the soil. That is why enriching the soil with fresh manure is strictly prohibited! Fusarium disease, mosaic disease and sclerotinia are also known diseases.

Varieties of daffodils

There is a huge amount different varieties of this plant, each of which has its own characteristics. The list below shows some of them.

This is an incredibly beautiful plant which is pleasing to the eye. A large selection of varieties allows you to decorate your terrace, yard and flower bed. This flower is used in landscape design. Proper care will ensure the health of flowers and the beauty of flowering.

Delicate slugs are forced to hide from the direct rays of the sun, so they are active mainly at night, in the evening and in the morning, and during the day they hide in thick grass and under leaves. Due to this exposure, slugs are forced to overwinter in the depths of the soil, with some species overwintering as adults, while others overwinter as eggs. For many gardeners and gardeners, slippery cold slugs cause an irresistible disgust. With their arrival, there is a threat to the future harvest of the summer cottage. Gastropods slowly but painstakingly destroy plantings of cultural and ornamental plants. Therefore, you should seriously think about how to get rid of slugs in the garden.

Not only people, but also feathered gourmets eagerly watch the cherry berries ripening in the garden. How to protect cherries from birds, protect the harvest and the health of trees in personal plots? These questions concern many summer residents and owners of rural farmsteads. Cultivated plantings of fruit and berry plants become a favorite feeder for many, especially flocking birds, in the warm season. However, visits from birds are not always a joy for the summer resident. It’s great when a flock helps control insect pests. And it’s a completely different matter - birds trying to profit garden strawberries, irga, honeysuckle and, of course, cherries. Read our article on how to save cherries from birds.

Watering indoor flowers is a basic care procedure. In this regard, this issue needs to be given Special attention. In nature, plants receive their moisture from required quantity from the ground, air and during rain. At home, plants can quench their thirst if the owner waters them. If you are going on vacation for two or more weeks, then, of course, it is important not to forget to switch the plants to automatic watering. In order to be sure that the plant accepts this method of obtaining moisture, it is recommended to switch to automatic watering in advance, observing how the plant feels every day. If you notice that the soil has stopped moistening, then try switching to new way, more reliable. Before leaving, it is important not to forget to water the plant well.

Nowadays, all serious gardeners and gardeners are in the active phase of the “seedling” period, that is, they are actively growing seedlings of various crops, so that in the future they do not buy them, but plant their own. When growing any seedlings, certain problems often arise, unless, of course, you have thoroughly studied the requirements of this crop. Even if you know everything about this plant, then perhaps you simply did not have enough time, or you simply forgot to carry out certain procedures. As a result, seedlings may lose their healthy appearance and deteriorate a little. Petunia seedlings are also not without this property. Often, for example, its leaves may turn yellow, and sometimes even curl. Now we will try to reveal the reasons for the yellowing of leaves in petunia seedlings. And, of course, we will try to help her return to normal.

There are many signs associated with these flowers. In Rus', it has long been believed that picking flowers means rain. Pansies were depicted on the coat of arms of the historical region, Izhora - near Karelia, which existed at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The tricolor violet has other names: Ivan da Marya, also associated with a beautiful legend about true love, and the name “moths” says that the bright petals really resemble the fluttering of carefree butterflies. Popular rumor ascribes magical love spell properties to pansies. But what is certain is that all parts of the plant are absolutely recognized official medicine, as a valuable medicinal raw material for the production of insulin and other glycosides that normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. IN folk medicine The plant is used to prepare cough infusions and diuretics. In this article we will tell you when to plant pansy seedlings, how to care for them, what varieties there are, and how to prevent flower diseases.

Garden carnation is very popular among gardeners. This flower grown in many household plots, gardens and cottages. First of all, it should be noted that this plant is a perennial; in nature it most often grows as a biennial. Belongs to the carnation family and is a separate variety of garden carnation. When grown, carnation bushes have a compact appearance and grow from 40 to 60 centimeters in height. The cultivated variety has characteristics such as frost resistance and moderate drought resistance. With great effect - this plant grows on fertile, manure-fertilized, black soil, soddy-podzolic or loamy soil. More information about growing Grenadine cloves from seeds will be discussed in this article.

More than 100 species of representatives of the gypsophila genus of the Carnation family are known. Gypsophila, bridal veil, rocking paniculata, tumbleweed - all these names indicate that gypsophila varieties prefer to grow on limestone. Many varieties and types of gypsum can be easily grown from seeds in the country. The flowering bush is a white or pink cloud. It fits perfectly into any landscape, and is also often used in floristry to decorate bouquets. Even a novice gardener can figure out how to grow perennial or annual gypsophila. Simple rules of care and maintenance will help create lush flowering tiny flowers almost throughout the summer. Gypsophila paniculata herbaceous plants for open ground, read our article.

Very soon it will be time to sow tomato seeds for seedlings. All gardeners want to grow healthy seedlings in order to get good harvest everyone's favorite tomatoes. To do this, you need to work hard. It often happens that it is not possible to obtain high-quality seedlings for one reason or another. One of the most common reasons for such failure is diseases of tomato seedlings. How to avoid this misfortune? To do this, you need to know the enemy by sight. We will consider a description of diseases with photographs and methods of treating them at home in this article. Seedlings need careful care throughout. At the slightest manifestation of bacteria, viruses or fungus, take the necessary control measures, including eliminating damaged stems. Rotate the beds into which you transplant tomatoes every year, as diseased roots and pests from the previous season may remain in the soil.

Daffodils are unpretentious flowers that are resistant to most diseases and pests, and can also be grown on any soil. In addition, flowers feel good in both darkened and well-lit areas and can easily tolerate moisture deficiency. To propagate flowers, baby bulbs are used, which must be separated from the mother bulb and planted separately. However, to prevent the bulbs from freezing, you need to know when to plant daffodils in open ground in the fall, timing and characteristics of planting.

Determining the timing of planting daffodils in the fall

To propagate daffodils, you need to dig up the bulbs, separate the young ones from them, and then transplant them to another place. This procedure should be carried out in early autumn. The timing of planting daffodils in the fall depends on climatic conditions and temperature indicators in a particular region.

Most often, planting is carried out from mid-August to mid-September. The main condition for the possibility of replanting is the soil temperature of about 9 degrees, which remains at this level for at least 14 days. If this condition is met, the bulbs will have time to take root, but will not have time to sprout green shoots. And this guarantees a good wintering and minimal losses.

However, planting daffodils in open ground in the fall different regions needed at different times:

  • Moscow region. It is necessary to plant daffodils in the Moscow region at standard times. Planting should be carried out from August 15 to September 15, but the procedure should be carried out only at the moment when the temperature reaches the required level and stay on it for two weeks.
  • Leningrad region. The average temperature in the Leningrad region is lower, so planting can be done 1-2 weeks earlier. In this case, everything depends on the weather conditions of a particular year.
  • Ural. Planting of daffodils in the Urals is carried out at the same time as in middle lane. But if the weather is cold, it is better to plant in early August.
  • Siberia. Weather conditions in Siberia are changeable, but on average planting takes place in the last month of summer.

Thus, the timing of landing primarily depends on weather conditions, and not on a specific region.

The best place to plant daffodils

To get beautiful and healthy flowers, you need to pay attention to choosing the optimal site. It is best to give preference to a level place that is reliably protected from strong winds. The amount of sun is not so significant, but it is better to plant daffodils in an area where the sun hits at least half the day. Bright varieties of daffodils fade quickly, so it is better to plant them in areas where there is no bright sun. In areas that are protected from strong winds, daffodils bloom longer.

A good place to grow daffodils is sunlit slopes. You can also plant them between deciduous trees. They need to be planted in the area tree trunk circles. This is because daffodils bloom before the trees even leaf out, so the flowers will have enough light coming through the canopy. Therefore, daffodils should not be planted under evergreen trees and shrubs.

The only condition that must be observed is the avoidance of waterlogged areas. Therefore, daffodils should not be planted on soils that do not allow moisture to pass through well, with high level groundwater or areas that are constantly flooded during snow melt. In this case, the bulbs may rot, become covered with plaque, or become infected with a fungal infection. If you do not react in time, the bulbs may die. Therefore, in the place where the bulbs are planted, the groundwater level should not exceed 60 cm.

Preparing the site for autumn planting of daffodils

The optimal soil for growing daffodils is loamy with an acidity of about 7.0. If you grow them on sandy soils, then an insufficient amount of microelements can lead to a gradual decrease in the size of the flowers. And when long absence high-quality feeding, flowering stops completely. In addition, sandy soil cools faster, so the bulbs may freeze.

If the plot long time is used for growing flowers, then preparation for planting them will be minimal. If this is a new site, it needs to be cleared of debris, weeds, tree roots, and large stones. If the soil is heavy, sand must be added to it, and humus must be added to sandy soil. In autumn, it is recommended to fertilize flowers with rotted manure and other organic fertilizers. After applying fertilizer, the soil needs to be dug up. The soil for transplanting daffodils should be prepared at least a month in advance. Immediately before planting flowers, adding fresh manure to the soil is prohibited.

For active growth and development, daffodils also need mineral fertilizers. If you add them in the fall, the daffodils will survive the winter better, and the accumulated beneficial components will ensure good flowering.

If you plan to plant daffodils in a small area of ​​soil, then it will be easier to remove it upper layer and replace with a new one. You can prepare it yourself or purchase it at the store.

Daffodils can be planted not only in summer and spring, but also in autumn. This landing has whole line benefits, and in the spring the daffodils will bloom several weeks earlier than usual. When to plant bulbs in the fall, recommendations from experienced gardeners will tell you about planting dates by region.

The life cycle of flowers has a short dormant period, so it is better to plant them before the roots begin to actively grow. If the flowers are planted at the right time, the bulb has time to grow strong roots, and then the plant survives the winter well. Over the winter, the flower gains strength for rapid growth in spring. In addition, when planting in autumn, bulbs do not need to be placed in the cold for several days, as, for example, when planting in spring. Over the winter, planting material acquires stable immunity, subsequently does not get sick, and the flowering itself lasts longer.


When planting in autumn, daffodils can be planted interesting design For garden flower bed. In spring, all that remains is to complement it with other colors.

Planting dates for daffodils

The timing of planting daffodils in the fall depends on the specific region. The climate in each area has its own characteristics, so the period will vary. For regions with harsh climatic conditions, the deadline is shifted earlier by a couple of weeks than for the central part. A breakdown by region will help you figure out how to plant daffodils correctly in the fall.

For the Moscow region

For the Moscow region favorable time The period for planting bulbs is considered to be from August 15 to September 15. The ground temperature should not be below 8 degrees Celsius, and the ambient temperature, especially at night, will drop noticeably. There is no specific date for planting in the Moscow region; use the ground temperature as a guide. Before the first frost, the bulbs must be planted and have time to send out roots.

For the Leningrad region

The timing of planting daffodils for the Leningrad region coincides with the timing for the Moscow region, so you can safely plant daffodils from mid-August to mid-September. If bad weather conditions or sudden cold snap are expected in the region, then speed up the landing.

For the Urals

In the Urals, autumn begins earlier than in the central part, so planting here takes place 2 weeks earlier. You can plant daffodils from August to September. Check the weather forecast for the next 2 weeks and choose the best day to plant bulbs in the ground in the fall.

For Siberia

In Siberia, plant daffodils in August, preferably on the 10th of the month. If weather conditions no longer allow it, the temperature of the earth has dropped to almost zero, then it is better to refrain from planting - the earth has already frozen, and the bulbs will not take root in it.

Planting in the ground before winter

If you are planning to plant daffodils before winter, you have made the right decision. Now the main task comes down to determining the correct seat, advance soil preparation and compliance with planting technology. With the right actions already in early spring you will admire the first shoots of bright flowers.

On a note!

Plant small varieties of flowers in large groups, and large ones – one at a time.

Selecting a location

Flowers do not like windy gusts, so choose a place protected from the wind. Place the flowerbed on a slight slope on the side where the cold wind blows. Direct sun rays should be avoided most suitable option– light partial shade. There are bright varieties of daffodils (pink, orange), which fade and fade when exposed to the sun for a long time. Therefore, place such varieties in the shade of tree crowns, along fences. Daffodils grow well next to other shrubs and trees: birch, rowan, linden, sea buckthorn. The tree should not cast too much shadow so that the flowers have enough light and warmth from the sun.

The soil

The soil for flowers does not need to be prepared in advance, since the plants are considered unpretentious and grow in almost any soil. However, if the soil is nutritious, then appearance the flower becomes much more attractive: the petals have a beautiful rich color, the inflorescence itself is larger in size, and the duration of flowering noticeably increases.

The soil for daffodils should be:

  • porous;
  • loamy;
  • acidified.

Approximately 3 months before planting, apply 1 square meter a glass of ash. Ash can be replaced with superphosphate. Then dig up the soil. When digging, remove extraneous grass and weeds from the ground. You need to dig to a depth of no more than 30 cm. If you have humus, mineral fertilizers, and the soil on the site itself is poor, then add nutrients to it.

Sandy soil must be mixed with clay so that it does not freeze in winter. Since sand freezes much better than clay soil, the bulbs may die from the cold over the winter. Add a bucket of humus or clay to 1 square meter of sandy soil. Too clayey soil is also undesirable for growing flowers. Dilute it with sand or peat.

How to plant daffodils in the fall

Sort the flower bulbs a few days before planting. Remove rotten and spoiled tubers immediately; they will not be needed. Remove the top 2-3 layers of skin from the bulbs. Soak the planting material for 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect. Be sure to dry the bulbs before planting them in the ground.

The day before planting, add the following to the soil where the bed is planned:

  • tbsp ammonium nitrate;
  • 1.5 tbsp. superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. potassium sulfate.

After adding fertilizer, dig up the soil again, level it with a rake and fill holes for planting the bulbs.

The planting depth of the tuber should be approximately 2.5-3 times its height. For large varieties, make the depth about 15-20 cm, and for small and medium-sized varieties - no more than 15 centimeters. When planting in rows, leave a distance of 5-10 cm between small varieties, and plant large bulbs at least 15 cm apart from each other.


If you planted the bulb too deep, it will take a couple of weeks longer to germinate than others.

Features of watering

Immediately after planting, water the soil with cool water using a watering can. As soon as the water is absorbed into the soil, mulch the flowerbed with rotted humus. Mulch will protect the bulbs and soil from dehydration. When watering, water consumption should be at least 2-3 liters per 1 square meter of soil. Immediately after watering, loosen the soil with your hands or a rake so that an impenetrable crust does not form on the ground.

Planting in containers

Tubers can not only be planted in open ground, but also grown at home in containers. Take a pot with a diameter of 10-13 cm, make several holes in the bottom so that water can drain. Planting daffodils in containers is carried out in the following way:

  • a drainage layer 5-6 cm high is placed on the bottom of the pot, and fertile soil is placed on top of it;
  • The tubers are placed on the ground and pressed. One pot contains 3-4 plants;
  • Remove the pot with tubers to a dark, cool place with a temperature of 5-8 degrees and leave the bulbs to germinate for 3 months. Plants need to be watered 2 times a month;
  • after 3 months, containers with daffodils are placed in a light room warm room. Increase watering to once a week; you can feed the flowers with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. Soon. The flowering period can be extended by moving the plants to a cooler room.

You can plant and grow flowers in a container in different ways: at the beginning of winter, at the end of summer. From the moment of planting to blooming, about 2.5-3 months pass.

Narcissus is a beautiful flower, sung by many poets. There are many beautiful legends associated with it, the most famous of which is the story of a handsome young man who fell in love with his reflection in the river and died of melancholy.

Below we describe how to plant and care for daffodils in open ground, select and prepare bulbs, apply fertilizers, pruning, propagation, what varieties there are and what diseases can affect this primrose, popular among gardeners.

How to plant daffodils in open ground

Choosing a place to plant daffodils and proper preparation soils are important factors influencing the growth and development of plants.

Proper preparation of the site for planting daffodils

For this type of bulbous plant, a sufficiently lit place without drafts is suitable. Daffodils do well in partial shade, but they should not be planted under tall trees or near buildings. An overly lit area, where the sun burns from morning to evening, is also not suitable for them. The only exceptions will be certain light-loving varieties. It is better to choose a place in the country in light shade so that they bloom longer and the color is richer.

Daffodils will withstand short-term flooding by meltwater, but they will not be able to live permanently in such soil, since the bulbs will simply rot. To prepare a flowerbed or bed, you need to remove 30-40 cm of soil and pour drainage into the resulting hole. Perfect for this:

  • pebbles;
  • expanded clay;
  • crushed stone;
  • vermiculite

8-10 cm of sand is poured on top of the drainage, followed by nutrient soil. The flowerbed must have water drainage in the form of ditches and be above ground level. It is advisable to surround it with a border made of natural stone or artificial materials.

What kind of soil is needed for planting?

If on personal plot Sandy soil predominates; it is made heavier by mixing it with clay. The acidic one needs liming. To do this, add 300 g of slaked lime per 1 m² a year before planting.

The most fertile soil for daffodils is loamy soil, although they can easily be grown in black soil and peat. The main thing is that the acidity levels are close to neutral (pH 6.5-7).

If you add about 400 g of lime per 1 m², the acidity of the soil will increase by 1 pH unit.

The first digging of the ground for daffodils is carried out in advance, in July. In this case, about 15 kg of humus is added per 1 m². The second time the bed is dug up 2-3 weeks before planting and fertilized with phosphorus and potassium (50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium chloride with sylvinite (potassium salt) per 1 m²).

Where are the best places in the flowerbed?

Landscape designers often decorate with daffodils and tulips alpine coaster, alleys, curbs. It is also practiced to plant bulbous plants on perennial flower bed next to the peonies, pansies and early flowering shrubs (hazel and wolfberry).

Planting daffodils

Planting and caring for daffodils includes a number of mandatory rules, neglecting which you should not hope for a positive result. In order for the flower to grow healthy and strong, you need to adhere to planting dates, know the depth and distance between plants, and also choose high-quality bulbs.

How to choose healthy daffodil bulbs for planting

Planting and caring for daffodils will not cause difficulties if you initially select good planting material. The onions should be dense, with a dry neck and bottom. Scales are brown or golden, without signs of decay, dark spots or raid.

In addition, you need to know what to treat before planting to prevent fusarium and gray rot. The simplest and most effective is a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

At what depth to plant

Many people wonder at what depth to lay the bulbs so that they do not freeze and germinate in the spring without much difficulty. This parameter directly depends on their size and is equal to three diameters, on average 12-15 cm. If the soil is loose and light, plant it deeper, if it is heavy clay, closer to the surface.

In Latvia, gardeners place small unsalted sprat or capelin under the bulbs; this is an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus.

Forcing daffodil bulbs - guarantee of flowering

Taceta-shaped daffodils with large and heavy bulbs are best suited for forcing. They are soaked in warm water with a temperature of 40-45 °C for 4 hours. Then they are planted in prepared containers or wooden boxes so that 1-2 cm remains above the surface. The soil between the bulbs is covered with sand and watered well. The containers are sent to a cool place (10-12 °C) for 3 months.

With the appearance of sprouts 10-15 cm long, they are transferred to warmth and cared for as for others. indoor plants. Buds will appear 2-3 weeks after forcing.

To get flowers on the eve of March 8, you need to start forcing in mid-October.

When to plant daffodil

Daffodils are planted in open ground mainly in the fall, so that the bulbs take root well and form flower buds. A number of flowers have their own special life cycle, when the root system actively develops precisely after completion warm season. Narcissists are a prime example of this. The ideal time for this would be mid-August - early September, adjusted for the climatic conditions of the region. In spring, daffodils can be planted only if the timing autumn planting were missed for a number of reasons. It is best to do this immediately after the snow melts, around mid-April. There is no need to delay planting, since late-planted plants will develop more slowly and you will have to wait a year or two for them to bloom.

Planting scheme, or Starting with a plan

In most cases, daffodils are not planted en masse, because after flowering such a flowerbed will lose decorative look because of the yellowed drooping foliage. Classic option The layout consists of small islands of 5-7 plants, surrounded by perennials (hostas, geraniums, mantle). Early varieties daffodils look interesting in the company of chionodoxes, crocuses, snowdrops, late ones - with primrose, bergenia, tenacious.

The planting scheme can be presented in three ways:

  1. The bulbs are planted in rows at a distance of 15 cm from each other, row spacing is 20-25 cm.
  2. Holes are dug in a checkerboard pattern 15 x 15 cm, this method is called square-cluster.
  3. Make a wide hole and put several bulbs there at once.

Narcissus: care and cultivation

Narcissus is an unassuming and grateful flower. Provide it with minimal care, and it will delight you with flowering every year. In one place, daffodils grow well for 5-6 years.

Spring feeding - a vitamin cocktail for a flower

In spring, daffodils are fed with ammonium nitrate. This nitrogen fertilizer has a beneficial effect on all processes in the life of the plant, especially on the growth of green mass. Before flowering, phosphorus and potassium are added - this promotes the formation of buds and the active reproduction of bulbs.

The best varieties for growing in open ground

There are more than 25 thousand varieties of daffodils, which form several main groups:

  • tubular;
  • terry;
  • triandraceae;
  • small-crowned;
  • large-crowned;
  • split-crown;
  • bell-shaped;
  • Jonquil daffodils;
  • cyclamenoides;
  • multi-flowered;
  • poetic;
  • wild.

Bred for open ground different varieties, differing both in flower shape and size. The best are considered to be “maximus”, “king alfred”, “birshiba”, “kantara”, “spring glory”, “fortuna”, “ives”, “damson”, “killigrew”, “gret warley”, “mary copland”, “Sunrise”.

Many of them are suitable for early forcing and can be grown well in a pot. When choosing planting material You need to carefully read the description of the variety.

What to plant nearby, or Good neighbors

When planning a flower bed, you need to take into account not only the aesthetic aspect, but also the possible symbiosis of plants. So, next to tulips and daffodils in a flower bed, it is useful to sow crops that repel flies, such as:

  • calendula;
  • marigold;
  • nasturtium;
  • white mustard.

Such a neighborhood will not only look interesting, but will also protect the flowers from the narcissus hoverfly.

When to plant overgrown daffodils

Daffodil bulbs begin to form daughter, smaller bulbs at 3-4 years. It makes sense to pinch them off mother plant and plant separately for growing, planting depth is slightly less than usual.

Narcissus can also be propagated by dividing the bulb itself. For these purposes, choose the strongest, well-dried one. Cut with a sharp blade into several segments with part of the bottom, after removing the top. Next, the onion fragments are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and placed in peat for 3-4 months. The substrate temperature should be between 17-20 °C. During storage, the buds will awaken and produce new shoots. After this, they are transplanted into small containers, for example, plastic bottles. The soil is made up of peat and river sand (3:1), the containers are placed in the basement until spring planting in a permanent place.

Proper watering and loosening

It is necessary to water daffodils as the soil dries out; you should not allow a lack of moisture in the soil. To spill soil to the required depth, you will need 2-3 buckets per 1 m².

Like other crops, daffodils should not be watered at the height of the day, best time for this purpose there will be 18-19 pm. The water should be settled and warm.

Daffodils show particular sensitivity to water deficiency after they have finished flowering. The foliage does not wither for another 30-40 days, and at this moment vital substances accumulate in it, which are subsequently stored in the scales of the bulb.

Watering is stopped when the above-ground part of the plant withers. In the Moscow region and central Russia this is the beginning of July, in Siberia and the Urals - a little later. Weeding and loosening is an important part of caring for this beautiful flower. It is advisable to loosen the soil after each watering, prolonged rain or fertilization, depth - 3-5 cm.

Fertilizing daffodils

In areas that are not characterized by high fertility, daffodils are fed several times a season. The first time fertilizer is applied during the period of mass germination, the second time at the beginning of budding, the third time at the height of flowering. To do this, use nitroammophoska at the rate of 70 g per 1 m². After flowering, the soil is fertilized with superphosphate (40 g/1 m²) and potassium sulfate (20 g/1 m²). On fertile soils, the dose is reduced by 2-3 times, guided by good rule: “It’s better to underfeed than to overfeed.” Fresh manure can be applied at least a year before planting the bulbs, otherwise the adventitious roots may be burned.

Propagation by seeds: how to develop a new variety

It makes sense to grow daffodils from seeds only for the sake of developing a new variety. Seedlings bloom in 4-5 years, so this method is used extremely rarely among ordinary gardeners. Another thing is breeders who plant daffodils over vast areas in the hope that at least one will be interesting for further work and consolidation of the variety.

Freshly harvested, well-ripened seeds are suitable for sowing. They are placed in an earthen mixture several centimeters deep and kept at a moderate temperature until the bulbs grow. After this, the seedlings can be transferred to open ground. Seedlings from hybrid seeds do not inherit the characteristics of the mother plant.

Pruning and care after flowering

When the flower has wilted, the peduncle must be cut off if it is not to be used for seed ripening. The entire above-ground part is removed and burned only after complete wilting. After flowering, watering is gradually reduced and the bush is fed complex fertilizer. In the fall, the bed is mulched to prevent the soil from freezing.

Main diseases and pests

Growing daffodils in open ground can be complicated if the plants develop any disease. This is often the result of incorrect agricultural practices. Most often, narcissists are affected by diseases such as:

  • fusarium;
  • ring spot;
  • gray mold (botrythiosis);
  • sclerotial rot;
  • penicillium rot;
  • bacterial scab.

All bulbous plants are susceptible to viral diseases that can penetrate the soil, through insects (aphids, thrips) or when treating plants with an infected tool. Prevention is timely culling and destruction of infected bushes.

The most common pests of daffodils are:

  • click beetles;
  • onion hoverfly;
  • onion root mite;
  • cabbage scoop;
  • mole cricket;
  • nematode;
  • slugs

What to do to make daffodils bloom every year

By observing several simple rules, you can achieve annual abundant and long-lasting flowering of daffodils:

  1. Pruning of the ground part is done only after the leaves have completely withered (they should turn yellow and lose their elasticity).
  2. There is no need to dig up the bulbs every year; let the plants remain in one place for 3-4 years.
  3. When grown in poor soils, daffodils need to be fed regularly. Without this, plants may look healthy and strong, but will not bloom.

We care without fanaticism - mistakes in caring for daffodils

Many novice flower growers violate the deadlines for planting bulbs, neglecting the peculiarities of the life cycle of the narcissus. Untimely planting threatens lack of flowering and even death of the plant. The same applies to the application of fertilizers. An excess of nitrogen in the soil as a result of inept fertilizing with urea or ammonium nitrate promises rapid growth of green mass and poor flowering. There is also no need to neglect storing planting material in the refrigerator. Planting and caring for daffodils in open ground is not a difficult task; the main thing is to choose the right time for pruning and replanting, and do not forget to water, fertilize and loosen the soil. In return, narcissists will delight you with long-lasting lush flowering and will give a subtle delicate aroma. It’s not for nothing that the name Narcissus Poeticus translated from Greek means “intoxicating and stunning.”