Toilet      24.02.2019

Comfortable toilet in the country with their own hands. Requirements for country toilets. Choosing a building option

Every summer resident knows well that there must be a toilet on the site. It is impossible to do without this building. Someone equips a bathroom inside the cottage, supplying it cesspool or septic. However, free-standing buildings made of wood or stone are the most popular. With due skill and imagination, this room can turn into a decoration of the site. One of the main elements is the toilet. It depends on the ease of use. Therefore, we will further consider how you can make a comfortable toilet seat for country toilet with your own hands.

What should be taken into account?

First of all, it is necessary to discuss the points that must be implemented in the process of erecting this device.

1.Maximum convenience. There should be no discomfort during use. Calculate comfortable height with form.

2.Reliability and strength. Must support the weight of all family members. Consider when choosing a design and material.

3.hygiene. It should be possible to easily clean the inside and outside of the rim. You can apply antimicrobial impregnation.

4.Lifetime. It is worth considering the expected period of use. It is required to equip the maximum rigidity of the surface to extend the service life.

Types of toilet seats

If you want to make an outdoor toilet, the question first of all arises - “How and from what material to make a toilet seat?” Naturally, for the manufacture can be used different kind materials. The design can also be different. Let's see.

So, for the manufacture of a toilet seat, foam plastic, plastic, lining, boards or moisture-resistant plywood can be used.

Of all the diversity, pure wood can be distinguished. It has established itself as the most durable and comfortable material. Practical qualities are also not far behind. Moisture-resistant plywood 8-10 mm thick behaves well.

Plastic chairs have other advantages. They are light weight, easy to operate and easy care. However, there are drawbacks - low resistance to damage. Cracks or deep scratches often appear.

Styrofoam products, on the one hand, are more comfortable when sitting on them, but on the other hand, they are the least durable of all materials. Service life is not high. They are often replaced with new ones.

As for the design, there are also several options. So you can use the old chair. The simplest option. It is enough to cut a suitable hole in the seat, equip a suitable seat and you can use it. From an aesthetic point of view, not the best the best option, but the cheapest and easiest.

The most popular stools are stepped type. They are more difficult to manufacture, but more practical and attractive. The main advantages are the comfort of use and the possibility of its external finishing.

Still there are toilet seats made of pipes. In this case, you will need a metal or plastic pipe. The length must match the height of the toilet. If there is a suitable trim, metal corners are attached to it. The entire structure of the toilet seat is mounted on them. A hole is cut out, a bezel with a lid is attached. A good choice for many.

However, since step-type toilet seats are the most popular, we will talk about them further.

Rectangular variant

First of all, consider the most common rectangular wooden version. It is built in the following sequence:

1. A rectangular structure is constructed from the bars. Installation takes place with reference to the base and back wall toilet. The size you choose is arbitrary, taking into account the ease of use.

2. From above and from the side, the frame is sheathed with a board or plywood. An oval or circle is marked in the middle. A hole is cut according to the pattern with an electric jigsaw.

4. From above, you can put a toilet seat made of foam or plastic from an ordinary porcelain toilet. It is desirable to fix the second with self-tapping screws so that it does not move during use.

With a powder-closet construction, the upper part must be made opening. This is necessary to remove the filled container. You can learn about the arrangement of a powder closet in the article about the arrangement of a country wooden toilet. Link after article.

To avoid contamination of the walls of the box, the following option is possible. Take an old bucket. Cut off the bottom. Fix under the toilet seat hole with self-tapping screws. Install a plastic seat with a lid on top.

corner option

Arrangement corner option similar to rectangular. The difference is only in the form. For some it will be preferable.

At construction fairs and in plumbing stores, a fairly extensive range of toilet bowls for toilets installed in suburban areas is presented. They differ in shape, design, construction and price.

But, if we consider toilet equipment from a constructive point of view, then in reality it turns out that the choice is not so great. Therefore, many summer residents are still showing ingenuity today by arranging an outdoor toilet in the country.

Do you really need a toilet on the "street"?

If the question arises, where to equip the toilet - on the street or in the building country house, then most of the "advanced" summer residents will give a lot of arguments "for" the toilet in the house.

And indeed, there is no need to go to the "latrine" a few meters along the site, to freeze in an unheated toilet, to experience discomfort.

However, in defense outdoor toilet There are also quite weighty arguments:

  • Ideal for parties on the site (no need to go to the house).
  • Allows you to receive organic fertilizer- compost.
  • "Unloads" the home toilet if a lot of people live in the house.
  • If you think about the design of the building, can become a decoration for a summer cottage.

A toilet built on the street is also optimal when any construction works and there are people who would not really want to invite into the house.

It turns out that the toilet in the depths of the site is still needed, especially since modern materials allow you to make it comfortable enough and install comfortable toilet.

Types of toilet bowls in the country and their characteristics

Before you install a toilet in an outdoor toilet, understand their types and choose the most suitable one for yourself. Manufacturers offer two types of toilet bowls that are suitable for installation in a country toilet, which, as a rule, does not have plumbing and sewerage.

plastic toilet

  • lightweight construction;
  • good strength;
  • variety of colors;
  • ease of installation;
  • may crack at low temperatures.

faience toilet

  • heavy construction;
  • high strength;
  • installation is complicated by the strengthening of floor slabs due to the severity of the structure;
  • excellent resistance to low temperatures.

For the most demanding summer residents have another option, ideal in all respects, but more financially costly than the first two - dry closet.

These are mobile structures made of durable plastic. When buying a dry closet, you can immediately pay for its maintenance, but it is quite expensive. In addition, if you are going to use the waste accumulated in the composting toilet, then this toilet is not suitable for you.

Types of implementation of toilet bowls

Apartment option

Feel like using a toilet in the country, like at home, a ceramic toilet bowl will help. Outwardly, it looks the same as apartment option, only without flush tank. There is no flush inside the toilet, as all faeces directly fall into the pit under the floor.

You can clean such a toilet with a connected hose with water and a brush. And it is easy to clean up accumulated in the pit with the help of sewage equipment, since the hole in the toilet bowl allows you to freely insert a cesspool hose into it.

Additionally, you can purchase a toilet seat with a lid. Installing such a toilet does not take much time.

Manufacturers of ceramic toilet bowls for country toilets even provided a hole for plumbing. But keep in mind, if you use the flush in the same way as in the apartment, the cesspool will fill up very quickly and this will create a problem of cleaning it.

wooden counter

This type of toilet bowl is the cheapest, it is easy to build, does not require any cleaning, and with minimal building skills and imagination, the design can be not only convenient to use, but also look aesthetically pleasing.

In fact, it is an elevation with a hole to which the seat is attached. To build a "wooden counter" toilet, you will need a saw, wooden boards, wooden block, a toilet seat with a lid, construction nails.

iron throne

If the area is not cesspool, you can build a “powder-closet” or, in the common people, an “iron throne”. The design is a metal bucket or other container, to the top of which a superstructure with a seat and a lid is attached.

A box with earth, peat or ash is placed next to the "iron throne". After using the toilet, a small amount of the contents of the box is added to the toilet, as if sprinkling waste.

Thus, when rotting feces with peat or earth, organic fertilizer is created, which, as the toilet bowl is filled, is poured onto the site.

plastic model

A popular toilet model among summer residents. If you decide to opt for a plastic toilet for a summer residence, then all you need to install it is an electric screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

The plastic toilet bowl is a ready-to-use model with a seat and a lid. It is stable and strong enough to withstand even very heavy weights.

Just attach the toilet with self-tapping screws to wooden floor country toilet, and it is ready for use.

Attention! In cold weather, the plastic becomes brittle and the toilet bowl is easy to break!

Requirements for country toilets

A good, comfortable toilet adds comfort to a pleasant stay in the country. How to equip a latrine in your area, and which toilet to choose, everyone decides for himself.

But, it is worth paying attention to compliance with the requirements for toilet bowls for a country toilet:

  • Choose a design that does not require flushing. A rare summer resident, conducts water supply to the toilet on the street. In addition, a plumbing flush requires a sewerage and drainage system, and if there is none, the cesspool will fill up very quickly.
  • Looking for a model, the installation of which does not require special skills and technical knowledge. Extra parts will complicate the installation of the toilet, but it will not affect its operation in any way.
  • Don't look expensive models. As a rule, they are inappropriate in conditions suburban area, and you can equip a comfortable toilet with the help of an inexpensive toilet bowl.

Choosing a place for building a toilet

From where to suburban area the location of the toilet depends not only on the convenience of those who use it, but also on the peace of mind of the neighbors. Especially responsibly, the choice of location should be taken if the toilet is located on a cesspool.

  • Distance between toilet and the border of the neighboring area should not be less than 1 m.
  • If on site there is a well or a well, the construction of a toilet is possible no closer than 25 m.
  • If the site has slope, then the toilet is placed in its lower part.
  • Good if close trees will grow, they will protect the toilet from the heat, which can increase the unpleasant smell.

Building a country toilet with a toilet bowl with your own hands

If a place for building a toilet is determined, it is necessary to start construction by digging a cesspool. It is desirable that sandy soil be reached when digging the hole, as it absorbs liquid well and it will not stagnate under the toilet.

In the pit, you can install a metal container, or reinforced concrete rings, or leave it in the form in which it is.

To build the "birdhouse" you will need:

  • Wooden block 50*50.
  • Board lining 20 mm thick.
  • Roofing material (slate, corrugated board, ondulin, etc.).
  • Tools (hacksaw, nails, hammer, etc.).

From a bar a base is assembled, the dimensions of which correspond to the width and length of the future toilet house. The finished base must be fixed to the foundation or foundation posts using anchors or clamps.

Also, the frame of the building is assembled from the timber. In order for the toilet to be durable, the frame must be “stretched” in several places with additional partitions made of timber.

With help mounting rail, a crate is made for sheathing the building. You can sew a toilet edged board, which looks neat enough and is easily attached with self-tapping screws or nails.

The roof of the toilet can be covered without using a log, since the dimensions of the building are small. After graduation external works inside the toilet house, a floor is laid from a board of 40 - 50 mm.

wooden toilet

Most summer residents build a toilet bowl in their toilet houses like a “wooden counter”. If you decide that you need just such a toilet, then with inner lining toilet, leave part of the floor uncovered with a floorboard.

This is exactly the part over which the “wooden counter” will be located:

Such a toilet does not require cleaning, looks neat and is quite suitable for a comfortable life in the country.

And in order to avoid a strong smell in the toilet, it is necessary to build ventilation.

The easiest way is to install a pipe with a cross section of at least 100 mm at the back wall of the toilet.

In order for the smell in the toilet to disappear well, the pipe must be fastened so that its lower part is lowered 20 cm from the level of the “wooden counter”, and the upper one protrudes at least 40 cm above the roof.

Homemade toilet bowl made of galvanized steel

This method of building a toilet for a summer residence is suitable for those who do not want to build a structure from wooden planks and bar.

For a galvanized steel toilet you will need:

  • A piece of galvanized metal.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Plywood 8-10 mm thick.
  • Electric jigsaw with saw blades for metal and wood.
  • Plastic toilet seat with lid.

Fold the galvanized sheet into the shape of a cylinder with an oval section with a diameter of 30 * 35 cm. The height of the cylinder should exceed the required one by 6 - 8 cm - it is necessary to make longitudinal cuts 5 cm wide to this depth to make strips. Bend them outward and attach a circle of plywood to them with self-tapping screws.

The final stage is the fastening of a plastic toilet seat with a lid to wooden base. Such a toilet is installed above a cesspool or a container for receiving feces. If the household does not have a sheet of galvanized steel, a piece of stainless steel will also work well.

Installing a plastic toilet

If you choose plastic model toilet bowl, please note that it has less strength than metal and ceramic ones, and when installing it, there are problems with fixing over the lower container.

The fact is that if there is a barrel under the toilet, then, most likely, there will be a mismatch between the connecting holes (the barrel is round, the toilet is oval).

To combine them, you can build a cone of galvanized iron:

  • Roll Galvanized Steel Sheet in the form of a cone.
  • Lower the narrow part into the barrel, and attach the top to the bottom of the toilet floor.
  • It is important that the part that is attached to the floor, was larger than the oval opening of a plastic toilet bowl.
  • Installing a toilet, circle the contours of its oval hole from the inside with a marker and cut it out with a jigsaw.
  • Attach the toilet and treat all places connections silicone grease or mastic.

  • Install the structure of the toilet house to a height of at least 20 cm above the ground.
  • To not work"by eye" use a laser or water level to control vertical and horizontal surfaces.
  • Install the door like this so that it opens outward, not inward. Otherwise, it will be difficult to enter the toilet.
  • Choose a place and install a network window so that you do not use the lighting in the toilet during the day.
  • toilet walls it is better to paint it with paint, so it will retain its aesthetic appearance longer.
  • Before painting be sure to process wooden surfaces antiseptic.

The comfort and carefree life in the country largely depend on what the toilet will be like. As you can see, it is not difficult to make it with your own hands, and the variety of designs will allow you to decide which toilet you need in a suburban area.

The toilet in the country is one of the main buildings on the site, as there is a constant need for it. Regardless of what this building will be, a dry closet or a device with a cesspool, they all have a seat. The comfort and convenience of visiting this room by the owners of the summer cottage or its guests depends on this detail. The design of the seat is quite simple, so you can easily do it yourself.

Requirements for seats in the country toilet

A do-it-yourself seat in a country toilet must meet the following requirements:

Seat materials

Having decided to build such a structure in the country, it is necessary to decide on the following questions:

  • What materials to make a toilet seat in the country?
  • What form should it be?

The construction of these structures can be made of several types of material. Based on your preferences and financial capabilities, you can make them yourself from the following materials:

Most summer residents prefer pure wood. This choice is not accidental, as wood has such properties as strength, comfort and practicality.

Do-it-yourself country toilet

It is better to make a seat cover from wood. If you decide to opt for the option with wood, then it is recommended to use plywood sheets 8-10 mm thick.

Plastic structures are easy to maintain during operation, and due to their low weight they are easy to install. But, with regard to impact resistance, here they lose to structures made of other materials. Poor resistance to mechanical stress leads to the formation of cracks and scratches.

As for moisture resistant plywood, its use is justified by the following properties:

  • High strength.
  • Affordable price.
  • Easy installation.

The construction of moisture-resistant plywood is mounted using rubber pads that prevent the cover from moving during operation, since the pads are attached to the seat base.

The galvanized steel toilet seat is considered the most affordable option but it has several big advantages:

  • Small costs.
  • Strength.
  • Flexibility.
  • Long service life.
  • Easy installation.

The rest of the materials, foam and lining are used for sheathing wooden frame podium.

The shape of the podium can be rectangular or angular. This criterion is selected based on the preferences of the owner of the cottage or the size of the toilet.

How to make a seat for a country toilet with your own hands?

Most summer residents are wondering how to make a podium for a toilet in the country with their own hands? An ordinary hole in the floor does not suit you, you want more comfort and convenience, so the podium is the most acceptable way out of this situation.

Every person with little basic knowledge and tools can make such a device with their own hands.

According to the principle of assembling the design of the podiums can be:

  • Rectangular.
  • Corner.

Rectangular podium

If the choice is made in favor of a rectangular wooden structure, then you need to prepare a hole for it. Its height must be at least 40 cm.

It must be taken into account that the seat should occupy the entire width of the toilet, and the free spaces formed on the sides of the tank are usually used for care products for such a toilet or for toilet paper. The size of the hole is selected based on the size of the seat, which will be installed on top of the structure.

It must be remembered that the seat in outdoor toilets must be removable, then you will always have open access to cleaning the pit.

To properly make a rectangular podium for a toilet in the country with your own hands, you must follow this plan:

If such a design will be used in the winter, then instead of wood, you can take foam plastic as a sheathing.

corner podium

Triangular corner podium for the toilet

To make a corner podium for a toilet in the country with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

  • Make a triangular frame from wooden beams.

The rest of the steps are completely the same as installing a rectangular podium.

Galvanized construction

It is quite easy to install metal structures with your own hands. The material used is galvanized steel. This chair looks like a cylinder. The lower and upper part has allowances for fastening. To do this, small incisions are made on them, at a distance of 5 cm.

The resulting incisions are bent outside the cylinder. The lower petals of the "chamomile" must be fixed to the floor with self-tapping screws. A sheet of plywood, 1 cm thick, is attached to the upper petals, in which a hole of the desired size is cut. A plastic toilet seat with a lid is attached to the top.

For a more presentable look metal structure framed and sheathed with any material at hand. In the front wall of the frame, you can install a door behind which to store toilet products and paper.

Bench with a chair

This option can be made with your own hands, if you think it over during the installation of the toilet floor. With its equipment, 2/3 is covered with a board, and the rest is strengthened around the perimeter. After the construction of the toilet has been completed, a frame of wood or metal is built over the open part of the floor, and sheathed with any material.

A hole of the desired diameter is prepared from above and a plastic toilet seat is installed in it.

To prevent the walls of the box from getting dirty, you can install a plastic bucket with a cut bottom in the hole.

Video: Do-it-yourself country wooden toilet

The toilet bowl for the country toilet must be comfortable for its normal use and, in addition, must comply with the following parameters:

Toilet installation

  • Have a low price, be easy to install and use.
  • The model should not require flushing, since it is not always possible to organize it, the design should not have underwater pipes and other elements not inherent in street performance.
  • Difficulties should not arise if dismantling is necessary, since the cleaning process must be carried out sooner or later.

Speaking of such structures, it is necessary first of all to indicate all the advantages and the final result after their respective organization.


Classic toilet

In a situation where there is no time for independent construction, but there are financial opportunities, you can purchase a faience toilet. This is an apartment model familiar to everyone, the purchase of which can be carried out in any specialized store.

Classic faience toilet bowl

Installation is quite simple - having made a hole in the floor, the size of the corresponding inner edge toilet bowl, attach the latter with special bolts. For tightness, we blow silicone at the junction with the floor.

There are several disadvantages, the main of which is the high cost. Of course, making such a toilet bowl for a summer residence with your own hands is much cheaper, but you are unlikely to achieve such comfort. In addition, such structures are quite heavy and require the installation of an additional wooden stand.

When choosing a faience model, for 100% safety during operation, it is necessary to install reinforced concrete floors, which entails certain economic costs.

Bathroom in the country

wooden step

The so-called wooden counter is often used to equip the toilet.


To make a toilet for a country toilet with such a base, you need minimum costs forces and execute the following instructions:

  1. 1 Seal 50% of the floor with wooden planks.
  2. 2 Mount the beam at a height of 40 cm from the floor.
  3. 3 We close the gap resulting from the installation cross beam(both below and above).
  4. 4 In the upper plane we make a hole necessary for installing a standard saddle.

After making the seat, do not forget about the ventilation necessary to limit the accumulation of odors.

metal closet

The option of such a waste place from an economic point of view is the most expedient. Best suited for areas with minimal presence of bystanders and individuals using the space.

You can make a seat with your own hands for this you need:

The model does not have a special aesthetic appearance, but it is easy to mount, and the materials are always at hand, or easily purchased.

plastic toilet

A direct plastic toilet for a summer residence is a fairly effective option, comfortable and having many advantages:

  1. 1 Aesthetic appearance. Possibility to choose the model and color depending on overall design.
  2. 2 Light weight, as a result of which the structure does not press on the floor.
  3. 3 Despite the material of manufacture, it has high strength.
  4. 4 Does not create hygiene problems.
  5. 5 Has the best price.
  6. 6 Convenient to use.

There may be some unexpected costs for installing a plastic barrel.

Purchase of the following materials is required:

  • Sheet of metal - for the transition from the barrel to the oval of the closet.
  • Boards - for organizing the floor.
  • Mastic - for isolation from possible leaks at the junction with the floor.

Installation instructions

By adhering to the following points, you will get a ready-made toilet bowl in the country, made by yourself.

  1. 1 We betray the pre-prepared metal sheet cone shape.
  2. 2 We lower one of the sides of the oval into a pit or outlet of a septic tank.
  3. 3 The edges remaining outside are fixed at the floor level of the closet.
  4. 4 We coat with mastic the junction of the barrel with the cone.
  5. 5 We fasten the floor boards together.
  6. 6 We install the toilet itself and trace it around the contour.
  7. 7 Place the outline cut out along the line.
  8. 8 We make a metal strip of zinc and trim the resulting hole with it.
  9. 9 We mount a plastic toilet for a summer residence, fixing it to the floor from the boards.
  10. 10 The joints are re-treated with mastic.

Powder - closet

This is a fairly cheap option, which is a regular waste collection container in the form of a bucket or other available collection. The finished model can be purchased at the store or made by hand.

Waste as a result of their filling into a container is sprinkled with peat or sawdust. After accumulation, the contents of the tank are poured into a previously prepared pit for composting.

There are no installation features or subtleties of installation. The device is mobile and can be moved to a convenient place for you. For greater comfort, a wooden superstructure is installed, as described above.


An outdoor toilet is as necessary as its equivalent building in a residential building. For comfortable use, choose the right toilet for a country toilet, which plays a major role in general design. After reading the above information, you special costs time, decide on the necessary option depending on your needs.

The toilet is a practical building, which is usually the first to be rebuilt on a suburban area. Basic amenities are necessary at the beginning of the construction of a residential building and when using a summer cottage as a garden. The comfort of the toilet is determined by factors: water access, lack of smell, structural reliability, the appearance of the building and a convenient country toilet bowl, which should fully replace the home counterpart.

A garden toilet bowl can be purchased ready-made by choosing from a wide variety of products on the sanitary equipment market. If you want to save money, the owners of the summer cottage can build a budget and no less practical design of the toilet bowl with their own hands. The final choice is made by the owner of the cottage, but before that you should familiarize yourself with the possible options.

The advantages of having an outdoor toilet in the country indicate the need to install a convenient autonomous structure in each suburban area

The country toilet bowl is called differently: a pedestal, a throne, a podium. Functional different designs does not change, but the way they are installed is different.

Installing a toilet in the form of an autonomous room located on the street has a number of advantages:

  • Free compost. As you know, a latrine provides a certain amount of fertilizer, the presence of which increases the yield of the garden.
  • Unloading the main toilet in the country. A suburban area is rarely connected to the central sewer system, while its functions are performed by a cesspool or septic tank, which have limited volumes.
  • Summer residents do not need to enter the house. During daily work in the garden, receiving guests in the garden, relaxing in a shady gazebo and in other situations, it will be more convenient to visit the nearby closet.
  • Decorative building effect. With a creative approach, the design of a country toilet can become attractive and stylish element general cottage design.

Country toilet, installed in the depths of the suburban area - necessary element permanent use. The range of materials presented on the market make it possible to make a comfortable and aesthetic building and to easily install a toilet bowl that is easy to use.

A country street toilet can not only fulfill its direct functions, but also be an aesthetic addition to the exterior of a suburban area

The operational features of the country toilet allow its use in any suburban area. All garden structures do not require the installation of a “knee”, since water should not stand in them.

Types of toilet bowls for a garden toilet

For most people, outdoor toilets are associated with discomfort and negative emotions. However, equipping a modern country toilet, you can place a comfortable toilet, which will make it more modern and comfortable. In particular, this is the merit of manufacturers of sanitary equipment, who have developed models of toilet bowls for cesspools that are in demand among consumers.

Toilets that are installed in the garden toilet are conventionally divided into 2 groups: home-made and ready-made (factory-made)

Types of factory-made garden toilets:

  • Plastic. This is the most common version of plumbing equipment for summer cottages. The frame and seat of the toilet bowl are made of high-strength plastic, while there is no cistern.
  • Ceramic. Differs in aesthetic appearance, ease of care, durability and high weight, which complicates the process of equipment installation.
  • Wood. A short-lived street structure, which is a platform with a cesspool and a hole. There are different configurations of toilet bowls: in the form of a chair, with a seat, etc.
  • Dry closet. To install it, it is not necessary to dig a cesspool, since, unlike other country toilets, it can be autonomous. Waste enters a special compartment, from where it is removed with the help of cleaners.

Any garden toilet must meet the requirements. Among them, it is worth highlighting the lightness, strength, wear resistance and durability of the structure. It is equally important that the toilet for the dacha is comfortable, easy to maintain and affordable.

IN most designs of outdoor garden toilets not included cistern. Its presence is undesirable, since with excess liquid the cesspool will overflow faster

If you choose a toilet bowl with a large weight for installation in a summer cottage, there is a risk of the device falling into a cesspool. Therefore, experienced experts recommend summer residents to give preference to lighter material. It is desirable to choose a design that is easy and quick to mount and remove.

How to install a peat toilet

There is a toilet model that brings double benefits. This compost toilet, which becomes a fertilizer supplier for horticultural crops. Consider yes options - conventional and biological.

Device and principle of operation

To ensure the smooth operation of the toilet, it is not enough to dig a cesspool and install a platform on it. During the operation of such a handicraft structure, unpleasant odors will spread around the suburban area. There is also a high probability of collapse of the walls of the cesspool.

To avoid trouble, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the cesspool with cinder blocks or bricks, and peat should be poured into the hole. It helps eliminate bad odors and makes it easier to turn waste into fertilizers that increase the yield of the garden.

The classic design of the garden outdoor toilet meets certain requirements. It is functional, easy to use and safe.

The toilet device for giving is a combination of 2 parts of the structure:

  • Upper. The equipment assumes the presence of a seat or a pedestal, which depends on the chosen design. All waste enters this part, and then descends into the cesspool. The system can be connected to a septic tank.
  • Lower. There is a peat layer in the cesspool and waste is processed. It is important that the hole is closed type, otherwise part of the waste will fall into the soil and groundwater.

Both parts of the garden toilet can have any width and depth, the dimensions of the structure depend on the needs of the owners of the suburban area. Recommended parameters: the cesspool should be at least 1 m, and the toilet seat - at least 40 cm.

The design scheme of the garden toilet consists of elements: a cesspool, a toilet seat, a window, ventilation tube, hole for waste pumping, impact board and clay castle

The owner of a suburban area should know that for the normal operation of the street model, it is not enough to dig a cesspool and make a platform. The installation process involves actions to reliably strengthen the structure. It is necessary to provide a reliable basis and take measures to avoid unpleasant odors. The cesspool must not only be dug, but also strengthened.

The walls of the cesspool are usually lined with bricks, the bottom of the pit is covered with peat. It effectively removes unpleasant odors and helps with waste recycling.

Installing an outdoor country toilet is quite simple. This virtually eliminates the possibility of installation errors and inconvenience when using the equipment.

Dry closet on peat: design and installation

A peat dry closet is often installed on a suburban area, which can be portable or permanently installed. Installation of such a design is not difficult and does not require special skills. Job peat dry closet is based on composting - waste is converted into compost with the help of biologically active components. The role of the components is played by peat or its mixture with sawdust.

Peat has bactericidal properties. It effectively and quickly decomposes waste, relieving the outdoor bathroom from unpleasant odors.

Peat is a natural component that has many advantages. The main ones are safety, environmental friendliness and the ability to use the resulting compost as fertilizer.

Garden peat toilet has the following advantages:

  • Portability. The cabin can be mounted on any garden plot, and if necessary, move without the use of special equipment.
  • It can serve as a temporary toilet during the construction of the house, until the organization of the sewerage system.
  • Ease of installation and maintenance.

The design of a peat-type dry closet includes the main elements:

  • Upper tank. It stores the peat and the distribution mechanism.
  • Lower tank. In a container with a volume of 44-230 liters, waste is processed. A toilet bowl with a lid is installed on it.
  • Ventilation tube. It eliminates unpleasant odors.

The peat-type toilet successfully functions due to the biological processes of waste decomposition. Sewage enters the lower reservoir of the structure and mixes with peat, turning into a nutrient medium for microorganisms, which divide them into components: solid waste, liquid fractions and gaseous components.

When equipping a peat dry closet, you should pay attention Special attention to the ventilation pipe. It can be up to 4 m long and should not have many bends.

The straighter the pipe, the more efficient the ventilation process will be. Properly selected design will reduce the likelihood of strong unpleasant odors in the booth and beyond.

Instructions for mounting the plastic model

To save time and get an excellent result, choose models made of modified plastic. Consider the procedure for choosing and installing modern toilet bowls.

Features of a plastic toilet

Plastic is a relatively inexpensive, strong, wear-resistant and durable material. A ready-made factory version will cost more than a wooden toilet seat, since high-quality PVC is used in the production of a plastic toilet bowl. Popular manufacturers: Roca, Cersanit, Jika, Slavia, Colombo. The design of an outdoor toilet made of plastic does not provide for the presence of a "knee".

A plastic street toilet for a summer residence is often chosen straight so that the waste does not linger in it, but immediately falls into the cesspool

Garden toilet made of plastic best option for a suburban area, with the advantages:

  • Extensive range of shapes and colors.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Light weight equipment that does not exert significant pressure on the floor.
  • Increased strength and wear resistance.
  • Hygiene and convenient operation.
  • Acceptable cost of products.

Minor difficulties may arise when installing a toilet bowl in the country in the form of a plastic barrel. For installation, you will need additional materials:

  • Galvanized or stainless steel sheet. Serves as a transitional part between the oval opening of the toilet bowl and the round neck of the barrel.
  • Boards. This material will be needed when laying the floor.
  • Mastic. Provides reliable waterproofing at the junction of structural elements.

Installation procedure

There are various models of toilet bowls made of plastic. Depending on the type of product, the installation of the structure also differs. One of the simplest is the garden plastic toilet, which is shaped like a bucket. It is made of reliable and durable plastic, which can withstand loads up to 150 kg. The top element of the product is a plastic toilet seat.

A plastic street toilet is installed on a cesspool of the appropriate size. The owner of a suburban area may have problems if not a pit is used to collect sewage, but a barrel dug into the ground. The fact is that the plastic neck of the barrel is smaller than the inner diameter of the street toilet. In addition, the neck of the barrel is round, and the toilet outlet is oval.

The barrel is dug into the ground along the neck. You can dig a container into the ground without narrowing the upper part, and insert a large barrel into it

To connect the neck of the barrel and the toilet, you can use a galvanized or stainless steel sheet, which is folded into a funnel. In this case, the lower part of the cone should correspond to the diameter of the neck of the barrel, and the upper part should be adjusted to the shape and dimensions of the toilet outlet. The upper part of the cone is cut in the form of chamomile petals, fixed to the floor of the building with self-tapping screws.

The joints between the floor and the plastic toilet are sealed with automotive mastic or silicone. To make the installation of a plastic toilet in the country house look aesthetically pleasing, the structure is attached to the rough flooring, and the final coating is laid around it.

Installing a dry closet helps out if there are no conditions for building a cesspool for a country toilet - for example, high groundwater

Some models of garden toilets do not have a hole for fixing to the floor. In this case, it is possible to make narrow corners from galvanization, with the help of which this plumbing equipment is fixed to the floor.

The nuances of installing a ceramic toilet

In the modern market of sanitary equipment, classic faience toilet bowls are presented in an assortment, similar to models that are installed in home bathrooms of apartments and houses. Advantages of ceramic products:

  • ease of use;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • products are easy to clean with cleaning products;
  • ceramics does not absorb unpleasant odors;
  • excellent for installation in unheated rooms.

It should be noted that the faience floor-standing toilet is heavy, so it is not suitable for installation on wooden plank flooring. The wood may not be able to withstand heavy faience, which may result in backfire. This option is best suited for capital structures with concreted floors.

Aesthetic ceramic toilet bowls are characterized by a rather high price, in some cases they turn out to be more expensive than the building itself.

If you opted for a faience toilet model, you need to build reinforced concrete floor. This will ensure the reliability of the design, but will cost more.

To install a ceramic toilet in a garden plot, the floor in an autonomous sanitary unit should be strengthened. Mounting a heavy seat on a wooden deck is impractical. In service, earthenware products practically do not differ from plastic ones. Ceramic garden toilet lasts longer, looks more expensive and more aesthetically pleasing.

Installing a traditional ceramic toilet does not require special skills. A hole is made in the floor of the bathroom, the size of which should correspond to the inner diameter of the exit of the faience toilet bowl. It is recommended to strengthen it around the perimeter with bars on which the product will be installed.

Before installing a heavy ceramic garden toilet, it is advisable to reinforce flooring bars. This will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

A faience toilet bowl for a street country toilet is placed at the intended place of operation and the attachment points are marked. After that, it is removed, drilled according to the marking of the hole, and a layer of sealant is applied to the base of the surface. At the final stage, the toilet is installed by screwing it with bolts.

Construction of a wooden model for the garden

One of the most common options for a homemade seat for a country toilet is to create a wide wooden step. To create it, you need to apply minimal amount efforts.

The installation of the toilet bowl must be carried out taking into account all norms and sizes, so that in the future there will be no problems with its operation.

Step by step installation instructions:

  • About 50% of the floor is covered with boards.
  • In the middle of the bathroom, at a height of 40 cm, a transverse beam is mounted.
  • Then the vertical gap between the floor and the crossbar is closed, the top of the structure is closed.
  • An oval hole is cut in the upper part of the structure, corresponding to the dimensions of a standard plastic seat.

When arranging a wooden outdoor toilet, it is recommended to bring a special ventilation pipe with a height of about 3 m above the cesspool. This will reduce the amount of unpleasant odors in this building.

Exposed vent pipe designed to keep out foul odors for added comfort when using the garden toilet

The execution of a wooden platform may differ depending on the preferences of the owners of the site. However, it must be remembered that natural properties natural wood do not allow this material to be considered durable, so it is better to treat all parts with special impregnations.

Benefits of a galvanized steel toilet

One of the most budget options- a toilet bowl for a summer residence from galvanized steel. The advantages of this material:

  • flexibility;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability.

The steel toilet bowl is a cylinder of optimal height for operation with allowances at the top and bottom. The low cost of manufacturing a galvanized toilet bowl makes it particularly attractive for rarely visited summer cottages.

A pipe of the required parameters is selected (the height should be from 40 cm, the cross section should be within 30-35 cm). On the allowances, small cuts are made with an interval of 5 cm and the ends are bent around the circumference in the form of a camomile.

The lower ends are fixed to the floor with self-tapping screws, and a sheet of plywood prepared in advance is screwed to the upper ends. Its width must be at least 8 cm. The base is adjusted to the right dimensions, a plastic toilet seat is fixed on top with rivets. The structure is installed above the septic tank.

Installation of a toilet bowl from steel sheets does not require special knowledge and skills. Inexpensive materials are used to install the structure

In order for the outdoor toilet to take on a finished look, a frame is installed around the toilet bowl, which is sheathed with boards or plywood sheets. A door is sometimes made in the front wall, due to this a storage room is obtained household chemicals. A galvanized steel toilet bowl is not particularly attractive, but in every household you can find the materials necessary for mounting the structure.

Video reviews of garden toilet installation

The rollers allow you to study the features of installing an outdoor garden toilet. Video includes step by step instructions equipment installation.

Building a wooden garden toilet with your own hands:

Installation of a country peat toilet:

street garden toilets do not lose relevance after the arrangement of the main bathroom in the house. When equipping a building important role performs the toilet, which you have to use every time you visit the restroom, so its selection and installation should be approached with all responsibility. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the site, financial possibilities and personal requirements.

Above are the most popular options for arranging an outdoor toilet. Among them are comfortable and aesthetic ready-made toilets and home-made designs.