Water pipes      06/26/2020

Do-it-yourself drawing of a plywood boat: patterns of motor boats for self-construction, manufacturing, video review. Homemade motor boat DIY unusual boats

The fiberglass boat has gained popularity for its durability and reliability. Fiberglass has a number of significant advantages over other materials. You can assemble the ship quickly and without special costs. A do-it-yourself fiberglass boat is a budget and worthy option for fishing trips.

The plastic small size vessel is intended mainly for fishing. It can also be used for water tourism, sports activities. Operating conditions of the boat on the water: wave no more than 60 cm high, wind force - up to 4 points on a ten-point scale. A fiberglass boat is a great alternative to inflatable boats.

In the first place among the pluses is strength, which exceeds this indicator of an aluminum boat of the same class. Such a vessel will last a long time, with proper care - up to 20 years.
The body made of fiberglass has excellent hydrodynamics and shape, has high physical and chemical properties. Repair is quite do-it-yourself. One of the most important benefits plastic boat is the possibility of its manufacture in accordance with their desires.

Fiberglass is the only material that allows you to create a shape of any complexity yourself. Independent design of the bottom makes it possible to equip it with redans of any configuration. Can be achieved maximum efficiency driving performance of the vessel, placing the redans in the most suitable places. In addition, the design of a homemade boat will be a reflection of the character of its owner.

There is a method of making a homemade boat from plywood and fiberglass, when plastic is used only for the outer covering of the boat. But this technology does not justify itself. The layer of plywood lying under the plastic quickly gains moisture, which increases the weight of the vessel. There is a rapid destruction of plywood due to the action of microorganisms and the process of delamination, because in terms of strength, plywood is much inferior to plastic.

How to make a boat By carefully following all the rules, even a beginner will be able to complete this task. Technological process simple and budget. The hull of the vessel is created by means of a reinforcing filler impregnated with a polymer composition.

Materials and drawing

Raw materials used as a reinforcing filler in the manufacture of the frame:

  • hull base, sides - roving fiberglass TP-07, TP-03, TP-056;
  • local strengthening of individual sections - structural fiberglass T-11, T-13.

Fiberglass happens different types according to the type of weaving, the size of the threads. Basically choose "oblique" or satin weave. The threads must be twisted. The material is sold in the form of sheets, rolls, tapes.

Fiberglass is sold impregnated with a greasy composition. In order for the fabric to be better impregnated with a binder, the lubricant should be removed with gasoline, white spirit or acetone. The fat-free fabric is dried for about 2-4 hours in air.

Resin is needed to glue the reinforcing material. There are three types of resins used in the shipbuilding industry: epoxy, vinyl ester, and polyester. The most important characteristics of resins in the construction of a fiberglass boat from any type of fiber are adhesion and impregnation.

A cheap option is to use polyester resin, which allows you to create a solid fiberglass element in one operation. TM Ashland resin may be used. To create a decorative, with protective properties of the coating of the body, you will need a gelcoat. You will also need plywood with a thickness of at least 1.2 cm, which has moisture resistance.

Making a boat is impossible without a competent drawing. The design of the future watercraft can be carried out using the AutoCAD program. First, a 3D model is created, then frame diagrams, patterns. Ready drawings are taken on specialized sites, on the Internet. Now you can start making a fiberglass boat with your own hands.


The direct production process of making a fiberglass boat with your own hands begins with the construction of a matrix. First, a frame is made on which the frames are attached. Next, they should be upholstered with twelve-millimeter plywood, trying to achieve as much as possible flat surface. The edges of the boat are made more rigid, a double layer of plywood is used for the sides.

Now it is necessary to align the boards for a long time and carefully using polyester putty. It is necessary to eliminate all errors so that the design of the boat is stable. You can work with special spatulas-patterns.

At the stage of matrix alignment, it is possible to provide such important detail boats like a keel. It ensures smooth movement of a rowing or motor boat, excluding agility. A homemade keel made of wood is poured with polyester resin.

By marking, all the errors of the constructed matrix are revealed. Sandpaper align and clean the edges, giving the future vessel symmetry. The finished form cleaned of dirt is degreased, an anti-adhesive composition is applied to it in 4 layers. It is needed as a separator to prevent the resin from sticking to the mold surface.

Gelcoat coating

After the wax layer dries, a gelcoat is applied, which is the outer surface of the boat. This is a crucial moment, on which depends appearance vessel. Gelcoat provides protection against scratches, UV, scuffs. You need to apply it, achieving a uniform coating, avoiding bubbles and streaks. Now you can start laying the cut parts on a completely dry layer of gelcoat.

Case manufacturing

The cutting of the fabric is carried out by cutting the cloths corresponding to the length of the body. Cloths for laying along the waterline and keel should not have joints. If an impact occurs on an obstacle, then the material in this place is able to lift up and then peel off. Allowances should be left when cutting along the edges for laying overlay. To sew pieces of fiberglass to the desired length, you can use glass threads, pulled out from the edge of the material, or linen impregnated with drying oil.

The glass fiber layer is evenly coated with a binder polymer resin. For this, it is recommended to use a rolling roller. Air bubbles must be avoided, as voids remaining in some places weaken the structure. Next, the next layer of fiberglass is laid in a similar pattern. Up to five layers of fiberglass can be applied. To obtain a more beautiful top layer, it is recommended to use a special "top" fiberglass.

Power frame and floor

To reinforce the body, it is necessary to lay three wooden bars along the mold, which are then covered with two layers of fiberglass. The frames are mounted every 30 cm, also applying fiberglass to them.

It is necessary to create a double sealed bottom, making the boat unsinkable even in case of capsizing. The floor is sheathed plywood sheets with moisture resistant properties. The finished floor is covered with a couple of layers of reinforcing fabric, with mandatory impregnation with polymer resin. The composition is allowed to dry completely.

Final stage

It remains to remove the finished boat from the mold, cut off the allowances, sand the surface, mount the roof and timber to protect the sides. Can also be done additional elements: seats, oar bindings, drawers. Using fiberglass, you can make any necessary accessories for the ship with your own hands. After that, start painting.

By a similar method, do-it-yourself fiberglass boats are made. Of course, the drawing and construction of a boat is more complicated than boats, and more effort will be required. But the cost of homemade will cost half as much as the same finished vessel.


It is required to repair a fiberglass boat or a boat in the event of typical damage:

  • decorative layer defects;
  • cracks in the body;
  • holes and half-holes;
  • divergence of angles;
  • shells.

Basic materials for repair: fiberglass, epoxy resins. Starting repairs, it is recommended to place the damaged area closer to the horizontal level. Surface must be clean, dry and free of grease. A hair dryer, technical or household, may be required. Before starting to repair defects, the fiberglass must be degreased by rinsing in a solvent and dried well.

For emergency repairs, do not dry it over a fire, as soot will form. Before laying on damage, fiberglass is impregnated in a diluted compound (polyester or epoxy resin), after which it is squeezed out by pulling between two sticks. The repair site must be cleaned with a large sandpaper to the fiberglass layer, making it slightly terry.


Minor damage in the form of scratches are sealed with epoxy without filler or primer. A through-type scratch is removed by puttying with a filler compound, after which the treated area remains to be sanded and painted over.

It is enough to cover small cracks with epoxy resin. If the body is cracked, then a decorative layer is removed from both sides of the damage to the fiberglass. After drying, it is filled with epoxy resin. To do this, press on each side of the crack, allowing it to open, and coat it. After that, the edges are combined, fixed. From above, on both sides, a strip of fiberglass impregnated with a compound is applied. After hardening, the repair site is sanded, covered with a layer of resin, sanded again and painted.

A half-hole is characterized by a break with a remaining piece of plastic. If the break is small, then you need to set the protruding piece. To do this, it is necessary to process all surfaces with a compound. With the help of a stop and a mallet, the piece is put in place, while a bulge forms on one side, and a dent on the other. Fiberglass with impregnation is laid on a convex place, fixed with a load. After polymerization, the half-hole is puttied with resin with filler. Further actions, grinding - laying the impregnated sheet, are repeated twice. Then sanding and painting is carried out.

The hole is sealed with a foam punch, preferably along the outer contours. Several patches are made from thick fiberglass with tolerances from 3 to 5 mm, so that the thickness of the package matches the thickness of the hull. After installing the punch, patches are glued. The algorithm of further actions is the same as in the previous cases.

The divergence of the corners is eliminated in the same way as the sealing of cracks, but fiberglass is taken in the form of a tape. The sink is the most unpleasant type of damage. Sometimes it's a manufacturing defect. It can form between the layers due to the ingress of water, which bursts the layers into winter time. To repair, you will need to open the sink by drilling a hole until it enters the cavity.

Then a wide incision (up to 5 mm) is made in the place of its largest size. The opened cavity is dried with a hair dryer, filled with a compound using a syringe. The processed shell is clamped into the press. Then the usual algorithm of puttying, grinding and painting is performed.

Fiberglass is an excellent material for the manufacture of boats and boats, available in use. Do-it-yourself fiberglass boats are durable and strong, easy to repair. It should be borne in mind that the components of the materials used in the work are not safe for health. It is necessary to work in rubber gloves, protective masks, goggles, in a well-ventilated place.

For the construction of any watercraft with their own hands, they decide on different reasons: someone just out of curiosity - will it work or not; someone takes pride in showing a boat made on their own; someone corny does not have free Money to buy a ship made by experts. There can be many reasons, but all of them sooner or later force you to take up a pencil in order to draw up drawings of a motor boat with your own hands.

From what materials?

Why can they make a motor boat? Let's take a closer look at what materials are used in the construction of motor boats.

  1. Fiberglass boats. Relatively light, durable and cheap material for building a ship. Work usually does not cause great difficulties even for a novice shipbuilder.
  2. Plywood boat. Available material, relatively cheap, it is quite easy to process: you do not need to purchase an expensive tool and have some special knowledge and skills.
  3. Inflatable boat pvc. Under the motor, you can independently make a floating craft made of PVC. Of the minuses - a more expensive material, the manufacture of such a boat requires a lot of free space. The cost of a homemade PVC boat can be higher than that of a store-bought one.


Before we consider how to make a fiberglass motor boat with our own hands, let's study all the pros and cons of this material.

  • Reliable.
  • Durable.
  • Waterproof.
  • Presentable in appearance.
  • Affordable.

A fiberglass boat can be either a keel or a punt, as fiberglass is a fairly durable material that is not afraid of a sandy and rocky bottom. A fiberglass boat will be impact-resistant, you can easily go through shallow water on it, without fear that the bottom of the boat will rub against the stones. In addition, this material normally tolerates temperature changes, so there are usually no problems with storing the boat: it can be left for the winter even in unheated garage. Repair is also quite simple: you only need epoxy resin and fiberglass. Since such boats do not require air pumping, it is impossible to pierce or tear it. These boats are practically unsinkable.

The main disadvantage of such a boat is that they have enough big sizes, so transporting the ship is usually difficult. As a rule, a trailer is required for transportation.

Making a fiberglass boat

As always, first you need to prepare a drawing and make a matrix of the future vessel. This should be done before you start building a boat for the motor with your own hands. The drawing can be developed both independently and taken ready-made. When drafting a boat, it is imperative to take into account both the rigidity of the fiberglass and the fact that all sides are perfectly aligned, as this will subsequently affect the stability of the vessel.

Making a matrix, that is, a mold for a future boat, is perhaps the most expensive and complex process in self-manufacturing boats. It is important that all dimensions are perfectly calibrated, the shape of the vessel is carefully worked out and all markings are made. In order to subsequently avoid difficulties with squeezing the boat out of the matrix, and also it itself could serve in the future, it is important not to forget to build nipples into it.

In order to build a boat easily and freely made with your own hands for a motor, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials in advance:

  • Boat gelcoat.
  • Hardener.
  • polyester resin.
  • Glass mat.
  • Scissors.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Olocks and subkeys.


  1. Coat the matrix in four coats with release wax.
  2. Apply a gelcoat to the outer layer of the vessel
  3. Install the fiberglass seats parallel to the sides of the craft.
  4. Roll the glass mat in five or six layers to give rigidity and strength to the entire structure.
  5. Cut off the excess "fringe" and glue the seats with special glue.
  6. Screw the oarlocks.
  7. Sand the sides of the boat with sandpaper.
  8. Paint the boat with gelcoat both inside and out.

It is better to make the bottom on such boats double and airtight, which will make the boat practically unsinkable even in cases where it capsizes. You can strengthen the body by laying wooden bars along the form and cover them with two layers of fiberglass.

The main cost in building a boat with your own hands for a fiberglass motor lies precisely in the manufacture of the matrix. Its production for just one boat will be unreasonably expensive, so before building, think about how you can pay for the matrix itself.


This material for building a boat with your own hands for a motor is usually chosen due to the fact that it is publicly available, you can buy it in almost any hardware store at a relatively low price. In addition, plywood sheets are thin, easy to bend, and plywood can be processed with simple hand tools without large material costs. But let's see what are the pros and cons of building a plywood boat with a motor with your own hands.

They have already been listed above. We can only add that plywood boats have a relatively light weight and good capacity.

These, perhaps, include the fact that it is difficult to bend a sheet of plywood at a large angle, since it can easily crack, therefore, although thin sheets and bend well enough, during the construction of the vessel they try once again do not take risks and build boats mainly of a triangular or rectangular shape, avoiding strongly bending the material.

Making a plywood boat

As with the construction of any other boat, in the manufacture of plywood analogues, work should begin with a drawing. We will not repeat ourselves and remind you that you can both make drawings of a motor boat with your own hands, and purchase ready-made ones.

To build a boat, you will need standard tools for woodworking: a hacksaw, a jigsaw, a planer, a screwdriver, an ax, a hammer, a chisel, a screwdriver, and so on.

In addition, you will need to purchase:

  • waterproof plywood standard size;
  • pine or oak board;
  • fabric with which you will paste over the case;
  • putty;
  • waterproof glue;
  • drying oil or other water-repellent impregnation for wood;
  • oil paint;
  • nails, screws, metal for making oarlocks.

A boat with a motor is practically no different from one that is intended for oars. The only difference is that when building a boat for a motor, the feed is slightly modified with your own hands: a transom is installed on it, which is made of multilayer plywood. It is important that it withstand the engine mount, so you should not save on it.

After making the drawing, you need to transfer all the elements to thick cardboard on a scale of 1: 1, that is, make full-size patterns of parts on it. With such a cardboard template, it is much easier to transfer all the elements directly to the plywood. When transferring the pattern, make sure that the plywood fibers run along the part.

After that, you will need to cut out all the parts from plywood, assemble the ship, carefully fitting all the details and structural elements.

In order to better protect the plywood from moisture, it is possible, at the end of the work, to sheathe the finished boat with fiberglass. Glue such a fabric in the direction from the keel to the sides, carefully making sure that there are no folds and bubbles. After it is completely dry, it is necessary to putty the surfaces, prime them and then paint.

PVC boat

Motorized PVC inflatable boats are perhaps the most difficult craft to manufacture. The advantages of the latter include the fact that they are quite light, they can be taken on hiking trips, and they fit in an ordinary backpack.

But there are a lot of disadvantages of such boats:

  • Fragile, prone to punctures: such a boat is quite easy to break, catching on a bush or a sharp stone.
  • Expensive: The production cost is quite high, as special material for boats is quite expensive.
  • You need to have certain skills: to know at least the principles of cutting material. Even if you find ready-made patterns, ignorance of the basic rules of cutters can lead to damage to expensive material.
  • When gluing, mistakes are also unacceptable, since you can no longer always peel the parts back, and, accordingly, this again leads to additional material costs.

Making a PVC boat

It is clear that the construction of a boat with a PVC motor, like all others, begins with a drawing. But, in addition to it, you will need to find more patterns or patterns of all structural elements on a scale, in order to then independently create life-size parts.


  • Adhesive for PVC.
  • Scissors.
  • Tassels.

And most importantly, you will need a place with sufficient ventilation to make a boat.

Before building a boat in full size, we recommend gluing the same model at least from ordinary polyethylene. So you can: firstly, check the patterns themselves (unfortunately, they often sin by making gross mistakes there), and, secondly, you will know the entire assembly process and order, which will subsequently make it easier for you to work on a large vessel . At first glance, this work may seem pointless, but it can save you expensive PVC in case of mistakes.

After you make sure that all the patterns are made correctly, you can start making a PVC boat. Carefully adjust all structural elements and glue the seams well. After the manufacture of the boat itself, it will also be necessary to glue the seats, transom and all accessories. All this can be both purchased at the store, and with some experience, you can make it yourself.


With enough imagination, you can make a boat with your own hands under the motor from absolutely any material. And it cannot be said that this requires too much some additional knowledge and skills. All the difficulties that arise during the manufacturing process are quite easily resolved, since the network has a lot of information on making boats with your own hands.


As an addition to all of the above, we add that the registration of boats weighing less than two hundred kilograms and with engine power up to 10.88 liters. With. not required since May 2012. Therefore, when starting to build a boat with your own hands under the motor, be sure to consider these parameters.

A wooden boat is not a cheap pleasure. But if you are willing to work hard, you can create your own river transport with your own hands, saving a decent amount.

Prepare a diagram or drawing with dimensions. Perhaps, in the search engine of your browser, on the request “boat diagram made of wood” among the proposed options, you will find a suitable one, otherwise you will either have to combine the options found, or calculate on your own, or seek help from a specialist. According to the drawing, already visually determine the amount of materials needed. For the sides, choose high-quality pine or spruce boards - wide and long, without knots and cracks. Before the construction of the boat, these boards should rest for a year on a flat, dry surface under oppression. Immediately before work, carefully inspect each board for defects. Start creating the bow of the boat:
  1. Measure out desired length boards, saw off the edge at an angle of 45 ° from the bow, plan. From the sawn edges, chamfer so that there is no gap between these boards when pressed. Cover these ends with a protective antiseptic.
  2. Make the base of the “nose” of the boat - a triangular bar (its length is one and a half times the height of the boat). The bar must be trimmed and treated with an antiseptic.
  3. Assemble the “nose” of the boat: grease the two sides and the base bar with carpentry glue, firmly fasten it with nails or self-tapping screws.
  4. Cut off any excess at the top and bottom.
For the rear board, pick up a board 5 cm thick. Cut out the sides of the board, and leave a margin at the top and bottom, you will process these edges after assembly. Prepare the spacer - solid board, the length of which should be equal to the maximum width of the boat, and the height should practically coincide with the height of the sides, otherwise the sides may burst when you bend them. To perform bending, you will need a rope and two assistants:
  1. Install the spacer in the right place, the assistants, slowly, with the help of a rope, bend the side boards, and you attach the edges of the boards to the tailgate blank and make notes on them where and how much to chamfer so that all parts are connected without gaps, then chamfer and try again. Adjust several times to eliminate gaps.
  2. Treat the joints with an antiseptic, fasten the sides with wood glue, as well as nails or self-tapping screws.
  3. Saw off the excess at the bottom of the tailgate, decorate its top (arc, triangle, trapezoid, straight line).
  4. Install permanent struts and seats. Before fixing them, you need to make holes in the sides with a small drill, so you prevent cracks.

Start creating the bottom:
  1. For the bottom you need a galvanized sheet. Place the boat upside down on it, circle it with a marker with a margin of 1.5 cm and cut it out with scissors for metal.
  2. Turn the boat upside down, chamfer the sides and struts from the side adjacent to the bottom. Treat the edges with an antiseptic. Wait until the impregnation and wood glue dry.
  3. On the underside of the boards, apply continuously silicone sealant, lay special threads or tow on it in two rows, this will protect against leakage.
  4. Lay and level the cut-out metal blank of the bottom and attach it with galvanized self-tapping screws with a press washer or nails (1.8x32), moving from the middle of the boat to the edges.
  5. In places where the metal protrudes more than 5 mm, cut off the excess. Tap the entire perimeter with a hammer, bending the sheet on board. Also protect the bow of the homemade boat with tin, after treating it with sealant and laying the thread.
So that the tin does not rattle and it is comfortable to walk along the bottom, make a wooden flooring in the form of a pallet according to the size of the boat. To secure the boat to the pier, at the top of the bow, install a long bolt or stud through the chain link. Cover the boat with two layers of antiseptic and paint (everything, including galvanization).

It's no secret that most of The male population loves to go fishing. Fishing on a boat brings special pleasure, and therefore many people dream of acquiring this object, and some make it with their own hands.

Boat materials

The Internet is teeming with a variety of creative ideas that can be easily implemented. By entering any query into a search engine, a person quickly receives the answer he is interested in.

And having decided to build a facility for floating on the water, you can easily find a lot of ideas that, if desired, can be brought to life. So, what can a boat be made of? It can be made from:

  1. tree.
  2. Plywood.
  3. bottles.
  4. aluminum.
  5. Rubber.

Each listed material is difficult to use, because the density is different, and therefore the quality is also different. But it is worth remembering that each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of material directly depends on the period of further operation of the product:

  • For example, the most durable material is wood. It is more suitable for long-term swimming on the water and can serve for seven years. It is worth remembering that you need to take a durable tree. It is best to use oak. So there is a high probability of quality production.
  • Plywood is no longer as reliable as wood. This will be determined in its subtlety. But, if you do not go fishing very often, you want to save on manufacturing, then plywood is an excellent choice.
  • As for bottles, many people ask a completely logical question: how to make a boat out of bottles? Many people think that this is not realistic at all. But despite all the doubts, the result will be amazing. She will be easy. But in the case of manufacturing, it is necessary to try as much as possible so that the result of your work does not fall apart during the ascent to the water.
  • Aluminum is also a great material. It is reliable and can last long time. But the production of such material will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many prefer a wooden base.

The latter material is very common. After all, all purchased swimming equipment is made from rubber. It holds well on the water and is able to withstand a lot of weight.

But in the production you need to be careful, because one puncture will ruin it. Time, effort, money will be wasted. The process requires full concentration, maximum attention.

wooden base

For many centuries, people have used wood as a means of transportation on the water surface. At first these were simple structures in the form of small platforms, later a boat appeared, the manufacture of which took a long time.

After all, it must be of high quality for the safe transportation of goods. Now in our time, if desired, anyone can reproduce the remedy at home.

Simple step by step plan teach how to do wooden boat. It is necessary to prepare in advance long, wide boards, which will serve as the sides of the boat. They must be dry, even, without cracks.

After preparing the base material, it must be processed for convenient bonding. The edges of the boards must be cut evenly so that when assembled, the boards touch each other tightly. Next, we begin to make a vehicle. You need to start with the bow. We cut out an additional board, which in the middle will hold the sides.

After finishing work on the sides, you need to build seats. The process is very simple, so it will not take much time. wooden boards, must be nailed to the sides. After that, you should install the bottom. It may be iron.

Cut from iron sheet desired shape, thanks to densely hammered nails we fasten to a wooden base. The boat is almost ready. It remains to attach the iron chain, which will serve as the basis for the anchor.

Making boats from plywood

The construction plan for how to make a plywood boat will be slightly different from the previous one. How to make a boat with your own hands, drawings and descriptions will become a reliable assistant during the process, full information on the drawings can be found on the Internet.

Take a large sheet of plywood, draw the outlines of the product on it, relying only on the drawings. Then cut out. The layout of the tool is ready, it remains only to fix everything correctly. Work in the same way must begin with the sides.

If you want to attach the motor, the tailgate must be strengthened. After a good fastening of the bolts, attach the bottom. You need to use glue, resin. You should not regret applying the funds listed, but you should not overdo it either. After applying them, you need to wait until completely dry. Here is the boat almost ready, you just need to paint it at your discretion.

rubber boat

The answer to the question: how to make a boat with your own hands, drawings will be the first answer. Thanks to them, the product will turn out correct form. Therefore, the first step is to draw drawings, having calculated the smallest details.

After that, we cut out a boat of the indicated dimensions from a sheet of plywood. In addition, we need boards for securely fastening the bottom, a tarpaulin for covering. These materials must be interconnected using the same glue, resin. Be sure to give time to cover the glue, otherwise the design will turn out to be flimsy. And your efforts will be wasted.

After that, cover the product with a tarpaulin, firmly attaching it to the boards. Remember, the design must be wide. This way you get a homemade boat. It will not be very similar to the rubber that is sold, but it will provide you with softness and comfort.

For a better understanding of the manufacturing process, you can see how to make a PVC boat with your own hands. There on good example explain the working principle. After all, reading and seeing an example, repeating actions, are completely different things.

air boat

Seeing photos on the Internet about how a boat is made from bottles, many are surprised, asking a natural question: how to make homemade boat from plastic bottles Or how long can it be used?

The manufacturing principle is so simple that even a ten-year-old child can design it. For production, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. They must be in perfect condition, without cracks, holes, so as not to let water through.

The quantity depends on the desired dimensions of the vessel. Also, the bottles must have lids so that water does not go inside, does not make them heavier. The plastic material must be laid out in the shape of a vessel, carefully secured together with glue.

Here is the swimsuit ready. It is very cheap to produce, but not of very high quality. It is highly likely that by clinging to a branch, you can break through the bottle, thus damaging the structure.

aluminum vessel

Having learned the principle of production of previous boats, it is not difficult to guess how to make aluminum boat. The difference lies only in the material from which the vessel will be made. In terms of strength, it can safely be put in second place after the tree.

And with quality work, it can last a lifetime.
When doing, remember that it is necessary to attach materials with high quality, firmly. Because life depends on the quality of work.

DIY anchor

The anchor is the main element of the floating facility. After all, it helps to stay in one place for a long time, not allowing the current to carry the ship away. In order to attach the anchor, it is necessary to drill a hole in the back of the boat, stretching an iron chain, which will become the basis for the anchor.

Next, you need to attach the load itself. It must be big piece iron that can stop the boat. It will need to be attached to the chain by welding. Ten minutes - the anchor is ready. This is the easiest way to make an anchor for a boat with your own hands.


Some simple ways will help you learn how to make a boat with your own hands from various materials. Even if the attempt is not successful, the experience of making a ship on your own will definitely be remembered.

But if, nevertheless, the boat turns out to be good, then it will certainly come in handy both for walking with the family along the river and for fishing. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to try to make a boat with your own hands.

Video on how to make a boat with your own hands

Many people prefer to have their own watercraft. Since branded ones cost a lot, homemade plywood boats can be an excellent way out.

On the vessel, which will be discussed, three people can comfortably accommodate, besides, its weight is small, like that of a conventional kayak. It is suitable for both fishing and walking with friends or family. If necessary, the boat can be equipped with a motor or a sail.

Plywood is a durable material, so homemade motor boats made from it can accelerate to very decent speeds, while being stable and safe.

Parameters of the future boat

The craft in question will be 4,500 mm long, 1,050 mm wide and 400 mm deep. Such parameters allow universal use of the boat.

Material for manufacturing

To make the body strong and easily withstand loads, it is better to choose a three-layer plywood that does not have knots, with a sheet thickness of 4 to 5 mm, and must be impregnated with resin-based glue. This material makes excellent homemade wooden boats.

Plywood is used in shipbuilding everywhere. Indeed, from thin layers of plywood, connected with resin glue, a very durable veneer is obtained, which is able to withstand enormous loads.

What is the boat made of?

The main element of the whole structure is the keel. It is like the backbone of a boat and a stem is attached to it on one side, which forms the bow, and on the other hand, a stern, which forms the stern. These structural elements are responsible for the longitudinal rigidity of the vessel, for ensuring that a home-made plywood motor boat is durable.

Transverse rigidity is provided by frames. Their lower part, which will become the bottom, is called floortimbers, and the two upper side parts are called futoks.

When all the elements are assembled and securely fastened, the frame is sheathed with plywood. After that, to make the structure more rigid, the top of the stems, as well as the frames, are fixed with boards - boards.

For sheathing the body with plywood, you need to use solid sheets that will completely cover the required plane. This is the only way homemade boats and boats will have minimal amount seams. Sheathing plywood lies on the frame, forming smooth transitions lines and creating a streamlined boat shape. There is a minimal break in the waterline only on frames 2 and 4.

Boat building materials

  • Plywood 3 sheets 1500x1500 mm.
  • Boards - pine 3 pieces 6.5 m long and 15 mm thick.
  • Two boards for keel and false keels, which are 6.5 m long and 25 mm thick.
  • One board for the manufacture of a stern oar, the length of which
  • A board with a thickness of 40 mm and a length of 6.5 m (for the manufacture of frames).
  • Two boards for oars and stems, length 2 m, thickness 55 mm.
  • Lightweight fabric 10 m, which will cover the body.
  • 7 kg of wood resin.
  • 4 kg of natural drying oil.
  • 2 kg oil paint.
  • Nails 75, 50, 30 and 20 mm long.
  • Oarlocks for oars with bolts and fasteners.

We make parts

We create frames, they need to be drawn on plywood. To make everything perfectly even, use graph paper. It is made according to the drawings that will be presented here. Let's start with the first one.

First of all, you need to draw a vertical axis or diametrical plane - DP. Then horizontal lines are drawn so that the DP bisects them. There should be nine of them, and the distance between them is 5 centimeters. Then, marks are placed on these horizontal lines, along which they will create the bends of the boat itself. It is better to make them with a metal ruler, bending it along the marks. A do-it-yourself boat made in this way will have perfect outlines.

Now we create the inner contour. From the lower horizontal line, two more straight lines parallel to it are drawn upwards at a distance of 60 and 75 mm. After that, 130 mm is measured from the outer bend to the axis on frames No. 2, 3 and 4. And on frames No. 1 and 5 in the same places they lay 100 mm each, because they are extreme and go to narrowing. Thus, we draw the inner point of the tide on the floor timber, after which we draw a line down from it to its upper cut.

We build the inner contour of the futoks

From the outer part, 40 mm is deposited inward, along the entire length. And where the floortimbers join the futoxes, you need to make it a little wider so that the design is reliable. Thanks to this element, homemade motor boats have the necessary margin of safety.

When everything is done, the drawing needs to be checked by bending it along the centerline. If all the contours match - good. This means that you can make patterns from cardboard for further transferring the image to wooden blanks. In the case when there are inaccuracies, you can use the half, which is ideal, and make patterns on it, first applying one side and then the other. The drawings must have perfect symmetry, otherwise homemade plywood boats will not turn out strong and stable on the water.

How to transfer an image from templates to a tree

When the templates are ready, we apply them to the board, the thickness of which is 40 mm. The location should be in the direction of the wood fibers, you need to calculate everything so that they are cut as little as possible.

When drawing templates and cutting out futoxes from them, it is worth leaving a margin, making them a little longer than the planned sizes. When making homemade plywood boats, make the drawings in good faith, taking into account all the nuances! The presented drawings will help you with this. Pay attention to some margin in the side view drawing, as well as in the illustration of the frame, which is shown a little higher. Such a margin will avoid errors when assembling the boat frame.

When the floortimbers and futoxes are ready, they are placed on the drawing to mark all overlaps in the joints. You need to mark everything with a margin of a millimeter. This is done so that in the process of fitting the parts can be more carefully connected.

When everything fits perfectly, you can fasten the connection with nails. They must pierce through both parts of the frame. Bend or rivet the sharp end that came out. Thus, your homemade plywood boats will be even more durable!

Since the sheathing is nailed to futoks No. 2 and 4, they should be made 40 mm thick, and for the rest you can take thinner boards - 30 mm.

stem material

If you want to make a good and strong stem, take oak or elm for its manufacture. It is desirable that the workpiece has a bend in the shape of the stem. If it cannot be found, then it is made of two parts, as shown in the figure. First, its shape is cut out, and then the edges of the side edges are turned at an angle of 25 degrees to the axis of the boat. Before making a boat, you need to study in detail the drawings of boats of the same design.

Making a keel

You need to take a board with a thickness of 25 mm and a length of 3.5 m. Two lines are drawn on its surface, the distance between which is 70 mm. According to them, the future keel is made.

side boards

Two boards are hewn to make perfectly even boards 150 mm wide and 5 m long.


The rear wall of the stern, where the motor is attached, is called the transom. It is made from a board 25 mm thick. A bar is nailed to it from above for greater strength of the vessel frame.

boat frame

They are assembled from plywood on a workbench, where the keel is installed. On one side, a sternpost and a transom fixed on it are attached to it, and on the other, a stem. The remaining parts of the boat hull, such as stems and frames, are connected with small nails, screws, rivets, in a word, with what, according to the master, it will be more reliable to hold.

Everything is checked in detail to exclude distortions of the frame. It is especially necessary to ensure that the stem and transom are in line with the axis. It is very easy to check this: they fix a tight rope on top of them and make sure that this line fits perfectly with the axis of the boat. Before creating a ship, it is advisable to look at home-made plywood boats of various designs, the drawings of which are widely presented in ship modeling magazines.

All connections must be laid with resin-impregnated cloth. Fasteners with fabric are connected with nails. They are driven in so that they come out on the other side by five millimeters.

Frames are attached to the keel. They make grooves in which the keel is tightly fixed. They are cut out half a millimeter smaller than necessary, so that in case of a bevel there is an opportunity to correct everything. In general, when making home-made boats and boats, it is worth leaving gaps in all joints in order to adjust the parts already on the assembled frame for its ideal shape. And after that, all connections are firmly fixed with nails, as described above.

Plywood boat sheathing

For sheathing, the boat is turned over and the frames are reduced. That is, their surface is leveled so that the plywood fits perfectly. To do this, take a metal ruler or something even and elastic and apply it to the surface of the frame. So it will be perfectly visible where you need to shoot the material.

In order for plywood to bend well, it is steamed. It is necessary to pour water into the trough and light a fire under it. A sheet of plywood is placed on top. Water steams it, and it becomes more pliable. There is no ideal pattern for cutting out the skin, although many boat drawings represent them. In any case, these are only approximate forms, because everything is customized individually.

The fibers of the outer layers of plywood should go along the hull of the boat, so it will be much stronger in operation and will not burst during sheathing.

Puttying and painting

For greater strength and to prevent leakage, the boat must be covered with a cloth. To do this, a cover is sewn that will cover it to the sides. After that, fakes are made to install them on the outside of the bottom of the vessel. Holes are drilled in the false frames for their further fastening.

After that, putty is made for the boat. They take lime sifted through a sieve, pour resin into it, stir thoroughly until it resembles batter in consistency. Then they make a spatula and putty the entire hull of the boat.

Further, the hull up to the sides is covered twice with hot resin. A previously prepared fabric cover is put on the wet coating. It must be carefully compressed for tight bonding. All folds are well leveled. After that, prepared false keels are nailed and the already fully assembled boat is covered with resin in three layers on top. Then it is turned over with the keel down, all unnecessary gaps are sawn off and auxiliary parts are taken out, covered with two layers of drying oil with a gap of 35 hours. And then they paint and decorate as desired, like other homemade boats, photos of which can be seen in magazines or in this article.

Vessel registration

Registration of a home-made boat is carried out by contacting the GIMS. There you should write a statement indicating the type of planned vessel, passport details, place of residence and telephone number. It is also necessary to attach drawings of the vessel from all projections, indicate all the places where the mechanical parts will be installed, in general, all information related to the product. In addition, you need to attach receipts of the purchased materials for Only after the project has been reviewed by the commission, a decision will be made on the registration of your home-made watercraft.