Water pipes      03/07/2020

Outdoor toilet without pit. Cesspool for a toilet - how to make it in the country? Flat slate toilet


The only option to ensure comfortable living in country house, is the construction of a cesspool for a toilet, into which waste products of people living permanently or temporarily in a country house or cottage can be disposed of.

If there is a water supply in country house A cesspool for a toilet is one of the necessary treatment facilities that can ensure the maintenance of order, cleanliness and the ecological condition of the surrounding area.

Options for installing cesspools for toilets

In practice, in the absence central sewer for arrangement treatment facilities on suburban area use the following options:
  • wastewater storage system;
  • local sewerage with biotreatment.
In addition, such sewer structures are: non-volatile (liquid flow occurs naturally) and energy-dependent (pumping of sewage is carried out using special pumps). Most often, storage systems are a sealed tank or a cesspool for a toilet with an earthen bottom. Read also: "".

Do-it-yourself cesspool with an earthen bottom

The simplest arrangement of a cesspool is a pit with an earthen bottom, which serves as a natural filter. This option currently most in demand if the dacha owner intends to build a toilet with cesspool with your own hands, subject to low water consumption, since then you will not often need to use the services of vacuum cleaners.

The main disadvantage of cesspools without sealing is that the absorption of liquid by the soil occurs rather slowly and when a large family permanently lives at the dacha, it cannot cope with significant volumes of wastewater and sewage. When planning a toilet in a private house, you need to take this into account.

According to the requirements of SNiP, such a pit for a toilet with your own hands can naturally process a maximum of one cubic meter within 24 hours.

It should be noted that earthen pits are potential pollutants of the natural environment, especially when fecal waste is mainly discharged into them. Wastewater in cesspool pits they are processed by bacteria living in the soil. But in cases where the volume of sewage exceeds the volume that a natural biofilter can handle, the wastewater penetrates unchanged, and therefore unprocessed, into the deep layers of the soil.

As a result, the contaminated liquid mixes with underground water layers and makes it unfit for consumption. well water. As a result, a toilet located on a summer cottage for environment becomes a source of potential danger.

In order to prevent contamination of drinking water sources, it is imperative to follow the rules governing the placement of sedimentation tanks. In particular, they contain requirements on how to properly dig a hole for a toilet (read also: " ").

The minimum distance from the cesspool to the artesian well should be:
  • on clay soils - 20 meters;
  • on loams - 30 meters;
  • in the presence of particularly light soils (sandy loam and sandy) - 50 meters.
The characteristics of the soil have a direct impact on the rate at which it absorbs wastewater. For example, high-clay soils often require regular pumping of accumulated wastewater.

Sealed storage structures

They are various sealed tanks made of various materials:
  • concrete;
  • bricks;
  • tarred wood;
  • finished reinforced concrete products;
  • plastic containers of different sizes.
Knowing how to quickly dig a hole can save a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to dig a hole for the toilet with a slight slope towards the neck of the tank in order to facilitate complete pumping out of sewage. The principle of operation of hermetic settling tanks is simple: domestic and fecal wastewater through sewer pipe enter the container and, after filling it, are pumped out using sewage disposal equipment.

Also, before digging a hole for a toilet, it is necessary to consider the possibility of free access for special vehicles to it for pumping out waste.

You need to know how to dig a hole for a toilet, following the accepted placement rules in relation to neighboring areas and some objects:

  • distance to the border with neighbors – at least 2 meters;
  • to a residential building - at least 5 meters.
The depth of storage pits should not exceed 3 meters, since larger size it is impossible to completely pump out sewage from a sealed container.

There is a important nuance: in order to ensure the explosion safety of a sealed pit, it is necessary to have natural ventilation, which is equipped with a 100 mm pipe at a distance of 600 mm above the ground.

Its structural solution is as follows: sealed brick or concrete walls are laid in a dug pit (or ready-made tanks are used) and bottom drainage is created using fragments of cinder blocks or bricks, stones, gravel and other materials. Such a filter performs a double function: not only does it mechanical cleaning waste liquid, but also creates the necessary environment for the proliferation of bacteria, which accelerate the decomposition of fecal waste.

Creation of local sewerage

The fastest, but most expensive option for setting up a sealed cesspool in a summer cottage is the use of factory-made plastic containers. Before properly digging a hole for a toilet, the issue of the size of the tanks is decided. After this, they dig a pit and prepare the base for the container - a sand cushion or concrete.
To prevent a lightweight tank from being pushed out as a result of movement of heavier soils, the plastic container should be securely secured to the created foundation. Then the tank is covered with earth and compacted. It is advisable to make the entrance of the sewer pipeline into the tank non-rigid and movable in order to reduce the likelihood of depressurization of the joint due to natural settlement of the soil.

The second popular, but labor-intensive method is the construction of concrete rings. Before digging a hole for a toilet, determine the dimensions of these products. You will need a truck crane to sequentially lower 3 rings into the prepared pit. They usually have a height of 0.9 meters and a diameter of 0.7 to 2.0 meters. The joints between them are sealed concrete mortar. The inside of the structure is covered with bitumen and covered with a lid that has a hatch for pumping out sewage, and covered with earth.

A toilet is a building that is simply mandatory in a country house. Often, it is from this building that the arrangement of the purchased plot begins. At first, you can do without a bathhouse, and without a gazebo, and even without a house or at least a shed for storing equipment, but you can’t do without a toilet.

In order to spend time comfortably in the countryside, you definitely need to take up the construction of a toilet, and you can do all the work yourself. The instructions for creating such a strategically important facility for a given site provide, first of all, for choosing a location.

Choosing an area for construction

Of course, everyone has the right to decide for themselves where to start construction of such a specific facility, but there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions that must be taken into account when choosing the location of the toilet:

  • Strict rules regulate the minimum permissible distance between water from which is used for domestic needs. The construction site must be at least 25 m away from water intake sources;

When choosing a site, you should take into account not only your own interests and the location of your well, but also take into account the interests of your neighbors and take into account the location of wells on their sites.

  • Naturally, the arrangement of such a room is not carried out in the center of the site. Try to choose a more modest, remote location for such construction. It is also prohibited to place a toilet on the very border of the site; you must step back at least 1 meter from it;
  • If the area is uneven and there is some height difference, then the toilet should be located in a low area;
  • Also take into account the wind rose in order to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors throughout the area;
  • For ease of use, consider in advance the convenience of driving the sewer truck directly to the cesspool in order to clean it, because you still have to do this periodically.

Main types of toilets for summer cottages

Differences in the design of such buildings lead to the existence of a certain classification of toilets, which do not provide for the possibility of connecting to a central sewerage system. At the same time, the technology for constructing any of them is not particularly difficult and will not take much time.

You can handle the following types of construction yourself:

  1. Pit toilet;

Based on these types of structures, many modifications were invented and built, differing in appearance, design, building materials used, which can seriously affect such a parameter as price.

The choice of one type of structure or another depends primarily on the level of groundwater in the area.

Advice. If this level is only 3.5 m and higher, then only a powder closet can be installed on the site.
If the water level is much lower, then your choice is not limited.

Construction with cesspool

Among our compatriots, this type of design has become most widespread. The operation of such a toilet is as simple as possible and consists of accumulating waste in a cesspool dug specifically for this purpose.

If the pit is filled to 2/3 of its height, it is cleaned manually or mechanically, or the structure is preserved and the toilet itself is moved to a new location, and the filled pit for the country toilet is covered with earth.

Arrangement of the pit

The construction of a country toilet begins with:

  • Digging a hole under country toilet in the shape of a square with a side of one meter and a depth of two;
  • The bottom and walls of the dug hole must be strengthened. Concrete rings for a toilet in a country house can serve as such a reinforcement, brickwork or stone masonry, it is also possible to use wooden logs or boards. The bottom is covered with a layer of crushed stone, which is compacted thoroughly;

Advice. If you are concerned about the tightness of the bottom of the pit, you can concrete it or line it with bricks.

  • Next, the pit is sealed by caulking and plastering; this is necessary to ensure that waste does not penetrate into groundwater.

Building a wooden toilet

In fact, the answer to the question of how much a toilet costs for a summer house directly depends only on the materials chosen for construction. In order to save money, most summer residents choose wood for this. The construction process itself is based on the following questions:

What shape should the toilet be? Typically, the frame of a garden toilet has a rectangular or square shape.
What type of foundation should I choose? The optimal base option for such a structure is a columnar foundation for a toilet in the country. The construction of the foundation consists of laying a brick pillar under each corner of the building. Ruberoid is laid on top of the pillars, which will become a waterproofing layer.
How to make a frame? The frame structure is made of beams, which are pre-coated with primers and painted in order to protect them from rotting processes. Assembling the frame consists of the following steps:
  • After processing, the beams are fastened together and installed on the prepared foundation;
  • Vertical beams are installed on the base, strictly checking their verticality in level; Racks are installed on which the doors will subsequently be hung;
  • Beams are installed that protrude along the perimeter of the structure, necessary for the construction of the roof;
  • The seat frame is constructed directly above the pit.
What is the roof made of? The roofing material most often used is the same roofing material, which is covered with a sheet of slate on top.
How to cover a toilet in a country house? Often, wood, lining, siding, etc. are chosen as the material for covering the toilet.

Advice. For more accurate and high-quality fastening of vertical beams to the base, metal plates and bolts are used.

To make it easier to use the toilet at night, lighting should be provided, for which electricity is supplied to the building. If there is no electricity, you can be helped out by a service such as renting a diesel generator for your dacha. For daytime lighting, a window should be cut in the trim above the door itself.

The shape of this window can be any, but often holes are cut out in strict geometry or in the shape of a heart.


A toilet is a structure that is certainly associated with the occurrence of unpleasant odors. In order to minimize this by-effect For this type of structure, professionals recommend equipping the seat with a tight-fitting lid; in addition, a hood in the country toilet would also be useful.

To arrange ventilation, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Sewer plastic pipe using clamps, it is attached to the rear wall of the building so that one end is buried 1 dm into the cesspool;
  2. The other end of the pipe is led out through a hole made in the roof;

Advice. Ventilation tube should rise above the roof by approximately 0.2 m.

  1. The entry and exit points of the pipe must be carefully sealed, and in order to increase traction, a deflector attachment should be installed on the head of the pipe.

Country backlash closet

This type of design is the optimal answer to the question of how to install a toilet in a country house if there is no sewage system. Backlash closet is a structure that is an intermediate option between a cesspool and a septic tank industrial production and are perfectly used in such structures as country houses from block containers, wood or stone. This type of toilet requires the presence of a sealed container.

Cleaning a cesspool of this design is carried out only with specialized equipment, so you should not choose a backlash closet if there is no company providing such services near your site.

Powder closet outside the city

This type of construction is as simple as possible because it does not require digging a cesspool. The functions of such a pit are performed by a specialized container or barrel for a toilet in a country house, which is placed directly under the toilet seat, and when filled, is simply taken out.

To ensure partial removal of the unpleasant aroma in such a structure, a box with sawdust, soil, peat or dry straw is placed next to the toilet seat. These materials can be used to powder waste after each visit to this facility.


As you already understood, building a toilet on own dacha Anyone who is at least a little familiar with construction is capable. And if you are not a builder, then if you wish, you can learn everything on your own if you devote enough time and attention to it, and do the work carefully. And the video in this article will tell you even more about construction technology.

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Often the first structure erected on the site allocated for construction is a toilet. Very often it is done hastily, as if temporarily, and then other, more important concerns appear, and hands do not get around to it. The toilet needs to be built immediately - permanent, hygienic, comfortable and economical.

As a rule, a toilet booth has an area of ​​1x1 m - this is enough for normal functioning. However, it is more rational to make it somewhat more spacious, 1.2 x 1.5 m or even 1.5 x 1.5 m. Increasing the area will make it possible to make a double toilet, as well as equip open or closed shelving for storing fertilizers, chemicals, etc. winter time the toilet booth can be used to store a collapsible greenhouse, watering hoses, equipment and other things.
For various reasons, the idea of ​​installing a cesspool under the booth should be rejected. cesspool will become a problem for the owner when he has to obtain approval from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection service when registering the construction. Great solution will powder-closet.

How to replace a cesspool

The function of a cesspool is performed by a metal container (for example, a bucket) with a capacity of 12-15 liters. As the contents of the container are filled, a certain amount of ash, peat or sawdust is sprinkled on top from a box specially installed for this purpose. The approximate period for filling the collection tank is 10-14 days.

It is better to empty collection containers into the ground to a considerable depth (about 1 meter).

It's done like this. By using garden borer in the ground on the border trunk circle fruit tree or at the level of its crown, a hole with a diameter of 200 mm and a depth of about 1 m is drilled. A collection container is emptied into this hole and again filled with excavated soil. It is as if the feces are sealed in the main soil. The next emptying can be done nearby, retreating in a circle by 20-25 cm.

Before emptying the collection container, a small amount of slowly decomposing waste (broken glass, ceramics, etc.) can be placed in the drilled well.

Building a toilet in the country

Country toilet project

Making a toilet booth is akin to building a model of a house: design (sketch), marking on the ground, foundation, lower frame, erection of walls, top frame and rafter system, roofing, flooring, door hinges, glazing, interior design And exterior decoration. All construction elements are simplified, minimized, almost toy-like, but they allow you to gain experience and practice working techniques.

The project (sketch) determines the shape, main dimensions of the toilet, as well as the initial Construction Materials and their number. The appearance of the future structure is determined by the presence of one or another building material.

Usually the toilet is made of wood, but you can use asbestos cement slab (flat slate) and even foam concrete blocks. The most common form of toilet - the “birdhouse” - is the most rational: it is technologically advanced and has a large functional volume.

If the project (sketch) has been drawn up, that is, the main dimensions have been determined, the site is marked on site: pegs are hammered in and cords are pulled to define the boundaries of the building. The rectangularity of such a small area can be set using an unfolded sheet of newspaper, and the accuracy can be checked using a tape measure, measuring the diagonals.

Below you can see a few examples drawings of country toilet projects. To view you must click on any of the images.

Drawings of country toilets

Toilet foundation

For most toilet booth designs, four concrete blocks measuring 260x330x440 mm, installed in the corners. To install them, you only need to remove the top soil layer (15-20 cm). It is important that the upper surfaces of the blocks lie in the same plane.
Plane control can be carried out using a level and a segment suitable board. Two or three layers of roofing felt are placed on top of each block for waterproofing.

The lower trim is installed on the foundation blocks. The easiest way is to make it from pieces of timber, tied “in half a tree” and tightly tied with staples (the rod of the staple is recessed into a specially hollowed-out socket on the surface of the beams). Preferable for bottom trim take advantage edged board(thickness 40 or 50 mm).

The sides of the bottom trim are made from two pieces of edged board, nailed through a spacer of the same thickness, as shown in the figure below.

In this case, grooves are naturally formed in the lower trim, into which the tenons of the enclosing walls can then be inserted. The sides of the lower trim are fastened using cap screws (diameter 8-10 mm).


The walls of the toilet booth due to their small sizes can be made in the form of panels from upholstery boards (lining). Sections of upholstery boards of a given size are stuffed onto two planed frame boards, which have the same thickness as the bottom trim boards. The front shield is stuffed onto three boards so that you can frame the doorway.

To give rigidity to the panels, a strut must be inserted between the frame boards. The pictures below show the front, rear and side shields. The parts of the frame boards protruding from the bottom of the boards are spikes, which, when installing the booth, are inserted into the grooves of the lower frame.

Installation of walls consists of sequential installation of panels into the grooves of the lower trim and fastening the frame boards of adjacent panels using wood grouse screws (3-4 pieces per corner). In essence, these cap screws perform the function of the upper frame, as they impart the necessary rigidity to the entire structure.

Country toilet roof

The rafter system is just two boards embedded in the upper part of the side panels (picture below).

The sheathing is placed on these two boards, which is best made solid from clapboard front side down. In this case, there is no need to hem the ceiling and roof overhangs.

A reliable and simple roof is made from two layers of roofing material. Ruberoid is attached to the sheathing
felt buttons with a frequency of 15-20 cm.


The floor is laid from edged boards 50 mm thick. Facial and side surfaces floorboards are cleanly cut and nailed to internal boards bottom trim with gaps (slots) of 5-10 mm. The gaps will facilitate ventilation, as well as drying the floor after wet cleaning.

Door hardware

The door to the toilet consists of a frame with a strut and trim. The brace cuts diagonally across the frame, running from the top corner of the narthex to the bottom hinge. The cladding is made of lining placed vertically. It is advisable to equip the door with a rim lock for locking at the end of the season.

Toilet container

The collection container is placed in the frame shown in the figure below.

The frame is made of bars with a cross-section of 40×40 mm or 50×50 mm. In the frame, the front wall is completely covered with clapboard, and the upper wall, in which a hole is cut, is made entirely removable. In this form, this structure is most convenient for hygienic cleaning (washing and frying in the sun). Removable top cover allows you to conveniently attach a simple “apron” (a piece of vinyl chloride film). In the powder closet booth there should be another box or other container with peat, ash or sawdust.

Flat slate toilet

toilet from flat slate

Wood, of course, is the most affordable and technologically advanced material, but if for other buildings (garage, outbuilding) it is planned to use an asbestos-cement slab (flat slate), then it is also suitable for a toilet booth.

To work with asbestos cement slab you will need a cutting machine electric machine(grinder) equipped with a stone abrasive or diamond cutting disc. Asbestos cement sheets 8-10 mm thick are cut to form the front, back and both side walls toilet booths (similar to picture 2 above). These walls are assembled with screws using frame boards, and then installation is carried out in the same way as described above. In this case, the door leaf is also made from an asbestos cement sheet fixed to wooden frame, which is used for inserting hinges, latches and other mounting devices.

For convenience and safety of using products from asbestos cement sheets It is advisable to cover them with film-forming compounds (varnish, drying oil, paint, etc.).


DIY country toilet

DIY country toilet and shower

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: powder-closet without a cesspool

Wherever a person lives, he tries to make his habitat as comfortable as possible. Therefore, the first structure built on a summer cottage is a toilet. It is difficult to live even one day without this building outside the city. To build it, you can hire specialists or do the work yourself. But even if you decide to make a toilet in your country house with your own hands, you cannot do without theoretical knowledge. So we’ll find out what needs to be done to build this much-needed structure.

Where should the structure be located?

Before building a toilet, a location for its construction is determined. The distance of the toilet from other buildings depends on its design. More precisely, whether it will be a building with or without a cesspool.

Which type of toilet to choose is decided not only by preference, but also by the location of groundwater. If they are located above the 2.5 meter mark, the construction of a cesspool is prohibited. In such cases, a powder closet is built.

When choosing a place to build, do not forget that this is a place of solitude. Therefore, it is advisable to give him a corner away from buildings.

When constructing a toilet with a cesspool, observe sanitary standards for similar structures. The toilet should be located no closer than 12 meters to residential buildings. The distance from it to the water source is at least 20 meters. To avoid misunderstandings with neighbors, we are building a toilet in the country, one and a half meters away from the fence.

When planning the construction of a country toilet with a cesspool, think about how a sewer truck will subsequently approach it. The length of the sewage pumping hose is only 7 meters. Moreover, 3 of them will be located in the pit.

Also consider the landscape of the site. a toilet built in a low-lying area will fill quickly during the rainy season and spring snowmelt. And the building on a hill is blown from all sides by the wind.

Types of cesspools

Depending on the penetration of sewage into the ground, cesspools are available: with a filter bottom and sealed. Construction and operation of a sealed structure will cost more. This is not only due to consumables, but also with more frequent cleaning and calling a sewer truck. Waste in a pit with a filter bottom is less noticeable, but there is a possibility of contamination of the surrounding area. In addition, such structures are prohibited by sanitary standards.

You can build the walls of a cesspool from different materials. Depending on this they are:

  • brick;
  • plastic;
  • from concrete rings;
  • monolithic.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Laying out a brick hole

Option #1 - sealed design

Having decided on the site of construction of the toilet, the marked area is cleared. Dig a rectangular pit according to the required dimensions. The larger it is, the less often you will need to clean the toilet from sewage. Then compact the soil at the bottom. Pour a layer of sand (10-15 cm) and make concrete base. It wouldn't hurt to use reinforcement and filler, or crushed stone. After the concrete has hardened, the walls of the structure are laid out and plastered. For better sealing they are treated bitumen mastic. The walls of the cesspool are ten centimeters above the surface of the earth.

After laying the brick for the cesspool, the walls of the structure must be plastered and covered with bitumen mastic

Option #2 - design with a filter bottom

For such a cesspool, the bottom is not sealed. To do this, pour a layer of pebbles or coarse crushed stone on top of the sand. Liquid waste Thanks to this filter, they seep into the ground. This reduces the total mass of sewage, which increases the time before cleaning the pit.

It is advisable to make cesspools with a filter bottom only in those places where the soil waters lie very deep.

Using plastic containers

Can be used as waste storage for cesspools plastic barrels or Eurocubes. They are buried in a hole under the toilet. For a sealed design, only the upper part of the container is cut off, where the waste will flow. For an unsealed pit, the lower part is also cut out. In this case, a filter layer is poured onto the bottom of the cesspool.

To prevent soil from displacing plastic containers, they must be secured using weighted anchors

Concrete ring design option

Now let's figure out how to install a toilet in the country using concrete rings. Due to the fact that reinforced concrete products can move during use, it is difficult to make such a structure airtight. Therefore, it is advisable to use it only in places with deep groundwater. Construction of a cesspool from reinforced concrete products is a labor-intensive process. To make it easier, special equipment is used.

Due to the large weight of concrete rings, special equipment will be required for their installation.

After selecting and clearing the site for construction, dig a hole according to the size of the ring. They lower the first ring and begin to dig up the earth from under its base. Thus, the rings gradually lower under their own weight. When there is enough space, install the second ring on the first. Thus, they continue to dig and install required amount rings At the bottom of the pit they do either concrete screed, or filter layer.

The top of the last installed concrete ring should protrude ten centimeters above the ground.

You will find step-by-step instructions for installing a cesspool made of concrete rings in our next material: .

Monolithic concrete structure for a toilet

For a cesspool from monolithic concrete, after digging a pit, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand. It is reinforced by going onto the walls. This will give the structure strength. The bottom of the pit is filled with concrete and left until completely hardened. Then the formwork for the walls is installed and they are filled with concrete. After it hardens, formwork is done and the ceiling is poured.

Defects in concrete after removing the formwork must be repaired with cement-sand mortar

Construction of a toilet house over a cesspool

After preparing the cesspool, they begin to build a house over it. We invite you to figure out with us how to build a country toilet from wood.

The length of the structure is 20 centimeters greater than the width. For example, the width is 1 meter and the length is 1.2. Let the height be 2.1 meters. Next to the cesspool, a foundation is made according to the appropriate dimensions.

Between the foundation and wooden frame lay roofing felt for insulation

Waterproofing made of roofing felt is laid on top of it. From wooden block assemble the frame and screw it to the foundation.

Floorboards are laid on top of the frame and secured with self-tapping screws. The floor must be quite strong, so the thickness of the board should be at least 3 cm.

The timber frame must be treated with an antiseptic

The front and back frames of the toilet house are made from the block.

The front frame should be 10 cm higher than the rear one

Then they are fixed to the base, leveling them using a level. Strengthen the structure with transverse bars.

The cross bars under the roof should protrude 0.3 m in front and 0.16 m in the back

Then the frame for the pedestal is installed. Its height is 0.45 meters.

The height of the pedestal is made taking into account convenience

At the next stage, the frame of the house is sheathed. Imitation of timber is perfect for this. Him convenient fastening tongue and groove Sheathing of the structure begins from the bottom; the boards are secured with self-tapping screws or ordinary nails. A window is cut out at the top of the door.

When securing the imitation timber, make sure that the groove is on top and the tenon is on the bottom. This method prevents moisture from entering the groove.

After this, the frame for the pedestal is sheathed. A hole is cut in the middle. Its size depends on the container that will be installed inside. The bottom of the container is cut out before fastening.

The size of the hole cut in the pedestal depends on the container that will be used

Then they make the roof of the house. First, the boards are fastened parallel to the front of the building at a short distance from each other.

Cross boards for the roof are attached starting from the front of the building

Then they sew up the visor above the door from below. Attach boards around the perimeter of the roof base.

Boards fixed around the perimeter of the roof base should form right angles

Now all that remains is to cover it with slate. At the next stage, the door is assembled and hung on its hinges. Platbands are stuffed on top.

Platbands cover the cracks and prevent the door from opening into the room

Then the entire structure is covered with a special impregnation that protects against moisture and pests, and then with paint or varnish. Handles and a hook or latch are attached outside and inside the structure.

From our next article you will learn how to build a country toilet with a shower:.

Toilet for a dacha, powder-closet type

Where groundwater is located close to the surface, building a toilet in a country house with a cesspool is prohibited. In this case, a powder closet is built. Unlike the previous version, this design does not have an underground waste receptacle in the form of a pit.

Therefore, the container inserted into the hole in the pedestal must have a bottom. It’s even better if there are two containers: one is slightly smaller than the other. Moreover, the smaller one should have small holes for liquid leakage. And in the larger side, a drainage hose is inserted to drain excess liquid.

There is no need to dig a cesspool for a powder closet. The waste is sprinkled with peat and then taken to the compost heap

The foundation of the building must be concreted. Before using the container, filler is poured onto its bottom. This could be peat or sawdust. After each visit to the toilet, a new portion of filler is poured on top. As the container fills, its contents are transferred to the compost heap.

Such toilets are only suitable for temporary use. For houses with permanent residence it is better to equip a septic tank or build a local treatment system.


People come to the dacha not only to tend to their vegetable garden, but also to relax. To make it pleasant to be on the site, it is important to build beautiful buildings - from the house to the toilet. Good example can be seen in the photo.

Choosing a place to install a toilet

A toilet on a summer cottage must be built in compliance with sanitary requirements. It should be located at a distance of at least 25-30 meters from sources of drinking water (wells, wells). If the terrain is uneven, then the toilet is located below the drinking water intake level. There must be at least 12 meters from it to the cellar or residential building.
In addition, the choice of location for this building depends on the planned cleaning method and its frequency. If waste will be removed using a special sewer truck, then the toilet must be placed in such a way that equipment can easily approach it.

Based on this, it is advisable to place a latrine at the end of the site, making a retreat from the fence of 1-2 meters and build a convenient and, if possible, beautiful path to it.

Choosing the type of toilet for a summer residence and its design

For those who plan to spend a lot of time at their summer cottage, it is important what the construction of the toilet will look like and how comfortable it will be to be in it. Let's look at which toilet in the country is better in this or that case.

There are three types of such buildings that do not require connection to engineering communications. The most famous of them is a bathroom with a cesspool. More convenient to use, but less common are types of sanitary buildings such as backlash-closet and powder-closet.

Installing a toilet in a country house has its own characteristics depending on its type. For example, a powder closet is the best option for owners of plots where groundwater flows close to the surface, as well as if they rarely come to the dacha. A backlash closet can also be made directly in the house. The simplest design is the usual one, familiar to every person. This design does not require any special knowledge or skills.

An ordinary street toilet in a country house

This type of building is easy to create. First, they dig a hole. Its width should be 1 meter and depth – 1.5-2 meters. Crushed stone is laid at the bottom, and the walls are laid out with brick or other similar material, including improvised material. For example, from old barrel cut off the bottom and place it in a hole; as an option, it is also allowed to use unusable car tires. A prerequisite is that the walls must be waterproof so that sewage does not penetrate into the groundwater.

As for cleaning, this is not particularly important for owners summer cottages. Since the toilet is mainly used in the summer, the pit fills at a slow rate. When it is 2/3 full, it is simply filled up and the toilet is moved to another place. After about 8 years, the contents of the pit will rot, and it will be used as good fertilizer. After cleaning the pit, the toilet can be returned to its former location. Read also: "".

Having completed the creation of the cesspool, they begin to construct the above-ground part. If desired, you can make a cabin yourself, and ready-made buildings are sold in stores.

To create a toilet cabin you will need the following materials:

  • plywood (chipboard);
  • beam for seat size 50x50;
  • timber for the frame 3 meters long and 100x100 in size;
  • slate sheet.
Further installation of the toilet in the country is as follows. First, the frame is built. To do this, the timber is cut to size: height 2.1 meters, length 1.5 meters, width 1 meter. After preparing the material, the beams are connected according to the “half-tree” principle.
0.5 meters are measured from the floor level and the material for constructing the seat is inserted into the main beam. Another jumper is made a meter from the wall. This completes the construction of the base for the seat. Then lay a sheet of plywood or chipboard, use a jigsaw to make a hole for the toilet seat, install it and secure it with self-tapping screws.

The walls of the toilet are covered with plywood or chipboard, and, if desired, with edged boards. Sometimes they are insulated with sheet foam or mineral wool. A sheet of galvanized iron or slate is laid on the roof beams. Read also: “How to make a shower at the dacha with your own hands - options for a garden shower, construction instructions.”

In order to give the structure strength and stability, it is deepened into the ground. Then the door is installed. This completes the construction of the toilet.

Powder closet

This type of toilet can be built in just one day. The main difference between this option is the absence of a cesspool. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage: on the one hand, you won’t have to waste time on arranging it, and on the other, cleaning will often be required. Read also: "".
To build a powder closet, two containers are prepared, one of them will serve for waste, and the other for dry peat (it is permissible to use dried earth, sawdust, etc.).

Then they choose a place to build the structure and install the house in the same way as in the previous version, adding 25-30 centimeters in width and making hinged lid for the toilet seat. Then they place a waste tank on the floor and a box with crushed dry peat. After using the toilet, the waste must be “powdered” with earth, sawdust or peat. After filling the container, the sewage is removed into compost pit.

Backlash closet

This is the most difficult way to build a toilet in a summer cottage. Its main advantage is the ability to install a warm toilet inside the house, providing underground cleaning. Cleaning the toilet is possible only with the help of special sewer equipment. If you can’t use this machine, then there is no point in building this type of bathroom.

The building is divided into two parts, one of which is located in the house, and the other on the street. The last of them is a pit for sewage. It must be made airtight. The volume should be 500 cubic meters. m. for one person permanently residing in the house. A hatch with two covers is installed above the pit. The wooden one is fixed above the ceiling, the cast iron one is fixed above ground level. The void between them must be filled with thermal insulation material.

So that there is no unpleasant odor, it is important to create in the toilet good ventilation. Building a toilet in a country house is not difficult - there are several options for such buildings. You can cope with their arrangement yourself, devoting several days to the work.