Toilet      06/12/2019

How are the lenses in the peephole. How to assemble a door peephole - types of structures and installation recommendations

The peephole is a part of the front door, without which we have not imagined life for a long time. This is a kind of pass to our home: we see the guest and decide whether we want to let him inside or not. Modern models of the peephole at all allow you to monitor what is happening on the landing remotely, from the office or while on vacation. The market provides a huge selection, so you can find something to your liking, requests and wallet.

How is the door peephole

Don't forget that peephole is an optical device. Therefore, it cannot function without two main components: an eyepiece and a lens. The body of the peephole can be made of metal or plastic. When choosing quality, give preference to metal.

The fisheye is also an integral part of the classic door peephole. It is designed to enlarge the image, so people appear much larger through the peephole. Lenses are also placed in the case, from two to fifteen pieces. The number of lenses depends on the length of the device and is responsible for the light transmission.

Lenses, in turn, can also be of two types: glass and plastic. Plastic is relatively cheaper than glass, but quickly fails, loses its crystal transparency. You will find the first signs of aging in 2-3 years. Therefore, it is better to purchase a peephole with glass lenses. Additionally, some door eyes are equipped with armor-piercing glass lenses.

The size of the device varies according to the thickness door leaf. The metal leaf is thinner than the wooden one, but layering is practiced in modern doors, therefore steel door may be thicker than old wood. There are door eyes of the following size:

  • 30-55 mm. This is the thickness of a standard front door;
  • 55-100 mm. Paneled doors or decorative elements;
  • Over 100 mm. Armored doors, which are more often used at protected facilities, in warehouses for especially valuable goods.

The viewing angle of the peephole ranges from 150 to 200 degrees. It is considered optimal to have a 180-degree view: this way you will see both the face and a significant part of the landing.

When choosing a peephole Special attention give the class to the door itself.

Door peephole: types

Standard. The eyepiece and lens form a single line, and are located opposite each other. The simplest and most affordable version of the peephole. It is customary to install simple models doors. But even taking into account the availability of this model, we recommend choosing eyes with glass lenses and a metal body - they will last longer.

Periscopic. Represents more complex structure. WITH inside there are two eyepieces, and from the outside - a lens. The image is transmitted to the second eyepiece using mirror lenses. Why is such a design needed? For convenient use by residents of different heights. If there is a child in the family and you are afraid to leave him alone because he will not be able to look through the peephole, install a periscope model for his convenience.

Secret. The outer part of such a peephole is located outside the door leaf, usually on top or at the ends. Outside, no one will guess that a resident of the house can watch him.

Panoramic. The large eyepiece, the large diameter of the body and the ability to look "in both eyes" are overshadowed by the difficulties in installation. Transmitting lenses are located inside the structure. But the viewing angle is extremely large - you see the entire landing.

Electronic peephole with video camera. Most modern look door peephole. It has the function of video shooting, recording and even broadcasting. Therefore, you can easily find out what happened on the site in your absence. We will consider this type of eye in more detail at the end of the article.

Installing a peephole in a metal door

The principle of installing a door peephole is identical for doors made of any material, be it steel, wood or veneer. When working with metal, there is only one fundamental difference - the thickness of the door and the density of the material. Therefore, you will have to spend more effort and choose a peephole model bigger size. Moreover, metal doors are often complemented inner lining from MDF and decorative elements, which somewhat complicates the task.

Stages of mounting a viewing device in a metal door:

  1. Using chalk or pencil, mark the location of the future eye. Consider the height of all family members and choose the average.
  2. To avoid deformation interior decoration door or its coverings, stick a film or tape on the drilling site.
  3. Measure the diameter of the eyelet body. If the part has an internal thread, use a drill wider than the result obtained by half a millimeter.
  4. You need to drill from the inside, directing the drill towards the outside of the door.
  5. Do not drill through the door. Get to the outer layer exterior finish and stop. Then drill from the outside. This little trick will help to avoid the formation of nicks, chips and bumps.
  6. A lens is installed from the outside. From the inside, respectively, the eyepiece.
  7. Connect both parts of the eye with screwing movements.

Electronic door peephole: types, advantages, installation

A video peephole is a complex type of device that makes life safer. Unlike classic analogues, the electronic peephole is easy to use and has an impressive set of functions.


Today it is customary to distinguish three types of electronic eyes:

  1. Wireless with color recording function. Installed like a normal peephole. In terms of image quality, it is inferior to monochrome and costs more. But it has the function of video recording in color.
  2. Monochrome, infrared. Easy installation, IR illumination, convenient operation. Monochrome peephole will become worthy alternative ordinary.
  3. Electronic black-and-white peephole complete with a matrix camera. Difficult installation, image distortion, small monitor. Of the benefits - an affordable price.


Despite the complexity of design and installation, as well as the high price, the video peephole is gaining popularity. What is the reason? Consider the main advantages of an electronic analogue:

  • Displaying an image on a monitor. This is convenient for those who do not like to squint and close one eye. From a comfortable distance you can see the panorama of the staircase.
  • Night vision function. IR illumination is convenient at night, when an ordinary peephole simply cannot cope with its main task.
  • Recording function. Suitable for those who are especially reverent about security. You may be on the other side of the world, but know exactly what is happening in your entrance and who is coming to the front door of the apartment. How it works? The peephole is connected to a computer or other device for the purpose of storing data. Also in each model with a recording function there is a slot for a microSD card.
  • Built-in motion sensors. An additional bonus in the piggy bank of the security system. Even in the dark, you will know that there is someone next to the door. The system is adaptive both for residential buildings and for office space and warehouses. It is an excellent addition to the main room alarm system.
  • You don't need to get a license. Classic systems CCTVs are subject to mandatory licensing in some cases. The use of an electronic eye with a video recording function does not require a license. This is true for any purpose from private to commercial.

Installation of an electronic peephole in an iron door

Different types of electronic eyes are installed according to the same principle. However, the installation of each of them is worth observing the individual subtleties, which we will discuss below.

Set the exact thickness of the front door. In most cases, adapter rings are included in the video peephole kit, but even they are designed for a certain size of the door leaf.

The size of the hole in the door directly depends on the diameter of the case. In most cases, a standard connector from an old peephole is fine. In some cases, you will have to increase the diameter. You can do this with a perforator. To do this, select a nozzle of the desired diameter and drill in turn from each side, without going through. This will help to avoid external defects in the door leaf.

Next, install the camera in the hole and fix the monitor. Usually, the kit includes special bolts that are easily screwed in with a screwdriver. If the peephole is wireless, fixing the case will be the final stage of installation.

Some models are mounted on the door itself or next to the hole from the old peephole. You need to carefully read the instructions, and it is better to contact a specialist.

There are also models that work from the network. Additional manipulations are performed with them in order to connect and mask the wire. Such devices are not recommended to be installed independently.

Connecting a video eye: video

The choice of complexity, price and type of peephole depends on such factors as: door class, financial capabilities and the need to increase the level of security. Consider the ratio of all these parameters during selection and installation. Guardian metal doors correspond in their technical characteristics to any type of peephole. In order to increase security, you can order a door with an additional armored leaf or decorative elements to your taste.

The front door protects the property from outside interference. She protects the household from the views of strangers. But it is also necessary to know what is being done near the apartment or house. For this, door eyes are used. According to the norms, 0.5-3 meters of the space around the door should be visible through them. Various models with interesting functions are on sale: for double door(installed in two panels at once), hidden (it is invisible to others), protective (bulletproof). There is optics that performs signaling functions.

The peephole for the door was created by tester Robert Wood. This happened in 1906, but the technology began to be used only after 1960.

A simple system consists of:

  • a lens lens that expands the view outside the apartment;
  • outer rail securing it;
  • side lens retainers;
  • corps;
  • an inner nut connecting the outer and inner lens to each other;
  • eyepiece that is directed inward;
  • dampers.

The smaller the thickness of the door, the smaller the body will be, fewer lenses will be installed in it. Models that are sold in stores have from 2 to 15 eyepieces.

Main characteristics

Characteristics include length, angle, material of manufacture, diameter, valve type. The parameters are selected depending on the type of door on which the equipment is mounted. The functions that the device must perform are also taken into account.

Eye length

The length depends on the thickness of the door. According to this characteristic, all models are divided into:

  • standard - from 30 to 55 mm;
  • long - from 55 to 100 mm;
  • extra long - from 100 mm.

For apartment doors, a standard set is enough.

If the doors are additionally upholstered with bulky materials, the length of the peephole up to 55 mm is not enough. Therefore, long or extra-long options are used.

Viewing angle

By default, the viewing angle is 180 degrees. This is possible by shifting the focus of the lens up, but the design features distort the incoming rays. Manufacturers compensate for errors by increasing the viewing angle to 200 degrees to achieve a figure of 180 degrees.

Long and extra long eyes have different optical parameters. Some firms sell equipment in which the optics are equipped with a rear nut. The optical scheme does not change in this case.

Execution material

According to the material of manufacture, models with plastic or glass optics are distinguished. The equipment is divided into the following subspecies:

  • two nuts and body - plastic;
  • inner nut and body - plastic, other parts - metal;
  • two nuts and body - metal.

The more metal is used in production, the higher the cost of the product will be. The eyes of their silumin lithium will cost less, the more expensive ones will be made of black metal.

Glass optics give a good image, not blurry, but they are quite fragile. Plastic is not afraid of shock, but scratches remain. The image is not so clear. In addition, yellowness occurs over time.

Product diameter

The diameter of the door optics is different. In standard variations, it is from 2 to 3 centimeters. Manufacturers produce models whose diameter exceeds 5 centimeters.

Gate valve, analogues

Latches and shutters allow you to discreetly monitor and protect the apartment from light. Correctly installed valve:

  • does not have sharp corners;
  • closes tightly and does not allow light rays to enter from the entrance;
  • when opening and closing, it does not come into contact with the optics and the door.

Analog valve - mirror coating. It makes the image less bright and clear. At the same time, the buyer of the mirror-coated model does not worry that the damper will scratch the fittings.

Types of door eyes

The kind that has simple design and a viewing angle of 180 degrees is considered standard. Other models have been developed that work similarly, but at the same time increase the viewing angle and give more protection. Among them:

  • or a fish eye, which has two lenses - the space around the door is better visible;
  • a bulletproof version made of special durable materials that protects people from intruders;
  • secret, which is located in an unexpected place, which is why it is invisible to others;
  • double - designed for a double door, allows you to see what is happening behind the outer door;
  • periscope - convenient for families with small children or people with disabilities (it is convenient to view from a low distance);
  • , which is miniature copy the simplest surveillance camera;
  • a model with a motion sensor notifies the owners when there is activity outside the door.

Smart views are able to track what is happening in the entrance and record information on an external drive. They consist of a camera, monitor, power supply. The microscopic camera is placed inside the eye. The equipment is invisible to others.

How to choose?

When choosing door option it is important to consider the technical characteristics. Among them, an important parameter is the viewing angle. Standard options give 180 degrees. This does not provide reliable protection. Periscopes, telescopic attachments allow you to increase the viewing angle, make visible the space near the door itself. You should also pay attention to:

  • Light sensitivity. These data are written in the parameters. If they are high, then you can see what is happening behind the door with minimal illumination of the entrance.
  • Type of shell. Models without a case are easier to install and install, but case ones are more reliable.
  • Manufacturing material. last longer hardware. Plastic ones are not reliable, although they are cheaper.

Door optics are selected based on design features and protection requirements. Buy modern version for an ordinary apartment is irrational. A simple one is clearly not suitable if there are a lot of valuable things at home. To prevent strangers from entering your home, it is better to buy high-quality equipment.

Door peephole installation

Installation of standard equipment is fast. You can do it yourself. Electronic video eyes that transmit information to a digital screen are mounted longer, because the master lays the cable from the door to the registrar according to the scheme. The procedure for installing a simple eye is as follows:

  • drawing markings on the door in the selected location;
  • drilling a hole with a puncher or drill (size depending on the size of the eye);
  • installation on the outside;
  • twisting the base on the inside.

Installation, assembly of periscopes, double models, a smart door peephole is best entrusted to professionals. They will be able to assemble them securely.

Those who are a little familiar with plumbing can mount on their own, following the instructions. You need a drill or puncher, a ruler for measuring, a level. When working, it is necessary to observe the boundaries so that the peephole does not fluctuate and is in close contact with the upholstery.


It is impossible to single out any one manufacturer as the best. The buyer's strategy is to study the parameters and characteristics of the product. Then decide how the product fits the requirements. Well-known manufacturing companies:

  1. German ABUS. The assembled equipment is durable. There are eyes for private apartments and country houses.
  2. Chinese Armadillo. She provides a line of good products. Eyes meet from various materials, interesting colors, sizes. There are additional features.
  3. Russian NORA-M, DOORLOCK, Apecs, Torex. Eyes differ in a favorable ratio of quality and cost. In the presence of certificates corresponding to GOST.

In order for the equipment to fully suit the buyer, it is important to consider for what purposes it will be used. It is possible to get by with standard options if the house has a central lock on the entrance. How to choose the right peephole is a relevant question if people live in a disadvantaged area. In this case, it is better to focus on modern case models. Correct peephole on guard of property will help control the security in an apartment or house.

Choose a lock for a metal door Currently, locks are produced in almost all countries of the world under the brands of various manufacturers. How to restore a metal door. This procedure involves the return of the original appearance and texture, as the damaged surface of the doors themselves, Yasenevo, Biryulyovo, Tushino, Butovo, Chertanovo, Teply Stan, Tekstilshchiki, Strogino, Sokolniki, Sokol, Medvedkovo, Izmailovo, Sviblovo, Ramenki, Printers, Perovo, Matveevskoye, Otradnoye, Orekhovo-Borisovo, Novogireevo, Nagatino, Saburovo, Mitino, Maryino, Maryina Grove, Lyublino, Lianozovo, Lefortovo, Kolomenskaya, Kuntsevo, Kuzminki, Krylatskoye, Kosino, Konkovo, Kozhukhovo, Ivanovskoye, Zyablikovo, Brateevo, Vykhino, Zhulebino, Golyanovo, Bibirevo , Airport, Begovaya, Tsaritsyno, Avtozavodskaya, Cheryomushki, Warsaw, Kashirskaya, Domodedovskaya.

Why call the master, if you can embed the peephole yourself.
This is the opinion of the majority of those who have ever held a metalwork or carpentry tool in their hands, but not as a specialist, but as an amateur.
If someone has ever had to deal with this issue, he will definitely say that let everyone mind their own business.

How easy or difficult it is to embed a peephole in the door if there is no experience.

To begin with, let's figure it out and clarify which door and what material it is made of.
If the door is wooden, then this is one thing, and if it is metal, then this is completely different.
At first glance, it may seem that it is more difficult to embed a peephole into a metal door. But here it could just be the other way around.

Difficulty peephole peephole in a metal door may lie only in the strength of the metal, and everything else, most likely, will go like clockwork.
Yes, drilling a hole in thick iron is not easy, but who said that the door is made of thick steel.
As a rule, ordinary entrance doors are made of metal with a thickness of no more than 2 mm.
Making a hole under the peephole in such a thickness is not a serious obstacle for an armed person modern instrument.

There is one small but very important nuance.
Drilling a hole in metal without experience is extremely dangerous for both the door itself and the master.
At the exit, the drill may jam and break, resulting in serious injury or injury.
Metal rupture can also occur and instead of a neat hole
the hole will be like a daisy.

It would not be superfluous to add and warn if the door has decorative trim.
If all the necessary peepholes are not observed when inserting finishing material may suffer, and then the cost of facing will be added.
In a word, for such an insignificant procedure as a sidebar, it is worth preparing thoroughly, and if there is the slightest doubt about the positive completion of this issue, it is better not to take up the job.

Mytishchi, Dzerzhinsky, Belaya Dacha, Mosrentgen, Lyubertsy, Kotelniki, Reutov, Khimki, Dolgoprudny, Butovo, Zheleznodorozhny, Odintsovo, Kurkino, Domodedovo, Barvikha, Korolev, Peredelkino, Jubilee, Balashikha, Shchitnikovo, Zelenograd, Kosino, Nemchinovka, Gas pipeline, Vidnoe , Krasnogorsk The company performs the following services:
installation of locks, insertion, replacement of larvae, repair of doors, opening.

Of course, most punch locks are always cheaper, but in the posmotret.neobhodimy list, you will need to insert Balashikha Castle, Belaya Dacha, ruins, Vidnoe, Dzerzhinsky, Dolgoprudny, Zhulebino, Zelenograd, Korolev, Koshino, Krasnogorsk, Lyubertsy, Mitino, Mytishchi, Peredelkino , Odintsovo, Reutov, Shcherbinka, Anniversary

One of the cheapest, but quite reliable ways to protect against intruders is a door to door.

The built-in eyepiece allows you to see what happens when you board, to "identify" your visitors and, if necessary, view the documents that are presented without opening the door.

These products are very wide in the market. There are very cheap and very expensive models. Let's try to figure out what makes them different and whether it makes sense to pay more.

The first products of this kind that appeared in our country could not provide complete security.

The attackers have learned to simply "deceive" them. To avoid looking, it was enough to press against the wall by the door or sit on the threshold. This feature is a result of the low viewing angle of cheap products.
Experts recommend mounting eyes, which looks like 180-220 degrees. It's better, it's better. You also need to consider the fact that the edges of an image are almost always blurry.

How to install pefoles in metal doors

It looks like some areas come into view, but what happens there is next to impossible.

Maximum visible angle without blur panoramic eyes. This is because the lens of the product consists of two lenses - left and right. Plus, you don't have to get to the door and click on your eyes to get a shot.

The distance at which interrogation is possible depends on the model and can vary from one step to one and a half steps.

Before buying and trimming the case through the door, you need to understand what features to consider when choosing.
From the point of view that he has already defined, we are now talking about materials.

The body of the product can be made of plastic or metal. The first is cheaper, but not very strong.

metal models much more reliable.
Lenses are the main part of the product. Their quality and quantity depend on the clarity of the image. They can be made from plastic, regular spectacles or spectacles.
The first is the cheapest, the last is the most expensive. Plastic lenses initially provide light output.

In addition, they are able to accumulate static electricity, which attracts dust particles. And the material itself eventually becomes destructive and loses its transparency. In a word, after a few years, the images transmitted by such lenses become blurry and unclear.
More Recommended bind with ordinary glass lenses.

AND the best option are products from special glasses for eyeglasses. Fully transmits the luminous flux and is characterized by increased power.

Of course, these models are the most expensive.

But they will serve regularly for many years.

Shielded eyes may be used for objects requiring serious precautions. Inside such products is a layer of transparent glass-tight glass. This does not affect the image quality in any way and can be kept in focus with a short firearm (pistol).

And the last factor that can affect the choice is the length of the eyelids.

Standard models are designed for doors with a thickness of 35-50 mm, but products are also available in lengths up to 100 mm.
Eyes for thicker doors in a retail store are rarely accepted. Most of the time they need to be ordered.

Summing up, we can say that The best way ensure our own security create panoramic eye.

Higher comfort and viewing angle allow you to get only electronic models with a video camera and liquid crystal display, but their price is much higher.

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Entrance doors are the boundary between personal space in the house and the outside world, and the stronger they are, the stronger the feeling of comfort and security, but sometimes there is a situation when the owner needs to see and hear what is happening outside his apartment. The optimal solution to this problem is the installation of a peephole, the history of which goes back to the distant 1906.

It was then that Robert Wood invented a wide-angle lens, called the "fisheye". Gradually, the opening was improved until a modern version of the peephole was obtained. Today, a peephole can be purchased by choosing from the entire range strictly according to individual preferences of shape, size and functionality.

How is the door peephole

Design modern model door peephole consists of the following parts: two lenses fixed on the sides for comfort.

One of which is directed to an external object, and the second is inward and is an eyepiece. For fastening, an external rail and an internal nut are used. The lenses are hidden in the case, while the number of lenses that can be installed there depends on its length, usually this number varies from 2 to 15 pieces, on which there is a shutter on the inside that covers the eyepiece.

Types and criteria for door eyes

When buying a particular eye model, it is worth considering several basic criteria so that any situation cannot be taken by surprise. As a conductor through the door, viewing angles play important role, and the higher they are, the lower the level of risk.

Thanks to the increased field of view, you can observe the maximum space in all directions and everything that happens on it. The optimal viewing angle is 180°, but quite often manufacturers expand it to 200 to optimize image quality and eliminate distortion in the field of view.

The trick that most manufacturers use is to push the focal point so that more space is covered. The next factor is the width of the door leaf, on which the peephole model depends: standard (for a door 30-55 mm thick); elongated (for a door with a thickness of 55-100mm); long (within 100mm).

The most common model are standard eyes, which are installed in contemporary designs metal and wooden door panels.

To adjust to the individual width of the door, a thread is used, with which you can fix the desired position. It is worth paying attention to the insulation, unless, of course, it will be used in the near future, because it will add "width", and the calculated length of the standard eye may not be sufficient.

Secret good shopping door peephole of an elongated or extra-long model lies in its optical characteristics, which differ from standard options. But most manufacturers, in order to save materials, prefer a complete set of conventional, elongated nut, while not taking into account the reduction in image quality.

Not a small role is played by the diameter of the eye, while the utility factor is higher, the larger it is. Thanks to the aperture ratio of the lenses, the clarity of the image increases, and from a distance of up to 7 cm from the eyes it will retain its properties of a wide viewing angle. The only nuance-minus for eyes with a wide diameter cannot be completely replaced by models with a smaller diameter.

Eyelet materials

The most popular material for the manufacture of door eyes is still plastic and metal, which ultimately affects the cost of a particular model.

Here you can do without unnecessary comments, because many will agree that metal products are durable and stable, which cannot be said about plastic, which is prone to deformation and cracks.

Door peephole installation

The same goes for the lenses themselves. It is more rational to purchase a peephole with lenses made of ordinary glass or spectacle optics, which, unlike plastic counterparts, do not become cloudy or deformed and, if handled carefully, will last for quite a long time, recouping its cost.

door eyes

1. Task

The door is intended for visual observation of a limited space and is usually installed on the front doors of private and public premises.
The eye of the neck should give a clear picture of objects at a distance of 0.5 to 5.0 m in light and illumination conditions.

Special door eyes can also observe the room through double doors (eye for double doors), security control protection (secret eye) of the observer (bullet-proof eyes and periscope eyes), etc. The doors are often duplicated by the television monitoring system, whose operation is less reliable.


Neck device

Okance's design may be very different, but in everything that is the small eye of the eye (the lens is rotated around the observer) and the lens (the lens facing the object being observed). There may be other lenses between the eyepiece and the objective. In addition, the optical part of the most attractive structure includes: a housing having an outer and an inner nut. (Fig. 1).

The total number of lenses in the doors ranges from 2 to 15.

Sometimes mirrors (eye-periscopes) are used in the doors.
The most common is the design of the optical system, consisting of four lenses, which provides an angle of 180-200 degrees. without significant image distortion (Fig. 2).

3. Consumer properties of the eye neck

neck thickness is one of the main parameters of the eyes of the cervix. According to this parameter, the eyes are divided into three groups:
- standard eyes (neck thickness 30 - 55 mm);
- oblong eyes (neck thickness 55-100 mm);
– Extremely long eyebrows (door thickness over 100 mm).
Most of the manufactured doors are "standard". These eyes can be placed on modern standard wood doors and on most metal doors.
If the door is finished with various hard and soft materials, the length of "standard" eyes may be insufficient.

In this case, it is necessary to install "long" or "very long" cervical eyes.

Eye cutting into metal doors or problems of people with little magnification

Tilt angle the eye of the neck is shown in Fig.
The ideal viewing angle for the neck is 180 degrees. Large when viewed is achieved by "moving forward" in the center of the lens. This provides a complete view of the door zone.
However, it should be borne in mind that in the representation of doors, image distortion often occurs at the edges of the field of view. Therefore, most wide-angle eyes are made with an overestimated viewing angle of -200 degrees, which reduces distortion in the “working” sector by 180 degrees.
When choosing a "long" or "very long" neck, we must not forget that these eyes must have different optical properties than the "standard" eyes.

It's not always noticeable. Some manufacturers produce "oblong" eyes, filling the "standard" eye with an extended rear nut without changing the optical design. Installing an eye with such a bunch on wide door leads to a sharp decrease in the viewing angle.
When choosing a drawer, you should check it at a visible angle as much as possible by unscrewing the inner eye, i.e.

maximizing the "door thickness" parameter.

3.3. Construction of crushers.

Nowadays, almost all of your eyes are equipped with blinds. Without a choke, only cheap eyes are produced.
The damper does not emit light from the apartment and allows the observer to vaguely approach the eye and observe covertly.
Basic requirements for flap design. Loputa Mora:
- close the eye hole;
- Easy and quiet opening and closing;
- they do not have sharp corners;
— Do not touch the door or door leaf while driving.
The latter requirement is often not provided for in the design of modern and holes, leading to difficulty in turning the valve, damage to the surface of the door, soft cut door trim and eventually damage to the flap.

materials, which are used in the manufacture of cervical eyes, largely determine the selling price of the eye.
Below is a list of materials used to shape the eyes of your neck.

The list is made after the eye price increase:
Glasses with plastic optics:
1. The body and two nuts (external and internal) are plastic;
2. The body and the inner nut are plastic, the outer nut is metal;

The body and two nuts are metal.

Glasses with glass option:
4. housing and two nuts (external and internal) - plastic;

Housing and inner nut are plastic, outer nut is metal;
6. The body and two nuts are metal.
On the other hand, metal eyes are different, one is in the form of metal,
processing method and type of coating.
The cheapest one is the silumin molding neck, which is usually just a paint-covered mat.
Treated eyes have the best appearance and higher costs.

With the same types of outer coverings, non-ferrous metal eyes are more expensive than ferrous metal eyes.
The appearance of the eye largely depends on the type and quality of the coating. And very often around lined black metal it looks better than eye color in bare metal. Thus, the eyes of the Brass door eye "gold" darken over time, and the door made of steel, chrome plated and then titanium nitride ("gold") does not darken and in fact create scratches are not affected.
Eye optics are divided into glass and plastic.
Optical glass, on the other hand, is made from optical, "spectacular" and ordinary glass.

If the properties of optical and glass bottles do not differ much, ordinary glass lenses are more fragile.
Plastic lenses are not afraid of impacts, but they have many important drawbacks: they are prone to scratches; due to electrolysis and the formation of static electricity, they attract dust to themselves, and, finally, most plastic materials eventually turn yellow and lose transparency.

Almost the second - the third year of work with plastic optics, visibility in these eyes is deteriorating.

3.5. Mirror deletion The objective lens lens acts as a pin, and the door valve cannot be installed in the presence of a tick.
If, however, there is a light source behind the neck of the neck, it will be visible from the outside in the form of luminous dots. This means that in this case the mirror lining does not fully realize the function of the flap.
Another defect in spray atomization is the smaller aperture, the "mirror" of the eye, because

part of the light flux is reflected by spraying.
However, the door is a "mirror" in a simple requirement due to ease of use (no need to open and close the flap) and look better.

3.6. I recieved it increase opening on the neck it is allowed not to see it only when poor lighting, but allows the viewer to look into the eyes of a door remote from it (up to 5-7 cm).

Sv You do not need to move your eyes closer to the eyepiece eyepiece. At the same time, it retains excellent viewing power.
In enlarged lens eyes, the larger diameter lenses are structured like a normal eye and therefore have a slightly larger diameter of the eye body.

Blowout protection The eyelets on the outside are equipped with most of the meshes produced. Only a few cheap eyes are missing.
The constructive solution for such protection can be very diverse, but the most effective way is the installation of different holders on the outer eye.

Doors for special purposes.
sustainable doors The eyes provide protection for the observer with short tube weapons. These eyes have been tested against the following weapons: Nagant TT Makarov. The observer also represents eye periscopes, which are made on the principle of a periscope and submarines, the eyepieces and lenses of which are not coaxial. Because the shot outside the scope of the lens passes by the head of the observer.
Window doors can be fitted with bulletproof eyes and periscopes.
Currently, secret eyes are being created, the design of which was developed in the middle of the last century by special services. different countries for covert surveillance.

The design of these eyes is very different, but common feature- wide view and very small diameter (from 0.5 to 0.8 mm) of the outer lens. The body of the eye is usually pencil-shaped and is located in a wall (or door). At the tip of the "pencil" is a lens that looks and at the level of the outer surface is hidden in the background image.

On the surface of a wooden door, the lens is masked under the head of a nail with a diameter of about 1 mm. In this case, as a rule, a number of real nails with similar heads are stuffed.
eyes for double doors They are designed to be viewed through two doors at once (inside and outside) with a regular eye on the outer doors and on inner doors that are opposite, attached to the optical device by eyepieces.

The system "optical unit + peholo" allows you to view the room for outside doors without opening the doors.
There is also a demand for doors large diameter up to 50 mm ( "Door-panoramic device"), which uses oiled glass instead of an eyepiece.

On this glass, as on the screen, the image is oriented, allowing for remote viewing without having to approach the door.

4. Manufacturers of door eyes

At home and abroad, the main manufacturers of door neck opto-mechanical device and precision mechanics factory.

The production and installation of standard cells is often handled by small businesses purchasing optics from optics.
On Russian market Widely sold out door sales: Russia, Belarus, China and Spain.
The widest range of neck eyes is produced in Russia (up to 100 objects).
Russian plants produce only standard eyes (Vologda, Novosibirsk, Cheboksary, Krasnogorsk, Azov, Moscow, etc.).

There are about 20 titles in total. These eyes are usually equipped with glass optics, but they do not have a good design and price loss, as in the eyes of Belarus and China.
Belarus has a narrower choice of eyes than Russia, but in the production of standard cells, it has a leading position, producing glasses with a good design-to-price ratio. Glass production is concentrated in the cities of Minsk, Vileyka, Lida and Gomel.
China produces a very wide range of cervical eyes, but only the cheapest low quality glasses are transported to Russia, usually with plastic optics and no dampers.

In addition, lenses are often incorrectly attached to the body with adhesive. The proportion of marriage between Chinese eyes is significant.
Spain in the Russian market represented doors, especially Amig products that produce standard and oblong eyes with good design and at high prices, but often with plastic optics. This company's brass eyes do not have protective coating and eventually black out.

about the materials of the company "World of Castles"

Entrance doors providing the highest level security, heat and noisy insulation, have one drawback: it is impossible to determine who is behind the door without opening. And that's exactly what I want to avoid. You can solve the problem by installing a door strip with a special glass cartridge, or by installing an enclosure.

Select combs

The last solution is much easier to implement.

Neck design

The first prototype device served as an observation slot that crossed the door.

The gap was closed with a latch, and the window pounded several times. Surprisingly, it is difficult to imagine such a construction in modern dwelling or home, that an alternative to the top observation slot existed until the early 20th century.

The starting point was the creation of a special fisheye lens, developed by the American scientist Robert Wood.

A feature of this is the transmission of an expanded image of an external object to an observer.

Modern design looks like this: the body is plastic or metal, contains at least an eyepiece - observation aids and a target. There are locks on the case, due to which the eye cannot be unscrewed from the outside. Internal organization often equipped with a slider. Instead of the latter, you can use mirror coating, to prevent light from passing through the eyepieces so that the visitor does not know if they are looking or not.

The optimal viewing angle is 180-200 degrees.

In the first case, you get an image with slightly blurred edges. More than a watch, without this drawback. But the diameter of the device simultaneously increases. In the photo, the door is equipped with a small eye.


The body of the device is made of plastic or metal.

Another option is more suitable for steel structures or solid wood.

Lenses for the device are made of plastic or glass.

In the case of highly reliable input structures it is recommended to use an eye with an additional armored glass cartridge.

The material is able to transfer a direct hit of the ball from a cannon (short trunk).

Special types of neck eyes

The video shows different types of instruments: panoramic, periscope, hidden, as well as video cameras.

door with video camera

Modern and expensive type of device.

The body diameter is standard, so it can be replaced instead of a conventional device.

Door in the front door

At the same time, the new device is equipped with a wide-angle camera - color or black and white, which transmits the full picture to the monitor or TV. An eye with a video camera is usually also equipped with its own monitor for monitoring.

The camera transmits a live view of the visitor, and if the owner of the apartment is not present, record the date and time of the visit, which allows you to determine exactly who visited the house and when. Since the device with a video camera reacts to traffic, it is registered not only by the guests themselves, but also by all visitors who have crossed the landing.

The eye of the camera can be successfully used to organize your own security system. The photo shows an example of a device with a video camera.

Overview How to choose pefoles cameras.

How to install a door peephole with your own hands - an overview of the peepholes and video advice

Today it is very dangerous to open the door without seeing the person on the other side. Of course, it's good to hear a familiar voice, but as they say, it's better to see once than hear ten times.

Based on this, we can say that the door peephole is simply a necessity. The cost of such a device may be different, but affordable for everyone.

Preparing the door for peephole installation

Each owner of his house will be able to install the door peephole with his own hands.

Thread: How to install a peephole?

Door eyes may differ in size, design, price. You can give preference to any peephole, the main thing is that the installation dimensions fit the thickness of the front door leaf. Although, most often, door optical devices can vary widely.

Announcement: How to install door frames

By the way, it is best to give preference to a peephole with a field of view of 170 ° or more, devices of this kind are called wide-angle.

In this case, the "guest" will not be able to cling to the wall and hide from you. In addition, it is better if the outer lens of the eye is made of glass, since plastic is scratched and less durable.

Door peephole installation

In order not to spoil the lining of the door leaf when marking it stands on the outside, glue a paper strip at the required height, you can use masking tape.

On the strip, in any way convenient for you, it is necessary to mark the location of the center of the eye hole. Measure the fitting diameter of the optical device, for a part with internal thread. Next, select a drill of the required diameter, it should be 0.3 mm larger, ideally use a corkscrew or screw. You can use a small mirror, you need to attach it to the door leaf, with the slightest deviation of the drill, you will immediately see it.

Announcement: How to align the door threshold with your own hands

Drill the door leaf not through, but in such a way that the guide center of the tool used comes out.

Continue drilling on the other side, this will avoid pricking the veneer on front side doors. Unscrew the peephole into two parts, insert the first part with an external thread from the outside of the door leaf, insert the second part of the peephole, respectively, from the inside of the door, unscrew the parts. Tighten the peephole, to do this, use the slots on the inner frame of the device. In order for the screwdriver not to fall off, it is necessary that the tip of the tool enters both slots.

Suitable thickness steel plate can be used. This completes the installation of the door optical device.

The door peephole has long become the same necessary accessory of the front door as the lock. It is one of the simplest and most accessible elements that ensure our security. The door peephole makes it possible to protect yourself from the visits of unexpected or unwanted guests. In addition, it allows you to assess the situation on the site in front of the door in case of any problems.

Classic door peephole


The design of a standard door peephole is simple:

Lens - located on the side of the site in front of the entrance and provides its overview;

Eyepiece - located on the inside of the door;

Tube with lenses;

Nuts - external and internal.

The largest view that a convex outer lens has is considered to be an angle of 180º. But due to the fact that the picture around the edge is slightly blurry, many manufacturers began to produce eyes with a viewing angle of 200º. When using such a device, you can get a high-quality, clear image of the area in front of the door within 5 m.

The length of the peephole depends on the thickness of the door:

30-50 mm - standard;

55-100 mm - elongated;

From 100 mm - extra long.

Standard devices usually have 4 lenses, but depending on the length of the peephole body, their number in it can be different - from 3 to 15 pieces.

Elongated and extra long eyes are used for doors with various decorative coatings. Most often, standard devices are used. They are quite enough for ordinary metal or wooden doors.

In order to be able to quietly approach the peephole, it is equipped with curtains that do not let light in from the apartment.

production material

The body of the peephole is made of metal or plastic. The first option is more expensive, but will last much longer. The eyepieces of the device can be glass or plastic. The latter are more resistant to damage, but they can become cloudy over time and the image will lose clarity. Metal models with glass lenses are more expensive than plastic counterparts, but this is justified by their quality and reliability. There are bulletproof and impact-resistant eyes, but such properties of products, of course, are reflected in their price.

door peephole installation

Installing classic door eyes is easy - at a height convenient for all adult family members, you need to stick masking tape and make markings. Then drill on both sides of the door leaf. The hole must match the diameter of the optical device housing. The tip of the peephole with an external thread is inserted into the hole on the outside of the door and is tightly screwed on the inside with a viewfinder with an internal thread.

Types of door eyes

In addition to the usual standard peepholes, there are modern products that make it as easy as possible to monitor the site before entering a house or apartment.

panoramic door peephole

Door panoramic peephole - a special model, the lens of which is divided into two lenses. They have a wider horizontal light reception angle and do not require very close approach to the eyepiece. The panoramic image on it can be seen from a distance of two steps and it is not necessary to stand strictly opposite the eye.

Installing a panoramic door peephole does not take much time. A template with the necessary notes is attached to each such device. It is glued on the outside of the door at the required height and a hole is drilled in its center with a drill. Then, with a Ø3 mm drill, four more recesses (5 mm) are made according to the indicated marks. The outer cover of the eye should fit tightly into the prepared holes. A peephole with a clamping ring is inserted from the inside of the canvas and connected to the outside of the device by turning it clockwise.


The eye-periscope differs in that its eyepiece and lens are located at different heights. Mirrors are installed inside the case of such devices, due to which light transmission occurs. Such devices are very convenient for families with children. Its components can be placed both at the bottom of the door and at a normal height, convenient for an adult.

d war peephole

The double peephole is installed on two doors - external and internal. Both parts are located on the same line, which allows the visitor to see without going to the second sash. Image quality depends on the distance between the doors. It is desirable that it does not exceed 2 cm.


The video eye works on the principle of a conventional hidden video camera, but differs from it both in purpose and in characteristics. It is ideal for monitoring in confined spaces of stairwells. The video eye is equipped with IR illumination, which provides a good image even in the dark.

Signaling occurs in two ways:

Via the UHF radio channel - the video signal is converted into a radio frequency TV signal using a television signal transmitter;

By cable - to the input of a monitor or TV.

A door peephole with a camera is installed on the canvas in the same way as a regular classic peephole. During installation, it should be taken into account that the chamber should not come into contact with metal. There are color and black and white video eyes. But the second option is preferable - such a camera has a higher light sensitivity.

Electronic door peephole

The electronic door peephole appeared quite recently. It is suitable for any door and is inserted into the place of a regular peephole. The outer part consists of an infrared LED, a light sensor and a bell. Using a plate and screws, it is attached to the inside of the door, the cable is connected to the indoor unit.

When you press the bell, the LCD screen is turned on, displaying what is happening on the site. It can be noted that the viewing angle of such a device is slightly smaller than that of a conventional peephole. But it takes photos or videos that show the time and date of the visit - they are stored on a flash card. The door peephole with a camera is powered by AA batteries, so its installation will not require much effort.

By purchasing a door peephole whose price is 30-50 rubles, you can be sure that it was produced in China or Belarus and, most likely, it will be a plastic product, and it will last only 2-3 years. More expensive models of Belarusian, Russian, Spanish and German manufacturers are also presented on our market. The cost of devices additional features- panoramic, double, shockproof, bulletproof, etc. - starts from 1000 rubles.

The front door is a means that separates the personal space inside the house from the outside world. The thicker and stronger the door, the more reliable its protection. However, often the inhabitants of the house simply need to find out what is happening behind the door, for example, if someone calls or any extraneous sounds are heard behind it. by the most in a simple way to control the situation is to install a peephole door. In the article, we will consider the types door locks and how to install them.

The modern peephole became widespread only in the 1960s. Its founding father is considered to be the American scientist, writer and inventor Robert Wood, who invented the wide-angle fisheye lens back in 1906.

However, it took quite a long time before his invention received well-deserved fame, distribution and application in everyday life.

Today you can buy door eyes different not only in shape and size, but also in functionality.

Door peephole design

The standard peephole design consists of:

  • a lens directed at an external object (lens);
  • outer rail;
  • clamps on the sides of the lens;
  • eye body;
  • inner nut;
  • lens directed inward (eyepiece);
  • damper.

Depending on the length of the peephole body, from 2 to 15 lenses can be located in it.

How to choose a peephole?

There are several main factors to consider when choosing a peephole.

The first and most important factor is the viewing angle.. The higher this indicator, the higher the level of security, because not only the person’s face at the door will be visible, but also the space below and on the sides, which is very useful in the modern, unfortunately, too criminal world.

  • The optimal viewing angle is 180 °, although manufacturers often make the angle a little more than 200 °, in order to remove distortion along the viewing boundaries, the same 180 ° will eventually remain the working spectrum.
  • Another trick that manufacturers use to increase the viewing angle is to move the focus of the lens forward. This design provides a greater overview of space.

The next factor determining the choice of peephole is the width of the door.. Depending on this, one of the eye options is selected:

  • standard (if the door is 30 to 55 mm thick);
  • elongated (if the door is 55 to 100 mm thick);
  • long (if the door is more than 100 mm thick).

The most common are the eyes. standard size, they are suitable for any modern metal or wooden doors. Width adjustment is made using a thread that is on any eye. However, if the door will be insulated from the outside or from the inside, the usual length of the eye may not be enough.

Tip: when buying an elongated or extra long eyelet, it is important to pay attention to its optical characteristics, which should differ from the standard version. Unfortunately, many manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of the final product, simply complete the standard peephole with a long rear nut, without changing the optical characteristics. These actions are fraught with a decrease in the viewing angle, as well as poor visibility of objects.

  • In addition to the width of the door itself, it is important to consider the width of the peephole diameter. The larger it is, the higher the aperture ratio of the lenses installed in it. High aperture allows you to see objects more clearly, while it is not necessary to come close to the peephole, the external space will be clearly visible from a distance of 5-7 cm from the peephole, while maintaining a wide viewing angle.
  • The only additional comment to the wide diameter is that in the future it will no longer be possible to replace it with a narrower one, because. the hole for it is correspondingly wider than the standard one.

The material from which the peephole is made, is, perhaps, decisive in the final price of the product. There are two main materials for eyelet housings: metal and plastic. Metal is more durable and resistant to external influences, plastic can be deformed or cracked, for example, due to temperature changes.

Lens materials are also different - plastic, ordinary glass or spectacle optics.

  • The main disadvantage of plastic optics is its fragility. Over time, it tends to become cloudy and deformed. In addition, plastic accumulates static electricity and attracts dust. All these factors lead to an early, already in the second or third year of operation, loss of image clarity.
  • Glass does not have such problems, but it is more fragile compared to spectacle optics. The only disadvantage of glass optics is its higher price compared to plastic. Although, strength and durability will more than pay for the costs.

Latch on the door peephole

The latch has become an integral element of the peephole, it performs both a passive safety function - so that it is not visible from the outside whether someone is in the house or not, and an aesthetic function - light from the outside does not penetrate into the room.

  • It also allows the observer to freely approach the door and choose whether to open it to people outside. There is always someone who simply does not want to open the door, without any objective safety factors or good manners.
  • Sometimes the role of the valve is performed by mirror coating of the objective lens. It is quite popular because it does not require additional internal elements of the eye, however, the reduced brightness of the image can be called a minus.

Door peephole installation

Installation is quite simple and does not require special skills. If the door does not have a special hole for the peephole, it must be drilled.

  • To do this, a place is selected on the door where it will be located, masking tape is glued and markings are made.
  • Then a hole of the required diameter is drilled on both sides of the door.
  • A tip with a lens is inserted from the outside of the door and tightly screwed on by the viewfinder from the inside.

Types of door eyes

  • Panoramic eye. Its distinguishing feature is the lens, divided into two lenses. Thanks to this design, the lens receives a greater light flux and gives a panoramic image, in order to see which it is not necessary to stand directly opposite and close to the eye.
  • Bulletproof eye. The functionality is in the name, it provides increased security.
  • Secret eye. It is usually disguised as nails in the door trim. As a rule, this is a construction of a microvideo camera on outer door and receiving device inside.
  • peephole for double door, allows you to view the space without opening the inner door. Has two components.
  • Peephole-periscope. In this type of eye, the lens and the eyepiece are at different levels. This type is very popular with families with children, because it allows you to arrange the components so that the eyepieces are both at a level convenient for an adult and at a child's height.


It is worth dwelling on this type of eye in more detail, since this model is gaining more and more popularity from year to year, which is not surprising in the era of technological progress.

The principle of operation of the door peephole with a camera

At one end, a video camera is installed, usually small or micro-sized, built into the door. It transmits the image to the receiving monitor. The picture can be transmitted both constantly, in real time, and on demand.

What is important to consider when choosing a video eye?

  • As in the case of a conventional peephole, the viewing angle is paramount. Thanks to technical solutions and telescopic attachments, in most cases this issue is perfectly resolved, and video eyes provide an excellent full review area in front of the door.
  • Others no less an important factor is the sensitivity of the eye to light. The higher it is, the better the eye "sees" in poor lighting. You can check this point in technical specifications cameras built into the door surface.
  • According to their device, video eyes are divided into case and frameless. The former are more reliable and durable, while the latter are cheaper and easier to install.
  • Video surveillance can be organized according to one of the two following schemes:
    1. the signal is broadcast over a radio channel in the UHF range, using a television signal transmitter to receive it on a TV.
    2. the image is transmitted via cable directly to the low-frequency output of the monitor or TV.

  • It is better to entrust the installation of a video eye to professionals, since certain knowledge and skills will be required to set up the signal. Also, you may need to work on laying the cable in the apartment.
  • If there is a desire or need, in addition to video surveillance, to be able to observe through a standard peephole, it is worth considering installing a hidden camera with a lens. Of the pluses, it is worth noting the round-the-clock recording of the territory in front of the door and the opportunity, if necessary, to view this material.

Electronic wireless door peephole

The electronic eye is a variation of the video eye, in that the image is also transmitted to the monitor and there is no direct observation through the eyepiece.

However, there are significant differences:

  • The electronic peephole consists of a doorbell and a video camera that are mounted on the outside of the door, as well as an LCD display for the inside. When you press the call button, the device activates the liquid crystal display, takes a photo and starts video recording. The device is equipped with a slot for memory cards, in the settings you can change the parameters of photo and video recording.
  • An electronic peephole allows you to see what is happening outside at any time, for this you need to activate the LCD display with a touch and select the appropriate menu section. It can conduct video recording even in low or no light, for this you need to select the use of infrared illumination in the settings.
  • Unlike video peepholes, the installation of an electronic peephole is simply elementary, the place where a standard peephole was previously installed is used as a hole, no additional work drilling is not required. No wires or other connections are needed. This device runs on batteries. And its cost is relatively low.

As a completion. The most important thing in a room is its comfort and safety, modern door eyes are able to meet the highest requirements of consumers, but no matter how good it is, and no matter how strong the door on which it is located, the common sense and caution of the residents remain the main factor.