Mixer      06/12/2019

How to put a peephole on a metal door. How to install a peephole in a metal door yourself. How to assemble a peephole diagram

The front door is an important and integral element of any home. It fences off the outside world from the private space of an apartment or house. The stronger and thicker it is, the more reliable the protection. But there are cases when it is necessary to find out what is happening behind the door without opening it. It is for such situations that a door video peephole is needed, which will help assess the situation and prevent uninvited guests from appearing on the threshold.

What is a peephole for?

Door peepholes are important functional elements of any door, allowing you to unilaterally inspect the space outside the boundaries of the apartment (on the landing), without requiring the doors to be opened. In addition, such an attribute will help prevent uninvited guests from visiting the house.

Important! Modern industry offers quite a variety of options door peepholes, some of which are equipped with video cameras, and other security and control systems.

Design features

Regardless of the type of peephole, its design has a standard set of elements:

  • A lens that enlarges the image and provides an external view;
  • External rail holding the lens;
  • Clamps that firmly hold the lens;
  • Frame;
  • Inner nut;
  • A lens or eyepiece directed into the room;
  • damper.

The number of lenses in different models and types can vary from 2 to 15 pieces.


Door eyes have a large number of varieties, each of which has special functionality and additional features. Most often, the following types of equipment are installed on the door:

  • A standard classic peephole installed on a metal or wooden door for more than a dozen years. This device, although it makes it possible to see what is happening behind the door, does not provide sufficient visibility. You can only see what is directly in front of him.
  • Panoramic peephole. The lens of such an eye has a design divided into two lenses. This allows the lens to take on a large light flux, making the image panoramic. At the same time, it is not necessary to strictly stand close to the door or to the peephole. Everything is visible from different viewing angles.
  • Peephole door concealed type. Most often, it is disguised as nails included in the door trim, or others. decorative elements. Such a device can be equipped with a camera, masked from the outside, if the doors are a continuous sheet.
  • Bulletproof peephole. The name speaks for itself. This element is most often equipped with armored doors that provide maximum protection against unauthorized entry.
  • Eyelets for double doors. Structurally, such an element consists of two parts and allows you to inspect the external space without opening them.
  • Periscope. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the viewing lens and the eyepiece itself are located at different levels.

Attention! This option is especially relevant if the family has small children. You can position the lens at a level convenient for the growth of the child.


In the production of door eyes, modern Hi-tech, the use of which allows you to create practical and functional varieties, among which the video eye is especially popular.

Its design necessarily includes a microscopic video camera, which is installed at one end of the door element. It transmits the image to a special monitor, and can show what is happening both in real time and in recording.

Depending on the type of device, information from the camera can be transmitted to the reader either via wired lines (cable), or via a radio channel, or via a WI-FI signal. By installing a video peephole on the door, you can be as calm as possible for your safety.

Electronic door peephole

This design also represents an experience in combining electronics and safety features. Door peepholes of electronic type are installed instead of the usual standard peephole. The structure of the external structure includes infrared illumination and light and bell sensors. On inside The door is equipped with an electronic part of the structure, mounted on a metal plate. On this element there is a screen that opens an overview of the stairwell.

Attention! Unlike a video peephole, it is quite easy to install such a design on your own, directly in place of a standard peephole. There is no need to install wires and set up a signal, and the unit itself runs on standard AA batteries.

Selection and installation rules

Various varieties and price parameters complicate the process of choosing a peephole. To buy quality and suitable equipment you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Viewing angle. The peephole should be chosen according to this criterion, depending on the space near the door. But modern optical devices used in the eyes usually solve this problem at a normal level, providing an optimal viewing angle. In addition, lenses for viewing should clearly show the face of the visitor.

    Important! Almost all modern eyes provide a viewing angle of 180 degrees. But there are instances with a large parameter, reaching up to 200 degrees.

  • door thickness. She may be standard type, elongated and exceeding the value of 10 cm. Moreover, the body usually provides for the adjustment of its length, for each type of product.
  • Light sensitivity. This parameter determines the ability of a clear image transmission in low or dim lighting on the site.
  • Product width and diameter. If the peephole is already installed immediately on the door, then this parameter is not significant, it is important to know it if replacement is necessary;
  • The material from which the body of the peephole is made. In most cases, the design is made of metal or plastic. The metal element is more durable, practical and durable, while the plastic one has a lower cost, but a shorter service life;
  • The material from which the lenses are made. It can be plastic, glass, or optics used in the manufacture of eyeglasses. As a rule, the most expensive options are equipped with optical lenses, the cheaper ones are equipped with plastic ones.

Usually the choice is based on the size of the budget and preferences of the buyer, as well as the required functionality of the device.

Latch on the door peephole

The latch is an important element that is included in the package of most door eyes. It helps to increase passive safety and at the same time performs an aesthetic function by preventing light from entering from outside. Sometimes, instead of a latch, the manufacturer performs mirror-type deposition on the objective lens. It performs the function of a shutter, but may degrade the quality of the view.

Installation Features

Installing or replacing a peephole does not require special skills or experience, this can be done with a drill and masking tape needed to drill a hole.

If the door peephole is not to be replaced, then before buying a new mechanism, remove the old one, accurately measuring its external parameters. If the door has a solid structure and it is decided to install the peephole for the first time, then a hole of the required diameter should be drilled. To do this, in place of the future element for review, a mark is made on which masking tape is attached. After that, a hole is drilled on both sides of the door. From the outside, a tip is installed on which the lens is located. On the inside, a recorder or lens is tightly fixed, which, if necessary, is twisted.

Our life now is such that it is possible to open the door for a guest, only for sure making sure who is really standing on the other side of it. Hearing a familiar voice is, of course, good... But, as they say, "it's better to see once...". And there is nothing shameful here - "God saves the safe!". Because the peephole is a necessity dictated by harsh times. It doesn't cost that much, but you can install a peephole in the front door leaf yourself.

Eyes on sale are very different in design, size, and price. You can choose any for yourself, the main thing is that its installation dimensions correspond to the thickness of the leaf of your front door. But, as a rule, they can vary widely in almost all eyes.

It is also desirable that the field of view angle be at least 170 ° (such eyes are also called wide-angle). Then the "guest" will not hide from you and huddled against the wall at the door. And it is better if the outer lens is made of glass, not plastic - it is less scratched, and therefore more durable.

How to install a door peephole with your own hands

In order not to spoil the lining when marking door leaf, at the desired height, stick a strip of paper adhesive tape, for example, masking tape. On it any accessible way mark the position of the center of the eye hole.
By measuring the landing diameter of the eye (for a part with internal thread), select a drill bit of a slightly larger diameter - by 0.3-0.5 mm, best of all - screw or corkscrew.
Having drilled the door leaf not through, but only so that the guiding center of the tool comes out, the drilling of the hole is continued from the opposite side. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid knocking out the veneer on the front surfaces of the door.
Having unscrewed the peephole into two parts, one (with an external thread) is inserted from the outside of the door leaf, and the other, respectively, from the inside, and they are screwed by hand.
Tighten the peephole using the slots on its inner frame. To prevent the screwdriver from falling off, its sting must be included in both slots. You can simply take a steel plate of suitable thickness.

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Embed panoramic peephole and other types

If you do not know how to assemble a door peephole, then this review is for you. In it, we will analyze the main types of products and their features.

You will also learn how to properly install standard and more modern solutions. To carry out all the work quickly and efficiently, you need to follow a few simple recommendations from the relevant section.

Types of products and their features

If in the eighties it was possible to find 1-2 product options on sale, then today the choice is much wider. Therefore, first you should decide on the type of construction that best suits you, and only then figure out how the installation is done.

Types of eyes

You can choose from the following options:

  • Standard products. The door peephole device of this type is known to everyone: a lens on one side and an eyepiece on the other. The simplest solution, which has a small viewing angle: if someone stands on the side of the wall, then you will not see him. As for the advantages, the most important of them is the low price, this is the most budget modification of the eyes;
  • Eyes with mirror finish. This option has exactly the same design as the classic one, but has one important advantage. The outer part of the lens is made in the form of a mirror, and the one who is outside does not see the light from the peephole and cannot determine whether someone is looking from behind the door or not. This a good option for dark entrances, where the light from the peephole is visible;
  • Bulletproof products. In appearance they do not differ from ordinary ones, but in terms of reliability they are tens of times stronger than them, since they are made of bulletproof materials;
  • Panoramic door eyes. Provides a complete view of the space in front front door. You will see both the platform and the walls on both sides of the door. Good decision who do not want to install video equipment. Eyes most often have an increased diameter, which creates certain difficulties during installation, this should also not be forgotten when choosing;
  • Double door systems. This option is necessary if you have two doors at the entrance. The design consists of two parts that need to be installed correctly so that you can see what is happening outside without tearing off any door. If you need just such an option, then I recommend entrusting its installation to specialists - it is not easy to perfectly combine the two parts of the system;
  • Eyes of periscope type. As the name implies, the design of the product resembles a periscope. The eyepiece for viewing what is happening behind the door is shifted from the lens to the right, left or down. Such a system is set up quite simply, and its additional advantage can be considered the fact that from the outside a person will not be able to determine whether someone is looking through the peephole or not;
  • Digital systems. Convenient modern solution, consisting of a miniature camera and a display that is installed from the inside and transmits an image of what is happening outside the door. You do not need to look into the eyepiece - everything will be visible anyway, and you don’t even have to turn on the light. The device runs on batteries, which is also convenient, because you do not need to run wires;
  • Video system. An even more modern and progressive solution that allows you to transfer an image from a miniature camera to a smartphone or computer monitor. That is, you can see who is behind the door without even getting up from the couch. Another advantage is the ability to connect multiple devices so that all family members can see who is ringing your doorbell;
  • Video eyes with motion sensor. This option is even more modern - it not only transmits the image to the smartphone, but also has a built-in memory card and a motion sensor. The system starts when someone moves in front of the door, it records the image and saves it. When there is no movement, no recording is made, which is also very convenient.

Now you know what product options are. You need to choose the optimal solution and install it.

We will tell you how to do the installation yourself, based on two options:

  1. classic designs;
  2. digital eyes.

Mounting a regular peephole

Let's figure out how to insert a peephole if you have a new door or there is no hole in it for installing this element.

There is nothing difficult in the work, but you need to have a certain set of tools at hand:

Illustration Description
Feather drill. With it, we will make a hole on the inside of the door, where the MDF trim is fixed.

The standard drill diameter is 20 mm. But if you have an eye of a larger diameter, then the equipment is selected for it.

Crown for metal. With its help, we will drill a steel door, so the equipment must be reliable and of high quality.

The design consists of a pilot drill and a carbide nozzle with a diameter of 20 mm or more.

Advice! Choose a bit with a hex shank, it is much more convenient to clamp it in a screwdriver or drill.

Screwdriver. It is with his help that we will carry out drilling. The tool must have enough power so that you can drill through metal.

If there is no screwdriver, then you can use a small drill, but it is still more convenient to work with a cordless tool, it is lighter and more mobile.

A drill for metal is necessary in order to pre-drill a hole without large diameter. This will allow you to make even cutouts under the eye, as the crown will not slide over the surface, as it happens without prior preparation.

You can use options with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm.

A construction tape measure is necessary in order to be able to determine the exact location of the peephole.

If you do everything without measurements, it may turn out that the structure is shifted to the side, and this spoils the appearance of the door.

Naturally, you must also have the peephole itself. Remember that products can have different lengths, because the thickness of the door panels varies over a wide range. In addition, choose the color of the coating, it should be combined with the fittings on your door.

Let's figure out how to assemble a door peephole. The work instructions look like this:

Illustration Stage description
The middle of the door leaf is determined. The process is very simple: you need to measure the total width of the door and divide the resulting figure by half.

Then a small mark is made on the surface with a pencil or felt-tip pen.

The height of the eye is determined. It all depends on the average height of those who live in an apartment or house.

If family members are of different heights, then you can place the system on standard height in 150 mm. This is a generally accepted indicator that suits most people.

A mark is made at the intersection of the two dimensions.

Advice! The mark is best made with a punch, so that a recess remains on the surface, into which it is convenient to place the drill. This is necessary so that it does not slip and scratch the skin.

A drill with a diameter of up to 6 mm is placed on the screwdriver. Its tip is located on a previously made mark, after which you can get to work.

inner cladding from MDF, the drill passes easily and quickly, but metal lends itself much worse. The most important thing is to make sure that the screwdriver is perpendicular to the surface of the door, otherwise it may be skewed and your peephole will become crooked.

Important! The length of the drill must be at least 20 mm longer than the thickness of the door leaf.

This is what the result looks like. From the outside it should be smooth hole. If burrs have formed on the metal, they can be easily removed. Pass the drill from the outside to the inside - and all the flaws will be removed.
Next, a crown with a diameter of 20 mm is fixed to the screwdriver. The center drill is inserted into a pre-made hole, after which you can get to work.

Hold the tool perpendicular to the surface and do not press it too hard, so as not to deform the door leaf and damage the screwdriver. It is better to press with moderate force - the crown selects the metal gradually.

Only the outer part of the door leaf needs to be drilled.

From the inside, the door is drilled with a pen drill. Here it is very important to fix it well and check before work whether it is securely centered. If the drill dangles during rotation, then it must be fixed again.

The workflow is simple: once you have gone through outer skin and insulation, work can be stopped.

Parts of the peephole are tried on. Everything is simple here: first make sure that the outer part falls into place, then do the same with the inner. If all is well, then you can proceed to the mount.
The assembly of the structure is very simple: it is necessary, while holding the outer part of the structure, to twist the inner one in a clockwise direction.

The work is done by hand, no special tools are required. Screw the peephole all the way in, at the end make sure that it holds well, and the inner cap is in the correct position.

This is what the door looks like with the peephole installed. If everything is done correctly, then the structure will be tightly pressed to the surface along the entire diameter.

In the same way, options with an increased convoy and periscope systems are installed.

Installation of a digital peephole

Now let's figure out how to change the old-style door peephole to a more modern digital version. The work is also not particularly difficult, and the only thing you need is Phillips screwdrivers PH1 and PH2.

As for the process of installing a digital eye, it looks like this:

Illustration Stage description
If you have a regular peephole installed, then no alterations are required. If there is no hole in the door, then it must be done according to the same algorithm as described in the section above.

The diameter of the hole is selected in accordance with the size of your eye, be sure to check this parameter so as not to redo the work later.

We check the completeness of the digital eye, you should have the following:
  • Digital display with metal frame for fastening to the door;
  • Camera with a wire to connect to the display;
  • At least two inner bushings for thin and thick door leaf;
  • Assembly instructions in Russian with diagrams.
Now let's figure out how to disassemble the door peephole. The process is very simple: it is necessary, while holding the outer part of the structure, to unscrew the inner element counterclockwise.

If it was not possible to break the mount with your hands, then use a wide screwdriver that can be inserted into the slot from the inside and get off the ground. Further, everything is very easily unscrewed by hand.

The equipment is being prepared for installation. This applies primarily to the unit with the display. There are two mounting screws at the bottom of it, they are shown in the photo.

You need to carefully unscrew them, after which you can remove the body of their mounting frame.

The screws are very small, so place them so that they don't get lost.

Next, you need to snap off the mounting frame and set it aside. And four batteries are inserted into the monitor unit.

The number of batteries and their configuration may vary, so it's best to first see what you need, and only then buy batteries.

The outer part of the structure is installed. It looks like a regular peephole, with the only difference being that you need to run a wire through the hole.

There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to do everything carefully so as not to damage the wire and glass of the camera lens.

If the lens of an ordinary door peephole can be positioned anywhere, then in the case of a camera, it is important to align it properly. Do not forget about this, so as not to find the image upside down on the display later.

Note! The red dot serves as a reference point, it indicates the upper part.

An internal mounting block is assembled. To do this, the threaded insert is inserted into the hole in the mounting frame.

Everything is very simple, the most important thing is to choose the required insert, usually there are two of them in the delivery set: one is designed for thin door panels, and the second for thick ones.

Inner part structures are put in place. The order of work is as follows:
  • First, the camera wire is pulled through the sleeve;
  • WITH reverse side the frame has a double-sided adhesive tape for tight fixation, the protective layer is removed from it, the structure is leveled and pressed against the surface;
  • The sleeve is twisted, everything is like in a regular eye: the outer part is held, and the inner one is wrapped clockwise.
The system is being tested for functionality. To do this, the camera wire is connected to the connector on the back of the case, and the display is put in its place.

Advice! You don’t need to fix anything, first make sure that the structure is level and all functions work.

If there are any problems, they are much easier to solve now. If everything is in order, then you can proceed to the last step.

Mounting screws are screwed in the bottom of the case. Everything is easy here: check whether the holes match, and carefully screw the fasteners.

Note! Do not apply too much force - you can strip the threads in the plastic case.


Now you know what types of door eyes are, and how to insert it, simply by following our recommendations. The video in this article will provide additional information on the topic, and you will understand some important aspects even better.


How to assemble a peephole?

A peephole is a necessary device that fits into the door and allows you to see who is on the landing in front of your door before you open it. The quality of viewing through a peephole depends on the viewing angle. Undoubtedly, the larger it is, the better the place is viewed. The object located in front of the peephole from the outside and the entire surveyed area as a whole will be distinct only in the presence of medium or bright illumination.

All manufacturers of door eyes have their own individual specifics. Therefore, how to assemble a peephole, see the attached instructions for the kit. Door peepholes differ depending on their intended purpose, that is, if you want to provide yourself with, say, outdoor surveillance, then you should purchase secret peepholes. Individual peepholes are also designed for double-layer doors, and bulletproof peepholes and periscopes are installed to protect the owner.

Installation Instructions door devices will help you figure out how to install a peephole. In fact, the steps outlined in the instructions are not so difficult and do not take much time. The first thing to do is determine the level at which you will install the peephole. It will be determined by its frequent users, namely children and adults, that is, at what level and depending on their height a person will be able to use it.

After you have marked the location of the eye with a pencil or pen, draw and cut out two templates. Glue them on 2 sides: outer and inner. Make sure that the templates are parallel to each other. Take a drill, insert a drill and make a hole right in the center of the template.

Without putting the drill aside, make four marks on the template with a pencil and drill each of them strictly according to the template. Be careful with the length of the holes. It should be 5 mm, but no more. Before moving on to installing the peephole in the hole, make sure that its outer part fits into the holes made by the drill by disassembling the peephole. Also drill the holes required for the external and internal installation of the door peephole. Clean the place of the eye, removing the dust formed after working with a drill. Install a peephole.


peephole door

The front door is an important and integral element of any home. It fences off the outside world from the private space of an apartment or house. The stronger and thicker it is, the more reliable the protection. But there are cases when it is necessary to find out what is happening behind the door without opening it. It is for such situations that a door video peephole is needed, which will help assess the situation and prevent uninvited guests from appearing on the threshold.

What is a peephole for?

Door peepholes are important functional elements of any door, allowing you to unilaterally inspect the space outside the boundaries of the apartment (on the landing), without requiring the doors to be opened. In addition, such an attribute will help prevent uninvited guests from visiting the house.

Important! Modern industry offers quite a variety of door peephole options, some of which are equipped with video cameras and other security and control systems.

Design features

Regardless of the type of peephole, its design has a standard set of elements:

  • A lens that enlarges the image and provides an external view;
  • External rail holding the lens;
  • Clamps that firmly hold the lens;
  • Frame;
  • Inner nut;
  • A lens or eyepiece directed into the room;
  • damper.

The number of lenses in different models and types can vary from 2 to 15 pieces.


Door eyes have a large number of varieties, each of which has a special functionality and additional features. Most often, the following types of equipment are installed on the door:

  • A standard classic peephole installed on a metal or wooden door for more than a dozen years. This device, although it makes it possible to see what is happening behind the door, does not provide sufficient visibility. You can only see what is directly in front of him.
  • Panoramic peephole. The lens of such an eye has a design divided into two lenses. This allows the lens to take on a large light flux, making the image panoramic. At the same time, it is not necessary to strictly stand close to the door or to the peephole. Everything is visible from different viewing angles.
  • Peephole door concealed type. Most often, it is disguised as nails included in the door trim, or other decorative elements. Such a device can be equipped with a camera, masked from the outside, if the doors are a continuous sheet.
  • Bulletproof eye. The name speaks for itself. This element is most often equipped with armored doors that provide maximum protection against unauthorized entry.
  • Eyelets for double doors. Structurally, such an element consists of two parts and allows you to inspect the external space without opening them.
  • Periscope. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the viewing lens and the eyepiece itself are located at different levels.

Attention! This option is especially relevant if the family has small children. You can position the lens at a level convenient for the growth of the child.


In the production of door eyes, modern advanced technologies are also used, the use of which allows you to create practical and functional varieties, among which the video eye is especially popular.

Its design necessarily includes a microscopic video camera, which is installed at one end of the door element. It transmits the image to a special monitor, and can show what is happening both in real time and in recording.

Depending on the type of device, information from the camera can be transmitted to the reader either via wired lines (cable), or via a radio channel, or via a WI-FI signal. By installing a video peephole on the door, you can be as calm as possible for your safety.

Electronic door peephole

This design also represents an experience in combining electronics and safety features. Door peepholes of electronic type are installed instead of the usual standard peephole. The structure of the external structure includes infrared illumination and light and bell sensors. On the inside of the door, an electronic part of the structure is installed, which is mounted on a metal plate. On this element there is a screen that opens an overview of the stairwell.

Attention! Unlike a video peephole, it is quite easy to install such a design on your own, directly in place of a standard peephole. There is no need to install wires and set up a signal, and the unit itself runs on standard AA batteries.

Selection and installation rules

Various varieties and price parameters complicate the process of choosing a peephole. To buy high-quality and suitable equipment, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Viewing angle. The peephole should be chosen according to this criterion, depending on the space near the door. But modern optical devices used in the eyes usually solve this problem at a normal level, providing an optimal viewing angle. In addition, lenses for viewing should clearly show the face of the visitor.

    Important! Almost all modern eyes provide a viewing angle of 180 degrees. But there are instances with a large parameter, reaching up to 200 degrees.

  • door thickness. It can be of a standard type, elongated and exceeding 10 cm. Moreover, the body usually provides for adjusting its length for each type of product.
  • Light sensitivity. This parameter determines the ability of a clear image transmission in low or dim lighting on the site.
  • Product width and diameter. If the peephole is already installed immediately on the door, then this parameter is not significant, it is important to know it if replacement is necessary;
  • The material from which the body of the peephole is made. In most cases, the design is made of metal or plastic. The metal element is more durable, practical and durable, while the plastic one has a lower cost, but a shorter service life;
  • The material from which the lenses are made. It can be plastic, glass, or optics used in the manufacture of eyeglasses. As a rule, the most expensive options are equipped with optical lenses, the cheaper ones are equipped with plastic ones.

Usually the choice is based on the size of the budget and preferences of the buyer, as well as the required functionality of the device.

Latch on the door peephole

The latch is an important element that is included in the package of most door eyes. It helps to increase passive safety and at the same time performs an aesthetic function by preventing light from entering from outside. Sometimes, instead of a latch, the manufacturer performs mirror-type deposition on the objective lens. It performs the function of a shutter, but may degrade the quality of the view.

Installation Features

Installing or replacing a peephole does not require special skills or experience, this can be done with a drill and masking tape needed to drill a hole.

If the door peephole is not to be replaced, then before buying a new mechanism, remove the old one, accurately measuring its external parameters. If the door has a solid structure and it is decided to install the peephole for the first time, then a hole of the required diameter should be drilled. To do this, in place of the future element for review, a mark is made on which masking tape is attached. After that, a hole is drilled on both sides of the door. From the outside, a tip is installed on which the lens is located. On the inside, a recorder or lens is tightly fixed, which, if necessary, is twisted.

Attention! If you decide to install a video peephole, then it is better to entrust such work to experienced professionals who are familiar with the rules for setting up signal transmission from a device to a monitor or laying a cable.

Reliable protection of the house is an important condition for living in it, and the presence of systems to prevent unwanted intrusions or uninvited guests contribute to the formation of a sense of security. A properly selected and well-installed peephole will help to reliably protect residents.


video peephole and other types, instructions on how to install, dimensions, videos and photos

Think installing a peephole is difficult? The accumulated experience allows me to assert that even an inexperienced master can do this work. I will tell you how to choose quality equipment and I will give instructions with illustrations that will allow even those who have never put a peephole in the door to cope with the work.

Main element conventional peepholes - a wide-angle fisheye lens that provides a high-quality view of space. Electronic versions use a camera.

First, let's look at what types of eyes are:

Illustration Description
Standard peephole door. This option is simple and consists of two parts - outer and inner, which are twisted together. A lid may be present in the design to close the hole from light penetration.
Panoramic peephole. His distinguishing feature- a lens divided into two lenses. This design allows more light to pass through.

To see the image, it is not necessary to stand close, you can be located on the side of the structure.

Double door system. It can be either standard or panoramic. The design consists of two parts, during installation, special accuracy must be observed so that the elements match.
Bulletproof option. Used on bulletproof door panels to ensure structural integrity. According to the installation method, it is no different from the usual version.
Peephole-periscope. This option is ideal for those with small children. You can watch both in the normal position and at the bottom, which is very convenient if you need to exclude the option of opening the door to strangers.

The system is quite difficult to install, so most often the work is done by specialists.

Video peephole of electronic type. Previously, video options required signal settings in order to transmit it to a monitor or TV. Modern technologies have made it possible to make a compact and simple option that anyone can easily install.

If you have decided on the type, it is worth understanding several criteria that are taken into account when choosing:

  1. Viewing angle. The larger it is, the better you can see the space in front of the entrance. For cheap options, the angle is 120 degrees, for more advanced ones - 180 degrees. The highest quality modifications have a view of over 200 degrees, this allows you to eliminate distortion along the edges of the image;

  1. Door leaf thickness. There are three product options:
  • up to 60 mm;
  • up to 100 mm;
  • over 100 mm.

Any version of the eye is adjustable by 20-30 mm due to the thread. In some models, different bushings are supplied so that you can find the best solution for your door;

  1. Eye diameter. This indicator determines the size of the hole to be drilled. If in new designs you can choose any option, then when replacing old elements, it is easiest to choose products of the same size. Most often, the diameter of the inner part is 20 mm;
  2. Manufacturing material. Optics can be plastic or glass, the price of the first option is much lower, but the second is much stronger and more durable. The case can be made of plastic or metal, the second option is preferable, although it costs more.

I will talk about two options for carrying out work: installing a regular peephole and a variant with video surveillance.

Mounting a standard peephole

We will figure out how to install the peephole in metal door.

Illustration Stage description
Measurements are being made. We are primarily interested in the thickness of the canvas, other dimensions are not so important.

Knowing the thickness, you can choose a suitable peephole, and not buy it at random.

The instrument is being prepared. To do the work yourself, you need the following:
  • Screwdriver with a drill for metal with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • Feather drill with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • Core drill for metal with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • Roulette construction.

If the diameter of your eye is larger, then the spade and core drill is selected in accordance with the parameters of the product.

The center of the door leaf is marked. The eye is usually located in the middle, so use a tape measure and a pencil to mark the middle.
The height of the eye is noted. The standard option is 150 cm from the floor level, but you can raise or lower the peephole so that its use is as comfortable as possible.
Drilling is in progress. First of all, in a metal door you need to drill through hole 5 mm in diameter.

It is very important to use a drill bit long enough to come out from the back of the door.

When drilling Special attention keep the screwdriver in a horizontal position. If the hole turns out to be skewed, then the eye will become crooked.

A hole is drilled from the outside. A crown for metal is inserted into a screwdriver or an electric drill, with the help of which the hole expands to the diameter we need. It is important to work carefully so as not to damage the door leaf and not bend it.
The cladding is drilled from the inside. For work, a pen drill is used, the main thing is to hold the screwdriver evenly so as not to go to the side.
The hole is cleared of debris and checked. Just look through it, if there are no distortions, then everything is done as it should.
The eye is fixed. To do this, it should be held from the outside and screwed in from the inside. If there is a key in the kit, then you can additionally clamp the knot from the inside.
The operation of the system is checked. Close the door and look through the peephole. This completes the installation.

Installation of an electronic peephole

Consider how the camera is installed:

Illustration Stage description
This is what the camera kit looks like. It includes:

All you need is a screwdriver to work.

The battery is inserted. If your system is powered by batteries, then batteries are installed.
A memory card is inserted. A special slot is provided for it, you will not confuse anything in any case.
The protective film between the power contacts is removed. Usually there is a tab on the outside that you need to pull and thereby remove the protection from the contacts.
A sleeve is twisted from the camera. It will hold the element from the inside, so it should be removed in advance.
The bushing is inserted into the mounting platform of the camera. On this preparatory work completed.
The platform with the sleeve is placed on the door leaf. For clarity, the work is shown on a transparent module that imitates doors 70 mm thick.

Naturally, before changing the system, you need to remove the old peephole. If you have a new door, then all the features of drilling holes are described above, the technology is also suitable for this case.

A camera is inserted from the outside. It is carefully inserted into the hole, the cable is pulled into the sleeve. After that, the sleeve is twisted to the stop. On the mounting plate and the chamber there may be double-sided adhesive tape for gluing to the door leaf; before mounting the elements, remove the protective layer from it.
The camera cable is connected to the connector. The photo shows what the connection looks like in our case, but its configuration may differ for different models of equipment.
The camera is installed. It is neatly aligned with the connector, after which it snaps onto the plate.
The camera is fixed with screws. For reliability, the case is fixed on the plate with two screws.
The camera turns on. All the features of setting up the system will be prompted by the instruction. You can use the camera as needed, or you can set up a motion sensor and the camera will always turn on when someone passes or stands in front of the door.


You have learned how to install a peephole and will be able to carry out the work without assistance. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if something is not clear, ask in the comments.

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How to install a peephole in a metal door yourself

The realities of modern life are associated with constant concern for one's own safety and the safety of the close environment. Despite measures taken to protect state law enforcement agencies, the risk of being attacked remains. no exception and own house or an apartment. There is a common opinion: the thicker the door, the higher the security of the apartment. But extraneous noises behind it, knocks, the sound of a doorbell require visual observation of what is happening, an assessment of the potential danger. The installation of a door peephole simplifies the solution of the issue, which will provide a sufficient overview of the staircase or yard area. If it is not available in the installed door, it is enough for the owner to choose the appropriate one by installing it himself.

door with peephole

General information

The design of a classic doorbell includes a body (plastic or metal), two lenses (outer and outer), outer rails, a decorative fastening nut and a protective shutter. The main role is assigned to the quality of the lens. Use plastic or optical glass. Plastic lenses are characterized by low cost, but the disadvantage is a short service life, clouding as a result of dust accumulation provoked by static magnetic field. Glass lenses have higher rates of transparency, clarity of perception of the visual image, the service life is characterized as significant, but the cost is an order of magnitude higher than plastic ones.

Appearance of the eye

Door peephole selection

The stores offer a wide range of products for this purpose. To determine which one is necessary for the owner of the premises in each particular case, you can familiarize yourself with the types presented below:

  • standard simple, cheap to purchase, provide a simple overview of the territory;
  • panoramic, characterized by a wider and better view;
  • bulletproof;
  • hidden, placed in a decor element, usually equipped with a micro-camera;

Hidden peephole
  • spaced apart, used in the presence of two doors, have two parts, viewing from the inner door, and the camera - from the outer;
  • periscope type, while the parts are at different distances in the vertical or horizontal plane;
  • video peephole, installed with additional block signaling and image viewing, the function of opening the door using a magnetic locking device is often provided.

eye angle

Important when choosing a peephole are the factors that accompany its work in optimal mode:

  • visual viewing angle, while at least 180 degrees is considered optimal;
  • the length of the lock structure - should ensure comfortable installation in the front door leaf;
  • the constructive diameter of the eye, the larger, the better the light transmission of the image;
  • material.

Door peephole installation

Installing a peephole in a metal door will not be difficult for a person with an initial level of plumbing knowledge and the ability to use a household electric tool. The order of work is as follows:

Alternative Surveillance Systems

Manufacturers using modern technologies, constantly update the line of surveillance devices. Noteworthy and worthy of attention is the installation of electronic systems that perform the functions, along with the main one, of fixing on the control unit of persons approaching the door of the room, a full-fledged recording of the picture of events occurring outside the front door and many others, including infrared image. But do not forget the fact that even in the case of installing a system with additional batteries, it once ends, and simple optical door eyes do not need them.

Video surveillance system

How to properly install a peephole in a metal door can be understood by watching the video, while receiving recommendations and instructions from the master who has repeatedly carried out this work.

Mounting the peephole iron door

Which visual surveillance system to place on the entrance metal door depends on the degree of its security and the requirements that the owner of the premises makes for such an opportunity, while the financial security of the events is also an important component - what harder system the more expensive the purchase.

Door peephole: varieties, device, principle of operation

Electronic type door eyes are considered a kind of novelty that has recently appeared on the modern market. If you use such equipment for the door, then you can make additional protection of the home due to the presence of special functional qualities.

Built-in peephole

The door leaf itself is a design that performs not only a separating function for the room, but also protects it from the penetration of unwanted guests. Many believe that if the thickness of the door leaf is greater, then it is stronger. And that means better protection of the room. In some cases, landlords are required to know what is happening behind their installed door. Let's consider such cases:

  • Extraneous sounds respond behind the door leaf;
  • Someone rings the doorbell and is silent after that.

A common method of reviewing what is happening behind the front door is installing a peephole. Door eyes were used back in the 60s of the last century. A peephole was invented for installation on a door by an American scientist named Robert Wood. Initially, the types of door eyes were primitive. The first of these was called "fisheye". Only with the passage of time, the door peephole device began to be used to equip doors in houses or apartments.

What is the device made of?

Attention! Currently, door eyes are purchased without problems, since the range that is offered to the buyer is so wide that everyone will pick up a device according to individual characteristics.

To better understand the device, consider its basic design:

  • A lens that is brought out;
  • Lath of the external direction;
  • Elements with the help of which the main lens is fixed;
  • Fastening internal elements;
  • Inner lens;
  • Damper (it all depends on the configuration, this element is optional).
Shutter option

The main aspects that are paid attention to when choosing a door eye are ordinary and panoramic

  • Inside its device, a door panoramic peephole has lenses in an amount of up to 15 pieces. The required amount depends directly on the case. But there is also individual factors that pay attention in the selection process:
  1. Angle for viewing. Often this indicator should correspond to the area that is viewed with the help of a peephole. In this way, maximum efficiency and safety are obtained. In addition, with the help of a lens, the face of the one who is standing outside the door is clearly visible;
  2. As for preference optimal indicator, then it is 180 degrees for viewing. Some manufacturers, in order to remove small flaws that have a 180 degree peephole, made it 200 degrees. But there are not so many such models at present, so the optimal angle for viewing the entire area is still 180 degrees.
  • An essential factor when choosing a peephole for a door leaf is determining the width of the sash. If we consider standard indicators, then there are three common options:
  1. Standard type construction. This type is used for door leaf with standard thickness;
  2. Extended version. The thickness is more than the prescribed standard;
  3. Long option. Such a peephole is installed if the door leaf has a thickness of more than 10 centimeters.
  • Devices with standard parameters. Such types are used for canvas made of solid or metal. As for the adjustment, it is made using a special thread that each eyelet has as standard.

Attention! If the door leaf is subsequently insulated, then the length of such an eye will be small.

  • It is not enough to fix the equipment correctly, you also need to take into account the width and diameter that the structure has. And all due to the fact that if the diameter and design do not match in terms of parameters, then the visibility will be greatly distorted.
  • The material that is used in the manufacturing process becomes decisive in the installation and selection process. If you choose the wrong material for production, the design will not work for a long time. Two main types of material for production are most often used: plastic or metal. As for the metal, it is, of course, durable and is not affected external factors. If you pay attention to plastic, then over time it lends itself to deformation or cracking. The material is destroyed and this can happen due to temperature changes;
  • The materials from which viewing lenses are made also play a significant role in the full functioning of all equipment as a whole. Of course, the quality of such material also affects the cost of the peephole in its complete set. If we consider the materials that are used for such purposes, then the following are distinguished: plastic, ordinary glass or optics, which is also used in the production of glasses.
Peephole made of plastic material

How to choose a peephole? Main varieties and models

  • Panoramic option. The first aspect by which this option is distinguished from the rest is that the device is equipped with two lenses. With this design, the lens has the ability to receive a large number of light fluxes, and then a panoramic image is supplied. To view the image, it is not necessary to be opposite the eye or close to it;

Panoramic view
  • Bulletproof peephole. The functional actions of the device are clear, based on the name. That is, they can assemble such a design for those canvases that need additional protection. Such a peephole is installed in order to obtain the highest degree of security;
  • Hidden type. More often, this option is disguised as nails that are in finishing material canvases. Often this option is a kind of micro-type camera. That is, a reader is outside, and a recorder is on the inside;
  • View used for double door leaf. With the help of this type, they look through the site without opening the inner door. At the heart of the design has two main parts;
  • Periscopic peephole. This equipment option has a lens, as well as an eyepiece at different levels. More often, the use of such a device occurs in a room where there are small children due to the fact that it is possible to place parts of the equipment at a level convenient for viewing.

periscope type

Door peephole installation

To install such protective equipment, you do not need to have any special skills. If a peephole is already installed in the door and it should be replaced, then initially deal with the question: how can I remove the old peephole from the door? It's simple - the structure is removed from the hole. If there is no hole, then it is pre-drilled in the canvas.

  • Before drilling a hole, choose a place where the device will be located. Make a mark at this place with construction tape;
  • After that, on one and the second side, make holes of the required diameter;
  • On the outside, place the tip on which the lens is located, and on the inside, the “registrar” is mounted.

Positive and negative qualities that a peephole has

  • With the help of equipment of this type, without opening the door leaf, a platform is visible, which is located behind the closed door;
  • A wide range of devices, with the help of which any individual option is selected.

If we consider all of the above, then we can say that the peephole was and is a universal device, with the help of which additional security of the premises is carried out. WITH detailed overview check out our video.

door peepholes

requirements for doors

A simple peephole device allows you to see the space of the landing without opening the front door. And, although the front door itself is able to protect the house from uninvited guests, it is always good to see who is standing outside the door and knocking on your house.

That is why the door peephole should give a clear and most complete image of objects located at a distance of 0.5 to 5.0 meters in front of the door in conditions of medium and bright illumination. Today, there are special door peepholes that can provide a view of the space even through double doors.

There are also models (the so-called secret eyes) that make it possible to guarantee stealth for observation. In addition, periscope eyes and bulletproof eyes are currently being produced, which guarantee the protection of the owners of the house during observation. Often door peepholes duplicate television surveillance systems, which also increases the overall protection of the house.

At the same time, it is very important to right choice door peephole. But first, let's figure out what the peephole device, which is familiar to us, is.

Door peephole device

Although the design of door eyes can be very diverse, but general device, as the experience of recent decades shows, is approximately always the same. So, all door eyes consist of an eyepiece (a lens facing the eye of the observer) and an objective (a lens facing the observed object).

In this case, the device of the door eye implies that other lenses can be placed between the lens and the eyepiece. The mechanical design of most of the eyes includes the presence of an outer nut body and an inner nut. It has been observed that the total number of lenses in the eyes ranges from 2 to 15 pieces.

Mirror systems are used in door eyes for special purposes (such as periscope eyes). The most common peephole device today is the design of the optical system, which consists of four lenses, which allow for a viewing angle of approximately 180 without significant image distortion.

Also, the device of almost any door peephole today includes the so-called dampers. Without this component, only the cheapest products of this class of goods are currently produced. The role of the damper is quite large: it does not let light in from the apartment and allows the owner of the apartment to secretly approach the peephole and, without revealing himself, monitor the site.

The main requirements for the damper design are that it should close the peephole, open and close silently and easily, and during its movement, due to the absence of sharp corners, it should not come into contact with the door or its upholstery.

Door peephole selection

When choosing a door peephole, it is better to immediately find out which viewing angle of the peephole suits you the most. You also need to immediately determine the diameter of the eye. If, for example, the diameter of the hole in the door of your house is larger than the purchased peephole, then there will be only one way out - to return to the store and change the peephole to a model with a larger diameter.

Since the main characteristic of the peephole is the viewing angle, then, of course, the larger it is, the better. The largest viewing angle is 180°: with such an eyepiece, even the rug lying under the door is clearly visible. The smallest angle of inclination is considered to be an angle of about 120 °.

In addition to the required viewing angle and eye diameter, at the stage of choosing a model, you need to decide on the thickness of the door: this indicator is also very important. For ordinary doors, the thickness, as a rule, varies from 35 to 60 mm, for good, reinforced doors, it can be up to 85 mm.

Based on these parameters, the "trunks" of door eyes can be very different in length and very different in diameter, so that you can choose a peephole for any door. In addition, the peephole device includes a thread that regulates the length of the model. According to this parameter, all eyes can be divided into three main groups: standard eyes for doors with a thickness of 30–55 mm, elongated eyes for doors with a thickness of 55–100 mm, and extra-long eyes for doors with a thickness of more than 100 mm.

According to its material of manufacture, the optics of the door eye can be plastic or glass. It is believed that glass models are more durable, as glass is less scratched. The "body" of the peephole is usually made of metal or plastic. Therefore, when choosing a peephole, pay attention to the material from which the model is made, as this affects the quality of the device and its price. Experts note that glass and metal eyes are the most reliable, but at the same time the most expensive.

The appearance of the product also depends on the quality and type of coating of the peephole to a greater extent: it is necessary that it harmoniously fit into the overall design of the front door. At the same time, it was noticed that often a peephole made of ferrous metal with a coating looks better than a door peephole made of non-ferrous metal, but without a coating. It should also be noted that door eyes made of brass with imitation of gold can darken over time, and eyes made of steel with chrome and titanium coating are practically not subject to scratches and do not darken.

Let your choice of door eyes, taking into account our advice, be the right one.


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A peephole is a simple and popular device that provides the ability to identify a visitor. If it is present, there is no need to open the door to the visitor, only to identify him, which is much safer. A wide variety of these devices allows you to find the best option both in terms of functionality and cost.

Door peephole: device

Like any optical device, it consists of an eyepiece and a lens placed in a housing - plastic or metal. To obtain an enlarged image, a special lens is installed in the device - "fisheye". And for full-fledged light transmission, lenses are placed in the body - from 2 to 15 pcs. The number of the latter is determined by the length of the hull.

Since the door leaf can vary greatly in thickness, the eyes are also available in different lengths.

  • 30–55 mm is the standard body length for a regular door.
  • 55–100 mm - as a rule, doors with cladding or decorated with volumetric details need models with this length.
  • 100 mm and above - extra long, for reinforced structures. Obviously, in this case, the number of lenses will be maximum.

Case diameter ranges from 13 to 16 mm and depends on the viewing angle provided by the device. The optimal angle is 180 degrees, as it allows you to see not only the face of the visitor, but also a fairly large part of the site.

Lenses can be made of glass or plastic. The latter material is very affordable, but it has a lower light transmission index and is short-lived - it loses transparency after about 3 years of operation. Glass, especially used for the manufacture of eyeglasses, is characterized by much greater strength and durability. The image obtained through a glass optical system is much higher in quality.

The material and features of the device affect the cost of the product. The most durable and expensive are the eyes made of glass and metal - in some cases, an additional insert of armor-piercing glass is used to increase security. But such a device is hardly worth mounting on an MDF door in an office. At the same time, a fairly cheap plastic peephole in a metal door of the 3rd security class will turn into a weak link, reducing the performance of the entire door unit.

The main types of door eyes

  • Classic - the lens and the eyepiece are on the same line. This is the most common and most affordable option, since its device does not require any additional solutions. It is selected depending on the thickness of the door and the desired viewing angle. Recommended maximum - 180-200 degrees, in order to be able to see the entire landing. In the photo - a sample of a classic door peephole.

  • Periscopic - consists of one external fragment - the lens, and two internal - eyepieces. It is more difficult to install the design, since the image is transmitted to the second eyepiece using a system of mirror lenses. Settled in cases where the family has a child who is not able to use the standard device. The first eyepiece is mounted at the level of the eyes of an adult, and the second - for a child.
  • Secret - a device in which the lens is not located on the door leaf, but on the ends of the door and is disguised.

  • Panoramic is the most difficult device to install, as it has a large body diameter and a large eyepiece. It is designed with transmitting lenses for the right and left eyes, which provides a very wide viewing angle.
  • A peephole with a video camera - along with the actual optical device, a small camera is mounted to monitor visitors and record.

Mounting the device in a metal door

The process technology is the same for any type of door leaf - metal, solid wood or veneered. The difference lies in the duration of the procedure, since drilling wood requires less effort than working with metal, and it is more difficult to install the device in a metal sash. Since the metal door is characterized by a large thickness, and, as a rule, is finished with decorative materials, when choosing, you should pay attention to the length of the body.

  1. The installation location is marked - at eye level or in the upper quarter of the sash.
  2. At the level of the mark, masking or some other adhesive tape is glued in order not to damage the finish during operation.
  3. The body diameter is measured - for a part with an internal thread, a drill with a diameter larger by 0.3-0.5 mm is selected. It is recommended to use screw.
  4. A hole of the required diameter is drilled, but in such a way that the end of the drill does not go through, but only forms a mark on the outside of the web. Then drilling continues from the outside. In this way, chipping of veneer or MDF cladding can be avoided.
  5. From the outside, you should install an objective with an external thread, and from the inside - an eyepiece. The device is screwed by hand. For a tight connection, a screwdriver is used - it is fixed into the slots on the eyepiece frame, and the peephole is easily screwed up to the stop.

The video shows the process of installing a door peephole in more detail.

Door peephole - a device with which, without opening the front door, you can visually control the space directly behind the door. It is usually placed on the front doors in private and public buildings. The peephole should provide a very clear image of all objects (subject to bright and medium illumination) at a distance of 0.5 to 5.0 meters. Special door peepholes can guarantee: viewing space through double doors (peepholes for double doors), covert observation ("secret peephole"), as well as a kind of protection for the observer (peepholes-periscopes and bulletproof peepholes). Door eyes often duplicate electronic video surveillance systems.

Door peephole device

The designs of door eyes are very different, but almost all eyes have an eyepiece (a lens facing the eye of the observer), as well as a lens (a lens that is turned to the observed object). Between them, other lenses can be located in an amount from 2 to 15.

The most common is a four-lens optical system design that provides a 180-200° field of view without significant image distortion. The device of a standard door peephole is shown in Fig. 1
In addition to the optical part, the mechanism of most of the eyes includes: a body, outer and inner nuts. In addition, each eye has a thread that regulates the length.

Fig.1. Standard peephole device

The main parameters of the door eyes

1. Door thickness.

The main parameter of door eyes is the thickness of the door. According to this parameter, door eyes are divided into three main groups:
- standard eyes (with a door thickness of 30-55 mm);
- elongated eyes (with a door thickness of 55-100 mm);
- extra-long eyes (with a door thickness of more than 100 mm).

The bulk of the door eyes produced are "standard". These eyes can be installed on modern standard wooden doors and on metal doors, the thickness of which does not exceed 60 mm. When choosing an "extended" or "extra long" door peephole, remember that these peepholes must have different optical characteristics than the "standard" peepholes. This is not always followed. Some manufacturers produce "elongated" eyes, completing the "standard" eye with an elongated rear nut without changing the optical design.

Installing a peephole with this configuration on a thick door leads to a sharp decrease in the viewing angle. When choosing a peephole, you should check it for a viewing angle by unscrewing the inner nut of the peephole as much as possible, i.e. by maximizing the “door thickness” parameter. If the doors are finished with various hard and soft materials, then the length of the "standard" eyes may not be sufficient. In this case, it is necessary to install "elongated" or "extra-long" door eyes.

Fig.2. Incorrect use of a standard peephole using an adapter for thick doors.

2. Eye diameter.

The diameter of the eye is also of great importance. If you have already installed a peephole with a wide diameter, then replacing it with a model with a narrower one will be very problematic. Structurally, the eyes of increased aperture have lenses of a larger diameter than those of eyes with a smaller aperture and, accordingly, a slightly larger body diameter. Therefore, as a rule, eyes of a larger diameter have a greater aperture ratio. Increasing the luminosity of the peephole makes it possible not only to see well in low light, but also allows the observer to look through the peephole, being at some distance from it (up to 5 - 7 cm). Those. it is not necessary to put the eye close to the eyepiece of the peephole. At the same time, a large viewing angle is maintained.

Therefore, it must be remembered that with a door thickness of more than 55 mm. the use of "standard" eyes leads to a sharp reduction in the field of view. In this case, it is necessary to use door eyes of increased luminosity, i.e. larger diameter.

3. Viewing angle of the door peephole.

An angle of 180 degrees is the most common viewing angle for peepholes. Such a large viewing angle is obtained due to the forward focus of the lens. This guarantees a full view of the space behind the door. It must be taken into account that at the edges of the field of view in the door eyes, one can often observe some kind of image distortion. That is why most of the wide-angle eyes are made with an overestimated viewing angle - 200 degrees, this gives a reduction in distortion in the working sector - 180 degrees.

When choosing an elongated or extra long peephole, remember that such peepholes should have slightly different optical characteristics than the "standard" ones. However, this requirement is often not met. Such “elongated” eyes are “produced” as follows - in them, the usual standard eye is equipped with an elongated rear nut, without changing the optical design. Installing such a peephole on a thick door dramatically reduces the viewing angle. When choosing a door peephole, you first need to check it for a viewing angle, for which the inner nut is unscrewed at the peephole as much as possible (i.e., by maximizing the "door thickness" parameter itself).

4. Material of manufacture.

The materials used in the production of peepholes largely determine the selling price of the peephole.

Optics for the door eye is divided into glass and plastic.
In turn, glass optics are made of optical, "spectacle" and ordinary glass. If the characteristics of optical and "spectacle" glass differ little, then lenses made from ordinary glass are more fragile.

Plastic optics are a cheap option for optics. It is made by injection molding of transparent plastics. Plastic lenses have a number of significant disadvantages: they are prone to scratches; due to electrification and the formation of static electricity, they attract dust and, finally, most plastics change their shape over time and turn yellow, losing transparency. In practice, in the second or third year of operation of door eyes with plastic optics, visibility in these eyes deteriorates.

Mirror coating The lens of the door peephole lens acts as a damper and, in the presence of sputtering, the door damper may not be installed.
However, if there is a light source inside the apartment opposite the door peephole, then it will be viewed from the outside in the form of a luminous point. Those. in this case, mirror coating does not fully perform the functions of a damper.

The second disadvantage of mirror coating is the lower aperture ratio of the “mirror” eyes, because. part of the luminous flux is reflected by a mirror coating.
However, "mirror" peepholes are in steady demand due to ease of use (no need to open and close the damper) and better appearance.

Increase luminosity The door peephole makes it possible not only to see well in low light, but also allows the observer to look through the peephole, being at some distance from it (up to 5-7 cm). Those. it is not necessary to put the eye close to the eyepiece of the peephole. At the same time, a large viewing angle is maintained.
Structurally, the eyes of increased luminosity have lenses of a larger diameter than those of ordinary eyes and, accordingly, a slightly larger diameter of the body of the eye itself.

Fig.3. Using a high-aperture peephole for thick doors.

Extraction protection door peephole from the outside, most of the manufactured peepholes are provided. It is absent only on some cheap eyes. The constructive solution of such protection can be the most diverse, but the most effective is the installation of various clamps on outer eye nut.

The material of the mechanical parts of the peephole is divided into plastic and metal. Plastic parts are used in cheap, mass-produced peepholes.
Over time, they can warp due to the release of internal residual stresses. In turn, metal eyes differ from each other in the type of metal, processing method and type of coating. The cheapest are silumin cast door eyes, in which, as a rule, only the front nut is covered with paint. Machined eyes have better appearance and higher cost. With the same type of outer coating, non-ferrous metal eyes are more expensive than black metal eyes.

The appearance of the eye largely depends on the type and quality of the coating. And very often, a coated ferrous metal eye looks better than an uncoated non-ferrous metal eye. So, door eyes made of brass “gold-like” darken over time, and door eyes made of steel, coated with chromium and then titanium nitride (also “gold-like”) do not darken and are practically not subject to scratches.

5. Damper mechanism.

To date, almost all door eyes are equipped with shutters. Without it, only very inexpensive products are produced.
The shutter will not allow light to pass from the apartment and will give the observer the opportunity to secretly approach the peephole and conduct observation.
The main requirements for the design of the damper. She must:
— easy and quiet to open and close;
- tightly close the eyepiece hole;
- do not have sharp corners;
- Do not touch the door or door trim while driving.

The latter requirement is often not provided in the design of modern peepholes and leads to difficulties in rotating the damper, damage to the surface of the doors, cuts in the soft upholstery of the doors and, ultimately, breakage of the damper.

By the way, if you bought an entrance door, and the presence of a peephole is indicated in the package, this does not mean at all that it has already been installed. They are not always inserted in advance. Why? It’s very simple: so that you don’t have to stand on a stool every time or bend in three deaths, the installation location of the peephole is already determined directly during the installation of the door

Door eyes for special purposes.

bulletproof door eyes provide protection for the observer from short-barreled rifled weapons. These eyes are tested for protection against the following types of weapons: Nagant, TT, Makarov.

Observer protection is also provided periscope eyes, which are made on the principle of a submarine periscope and in which the eyepiece and objective are not coaxial. Therefore, when fired from outside the lens, the bullet passes by the observer's head. Bulletproof eyes and periscope eyes can be installed on armored doors.

Also currently being produced hidden eyes , the design of which was developed in the middle of the last century by special services different countries for covert surveillance. The design of these eyes is very different, but common feature is a wide field of view and a very small diameter (from 0.5 to 0.8 mm) of the outer (objective) lens. The body of the peephole is usually pencil-shaped and is located in the wall (or in the door). At the tip of the "pencil" is a lens that looks out and at the level outer surface camouflaged in wallpaper pattern. On the surface of wooden doors, the lens is disguised as a nail head with a diameter of about 1 mm. In this case, as a rule, real nails with similar heads are stuffed nearby.

Eyelets for double doors are intended for observation through two doors at once (inner and outer), moreover, an ordinary peephole is installed on the outer door, and opposite it, an optical unit with an eyepiece is installed on the inner door. The "optical block + peephole" system provides viewing of space behind outer door without opening the inner door.

Door eyes of large diameter up to 50 mm are also in demand. (“Panoramic door device”), in which frosted glass is used instead of an eyepiece. On this glass, as on a screen, the image is focused, which makes it possible to observe from a distance, without coming close to the door. In principle, the image can be seen even from 4 meters. You can install such a peephole in any door (up to 60 mm thick.)

video eyes

Video peephole is a special category of remote video surveillance devices, often classified as a subspecies of hidden cameras. However, the video peephole differs significantly from traditional video cameras both in terms of purpose and technical characteristics.
The video peephole is optimal for installation in residential buildings of any type - in suburban and especially apartment buildings. The fact is that modern models video eyes are ideally “sharpened” for observation in the limited space of narrow landings and flights: the optics are designed for maximum area coverage, and additional IR illumination provides excellent visibility even in poor lighting conditions. The source of illumination for known reasons should be masked as much as possible.
Video eyes can be installed in doors of any type - wooden and metal, solid and hollow - which makes these devices one-stop solution for video surveillance.

Design features of video eyes

The principle of operation of the video eye is simple - a miniature camera built into the door panel transmits a video image (black and white or color) to a remote monitor, in real time or on demand.

In respect of design features video peepholes, the system of the video camera itself becomes a fundamental point - the compact size and the specifics of the area being viewed require special technical solutions to ensure high-quality images. Modern video eyes are developed on the basis of afocal (telescopic) optical attachments, combined with wide-angle lenses, with the ability to transfer the image plane. In fact, these nozzles make it possible to create a video peephole from a conventional mini-camera (CCD): they significantly expand the viewing angle of the device without loss of image resolution, which provides a free view of the area near the front door. Thus, a video peephole allows you to see much more than a regular door peephole. To date, the most common video eyes with viewing angles of 160-180 degrees and 120-90 degrees. There are also devices with an angle of 67-90 degrees.

The viewing angle is perhaps the most significant characteristic when choosing a video peephole: this indicator is determined taking into account the location of the door and the size of the observed space. So, the maximum viewing angle is relevant for installation on side doors, and for end doors, devices with an angle of no more than 120 degrees are preferable.

Another important indicator is the sensitivity of the video eye, which determines the device's ability to "see" in poor lighting conditions. This characteristic is designated "Lux" and directly depends on the parameters of the camera matrix and lens. To organize a review of darkened areas, video eyes with a minimum Lux indicator are recommended.

According to the method of installation, case and frameless video eyes are distinguished. Devices of the first type are somewhat more expensive, but more durable, and frameless video eyes are much cheaper and easier to install.

The observation scheme can be organized in two ways:

- image signals are transmitted over a radio channel in the decimeter (UHF) wave range at frequencies of 38-42 TV channels, a television signal transmitter is used to convert the video signal into a radio frequency TV signal:

- transmission of image signals via cable to the low-frequency input of a TV or monitor:

Rice. 5. Image transmission over wires

Television door eyes have a different design and are designed for installation on doors various types. Placing a video peephole on a metal door is similar to installing a conventional door peephole.

In addition to the video eye, you can install a hidden video camera. On a metal or wooden door, a hidden television video camera is installed as shown in fig. V.

Some door peepholes use an electronic shutter to provide a high-quality image of fast moving objects, and the VG-3 video peephole is designed to connect directly to a television signal transmitter, unlike others that are connected to a monitor or TV via a television cable.

Fig.6. Installation of a video eye (a, 6) and a hidden television camera (c)

Another very useful feature: automatic selective video recording of suspicious events occurring in front of the front door (ICD zone) is provided. And even if you are not at home, the person who got into the ICD zone will be recorded. Moreover, a video fragment will record "pictures" from the remaining three video cameras, plus the date and time of the events. All elements are mounted in such a way that they are not visible from the outside (C, Mic, AD) or very little visible (IKP, ICD).

Afocal optical attachments on the camera lens provide observation in angles of view up to 180? horizontally, and in appearance they are almost identical to ordinary door eyes. With the help of such attachments, almost any open-frame or small-sized body camera with a built-in lens can be turned into a video peephole. Two groups of video eyes were practically defined - large (160? -180?) and medium (120? - 90?) viewing angles. In accordance with this, a combination of a television camera lens and an optical attachment is selected.

Along with afocal optical attachments, specialized elongated wide-angle lenses with image plane transfer have gained some popularity. Such lenses allow you to install a video peephole in the existing hole of a typical peephole with a minimum amount of structural modifications to the door. In this case, the camera is entirely located outside the door. Such an optical system, with satisfactory image quality, has a high cost, often much higher than the cost of a television camera. With a handicraft implementation, it has a limited field of view and a significant loss of resolution, especially at the edges of the image.

The image quality of a typical mid-range video peephole significantly exceeds the image quality through a conventional peephole. This is especially noticeable when using a monitor or TV with a diagonal of more than 10 cm (9”) for monitoring. At the same time, there are consumers who, along with video surveillance, want to maintain the possibility of visual surveillance. Since the two peepholes on the door look unnatural, in this case it is advisable to install a hidden camera with a lens. Such cameras are currently widely used in the intercom panels of video intercoms. Russian production. Many cameras simply have a single-lens lens with an aperture stop. The typical angle of view of such a lens does not exceed 74?. The angle of view is close to 90? requires replacing the lens with a more advanced, and therefore more expensive one. Large angles are practically unattainable. Naturally, such a camera is inferior to the video eye both in terms of angle of view and sensitivity, and with the simplest lens and in resolution, especially at the edges of the image.

Another option for solving the problem is to use a complex optical system with a beam splitter in the path. In this case, part of the light flux coming for visual observation is branched off through a dividing prism to the TV camera. Due to the complexity and extremely high cost similar devices exist as single samples and have not found wide application.

When choosing the angle of view, you have to consider the location of the door. If the door is located on the side wall of the corridor, it is advisable to use a video peephole with a maximum viewing angle. In this case, the space will be clearly visible on both sides along the corridor, including the walls adjacent to the door. The width of the corridor will naturally limit the required observation range to 1.5-2 m, which is quite real for wide-angle video eyes. On the other hand, for the video eye of the door at the end of the corridor, an angle of view of no more than 1200 is preferable, which allows you to effectively observe at a distance of more than 3 m.

All the variety of currently offered video eyes can be divided into several groups that differ technical parameters and cost. The most common models are characterized by the use of CCD cameras with a built-in f = 6 or 3.6 mm lens and an afocal attachment. Combinations of various lenses and attachments allow for horizontal/vertical viewing angles of 90? /67?, 120? / 90? or 170? /120?.

1. Ultra-miniature low-cost video peephole based on a frameless camera using CMOS technology

— Resolution 240-300 TVL
- Sensitivity 1lux
- Internal electronic shutter 1/50-1/2000 or 1/6000
- Power consumption no more than 20mA / 7-16V

- low cost;
- small size (practically does not exceed the dimensions of the nozzle);
— profitability

- mediocre image quality (low resolution);
- Insufficient light compensation range.

2. Video peephole of average quality

Optimal image quality, low light performance. Possibility of effective use of IK-illumination.

- Resolution 380-420 TVL
- Sensitivity 0.5-0.1 lux
- Angle of view horizontal / vertical 90/67, 120/90 or 170/120

- Power consumption is not more than 150mA / 12V

Depending on the design of the camera, there are at least three main options for the video eye:

2.1. A variant with a frameless monoboard camera.

On fig. 1 shows installation in a hollow metal door.

- low cost;
- short length, allowing you to mount a video peephole in a standard door without protruding elements.

- the need for a rather large hole in the door due to
- transverse dimensions of the camera (from 44x44 mm to 28x28 mm).

2.2. Option with case monoboard camera.

On fig. 2 shows installation in a solid wood door.


good protection from possible damage during installation;
- acceptable thermal insulation when installed in street doors.

- somewhat large size and cost.

2.3. Option with a cylindrical camera. "Video-eye quick installation

On fig. 3 shows the fastening of a video eye in a solid wooden door using an external nut.

in fig. 4 shows the fastening of a video peephole into a metal hollow door using a cover with thrust rings

- ease and speed of installation

- as a result of the large length of the camera, its rear part protrudes from the door;
- even greater cost due to the more complex design of the chamber and nozzle.

3. High quality video peephole

Good image quality, performance in low light. IR illumination is very effective.

It is advisable to use high quality optics.

— Resolution 450-600 TVL
- Sensitivity 0.05-0.01lux
— Internal electronic shutter 1/50-1/100000
- Power consumption is not more than 200mA / 12V

Depending on the design of the camera, the video peephole can also be made in a frameless or in various cased versions described above.

- image quality allows for observation at the maximum range in the maximum angles of view.

- high price.

4. Video peephole color image

— Resolution 330-400 TVL
- Sensitivity 1.0-5.0 lux
— Internal electronic shutter 1/50-1/100000
- Power consumption is not more than 300mA / 12V


- increased information content of the color image.

- relatively low sensitivity;
- the inability to use IR illumination;
- high price.

Video eyes based on CMOS technology cameras, despite their low cost, have not yet found wide application. This is primarily due to their insufficient resolution. Therefore, CMOS cameras are now mainly used where size and economy are critical.

Medium quality video eyes have gained maximum distribution and popularity. They are characterized by an optimal price / quality ratio.

Moreover, the frameless version is remarkable as the cheapest one, while maintaining sufficiently high technical characteristics.

Case monoboard is preferred for single metal, wooden and of course street doors. In the latter case, the body performs the functions of additional thermal insulation. The essential advantage of these video eyes is their small thickness, due to which they can be completely built into the door.

Due to the integrity of the design, simplicity and ease of installation, video eyes of quick installation are the most popular. It is interesting that their popularity is maximum both among amateurs who are going to install the product on their own, and among professional installers who value their time and labor costs.

High-quality video eyes and color images can now be considered mainly as technical exotics, except in cases where color is a decisive informational quality. The minimum need for them is due primarily to their high cost.

Many models of cameras used in video eyes have modifications with a one-way audio channel (active microphone). It would seem that such a combination can allow you to control the situation in front of the front door by ear, and, if the acoustic situation is satisfactory, in the entire entrance. However, the built-in microphones of body cameras have a relatively low sensitivity, and most importantly, they are located in the camera body behind an extremely small hole, usually on the order of 1 mm. In the case of a video peephole, this hole is located far enough from the front surface of the door. The forced use of a sound guide further reduces the sensitivity of the microphone, significantly impairs speech intelligibility as a result of uncontrolled distortion of the frequency response. These shortcomings are even more inherent in cylindrical television cameras, where the microphone hole is located on the side surface of the body cylinder.

Satisfactory results can be obtained with an external electret microphone of a frameless camera. In this case, the microphone must be well isolated from vibration. structural elements doors, and in the case of a hollow metal door - and soundproofed from the internal volume. Otherwise, a high level of technogenic and anthropogenic noises of the building penetrating through the resonating door structures is inevitable. When you set a high volume on a video monitor located in the hallway, the system is prone to self-excitation.

Significantly better results can be obtained using a separate active microphone mounted on a solid wall in an area with a minimum reverberation component.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the video peephole, as a purely Russian product, takes into account our national specifics. It is simple, relatively cheap and affordable, but at the same time very effective tool covert round-the-clock television surveillance for apartments and private houses. Due to its simplicity, a system with a video eye does not require maintenance and operational management, at the same time, in comparison with a video intercom, it has significantly higher video path characteristics. Moreover, with the unconditional need for two-way intercom, the video peephole can be easily used as a video channel in the video intercom system.