Mixer      06/14/2019

Phlox terry cultivation from seeds. Perennial phloxes from seeds: cultivation. What kind of soil is needed for growing phlox seedlings

Growing perennial phlox from seeds: a detailed action plan

Seed phloxes are unpretentious and versatile plants, they are used in landscape design. Flowers are different colors. Perennial species, living up to 60 years, predominate. There is an annual plant - Phlox Drumonda. To grow a lush flower garden, learn about the features of care.

Reproduction and sowing

Source: Depositphotos

Growing perennial phlox from seeds

Annual plants reproduce only by seeds. A perennial phlox- 3 ways:

  • with the help of seeds: sowing in spring, autumn and early winter;
  • by dividing the root system: planted in the spring, used to rejuvenate the plant;
  • with the help of cuttings: strong young shoots are selected, planted in the soil, covered with a jar, watered and waiting for development.
  • Sowing immediately on the site is carried out in late spring. If there is snow, the territory is cleared and sown on the surface of frozen soil every 5 cm, 2 cm of earth is covered and covered with a cover of snow. 70% of planted plants germinate in spring. The appearance of 2 leaves signals the need to transplant at a greater distance - 20 cm between crops.

    In spring sowing, 4 seeds are immersed in each recess, covered with soil, watered and covered with a film until the first sprouts. After 2 weeks after germination, fertilize with nitrophoska.

    For seedlings use boxes or peat pots. The seeds are laid on the surface. Cover with foil on top. Comfort temperature- from +10 to +18 °С. Refresh with a spray bottle. Peat gives strength to plants and increases decorativeness.

    Planting from seed and care

    Sow seeds every season. Planting time sets the cultivation method. Standard phlox growing plan:

  1. In February, seeds are planted in containers.
  2. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, seedlings are picked.
  3. In early May, seedlings are taken outside for hardening.
  4. In May-June, seedlings are transferred to open ground.
  5. In July, pinch the stem over 5 leaves.
  6. Fertilize from May to September.
  7. In October, phloxes are cut and the soil is enriched with peat.

After planting seedlings, the soil is constantly loosened and watered for 2 weeks every 3 days. Between the rows lay grass from weeds and to retain moisture. For regular and rich flowering, faded buds are removed.

In May, once every 3 years, the plant is taken out and the root system is divided. For the winter, perennials are covered with peat. In winter, with a layer of snow of more than 50 cm, the plants are not covered. Flowers suffer from his absence.

From pests for preventive purposes, insecticides are used.

At proper fit and proper care, phloxes will delight with rich colors.

Phlox is a bright and unpretentious perennial culture that will fit perfectly into any garden design. Not only the colors of phlox flowers are varied, but also the height of these plants. There are tall crops, as well as ground covers. Thus, they can be combined and successfully combined in flower beds and flower beds.

This unpretentious culture is not demanding on the composition of the soil, light, weather conditions, and also winters excellently even in the most frosty winter.

Small star-shaped or wheel-shaped flowers form corymbose large inflorescences. The colors are varied: white, pink, purple, blue, and also multi-colored.

Crop Height depends on the variety. So, the paniculate grows up to 100 cm, and the styloid - only up to 15 cm. Flowering differs in duration, the timing depends on the type and variety of the crop. They usually bloom during the summer season, and some until October.

Planting and growing does not require special skills and knowledge. In addition, phloxes grow on almost any soil.
It is better to plant them from mid-spring to the end of May. Landing is also allowed at the end of August.

Site selection and soil preparation

In the place where the phlox is to be planted, it should be low level ground water, since plants do not welcome stagnant moisture. Accordingly, it is desirable to choose hills, elevated areas.
Phlox loves the light, but the best option there will be a landing in a small penumbra.

Bright sun and strong shade are contraindicated for phlox. At the same time, in the shade of shrubs and large trees growing phlox is not recommended, as their horses will take nutrients from the soil.

The ideal place for planting phlox is in partial shade

You should not choose the northern areas and too windy. Winds are especially unfavorable in winter time of the year.

The soil must be neutral or slightly acidic. If the site has increased soil acidity, then it is recommended to add lime to the soil to neutralize it.

Sand is added to heavy soil, and peat is added to sandy soil. If the soil is fertile, then this does not mean that phloxes will grow better and bloom profusely. On the contrary, on poor soil, phloxes bloom much more intensively.

Planting process

Planting process perennial crops slightly different from planting annuals. The distance between seedlings should be somewhat greater, as the plants grow strongly.

  1. Seeds are sown at a distance from each other 40-70 cm depending on the height of the culture. You can sow the seeds often, but then plant them at a specified distance from each other;
  2. soil needed mulch after planting with sawdust, peat, humus;
  3. Planting depth should be less than 15 cm for spring planting and about 25 cm for autumn planting;
  4. If the seeds are sown in the fall, then the crops must be covered for the winter.

Seedlings before planting in the ground

Some flower growers believe that sowing seeds is best done in late autumn - early winter.

If the seedlings were grown at home, then plant the seedlings in the ground after the formation of at least 4 leaves. The distance between seedlings should be more than 20 cm.


Phlox is considered an unpretentious culture. The process of caring for a plant is not difficult and even a beginner in floriculture can cope with it.

Autumn care basics

Before winter comes planting will be required soil, manure or humus. The layer thickness should be within 10 cm. This will prevent the kidneys from freezing in winter. This is especially important for newly planted cuttings.

After flowering, it is desirable to treat the plants with fungicides as preventive measure fungal diseases.

If the seeds have ripened on the flowers, but have not yet ripened before the start of winter, then the phloxes can be dug up and transferred to the room by planting them in a pot.

At the end of flowering remove wilted flower stalks. In addition, you can divide the bush in order to rejuvenate the culture and transplant plants.

There are also basic rules:

  • Watering is necessary only in early autumn in dry weather. Watering is best done in the evening. Then the plant does not need watering. For irrigation, it is important to use warm water;
  • Phloxes can grow equally well in the sun and in partial shade;
  • Fertilizers are applied after planting phlox, as well as during the formation of buds. Used as supplements mineral fertilizers, ash.

Phloxes are very good at top dressing from mullein infusion and bird droppings.


Phloxes can grow in one place up to 15 years, but it is advisable to transplant them. at least once every 7 years. You can transplant at any time of the year, but it is best in the fall after flowering is complete.

How to transplant:

  1. Phlox is dug out of the ground;
  2. The root system is cleaned from the ground;
  3. The bush is divided into parts, while two stems should remain in each part;
  4. Planted in a new area at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other.

It is better to make a transplant in the evening.

Reproduction methods

Propagated by the following methods:

  • seed;
  • The division of the bush;
  • Green cuttings;
  • Autumn cuttings.


  1. Sowing seeds is carried out before winter;
  2. seeds can be sown directly in open ground;
  3. If seeds are sown in winter, then monthly stratification is necessary. For this, crops are kept in the cold;
  4. Shoots are thinned out and seated after the appearance of 4 or more leaves.

By dividing the bush

  1. The plant is removed from the soil;
  2. The bush is cut into pieces. Each section must have at least 2 kidneys;
  3. The resulting plants are planted in pre-prepared soil.

Green cuttings

  1. In late spring, cut off the tops of shoots with 2 or more buds;
  2. For an hour, immerse the cutting in a container of water;
  3. Cut off the lower leaves, and shorten the upper ones by ½;
  4. The cutting should be about 10 cm long;
  5. Plant the stalk in open ground, where there is no excess sunlight. You can cover the seedlings with damp paper.

reproduction autumn cuttings carried out in the same way as in summer. Only the harvesting of cuttings is carried out at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease is powdery mildew. It appears in the form white plaque on leaves and stems.

Main reasons - maintenance in the shade, too dense planting and improper care . To combat the disease, it will be necessary to treat the culture with a solution of soda ash and laundry soap or solution blue vitriol and soap.

Prevention is carried out before winter with the help of Bordeaux mixture and in summer with the help of fungicides.



This is a short variety, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm. The Douglas variety is grown as a groundcover. It blooms twice per season - in early summer for a month and in September. The colors of the flowers are varied: white, pink, purple and blue.

Ice Mountain


These are ground plants no more than 15 cm. Flowers form medium-sized bright inflorescences.

Colors: pink and purple. Flowering early - from May to June. When flowering forms a flower carpet. The view is also called carpet lights.


Another undersized variety. plant height no more than 20 cm. Up to 10 inflorescences can form on one bush, which are shaped like umbrellas.

The shoots are strongly branched. Blooms from late spring for a month. Colors: purple, pink and red.

Thus, perennial phloxes are elegant and unpretentious cultures that can be a wonderful decoration of the garden. Caring for them is not difficult, they are not demanding on the soil. Perennial phlox amaze with a variety of species and varieties.

Phloxes are incredibly beautiful bright flowers that have a strong pleasant aroma. Plants are perennial, so abundant flowering need to take care of favorable conditions cultivation. In the article we will talk about growing perennial phloxes from seeds, we will give recommendations on planting and care.

How to propagate perennial phlox in the garden

Unlike annual phlox, which breed only seed way, perennials propagate in three ways:

  1. Seeds. Phlox is sown in spring, autumn or early winter.
  2. The division of the rhizome. In the spring, the bush is dug up, the rhizome is divided into several parts and young bushes are planted. Most often, this vegetative method is used to rejuvenate a flower when it has been growing in one place for a long time.
  3. cuttings. At the beginning of summer, cuttings are prepared, strong young shoots are selected. They are planted in open ground under a jar, watered abundantly and wait for rooting. With winter sowing, phloxes bloom the next year in the fall.

If the bush has lost its decorative effect, then it is propagated by dividing the bush even in autumn (end of August-mid-September). To update the phlox, the oldest rhizomes are thrown away, and only the lateral parts are seated.

Summer and spring reproduction is more successful than winter.

How to plant phlox seeds

There are two ways to grow a flower from seeds.

Sowing seeds immediately in the flower garden

Seeds are sown at the end of May or in November-December:

  • Winter sowing. If snow has already fallen during the winter sowing, then it is removed, the seeds are sown on top of the frozen soil at a distance of 5 cm from each other, sprinkled with earth with a layer of 2 cm and covered with snow. Germination during sowing in winter is 70%. Sprouts appear in the spring, and when two leaves open, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  • Sowing in spring. Phlox seeds are sown in fertilized moist soil. 4 seeds are placed in the hole. They fall asleep with earth, water and cover with a film until shoots appear. Two weeks after the seeds have descended, the flowers are already fed with slurry or nitrophoska.

Sowing phlox seeds for seedlings

Favorable conditions for growing phlox

The main requirements are put forward to the quality of the soil. The decorative effect and development of phlox depends on the fertility of the soil. Soil requirements in the table.

Soil acidity is determined using litmus paper. Phlox suits the climate middle lane where it is not very hot and rainfall is moderate. For landing, choose a site with a flat terrain, protected from the wind. Phlox is not planted in open sunny places, but shaded areas where the flower is shaded from 11 am to 2 pm are ideal.

When growing seedlings, the following conditions are favorable:

  • humidity above 70%;
  • temperature after seed emergence to 21 ˚С, within two weeks the temperature is lowered to 15 ˚С;
  • a container with seedlings is placed on sunny windowsills, and the film is removed.

Soil preparation for planting phlox

If the soil is not suitable for planting phlox, it is improved:

  • sand and manure are applied to clay soils;
  • clay and lime are added to sandy loams, and peat is also added to sandy ones;
  • poor soils are filled with peat, manure or compost.

Prepare the soil in autumn. Apply up to 8 kg/m. sq. peat or manure acid lands add up to 300 g/m. sq. lime. The soil is plowed to a depth of up to 30 cm. In the spring, the ground is plowed again, harrowed, nitrophoska and potassium salt are added. A week before sowing seeds, the ground is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Phlox planting and care plan

Sow phlox seeds in spring, summer, autumn or winter. It all depends on how you grow. Consider an action plan for growing seedlings and caring for them.

Action Timing
Sowing seeds in pots February
picking When 2-3 true leaves appear
Hardening (seedlings are taken outside for a day) April-beginning of May
Transplanting seedlings in open ground May June
Pinching over the fifth pair of leaves July
Feed 5 times: May-September
1. Liquid manure (100 g of manure per 10 liters of water). The end of May
2. Slurry with potassium salt or superphosphate. The beginning of June
3. Slurry or chicken manure solution. Early July
4. Superphosphate and potassium salt. Beginning of August
5. Use ash, nitrophoska, Beginning of September
Pruning phlox and mulching the soil with peat October November

Phloxes bloom from July to the end of September, they prefer potash-phosphorus fertilizers

How to care for phlox in the garden

While the phlox sprouts are not yet strong after transplanting into open ground, the soil is regularly loosened and the flowers are watered. Freshly planted phloxes are watered every three days for two weeks. The aisles are mulched with mowed grass so that weeds do not germinate and moisture does not leave the soil.

If the summer is dry, up to 2 liters of water is poured under each bush every 2-3 days. In hot weather, the soil is mulched with peat or humus with a layer of 4 cm.

Tip #1 In order for the phlox to bloom profusely, faded inflorescences are always removed.

For abundant flowering, perennials are fed up to 5 times per season. Phlox fertilizers are shown in the table.

Fertilizer name Description Application
"Ekorost" for garden flowers Fertilizer based on humic acids. Increases seed germination, seedling survival, increases disease resistance. Root and foliar top dressing: 2 caps per 10 liters of water, watered once every two weeks.
"Grow" fertilizer for flowers A complex remedy that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Accelerates growth, increases the duration of flowering and the brightness of flowers 1 st. l. per 1 sq.m.
"Windsor" for garden and indoor A complex product that provides abundant and long flowering 50-80 g/m. sq., watered flowers 1-3 times during the entire growing season
"Buton-2" for garden flowers Provides long and abundant flowering 10-20 g/10 l of water
Bui fertilizers "Flower Paradise" for flowering plants A comprehensive liquid treatment that promotes growth, flowering and disease resistance 10 ml / 1 l of water
Universal fertilizer for garden flowers "Pokon" Improves soil composition, nourishes flowers and accelerates their growth 1 scoop per 1 sq.m. Feed once a season in the spring.

In autumn, grown phloxes of spring sowing are planted

Regardless of the growing region, perennial flowers are covered with peat or straw for the winter. In the South, fallen leaves are used instead of peat, but pests can start in such a mulch. They cover the bush when the stems turn yellow and dry. Dry tops are cut off, and the root zone is covered with a layer of mulch. In a snowy winter, if the layer of fallen snow is more than 50 cm, phloxes can not be covered. Flowers are afraid of snowless winters, even if the frost is -10-15 ˚С.

Tip #2 Phloxes are used in landscape design to create profusely flowering flower beds. Flowers go well with monards, astilbes, marigolds and heliopsis.

With abundant watering in a dry summer, flowers are affected powdery mildew or septoria. To prevent diseases, flowers are treated with fungicides.

How to deal with pests and diseases of phlox

Phlox diseases include spotting and powdery mildew. Recognize diseases by characteristic signs. Consider the symptoms of diseases and methods of dealing with them in the table.

Disease name signs Prevention and control methods
spotting Dots on the leaves, with their further twisting Sick leaves are removed, and the flower itself is treated with a Bordeaux mixture.
powdery mildew White coating on leaves and stems To prevent infection of healthy flowers, the diseased plant is removed and burned.
variegation Peculiar patterns appear on the leaves
fomoz The leaves begin to dry up and the stems become thinner For prevention in the spring, while the air temperature does not exceed 18 ˚С, colloidal sulfur is sprayed onto the stems and leaves.
Septoria Dark brown dots on leaves The bush and the soil around are cultivated Bordeaux mixture once every two weeks

For the prevention of diseases in the calendar spring work in the garden, treatment of phloxes with a solution of Bordeaux mixture should be included. Pests include filamentous worms, nematodes, slugs and caterpillars. When the bushes are affected by nematodes or worms, the flower is dug up and burned. The land is treated with nematicides or lime every 20 days. Three treatments are needed.

Features of growing perennials and annuals

Growing perennials is generally similar to growing annual phlox, but there are the following differences:

  1. Perennials are more often sown in open ground, rather than growing seedlings.
  2. Perennials bloom later, but bloom longer.
  3. Before winter, perennials, unlike annual plants, are not sown, because they are not resistant to frost.
  4. Perennials need five top dressings per season, and not 3-4, as is the case with annual phlox.
  5. Seedlings are not planted closer than 0.5 m from each other, because perennials grow strongly in one place.

Answers to common questions

Question #1. When is the best time to sow seeds in a flower garden?

Phloxes belong to those garden flowers that propagate all year round. They are planted in spring, summer and winter. But spring is more suitable for seed propagation. In the second half of April, phlox seedlings are planted in flower beds. Spring planting has its advantages. Flowers have time to take root, but they bloom two weeks later than planned.

autumn planting seeds is possible only in the southern regions and the middle lane, where frosts occur later. Sow seeds in early September. Before the first frost, the flowers take root, and bloom the next year in July.

Question #2. How to dive phlox seedlings?

Sprouts dive 20 cm apart into a greenhouse or greenhouse. Also, each sprout is planted in a separate pot, and when it gets warmer, they are planted in open ground.

Question #3. Is it possible to mulch the soil during extreme heat in summer?

Yes. To protect from the scorching sun, the soil is mulched with peat or humus with a layer of 5 cm. You can water over the mulch.

Question #4. When can phlox bushes be transplanted?

The best period is April or September. Transplanted as needed in the summer, but without dividing the root system. Be sure to move the roots to a new hole along with an earthen clod.

Question #5. What are the popular varieties of perennials?

Popular varieties include such perennials:

  1. Subulate. The plant is completely covered with flowers from white to dark red. Blooms in May.
  2. splayed. Blooms lilac-blue. The plant prefers shady areas. Blooms in May.
  3. Paniculate. Blooms in mid-summer. Inflorescences and leaves are large. Bushes 70-100 cm high.

Gardeners' mistakes when growing perennials

Gardeners' mistakes are as follows:

  1. Do not water phlox in hot weather. cold water otherwise the stems will crack.
  2. Withered flowers should not be left on the plant, they interfere with the blooming of new ones and delay flowering.
  3. Many gardeners do not cover phlox for the winter. If there is little snow in winter, then the flowers can die even at -10 ˚С, so it is necessary to mulch the soil in the month of November.
  4. Phlox cannot be planted on the site where strawberries were previously grown. Otherwise, the invasion of pests cannot be avoided.

Phloxes are beautiful and unpretentious, they will worthy decoration any garden, thanks to the huge variety of not only shades of color, but also the most different shapes of petals. Therefore, today we will learn how to grow phloxes from seeds, what are the tricks of growing these flowers, as well as caring for seedlings and adult plants.

The soil

The composition of the soil is important in the process of growing phlox. For them, a humus-rich earth, loose with a small content of loam for low acidity, is suitable. Sowing of seeds is carried out in pre-moistened soil, in fairly large boxes for the free development of a powerful root system of phloxes. A week before planting, we process the soil with potassium permanganate, as for any other.

soil fertilization

Despite the fact that phloxes are very unpretentious and can grow even in conditions that are harsh for flowers, top dressing is a must at the stage of growing seedlings. A small amount of fertilizer will help support and accelerate development and rapid growth.


Phlox seeds are not buried, but placed on the surface of the soil, as well as. A container with seedlings is best placed on the windowsill and monitor the constant soil moisture. In this case, it is best to use a spray gun.

Annual and perennial phloxes

Common among annuals frost-resistant varieties, such as the Drummond variety, which can be sown directly into the soil. Moreover, they bloom three weeks earlier than flowers from seedlings. The main condition is the sheltering of shoots during spring frosts, especially if sowing was carried out before winter.

After all, the Drummond variety can be sown even in December (in November for the middle lane). We trample down the snow, sow the seeds and cover with nutrient soil from above. Pour a 30 cm layer of snow over the sowing.

However, not all varieties of annuals can be sown before winter, so it is better to sow in the spring, then the first gatherings can germinate in a week.

Conditions for growing seedlings

  • The temperature in the room with seedlings is 21 C with fairly high humidity,
  • Covering with a film in the first days to accelerate germination,
  • After the emergence of seedlings, we strongly reduce the humidity in order to avoid decay of the seedlings,
  • There should be as much light as possible, at this time we remove the film, and periodically turn the container towards the light,
  • With the growth of seedlings, the temperature is reduced to 15 C, so that the seedlings do not stretch ahead of time,

We harden seedlings

The hardening process can be started from the end of April - the beginning of May. At this time, seedlings should be taken out into the street during the day.

Sowing perennials

Practically does not differ from sowing annual phloxes. The only difference is that perennials are most often planted directly into the ground - in a flower bed or in a flower garden. They do this from the end of May, focusing on the weather in your region, so that night frosts do not damage the seedlings.

Four seeds are placed in the hole for sowing, watered warm water and cover with foil. Further care the same as for seedlings sown in boxes. Feeding can be started as early as the second week.

Flowers planted immediately in the ground bloom later for a couple of months, but thanks to this, flowering continues until late autumn in the company with, and.

Unlike annuals, it is better not to sow perennial phlox before winter, so that they do not germinate ahead of time and die from the cold.

seedling care

After 2 - 3 weeks after sowing, the seedlings can dive, if there are two true leaves. It should be taken into account that different varieties, the time of appearance of the leaves is different.

Top dressing can be started a week after the dive. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied in small quantities. Other complex fertilizers are no longer made mediocre after landing at.

So, if you want phlox in your garden to bloom from early spring to late autumn, use both methods of growing phlox - seedling and sowing directly into the ground.

Phlox photo

Phlox propagation by cuttings video

​Related Articles​

In the spring you will see seedlings, and by autumn the strongest plants will bloom already. The way of reproduction of phloxes is to divide the bush at the beginning of the growth of shoots. Can be divided in autumn until mid-September. At later planting dates, the plants may freeze out. Top dressing - in the second half of May with a liquid solution of fermented mullein at a dilution of 1:15 or chicken droppings 1:25. The mullein solution can be replaced with a solution of ammonium nitrate 15–20 g per 10 liters of water. This supplement will provide powerful development plants, early and long flowering. A very good top dressing is a solution of urea 15–20 g per 10 liters of water. The whole plant is sprayed with this solution in the evening.

Phloxes are relatively light-loving plants; they grow and bloom poorly in heavily shaded places. Phloxes planted under crowns do not feel well big trees due to forced competition for food, moisture and light. It is better to plant them in the openwork penumbra of small trees and shrubs so that during the hottest hours they do not suffer from the withering heat. For mulch, peat chips, plant residues, straw and many other materials are used. Loosening the soil increases the efficiency of irrigation, the air regime of the soil improves. ​ Medium - flowers bloom in early August;

annual phlox

The features of planting perennial specimens, unlike annuals, include the fact that after planting in open ground, the soil surface is subject to mulching. For this, humus or dried peat filler is used. Landing is made more freely from each other at a distance

after 7 days mid-April Phlox flowers in the wild have about 70 names. Phlox cultivation affected only half of them. Initially, these considered herbaceous plants were brought to European countries from the cold American continent in 1740-1760. Scientists breeders today have received about one and a half thousand new varieties of fragrant and pleasing to the eye phlox to decorate city front gardens, alleys, parks and gardens.

Phloxes perennial, planting seeds undersized varieties which, occurs at a distance of 35 cm from each other in several rows. Varieties that grow high are planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other. There should be at least one and a half meters between rows.

  • For accelerated
  • Second


Tall Weeding is carried out at all stages of growing plants, the benefits of it are beyond doubt. Weeds take food and moisture from flowers, serve as centers for the development of diseases and pests, and reduce the decorative qualities of flower plantations. Removing dry branches and flowering flowers is also a must in caring for phlox. Late - plants bloom at the end of August.

at least half a meter

, They need to be moistened, illuminated, and maintained at a certain temperature for 15–20 days, then they dive. Flowering continues until September - October, but in late autumn, a mass of green leaves prevails. It continues to live even under the snow, retaining its green color. Some phlox flowers have such dazzling colors that they are compared to flames, when translated from Greek the word "phlox" means "fire". Almost all varieties ornamental plant phlox lead

You can also plant phloxes with seeds at home in February, the edge in early March. breeding Liquid top dressing is given in mid-June. To the same fertilizers from the first top dressing, add 10 g of potassium salt or 20–30 g of ash.

Podzolic soils add lime 200–300 g per 1 m², bone meal during digging 100–150 g per 1 m², furnace ash 100–200 g per 1 m².

Phloxes are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm between plants and 50-60 cm between rows,

Phloxes reproduce by seeds, dividing bushes, root offspring, it is also possible to propagate phloxes by cuttings. The method of propagation by seeds for perennial phlox is used only to create new varieties. The duration of their flowering is from June to September. Coloring of flowers - red, white, purple, pink, orange. Phloxes are usually used for planting in groups, for planting rabatok and for cutting, so that the roots have room to grow.

This species earned its name for hard and pointed leaves, similar to an awl. There is a lot of green mass, growth is only 10–12 cm, therefore subulate phlox very effective for covering lawns and flower beds. According to the exactingness of growing conditions, it is unpretentious; on dry and dehydrated soils, the greatest flowering is observed. Excessive watering will cause the green leaves of the styloid phlox to grow, and there will be fewer flowers. plant long term lifestyle But you need to create cool growing conditions for them at home, remember that perennial phlox seeds will need stratification. Containers with planted seeds at home near the window (in a cool place) keep 15 days, then transfer to covered veranda or a loggia, while the temperature for further growth of seeds outside the apartment should be from - (minus) 1 to + 4 degrees Celsius. So in the cool they will grow for about 15-20 days. If you need another week, bring it home, put it close to the glass and protect the apartment and radiators from the heat with a screen. In April, you can plant in a garden greenhouse or in a flower garden under a film.

A valuable variety, a method based on the ability of phloxes to form renewal buds on thick roots is suitable when there are no ground shoots. Adult (over 3 years old) plants are suitable for this. In early spring or September, the selected bush is dug at a distance of about 10 cm from its base and 8–10 cm deep. The bush is divided in the usual way, and fertile soil is poured into the hole from under it. The roots left in the ground will sprout. Of these, over time, full-fledged bushes will develop.

How to grow phlox from seeds


Spring undersized Growing perennial phlox flowers with this method is long and laborious. In this way, annual phloxes are propagated.

Cut phlox flowers stay fresh for a week. They look good with irises, bergenia, hosta, daylilies.​

How to take care of annual plants

Some old and out-of-shape bushes are divided into parts by rhizome in autumn. The middle component, which ages the earliest, is thrown away, and the side parts are subject to new landing. The soil is fertilized with compost and peat, the plant is planted in a hole to a depth of 5 cm and watered three times a week if it does not rain. Be sure to loosen the soil and mulch with humus. To seedlings very fond of light

. If you take one type of phlox and grow it in different climate categories, you can see that this unpretentious flower will continue life in any conditions.

The most favorable time for planting cuttings is the beginning of spring. If you plant in the fall, the flowers will not be able to take root and will freeze over the winter. Phloxes are divided and transplanted after 3-4 years. Top dressing is given in early July. The composition of fertilizers is the same as in the second top dressing, plus 10-15 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.​

Phlox planting begins in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws. The place has been prepared since autumn. Planted bushes are well watered, and the ground is mulched with humus or weathered peat. The first two weeks, the plants are watered abundantly every 2-3 days. Phloxes are planted with a distance of 30–40 cm between plants and 35–45 cm between rows. Growing phlox from seeds requires some subtleties

Plants prefer slightly shaded areas. IN sunshine phloxes need only in the morning hours. During the day, the flowers are damaged by the sun - they burn out and lose their freshness and attractiveness.

top dressing

Unlike annual phloxes, they are fed with phosphate solutions not four times during the period of growth and flowering, but five. With the correct implementation of all procedures, phlox bushes will exist in the garden or in the flower bed for up to seven years. got no burns And reacts to it with abundant flowering.

Only the plant itself will look undersized in difficult areas, with a developed leaf-branch system, and in good places phlox growth can reach from one and a half to two meters.

Another video to help you: how to propagate perennial phloxes, plant and transplant them to a new place

  1. Fourth

After the phloxes take root and grow, feed them with a solution of mullein, slurry or ammonium nitrate - 15–20 g per bucket of water per 1 m² of plantings. Watering is carried out as needed. Over the summer, phlox bushes are fed 3-4 times with a solution of liquid fertilizers. Bush phloxes are very viable plants, but if you want to grow chic bushes with magnificent hats of flowers, you will have to prepare the soil. Namely: it is possible to germinate seeds only on the surface land without falling asleep seeds and with sufficient illumination.

You need to know that with insufficiently moist soil, the flowering of phloxes weakens, the leaves dry out. Therefore one of important conditions choosing a place for planting phloxes - the possibility of systematic and sufficient watering of the plant.

Growing perennial flowers and care

Perennial bushes in autumn can not be planted in the ground, but only dig them to a depth of 20 cm into the soil in a place where the wind does not blow out the fallen snow. Cover the exit point of the rhizome with peat soil and additionally insulate with straw or leaves. From the first rays spring sun, they are shaded by any available materials. In order to obtain the most developed and beautiful plants, shoots need to be pinched when 3-4 adult leaves appear. In plots and flower beds, splayed phlox is often planted, which also belongs to undersized species. The mass of leaves is less than that of the subulate phlox, the stem is stronger and stiffer, and the flowers simply sprinkle the entire plant. In appearance, a flower bed planted with this variety resembles a lilac or blue cloud, which in the evening also begins to exude a delicate aroma of violets.

Cultivated species of phlox are

How to take care of perennials

  • cuttings
  • Top dressing with complete mineral fertilizer (15–20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 10–15 g of potassium salt or 30–40 g of ash per 10 liters of water) is applied under phloxes at the end of July, at the beginning of flowering.

Phloxes after flowering and in winter

Spring Necessary requirement - systematic maintenance You can only water them with a sprayer. Before seed germination, seedling boxes should be covered with glass, do not forget to ventilate them daily. Subject to these rules, friendly and strong shoots are obtained.

A slight slope of the site will help to avoid flooding when snow melts and prolonged rains. However, planting phlox should not be arranged on the slopes, as the soil there quickly warms up and dries up. It is best to plant phloxes near the eastern and western walls of the house. Perennial phloxes are propagated by cuttings and branches. Cuttings can be performed already when the sprout reaches a size of 5 cm and can be performed during the entire growing season. Branches are performed by bending the main stem to the ground and dropping it with humus or peat. The shoots of a new plant in the fall are separated from the main one and transplanted to permanent place a habitat. This method is used more often than cuttings, as it is less laborious. Transplanting to open ground is done in late April or early May. annual phlox unpretentious, they easily tolerate the lack of moisture, cool vagaries of the weather. For the beautiful appearance planting in shady areas of the garden is recommended, otherwise the bright flowers will fade very quickly. Shadow cover will slightly reduce

Varieties of phlox


upright and shrubby

Soil preparation

mid-April to September. Cuttings are taken only from healthy plants. When


Apply mineral fertilizers:


The main method of reproduction of perennial phlox is the division of bushes, which is carried out in early spring and at the end of autumn. The division and transplantation of the plant is carried out every four years.

The culture is demanding on soil moisture and its fertility. Most suitable for phlox are medium loamy, loose soils with neutral acidity.

Seeds are collected from annual phlox plants in the fall, dried ground parts are removed from the soil. They dig up the earth, simultaneously removing all the roots of bushes that have outlived their own. If new seeds are planted in this place in the spring, the stems will grow

profuse ripening of flowers

The splayed phlox, unlike the styloid, does not tolerate scorching sun rays but loves moderate moisture. This tender clearing starts flowering two weeks later than the subulate phlox and continues to bloom in June. After flowering stops, the splayed phlox quickly

How to choose a place to grow phlox

plant types with sessile elongated oval leaves. The phlox flower itself has the shape of a bell, the number of such five-petal cups in one inflorescence reaches 90 pieces. In place of the faded beauty, a phlox fruit is formed - a box in the form of an oval cylinder.

Before starting to loosen the soil, it is necessary to fertilize with a composition of minerals. This will allow the flowers to cope with frost in winter, increase the number of roots on the stem.


Soil preparation

Top dressing is given to late-flowering phlox. The composition of the fertilizer is the same as for the fourth feeding.​

50-60 g of superphosphate;

soil throughout the growing season. Even on loose and well-fertilized soil, but at the same time dry and not provided with moisture, the expected decorative effect will not be. On dry soils, phloxes grow low, they have few inflorescences and small flowers, plants bloom earlier and finish flowering quickly.

Without this technique, phloxes degenerate - the flowers become smaller, their flowering period is reduced. The division is carried out in this way: the bush is carefully dug up and the intertwined roots are carefully divided among themselves, trying not to damage them.


They begin to prepare the soil in advance so that by the time of planting it is sufficiently moist and has time to settle. If the soils are heavy, clayey, river sand, peat, humus, mineral fertilizers, lime are added and everything is carefully dug up.

healthy and strong

, but guarantees their long-term appearance on the stems. It is necessary to avoid the presence in the soil of beds for planting phloxes of large roots of neighboring trees and large bushes.

loses its attraction

K annual plants phlox is currently only one of the types of Drummond, named after a religious wanderer from England, who wandered in Texas and introduced the European world of those years amazing flower, pleasing others with flowering from the first days of summer to the beginning of winter.


By cuttings, faded phloxes are planted in pots in autumn and stored in a frost-free room at a temperature of 4–6 degrees, preventing the soil from drying out. At the end of January, the temperature is raised to 8–10 degrees and humidity is increased. In March, the shoots will reach a length of 8-10 cm and, leaving a couple of lower leaves on the stem, they are cut into cuttings. The cuttings are planted in a layer of sand 2-3 cm, poured on top of light earth with a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Don't deepen. Cuttings without leaves do not need light for rooting. With leaves - you need diffused light.

In August, at the end

30 g potassium salt.


Growth buds should be on each severed part. Phloxes often propagate stem cuttings. For this purpose, young shoots of the plant, cut in early spring, are used, which are planted in boxes filled with earth with a layer of 6 cm.

In areas where water stagnates after rain, watering or melting snow, drainage is required. The landing site is cleared of weeds - they are weeded out or the land is cultivated with herbicides.


Will give a long flowering period.

The earth needs to be fed with humus - humus formed as a result of the biochemical transformation of plant and animal shades. If the soil at the planting site has an acidic balance, then lime milk is added. Humus is added to the hole ready for planting or replaced with ash or compost.​

And you need to take care of another type of plant that could replace its type before the end of summer. Phloxes have

It is better to transplant sprouts only in summer. It is necessary to carry out a transplant in cloudy weather or in the evening, so that the sprouts are easier to take root.

Freshly harvested seeds are sown before winter.


Fertilizers are applied to 2/3 of the height of the arable layer and mixed well with the ground. When digging, carefully choose the rhizomes of perennial weeds, stones. Especially dangerous are wheatgrass, gout, bindweed: the roots of these malicious weeds intertwined with the roots of phloxes and germinate through the bushes, it is impossible to remove them without digging the bush.

soil is close to neutral or slightly acidic. With high alkalinity of the soil, the bushes do not grow well and have an oppressed appearance. Before planting phloxes, it is very good to add 25–30% of its volume to loamy garden soil with semi-decomposed horse manure or leaf humus, loose forest litter, various composts with the addition of ash, bone meal, saltpeter and superphosphate.

The boxes are covered with glass and placed in a greenhouse (greenhouse). Cuttings need to be shaded and systematically sprayed. After about a month, the cuttings will take root and they can be planted in the place allotted for them.


Phlox perennial, photo, buy, varieties, planting and care, reproduction

Phloxes have a fairly large root system. To ensure proper nutrition for the plant, digging of the soil is carried out to a depth of 30 cm - this is the layer in which the roots of the plant actively develop.

As for perennial phlox plants, their buds can die already at frosts up to 15ºС. The root system will freeze and become unviable in frost up to 20ºС. In autumn, withered grass must be removed from the garden, and the rhizomes should be covered with earth mixed with peat. From above, for insulation, provide more layers of straw or leaves. In the presence of a thick snowdrift, these measures are unnecessary, since snow is

During the growth and flowering of plants, the earth should be loosened about once a week. When the root system is formed and protrudes above the soil surface, it must be spudded with earth when loosening. The first two top dressings with liquid manure are carried out

Phloxes, choosing a place in the garden and planting

The ancestor of many noble and refined varieties of phlox is panicled phlox. This species belongs to tall specimens and reaches 180 cm. It does not require special care and grows in almost any conditions. The color of the plant comes in various shades from white to red, only there are no yellow flowers.

Inflorescence of fragrant flowers Carrying out care, you need to take into account the characteristics of the plant: annually there are three times more young shoots than in the previous year. They take a lot of nutrients from the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out top dressing in the spring. Phlox plantings are recommended to be planted low perennials, for example, irises, which will cover the lower part of the phlox stems with their leaves. It is good to plant a carpet phlox subulata (awl-shaped) as a border on the south side of the rabatka. The edges of the flower bed with phlox can be overlaid with bricks or stones against weeds.

Phloxes are fed with phosphorus and potassium (15–20 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium chloride). Such top dressing is aimed at accumulating nutrient reserves and hardening plants. In case It is impossible to be late with the autumn planting of phlox - the plants will not have time to take root. Phloxesorganic fertilizers it is better to bring together with mineral. It is not necessary to plant fertilizer deeper than 20-25 cm. It is useless and even harmful. Do not bring into the ground

When phloxes are propagated by root offspring, the ability of the roots of the plant to release shoots from the buds that form on them is used.

Phloxes can be planted throughout the season: Autumn planting is carried out when the plant stops growing shoots and renewal buds are formed. This usually happens in September. A good heater before the beginning of June Frost-resistant flowers of phlox Orange have been bred, and the most popular variety is king of medium height up to 1 m, with large flowers of crimson hue. Direct sunlight

Soil preparation for planting phlox

All shades from white to dark red and even purple color scheme. It is located on a strong branched stem, reaching a height of 10 to 30 cm.

Watering Unfavorable conditions for overwintering bush phloxes are snowy winters with severe frosts, in which there is little snow cover, and frosts are severe, or severe frosts occur at the beginning of winter, when there is still no snow. At an air temperature of -15 ºC, growth buds freeze out within 10–15 days; at frosts of -20–25 ºC, the rhizome freezes out.

in autumn Sawdust, shavings, moldy horse manure

In the seedling nursery, buy panicled phloxes with OKS, price from 250 rubles After planting, plants need generous watering for two weeks. In order for phloxes to take root well before the arrival of frost, they need to be mulched in October with any warming material.

, with the addition of superphosphates. The third is produced with clean liquid manure in the first days of July, the fourth is performed at the end of the month, like the first two.​ reduce the height of the bush Phlox Drummond is divided into two subspecies, called: Due to the fact that the sprouts are moisture-loving, after planting they must be watered abundantly. At first, until they get stronger, spend watering daily. In hot, dry weather, water in the evenings. Do not irrigate with cold water from a tap. Because of this, the leaves and stems can crack. It is also impossible to pour water on top of the leaves: this contributes to the spread of diseases. Drain the soil so that it is able to retain moisture. It should be ensured that the water does not stagnate. If at the beginning of winter snow fell with a layer of 20–25 cm, low temperatures will not cause significant damage to most varieties. With a layer of snow of 50–60 cm or more, phlox can withstand temperatures as low as -35 ºC.​

and a long spring, May top dressing is transferred to the beginning of June. The indicated number of liquid top dressings and doses of fertilizers are recommended for 2-3 summer plantings and older. Plantings are planted with stems, cutting off only 1/3 of the part with inflorescences. It is harmful to cut the stems to the ground - the ability of the plant to root is reduced and it will freeze; without leaves, the phlox seedling will not be able to lay the growth buds of the next year on the rhizomes. The stems can be cut to the ground after the soil has frozen and the leaves have completely died off after frost, you risk introducing pathogens of fungal diseases into the soil. In addition, the decomposition of sawdust consumes a large number of nitrogen.​

Tall bush phlox in nature grow in moist forests, among shrubs, in lowlands and other damp places on humus-rich soils. Every year, natural mulch accumulates around the bushes - fallen leaves, stems and other organic matter, which protects the rhizomes from frost, and when rotting, provides plants with nutrients in the spring. This technique will ensure the active development of the flower in early spring. In the spring, phloxes begin to grow after the soil thaws. Spring is the most auspicious time for landing. Of course, flowering is somewhat delayed when spring planting, but the plant takes root painlessly. Fulfilling all the instructions for planting and caring for phlox flowers, conscientious flower growers will receive good decoration garden or plot, as well as rave reviews from neighbors, friends and relatives.​

Spring planting phlox

Water the plants in the morning and in the evening, about half a bucket per bush under the root. You can’t water during the day in sunlight.But if during the day it is in the shade for a couple of hours, then the color becomes bright and grows to its limit.


Soil loosening There are relatively warm winters, when snow fell at the beginning of winter, and it melted in December or January, and in conditions of snowless thaws are replaced by 15-20 degree frosts. During the thaw, deceived by the heat, the growth buds start to grow, and the frosts that follow, destroy them.

  • first
  • When


Autumn planting phlox

Phloxes are non-capricious plants and will grow on various soils, but they reach the apogee of flowering and development only on loose, breathable, sufficiently moist and nutritious soils. You need to start work when the shoots grow 10 cm long. Planting phloxes in summer time is also possible, but this is quite a troublesome business: after planting, it is necessary to cut out the inflorescences, the plant needs to be shaded, it is constantly sprayed and watered regularly. Greetings friends on the advice site for gardeners. Phlox in Greek means "flame". He got this name, apparently, because of the bright red flowers that some types of wild phlox have.

If phloxes get sick, then damaged specimens are removed from the root so that they do not infect neighboring flowers. The first disease colors the petals in a variegated disorderly pattern, and the second is a fungal disease and covers the stems and leaves of the plant with powdery mildew. Another worthy specimen of perennial phlox is the terry panicled tiara flower. bells white color measuring 3.5 cm in diameter are collected in magnificent lush panicle inflorescences. Grows 50–60 cm tall. Large-flowered.

Regular loosening of the soil will ensure air access to the roots and will prevent the emergence of weeds. It is carried out at least 6-8 times a year. During loosening, hilling is carried out, which favorably affects the measles system. Literature used: Gaganov P.G. "Perennial Phloxes", 1953, Gardener's World Magazine.​​years get 3-4 liquid top dressing, while the doses should be reduced by half compared to what was recommended for old plantings.


Phlox feeding

ash When choosing a place in the garden for planting any plant, you need to focus on its natural habitat.

For better survival, it is recommended to use any root formation stimulator. On the territory of Russia, only one of the wild species grows - Phlox Siberian, which is found in the mountains and belongs to the creeping group. In culture, there are approximately 40 species of this flowering herbaceous plant.

Phomosis disease deprives the elasticity of the shoots and removes moisture from the leaves. To prevent this from happening, a solution of colloidal sulfur is sprayed onto the plant as a prophylaxis.Very rarely, flowers are propagated by seeds; this is mainly done by dividing the bush, planting cuttings, and tapping. The time to collect seeds from pods is autumn. For cultivation perennial species it is advisable to sow seeds in the ground in the same season, in November or December. A place is chosen in the flowerbed where the phlox will grow.

Both have smooth and terry leaves in their assortment of flowering. Stem growth is completed in June and flowers appear. The flowering period takes about 2 months. After its completion, the tops of the shoots with the remains of the inflorescences must be cut off. At the end of the season, buds are laid on the rhizomes for shoots next year. Sprouts need moisture and sunlight, but both should not be too much. Otherwise, high humidity will lead to rotting of the roots, they will die. Excess sunlight to the rapid fading of flowers. Once every 3-5 years, the phlox rhizomes are divided. Every few years it is necessary to transplant plants to a new place.

division; Top dressing is carried out after rain or after watering.

Planting phlox begins to prepare the plot in 1-2 weeks. All mineral fertilizers recommended for spring planting are applied to the soil, except for saltpeter and potassium salt, which are applied in early spring next year in upper layer soil when loosening. - a valuable fertilizer for phloxes. It contains potassium, lime, trace elements. Ash affects Caring for phlox in the garden does not require special knowledge, the main thing is timely watering, weeding from weeds and adding a small amount of fertilizer. The best fertilizer when grown in open field is organic. A very active and strong fertilizer is the application of manure in the amount of 10 kg per 1 m2 of soil. All its types, with the exception of Drummond's phlox, are perennial plants. They are divided into three groups: creeping, bush and loose sod phlox. These perennials are among the best ornamental plants. If brown stains appear on the foliage, then the plant is damaged by a disease called septoria, which can be cured by spraying Bordeaux water twice during the treatment period. The soil is cleared of snow and the seeds are sown from each other through a gap of 5 cm. After that, you need

The first subspecies of phlox most often

Phlox breeding

Experienced flower growers advise cutting the stem when growing perennial flowers before the onset of winter. In this case, stumps can be 15 cm and lower. This will protect the plant from pest spores and help it endure the winter period. seeds.

Phlox division

If you purchased phlox in brightness landing

Feeding favorably affects the growth of the plant bird droppings. With a lack of organic matter, mineral fertilizers are applied. All components (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) must be in a balanced form.​ Their value is great due to long flowering and lovely flowers with a delicious aroma. Various pests

cover the sowing with warm earth

Phlox cuttings

Grow stunted Sprouts are susceptible to both fungal and viral diseases. Viruses are the most dangerous. If it is not treated in time, it will wither away. Viral diseases manifest themselves in the form of affected areas. These places should be removed and burned. Places of cuts are processed by special means. The land around the bush is also processed. Growing from seeds is a laborious process. Germination is 70%. Gardeners most often use phlox cuttings or dividing bushes. breed October

Reproduction by seeds

flowers, the resistance of phloxes to diseases increases. Ash is applied at the rate of 100–200 g per 1 m².

Phloxes in a landscaped garden

Bush perennial phlox choose areas with a flat or slightly sloping surface so that rain or melt water does not stagnate on plantings. The height of flower beds and rabatok should not exceed 10-15 cm, if ground water approach close to the soil surface, it is necessary to make higher flower beds. In winter, snow should accumulate in the area with phlox plantings so that the plants do not suffer from freezing.

Unfavorable wintering conditions for phloxes

Fertilizing the plant is carried out along the grooves with fertilizer solutions. Plants are fed before budding and during flowering. Organic fertilizers as top dressings are used only in fermented form.

The most common is the cultivation of phlox of the type of paniculata, which has many varieties that differ in height, color of flowers, shape and size of inflorescences.

destroy the plant

​, room temperature. In the spring, more than half of the seeds will hatch and turn into thin sprouts that must be picketed as soon as two healthy leaves appear.


Perennial phloxes: planting and care, diseases and varieties of phloxes - Garden and garden

Preparing tomato seeds before planting How to treat eggplant seeds before planting
  • . They got their name depending on the shape of the leaves, which nature cut into the shape of a star. Vivid representatives of undersized stars are varieties of phlox dazzling white snowball, romantic pink chamois, red defiant and sunny isabella.​
  • Among fungal diseases, powdery mildew is the most dangerous. It appears on the leaves in the form of small spots. Gradually, the spots grow and affect the entire foliage, which dries up and dies. Treatment is done by spraying with antifungal solutions. If the weather is damp in summer, then to prevent powdery mildew, you need to spray with copper sulfate. It is important to monitor whether nearby flowers growing are sick, as the disease can pass.

When dividing, the bush is carefully dug up, shaken off the soil, so as not to damage the roots. The roots need to be untangled. Divide the bush using a sharp knife. In each part, 5-6 root branches are left, on which there are several growth buds.

Dividing bushes, cuttings (stem, root, leaf) and seeds.

Planting perennial phloxes: when and how to plant?

And later, the bushes are not planted in the same autumn, but are dug to a depth of 20–25 cm. For a dig, a place protected from cold winds is chosen, where as much snow accumulates as possible. After the soil freezes, dug seedlings are covered with a dry leaf, peat.

Do not plant phlox in

To speed up the appearance of sprouts, plantings are watered in small doses, but repeatedly, so that the top layer of the earth is always wet.

According to the timing of flowering, plants are divided into the following types:

and it may die. When infested with tiny nematode worms, the bush is dug up, completely burned, and the soil is treated three times in two weeks with anti-worm preparations.

  • If we talk about annual types of phloxes, then they are sown in the spring, right in the garden. Seeds are sown on prepared and slightly moistened soil at a distance of 5 cm from each other, then covered with polyethylene. From time to time, the film is lifted and the seeds are allowed to breathe. Fully open the bed when sprouts appear.

The second subspecies of phlox grows up to 35 cm in height and attracts with large flowers up to 4 cm in diameter of noble purple and pure white shades. In parks and gardens, it is represented by tall bright red, tall fiery red and tall white. These flowers are frost-resistant and unpretentious. At necessary care perennial phlox, will delight with their beautiful appearance and aromas for a long time, without causing trouble.​

If you are interested in seed cultivation, then it is produced on the site late autumn or in December. The darkened boxes with seeds collected from the flowers, which we immediately plant, give the most stable germination. With this form, planting phlox achieves maximum success.

The most

Phloxes can be transplanted in the summer, but with big ball earth. It is not recommended to divide bushes, or, in last resort, can be neatly divided into large parts.


Perennial phlox: care


​Mulching creates optimal conditions for the development of the roots of the plant, helps to keep the soil moist, prevents the formation of a soil crust.​

Early - phloxes bloom in early June;

Slugs are removed by simple regular loosening of the soil in which they are uncomfortable to live, in addition, the earth is sprayed with quicklime, a solution of ash or tobacco. Caterpillars are most often collected by hand and destroyed, and for prevention, pest solutions are sprayed.

In order not to plant plant seeds directly into the ground, you can plant them in greenhouse conditions, and then transplant them into the soil already ready seedlings. Shoots in the greenhouse will appear approximately

The most common type of phlox, which begins its flowering earlier than all varieties, is considered to be subulate. He exposes his first white and red flowers to the sun already in early May. With the onset of early spring, the awl-shaped phlox adorns the flowerbed already

Phlox diseases

Ridges are prepared in advance in the flower garden. If the snow has already fallen, then they remove it, loosen the ground with a rake, scatter seeds mixed with sand from a low distance and cover with a layer of 1.5-2 cm of light earth with sand. The earth must be sifted so that there are no lumps. Landing is sprinkled with snow from neighboring ridges.



Which favorably affect the vitality and flowering of bushes.